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May I just ask? Is governmentalien untouchable here?

He doesn't stop spamming and he's not being sanctioned for it.

He has been caught red-handed  asking for money for a non-existent settlement case (if we base it on earlier claims and posts) and he gets a throng of people speaking for his cause settlement thrust after it was exposed. Shouldn't that entire campaign be removed? It might mislead victims who might come across the information. This site is as responsible as he is if victims are placed in a compromising situation because of that campaign.

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A lot of times, people rush into my life and try to change its course.  I realize they think they know what they're doing, but it ends up taking me in some horrible directions. 

The psychotronic people try to program "family" among other things.  Rose died.  I don't want to.  While I'm eternally trying to screw the man over, I'm also deeply ashamed of my defects as a human being and don't want to bring another person into this world to suffer as I have as fair as that was.  I don't have faith that it'll get better, and I don't want it to get worse.  I seem to be eternally trapped while everyone else is living it up.  I don't want to be a refugee.


Now, as much as I'd love to be chained to our worthless system with offspring that they will threaten to kill to get me to do even stupider things, the thing would end up homeless after I lose my job for having it because this happens when I work.  There is no maternity leave, and they don't like pregnant females.  I usually end up getting partnered with a bum as well, because I am, of course, the most worthless human being on the planet and deserve to eat dirt with Joe the Hobo.  Joe and I would get along with people would leave us alone maybe, but they have issues with Joe's age and other things.  It's only okay so long as I'm getting massively screwed over to the maximum potential.


I will admit that after having tapes of Putin played in my head and crawling along the floor to his machines and under his AK47 that a special spark lit in my heart that made me a little insane, like Medea, and I still cackle to this day because I'm glued.  Not because I want him, no, heaven forbid that be granted, but because I seem to seek the worth I lost from him, someplace misplaced approval and how dare you ignore all that.


It happened.  My life is in a massive pit, and I want out of here.  I need something to happen with the brain as well.  This stinks.


I'm bored. You?

Why would I lay there? I valued something.  I'll never value anything again.  Do whatever you want to.

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“Age of Connectivity: Cities, Magnets of Hope”
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Start Date : 9 Feb 07 
End Date : 9 Feb 07
Location: United Nations Headquarters, NY
Caring Communities for the 21st Century: Imagining the Possible 
Friday ,9 February 2007  International Conference   10am – 6pm    
United Nations Headquarters
Conference Room 3

The quantity of life change has become a quality of life challenge!
Join experts from the fields of urban planning and development, information and communication technologies, finance, government, business, and health, to discuss and exchange ideas.

As part of a series of Interlinked Congresses addressing the “Age of Longevity” held in cities around the globe, this free conference is organized in coordination with United Nations partners: Programme for Human Settlements (UN-Habitat), Programme on Ageing, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Department of Public Information; World Olympians Association, NGOs, and the private sector.  The Conference is in support of the United Nations Commission for Social Development and 7th Global Forum on Building Trust in Government. The “Age of Connectivity” interrelates basic elements that influence our quality of life – innovative rethinking of the basic elements  -- family, education, health, housing, multi-levels of government, and the ICT Information Highway  – and creates a unique opportunity to encourage a quality blueprint for an enriched “Society for All Ages.”

Successful case studies, public/private partnerships, and perspectives of local authorities, NGOs and business will be featured. The Conference’s purpose is to build bridges and develop projects, services and products that support the needs of people of all ages.  Each month the world’s older population increases by 1.2 million! Program will address: Social and Economic Sustainability through Technology, Rural and Urban Development, Entrepreneurship, Employment, e-learning, e-health, e- government, Networks, Capacity Building. ” When perceived with an open mind, these interrelationships offer endless opportunities for us all.

The following questions are the underlying themes:

  • How can an “Open City Portal” enhance the quality of life for all generations?
  • How can ICT tools enhance the Olympic legacy and address the complexities of city environments?
  • What role can virtual communities and social networking play to enhance quality of life in cities?
  • What “blueprint” is needed? What new mindsets, paradigms and local authority ICT tools can emerge from the age of digital opportunity? 
  • How to overcome the age-related digital divide and connect the generations?” 
  • How can partnerships be developed which incorporate older persons’ experience and augment their capacities? 
  • How can ICT (information and communication technology) boost economic development in an ageing society?
  • How can ICT tools enhance life-long learning and employment?

