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Mankind and all living creatures, for their very survival, are dependant on the naturally occurring electric and magnetic forces of Nature. Deprived of these elements, life on earth could not be sustained, a fact which has been scientifically determined.
For our industries, homes, street lighting and entertainment pursuits, we are dependant upon and consume, enormous amounts of artificially generated electricity, providing a way of life that few would care to relinquish. Indeed, society as we know it would not survive without this source of energy.
Wherever electrical energy is found, there will be zones of electric and magnetic field radiation (EMF or EMR). Many millions of dollars have been spent on scientific investigation over the years, in the attempt to determine whether EMR is actually hazardous to human health. Research and debate continue to this day.
Naturally occurring static electricity, is caused by the friction of air molecules in the upper atmosphere which manifest as lightning. Static electricity can also be artificially generated by air-circulating fans, used in some electrical appliances and by the friction of synthetic fabrics in clothing, footwear and furnishings. Electro static discharge, (ESD) of accumulated static electricity on the body surface, from any source, may produce a 'zap' or 'mini-shock', as the transfer of accumulated charges take place. This can occur as a hand touches the car door on alighting, another object, or even another person. While believed to be relatively harmless, accumulated electrostatic charges are known to cause minor to extreme irritability, clumsiness and fatigue in some people. This may lead to inconsistent behaviour, reduced work performance or render the person accident prone. Susceptible people do not tolerate well, low-humidity weather conditions, when electrostat
ic charges are prolific. A moist atmosphere keeps ESD at a comfortable level and there are anti static products available to assist in controlling build-up.
The electricity we use in modern society is artificially generated at power stations. Leaving the station at high voltages, it is then progressively 'stepped down' by means of transformers to voltages we can use in the home and workplace. Cables conduct electricity, either overhead or underground, to the walls, ceilings and floors of our factories, offices and homes, to operate the machinery, lights and appliances within. A cable conducting electricity becomes 'live' if the insulating cover of the cable is ruptured, the bare wire then becomes dangerous to touch as it will conduct electricity - by physical touch - into our body tissues. Depending on the voltage, this will produce effects ranging from a 'startle' response to burn, shock or electrocution.
We know that electricity, if conducted through our system via physical contact, may seriously harm us. We know far less about how electricity may affect us by induction. This action is described in the concise Oxford dictionary as "the bringing about of electric or magnetic state in a body by proximity (without contact) of an electrified or magnetized body." Electricity induced into our biological system, by close proximity, interacting with our own unique, biological electricity, has the potential to exert a subtle yet powerful influence on our behaviour, health and wellbeing.
Many people believe that although biological changes occur from EMR induction, health may not necessarily be impaired. There are published studies that appear to confirm this position. At the same time considerable scientific evidence to the contrary is mounting, slowly eliminating the uncertainty which has prevailed regarding the EMR health connection. Cancers and other diseases are now strongly linked with EMR exposure. Anecdotal evidence of EMR-affected individuals in the community also continues to increase in volume.
All electrically operated technology is surrounded by electromagnetic fields which have the potential to cause electromagnetic interference (EMI), to other electrical apparatus, resulting in system malfunction. The personal computer is particularly vulnerable to both sustaining and causing EMI. There are reports of electrically driven wheelchairs operating out of control, malfunction of hearing aids and car locking systems, remote (radio) controlled devices unexpectedly operating ; incidents all traced to EMI.
Hospitals and doctors' surgeries now ban mobile phones from the premises to protect patient and electronic drug monitoring equipment from EMI. Laptop computers and electronic games have been banned from in-flight use by some airlines to prevent interference with navigation and control systems. Less serious is the EMI most of us have experienced with poor radio and TV reception causing static and distorted screen images, audio and visible signs of electro-magnetic interference (EMI) hair dryers and food processors are known culprits, among others.
To avoid EMI, industry has devised Standards to ensure Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), and to which all electronic and electrical design and operation must now comply. Our technology now enjoys a protection against electromagnetic interference that many humans would envy, as the following anecdotal evidence will reveal.
It has been scientifically established also, that the human biological system requires EMC with the electrical environment in order to avoid adverse biological effects, which predispose the system to malfunction, leading to a high probability of disease. That humans need, and do not have the same degree of protection from EMI caused by modern technology is of is of immense concern to a number of scientists and lay people alike.
EMR incompatibility, allowing electromagnetic interference (EMI) to the biological organism may well be the fundamental cause, or promoter, of the many human diseases now increasing in incidence. Many diseases are now associated with electromagnetic exposure, others yet to be established. The extent to which EMC may affect the biological system is indicated in a quote by Dr Cyril Smith, Ph.D., noted researcher in Electro HyperSensitivity and co-author with Simon Best of the book, Electromagnetic Man (1989)
"Electromagnetic compatibility in medicine involves ensuring that any possible reactions of electronic and electrical apparatus with people and of people with electronic and electrical apparatus, shall not give rise to any malfunction, human or technical. Particularly as this might lead to a hazardous situation through false bio-information in a diagnosis and therapy, or through electric, magnetic or radiation interactions between the patient, operator or apparatus." [From an article EMC and ELECTRICAL HYPERSENSITIVITY by Cyril Smith. Ph.D.]
There are an increasing number of people, world wide, who have experienced repeated, debilitating health episodes either during, or following EMR exposure, which inhibit normal function and activities. These range from minor muscular 'tics' to convulsions and unconsciousness or lethargy, forgetfulness, sleep disturbances and depression, to name a few. Irrational irritability and aggression are not uncommon. A number of labels have been attached to this condition. Most used is "Electrical Sensitivity" or ES which is somewhat misleading as all living systems have an inherent 'sensitivity' to naturally occurring electricity or they could not function in a living state. Electro HyperSensitivity (EHS) is thought, by some, to best describe this complex condition. While the living system either animal or human is normally 'sensitive' to the naturally occurring electricity required to sustain life, it also may responds inappropriately to artificially generated electrical stimulus causing varying degrees of stress - the latter now so prevalent in the community.
The EHS affected person, who suspects the cause of his/her condition and wishing to avoid ridicule or disbelief, usually hesitates to speak out. They often lack sufficient knowledge of the subject, nor do they have confidence, to articulate their queries. More than one telephone inquirer, seeking help, has uttered the following words, "this may seem a silly question but ..."
We quote from an Electric Utility (USA) publication of December 1992 titled Questions and Answers About Electric and Magnetic Fields. " I can perceive electric and magnetic fields, what can I do? Where is it coming from? Are there other people like me ? My doctor can't help. Where can I get information ? Can you do something ... make it stop? "
Immense relief is often expressed when an inquirer discovers they are not alone with this problem, that their reactions to EMR are valid, and "no, they are not crazy". Many people have expressed the fear that they may go crazy if relief for their particular set of symptoms could not be found.
Published here are a sample number of reports from people who are in no doubt that their health has been severely compromised by involuntary EMR exposure. They have become Electro HyperSensitive (EHS), the term given to a state of health, where their system overreacts to external EMR in their home and external environs, causing physical and neurological symptoms or is found to exacerbate other conditions.
These people, once fully functioning, productive members of society, now find they are unable to sustain normal employment or social activities. Their personal relationships also suffer. Some are now semi-invalids and if living in rented accommodation, find it almost impossible to find an electrically comfortable place in which to live. When upon inquiry and investigation, they become certain of the cause of their condition, they find the landlord does not want to make expensive electrical installation changes. The landlord also, does not wish to know he/she could possibly be legally liable for ignoring a heath risk to the tenants.
Many EHS patients are treated symptomatically for health complaints, medical investigation having failed to reveal the cause. EHS is not recognised as a medical entity. As the patient unfolds an often bewildering array of symptoms, it is not uncommon for the consulting physician to conclude that these symptoms are psychosomatic in origin. Frequently, psychiatric treatment is recommended. In a reported number of cases the patient suffering the effects of EHS has been diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic or having tendencies in that direction. Psychotropic drugs, prescribed for an incorrect diagnosis, have been known to cause further distress and health problems for the patient. EHS people often have multiple allergies: to food additives, chemicals and numerous drugs and even natural substances.
The physician could serve the patient well by directing him/her to an appropriate agency* for advice on dealing with the reduction of EMR exposure. Such information should also be available to the householder, architects, builders, owner-builders, pre-school managers and school principles. In fact any person with duty of care to others regardless of age.
* N.B. The proposed agency should be clearly independent of any commercial interest.
