control  (8)


1.         有很多受害者在分開所有芯片後, 做身體檢查, 發覺血壓偏低, 有部份甚至是無緣故地極低. 因平時大家都被不知其數的腦控賤人併芯片, 所以並未感覺到異樣, 當還原自已身體時普遍都很瘦, 血色素也偏低. 有受害者堅稱被併芯片會引致血液無故流失.

而腦控空間有某離職的星島專欄作家, 每月收取吸血鬼一萬港元, 帮尋找阿笨 即不知情的被腦控受害者供其併芯片吸血 即血液轉移, 並講出所需的血型. 令人更加相信併芯片技術上能做到血液轉移.

近期讀到一些報導, 2016年的腦控技術, 已可利用電極通過血管運行, 令兩個不同的人有腦部感應, 發展到今時今日, 利用一種高寛帶的神經接口, 接駁醫療器, 令被腦控受害者的血液在睡眠中不知不覺地被轉移是絕對有可能的. 的進遠遠超的認和想, 此也解釋了為何很多受害者聲稱越睡越疲累的原因.  

我很明白, 很難令人相信此一事, 只可待醫學科進一步披


2.         有被腦控的受害者問如何行法律程序提出訴訟:

             a.         鑑定被腦控 - 找耳科醫生做檢查, 聽覺錄音可鑑定出是否被腦控, 出報告;


            b.         電子武器造成的身體痛症鑑定- 熱能圖;


            c.         找到訴訟目標, 即找到害你的變態腦控賤人;


            d.         找專打腦控訴訟的律師;


            e.   法庭排期提出訴訟.


3.         據講扮我的人是曾志偉兒媳婦, 通常在晚間我睡覺的時間出現, 有時日間遙控電子武器令我昏睡時出現.



4.         26 日由香飛溫哥華, 在航機上, 我坐經艙的中間位, 坐於我傍邊的女士投訴我身上的大褸過界, 再而投訴我手踭經踫到她, 令她感到很困, 我對此感到很抱, 並當場向她道. 同時我作出自我檢, 但令我百思不得其解的是我完全沒有感到自同她有任何碰和接, 而追根究底於變態控芯片賤人將超肥者同我併芯片, 令原本已狹窄的坐位空間變得更緊. 但是否因此而碰到她而我不自知? 其中有很多疑問?


有人講出原來有變態男賤人乘搭飛機時以手踭碰傍坐的女, 被投訴性騷, 以此上演一場戲, 利用我帮他澄. 但他不知我認得坐於我傍邊的女是腦控空間中人, 此一切原是有心人的刻安排, 實在是用心良苦.




Mind Control Space News this week (December 21 to 27, 2019)



1. Many victims did body check after removal all mapping, and found that the blood pressure was lower than normal, some were even extremely lowest for no reason. Because all victims were being mapping with countless perps who may got high blood pressure, so they cannot get the real feeling. When all mapping blocked, their body was very weak and the hemoglobin was in low level, and some victims insist that mapping can cause blood flew out without consent.

And there is a resigned Sing Tao columnist in Brain Control Space, who received "Vampire" 10,000 Hong Kong dollars each month to help find same blood type victim who was being brain control without self-awake, using for mapping to got blood transfer. Such made me believed that mind control mapping technology can achieve blood transfer.

Recently, I have read some reports of brain control technology issued at 2016, it was use Synchron’s tiny, flexible “stentrode” travels through the bloodstream to the brain, two people can have brain-to-brain communications, and a high-banded neural interface was used to connect medical devices. Up to day end of 2019, It is absolutely possible for using being brain-controlled victims’ blood transferred during sleep without victims’ consent. The advances of technology were far exceeding our cognition and imagination, which also explains why many victims claim sleep more, but got tired more. 


I understood the true is difficult to believe, we can only wait for further disclosed by medical technology


2. A brain-control victim asked how to initiate legal proceedings:

a. Identification that you are being mind controlled, getting result from Ophthalmologist, which audio recordings can identify.
b. Identification of physical pain caused by electronic weapons-
thermal map
c. Find the target who harmed you, and whom you will suing;
d. Find a lawyer who specializes in brain control lawsuits;
e. file a action for the court schedules.

3. As said, the person who acting as Monita was Eric Tsang’s daughter-in-law, who usually appears at night when I fall asleep, and sometimes appears when the remote electronic weapon makes me sleep during the daytime. 


4. I flew from Hong Kong to Vancouver on the 26th. On the plane, I was sitting in the middle of the economy class. The lady sitting next to me complained that my toggle Coat was out of bounds, and then complained that my elbow often touched her.  She was very distressed, I was sorry for it, and apologized to her at once.


