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how to document mind control

I tried to hear the rotes with a stethoscope at my skull bone, but it wouldn´t work. It only tells me that the signal is not transmitted via the bones, which somehow was to be expected. Another possibility is to write down like a protocol the text and analyze its architecture. Whenever there are crimes commited on me, like electronic rape or harrassment including pain induction I write it down. Usually those attacks happen in a context where something "good" would otherwise have come out, like in an important meeting, as if to skrew up the situation.

I´m not an esoteric person and wouldn´t describe it as satanic, but maybe "brainwashing" or at least some kind of terror regime or organized crime. The outcome is displaced and homeless people, torn apart families, traumatized and partially handicapped persons. Sometimes, especially regarding the social engineering part of it, I am reminded of Milosevich, it would also match the mass rape. Well, if it is satanic, I´m "hunted" by some kind of African Milosevich. There is also a lot of Cameron-style regression technique involved. I can remember there was a trial in Canada. I do believe that the persons responsible for those crimes against humanity will be brought to trial, though it might take a long time since no government involved usually admits it.  

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Perp actually tried to choke me.

Well, perhaps forgive me, i am very angry. Marty Buss omaha, ne usa perp choked me today. same as many years ago. just sucking on a harmless cinnamon ball. he grabs a hold of my throat, cinnamon ball goes down before i could cough it out. so i tried to swallow it. got stuck in throat so i could not swallow, and it hurt. thought about 911 before i dropped. realized   that i could get some air. it hurt even trying to drink water. it finally dissolved enough to go down. this is terrible abuss of this advanced equipment. 14 years now. he thinks he is untouchable in his house. what does it take to get the FCC or FBI or even other perps to get him away from the transmitter?

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In Germany they called it "ES" like "it", so that victims would easier fall prey to psychiatrization meaning they were simply psychotic. This is not the case. Being bombarded with subliminal texting some people act on it. In my interpretation this "ES" caused mass rapes in real and commited by electronic harassment.

So this has nothing to do with religion or spirituality. I am not aware of any religion that asks for mass rapes.  

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Re. John finch's letter to ICRC

Please show us your supporting evidence for your statement in your letter below, thanks.

"The technology they are using is so advanced that it allows the controller(s) to see through the eyes of the targeted individual, essentially seeing whatever the victim sees."

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The Mark of the Beast

Rev. 14:9 "if anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand' he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation."


Rev. 14:11 and the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name." 

Sleep deprivation?

Rev. 16:2  "poured out his bowl upon the earth, and a foul and loathsome sore came upon the men who had the mark of the beast and those who worshipped his image"

Radiation burns?

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Alzheimer's at 74 now 84

Sometime After I figured out they V2K'ed me. I looked at my mom more closely.

She has been deaf in her right ear since her teens. Over ten years ago she told me

she could hear sounds in her deaf ear. Well I thought she was dreaming but I noted it.

Sometime later after they put the screws to me. I asked her what she heard the voice in her

head say.  Get this all she hears is BLA BLA BLA.  Over and over again.  Perps are evil arss wholes.

Alzheimer's bah. There programing pushed her over the edge. She could not deal with it.

It did major damage to her short term memory and the suggestions continue to play for her.

I suggest that u look for and take supplements to protect your short term memory. 

I would like eye for eye for what was done.  Watch out for the neighborhood watch and 

Ham radio clubs, Bank owners, Realtors, Sheriffs and state patrol. These groups are who

I identified are some of the members. Later J  

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