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Coiloidal Gold

Credit to TI's in Sweden & the Netherlands

A teaspoon a day 20-30 ppm (parts per million)

Of all the supplements I have tried this is number 1

Remember your dreams be on the Gold Satellites partial beams micro waves mind reading  ALL BULLSHIT

It is ultrasonic s the audiospotlight the spike soundlaser LRAD

and a dozen others all ultrasonic.  try youtube search frequency 14500

see if it sounds familiar

If they could read your damm mind why the stalking mobbing and

we are your friends. Because they want to see if the ultrasonic s   

directed at your house and you are working. Subliminal hypnosis

post hypnotic amnesia will cripple your thinking block your memory's..

Why follow if they read your mind and know where your going and what

your going to do. All Bullshist.

A hole across the way has a sky lite that comes and goes with bad weather

that is one trippy sky lite dude. A two panel  audiospotlight 4 grand worth

Brainwashing updated  good luck to us bad luck to them.


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Greg  lol predator lawsuit disinformation

I have not been to pink peace in months I was there yesterday  

thinking about a blog I was planing and lo and behold I get an email from greg.

Is he monitoring pink peace or all of us

Ever google GAMACHE

Chief Inspector Armand Gamache series
There is no lawsuit more like identity theft he sent me and many others his 

SS# DOB looks like it is bait for someone. 

Before this jerk went to web based email I tracked him to a 8 mil beach house in FL.

Just another psychological mind rape. Brain washing tricks

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For the US Government to unilaterally declare that our country will not comply with international human rights laws, nor uphold the core values of our nation’s foundation is an indication of extremism that supersedes the values and beliefs of the American people. When such extremism exists we need to take seriously the founders’ declaration that, “ to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” (Declaration of Independence 1776)

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Sleeping... Day or Night???

I think every T'i if they can? Should sleep in the day. At night we are making it wayyyyy to easy for the perps tech to attack us wiv their shite!. Because there are a lot less frequencies to contend wiv for them to match b4 they attack us!. From my own experience as a T'i . I kno I av far more sleep in the day. This is down to thousands of frequencies going on outside & around us naturally. I really dnt think their tech is soooooo advanced?!... If their tech was of alien origin? Then 'they' wud av measures put in place for their tech to get past 432hz or similar frequencies which can interfere wiv their tech that benefits us on Earth as a Human Being. But this is not the case!. I can make up any new frequencies in Hertz or MHz just by using a simple phone app & I can piss um off in an instant!!! They say their tech goes back years?! But years ago there was no 2g 3g 4g or anything equivalent or advanced so called frequencies. Well u cud say that the frequencies were all along there & around us. But there was no machine or so called tech to turn them frequencies in2 something that cud attack us??? The answer lies in only on wot our body runs at. That is MHz.. There is that much talk of this & that? Or cud be's?? That its exhausting to think about the wot ifs??? Let's approach somebody in the field who can measure our very own body's signature & take it from there. If we dnt no our signature? We av no defence now or no defence in any more advanced DEW in the future!!! We will always suffer. This is only my opinion. Take care's TI's ;)
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All throughout the USA—plus globally—informed and concerned citizens are refusing AMI smart meters for electric, natural gas, and municipal water utility services, which are provided using a Marxist-draconian-like edict and rollout by utility companies that want to cash in on the funding they can receive from the feds to institute what amounts to an apparent ‘first leg’ push for the global smart grid and Internet of Things (IoT) [1].

The IoT is designed to track everyone’s every interaction at all times—in your car (transponders and E-Z Pass); on your computers—specifically Windows 10 backdoors that apparently allow the feds access to your computer; through your ‘smart’ home appliances—especially TVs [2]; plus a human RFID microchip [3] surgically imbedded somewhere inside your body to enforce a cashless society, tracking, and an obvious ultimate control mechanism over every human!  That IoT sure beats what Karl Marx, Adolph Hitler, and Joseph Stalin visualized and enforced!  Why aren’t consumers waking up to what’s being done to us? 

Furthermore, does the Draco-like (7th-century Athenian statesman and lawmaker, or his code of laws, which prescribed death for almost every offence [7]) push for vaccines starting as soon as a fetus exits the womb until one reaches advanced old age play a part in any of this, especially vaccine nanoparticles?9143189088?profile=originalUtility Smart Meters – A Probable Terrorist Connection Unveiled?

In Jesus Christ Services
Wayne Morin Jr


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This is important for everyone in the US. I`m not from the US, but I just came across this. Your FBI has a system called the Next Generation Identification system, keeping biometric data including fingerprints, face recognition, iris patterns, voice recognition, tattoos, gait recognition, and it keeps it permanently even if you apply for a job or have a background check, and you have no criminal record.

So the ACLU are saying it can be used against anyone. And now the FBI are trying to get exemption for this from your privacy laws. Have a look at the article.

I wonder if other countries have such a database?


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Dismissing Unwanted Thought: use logic

Jogging along the great lake jetty I noticed the dying minnows/small fish swimming in circles, flickering silver in the sun. They kept "calling" for my attention and the odd thought came that I am like those fish, wounded, moving "in circles." This was not a natural thought for an upbeat person! Then, I realized that the only way the comparison could be made accurately was if there was a small group of plump, protected fish plotting beneath the waves to select which other fish would prosper or be harmed/destroyed. It would be the unnatural selection that some humans do versus the natural rhythms of nature. Well, that logic snapped that stupid fish comparison right out of my brain. I threw away that strange thought like a small stone into the deep blue waves.

