If you are a regular participant of Government Sponsored Stalking andwas in the room on Thursday July 29th, I apologize. The controversysurrounding the room closing is very complicated and I learned avaluable lesson from this experience.
If I'm not able to moderate the next call, I will send out a notice informing you that it won't be open this week.
I do apologize for the abrupt closing as this was not of my doing. Igenerally will keep the room open after recording has ended.
Because I was not moderating the room at the time of closing, I hadno control over this action that was taken against my will.
No longer will I be entertaining secondary moderators.
Thanks for your acknowledgment to this understanding.
PS: This isn't a SUPPORT call. Calls are hosted on Talkshoe.com Thursdays at 11PM EST. 724-444-7444 id 83319 # pin 1 #