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channel back draft...

Thought I'd update my blog, not much is new still dealing with enduced dreams and having my thoughts narrated into the most negative things ever, and having to listen to the most stupidest songs being sung in the stupidest way possible....dealing with a real life lag feeling I only thought was possible in video games and pain in my left arm.... I dunno if I'm going to be able to do it while being blasted my own thoughts but i'd really like to go to the gym and get some weight off "yada yada yada or what are you thinking Christine lastnamehozen" these ear plugs are no doubt damaging my hearing but weighing the options i think hearing them is worse!

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Victime de harcèlement en réseau (france)

Bonjour ,

tout d'abord je tiens à vous remercier de m'avoir accepté parmi vous, je suis aussi victime de ce que vous appelez le "gangstalking" dans les pays anglo-saxon  depuis 2008 , j'ai pu mettre un nom à ce qui m'arrive que depuis deux mois environ , j'ai beaucoup lu à se sujet sans véritablement apprendre de choses nouvelles, juste confirmer ce que j'avais compris ou soupçonné , il y a néanmoins une chose que je subit sans trouver d'explication nul part sur le net , les sites , les blogs...etc .

Depuis 2008 je subit se que j'appelle des "déconnexions de la tête" (ce ci est réelle , j'ai toute ma tête) quand ça a commencé à chaque fois il y avait un concert de klaxons au dehors quand je reprenais "connaissance" je m'apercevais aussi que j'avais été abusé sexuellement, si il n'y avait pas eu ces signes (klaxons et abus) peut être qu'aujourd'hui je ne le saurais toujours pas.

j'ai fini par déménager en 2012 pour m'installer dans une autre ville et autre région de France , j'habite maintenant un appartement au 3ème étages (erreur de ma part d'avoir loué au 3ème étages) depuis pour savoir si je subit ou pas ces "déconnexions de la tète" je film et je chronomètre chaque fois que je monte ou descend les trois étages , quand je vois que j'ai mis plusieurs minutes pour monter ou descendre les étages c'est qu'il c'est passé quelque chose (il me faut environ 1 minute et 10 secondes pour se faire sans courir) évidemment j'entend une ou plusieurs portes après coup se fermer en sourdine, je sais à peu près quel voisins sont impliqués car quand la caméra se coupe c'est devant la porte en question .

Je ne trouve nul part ce genre de témoignage ! alors si quelqu'un pouvait aiguiller à ce propos !?

j'ai passé un IRM début septembre à l'hôpital de Montélimar sans résultat (je ne suis pas convaincu des résultats car j'avais mon comité d'acceuil dans la salle d'attente (Peps) l'assistante du médecin ne m'a pas mis en confiance non plus..

Merci à qui pourra me renseigner .

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voice to skull victim fights police in america

Voice to skull victim speaks on killing the police:

The how to guide in killing police part one

this is for the real police killers out there keep up the good work playboy...


rather you agree or not take a look and pass on to as m,any people as you can not just TI'S

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From your deep blue eyes

From your deep blue eyes

Love emanates from your deep blue eyes
You are the one who created everything in the sky
You are the one who created this world
But because of the fall of mankind it has become a death world

Yet you chose to be born as one of us
Doing everything you can to redeem us
Giving wings to those who have the spirit of repentance
And you are always there for those who need guidance

You came to this death world
As one of us
Yet most in this world
Do not know you as the Redeemer of us

They reject you
They mock you
Such cruelty
Such folly

Yet you are here to free
From slavery
Shaping mankind's destiny

A Holy Love
A Divine Love
From Heaven above
My Saviour my Beloved

Originally dated October 31, 2014 at 23:22.

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Why aren't the wealthy creating jobs?