EMR is a biologically active agent that has demonstrable, adverse effects on the human system, which in turn has the potential to lower the health status of the individual. Depression and sleep abnormalities are common, both conditions having real potential to cause further adverse health effects. Tests for EMR hypersensitivity are not readily available. Among the very few are studies which show that EHS condition can be determined by autonomic nervous system function and blood cell irregularities.
EHS has not been taken seriously enough to elicit scientific study, on a meaningful scale, which may lead to a treatment. The only remedy of any real benefit at present is for those seriously affected to completely avoid EMR ... were this possible. The majority of EHS sufferers struggle to cope with an electrical environment, which they can no longer tolerate.
The symptoms reported by EHS people are usually found to occur during or after being in close proximity to sources of EMR. These would include power lines, either high or low voltage, electric blankets, water beds, appliances, fluorescent lights, computers, photo-copiers, mobile phones, hair dryers, and hand held electric tools. Electricity extension leads, either connected or disconnected, often located under beds, and motor vehicles, electric trains and air travel are sources of EMR.
People who are aware of the EMR connection and their illness (EHS) believe that further debate is superfluous. They and other well informed people, having studied the available literature on the EMR factor with regard to human health, wish to see strategies implemented immediately, directed toward reducing EMR emissions at all levels of design and manufacture of electrical and electronic goods, and the distribution and supply of electricity.
While there is a notable lack of understanding by the general public regarding the adverse impact on health of EMR, perhaps there is a slightly greater level of awareness of the affects of toxic chemical exposures. After all there have been warnings on labels of products containing toxic chemicals to avoid contact and inhalation, for some years now. Personal computers are a known source of many toxic chemicals that outgass from the unit.
However public awareness is almost nil regarding the extremely important fact that there exists a synergism between chemicals and electromagnetic radiation. Simultaneous exposure to both these environmental agents will allow each to potentiate the adverse effects of the other. (1) Dr Ross Adey
It has been demonstrated in scientific studies that where a known cancer promoting chemical is used and a certain frequency and dose of EMR also is applied, the resulting expected cancer cell growth rate is greater than would occur as a result of the chemical agent alone. (2) Dr G Philips
EMR exposure has also been found to significantly alter the effects of a number of prescribed drugs. (3) Dr Henry Lai Also causing allergic and hyper- sensitive responses is contact with or involuntary inhalation of volatile organic compounds, (VOCs) motor vehicle exhaust fumes, and petro-chemically based fragrances. Their interaction with EMR exposure causes enhanced adverse effects. It is frequently found that toxic chemical exposure causing multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is involved with Electro-HyperSensitivity, this will be seen in the following case notes, where applicable, as 'MCS' under the heading: 'Health Status'
Germany is the first country to officially recognise MCS as a disease. (WHO's International Classification of Diseases 2001) As the medical profession generally does not yet recognise either EHS or MCS as medical entities, these conditions are not usually considered as possible causative agents of the patient's condition. In actual fact one or both may be involved.
Many people have found that reducing the level of chemical exposure from household and personal products, also reduces the severity and incidence of EHS and vice versa. The reduction of exposure to both agents is recommended.
WARNING ! It should never be presumed that Electro- HyperSensitivity or Chemical Sensitivity is the sole cause of any symptom. Many factors play a part in the development of human disease. Thorough medical investigation should be undertaken to establish a diagnosis. Should a diseased state be diagnosed however, reduction or elimination of the patient's stress from any source is advisable. EMR is a known biological stressor, and therefore should be seriously addressed in the patient's recovery programme. |
In Australia, and elsewhere, doctors do not question cancer patients regarding their EMR environment. In Germany some doctors are known to recommend EMR assessment of the cancer patient's home and workplace. Here in Australia the best we can do is advise general practitioners, via a 2 page leaflet, that EMR is merely a distraction, when compared to the known causes of cancer.
Interestingly, some cancer patients when introduced to the EMR Factor at Cancer Support Group meetings and elsewhere, have reported that prior to developing cancer, they had experienced chronic EMR exposure for a significant duration of time, either in their workplace or home.
The exposure sites mentioned, were identical to those reported by people who have developed Electro HyperSensitivity (EHS). This, in our view, indicates the value of the EHS person's experiences, as they are revealing the zones of influence of a potential health hazard most people do not find until disease has been established, if at all.
There are inexpensive EMR detection devices available (Gauss meters and electric field detectors) that could be loaned to patients for the purpose of locating and avoiding sources of EMR. These sites should be noted and included in the patient's case notes for notification to various Cancer Councils. A central register of this nature could be valuable in determining the need for EMR avoidance at all possible levels due to appliances, household electricity wiring installation, equipment design and use, electricity transmission and distribution practices.
Already, the association of EMR with childhood and adult leukemia, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, breast, testicular, prostate and other cancers, is such that responsible management of the patient should include assessment of their EMR environment. Reliable advice on how to avoid exposure should be given.
In 1998, a working Group under the Research and Public Information Dissemination (RAPID ) program (USA) recommended classing EMF's (electromagnetic fields ) as a 2B possible carcinogen. In June 2001, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has publicly announced that they have classified EMFs as a possible human carcinogen. The California Dept of Health Services (CDHS) has also classified EMF. as a possible human carcinogen. The low key language expressing these conclusions is that usually employed by the scientific fraternity. This should not detract from the importance of this latest, long overdue announcement - a welcome step forward in our view.
In order to understand the Electro HyperSensitivity phenomenon, it has been necessary to undertake serious study of the available literature of Drs Cyril Smith, Jean Monro, Choy, William Rea, and Per-Arne Ockerman, dealing with biological effects of EMR exposure. As mentioned earlier, very little scientific study has been conducted dealing with hyper-sensitivity to electricity. The available material, together with anecdotal evidence, keen observation by the author and study of the effects of both exposure and avoidance of EMR on individuals, forms the background to this chapter.
As with all subject-matter, experience will always heighten understanding. The author's experiences with this debilitating and sometimes disabling condition has enhanced understanding of the effects on others.
Work of this nature is often conducted by interested lay people, who may lack the resources to collect, evaluate and present their work in a scientific manner, which may be preferred by those engaged professionally in the field. The manner in which the work is presented or expressed here, should not in any way detract from its value and no apology is made for any such shortcomings in terms of presentation, in the following text. The 'unscientific' expressions used to describe the unique experiences of a particular person, in many of the cases, is the language used by that person. It is not uncommon for people to find it difficult to define their EMR related experiences.
This information is disseminated publicly, prior to release of the book, "Are YOU Hyper Sensitive to Electricity ? " in order to encourage those who are similarly afflicted, to come forward and tell their story. This will assist in expanding the knowledge regarding the considerable adverse impact EMR is having on community health . The empirical data amassed from such reports should serve to influence scientists working professionally in this field, to instigate further meaningful research. We may, as a result, expect appropriately designed studies, to produce results which are bound to support those already published, which will in turn, vindicate the mounting anecdotal evidence.
The continuing accumulation of evidence, of the widespread exposure and effects of EMR, should clearly demonstrate the need for lowering the levels of EMR to the human population, whatever the cost.
References : Available on request from: B Venables, 216 President Ave, Miranda, NSW 2228, Australia
Legend :
The Demand Switch mentioned in these cases is a specially devised switch, when installed at the electricity meter board, which effectively controls the supply of electricity to the household lighting and or power circuits. It allows electricity to flow on demand. While all lighting or power point switches are in the OFF position, the electrical current is absent in that circuit of the house wiring, a desirable state for those wishing to avoid EMR. |
CASE # 1 1989 F/50+
Health Status: Unstable Hypertension chronic pain-head pains- confusion.
Exposure: Amateur radio transmitter - MBS LVPL - Domestic. Corner block- right angle configuration of 415 volt power lines.
This busy mother of a growing family suffered debilitating effects of exposure until the power line configuration in the street was changed by power authorities. Headaches were significantly diminished to an occasional episode.
CASE # 2 1995
In an area surrounding an analogue mobile base station, later converted to digital MBS, and during public protest meetings, residents reported the following conditions to have developed since the installation of the Mobile Base Station: Various cancers and other health conditions. Breast cancer. Alzheimer's Disease, Glaucoma, Rare Adrenal Cancer.
House #1 Childhood behaviour problems
House # 2 .Childhood behaviour problems
CASE # 3 1997 F/16yrs
Health Status: Anemia. Exposure: LVPL MBS Amateur Radio Operator - MBS 215/240 Volts domestic powerline within 5 metres from bed.
This teenager developed a serious case of anemia, depleting energy levels and causing abnormal need for sleep which affected her studies. At the pillow of her bed 12 milliGauss was registered on a Trifield Gaussmeter. The anemia condition did not respond to treatment until this girl boarded at another residence.
