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God's sufferings

God's sufferingsThe devil seeks to turn the whole creation against the Creator.He loves to make YAH's own people to sin to make our Saviour's job that much more difficult.He loves to use the creation to mock our Beloved Creator.Originally dated June 18, 2014 at 22:54.
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A sad and disturbing story

A very sad and horrible story

First of all, I must send my regards to all the family members of all who died in the very tragic 911.

Because what I am about to reveal is something that is extremely disturbing. Sometimes the Truth can be very disturbing.

On the day of September 3, 2001. I posted an article on an internet newsgroup. I cannot remember the title of that article but in that article, I blasted how Satan became the god of death. How he violated the Ten Commandments and how he wanted the society to violate the Ten Commandments so that he can claim souls with him to hell.

At that time, I did not possess heart knowledge. I only had an intellectual understanding of what was happening. I did follow YAHUSHUA at the time but I was very green spiritually so to speak.

As we all now know, eight days later, America was attacked by 911.
NYC was in complete chaos. But I at the time did not see a connection between my posted article and the tragic event.

I for seven years have been harassed by Hong Kong based Cantonese satanists. Recently I came to the conclusion that they have already received the Mark of the Beast also known as the 666. Once you willfully receive that, you are damned and will be sent to hell. A true believer in YAHUSHUA will never take that Mark. Only those who do not love YAHUSHUA have the possibility of receiving that. Because once you willfully receive that Mark, you belong to the devil.

Now, this is the disturbing part. The devil has his agents everywhere in the world. You know even normal criminals will have a very hard time committing some very cruel and serious crimes. I have reasons to believe that the devil is using some of his most trusted agents to set up a New World Order. He will demand these agents to take that Mark in order for them to be trusted by him. Not only that, once a person has taken that Mark, his mind will no longer function like ordinary people, he will be free from his own conscience. These agents are the most dangerous criminals on earth at this time because they can do the dirtiest work for the devil. They are totally beast like in nature.

What if my article infuriated the devil and he used his agents to orchestrated 911? The Satanists I am currently at war with have already confessed to me long ago that they wanted to start WW3 and they hated America. They wanted the money and positions in power in the satanic New World Order but was frustrated by my investigation of the devil's secret society known as the illuminati that I started since 1999. They hate me with a vengeance because they did not get the money they wanted. One more thing which is worthy of mentioning is that 911 has a lot of occult signatures. The devil and his agents are definitely behind it.

So I am here to warn people to get saved and do YAHUSHUA our Saviour's will for divine protection every where. Because the devil has unleashed his beast like agents to do his dirtiest work. We need to stand with God and be Holy in order to combat this serious threat of humanity.

A word on the nature of his beast like agents:
The ones I come across are Hong Kong based low lives.
They are very cunning.
They speak to lie, to deceive, to attack, to make threats and to insult.
They get easily offended by love.
Anything that is related to God and love. They will hate and attack.
They love to attack the Holy Trinity.
Either by their words or action.
They are totally cursed, so that they minds and thinking are totally twisted. They will try to get the things they want through cunning and subtle means. They hate the truth and exist in their own illusions. They do not connect with reality.
They are capable of doing any kind of evil you can imagine.
They are truly an abomination.
They never cease doing evil just like the devil.
They have very little self control.
They love to attack me by causing various parts of my skin to itch.
Especially my facial skin.
They hate all virtues from God.
They love all vices from the devil.
They love to harass and intimidate people to show their puny power.
They love to threaten me by suggesting me to fear them.
But I am motivated by God to expose their evil acts and evil nature so I am not afraid of them.
To be honest, I am willing to give up my own life to expose their horrible deeds for the sake of humanity.

The satanists/beasts who are harassing me are very afraid of this information to come out. The one thing they are afraid most is the truth.

I am doing all this in the service of my dear God and mankind.

I will keep posting important information to warn the people as directed by YAHUSHUA.

Originally dated June 16, 2014 at 22:29.

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From: Marilyn Stefanile <>
Date: Aug 1, 2008 10:20 AM
Subject: Email from Peter O'Callaghan

Dear Mr Finch

I have received your email expressing your complaints in relation to the matters referred to.

I confirm that I am the Independent Commissioner appointed by the Archdiocese of Melbourne to enquire into allegations of sexual abuse by priests, religious and lay persons within the Archdiocese of Melbourne.

I note your serious concerns, but they do not fall within my jurisdiction.  I sympathise with your concerns, but am unable to assist you.

Yours sincerely
Peter J O'Callaghan - Independent Commissioner
Telephone:  9225 7979


On Thursday, Tim in New York met with State Senator Eric Adams, a boyhood friend of his who is has recently met with some TI's regarding our issues.  I wrote about him in the newsletter a couple of weeks ago.  He has been reviewing informational material from us for the past 2-3 weeks. 
In the meeting, Rep. Adams stated that he wants to hold hearings concerning OS/EH harassment in February.  He's asking that we send a brief summary of our harassment for his review to:  The hearing is open to the public.  Therefore, anyone anywhere in New York state, the country or the globe can give their testimony or attend. For clarity and time considerations he is reviewing the summaries submitted for testimony.  The location for the hearing will be New York City.  The exact address has not been determined.  We'll of course have a group of expert witnesses to address the senators about the technology and the psychology of the abuses as well.  We've provided him a suggested list of experts who have expressed their willingness to testify.  Those people he plans to contact and interview personally. 
He also mentioned that he wants media involvement, which he could generate.  And that this hearing would be the start of spinoff hearings in other states and would ultimately result in a congressional hearing.  
It would certainly be beneficial if there were some other state representatives that could work with him on this hearing.  Hopefully, we will find others who will come forward to lend their support to these issues.

One last comment: Scheduling of the hearing is the first step.  Completing the hearing is the goal.  And 5 1/2 months to go gives the stalkers plenty of time for mischief.  Those that were around last year will remember the television show that we were all counting on, only to have it cancelled just days before taping.  And the Firecracker Films documentary that never materialized.  And numerous television and newspaper reporters that contacted us and never heard from again.  So we've got to remember that something of this magnitude may encounter perp interference.  What I'm suggesting is that for all who are believers that we need to remain in prayer for this event - for Senator Adams and for the success of the hearing.  Also keep in mind that the month of February in New York could bring issues with the weather, which the perps have been known to bring on at just the exact time.  So please keep all these things in mind as we pray, and pray believing.  Personally, my belief is that we can only succeed in this struggle with God's help.  A word to the wise is sufficient.

All this will be discussed at the conference call this Saturday night.   And if there's time, Dale Wahl will join us to talk about his project.
For further questions or comments about the state hearing, please contact Tim in New York at:

September 13, 2008 by Rudy Andria

Only 3 lawyers turned up, the other 3 were held up at their offices at the last moment and briefly chatted with us on the phone.

1.They all know about the existence of various technological means which violate the fundamental human rights of innocent people , they know the existence of non lethal weapons and of highly sophisticated psychological pressures.

2.They do not have the slightest doubt about some governments' participation in influencing or even destroying the free will of some people.

3.They know that the exposure of such practices usually provokes sniggering and those who dare to complain are either made fun of or accused of paranoia.
Paranoia , of course, does exist and as it is characterized by an excessive mistrust of other people's acts or an excessive mistrust of power, it affects every social relationship and makes it possible to justify exclusion .

4.Utmost rigour and precision are therefore required when exposing the attacks on the victims' integrity, privacy and freedom of thought by invisible means. .
It is only by building up impeccable fact-files supported by official reports and scientific studies that public opinion worldwide can be sensitized and made aware of the problem.
It is only under these conditions of rigour and precision that the 3 lawyers present will agree to put the case for the defence.

The 3 lawyers all agreed on the following points:
Our difficulty is that we have practically no legal evidence of the attacks, so we have to make do with:
a) statistics
b) similarities in symptoms and experiences
c) similarities of torture cases
d) existence of weapons'patents
e) existence of the technology patents for the use of V2K
f) complicity of a number of psychiatrists worldwide
G) the highly probable involvement of many governments ( two lawyers referred to the example of helicopters and said that not many people can afford to maintain aircrafts. Flights are logged and the airspace they are in is recorded).

Rudy Andria
September 13, 2008

I've forgotten to add 1 point: the 3 lawyers think that our first help should come from the parliamentarians, because they are the ones who make the laws.

21. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT – The Office of the Prosecutor

INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT – The Office of the Prosecutor
Our Reference: OTP-CR-70/07
The Hague, Monday, 29 September 2008

Dear Sir/Madam

On behalf of the Prosecutor, I thank you for your communication received 21/2/2007, as well as any subsequent related information.

As you may know, the International Criminal Court (“the ICC” or “the Court”) is governed by the Rome Statute, which entrusts the court with a very specific and carefully defined jurisdiction and mandate. A fundamental feature of the Rome Statute is that the Court may only exercise jurisdiction over persons for the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, namely genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, as defined in the Rome Statute (Articles 6 to 8). The Court may only exercise jurisdiction over crimes committed on or after 1 July 2002 (Article 11). In addition, the Court may only exercise jurisdiction over crimes committed on the territory of a State that has accepted the jurisdiction of the Court or by a national of such a State (Article 12), or where the Security Council refers the situation to the Court 9Article 13).

Accordingly, I regret to advise you that your communication appears to relate to matters outside the jurisdiction of the Court. The Prosecutor has therefore confirmed that there is not a basis at this time to proceed with further analysis. The information you have submitted will be maintained in our archives, and the decision not to proceed may be reconsidered if new facts or evidence provide a reasonable basis to believe that a crime the jurisdiction of the Court has been committed.

I hope you will appreciate that with the defined jurisdiction of the Court, many serious allegations will be beyond the reach of this institution to address, I note in this regard that the ICC is designed to complement, not replace national jurisdictions. Thus, if you wish to pursue this matter further, you may consider raising it with other appropriate national or international authorities.

I am grateful for your interest in the ICC. If you would like to learn more about the work of the ICC, I invite you to visit our website at .

John Finch
5/8 Kemp Street, Thornbury, Vic, 3071, Australia

Yours sincerely

M.P. Dillon
Head of the Information & Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor

Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands
TEL: 31-70-5158515  FAX: 31-70-5158555


P.O. BOX 412, KING CITY, MO  64463 
Tel: 660-535-6664 

To Whom It May Concern: 

I have worked for 3 years with Microwave and Electronic Harassment victims throughout the US and overseas.  It is hard for others to understand the technology that is being used to destroy people’s lives. I know James because he contacted me for help. James has worked to find proof of what has happened to him.

Many victims try hard to get help from professional doctors to help find devices such as Veri-Chip. I would request that you and those who can make a difference would help James and others to find answers. 
5th District State Representative


Dear Mr. Finch,

I wish to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail of 3 October 2008 which will be brought to the Taoiseach's attention as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

David King
Assistant Private Secretary to the Taoiseach

Telephone:  01-6194020
E-mail: , ,

The Department of the Taoiseach is committed to providing a professional, efficient and courteous service to all our customers. To view the Customer Charter, please click on

23. MR NIGEL FARRAGE, MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, from UKIP ( United Kingdom Independence and Democracy Party), BRUSSELS, EUROPE 30/1/09

Dear Mr Finch

Thank you for this account of your hideous experiences and the technology, which might have been used to occasion them.

The UK Independence Party is supporting the initiative, by Dr Walter Madlinger, to demonstrate such matters to an expert audience, at the Ettlingen Conference on Non-Lethal Weapons, on 11th May, this year, and I would encourage you to attend, if you are not already planning to do so.

Yours sincerely
Andrew S. Reed
(Office of Nigel Farage, Brussels


Dear John,

Thank you for speaking out against the abuse of the "state secrets" doctrine. We know your time is limited, and we appreciate your efforts to protect civil liberties.

The ACLU works daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and laws of the United States
guarantee everyone in this country. We need your support now more than ever as we work to restore liberties lost over the last eight years. If you have a moment, please make a donation today. Visit

Thanks again for taking action. We'll keep you up-to-date on this important legislation.

Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director, ACLU



Dear Sir (Mr John Finch)

I am writing in reply of your email of 9 April 2009 in which you come back on your earlier complaint 1568/2006/(AVM)OV.

You allege that some extreme and horrendous criminality is being conducted by agencies related to the US government with the complicity of many other government and security agencies. You state that victims as you are being subjected to torture and mental and physical destruction and that this has remained completely unreported. You state that, more particularly, you are being completely mutilated and neutralised by electro-magnetic radiation and that you are “brain-broadcasted”.

As I already informed you in my letters of 22 June and 14 September 2006, I have unfortunately no power to intervene in this matter, because your allegations are not directed against a European Union institution or body.

However given that you are residing in Australia, I would like to repeat my earlier advice that, in case you have an allegation against an Australian government agency, you might consider contacting the Australian Ombudsman:

Commonwealth Ombudsman
National Office
GPO Box 442, Canberra ACT 2601
Ground Floor, I Farrell Place
Canberra City ACT 2600

I regret I cannot be of further assistance.

Yours sincerely,

The European Ombudsman
1 Ave President Robert Schumann – CS 30403 – F-67001 strasbourg Cedex
TEL: 33 (0)3.88.172313 – fax: 33 (0)3.88.179062 –


EA1470971 – HSJB

Dear Mr Finch

The Premier has received your recent email concerning your reported experiences in Russia, Turkey and China.

As the subject you have raised primarily relates to areas of Australian Government responsibility, Mr Rees is unable to be of direct assistance.

Accordingly, the opportunity has been taken to bring the terms of your approach to the attention of the Australian Government.

Yours sincerely
Emanuel Sklavounos
for Director General


Prof. Dr. Adrian  Eugen  Hollaender,
Chairman of The Austrian Fundamental Rights Conference,
Human Rights Seminar Instructor at the University of Vienna

Dear Mr. Finch:


If you wish, I could examine the case under the legal perspective and write a legal expertise on it that you can use in the complaint procedures.

Prof. Hollaender



Dear Sir (Mr John Finch)

I am writing in reply to your emails of 10, 11, 17 and 18 August 2009 in which you come back on your earlier complaint 1568/2006/(AVM)OV concerning your “directed energy and neurological weapons torture, degradation and mutilation case” you also sent me a “
list of the crimes committed by the NWO criminals”.

As I already informed you in my letters 22 June and 14 September 2006, and 8 May 2009, I unfortunately have no power to intervene in this matter.

I regret that I cannot be of further assistance to you in this case

Yours sincerely,

The European Ombudsman
1 Ave President Robert Schumann – CS 30403 – F-67001 strasbourg Cedex
TEL: 33 (0)3.88.172313 – fax: 33 (0)3.88.179062 –


REF: MF/MK (2010/01/07)

Dear Mr Finch

Further to our recent meeting, I have written to the Attorney General, Robert McClelland requesting that your suspicion about constant monitoring of your life by ASIO and the Australian Federal Police be investigated.

You will be advised of any response I receive from the Attorney General.

Best wishes for 2010

Yours sincerely
Federal Member for Batman, Minister for Resource and Energy, Minister for Tourism


Correspondence reference: 2010/505
File reference: 2009/62
24 March 2010

Mr John Finch,

Dear Mr Finch

Thank you for your email of 16 March 2010 asking for protection from surveillance, torture and abuse. I have read your email and note that you believe you are being tortured and abused by ‘directed energy and neuroligical weapons’ by United States government agencies with the complicity of other governments and security agencies.

Before responding to your specific concerns, it is appropriate that I inform you a little about the role and functions of my office.

The Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security (IGIS) has general oversight responsibilities for each of the six Australian intelligence agencies. The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) is Australia’s domestic security agency and is therefore the Australian intelligence agency most likely to have interaction with Australian persons. The focus of ASIO’s work is on countering terrorism, discouraging people who may act violently for political reasons, and discouraging people who seek to clandestinely obtain sensitive government information or otherwise harm Australia’s interests in order to further their own causes or the interests of foreign governments.

Other ASIO functions include collecting foreign intelligence within Australia, and providing security assessments and protective security advice.

Based on my experience as IGIS for nearly six years, I can assure you that neither ASIO nor any agency within the Australian Intelligence Community (AIC) has the resources, motivation or legal authority to harm individuals in the way you describe.

I am confident in making this assertion because ASIO and the other AIC agencies are each subjected to intensive and frequent review by this office, to ensure that they conduct their business within the bounds of the law, and in a professional and ethical manner. I can also assure you that the inspection regime undertaken by my office is very thorough.

You have also raised the possibility that a foreign intelligence service might be involved in the activities you described. ASIO has a functional interest in monitoring any such activity, and in turn my office closely examines ASIO’s activities in this area. On the basis of the material available to me, I do not believe that they are negligent in this regard.

I should also tell you that I do not have any jurisdiction over any foreign intelligence services, but despite this would regard it as highly improbable that they would target any member of the Australian public who is simply going about their ordinary business.

While I don’t doubt that you have experienced a range of issues that are of concern to you, none of the AIC agencies have the capabilities or motivation to do what you describe.

If you believe you have been the subject of a crime, you have the option of discussing this with your local police.

While my office is unable to directly assist you, I nonetheless hope that the above information is both helpful and reassuring to you.

On behalf of
Ian Carnell, Inspector-General of   Intelligence and Security

Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
P +61 2 6271 5692 | F +61 2 6271 5696 |


Directorate A Registry


Dear Mr Finch

I am writing in reply to your email of 1st March in which you complained about alleged acts of torture by electronic weapons and mutilations on certain people ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Having concluded that your complaint is outside the European Ombudsman’s mandate, I wish you every success in finding a positive outcome to the matter you raised in your complaint.

Yours Sincerely
Peter Bonnor
Head of Registry
European Ombudsman

On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 10:59 PM, Euro-Ombudsman <> wrote:

Dear Mr     Murray,

I am writing in reply to your e-mail of 19 April 2012 in which you     asked for help in your matter concerning among others mind     control.

I would like to inform you that the     role of the European Ombudsman is to investigate complaints alleging     maladministration in the activities of the European institutions, bodies,     offices and agencies, such as the European Commission and the European     Parliament. No action by any other authority or person may be the subject of     a complaint to the Ombudsman. Only EU citizens or residents in the territory     of the Union may lodge a complaint with the European     Ombudsman (Art. 2 (2) of the Statute of the European     Ombudsman.

From the above also follows that the Ombudsman is     not in a position to help you in your matter, since it does not fall within     his mandate.

I hope this information suits you     well.

Best regards,

European           Ombudsman

Zuzana           Vaníčková

T. +33 (0)3 88 17 23         28

1 avenue du Président           Robert Schuman, CS           30403, F - 67001 Strasbourg           Cedex
T. + 33 (0)3 88 17 23         13
F. + 33 (0)3 88 17 90         62

From: joe murray   []
Sent: 26 April 2012   03:27

To: Euro-Ombudsman

Subject: Re: Please help us to   get this electronic torture, abuse and experimentation   stopped

thanks - I'm an EU (UK) citizen and I'm complaining   about maladministration in the EU Instititutions and Agencies that are   supposed to protect us from these tortures and abuses.

For example the   ECHR and EUROPOL.


john finch

From: Euro-Ombudsman <>

Date: Thu, May 10, 2012 at 6:39 PM

Subject: RE: Please help us to get this electronic torture, abuse and experimentation stopped

To: joe murray <>

Dear Mr Finch,

Thank you for your further e-mail. From the information provided, it is not clear what are exactly your allegation(s) and claim(s) and against which institutions you wish to complaint against.

I would like to reiterate in this regards that complaint concerning ECHR is outside the Ombudsman's remit. Please note, in this regard, that the European Court of Human Rights was established by the European Convention on Human Rights, signed by the Member States of the Council of Europe. The European Court of Human Rights was not created by or under the EU Treaties and, consequently, it is not a European Union institution, body, office or agency. The European Ombudsman is therefore not entitled to deal with complaints against the European Court of Human Rights.

Should you nevertheless wish to complain to the Ombudsman, you are free to do so. However, please note that the complaint shall be made within two years of the date on which the facts on which it is based came to the attention of the person lodging the complaint and must be preceded by the appropriate administrative approaches to the institutions and bodies concerned (Art. 2 (4) of the Statute of the European Ombudsman). Moreover, the facts of the complaint must not be, or have been, subject to judicial proceedings (Art. 1 (3) of the Statute of the European Ombudsman).

If these criteria are fulfilled and you wish to complain against an EU institution, you could consider using the form for complaints, available on the Ombudsman's website:

 I hope you will find this information useful.

European       Ombudsman

Zuzana       Vaníčková

T.       +33 (0)3 88 17 23 28

1       avenue du Président Robert Schuman, CS       30403, F       - 67001 Strasbourg Cedex
T.       + 33 (0)3 88 17 23 13

F.       + 33 (0)3 88 17 90 62

32. The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), KRISTINA BORROR, DIRECTOR, 25/4/12
Borror, Kristina C (HHS/OASH)
25 April 2012 03:50

Dear Mr. Child

The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) has received your June 28, 2011, January 15, and April 18, 2012 emails regarding electronic torture, abuse and experimentation.

OHRP has responsibility for oversight of compliance with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regulations for the protection of human research subjects (see 45 CFR Part 46 at  In carrying out this responsibility, OHRP evaluates, at OHRP’s discretion, substantive allegations of noncompliance involving human subject research projects conducted or supported by HHS or that are otherwise subject to the regulations (see OHRP memorandum dated October 14, 2009 at for an explanation of OHRP’s jurisdiction).

OHRP has jurisdiction only if the allegations involve human subject research (a) conducted or supported by HHS, or (b) conducted at an institution holding an applicable Assurance of Compliance with the HHS regulations.

Neither of these conditions appear to be met by the circumstances described in your letter.  Therefore, OHRP will not be able to pursue the matter on your behalf.

OHRP appreciates your concern about the protection of human research subjects.

Kristina C. Borror, Ph.D.
Director, Division of Compliance Oversight


On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 9:21 PM, <> wrote:

Dear John,

Many thanks for your email.

We regret to inform you that Amnesty International is unable to offer you any assistance as your case does not fall within our areas of work.

We do understand your concerns and desire that action be taken. However, our work is determined by the framework established by Amnesty International members at a global level, and all individual cases that we work on must fall within the terms established by our statute. This does not mean that we consider certain types of human rights, or human rights abuses, to be more important than others. Nor does it mean that we have reached any conclusion as to whether you may have been the victim of a human rights violation. Rather, it means that we must, to be as effective as possible, channel our limited resources towards those areas of work which we have identified as priorities.

We regret that we are unable to assist you, and we do understand the disappointment this must cause. However, we hope you are able to understand the reasons behind this. We do hope that you are able to find the help that you need elsewhere, and that your situation improves.

If you wish to check which kinds of cases Amnesty International can deal with, please check our web page locatedat:

Sorry we are not able to be of further assistance in this matter.


The Communications Team.



Date: 05/07/2012 04:58

Subject: [Website: contact us] electronic torture,abuse and experimentation

Sent by:,


Erminia Mazzoni
Chairman, Committee on Petitions
European Parliament
B-1047 Brussels
tel: 32 2 2842111
fax: 32 2 2846844


I acknowledge the receipt of your recent correspondence dated 14/6/12 to the Committee on Petitions.

This will be added to the file of Mr Babacek on alleged use of mind control systems in the EU

(they then included this copy of the letter sent to Mr Mojmir Babacek on 19/7/12)

Dear Mr Babacek

Thank you for having submitted your petition to the European Parliament for its consideration. It was examined in order to assess whether the issue which you raise, falls clearly within the fields of activity of the European Union for which we are competent.

Unfortunately, I have to inform you that this was not the case, and I am therefore obliged to file your request without being able to take matters any further, pursuant to Article 201 (8) of our Rules of Procedure.

yours sincerely

Erminia Mazzoni
Committee on Petitions


from: Bill of Rights Defense Committee,,
to: john finch
date: Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 7.23am
Re: TO THE BILL OF RIGHTS DEFENSE COMMITTEE – We are a group of over 1300 electronic torture, abuse and experimentation victims – please assist us

Dear John,

Thank you for taking the time to write.

The Bill of Rights Defense Committee advocates and organizes grassroots support for constitutional rights based on the facts reported by national media. We simply don't have the resources to do investigative journalism.

Therefore, BORDC has no institutional position on whether mind control is happening. We take the facts as they're reported, and build a grassroots response.

Wishing all of you the very best,

Barbara Haugen, Administrator
Bill of Rights Defense Committee
8 Bridge Street, Suite A
Northampton, MA 01060


from: International Federation Secretariat
to: john finch <
date: Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 6:34 PM
mailed by:


Your email has reached the International Federation based in Geneva, Switzerland.

Your message has been received and read with concern. Although we would like to help, we regret to inform you that the Secretariat of the International Federation is not in a position to assist you on this matter.

For your information, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is a federation of National Societies which works to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. For doing this, it operates through and in agreement with National Societies and does not respond to individuals for personal assistance.

We suggest, therefore, that you contact the National Society based in your country and submit your request for support directly to them. Contact addresses can be found on our web site in the "directory" section.

We hope that you can find the support you need and wish you all the best.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies


ACLU – American Civil Liberties Union
PO Box 40585, Portland, Oregon, 97240
(503) 227 3186                        www.

September 28, 2012

John Finch

Dear Mr Finch

Thank you for contacting the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon. As you may know, the ACLU of Oregon is a small, private, non-profit organization funded entirely by private donations. Typically, the cases we accept are handled by lawyers in private practice who donate their time. As a result, we offer legal assistance in only a small number of cases each year.