Keynes is inappropriate for this economy. There is no need for either tax cuts for the wealthy nor for increased government spending because there is already so much money at the top that the wealthy have more than enough money to create jobs for the entire world, and most governments are already near bankruptcy from overspending.It is time for the wealthy to step up to the plate and create jobs, that's what the 1980s trickle-down tax cuts of 20% or more per year for the past 30 years were supposed to do. Did the wealthy lie to us when they said they would create more jobs if they got those huge tax cuts in the 1980s?"Keynes said that when companies don’t want to invest and consumers don’t want to spend, government must break the dangerous cycle by stepping up its own spending or cutting taxes, either of which will put more money in people’s pockets."
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Controversial thought for the day:When a company decides to go public to raise money for expansion, etc, only sell 49% of the ownership in your company, retain the other 51% of the ownership to avoid hostile takeovers, etc.Wall Street & the underwriters may try to persuade/convince the CEOs to give away more ownership to the public (say 75% or more) to get more cash upfront, but it comes with the dangers of a future hostile takeover.When true entrepreneurs own a company and maintain 51% control of the company, they have the company's best interests in mind. Once a hostile takeover occurs because the company was 'persuaded' to give away its majority ownership control, the company's mission statement may either get corrupted or thrown away as the focus changes to maximizing the chase for the might dollar.When did this 'persuasion' to give away majority ownership to the public become standard operating procedure? How many true owners/entrepreneurs anticipated the fall out from the numerous 1980s hostile takeovers because they had been 'conned' into giving away too much of their ownership control?Was the hostile takeover decade planned long ago, and by the 1980s they finally had all the pieces in place to allow massive amounts of hostile takeovers to occur? Is that why some industries have either been decimated or sent overseas because the CEO pay became too high to pay the rest of the workforce, or to even leave enough money to buy raw materials. Is it in the company's best interests & the economy's best interests to have massive layoffs & outsourcing overseas but the CEO pay keeps rising? What has the mission of these companies become?
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I had a horrible dream I was dreaming normally when all the sudden I half woke up to the sound of shattering glass and I looked over and thought is the neighbor breaking dishes? is there a fight? I couldn't wake up all the way I tried so hard then I realized it was my window being shot out I saw my wind chimes shatter and several other things being shattered to peices woozy I then realised I was being shot to, I couldn't move or I would have gotten on the floor my phone was beside me I looked at my arm full of blood to confirm I got shot about 5 to 10 more times i thought ok all I need to do is call 911 that's all I need to do.....then I woke up!  

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Female territoriality is insane

Female territoriality is insane, if you are challenged in any medium is no war. We become beasts to die fighting the enemy.
I am a victim of electronic harassment.
For more than four years ago a group of women talking directly to my head with psychotronic, are trying to absorb my attention constantly with his pensamiento.Ya is not to connect me to defeat humanity, is that what they do is deprive me of my own conscience, my beliefs based on experiences of my own emotions is a struggle to do something for myself to normalize my life and be like the rest personas.Estoy reflections by terrorizing me realmente.Ya is not controlling my physical and I believe my viscera migraines or used for research, is that I'm being forced to address them as women and that creates me a fEMALE WAR state that men can not even imagine.
Female territoriality is insane, if you are challenged in any medium is no war. And my are forcing me to think about things that never gave me the desire to think, as the defeat as a woman to life, and self-pity ... So there will be no war and war. The lot of women is untouchable because it is ours. Whether it's emotional, intellectual, human, the cave of ignorance, whatever ... if anyone dares get in our circle of security we charge.
Everyone knows how we are women, we feel not obey anyone ... but much less to another mujer.Y everyone knows that when a woman takes it into his head to do something for a reason not cease never until I get the obgetivo.
Now please think of a time in my person, I am very stubborn Taurus, I'll pinion to get answers and get obgetivos. Ladies astral, which aim to immerse myself in a world between pink and destructively negro..El depressingly horror.
They are using the field with psychotronic mind that directs sound to the head to educate people and create ideas that had no reality, with simple IMPRIMACION cognitive system PSYCHIC cognitive system, a drift of ideas with emotions of a glass another ... to create a society with certain suitable ideas. As Argentines say all this to my shits me! because I am guided by logic alone inspire me healthy and true emotions even if they have a destructive logic.
Imagine cocoa there is in the whole country, Spain, with nationalist hatred, racism, barça-madrid, misogyny, etc ... People are confused mentally and just needs to express the tension that is in and it is not known exactly how occurred.
We create stress with electroacoustic sound that irritates us and make an accumulation of stress and urge us with crazy ideas to believe things that make no sense.
There is an entire infrastructure of people who believe that religion and spirituality is transmitted palabras.Esas people are transmitting religious words alone are transmitting personal things that neither they know exist in their mind.
Do we hear psychically tell us what words we hear just emotional states and what is stored in the consciousness of psychic rapist, which can be any stupidity like this that good cheese! and I am so happy to kiss the blonde ... And from those emotions realities are created ...
There are a battalion of stressed and questionable features about obtaining their titles therapists, who are advising us from the astral with psychotronic how we think and make decisions ...
Imagine a stubbornness licenciadita woman with an enormous haughtiness for who is willing to implement parallel professionally emotions regarding algo..HORRIBLE theirs, to use any emotional or virtual resource, such as the use of bioresonance quantified to teleport ghost Perceptual skills which impress feeling to accept the idea that she wants ... enterao of what the psychotronic porquees urgent that we all know.

