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A very sad and horrible story
First of all, I must send my regards to all the family members of all who died in the very tragic 911.
Because what I am about to reveal is something that is extremely disturbing. Sometimes the Truth can be very disturbing.
On the day of September 3, 2001. I posted an article on an internet newsgroup. I cannot remember the title of that article but in that article, I blasted how Satan became the god of death. How he violated the Ten Commandments and how he wanted the society to violate the Ten Commandments so that he can claim souls with him to hell.
At that time, I did not possess heart knowledge. I only had an intellectual understanding of what was happening. I did follow YAHUSHUA at the time but I was very green spiritually so to speak.
As we all now know, eight days later, America was attacked by 911.
NYC was in complete chaos. But I at the time did not see a connection between my posted article and the tragic event.
I for seven years have been harassed by Hong Kong based Cantonese satanists. Recently I came to the conclusion that they have already received the Mark of the Beast also known as the 666. Once you willfully receive that, you are damned and will be sent to hell. A true believer in YAHUSHUA will never take that Mark. Only those who do not love YAHUSHUA have the possibility of receiving that. Because once you willfully receive that Mark, you belong to the devil.
Now, this is the disturbing part. The devil has his agents everywhere in the world. You know even normal criminals will have a very hard time committing some very cruel and serious crimes. I have reasons to believe that the devil is using some of his most trusted agents to set up a New World Order. He will demand these agents to take that Mark in order for them to be trusted by him. Not only that, once a person has taken that Mark, his mind will no longer function like ordinary people, he will be free from his own conscience. These agents are the most dangerous criminals on earth at this time because they can do the dirtiest work for the devil. They are totally beast like in nature.
What if my article infuriated the devil and he used his agents to orchestrated 911? The Satanists I am currently at war with have already confessed to me long ago that they wanted to start WW3 and they hated America. They wanted the money and positions in power in the satanic New World Order but was frustrated by my investigation of the devil's secret society known as the illuminati that I started since 1999. They hate me with a vengeance because they did not get the money they wanted. One more thing which is worthy of mentioning is that 911 has a lot of occult signatures. The devil and his agents are definitely behind it.
So I am here to warn people to get saved and do YAHUSHUA our Saviour's will for divine protection every where. Because the devil has unleashed his beast like agents to do his dirtiest work. We need to stand with God and be Holy in order to combat this serious threat of humanity.
A word on the nature of his beast like agents:
The ones I come across are Hong Kong based low lives.
They are very cunning.
They speak to lie, to deceive, to attack, to make threats and to insult.
They get easily offended by love.
Anything that is related to God and love. They will hate and attack.
They love to attack the Holy Trinity.
Either by their words or action.
They are totally cursed, so that they minds and thinking are totally twisted. They will try to get the things they want through cunning and subtle means. They hate the truth and exist in their own illusions. They do not connect with reality.
They are capable of doing any kind of evil you can imagine.
They are truly an abomination.
They never cease doing evil just like the devil.
They have very little self control.
They love to attack me by causing various parts of my skin to itch.
Especially my facial skin.
They hate all virtues from God.
They love all vices from the devil.
They love to harass and intimidate people to show their puny power.
They love to threaten me by suggesting me to fear them.
But I am motivated by God to expose their evil acts and evil nature so I am not afraid of them.
To be honest, I am willing to give up my own life to expose their horrible deeds for the sake of humanity.
The satanists/beasts who are harassing me are very afraid of this information to come out. The one thing they are afraid most is the truth.
I am doing all this in the service of my dear God and mankind.
I will keep posting important information to warn the people as directed by YAHUSHUA.
Originally dated June 16, 2014 at 22:29.
As a victim of torture, what can I say? What can I do? Toronto Police, Canadian torturers are now hacking me everything. I tweeted FIDH, OMCT, HRC…
Natomas community crime! I am terrorized nonstop by a group of families from Natomas they spy in my home slander me daily they verbally abuse me for more than 15 hours a day every day they threaten to kill me...
From: Marilyn Stefanile <>
Date: Aug 1, 2008 10:20 AM
Subject: Email from Peter O'Callaghan
Dear Mr Finch
I have received your email expressing your complaints in relation to the matters referred to.
I confirm that I am the Independent Commissioner appointed by the Archdiocese of Melbourne to enquire into allegations of sexual abuse by priests, religious and lay persons within the Archdiocese of Melbourne.
I note your serious concerns, but they do not fall within my jurisdiction. I sympathise with your concerns, but am unable to assist you.
Yours sincerely
Peter J O'Callaghan - Independent Commissioner
Telephone: 9225 7979
On Thursday, Tim in New York met with State Senator Eric Adams, a boyhood friend of his who is has recently met with some TI's regarding our issues. I wrote about him in the newsletter a couple of weeks ago. He has been reviewing informational material from us for the past 2-3 weeks.
In the meeting, Rep. Adams stated that he wants to hold hearings concerning OS/EH harassment in February. He's asking that we send a brief summary of our harassment for his review to: The hearing is open to the public. Therefore, anyone anywhere in New York state, the country or the globe can give their testimony or attend. For clarity and time considerations he is reviewing the summaries submitted for testimony. The location for the hearing will be New York City. The exact address has not been determined. We'll of course have a group of expert witnesses to address the senators about the technology and the psychology of the abuses as well. We've provided him a suggested list of experts who have expressed their willingness to testify. Those people he plans to contact and interview personally.
He also mentioned that he wants media involvement, which he could generate. And that this hearing would be the start of spinoff hearings in other states and would ultimately result in a congressional hearing.
It would certainly be beneficial if there were some other state representatives that could work with him on this hearing. Hopefully, we will find others who will come forward to lend their support to these issues.
One last comment: Scheduling of the hearing is the first step. Completing the hearing is the goal. And 5 1/2 months to go gives the stalkers plenty of time for mischief. Those that were around last year will remember the television show that we were all counting on, only to have it cancelled just days before taping. And the Firecracker Films documentary that never materialized. And numerous television and newspaper reporters that contacted us and never heard from again. So we've got to remember that something of this magnitude may encounter perp interference. What I'm suggesting is that for all who are believers that we need to remain in prayer for this event - for Senator Adams and for the success of the hearing. Also keep in mind that the month of February in New York could bring issues with the weather, which the perps have been known to bring on at just the exact time. So please keep all these things in mind as we pray, and pray believing. Personally, my belief is that we can only succeed in this struggle with God's help. A word to the wise is sufficient.
All this will be discussed at the conference call this Saturday night. And if there's time, Dale Wahl will join us to talk about his project.
For further questions or comments about the state hearing, please contact Tim in New York at:
September 13, 2008 by Rudy Andria
Only 3 lawyers turned up, the other 3 were held up at their offices at the last moment and briefly chatted with us on the phone.
1.They all know about the existence of various technological means which violate the fundamental human rights of innocent people , they know the existence of non lethal weapons and of highly sophisticated psychological pressures.
2.They do not have the slightest doubt about some governments' participation in influencing or even destroying the free will of some people.
3.They know that the exposure of such practices usually provokes sniggering and those who dare to complain are either made fun of or accused of paranoia.
Paranoia , of course, does exist and as it is characterized by an excessive mistrust of other people's acts or an excessive mistrust of power, it affects every social relationship and makes it possible to justify exclusion .
4.Utmost rigour and precision are therefore required when exposing the attacks on the victims' integrity, privacy and freedom of thought by invisible means. .
It is only by building up impeccable fact-files supported by official reports and scientific studies that public opinion worldwide can be sensitized and made aware of the problem.
It is only under these conditions of rigour and precision that the 3 lawyers present will agree to put the case for the defence.
The 3 lawyers all agreed on the following points:
Our difficulty is that we have practically no legal evidence of the attacks, so we have to make do with:
a) statistics
b) similarities in symptoms and experiences
c) similarities of torture cases
d) existence of weapons'patents
e) existence of the technology patents for the use of V2K
f) complicity of a number of psychiatrists worldwide
G) the highly probable involvement of many governments ( two lawyers referred to the example of helicopters and said that not many people can afford to maintain aircrafts. Flights are logged and the airspace they are in is recorded).
Rudy Andria
September 13, 2008
I've forgotten to add 1 point: the 3 lawyers think that our first help should come from the parliamentarians, because they are the ones who make the laws.
21. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT – The Office of the Prosecutor
INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT – The Office of the Prosecutor
Our Reference: OTP-CR-70/07
The Hague, Monday, 29 September 2008
Dear Sir/Madam
On behalf of the Prosecutor, I thank you for your communication received 21/2/2007, as well as any subsequent related information.
As you may know, the International Criminal Court (“the ICC” or “the Court”) is governed by the Rome Statute, which entrusts the court with a very specific and carefully defined jurisdiction and mandate. A fundamental feature of the Rome Statute is that the Court may only exercise jurisdiction over persons for the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, namely genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, as defined in the Rome Statute (Articles 6 to 8). The Court may only exercise jurisdiction over crimes committed on or after 1 July 2002 (Article 11). In addition, the Court may only exercise jurisdiction over crimes committed on the territory of a State that has accepted the jurisdiction of the Court or by a national of such a State (Article 12), or where the Security Council refers the situation to the Court 9Article 13).
