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DEPOIMENTO E PEDIDO DE SILVIA GUZMAN: Deus lhes abençoe meu nome é Silvia Guzman estou pedindo o apoio de toda a imprensa para denunciar os abusos que eh sido vítima desde 2016 sou uma mexicana de 42 anos de tuxpan nayarit que vivo desde o ano de 1991 em estados Unidos em novo Califórnia sou sobrevivente de racismo discriminação e corrupção por parte do Departamento de polícia de perris Califórnia estou sobrevivendo terrorismo doméstico (descrito no 18 US PENAL CODE 2331 (5) a) B) c) Violência de gênero assalto físico e sexual to em 2016 o dono da casa onde morava por não pagar um processo legal para despejar eu pago aos insigentes para que me tirassem segundo as palavras de um dos mais de 50 pessoas Envolvidas nos crimeans contra mim contra ente julho e dezembro de 2016 fui assaltada fisicamente 4 vezes e assaltada sexualmente 5 vezes a primeira vez que me violaram me drogaram e me gravaram e mandaram o vídeo para os meus filhos de 22 E 20 anos e porque minha filha apagou o vídeo e não conseguimos mostrá-lo asa polícia não fez nem um único relatório apesar de todas as chamadas para 911 e de que minha filha disse a dois oficiais em diferentes ocasiões pelo contrário me Colocaram um cargo de drogas e me trancaram em uma clínica de saúde mental e tentaram me medicar mas eu recusei a tomar a medicina desde que nunca abia foi diagnosticada com alguma doença mental tenho documentos vídeos gravações de voz e transcrições certificadas por um licenciado perito certificado Que provam o que digo tenho os nomes e apeidos da maioria dos meus agressores mas as autoridades difamaram o meu caráter e me desacreditaram para que ninguém me ajude por isso já fiz uma denúncia perante a corte interamericana de direitos humana e o consulado de general mexico em Los Angeles Califórnia também me a tratado muito mal o consul do Departamento de proteçao se a comportado muito déspota e indiferente da ultima vez que fui neste passado dia 16 de Janeiro, 2020 asta me sinto segurança ao querer gravar o seu comportamento por favor me ajudem. Silvia Guzman 11 h · Dios les bendiga mi nombre es Silvia Guzman estoy pidiendo el apoyo de toda la prensa para denunciar Los abusos que eh sido victima desde el 2016 soy una mexicana de 42 años de tuxpan nayarit que vivo desde el año 1991 en estados unidos en nuevo California soy sobreviviente de racismo discriminacion y corrupcion por parte de el departamento de policia de perris California estoy sobreviviendo terrorismo domestico (descrito en el 18 us penal code 2331 (5) a) b) c) violencia de género asalto físico y sexual to en el 2016 el dueño de la casa donde vivía por no pagar un proceso legal para desalojarme le pago a los insigentes para que me sacaran segun Las palabras de uno de los mas de 50 personas involucradas en Los crimeans en mi contra ente julio y diciembre del 2016 fui asaltada físicamente 4 veces y asaltada sexualmente 5 veces la primera vez que me violaron me drogaron y me grabaron y le mandaron el vídeo a mis hijos de 22 y 20 años y porque mi hija borró el vídeo y no pudimos mostrarlo ala policía no hizo ni un solo reporte a pesar de todas las llamadas al 911 y de que mi hija le dijo a dos oficiales en diferentes ocasiones al contrario me pusieron un cargo de drogas y me encerraron en una Clinica de salud mental y trataron de medicarme pero yo me negué a tomar la medicina puesto que nunca abia sido diagnosticada con alguna enfermedad mental tengo documentos vídeos grabaciones de voz y transcripciones certificadas por un licenciado perito certificado que prueban lo que digo tengo los nombres y apeidos de la mayoría de mis agresores pero las autoridades difamaron mi carácter y me desacreditaron para que nadie me ayude por eso ya hice una denuncia ante la Corte InterAmericana de Derechos Humana y el consulado de general mexico en Los Angeles California tambien me a tratado muy mal el consul del departamento de proteccion se a portado muy despota e indiferente la ultima vez que fui este pasado 16 de enero,2020 asta me echo seguridad al querer grabar su comportamiento por favor ayudenme.