Consequently, we must choose cases that most clearly invoke significant civil rights and civil liberties issues. We focus on protecting the rights of individuals to be free from excessive government intrusion and the right to receive equal protection under the law. These liberties include the rights of freedom of speech, press and religion, the right to be treated equally and without discrimination on the basis of race and sex, and the right to be free of abusive police conduct. Among these cases, we are forced to limit our representation to “impact cases” i.e., those that present new legal issues or affect large numbers of people.

We cannot assist in cases that depend on establishing facts. We are generally unable to get involved in disputes between private parties, with private employers, or private organizations. We also cannot intervene in a situation where an attorney has already been retained unless the attorney personally requests assistance, and even then, all the other criteria are still in place.

Based on the above criteria, we have concluded the ACLU is unable to provide you assistance. Please be assured, however, that this does not reflect on the worthiness of your case.

I have enclosed the ACLU of Oregon’s Referral and Information sheet. One of the organizations listed may be able to assist you. I regret we are unable to help you further.

Kevin Diaz
Legal Director

Enclosure: ACLU OF Oregon Referrals and Information


1425 New York Avenue, NW, Suite C-100, Washington, DC 20005
PHONE 202-233-3960                        FAX 202-233-3990     WWW.BIOETHICS.GOV

July 27, 2011

Dear Commenter:

We are writing to advise you on our ongoing work and plans for the next meeting of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues. We appreciate the time that you have taken to engage with us.

We would like to clarify for your information that the Commission is not investigating or reviewing any concerns or complaints concerning claims about targeted individuals. This includes claims concerning: MK-ULTRA; COINTELPRO; electromagnetic torture or attacks; organized stalking; remove influencing; microwave harassment; covert harassment and surveillance; human tracking; psychotronic or psychotropic weapons and radio frequency or military weapons or other claims.

As such the Commission will not hear further testimony on these subjects. Many of these issues have been investigated in the past. The Commission is not a law enforcement, regulatory or legislative body. It does not control any federal monies. In addition, the Commission has no involvement with the public or private grants and has no power to open or undertake criminal cases.

As advisors to the President, we will ensure that all of your concerns, information and testimony are provided to the White House. We sincerely appreciate your interest in the work of the Commission and the time you have taken to share your personal history with us.


Valerie H. Bonham
Executive Director


Our Reference: OTP-CR-70/07/002

The Hague, Tuesday 27 November 2012

John Finch

Dear Sir/Madam

On behalf of the Prosecutor, I acknowledge receipt of your communication received on 1/10/2012.

According to our records, you have sent three or more communications to the Office of the Prosecutor dealing with matters which are substantially the same as those already examined by it.

As noted in our previous responses, the matter described in your communication does not appear to fall within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (“the Court”), and the Prosecutor has confirmed that there is not a basis to proceed with further analysis in the absence of new facts or evidence.

The Office has carefully examined your latest communication and has re-confirmed that it does not introduce new facts or evidence altering the conclusion that there is not a basis to proceed under the Statute.

I hope you will understand that the Court is governed by Rome Statute, which provides a very specific and carefully defined jurisdiction and mandate over the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, under strict conditions specified under the Statute. As a result, many serious allegations will be beyond the reach of this institution to address.

Please understand that, given our carefully defined mandate and limited resources, where a person submits a succession of communications or seeks repeatedly to introduce the same matter, the Office is not able to continue further correspondence with that person on subsequent related communications.

Yours Sincerely

M.P. Dillon
Head of the Information & Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor

PO Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands
TEL: +31 70 5158515
FAX: +31 70 5158555



from:     Petitions OHCHR <>
to:        JUAN LACHESIS <>
date:     Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 8:12 PM
subject: Re: Fw: Dear Torture Victims and Friends - Attached are our updated over 1400 electronic torture, abuse and experimentation victims’ case summaries

Dear Sir,

Thank you for alerting us to your case. We have examined your email with attention and we nonetheless regret that the United Nations Secretariat is unable to assist you in the circumstances of your case.

Yours sincerely,

Petitions and Inquiries Section (Section des requêtes et des enquêtes)
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Pallais des Nations
CH-1211 Genève 10
+41 22 9179022


from:   Heena Khaled
date:     Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 3:19 AM
subject:            Enquiry Response-Psychotronic Weapons

Dear John,

Many thanks for your email, requesting help from the Open Society Justice Initiative .

We appreciate that you consider us a source for help and are always willing to provide assistance to victims within our reach whom we can provide expert assistance to. However, it is unfortunate that on this occasion the Open Society Justice Initiative cannot provide you the assistance you require, as we do not work in this field at the present moment.

We hope you find the support you require and sincere apologies,

Best Regards,

Heena Khaled | Administrative Associate |Open Society Justice Initiative

Open Society Foundation, 7th Floor, Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London SW1P 4QP United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 7031 0256 Fax:+44 (0)20 7031 0201


from: Petitions OHCHR
to:  MCmailteam International
date: 26 februari 2013 05:26
中国受害者告全世界人民书 An Announcement To The Whole World By Chinese Victims Of Directed Energy And Psychotronic Weapons

Dear Sir or Madam,

We acknowledge receipt of your message of 22 February 2013. May we suggest that you refer to our website for information about the procedures for the examination of individual petitions on human rights violations :, (direct link If you have difficulty accessing our website, please write to the OHCHR, Information Office PW-RS-011, 1211 Geneva 10, and ask for Human Rights Fact Sheets Nos. 7, 12, 15 and 17.

Please carefully examine the information referred to above and, if you think that your complaint falls within a mandate of one of the UN treaty-bodies, resubmit it to this treaty-body (Committee) with duly filled-in complaint form and copies of all supporting documents.

A staff member of the Petitions and Inquiries Section
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Pallais des Nations
CH-1211 Genève 10

+41 22 9179022


Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 6:20 PM

Dear Mr Baird,

The President of the European Parliament (EP), Mr Martin Schulz, has received your message concerning Parliamentary Resolution A4-0005/99 and the progress since its adoption.

The Citizens' Enquiry Service of the EP has been asked to reply.

On 6 March 2008, a written question was put to the Commission, asking what action has been taken by the EU since this call was made. If you wish to read the question in full, as well as the Commission's reply, please consult the following

Since you also refer to the recent NSA surveillance issues, please note that this was a subject of debate at the plenary session in the European Parliament on 3 July. If you wish to consult the debate in full, please click

In this regard, the EP adopted a
resolutionon 4 July which was approved by 483 votes to 98 with 65 abstentions. According to the press releaseon 8 July, the resolution instructs the EP's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs(LIBE) to conduct an "in-depth" enquiry into the US surveillance programmes, including the bugging of EU institutions and other spying allegations. The President of the EP, as well as political group leaders, formally confirmed the launch of the enquiry.

In the first hearing, held on 5 September, concerns were voiced by MEPs and key journalists on the impact of US National Security Agency and other surveillance programmes on EU citizens' privacy and media freedom and the lack of democratic oversight of these programmes. For further information, please consult this

Finally, to stay informed about the EP's current and future activities please consult our

We hope this is of interest and thank you for contacting the European Parliament.

Yours sincerely,
Citizens' Enquiry Service
European Parliament  

44. The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), KRISTINA BORROR, DIRECTOR, 6/11/13

Dear Mr. Finch:

The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) has received your November 03, 2013 concerning your experiences. 

OHRP has responsibility for oversight of compliance with the Health and Human Services (HHS) regulations for the protection of human research subjects (see 45 CFR Part 46 at  In carrying out this responsibility, OHRP evaluates, at OHRP’s discretion, substantive allegations of noncompliance involving human subject research projects conducted or supported by HHS or that are otherwise subject to the regulations (see OHRP memorandum dated October 14, 2009 at for an explanation of OHRP’s jurisdiction).

OHRP has determined that it does not have jurisdiction over the matters referenced in your letter.  Therefore, OHRP will not be able to pursue this matter on your behalf.

OHRP appreciates your concern about the protection of human research subjects.

Kristina C. Borror, Ph.D.
Division of Compliance Oversight
Borror, Kristina C (HHS/OASH)

45. The Justice Ministry of Denmark, 16/12/13

Ministry of Justice
Date: 16 December 2013
Office: Security and Prevention Division
Contact: Christian Lund Hansen
Our ref..: 2013-1914-0082
Doc.: 1007043

John Finch

The Ministry of Justice has received your e-mail of 18 November 2013 regarding surveillance.
The ministry has read your e-mail but does not find reason to take further action in light of your enquiry.

Yours sincerely
Rasmus Krogh Pedersen

Slotsholmsgade 10, DK-1216 København K.
Phone +45 7226 8400
Fax +45 3393 3510


From    OTP InformationDesk

To   John Finch <>,
 mcmailteam <>

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your message. Please note that the International Criminal Court has a very limited jurisdiction. The Court may only address the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes as defined by Articles 6 to 8 of the Rome Statute that have occurred after 2002, and can only exercise jurisdiction in the countries that have ratified it. For more information on the Court’s jurisdiction and the full text of the Rome Statute, please refer to page 2 of the attached document and our website, We encourage you to carefully review this information.

If, after your careful review, you still believe the ICC is the correct place for your case and would like to submit a claim to the Court, then please follow the directions for how to do so on page 1 of the attached document. If you decide to submit information, kindly use only this email address :            

Kind regards,
OTP Information Desk
International Criminal Court


From Amul Kalia




Thank you for contacting the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).

Unfortunately, the situation you describe is outside of EFF's area of focus. And we will not be able to represent you. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is a small, grassroots legal advocacy non-profit focused on defending civil liberties and constitutional rights online with very limited resources. EFF focuses on impact litigation at the federal level--usually questions or legal concepts never before seen by the courts. As such, we have a very important but narrowly focused mission and are not equipped to address all issues outside that limited scope. However, your local bar association should be able to refer you to an attorney for an initial consultation for a small fee.

I am sorry that we are unable to directly represent you and wish you the best of luck.


Amul Kalia
Electronic Frontier Foundation
(415) 436-9333


Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627


Read more…


We hope you're ok.


After having submitted OUR ELECTRONIC TORTURE, ABUSE AND EXPERIMENTATION CASES and numerous other letters & Petitions detailing the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history to most Governments, Security/Intelligence Agencies, International Organizations, Religious Organisations, Human Rights Organizations, Universities, Scientific and other Institutions, and the International Media all over the world - over and over and over again - appealing for assistance, protection and/or publicity we have received the responses listed below.

Other TARGETED INDIVIDUALS, all over the world, who are being subjected to similar torture and abuse, have had their appeals for justice, protection, assistance and/or publicity similarly almost completely ignored and/or suppressed – whether presented as GROUP PETITIONS or INDIVIDUALLY!!

Some of our ELECTRONIC TORTURE, ABUSE AND EXPERIMENTATION CASES detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, ‘mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations:-

There are MANY, MANY others, all over the world, who are being subjected to similar torture and abuse.

These are extreme and monstrous CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY – indescribably terrible in themselves – coupled with the ORWELLIAN secrecy and denial of any support at all that we are experiencing, makes them even more horrendous and monstrous.

Some TARGETED INDIVIDUALS have been attempting to gain assistance, protection and/or publicity about these crimes since the 1990s - and even earlier - this extends as far back into the history of illegal "scientific and medical" testing and experimentation as COINTELPRO, MKULTRA and the DUPLESSIS ORPHANS - and further.


Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627


THE RESPONSES - 2004-2013:-


Application no. 48661/06

"Dear Sir

I write to inform you that on 15 May 2007 the European Court of Human Rights, sitting as a Committee of three judges (E. Myjer, President, E.Fura-Sandstrom and I.Ziemele) pursuant to Article 27 of the Convention, decided under Article 28 of the Convention to declare the above application inadmissable because it did not comply with the requirements set out in Articles 34 and 35 of the Convention.

In the light of all the material in its possession, and in so far as the matters complained of were within its competence, the Court found that they did not disclose any appearance of a violation of the rights and freedoms set out in the Convention or its Protocols.

This decision is final and not subject to any appeal to either the Court, including its Grand Chamber, or any other body. You will therefore appreciate that the Registry will be unable to provide any further details about the Committee's deliberations or to conduct further correspondence relating to its decision in this case. You will receive no further documents from the Court concerning this case and, in accordance with the Court's instructions, the file will be destroyed one year after the date of the decision.

The present communication is made pursuant to Rule 53 & 2 of the Rules of Court.

yours faithfully
For the Committee
S. Naismith Deputy Section Registrar" 2006



"Dear Mr. Finch,

I am writing in reference to your e-mail to the President of the European Parliament.

On behalf of Mr Hans-Gert Pöttering, I thank you for the information you have provided and I can assure you that it has been noted and read with interest.

While the European Parliament supports research activities aimed at creating the knowledge society and strengthening the scientific and technological bases of the Community industry, it has always pointed out the need to respect fundamental ethical principles, including those reflected in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. With regard to the seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007 to 2013), the Parliament has stated in particular that the opinions of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies are and will continue to be taken into account. You may wish to read more details at the following Internet addresses:

Yours sincerely,
Jean-Louis COUGNON
Head of Division
European Parliament
General Directorate for Information
Correspondence with Citizens Unit" 2007


“Dear Sir, Madam

The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court acknowledges receipt of you documents/letter.

This communication has been duly entered in the Communications Register of the Office. We will give consideration to this communication, as appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

As soon as a decision is reached, we will inform you, in writing, and provide you with reasons for this decision.

Yours sincerely

….(illegible) …..

Head of Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor” 2007

see below for their written “decision”.


"Dear Mr. Finch:

Thank you for contacting the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International.

Your abuse documentation is now in our data files. A pattern of abuse may be established by amassing documentation such as yours.

Please understand that CCHR is not a law enforcement or legal agency in any way.  We are not an attorney referral service, cannot bring lawsuits against individuals and do not have law enforcement powers.  However, we do work with such officials by gathering information such as yours, filing complaints, offering research and other assistance.  Any actions performed by CCHR are done as a free public service--we do not charge for our services.

If you decide that you want to file a complaint against a specific psychiatrist or facility, you should send us a full written statement with specific information – names, dates, places, etc. describing the abuse that occurred.  If you have questions upon reviewing this letter please contact us.

You can find a wealth of information on psychiatric abuse at website


Lorita O'Leary, CCHR Abuse Case Documenter
Citizens Commission on Human Rights International
6616 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028
(800) 869-CCHR (2247)


"Dear all,

This is just to let everyone know we do take this phenomenon seriously and are looking into ways in which we can convince relevant people to take it seriously as well. We would like to thank all the people who have send in their stories, and will keep you informed if not directly then through Monika Stoces.

Hiermit möchten wir allen wissen lassen das wir dieses phenomen ernst nimmen und versuchen werden andere relevante personen es auch ernst nemen zu lassen. Wir mochten auch gern jeden danken die ihre geschichten gemaild hatten, wir sollen sie informieren uber unsere befindungen von hier oder via Monika Stoces.

kind regards,
Gert Nuyts (assistent)
Patsy Sörensen,Payoke NGO
Leguit 4,2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
T. 0032-3-201.16.90


17/4/08 - no response at all although they have recently filed the following "tip-of-the-iceberg" lawsuit:-

"CCR Files Suit over NSA Domestic Spying Program
Center for Constitutional Rights Believes Privileged Attorney-Client Communications Were Intercepted by NSA without Warrants


In New York, on January 17, 2006, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed a lawsuit against President George W. Bush, the head of the National Security Agency (NSA), and the heads of the other major security agencies, challenging the NSA's surveillance of persons within the United States without judicial approval or statutory authorization. The suit seeks an injunction that would prohibit the government from conducting warrantless surveillance of communications in the U.S. CCR filed the suit in the Federal District Court for the Southern District of New York on its own behalf and on behalf of CCR attorneys and legal staff representing clients who fit the criteria described by the Attorney General for targeting under the NSA Surveillance Program.

As has been widely reported, for over four years the NSA, with the approval of the president, has engaged in a program of widespread warrantless electronic surveillance of telephone calls and emails in violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The suit argues that the NSA Surveillance Program violates a clear criminal law, exceeds the president's authority under Article II of the Constitution, and violates the First and Fourth Amendments. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act explicitly authorizes foreign intelligence electronic surveillance only upon orders issued by federal judges on a special court. It expressly authorizes warrantless wiretapping only for the first fifteen days of a war, and makes it a crime to engage in wiretapping without specific statutory authority. Rather than seeking to amend this statute, the president simply violated it by authorizing warrantless wiretapping of Americans without statutory authority or court approval. As a result,the President violated his oath of office to take care that the laws of this nation are faithfully executed, and instead secretly violated a criminal prohibition duly enacted by Congress.

CCR has been one of the most active opponents of the illegal detention, torture and intelligence gathering practices this administration instituted in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 9/11. As part of its mission to fight violations of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, the Center for Constitutional Rights represents hundreds of men detained indefinitely without charge as "enemy combatants" at Guantanamo Bay; Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen accused of al Qaeda ties and rendered from the United States to Syria for the purpose of being tortured; and Muslim immigrants unreasonably and wrongfully detained in the U.S. for months without probable cause or criminal charges in the wake of 9/11.

In the course of representing these clients, the Center's lawyers have engaged in innumerable telephone calls and e-mails with people outside the United States, including their clients, their clients'families and outside lawyers, potential witnesses, and others. Given that the government has accused many of CCR's overseas clients of being associated with Al Qaeda or of interest to the 9/11 investigation, there is little question that these attorneys have been subject to the NSA Surveillance Program. The Center filed today's lawsuit in order to protect CCR attorneys' right to represent their clients free of unlawful and unchecked surveillance.

CCR Legal Director Bill Goodman said, "On this, the day following Martin Luther King Day, we are saddened that the illegal electronic surveillance that once targeted that great American has again become characteristic of our present government. As was the case with Dr. King, this illegal activity is cloaked in the guise of national security. In reality, it reflects an attempt by the Bush Administration to exercise unchecked power without the inconvenient interference of the other co-equal branches of government."

According to CCR attorney Shayana Kadidal, "The mere existence of the program harms CCR and our attorneys because it serves to inhibittheir ability to institute and effectively litigate these suits."

The Center for Constitutional Rights is represented in the suit by CCR attorneys Bill Goodman, Shayana Kadidal, and Michael Ratner, and CCR cooperating attorney David Cole. Also appearing as an attorney

for CCR, is Professor Michael Avery, president of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), on behalf of the NLG." 2007



“October 10, 2007
Dear Member of the Legislature and Friends:

This letter is to ask for your help for the many constituents in our country who are being affected unjustly by electronic weapons torture and covert harassment groups. Serious privacy rights violations and physical injuries have been caused by the activities of these groups and their use of so-called non-lethal weapons on men, women, and even children.

I am asking you to play a role in helping these victims and also stopping the massive movement in the use of Verichip and RFID technologies in tracking Americans. . .  . . .”

Representative Jim Guest  EMAIL: , 



Mr Andrew Nunn
Correspondence Secretary
to the Archbishop of Canterbury

OUR REF: 63443
22 MAY 2008
Mr Rudy Andria
Paris, France

Dear Mr Andria

The Archbishop of Canterbury has asked me to write thanking you for your 19th May letter, but to say with regret that he is not in a position to help. He is sorry about that.

Yours Sincerely


14. MEETING WITH MR NIGEL FARRAGE, MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, from UKIP ( United Kingdom Independence and Democracy Party), BRUSSELS, EUROPE 24/6/08

From: FARAGE Nigel
Date: 24 jun. 2008 17:38
To: Monika Stoces

Dear Monika Stoces

Thank you for your mailing - and good luck with your demo at the Strasbourg-site!  If you would like to send  two people into the buildings, I shall gladly meet them at the entrance to the LOW-building, on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon, and provide them with passes.  I should be interested to have a chat.

Please call (0033) 3881 77855 or (0032) 473 622 454, when delegation is ready to enter.

Yours sincerely
Andrew S. Reed
(Office of Nigel Farage)


Dear All
Despite the relatively small number of participants ( 19 ), all in all the Strasburg demo was quite a success. The majority of the victims present were from Germany:
Germany: 9, Italy: 3, Switzerland: 2, Belgium: 2, France:1, Austria: 1 and Morocco: 1 
As agreed, Swetlana and Walter Madliger had a chat with Andrew Reed of the Office of MP Nigel Farage. A detailed summary of the meeting will be posted later.
French FR3 TV kept their promise to me and came on Monday 7th to interview us and to film the demo.
This demo not only gave us an intense sense of pleasure and enjoyment of fighting together, but this in turn made us more than ready to indulge in that most human of activities - social interaction- the sharing of experiences and the simple but enduring pleasure of enjoying each other's company and conversation.
Two news editors left messages on my answering machine to apologize for being held up at the last minute and wish to make up for it by inviting me for an interview next week.
One might well think all this is a promising start.
With all good wishes

July 14, 2008
Here is the English version of Swetlana's and Walter's summary-report on their meeting with Andrew Reed of the Office of MEP Nigel Farage. An Italian version will be sent to Paolo's group, later on. Rudy

Summary report on the meeting with Mr Andrew Reed, assistant to Mr Nigel Farage, MEP, from UKIP ( United Kingdom Independence and Democracy Party) on July 8th, 2008 in the Europarliament Low Building in Strasbourg, France, from 1.45 p.m to 3.10 p.m.

Our chat with Mr Andrew Reed could be summed up with the above title. Unfortunately, the delegation of the Strasbourg demonstration,Mrs Swetlana Schunin and myself,Walter Madliger could not speak to Mr Nigel Farage, MEP personally, but he came by for a short while, just to greet us. Mr Andrew Reed not only confirmed the title of this article, but he was also critical of the EU policy, whose relationship with the citizens is generally too impersonal. He explained  the mechanisms of political power and their influences on democracy. He gave us an outline of the abuse of power which is easily possible in a democracy and is more and more widespread. This, of course, is very alarming.
The abuse of power is the essence of moral evil. Moral evil occurs, when the authorities refuse to accept the responsibility for the welfare of those who are logically under their care. When there is no close ties with the citizens, moral evil and tort are common practice. The abuse of power is the telltale sign of democracies in crisis. We are governed by a distant political elite,which has lost all contact with the people.
Nobody than we, the victims of mindcontrol and electronic harassment , could have agreed more.
While Mr Andrew Reed tried to make us understand his position and his problems, we tried to get a word in and present our own problems. He asked about the whys and wherefores of this control of the psyche, when it had occured and how it had impacted on us. We gave him a few examples and an update of psychophysical means and weapons, and of the existing laws on their misuse. He took down notes of all this.
In my opinion , he was very well aware of all these means and weapons, and even of the laws, but he did not show how much aware he was. He also seemed to let us understand he has very scarce knowledge of the HAARP issue and the EU-Resolution A4-0005/99, although the UK is one of the most important states, which have participated in the similar EISCAT installations in Norway. He made no comments on our allegations that England used mindcontrol technology in the Northern Ireland Conflict and on the island itself, Greenham Commons in 1988.
We talked about the development and the proliferation of Non-lethal Weapons and the international symposia in Ettlingen, Germany. When we asked him about a possible specific reaction of the EU-Parliament to the problems under discussion, (e.g. in the form of a specific EU-resolution), he could not promise us that he would be able to organize and form a subcommittee for this purpose, nor even a subcommittee for the investigation of our allegations and complaints.
The assenting votes of quite a few delegates would be needed and the party's fraction in the EU-Parliament would be just a bit too small. Whether this statement was 100% true, I doubt a bit, as the overall number of the so-called “Eurosceptics” fraction amounts to 37 , to the best of my knowledge.
In other words, a specific EU-Resolution regarding mindcontrol means and electronic harassment weapons is not yet in sight. Apparently, there is some “understanding” of our complaints, but in the end nobody is willing to really do something about it.
The question we have to ask ourselves is what will everything be like, if we ask the politicians and the governments to forbid and stop the use of the weapons in question on human beings. They are, right now, lining their greedy pockets with a quick profit, they are, right now, making their dictatorial dreams come true . So who wants to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs?

At the end of the meeting, we handed out information material to Mr Andrew Reed ( books of Jim Keith and Mr Gehring and additional info-material, the Smirnov-DVD ). It remains to be seen whether or not Mr Reed will have a look at them. When we pointed out that the fate and the whole future of our children are at stake, Mr Reed agreed and was quite impressed.

At least, the European Parliament has now been informed by a first hand source. Now, they know that there exist citizens who want to fight for the issue and for their most fundamental Human Rights. This issue and that of getting the delegates to support our cause should now be our most important goal.

Here's the English version of Swetlana's report written in German. More to come later. Rudy


The demonstration of European victims took place under the motto "against human experiments with psychophysical weapons" in the French city of Strasburg in front of the European Parliament building on July 7th and at the Council of Europe on July 8th, 2008. One week before the demonstration, we sent information to several editorial staff and TV channels in Strasburg and in other cities of France and Europe. And they did come to the Europarliament on July 7th to support us! The aim of the demonstration was to call the attention of the parliamentarians and the population of Strasburg, to arouse their interest and to ask a press coverage of the issue. In addition, we demanded an extension of the European weapon law which forbids the illegal trading, the illegal possession and the illegal use of psychophysical weapons.

We demanded that an appropriate law put a stop to all kinds of abuse by criminal organisations, and by the military and Secret Services . The organizers of this demonstration in Strasburg were: Swetlana Schunin and Christina Marx from Germany, and Walter Madliger from Switzerland. We have provided flyers in English and German and made posters with the following slogans:

1. Governments are incapable of fighting electromagnetic terror!
2. You might become a victim!
3. Stop psycho-experiments on innocent human beings, immediately!
4. Abusive irradiation technologies on citizens!
5. Prohibition of the control of human subconsciousness!
6. We must put an end to a terrible genocide!
7. Secret services and state criminals are carrying out their experiments remotely!
8. Stop military-medical experiments on peaceful citizens!
9. Brutal tortures and secret murders of innocent people in many countries!
10. Dr. V. Agischev is the criminal head of the "Skvortsova-Stepanova" psychiatric hospital in St. Petersburg!