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Have our futures been stolen from us?

Have our futures been stolen from us?Every citizen & every business has a fiduciary responsibility to their country & to the economy to ensure that it will survive into the future and that it will operate in a fair & equitable manner. It is such an important obligation of every citizen in our country that a constitutional amendment should be created to remind everyone of their responsibilities to the long-term survival of their country and not to the mighty dollar.An economy dominated by large companies & billionaires /millionaires who feel no fiduciary responsibility towards their employees or towards the future availability of jobs in the country is dangerous.An economy dominated by companies that have lost control of their operations to outside investors whose only goal is to make a fast profit at the expense of long term operations is dangerous.An economy dominated by large REITs / large landowners that control so much of our country's real estate, resulting in a tremendous amount of rental units where the tenants have no control over their own future housing costs is a dangerous situation.There are many large, subversive organizations & individuals that have manipulated themselves into a position in which they control so many aspects of everyone's lives, and they need to be dealt with. They have stolen our future.We need to ensure that stability & growth are maintained in this country for the present & the future, without having special interests or others corrupt the process with various shenanigans that steal our assets & our futures. Every citizen should have a fair & equitable chance at a stable future.The goal of a fair & equitable economy is to:- create stable jobs for all citizens so that everyone has income coming in throughout their working years, no cut-throat shenanigans to deprive them of their jobs or of their retirement.- ensure fair & equitable housing availability:- rental market for beginners- ownership market (condos, houses) for people once they get established.Somehow the focus towards a fair & equitable country has been corrupted by many behind-the-scenes shenanigans in so many different areas of our economy. We need to ensure that there are no more cut-throat shenanigans to deprive citizens of their money or their futures.
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implant victim

            Hello and good day to all on gaia i am samuel agdamag residing in San francisco ca. u.s.a. and i would like to form a coalition of some sort of people in this region that face the same problems that i do. I learned of my situation about a decade ago and i thought i was very special, but i learned about kieron lee perrins from the U.K. and according to him there are many of us and i don't understand why we must accept this evil placed within us. Please view his youtube videos they were very enlightening.  good day

