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A virus is a secretion from a human cell, it can never leave the body of the human being, it is not alive, it is not contageous so what is really occurring is as follows?
When our bodies become heavily poisoned we begin to secrete viruses from our cells as a way of getting rid of the poison from them. When ever 5G is switched on in any city the cells of the bodies of the people in that city become heavily poisoned due to the extra electromagnetic radiation in the environment and they begin secreting viruses from their bodily cells as a means to detoxify that poison.
Further to that, the medical staff of that city begin to vaccinate and swab the people of that city as part of their medical procedures. They may unknowingly inject viruses into the people of the city during the vaccination process because the individuals who now control the world wish to genocide ninety percent of us in order to free up the world for themselves and their own families.
The United Nations was set up originally by money from the Rothschild family who are known to be Satanists. The United Nations is being run by a satanic agenda. The people of the world are now taking orders from unelected beaurocrats within the United Nations with regards to how to behave during the hoaxed coronavirus economic shut down.
Democracy and human freedom have now been suspended indefinitely. We can not leave our homes without the permission of the satanic controlled United Nations. By following the dictates of the United Nations we are allowing our own financial independence to be destroyed. They have successfully set up a situation that all independently owned private businesses which compete with their corporate enterprises have to shut down while for the most part their own big chain stores are allowed to remain open and they themselves continue to trade without any restrictions.
This situation would eventually give the above mentioned Satanists along with their counterparts dark Luciferians the power to take over societies and to dominate us and to destroy our free life style. Many now believe that the restrictions from leaving our homes without their permission will never be lifted. We should refuse to comply with these restrictions any longer.
Further to this the mandatory vaccines which we are told are in the near future will contain micro chips which when inserted inside the human body will then wirelessly tether that human being to a centralized computer control network for the rest of their lives. I am already wirelessly tethered to this centralized computer control network by my central nervous system and because of this I am partially enslaved.
The real reason all governments now comply with the dictates of the satanic controlled United Nations is because bio-digital programming is being used on the minds of all government and other staff who persist in using smart phones. When a smart phone is used a bio-digital flow-cycle is then set up between the user/owner and the smart phone itself allowing a rapid flow of information to travel to and from the user/owner and the smart phone. Discontinue using your smart phone, remove the sim card from it and wrap the phone itself up in several layers of tin foil before leaving it in your home for future disposal. Your smart phone is weaponized against you.
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The majority of organized religions and all governments throughout the world are being run behind the scenes by multi-generational organized criminal gangs who use said organized religions, public schools, the main stream media, military and police training schools, and universities among other ways to inculcate students into the cults of church and state. The human race are now being deprogrammed by the truth which they find both by listening to internet radio or listening to truthful youtube videos or by reading recommended books which are based on the truth. The human race are also waking up to the fact that at least hundreds of thousands of their fellow human beings are continually being harassed and tortured by wirelessly enabled neuro weapons while they are inside their own homes and even though both church and state as well as the main stream media have been informed of this fact nobody has done anything to help the victims of said neuro weapons. This situationwill shortly cause the downfall of social order leading to worldwide wireless technological enslavement, torture and genocide. We could avert this by simply disassembling and banning microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia. If you continue to refuse to believe in the existence and abuse of wirelessly enabled neuro weapons and their vast capabilities of being able to technologically enslave the whole human race other than the organised crime syndicate who are attempting to technologically enslave us you will shortly either become enslaved or extinct. The choice is yours to remain passive or to take action.

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