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I'm still alive. Everything was hacked and trashed in Albany--including me. Hadn't been able to access accounts since they hacked them. This is the first chance I have had to get online in nearly a year. They didn't like the UN's IHRC HQ plan to "take action for me legally" on March 28th, 2012. Nearly a year, terrible violence from these monsters, left for SoCal Mtns. Boy, they sure do want to eradicate us.... Still here on Earth, though. Fighting always for my son.
to peace pink,USA broke,but v2k crazy 110% wild 24/7 mess sleep,try mess head,tell get ?,glad hear from you tell on them,Dirty $ play police are here all day,need help,track v2k,Im bait,Milwaukee Wi 53226.Jeff
" and i want to have a
good relationship with you, please i need your cooperation,
am yours Mary.
this is my email address, please contact me with i..."Please send me another message I am not able to contact her add.pardons