At the same time, I made a self-criticism, and what puzzled me was that I did not felt any collision or touch with her at all, finally I blamed the metamorphosis chip control mapping me with someone who in over size, which made the already narrow sitting space more tight. But why I cannot felt any touch with her? There are many questions?

After that, someone told me a true story that there was a freak male who used elbow to touch a lady whom sitting next to him on an airplane before, and being complained of sexual harassment, he performed a drama above, try to used me to prove he was innocent.  But the freak male did not know that I recognized the lady sitting next to me who working in brain control space in my first view, all above was deliberate arrangement by a freak male, it is really attentively.


Read more…


1.     腦控空間有變態賤人利用人工智能的人體圖像合成技術(Deep Fake), 偽造面部表情, 將良家女子同三級女星合成三級片賣於日本市場, 因為三級市場需要大量新面孔, 所以腦控賤人繼續以此技術侵犯無辜受害者私隱, 害人家破人亡, 夫妻分離, 將無辜女子推入萬劫不復的深淵而自殺. 據說, 變態賤人利用此技術害我, 並且經常將已合成的影片傳送到我社交網路, 甚至我不熟知的交友網路, 以此打斷我的社交圈子, 影響我反腦控的公信力. 罪魁禍首是蔡瀾, 周星馳, 曾志偉, 鄧英敏等人.


        Deep Fake 此技術已發展到仿真聲音, 只要在電腦輸入字句, 然後調較至某人相同的聲音, 就算最親近的家人都沒法分辨. 腦控賤人利用此技術進行電話騙案. 但此技術有一漏洞, 因為是事先輸入電腦, 所以只有問, 沒有答. 以後大家在腦控空間要小心被騙.


         但你可能會認為之前我聽到明星的聲音也是利用此技術, 非也! 我聽到的聲音是有問有答, 而且是長時間對答. 而另一方面, 有被腦控的富豪, 為確認是被明星腦控, 特意在腦控空間派錢, 用腦音叫腦控他的人和明星去取錢簽收, 以此證確有此人在腦控空間存在.



2. 目前腦控集團對香港的壟斷:


  郵政壟斷 許多郵寄的反腦控儀器都被失效, 到達時間其他人長27天時間; 很多訴訟所需的文件和證據都沒法收到.


  醫療壟斷 我姑媽做身體檢查時, 證明一切正常, 但變態控芯片賤人將她同食道癌病患者併芯片, 令她每食必嘔, 長期沒法進食需做液體注射, 維持約半年時間, 在身體機能良好的情況下, 被停止液體注射而死亡. 外間有傳, 如果同腦控人有仇, 入院必死.


銀行系統問題:   相信大家仍記得2015年前保安局長葉劉淑儀銀行戶口被駭入失款一事, 雖然後來追回. 但很多普通市民都被腦控, 沒有私隱的情, 駭客知你的密碼, 繼而駭入你銀行戶口轉走你的存款. 基於自已疏的情況下, 沒法追回. 銀行不會考你是否被腦控受害者.

另一方面, 因腦控賤人長期同受害者併芯片, 受害者簽名時有如同腦控人合手簽名, 長期以往, 腦控人可輕地在你的支票上簽上你的大名去取錢, 所以大家小心保管自己的支. 


 網絡控制:      當變態腦控賤人針對性地對付目標, 目標人物在家中是沒法正常上網, 必須另尋途徑. 但香港所有免費WIFI熱點都是他們的目標, 就算圖書館也是局部性被電腦指令停止. 很多重要網絡資訊的網頁沒法打開. 網上理財, 交易更是沒法進行. 我個人因此不用網上理財, 用最原始的方法, 每事必親身到銀行辦理.

傳媒控制 當有事發生, 而事情同目標人物有關, 又熟知其長期閱讀那一份報紙, 此報紙的報導必定缺少相關資訊, 而其它報紙全都有報導; 或者當目標人物閱讀時, 見到敏感資訊時, 腦控人一定遙控電子武器間歇性智障, 令目標人物視若無睹.



Mind Control Space News this week (August 19 to 25, 2019)


1. As said, The metamorphosis mind control perps use Deep Fake technology, fake facial expressions to combine and superimpose good girls images and videos onto source images or dirty videos using a machine learning technique to produce dirty video to set the victims up, sell the dirty video to the Japanese market, because the dirty market needs a large number of New faces, so the brain control perps continue to use this technology to invade the privacy of innocent victims, caused some targeted persons committing suicide, some couples got divorce and some hated each other in family and social life. Someone told me, may the metamorphosis perps use this technology to hurt me in network, they often sending the synthesized videos to my social network, even the dating network that I don't know, intention to destroy my whole life, and my credibility of anti-brain control. The receiver are unable to save the video to me since they set up some computer command in the network. The metamorphosis perps were Cai Lam, Stephen Chow, Eric Tsang, English Tang etc.