Accordingly, I regret to advise you that your communication appears to relate to matters outside the jurisdiction of the Court. The Prosecutor has therefore confirmed that there is not a basis at this time to proceed with further analysis. The information you have submitted will be maintained in our archives, and the decision not to proceed may be reconsidered if new facts or evidence provide a reasonable basis to believe that a crime the jurisdiction of the Court has been committed.
I hope you will appreciate that with the defined jurisdiction of the Court, many serious allegations will be beyond the reach of this institution to address, I note in this regard that the ICC is designed to complement, not replace national jurisdictions. Thus, if you wish to pursue this matter further, you may consider raising it with other appropriate national or international authorities.
I am grateful for your interest in the ICC. If you would like to learn more about the work of the ICC, I invite you to visit our website at .
John Finch
5/8 Kemp Street, Thornbury, Vic, 3071, Australia
Yours sincerely
M.P. Dillon
Head of the Information & Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands
TEL: 31-70-5158515 FAX: 31-70-5158555
P.O. BOX 412, KING CITY, MO 64463
Tel: 660-535-6664
To Whom It May Concern:
I have worked for 3 years with Microwave and Electronic Harassment victims throughout the US and overseas. It is hard for others to understand the technology that is being used to destroy people’s lives. I know James because he contacted me for help. James has worked to find proof of what has happened to him.
Many victims try hard to get help from professional doctors to help find devices such as Veri-Chip. I would request that you and those who can make a difference would help James and others to find answers.
5th District State Representative
Dear Mr. Finch,
I wish to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail of 3 October 2008 which will be brought to the Taoiseach's attention as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
David King
Assistant Private Secretary to the Taoiseach
Telephone: 01-6194020
E-mail: , ,
The Department of the Taoiseach is committed to providing a professional, efficient and courteous service to all our customers. To view the Customer Charter, please click on
23. MR NIGEL FARRAGE, MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, from UKIP ( United Kingdom Independence and Democracy Party), BRUSSELS, EUROPE 30/1/09
Dear Mr Finch
Thank you for this account of your hideous experiences and the technology, which might have been used to occasion them.
The UK Independence Party is supporting the initiative, by Dr Walter Madlinger, to demonstrate such matters to an expert audience, at the Ettlingen Conference on Non-Lethal Weapons, on 11th May, this year, and I would encourage you to attend, if you are not already planning to do so.
Yours sincerely
Andrew S. Reed
(Office of Nigel Farage, Brussels)
Dear John,
Thank you for speaking out against the abuse of the "state secrets" doctrine. We know your time is limited, and we appreciate your efforts to protect civil liberties.
The ACLU works daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country. We need your support now more than ever as we work to restore liberties lost over the last eight years. If you have a moment, please make a donation today. Visit
Thanks again for taking action. We'll keep you up-to-date on this important legislation.
Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director, ACLU
Dear Sir (Mr John Finch)
I am writing in reply of your email of 9 April 2009 in which you come back on your earlier complaint 1568/2006/(AVM)OV.
You allege that some extreme and horrendous criminality is being conducted by agencies related to the US government with the complicity of many other government and security agencies. You state that victims as you are being subjected to torture and mental and physical destruction and that this has remained completely unreported. You state that, more particularly, you are being completely mutilated and neutralised by electro-magnetic radiation and that you are “brain-broadcasted”.
As I already informed you in my letters of 22 June and 14 September 2006, I have unfortunately no power to intervene in this matter, because your allegations are not directed against a European Union institution or body.
However given that you are residing in Australia, I would like to repeat my earlier advice that, in case you have an allegation against an Australian government agency, you might consider contacting the Australian Ombudsman:
Commonwealth Ombudsman
National Office
GPO Box 442, Canberra ACT 2601
Ground Floor, I Farrell Place
Canberra City ACT 2600
I regret I cannot be of further assistance.
Yours sincerely,
The European Ombudsman
1 Ave President Robert Schumann – CS 30403 – F-67001 strasbourg Cedex
TEL: 33 (0)3.88.172313 – fax: 33 (0)3.88.179062 –
EA1470971 – HSJB
Dear Mr Finch
The Premier has received your recent email concerning your reported experiences in Russia, Turkey and China.
As the subject you have raised primarily relates to areas of Australian Government responsibility, Mr Rees is unable to be of direct assistance.
Accordingly, the opportunity has been taken to bring the terms of your approach to the attention of the Australian Government.
Yours sincerely
Emanuel Sklavounos
for Director General
Prof. Dr. Adrian Eugen Hollaender,
Chairman of The Austrian Fundamental Rights Conference,
Human Rights Seminar Instructor at the University of Vienna
Dear Mr. Finch:
If you wish, I could examine the case under the legal perspective and write a legal expertise on it that you can use in the complaint procedures.
Prof. Hollaender
Dear Sir (Mr John Finch)
I am writing in reply to your emails of 10, 11, 17 and 18 August 2009 in which you come back on your earlier complaint 1568/2006/(AVM)OV concerning your “directed energy and neurological weapons torture, degradation and mutilation case” you also sent me a “list of the crimes committed by the NWO criminals”.
As I already informed you in my letters 22 June and 14 September 2006, and 8 May 2009, I unfortunately have no power to intervene in this matter.
I regret that I cannot be of further assistance to you in this case
Yours sincerely,
The European Ombudsman
1 Ave President Robert Schumann – CS 30403 – F-67001 strasbourg Cedex
TEL: 33 (0)3.88.172313 – fax: 33 (0)3.88.179062 –
REF: MF/MK (2010/01/07)
Dear Mr Finch
Further to our recent meeting, I have written to the Attorney General, Robert McClelland requesting that your suspicion about constant monitoring of your life by ASIO and the Australian Federal Police be investigated.
You will be advised of any response I receive from the Attorney General.
Best wishes for 2010
Yours sincerely
Federal Member for Batman, Minister for Resource and Energy, Minister for Tourism
Correspondence reference: 2010/505
File reference: 2009/62
24 March 2010
Mr John Finch,
Dear Mr Finch
Thank you for your email of 16 March 2010 asking for protection from surveillance, torture and abuse. I have read your email and note that you believe you are being tortured and abused by ‘directed energy and neuroligical weapons’ by United States government agencies with the complicity of other governments and security agencies.
Before responding to your specific concerns, it is appropriate that I inform you a little about the role and functions of my office.
The Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security (IGIS) has general oversight responsibilities for each of the six Australian intelligence agencies. The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) is Australia’s domestic security agency and is therefore the Australian intelligence agency most likely to have interaction with Australian persons. The focus of ASIO’s work is on countering terrorism, discouraging people who may act violently for political reasons, and discouraging people who seek to clandestinely obtain sensitive government information or otherwise harm Australia’s interests in order to further their own causes or the interests of foreign governments.
Other ASIO functions include collecting foreign intelligence within Australia, and providing security assessments and protective security advice.
Based on my experience as IGIS for nearly six years, I can assure you that neither ASIO nor any agency within the Australian Intelligence Community (AIC) has the resources, motivation or legal authority to harm individuals in the way you describe.
I am confident in making this assertion because ASIO and the other AIC agencies are each subjected to intensive and frequent review by this office, to ensure that they conduct their business within the bounds of the law, and in a professional and ethical manner. I can also assure you that the inspection regime undertaken by my office is very thorough.
You have also raised the possibility that a foreign intelligence service might be involved in the activities you described. ASIO has a functional interest in monitoring any such activity, and in turn my office closely examines ASIO’s activities in this area. On the basis of the material available to me, I do not believe that they are negligent in this regard.
I should also tell you that I do not have any jurisdiction over any foreign intelligence services, but despite this would regard it as highly improbable that they would target any member of the Australian public who is simply going about their ordinary business.
While I don’t doubt that you have experienced a range of issues that are of concern to you, none of the AIC agencies have the capabilities or motivation to do what you describe.
If you believe you have been the subject of a crime, you have the option of discussing this with your local police.
While my office is unable to directly assist you, I nonetheless hope that the above information is both helpful and reassuring to you.
On behalf of
Ian Carnell, Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
P +61 2 6271 5692 | F +61 2 6271 5696 |
Directorate A Registry
Dear Mr Finch
I am writing in reply to your email of 1st March in which you complained about alleged acts of torture by electronic weapons and mutilations on certain people ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Having concluded that your complaint is outside the European Ombudsman’s mandate, I wish you every success in finding a positive outcome to the matter you raised in your complaint.
Yours Sincerely
Peter Bonnor
Head of Registry
European Ombudsman
On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 10:59 PM, Euro-Ombudsman <> wrote:
Dear Mr Murray,
I am writing in reply to your e-mail of 19 April 2012 in which you asked for help in your matter concerning among others mind control.
I would like to inform you that the role of the European Ombudsman is to investigate complaints alleging maladministration in the activities of the European institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, such as the European Commission and the European Parliament. No action by any other authority or person may be the subject of a complaint to the Ombudsman. Only EU citizens or residents in the territory of the Union may lodge a complaint with the European Ombudsman (Art. 2 (2) of the Statute of the European Ombudsman.
From the above also follows that the Ombudsman is not in a position to help you in your matter, since it does not fall within his mandate.
I hope this information suits you well.
