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INFORMATION ABOUT REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING AND VOICE TO SKULL By Bryan Kofron, from Seattle, Washington, which can be found at this online link
Voice to skull is electromagnetic frequency technology that utilizes radio frequency signals, microwave auditory effect to induce sound within the cranial cavity of the targeted individual.
Remote Neural Monitoring manipulated the electrical signals in the brain, thus controlling thoughts, feelings, emotions and sensations throughout the body, and by rewiring the brain creates new neural pathways and destroys existing neural pathways. This literally changes the way a person thinks and behaves. It can be used to control the muscle movement of the targeted individual.
It can take over ones hands and feet while driving and press on the accelerator or press on the brake. It can be used to cause accidents or it can be used to prevent accidents from happening.
This technology can be used to tap into the optical nerve and the auditory system of the target so that those monitoring the target can see what the target is seeing and hear what the target is hearing. This information is then downloaded and stored on a computer at a highly secure classified site.
This technology can induce artificial emotions such as fear, love, hate, nervousness or confidence, depression or happiness.
This technology can induce images and motion pictures into one's brain. It can induce and control dreams, dream cycles, and alpha, beta and delta brain waves.
This technology can be used to mimic spiritual experiences. Joy, love and peace can also be induced. It can also induce sexual manipulation such as sexual stimulation or else shut down the target sexually. It can stimulate the hormones of the target.
This technology can read the thoughts of the target in real time. It can control the mood, attitude, thoughts, feelings, emotions and motivations of the target and thus the actions of the target.
It can be used to give almost full feeling and functionality to a prosthetic limb.
It can be used to cure diseases by healing cells and manipulating the DNA of the target in real time. People are using it for destructive purposes. It is a lethal weapon. Those who are being bombarded continually by radio frequency signals are aging at an accelerated rate. It can radiate the teeth right out of people's mouths. It deteriorates the muscles, joints and bones of the individual.
I hope to put pressure on those in power in this country to investigate those involved in this social engineering program and bring them to justice. By Bryan Kofron.

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Please see what "Canada..." keep doing.

Recently, just recently, Canada's No.1 media told me who they are.

Their drones guarded by 4 aircrafs from 4 directions, trace me wherever I stay and even follow my every step, especially around my workplace. You all have those photos and videos about them, UN Human Rights Office and UN Human Rights Council. They must commit war crimes and crimes against humanity by drones, by aircrafts...

Let's work together to launch International (legal) proceedings against them , who keep committing terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra in Ontario, Canada no matter how strong their interference is when making phone calls and how strong their firewall is when using Internet. Serious? Dangerous? Urgent? UN Human Rights Office and UN Human Rights Council left their phone numbers in case of emergency.

I have never opened International Olympic's website. "Canada..."at once paralyzed its website when I tried to open it's website. This is one way they are still hacking UN , International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court, International Bar Association after and once I contacted you. Almost 18 years!

They have hacked UN Human Rights Council's external link to this below regarding" psychological torture" which UN, UN Human Rights Office and UN Human Rights Council worked together on :

UN Human Rights Council
Forty-third session
24 February - 20 March 2020
Agenda item 3


" Canada.."

Canada, all my neighbours ( who don't work at all for 5, 10 years), 3 Philippine couples ( Prime Minister of Canada, Canadian government... have known their IDs) , those who are still gathering around and hiding in my workplace, those who are driving , operating aircrafts , drones, and special engineering vehicles to trace , attack and threaten me....

1. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad )

2. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad. )

Supporting document and further evidence for Canada's War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

Within 20 years, in chronological order,
Amnesty International, World Organization Against Torture, UN, UN Human Rights Council, UN Human Rights Office, International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims , International Criminal Court, Human Rights Watch, UN Security Council, ... they all stand up for me. However, these can not stop Canada's
ongoing War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity according to ICC's message to me several years ago.

"Canada..." must commit what I alleged for nearly 20 years because they are so afraid of my email from International Bar Association. Terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra. By them, they are attacking, remotely attacking; controlling, remotely controlling my head, my heart, my hearing, my body.

"Canada... " must commit what I alleged for nearly 20 years according to what all Canadian lawyers refused me and stated 15 years ago: You have no where to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors. Terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra.

"Canada..." must commit what I alleged for nearly 20 years because they are hacking everything I am using, emails, secure emails, anonymous emails, SMS...

Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing 1.terror, (psychological ) 2.torture ( what UN and UN Human Rights Office, UN Human Rights Council deeply began to worry about 2 years ago) , 3.MK Ultra ( which was reported by all Canadian media several years ago ) , 4. poison ( how and why "Canada..." repeatedly poison me, UN Human Rights Office has them ) , 5.death threats and 6.attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, I am not alone and I need your help.



Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and, thanks.


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An eminent London based cardiologist called Dr M M came out in public last week on British national television asking for the immediate cessation of what is known as the covid-91 vaccine. His nine month long peer reviewed paper on the matter has gone around the world and has been endorsed by more than twenty thousand medical experts. This doctor also published a four minute video on the dangers of what is known as the covid-19 vaccine. This video was shown to a local police inspector who was made fully aware of the dangers of this aforementione vaccine. This vaccine is known by the N.H.S. and by the British government to be causing harm, injury and death on a massive scale and that information is being ignored by them. The N.H.S. are fully aware of the dangers of the vaccine and they have been given a significant amount of irrefutable data which was obtained from the British governments own website, the Office of National Statistics, which fully supports the harm that vaccines are causing and it is being ignored.
The N.H.S. is committing gross negligance and manslaughter. This is a crime scene. The N.H.S. have a duty of care. They are failing in their duty of care. They are continuing to vaccinate and that makes this a criminal offence and it is now being officially recognised as a criminal offence and a crime reference number has been issued with regard to this crime. That crime reference number is either 5 22 22 2 36 390 or 5 22 22 36 390.
A group of concerned citizens began a protest outside a vaccine centre which is located on university owned grounds. Two police officers were present at the protest. The concerned citizens informed the two police officers of their concerns. They informed the police officers that they wanted the vaccine centre to be closed down immediately on the grounds that the vaccines are causing harm, injury and death on a massive scale. They concluded that the N.H.S. is causing harm to the public and that they were within their rights to come to the vaccine centre and to make sure that no more harm was caused.
One of the police officers who was present at the vaccine centre said that he was there to protect university property and he was also there to keep everyone safe. However, he stated that he would not close down the vaccine centre because there was a democratic process to go through to deal with those concerns. One of the protestors stated that the police officer would be complicit in criminal activity in his own personal capacity if anyone got injured by a vaccine which they recieved from that vaccine centre on that day. Another of the protestors said that the World Council for Health had gone on a campaign across the world saying ' Please stop this vaccine', and also twenty thousand doctors from acorss the world had signed a petition saying 'Please stop this vaccine'. Another protestor informed that police officer that the roll of a British police officer was to prevent harm, injury, death, loss and to keep the peace and also that police officers are not allowed by law to turn a blind eye to harm being caused. A protestor also added that the vaccine is a weapon and it is not a medical device.
The police officer then asked the protestors why they were protesting outside the vaccine centre and what their intentions were. One of the protestors responded as follows:-
"We will remain here until this vaccine centre is closed permanently and we will do the same at any and all other vaccine centres in order to protect people from harm, injury or death, which is being caused with the knowledge of the British Government, and with the knowledge of the N.H.S., and with the knowledge of members of the British parliament and with the knowledge of the British Police and with the knowlede of the M.H.R.A. We are not here to break the law. We are here peacefully and calmly. Under common law, we have a right under section 24A to use force as is reasonably necessary and proportionate if we believe damage is about to occur or injury is about to occur." Then the protestor informed the police officer of the following :- You are here standing in your own capacity and you are responsible for your actions and inactions, as am I."

