Mailteam works—victims/supporters work trends

17 July 2013 Mailteam works—victims/supporters work trends


(1)   John K Nelson wants to meet victims in Utah

Please leave him a message to this link


(2)   Google provides a grant to Nonprofits. 

Google Grantees receive a grant for free AdWords advertising on NonProfit Marketing Group will build and manage the AdWords accounts just like paying advertisers, but nonprofits participate with some minor restrictions.

The nonprofit would get a daily budget set to $330 USD, which is about $10,000 per month.



(3)   Responses of the abuses and tortures with mind control technologies from government and public

Positive responses of mind control from public  


(4)   FFCHS – Email America Campaign and Press Release


(5)   A News Paper Bring Public Awareness by Sharon Poet

Those who'd like to help bring public awareness to the criminal use of microwave weapons, mind control technologies and gang stalking can sponsor a newspaper that is aiming to expose these crimes as well as encouraging natural healing methods...etc., as it reaches out to the Heart of humanity. You can place an ad that exposes crimes against humanity or for an online business. Your sponsorship will be greatly appreciated.

FREE Download of the Heart Bud


(6)   Petition to The Council of Europe


(7)   Interview Sean Stinn, a Mind Control Victim

It's hard to believe Sean Stinn is gone just a year now.

He was interviewed by the Swedish/German lawyer Henning Witte 2012


(8)   Write to Europe

A victim is filling the form of European Ombudsman, She wants other victims to support her work.

Please contact her at

More work:


Please send your case summary to the email address: and , Please send in your information and (cases).


(9)   A faraday suit, Could it possible help mind control victims?

Here is the newest thing in personal protection and peace of mind.  This genius of a man has built a faraday suit that can be worn in public with complete confidence:)


(10)  Dr. John Hall, on his Power Hour interview with host Joyce Riley

From James F. Lico

The IRCT network comprises over 140 rehabilitation centres in over 70 countries.   

WELL DONE, Dr. John Hall, on his Power Hour interview with host Joyce Riley on May 8, 2013.

I always listen via archives (being away from home at the TPH air time) and I've just listened.


What I applaud especially is the care Dr. Hall took to use qualifiers like "appears to be," "is probably," "my theory is," "I believe" and so on.  Nothing boosts someone's credibility more than being honest about what one knows as a fact, versus what is a theory!


To listen:


Click "May 2013"

Scroll down and click "May 08, 2013 (hour 2)" for the bulk of Dr. Hall's interview.


The last few minutes of the interview are at "May 08, 2013 (hour 3)"


** You can save these audio archive files to your hard disk by RIGHT clicking them.


(11) Please write to senator Grassley


(12)  Ms. Kris Durschmidt has mailed lawsuit to the US Supreme Court

Need true TI's to file a US Federal Motion to Interven, NOW


(13)  Michael Benoit filed a complaint with the FBI on May 16,2013


We encourage all victims to write to FBI and CIA


Donation required for peacepink website

We welcome donations from individuals, organizations, and corporations.  


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  • to peace pink,looking for tech help,dirty money covers all,no sleep at nite,allways,nap 2 hr,wast day,v2k down and dirty,milwaukee wi.Jeff

  • peacepink,Hi all the same v2k eat stink,all can do dirty money,their name is dirty pot licker,share,stink covers all,jeff

  •  electromagnetic mindcontrol is at this time only possible  if you gave RFID chips installed in to your teeth or  some other nerve ends.

     they access  your brain thru the  microchips in your teeth wile sending brainwaves  via  Wi Fi  to chips and on tothe brain centre.

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