Best regards,
European Ombudsman
Zuzana Vaníčková
T. +33 (0)3 88 17 23 28
1 avenue du Président Robert Schuman, CS 30403, F - 67001 Strasbourg Cedex
T. + 33 (0)3 88 17 23 13
F. + 33 (0)3 88 17 90 62
From: joe murray []
Sent: 26 April 2012 03:27
To: Euro-Ombudsman
Subject: Re: Please help us to get this electronic torture, abuse and experimentation stopped
thanks - I'm an EU (UK) citizen and I'm complaining about maladministration in the EU Instititutions and Agencies that are supposed to protect us from these tortures and abuses.
For example the ECHR and EUROPOL.
john finch
From: Euro-Ombudsman <>
Date: Thu, May 10, 2012 at 6:39 PM
Subject: RE: Please help us to get this electronic torture, abuse and experimentation stopped
To: joe murray <>
Dear Mr Finch,
Thank you for your further e-mail. From the information provided, it is not clear what are exactly your allegation(s) and claim(s) and against which institutions you wish to complaint against.
I would like to reiterate in this regards that complaint concerning ECHR is outside the Ombudsman's remit. Please note, in this regard, that the European Court of Human Rights was established by the European Convention on Human Rights, signed by the Member States of the Council of Europe. The European Court of Human Rights was not created by or under the EU Treaties and, consequently, it is not a European Union institution, body, office or agency. The European Ombudsman is therefore not entitled to deal with complaints against the European Court of Human Rights.
Should you nevertheless wish to complain to the Ombudsman, you are free to do so. However, please note that the complaint shall be made within two years of the date on which the facts on which it is based came to the attention of the person lodging the complaint and must be preceded by the appropriate administrative approaches to the institutions and bodies concerned (Art. 2 (4) of the Statute of the European Ombudsman). Moreover, the facts of the complaint must not be, or have been, subject to judicial proceedings (Art. 1 (3) of the Statute of the European Ombudsman).
If these criteria are fulfilled and you wish to complain against an EU institution, you could consider using the form for complaints, available on the Ombudsman's website:
I hope you will find this information useful.
European Ombudsman
Zuzana Vaníčková
T. +33 (0)3 88 17 23 28
1 avenue du Président Robert Schuman, CS 30403, F - 67001 Strasbourg Cedex
T. + 33 (0)3 88 17 23 13
F. + 33 (0)3 88 17 90 62
32. The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), KRISTINA BORROR, DIRECTOR, 25/4/12
Borror, Kristina C (HHS/OASH)
25 April 2012 03:50
Dear Mr. Child
The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) has received your June 28, 2011, January 15, and April 18, 2012 emails regarding electronic torture, abuse and experimentation.
OHRP has responsibility for oversight of compliance with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regulations for the protection of human research subjects (see 45 CFR Part 46 at In carrying out this responsibility, OHRP evaluates, at OHRP’s discretion, substantive allegations of noncompliance involving human subject research projects conducted or supported by HHS or that are otherwise subject to the regulations (see OHRP memorandum dated October 14, 2009 at for an explanation of OHRP’s jurisdiction).
OHRP has jurisdiction only if the allegations involve human subject research (a) conducted or supported by HHS, or (b) conducted at an institution holding an applicable Assurance of Compliance with the HHS regulations.
Neither of these conditions appear to be met by the circumstances described in your letter. Therefore, OHRP will not be able to pursue the matter on your behalf.
OHRP appreciates your concern about the protection of human research subjects.
Kristina C. Borror, Ph.D.
Director, Division of Compliance Oversight
On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 9:21 PM, <> wrote:
Dear John,
Many thanks for your email.
We regret to inform you that Amnesty International is unable to offer you any assistance as your case does not fall within our areas of work.
We do understand your concerns and desire that action be taken. However, our work is determined by the framework established by Amnesty International members at a global level, and all individual cases that we work on must fall within the terms established by our statute. This does not mean that we consider certain types of human rights, or human rights abuses, to be more important than others. Nor does it mean that we have reached any conclusion as to whether you may have been the victim of a human rights violation. Rather, it means that we must, to be as effective as possible, channel our limited resources towards those areas of work which we have identified as priorities.
We regret that we are unable to assist you, and we do understand the disappointment this must cause. However, we hope you are able to understand the reasons behind this. We do hope that you are able to find the help that you need elsewhere, and that your situation improves.
If you wish to check which kinds of cases Amnesty International can deal with, please check our web page locatedat:
Sorry we are not able to be of further assistance in this matter.
The Communications Team.
Date: 05/07/2012 04:58
Subject: [Website: contact us] electronic torture,abuse and experimentation
Sent by:,
Erminia Mazzoni
Chairman, Committee on Petitions
European Parliament
B-1047 Brussels
tel: 32 2 2842111
fax: 32 2 2846844
I acknowledge the receipt of your recent correspondence dated 14/6/12 to the Committee on Petitions.
This will be added to the file of Mr Babacek on alleged use of mind control systems in the EU
(they then included this copy of the letter sent to Mr Mojmir Babacek on 19/7/12)
Dear Mr Babacek
Thank you for having submitted your petition to the European Parliament for its consideration. It was examined in order to assess whether the issue which you raise, falls clearly within the fields of activity of the European Union for which we are competent.
Unfortunately, I have to inform you that this was not the case, and I am therefore obliged to file your request without being able to take matters any further, pursuant to Article 201 (8) of our Rules of Procedure.
yours sincerely
Erminia Mazzoni
Committee on Petitions
from: Bill of Rights Defense Committee,,
to: john finch
date: Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 7.23am
Re: TO THE BILL OF RIGHTS DEFENSE COMMITTEE – We are a group of over 1300 electronic torture, abuse and experimentation victims – please assist us
Dear John,
Thank you for taking the time to write.
The Bill of Rights Defense Committee advocates and organizes grassroots support for constitutional rights based on the facts reported by national media. We simply don't have the resources to do investigative journalism.
Therefore, BORDC has no institutional position on whether mind control is happening. We take the facts as they're reported, and build a grassroots response.
Wishing all of you the very best,
Barbara Haugen, Administrator
Bill of Rights Defense Committee
8 Bridge Street, Suite A
Northampton, MA 01060
from: International Federation Secretariat
to: john finch <
date: Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 6:34 PM
mailed by:
Your email has reached the International Federation based in Geneva, Switzerland.
Your message has been received and read with concern. Although we would like to help, we regret to inform you that the Secretariat of the International Federation is not in a position to assist you on this matter.
For your information, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is a federation of National Societies which works to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. For doing this, it operates through and in agreement with National Societies and does not respond to individuals for personal assistance.
We suggest, therefore, that you contact the National Society based in your country and submit your request for support directly to them. Contact addresses can be found on our web site in the "directory" section.
We hope that you can find the support you need and wish you all the best.
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
ACLU – American Civil Liberties Union
PO Box 40585, Portland, Oregon, 97240
(503) 227 3186 www.
September 28, 2012
John Finch
Dear Mr Finch
Thank you for contacting the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon. As you may know, the ACLU of Oregon is a small, private, non-profit organization funded entirely by private donations. Typically, the cases we accept are handled by lawyers in private practice who donate their time. As a result, we offer legal assistance in only a small number of cases each year.
Consequently, we must choose cases that most clearly invoke significant civil rights and civil liberties issues. We focus on protecting the rights of individuals to be free from excessive government intrusion and the right to receive equal protection under the law. These liberties include the rights of freedom of speech, press and religion, the right to be treated equally and without discrimination on the basis of race and sex, and the right to be free of abusive police conduct. Among these cases, we are forced to limit our representation to “impact cases” i.e., those that present new legal issues or affect large numbers of people.
We cannot assist in cases that depend on establishing facts. We are generally unable to get involved in disputes between private parties, with private employers, or private organizations. We also cannot intervene in a situation where an attorney has already been retained unless the attorney personally requests assistance, and even then, all the other criteria are still in place.
Based on the above criteria, we have concluded the ACLU is unable to provide you assistance. Please be assured, however, that this does not reflect on the worthiness of your case.
I have enclosed the ACLU of Oregon’s Referral and Information sheet. One of the organizations listed may be able to assist you. I regret we are unable to help you further.
Kevin Diaz
Legal Director
Enclosure: ACLU OF Oregon Referrals and Information
1425 New York Avenue, NW, Suite C-100, Washington, DC 20005
PHONE 202-233-3960 FAX 202-233-3990 WWW.BIOETHICS.GOV
July 27, 2011
Dear Commenter:
We are writing to advise you on our ongoing work and plans for the next meeting of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues. We appreciate the time that you have taken to engage with us.
We would like to clarify for your information that the Commission is not investigating or reviewing any concerns or complaints concerning claims about targeted individuals. This includes claims concerning: MK-ULTRA; COINTELPRO; electromagnetic torture or attacks; organized stalking; remove influencing; microwave harassment; covert harassment and surveillance; human tracking; psychotronic or psychotropic weapons and radio frequency or military weapons or other claims.
As such the Commission will not hear further testimony on these subjects. Many of these issues have been investigated in the past. The Commission is not a law enforcement, regulatory or legislative body. It does not control any federal monies. In addition, the Commission has no involvement with the public or private grants and has no power to open or undertake criminal cases.