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virtual voluptuousness

Virtualis voluptatibus syndrome, this is the reality that humanity working in contact with the power of teleportation QUANTIFIED suffering according to my personal observations. Good men have accepted defeat as humans and have been linked to Satanism. Satanism is nothing to cede the territory to the dark pleasure product "cognitive biostimulation" with "quantified bioresonance" creates subidon testosterone, adrenaline and dopamine: VIRTUAL ORGASM replacing the human orgasm. Human sexuality must have failed as a means of intercommunication between living humans and to stop fighting it and join the mobida I sign up to work for science and I enjoy sex with other women ... For as man I'm satisfied.
Women were noted to be equal to men and destroy black magic tricks with women who are a rival or hate ... Over civilized women in this work closed cycle opportunities for hVirtualis voluptatibus syndrome , umana.
The woman is the symbol of family unity and the references given to the children for their education. Woman is man's support because their emotional intelligence resolves conflicts that can not.
Many ignore the penis that biostimulation can create, like the devil .... That gives esteem the man!
The question is:
1) The eye of the observer changes the observed reality, ie inidviduo predator sex and forbidden pleasures in our constitution as child rape and degrade the cognitive system takes all ideas AVATAR depraved instincts ... PSYCHIC AND PRIMER created by a transfer of THOUGHT, CONDUCT AVATAR changing psychically raped with teleportation QUANTIFIED ...
2) is collaborating to believe that man is wolf to man and it is because you can ...
3) you are creating a despicable society that everyone wants to REMOVE FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH, and we're giving permission to those threads mueben world to do ....
behavior or life .....


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Virtualis voluptatibus syndrome

Voluptatibus syndrome virtualis, id est res non denotatur, quod humanitas operabatur in virtute coniuncta est cum teleportation quantum ad homines, qui patiuntur secundum rem. Et probos homines fuisse coniunctum Satanism cladem acceperunt. Non est cedere, ad terram tenebrosam, Satanism in voluptate product "biostimulation cognitiva" et "quantum bioresonance" creat subidon testosterone, adrenaline et dopamine: gaudens reponat Hercules humana orgasm. Sexualitatis humanae vivis hominibus necessariis et defecerunt medium tincidunt Suspendisse et luctando ad opus scientia mobida adherere et cum aliis frui sexus Quemadmodum enim ... ego sum ​​contentus.
Women sunt nota esse pares hominibus, et perdet magicae dolis autem mulieres, que sunt in pelicatum mulieres in civilized, an odio ... In hoc circuitu clausit occasiones hVirtualis voluptatibus syndrome , umana.
Et femina coniunguntur references est signum dedit filiis educari. Mulier est hominis qui non solvuntur motus intelligentia eorum auxilio.
Multa pene, qui ignorare possit creare biostimulation, .... similis est diabolo, quia dat hominem reputant!
I) oculus autem aspicientis mutat rei veritatem, observari, id est sex inidviduo rapax inlicitae voluptatis oblectent in nostrum ratio est cognoscitiva, sicut puer raptu et polluent omnes ideas AVATAR prava ... instinctus, et mentis alienationem a PRIMER cogitationis, mutari nisi CONDUCTU AVATAR appetenti Rapta cum teleportation quantum ...
II) Homo homini lupus est homo, et quod teneantur credere possit, sed quia ...
III) despectus tu creasti amovere velit societatem terram, et data potestate sumus mueben fila illa facere mundum ....
vel vitae moribus .....


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Quantified bioresonance and Max Plank

The cell cortex gives SHAPE the cell, if you manipulate with "quantified bioresonance" can manipulate the cellular motor skills, motor skills and psychomotor tissue of the human body. You just need to play with specific measures, the alpha waves and beta waves in a wave pattern of the area dedicated to diana.Max Plank was a student of Helmholtz invented the resonator (1905), and to investigate the influence of sound on the mb cluck.
He postulated that matter (atoms and molecules) could emit or absorb energy in small discrete units (small packets). Planck gave the name quantum of energy and defined as the minimum amount of energy that could be emitted or absorbed as electromagnetic radiation.
THE bioresonance is quantified electroacustica with formulas specifically modulated to create a sound effect in the field. But the body is dark matter and there is a vacuum, so it had to generate an electromagnetic field to create the appropriate interface to reach the target point, hence arose the electromagnetic aura that vibrates to be evolved ... We were led to believe through an emotional and spiritual deception, now electronic and electromagnetic victims of harassment can not make ourselves heard by the good people who believe the Dalai Lama and supports the draft artificial intelligence avatar 2045 draft.

The shape can be created with the sound.
The stress fibers are contractile bundles linked by alpha-actin, q anchored to the cell and exert stress on the substrate. Are attached to the plasma membrane via integrin.
The cell cortex gives SHAPE
The cell-cell contacts, the joints are mediated adhesion caherinas that serve as binding sites for actin bundles. Are transmembrane proteins and beta-catenin cytoplasmic domain that interacts with alpha-catenin, which serves as a link to the actin filaments bind.

