TO ALL INVESTORS AND ANGEL INVESTORS Eric Griffin Legal Foundation and Solution 4 Kids and Parents Mission Statement Ensuring all humans right have a say in the decisions that affect their lives is protected, and not left subject to the whims and wills of others. All people should have the right and opportunity to equal benefits from all available resources afforded to us from society and our environment. All societies should operate with the understanding that we are part of nature, not separate from nature.
We always support positive, sustainable practices, and technology. We strive to always work with environmental, society, and businesses practices which utilize resources in such a way that future generations will continue to benefit and not suffer from the practices of our generation.
We recognize it is essential to create a vibrant and sustainable economic system, one that can create jobs and provide a decent standard of living for all people while maintaining a healthy ecological balance. By creating successful economic systems which lead to meaningful work. Available work opportunities with dignity, purpose, and a "living wage," which reflects the real value of a person's work.
We believe in the importance and respect of cultural, ethnic, racial, sexual, religious and spiritual diversity, and to promote the development of respectful relationships across these lines. We Support personal and global harmony,responsibility, and accountability.
We strive to encourage and support individuals on how to improve their personal well-being and, at the same time, enhance our ecological balance and social harmony. We seek to join with people, organizations, businesses, and communities around the world to foster peace, economic justice, and the health of the planet. Our views on equality are all life has value and purpose. We support equity for all life, interpersonal responsibility.
Honesty must be developed with moral conscience. We should remember that this process determines our decisions and actions is just as important as achieving the outcome we want or need. Budget overview for this project Annual Cost Marketing 47000.00 Advertising 170000.00 Social Media Free N/C Writers 300000.00 Technology 20000000.00 Digital Assets Unknown Web Site Development 700000.00 E-Commerce Unknown Shipping Unknown Postal Delivery 450000.00 Payroll (Salaries) examples~ Interns-Board Members 5000000.00 Wages ~ Employee 3090000.00 Office Supplies 50670.00 Interests-Credit, Loans, Investor & Stock holder Return on Investment, repayment of any kind: 58000000.00 (4 years) E-Commerce Costs, up keep, development, 3000000.00 Operating Costs 20000000.00 Gas- Vehicle 9300000.00 Travel 8750000.00 Phone 790000.00 Rent 10900000.00 Mortgage 0.00 SERVICES PROVIDED AND PRODUCTS TO BE SOLD BY OUR FOUNDATION We are going to have a project that will train at risk children and adults to build and work on the infrastructure department. A profit of an easy 2 billions dollars to our door world wide. Investors dream come true for both foundations. We will also have both foundation have its own brandy wine and mixed drinks as well. we will have are own movies and shows and news station in every state which we will sale airtime to all during are movies shows and news and kid shows and we will also have all kinds of radio shows and different music stations which will sale air time as well which will create about 60 million a year in profits. Banking and online gambling is a multimillion dollar profit project just on the banking alone, then add online gambling is a multimillion dollar profit for investors. We will have so many services that we will beat any company's price and service we will be one of the only foundation that has a full banking. We will lowest fees, interest rate and other deals.
We will offer credit cards which 2% of every transaction going to the foundations. We will also be one of the only site that has online gambling, and a place were you can invest in stocks and bonds with the lowest rates and fees to do all your trading, selling of bonds stocks and other investing plans. Eric Griffin Legal Foundation mission business plan is to be able to help victims, companies, and organizations in litigating issue in State, Federal Court and Congressional matters. We will have a website were small business owner as well as major corporations can come to our sale and sale unique products and offer which can only be obtain through the legal foundation.
We will have our own media team for each state and international news ,radio show,music station, which we will sale some of our airtime to people who wants to advertize during these shows, we will sale poems, painting, drawings. We will have a space that will deal with the banking issue such the lowest rates, and prepaid credit card with the Eglf logo on it and charge a fee of 2% on every transaction. We will have are own Actors, Singers, Musician event planners, and so much more. We will have a place were people can file complaints against Individuals, Officials Judges, Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers and we will have there rating on are site.
We will have a a chat room were people can come relax and discuss all kinds of issues and topics. We will have a system were people from all over the world can come to us on getting support they may want and need through there Embassy referral to us. We will sponsor political figures as well. We will raise funds for several Charitable causes and issues. We will place the names of companies and groups that provide support, and are willing to work with the foundation to make changes, and create jobs for people in all states. YEARLY PROJECTED PROFIT FOR BOTH FOUNDATION IS 1.7 BILLION DOLLARS This is why investors and others should like investing in are foundations. We will help people right here at home, and all over the world. Here are the links you can use to invest or donate to these foundations
please make sure you let every person know the money the are donated is to start up the foundation to hire the proper staff member to make sure we have everything done legal and to 70% of there donation go's to that and paying the few staff we have right now. Karen Pichon President of The Eric Griffin Legal Foundation Kelly Barr founder of Legal solutions 4 Kids And Parents Vice President of the Eric Griffin legal Foundation Eric Griffin vice president of Legal solutions 4 Kids And Parents and founder of the Eric Griffin Legal Foundation