Another protestor then informed the police officer who was present the following "We are here to work with you and not against you. I know that people in the police have been injured from these vaccines and I know that people in the military have been injured from these vaccines. You have been put on notice now and we are telling you that there is  currently a crime being committed inside that vaccine centre so any death, loss or injury that occurs from now on, you are personally complicit in it and will be held responsible for that. The police officer then informed the protectors that someone would come here to speak to them shortly and he left. Before the two police officers left they gave their names and numbers to one of the protestors. One of them was called P.C. Dexter, number 4692 and I could not hear the name or number of the other police officer who was the main spokesman because of background noise.
Another police officer arrived later and said to one the protestors the following:- I appreciate that this is a matter that you feel strongly about. The protestor responded "Why dont you feel strongly about it." The police officer responded that the vaccination program is a lawful action. The protestor replied that it is not lawful if harm, injury and death is being caused with the knowledge of the powers that be. Such a law doesn't exist." The police officer responded as follows:- It is an unlawful activity if you try to intimidate people who turn up for a vaccine. You are on private land. If the owners ask you to leave you are then trespassing. That is potentially aggravated trespass and people may get arrested. Outside the university campas on public land you are perfectly entitled to put on a peaceful protest there. The protestor responded as follows "We now have a live criminal investigation because of the alligations which were made with supporting evidence, not opinion, evidence. You are standing here as a police constable while telling me that you are not going to look at any evidence that supports criminal activity on these premices (the vaccine centre). I am now demanding of you in your capacity as a public servant where crimes are being committed, where evidence has been produced, ........the police officer walked away. The protestor followed him and said the following "Do not patronise me, do not walk away from me or disrespect me. Those pips on your shoulders do not make you more important than me. You are not listening. You are ignoring factual evidence. You work for the people. We are telling you crimes are being committed. We have the factual evidence. The police officer then said that he had a phone call to take and he would come back.

Another protestor then spoke to the police officer as follows:- It is imperative that this (vaccination program) gets stopped today. We have an ongoing crime number . The police officer said that he was not going to get involved in that situation. That protestor then said the following to the police officer "You have to, Sir. This is your duty. You work for us, Sir. Your oath of office is to serve us. What don't you understand about that, Sir." The police officer then repeated that he was not getting involved in that situation. The protestor then responded by saying the following "I am now putting you on notice that if one other person gets injured, damaged or worse still,  dies, from this moment on, you are complicit in the crime. Another protestor was then heard to say the following to one of the police officers as follows:- " Are you aware that you are now misconducting yourself in public office and committing an offence under common law." The police officer said " I am here dealing with an incident. Please do not obstruct me." The protestor replied as follows "I am not obstructing you. I have lawful authority to do this. You are ignoring evidence of serious crime. You are responsible for this."
I found this information and much more at the following online bitchute video link I could not hear it clearly because there was alot of background noise. I only listened to the first thirty six minutes even though the video went on for one hour and twenty minutes. I could not decipher the name of the eminent London Cardiologist who make the four minute video asking for the vaccination program to be stopped immediately. Many of the protestors were experts in common law. The police officers are under the influence of electronic mind control programming. They are forced to work close to microwave transmitters and other types of tranmitters. They are unable to think clearly. There is overwhelming evidence to support this claim.

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Most starch is digested in the small intestine. Resistant starch is called resistant starch because it is resistant to digestion in the small intestine so it travels to the large intestine where it is fermented by large intestine bacteria and this makes short chain fatty acids one of which is called butyrate.
A deficiency of butyrate is linked to various disorders such as obesity, leaky gut, colon cancer, and . inflamatory bowel disease such as crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. The presence of butyrate encourages blood to flow into the vessels of the large intestine keeping the tissues healthy.
Butyrate has powerful health benefits. Butyrate is absorbed by the cells of the large intestine and it is the main source of energy for the colon cells. Butyrate is known to prevent colon cancer, and it increase mucus production in the colon. Butyrate also decreases cell permeability in the colon and it decreases the ph of the colon. Butyrate enhances protection against lumen antigens. It is an anti-diarrhoea agent. Butyrate is the preferred fuel by the cells of the colon. It is preferred over glucose. Butyrate helps maintain colon homeostasis. Butyrate exerts direct anti-inflamatory effects on the colon. Butyrate allows us to use fuels better at a cellular level. Butyrate allows us to increase GLP-1 which keeps us satiated for longer. Butyrate improves glucose tolerance. It also improves our cell's ability to utilize fatty acids. The production of buterate in the colon acts as a neuro chemical which interacts with the vagus nerve. When buterate is produced in the colon it sends signals to the vagus nerve. These signals travel to the brain and tell the brain to stop eating, leading to weight loss in obese people.
If you have health problems such as crohn's disease, ulseratie colitis, leaky gut, bloating, colon cancer or obesity you should take butyrate supplements. If you have problems digesting resistant starch then you should also take butyrate supplements in such a situation. I found this information about the benefits of butyrate at the following youtube links and

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The Gardai Siochana.