We called hundreds of European and German victims and emailed lots of invitations. Many victims could not join us for health and financial reasons. But they all sent us short messages saying their thoughts were with us. So, a relatively small number of victims turned up at the demonstration.
We all met at 9.30 a.m on Monday, July 7th in front of the Europarliament. 22 victims altogether turned up from all Europe: 10 from Germany, 3 from Italy, 2 from Russia, 2 from Belgium, 2 from Switzerland, 1 from Austria, 1 from France and 1 from Spain/Morocco. Two supporters from Strasburg joined in with the group later. All demonstrators spared neither time nor efforts throughout the 2-day demonstration. We managed to hand out 800 info sheets to the passers-by, to the parliamentarians and to the tourists in front of the Europarliament and the Council of Europe buildings. Many citizens did show an interest in our problem and some others already knew about this crime.

On Monday 7th, about 11 a.m, two reporters of French TV Channel FR3 came to support us and to make an interview . Some activists told them about this worldwide crime.The press took great interest in our situation. We, therefore, hope that they will give accurate coverage of the whole event. We were particularly impressed at seeing Italian and Moroccan activists Paola Sbronzeri, Paolo Dorigo and Fouzia  stopping the cars on the street and handing out flyers to the drivers. Throughout the two-day demonstration our posters helped the passers-by and prospective supporters to understand the whys and wherefores of our action. Although the Secret Services and the French CRS police armed to the teeth controlled our demonstration from start to finish, everything went off quite smoothly.
On the second day, from 10 o'clock onwards we once again informed the tourists, drivers and passers-by at the Council of Europe building. Our posters had a very big effect on the passers-by. In the afternoon, as agreed, Swetlana Schunin and Walter Madliger had a one-hour audience with Andrew Reed of the office of MEP Nigel Paul Farage. We think that this meeting is a promising start for all of us. The central issue is that we were able to call the attention and to arouse the interest of the parliamentarians, the press, the Strasburgers and the foreign tourists with only 24 demonstrators.

The work we did all together throughout the two-day event inspired us and other victims to organise even bigger demonstrations in the future. This European demonstration in Strasburg has shown that we can defeat these brutal barbarians only by joining all our forces. We all think it was a big success. And we had the pleasure of sharing our experiences and of enjoying each other's company in a friendly atmosphere.  We will carry on with our common action to save everyone of us from these sadists' cruel tortures, we will keep on fighting so that every man and every child on the planet can live and sleep quietly without tortures and psychological terror!

The organizer of the Strasburg demonstration and president of the "Association Against the Abuse of Psychophysical Weapons"
Swetlana Schunin

from RUDY -  3/7/08

1. A few contacted authorities did not follow through into further help other than the initial promise of support .
2. Many of them fizzled out .
3. Some "people" got to them to block their continued help or...
4. Some decided they do not wish to get further involved .

We had loads of potential help. For various reasons many of them backed out.

So here is the situation:-
a) We had to deal with lots of  "pies-in-the- sky", "lip-service- experts", "just-hot-air" and "just-for- show" people.
b) Lots of them were just "deaf-ears".
c) Many backed out for more or less mysterious reasons
d) Some were " experts in arrogance "
e) Some did try to do their best
f)  Some confessed they couldn't do much

Spanish Journalist Rafael Palacio
Rowena Thursby of UK KIG

IX. And now, the GOOD news
1.Six European journalists have agreed to have a meeting with me in Paris, early September 2008. The date is still to be arranged.
2. All the news editors who came to the Strasburg demo in July 2008 agree to follow through into further help.


Dear Mr Finch
The Archbishop of Melbourne is currently overseas and will be away for some weeks ahead.
In his absence I am responding to your letter of the 7th July.
I note the concerns your letter raises and have read the attachments you provided.
Your immediate request was for access to a safe house, as a place of protection from the the things you have been experiencing. Unfortunately we do not have the resources to address the general issues you raise, nor are we able to provide you with acess to the type of accomodation you require.
I trust you may be able to find the help you need through some other line of enquiry.

Grace & peace in Christ Jesus
Yours sincerely
The The Right Reverend John Noble, Vicar General Diocese Of  Melbourne,

17. MR NIGEL FARRAGE, MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, from UKIP ( United Kingdom Independence and Democracy Party), BRUSSELS, EUROPE 28/7/08

Subject: UKIP-response to FAMCE-delegation
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 16:27:12 +0200

Dear Monika and Rudy

Three weeks ago, as you know, a FAMCE-delegation, consisting of Swetlana Schunin and Walter Madliger, was received at the UKIP-offices in the LOW-building of the EU's consultative assembly, at Strasbourg, and submitted certain documents, with a view to promoting awareness of the need to monitor and control a range of electronic weapons, which, according to numerous reports, have been under development for several decades and have been used, covertly, in various parts of the world, to the discomfort and distress of many people.

Most notable, among the documents submitted - because it comes, as it were, from the horse's mouth - is the programme of the "4th European Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons 2007", held by the "European Working Group on Non-Lethal Weapons" (EWG-NLW) at the Stadthalle, in Ettlingen, Germany.

This programme, containing as it does, such items as "Software and Hardware of Instrumentation for Human-State Control in the Influence-Field of Microwave Radiation", "Psychological Effects of Non-Lethal Weapons: a new Approach for Defining more Effective Uses" and "Bio-Impulse:  a Research Program to Study the Effects of Nanosecond Electromagnetic Pulses on Biological Cells", bears out the studies and anecdotal evidence, submitted by the delegation, to the extent that research into electronic weapons, for the purposes of effecting pain, injury and mind-manipulation, is certainly going on.

Furthermore, judging by the sources of the presentations made at the symposium, most of this research is proceeding in the EU, the USA and Russia.  Note too that, at this same symposium (on 23rd May, item V27) the International Committee of the Red Cross sponsored a presentation on the subject of "Ensuring the protection of Civilians and Respect for International Humanitarian Law".

The delegation did not mention that the EWG-NLW is now preparing for its "5th European Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons 2009" - also to be held at the Stadthalle in Ettlingen - and is appealing for prospective presenters, either of discussions (25 mins) or of posters, to send in their abstracts before the 1st October.

If FAMCE has not done so, I would recommend that it submit an abstract for this symposium - as the Red Cross successfully did, last year - in order to promote awareness of the themes of its campaign among those who know most about the technology, which FAMCE alleges is being mis-used.  EWG-NLG's response to such an application might be informative; and, even if the application is unsuccessful, FAMCE should attempt, at least, to attend the symposium in order to gather intelligence. 

EWG-NLW's website (URL given above) states that "The working Group is open to all European organizations working in the area of Non-Lethal Weapons", so, unless the membership-fee is prohibitively high, I do not see why FAMCE should not join the working-group as a full member, get closer to the sources (which remain tantalisingly vague) of the problems it identifies, and develop a voice within a forum, which will be able to appreciate, better than any other, the significance of what it is saying.

As for the wider political context, in which electronic weapons are being developed, I would have thought it quite clear that the real danger to democracy, the rule of law and the rights of the individual, comes, not from the weapons themselves (knives and clubs can be used just as secretly and unattributably as electronic weapons) but from the erosion of democracy by supranational organisations, such as the EU, and clandestine, politico-commercial influences, such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House)

I agree completely with the opening chapters of Jim Keith's "Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness", which the delegation gave me, and which describes the grip exerted on US-policy by surreptitious societies, large corporations and secret agencies, and the sinister data-gathering programmes of the (not yet quite sovereign) EU.  The restoration of democracy, under these circumstances, is the only possible answer to misconduct by these various, sinister entities.  Even passing laws, like the ones now "in force", against the mis-use of electronic weapons, in some US-states, is completely ineffective as long as governments and courts remain under the undue influence of special interests, whether commercial or supranational.

Persuasive too is Heiner Gehring's book "Versklavte Gehirne", which the delegation also gave me, and which charts the control and misuse of the mass-media by the governments and other entities described above, showing that the restoration of democracy - through the decision of informed electorates - can only be achieved if the dis-information, propagated by an oligarchy of media-chains, can somehow be countered.

This is the essential business of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) and its supporters, among whom, therefore, I should like to count the FAMCE.

Even so, it may be possible to influence the situation for the better, by exposing the abuse of electronic weapons, if attacks of this kind can be clearly documented and liability can be clearly established.  The confused anecdotes of people, who claim to have been rendered mentally ill by such attacks, are, by their very nature, ambiguous and unreliable, and must be supported by some kind of concrete evidence.  When such evidence does emerge, UKIP's representatives in the Houses of Parliament in London (rather than those in the EU's sham counterpart in Brussels) will be well-placed to present it, and I shall certainly assist them in doing so.

Meanwhile, if you have specific questions, which our Westminster-representatives can usefully put to government-ministers, I would be pleased to relay these to them; but action in the EU's institutions is virtually impossible.  Written questions to the EU-Commission receive bland replies after several weeks.  An independent Political Group, such as ours, is effectively prevented from tabling items for the plenary agenda, and "MEP's", who are not supporters of the régime, are treated, in general, with contempt and are ignored.  All of this helps to demonstrate the EU's inherently anti-democratic structure, which should not be appealed to, under any circumstances, because doing so would imply recognition of a legitimacy it does not possess.

For us, the EU-assembly provides a platform for publicity in Britain, and nothing more.  It does not influence the EU's essential powers (as the fate of the Resolution of 1999, against the mis-use of electronic weapons, demonstrates) but, on all matters of moment, merely echoes the EU-Commission.  As a platform, however - and lacking any other, as we did until three years ago, when we first obtained representation at Westminster - it has been invaluable to us, and will probably continue to be so, for some time.

Now that we have made contact, and begun to work together, therefore, I look forward to maintaining a fruitful association with FAMCE.

Yours sincerely
Andrew S. Reed

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Einstein Einstein's visit to BArcelona 1923, marks the history of mass mind control BArcelona. I travel all over the world making propaganda usefulness of quantum physics. Research infrastructure is gesture on Epigenetics in the world, to create a virtual program, which simulates the homesotatico with bioresonance quantified balance of our body. For future space travel, in space there is no gravity, so everything is levitating in suspension die- A group of people concerned about the planet, made a historic future to alert people gesture: A menu in which you described it ironically Einstein studies. Only a victim can understand what it means, the language is very complicated because it has to investigate quantum physics and philosophy.

cena relativity

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mind control loterie nationale


The Dali Museum in Barcelona (figueras) he describes the reality of nocturnal abductions. A skeleton, a bed, a table relpjes standing on the wall.
And to the right, but monumental Catalan satire, a lottery ticket with a red eye that has a face on the inside.

The poster makes a technique for peripheral vision is used. As in the special drawings to see the unseen. -

The poster makes a technique for peripheral vision is used. As in the special drawings to see the unseen. -

"What is Peripheral Vision? concept
Sep 17, 2009 by Luis.
If you've ever seen a film of Bruce Lee you may have noticed that there mirabaCampo vision staring at their opponents. And, in contrast, are anticipated to all attacks. Saw them coming. He used his peripheral vision (among many other resources). I am far from an expert in martial arts."

Peripheral Vision is one that allows you to cover almost 180 ° with your view. Vision with narrowed eyes unfocused.


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I'm fijadome in what happens in my mind. I am comparing things that psychiatrists, artists, spiritualists and parapsychologists say.
Europe is key. America is young historically in modernity. In Europe the modern mind control and its use to investigate consciousness and human behavior gesture.
America is more powerful for knowledge in engineering and everything relevant to the system of the CIA.
To convince people to be simplified to the maximum everything. And show others taregeted single history, which left their seed to us would recognize.
Dali is one such example. His work in figueres (barcelona) shows a complaint on global mind control.
Every detail is important.
But only one victim acknowledges, because he knows what it means.




This is the play "cyber Princess" made of printed circuit wrapped in silk screens with oriental motifs.
A female robot, specifically computers dish. (Transhuman)
Cadaver in a transparent coffin. as Snow White.
Surrounded by fine silk cloth, soft imperceptible (electromagnetic aura), with chinoiserie motifs.
It tells us that what we kill oriental. Matara reason with magical beliefs.
The electromagnetic aura is a scam to get into our own mind and our body.


bedroom with skeleton (death) and box stopped clocks (time)


entire museum is full of breads, which resemble a chicken, making allusion to the god pan, lovely dreams.
Chicken is a philosophical allusion to Diogenes-Platon. Diogenes threw him like a chicken plucking challenge to Plato, it was a challenge to say the truth. THE philosophy clasic very important in exposing mind control aes because Plato school study of the mysteries of Egypt.
Alli only were people with references and could pay the price.

a table gala secret elements, the eye of knowledge represented by the goose, and a ruler representing Freemasonry. This in aerial suspension, and eggshell represents the astral birth.

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"Amid the Disparity"

Amid the disparity,
Is high technology,
marring self-sufficiency,
while others know God only through a crust of bread.

Speaking in vulgarity and obscenity
remotely, via satellites, towers
People and computers
Do what they will

Depraved and depriving
as the algorithms churn
Still in the middle
Convention war drives on

