vitamin (1)


Satanic Principles in Action.

If your son or daughter becomes an alcoholic you can help them to recover quite easily by giving them large doses of vitamin B3 along with large doses of vitamin C.  You can also give them a diet of nothing but raw food.  By this means it is being claimed that they will very shortly lose all craving for alcohol.   For further information please read "The Vitamin Cure for Alcoholism" by Abram Hoffer and Andrew W. Saul.    If you subscribe to the Luciferian and Satanic dictates of how to treat a close relative who is an alcoholic you will be instructed to throw them out of the family home and leave them to suffer alone.  If you refuse to throw them out you will be accused of being an enabler.    The current worldwide Satanic and Luciferian control system spreads hate and despair at every opportunity.

The Satanic and Luciferian control system coined the phrase "Out the Door at Twenty Four" so that adult children will be denied the right to live in their parents home after they reach that age.  This satanic mind-set is being pushed so that no child will have the peace of mind that a feeling of "future security" would afford them and also so that each child would be obliged to take out a mortgage in order to buy their own home so that they would be enslaved to the satanic and luciferian control system to continual debt.   If a child has a strong sense of future security by being provided with a room for life rent free, that child or young adult is better able to help the human race fight against the evil Satanic and Luciferian control and would-be enslavement system.  Please bestow your child with a room for life, rent free.

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