
1.         有很多受害者在分開所有芯片後, 做身體檢查, 發覺血壓偏低, 有部份甚至是無緣故地極低. 因平時大家都被不知其數的腦控賤人併芯片, 所以並未感覺到異樣, 當還原自已身體時普遍都很瘦, 血色素也偏低. 有受害者堅稱被併芯片會引致血液無故流失.

而腦控空間有某離職的星島專欄作家, 每月收取吸血鬼一萬港元, 帮尋找阿笨 即不知情的被腦控受害者供其併芯片吸血 即血液轉移, 並講出所需的血型. 令人更加相信併芯片技術上能做到血液轉移.

近期讀到一些報導, 2016年的腦控技術, 已可利用電極通過血管運行, 令兩個不同的人有腦部感應, 發展到今時今日, 利用一種高寛帶的神經接口, 接駁醫療器, 令被腦控受害者的血液在睡眠中不知不覺地被轉移是絕對有可能的. 的進遠遠超的認和想, 此也解釋了為何很多受害者聲稱越睡越疲累的原因.  

我很明白, 很難令人相信此一事, 只可待醫學科進一步披


2.         有被腦控的受害者問如何行法律程序提出訴訟:

             a.         鑑定被腦控 - 找耳科醫生做檢查, 聽覺錄音可鑑定出是否被腦控, 出報告;


            b.         電子武器造成的身體痛症鑑定- 熱能圖;


            c.         找到訴訟目標, 即找到害你的變態腦控賤人;


            d.         找專打腦控訴訟的律師;


            e.   法庭排期提出訴訟.


3.         據講扮我的人是曾志偉兒媳婦, 通常在晚間我睡覺的時間出現, 有時日間遙控電子武器令我昏睡時出現.



4.         26 日由香飛溫哥華, 在航機上, 我坐經艙的中間位, 坐於我傍邊的女士投訴我身上的大褸過界, 再而投訴我手踭經踫到她, 令她感到很困, 我對此感到很抱, 並當場向她道. 同時我作出自我檢, 但令我百思不得其解的是我完全沒有感到自同她有任何碰和接, 而追根究底於變態控芯片賤人將超肥者同我併芯片, 令原本已狹窄的坐位空間變得更緊. 但是否因此而碰到她而我不自知? 其中有很多疑問?


有人講出原來有變態男賤人乘搭飛機時以手踭碰傍坐的女, 被投訴性騷, 以此上演一場戲, 利用我帮他澄. 但他不知我認得坐於我傍邊的女是腦控空間中人, 此一切原是有心人的刻安排, 實在是用心良苦.




Mind Control Space News this week (December 21 to 27, 2019)



1. Many victims did body check after removal all mapping, and found that the blood pressure was lower than normal, some were even extremely lowest for no reason. Because all victims were being mapping with countless perps who may got high blood pressure, so they cannot get the real feeling. When all mapping blocked, their body was very weak and the hemoglobin was in low level, and some victims insist that mapping can cause blood flew out without consent.

And there is a resigned Sing Tao columnist in Brain Control Space, who received "Vampire" 10,000 Hong Kong dollars each month to help find same blood type victim who was being brain control without self-awake, using for mapping to got blood transfer. Such made me believed that mind control mapping technology can achieve blood transfer.

Recently, I have read some reports of brain control technology issued at 2016, it was use Synchron’s tiny, flexible “stentrode” travels through the bloodstream to the brain, two people can have brain-to-brain communications, and a high-banded neural interface was used to connect medical devices. Up to day end of 2019, It is absolutely possible for using being brain-controlled victims’ blood transferred during sleep without victims’ consent. The advances of technology were far exceeding our cognition and imagination, which also explains why many victims claim sleep more, but got tired more. 


I understood the true is difficult to believe, we can only wait for further disclosed by medical technology


2. A brain-control victim asked how to initiate legal proceedings:

a. Identification that you are being mind controlled, getting result from Ophthalmologist, which audio recordings can identify.
b. Identification of physical pain caused by electronic weapons-
thermal map
c. Find the target who harmed you, and whom you will suing;
d. Find a lawyer who specializes in brain control lawsuits;
e. file a action for the court schedules.

3. As said, the person who acting as Monita was Eric Tsang’s daughter-in-law, who usually appears at night when I fall asleep, and sometimes appears when the remote electronic weapon makes me sleep during the daytime. 


4. I flew from Hong Kong to Vancouver on the 26th. On the plane, I was sitting in the middle of the economy class. The lady sitting next to me complained that my toggle Coat was out of bounds, and then complained that my elbow often touched her.  She was very distressed, I was sorry for it, and apologized to her at once.


At the same time, I made a self-criticism, and what puzzled me was that I did not felt any collision or touch with her at all, finally I blamed the metamorphosis chip control mapping me with someone who in over size, which made the already narrow sitting space more tight. But why I cannot felt any touch with her? There are many questions?

After that, someone told me a true story that there was a freak male who used elbow to touch a lady whom sitting next to him on an airplane before, and being complained of sexual harassment, he performed a drama above, try to used me to prove he was innocent.  But the freak male did not know that I recognized the lady sitting next to me who working in brain control space in my first view, all above was deliberate arrangement by a freak male, it is really attentively.


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