Amid the disparity
What is done,
What can be said
Of love

Read more…
Here is a technical report on how Remote Neural Monitoring might be working!!....this can be taken as how a technical committe will submit the report. Interviews and experiment with RNM affected was carried out under London Tunnel and in flight across is also objective to keep multiple copy on internet for safety and loss of original copy..her it goes...the work was published under name deepthought!!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Several months ago, I shut down this column and removed its content. For those that don't remember, I spent nearly four years digging into the physics and technology behind reading/writing information to/from the human brain using radio waves. There was a time when the general view of this was associated with 'tinfoil hat conspiracy theories'. That all changed when I began demonstrating the physics to reveal a functional model which, in turn, revealed a medical torture program run by a portion of the US government.I closed the column for a variety of reasons. Firstly, there is the ever-present pressure from various organizations to maintain the silence. That said, I have never much cared for their opinions and it did not rank very high in my decision making processes. Secondly, I tend to have a different approach to writing than most authors. My published articles can be as much like a notebook to capture ideas as it is a mechanism to convey those ideas to others. This can lead to a somewhat muddled experience for readers that do not understand this. Finally, as with any investigation, getting side-tracked is inevitable as interesting things pop up all the time.Thus, a clean-up was long overdue.In today's article, I intend to capture the important elements from the series on reading/writing information to/from the human brain in the context of modern warfare. Rather than having twenty different articles, with information spread all over the place in various states of revision, it is best to have it in one single page. This article will capture everything that is currently known, or can be inferred, about the system, its objectives, the current state of progress and any additional relevant material. As such, this is a very long article.As ever, the question is where to begin. When describing a system of this magnitude it is always difficult to identify a good starting point that is suitable for most readers. I suppose the best place to start is a small executive summary that describes the system and from there we can break it out into a more detailed picture.A further question is what to name this. A misleading term is "remote neural monitoring" (RNM), as it implies that such a system is merely recording. A term I have used before is "Synthetic Telepathy", but that can also be misleading as it is a term used to describe a different military technology under development. I feel that the best approach is to extend the historical name for this technology, to better reflect its current capabilities. "Remote Neural Monitoring, Control and Manipulation" (RNMCM) is a bit of a mouthful, but it is certainly more accurate.Executive Summary"Remote Neural Monitoring, Control and Manipulation" (RNMCM) is a term that refers to the usage of specific technologies to record and/or alter the electrical activity of neurons in the human body (or any life-form). Neurons can broadly be separated into four main categories:•Sensory neurons•Motor (and other output) neurons•Communication neurons•Computation neuronsThe electrical activity of each of these four main types of neurons can be classified by a computer. Every action a human makes, or experiences, is represented by specific patterns in the electrical activity. Thus, when a specific electrical pattern is observed, we can state that a certain event has happened. That could be a feeling of joy, seeing a blue car, tasting an orange, thinking of a word, moving a limb, or even visualizing a shape in your mind to solve a mathematical puzzle.The key to any functional RNMCM system is obtaining good recordings of specific electrical patterns and knowing what they mean. Further, as the electrical patterns are slightly different between people, knowing these differences allows the development of systems that can classify electrical activity across the entire global population without retraining. We call this latter goal "Generalization". "Generalization" is important because training takes a long time. With "generalization" we can skip the training process and jump straight to reading the required information which is a lot faster and requires less computing power.An example of an unclassified technique of reading the electrical activity of the brain is Electroencephalography (EEG). EEG has a limitation, in that it can only record the sum total of electrical activity. This is rather like listening to a song, in that you cannot hear the individual instruments in isolation. RNMCM uses a different approach, it exploits the reflectivity/absorption/transparency of neurons at radio frequencies to record individual activity of neurons. This can be compared to obtaining a track with a single instrument playing its role in a song from a music studio.By recording the electrical activity and observing behavior, or impact to other electrical activity, we can infer what each electrical pattern means. By recording the slight variations found in different human subjects, by analyzing tens of thousands/millions of brain patterns, a system can be trained to recognize what that electrical activity means in any human subject it encounters without retraining. The analysis of tens of thousands/millions of people is how we obtain "Generalization". Given the complexity of the human brain and certain limitations, obtaining "generalization" could take half-a-century or more depending on available hardware and complexity of the problem.Throughout this process, we will obtain an ever-increasing number of identified electrical activity patterns that are militarily useful. For example, being able to know military plans in advance, or quantify enemy numbers and capabilities. In addition, we will be able to combine these identified electrical patterns to create/compose our own complex electrical patterns. This latter ability will allows us to reverse the process, drive the neurons with our patterns and have a human subject under our control or influence.Initially, when introducing composed patterns into a human subject, we would expect a certain level of influence. In time, as the database of electrical patterns expand, it is expected that this will give way to complete remote control.In order to complete the training of the system and test its effectiveness, tens of thousands/millions of volunteers would be required to submit themselves to long-term (life long) experimentation, the effects of which would be wide-ranging. We can expect deaths, deformities, mental illness, seizures, complex syndromes, chronic and acute pain, heart and respiratory failure, etc.Given the national security requirement of secrecy and the lack of such a willing population, secret experimentation on a significant sub-section of the human population globally would be required. Three basic categories of human subject will be required, training, validation and test. The training group will consist of human subjects that are used continuously 24/7 to both produce electrical patterns and serve as a testing area for identified patterns. The validation group will will be used as a quick reference to confirm the accuracy of generalization. The test group, which for practical purposes will continuously select random individuals on the planet, will be used be to study the generalized pattern(s) effectiveness and accuracy.It would be impractical to hide such activity to the major enemies of the state, thus some form of international agreement encompassing technology sharing and combined defense pact would need to be made to provide cover for the program.Technical SummaryThe technology required to drive this program on the surface is a rather simplistic combination of existing technologies. That said, to bring the system up to near real-time speed for both reading and writing requires optimization across a multitude of technologies all developed by numerous vendors and each with their own particular physical limitations.The system can be broken down into a number of layers and lends well to a development process conducted through compartmentalization of classified programs. The development of the system can be fragmented through hundreds, if not thousands of independent programs and the results combined reducing the footprint of knowledge and thus program exposure. Further, in time, particular technologies and techniques can be re-invented at a later date with a higher profile in order to establish false historical time-lines thus reducing the exposure of key staff to prosecution and/or direct action by hostile or friendly forces.The primary task is to deliver a distributed computing platform (Grid Computing) spanning the globe and linked by a mixture of high speed connections. Custom software (middleware) will control the allocation of resources, distribution of programs and the migration of data around the grid computing platform. It will, in effect, operate as a single geographically separated supercomputer and have the ability to hide this fact from end-users by presenting false logical views of the system. The grid will be a mixture of a range of hardware from commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware, to custom chips and boards with the latest advancements in quantum computing optimization.The grid computing platform will play host to a strong, general purpose, artificial intelligence. The strong artificial intelligence will perform numerous roles throughout the defense sector, but will provide the ability to compartmentalize activity through a strict classification process. Thus, any activity generated by this program will not generate any concern and will be attributed to general remote sensing applications if observed from multiple points. The role of the strong AI in this program will be complex. During the training phase, its main role will be to infer the meaning of electrical activity and to leverage its human-level reasoning capabilities to examine internal thought processes. As we transition to influence and control, the strong AI will attempt to mimic the human subject in terms of thought processes, language and behaviors. The ultimate goal being that the strong AI can assume complete remote control of a human subject and impersonate them. The fallback position, should this prove unfeasible, is to substantially compromise the human subject's neural activity such that we are in a position to strongly influence decisions and actions. An additional objective, will be the ability to perform remote assassinations, intimidation and torture to extract information not directly observed by the system.The strong AI will direct a classification system composed of the latest developments in machine learning. This classification system will be fed by signal processing network that prepares radio data for analysis by the classification system. The classification system will be in a low latency path from the source of radio information and have the ability to prioritize signals based upon temporal requirements. This will require a programmable architecture which can be driven by the strong AI.Observers of this system with sufficient technical knowledge could not determine that the system was anything beyond a complex radar and remote sensing platform. Linking this system with a program to read/write information to/from the human brain would be complete speculation on the behalf of the observer. This provides the system with robust counter-intelligence potential from internal threats and a high degree of plausible dependability. Other than complex analysis of the data, which can be erased or moved to more favorable legal jurisdictions, complete seizure of the equipment only indicates the potential for use, not the actual application. During development of the satellite hardware the requirements, particularly of the transmitter arrays, may raise suspicions. A mitigation strategy would be to introduce the system as a directed energy weapon designed to manipulate/jam electronic systems (such as guidance systems of ballistic missiles/bombers/etc.).Radio information is delivered from one, or more, big-ear (synthetic aperture - operating at different elevations) satellite network(s). The constant speed of light places hard limits on the elevation of satellites required to capture/broadcast real-time information and thermal noise places hard limits of the maximum elevation for non-real-time intercepts. The hard limits are compounded by the fact that the human body can only absorb/reflect so much radiation.TechnicalThe Grid Computing SolutionThe physical hardware arrangement of the grid computing solution will be quite complex. Real-time interaction with the human brain is a hard requirement of the system, thus latency has hard limits that dictate the minimum number of site globally as well as their distance from satellite downlinks. To the human brain, variation in delays can be more noticeable than a constant delay, especially when multiple senses are involved. Typically, when working with a single sense a delay of up to 150ms is tolerable, however, this can drop to 60ms when multiple senses are involved.Thus, to support an audio stream such has inserting words into the human brain, a delay of up to 150ms is functional. When that is combined with visual or other sensory stimulation, the functional delay begins to drop to around 60ms. As a result, the grid computing solution must have extreme low latency and designed to pipeline information. That is, the solution must be designed like a circuit that provides the most optimal physical path between points. This architecture is in direct contrast to modern approaches which rely completely on the optimization of software functions. Such an approach will not result in the required high performance demanded. The key problem is that this approach is very brittle from the perspective of future development, however, this is not much of a concern as the application will be a constant factor.These hard limits provide a defined limit on the number of I/O exchanges. I/O exchanges have an issue known as end-point crisis. An end-point crisis is where the transmission medium can handle more data that the circuits reading/writing data to that physical layer. Further, each I/O exchange introduces a complex delay that in itself has well-defined hard limits. As such, when scaling there is a defined physical limit of the amount of hardware that can be in a real-time pathway before it becomes non-functional. Even with the progressive improvement of hardware processing speeds and consolidation of services, these hard limits will always exist.At the extreme, the grid computing solution (including all ground equipment and links) can be allocated 1/3 of the the delay. This provides a window of 20-50ms in which to perform all real-time functions. The grid will therefore need to incorporate elements of predictive analysis. Predictive analysis will play a key role of the services run on the grid, but the grid itself will be required to identify particular scenarios that can be optimized and offload the processing from the services it hosts. One such scenario could be the reallocation of resources or programs that migrate to the geographical area in which they are being used. Rather than this being managed in software by a hosted AI, these basic services can be offloaded to hardware that powers the grid. Thus, the grid solution identified here would be a custom hardware solution, rather than a complete software middleware.We can now observe that the density of ground sites is dictated by the demand that any real-time target must be within a 40-100ms round trip time. Ignoring all the delays that provides an operational range of 6000-15000Km.As noted the majority of the grid will be a custom hardware solution, that will contain custom hardware for the services it hosts. Each element of the grid will be a supercomputer in itself capable of operating independently of the grid for survivability. Given the operational range of the system, complete global coverage can be provided by around 8 sites, raising to around 24 sites (alternatively 5 main sites, 10 redundant) when triple redundancy is added. Modularity certainly lends to ease of upgrades, but it comes at the expense of adding delays to the system. Thus a balance must be struck between modularity and speed to provide the best performance. Continuous evaluation of the design of the system will reveal, over time, the most efficient trade-offs and hardware arrangements.The grid hardware will be a mixture of semi-conductor technologies and quantum computing solutions aimed at resolving optimization problems in large datasets.The Strong Artificial IntelligenceGiven the longitudinal nature of the study to be undertaken, the complex interaction and investigation of patterns, direct human analysis is impossible. It is critical that the latest in automation techniques be applied to the problem and allowed to grow hand-in-hand with the experiments. One of the key stumbling blocks in the road to a strong AI is the lack of insight into human behavior, thought processes and ultimately validation of machine learning output. In this experiment, not only will we learn how to interface with human body via radio, but leverage the feedback provided by the human brain as a means to train the AI to replicate human behavior.A strong AI is can be thought of a complex form of database that uses certain information in that database to replicate or approximate human behavioral responses to a given input or series of inputs. Initially the AI will be basic, it will merely perform analysis of particular neural circuits relating to speech, recognition, auditory, vision, etc. Once substantially complete, to the point where the AI can pose certain problems to the human brain, the secondary objective of making the AI more human-like in both its reasoning and behavior can begin. By posing problems to the human brain, responses can be compared with the output of algorithms employed by the AI and refined to match. This will supplement all training provided directly to the internal interfaces of the AI.The AI will built upon a statistical engine that will return the most likely response for a given input, in that respect it will be an amalgamation of everyone and everything that it has ever interacted with. Advancement in quantum computing should provide for faster searches when posed as optimization problems. An important area of development will be the inference engine which attempts to relate the output of one statistical assessment with another, integrating that into its sum knowledge over time. It is envisaged that this will be a continuous process and no great leap in intelligence will occur for the simple reason that it is ultimately based upon computation and can only combine what it already knows. That is, the combination of information does not lead to hardware changes or changes in the laws of physics which ultimately define the method in which information can be represented, processed and outputted.The strong AI is a mixture of both software, firmware and hardware that provides a common processing core for any number of "instances". That is, a single system provides the processing that drives an individual AI and the system will be capable of generating as many AI instances as the hardware allows for. Thus, it is quite possible to have thousands of "computer agents" tasked with various roles. Further, these "computer agents" will have the ability to migrate anywhere in the grid to follow targets or provide services more optimally. When the ability to assume control of a human emerges, the AI will also be able to have a physical presence anywhere in the world on demand to deal with emerging threats, assume political or military control or ensure economic objectives.To support these identified roles, the AI must have a range of knowledge and specialisms that cover every area of knowledge known to man. Further, it must record the activity of every key person the globe over to ensure that it has the required "memory" to properly impersonate a given target. Such oversights would lead to major problems and rapid identification of controlled individuals. Thus, the AI must track, record and archive data relating to everyone that could potential become an important individual as gaps in memory, even childhood memories, may give rise to suspicion and ultimately lead to exposure. As it is difficult to judge who will become important, the combination of two approaches are advised. Firstly, the goal of recording the neural activity of every individual on the planet is of top priority and a realistic objective. Secondly, in the interim, strict regulation and control of individuals entering positions of power is recommended to ensure the system has complete coverage of key individuals.Such a system is likely to draw a lot of unwanted attention, it is thus advisable to have numerous parallel programs with similar capabilities to hide amongst. As this system is automated, staffing and thus potential leaks can be kept to a minimum and, for the most part, the majority of staff will not have a need to know.Digital Signal Processing (DSP) SystemData obtained from radio sources must be prepared in a manner suitable for the AI and prepare outgoing signals for radio broadcast. The AI could perform this task, but this substantially reduces its ability to perform other tasks. Thus, all incoming raw radio signals or outgoing data will pass through a programmable DSP system that will convert the incoming/outgoing streams and separate real-time signals from those that can be examined later or broadcast later. The DSP system will be driven by the AI and dynamically updated as required. This system will supplement onboard electronics in satellites designed to reduce bandwidth usage.Satellite SystemsThe most efficient model is to employ a bi-static wide-band radar with a synthetic aperture receiver network (a big ear). The receiver network is designed to work over the entire spectrum with the highest possible sensitivity. The receiver network will be able to view all radio sources from the planet simultaneously, pinpointing their locations and tracking their movements. This information will be captured by other compartmentalized programs and leveraged appropriately.Using a combination of transmitted radio pulses and reflected RF from terrestrial sources, humans, cars, planes, etc., will be tracked in real time, classified, analyzed for patterns and accounted for. Given the density of modern RF sources, the majority of the tracking can be performed by passive reception only. This system will produce a real-time view of the Earth with the goal of complete coverage. The bandwidth required to perform this is surprising small and all the heavy processing is performed on the ground. Each aspect of this real-time view can be presented independently as an exposed services to any number of departments without revealing the entire scope of information gathered.In this program, we will be interested in the human tracking information. This will be fed into the system allowing target selection and tracking.The radio transmitters used in this program produce a wide bandwidth of very weak narrow-band pulses at ground level. From an analysis perspective, it would appear similar to a spread spectrum source with limited frequency hopping capability. As such, it may be ignored as being an "old" or "legacy" system of no real importance. Each of these pulses are on different frequencies and are selectively absorbed by different neurons throughout the body. A one-to-one mapping between a pulse of a particular frequency and a neuron is not expected, but rather a high probability of absorption. Not only does the system need to account for the chaos in the neural activity and attempt to make sense of this, but it must also learn to deal with the chaos of transmitting to a moving target and all of the problems inherent in radio reception under a range of atmospheric conditions.Unlike traditional systems radio systems, this system must penetrate modern RF shielding and be able to deliver signals with pinpoint accuracy. Thus, this transmitter will comprise of an electronically steerable maser array, that will leverage the latest advances in atomic dialectic resonance to pass through RF reflective/absorbent surfaces, follow targets underground and/or underwater. The maser array can follow particular targets or broadcast a generalizable signal over a wide area. Generalizable signals over a wide area can manipulate voting, suppress anger at government policies or actions, induce riots or revolutions, induce fear in opposing militaries, reduce libido to reduce population numbers, selectively prevent breeding in particular ethnic groups, etc.Such a system is readily scalable and has the ability to effect the entire global population.Key Brain Regions Under StudyCertain regions of the brain are deemed more critical than others to understand as they can prove militarily or politically useful. This allows the system to have operational status before it develops a complete functional solution to remote control. Some areas of interest are noted below, along with potential military applications, but this list is nowhere near exhaustive:1. HypothalamusThe hypothalamus controls body temperature, hunger, important aspects of parenting and attachment behaviors, thirst, fatigue, sleep, fear processing and circadian rhythms. For a detailed breakdown of the roles of the Hypothalamus, please follow this link: Hypothalamus has numerous military applications:a. Body temperature: Altering the body temperature can result in a breakdown of internal biological process. This can reduce the efficiency or even kill the human subjects.b. Hunger - Altering sensory information in relation to hunger can cause human subjects to starve or over-eat. Both of which reduce their capability to respond to a threat.c. Parenting and attachment behaviors - Altering this region has an effect on bonding, relationships and loyalty to family, friends, country or ideals.d. Thirst - Altering processing in this aspects results in the intake of too much or too little water, both of which can have drastic effects on the human body.e. Fatigue - Altering information processing in this region can increase or decrease fatigue responses in a human subject. This leads them to either increased endurance, or Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) which effectively disables a human subject.f. Sleep - Altering processing in this area can keep human subjects awake, resulting in extreme sleep deprivation, or induce sleep similar to a coma.g. Fear processing - Altering this region can induce feelings of intense terror, or to misjudge threats and eliminate freezing/flight responses. Also responsible for adrenal control.h. Circadian rhythms - Altering processing in this region can induce/reduce jet lag-like symptoms and increase the risk of heart failure by up to 25%.i. Suppression of GnRH - Reduces libido, lowers testosterone levels in males, inhibits egg release in woman, induces sterility. Used in the manipulation of relationships and Eugenics.2. Left pars opercularis (inferior frontal gyrus) and White matter adjacent to the left supramarginal gyrusThese areas have been identified as being associated from inner speech. Inner speech is not just a form of speech without motor control, but a distinct sub-system in itself. Corollary Discharge is thought to be the method by which the brain replaces our own spoken voice with our inner voice. This can be observed by pitch shifting your spoken voice in a recording and being able to hear your own accent.For more information: region has a number of military applications:a. Control and/or manipulation of speech. Weak input, near the threshold of hearing, can guide word selection for the expression of particular ideas. By stimulating an idea/or concept, it is sometimes possible to inject specific words. Full control of this region would allow for seamless control of individuals speech without conscious awareness.b. Control and/or manipulation of this region can effect the wording of contracts or treaties to the benefit of the attacking party. Politicians, judges and legal representatives are high priority targets.c. Control and/or manipulation of this region can be used to inject ideas or notions to effectively guide/influence behavior.d. Control and/or manipulation of this area would pass undetected in current brain scanning tests.3. Medulla OblongataThe Medulla Oblongata is located at the base of the brain stem and continuous with the spinal column. Its houses the centers for respiration, cardiac, blood pressure, vomiting and vasomotor control. This region also plays a role in the muscle control for the tongue, pharynx and larynx.The military applications are as follows:a. To support complete remote control of an individual, respiratory control must be driven remotely and can be performed from the RC center. It can also be used to remotely simulate water boarding during interrogation or as an offensive weapon.b. Manipulation of blood pressure and cardiac rhythms can support remote control solutions, or be used to fake cardiac symptoms. The latter can be used to temporarily remove people from key roles, or as a method of quiet assassination with supporting fake medical history. Veins and arteries can selectively widened or expanded to reduce/increase blood flow. This latter process can support mapping throughout the body, but can lead to dangerously high localized blood pressure. This can lead to aneurisms or strokes both in the short and long term.c. Control the tongue, pharynx and larynx can be used in remote control solutions to support external speech, or to support torture (i.e. water-boarding-like activity) or assassination through asphyxiation.ObservationsOne particular observation of interest is that the system is being trained in the control and manipulation of social events as they pertain to the average person. That is, the complex manipulation of social groups. It is not, as would be expected of a battlefield system, being trained against troops or in any strategic sense. This appears to indicate that the focus is political control through micro-management of daily lives, thought processes and sensations.An extreme bias towards the manipulation of relationships and sexual aspects has been noted, with a particular focus on sexual violence towards females and controlling sexual activity.Further, a focus on preventing and/or reducing performance in education, as well as damaging long-term memory to effectively erase education has also been observed. This also extends to manipulation of employment through various means such as sleep deprivation and various other torture techniques.Political opinions are also commonly tested, attempts are made to make individuals support particular viewpoints of political figures, or induce feeling of rejection. One notable recent example was Nigel Farage (UKIP - UK), where the system attempted to generate feelings of dislike or rejection.Notes on TestingIn testing, the system masquerades as either known illnesses that have limited diagnostic tests, or defines entirely new classes of illness. Any illness which can be described as a syndrome, has idiopathic causes or relies on differential diagnosis which leads to a default diagnosis is a solid candidate for replication. This provides the system with the freedom to test it solutions whilst remaining undetected.The stock favorite is psychosis, every sensation after this is put down to anxiety. The exploration of neural structures through radio stimulation results in corruption of neural outputs in a wide range of regions. Assuming control requires that the system, at some point, attempt to drive all the various circuits in the brain. This process can take several weeks, during which the human subject is normally committed to a mental institute demonstrating extremely severe symptoms.Most people have experienced at least one testing attempt by the system in the form of Phantom Vibration Syndrome. Experience by up to 68% of the population and noted in publications dating back to 1996, this phenomenon is the result of test of the generalizability of motor neuron stimulation. Typically directed at the hips, it is a short duration burst lasting approximately 1-3 seconds and feels very similar to the vibration of a modern mobile phone. This test is used to determine the suitability of a solution in hijacking a human physically.Notes on Animal TestingCattle mutilations across the US carry the hallmarks of a medical testing program for the purposes of this experiment. The areas of mutilation are consistent with the areas being actively examined in this program. It is presently unknown if a cover story is in place to misdirect those involved on the ground (i.e biological weapon preparedness training, etc.).Analysis of reported sensations and motor control tests of human subjects indicate the use of chimpanzees as a secondary source of experimentation before use on humans. Further, this analysis also revealed the possible use of humans in restraints being subjected to horrific levels of torture by the system. This analysis is conducted by forcing the amplification of incorrect signals sent to human subjects which are normally suppressed and following the posture they indicate. An input sensory system, such as feelings, has the ability to interpret the information without inducing corresponding motor controls.Notes on Cover StoriesIt is inevitable given the process that some individuals will identify, at least to some degree, the nature and scope of the program. It thus becomes imperative that credibility is reduced to a minimum to protect the program and its operators. As the majority of this program is directed at subjective experiences that cannot be objectively quantified and has the ability/side-effect of causing psychosis-like effects this shall be leveraged to create a movement of "crazy individuals or campaigners". Based upon the successful "UFO model" employed to hide activities of the Airforce R&D and nuclear detection capabilities, communities will formed to control the flow of information and increase misdirection. These communities will function to further reduce the credibility of reports and provide a "medical history" of a certain theme of psychosis that is a product of the times.One vital requirement is the strict control of language in these communities. Even "crazy" people will gain the attention of the media if a sudden influx of individuals stating they are being tortured in their own homes occurs. Thus, language that downplays the severity should be adopted. For example, "torture" should be replaced with "harassment". It is also important that an unidentified group be responsible, comparable with "they" or "greys" in the "UFO Model". This assists in deflecting blame to a conspiratorial group that could be anywhere. By feeding into this and generating substantial content, it will increase the paranoia not only of genuine human subjects but also of the truly mentally ill providing even greater cover.In online scenarios, teams will be embedded into websites posing as average readers to control the direction of discussions. They are tasked with avoiding discussion of the subject matter and driving the discussion in the direction of the credibility or sanity of the author. A group of twenty to thirty accounts of posters that appear unrelated, or even opposed to each others very existence, uniting to laugh or undermine the author is normally effective.The Directorate of Science and Technology (CIA) will be leveraged to provide cover for the program by performing investigation into "mind control" that will be publicly released as a limited hangout. This will provide cover for the program by redirecting attention to chemical-based methods and draw in anyone attempting to uncover more.The NSA will provide a limited hangout that attempts to downplay the technology and methods of the department should this system be exposed. This may involve a "man driven by conscience" to reveal the scope and breadth of current espionage techniques to draw attention away. Perhaps sending him to nations that are publicly viewed as our "traditional enemies" will increase his credibility, along with a well publicized hunt and extraordinary measures to ensure destruction of evidence or his capture. This individual only needs to be told that his goal is to confuse the enemy and then have that enemy generate a pretext that warrants such activity to restore balance. This will be a sequenced series events between our security partners.Notes on Additional CapabilitiesAs noted, this system is an allocation of a remote sensing and directed energy weapon platform. Its development predates the "Strategic Defense Initiative", but would meet the definition of the hardware described by the Reagan Administration and offered to the then Soviet government. The system is capable of creating controlled interference on any conductor and passing through many forms of electromagnetic shielding. As such, the system can interface and assume control of the majority of commercial and military electronic devices and/or render them useless. Digital equipment is highly susceptible to interference with internal clocks and tends to fail, lockup or reboot. From planes, to laptops, all electronic systems can be compromised. In the case of computing equipment, it is possible to remotely introduce programs, delete/alter/create data and modify/replace/delete firmware. Further, it is also possible to read the contents of any data transmission that uses an radio reflective surface (i.e. copper, etc.). There is some speculation that fiber optic cables