CASE # 4 1993 F/60
Health status: WS MCS EHS CFS episodes
Exposure: Single circuit HVPL - 132KV single circuit powerline 15 metres from bedroom. Domestic power supply.
A very active woman who enjoyed her work and hobbies, described her episodes of CFS, as though "the plug had been pulled " on her, She experienced severe energy drain with decreased ability to perform light tasks. As a test, for possible EMR involvement, the fuse of the 8 amp overhead, electricity circuit was removed from the meter box to eliminate the electric field from these cables in the house. Within hours and the following three days she experienced- increased energy levels, better quality sleep and a greater zest for life. It became so obvious this was the result of EMR reduction, the fuse was not returned for a period of 4 ½ years during which time health was good and allergic reactions to food and chemicals greatly diminished. A change in circumstances required the fuse to be replaced during the night time period. The plan was to remove the fuse early each morning. After a short time memory dysfunction occurred which resulted in the fuse removal being neglected progressively later each day, until it was not removed at all. Thus as before, a constant supply of electricity was now in the lighting circuit, with the occupant constantly exposed to this source of EMR. Memory loss, poor sleep quality, depression, apathy, headaches and general pain, developed over the next 3 & 1/2 months, This was attributed to the constant exposure of the electric field in the house cabling.
A DEMAND SWITCH was installed, which automatically controls the demand for electricity of the lighting circuit reducing EMR exposure dramatically. Within one week there was a significant improvement in mood and energy levels. In 10 days the depression markedly diminished and better health generally was experienced.
CASE # 5 1997 F/ 70 +
Health Status: MCS FA/S EHS WS
Exposure: HVPL- domestic EMR
This scholarly, elderly lady experienced chronic tiredness and struggled to maintain her considerable interests until she eliminated the electric field from her single storey home brick home by means of a Demand Switch. She then experienced the benefits of better quality sleep and renewed energy, completing tasks which had been previously abandoned. After a period of 3+ years, she moved to a retirement village and for a number of reasons did not immediately install a Demand Switch.
During the next twelve months her health deteriorated markedly, constant headaches and chronic tiredness plagued her, depression and apathy developed. She was convinced at last to have the Demand Switch installed but her headaches, depression, lassitude and unhappy state did not improve. It was then believed the aging process and other factors, rather than EMR exposure, were the reason for her depleted health. After a period of twelve months it was discovered that the Demand Switch had not been functioning as intended, due to the smoke detectors which were hardwired to the lighting circuit, creating a constant demand for electricity thus allowing a constant supply of current to the 8amp circuit, and so EMR exposure to the occupant . The electrician had neglected to check for such devices at the time of installing the Demand Switch.
Note: In the event that any device such as an electric clock, smoke detector or surveillance system is hard-wired to the 8amp lighting circuit, the Demand Switch will allow current to flow and so defeat the purpose of eliminating live electric current from the circuit. |
In this case, the smoke detector system was the problem and once detected was then rewired - independently to the lighting circuit, thus allowing the Demand Switch to operate as designed. A period of two weeks saw a marked change for the better in this lady's energy levels and depression and she progressed to become once again, her cheerful self.
NOTE: Both these cases highlight the adverse effect that the electric field component of electromagnetic energy has on the exposed individual.
The observed, marked changes in health to the people mentioned in the previous two cases, and other similar cases, leaves no doubt that the electric field component of EMR exposure is involved in the debilitating health conditions reported.
It has been remarked by scientists that we really are not sure which component of EMR is more potent in producing adverse biological effects, the electric field, the magnetic field or the electrostatic field - or all three. In the experience and observation of this author all three components have subtle, yet profound effects on the health of the individual.
CASE # 6 1993 F/50+
Health Status: EHS
Exposure : RFR - LV
This career woman , whose work demands the use of a computer for 8 hours daily becomes tired and stressed while finding the EMR emissions from the machine, disturbing and irritating. Eyes become tired quickly. Relief was found by switching off power to the computer when not in use, her energy and work efficiency levels increased.
CASE # 7 1992 F/40+
Health Status: MCS CFS EHS WS
Exposure: RFR LVPL
This lady has severe chemical sensitivity and while using a computer, loses co-ordination and feels generally uncomfortable then, if the activity is prolonged, she becomes unconscious. She does not sleep well if the bedlamp is left switched ON at the power-point. If reacting to petro-chemicals, perfumes, cleaning products, cigarette smoke, car exhaust fumes at the same time as EMR exposure, her reactions to both EMR & chemicals are exacerbated causing severe reactions. She has sustained injury from falls caused by these effects. She has stated " I cannot wear a quartz watch. The figures on screen fade and reappear when I remove the watch. A compass will deviate from North when I am nearby. Hand held battery operated games of chance- if I am reacting to chemicals I score 100% accuracy. " If I am not reacting, random scores occur." She also reacts conversely to positive and negative ions. She experiences a calmative reaction to excessive POSITIVE IONS and agitation and aggression when NEGATIVE IONS predominate.
Note: The reaction to negative and positive ions in this case is a paradox, the reverse reaction to the majority of people. There are also reported extreme cases of EHS. Light sensitivity caused by exposure to electric light globe power, higher than 40 Watts and even sunlight cause serious distress to some people. These individuals are in the extreme minority, having progressed to this state over time. While undue alarm regarding these cases should be avoided, their plight may not be ignored. These cases need to be acknowledged as they serve as a warning of the potentially serious nature of the EHS condition. |
CASE # 8 1997 F/50+
Health Status: MCS EHS CFS
Wearing a hearing aid exacerbated this lady's EHS. She has problems with electrostatic discharge (ESD) especially from the vacuum cleaner. Electrical appliances malfunction due to electrostatic discharge from her touch. There are other reports of this nature where the person affects the machinery/device via ESD.
Note: This in fact is why the ESD protection industry was developed, to protect delicate electronic components from degradation during the assembly process, which will lead to product malfunction. In all electronic component processing plants, operators on the assembly lines may be seen wearing anti-static wrist straps. |
CASE # 9 1994 F/40+
Health Status: EHS
Exposure: HVPL
After sleeping for one night in a caravan under HVPL and 200 metres from a large power station this young woman became EHS. Next day unexplained nausea, forgetfulness, had slowed reaction time developed, also a toothache which lasted for four months.Subsequently, the ESD of electrostatic charges which accumulated on this lady's body, caused computers and phone consoles to malfunction repeatedly. She was obliged to terminate her employment. She now uses an anti-static mat and anti-static cloth (carbon impregnated ) to desensitize appliances, TV and typewriter, which helps.
CASE # 10 1990 F/50+
Health Status: MCS EHS WS
This very busy lady, having gone to bed very tired, experienced episodes of a sudden, almost violent, "surge of energy" and wakefulness, repeatedly occurred resulting in rapid heartbeat and profound stress. Investigation revealed that there were water pipes servicing the shower and power cables servicing the light switch of the bedroom in the adjoining wall, against which the bedhead was located. Water pipes can carry electric current . Once the bed was moved from this location, these disturbing experiences ceased.
CASE # 11 1990 M/30+
Health Status : EHS
This young man was disturbed by surges of energy and wakefulness when napping and during light sleep. He feels stressed in office buildings shopping complexes, some worse than others, where energy levels are dramatically affected. Feels "drained" of energy.
CASE # 12 1996 F/40+
Health Status :MCS EHS
For 20 years this woman has had EMR sensitivity. There is a "humming" sound from HVPL 150 feet from home which is built on a concrete slab. She cried all the time, felt her scalp being "lifted up", became nervous and fearful, yet felt quite normal when away from the home. She is convinced the HVPL emissions are involved in her stressful state at home.
CASE # 14 1993 F/60+
Health Status: MCS EHS
Exposure: 132 KV HVPL across road, close to street lights.
A woman removed the fuse from 8 amp fuse of overhead lighting at the meter board . Renewed energy and improved quality of sleep was experienced. September '95 house wiring need repair and the fuse was returned to the 8 amp lighting circuit in the meter box, in the belief that the health problems were then resolved. The fuse was in the meter box for a period of 10 weeks during which time the lady's health deteriorated. She became more reactive to chemical exposure, experiencing depression and loss of energy. The 8 amp fuse was removed once again. Four days later her energy had returned as well as general health improvement. This lady now uses an anti-static mat when using her landline phone and finds less stress with long phone conversations. Severity of MCS now diminished.