Deep Fake technology has been developed to simulate sound, as long as you input words on the computer and then tuning the same voice of someone, make a call to your family, even your closest family member can't distinguish the true or fake. The brain control perps use this technology to make fake phone for scam.  Because it is a computer input in advance, so only ask, no answer. So everyone should be careful to be cheated in the brain control space. 

But you may thought that I heard the voice of stars voice in mind control space using this technology? The answer is definably not! The voice I heard can communication to me with ask and answered in long period. On the other hand, there are an rich man who being mind control and want to confirm the perps were the movie stars, he used distribution to someone who can hearing his brain sound in mind control space, and all the movie stars went to collect money and signing up, the signing up can prove the movie stars whom have had existed in the brain control space.


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 1.         變態腦控賤人本週繼續味覺操控,只剩下甜味。

 2.         本週吳鎮宇繼續接他大佬指示,持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛,不論我身在何處,正在行街,正在打字,正在工作,仍不停遙控電子武器摧殘,間歇性他自己也同我併芯片頭痛。據他大佬所講,吳鎮宇有戀童癖案底,已沒得救了。

 3.         腦控空間有賤人,複製我腦控日誌和文章據為己有,據說他提前打上題目,等我上傳文章後,再用修輯方式,將我文章複製貼上,所以他上傳的日期比我早,令人以為我複製他的。我已在我腦控日誌中示範,先上傳5天日誌,然後用修輯方式再增加2天日誌,你可由我日誌中觀察到,上傳日期比實際日誌早2天。


4.         本週香港警察在前方為保護市民安全而同暴民拼搏中,而腦控空間,身為警察世家的譚泳麟,曾志偉持續背後指使遙控電子武器令我頭痛,睡眠剥奪,摧殘受害者健康。如此這般,難怪有些知情的市民,如此痛恨警察,將他們在腦控空間所受的傷害,發洩於現職警員身上。是否出身於警察世家就可以如此無法無天?肆意對市民施以電子武器折磨而不受法律的製裁。如此世道,難怪警民衝突,越趨嚴重。


5.         有一家姓鄧在腦控空間以害人為生,將周星馳故居變成老人院,一方面折磨長者,一方面將長者的殘疾和大小便失禁用於同受害者併芯片,精神折磨被腦控受害者。變態!



Mind Control Space news this week (Nov. 18 to 22, 2019)



1. The metamorphosis chip controller continue to taste manipulated this week, when I eta every food, only have sweet taste.

2. Francis Ng continued to pick up his big brother instructions, continuous remote control electronic weapons caused me headaches. No matter where I am, ever walking in the street, typing, working, non-stop suffered electronic harassment, some time, he within chip with me to make sure whether I got headache. According to his big brother said, Francis Ng had a criminal record of pedophilia case before,  and his life have already ruined by himself.

3. There is a perp in the brain control space. copied my brain control blog and articles for his own. he put a topic in advance. Then after I upload the article, use the editing method to copy and paste my article to his page, so he uploaded date is earlier than me, used to misled reader thought I copied him. I have demonstrated in my brain control blog, upload 5 days’ mind control dairy first, and then add 2 days by used edit function. You can note from my blog that the upload date is 2 days earlier than the actual dairy date.



4. This week, the Hong Kong police struggled with the mobs to protect the safety of the public. But in the brain control space, some people born in police family, such as Alan Tam, Eric Tsang continued gave an instruction to remote control electronic harassment for headaches, sleep deprivation, and devastating the health of the victims and me. So you will no wonder why some known citizens hate the police so much, they vent their angry of injuries in the brain-controlled space to the police officers. Why the police family can have done criminal to violate the rules? Why they deliberately torture the public with electronic weapons without legal enforcement? That’s why the conflict between the policemen and the citizens becoming more serious.

5. There is a surname Tang who made a harm to living in the brain-controlled space. He turns the original residence of Stephen Chow into an elder nursing home, tortured the elderly, used the elderly disables and urinary incontinence to mapping victims for psychological and physical torture. metamorphosis!


Read more…


1.     69日反修例大遊行, 反對派假冒反腦控訴訟大聯盟召集成員上街遊行. 在此再次澄清, 反腦控訴訟大聯盟立場是支持政府修例, 將逃亡在外的腦控賤人引渡返港受審. 反腦控訴訟大聯盟在未能確保成員安全的情況下, 絕不贊成上街遊行和做出過激又於事無補的愚蠢事情.