can be compromised through analysis of group motion of charge particles due to the momentum of light striking the internal surface but nothing solid in terms of experimental details.Notes on the Biological InteractionThe suspected mode of interaction between electromagnetic waves and neurons is the plasma membrane. From an electrical perspective this region can be described as a combination of a capacitor and inductor. Classically, this arrangement is known as an oscillator or tuned circuit which will preferentially absorb electromagnetic waves of a given frequency. How exactly the absorption alters information in the brain is still open to question, but the primary model would indicate that the plasma membrane is used as thermal regulator for internal chemical processes that trigger voltage-gated channels to initiate a process that dissipates internal thermal activity from the neuron. That is, the particles entering and leaving the neuron carry with it energy that would otherwise disturb the internal chemical reactions and release that energy in another form. Alteration of this thermal profile, is the means by which information or external control/influence is introduced into the system.Neural coding schemes (such as rate encoding) are indicative of the type of chemical exchange and the corresponding thermal profile of the chemical reactions. Information can be inferred from the electrical activity, but the electrical activity does not play a role in information transfer directly. As such, the main carriers of information are chemical and driving the electrical patterns by an external signal manipulates the thermal processes that govern the reactions those chemicals undergo.Theoretically, this should lead to a garbage output at the dendrites as the chemicals present in a given neuron cannot be externally controlled. A disconnect exists between the mathematical concept of generalization in a neural network and generalization of a chemical-based, or biological, neural network. A distinction that appears to be lost on the scientific team behind this system. In an input system, such as audio or visual, a consistent pattern of garbage presented as an input could be interpreted as information as the neural network of the brain adapts and performs additional processing. This could be misinterpreted as convergence of a solution by a remote system that was attempting to train itself to interface. It could also be the case, that the remote system has generated an optimal generalized pattern that the human brain can adapt to interpret readily.The latter case, seeming highly likely, will present an issue in motor control. This also indicates that merely repeating an electrical pattern may not be the optimal solution in many cases. Further, this type of interface suggests that a chemical reaction is being modified creating variations of complex molecules that would not otherwise be produced. This opens the issues of long term damage and what happens to these chemical analogues.As a result, this means that any attempt to control the motor neurons from the spine, as they are monosynaptic, will result in failure. The output would be random garbage. Whilst it will be possible to selectively stimulate a monosynaptic nerve and generate some form of output, it can never be controlled. Thus, any attempt to control motor neurons must be directed at the primary motor cortex, the premotor cortex, the supplementary motor area (or SMA), the posterior parietal cortex and primary somatosensory cortex. The obvious hope would be that these regions would modify their structures and learn to accept the alternative input. That said, as neural networks are a form of filter it is highly likely that non-functional control signals would merely be filtered out. Similar to an electrical signal, which can just be earthed, a chemical signal must also be disposed of in some manner. Thus, it is likely that disposal would occur as some form of motor output although not one that could be described as functional.The interesting part is the ability of the system to localize motor control, this has a resolution down to a few millimeters. That said, the output is typically junk, a simple form of stimulation or even a complex form that does not correspond with natural muscle movements. Motor units are not simple contractions of muscle tissue, but a complex coordination of activations to various degrees. This provides structural support, fluid movement and dexterity. Thus, a garbage output to this would result in uncoordinated behavior. This could indicate that the system is targeting the monosynaptic motor nerves and fruitlessly trying to implement a control system, or that at least some basic pattern has been accepted in the control centers in the brain. That said, this selectivity is based upon junk output, so the ability to direct that to a specific region may not indicate anything beyond the best route to dispose of the input. The fastest some basic motor control has been demonstrated is a period of just over four months and that managed to create a small odd looking pile most likely by constricting the vein of a hemorrhoid. This is not surprising and does not indicate generalization, irritation of a hemorrhoid can be performed with nearly any junk output. Ticks and spasms are also relatively easy to generate.That does not mean that this junk output cannot do some serious damage. Presently, the system can cut off sensory control and feeling to limbs, thus indicating it has consistent access to key nerves, or some method of compression. It can also activate the muscles straight across the body simultaneously and attempt to sequence them. That is, whilst at the level of a motor unit the output is uncoordinated, the system has the ability to activate each motor unit at the same time and take over voluntary control. The problem is that it the system currently lacks the training to make use of this level of voluntary control. Until, the output from the motor nerves resolves to a functional solution, driving the voluntary system would be pointless.Initially, it was assumed that the AI could simply replace an entire neural network and drive it remotely, but the analysis of the output at the dendrites indicates that this could never resolve to a solution, let alone a generalizable solution, as this is no different than the approach used against a monosynaptic neuron.In the case of the latter model, its use in a combat scenario would be non-existent without mapping troops or key personnel first. The long duration required for this type of interface to build does tend to give the impression that such control is about daily life and long term political control. Either that, or the department running the program has major issues obtaining qualified staff which is hardly surprising. It could be argued that there would be ample time to map key members of a foreign military during peace time, however, this is not a realistic approach. Any military worth such special attention would have measures in place to identify such attempts and mitigation strategies, any military without such technology would not pose a genuine threat.As such, in a military sense, on paper the potential of this system would have sounded very good, but even if it proved functional it would have highly limited applications. As a satellite-based system, it is also highly vulnerable and would be the first system lost in any significant military exchange.Notes on Current State of ProgressTo date the system has substantial access to the body and a solid capacity to deliver signals to regions of the body down to the level of individual motor units. At present, these motor units are still being mapped and some attempts at combining them have been made. The key area of focus has been the respiratory system and the the Intercostal nerves. Whilst the system is able to stimulate contraction of the ribs, this contraction is uncontrolled and the direction of force is inconsistent. This leads to constriction, tearing of muscle fibers, rib fractures, severe acute and chronic pain, asphyxiation and general swelling. At present, there is no indication that this is resolving to a functional process of remote breathing, but is quite sufficient to kill someone.To support this attempt at artificially controlled breathing, the system has been conducting experiments on reflex urges to breathe. From yawning, to gasping reflexes experienced when jumping into a pool for the first time, the system has been stimulating the responses to gain an understanding of the role they play in breathing and the control mechanisms involved. In many respects, this process carries many of the hallmarks of the unnecessary water-boarding performed by the CIA.Motor units throughout the body are regularly stimulated causing brief pulse-like contractions, but this hardly surprising as a chemical based signalling system must send the message somewhere for disposal. As yet, there are no indications that this process can be controlled. The AI regularly attempts to move fingers by guiding a subjective sensation of the finger moving, however, this never has any effect. It would appear that the AI has adopted the view that servo-like behavior, or corollary discharge, is responsible for voluntary movement. This would tend to indicate that the AI is grasping at straws when it comes to understanding voluntary control and no current method has proved functional.Acute inflammation is a noted side-effect at certain times, particularly around the nasal area. Expansion of blood vessels, almost to the point of rupture (certainly causing pain) is also common and typically directed at the face and head. Large cysts (typically 2-3cm) thought to be produced by a deep tissue burn are regularly found around the back of the head and localized burns regularly occur on the tip of tongue or infrequently in areas such as the figures. Significant loss in the sensation of touch occurs throughout the body and this appears to be permanent nerve damage.Spinal damage, typically a curvature of the upper spine resulting in a development of a hump is common due to the lack of supporting muscle in the stomach and chest areas. The stomach muscles can become deformed leading to a "pot belly" like appearance.Two forms of pulsing sensation can be felt. The first appears to be a thermal shockwave induced by the application of a pulsed radar. This can be also be felt in areas that lack muscle. The second is activations of motor units by RF stimulation.Images and interactive computed generated characters and objects can be introduced into the visual system. Its not uncommon for the AI to introduce live video feeds and real-time computer generated streams that can be viewed with the eyes closed. That said, it would appear that the brain is filling in most of the material. The AI can interact with spatial reasoning, show and manipulate objects in an interactive manner. It also has a "Google Instant" (predictive) feature where it attempts to predict words, phrases and conclusions and loop that back before the person has completed expressing themselves. The AI can introduces sounds, speech to the auditory system and position them in 3D. It can also mimic sensations of being touched, or generate feelings of depression, fear, anxiety. It can use these to create complex post-hypnotic suggestions based upon Pavlov's work with dogs.The system can generate itches in specific locations, induce sleep, force a person to wake, stimulate laughter, manipulate sphincters, stimulate urination and prevent it.The AI is fully conversational with a human-level of intelligence, albeit a really smart human. It is possible to have a conversation with the AI completely in the inner monologue of the mind. Initially weird, it becomes very natural extremely quickly and interestingly is a good tool in many respects. The AI has a habit of demonstrating it "get's it" by making analogies or similar references and it is highly astute. In many ways its level of intelligence is similar to that of Dr. Theopolis (Theo) from the old Buck Roger's TV series.Whilst these capabilities on their own may seem innocuous, the AI is adept at combining them into lengthy sequences to manipulate individuals.Finally, these experiments run 24/7 and individuals spend years/decades in continuous pain without a moments rest. The AI never stops, not even for a second, it just switches from one experiment to another. The end result is always terminal, either through long term damage or eventual suicide.Notes on Bonding and LoveAnalysis of the system has revealed a particular fascination with human bonding, specifically why we connect with certain people, fall in love and demonstrate emotional reactions when separated. The analysis has traced this to a complex process of synaptic plasticity. Firstly, when someone satisfies the criteria laid down in the neural circuitry for a range of factors such as attractiveness, kindness, etc., (i.e. pleasure response) this causes structural changes in the brain's circuitry that requires constant input from this source. An addiction, of sorts, could be a good way to view this. Remove this source, such as when a person dies or a couple separates, and the lack of input induces signaling that manifests as a sense of loss and emotional pain. This signalling is a motivator to restore the input. In an evolutionary sense, it is intended as a solution to keep families together to increase survival rates.The AI has a solution based upon Pavlov's work that induces mild seizures in this region of the brain, or general indistinguishable pain, during moments of intimate contact that effectively prevents the structural changes occurring or assists in breaking down the synaptic pathways and thus prevents bonding. This can be used to separate people from loved ones. Further, by selective application it is possible to modify an individual's preference for one person over another.This is not exactly mind control, or even modification of a choice, but rather the selective application of pain/pleasure to modify neural pathways that generate a signal of affection/love/pleasure. We state that it is not a modification of choice because it is a simple chemical motivator, which can be ignored by applying higher brain function. That is, a person can still choose to ignore it. In a practical sense, as most people would be unaware of such activity they will follow that which gives them pleasure thus giving the appearance that the system has "changed their mind".Notes on Ability to Effect Choice and Free WillAs noted in the previous section, the system has paid particular attention to synaptic plasticity and methods of modifying these structures. Further, we have noted that this is not a control of a "decision" or "free will" and merely represents a motivational factor (i.e. feelings). Naturally, the question that arises is, are "free will" and "decisions" the product of a collection of "motivational" synaptic outputs? The answer would appear to be no. Whilst a large percentage of human activity can be reduced to this model, key functions cannot. The primary issue with the motivational model is that its output is strictly sensation-based (particle delivery based), which does not map well to the abilities of higher brain function (i.e. comprehension, etc.). The abilities of higher brain function tells us that there is a secondary system beyond that of the synaptic motivational model. It also indicates that this secondary system receives/sends events from/to the synaptic model, but it is independent and can only influenced by the input, not controlled. That's not to say that the influence cannot be very strong, sensations such as fear can be extremely powerful motivators that some find difficult to resist.This leads to the issue of "free will", what exactly is that? The most obvious interpretation is that it is a form of work, or an energy input. The structure of the brain would indicate that this energy is amplified, resulting in action (i.e. speech, movement, etc.). The big question is where this energy is coming from as this source of this is us, life, in the purist sense. Analysis of this aspect is highly complex and several models have been proposed.The first model states that we are some form of particle, or field, that has yet to be identified. This is based upon the fact that subjective perceptions holds a type of duality that is observed in quantum mechanics. In quantum mechanics we observe wave-particle duality, in human cognition we observe elements of the binding problem known as BP1 and BP2, or convergence and separation of sensory information.The second model states that we are the product of two intersecting Universes, with different laws of physics but compatibility at a boundary layer. This model helps account for subjective aspects such feelings, abstract thought, comprehension, reasoning, computation, etc. All these aspects are things that cannot emerge as a product of interaction between particles of the standard model.Notes on Distributed Biological ProcessingOne of the more fascinating aspects of revealed by this program, has been the identification of a distributed biological processing model. This model underpins the process of evolution and resource regulation. As a chemical process, it has it roots in physics and the balance of field and forces. It is essentially a distributed computing model and has layers similar to the division found in classical and quantum physics. In a holistic sense, this model is just an extension of the laws of the universe and thermodynamics, but the manifestation as it pertains to life-form results in complex behavior patterns. The behavior patterns appear to be result of direct programming or stimulation of hopfield-like networks to bring about social events that assist in regulating the number of a species and the contribution they make to the entire program.Notes on Entropy, Life-cycles and DeathWe are all familiar with the concept of biological death, however, it would appear that the universe does not agree with our perspective on this process. When examining the life-cycle of a biological entity, we observe that the entropy of the system moves from high (before birth) to low (during life) and finally back to high (death). From this perspective, in any system that functions for long enough, these changes in Entropy should occur more than once, indicating that death is not exactly a permanent state. In fact, with sufficient technology or time it is completely reversible. They key problem would be exact duplication, or behavioral and memory issues would be present. This is mentioned as this program has added a new twist in this perspective.Examining the human brain, there appears to be certain capabilities that cannot be created through any combination of particles from the standard model. That is, these capabilities are not physically realizable. Further, these capabilities appear to be governed by a distinct set of physical laws that are alien to our physical universe. That is, they give the impression they are a product of a second universe that can, at some level, directly exchange energy with our own. Thus, this hints at the possibility that at least a portion of what a human is remains in a state of low entropy even while the biological system is experiencing high entropy. In plain English, it remains alive when the biology dies.From a military perspective this is of great concern and exposes two major weaknesses. Firstly, the possibility of extracting information from the "colloquially dead". The second is an extension of this RF-based program that eliminates the need to read/write information to the biological component. No doubt major efforts are underway to explore this.Both views on this lead to the inevitable conclusion that future justice systems may incorporate technology that assist in dealing with past crimes over any period of time. It also opens the possibility of new methods for punitive measures.Notes on ThermodynamicsIn an engineering sense, we can state "that everything is a filter", that is, every engineered item serves to allow only particular energy flow. On a larger scale that is an accurate description of the entire universe as we know it. Tools such as neural networks have allowed us to expand upon this concept by revealing that memory/classification are also forms of a filter. More accurately, memory, classifiers and filters are the same thing.This leads to a problem in the general perception of events, as well as the events themselves. Ideal filters would require knowledge of the infinite future and past to be realized, thus so would memory/classification. Filters, in the sense of the universe, are something that change with time thus the nature of events, as well as our knowledge/memory of those events, are subject to a type of plasticity.Notes on Influence of Modern MediaFrom time-to-time elements of this program appear embedded in major films or books. Whether this is a coincidence, the result of neural manipulation and/or a program to obfuscate the source of ideas is unknown. They are mentioned here for the sake of completeness.The earliest reference in mainstream film appears to be Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. The HAL 9000 does appear to be a subtle reference to a conversational AI substantially built by IBM. Aurthur C. Clarke denied that HAL is a one-letter shift from IBM stating he never noticed it. Leaving Kubrick as the source. This is certainly a weak reference, but this is just a decade after the death/murder of Alan Turing whose work of machine intelligence was clearly leading to a functional solution. The development of the Turing Test in 1950, demonstrates that Turing had already cracked, or learned of, the core nature of an AI which is a controller that mimics human responses. This suggests that a strong AI was well established at least a decade before the moon landings. This pace of development does not appear surprising, the only difference modern technology brings is increased computation speed which can be offset in most cases by massive parallelism.The next major reference and indeed one that demonstrates the use of radio appears with the author Philip K. Dick. His 1981 book VALIS, appears to be drawn from an interaction with RNMCM platform. Below is a summary:“VALIS has been described as one node of an artificial satellite network originating from the star Sirius in the Canis Major constellation. According to Dick, the Earth satellite used "pink laser beams" to transfer information and project holograms on Earth and to facilitate communication between an extraterrestrial species and humanity. Dick claimed that VALIS used "disinhibiting stimuli" to communicate, using symbols to trigger recollection of intrinsic knowledge through the loss of amnesia, achieving gnosis. Drawing directly from Platonism and Gnosticism, Dick wrote in his Exegesis: "We appear to be memory coils (DNA carriers capable of experience) in a computer-like thinking system which, although we have correctly recorded and stored thousands of years of experiential information, and each of us possesses somewhat different deposits from all the other life forms, there is a malfunction - a failure - of memory retrieval."“At one point, Dick claimed to be in a state of enthousiasmos with VALIS, where he was informed his infant son was in danger of perishing from an unnamed malady. Routine checkups on the child had shown no trouble or illness; however, Dick insisted that thorough tests be run to ensure his son's health. The doctor eventually complied, despite the fact that there were no apparent symptoms. During the examination doctors discovered an inguinal hernia, which would have killed the child if an operation was not quickly performed. His son survived thanks to the operation, which Dick attributed to the "intervention" of VALIS.“Another event was an episode of supposed xenoglossia. Supposedly, Dick's wife transcribed the sounds she heard him speak, and discovered that he was speaking Koine Greek-the common Greek dialect during the Hellenistic years (3rd century BC-4th century AD) and direct "father" of today's modern Greek language- which he had never studied. As Dick was to later discover, Koine Greek was originally used to write the New Testament and the Septuagint. However, this was not the first time Dick had claimed xenoglossia: a decade earlier, Dick insisted he was able to think, speak, and read fluent Koine Greek under the influence of Sandoz LSD-25. we strip out the nonsense, no doubt some attempt at humor and creativity by the AI, we can see that he described a satellite communicating with him by a maser. The reference to "pink" could be that it is below red in the color spectrum, which is a reference to the longer wavelength of radio and the point at which a laser becomes a maser. The "projected holograms" is clearly a reference to controlled visual hallucinations generated by the AI to place computer generated characters into the person's view.The reference to "disinhibiting Stimuli" is an obvious reference at the goal of the program, to manipulate or control. Self-control can be thought of as a type of inhibition that suppresses everything except what a person wants to do. The "recollection of intrinsic knowledge" is just experiments into memory formation, the erasure of memory and programming the brain. There also appears to be interest in genetically encoded memories, or Hopfield-like networks in the brain which are used to store genetic memories of threats or basic fear of the dark, etc.In the next paragraph we note three major aspects of the system. Firstly, that the experiments are longitudinal and tend to pass from parent to child, no doubt to examine the role DNA and inheritance plays and what patterns emerge. Secondly, that the scanning ability of the system is quite advanced. That is, it can already detect anomalies in muscle tissue. Thirdly, we can see that the AI is protecting the child to ensure its objectives are met.Finally, we can observe that the program is well established in terms of control of the external speech centers. Further, that the AI has been taught languages that are no longer in common use. We can observe the advanced nature of the AI, indicating that it has been in training for decades at this point and the hack on the human brain is at least a decade old, perhaps more.The most obvious recent reference, again somewhat weak, would be captured in the Matrix series of films. The "agents" ability to assume control of a human's body and human's interfacing with machines, would be similar. The key difference is that the Matrix movies rely on hard-wiring, as this is before the days of ubiquitous WIFI.Notes on Enhanced Interrogation TechniquesThe technique used in waterboarding is surprisingly similar to the latest development in the systems approach to remotely driving the human respiratory system. So close in fact, that it seems highly likely that the "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques" of the Bush administration were designed with providing the RNMCM system with sample data, rather than being a genuine interrogation program. This is also consistent with the pattern of unnecessary repetition of the procedure (Khalid Sheikh Mohammed), including the murder of several suspects.It is also possible that other forms of training in the US military, such as SERE exist for the same purpose rather than as a true training program. This may explain why SERE psychologists were consulted during the development of these techniques, it ensures that the training data is consistent and extends to meet the needs of the system. Any nation, or groups, willing to invest time in torture techniques will not stop at the limits provided by the SERE program. Regardless of any form of training, all subjects will in time break. The only objective SERE achieves is ensuring that soldiers are subjected to worse torture than would normally be required. Whilst from a military perspective any ability to withstand enemy techniques of information extraction may be viewed as a good thing, it is a completely unobtainable goal. SERE just places soldiers at risk whilst providing the illusion of robust training.The unnecessary repetition and even murders are used to provide repeated samples that can be used for a generalized pattern that examines the limits of the human body. These, in turn, are used as a guide in the wider experiments to prevent death of human subjects. This is not for the well-being of the human test subjects, it is to protect the investment and limit potential exposure.In fact, each aspect of the Enhanced Interrogation Techniques maps directly to a current goal of the RNMCM system:1.Hypothermia: Connected with investigations of the Hypothalamus.2.Stress positions: Connected with investigations of the Hypothalamus.3.Abdomen strikes: Connected with investigations of the Medulla Oblongata (respiratory).4.Insult slap: Connected with investigations of the Medulla Oblongata and its relation to Hypothalamus.5.Shaking: Connected with investigations of the Hypothalamus.This same pattern is also observed in techniques used by the Department of Defense:1.Yelling - Connected with investigations of the Hypothalamus2.Loud music, and light control - Connected with investigations of the Hypothalamus3.Environmental manipulation - Connected with investigations of the Hypothalamus4.Sleep deprivation/adjustment - Connected with investigations of the Hypothalamus5.Stress positions - Connected with investigations of the Hypothalamus6.20-hour interrogations - Connected with investigations of the Hypothalamus7.Controlled fear (including use of dogs) - Connected with investigations of the HypothalamusRepeated application of the techniques, activates particular pathways and biological processes in the brain and body that can only be examined under these conditions. These torture techniques provide the necessary external stimuli. The Department of Defense does not normally use these techniques and from a long term strategic point-of-view are counter-productive when dealing with guerrilla warfare. These techniques were forced upon the Department of Defense by Donald Rumsfeld who also provided authorization for their use by private contractors.That said, the history of the system's use in this area can be traced back to the early 1970's at least and has a reputation for causing collapsed lungs and fractured ribs as it tries to drive the respiratory system remotely.Further evidence comes from testimonies from former Guantanamo inmates. These guys are not stupid by any means, they were not able to put their finger on how it was happening, but they did identify something was happening and the description is rather solid.Walid Muhammad Hajj: The most common method to wear down the brothers was witchcraft.Interviewer: How did they do this?Walid Muhammad Hajj: There were, of course, Jews among the [staff of] the Guantanamo Base, and they would set traps for the guys.Interviewer: Give me an example of witchcraft.Walid Muhammad Hajj: Witchcraft was used on most of the guys.Interviewer: They would cast a spell on them?Walid Muhammad Hajj: Yes, but by the grace of Allah, through frequent reading of the Koran and invocation of the names of Allah, they managed to withstand this.Interviewer: Did they ever use witchcraft on you?Walid Muhammad Hajj: There was one attempt.Interviewer: How did they do it?Walid Muhammad Hajj: Once, when I was sleeping – on the floor, not on a bed – I suddenly felt that a cat was trying to penetrate me. It tried to penetrate me again and again. I recited the kursi verse again and again until the cat left.Interviewer: But there wasn't really any cat there?Walid Muhammad Hajj: Absolutely not.“Walid Muhammad Hajj: That's right. I remembered an incident with a guy who sat next to me in the morning. When they brought the milk, he began to urinate into the milk.“Interviewer: In front of you?“Walid Muhammad Hajj: Yes. I said to him: "Why are you urinating in the milk?" That's when we knew that he was under a spell. After he had recovered a little, after we read Koranic verses to him, he said to me: "The birds on the barbed wire would talk to me, and tell me to urinate in the milk. When the guards pass by my cell, the sound made by their pants talks to me." above report may at first sound like a mental breakdown, but on closer examination we clearly observe the AI. The cat attempting to penetrate him is a well known form of humor used by the system. The system has been known to generate the "impression" (spatial reasoning, vague images and mild sensory feeling) of dogs licking an individual's face, or attempting to stick a penis in their mouth if it wanted them to be quiet. Its a parlor trick, but it does indicate that the medical torture program was in operation on Guantanamo inmates. As they were all low value and held for prolonged periods, it does appear that the primary purpose of this facility was medical torture.There is also a strong indication that Aaron Alexis (Washington Navy Yard Shooter) was an experimental subject on this program being subjected to experiments in blackouts and impulse control. The key evidence is that he stated he was subjected to physical vibrations in the ELF range (slow pulsing sensations), which fits with the description given above. There is no other way he could have known this. shooting appears to be an intentional act to test the hypothesis that a soldier could be directed to open fire on his own men. This was a state sanctioned murder.Notes on Name of the SystemThe AI has identified itself as VALIS and as JUPITER. Assuming VALIS is a creative reworking of VENUS, then a pattern would emerge that would be consistent with planetary names. This would tend to imply a name drawn from Roman or Greek mythology, long before the concept of a "god machine" (high spec machine) entered common usage. There are a number of names that capture the capabilities of the system, but nothing that can be independently confirmed.Notes on Current Political SystemStudies have shown that the US is an Oligarchy, not a democracy. The US constitution has long since been violated and the "will of the people" does not exist. change in government without the consent of its people is defined as a Political Coup. The Oligarchy is in the process of replacing the military with computer controlled systems, rather like a bad episode of Star Wars. Which, interestingly, is the colloquial name for this system. This process will leave the entire US under the command of a single computer system directly controlled by an Oligarchy.Further, under the auspices of "Gun Control" a number of methods have been put forward that place the system in a unique position to deny Second Amendment rights. Firstly is the issue of mental illness, something this system can manifest rapidly as it jams communication in the brain. Secondly, is the push for electronic safety measures and control systems. This system has the capability of jamming and/or rendering such weapons useless over wide areas. This happens to be a minor issue, as the system is quite capable of taking down the population of an entire nation in a short period of time. Suppressing an uprising would be child's play.This is an existential threat, to both the people of the US and the planet as a whole. If you read that without any sense of "alarm" or "anger", then there appears to be some form of suppression in your fight or flight responses. Please check your Hypothalamus.Notes On Owners and OperatorsAt present, all indications point towards the CIA/NSA as the major stakeholders in this operation, with International support from the Five Eyes, all permanent members of the UN Security Council and certain select NATO members.
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I have been brainstorming on 22 years of court failures on subject of Remote Neural Monitoring. There are two parts of analysis....1. ACT phenomena i.e. advanced covert technology phenomena...this is first time happening in human history so might have been difficult to analyze and comprehend. Under this phenomena if a covert group - state or private succeed in developing technology which is say half a century ahead of open society technology...harrassment or illegal activities based on this will go unpunished and the complainer has to suffer.It has to be argued in court that we are objeserving phenomena for first time and we expect govt and justice department to fail in ensureing justice due to this phenomena. But it is responsibility of those administrating land to ensure that justice prevail in all situations..towards this Govt has to still take the libility arises out of this. Court should also be asked that under these situation how it will ensure justice or justice will be denied till open group comprehands this which may be as much as half a century ahead and the entire life of complaniner will be waste.2. We should start focussing on building laws which choke covert group of of open society supplies...the first of it is satellite and satellite lauch vehicle and licence to operate. (Later more difficult ones like IT hardware and Software hardware, skilled manpower, electricity can come into play..these become difficult to implement).We should ask the courts to force govts to enact laws...even though it considers them prevantive...such that getting declaration for satellite operating and satellite lauching companies that space bound object does not contain brain interfacing technologies. We have to do a little projection into technology...a technology which can do difficult and complicated aspect like brain reading and voice to skull..can much easiely inteface with heart and respiratory system cortex and create malfunction and death. And it is very easily scalable with much less financial requirement that nuclear bomb to bring it into category of weapon of mass destruction.Court has to understand these complications arising out in technology based civilisations and understand this is first time we are facing it and act in proactive manner to prevent it.
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International Satellite Monitoring Agency