I have sent this letter attached here below to the main stream media and to the government earlier today. Please read it in order to know what is really happening in Ireland. Many people throughout Ireland including myself have gone to the Gardai in order to report wirelessly transmitted criminal activity and while we are at the Gardai station we are threatened with psychiatric intervention before we have finished making our statements which means that we have to withdraw our statements in order to protect our freedom from forced psychiatric intervention. Wirelessly transmitted crime is widespread behind the scenes in Ireland but the Gardai are blocking us from giving them truthful information about it. They are part of the problem in Ireland and not part of the solution. Of course the Gardai should be video recorded when they are in the course of their duty because the public pay their salaries. What are the Gardai attempting to hide. Are the Gardai attempting to hide the fact that they intimidate members of the public who are victims of wirelessly transmitted crime from telling the Gardai the truth about their experiences of being wirelessly harassed and tortured. The Gardai intimidate victims of wireless crime by threatening those victims of wireless crime with psychiatric intervention whenever said victims of wireless crime attempt to tell the Gardai the truth and the truth is that such victims of wireless crime have been injected with injectable technology which is now inside their bodies and brains and that technology is wirelessly connected to a computerized control system where unknown evil doers who work from unknown remote locations transmit audio holograms, visual holograms, electric shock, pain and forced muscle movement among other unwanted experiences to them on an almost continual basis. The victims of such wirelessly transmitted terrifying experiences can not prove to the Gardai that it is occurring but it is not the victims responsibility to prove it. It is the Gardai's responsibility to prove it. If the Gardai bothered to do some basic research they would know that science and technology has advanced to such a degree that wireless crime is easily achievable by evil doers with the financial resources and the training to do so. The Gardai would also find hundreds of scientific patents which would prove that to be the case. If the Gardai bothered to use bluetooth scannars they would find that those complaining of being wirelessly tortured would have identifiable mac addresses being transmitted out of their bodies.

To Whom it Concerns, WHY ALL 5G TRANSMITTERS MUST BE URGENTLY TAKEN DOWN AND REMOVED FROM OUR COMMUNITIES NOW. What are known as covid-19 vaccines are functioning as weapons of mass destruction in conjunction with 5G broadcasting towers. Those who have received these vaccines have been implanted with military grade neuro weapons. Those who have been received these vaccines are hosting electromagnetic fields out of their bodies and they are absorbing electromagnetic frequencies into their bodies which cause them to have chronic exposure to radiation. They now emit electromagnetic radiation from their bodies and they also receive electromagnetic radiation into their bodies. What are known as the covid-19 vaccines contain lipid nano particles and quantum dots which are encapsulated inside what are known as nano tubes. Joe Qiu whose linkedin profile is linked here is a Chinese Physicist turned engineer turned program manager at the United States Army Research Office. He has worked on nano technology and quantum mechanics and he is quoted as saying the following:- "Nano technology and electronics are being used in modern warfare but it also has civilian applications. Quantum dot, nano tube technology is useful at high frequencies, millimeter waves and telecommunication using 5G networks, including on military bases. He also says that 5G towers are weapons and can be used for military reasons." Joe Qiu works with a mathematician named Joseph Myers who is head of the mathematical sciences division at the Army Research Laboratory and I enclose here a link to his linkedin profile Myers is funding research on quantum dots which are miniscule crystals of semiconductors and can fit inside nano tubes. He has concluded that what those people who have been injected with what is known as the covid-19 vaccine have inside them is similar to the technology found inside a quantum LED television set. Dr. James Giordano, Executive Director of the Institute for Biodefense Research at Washington DC whose linkedin profile is linked here is quoted as saying that it may not be illegal to use neuro weapons on the general population because there are exemptions for health and routine experiment use that may foster a grey zone with which investigations for viability and employment as weapons may be undertaken. However, the laws which James Giordano are referring to do not actually apply because we are at war and laws are being manufactured which may be legal but are unlawful because they do not align with moral law which is fixed and immutable. The lipid nano particles which are contained in what are known as covid-19 vaccines are being defined as smart devices rather than neuro weapons by the United States Food and Drug Association and under such laws because they are being legally regarded as smart devices rather than neuro weapons they can be used in consumer applications and furthermore under U.S. law, smart devices don't require informed consent. The devices which are inside people's bodies can not be activated without receiving signals which travel at the speed of light and such signals come primarily from 5G towers. All vials of what are known as covid-19 vaccines must be removed from our communities because they are weapons of mass destruction and all of the 5G towers and transmitters must also be taken down and removed from our communities. Most but not all of the above information was researched by Karen Kingston who is a bio-tech analyst and who is a former employee of Pfizer. She was being interviewed by Stew Peters on and that interview is to be found at the following online link I enclose further information about how nano technology is being used in aviours ways against most of the human race and how I believe that some Irish and UK police officers are now aiding and abetting in organised crime against their own fellow country men and women as follows:- We all have injectable technology inside us which can pass through the blood brain barrier and then permeate the brain and cling on to our neurons. The injectable technology is self replicating and self assembling and it creates a neural network inside our brains and it creates an intra-body nano network inside our bodies.. This neural network is wirelessly connected to a computerized control system which is sometimes known as the internet of things or the internet of bodies or the brain internet. Your neural network can be externally controlled to make you believe what is not true and to make you feel emotions which are generated externally. Your intra-body nano network grows into an artificial network inside your body which can be used to physically control you as if you were a mechanical robot. I wish I was joking but I am entirely serious. Unknown others have been controlling a selection of my muscles against my will for many years. These unknown others wish to make us believe that the tricks which they play on us are supernatural events which they are not. I know lots of others who claim that their muscles can be moved against their wills also. You can have your arm jerked while driving a vehicle causing you to drive into a group of people. I don't know how to explain the shapeshifting phenomenon from a scientific perspective but it may be swarms of nano technology which are first of all programmed to take the shape of an ordinary man or woman and then programmed to take the shape of a large bird. Don't ever believe that it is a supernatural event because all the trickery of Luciferians and/or Satanists are caused by scientific and technological capabilities combined with electronically mind controlling the spectators of such trickery to believe that it is supernatural in origin. I informed the police of what was happening to me but I was not believed and they forced me to attend for psychiatric evaluation. The same happens to all who report this situation to the police. Most if not all of the police are under electronic mind control programming to believe that anyone who reports unusual experiences to them should be forced to attend for psychiatric evaluation and furthermore, electronically mind controlled psychiatrics then have the victims locked inside psychiatric hospitals. This is how the situation is being kept hidden from the public. We must urgently take down the infrastrucutre which allows wireless electronic mind control combined with wireless electronic physical body control and enslavement and we must also find various ways of getting the injectable technology out of our bodies. Tony Pantalleresco who has a bitchute channel called Independz has invented an anti-nano device which he says will stop the nano technology inside us from self-replicating and self-assembling. There are lots of easy solutions to get back our freedom because the Satanists and/or Luciferians are few in number and most of their group want to escape from Satanism but they are not allowed to leave. Anyone who attempts to leave is human sacrificed in Satanic Ritual Abuse Rituals. I have recently been informed by means of a form of direct voice communication which I hear coming from inside my own head and which is sometimes known as voice to skull that a small selection of members of both the British Police Force and the Irish Police Force are actively aiding and abetting in criminal activity, by speaking into devices which transmit their voices into the heads of victims and when those police do so they often threaten and frighten the victims to an extreme degree and furthermore those victims of such direct voice communication can not block those external voices from coming into their heads at all hours of the day and night and furthermore the police who participate in such activities know that the victims are being made to hear the voices of those police officers coming directly from inside their own heads, which causes some of the victims of such abuse to commit suicide. This practice is known as voice to skull or microwave hearing or synthetic telepathy or computer to brain interface or various other names. Yours Sincerely, Margaret Mary Fahey also known as Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 094 9360901 Today's date is 5th October, 2022. The time now is approximately 1 p.m. Irish time.

