Super computers monitor and manipulate all electrical activity in the brains of subjects of Remote Neural Monitoring. If you are subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring the hive mind team who monitor and surveill you on a twenty four hour per day basis will keep detailed records of everything you say and do as well as detailed records of everything you eat and of each time you visit the bathroom. Because markers are being placed in the food supply via the packaging, they can also monitor your food as it travels through your alimentary canal. They can monitor it being digested and assimilated and even eliminated. Targeted individuals of Remote Neural Monitoring have absolutely no privacy because technology is locked onto their unique brain signature on a constant basis so that their behaviour can be detected and evaluated at all times. If you wish to keep some privacy in your life you aught to eat food that has not been wrapped in packaging so as to avoid food markers. Apples and carrots normally contain markers but bananas and potatoes may be safe to eat. Medication contains markers. When microwave transmitters are banned we will return to absolute freedom on this earth. The existence of satellites is an easily proveable hoax.