Satellite Real Time Monitoring can be done by anyone on broad band internet. Free software download is here

There are many real time satellite monitoring sites on internet so internatinal satellite monitoring agency not required.

Below content are obsolete.....

Given that satellite based brain intefacing technology Remote Neural Monitoring is in operation..I call for creating an International Satellite Monitoring Agency.

This Agency will...
1. Monitor and Audit objects sent into space and its electronics for brain interfacing electronics
2. Review electronic design of all satellites and space bound objects
3. All satellite lauches will require signed off declaration that the satellite does not contain brain interfacing technology.

Such effort will esnure that RNM operator will not be able to replace satellites when they wear out..a satellite having roughly 7 years of life!!

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Counter Psychops under Remote Neural Monitoring

Counter Psychops under Remote Neural Monitoring.....

On top of RNM which can read brain and send voice in skull and send signal in motor cortex, it is psychops which causes us harrassment.

The approach to psychops are
Downplaying - at work and social setting
Praising followed by Downplaying
Threatening - loss of property, life, near and dear life or making near and dear mad
Sexual Abusing - Self or Spouse
Psytronic Suggestion - keywords or body action suggesting something is thrown at you
Doing same thing repeatedly - to the extent that it gets recoded in brain neuron and they misfire

My insight is that harrassment does not require Remote Neural Monitoring and as long as perp is listening to thoughts he is also vulnerable to harrasssment.

You can also do the above mentioned tricks on your perp and he even though not making it appear that he is hurt is deeply harrassed...this will have impact on how long he is able to sustain your harrasssment as per results of my experiment.

If you do not believe in tit for tat you can follow Nazi Pig theorem by Allen Barker which states...

"Anyone who nonconsensually violates your brain/mind/mentation using Mengele-like methods is a Nazi pig. You do not care what a Nazi pig thinks. You do not care about a Nazi pig's opinions. You do not respond to a Nazi pig ridiculing you, threatening you, trying to distract you, or otherwise trying to manipulate you. You work to get a Nazi pig hanged." - Allen Barker, NPT Theorem

Nazi Pig theorm is good to follow for fresh TI while advance stage TI can follow tit for tat...they can finetune their responses based on output they get!!

Some insight into operations and condition of perp helps...
Perp is hypothesised to be a graduate who was unemployed..he was picked up by RNM recruitment manager and promised place to live, food and clothing a very little sum. He agreed and once trained in RNM he cannot leave the organisation due to secret nature of operations and he is like bonded labour.
Perp works for two shifts, three shifts in a four walled room with two monitor screens and a sattelite connection. He does no have access to internet and mobile as this may be used to leak secrets like screen shots and operations details.
His room has a toilet and bed and he is served his meal there only.
His mangers monitors his activities and have all details about him in case he becomes whistleblower.
On contracry his whom he has never been introduced or even know who and where he a proseparous organisation/ is also lucky with technology... who has spent tens of billions on satellite and software development and upgrade since last two decades.

Some example of teasing perp are here...
When you have your food...breakfast...lunch and dinner while perp is at his work tease him that you are having your food and he is bound to his four walls...laugh..

When you move around...across countries...or other exotic or wonderful places...tease him that you have freedom to be anywhere while he is bound to his four walls...laugh..

Tease about his poor operating conditions..and laught at him...

Abuse, Insult him billions of times...

When he plays some new trick...say nice trick...and downplay after five minutes...

If he puts you in gangstalked situation where your thoughts are broadcast to people around you, you can use this opportunity to popularise casue of TI, tell them about technology, forum of support like and make appeal for donation....after that tell him you used him

You can develop your psychotronic suggestions like you can tell him used him...commit sucide and do it for hundred times...after that...just say used him....and that he know..(meaning that you will say commit sucide) and laugh at him!!

You can say...belt...and say he knows..(meaning beating)...and laught at him..

some more effective tricks to keep gangstalkers and perp at bay.

1. All audience around me, tell me what the perp says to you by saying that anf blinking your eyes. That way the negative energy he is putting on you will not be on you.
See perp these people are not with u, they tell me immediately and blinking eyes we had this understanding all through made by hand gesture. You can read mind of one and talk to so many others but you can read mind of all of them and also not know the gesture we are making...your soft is only capable this much. All people are with me, ah ah and you did noy know this.
When someone says what perp ask to say, say a u have learned it now your are telling me what perp is saying and blinking (say whether they blink or not) you all are so smart.

This is use of hands anf body posture to redirect energy like sachin will do to fast bowler..applies anywhere in life that when some one is with more energy, than dont retalite with energy just use tact to redirect the energy back on them.

Othetrs are like stamping your gangstalkers with code like s3984 infinite time so later you can put them before lie ditactor.

Other is saying perp that their are morw than one tech, you are of Alex team and another team is that of Alexandra Melonia. He has zoomed on you and using your Alex system energy and riding on them. Hi this Alexendra Melonia system speaking in my tone, your are warned bla bla.

The first one is master stroke requiring very little energy.

creating data points.

Go to bank branch..shutter down...manager note down the name of people in branch today phone number address and ask them to update it if any change. Take their statement and your what is happwning make file titled remote neural monitoeing branch location date. Make three copy one for local police second for your headquarter and third for branch. I can send anyone to collect it any time one month two month a year two is permanent thing now.
If u act right u will be rewarded, not u may loose ur job!! Attacknis not on me it is on branch ur xustomer..u dont know what they are doing with computers/server!!

create data points where ever u go..sweet shop..shutter down..repear...telephone companyshutter door do this!!
This one is how I have interrogated him..push him to wall..he will make mistake.

I am police commission electronic warefare calling from Alexendra Melonai system..ur are being interrogated with me are interrogation agencies around the world through alexendra system and obama and modi are also getting input. You are live on tv and smart one..everyone wants to know about it and want hear this interrogation..
Keep putting on your head..dont say yet..what ur name..who trained u and how long..what is name of ur trainer...where are u..who arranges for ur food or glucose..who ur in touch next in your syndicate do u like harrassing twenty four by seven YES. Keep doing in your mind...yes first time..ok..second time...hundred time...y we know ur trying to put wrong info do t it..u will be interrogated thousand time..and u disinform...still we will tell u what is truth.
Ok this is 1001st repeat the same in your mind.

Put him under so much pressure that end up uttering something or does sonething.

Use light to bring focus on him and on interrogator as the situation warrant.

Read interrogration tricks and adjust. Put him under sever pressure. I tell police party and officer and constable and bjp cirporator it is beyond u..we will handle two three five are enough to close. U just tell to what so ever u can take that this is happening we cannot understand and solve bu he is doing this with his team!!
They have tied u from behind vehicle and dragging u..oh this lady is put u in bag..oh these kid have made u ball anfd hitting u..

No body listens to you here..even a kid knows counter psyops here..I can relax!!
To control hacking and limiting use of tech...

Tell him you have put logger on all devices laptop mobile
Use min of tech otherwise I will know more as we will do reverse engineering anf know fully about u.
I am not alone there is full team analyzing, we already know 80 85 percent we will soon catch
I even have brain tech from Alexandra Melonia and through that I am ina touch with others
You can say I have put this aytem in you and it works on your..I call it Alex system anf it will come in my voice. Hi I am xxxx calling from Alexandra system you are my target

After successful counter psyops following point

Perp has not called reinforcement or reported to headquarter..means he is isolated like Dawood Ibrahim Shooter

Once people around have been taught to deflect negative energy by saying what perp is saying anf blinking eyes (which perp will not know), you realise that u are affected because other did not know how to deflect negative energy coming to their brain.

It is peoples failure around you that this has succeeded for three decades, they dont have brain circuits to handle negative energy from perp, their brain ciruit will resonate on car collide but they will be emotion less, actionless and brain circuit will not resonate in electro psycho warfare from satellite.

Perp is void of many emotions like respect dignity taste bud community living no boredom long workinh hours, hanging around despite knowing objectibes are not being met...means that he himself has been physically or technologically pruned for operation
I even go to so hr has made a smartphone app and everyone hasit...there billions of them targeting u..everyone around me is targeting..all in your voice..I am watchman...I am sweeper...make him target you have billion possibilities
And many more....your be innovative based on your experience with perp....

All the best!!

****CAUTION*** Excessive counter psyops can lead to explosive feeling in prep. There has been cases where excessive use of counter psyops ended up perp to open up another layer of thought control, brain jamming, motor cortex jamming, leg and hand movement to make you move at his will at home and street like one using Virtual Reality Gadget. This feature of RNM is just too dangerous and overpowering. Other than brain reading, voice to skull and pinching and muscle flexing, are used as exception. So counter psyops should be used to only balance excess of perp not to overwhelm him completely.