CASE # 15 1996 F/30+
Health Status : EHS
Exposure: HVPL 132KV MBS
This young woman was a computer operator for 16 years, in addition was exposed for 8 years in home to influence of nearby high voltage power lines. She experienced weight gain, fluid retention and tingling in fingers. Conventional treatment was unsuccessful.
CASE # 16 1999 F/30+
Health Status; MCS EHS
Exposure: HVPL LVPL
This young woman reacted adversely to office environment , tried to work from home with mobile phone and laptop computer. Generalised pain, tetany (shoulders and neck muscles seized up ) Naturopath diagnosed her Lymphatic system was affected. Consulted herbalist, GP, acupuncture, nutritional support gave only minimum benefit. A copper electrode was installed at house, to establish a good ground for the electrical system and she felt better. Isolating or avoiding areas of EMR exposure in house proved also to be beneficial. She is obviously affected by exposure to mobile phone base station emissions as well as 50 Hertz power line frequency. This intelligent, studious young woman has had to curtail studies and put her career on hold due to the adverse effects EMR has on her. Not to mention the loss of a healthy social life to which all young people are entitled.
CASE # 17 1996 F/60+
Health Status: MCS EHS
Exposure: MBS LVPL
Active and involved in community affairs, this lady moved to a retirement unit – became extremely tired and stressed after a mobile base station was installed nearby. The location of the MBS is in direct line with her unit and she felt that it was affecting her adversely. She began using an anti-static mat and experienced almost immediate relief from stress. Lessening of allergy symptoms. She does not feel though that she is totally free from the influence of the MBS and spends as much time away from the unit as possible.
CASE # 18 1997 F/30+
Health Status: MCS EHS
Exposure: LVPL - meterbox – waterbed.
This lady enjoyed her tastefully decorated home but was severely affected by EHS which necessitated moving furniture from carefully chosen locations to avoid close proximity to sources of EMR in walls and floors. This created some inconvenience, While she now has achieved a greatly improved health status she is often distressed by the fact that she cannot have the house arranged as she would wish.
CASE # 19 1997 F/70+
Health Status: MCS CFS EHS WS
Exposure: House wiring (Unit ) RFR Electrostatic
Nausea, Diarrhoea, compulsive movement of hips, weather sensitivity. All the foregoing caused great distress for this lady. Her EHS prevented her from using the landline telephone or any electric appliances at all in her retirement unit. She removed all electrical appliances from the unit using only candles at night. Since installing and using an anti-static mat she can now use the phone and electric cooker. Recently she tried a TV set in the unit but was unable to tolerate the radiation emissions. Has also had treatments for symptoms and used the QRS magnetic field treatment with some success.
CASE # 21 1999 F50+
Health Status: Elevated BP, diabetes,
Exposure: LVPL multiple meterboards
Unaware of the EMR factor and health a couple moved to a block of units where the incoming electricity cables to the building were later found to be in a right angle configuration over the unit. Electricity cables located in this manner produce much higher magnetic field values within the right angle than would be registered outside the same right angle. After occupation of the unit, the health of both occupants deteriorated progressively to a serious degree. The woman became HyperSensitive (EHS) to EMR developing head pains, blood pressure problems that did not respond to treatment. Depression and lethargy developed and suicidal thoughts were expressed. Feeling of hair being "pulled out", general unwarranted fearfulness . She feels better away from the unit - gained only minimal relief from an anti-static grounding mat. The grounding system of the building was found to be faulty. When this was corrected some of her symptoms abated. The woman feels better when the garden lights of the unit grounds are switched off.
Note: It is not uncommon to find low voltage power lines, located either overhead or underground, around the perimeter of a corner residential block or across the ceilings and then traversing vertically down the walls of units and semi-detached villas. This will form a right angle configuration within which the magnetic fields can measure 40% higher than the field measurements outside the same right angle. The occupants of any dwelling located within this right angle configuration will be exposed to significantly high levels of electromagnetic energy. High voltage power lines may also be found both overhead and underground in this same configuration creating a serious EMR exposure for the occupants of these dwellings. It is a practice that needs serious revision by power authorities, architects and master/owner builders. The document " Prudent Avoidance of Power Line Frequency Electromagnetic Fields " omitted the inclusion of this important point. This was drawn to the attention of the principal author of the Prudent Avoidance document. He stated that this point would be included in any revision of document. Meantime, the EMR SAFETY NETWORK INTERNATIONAL would like to draw public attention to this particular cabling installation issue. |
CASE # 22 2000 F /50yr
Health Status: MCS CFS EHS
Exposure: Adjacent to railway Line - Mobile phone
This lady, if using mobile phone for 2 minutes develops : burning headaches - tingling sensation through head. The phone itself gets hot - The more frequent the use of phone the sooner the effects occur and are more intense they become The home feels hot to touch. When this lady is reacting to chemicals, the microwave oven "automatically" switches on when she enters the kitchen and EMR reaction generally becomes more severe.
CASE # 24 1999 F/30+
Health Status: MCS EHS CFS
This young woman, when turning off TV set feels the "energy flash". At the computer, she can't stand the "hum" and using the Mouse produces tension in head. Sleeping over 12 volt battery in camper van from which a Rust Prevention Device operates, she is aware of a "crackly static sound" which causes stress.
CASE # 27 1994-5
Health Status: Hypothyroidism
Exposure LVPL
Insomnia, memory lapses were a problem for this woman who moved the bed just 6 inches from where power point located and moved the bedside clockradio. Insomnia is no longer a problem and she has been able to enjoy daytime activities without undue fatigue.
CASE # 28 2000 F/30+
Health Status: MCS EHS
Exposure: HVPL LVPL Computers
Young woman was working in an all-new office, with synthetic carpet, where her work station was in a horseshoe configuration of 9 computers. Many co-workers complained of electrostatic discharge (ESD) causing irritation. Her face became hot, red and inflamed. She used an anti-static mat and the facial inflammation ceased. She did not develop the facial effects in another office, where the computers were less in number and where there was a greater distance between the computers.
CASE # 28 2000 F /70
Health Status : EHS MCS
Exposure: fluorescent lights
This woman was in an office for 45 minutes, where overhead fluorescent lights were located in the low ceiling, approximately 8'3" in height. She noticed her facial muscles became rigid. This effect lasted until the lady "grounded" herself by touching grass on leaving the office. The facial muscle rigidity noticeably relaxed within 30 minutes. Muscle stiffness is an effect this person often experiences with EMR exposure. N.B. This same condition has been observed in other people under similar conditions.
CASE # 29 1991 F/40+
Health Status: EHS MCS
Exposure: LVPL - Household EMR artist (paint thinners)
This woman suffered extreme tiredness poor quality sleep. Electricity cables were shielded and she avoided EMR in bedroom. This resulted in a significant improvement in sleep quality and daytime energy levels.
CASE # 30 1999 F/70+
Health Status: MCS CFS EHS
Exposure: Mobile Base Station on roof of units' meterbox at head height in hallway leading to bedroom and bathroom.
After this lady moved to this high rise unit block , numerous ailments have developed , pains at top of head, depression, generalised pain. Gastric complaints. Conventional medical treatment has been ineffective. She has not been able to sleep comfortably in her (innerspring mattress) bed for some time. She now sleeps in the lounge room where lounge is located in centre of room away from walls where cables are located.
CASE # 32 1993 F/50+
Health Status: EHS MCS
Exposure: 132 KV double circuit HVPL approx 75 meters from house
This lady moved to a house in 1975 and has had nervous breakdowns on several occasions, is now unable to work at her chosen profession in which chemical exposure has been found to be a problem. She turned off all lights at night - using candles for lighting. Her general health also deteriorated.
CASE # 33 1996 M/50+
Health Status: EHS
Exposure: computer - domestic
This man's wife observed that he appeared to have a change of personality when he began using a computer, he also became hyperactive.
CASE # 34 1993 F/30+
Health Status : EHS
Exposure 132 kV Double Circuit HVPL
This young mother enjoyed good health prior to moving to her present home and before an electricity substation was established on the opposite side of the road . From this substation, single circuit 132 kV power lines emerge, cross the road and form a right angle around the corner of two houses including hers. She developed a heart condition which resisted treatment, also suffered an anxiety state. Her two young children were always tired. They appeared very subdued, if not depressed. (Where magnetic field values are measured at the inner side of a power line, right angle configuration, levels are found to be up to 40 % greater than those measured outside that same right angle.)
CASE # 36
Health Status: EHS CFS
Exposure: HVPL radio mast + satellite dish
This young woman needs sleep for 10 to 12 hours daily. Her bio-electricity affects computer games. Her normal activities are now severely curtailed.