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This article says that scientists are planning to synthesize a complete human genome out of synthetic DNA. They had a secret invitation-only meeting, and are trying to raise $100 million to do it.

George Church, a professor of genetics, said the project was not aimed at creating people.

Of course they say it `s to help people and to cure diseases etc, but obviously anyone can see where this is going to end up  - someone will patent it and there will be designer babies, designer "humans", and people will be obsolete, except of course them.

One comment was "will the baby have a belly button?" lol. But will they bother with babies? Or even women? 

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keeping a diary of food we eat?

Hi TI's hope you're all well?.. I was jus thinkn that when we eat certain foods. Well any kind of foods whether gud or bad for us? Our frequencies within ourselves change higher or lower dependn wot we eat?. So will this av massive effects on attacks to our body?. We shud keep some sort of diary to jot dwn any attacks that happen afta we av eaten. Like if we eat more acidic foods. Do our attacks increase ?! Or less when we eat non acidic food?. The human body is like a car battery. The more acid it holds. The mor charge it gives out!. In time the battery has to be topped up wiv a little water. And in time becomes weaker and weaker giving out its charge. Until it is replaced wiv a new 1... Now myself I've noticed that the fake tinnitus I hear gets bad when I drink a Pepsi or Coke. This is fact!! Dnt get me wrong. I lovvve a Pepsi!! But I know if I av 1? I will av2 put myself through a bit of high sound fake tinnitus in doing so. I enjoy all the gud things!. Or bad fings?. I like a beer & a game of pool '8 ball'. I love fish & chips wiv mushy peas. But no vinegar 'acidic'. It all comes down to cravings & wot we enjoy the most! & wot to sacrifice?. But I will never stop enjoying the things I eat or the things I enjoy in life. NEVER!!!. I AM STILL ME!! The person I am now & the person b4 I became a target. The tech/perps will never take away wots inside of all of us. & wots inside all of us is a ' ME'. For those who feel lost or av doubts in who u are in life? Go back to your old photographs. Your memories inside are still there. The door inside us just needs a nudge to open them memories up again.. Our mind has that many doors inside us that can all be kept locked!.. Or we can find the right key to open them all up?! Never forget who u are in life. By putting a mental block up against our perps. We will all gain the process to beat them on a daily basis. Its hard I know. But wiv practice we will all become better in dealing wiv this shite. Let's face it eh? For us to come this far. It says something that's inside us all. We av strength inside us!. But also we av strength in numbers!. Our minds are strong! & we will fight fight fight!!! We will NEVER GIV IN OR GIVE UP HOPE!!!... Take care's TI's ;)
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Control Factor 2003 movie

I wanted to post this in Videos, but haven`t been able to. It was taken off Youtube some time ago.

It`s an excellent fictional drama about Mind Control/targeting - I recommend it if you haven`t seen it before.

I hope you can see it via these links:  Part 1 Part 2

If they don`t work, you can find the links on on the Home page, they should work.

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Metal work

So i was wondering if any or all TI's have had dental work done? Any metal/silver fillings fitted. These alone due to interactions wiv the saliva in our mouth & the metal implants only being just a few inches from the brain. Can act as antennas alone. & can mess wiv our bodyfield making it become weaker. We then feel stressed. Suffer fatigue. Memory concentration/loss. Skin itches/rashes. Tingling. Heart probs & so on.. Just a thought eh? Take care's TI's ;) Ps. I'll be avn all my metal fillings out b4 the year is through. ;)
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People tend to 4get that we dream everyday!!! But we very rarely remember the dream we had the next day? We can all take control of our dreams. Perps use their tech to influence us in generally a bad way & enforce it so when we get up from a sleep state. Its the 1st fing we remember?!!!.. Then wot do we go & do/say? We go on Peacepink & let rip that my perps tech made me dream of rape or child molestation. Now by speakn out allowed on Peacepink? Your giving perps the info that they want!!! Your confirming the tech had an influence on u lasnyte and dreamed the shit they enforced upon you! Confirming their tech worked on you! So by doing this. Wot due fink the perps are gona do? They gonna keep on placing the shit and pump into your dreams. Also when u speak of your dreams? Your putting it out in your conscious state. The soo called real reality when we're awake!. Instead of leavn it in your unconscious reality. I keep sayn it!!! Stop bringing up or mentioning anything to do wiv your perps/tech. By doing the opposite to this? They will av less influence & power of us. Keep your dreams to yourselves!!! Take care's TI's!
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I am afraid to be in the same home with my children. I have an autistic son who is over 300 lbs. I just got attacked by him. He gets V2K. They kept talking into his head and got him so upset. I went to give him a hug and tell him that I love him. He attacked me by squeezing me very tightly. I'm about 127lbs. He is 300. As he squeezed he tried to dropped me on the floor with him on top..With quick thinking I managed to flipped myself. We ended up facing each other on the floor, while he is still holding on to me. He forcefully bit my shoulder, bruised a couple of fingers too. They are swollen up with blood and are hurting very badly. It all started because I asked him to sweep the floor. The evil pigs got him so angry. Instead of sweeping the floor, he put a hole on the ceiling. These are the things I have to deal with in addition to being tortured 24/7. I am afraid to be around my kids. The autistic one is so easily influenced. They liable to make him do anything. Thing like kill us all. What is the world coming to.

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