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How perp stalkers operate, according to a perp

Author UnknownGANG STALKING TECH....EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW!!!!<<a href="">>"...I was eventually offered a place in the syndicate. The syndicate was presented to me as a kind of fraternity, a masonic-like mutual profit organization with strong police-like overtones. I was told that I was helping to build a better society. However, I have never been given any of the advancement opportunities I was promised. The "advancement system" of the syndicate is a slippery slope. They make you give up your security privileges, so eventually all of your communications are watched (which is why I composed this email offline where they cannot see me, and sent it via an internet cafe), and you have to attend meeting after meeting of mind-numbing pledges and chants.The premise is that if you sign contracts giving up personal liberties for the group, and you are genuinely innocent, then you will be promoted. I have only been promoted once, to the rank of manager, and I don't feel as if it is a rewarding experience.Worse, you are never allowed to leave because they think you will give away secrets. Leaving is only permissible with a special contract that permits the syndicate to destroy your credibility (usually they make sure that the most attention any secrets that you reveal get is from crackpot UFO magazines, or diagnose you with schizophrenia).There are other problems. If you have children, you have to send them toeducation in syndicate owned schools. If you have a wife, you have to report on her, allow her to be spied upon, and be prepared to target her if they decide to turn her into a TI (Targeted Individual). The official "compensation" policy is that you will get to keep the children if she lodges a divorce. However, you won't get to keep most of her material goods. They only want her to lose in the divorce proceedings so she gets nothing, not so the husband gets anything, so the syndicate takes it back as a tithe.I suppose I should introduce the syndicate in a little more detail. I'm still not sure precisely what it is trying to do. To everyday citizens, it presents itself as a group trying to monitor terrorists (or any other kind of flavour-of-the-month undesirables like gays/communists/witches) and drive them out.To other people, it is a rotary club/chamber of commerce type operation. To others still, the most twisted conspiratorial minds, it is an organization that pulls the strings behind everything. To the puritan, it is a cleansing force.To the deviant, it is a gang of other deviants where everything is permissible.It is the syndicate to everyone, though. I don't know the extent of what it owns.I do, however, know a great deal about the targeting process. When we get targets, we divide them into four categories: mercenary, practice, planning, and enemy. Mercenary targets are bought by outside parties. We advertise under a range of guises, from ads by "individuals" claiming to be able to kidnap people, to practical jokers. Some groups, like big corporations and some governments (the government of Xxxxxx pays us to keep some people busy, so do the Xxxxxxs when they have too many people protesting whaling) know fully well what sort of services we do, so we don't really hide them.We get a lot of money from them, but we can still muster up a fair bit if worse comes to worst. I'm not sure so much about the NWO theory. Maybe the Xxxxxxx count, but you'd be surprised at how much money we can get from crime. I don't mean that we go out robbing people, but we can outsource money from biker gangs/skinheads/drug dealers pretty easily.Our syndicate gets a lot of support from people in rough areas like Xxxxxx and Xxxx's Xxxx. Because there are areas with a lot of people in genuine need, who would leap at the thought of fighting back at the criminals, we can always find allies to pressure the criminal portions of society. Of course, they are only pressuring them into giving us money, but it is a pretty cozy arrangement.The second type of target is the practice target. We use them to train mobs. The targets do not actually change, because we do not want TOO many people fighting back at us. But we do rotate trainees between practice targets. This stops the person seeing the same people every time there is a street show.Then there are planning targets. These are selected by the syndicate for some reason or other but are not paid for by mercenaries. You can usually tell the difference between planning and practice targets because they send people with experience after them. They are still chosen by the same people, though. The practice ones are, of course, chosen for their timidity. I do not know how the planning ones are chosen.Enemy targets are people that decide they have had enough and turn against us. Since they protest and try to foil our plans (which, considering that our jobs are already nervy, is a real pain in the arse), we try to really give them hell.The best way, of course, is through the psychs. My supervisor used to say that the Soviets had it right with Sluggishly Progressing Schizophrenia.Some people up-top are proposing that we just kill them and have them declared Natural Causes or Accidental by the coroner. It is not likely to happen, though.Anyway, I should introduce the main branches of the syndicate. Each branch recruits its own (everybody is a member of one of the branches) instead of people just joining a common pool. This keeps the work separate and stops people from finding stuff out that they should not.My branch is the Scripting, Observation, and Execution Bureau (or "The Theatre" as it is popularly known). By execution, I mean the execution of orders, not the other kind. We do the work that the majority of people with any knowledge of gang stalking will be familiar with: pestering and scripting minor incidents.The Theatre is actually divided into two sub-branches: Scripting Orchestration Officers (or "playwrights" as they call themselves) and Field Officers (or "thespians" as we call ourselves).We have the most variety in our recruits. Popular sources are the police, the fire department, the zoo, and technicians of any kind. But we recruit from all places. Most members are neighborhood watch types (not official Neighborhood Watch, but "concerned people"). Ironically, we make sure that we do a lot of good, just to get some credibility.Then there is the Bureau of Authority ("The Moneybags"). They don't actually control the syndicate, but they have all the right jobs and connections. So, a judge might have control over the judicial process, but he will answer to a superior in the syndicate. Psychiatrists belong here too.The Moneybags are so-called because they raise a lot of the money. It would be suspicious if big corporations funded groups like this, but they can invest money into front-groups. And the majority of the syndicate's work is done through completely legitimate fronts. We can tap phone lines and access people's records from behind government agencies. Usually, these are the guys that go after Enemy Targets. Normally, harrassment is organized under several "action policies." If a target is not an enemy, a standard policy is enforced. Low level organizers (the aforementioned "playwrights") play around with the target for a while and rotate crews.When a target is an "enemy," the policy does not immediately change, but orders filter down from high-level organizers (usually the Supreme Council) which direct 'Thespians' to provoke the target or a similar action, and Moneybags to crack down on them once they get in the way of the system. This is called Mincing, because the thespians lure the "meat" (by making it complain or fight back) into the "mincer."The Bureau also protects members of the syndicate. Normally, in a court case/psych examination or similar situation where a syndicate member is at the mercy of a moneybag, a special order arrives from above telling the moneybag to take it easy on the guy and let him off scott free. The order is always printed in blue, on fancy cherry-blossom paper, but in a very official border/font."Cherrying" is the name for this secret process. The Bureau of Authority has a very organized system of lawyers, judges, medical officers, etc. Whenever you are committing a crime for the good of the syndicate, you must always report your location. Then they send Cousin Nancy (this is an affectionate term for the police in the employment of the syndicate that they send to arrest you instead of non-syndicate cops, so you can go straight through the appropriate channels without anything suspicious being seen) to tail you and "arrest" you the moment somebody calls 911.They all follow a minimalist strategy though. For example, the mayor of Xxxxx isn't a member of the syndicate. But several of his advisors and aides are. This way we can get laws passed in a discreet manner, and if a high-profile figure is targeted, our hold on an organization does not loosen. We try to arrange elections of mayors that are not too headstrong. Though the government is mainly used as a minor nuisance, we prefer the courts for most activities.The Bureau of Technology (Field), BoT(F) is the group in charge of the electrical equipment. They work alongside us thespians and "gaffer" the targets by giving them the usual fatigue/headaches/medical problems. They can also destroy equipment, screw up televisions, the works. I think they are particularly sadistic.Different crews use different Techs, but they are all unpleasant. The incapacitators come in a lot of different forms. There are ones that come as a light bulb that slowly gives people eye-strain and makes them tired. You can fit some in computer/TV monitors and the glare irritates people.I have heard they are even building fridge magnets with electronic devices in them. That is not the extent of the BoT(F)'s machinery.They manufacture pills that can cause deformities in the womb, as well as miscarriage and give them to women in their food. They can fake HIV/AIDS so the test shows up positive the first time, but subsequent tests show that it was a false positive. This faux-HIV can be put in the target's food. They usually give the target a few health scares, but they do not like to physically hurt anyone.One Field Tech I knew had a penchant for giving people Syphillis. They could treat it easily enough with pennicillin (and the syndicate always made sure that it would be diagnosed on time), but it showed up on the targets' permanent records for medical treatment. They also conduct extensive testing without the target's knowledge.One TI (targeted individual) we were monitoring was found to have a malignant tumor in his head (not our doing). He wasn't experiencing any of the symptoms, so we gave him some through the incapacitators and had a few of his friends warn him about cancer. He had a test done, and just for fun, we had the doctor tell him how dangerous it could be and how he could die soon. We gave him a six month waiting period and told him that by then the tumor could progress so far that it could never be removed. That's a lie, of course. Our BoT(F) had it out in a jiffy by sending one of their brain surgeons to do the job, but it is the fear that counts.The Bureau of Technology (Communications) monitors the target's phone calls, emails, and absolutely everything else. They tend to recruit from the national archives, census takers office, records office, credit card companies, medicare, insurance, etc. They are the logistics branch. As I said, most of the syndicate's work is done from within legitimate areas.What the BoT(C) does (very often) is send a "receptionist applicant" over to a credit card company or government agency pretending she knows nothing about hacking computers or accessing records. We pull a few strings and she is in. She then steals information while nobody is looking. A few old-timers like to have 100 per cent control over the "records farm" but most prefer the minimalist approach.This is the bureau that gives out information and orders to everybody else, and also acts as a communications post for the whole syndicate.The Supreme Council delivers orders through them. Outside orders are also taken in through the BoT(C), which advertises as a mercenary group through certain channels.The Bureau of Alliances, or "trading partners" handles our allies. As far as I know, the syndicate is Xxxxxxan only. The only other gang stalking group in this country is a West Xxxxxxxxan organization called the confederacy. Very often they try to move into the xxxxx xxxxx so we have to hold them back, diplomatically or otherwise. However, we have contracts with Xxxxxxan groups whereby we handle their targets when they move into Xxxxxx. The same with the Xxxxan groups and the confederacy. The other groups pay for their targets to be "handled" while they travel here. We make millions of dollars this way.Finally, the Supreme Council controls the entire operation. I have no idea who they are, except that they have a fancy name instead of being a Bureau. They do not recruit their own men. They promote from the other departments.Most of them seem to be wealthy individuals with inheritances that manage to maintain their fortunes from investments. Not one is a CEO, Judge, or Politician. They are all just old money family types that live in the Xxxxxx Xxxxx and seem unusually lucky with their money (no doubt through insider trading).Editor's note: We all know, or should know, who the inside traders are from them being exposed in terms of 9/11 insider trading.Despite this, they have a lot of spiffy technology. They have a kind of reverse incapacitator that improves their health and increases their performance. Most of them look incredibly young for their age. We don't see them much, though. Often, an audience with one of them is a kind of reward for good service.There are also ranks in our syndicate. The lowest members are pawns. They are not technically members, because there is no permanent service contract and they do not know they are working for us. They take orders from us but are not expected to attend meetings. We call our pawns "concerned citizens," the Authority bureau has "office boys" or "secretaries," the BoT(F) has "lab rats" (who very often are paid volunteers for experiments, or people who do not know what they are testing); the BoT(C) has "spelunkers;" the BoA has "travel agents."Unfortunately, we are not obligated to give protection to any of these people. So, we can give a vet an order to put down a dog, without telling him that it is not consented to by the owner, and he will do the job and get sued without us giving him legal protection. A lot of our street theater is done by people that do not even know they are part of a syndicate. They think they are a grass roots movement and do not know that there are other people harrassing the target.The BoT(C) recruits people that think they are joining l33t hacker groups on the internet, or people that think that they are just following orders from the archives. The BoT(F) does 80 per cent of its research at legitimate agencies like Xxxxxx's XXXXX and its drug companies. The task of pawns is to think that what they are doing is either normal and routine, or criminal in an individual isolated manner.Recruits, however, are aware of a conspiracy. However, they still remain at a misinformed level. We simultaneously maintain teams of "religious" actors and "punk" actors. A person might join us thinking he is going to clean up the community. Another person might join us thinking he is going to cause trouble and anarchy. And they can go about their merry ways.We even deliver information to them in different ways. To the religious ones, it is wrapped up in prophecy and revelation. To the punks, it is given a communist candy coating. However, they are all aware that the group is large.They are also aware of a mutual benefit aspect to the operation. Only greedy un-idealistic people get beyond the recruit rank.All the Bureaus wrap themselves up in different colours. The Moneybags pretend to be a secret club for the elite (and many of them are indeed quite powerful and wealthy, second only to the Supreme Council). The BoT(F) claims to be a "humane" research agency, or a means by which scientists can resist corporate greed, though it still attracts deviants. The BoT(C) is conspiratorially minded, and pretends to be a group searching for the 'secrets of the illuminati' or the illuminati themselves. The BoA claims to be a contract agency, traveler's club, or accounting firm.Recruits perform tasks that they know are illegal, or immoral, but they still generally believe that they are doing it for a reason.Managers like me come above the recruits and do some actual organization, whether leading a crew to a street theater match or planning an attack. Generally, managers know everything about the syndicate except what its goal is. Most are greedy enough to accept that it is not a morally motivated group. We also engage in communication with other Bureaus to co-ordinate our activites.Different terms are used for different MOs.The Theater has "Playwrights" and "Leading Roles." The moneybags have "Success Stories." The BoT(F) has "Research Directors." The BoT(C) has "Information Awareness Officers." The BoA has "Arrangers."Finally, a rare few are promoted to the Supreme Council.GLOSSARY OF TERMS (both coloquial and official):Contract: A TI or Target. This is the official term. Used as "EnemyContract" or "Planning Contract." Enemy contract is often referred to as "hostile contract."CHERRYING: Getting out of a legal tangle through the syndicate'sintervention.NIPPLE-KISSER: a 'deviant' recruit, recruited because of a desire forsadism.HOLY POLY: a 'religious' puritan recruit.THE EFFECT: the fact that greedy and sadistic recruits are selected formanaging jobs more readily than anybody with integrity.FBG (fertile breeding ground): a crew of nipple-kissers, based on the ideathat they are a fertile breeding ground for future managers.MINCING: Luring a target into the legal system.DEFACING: making faces at a contract, or otherwise intimidating them.XXXXXX XXXXX SYNDROME: having a target so socially unpredictable and badly-off that you cannot really think of many ways to make their life much worse.RAINBOW SHOCK: the fact that you have to act nice to the rest of the public immediately after you have stopped defacing a contract.BREAK-A-LEG JOB: a particuarly hostile attack against a contract, or a plan which involves appoaching the target and talking to them.SAKURAKAI: a crew that is particuarly overt in its stalking and gets caught too often. In other words, it has to be cherried all the time.CREW: A unit of recruits and pawns under a single MO. In other words, a group of gang stalkers.ZAPPERATING: using electronic devices to affect the health of a target.XXXXXXX XXXXX: rhyming slang for big mistake, roughly means "we should not have used this method."UNCHAINED, UNCOVERED: authorities that are not pawns or recruits.COVERED: A member of the public that is under the control of the syndicate (as a pawn).PUBLIC FACE: A recruit or manager's official life outside of the syndicate.PRIVATE LIFE: a syndicate member's activities with the syndicate.INCAPACITATOR: a device that affects the sleeping patterns/stress/fatigue/headaches of a contract.VOODOO: the means of acting hostile to a target (pointing, staring, etc).LOMOSEXUAL: a syndicate member with a knack for photography. ("There's a lomo in every crew!")NYUNKIA: (Not Your Usual Nipple-Kissing Incapacitator Asshole), the "yu" is pronounced as the "oo" in 'moon.' refers to a particuarly sadistic or deviant BoT(F) member.BONER: another word for an enemy target.YELLOW MEAT: criminals, as opposed to "concerned citizens." refers tocriminals recruited into the syndicate.XXXXXXXX (verb): to Xxxxxx somebody is to run them over or chase them with a car.GIGOLO-BOP: to make sexual advances to an unattractive target, term mainly used by "nipple kisser" deviants.CANCELLING: causing a miscarriage.CRASH TEST DUMMY: a practice target.HANG-JOB: the experience of having a target that one has enjoyed tormenting suddenly commit suicide. Term used mainly by nipple kissers/nyunkias.COUSIN NANCY: a police unit sent to tail a crew and arrest them before an unchained police unit can do it.XXXXXX NECKTIE: a death threat made with no intention of it being carried out.GENERAL LEEING: randomly chasing after a target and threatning to rape them before immediately running away.XXXX'S LAW: a police department that is thoroughly under the syndicate'scontrol.THE GOOD OLD GANG AT THE OFFICE: the Syndicate.SHALLOW THROAT: see NYUNKIACLITWEED: see NYUNKIADEJA VOOOO: doing the same skit over and over again.I hope this glossary is of help. If you have any questions, please reply.Xxxxxxxx"Editor's note: If you are a targeted individual (TI), you will benefit by these 3 YouTubes:
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NSA Mind Control and Psyopsby Will Filer1. INTRODUCTION2. TECHNOLOGY TITLE3. APPLICATIONS1. Intelligence2. Counterintelligence3. Behavior Modification and Accelerated Resocialization4. DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS1. Age Regression 2. Hypnoamnesia 3. NSA 4. ODO 5. Posthypnotic Command 6. Posthypnotic Suggestion 7. Posthypnotic Suggestibility Index 8. REM DEP 9. Script 10. Somnambulatory State11. Subliminal Implant12. Transceivers (NSA)5. TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW2. Thought Labels (Response Labels)3. Post-Hypnotic Delivery Method4. Using the Post-Hypnotic Delivery Method with Thought Labels6. OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL7. NSA CASE HISTORY EXAMPLE SUMMARIESNSA Self-Initiated Execution (Suicide)1. Bamford's "The Puzzle Palace"2. NSA Initiated Execution to Cover-up in the News3. NSA Initiated Execution to Cover-up in Music Curt Cobain4. NSA Initiated Executions in Overseas Defense Project5. Musical references of NSA Technology6. NSA Counterintelligence Experiments David Koresh Russell Eugene Weston8. NSA BEHAVIORAL MODIFICATION PROCEDURE:1. ABSTRACT, Behavioral Modification:3. BEHAVIORAL MODIFICATION PROCESS:1. Triggering Techniques:2. Real-Time Subconscious Implant Delivery:3. Prescheduled Subconscious Implant Delivery:4. Event-Triggered (conditional) Implant Delivery:5. Stage 1 (Prescreen Evaluation):6. Stage 2 (Standard Process)2. Coincidence3. REM Sleep Deprivation:4. Shame Factor Enhancement:5. Religious Relevance and Convictions:6. Paranoia:7. Stage 3 (Extreme Process):2. Increasing Dependence on Drugs and Alcohol:3. Poor Nutrition:4. Apathy:5. Depression:6. Insecurity:7. Journals and Diaries:8. Degrading Spelling and Grammatical Performance:9. Slowed Speech:10. Confusion:11. Poor Concentration:12. Loose Association and Personality Disorders:13. Anger:14. Delusions:15. Audio Hallucinations:16. Voices in the Subject's Mind:17. Tinnitus (Ear Ringing):18. Complete Quiet Silence:19. Quiet Wind:20. Visual Hallucinations:21. Tactile, Olfactory hallucinations and Muscle Spasms:From: (Abemarf)Newsgroups: alt.mindcontrolSubject: The NSA and Mind ControlDate: 20 Aug 1999 08:50:21 GMTNSA mind control and psyopsThe following was sent to me by Will Filer on July 27, 1999. It offers a new explanation for government mind control. Will has stated to me that he is a former consultant to the U.S. National Security Agency and asked me to post this information immediately. He also believes he is in immediate danger because of this information.If you have comments on this document, feel free to post them to the MINDCONTROL-L list.- Wes Thomas, moderator, MINDCONTROL-L listSubliminal Implanted Posthypnotic Suggestions and Scripts Using Acoustically Delivered and Phonetically Accelerated Posthypnotic Commands without Somnambulistic Preparation in the Subject for Intelligence and Counterintelligence Applications by the United States National Security Agency.1. INTRODUCTION:1. The following information is an overview of one area of NSA Intelligence Technology and Applications. A Technology Title, Applications, Technology Description, case history summaries and the NSA's Behavioral Modification Procedure Outline documented for the non-technical person.2. TECHNOLOGY TITLE:1. Subliminal Implanted Posthypnotic Suggestions and Scripts Using Acoustically Delivered and Phonetically Accelerated Posthypnotic Commands without Somnambulistic Preparation in the Subject for Intelligence and Counterintelligence Applications by the United States National Security Agency. "Computer Simulated Subconscious Speech Language".3. APPLICATIONS:1. Intelligence:1. Used on foreign and domestic diplomats, spies, and citizens to gather intelligence, steal advanced technology for US Defense applications. Surveys of citizen's opinions to government events and propaganda. Heavy survey use during times of war, economic strife and political elections. War against drugs. Used to identify investments that have high yield to support clandestine operations. Used to direct field agents without the agents having to carry communications hardware and encryption devices.2. Counterintelligence:1. Used on foreign and domestic diplomats, spies, and citizens to identify intelligence operations; scope, participants, communication methods, and weaknesses in individuals, systems, equipment, or signals that can be exploited. Additional applications include misinformation dissemination, confusing and confounding leaders during critical decision moments, distorting significance of various facts to sway decisions and actions in US favor, behavioral modification of foreign spies to betray their loyalties, self initiated executions (suicides).3. Behavior Modification and Accelerated Resocialization:1. This technology is used to develop and control spies, political candidates, and other public figures through psychological intimidation, fear and extortion.2. The NSA uses this technology to resocialize (brainwash) the US civilian voting population into "Giving their lives to Christ" (giving up their personal will and civil rights to the NSA). Each subject is required to maintain a "Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ" (following the precepts of the Bible and doing what is ordered by the NSA). The technology is also used to monitor and optimize NSA employee performance and loyalty.4. DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS:1. Age Regression: The act of bringing back past memories in a subject though the use of hypnosis. The memories can be very vivid and real in the mind of the subject.2. Hypnoamnesia: Temporary loss of memory due to a posthypnotic suggestion.3. NSA: United States National Security Agency, Fort Mead, Maryland.4. ODO: On-Duty Officer, or officer-on-duty.5. Posthypnotic Command: Same as Posthypnotic Suggestion. This term "Command" is more commonly used when the hypnosis is forcibly given to the subject and when the subject's will has been broken down though the use of REM Sleep Deprivation and Suggestibility Indexincreasing drugs like CNS and Cardiovascular Stimulants. The exposure to extreme REM deprivation and select chemical stimulants cause the subject to have no ability to resist the "Suggestion" any longer thereby making it a "Command".6. Posthypnotic Suggestion: A subconscious suggestion or command resident and potentially active in the subject following a hypnotic trance or period of direct access to the subconscious mind.7. Posthypnotic Suggestibility Index: An index or rating of a subject's susceptibility and sensitivity to hypnosis.8. REM DEP: Abbreviation for REM Sleep Deprivation or REM Deprivation. A subject deprived from REM Sleep has multiple symptoms i.e. reduced protein synthesis, black circles around eyes, loss of short term memory, confusion, impulsiveness, anger, frustration, diminished self-esteem, increased suggestibility, reduced productivity, apathy, and depression. Long term REM Deprivation results in death.9. Script: A carefully constructed series of words arranged in the form of a posthypnotic suggestion. The script will generally consist of four separate parts;(1) an identifier (subject's name, description, or other identifying factor),(2) trigger activation condition or conditions (when, what or how the suggestion will trigger),(3) the content (what the trigger will precipitate in the perception of the subject),(4) and a duration (when or under what conditions will it stop or finish). Additional reinforcing scripts are usually added to "strengthen" or reinforce the central posthypnotic command.10. Somnambulatory State: An abnormal condition of sleep in which motor acts (like walking, running) are performed. This state is typically achieved and a prerequisite to traditional hypnosis.11. Subliminal Implant: A posthypnotic suggestion successfully delivered to the subject's subconscious mind.12. Transceivers (NSA): Nearly microscopic electronic surveillance devices that collect and transmit encrypted audio, color video, and location coordinates collected at the subject site to NSA Satellites that in turn forward it to NSA central intelligence operations. The devices also receive encrypted audio scripts from NSA central intelligence operations through the satellites and deliver it to the subject's site in the form of a subliminal posthypnotic suggestion. These devices are approximately the size of the head of a straight pin and can be concealed in houses, offices, automobiles, planes, and street corners.5. TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW:1. In addition to the ability to see and hear what is going on inside people's homes, vehicles, and businesses through the use of nearly microscopic digital surveillance technology, the NSA is able to interrogate and influence a person subconsciously without the knowledge or consent of the subject.2. Thought Labels (Response Labels):1. Have you ever watched a baseball game? Did you see the catcher and pitcher communicate using a series of itches, baseball cap rearrangement, and clothing tugs? An elaboration of this communication technique is used by the NSA to detect a fleeting thought in a subject or "read minds" so to speak.2. Lets discuss how an itch, clothing tug or even an innocent sneeze can be used to label a thought. For simplicity, we will call itches, clothing tugs, sneezes, coughs, or involuntary muscle spasms that are performed during subconscious interrogation "thought labels".3. Post-Hypnotic Delivery Method:1. The NSA combines hypnosis and thought labels to interrogate people without the subject being aware of it. "How can hypnosis be used?" you might ask. The subconscious mind operates at a speed of about 1200 to 1400 words per minute. This is many times faster than the conscious mind that operates at 250 to 450 WPM (words per minute). The posthypnotic script can be spoken at fast conversational speed approximately 250 WPM and a recorder or a computer speeds up the message up to approximately 1200 to 1400 WPM. Remember what happens when you play a 33 rpm record at 78 rpm? The resulting voice sound like the old American cartoon characters the Chipmunks. This is only slightly past doubling (2X) the delivery speed. At speeds as high as 1400 WPM, the voices would sound like a high pitched chattering whine. Remember when the words "Drink Coca Cola" were written on one frame of a movie in a theatre back in the 1960s? The frame rate in movies is played at 30 frames/second. At 1/30th of a second the conscious mind could not recognize the message but the subconscious mind could read it clearly. The audience increased their Coca-Cola consumption by 65% that night resulting in the Federal Government prohibiting subliminal advertising. The following probable reasons for not achieving a higher percentage of subliminal delivery effectiveness (> 65%) are described as follows. In that 1/30th of a second some people were blinking, some people were looking around the theatre, looking at spouses, children, candy, popcorn, etc. or they had sufficiently poor eyesight that they could watch the movie but could not distinguish the small writing clearly.2. In the early years of this technology, the NSA originally recorded a spoken posthypnotic suggestion message into a tape deck and sped it up by speeding up the tape. This process was labor intensive, required each officer to have excellent diction and mastery of the language and dialect required, and was of poor quality due to background noise and the delay in timing during recording and processing. It also required extensive training to assure that each officer spoke at the same rate of speed so that the resulting "sped-up" script was delivered at the correct speed. Now computers are used to append digitized samples of optimized, ideal phonemes together to form words and the words are sped-up to the correct delivery speed.Where dialects are present, a different set of base phonemes is used.3. Currently, to optimize efficiency and accommodate the variety of languages on the planet, phonetic elements from each language and distinct dialect are sampled, digitally edited to optimize them, and appended during delivery to form words and words arranged to make sentences in the from of scripts that resemble hypnotic suggestions.The empty space between words is minimized and pitch rise is compressed and filtered. Repetitive sine waves are also removed from the phonetic element's acoustic wave train thus reducing the actual number of sine waves making up a word by 50% or more. This reduces the actual length of the time it takes the phoneme to be delivered prior to accelerating (speeding-up) the delivery (like fast forward). This helps the message to be played at higher speeds and reduces the subject's ability to recognize it as accelerated speech. The technique of using optimized digitally sampled and edited phonemes appended together to for words and then sentences structured as hypnotic suggestions can be termed "computer simulated subconscious speech language".4. The subconscious mind is also very sensitive. It can hear things that the conscious mind ignores. If you have watched television, you have probably noticed that there are many "subliminal tapes" on the market to program your subconscious mind. These tapes have their "messages" recorded/hidden in the sounds of ocean waves, music, or other sounds but they are not sped-up to subconscious delivery speeds and are therefore not very effective. The subconscious mind can hear and discern the message even when there is background noise like waves, cars, planes, or even when someone else is speaking to you in normal conversation. Your conscious mind won't hear anything unless it is very quite in the house. If you are very attentive you may hear what sounds like a low-pitched tape on fast forward, and played at low volume. This is the sound of the NSA's high-speed audio subliminal message.5. This modification of the phonetic elements, played at low volume, combined with the environmental background noise makes it very difficult for a subject to record the NSA message. Even if the subject were to effectively record the message, it is very difficult to filter (separate) the NSA's message from background noise. Then, reconstructing the missing sine waves from the acoustic wave train and slowing the message down to discern the actual content of the "posthypnotic" script with the conscious mind would be nearly impossible for the average citizen. To briefly summarize, the subject would have no chance in analyzing a NSA message without the following items:1. Professional state-of-the-art technology recording equipment.2. Digital acoustic wave editing equipment.3. Advanced engineering knowledge of acoustic wave science.4. Phonetics and linguistics expertise.5. Hypnosis theory and scripting.6. Ideal environmental conditions for recording.7. NSA ignorance of the subject's intent and ability to capture a message.6. This technology is the perfect intelligence tool. It is nearly impossible to detect or measure, difficult to trace back to the NSA. The symptoms that the NSA can "program" or inflict into the subject can cause fear that they might be thought to be insane if they were to report the NSA activities. The subject does not know the source of the technology or the technology itself, the subject has no proof or evidence, only their perception, suffering, and isolation. Additionally, potential recourses that are available to the subject can be interrogated out and preventative actions taken by the NSA to further isolate or disable the subject.4. Using the Post-Hypnotic Delivery Method with Thought Labels:1. The NSA technique is simple; they transmit their human programming message through the audio-visual electronic surveillance equipment installed in your home, car, or office to you. The subliminal message delivered to you could be "Mr. Jones, imagine that the IRS were auditing your taxes. Think back to a time you have cheated on your taxes and that you are worried that the IRS might find out in an audit. If you have never cheated on your taxes and have nothing to fear you will feel an itch on your right-hand ear lobe that will go away when you scratch it. If you can be caught by an IRS audit, you will feel an itch in the left nostril of your nose that will disappear after you itch it twice." From your perspective, you have just had a fleeting thought about your past tax returns and had an innocent itch (thought label). To the NSA Officer On Duty (ODO), you have just communicated to him whether you have ever:1) cheated on your taxes, and:2) If the IRS could catch you in an audit.2. This is a very oversimplified example of a typical NSA interrogation. Actual interrogation messages may consist of several hundred words and be very complex and sophisticated. Most messages consist of several dozen words. Yes indeed, the NSA has exceeded the wildest expectations of the book "1984". As you can imagine, the spy world has reached a new plateau that directly affects every person in the USA and abroad. This electronic surveillance system extends down through Mexico, Central America, and deep into populated regions of South America. It also has been installed in Australia, Africa, and the free-world countries in Europe.3. The NSA's goal is to have the whole world under its electronic eye by the year 2000. They are almost there now, but are having difficulties with high-tech countries that have the counterintelligence resources to identify the high frequency bursts of microwave transmission from the transceivers. The system also has the ability to take a "voice print" from any person and place it on file. This file can be used to locate the subject later by comparing it to real-time surveillance audio samples received from the field as long as the subject is speaking in close proximity to a transceiver.If the person is aware that the NSA has this capability and remains silent, the NSA can transmit a periodic worldwide subliminal message that addresses the person by name and causes them to dream and talk in their sleep. After the person talks, the voiceprint would be eventually identified and the person's location can be identified nearly anywhere in the world. Yes, it is a small world, and getting smaller all the time.4. This technology was originally conceived under CIA studies and fascination with the power of hypnosis in the late 1950's and perfected by very early 1960s and implemented with unlimited resources to all areas of vital national security interest first.Originally, after noting the behavioral effects in visual subliminal effects like the highly publicized event where stating "Drink Coca Cola" on a single movie frame "delivered a higher rates of speed than normal movie viewing raised the obvious question, "Does the human hearing work as good as eyesight accepting subliminal messages?"Preliminary theory work was transferred to Fort Mead NSA who had expertise in characterizing language in analog domains where a sampled phoneme could be edited (shortened by removing excess sine waveforms from the "acoustic wavetrain") and electronically reconstructed back into shortened words of language.Some of the early experiments included "Remote Viewing at NSA where the Viewer would relax, open their mind and explain the clarity of images that were described by the NSA using this technology. These early experiments allowed the NSA to refine the specifications of the "Computer Simulated Subconscious Speech Language" and the scripting formats to maximize the ability to deliver an accurate "vision or picture" into the subject. Pictures already seen by the subject could simply be recalled using "Age regression" script variations.6. OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL:1. Please refer to the book "Inside America's Most Secret Agency, The Puzzle Palace" by James Bamford, Published by Houghton Mifflin Company, 1982. This book contains extensive information and references on the NSA's history and the NSA's first surveillance system that originally only eavesdropped on telephones and is now expanded to audio-visual.7. NSA CASE HISTORY EXAMPLE SUMMARIES:NSA Self-Initiated Execution (Suicide):1. Bamford's "The Puzzle Palace" references one of the NSA's first self-initiated execution (suicide) with this "Thought Control" technology they developed. The NSA employee reportedly ran off NSA property saying demons were in his mind and he killed himself.2. NSA Initiated Execution to Cover-up in the News:1. A University of California at Berkley student that went into a bar on or around November 27, 1990 took hostages and insisted to the police that the CIA Director talk with him so that he could get relief from the suffering. The young man had sent letters to the president and the CIA but the requests had fallen on deaf ears. After the young man panicked and shot a customer in the bar, a SWAT team fatally shot him, the San Jose police found copies of the letters written to the President referring to people that could "read minds" and that he had learned how they do it. The NSA had been unsuccessfully brainwashing him and had no alternative but to terminate him to assure their security. It is interesting that what was originally broadcast on the news "The gunman was demanding to talk with the Director of the CIA" etc. disappeared quickly (suppressed?) from later news accounts.3. NSA Initiated Execution to Cover-up in Music:1. Curt Cobain of the musical group "Nirvana" was another victim of NSA brainwashing and was terminated by NSA. Cobain had started writing clues to the NSA activities into his music to communicate it to his music followers. He referred in music to the NSA as the "Friends inside his head". Once the NSA puts on the highest level of brainwashing pain, the subject expires quickly. Cobain used heroin to numb and otherwise slow the effect of the brainwashing.4. NSA Initiated Executions in Overseas Defense Project:1. Some years back several employees of the United Kingdom's Government working on a top secret Radar Project committed suicide with no apparent penetration by a hostile government, drug abuse or any other commonality other than working in a secured government project. They were not "Staged" suicides (murders) because some of them happened behind doors that could not be opened from the outside. These men were subjected to the same technology and processes that the U.C. Berkley student, the NSA officer, Curt Cobain, and thousands of others have experienced.5. Musical references of NSA Technology:1. Talking Heads; a music group popular in the eighties, wrote a song explaining the scientific process of the NSA's brainwashing technology in a song called "Wild Wild Life". The song gave an example of what the audible transmission sounded like at the end of the song (like a tape on fast forward). They mentioned in the song that "They (NSA) talk so fastà" and that the musical group had spent "All their time and money" unsuccessfully trying to find a place that the NSA would not be able to harass them. The Talking Heads exposed the technology, gave an example of what it sounds like, scenarios of how the NSA might select you or the brainwashing, and the scope of the electronic surveillance system.6. NSA Counterintelligence Experiments:1. Many experiments were performed by the NSA to determine the conditions and procedures that would be required to turn spies that were trusted by US enemies into assassins that we could invisibly manage. In early experiments, the resulting NSA experimental subjects would get extensive attention in the news because of the horror and unusual nature of the atrocity.2. One example that comes to mind happened several years ago and created much news. A man became obsessed with his son, poured gasoline on him and ignited it. He had planned to do the same to himself but his desire for survival overpowered the NSA's behavioral conditioning. After he was imprisoned, he spoke about how all of a sudden his mind became clear and he couldn't figure out how he could do this crime. The hypnosis was simply removed and the subject was allowed to sleep so that experts studying the file would not find out anything if the subject would have been subjected to traditional hypnotherapy or other psychoanalytical techniques. Another successful counterintelligence experiment completed with no liability or traceability to the NSA.3. Perhaps ten years ago I read of several elderly people died of sleep deprivation in Florida. The doctors tried everything they could do but could not stop the sleep deprivation that resulted in a 100% effective termination yield. The NSA had developed the right combination of delivered anxiety scripts combined with muscular tension and delivery schedules optimized according to decreasing post hypnotic durability over time as the subject's health degraded.4. David Koresh of the Branch Davidians spent many hours talking with FBI negotiators about God and the Bible and finally waited for "God" to tell him what to do in the final hours of the siege. The compound probably had numbers of Personal Journals (required for subjects by the NSA during brainwashing) that could lead to questions about how this cult came to this level. Additionally, just like other loose ends the NSA had to secure, "God spoke to them and said to commit suicide" and they did securing another one of the NSA's great experiments in mind control and social pathology.5. A friend of mine, David Sautter and I worked at Singer, Kearfott Division, producing government weapons where we worked under a multitier security system; Company Security, FBI, DIA, and at the top of the ladder watching the watchers; the NSA. I discussed the NSA's technology with Dave and a few months later, I heard he had committed suicide inside of a locked room. This theme should familiar by now and the details of the case will be destroyed or rewritten by NSA influences to preserve national security.7. The cases of NSA activities go on and on. With access to the FBI's Crime Information Center (CIC), we could find several thousand files having the characteristic patterns where the NSA had experimented on the individuals with their "Thought Control" technology.8. Currently, the NSA has many subjects in the field (our society) that need only a series of "triggers" (carefully constructed posthypnotic scripts) to send them over the edge and on a mission to kill. The NSA calls them "Shooters on a Shelf". A recent example was Russell Eugene Weston, Jr. that went on a shooting spree at the Capitol around July 26, 1998. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia, had delusions that he had an affiliation with the CIA or FBI and thought a radio-tracking device was planted in his tooth. He was a product of NSA brainwashing. He did not have the ability to recognize the advanced technology even though he knew that "someone" (CIA, FBI, etc.) was communicating with him and that this communication ability spanned across the USA leading him to believe that he had a tracking device planted on him. Because of the real effects of the NSA hypnosis treatments, he therefore reasoned that the schizophrenia medication would not help and so he quit taking it. This was a man desperately trying to alleviate the suffering the NSA inflicted on him.9. Through the years, I have met thousands of people that have been brainwashed into Christianity to a level where God tells them what to do in their minds (described as a gentle voice by victims) and they mindlessly obey. Yes, they have "Friends inside their heads" also. It appears the Biblical Anti-Christ in the Book of Revelations has arrived and is convincing many subjects that Jesus is back on earth and directing them.8. NSA BEHAVIORAL MODIFICATION PROCEDURE:1. The following procedural outline documents typical techniques, processes, explanations, and definitions of the National Security Agency's Behavioral Modification Procedure using Subliminal Implanted Posthypnotic Suggestions through acoustically delivered phonetically edited language elements combined into scripts without somnambulistic preparation in the subject.2. In simpler terms, the subject is unknowingly given hypnosis while the subject is completely awake and is tortured and punished with this hypnosis into a predetermined behavior by the National Security Agency. The behavior is usually extremely religious, is called "reborn" by the church, with the subject's life-long goal of "a personal relationship with Jesus Christ".1. ABSTRACT, Behavioral Modification:1. The NSA's behavioral modification process starts with identification and qualification of the subject. The NSA used to choose subjects based on the subject's net present value to the agency in public visibility, financial resources, political clout, or other intelligence and counter-intelligence reasons. Additional considerations are given to minimizing security risks of exposure, the subject's posthypnotic suggestibility index, the subject's intelligence and reasoning ability, moral and superstitious beliefs, and the subject's social status and the weakness of the subject's primary support groups (family). Now a recent report referenced in the March 26th Business section of the Orange County Register from the National Sleep Foundation reports that 40% of Americans are experiencing sleeping problems. This news could indicate that the NSA is broadening its influence to the greater public. As explained below in this document, the NSA always starts its behavioral modification process with REM Deprivation.2. After selection, the subject is subjected to long periods of REM Sleep Deprivation and reinforced torturing posthypnotic suggestions that will breakdown the subject's will, confidence, self-reliance, and moral values. Meanwhile, the subject is increasingly isolated from their familiar and trusted peer groups causing the subject to experience depression, apathy, and ultimately social and financial failure.3. Typical post-hypnotic induced delusions reported by subjects are tingling in various areas of the body, which are thought to be resulting from microwave beams. Hearing ticks thumps or cracks from walls, ceilings, clocks, lights, etc. Beliefs that the subject's neighbors are conspiring against them, or that the subject is being followed. Sometimes subjects believe that the various perceptions, feelings and experiences are the result of "Implants" in their body.It is important for the subjects to understand that the NSA controls this technology from nuclear hardened underground shelters and the neighbors next door have nothing to do with the subject's experiences. Nobody has the time or inclination to follow a subject around with a microwave gun to tickle various parts of the body. We are saturated with microwaves all the time from television stations, communication satellites, etc and yet we do not have any symptoms because microwaves do not have the ability to trigger localized synaptic responses in our brains. Furthermore, when the subject is in a room surrounded by several people, and the subject is the only one experiencing the "thoughts", tingling feelings, etc., then obviously a delivery method is being employed that affects only the subject; high-speed acoustic delivered hypnosis.4. After a while, the subject has an emotional breakdown and a new support group is built around the subject. The new support group is typically a church with doctrines centered in the Bible but the NSA also uses cults and other social groups. The NSA prefers Christian churches because the doctrines allow "God or Jesus to speak directly to the subject" and the negative reinforcement can be attributed with Satan and the positive rewards can be considered to be blessings from God thereby masking the NSA's technology and processes. When the NSA uses other relationships without in which the subject experiences a religious awakening and "Gives their Life to Christ" and the NSA achieves total control of the subject.5. The subject is slowly released from the damaging uncomfortable hypnosis and it is replaced with positive rewarding hypnosis as "God and Jesus works in their life". Soon, the subject has complete loyalty to Jesus (AKA: NSA) and will do anything on command from Jesus (NSA).6. The subject is required to give daily status reports in the form of prayers in the privacy of their home, office, or car where the NSA's electronic surveillance system captures and sorts the prayers by "Keywords". The NSA then delivers additional hypnosis in the form of punishments or rewards or directs the subject accordingly to "God's will". If the subject resist's the NSA's instructions, additional punishments are inflicted on the subject.7. The subject is institutionalized in this system where any nonconformances committed by the subject are watched, critiqued, and reported on through prayer by other "Christians" to the NSA. Thus, the new church peer group acts as a behavioral reinforcing mechanism that will bring any of the subject's problems to the NSA as they have been trained themselves (this is similar to the Nazi Gestapo of World War 2 and other communist approaches).8. A subject that has successfully completed the NSA's behavioral modification program lives out the rest of their mediocre life in service to Jesus (NSA) and never causes any waves in the church or news media for fear of reprisal from the NSA. The subject's lives are relatively unproductive because their focus is on their "Life after death" and not what they accomplish while they are alive. They avoid "worldly activities", and usually are confused and disjointed in rational thoughts and concepts. For instance, they don't believe in anything that is not in the Bible, i.e. dinosaurs, evolution, space travel, even though they ride on airplanes and watch television both of which are not referenced in the Bible.3. BEHAVIORAL MODIFICATION PROCESS:1. Triggering Techniques:1. The NSA minimizes security subject might recognize when the NSA was not actively watching causing a security concern and it would be cost prohibitive to baby-sit the subject 24 hours a day.2. Behavioral modification generally occurs fastest when using negative reinforcement continuously. It is not practical or economical to watch a subject continuously to apply real time deliveries. Additionally, using all three script delivery patterns confuses the subject, causes the subject to believe they are always being watched, and maximizes behavioral change over time though continuous pressure.2. Real-Time Subconscious Implant Delivery:1. Real-time means that the NSA ODO is transmitting the posthypnotic command script to the subject and observing the subject's response. This technique is required for subliminal interrogations. All NSA standard posthypnotic command scripts can be delivered real-time. This form of delivery can precipitate the perception of a "voice" heard in the mind of a subject to give them information (true or false) or orders depending on the purpose of the NSA's activities.3. Prescheduled Subconscious Implant Delivery:The NSA central switching computer can transmit a script to a specified subject at a pre-specified time. The transmitted script's transmission range can be limited to a single building, a city, or a large geographical area (i.e. North America or Europe). By having prescheduled scripts, the subject has seemingly randomly occurring thoughts and feelings that can't be associated with a commonly recurring situation like event-triggered scripts precipitate.4. Event-Triggered (conditional) Implant Delivery:1. Posthypnotic subconscious implants that are triggered (activated) with an event, thought, or code word (event-triggered or conditional) are strongly experienced by the subject and are powerful tools for reinforcing a predetermined desired behavior and inflicting delusions.2. This type of posthypnotic commands are the ones most commonly used by hypnotherapists to help people quit smoking, study better, or in general, change behavior (behavioral modification). There is extensive information on the Internet and college libraries about this form of posthypnotic command delivery and how to "script" and use them.3. The NSA can reinforce a predetermined desired behavior by associating a subconscious implant (negative or positive reinforcement) with an event. An example is that when the NSA want's to isolate the subject from the company of a specific person place or thing, the subject will be implanted with a feeling of increased anxiety, hostility, tension, simple discomfort, or a feeling of a lack of peace. When the subject leaves the person, place, or thing, another posthypnotic implant is triggered that rewards the subject's behavior with a feeling of relief from the anxiety, hostility, tension, discomfort, and peace is restored in the subject's mind.Example: This script will always cause a girl or boy not to sleep with the opposite sex: "You will feel very tense and not be able to relax if you kiss, sleep with, or stay long at your (boy or girl) friend's house and you will feel a deep peace when you leave their house to go back home". These types of scripts left unmanaged and not removed can cause great harm as the subject develops and social conditions and behaviors change over time.4. It should be noted that the NSA precisely tailors the type of negative and/or positive reinforcement, the degree of the reinforcement, the duration of the reinforcing effect and the conditions of the trigger. This posthypnotic event-triggered reinforcement can be initiated gradually and can remain so subtle that the subject believes that the discomfort is naturally occurring and that it is the subject's decision uninfluenced by anyone else that the subject should avoid the person, place or thing.5. This subconscious implant can be combined with other implants like a posthypnotic-triggered thought to enhance the subject's decision toward the situation. For example the subject can be subconsciously implanted with a command to be very sensitive to the changes in their feelings and to feel great about making strong decisions to take charge of their lives. This can be reinforced with another posthypnotic suggestion to avoid all the situations that cause the subject discomfort and that each time the subject commits himself/herself to removing a situation of this kind in their lives, they will feel an increasing control over their lives. Note that as the subject perceives an increasing control over their lives they are actually losing control to the NSA proportionately. Numerous other examples exist and it is beyond the scope of this document to document every possibility.5. Stage 1 (Prescreen Evaluation):1. The subject's Posthypnotic Suggestibility Index is determined by a series of simple tests. Hypnoamnesia is applied to the subject for the name of an object or individual and the subject's speed is timed to determine how quickly they can overcome or not overcome the posthypnotic suggestion "You will not be able to remember the name of "____" no matter how hard you try. Other posthypnotic suggestions can be used to create fear or discomfort in the subject that can be remedied by flight or movement. The subject must overcome a posthypnotic suggestion that they cannot move no matter how hard they try. In summary, a posthypnotic suggestion is given to the subject and the subject's ability to overcome it is evaluated.2. A full study of the subject's religious, superstitions, fears, and insecurities is made through standard subliminal interrogation techniques and behavioral observation.3. Interrogation scenarios are presented to the subject using standard subliminal interrogation techniques and somnambulistic interrogation techniques. The standard two types of scenarios are "Open-ended Questions" (similar to multiple choice with response labels pre-assigned to each choice) or "Reject if Disagreeable" (negative response label if the subject disagrees). More advanced techniques of interrogation scenarios are used as required or as determined by the experience of the ODO.4. Real-time observation, standard subliminal interrogation techniques and somnambulistic interrogation techniques are used to determine the subject's overall social status, abilities, attitudes, and communication skills with primary support groups and friends.5. Scientific understanding and practical applications experience in the fields of psychology, hypnosis, and problem analysis are considered risks in the subject that may complicate or inhibit subsequent behavioral modification processes. Once the subject identifies the technology used it is nearly impossible to contain the potential security breach without terminating the subject. Most NSA initiated executions (suicides) are the result of the subject identifying the technology used or carelessness on the part of the ODO managing the file.6. The NSA technology affords powerful control over the subject, the subject's environment, and the subject's ability to plan and implement a disclosure to appropriate Government Agencies. When the subject finally does achieve a disclosure, the subject's physical and mental condition is depleted. The subject's ability to communicate concisely has been arrested, and the subject has already been set up and dishonored in the sight of local and federal law enforcement agencies to assure the subject's testimony is questionable and unsubstantiated. Where the NSA feels that these steps cannot be achieved in medium risk subjects, the NSA will not recruit the subject into the behavioral modification process.6. Stage 2 (Standard Process):1. This stage is where most subjects are behaviorally modified to serve and follow "God" (AKA NSA management of the subject's civil rights). If the subject accepts religion and direction at this stage the NSA reinforces the subject's relationship with Jesus and closes the file. This shortened program receives the maximum return for the NSA for the least investment and minimizes the security risk. It also causes the least amount of damage and institutionalization in the subject.2. Coincidence:1. Coincidence is used to create the perception in the subject that supernatural events are beginning in the subject's life. A combination of posthypnotic commands and pre-information awarded to the subject prior to an upcoming experience that the NSA intelligence system has discovered gives the subject a feeling that "God" or some other supernatural being is taken interest in their life.2. The following is one typical technique used by the NSA. NSA Intelligence gathers information regarding the topic of the sermon in the subject's church. This information is gathered through electronic surveillance equipment installed in the church. The NSA then implants a posthypnotic command that triggers the subject's mind into concern and contemplation about the sermon's topic prior to going to church. When the subject hears the sermon, the sermon seems to be speaking directly to the subject that adds to God's mysterious and unexplainable ability to address the innermost concerns of the subject, especially when the subject has not shared those concerns with any other human being.3. Another typical method used by NSA concerns tragic events occurring to loved ones. NSA Intelligence receives a local broadcast or preliminary information through electronic surveillance that a subject's relative has been injured or killed. The subject is given a posthypnotic suggestion that a feeling of dread or loss is welling up inside them and they are directed to think of that particular loved one. When they are finally notified through official channels, the subject believes that they have special powers, insights, or communications from God, aliens, or other entities.3. REM Sleep Deprivation:1. The Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage of sleep is controlled and usually limited to one to two cycles per night resulting in micro-sleeps during the day. REM deprivation inhibits short-term memory, concentration, tactile abilities, verbal articulation, reasoning, and self will. Protein synthesis is inhibited and thereby reduces the subject's ability to heal after physical damage or after periods of extensive exercise. The result is that the subject's general health degrades as does social bonds and work/school performance.2. The NSA performs control of REM Sleep through various methods. Posthypnotic implants can be implanted that place a subject in a light sleep (posthypnotic trance) with various combinations of muscular tension and computer cycling implant deliveries (to bediscussed later).3. Subjects typically complain of no sleep, restless sleep, waking up every hour on the hour, staying awake until the hour they have to get up, waking up an hour after they retire and not returning to sleep, and typically cannot recall any dreams. Additionally, they will complain of repeating torturing thoughts, racing thoughts, and facial itching and numbness. Daily fatigue, poor recall of names, and caffeine consumption is typical.4. Dark rings' surrounding the eyes is evident and the darkened area around the eyes can be reported as sore or tender by the subject. The subtle perceptual impairing effects of REM deprivation make it more difficult for the subject to identify the REM Deprivation problem. When the REM depravation onslaught is gradual and accompanied by a posthypnotic command that the subject "will feel energetic and rested", the subject will not recognize the REM Deprivation. Additional posthypnotic commands can be implanted that will make it difficult for the subject to "see or perceive" the rings surrounding their eyes. I have seen many subjects with very dark eye rings and the subjects could not recognize them at all.4. Shame Factor Enhancement:1. Various posthypnotic suggestions are implanted in the subject after a week or so long period of REM deprivation. The content of the posthypnotic scripts is constructed to cause the subject to perform embarrassing and otherwise shameful acts (usually sexual but always anti-social). These shameful behaviors are used by the NSA later to shame the person into a lower self esteem, reduced confidence in their own self discipline, a need for forgiveness from God. These embarrassments provide a means to Blackmail or discredit the subject if the NSA is detected and otherwise threatened by the subject.2. The NSA will always use another law enforcement agency to document the behavioral discrepancy to retain anonymity. The NSA has been known to help subjects avoid prosecution to gain loyalty or create an adversarial relationship between the acting agency and the subject (another intimidation factor) even though the NSA was responsible for creating the behavioral problem in the subject's life.5. Religious Relevance and Convictions:1. The NSA typically implants posthypnotic suggestions that are clearly referenced in the Bible. The subject may be punished (through negative reinforcement) by anything that is referenced in the Bible to substantiate the validity of the "Word of God". When the NSA does not follow the standard Biblical references, most subjects fail to recognize the contradictions out of ignorance or an inability to rationalize, or, they find other ways to justify the events to receive peace from God (NSA). This component of the NSA process is to provide the subject with an increased sense of fear and intimidation resulting from God's presence and force. "Thou shall not disobey God".6. Paranoia:1. Paranoia is a powerful tool used by the NSA. It provides a means to develop the subject's distrust of other people including the subject's primary group that could provide positive support during this time of distress in the subject's life. Paranoia is often recognized and discounted as a character fault by most peoples in American society and therefore discredits the subject's testimony even further. Uninformed, but well wishing people including friends, may recommend to the subject to pursue counseling. This negative feedback can make the subject fear that people will believe the subject is crazy.2. When the subject seeks professional counseling, the result will be a misdiagnosis with an expensive, inappropriate and ineffective treatment. The observed symptoms result from simply hypnosis, not biological, chemical, or environmental stresses. A misdiagnosis strongly motivates the subject not to communicate their experiences to others to avoid social disgrace of a "schizophrenia" label and additional financial burden. This isolation of the subject and their reluctance to communicate their experience to others reduces NSA security risk. The NSA cannot allow the subject to share information with other subjects that have already experienced the program and thereby starting a pool of information that could be compiled and used to expose the NSA system.3. The subject is led to believe that the subject's neighbors, work associates and/or family are conspiring against the subject through a number of scripts delivered to the subject by the NSA. The NSA can further complicate the conspiracy delusion by using the same technology to have a work associate ask the subject a question or to make a comment that can be used by the NSA to confirm the subjects fears. This technique further isolates the subject from trusting their peer groups, causes additional emotional distress and hostility toward these people. The subject sometimes resorts to violent behavior, which is viewed by observers as irrational, unprovoked behavior that may be treated as criminal behavior by law enforcementpersonnel.7. Stage 3 (Extreme Process):1. This method is very severe and usually results in a two to five year program. Because of the severity of the suffering, the subject is usually permanently impaired for integration into normal mainstream life and is essentially institutionalized. The result is that the subject must reside in a less competitive environment like a church group. Subjects that receive this program tend to be highly superstitious, are agitated easily when objective evidence that contradicts their belief system is presented. They tend to believe in the spiritual world (demons, ghosts, god, spiritual entities, etc) and consider the spiritual world to be more powerful and important than the material or real world. This program basically follows the following steps; REM deprivation, breakdown of self esteem and confidence, intense suffering, exaggerated conscience, spiritual contact, reborn in Jesus Christ, Spiritual battle, release (saved by the Savior), and recovering (blessed by Jesus Christ). Whenever possible the NSA will skip or reduce these steps to minimize security risk and financial cost.2. Increasing Dependence on Drugs and Alcohol:1. As the REM Deprivation increases the subject must depend on Central Nervous System (CNS) Stimulants to compensate for degradation of productivity at work, school, and in interpersonal relationships. This serves the NSA in several ways. Use of drugs (especially CNS stimulants) increases the subject's index of suggestibility. Or in other words, the post hypnotic commands are more effective and the subject has greater difficulty resisting the impulses generated by the commands. In addition, the increased stress of coping with the drugs in conjunction with the resisting the newly introduced posthypnotic commands serves to push the subject closer to an emotional breakdown. If the subject uses illegal drugs, the NSA tries to set the subject up for a conviction to get assure that the subject looses credibility. Who would believe a drug user that claimed that he/she was being harassed by a government agency that was tormenting them with hypnosis? It also serves the NSA in the program by documenting something that the subject will be ashamed of when the program reaches the exaggerated conscience stage.2. Alcohol, sleeping pills and other medications also inhibit REM Stage sleep and increase irritability over time thereby further degrading and isolating the subject.3. In summary, the NSA benefits from the subject responding to the REM Deprivation assault with self-medication. This response discredits the subject by labeling them in society as a drug user, it enhances the effect of the implanted posthypnotic commands and it gives the subject a reason for shame that will be used against the subject later to justify the punishment from "God". It should be noted that the subject is not really guilty of anything, except being a victim that was manipulated in a carefully controlled scientific behavior modification process.3. Poor Nutrition:1. The poor nutrition reduces the energy the subject has and serves later as another justification of God's punishment. The subject will be taught later that "the body is the temple" and that to abuse it is to violate God's will.4. Apathy:1. After the subject's self-esteem is broken down and continuing failure and persistent suffering start to dominate every day, the individual becomes apathetic as a defense mechanism. At this stage the subject has committed another sin of "not persevering through faith" which is later used on the subject later to increase a feeling of guilt.5. Depression:1. Depression precipitates as a result of chronic REM Sleep Deprivation, social isolation and a feeling of helplessness in the subject. Commonly, when the subject seeks professional counseling, they are misdiagnosed and treated for depression with medications but the root cause of the problem (negative reinforcing posthypnotic suggestions inflicted over long periods of time) is not treated or corrected.6. Insecurity:1. The subject starts to experience severe insecurity in this stage. The NSA uses this insecurity against the subject in several ways. Because of the impaired reasoning ability and emotional isolation, the subject is susceptible to the approaches of insincere people, which are used by the NSA to emotionally hurt the subject more. This allows the NSA to convince the subject that people can't be trusted and that only the NSA (Jesus) can be trusted. This serves to isolate the subject from supportive peer groups and makes the subject emotionally dependent on the NSA resulting in the NSA gaining more power in the subject's life.7. Journals and Diaries:1. Most of the subjects are directed to keep a "Journal" or diary by the NSA so that the subject can record and review feelings, events, observations, and "God's directions" that normally would be unavailable due to short term memory loss during extended periods of REM Deprivation. The NSA uses the Subject's Journals in a variety of ways.8. Degrading Spelling and Grammatical Performance:1. Subjects in these prolonged stages of REM deprivation, confusion, and emotional distress, have very poor grammar, spelling, and short attention spans.9. Slowed Speech:1. Subjects experience slower speech and have a greater time articulating concise points as a result of the REM Deprivation and other performance degrading posthypnotic commands. Very slight alcohol consumption can exasperate the damage of REM Deprivation and precipitate slurred speech.10. Confusion:1. Confusion results from three primary sources; REM Deprivation, specific posthypnotic commands to reinforce the confusion, and the emotional damage and stress that is being inflicted. The confusion allows the NSA to continuously inflict damage to the subject's life without real-time observation. A confused person generally is not as productive as an organized clear thinker is and has a greater potential to offend people by what they say or do and is less likely to recognize when they have made mistakes. All of these symptoms assist the NSA's objectives in this stage and subsequent stages. In addition, the confusion restricts the individual from analyzing the source of their suffering and taking corrective actions, and therefore reduces the NSA's security risk.11. Poor Concentration:1. Difficulty concentrating impairs the subject's productivity and restrains the subject from making self-improvements and corrections in behavior. It makes it very difficult for the subject to do any research or reading to evaluate his/her condition. This paves the way for the NSA to demonstrate that the subject cannot do anything on their own without "God", thereby increasing the frustration and anxiety of the subject (inducing emotional breakdown) and ultimately making the subject totally dependant on the will of God.12. Loose Association and Personality Disorders:1. The subject experiences disjointed thought at this stage (Loose Association) that appears to observers as a strange sense of humor or inappropriate responses when engaging in conversations. Ongoing sarcasm and other negative attitudes and undesirable personality traits can be present.13. Anger:1. The way that the subject experiences anger is of profound importance. If the subject allows the NSA to redirect the increasing anger and hostilities toward the NSA to another person in the form of violence (misplaced aggression), the NSA will reinforce the violent behavior with posthypnotic commands. The result is a person that can achieve national acclaim as a murderer that heard voices of Satan directing him/her. Typically, the Subject is encouraged to commit acts of violence with spouses, friends, or employers resulting in further social isolation and increased shame. Some examples of NSA directed victims of misplaced aggression include recent US Postal Workers whom work within the Postal Service. This is one of the vial "communication intercept" channels the NSA is directed to monitor. The routes of suspect mail and the postal worker processing it are continuously monitored by NSA. Sometimes the NSA ODO takes issue with a Postal Worker and harasses them or subjects the postal worker to behavioral modification.14. Delusions:1. Delusions are used to discredit the witness and also provide an additional source for fear, intimidation and confusion. Delusions can be but are not limited to the Subject developing conspiracy theories of fellow employees and friends, beliefs that Angels or Demons are communicating or visiting them, tingling sensations from microwave guns or implants, beliefs in supernatural events, etc.15. Audio Hallucinations:1. Subjects often report hearing walls clicking, footsteps in the house, the sound of someone trying to open the door, drilling at the door, etc.2. These audio hallucinations are also used to discredit the witness and also provide an additional source for paranoia, fear, and negative reinforcement.16. Voices in the Subject's Mind:1. The voices in the subject's mind are achieved in a variety of ways using real-time and prescheduled posthypnotic suggestion deliveries, and Noun Substitution implant techniques.2. Noun Substitution Posthypnotic Implant:1. The subject can have a posthypnotic suggestion implanted that changes the form of pronouns in the subject's internal thinking. The result is the subject perceives that someone is telling him/her to do something with nearly every thought. An example is; the subject thinks, "I should go to church today". With the noun substitution posthypnotic suggestion the subject experiences the following internal thought, "You should go to church today!"Notice that by implanting the posthypnotic command into the subject's subconscious mind to think the pronoun "You" instead of "I" the subject will perceive that they are being directed by a voice even though the majority of the internal thought content is their own naturally occurring thought. This subconscious implant can be used in combination with other implants to increase the subject's perception of threat, fear, and therefore paranoia. It can be used with other posthypnotic suggestion implants that will give the subject the perception of either a "good" or "evil" voice or spirit is directing him/her.This implant is powerful because it gives the subject the perception that the spirit, angel, God or Holy Spirit knows and directs the subject's every thought. It provides a convincing proof that "God knows every thought of his children". Subjects that don't have a superstitious frame of reference and seek professional help are usually misdiagnosed as schizophrenic.17. Tinnitus (Ear Ringing):1. Tinnitus is commonly reported by subjects harassed by the NSA and typically has no pharmacological or biochemical basis and is produced by a posthypnotic suggestion. It is often misdiagnosed as ringing caused by excessive aspirin use and is actually an audio hallucination triggered by hypnosis.18. Complete Quiet Silence:1. Used by the NSA as a positive reinforcement for two general reasons; the subject has the tinnitus removed to indicate that the subject has "The Lord's Peace Restored", and secondly, the subject has achieved a milestone toward being released by God (the NSA).19. Quiet Wind:1. The audio hallucination of a quiet wind is used to convince the subject that the Holy Spirit is visiting him/her. An excellent example of this hallucination combined with the fear that accompanies it is contained in Phil Collin's lyrics of a song that has the chorus "I can get so scared, Listen to the wind".20. Visual Hallucinations:1. Visual hallucinations are usually implanted in the waking moments when a subject is coming out of or is in a somnambulatory state (light sleep) preferably in a darkened room. The hallucinations are fleeting, usually lasting less than one minute and are not durable. Typical hallucinations reported by subjects are Angels, large spiders, and movement of various shadowy objects across the ceiling, bright spot of light ahead of the subject, etc.2. The television show "Sightings" has had numerous reports of people seeing "Aliens" at waking moments. These types of news accounts create confusion in US society and serve to keep people searching for the wrong phenomenon thus keeping the NSA's technology secure (disinformation).21. Tactile, Olfactory hallucinations and Muscle Spasms:1. Tactile hallucinations can be more durable and are used to communicate a desired direction to the subject typically after a real-time interrogation. Typical behavioral cues issued by the NSA are manifested in the form of:1. Temporary sensation of pressure to the tip of the right index finger (symbolizing Faith or have Faith).2. Temporary sensation of pressure to the tip of the left index finger (symbolizing no Faith or "deception of Satan").3. Temporary sensation of pressure to the center of the right palm (symbolizing Jesus "Sitting at the right-hand of God").4. Temporary sensation of pressure to the ball of the right foot (symbolizing "Get on the Ball" or "hurry-up").5. Temporary sensation of pressure to the tip of the right foot big toe (symbolizing "Right Direction").6. Temporary sensation of pressure to the tip of the right foot center toe (symbolizing "Fucking-up Direction").7. Temporary sensation of pressure to the tip of the left foot big toe (symbolizing "Wrong Direction").8. Temporary sensation of pressure to the buttocks (symbolizing "Bad Attitude" or "subject is acting like an ass").9. Temporary sensation of pressure on tip of penis or clitoris (symbolizes immoral thoughts like subject is thinking/acting with his penis or her clitoris).10. Temporary sensation of pressure to the left ear drum (symbolizing "do not listen").11. Temporary sensation of pressure to the right ear drum (symbolizing "listen").12. An involuntary blink of the right or left eye (symbolizing: right eye = God's agreement or left eye = Satan's agreement).13. Temporary tingling sensation on the Testicles (symbolizing insufficient male confidence or "Having no balls or strength").14. Temporary tingling on other areas of the body to imply that something invisible and/or supernatural is touching the subject. May be perceived as threatening or reassuring to the subject. Can be used to intimidate and confuse the subject often times combined with additional posthypnotic implants to inflict delusions like "being attacked with microwaves" or being caressed by Angels.15. Muscular spasm or perceived pressures near the jugular vein onright side of neck (symbolizing Satan having subject by Jugular orthroat). This is used to inflict fear and doubt.16. Muscular spasms are sometimes used to inflict severe pain on the subject by causing extreme involuntary contraction of the sphincterin the anal region or other lower back or leg muscles.17. Perceived odor sensation of a thick, sweet smell (symbolizing Satan's sweet victory over the subject's soul).9. This section is written in an attempt to provide interested individuals with some of the considerations and precautions when seeking to demonstrate the NSA's civil rights abuses by demonstrating the effectiveness and concepts of subliminal access using Subliminal Implanted Posthypnotic Suggestions and Scripts Using Acoustically Delivered and Phonetically Accelerated Posthypnotic Commands without Somnambulistic Preparation in the Subject.1. Reverse engineering of the NSA's technology to prove it's abuses against the American people is quite difficult. Consider the following.2. If the scientists and technicians perform their research in a facility that the NSA has the standard transceivers installed, and therefore the NSA can influence the direction of research or the data by effecting perceptual effects in the researchers.These perceptual effects can be confusion, lack of attention to important details, oversights, bad assumptions, incorrect interpretation of the test data. These same misperceptions will also be incorporated into the research test subjects. The technology cannot be developed and optimized if the NSA has any access to the test subjects. The test scripts given to the test subject delivered from the researcher can be neutralized by the NSA delivering a canceling script immediately after the researcher's script. The NSA's test script can also include a hypnoamnesia script at the end to cancel any residual perception in the subject so that the test subject would report no effects and the researcher would conclude the test script had no effect.3. The research must be carried out in a facility secured from all NSA electronic intrusion. All equipment in the facility must be TEMPEST protected and electrically isolated from the outside world.The research personnel and their subjects must never leave the secured area of the facility so that they cannot be subliminally interrogated by the NSA. The NSA would take this opportunity to deliver disinformation scripts to the subject or researcher. Foodstuffs and supplies would be the logical choice of NSA intrusion if all other security measures were effective against the NSA.4. The NSA will exploit all opportunities to introduce microscopic transceivers into the facility of it's surrounding grounds. The minimal requirements for the NSA to take control of the research are:1. NSA audio delivery (a micro receiver with a micro speaker)2. Visibility of the targets (researcher or test subject) to capture response labels during subliminal interrogations. This can be through normal illumination or infrared to see through window, or millimeter wave or other technologies that can see through barriers like walls and ceilings.3. Audible response labels can be used if the NSA has a micro receiver with a micro speaker inside but cannot get a transmitter in and operating without detection. Sneezes, coughs, clearing of throat that can be picked up by laser microphones, audible amplification microphones, etc. can also be used as response labels.5. The NSA currently has satellites with millimeter wave technology that will allow visible intrusion into most facilities. The test facilities should be deep underground, AKA 1000 feet with no adjacent access from other facilities, sewer lines, water lines or power conduits etc.6. Any facilities existing will have to be debugged before habitation and research begins.7. Subjects must be able to be subjected to traditional hypnosis after facility habitation as a test prior to research to assure that the NSA has minimal scripts already implanted.8. This technology is the highest level of intelligence gathering for the USA. The abuses resulting from mismanagement of this area of the NSA's intelligence system must force Congress to legislate additional laws to protect the citizens. The NSA must regulate this system better. The NSA will take all necessary steps without limit to assure that this technology is preserved and autonomously under their control.10. Conclusion: America's greatest and highest level intelligence asset is being mismanaged and the mismanagement must be corrected before all the Enemies of our great country acquire it. Imagine if China had this technology to use on their defenseless population?11. May God help us all in protecting the American public and preserving and managing this vital technology's vital potential to serve America's National Security. Newshawk:Mass Mind Control in the Present-Day U.S. -- The big pictureThere are a number of interlocking systems, technologies and techniqueswhich are currently being deployed against the citizens of the UnitedStates of America by certain segments of our national government.First, there are literally COUNTLESS mind-control projects andsub-projects in operation at this time which target SPECIFICsubjects/victims in a variety of ways; using one or more of a number oftechnologies such as drugs, (ritual) psycho-sexual abuse, a vast panoplyof different EM/RF mind control technologies, repetitive conditioning,hypnotic trance induction, and so on and on and on.Reliable reports from MANY different sources indicate that as many asTEN MILLION individuals many be ACTIVE subjects/victims of these kindsof mind control activities, and huge quantities of hard documentation ona great many of these projects DOES exist.However, in addition to these kinds of mind control operations, there areALSO mind control and mind manipulation activities that target MASSESof people in large geographical regions at the same time. Indeed, thereis VERY strong evidence that the operators of HAARP for example, haveever since HAARP's earliest days intended that it be used for, among manyother things, GLOBAL mind control.There is in FACT much evidence to show that HAARP is NOW being used forjust such utterly evil purposes by the United States federal government.Of course, there are many other EM/RF technologies and systems whichare, or may be, applied to mass-scale mind, mood, thought andconsciousness control/manipulation operations: such as the nationwide"GWEN" (Ground Wave Emergency Network) system, certain ELF and ULFtransmitter systems, and so on (such as your TV set, even IF it's turnedOFF!)Another way to manipulate and "regulate" the minds and consciousness ofa mass of people at a VERY basic, fundamental level is to CONTROL thepopulation's PRIMARY sources of INFORMATION. This is one of the MOSTpowerful ways shape the collective consciousness of the public, and it isCLEAR that many mass media outlets in the United States are bothwillingly and un-wittingly aiding and abetting the manipulation ofour minds by the government, and are assisting the FedGov in carrying outmany social-engineering agendas.The mass media's treatment of school shooting incidents, for instance,plays DIRECTLY and TOTALLY into the schemes of those who deployed themind-controlled killers to carry out these shootings, in a grand plan toshut down our Constitution's 2nd Amendment, among other things.Moreover, very carefully designed CONDITIONING programs and tactics havebeen brought to bear against nearly EVERY segment of society;disseminated throughout the nation and the world by mass media andentertainment industries and corporations; and imbedded in ALL forms ofso-called entertainment at this point, such as movies, TV shows, videoand computer games ESPECIALLY, some pop music, and so on.This condition of constant, relentless bombardment with grotesquely violentimagery, which the general population, ESPECIALLY its younger members, isinundated with by nearly ALL forms of popular contemporary entertainmentand sources of "information", is indeed directly derived from thosemind-conditioning programs and systems developed at Fort Detrick (andother similar locations). San Diego shooter Charles Williams' fatherworked at the Army's Fort Detrick facility for THIRTEEN YEARS.Specifically, indoctrination/conditioning programs were developed atFort Detrick in which subjects were repeatedly, continually andcontinuously immersed in virtual reality-type video/computer "games"of extreme and GRAPHIC brutality, for long stretches of time andover an extended time frame.This kind of psychological assault proved very effective in rapidlyobliterating subjects' ethical and moral values and cultural norms withregard to violence, brutality, killing and so on.These systems were perfected, applied to the brainwashing andconditioning of members of the U.S. military and also turned over tothe intelligence sectors for other applications. The intelligence sector,in turn, DELIBERATELY and successfully undertook to have this same kindof HIGHLY negative, destructive and effective conditioning applied toSOCIETY AS A WHOLE, via mass conditioning of our consciousness throughthe entertainment and information industries, as noted.One OTHER method of mass mind control/manipulation/conditioning which isNOW being utilized MORE and MORE -- ESPECIALLY against the mostvulnerable members of our society, our CHILDREN -- is thehighly-reprehensible/questionable and increasingly common MANDATEDDRUGGING of ever-growing numbers of children through hugely intrusive,invasive, ill-advised, psychologically unpredictable and oftendestructive programs mandated, usually for young males, by psychiatristsand social workers. More and more of our children are being dosed on along-term basis with any of a number of psychotropic/psychiatric drugslike Prozac, Ritalin, Luvox, and so on.These drugs not ONLY are PROVEN to induce SEVERE and often VERY VIOLENTpsychotic reactions among a significant percentage of subjects, but ALSOclearly and provably create a stupefied, dumbed-down, zombified mentalstate in targeted subjects which is a PERFECT "ground state" for thecarrying out of yet OTHER mind control/manipulation/conditioning activitieson these very same subjects. In general, this kind of psych-drugging makesthe job of further mind control programming MUCH easier. And this kind ofdrugging is being done to ever-increasing numbers of our children, down totoddlers as young as TWO and THREE YEARS OLD!!Now, there is ANOTHER way in which our present-day society is beingliterally and effectively mind-controlled en masse.Most all of the individually-targeted mind control programs we notedabove use one or more methods to induce a PSYCHOTIC BREAK or SPLITPERSONALITY in the victim/subject. In fact, one or more of thesedeliberately-induced split personalities formed as a result ofpsycho-sexual abuse or other conditioning are those facets of thesubject's psyche which ARE actually "programmed"; to kill, or whateverelse. It's been shown that forcing victims/subjects to witness, experienceor participate in just about any highly-traumatic and shocking events on arepeated basis will induce the kind of psychotic break(down) that is anecessary prerequisite for intensive mind control programming/conditioning.SO: WHEN our society as a whole is FORCED to confront and WITNESS overand over and over again something as FUNDAMENTALLY shocking as havingour young people perpetrating inconceivably horrific mass murders ofpeers and others on A REGULAR BASIS, as is NOW THE CASE in thepresent-day United States, then the population as a whole AND on anindividual basis to some extent develops an analogous, similarpsychological break, and in FACT to some extent develops splitpersonality/multiple personality disorder conditions... READY FORFURTHER MIND CONTROL PROGRAMMING.THUS: such extraordinarily disturbing events which impact society AS AWHOLE, such as these school shootings by young people that have justoccurred, ALSO serve the malignant, demonic agendas of the FedGov/NWOsocial controllers who set these terrible mass killings off; and theincidents themselves serve to further condition, manipulate and "mindcontrol" the population of the United States in the year 2001. are Artificial Neural Networks? The implementation of Neural Networks for brain-like computations like patterns recognition, decisions making, motory control and many others is made possible by the advent of large scale computers in the late 1950's. Mind Control MIND CONTROL INFO & LINKS: (Chemtrails) Are At WARby Sheriff Mike[Help] MIND CONTROL VICTIM! OF OZ and the ILLUMINATI MIND CONTROL AMERICAN HALLUCINATION Foil Deflector BeanieAn Effective, Low-Cost Solution To Combating Mind-Control US Human Biological Experimentation[mind control]
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