CASE # 37
Health Status: sleep disorder
Two young boys had sleep problems Electricity cables were under the bedroom floor. A copper earth stake was installed and the boys sleep pattern returned to normal .
CASE # 38 1994 F/50+
Health Status: Insomnia + EHS
Exposure : domestic EMR
A woman experienced sleep disturbance in bed located against wall of unit where electricity cables also were located. The bed was put on castors and moved 18 inches from the wall at night. This resulted in better quality sleep and improved wellbeing, for both husband and wife, though the husband had not previously been aware that he was adversely affected .
CASE # 40 M/45+
Health Status : multiple allergies -sleep problems - BP unstable - Cholesterol high
Exposure: meter box
This man has slept beside a meter box for 7 years. His health conditions continue to resist conventional treatment .
CASE # 41 1990 F/40+
Health Status: EHS
Exposure : domestic EMR
This woman experienced poor quality sleep, her general health was below par. All electrical devices were removed from the bedroom resulting sounder sleep and general health improvement; she now is coping better with daily stresses.
CASE # 42 1996 F/50+
Health Status: MCS CFS EHS
Exposure: Domestic EMR
Woman lived in suburb where semi-detached houses with narrow frontages resulted in clustering of household TV antennas. She found chemical exposure symptoms fluctuate, has memory loss, depression and sleep alternates between insomnia and abnormally heavy sleep.
CASE # 44 F40+ 1999
Health Status: MCS EHS
Exposure: Domestic EMR LVPL school computer system
This young mother suffered postnatal depression with two children , poor quality sleep, multiple allergies and hypothyroidism for 12 years. Her bed was moved from EMR sources resulting reduction of symptoms and an improvement generally in health.
CASE # 45 1999
Health Status: Hyperactive
Exposure: Meter box , cables in wall.
This young lad aged 9 years was overactive, a bed wetter and had nightmares. His bed was moved from EMR source, nightmares ceased as did bedwetting.
CASE # 46 1999
Health Status: Always tired
Exposure: Domestic EMR, cables in wall
Girl aged 7 years was lethargic and had nightmares. Bed moved from EMR source, nightmares ceased , normal energy levels regained.
Cases #44, #45 and #46 are from the same home.
CASE # 47 1995 F/60
Health Status: MCS CFS EHS
Exposure: LVPL Transformer Domestic EMR
Chronic tiredness, depression, memory lapses, sleep disturbances all plagued this lady, as well as redness of skin when near fluorescent lights. She removed electric blanket, clock radio and avoided all electrical power where possible and as a result experienced improvement in all health conditions. Her doctor officially recognised EMR as a medical entity, the reddening of the skin a visibly obvious symptom of EHS.
CASE # 48 1987 F/50+
Health Status : MCS EHS
Exposure: HVPL 11kV + domestic
While walking "for health" on the footpath, this lady was unexpectedly and suddenly breathless. She became drained of energy, had muscle weakness and her legs very heavy felt as though "sandbags tired to feet" She noticed power lines overhead, (11kV) crossed the road to side where there were no power lines and touched grass to "ground" herself. Energy returned within a few minutes and she continued walking with no further problems. Has resolved to avoid walking under all power lines, if possible.
CASE # 49 1990 F/50+
Health Status: EHS
Exposure: HVPL 11kV domestic EMR ( 3rd floor Unit)
Recurring cystitis, headaches and depression troubled this lady. She avoided all electric devices including the electric blanket with significant benefit. Son age 26, developed testicular cancer in this home. Family has since moved house.
CASE # 50 F/30+
Health Status: Asthma - headaches
Exposure: MBS + domestic EMR
This young mother developed headaches while her two sons aged 5 and 7 years developed asthma and headaches after the installation of Mobile Base Station nearby.
CASE # 51/B 1995 F/50+
Health Status: MCS EHS
Exposure: HVPL + Domestic EMR
Woman, aged 34 years, found two years after moving to her steel framed house, her periods became scant. She developed migraine, calcium spur grew in nose, ear nose and throat conditions did not respond to treatment. She had a hysterectomy and subsequent hormone replacement. She feels that the home environment has contributed to her health deterioration. Investigation revealed that the (owner built) steel frame of the house, had not been grounded. Breeding dogs on the premises had birth deformities and lowered sperm count.
CASE # 52 1997 M/40+
Health Status: MCS EHS
Exposure: LVPL + domestic EMR
This young man is now unable now to work in office environment - atmosphere creates intolerable stress. He expressed anxiety regarding his future earning capacity.
CASE #53 1999 M/50+
Health Status : EHS
Exposure: 50 Hz LVPL Cell phone
This self employed electrician found pains in the heart region developed to the degree that he sought medical attention. No medical cause found. He recalled a warning he had read advising against carrying a mobile phone in the shirt pocket , which he had done for some months. He moved the phone to a belt at his waist , the phone then located at his back. The pains in the heart ceased. Some short time later he suffered pains in the kidneys region ,and once again, no medical cause was found. He then removed phone from this location and pains ceased.
CASE # 54 2000 F/40+
Health Status: MCS CFS EHS
Food & chemical allergies, hypersensitive to EMR and vibration, trembling after exposure causes extreme stress for this young woman. She finds that spraying her body with water helps. (This may reduce electrostatic charge build-up. )
CASE # 55 1997 M/20+
Health Status : (observed ) EHS
While standing close to a wall in a public building a woman with EHS noted within a few moments a sense of agitation and inability to stand still, her familiar EHS reactions.
Soon after, she observed, not previously evident, the reactions of a young man who was then standing in the same location - he displayed a repeated, pronounced, involuntary twitch of his right shoulder The wall was later checked with a Gaussmeter where a magnetic field of 20 milliGauss was registered on the area of the wall in question
N.B. In this as in many cases it is not known for certain, whether the affected individual is reacting to the electric or the magnetic field, or both.
CASE # 56 1995 F/60 +
Health Status: MCS CFS EHS
Exposure : LVPL Transformer MBS RFR
This lady was seriously stressed after an MRI procedure. A benign brain tumour was diagnosed and removed. She could not walk on the floor of her unit without leg pain. Found benefit from having the concrete slab "grounded" to a copper electrode independent to the building electrical earthing system Even with these changes she could not remain in retirement village as the emissions of EMR from meter box in kitchen at head height, transformers in the grounds and EMR in adjoining unit walls were impossible to avoid or shield.
CASE # 57 2000 F/50+
Health Status: EHS MCS 5 year remission from NHL
Exposure: - photocopier household EMR RFR MRI
This lady had hands placed behind head during procedure - vibrating commenced in the hands and extended gradually up the arms - she does not recall her body vibrating but was shaking all over when getting off the table. Duration of time 45 minutes under MRI.
Was shaking inwardly - no visible tremor and physical heating occurred, her thigh was hot to the touch found and she found it difficult to walk across the room. She felt heat like sunburn and a feeling of being "hyper-charged". Two days after the MRI procedure she could not sleep until around 1 am due to hyper-feeling. Two days later - mild headaches, pain in areas of the head both sides around jaws and ears followed a day by eyes pulsating, moving from centre to one side (left) rapid heartbeat, palpitations, felt hot yet body felt cool to touch . Severe attack of vertigo, nausea requiring medical treatment. On doctor said these symptoms could not be caused by the MRI while another doctor agreed that they could.
CASE #59 2000 F/30+
Health Status : MCS CFS EHS
Exposure: Domestic EMR
This woman's EMR exposure increases the severity all her allergic reactions. She now avoids EMR where possible to help control allergic reactions.
CASE # 60 1998 F/70+
Health Status : CFE EHS MCS Lupus
Exposure: EMR from under floor cables and steel floor joists
All existing health conditions worsened when this lady moved to her new house. Nylon carpet created static charges adding to her stress. When the steel floor joists were earthed and carpet treated with anti-static solution, her symptoms abated and her health improved.
CASE # 61 F/50+
Health Status : EHS
Exposure: domestic EMR
This lady cannot wear a quartz watch and her energy levels drop dramatically when exposed to EMR. Her formerly active life is now quite restricted.
CASE # 63 F/60
Health Status : MCS EHS
Exposure: Occupational & domestic EMR
All symptoms of multiple chemical sensitivity experienced by this lady are noticeably exacerbated by EMR exposure. Her employment environment causes much distress.
CASE # 63 F/40+
Health Status : MCS EHS EMR increases severity of symptoms
Exposure: 132 Double Circuit HVPL and domestic meter box
This seventeen year old lad developed leukemia 6 years after sleeping beside electricity meterbox in his home, adjacent to 132 kV double circuit high voltage power lines.