2.     腦控賤人在三天長假期間, 持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛, 已於68中午到灣仔警署報案, 警方回應仍在調查中… 

       據了解, 今次頭痛事件是由羅啟新控芯片, 張松枝指使畜牲遙控電子武器造成.

3.     本週腦控賤人持續每天長時間關閉小便掣, 在將有病者同我併芯片,令我小便困難, 意在令我尿酸中毒.

4.     記得多年前的廣信事件, 其中有一大筆國有資產現在腦控人手中, 相信同廣東幚有關

5.     每晚沐浴時, 林盛斌父親, 陳文輝父親, 彭浩翔父親出性騷擾; 按併芯片原理, 不到對方, 但能到對方的每一個動. 故此可構成性騷的嚴罪行. 望各方自律, 自重!


6.     當我書寫閱讀時, 吳震宇和一智障女子同我併芯片, 令我有閱讀書寫困難;

7.     變態控芯片賤人的精神虐待日趨嚴重. 當我在外購物時, 腦控賤人不停腦音滋擾, 同時將眼部老化, 腿部有殘疾者同我併芯片, 令我忙於應付, 既要小心路面交通, 又要擔心自己腿部受傷, 又要受電子武器攻擊, 又要記住購物清單, 以免遺漏, 以此令我不能集中精神, 嚴重傷害我的邏輯思維, 協調性和反應速度. 晚間睡眠剥奪,2小時喚醒, 難有深層睡眠時間. 我從過目不忘至現時需三讀才能記得. 變態控芯片賤人的精神虐待已到喪心病狂, 無藥可救地步. 而最奇的是腦控空間中人並沒有出面阻. 反而令人覺得是參與其中


8.     據了解, 腦控賤人在不同範疇, 收賣職員為他們所用, 其中有部份是政府公務員. 很多朋友郵寄賤人的犯罪證據給我, 都石沉大海; 當報紙有任何重要新聞不為我知, 我所訂閱, 每天派發的必定停送一天; 我的電郵信箱經常有被駭入的跡象, 而駭客是使用政府圖書館, 於圖書館關門的時間後. 此一切, 證明了腦控賤人所獵涉的範圍很廣, 受害者不可掉以輕心. 重要文件最好當面交收, 以免為他人所取.



Mind Control Space News this week (June 3 to 9, 2019) 



1. The march on June 9th, someone again pretending the members of Alliances for law-actions against mind control call for members to the streets for March. Here I clarify again that  Alliances for law-actions against mind control in position to support the government to amend the litigation as soon as possible, taking the escape mind control perp from oversea return to Hong Kong for trial.  The  Alliances for law-actions against mind control  never call on member in favor of taking to the streets and making excessive stupid things under unstable situation. 


2. During the three-day long vacation, the metamorphosis brain control perps continued to use the remote control electronic weapon to cause headaches. I had reported to the Wan Chai Police Station at noon on June 8. The police response is still under investigation...

As known that this headache incident was caused by chip controller of Cuson Law who got my chip and Deon Cheung gave the order for electronic harassment. I am not only one, but a lots of victims,

3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller continue to off my urine key in mind control system for a long time every day, also within the chip with kidney disease person, which will cause uric acid metabolism disorder as the perps intention.

4. D
id you remember the case of GITIC of 1999.  As said there are large amount hold on the perps were belong to GITIC, of cause they all in the mind control space. 


5. When I taking shower every night, Bob Lam’s father, Chan Man Fei’s father, and Pang Ho-Cheung’s father within my chip for sexual harassment, as the technology for the within chips together, it will not touch to each other, but can feel to the each other every movement, so it was a criminal case for non-touch sexual harassment.

6. Said Francis Ng and a woman who got mental disorder always within my chip when I writing and reading, which made me short in time, and cannot do anything, but sitting for wait until the chip separated.

7. The mentality abuse is increasing every day, even in shopping, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who got legs disable, blurred my vision, and non-stop brain sound communication with me in turn for nuisance. I have to be careful for road traffic, worry about disable legs will injury me, and bearing the headache from electronic harassment, so as remember the shopping list to avoid omission, such used to tortured my concentration, seriously hurt my logical thinking, coordination and the speed of reaction. And the other hand, sleep deprivation in the evening, wake me up every 2 hours by remoted control, it is difficult to have deep sleep time. In before, I never even forgot a word after reading, and now I have to read three times and hard to remember. The mental abuse have developing to as madness as craze situation, totally out of control, and everyone turn blank eyes in mind control space, sees unwilling to involving but participated.