God bless you my name is Silvia Guzman I am asking for the support of all the press to denounce the abuses that have been the victim since 2016 I am a 42 year old Mexican from Tuxpan nayarit who I live since 1991 in the United States in New California I am a survivor of racism discrimination and corruption by the California perris police department i am surviving domestic terrorism (described in 18 US PENAL CODE 2331 (5) a) B) c)
Gender violence physical and sexual assault in 2016 the owner of the house where he lived for not paying a lawsuit to evict I paid the insigent to get me out according to the words of one of the more than 50 people involved in the crimeans against me between july and December 2016 I was physically assaulted 4 times and sexually assaulted 5 times the first time they raped me, drugged me and recorded me and sent the video to my 22 AND 20 year olds and because my daughter deleted the video and we were unable to show it The police did not make a single report despite all the 911 calls and my daughter told two officers on different occasions instead they put me in a drug job and locked me up in a mental health clinic and tried to medicate me but I refused to take medicine since I was never diagnosed with any mental illness I have video documents, voice recordings and transcripts certified by a licensee of the certified expert That prove what I say I have the names and sins of the majority of my aggressors but the authorities defamed my character and discredited me so that no one helps me so I have already made a complaint before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the Consulate of general mexico in los angeles california also treated me very badly the consul of the Department of protection if he behaved very despot and indifferent the last time i went this last day 16 of January, 2020 asta I feel security when wanting to record his behavior please help me.

Silvia Guzman
11 hrs ·
The blessings are in the name of Silvia Guzman I am asking for the support of the entire press to report the abuses that have been the victim since 2016, I am a Mexican woman with 42 years of tuxpan nayarit that I have lived since the year 1991 in the United States in California as a survivor of racism, discrimination and corruption on the part of the perris police department California is surviving domestic terrorism (described in 18 us criminal code 2331 (5) a) b) c)
gender violence physical and sexual assault in 2016 the house where I lived for not paying a legal proceeding to evict me I paid the insignificant to get me out according to the words of one but 50 people involved in the crimes in my against julio and diciembre del 2016 I was physically assaulted 4 times and sexually assaulted 5 times the first time he raped me and drugged me and grabbed the video for my 22 and 20 year olds because my video was taken and we couldn’t show him the police on the ground in a single report, despite all the calls to 911 and that my boss told the officers on different occasions that he put me in charge of drugs and closed me down at a mental health clinic and I try to take medication but I refuse to take any medicine that has never been diagnosed with any mental illness I have documents videos voice recordings and transcriptions certified by a licensee certified expert who teaches what I say I have names and appendages of the majority of my aggressors but the authorities defame my character and discredit me so that I will not help me for this and that I report it to the InterAmerican Court of Human Rights and the consulate of general mexico en los angeles california also treated me very badly at the consulate of the protection department if the port very despicable and indifferent the last time i went this past 16th of march, 2020 asta me echo seguridad al want to grab your behavior please help.



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About Me

My name is James Lico and I have been a targeted individual since August of 2010, after filing an EEOC charge against my employer.  I have worked all of my life in electronics and in the computer field as a computer engineer.
I am a full time human rights activist now, working against government sponsored human trafficking of people targeted by private military contractor handlers. What I am talking about is wireless electromagnetic torture aka “No Touch Torture”. Private Military Contractors (PMC’s) are doing this to thousands of Targeted Individuals (TI’s).  I have a bachelor degrees in Computer Science, and Associate Degree in Biology and and Associate Degree Electronic Engineering  Technology along with extensive field experience in all three.  This allows me to mak0e observations in my blog about this horrendous experimentation and about the specific technology involved.
please see my social media and websites
my email address is jamesfl@jameslico.com
thank you
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