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What are known as  covid-19 vaccines are functioning as weapons of mass destruction in conjunction with 5G broadcasting towers.    Those who have received these vaccines  have been implanted with military grade neuro weapons.   Those who have been received these vaccines  are hosting electromagnetic fields out of their bodies and they are absorbing electromagnetic frequencies into their bodies which cause them to have chronic exposure to radiation.  They now emit  electromagnetic radiation from their bodies and they also receive electromagnetic radiation into their bodies. 
What are known as the covid-19 vaccines contain lipid nano particles and quantum dots which are encapsulated inside what are known as nano tubes.
Joe Qiu whose linkedin profile is linked here is a Chinese Physicist turned engineer turned program manager at the United States Army Research Office.  He has worked on nano technology and quantum mechanics and he is quoted as saying the following:-
"Nano technology and electronics are being used in modern warfare but it also has civilian applications.   Quantum dot, nano tube technology is useful at high frequencies, millimeter waves and telecommunication using 5G networks, including on military bases.   He also says that 5G towers are weapons and can be used for military reasons."
Joe Qiu works with a mathematician named Joseph  Myers who is head of the mathematical sciences division at the Army Research Laboratory and I enclose here a link to his linkedin profile    Myers is funding research on quantum dots which are miniscule crystals of semiconductors and can fit inside nano tubes.  He has concluded that what those people who have been injected with what is known as the covid-19 vaccine have inside them is similar to the technology found inside a quantum LED television set.  
 Dr. James Giordano, Executive Director of the Institute for Biodefense Research at Washington DC whose linkedin profile is linked here is quoted as saying that it may not be illegal to use neuro weapons on the general population because there are exemptions for health and routine experiment use that may foster a grey zone with which investigations for viability and employment as weapons may be undertaken.  However, the laws which James Giordano are referring to do not actually apply because we are at war and laws are being manufactured which may be legal but are unlawful because they do not align with moral law which is fixed and immutable.  The lipid nano particles which are contained in what are known as covid-19 vaccines are being defined as smart devices rather than neuro weapons by the United States Food and Drug Association  and  under such  laws because they are being legally regarded as smart devices rather than neuro weapons they can be used in consumer applications and furthermore  under U.S. law, smart devices don't require informed consent. 
The devices which are inside people's bodies can not be activated without receiving signals which travel at the speed of light and such signals come primarily from 5G towers.   All vials of what are known as covid-19 vaccines must be removed from our communities because they are weapons of mass destruction and all of the 5G towers and transmitters must also be taken down and removed from our communities.
Most if not all of the above information was researched by Karen Kingston who is a bio-tech analyst and who is a former employee of Pfizer.  She was being interviewed by Stew Peters on and that interview is to be found at the following online link
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Metal coating companies in Dubai

Electroplating companies in Dubai, UAE | Metal coating UAE

Classic Metal Classic is one of the leading electroplating companies in Dubai, UAE. which provides complete metal coating services & restoration solutions. 

We plate using metals like Gold, Chrome, Silver, Brass, Nickel, Blacken, Copper, Patination, Rustic as well as Antique finishes.   An ISO accredited company with quality, perfection and promptness are of paramount importance to us and are the foundation of our business reputation so far. Our workers are highly skilled craftsmen and adhere to our strict quality standards. Uncompromising quality does not just happen, it is a process that requires details at all level. We believe in transparency, reliability and responsibility and long term business relationship based on mutual trust for its partners, principal, and employees which culminates in a win-win situation. Common Properties and significance of all these metal finishes include: Resistance to oxidization, High reflectivity of light, Highest electrical & thermal conductivity, Excellent ductility (pure gold), Excellent solderability (gold and silver).

