"Safe House" Commnity Co-operative Proposal Revisions

RE: "Safe House" Commnity Co-operative Proposal Revisions

Happy New Year!

If you were not at the first "Safe House" Community Co-operative Proposal meeting, here's an opportunity to join us this Friday, January 20th 2012. It will be at 9P EST on talkshoe.com. Search "83319" or call 724-444-7444. code: 83319 # pin: 1 #.

In this meeting, we are going to open the floor to questions and we plan to draft a new proposal from these set of questions.

Thanks you for your time and I do hope you participate.

Chris J. Brunson

Government Sponsored Stalking/TICSD
website: http://govsponsoredstalking.info
email: bmarkforce@yahoo.com

phone: (980) 285-7954

Lynn Weed

Keep Ethical Light Burning

website: http://keepethicallightburning.org/

email: lynnandmarie@live.com

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