Scientists have studied the field of electroacoustic in relation to the human physical system. "Helmholtz was moved in 1871 from Bonn to Berlin, serving as professor of physics. He became interested in electromagnetism. Although he himself achieved fame for these contributions to science, his student Heinrich Hertz became famous for being the first to show electromagnetic radiation. Another of his students was Max Planck.
This great researcher, investigated the performance of the basilar membrane in the cochlea. A study to capture and transform sound vibrations into nerve impulses.
Helmholtz invented the resonator (1905) to identify the different frequencies of pure sine wave components of complex sounds containing multiple tones, demonstrating that different combinations made ​​could reproduce vowel sounds. Max Kohl of Chemnitz is perhaps one of the most famous manufacturers of scientific instruments from the late 19th century and early 20th.
Max Plank was his student. To understand the quantum theory of Planck, we review some concepts about waves. A wave is a disturbance that propagates from the point of occurrence to the medium surrounding the punto.Gracias investigations conducted and the progress made ​​in this field, we now know the nature of light: light is an electromagnetic disturbance in nature, transmitted in a vacuum.


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Does the emotion is private property or can acquire arbitrarily by science? Victims of electronic and electromagnetic harassment of radiofrequencies are obgeto study of behavior of groups of people who use psychotronics to channel their voices infrasound or non audible to those around us, and also uses quantized bioresonance, which is modulated sound Perceptual skills to create electroacoustic ghost etc ... and provoke emotional reactions.
So I wonder if that non-lethal weapon that is quantified biorresonancia would have a limit if the emotion was private. Anyway so that we can locate needed to transform our proprietary material, photons and electrons in its atom + ION, so an ion trap or plasma is created to receive the signal and output it from our body.


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Smile Big , it's good for You!!!!

Why did the Mona Lisa become one of the most famous paintings of all time? That’s a question an incredible amount of people have asked themselves in the past. And one possible answer is this: because of her unique smile.

The smile is is the “the symbol that was rated with the highest positive emotional content” concludes scientist Andrew Newberg. And for me personally, I’ve been very reluctant before embracing smiling. Only a few years back, when one of my teachers told me: “Why don’t you smile more? Go learn how to do it!”, I started to research learn about the actual power of smiling.

I had a brief moment of disbelief that anyone can learn how to smile better. And yet, since then, for many years, I practiced smiling in the mirror and on many other occasions. That’s a fact I’ve often been a little embarrassed to admit, yet the research of this post confirms how powerful practicing a bit of smiling can be.

After recently discussing which words matter the most when we talk, digging into the facts of smiling was one of the most mentioned suggestions. So here we go:

The science of smiling: What happens to our brain when we smile 

Let’s say you experience a positive situation and you see a friend you haven’t met in a long time. This means that neuronal signals travel from the cortex of your brain to the brainstem (the oldest part of our brains). From there, the cranial muscle carries the signal further towards the smiling muscles in your face.

Sounds simple enough right?

And yet, that’s only where it starts. Once the smiling muscles in our face contract, there is a positive feedback loop that now goes back to the brain and reinforces our feeling of joy. To put more succinctly:

“Smiling stimulates our brain’s reward mechanisms in a way that even chocolate, a well-regarded pleasure-inducer, cannot match.”

Smiling then, seems to give us the same happiness that exercising inducesterms of how our brain responds. In short: our brain feels good and tells us to smile, we smile and tell our brain it feels good and so forth.

That’s why in a recent research scientists concluded “that smiling can be as stimulating as receiving up to 16,000 Pounds Sterling in cash.” Here is a brief description of the different muscles the cranial muscle activates in our face:


Real vs. Fake smiles – can we tell the difference?