As advisors to the President, we will ensure that all of your concerns, information and testimony are provided to the White House. We sincerely appreciate your interest in the work of the Commission and the time you have taken to share your personal history with us.
Valerie H. Bonham
Executive Director
Our Reference: OTP-CR-70/07/002
The Hague, Tuesday 27 November 2012
John Finch
Dear Sir/Madam
On behalf of the Prosecutor, I acknowledge receipt of your communication received on 1/10/2012.
According to our records, you have sent three or more communications to the Office of the Prosecutor dealing with matters which are substantially the same as those already examined by it.
As noted in our previous responses, the matter described in your communication does not appear to fall within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (“the Court”), and the Prosecutor has confirmed that there is not a basis to proceed with further analysis in the absence of new facts or evidence.
The Office has carefully examined your latest communication and has re-confirmed that it does not introduce new facts or evidence altering the conclusion that there is not a basis to proceed under the Statute.
I hope you will understand that the Court is governed by Rome Statute, which provides a very specific and carefully defined jurisdiction and mandate over the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, under strict conditions specified under the Statute. As a result, many serious allegations will be beyond the reach of this institution to address.
Please understand that, given our carefully defined mandate and limited resources, where a person submits a succession of communications or seeks repeatedly to introduce the same matter, the Office is not able to continue further correspondence with that person on subsequent related communications.
Yours Sincerely
M.P. Dillon
Head of the Information & Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
PO Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands
TEL: +31 70 5158515
FAX: +31 70 5158555
from: Petitions OHCHR <>
date: Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 8:12 PM
subject: Re: Fw: Dear Torture Victims and Friends - Attached are our updated over 1400 electronic torture, abuse and experimentation victims’ case summaries
Dear Sir,
Thank you for alerting us to your case. We have examined your email with attention and we nonetheless regret that the United Nations Secretariat is unable to assist you in the circumstances of your case.
Yours sincerely,
Petitions and Inquiries Section (Section des requêtes et des enquêtes)
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Pallais des Nations
CH-1211 Genève 10
Fax: +41 22 9179022
from: Heena Khaled
date: Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 3:19 AM
subject: Enquiry Response-Psychotronic Weapons
Dear John,
Many thanks for your email, requesting help from the Open Society Justice Initiative .
We appreciate that you consider us a source for help and are always willing to provide assistance to victims within our reach whom we can provide expert assistance to. However, it is unfortunate that on this occasion the Open Society Justice Initiative cannot provide you the assistance you require, as we do not work in this field at the present moment.
We hope you find the support you require and sincere apologies,
Best Regards,
Heena Khaled | Administrative Associate |Open Society Justice Initiative
Open Society Foundation, 7th Floor, Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London SW1P 4QP United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 7031 0256 Fax:+44 (0)20 7031 0201
from: Petitions OHCHR
to: MCmailteam International
date: 26 februari 2013 05:26
subject: Re: DEAR MS NAVANETHEM PILLAY and the OHCHR - 中国受害者告全世界人民书 An Announcement To The Whole World By Chinese Victims Of Directed Energy And Psychotronic Weapons
Dear Sir or Madam,
We acknowledge receipt of your message of 22 February 2013. May we suggest that you refer to our website for information about the procedures for the examination of individual petitions on human rights violations :, (direct link If you have difficulty accessing our website, please write to the OHCHR, Information Office PW-RS-011, 1211 Geneva 10, and ask for Human Rights Fact Sheets Nos. 7, 12, 15 and 17.
Please carefully examine the information referred to above and, if you think that your complaint falls within a mandate of one of the UN treaty-bodies, resubmit it to this treaty-body (Committee) with duly filled-in complaint form and copies of all supporting documents.
A staff member of the Petitions and Inquiries Section
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Pallais des Nations
CH-1211 Genève 10
Fax: +41 22 9179022
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 6:20 PM
Dear Mr Baird,
The President of the European Parliament (EP), Mr Martin Schulz, has received your message concerning Parliamentary Resolution A4-0005/99 and the progress since its adoption.
The Citizens' Enquiry Service of the EP has been asked to reply.
On 6 March 2008, a written question was put to the Commission, asking what action has been taken by the EU since this call was made. If you wish to read the question in full, as well as the Commission's reply, please consult the following webpage.
Since you also refer to the recent NSA surveillance issues, please note that this was a subject of debate at the plenary session in the European Parliament on 3 July. If you wish to consult the debate in full, please click here.
In this regard, the EP adopted a resolutionon 4 July which was approved by 483 votes to 98 with 65 abstentions. According to the press releaseon 8 July, the resolution instructs the EP's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs(LIBE) to conduct an "in-depth" enquiry into the US surveillance programmes, including the bugging of EU institutions and other spying allegations. The President of the EP, as well as political group leaders, formally confirmed the launch of the enquiry.
In the first hearing, held on 5 September, concerns were voiced by MEPs and key journalists on the impact of US National Security Agency and other surveillance programmes on EU citizens' privacy and media freedom and the lack of democratic oversight of these programmes. For further information, please consult this link.
Finally, to stay informed about the EP's current and future activities please consult our website.
We hope this is of interest and thank you for contacting the European Parliament.
Yours sincerely,
Citizens' Enquiry Service
European Parliament
44. The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), KRISTINA BORROR, DIRECTOR, 6/11/13
Dear Mr. Finch:
The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) has received your November 03, 2013 concerning your experiences.
OHRP has responsibility for oversight of compliance with the Health and Human Services (HHS) regulations for the protection of human research subjects (see 45 CFR Part 46 at In carrying out this responsibility, OHRP evaluates, at OHRP’s discretion, substantive allegations of noncompliance involving human subject research projects conducted or supported by HHS or that are otherwise subject to the regulations (see OHRP memorandum dated October 14, 2009 at for an explanation of OHRP’s jurisdiction).
OHRP has determined that it does not have jurisdiction over the matters referenced in your letter. Therefore, OHRP will not be able to pursue this matter on your behalf.
OHRP appreciates your concern about the protection of human research subjects.
Kristina C. Borror, Ph.D.
Division of Compliance Oversight
Borror, Kristina C (HHS/OASH)
45. The Justice Ministry of Denmark, 16/12/13
Ministry of Justice
Date: 16 December 2013
Office: Security and Prevention Division
Contact: Christian Lund Hansen
Our ref..: 2013-1914-0082
Doc.: 1007043
John Finch
The Ministry of Justice has received your e-mail of 18 November 2013 regarding surveillance.
The ministry has read your e-mail but does not find reason to take further action in light of your enquiry.
Yours sincerely
Rasmus Krogh Pedersen
Slotsholmsgade 10, DK-1216 København K.
Phone +45 7226 8400
Fax +45 3393 3510
From OTP InformationDesk
To John Finch <>,
mcmailteam <>
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your message. Please note that the International Criminal Court has a very limited jurisdiction. The Court may only address the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes as defined by Articles 6 to 8 of the Rome Statute that have occurred after 2002, and can only exercise jurisdiction in the countries that have ratified it. For more information on the Court’s jurisdiction and the full text of the Rome Statute, please refer to page 2 of the attached document and our website, We encourage you to carefully review this information.
If, after your careful review, you still believe the ICC is the correct place for your case and would like to submit a claim to the Court, then please follow the directions for how to do so on page 1 of the attached document. If you decide to submit information, kindly use only this email address :
Kind regards,
OTP Information Desk
International Criminal Court
From Amul Kalia
Thank you for contacting the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).
Unfortunately, the situation you describe is outside of EFF's area of focus. And we will not be able to represent you. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is a small, grassroots legal advocacy non-profit focused on defending civil liberties and constitutional rights online with very limited resources. EFF focuses on impact litigation at the federal level--usually questions or legal concepts never before seen by the courts. As such, we have a very important but narrowly focused mission and are not equipped to address all issues outside that limited scope. However, your local bar association should be able to refer you to an attorney for an initial consultation for a small fee.
I am sorry that we are unable to directly represent you and wish you the best of luck.
Amul Kalia
Electronic Frontier Foundation
(415) 436-9333
Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627
We hope you're ok.
After having submitted OUR ELECTRONIC TORTURE, ABUSE AND EXPERIMENTATION CASES and numerous other letters & Petitions detailing the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history to most Governments, Security/Intelligence Agencies, International Organizations, Religious Organisations, Human Rights Organizations, Universities, Scientific and other Institutions, and the International Media all over the world - over and over and over again - appealing for assistance, protection and/or publicity we have received the responses listed below.
Other TARGETED INDIVIDUALS, all over the world, who are being subjected to similar torture and abuse, have had their appeals for justice, protection, assistance and/or publicity similarly almost completely ignored and/or suppressed – whether presented as GROUP PETITIONS or INDIVIDUALLY!!
Some of our ELECTRONIC TORTURE, ABUSE AND EXPERIMENTATION CASES detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, ‘mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations:-
There are MANY, MANY others, all over the world, who are being subjected to similar torture and abuse.
These are extreme and monstrous CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY – indescribably terrible in themselves – coupled with the ORWELLIAN secrecy and denial of any support at all that we are experiencing, makes them even more horrendous and monstrous.
Some TARGETED INDIVIDUALS have been attempting to gain assistance, protection and/or publicity about these crimes since the 1990s - and even earlier - this extends as far back into the history of illegal "scientific and medical" testing and experimentation as COINTELPRO, MKULTRA and the DUPLESSIS ORPHANS - and further.
Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627
THE RESPONSES - 2004-2013:-
Application no. 48661/06
"Dear Sir
I write to inform you that on 15 May 2007 the European Court of Human Rights, sitting as a Committee of three judges (E. Myjer, President, E.Fura-Sandstrom and I.Ziemele) pursuant to Article 27 of the Convention, decided under Article 28 of the Convention to declare the above application inadmissable because it did not comply with the requirements set out in Articles 34 and 35 of the Convention.
In the light of all the material in its possession, and in so far as the matters complained of were within its competence, the Court found that they did not disclose any appearance of a violation of the rights and freedoms set out in the Convention or its Protocols.
This decision is final and not subject to any appeal to either the Court, including its Grand Chamber, or any other body. You will therefore appreciate that the Registry will be unable to provide any further details about the Committee's deliberations or to conduct further correspondence relating to its decision in this case. You will receive no further documents from the Court concerning this case and, in accordance with the Court's instructions, the file will be destroyed one year after the date of the decision.
The present communication is made pursuant to Rule 53 & 2 of the Rules of Court.
yours faithfully
For the Committee
S. Naismith Deputy Section Registrar" 2006
"Dear Mr. Finch,
I am writing in reference to your e-mail to the President of the European Parliament.
On behalf of Mr Hans-Gert Pöttering, I thank you for the information you have provided and I can assure you that it has been noted and read with interest.
While the European Parliament supports research activities aimed at creating the knowledge society and strengthening the scientific and technological bases of the Community industry, it has always pointed out the need to respect fundamental ethical principles, including those reflected in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. With regard to the seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007 to 2013), the Parliament has stated in particular that the opinions of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies are and will continue to be taken into account. You may wish to read more details at the following Internet addresses:
Yours sincerely,
Jean-Louis COUGNON
Head of Division
European Parliament
General Directorate for Information
Correspondence with Citizens Unit" 2007
“Dear Sir, Madam
The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court acknowledges receipt of you documents/letter.
This communication has been duly entered in the Communications Register of the Office. We will give consideration to this communication, as appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
As soon as a decision is reached, we will inform you, in writing, and provide you with reasons for this decision.
Yours sincerely
….(illegible) …..
Head of Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor” 2007
see below for their written “decision”.
"Dear Mr. Finch:
Thank you for contacting the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International.
Your abuse documentation is now in our data files. A pattern of abuse may be established by amassing documentation such as yours.
Please understand that CCHR is not a law enforcement or legal agency in any way. We are not an attorney referral service, cannot bring lawsuits against individuals and do not have law enforcement powers. However, we do work with such officials by gathering information such as yours, filing complaints, offering research and other assistance. Any actions performed by CCHR are done as a free public service--we do not charge for our services.
If you decide that you want to file a complaint against a specific psychiatrist or facility, you should send us a full written statement with specific information – names, dates, places, etc. describing the abuse that occurred. If you have questions upon reviewing this letter please contact us.
You can find a wealth of information on psychiatric abuse at website
Lorita O'Leary, CCHR Abuse Case Documenter
Citizens Commission on Human Rights International
6616 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028
(800) 869-CCHR (2247)
"Dear all,
This is just to let everyone know we do take this phenomenon seriously and are looking into ways in which we can convince relevant people to take it seriously as well. We would like to thank all the people who have send in their stories, and will keep you informed if not directly then through Monika Stoces.
Hiermit möchten wir allen wissen lassen das wir dieses phenomen ernst nimmen und versuchen werden andere relevante personen es auch ernst nemen zu lassen. Wir mochten auch gern jeden danken die ihre geschichten gemaild hatten, wir sollen sie informieren uber unsere befindungen von hier oder via Monika Stoces.
kind regards,
Gert Nuyts (assistent)
Patsy Sörensen,Payoke NGO
Leguit 4,2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
T. 0032-3-201.16.90
17/4/08 - no response at all although they have recently filed the following "tip-of-the-iceberg" lawsuit:-
"CCR Files Suit over NSA Domestic Spying Program
Center for Constitutional Rights Believes Privileged Attorney-Client Communications Were Intercepted by NSA without Warrants
In New York, on January 17, 2006, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed a lawsuit against President George W. Bush, the head of the National Security Agency (NSA), and the heads of the other major security agencies, challenging the NSA's surveillance of persons within the United States without judicial approval or statutory authorization. The suit seeks an injunction that would prohibit the government from conducting warrantless surveillance of communications in the U.S. CCR filed the suit in the Federal District Court for the Southern District of New York on its own behalf and on behalf of CCR attorneys and legal staff representing clients who fit the criteria described by the Attorney General for targeting under the NSA Surveillance Program.
As has been widely reported, for over four years the NSA, with the approval of the president, has engaged in a program of widespread warrantless electronic surveillance of telephone calls and emails in violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The suit argues that the NSA Surveillance Program violates a clear criminal law, exceeds the president's authority under Article II of the Constitution, and violates the First and Fourth Amendments. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act explicitly authorizes foreign intelligence electronic surveillance only upon orders issued by federal judges on a special court. It expressly authorizes warrantless wiretapping only for the first fifteen days of a war, and makes it a crime to engage in wiretapping without specific statutory authority. Rather than seeking to amend this statute, the president simply violated it by authorizing warrantless wiretapping of Americans without statutory authority or court approval. As a result,the President violated his oath of office to take care that the laws of this nation are faithfully executed, and instead secretly violated a criminal prohibition duly enacted by Congress.
CCR has been one of the most active opponents of the illegal detention, torture and intelligence gathering practices this administration instituted in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 9/11. As part of its mission to fight violations of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, the Center for Constitutional Rights represents hundreds of men detained indefinitely without charge as "enemy combatants" at Guantanamo Bay; Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen accused of al Qaeda ties and rendered from the United States to Syria for the purpose of being tortured; and Muslim immigrants unreasonably and wrongfully detained in the U.S. for months without probable cause or criminal charges in the wake of 9/11.
In the course of representing these clients, the Center's lawyers have engaged in innumerable telephone calls and e-mails with people outside the United States, including their clients, their clients'families and outside lawyers, potential witnesses, and others. Given that the government has accused many of CCR's overseas clients of being associated with Al Qaeda or of interest to the 9/11 investigation, there is little question that these attorneys have been subject to the NSA Surveillance Program. The Center filed today's lawsuit in order to protect CCR attorneys' right to represent their clients free of unlawful and unchecked surveillance.
CCR Legal Director Bill Goodman said, "On this, the day following Martin Luther King Day, we are saddened that the illegal electronic surveillance that once targeted that great American has again become characteristic of our present government. As was the case with Dr. King, this illegal activity is cloaked in the guise of national security. In reality, it reflects an attempt by the Bush Administration to exercise unchecked power without the inconvenient interference of the other co-equal branches of government."
According to CCR attorney Shayana Kadidal, "The mere existence of the program harms CCR and our attorneys because it serves to inhibittheir ability to institute and effectively litigate these suits."
The Center for Constitutional Rights is represented in the suit by CCR attorneys Bill Goodman, Shayana Kadidal, and Michael Ratner, and CCR cooperating attorney David Cole. Also appearing as an attorney
for CCR, is Professor Michael Avery, president of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), on behalf of the NLG." 2007
“October 10, 2007
Dear Member of the Legislature and Friends:
This letter is to ask for your help for the many constituents in our country who are being affected unjustly by electronic weapons torture and covert harassment groups. Serious privacy rights violations and physical injuries have been caused by the activities of these groups and their use of so-called non-lethal weapons on men, women, and even children.
I am asking you to play a role in helping these victims and also stopping the massive movement in the use of Verichip and RFID technologies in tracking Americans. . . . . .”
Representative Jim Guest EMAIL: ,
Mr Andrew Nunn
Correspondence Secretary
to the Archbishop of Canterbury
OUR REF: 63443
22 MAY 2008
Mr Rudy Andria
Paris, France
Dear Mr Andria
The Archbishop of Canterbury has asked me to write thanking you for your 19th May letter, but to say with regret that he is not in a position to help. He is sorry about that.
Yours Sincerely
14. MEETING WITH MR NIGEL FARRAGE, MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, from UKIP ( United Kingdom Independence and Democracy Party), BRUSSELS, EUROPE 24/6/08
From: FARAGE Nigel
Date: 24 jun. 2008 17:38
To: Monika Stoces
Dear Monika Stoces
Thank you for your mailing - and good luck with your demo at the Strasbourg-site! If you would like to send two people into the buildings, I shall gladly meet them at the entrance to the LOW-building, on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon, and provide them with passes. I should be interested to have a chat.
Please call (0033) 3881 77855 or (0032) 473 622 454, when delegation is ready to enter.
Yours sincerely
Andrew S. Reed
(Office of Nigel Farage)
Dear All
Despite the relatively small number of participants ( 19 ), all in all the Strasburg demo was quite a success. The majority of the victims present were from Germany:
Germany: 9, Italy: 3, Switzerland: 2, Belgium: 2, France:1, Austria: 1 and Morocco: 1
As agreed, Swetlana and Walter Madliger had a chat with Andrew Reed of the Office of MP Nigel Farage. A detailed summary of the meeting will be posted later.