8. As said, the mind control perps manipulated some professional in difference field work for them, some of them are government civil servants. For example my friends have sent me the criminal evidence of the perps, all cannot reach my hand; they also manipulated in media, when the newspaper post any important news that they don’t want me to know, they can order to stopped for one day; Also my email often has signs of being invaded, and the hacker is using the computer inside the government library, and the time was after the library closed. All proves show to us that the mind control perps hunting scope were wide over our expectation, and victims should be extra careful. Important documents should be handed over in person, so as not to be taken by others.


Read more…



 1.         本週變態控芯片賤人將他家中的老少,其中有便溺,放屁,因便溺而全身發臭者同我併芯片精神虐待。有時甚至將來經期的家中女性同我併在一起,令我全身帶有血腥味。其變態程度令人沒法理解。




2.         腦控空間有百無一用的文人,以我的相,用waterfront做筆名,瞥竊他人智慧,侵犯他人私隱,肆意搽黑他人,挑潑離間,利用他人來達到打擊我的目的。卑鄙!


3.         本週變態控芯片賤人剥奪我睡至早上七時,然後遙控電子武器令我昏睡至中午十一時。當我調教好閙鐘八時起床後,賤人遙控我手機關機,令我閙鐘失靈。最後當我將手機定好密碼,不被遙控後才能準時8:30起床,但當我起床後,賤人遙控電子武器令我有濃濃的睡意,沒法工作。




4.         本週賤人仍五感操控。聲覺:經常發出汽車引擎和抽氣扇的聲音,間中有某國家發出預警信號聲音。腦部經常覺得很噪, 很多雜音, 只好用除噪耳機作為舒緩。

       眼覺:因賤人經常併我芯片作為定位以眼部跟蹤目標人物,我擔心被圈涉, 經常出外,因外面光線太亮他們沒法跟從,但賤人將我的眼壓調低,當我在室內時, 光線變得太暗,眼睛模糊, 閱讀困難。

       味覺: 變態賤人經常同我併芯片飲食,將他們的飲食嗜好強加於我的身上,同時進行味覺操控,令我食不知其真味。  

       嗅覺:變態逐臭賤人經常將他自己家中洗手間的臭味,便溺不清潔的臭味發放滋擾; 當受害者煮食時,關閉其嗅覺掣,令其味道失調,失去正常的水準。 




Mind Control Space News this week (December 28, 2019 to January 3, 2020)


 1.         This week, the metamorphosis chip controller used his family members including uroclepsia, farting, and the whole body stink because of uroclepsia; Sometimes even his female member during the menstrual period that also mapping with me, I can smell the bloody body. They used all above for Psychological and physical harassment.

On the other hand, the metamorphosis chip controller within someone who got parasite, and caused navel itch, inflammation, and stinks with me, which was suspected to be a patient with some kind of microwave disease.

2. There is a writer who good for nothing and earn to living in the brain control space, he used my photo avatar with “waterfront” as a pseudonym, plagiarize the wisdom of victims, infringe the privacy of victims, arrogantly spoof to someone who they don’t like, provocate alienation between I and others, and use others to hit me back with their intention purpose. mean!


3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller deprived my sleeping until 7 am, and then remote control electronic weapon made me asleep until 11 noon. When I set the alarm to wake up at 8 o'clock, the perp remotely turned off my cell phone, disable my alarm. finally,  I set the password on my phone to get up at 8:30 on time without remote control, but when I get up, the perp still remote control electronic weapons make me felt very tired and got want to sleep sense, and I can't concentrate on my work all day.

The perp claim it is used to test the victim's willpower and ability to resist adversity. But the truth is intended to turn the new generation into a good for nothing garbage as bitch as perps, finally becoming a member who harm people to living in mind control space.


4. This week the metamorphosis chip controller still manipulated my five senses:


hearing: The sounds of car engines and exhaust fans are often issued, and occasionally, hear warning sounds issue from unknown countries when emergence. My head often felt a lot of difference noisy, so I have to use noise canceling headphones as a soothing.


sight: Because the perp bitches often mapping me as a positioning to track the target person with eyes, to avoided involving, I often going to outside to stop, because the sun was bright and the perp can't used eyes stalking, but the perp used to darkness my eye pressure, such caused me got blur eyes and have difficulty in reading. 


Taste:  the metamorphosis chip controller often mapping me for dine, impose their dietary habits on me to perform taste control, which make me cannot have the food real taste. Sometime when I have some food which they don’t like, they will turn off the taste key which caused me tasteless.