Whenever we smile, there are 2 potential muscles we activate. The first one is the zygomaticus major and it controls the corners of your mouth. Whenever this muscle only is activated, it’s not actually a genuine smile. Scientists call this also the “social” smile. The second muscle, known to show sincerity is theobicularis occuli and it encircles our eye socket.

The true smile also called the duchenne smile, named after the famous scientist who first separated the “mouth corners”-only smile, from the “eye socket” one. Here is a comparison:


Our brain can in fact distinguish very easily between what’s real and what’s fake. In fact researcher Dr. Niedenthal argues there are 3 ways we can do so:

  • Our brain compares the geometry of a person’s face to a standard smile
  • We think about the situation and judge whether a smile is expected.
  • Most importantly: We automatically mimic the smile, to feel ourselves whether it is fake or real. If it is real, our brain will activate the same areas from the smiler and we can identify it as a real one.

Niedenthal then experimented with how important it is to be able to mimic smiles and whether we could still tell the genuine smiles from the fake ones:

Dr. Niedenthal and her colleagues asked the students to place a pencil between their lips. This simple action engaged muscles that could otherwise produce a smile. Unable to mimic the faces they saw, the students had a much harder time telling which smiles were real and which were fake.

So the fact that we can’t try it for ourselves, leaves us almost unable to identify any smile as fake or real. Why is this so important though to know what and what doesn’t trigger us to understand smiling? Here are some more insights:


What smiling does to our health, success and feeling of happiness

Smiling can change our brain, through the powerful feedback loop we discussed above. And your brain keeps track of your smiles, kind of like a smile scorecard. It knows how often you’ve smiled and which overall emotional state you are in therefore.

Smiling reduces stress that your body and mind feel, almost similar to getting good sleep, according to recent studies. And smiling helps to generate more positive emotions within you. That’s why we often feel happier around children – they smile more. On average, they do so 400 times a day. Whilst happy people still smile 40-50 times a day, the average of us only does so 20 times.

Why does this matter? Smiling leads to decrease in the stress-induced hormones that negatively affect your physical and mental health, say the lateststudies:

  • In the famous yearbook study, they tracked the lives of women who had the best smiles in yearbook photos compared to the rest. Women who smiled the most lived happier lives, happier marriages and had fewer setbacks. Here is a sample of the women from the observed yearbook. I let you guess who was successful and who wasn’t:


  • The baseball card study also found a clear correlation between how big a smile someone made on a baseball card photo and how long they would live. The people who smiled the most turned out to live 7 years longer than those who didn’t.

Of course, the above only shows a correlation, and not a causation. And yet, I can’t help but agree that smiling breeds trust, makes you happier and helps you to live longer.

And most importantly, smiling can be learnt. Or to put more precisely, re-learnt. Most of us forget how to smile genuinely over time, as we adopt social smiles more and more. Here is a guide to get your genuine, duchenne smile back:


A 3 step guide to a better smile 

Imagine a situation of joy before an event:

One of the best ways to make your smile more genuine and real comes fromresearcher Andrew Newberg:

“We just asked a person, before they engage in a conversation with someone else, visualize someone they deeply love, or recall an event that brought them deep satisfaction and joy. It’s such an easy exercise, and we train people to do it in our workshops.”

Personally, I’ve tried to do the same experiment before a phone call or even before writing an email. I’ve found that people can always tell if you have a smile on your face, even if they don’t see you. I’ve even tracked how this improves response rates to emails I send for Buffer related feature suggestions or partnerships for example. That should most likely be another blogpost.

Practice smiling in front of the mirror

Here is something I’ve done for almost a few years in the morning: Stand in front of the mirror and smile. Practice to activate both your mouth corners and your eye sockets. You will know whenever your smile is genuine, because you will immediately feel happy and relaxed. The power of a smile, even practiced in the mirror is that it can invoke the emotion immediately.

Become comfortable with smiling

A lot of people (myself included!) see smiling as something that makes you weak. Personally, I’ve found that developing a better smile starts with being very comfortable to smile a lot. If in your head, you can imagine yourself going through the day and smiling lots to everyone and everything, that’s often when a happier life starts.