French FR3 TV kept their promise to me and came on Monday 7th to interview us and to film the demo.
This demo not only gave us an intense sense of pleasure and enjoyment of fighting together, but this in turn made us more than ready to indulge in that most human of activities - social interaction- the sharing of experiences and the simple but enduring pleasure of enjoying each other's company and conversation.
Two news editors left messages on my answering machine to apologize for being held up at the last minute and wish to make up for it by inviting me for an interview next week.
One might well think all this is a promising start.
With all good wishes
July 14, 2008
Here is the English version of Swetlana's and Walter's summary-report on their meeting with Andrew Reed of the Office of MEP Nigel Farage. An Italian version will be sent to Paolo's group, later on. Rudy
Summary report on the meeting with Mr Andrew Reed, assistant to Mr Nigel Farage, MEP, from UKIP ( United Kingdom Independence and Democracy Party) on July 8th, 2008 in the Europarliament Low Building in Strasbourg, France, from 1.45 p.m to 3.10 p.m.
Our chat with Mr Andrew Reed could be summed up with the above title. Unfortunately, the delegation of the Strasbourg demonstration,Mrs Swetlana Schunin and myself,Walter Madliger could not speak to Mr Nigel Farage, MEP personally, but he came by for a short while, just to greet us. Mr Andrew Reed not only confirmed the title of this article, but he was also critical of the EU policy, whose relationship with the citizens is generally too impersonal. He explained the mechanisms of political power and their influences on democracy. He gave us an outline of the abuse of power which is easily possible in a democracy and is more and more widespread. This, of course, is very alarming.
The abuse of power is the essence of moral evil. Moral evil occurs, when the authorities refuse to accept the responsibility for the welfare of those who are logically under their care. When there is no close ties with the citizens, moral evil and tort are common practice. The abuse of power is the telltale sign of democracies in crisis. We are governed by a distant political elite,which has lost all contact with the people.
Nobody than we, the victims of mindcontrol and electronic harassment , could have agreed more.
While Mr Andrew Reed tried to make us understand his position and his problems, we tried to get a word in and present our own problems. He asked about the whys and wherefores of this control of the psyche, when it had occured and how it had impacted on us. We gave him a few examples and an update of psychophysical means and weapons, and of the existing laws on their misuse. He took down notes of all this.
In my opinion , he was very well aware of all these means and weapons, and even of the laws, but he did not show how much aware he was. He also seemed to let us understand he has very scarce knowledge of the HAARP issue and the EU-Resolution A4-0005/99, although the UK is one of the most important states, which have participated in the similar EISCAT installations in Norway. He made no comments on our allegations that England used mindcontrol technology in the Northern Ireland Conflict and on the island itself, Greenham Commons in 1988.
We talked about the development and the proliferation of Non-lethal Weapons and the international symposia in Ettlingen, Germany. When we asked him about a possible specific reaction of the EU-Parliament to the problems under discussion, (e.g. in the form of a specific EU-resolution), he could not promise us that he would be able to organize and form a subcommittee for this purpose, nor even a subcommittee for the investigation of our allegations and complaints.
The assenting votes of quite a few delegates would be needed and the party's fraction in the EU-Parliament would be just a bit too small. Whether this statement was 100% true, I doubt a bit, as the overall number of the so-called “Eurosceptics” fraction amounts to 37 , to the best of my knowledge.
In other words, a specific EU-Resolution regarding mindcontrol means and electronic harassment weapons is not yet in sight. Apparently, there is some “understanding” of our complaints, but in the end nobody is willing to really do something about it.
The question we have to ask ourselves is what will everything be like, if we ask the politicians and the governments to forbid and stop the use of the weapons in question on human beings. They are, right now, lining their greedy pockets with a quick profit, they are, right now, making their dictatorial dreams come true . So who wants to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs?
At the end of the meeting, we handed out information material to Mr Andrew Reed ( books of Jim Keith and Mr Gehring and additional info-material, the Smirnov-DVD ). It remains to be seen whether or not Mr Reed will have a look at them. When we pointed out that the fate and the whole future of our children are at stake, Mr Reed agreed and was quite impressed.
At least, the European Parliament has now been informed by a first hand source. Now, they know that there exist citizens who want to fight for the issue and for their most fundamental Human Rights. This issue and that of getting the delegates to support our cause should now be our most important goal.
Here's the English version of Swetlana's report written in German. More to come later. Rudy
The demonstration of European victims took place under the motto "against human experiments with psychophysical weapons" in the French city of Strasburg in front of the European Parliament building on July 7th and at the Council of Europe on July 8th, 2008. One week before the demonstration, we sent information to several editorial staff and TV channels in Strasburg and in other cities of France and Europe. And they did come to the Europarliament on July 7th to support us! The aim of the demonstration was to call the attention of the parliamentarians and the population of Strasburg, to arouse their interest and to ask a press coverage of the issue. In addition, we demanded an extension of the European weapon law which forbids the illegal trading, the illegal possession and the illegal use of psychophysical weapons.
We demanded that an appropriate law put a stop to all kinds of abuse by criminal organisations, and by the military and Secret Services . The organizers of this demonstration in Strasburg were: Swetlana Schunin and Christina Marx from Germany, and Walter Madliger from Switzerland. We have provided flyers in English and German and made posters with the following slogans:
1. Governments are incapable of fighting electromagnetic terror!
2. You might become a victim!
3. Stop psycho-experiments on innocent human beings, immediately!
4. Abusive irradiation technologies on citizens!
5. Prohibition of the control of human subconsciousness!
6. We must put an end to a terrible genocide!
7. Secret services and state criminals are carrying out their experiments remotely!
8. Stop military-medical experiments on peaceful citizens!
9. Brutal tortures and secret murders of innocent people in many countries!
10. Dr. V. Agischev is the criminal head of the "Skvortsova-Stepanova" psychiatric hospital in St. Petersburg!
We called hundreds of European and German victims and emailed lots of invitations. Many victims could not join us for health and financial reasons. But they all sent us short messages saying their thoughts were with us. So, a relatively small number of victims turned up at the demonstration.
We all met at 9.30 a.m on Monday, July 7th in front of the Europarliament. 22 victims altogether turned up from all Europe: 10 from Germany, 3 from Italy, 2 from Russia, 2 from Belgium, 2 from Switzerland, 1 from Austria, 1 from France and 1 from Spain/Morocco. Two supporters from Strasburg joined in with the group later. All demonstrators spared neither time nor efforts throughout the 2-day demonstration. We managed to hand out 800 info sheets to the passers-by, to the parliamentarians and to the tourists in front of the Europarliament and the Council of Europe buildings. Many citizens did show an interest in our problem and some others already knew about this crime.
On Monday 7th, about 11 a.m, two reporters of French TV Channel FR3 came to support us and to make an interview . Some activists told them about this worldwide crime.The press took great interest in our situation. We, therefore, hope that they will give accurate coverage of the whole event. We were particularly impressed at seeing Italian and Moroccan activists Paola Sbronzeri, Paolo Dorigo and Fouzia stopping the cars on the street and handing out flyers to the drivers. Throughout the two-day demonstration our posters helped the passers-by and prospective supporters to understand the whys and wherefores of our action. Although the Secret Services and the French CRS police armed to the teeth controlled our demonstration from start to finish, everything went off quite smoothly.
On the second day, from 10 o'clock onwards we once again informed the tourists, drivers and passers-by at the Council of Europe building. Our posters had a very big effect on the passers-by. In the afternoon, as agreed, Swetlana Schunin and Walter Madliger had a one-hour audience with Andrew Reed of the office of MEP Nigel Paul Farage. We think that this meeting is a promising start for all of us. The central issue is that we were able to call the attention and to arouse the interest of the parliamentarians, the press, the Strasburgers and the foreign tourists with only 24 demonstrators.
The work we did all together throughout the two-day event inspired us and other victims to organise even bigger demonstrations in the future. This European demonstration in Strasburg has shown that we can defeat these brutal barbarians only by joining all our forces. We all think it was a big success. And we had the pleasure of sharing our experiences and of enjoying each other's company in a friendly atmosphere. We will carry on with our common action to save everyone of us from these sadists' cruel tortures, we will keep on fighting so that every man and every child on the planet can live and sleep quietly without tortures and psychological terror!
The organizer of the Strasburg demonstration and president of the "Association Against the Abuse of Psychophysical Weapons"
Swetlana Schunin
from RUDY - 3/7/08
1. A few contacted authorities did not follow through into further help other than the initial promise of support .
2. Many of them fizzled out .
3. Some "people" got to them to block their continued help or...
4. Some decided they do not wish to get further involved .
We had loads of potential help. For various reasons many of them backed out.
So here is the situation:-
a) We had to deal with lots of "pies-in-the- sky", "lip-service- experts", "just-hot-air" and "just-for- show" people.
b) Lots of them were just "deaf-ears".
c) Many backed out for more or less mysterious reasons
d) Some were " experts in arrogance "
e) Some did try to do their best
f) Some confessed they couldn't do much
Spanish Journalist Rafael Palacio
Rowena Thursby of UK KIG
IX. And now, the GOOD news
1.Six European journalists have agreed to have a meeting with me in Paris, early September 2008. The date is still to be arranged.
