The police, psychiatrists and all medical practitioners have both a legal and moral responsibility to keep themselves informed about advances in scinece and technology. They appear to be unaware that nanotechnology is being introduced into our bodies by means of vaccinations. This nano technology then fuses and intertwines with our brains and bodies in order to wirelessly tether us to a computerized control and enslavement system where we would then not be able to move our own muscles without permission. We would then be bio-robotized and externally controlled to commit acts of evil against our wills. This is now a scientific capability and this capability is in use today. Please study the current internet of bodies capabilities before you mandate that someone attends for psychiatric evaluation. Please have all technological infrastructure disassembled and banned today. Uninformed police, uninformed psychiatrists and uninformed medical practitioners are helping to disempower and silence those who speak out about their experiences of wirelessly induced remote electronic torture by falsely sending them down the wrong path towards psychiatric evaluation which mostly leads to psychiatric incarceration. Why are you behaving in this way? You are helping to build an enslavement colony for your own children and yourselves?
practitioners (5)
Have you noticed the relatively new phenomenon of national radio presenters grovelling to members of the self-proclaimed elite whenever said radio presenters are obliged to interview them?. Why would an adult sane human being grovel to their own equal like a sycophant?. The radio presenter says such things as " I am very lucky to be in the presence of such a great, great man as you. I am very nervous to be in your presence. I will struggle on humbly and attempt to interview you as best I can" etc.
This radio grovelling has become widespread recently. I understand why it is occurring. We do not live in a democracy. No matter who is elected to any legitimate government in the western world, dark occultist members of secret societies such as free masons, Satanists, dark luciferians and Zionists retain control of both the money supply and the weapons supply of all countries. They are highly organised and they wish to set up a rigid hierarchical based chain of command throughout the world with themselves as all powerful dictators while the rest of us would be reduced to abject poverty. In order to pull off the illusion of superiority they surround themselves with grovelling sycophants to are paid to proclaim their greatness to anybody who has the patience and gullability to listen.
This proverbial hierarchical based chain of command that is currently being set up throughout the world would involve children being totally owned and controlled by their mothers who in turn would be totally owned and controlled by their husbands, who in turn would be totally owned and controlled by their employers. The employers would be totally owned and controlled by corporations who in turn are already totally owned and controlled by the self-proclaimed elite who in turn are about to be totally owned and controlled by the pope. To achieve this proverbial chain of command, false authority is now being handed out to many government connected authorities such as main stream medical practitioners to the extent that now some main stream medical practitioners are being given the false authority to mandate vaccinations and to mandate psychiatric evaluations on a whim as well as to mandate visits to said medical practitioners whenever they see fit.
Millions of good living human beings throughout the western world are currently being subjected to a system called Remote Neural Monitoring, which involves being non-consensually and unwillingly wirelessly linked to a super-computer by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves from nano implants inside their brains and bodies. If general medical practitioners and the police are informed by the subjects themselves of being subjects of Remote Neural Monitoring, both the general medical practitioners and police would lose their jobs if they failed to send the complainants for psychiatric evaluation. When psychiatrists are then informed by the subjects themselves that they are being Remote Neural Monitored they are detained inside a psychiatric facility for an indefinite period of time, where they are legally obliged to take highly toxic substances which slowly and incrementally damage their brains and bodies. This is the reason why Remote Neural Monitoring is so widespread that it could collapse the whole fabric of society at this point in time and yet nobody knows about it except the millions of torture victims that it leaves in its wake. Ban microwave transmitters for true human freedom.
Millions of good living human beings throughout the western world are currently being subjected to a system called Remote Neural Monitoring, which involves being non-consensually and unwillingly wirelessly linked to a super-computer by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves from nano implants inside their brains and bodies. If general medical practitioners and the police are informed by the subjects themselves of being subjects of Remote Neural Monitoring, both the general medical practitioners and police would lose their jobs if they failed to send the complainants for psychiatric evaluation. When psychiatrists are then informed by the subjects themselves that they are being Remote Neural Monitored they are detained inside a psychiatric facility for an indefinite period of time, where they are legally obliged to take highly toxic substances which slowly and incrementally damage their brains and bodies. This is the reason why Remote Neural Monitoring is so widespread that it could collapse the whole fabric of society at this point in time and yet nobody knows about it except the millions of torture victims that it leaves in its wake. Ban microwave transmitters for true human freedom.
Millions of good living human beings throughout the western world are currently being subjected to a system called Remote Neural Monitoring, which involves being non-consensually and unwillingly wirelessly linked to a super-computer by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves from nano implants inside their brains and bodies. If general medical practitioners and the police are informed by the subjects themselves of being subjects of Remote Neural Monitoring, both the general medical practitioners and police would lose their jobs if they failed to send the complainants for psychiatric evaluation. When psychiatrists are then informed by the subjects themselves that they are being Remote Neural Monitored they are detained inside a psychiatric facility for an indefinite period of time, where they are legally obliged to take highly toxic substances which slowly and incrementally damage their brains and bodies. This is the reason why Remote Neural Monitoring is so widespread that it could collapse the whole fabric of society at this point in time and yet nobody knows about it except the millions of torture victims that it leaves in its wake. Ban microwave transmitters for true human freedom.