Yes, this might be just a small change in thinking. And yet, for me personally, that was the most important part to smile more every day.

Quick last fact: Women smile more than Men, here is why 

Here is something interesting. Researcher LaFrance concluded that, overall, women smile a lot more than men. This comes not just from the fact that they might be happier, but also, that socially, it is more acceptable for women to smile, she says. And it doesn’t stop there:

“In general women are more accurate than men in detecting what is really going on with someone by looking at their face and listening to their voice. Women are more likely to tell the difference between a felt and a fake smile.”

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Dr. John R. Hall, D.O.
5282 Medical Drive # 200, San Antonio, Texas 78229, USA
tel: 210-614-6432



I am writing you on the behalf of victims both in the United States and abroad. As you are aware, many revelations surrounding the National Security Agency’s extensive electronic dragnet have recently come to light through released records by the intelligence insider Mr. Edward Snowden. During the course of the LIBE Committee hearings even more first-hand testimony was heard from other former NSA insiders regarding the extent of NSA privacy invasion and lack of oversight regarding their methods of data collection. Their statements begin to come very close to an issue that those of us in the medical community in the United States and abroad have been keenly watching for several years now.

Over the last decade we have seen a sharp rise in the number of people coming forward with complaints of non-consensual experimentation with electromagnetic weapons designed to target both electronic hardware and the human central nervous system. While this was typically disregarded as mental illness in the past, the total global population voicing these identical complaints has exponentially grown to numbers that can no longer be attributed to delusional disorder, schizophrenia or any other described mental illness. You may be unaware that the safeguards against experimenting on the public without their consent in the United States are very lax and are included in legislation referred to as The Common Rule which is the Federal Policy regarding human subjects protection. It is written with several loopholes for the allowance of non-consensual experimentation, mostly by intelligence agencies. Hence, we have seen the necessity for the Bioethics Commission hearings in the United States after it was brought to light that Guatemalan prisoners were experimented on with contagions by the National Institutes of Health. During the course of the Bioethics Hearings, their directive was to determine if any other non-consensual experimentation was ongoing in the United States or abroad. At each of the four meetings there was included a public forum for the committee to address concerns by the public at large. Over one hundred individuals were in attendance at each of the four meetings voicing complaints of exposure and experimentation with electromagnetic weapons technologies. The effects of these technologies on the human body can only be described as torture.

Several years ago another National Security Agency insider, John St. Clair Akwei, described in detail the frequencies used by the NSA and other intelligence agencies to access and influence the human body and nervous system in his civil action against the NSA. His descriptions of technologies used to track, monitor and alter a subject’s perceptions, moods and motor control are similar to the complaints we are hearing today from victims alleging non-consensual experimentation and torture. Moreover, Vladimir Putin, in a speech in 2012, admitted that Russia is following suit in funding development of weapons that will attack the human central nervous system. His defense minister, Anatoly Serdyukov, described the weapons as directed energy weapons, wave energy weapons, genetic weapons and psychotronic weapons based upon new physics principles. Obviously, Russia intends to go down the same path of directed energy weapons research that the United States has long been on. The unfortunate truth regarding this type of technology is the ease with which it can be used remotely and non-consensually on the public without the recommended safeguards of an Institutional Review Board or any appreciable ethical oversight. In the United States this research is typically done clandestinely under the guise of national security concerns just as the NSA electronic data mining was done which is currently being covered in the LIBE Committee.

Over the last decade I have consulted with thousands of people in the United States complaining of exposure and experimentation with electromagnetic weapons technologies which include, but are not limited to, complaints of mood alteration, heart palpitations, involuntary body movements, severe headaches, blurred vision, burns to the skin, non-consensual micro-chipping and neurocognitive perturbation. It is my belief, based upon former and current publically released government research documents as well as victims complaints of torture, that this technology is being used in a non-consensual manner on the global public.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you for meeting with our representative from the International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies and taking the time out of your busy schedule to hear these complaints and read my letter. On behalf of the whole of humanity, I sincerely hope that these technologies will eventually be addressed in the Subcommittee on Human Rights of the European Parliament, as the use of these currently can only be described as torture and dehumanizing.

