objective (2)

Over compliance with the wishes of others,

to live in ways which are expected of us by others,

to live in ways in order to please others,

or to live in ways designed not to offend others,

or to live a false life on reactions to external stimuli,

leads to an individual living an inauthentic life.

That individual creates a false self which is not based upon their own true feelings and instinctive needs.

In this situation life becomes pointless and futile.

Further to this, unquestioning obedience to the orders of  false authority figures leads to an individual feeling that they are unable to  assess whether some act is objectively right or wrong before carrying out that order, which often leads to that individual going on to commit acts of extreme evil because they are afraid to disobey a direct order from an army general or some other false authority figure.

I am currently reading a book called "Solitude" by Anthony Storr and that is where I am obtaining the information about the  extreme dangers of over compliance.  

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We have been given a conscience in order to use it to discern what is objectively right or wrong before we say or do anything. Under natural law, which is a known and respected science we are not allowed to abandon use of our conscience for any reason whatsoever. However, when nuns profess total obedience to the Pope they are abandoning use of their conscience from that day forward without knowing the true agenda of the Pope and the papacy which he serves. I believe that at the time that novices profess to become nuns they are under a state of brainwashing. They have effectively been manipulated to enslave themselves to an institution which I believe do not have the good of the human race as their agenda. When a religious ceremony is performed in which novices officially become nuns nothing of a supernatural nature actually takes place. This religious ceremony is simply an act of mesmerism. During the brainwashing that subtly takes place in order to get these novices to profess obedience to the Pope for the rest of their lives, a shift happens inside their brains moving them from a central and balanced position on the left brain/right brain continuum to a position of extreme right brain dominance. The characteristics of left brain dominance are cruelty, authoritariansim, intolerance, sadism, vindictiveness, selfishness and greed. The characteristics of left brain dominance are subservience, naivety, obedience, submissiveness and total compliance.

I do not wish to insult nuns. I wish to urge women to reconsider before professing obedience to the Papacy whom I do not trust. The Vatican are considered to be the wealthiest corporation on the planet. A corporation is a business. A business has money and power at the top of its agenda. Please reconsider before you become a nun.  Supreme obedience to the papal authority is always wrong under moral law.

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