Metal coating companies in Dubai

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NAC which is also known as N-Acetyl Cystine stops blood from clotting and generates glutathione in the human body. 5G Radiation combined with graphene oxide which was injected into everyone who took what is known as the covid-19 vaccine without their knowledge and consent depletes the level of glutathione in the human body so in order to increase the levels of glutathione in your body take NAC.
IODINE OR KELP TABLETS produce thyroid hormones which regulate body weight and body temperature and maintains energy.
BILE SALTS breaks down fat, coverts T4 to T3 and kills microbes in the small intestine.
CHLORINE DIOXIDE helps blood cells to move freely without clumping together.
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR cures stiffness, cataracts, arthritis, cramping and muscle pain.
BENTONITE AND ZEOLITE carry a strong negative charge which acts like a magnet inside you and attracts positively charged toxins such as heavy metals, fungus, yeast, pathogens and mold. They attract up to two thousand times their own weight and neutralizes them. Never stir bentonite or zeolite with a metal spoon. Always use a plastic spoon.
CHLORINE DIOXIDE cures autism, malaria, typhoid, cancer and all other diseases because it carries any and all pathogens and heavy metals out of the human body, thereby allowing the human body to cure itself.
DMSO improves eyesight, cures stiffness and gastrointestinal disorders. If a family member gets a stroke or a heart attack then fifteen droplets of DMSO in a glass of water will dissolve the blood clot which caused the heart attack or stroke leading to immediate recovery without any long term damage.
PURE GUM SPIRITS TURPENTINE kills bacteria, fungus and parasites and removes mold from the human body. It improves blood circulation, cures candida, depression and insomnia among many other health problems. Take pure gum spirits turpentine on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. When it begins killing candida and parasites in the human body toxic substances will then be released by the body which will create die off symptoms which are known as a herxheimer reaction. If you begin to feel ill with a herxheimer reaction then you must take activated charcoal which will absorb any newly released toxins and eliminate them safely from your body.
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE AND OZONATED WATER, similar to CHLORINE DIOXIDE and all other oxygen therapies will cure, Acne, Sore Throats, Athletes Foot, Bad Breath, Gum Infestion, Ear Infection, all pathogens which may be in the gut, lungs or head. All oxygen therapies are cure alls which are heavily censored by those at the top of the worldwide power structure who are pursuing practices which make the people of the world dependent on their poisonous drugs. Natural healers are pursuing practices which eliminate all need for the highly poisonous trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry. The evil doers at the top of the world wide power structure attempt at every opportunity to silence and eliminate natural healers because that is the only way that such evil doers can remain powerful and wealthy.
BUTYRATE. Take a butyrate supplement after meals. Low levels of butyrate are linked to obesity, gut inflammation and digestive problems. Your gut uses butyrate for its primary source of energy. Butyrate reduces appetite and maintains blood sugar levels.
POSTBIOTICS Examples of postbiotics are Yoghurt, Tempeh, Buttermilk, Sauerkraut, Sourdough Bread, Kefir, Pickles, Kimchi, Kimbuchi and Soft Cheese such as Gouda and Parmesan,
MCT OIL. MCT Oil helps to generates ketones when on a Carnivore Diet. MCT oil is unique in that it goes directly to the liver and generates ketones.
KETOSIS. If you eat all your food within an eight hour eating window you have metabolic flexability so that you can easily change from burning glucose to burning fat. Those without metabolic flexability sometimes go on to develop alzheimers disease or parkinsons disease because if they can not efficiently change from burning glucose to burning fat some of their brain cells die whenever they run out of glucose. If you eat all of your food within an eight hour eating window you will protect yourself from alzheimers disease and parkinsons disease. Remove grains, potatoes, rice, honey, molasses and fruit from your diet because they are far too high in sugar. Remove seed oils also.
A sample beneficial diet would be green vegetables, root vegetables all except potatoes, mushrooms, dairy products, eggs, meat and fish.
When you are in ketosis you uncouple mitocondra. Goat and sheep cheese uncouple micrcondria. Poly phenols uncouple mitocondra. Cinnamon, cloves, frankensense, myrrh and wormwood uncouple mitocondria. When your micocondria uncouple you lose weight, you generate brown fat and you generate heat. For further information on uncoupling mitocondria please listen to Dr Steven Gundry on youtube or else read his book which is called 'Unlocking the Keto Code.'
Take magnesium citrate.
Take enzymes before going to bed.
Avoid all vegetable oils because they set you up for metabolic disaster and they destroy mitochondrial function. Use butter or animal fat instead. Avoid gluten to improve the health of your digestive tract.
I am not a medical professional and I obtained the above information from listening to online medical professionals and others.

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We all have injectable technology inside us which can pass through the blood brain barrier and then permeate the brain and cling on to our neurons. The injectable technology is self replicating and self assembling and it creates a neural network inside our brains and it creates an intra-body nano network inside our bodies.. This neural network is wirelessly connected to a computerized control system which is sometimes known as the internet of things or the internet of bodies or the brain internet. Your neural network can be externally controlled to make you believe what is not true and to make you feel emotions which are generated externally. Your intra-body nano network grows into an artificial network inside your body which can be used to physically control you as if you were a mechanical robot. I wish I was joking but I am entirely serious. Unknown others have been controlling a selection of my muscles against my will for many years. These unknown others wish to make us believe that the tricks which they play on us are supernatural events which they are not. I know lots of others who claim that their muscles can be moved against their wills also. You can have your arm jerked while driving a vehicle causing you to drive into a group of people.
I don't know how to explain the shapeshifting phenomenon from a scientific perspective but it may be swarms of nano technology which are first of all programmed to take the shape of an ordinary man or woman and then programmed to take the shape of a large bird. Don't ever believe that it is a supernatural event because all the trickery of Luciferians and/or Satanists are caused by scientific and technological capabilities combined with electronically mind controlling the spectators of such trickery to believe that it is supernatural in origin.
I informed the police of what was happening to me but I was not believed and they forced me to attend for psychiatric evaluation. The same happens to all who report this situation to the police. Most if not all of the police are under electronic mind control programming to believe that anyone who reports unusual experiences to them should be forced to attend for psychiatric evaluation and furthermore, electronically mind controlled psychiatrics then have the victims locked inside psychiatric hospitals. This is how the situation is being kept hidden from the public. We must urgently take down the infrastrucutre which allows wireless electronic mind control combined with wireless electronic physical body control and enslavement and we must also find various ways of getting the injectable technology out of our bodies. Tony Pantalleresco who has a bitchute channel called Independz has invented an anti-nano device which he says will stop the nano technology inside us from self-replicating and self-assembling. There are lots of easy solutions to get back our freedom because the Satanists and/or Luciferians are few in number and most of their group want to escape from Satanism but they are not allowed to leave. Anyone who attempts to leave is human sacrificed in Satanic Ritual Abuse Rituals.
I have been now and earlier informed by means of a form of direct voice communication which I hear coming from inside my own head and which is sometimes known as  voice to skull that a small selection of members of both the British Police Force and the Irish Police Force are actively aiding and abetting criminal activity, by speaking into devices which transmit their voices into the heads of victims and when those police do so they often threaten and frighten the victims to an extreme degree and furthermore those victims of such  direct voice communication can not block those external voices from coming into their heads at all hours of the day and night and furthermore the police who participate in such activities know that the victims are being made to hear the voices of those police officers coming directly from inside their own heads, which causes some of the victims of such abuse to commit suicide. This practice is known as voice to skull or microwave hearing or synthetic telepathy or computer to brain interface or various other names.