Thank You,

Dr. John R. Hall, D.O.
5282 Medical Drive # 200, San Antonio, Texas 78229, USA
tel: 210-614-6432


Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627


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Dear Torture Victims and Friends

Here is the reply I received from the American Civil Liberties Union – ACLU – Oregon.

Please email them telling them that these electronic torture, abuse and experimentation crimes against humanity are the most serious violations of human rights and civil liberties of our times.

Tell them that these are extreme abuses of Government and Security Agency’s powers and that there is an urgent need for them to make an “impact case” of these.

Send them your petition, information and/or torture and abuse case summaries.

The more petitions, information and torture and abuse case summaries they receive the better.

Please use all the email addresses so that they all know about us.

THE ACLU –  THE AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERIRES UNION,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Here is their reply to me-

ACLU – American Civil Liberties Union
PO Box 40585, Portland, Oregon, 97240
(503) 227 3186                        www.

September 28, 2012

John Finch

Dear Mr Finch

Thank you for contacting the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon. As you may know, the ACLU of Oregon is a small, private, non-profit organization funded entirely by private donations. Typically, the cases we accept are handled by lawyers in private practice who donate their time. As a result, we offer legal assistance in only a small number of cases each year.

Consequently, we must choose cases that most clearly invoke significant civil rights and civil liberties issues. We focus on protecting the rights of individuals to be free from excessive government intrusion and the right to receive equal protection under the law. These liberties include the rights of freedom of speech, press and religion, the right to be treated equally and without discrimination on the basis of race and sex, and the right to be free of abusive police conduct. Among these cases, we are forced to limit our representation to “impact cases” i.e., those that present new legal issues or affect large numbers of people.

We cannot assist in cases that depend on establishing facts. We are generally unable to get involved in disputes between private parties, with private employers, or private organizations. We also cannot intervene in a situation where an attorney has already been retained unless the attorney personally requests assistance, and even then, all the other criteria are still in place.

Based on the above criteria, we have concluded the ACLU is unable to provide you assistance. Please be assured, however, that this does not reflect on the worthiness of your case.

I have enclosed the ACLU of Oregon’s Referral and Information sheet. One of the organizations listed may be able to assist you. I regret we are unable to help you further.

Kevin Diaz
Legal Director

Enclosure: ACLU OF Oregon Referrals and Information

Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627


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Dear Torture Victims and Friends

Here is the reply I received from Amnesty International.

Please email them, in support of John Finch, telling them we urgently need their assistance to investigate and publicise these electronic surveillance, torture, abuse and experimentation crimes against humanity -,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Please email them to support me – you can write in your own language.

Please send your petition, information and/or torture and abuse case summaries to them.

The more petitions, information and torture and abuse case summaries they receive the better.

Please use all the email addresses so that they all know about us.

Please participate!

On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 9:21 PM, <> wrote:

Dear John,

Many thanks for your email.

We regret to inform you that Amnesty International is unable to offer you any assistance as your case does not fall within our areas of work.

We do understand your concerns and desire that action be taken. However, our work is determined by the framework established by Amnesty International members at a global level, and all individual cases that we work on must fall within the terms established by our statute. This does not mean that we consider certain types of human rights, or human rights abuses, to be more important than others. Nor does it mean that we have reached any conclusion as to whether you may have been the victim of a human rights violation. Rather, it means that we must, to be as effective as possible, channel our limited resources towards those areas of work which we have identified as priorities.

We regret that we are unable to assist you, and we do understand the disappointment this must cause. However, we hope you are able to understand the reasons behind this. We do hope that you are able to find the help that you need elsewhere, and that your situation improves.

If you wish to check which kinds of cases Amnesty International can deal with, please check our web page locatedat:

Sorry we are not able to be of further assistance in this matter.


The Communications Team.



Date: 05/07/2012 04:58

Subject: [Website: contact us] electronic torture,abuse and experimentation

Sent by:,


Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627


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