2. All the news editors who came to the Strasburg demo in July 2008 agree to follow through into further help.
Dear Mr Finch
The Archbishop of Melbourne is currently overseas and will be away for some weeks ahead.
In his absence I am responding to your letter of the 7th July.
I note the concerns your letter raises and have read the attachments you provided.
Your immediate request was for access to a safe house, as a place of protection from the the things you have been experiencing. Unfortunately we do not have the resources to address the general issues you raise, nor are we able to provide you with acess to the type of accomodation you require.
I trust you may be able to find the help you need through some other line of enquiry.
Grace & peace in Christ Jesus
Yours sincerely
The The Right Reverend John Noble, Vicar General Diocese Of Melbourne,
17. MR NIGEL FARRAGE, MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, from UKIP ( United Kingdom Independence and Democracy Party), BRUSSELS, EUROPE 28/7/08
Subject: UKIP-response to FAMCE-delegation
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 16:27:12 +0200
Dear Monika and Rudy
Three weeks ago, as you know, a FAMCE-delegation, consisting of Swetlana Schunin and Walter Madliger, was received at the UKIP-offices in the LOW-building of the EU's consultative assembly, at Strasbourg, and submitted certain documents, with a view to promoting awareness of the need to monitor and control a range of electronic weapons, which, according to numerous reports, have been under development for several decades and have been used, covertly, in various parts of the world, to the discomfort and distress of many people.
Most notable, among the documents submitted - because it comes, as it were, from the horse's mouth - is the programme of the "4th European Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons 2007", held by the "European Working Group on Non-Lethal Weapons" (EWG-NLW) at the Stadthalle, in Ettlingen, Germany.
This programme, containing as it does, such items as "Software and Hardware of Instrumentation for Human-State Control in the Influence-Field of Microwave Radiation", "Psychological Effects of Non-Lethal Weapons: a new Approach for Defining more Effective Uses" and "Bio-Impulse: a Research Program to Study the Effects of Nanosecond Electromagnetic Pulses on Biological Cells", bears out the studies and anecdotal evidence, submitted by the delegation, to the extent that research into electronic weapons, for the purposes of effecting pain, injury and mind-manipulation, is certainly going on.
Furthermore, judging by the sources of the presentations made at the symposium, most of this research is proceeding in the EU, the USA and Russia. Note too that, at this same symposium (on 23rd May, item V27) the International Committee of the Red Cross sponsored a presentation on the subject of "Ensuring the protection of Civilians and Respect for International Humanitarian Law".
The delegation did not mention that the EWG-NLW is now preparing for its "5th European Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons 2009" - also to be held at the Stadthalle in Ettlingen - and is appealing for prospective presenters, either of discussions (25 mins) or of posters, to send in their abstracts before the 1st October.
If FAMCE has not done so, I would recommend that it submit an abstract for this symposium - as the Red Cross successfully did, last year - in order to promote awareness of the themes of its campaign among those who know most about the technology, which FAMCE alleges is being mis-used. EWG-NLG's response to such an application might be informative; and, even if the application is unsuccessful, FAMCE should attempt, at least, to attend the symposium in order to gather intelligence.
EWG-NLW's website (URL given above) states that "The working Group is open to all European organizations working in the area of Non-Lethal Weapons", so, unless the membership-fee is prohibitively high, I do not see why FAMCE should not join the working-group as a full member, get closer to the sources (which remain tantalisingly vague) of the problems it identifies, and develop a voice within a forum, which will be able to appreciate, better than any other, the significance of what it is saying.
As for the wider political context, in which electronic weapons are being developed, I would have thought it quite clear that the real danger to democracy, the rule of law and the rights of the individual, comes, not from the weapons themselves (knives and clubs can be used just as secretly and unattributably as electronic weapons) but from the erosion of democracy by supranational organisations, such as the EU, and clandestine, politico-commercial influences, such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House)
I agree completely with the opening chapters of Jim Keith's "Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness", which the delegation gave me, and which describes the grip exerted on US-policy by surreptitious societies, large corporations and secret agencies, and the sinister data-gathering programmes of the (not yet quite sovereign) EU. The restoration of democracy, under these circumstances, is the only possible answer to misconduct by these various, sinister entities. Even passing laws, like the ones now "in force", against the mis-use of electronic weapons, in some US-states, is completely ineffective as long as governments and courts remain under the undue influence of special interests, whether commercial or supranational.
Persuasive too is Heiner Gehring's book "Versklavte Gehirne", which the delegation also gave me, and which charts the control and misuse of the mass-media by the governments and other entities described above, showing that the restoration of democracy - through the decision of informed electorates - can only be achieved if the dis-information, propagated by an oligarchy of media-chains, can somehow be countered.
This is the essential business of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) and its supporters, among whom, therefore, I should like to count the FAMCE.
Even so, it may be possible to influence the situation for the better, by exposing the abuse of electronic weapons, if attacks of this kind can be clearly documented and liability can be clearly established. The confused anecdotes of people, who claim to have been rendered mentally ill by such attacks, are, by their very nature, ambiguous and unreliable, and must be supported by some kind of concrete evidence. When such evidence does emerge, UKIP's representatives in the Houses of Parliament in London (rather than those in the EU's sham counterpart in Brussels) will be well-placed to present it, and I shall certainly assist them in doing so.
Meanwhile, if you have specific questions, which our Westminster-representatives can usefully put to government-ministers, I would be pleased to relay these to them; but action in the EU's institutions is virtually impossible. Written questions to the EU-Commission receive bland replies after several weeks. An independent Political Group, such as ours, is effectively prevented from tabling items for the plenary agenda, and "MEP's", who are not supporters of the régime, are treated, in general, with contempt and are ignored. All of this helps to demonstrate the EU's inherently anti-democratic structure, which should not be appealed to, under any circumstances, because doing so would imply recognition of a legitimacy it does not possess.
For us, the EU-assembly provides a platform for publicity in Britain, and nothing more. It does not influence the EU's essential powers (as the fate of the Resolution of 1999, against the mis-use of electronic weapons, demonstrates) but, on all matters of moment, merely echoes the EU-Commission. As a platform, however - and lacking any other, as we did until three years ago, when we first obtained representation at Westminster - it has been invaluable to us, and will probably continue to be so, for some time.
Now that we have made contact, and begun to work together, therefore, I look forward to maintaining a fruitful association with FAMCE.
Yours sincerely
Andrew S. Reed
Einstein Einstein's visit to BArcelona 1923, marks the history of mass mind control BArcelona. I travel all over the world making propaganda usefulness of quantum physics. Research infrastructure is gesture on Epigenetics in the world, to create a virtual program, which simulates the homesotatico with bioresonance quantified balance of our body. For future space travel, in space there is no gravity, so everything is levitating in suspension die- A group of people concerned about the planet, made a historic future to alert people gesture: A menu in which you described it ironically Einstein studies. Only a victim can understand what it means, the language is very complicated because it has to investigate quantum physics and philosophy.
cena relativity
The Dali Museum in Barcelona (figueras) he describes the reality of nocturnal abductions. A skeleton, a bed, a table relpjes standing on the wall.
And to the right, but monumental Catalan satire, a lottery ticket with a red eye that has a face on the inside.
The poster makes a technique for peripheral vision is used. As in the special drawings to see the unseen. -
The poster makes a technique for peripheral vision is used. As in the special drawings to see the unseen. -
"What is Peripheral Vision? concept
Sep 17, 2009 by Luis.
If you've ever seen a film of Bruce Lee you may have noticed that there mirabaCampo vision staring at their opponents. And, in contrast, are anticipated to all attacks. Saw them coming. He used his peripheral vision (among many other resources). I am far from an expert in martial arts."
Peripheral Vision is one that allows you to cover almost 180 ° with your view. Vision with narrowed eyes unfocused.
I'm fijadome in what happens in my mind. I am comparing things that psychiatrists, artists, spiritualists and parapsychologists say.
Europe is key. America is young historically in modernity. In Europe the modern mind control and its use to investigate consciousness and human behavior gesture.
America is more powerful for knowledge in engineering and everything relevant to the system of the CIA.
To convince people to be simplified to the maximum everything. And show others taregeted single history, which left their seed to us would recognize.
Dali is one such example. His work in figueres (barcelona) shows a complaint on global mind control.
Every detail is important.
But only one victim acknowledges, because he knows what it means.
This is the play "cyber Princess" made of printed circuit wrapped in silk screens with oriental motifs.
A female robot, specifically computers dish. (Transhuman)
Cadaver in a transparent coffin. as Snow White.
Surrounded by fine silk cloth, soft imperceptible (electromagnetic aura), with chinoiserie motifs.
It tells us that what we kill oriental. Matara reason with magical beliefs.
The electromagnetic aura is a scam to get into our own mind and our body.
bedroom with skeleton (death) and box stopped clocks (time)
entire museum is full of breads, which resemble a chicken, making allusion to the god pan, lovely dreams.
Chicken is a philosophical allusion to Diogenes-Platon. Diogenes threw him like a chicken plucking challenge to Plato, it was a challenge to say the truth. THE philosophy clasic very important in exposing mind control aes because Plato school study of the mysteries of Egypt.
Alli only were people with references and could pay the price.
a table gala secret elements, the eye of knowledge represented by the goose, and a ruler representing Freemasonry. This in aerial suspension, and eggshell represents the astral birth.