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Shungite is a unique Precambrian carbonaceous natural mineral of organic origin that can be found in its raw form only in the Republic of Karelia, which is located close to Finland in Northern Russia, where the only deposit of this amazing mineral is located. The stone received its name from the name of a small village called Shunga where it was first discovered. Shungite stones can be divided into three types depending on the content of carbon in it. Type III and type II shungite is usually called regular shungite stone and they contain from 30 to 50 percent of carbon and from 50 to 90 percent of carbon respectively. Shungite with the carbon content of more than 90 % has silvery surfaces and is called elite shungite.
In a modern world, shungite is widely used in various fields including metallurgical and chemical industries, agriculture, medicine, and spirituality, to name but a few. The brightest properties of shungite that made shungite famous all over the world are water purification, physical and spiritual healing, and protection against electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation that is surrounding us in the form of gadgets in the modern days.
Shungite has a unique structure consisting of fullerenes, which is a crystalline modification of carbon. Fullerenes are considered as one of the most powerful antioxidants that protects cells of a human body from the damaging effects of free radicals and spherical fullerene molecules contained in the shungite carbon make it extremely useful in cosmetic medicine and beauty culture. Fullerines are 3-D spherical molecules made of 60 carbon atoms. These molecules are hollow and sometimes called buckyballs.
Along with fullerenes, shungite consists of nearly all the minerals on the periodic table. Shungite reduces inflamation, reduces oxidative stress, purifies water, relieves stress, reduces inflamation and protects against electromagnetic radiation.
As well as reducing the effects of emf radiation shungite also neutralizing geopathic stress and tension, activating healing properties of the human body and providing physical and spiritual healing to a person using it
Authenticity of Shungite
The authenticity of the shungite pieces can be proved with a simple test. One of the brightest features of authentic shungite as a stone is that it is electrically conductive. Thus, you can take a battery, bulb and two wires and make a streamline of electricity coming from battery to bulb with one of the wires being connected to a battery and another to a bulb with a shungite stone between them. If shungite it authentic you will see that the shungite conducts electricity and bulb lightens due to the high carbon content in shungite, which is not usually seen with other stones.
How to Use Shungite.
You can use shungite to Infuse your water. Historically, shungite is used to purify water. You can use a shungite filter or place the stones in water for 2 to 3 days.
Wear it as jewelry. Like other stones, shungite is available as beads or pendants.
Carry it in your bag. This allows you to benefit from shungite’s healing properties when you’re on the go. Another option is to place the stone in your pocket.Place it near EMF sources. Some people put the stone near electronic devices, like microwaves and Wi-Fi routers, to shield them from EMF.Display shungite in your home. It’s recommended to put the stone near your bed to help you destress and improve your sleep.

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How much is beachbody on demand cost?

Beachbody offers a streaming program 'beachbody on demand' which is an online platform providing a wide range of fitness videos, guides for balanced and nutritious diet and also tutorials for some healthy recipes are available. After knowing about all the content provided by beachbody on demand, if you want to know how much is beachbody on demand then there is some good news for you! Beachbody on demand offers a 14-days trial pack for the new users.

 Isn't it wonderful to try before buying any subscription? Now if you are thinking that free access must be limited to some of the content then you are wrong. In your 14-day trial period you can access all the content provided by beachbody on demand and not only this, you can also switch between different programmes according to your will within this free trial period. You can enjoy streaming programs as well as guidance from your fitness coach at the same time. After the trial period you can choose one of the available packages.

Are there any charges applicable after the completion of the free trial period? During the trial period, there will be no charges applicable for the services. After the completion of the trial period you have to cancel the subscription otherwise $39 will be charged for every three months of usage of the beachbody on demand.

How much is beachbody on demand? There are various packages according to the type of fitness program you choose and for what time period you want to subscribe to it. Some plans are - 

  • Three months -$39
  • Six months -$59
  • Twelve months - $99

some perks of subscribing beachbody on demand - 

  • Wide range of fitness programmes according to your need.
  • 1:1 coach guidance
  • Nutritional guidance
  • Tutorials for healthy recipes
  • You can track your performance
  • 14-days free trial period.

How to apply for beachbody on demand free trials?

If you want to subscribe for free trial program of beachbody on demand don't hesitate, there are some steps to do so -

  • You have to reach out to the website of beachbody on demand to apply for a trial period.
  • You will get to see a '14-day trial period' option. Tap on it.
  • Now you have to fill up the necessary information like your name,email address and details of your credit card.
  • Go through the terms and conditions provided by the company.
  • And then you can place your order.
  • Your free trial will start from the day you sign up for it.
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Want to keep up with the trend? A new haircut might help you out ! Hairstyles are one of the eye-catching features for men. They play a crucial role in the overall appearance of our gentlemen and of course men love their hair. When we talk about keeping up with the trend for men, including new haircuts seems mandatory as morden men like to experiment with their hair to offer a unique look of their personality. Based on the style you want to wear, there are many new haircuts for men

They include some trendy, cool and elegant hairstyles according to the different hair lengths. Here are some new haircuts for men -

  • Undercut fade haircut for men - this haircut can be done with many variations and a side part with this undercut fade haircut will go nicely.
  • Spikes - spikes are a never-ending Trend for men's haircuts. It would add a little bit more drama to your style. You can also fade them a little to add up some cool stuff in your personality. 
  • Simple haircuts - simple haircuts are evergreen in fashion and most importantly they fit for any face shape and hair colour. These haircuts are simple but they look quite classy. They are the go to styles if you are confused in choosing a right haircut for you.
  • Layered asymmetrical haircut - some cuts go with both thick and thick hairs. Asymmetrical layer cut is one of those haircuts. They add volume to the hair and make them look fuller.
  • French crop - in this haircut, a little bit longer hair length is left. This haircut for men can be styled in many ways.
  • Fade crew cut - this is one of the most versatile cuts which can be done with both short and long hairs. You can style it in many ways. You can make spikes on the top as well as brush simply. This one is one of the go to haircuts in the current trend.
  • Military style haircut with textured top - although it's a military style haircut, it is one of the most trending fashion among young men. Hairs from sides are shaved while a top crop is left which can be textured to give you a sizzling look.