CASE # 65 F/30+
Health Status: EHS
Exposure: Domestic meterbox
This young woman found a general deterioration of health since moving to this house.
CASE 66 1997 M 40+
Health Status : Rheumatoid arthritis Reynard's Disease
Exposure: Domestic and Occupation computers
This industrious young man feels extremely tired after entering his office surrounded by EMR. Feels better at home and is convinced that the EMR adversely affects his health.
N.B. As with other men who find EMR a source of adverse health effects this young man expressed anxiety regarding his ability to continue in his current employment.
CASE # 67 F/60+
Health Status: CFS
Exposure: Domestic
This lady had her caravan "grounded" to reduce EMR as she is aware that the chronic fatigue is more severe when exposed to EMR. She found the lighting system of the van was a problem.
CASE # 68 M/ 30 +
Health Status: EHS
EXPOSURE: Occupational; RFR +domestic EMR
This young man, now on sick leave, is severely affected by RFR from occupational exposure. He has experienced pressure around temples - "worse with time", head pain, popping ears, dizziness, pain over eyes, blocked sinuses- upper sinus pain. Candida overgrowth , loss of weight, movement tracking with eyes. Fluorescent lights cause pain short term memory loss and difficulty with concentration.
CASE # 70 1999 F/50+
Health Status: MCS EHS
Exposure: HVPL Domestic EMR
This lady is severely affected by EMR - as in other cases, chemical sensitivity increases with exposure.
CASE # 71 1999 F/30+
Health Status: CFS MCS EHS
Exposure: Domestic
This lady experiences pains in back of neck and a tightening feeling in head when exposed to EMR .
CASE # 75 1999 F/40+
Health Status: WS MCS FA/S
Exposure: Corner block HVPL - LVPL right angle configuration .
A family of three young adults and parents. All have health conditions not responding to conventional treatment. They experienced severe effects from electro static discharge (ESD) After a diagnosis of Stephen Johnson's syndrome, the mother became acutely and painfully aware of electrical stimuli. Grounding via an anti-static mat gave some relief.
CASE # 76 1997 F/50+
Health Status: WS MCS CFS EHS
Exposure: Domestic- HVPL - MBS Airport radar - HVPL domestic exposure
This lady is hyper-sensitive to electricity and found that the lesions of SJS reacted painfully when the landline telephone is ringing. She is also Hyper-sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD) The vibration induced in the timber shelf by an electrically operated aquarium filter pump caused stress for this woman even when standing adjacent to the shelf.
CASE #78 1995 F/50+
Health Status: MCS EHS
Exposure : Domestic exposure
As in other cases this lady finds EMR exposure increases severity of symptoms of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. She avoids all EMR and chemically based products where possible.
CASE # 79 1995 F/60+
Health Status: WS MCE EHS
In this case a sudden onset of arthritic type pain occurred when this lady was exposed to underground powerlines servicing miniature waterfalls in an outdoor setting. High voltage power lines also bordered the reserve on one side. Pains eased minutes after leaving this location, a native flora reserve, and then ceased completely within approximately 45 minutes of "grounding" achieved by standing with bare feet on damp grass. Her companion on this occasion experienced the same effects as well as excessive tiredness which abated soon after leaving that location. Both women have osteo-arthritis.
CASE # 81 50+
Health Status: F/C CFS MCS EHS
A woman with a chronic facial tic found that it ceased after several months of avoidance of EMR (fluorescent lighting ) exposure and chemical outgassing from the stock in a clothing retail store, where she had worked for a number of years. The tic was then observed to develop after approx. twenty minutes of exposure to a ceiling, fluorescent strip light. The tic abated considerably after the light was turned off. This same lady had previously found immense benefit and increase energy level from moving her bed from the wall where a meterbox was located.
CASE # 82 1995 F/60+
Health Status : FS EHS FA/S WS Heart arrhythmia
Exposure: Domestic EMR
Extreme tiredness and inability to concentrate within a few minutes of using domestic sewing machine was experienced by this lady . "Grounding" by touching a grounded anti-static mat completely eliminated these symptoms.
CASE # 83 1994 M/70+
Exposure: Computer domestic EMR
This man found using his computer resulted in extreme tiredness and sore eyes. After using a grounded anti-static mat, the symptoms ceased. While using a second computer without a "grounding" mat the eye symptoms and tiredness returned. Now uses a mat at each computer - no distressing symptoms now.
CASE # 84 F/30+
Health Status: EHS MCS
Exposure: Domestic, Computer, Shopping complex
A woman commented that she could not function normally in the large shopping complex. Forgetfulness, disorientation, irritability set in within a few minutes of entering the complex. She managed if she had a detailed shopping list to work from. This was related prior to the young woman becoming aware of the EMR factor.
CASE # 85 1994 F/50+
Health Status : EHS
As a child, this woman lived beside a railway line, then slept beside meter box number of years She worked where 30 electricity meterboards (servicing entire block of shops) were located on one wall of room at rear of her shop. When she entered this room, her blood felt " fizzy - like lemonade ", severe headaches developed and she felt her face was mask- like and that she functioned like a robot. She often felt as though she would black out. Train travel and using electrical equipment including computers drain her of energy.
CASE # 86 M/40+
Health Status; EHS
This young man , no longer employed, found three years ago that he became seriously debilitated from exposure to mobile phone frequency radiation. He can no longer tolerate exposure to analogue or digital mobile phones or their base stations. Feels as though his brain is being "fried". Extreme lethargy was a problem. On advice he recently removed the fuse from the 8 amp, overhead lighting circuit at the meterboard of the home. Result was revived energy levels and renewed interest in projects that had been abandoned three years earlier . Recently the fuse was replaced for a short time - which resulted in a return to the former degraded health status. The fuse will now be permanently removed using table lamps from the power circuit only for general lighting.
CASE # 87 F/71
Health Status : MCS EHS WS NH/Lymphoma
This lady found her MCS and EHS were at a tolerable level until she underwent radio therapy treatment for Non Hodgkin's lymphoma. This effectively increased her EHS to an alarming degree as well as her chemical sensitivity. Though the radio therapy was necessary for a life threatening illness, it clearly illustrated the fact, that intense and prolonged exposure to high electric and magnetic fields and the high energy of radiotherapy, will exacerbate EHS and MCS. A serious case of shingles followed the same treatment, a not uncommon occurrence. This lady was told by her Doctor and a pharmacist, that an uncommon number of cases of Shingles were occurring at this time. There had to be a reason for the increase in cases. Shingles or herpes zoster is a virus that lies dormant for many years after infection of varicella (chickenpox ) which is contagious, where shingles is not. The virus causing shingles can be reactivated from the dormant chickenpox virus, at any time, thought to be due to age-related or any other compromise of immune function. EMR exposure is known to compromise immune function.
CASE # 110 F50+
Health Status: EHS
Exposure: domestic, mobile phone, MBS, computer
This woman has keenly observed and documented her EHS effects. She has been hypersensitive to EMR/ RFR since she was misdiagnosed as schizophrenic and treated accordingly with drugs that further undermined her health and wellbeing. After around thirty minutes use of a laptop computer she experiences pins & needles in fingers and sometimes the feet. Use of the PC is now confined to off-peak periods of power use in the housing estate where she resides to avoid the intensity of the effects experienced at these times. She experiences electric shocks and seizure sensations to her brain. There are uncomfortable sizzling effects in her aural tract when using the PC for more than 30 minutes. More recently there have been episodes of muscle pain and nausea "while using the keyboard" a drained feeling and excessive yawning also follows PC use.
If having been exposed to EMR prior to sleep, during the first half hour of sleep she feels electrical disturbances in the brain. Also experiences are a mild inward air suction through the ears, as well as a metallic/ electronic clicking in the ear - the head feels as though it is lifted up - with a numb feeling right at the crown and back of head
Often EMR exposure induces a drowsiness and when sleep follows it is abruptly interrupted by the brain "short circuits" as she describes them. She also experiences sharp jabbing pains which can occur in any area of her body including the eyeballs, when in a bus where mobile phones are transmitting. The effects are similar in nature to those induced by the computer.
N.B. The misdiagnosis of schizophrenia in the foregoing case, as in other cases on record, will no doubt be repeated until the EHS condition is officially recognised by the medical profession and treated accordingly. Little information regarding this condition, is available to the medical profession at the present time. Few doctors have the time to pursue the topic, if they were so inclined.