1) hack our website
2) induce some people because this website is becoming well-known
3) Why didn't he post this on ffchs?
4) Some people is supporing him/her
5) collect evidence for later use.
A manual: Prosecution of Torture
Amid the disparity,
Is high technology,
marring self-sufficiency,
while others know God only through a crust of bread.
Speaking in vulgarity and obscenity
remotely, via satellites, towers
People and computers
Do what they will
Depraved and depriving
as the algorithms churn
Still in the middle
Convention war drives on
Amid the disparity
What is done,
What can be said
Of love
Satellite Real Time Monitoring can be done by anyone on broad band internet. Free software download is here
There are many real time satellite monitoring sites on internet so internatinal satellite monitoring agency not required.
Below content are obsolete.....
Given that satellite based brain intefacing technology Remote Neural Monitoring is in operation..I call for creating an International Satellite Monitoring Agency.
This Agency will...
1. Monitor and Audit objects sent into space and its electronics for brain interfacing electronics
2. Review electronic design of all satellites and space bound objects
3. All satellite lauches will require signed off declaration that the satellite does not contain brain interfacing technology.
Such effort will esnure that RNM operator will not be able to replace satellites when they wear out..a satellite having roughly 7 years of life!!
Counter Psychops under Remote Neural Monitoring.....
On top of RNM which can read brain and send voice in skull and send signal in motor cortex, it is psychops which causes us harrassment.
The approach to psychops are
Downplaying - at work and social setting
Praising followed by Downplaying
Threatening - loss of property, life, near and dear life or making near and dear mad
Sexual Abusing - Self or Spouse
Psytronic Suggestion - keywords or body action suggesting something is thrown at you
Doing same thing repeatedly - to the extent that it gets recoded in brain neuron and they misfire
My insight is that harrassment does not require Remote Neural Monitoring and as long as perp is listening to thoughts he is also vulnerable to harrasssment.
You can also do the above mentioned tricks on your perp and he even though not making it appear that he is hurt is deeply harrassed...this will have impact on how long he is able to sustain your harrasssment as per results of my experiment.
If you do not believe in tit for tat you can follow Nazi Pig theorem by Allen Barker which states...
"Anyone who nonconsensually violates your brain/mind/mentation using Mengele-like methods is a Nazi pig. You do not care what a Nazi pig thinks. You do not care about a Nazi pig's opinions. You do not respond to a Nazi pig ridiculing you, threatening you, trying to distract you, or otherwise trying to manipulate you. You work to get a Nazi pig hanged." - Allen Barker, NPT Theorem
Nazi Pig theorm is good to follow for fresh TI while advance stage TI can follow tit for tat...they can finetune their responses based on output they get!!
Some insight into operations and condition of perp helps...
Perp is hypothesised to be a graduate who was unemployed..he was picked up by RNM recruitment manager and promised place to live, food and clothing a very little sum. He agreed and once trained in RNM he cannot leave the organisation due to secret nature of operations and he is like bonded labour.
Perp works for two shifts, three shifts in a four walled room with two monitor screens and a sattelite connection. He does no have access to internet and mobile as this may be used to leak secrets like screen shots and operations details.
His room has a toilet and bed and he is served his meal there only.
His mangers monitors his activities and have all details about him in case he becomes whistleblower.
On contracry his whom he has never been introduced or even know who and where he a proseparous organisation/ is also lucky with technology... who has spent tens of billions on satellite and software development and upgrade since last two decades.
Some example of teasing perp are here...
When you have your food...breakfast...lunch and dinner while perp is at his work tease him that you are having your food and he is bound to his four walls...laugh..
When you move around...across countries...or other exotic or wonderful places...tease him that you have freedom to be anywhere while he is bound to his four walls...laugh..
Tease about his poor operating conditions..and laught at him...
Abuse, Insult him billions of times...
When he plays some new trick...say nice trick...and downplay after five minutes...
If he puts you in gangstalked situation where your thoughts are broadcast to people around you, you can use this opportunity to popularise casue of TI, tell them about technology, forum of support like and make appeal for donation....after that tell him you used him
You can develop your psychotronic suggestions like you can tell him used him...commit sucide and do it for hundred times...after that...just say used him....and that he know..(meaning that you will say commit sucide) and laugh at him!!
You can say...belt...and say he knows..(meaning beating)...and laught at him..
some more effective tricks to keep gangstalkers and perp at bay.
1. All audience around me, tell me what the perp says to you by saying that anf blinking your eyes. That way the negative energy he is putting on you will not be on you.
See perp these people are not with u, they tell me immediately and blinking eyes we had this understanding all through made by hand gesture. You can read mind of one and talk to so many others but you can read mind of all of them and also not know the gesture we are making...your soft is only capable this much. All people are with me, ah ah and you did noy know this.
When someone says what perp ask to say, say a u have learned it now your are telling me what perp is saying and blinking (say whether they blink or not) you all are so smart.
This is use of hands anf body posture to redirect energy like sachin will do to fast bowler..applies anywhere in life that when some one is with more energy, than dont retalite with energy just use tact to redirect the energy back on them.
Othetrs are like stamping your gangstalkers with code like s3984 infinite time so later you can put them before lie ditactor.
Other is saying perp that their are morw than one tech, you are of Alex team and another team is that of Alexandra Melonia. He has zoomed on you and using your Alex system energy and riding on them. Hi this Alexendra Melonia system speaking in my tone, your are warned bla bla.
The first one is master stroke requiring very little energy.
creating data points.
Go to bank branch..shutter down...manager note down the name of people in branch today phone number address and ask them to update it if any change. Take their statement and your what is happwning make file titled remote neural monitoeing branch location date. Make three copy one for local police second for your headquarter and third for branch. I can send anyone to collect it any time one month two month a year two is permanent thing now.
If u act right u will be rewarded, not u may loose ur job!! Attacknis not on me it is on branch ur xustomer..u dont know what they are doing with computers/server!!
create data points where ever u go..sweet shop..shutter down..repear...telephone companyshutter door do this!!
This one is how I have interrogated him..push him to wall..he will make mistake.
I am police commission electronic warefare calling from Alexendra Melonai system..ur are being interrogated with me are interrogation agencies around the world through alexendra system and obama and modi are also getting input. You are live on tv and smart one..everyone wants to know about it and want hear this interrogation..
Keep putting on your head..dont say yet..what ur name..who trained u and how long..what is name of ur trainer...where are u..who arranges for ur food or glucose..who ur in touch next in your syndicate do u like harrassing twenty four by seven YES. Keep doing in your mind...yes first time..ok..second time...hundred time...y we know ur trying to put wrong info do t it..u will be interrogated thousand time..and u disinform...still we will tell u what is truth.
Ok this is 1001st repeat the same in your mind.
Put him under so much pressure that end up uttering something or does sonething.
Use light to bring focus on him and on interrogator as the situation warrant.
Read interrogration tricks and adjust. Put him under sever pressure. I tell police party and officer and constable and bjp cirporator it is beyond u..we will handle two three five are enough to close. U just tell to what so ever u can take that this is happening we cannot understand and solve bu he is doing this with his team!!
They have tied u from behind vehicle and dragging u..oh this lady is put u in bag..oh these kid have made u ball anfd hitting u..
No body listens to you here..even a kid knows counter psyops here..I can relax!!
To control hacking and limiting use of tech...
Tell him you have put logger on all devices laptop mobile
Use min of tech otherwise I will know more as we will do reverse engineering anf know fully about u.
I am not alone there is full team analyzing, we already know 80 85 percent we will soon catch
I even have brain tech from Alexandra Melonia and through that I am ina touch with others
You can say I have put this aytem in you and it works on your..I call it Alex system anf it will come in my voice. Hi I am xxxx calling from Alexandra system you are my target
After successful counter psyops following point
Perp has not called reinforcement or reported to headquarter..means he is isolated like Dawood Ibrahim Shooter
Once people around have been taught to deflect negative energy by saying what perp is saying anf blinking eyes (which perp will not know), you realise that u are affected because other did not know how to deflect negative energy coming to their brain.
It is peoples failure around you that this has succeeded for three decades, they dont have brain circuits to handle negative energy from perp, their brain ciruit will resonate on car collide but they will be emotion less, actionless and brain circuit will not resonate in electro psycho warfare from satellite.
Perp is void of many emotions like respect dignity taste bud community living no boredom long workinh hours, hanging around despite knowing objectibes are not being met...means that he himself has been physically or technologically pruned for operation
I even go to so hr has made a smartphone app and everyone hasit...there billions of them targeting u..everyone around me is targeting..all in your voice..I am watchman...I am sweeper...make him target you have billion possibilities
And many more....your be innovative based on your experience with perp....
All the best!!
****CAUTION*** Excessive counter psyops can lead to explosive feeling in prep. There has been cases where excessive use of counter psyops ended up perp to open up another layer of thought control, brain jamming, motor cortex jamming, leg and hand movement to make you move at his will at home and street like one using Virtual Reality Gadget. This feature of RNM is just too dangerous and overpowering. Other than brain reading, voice to skull and pinching and muscle flexing, are used as exception. So counter psyops should be used to only balance excess of perp not to overwhelm him completely.