These were some new haircuts for men. Haircuts must be chosen according to your hair volume, hair texture and of course your face cut. So, keep up with the trend and experiment with your hairs according to the latest trends.

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A quick info on Ohiohealth esource-

What is ohiohealth?

Ohiohealth is a health care department which is based in central Ohio. This department is basically a non-profit department for health care services. It is linked to the United Methodist Church and is a faith based service centre. Ohiohealth is one of the well recognised organisations which comes in one of the best five health services of America.

Ohiohealth workforce - it is a strong network of 12 hospitals with more than 200 ambulatory sites. It covers 47 Ohio countries with a staff of 35,000 members which includes doctors, associates and other volunteers.

Ohiohealth foundation aims in achieving increased quality of life for people as they consider every person's life valuable. They want to provide excellent health care services to people and give a platform for medical practitioners and others who want to work.

What is ohiohealth esource?

Ohiohealth esource is a project which includes online access of some services to the consumers who are linked with the community and holds an active username regarding the ohiohealth esource portal. These online services include healthcare advice, knowledge and resources to the patients. Not only healthcare related knowledge, it offers some other social services like, providing some services at their workplace to maintain a healthy workforce of employees which will also lead to better productivity of the community. It also organises some wellness programs for prevention of health problems and to increase awareness among general people.

Ohiohealth esource login page - if you are connected with ohiohealth, the login page is set to detect if you have an active username that is linked with the site of ohiohealth.

Why does this ohiohealth esource login page is required - this page is set up for efficient working of the whole community. This page provides online access to some services. The consumers can access medical information online that can be beneficial in managing their health status.

How to login to your ohiohealth esource account - if you are already connected to the portal and you have an active username, you can access the online services easily.

For logging in you will be asked for your OPID and password.

You can also have multiple ohiohealth accounts and you can frequently switch between your different accounts from your device.

Some of the services on OhioHealth esource are - Cancer Care, diabetes care, Neuroscience Care, Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) care and emergency care services.

This is a truly non - profit organization and is dedicated to providing their best healthcare services to people of Ohio.

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All the details on Pandora animal kingdom

You may have heard of the film Pandora - the world of avatar. There is a popular themed area which is inspired by this film within the Disney's animal kingdom theme park in Florida. The whole area is designed like Pandora and is stuffed with many of the elements present in the movie such as bioluminescent plants, animals and the flora and fauna present in the movie. Not only for a daytime visit, it also has some special events for night shows.

Fun things to do in Pandora animal kingdom- there are many exciting and fun activities to do in this themed park such as-

  • Floating mountains - floating mountains are jewels for the amazing design of the Valley of Mo’ara. You can walk under these Floating mountains and can experience the other elements like plants and waterfalls on it.
  • There is a pod- like giant tree in the Valley of Mo’ara. You will experience fine engineering in the park. The giant tree responds by glowing and it also emits vapours when you touch it.
  • Pandora rangers wear utility suits and are 3 meters in height. The suit is fully functional and this character is also inspired from ' Avatar '.
  • Along with beautiful sights, delicious food is also an attraction for the visitors. You can enjoy both local foods as well as delicious exotic dishes. There are both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks like drink night blossom. Drink section also includes some creative drinks like the ones with a glow.
  • The bioluminescent flora amazes with her beauty. There are a variety of plants, flowers and trees that glow and fill the environment with a different vibe. This would be an amazing experience if you visit Pandora animal kingdom at night.
  • A boat ride in the Na’vi River would be an everlasting experience for you.
  • 3D Flight on avatar flight of passage.
  • A traditional drum ceremony is organised by the Pandora animal kingdom known as Swotu Wayä. In this traditional ceremony, three artists perform. You can also see colorful large drums and other decorations like shells and Navi's items. However, timings of this cultural ceremony are variable.
  • Sometimes we feel missing if we don't take anything memorable. Pandora animal kingdom also offers shopping options for your whole family. You can buy some nature related and other avatar theme related toys. You can also buy cultural pieces of artwork and science kits etc.


Before visiting to Pandora animal kingdom always go through current timings of the events and guidelines related to covid.

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Medical Fascism is a major problem throughout the world at this time.   When the police don't wish to validate a statement made my a victim of crime they might instead send the victim of crime for mandatory psychiatric evaluation rather than validate and investigate the crime being reported to them by the victim.  .  The victim can not then continue to  insist that that particular crime is being perpetrated against them  because to do so would then be wrongly translated by the psychiatrist and the police that the victim is mentally ill and this in turn would mean loss of the victim's freedom due to them being wrongly incarcerated inside a psychiatric hospital.   This scenario is far more common than uninformed members of the public might think.   Here below is an article about Medical Fascism which can be viewed at the following online link  Medical Fascism in the Lancet - PANDA (

Medical Fascism in the Lancet 

by Dr David Bell and Domini Gordon

Medical ethics are about protecting society from medical malfeasance and the self-interest of the humans whom we trust to manage health. It is therefore disturbing when prominent people, in a prominent journal, tear up the concept of medical ethics and human rights norms. It is worse when they ignore broad swathes of evidence, and misrepresent their own sources, to do so.

An article promoting medical fascism
On July 8th 2022, The Lancet published a ‘Viewpoint’ article online: EFFECTIVENESS OF VACCINATION MANDATES IN IMPROVING UPTAKE OF COVID-19 VACCINES IN THE USA. The article, which acknowledges the controversial nature of vaccine mandates, primarily concludes that coercing people to take a medical product, and reducing options for refusal, increases product uptake. It further concludes that the best way to implement such mandates is for employers and educational institutions to threaten job security and the right to education.

The use of coercion goes against the established ethics and morals of Public Health, and could be argued to be anti-health. In this case, the article justifies it by stating that “the current evidence regarding the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in adults is sufficient to support mandates”. However, it offers scant evidence to back this assertion, and ignores all evidence to the contrary. They apparently consider the ability to work and support a family, or gain formal education, as something that is to be granted or taken away, not a human right.