In 1995 it was stated by one health writer that while general practitioners knew little about EHS at that time, they would need to study the subject, as by the year 2000 the majority of their patients would be presenting with EMR related conditions. To date, little progress has been made in this regard.
I'm in desperate need of substantial amounts of financial
Mont Vernon, NH 03057
Please believe that I have already repeatedly tried every avenue. Every place I turn to ends up being extremely temporary due to being surrounded by the chaos of gang stalkers and remote mind control manipulations, which, when involving other people, is worse than just living in a car by myself.
A few of the things I will use your offerings for:
And then possibly. . .
A safe place to live.
If I reach a point where I can pay you back with interest, I gladly will.
I am EMF-sensitive so I can feel the effect immediately.
This doesn't mean I get affected and other people do not.
It just means other people just drop off like flies and attribute their sickness or death to natural causes whereas I , I get prickling pain all over or, muscle spasms or numbness. I feel EMF radiation like a physical pain.
Now, the palms of my hand and the soles of my feet are already numb whereas my skin's tingling all over and I'm having those micro-spasms that's a little less marked than what one gets when drinking asthma meds (where the muscles quiver.
This alarms me because this shows me how strong the EMfield is. Before, it would creep slowly, it would only be felt when my body resistance is already low. It would only be felt in marked instances, in select places, when select appliances are open. Now, it's different, this is one big EMfield my body's sending me signals like a sensor feeling the radiation and heat meters away from me.
When people here start dropping off like flies, I have written who the people connected to this are in my journal.
To identify the relay tower, sending and receiving the transmissions, walk a few meters away from this house to a building here with the radio tower.
That building is co-owned by relatives of the person working at the semiconductor company that fabricates the very chips which allows remote control of computers and mobile phones.
In that building are the main perps. those closely connected to the harassment I have been undergoing for more than a decade now.
In my notes and in my accounts and in various electronic storage, I have already identified their connections with each other. They have separate offices in one building.
THE TOWN. 1970s.
The place is too small. Everyone knew each other.
The STREET . 1970s.
The owners of the commercial establishments are close they treat each other like family.
1. Business family 1 - Member has become one of the most powerful people in the world. Read history of how it came about. Check the non-PR issues and claims made by competitors/non-partisans. MARK THE CONTROVERSIAL ISSUE RAISED.
2. Business family 2 - Family members now dominate the business domain, especially the IT field and BPO industry. MARK THE ISSUES RAISED BY EMPLOYEES AND COMPETITORS.
3. Business Family 3 - Family members have held key positions in government and the political arena both in the local and national scene.
4. Business family 4 - Family member has direct access to PC and Mobile hardware and software suppliers. Organizes events for the IT industry on a national level.
Provided us with the PCs where I saw the hidden volumes. Provided the USB where I saw the remote control trojan.
Check affiliations plus online circle of business partners.
Direct connection to main controllers and providers of EH technology.
Direct connection to powerful people in various government and commercial agencies.
The people who I have hard evidence on have spent to make the entire house and the surroundings a live EMfield to be able to erase the data I have on them.
Knowing fully well, that it's not just me who will be harmed because of it but the kids and the sick people who colluded with them who will be exposed to radiation 24/7.
The GOLDEN SAINTS, I will make sure you will pay for this if anyone dies because of your sick manipulations.
I have fully secured it with protective covering knowing fully well what you will do.
To the ones who colluded with them:
You signed not just my death sentence but my kid's and the entire family's as well.
You're in one big live magnetic field surrounded by biogas heat.
The goal: to ensure there's live EMF that can read and erase all magnetic data storage so they can erase the data I have on them: documented evidence.
To ensure they can control all the data that comes in and out.
To ensure they will control who wins in the coming ELECTIONS.
They are gonna use remote control on the PCOS machines and they have to silence everyone who can point a finger to how they can do it.
Who has control of the WAN will control the machines.
You want your kid's and grandkid's future in the hands of killers and thieves?
You do not have any idea all types of cyber crimes this group has full control of.
News to you, killers: You can't delete the signed documents and I have ensured I covered the storage pretty well.
You're sick!
The Code.
The program that allows them to control your net accounts and internet results.
And you will find a global culprit.
Guilty of every cyber crime imaginable.
The answer is right in the code.
And that tunnel has been the storage bin for her loot for so many years.
Found a lot of my stuff on the other end of the tunnel.
I wonder what will come out when we all get our DNA tested in this town.
Shiro Ishii's project included experiments on INSEMINATION.
A dog on an electronic leash oh yes and monkey and ape's that they torchered and recorded.
This one gal she is well her daddy owns a bank LOL she would throw a banana peel in my drive way
on her way to work everyday got her on video doing that. I have a better than great memory and I was in
a bar and we had a drink things were going good so I asked her to a movie she was insulted LOL she did not
like the horror film I suggested and barked off in a huff. LOL That was over 20 years ago in my mind a
litter bug is an animal too. So as I sit here in my steel wool lined hat, I think free. She has stalked and knows
what is going on and likes it. V2K is being used to train you like a dog like a little kid bugging mom to get there way. To associate the emotional pain to get you to do something like a ghost is suppose to do. At one point I thought I had a ghost. LOL The paranormal investigators use the same equipment to find V2K another ironic twist. Ghosts VS V2k maybe the same thing and no ghosts at all.
The guy next door wants us to move and he thinks we are animals that's ! funny cause he has cats and never changes the litter box you can smell the stench at 50 yards. He lives like a dog sitting in his window writing
mp3's for his V2K all for me. That is so funny, his wife visits but does not stay there she has an apartment.
He gave up his life for me it consumed him to be in my head. He is dieing of liver disease.
Maybe that is lure of power or like the move Brain Storm since someone else s life is so much more or different or better or there thoughts interesting or that thing ease dropping is so fun. I don't know and hope I never do.
Later J
More so if you are actually the man who supposedly landed on the moon.
They said it's the Americans who first landed on the moon right?
Otherwise, it would be a Filipino, or a Papua New Guinean or a (insert-victim-nationality here) who would have that distinction.
Find the four DARPAnet nodes (where the internet originated).
You will find out who the first people who landed on the "moon" are.
Moon = BUWAN
Bu WAN - THE/THAT Wide Area Network.
Regarding SoleilMavis' entry:
I went to the USA embassy in Melbourne to apply visa, paid the application fee. But when I came back home from Embassy, Some voices said to me:" Go to USA, we will arrange for you, don´t have to apply visa." They also said:" We will apply medical leaves for you."
Because I thought those voices would not lie to me, and my brain was being harassed by remote electromagnetic mind control weapons, I could not even use my brain to think anything carefully.
I went to airport. At a ticket office, I showed my passport to a young lady and asked for an air ticket to USA, the lady looked at my passport carefully and said:" Yes, You don´t have to apply visa, trust me!"
I hold the air ticket and passport to a check-in officer, I asked him very carefully:" They said my passport did not need visa to go to USA. Is it?" He let me check-in and gave me boarding passes and said:" Yes, go to USA, you don´t have to apply visa."
Inside the airport, there were few people checked my bag very careful, I asked them again:" They said that I did not need visa to go to USA, is it?" They said:" Yes. You don´t have to apply visa."
Bach's flower extracts are great for emotions
I have noted they can transplant emotions and hate. I too had a dream of being a pimp last nite.
It was gross. After that there threats that, you see we can make you feel any way we want. The point
is control. Oh Gee they gave me a bad dream. I am not impressed. I reached for my Bach's
Pine, I also have Heather and the Rescue Remedy. It only takes a few drops and some water
and all better. Bach's gives me instant relief. I don't know if they sell it in china but china
herbals are some of the best in the world. Flower extracts to help heal emotions.
Emotional pain is so fleeting and does great damage that we are not aware of it until a breaking
point is reached. Take emotional attacks serious and treat them. It is hard to hide your emotional
state your body language will telegraph your feelings. Later J
The Man on the Moon.
Let's study the project's etymology first:
The Greek god Apollo was leader of the nine Olympian Muses, who inspired the arts..
According to Pausanias there were three original Muses: Aoide (“song”, “voice”), Melete (“practice” or “occasion”) and Mneme (“memory”) (Paus. 9.29.1). Together, they form the complete picture of the preconditions of poetic art in cult practice.
Clio (kleos(glory) / kleiein (to celebrate) / Celebration/Fame) – history.
Thalia (thallein (to bloom), Festivity) – comedy.
Erato (eros (love) Lovely One) – love poetry.
Euterpe (Delight) – music.