Smell: The metamorphosis chip controller often mapping me when I going to toilet, and issued the stinks smell of his own washroom to misled the people that my washroom got dirty; On the other hand, when the victim cooking, the controller turn-off the smell key, making the victim cannot smell the food and the cooking skill below the standard.


Touch: The metamorphosis chip controller often mapping someone who got skin allergy to the victims for harassment; on the other hand, when the victims get on clothing and bathing, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping the victims for sexual harassment; even it is non-touch, but when used mapping, the bitch’s hand same as your hand, they can felt all you felt, they can touch what you touch, so remember to wear the rough gloves for protection.


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1.         目前香港示威暴動人士之所以如此偏激,主要原因是被腦控,一部腦控機搞到警察,示威人士完全失控。全部已進入情緒被控制模式,將示威人士同警方的對立情緒推向高峰。 據參加者自白,好似吸毒者上癮一樣,很想出街搞事,情緒不能一刻安靜,已到不能自拔的狀況。所以除非毀了腦控機,否則此現象仍會持續下去; 現尋求各方專家意見,如何摧毀腦控機,或者破解腦控機的設定模式。救香港於微波聽覺效應之中。 



2.         本週變態腦控賤人當我閱讀新聞,書籍時,關閉我的思維掣,令我對資訊沒法理解,分析和記憶。


3.         本週有口渴難耐者併我芯片,令我有相同感覺。懷疑有人藏匿於貨櫃逃亡;



4.         近日變態控芯片賤人將我同皮膚非常干躁者,頭部油脂分泌失調者併芯片,令我有頭皮屑,此是我從未試過的情況。



5.         腦控空間有人提到有犯罪分子,將有問題郵包寄到受害者地址。在此呼籲受害者,如收到可疑包裹,一定要報警,切不可按腦控賤人所講,怕事而掟出街等人接貨。此是刑事罪行。




Mind Control Space News this week (Sept. 23 to 29, 2019)


1. Today I talking about why the rioters in Hong Kong are so extremely, because they are manipulated by the mind control machine. A mind control machine get the police and the demonstrators are completely out of control. All have entered the emotional and behavior control mode, pushing the conflict between the demonstrators and the police to the peak. According to the confession of the participants, they thought seem like a drug addicts, they want to go out and making trouble, their emotions can't be quiet for a moment. it was involuntary behaviors. Therefore, unless destroyed the mind control machine, otherwise this phenomenon will continue. Now we are looking for expert opinions, how to destroy the mind control machine, or to decoding the setting mode of the brain control machine? Save Hong Kong out of the microwave auditory effect.

The emotional control, as well as behavioral control, can control a person in persistence to do somethings that they have never done or do not like before. For example, I believe that many targeted individuals whom have been tried by brain control machine which set to shopaholic models, and they are keeping shopping to an unreasonable level, some people even shop until debts that they cannot afford. It only can stop after the mind control machine changed setting to normal. So this principle is the same as the demonstrators, it is a kind of emotional plus behavior control;


2. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller turn-off my mind when I read news and books, so I could not have understood, analyze and remember all the information after read.


3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller someone mapping me who got extremely thirst, which makes me have the same feeling. The person suspected that may a perp hiding in a container to fleeing so;


4. Two days ago, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who got very dry skin, also with the head oil secretion disordered, such makes me have dandruff that I never ever happened before.


5. As someone mentioned in the mind control space that some criminals sent the parcel to the victim’s address. Warn to the victims. If you receive a suspicious package, you must call the police, you should not as tell to throw it out and wait for someone to pick it up. This is a criminal offence.

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1.     香港首富李嘉誠先生, 自從退休後, 致力於慈善工作, 不停派錢資助中下階層, 但似乎起不到實際的作用. 本人有一提議, 敬請李先生將善款用於研究腦控屏蔽器後, 用屏蔽器取代善款派發給被腦控受害者, 相信得益者會感激您一世, 比派現金來得更有意義. 如擔心屏蔽器被用於做犯罪勾當, 可考慮只派與有良民證, 即沒有犯, 此證由政發出, 是否良民有政證明. 相信由私人派出的屏蔽器絕不會犯法例, 也無需負上法.




2.     香港經暴動一事, 已證明成腦控之都. 當所有市民都被腦控, 而政府又沒有能力控制的情況下, 大家認為下一步, 政府會如何善後? 購買更強大的腦控機去控制現有的腦控機? 將管治權提前交回中國? 還是任由腦控之都自生自滅?