The Lancet was once a credible journal with a rigorous policy of peer review. However, in this article it appears to have dropped its former standards, promoting medical fascism (coercion, threat and division to achieve compliance with authority) without insisting on a rigorous evidence base to justify such an approach. This suggests an attempt to normalize such approaches in mainstream public health.

Past experience has shown us where fascism behind a façade of public health can lead.

The sterilization campaigns aimed at coloured and low-income populations of the US Eugenicist era, to the extensions of similar programmes under Nazism in 1930s and 1940s Europe, relied heavily on the normalisation of such approaches. Leading public health voices from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and other institutions championed a public health approach of sanitising populations rather than environments, encouraging the idea of a tiered society where health ‘experts’ determine the rights and medical management of those deemed less worthy.


By 1913, many states had or were on their way to having eugenic sterilization laws. Boston Medical Library in the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine

Avoiding the discomfort of evidence
The authors of this Lancet paper, ranging from academics and medical consultants to the daughter of prominent politicians, attempt to rewrite human rights in medicine as if precedent never existed. Their argument for coercion in mass vaccination recognises that ‘vaccine mandates’, whether issued by governments, employers or schools, all involve a loss of rights. No serious attempt is made to provide a medical justification for mass vaccination with a non-transmission-blocking vaccine. The paper focuses on the premise that coercion, commonly considered a form of force, makes humans do things they would not otherwise do.

Banning fellow humans from making their own health choices on pain of loss of normal participation in society has an impact on increasing vaccine uptake. This is hardly a revelation to any thinking human, but clearly important enough to justify publication in The Lancet.

The article links to evidence of vaccine mandates used for state school entry that show higher compliance when the right of religious and personal belief exemption is removed, or where onerous requirements for exemptions are put in place. Leaving ethical questions aside, the obvious lack of similarity between the authors’ predicate childhood vaccinations that block transmission and COVID-19 vaccines that have minimal impact on transmission, and may even promote it, is ignored. The only mandated adult vaccine predicate referenced in the article, the influenza vaccine, provides only a 2.5% reduction in pneumonia ‘when the (mandated) vaccine was well matched to circulating strains’ in the reference quoted.

When raising the sacking of non-vaccinated workers, the authors seem comfortable with the approach but coy in admitting its consequences. Their admission that “a few large US employers have terminated hundreds of workers for non-compliance references an article in ‘Money’ magazine which actually paints a bleaker picture, characterising it as a ‘great resignation’. The authors will also have been aware of mass lay-offs by large employers such as New York City (over 9,000 sacked or placed on leave), the US Department of Defense (DoD, which sacked 3,400), Kaiser Permanente (laid off 2,200), and the tens of thousands of staff lost from the UK care-home sector. Extrapolated across countries and society to actually provide credible data may have been too uncomfortable for the authors and Lancet editors.

High efficacy and safety are an obvious (though on their own, insufficient) prerequisite for any mandated product. This entire area of safety is dealt with by stating: “The current evidence on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in adults is sufficient to support mandates”, supported by a single study comparing vaccinated individuals 1-3 weeks and 3-6 weeks post vaccination, revealing low levels of myocardial infarction, appendicitis and stroke. The claim that “widespread administration in adults has quickly generated a large evidence base supporting the vaccines’ safety, including evidence from active surveillance studies” suggests that both the authors and Lancet are unaware of the VAERS and Eudravigilance databases set up for exactly this purpose. No mention is made of growing data on myocarditis, menstrual irregularities, or the excess all-cause mortality and severe outcomes in vaccinated groups in the Pfizer randomised control trials on which the FDA emergency registration was based. Were The Lancet’s reviewers unaware of these sources?

The sole reference to vaccine efficacy discusses COVID-19 ventilated patient outcomes, It ignores the period to 14 days post previous dose that Pfizer acknowledges can be associated with immune suppression. Fenton et al. have noted that classing a vaccinated person as unvaccinated in the first 14 days post injection has profound impacts on vaccine effectiveness data.

Ignoring the awkwardness of reality
Post-infection immunity in the unvaccinated is a threat to arguments for mandates. The authors disingenuously state that “evidence suggests that the immunity produced by natural infection varies by individual, and that people with previous infection benefit from vaccination. New variants further undercut the case for adequacy of previous infection. Two references are used here: one from a study in Kentucky and the other a study from Qatar. The Qatar study finds that “the protection of previous infection against hospitalization or death caused by reinfection appeared to be robust, regardless of variant.”, whilst the Kentucky study found Covid re-infection was reduced by vaccination over a 2-month period in the months soon after vaccination, prior to the waning and then reversal of this protection demonstrated in studies of longer duration elsewhere.

The vast breadth of evidence on relative effectiveness of post-infection immunity is ignored. Either the authors failed to read their references and are unaware of waning and of the vast literature on post-infection immunity, or they do not consider demonstration of efficacy important for coerced medical treatments.

Image source: Natural immunity vs Covid-19-vaccine-induced immunity, Marc Girardot

In a previous era, or in a previously credible medical journal, an argument for coercion to support a medical procedure would have required very high standards of evidence of efficacy and safety. It is arguing for the abrogation of fundamental principles such as informed consent that are at the core of modern medical ethics. Failure to address well-known contrary data should prevent an article from even reaching the peer review stage.

Degrading public health degrades society
We are left with a paper stating that coercion is a good path to increase compliance for a product that does not reduce community infection risk, and has potentially serious side effects. Ignoring both of these aspects of COVID-19 vaccines is a poor approach to justifying mass vaccination.

The sole nod to any human rights concern – “Some objectors argue mandates represent undue encroachment on individual liberty” – is an interesting way to characterize removal of right to income, education and the ability to socialize with others.

Although all these rights are recognized under the Universal Declaration for Human Rights, the authors and The Lancet consider them insufficiently serious to dwell upon..

Public health has been down this road before. We have seen the path society takes when basic public health principles are subverted to achieve an aim that some perceive as ‘good’. We have also seen how most health professionals will comply, however horrific the actions involved. There is no reason to believe that this round of medical fascism will end differently. We rely on medical journals such as The Lancet to apply at least the same standards to the purveyors of such doctrines as they do to others and demand a rational and honest evidence base. Anything less would raise legitimate questions as to the role the Journal is taking in promoting these doctrines, and their place in a free, evidence-based and rights-respecting society.

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