Polyhymnia (poly (many) and hymnos (hymn) or mnasthai (to remember) Many Songed/Hymned) – sacred poetry. (considered also as inventor of the lyre)
Calliope (Beautiful Voice) – epic poetry. (Mother of Orpheus)
Terpsichore (Delight of dancing/choruses) – dance.
Urania (ouranos (sky) Heavenly One) – astronomy.
Melpomene (melpein (to sing) the Singing goddess) – tragedy.
PS: It is funny to see that the word “demon” (δαίμων) in ancient Greek was supposed to mean ‘the one who distributes [faith/luck/genius/invention]‘ so in a way Demon was the one who was giving the ‘faith’ (talent) to people.
This is what the technology allows the puppet masters to play with(launched via "Apollo 11"):
Aoide (“song”, “voice”)
Melete (“practice” or “occasion”)
Mneme (“memory”) (Paus. 9.29.1).
1. The VOICE.
No, THEY ARE (the puppetmasters) the voice.
Wait, let me clear it out.
Let's go back to this first:
The Ankh. The Key of the NILE.
Muses. MUSAE (Mousai). Moses. The child found in the river of NILE. Symbolic. Wordplay.
The Ankh dictated the path our lives would traverse. The ANKH has allowed us o become the voice.
OUR VOICE, they are transmitted and received by the people behind the curtain via satellite technology via the microphone on the ankle or the heel or the calf (wherever they placed it on the victim).
This is transmitted to the puppetmasters, before they are thrown back to the people in our midst, which allows them to augment reality - intersperse their message and THEIR VOICE so what will be propagated would be what they want the listeners to believe not what you actually said.
So do not wonder why you are always misinterpreted, they are actually receiving THEIR VOICE, not yours (yours is the sound, the inflection, the identifiable voice - but the message? It's actually already the augmented version of it.
You wonder how it can be done?
The same way your text messages or your phone calls will be transmitted to a central server first before it will reach the cellphone of the person sitting beside you.
It goes right to the satellite controller first - their mainframe - before it is sent to you.
Caul Birth = Covert.
In COINTEL, in ARG, it's all about the word play.
Are CAUL BIRTHS then, COVERT War babies?
I have seen some members here before writing about being born with a caul and sharing that it must have caused their electronic harassment.
I also read in one site that they are asking those who claim they are born with the caul to answer these questions:
1. What is your birth date?
2. Where were you born?
3. Is your caul still with you?
They say they can verify if the person is indeed born with a caul with the first two questions alone because they can predict who the babies to be born with a caul will be even before they are born.
If covert war parents have already been singled out, marked , identified in a genetic database.
Possible if these babies are experimental babies, produced by genetic engineering.
Letting them know that they are born with the caul and them identifying themselves as such will tell the RIGHT PEOPLE (People Involved in the program = should actually be: WRONG PEOPLE), that they are COVERTs (covert war babies).
Is that why they ask if the person still has the caul?
To determine whether the person was indeed born with it?
Or because it would be an indicator that the baby is not a CAUL BIRTH but a COVERT (war baby)? A COINTEL baby?
Is this why word-of-mouth (URBAN LEGEND fed via the brainwashing network) states the caul is a lucky charm for gambling? Because this is about gambling, about war games?
The coverts become the race horses, the human animals bet on, the human animals people pit against each other?
The modern Roman gladiators, the bulls in the pen.
The catlle bred to be used....
...and KILLED.
Bred only for that purpose.
To be used.
To be killed.
Like animals.
That's what real EH victims are referred to after all.
Race Horses.
What the... !!!
Modern world barbarism at its worst.
After the second Korean group lleft on Tuesday, the new German group came. That pattern reminds me of the Korean tourists group showing up while I was under the small damages in 4U Hostel in Munich. At that time, my suitcase was damaged and the police rejected to file the case at the office on the corner of the Munich main train station. There was another woman also got a suitcase damage in the hostel also.
Well, just like my prediction of the tendency of the perps who want to shout prayers in foreign language, I got a woman sat right behind of me. She could sing Croatian songs including the long ones without problem. She seemed to be living here or visiting Medjugorje so frequently. Otherwise, people cannot remember all the songs. There should be a German group who supposed to take 9am German mass somewhere, but the normal Germans cannot sing Croatian songs so easily. There are cops in Munich who cannot even speak the high school level English. You can imagine the woman behind of me is a big exception. So, she was shouting the prayers in German while the friar was praying in Croatian through the mic from the alter. However, she joined singing Croatian songs during the pause of the rosary praying. I have no idea why she cannot memorize Croatian prayers to join the Croatian rosary praying. Anyway, I got someone praying in foreign language very loud and sitting behind of me so often.
There is an Asian woman who has been visiting the church before the first Korean group came. She seems to be the same height as I and have quite a similar facial features besides she looks more like Chinese and has shorter hair. Her information is in today's video.
If you watched my video about how I went up to the Cross Mountain to find the missing rosary part, you can remember the stranger hiding behind the trees on the beginning of the video. It's an Italian speaking elderly woman. She is quite active and attends the climbing events on Friday and Sunday all the time. However, she does not take the communion. I saw her leaving the church during the communion twice, and this time I filmed her leaving. Last time I saw her on my way home, I saw her walking into a house which had a Croatian youth group and locates on my way back to my place. I saw her yesterday night when I was heading to Namex to buy some foods. She was walking parallel to me and went into Pansion Nada, which is near Namex. I don't know if she is a long term visitor instead of a resident here.
The Virgin Mary statue had a strange sign today. It had "Lourdes" sign instead of "Medjugorje" and I took the picture of it. I don't know if it is for the special event for the church or not. It looked a bit funny when someone praying to the statue with "Lourdes" there.
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There is no doubt that technology is being used against victims but why? What is not being understood is that the interconnected satanic occultists across the globe are using the principles of physics to manipulate matter, space and time. They, the government scientists of the world, had at one time discovered that "electromagnetic fields, radio waves and or microwaves" are able to "open up door ways" into parallel dimensions and into other worldly space continuum's. This is why there is such a push for all the electromagnetic and microwave technologies to be built up around us..."everywhere".
In effect, they are not only creating doorways but attempting to make the entire planet one big gateway, to where the veil between the parallel worlds will no longer exist, allowing other worldly beings (the demons) to enter into our world with ease, just as the bible predicted. The electromagnetic grid that is slowly encompassing our world, I believe, in theory,is affecting our global ecosystem and disturbing our planets natural magnetic fields. Research these three subjects below and you will put the pieces of the puzzle together.
Philadelphia Experiment;
Montauk Project;
Voodoo and Quantum Physics;
Paranormal, Spirits and Electromagnetic fields;
T.S. aka egy
The perps sit behind of a TI in Medjugorje during the rosary prayer often pray in foreign languages. They might be very good in Croatian or knows the Croatian prayer, but they do something like this for skits. The video shows the example.
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Debra hello, i do thank-you for your reply :)
The way it is in the uk its just not cheap enough to stay here over the long term, thats why i look to Europe. I have just mentioned the possibility of two to three or even more people of us ( im dammed if im going to call myself a ti) finding rented accomadation where we each have a lockable room with a cummumnal bathroom or and kitchen there are thousands of places to let in the uk to do this.
I am currently in Plymouth though will move if we find a good place. Its so much cheaper to rent a room, saying this theres nothing to stop us as a small group renting a property which has no landlord onsite. So a proper and large home where we simply share the costs. I know this is very simplistic so the next step would be .......
This could be fun :)
What do we as people like as qualities in housemates ?
I dont drink or smoke though i very much like my recording equipment which is easy to understand from our own perspective i think .
If i have any faults its that i cant think of them at the time!
I tend to leave people well alone unless they wish to speak to me or just have a chat and chew the curd which is not against the law( yet).
Im not tempermental, i dont chew people out and dont try to tell anyone what to do, that in my view would be a perp. more so if they were persistant.
Im open to suggestions and i am 100% genuine :).
I would like to get out of the hostel im in right now, right bunch of antisocial delinquents.
Not to mention the junkies and pushers.
ooh and i do not do drugs.
I dont mind people who do drink but i would not be able to share a home with a smoker.
I hope i dont come across as being forward, im just trying to get some motivation, some input from anyone willing to consider, willing to work out how it could be for us as a small community.
How would you like your community to be ?
What would you like to see as part of your daily life in your community ?
What is it you would most definately not like to see ?
What would be intolarable ?
What would make it the best home or the best community you have ever lived in ?
Please do let us all work together on this .
I must go for now though will be back in one or two days
Please please do add your own questions. take care my freinds. :).