3.     很多家長都慨嘆為何心目中的乖仔乖女突然間變得很偏激, 變成暴亂者, 持續多月無理由地上街搞破壞, 好似失去理性一樣. 其中有家長很擔心以後要到監獄才能見到自己兒子.




控芯片者同她兒子做了一個實驗, 在腦控機上將她兒子的腦波調節為和諧, 其兒子奇怪地自己提出陪阿媽去街市買菜, 令到媽媽又驚又喜.




當家長發覺子女情緒變化太大時要小心處理, 我們沒法屏蔽腦控, 但要避免他們意志力被削弱, 檢查平時他們食開的藥物是否有誤, 盡量不要進食精神藥品; 檢查他們所用的猪嘴面罩裡面是否有暗藏興奮劑? 隨時留意他們的飲食均衡, 確保血糖, 血壓正常. 因為腦控所引起的情緒變化同血糖, 血壓有很大的關係. 子女的精神健康才是最重要.




同時學校, 家長需明確一點, 學生的過激行為是腦控所引起, 並非病態, 非藥物可控制, 需靠自身意志力去抗衡腦控. 望大家共勉之!




Mind Control Space News this week (Dec. 07 to 13, 2019)


1. Mr. Li Ka-shing, the richest man in Hong Kong, He was dedicated to charity work since his retirement, and has continuously paid money to support the lower middle lever, but it seems to have no actual effect. I have a suggestion, I would like to ask Mr. Li support to R & D of block device to brain control, then use the block device instead of money pay to the victims who being brain control. I believe that the beneficiary who will be appreciatory to you for their whole life, and it will be more meaningful than sending cash. If you are worried about the block device will being use for criminal activities, you can consider sending only those who got a "the Certificate of No Criminal Conviction ", It was issued by the government of HK, to prove someone who have good conduct without criminal. I believe that the block device send by private individuals will never violate the laws and do not need to bear any legal responsibility.

2. The riots have already prove that Hong Kong was a under mind control city. When all citizens are under mind controlled and the government has no ability to release them, what do you think the next step of government? Buy a more powerful brain control machine to take over the existing brain control machine? Return the governance right to China in advance? Or let the brain control continue to overflow…? Do you have any suggestion or advice which can actually taking effect for government?


3. Many of parents ask why their children suddenly becoming extremely as a rioter. They continued loss their mind to fight with policy in the streets for few months without reason. One of the parent was worried about that her son may going to jail one day.

The chip controller did an experiment with her son, adjusted her son's brain waves to harmony on the brain control machine. Miraculously, the son offered accompany with MaMa to the fresh market for helping carry food that never happened before, which surprised and delighted to the mother.

When parents fought that their children's emotions change too extremely, shall be careful. We can't shield off the brain control, but we can try our best to avoid their willpower being weakness, first check the medicine that they taking is not wrong, never let them taking any drugs that will influence their mind; check any provocative powder which hiding in the “pig mouth mask”? Keep an eye on their balanced diet to ensure blood sugar and blood pressure in normal. As the professional said that the emotional changes caused by brain control machine was also adjusting victims’ blood sugar and blood pressure. Always keep in mind for your children’s mental health. There are most important for all of us.

At the same time, the parents, even school need to have a clear understanding that the student's extremely behavior was caused by the brain control, not metal illness, not only
medical science, but technology science. They need to concentrate on their own willpower to against brain control. Hope all of us can encourage to each others!



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腦控空間本週新聞 (2019-05-27至2019-06-02)

1.     變態控芯片賤人將多人同我併芯片, 眼部跟蹤我家中一切. 在法律上, 將他人眼跟蹤進入私人地方等同未經同意擅闖私人地方, 屬嚴重刑事罪行. 敬請留意!


2.     有人在空間以假的李兆基先生和劉鑾雄先生聲音作為招徠, 吸引投資者買賣股票, 實質上是以腦控方式欺騙投資者金錢. 望大家投資時, 小心謹慎, 以免受騙.


3.     當有人在空間被電子武器摧殘至死時, 腦控賤人刻意出來同受害者玩, 潛受害者聲, 大聲喧嘩作樂, 令死者家屬反感. 因大部份受害者都沒有眼部跟蹤, 並且被局部屏障, 不知發生何事, 只是在情緒影響下苦中作樂. 望死者家屬見諒!



4.     被腦控賣樓案例, 有長者在被腦控併芯片的情況下自己將物業出賣, 將金錢匯到不相熟者戶口後, 當上門收樓才醒覺物業已出售. 因整個交易程序都是業主自己處理, 所有人口供證實業主是處於清醒(被清醒人併芯片)的情況下, 又沒法提供被腦控的事實, 所以要追回物業很困難. 望長者小心, 將屋契交由銀行或子女保管較為安全.



5.     腦控空間經常聞到一股腐尸味, 據說是控芯片人將已死的人同遙控電子武器殺人犯併芯片, 令死者的尸臭味跟隨殺人犯作為懲罰. 我好奇的是, 人死後, 腦電波自然消失, 為何仍能傳播尸臭味? 據講, 當併死尸芯片時, 死尸復活, 潛聲時, 能講話, 但仍是死尸的模樣, 當芯片分開, 又恢復死亡, 有如我們電影所見的僵屍. 有人利用此種科技, 併死者芯片立遺囑和改遺囑, 實際上非死者的意願, 而是併芯片者的詭計.


6.     我的樣貌一天多變, 有時照鏡吓自己一跳. 近期將我同中國異見份子併芯片, 真不知變態控芯片賤人意欲何為?


7.     我住的大廈大部份住客都是律師和外籍教師, 但近期有娛樂圈三級女星同賊人入住, 並將同單位不同樓層的良家婦女同三級女星合併後在腦控空間以眼部跟蹤方式播放, 陷害良家婦女, 其中大部份是法律界單身女仕. 望本大廈業主小心挑選租客, 以免影響大廈的保安和聲譽.


8. 被告知, 有變態控芯片賤人在腦控機上做手腳, 令我腦部很多雜音, 長期局部智障, 令我執筆忘字, 書寫時感覺特別吃力. 另一方面, 腦控空間有人提出, 經常聽到我講話, 但他們同我講話時我聽不見, 很奇怪.



Mind control Space news this week (May 27 to June 02, 2019)


1. The metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with a group of strangers, eyes tracking into my apartment, knowing my apartment everything, even personal belonging. Legally, group stalking same as trespass into private area without consent, it is a serious criminal offence. Keep your eyes out!

2. Some perps using false voices of Mr. Lee Shau-Kee and Mr. Joe Lau in the mind control space, taking the trick to attract investors to trade the stocks with intention. They used mind control technology to control the investors to buy and sell stocks to manipulate the stock market as their own.  
Mind your step to the trap!

3. When someone dead by electronic attacked in mind control space, the movie stars will come out to
present a false picture of peace and prosperity, play with the victims with loud and happy , making the family member of the deceased disgusted and misleading all people taking pleasure in others pain. It is so sorry, since all victims without eyes tracking, and partially block by the chip controller, they don’t know what happened in that moment, just playing under the influence of emotions as enjoy the hardships.


 4. Base on the case story, there is elderly people who sell his property being within the chip with perp in control. After all transaction completed, and the money remitted to someone unknown, whole property selling without owner’s own mind. The owner was wake up by the new owner when hand over the property. Show by prima facie, the whole procedures are handled by the owner himself. All the witnesses are confirmed that the owner with clear mind situation (actually within chip with clear mind perp), and the owner cannot provide the proofs that he is being mind controlled. Therefore, it is very difficult to get the property back. Warn to the elderly, your deeds safer to be kept by banks or your own children.
5. In the brain-controlled space, we often got a smells from dead body. It is said that the chip-controller within the dead body chip will the killer, the corpse smell is followed by the murderer as a punishment until the chip separated. I am curious, as I known, when certify the human body dead based on the brain stop working, when the brain stop working, how can the microwave connect to? Why the body still can spread the smell?  


According to the report, when live person within chip with the dead body, the dead body can have a movement with live person as live person wear a dead body clothing as cover, of Couse you listening the voice own by the live person, but the appearance own by dead body, like the zombies that we saw in the movies. Such make someone use this technology to have a fake sentence to making a will not the dead person’ will, But the chipmaker's tricks.


6. My appearance is changing day by day, sometimes I am scared by the mirror. In the near few days, I was being within chip with the dissidents of China. I don’t know what the wrong with metamorphosis chip controller, what are they intention for?

7. I residence in the apartment building, and the most of the residents are lawyers and foreign teachers, but recently there is a dirty movie actress together with thief are as tenancy, used difference floor but same flat to merged as movie and broadcasted to someone for eye tracking, the most of them are single women in the legal professional. Warn to the owner of my apartment building, carefully selects the tenants as responsibilities to protect the security and reputation of the building.

8. I was told by someone, the metamorphosis chip control making a serious tricky in brain control machine, which make my brain got a lot of noise, partially mental disorder, I can felt particularly difficult in writing, always forgot the words when I write. 


On the other hand, someone in mind control space said that often heard my brain sound, but I couldn’t hear them when they spoke to me. It was so strange?


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