Keynote Speakers include :Dr. Liston Brochette, Secretary-General, World Olympians Association

Co-Chairs: Mr. Ramu Damodaran, Chief, Civil Society Service Outreach Division, United Nations Department of Public Information, and Dr. Dennis Anderson, Associate Dean, Ivan G. Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Pace University, USA, ModeratorMr. Kazi Rahman Chief, UN Regional Commissions New York Office Speakers include:  Mrs. Anna Tibaijuka, Under-Secretary-General, Executive Director, United Nations Programme for Human Settlements (UN-HABITAT), Mr. Nikil Seth, Director, United Nations Office of ECOSOC Support and Coordination, Mr. Sergei Kambalov, Chief, United Nations ECOSOC and Inter-organization Cooperation Branch,Mr.Alexandre Sidorenko, Focal Point on Ageing, United Nations Programme on Ageing,Mr. Vyatcheslav Cherkasov, Partnership and Outreach Programme Coordinator, United Nations Public Administration, DESA,  H.E. Mr. Solomon Boit, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Local Government, Kenya, Dr. Motto Kusakabe, Senior Counselor to the President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, UK  Dr. Peter Mathias, Managing Director, Bridge Research and Development, UK.
Special Event:  “ Olympic Legacy Cities: Post Event” a VIP Sharing Luncheon (registration fee)

Registration Deadline 5 February 2007 visit  Conference up-dates
International Council for Caring Communities   24 Central Park South, NY 10019   
Tel: 212 688-4321  Fax: 1212-759-5893


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The sickest perps of all.

Prying on people's gullibility and faith to siphon off funds they can use to pay off pawns while they pocket majority of the donations.

Darn you.

I can trace all my connections to you, or to be apt about it, all the connections you established so you could continually monitor me and make money off your scam machine.

You're sick. You used other people's money to paint yourselves as  altruistic denizens, paying churches off for their silence and collaboration on your sick voyeuristic addiction.

You managed to control them by ensuring they are "wired" to your system by socially engineering your way into their circle.

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A smorgasbord of things to come...

... a smorgasbord the brains behind this designed so the pawns will fall before the person behind the curtain does.

You allowed yourselves to be used, the path then has to pass through you to get to the ONE behind the curtain.

It's your choice if you wanna be made the front liners who will take the cudgels for the main criminal, the way the person designed it to happen.

That person's SICK!

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Psalm 139

You have searched me, Lord,

    and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
    you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
    you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue
    you, Lord, know it completely.
You hem me in behind and before,
    and you lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
    too lofty for me to attain.

Where can I go from your Spirit?
    Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
    if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
    if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
    your right hand will hold me fast.
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me
    and the light become night around me,”
12 even the darkness will not be dark to you;
    the night will shine like the day,
    for darkness is as light to you. ***

13 For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
    all the days ordained for me were written in your book
    before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!
    How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
    they would outnumber the grains of sand—
    when I awake, I am still with you.

19 If only you, God, would slay the wicked!
    Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty!
20 They speak of you with evil intent;
    your adversaries misuse your name.
21 Do I not hate those who hate you, Lord,
    and abhor those who are in rebellion against you?
22 I have nothing but hatred for them;
    I count them my enemies.
23 Search me, God, and know my heart;
    test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting.

*** should only apply to God.

anyone trying to approximate this is trying to play god

the very sin Lucifer gave in to

the sin of spiritual pride.

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the mind control

The Mind Control of a young man, seduced, because his father was going to testify at this hearing. Its not about gun control; its about mind control. Wait till it happens to you. You'll think those thoughts are your own..... until you realize they are not yours. My mind had obsessive thoughts for two months last Christmas, couldnt push them out, but they always lasted two hours, exhausting and exact. Then anger - same thing. Then I realized.... When I realized that someone else was messing with me, I spoke up. It doesn't happen anymore to that extreme. Now they just try for hours to bring me down. Buzz my implant to make me sad or extremely low - I fight it and ALWAYS win now. Now that I know my government has turned against me. Thank you Marty Weinberg, Kevin Cockle and Terry Garraway. Weak monkeys.
best wishes n love lots
BBC News - Libor – what is it and why does it matter?
What is the benchmark Libor inter-bank rate and what did Barclays bank and others do to rig it?
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total mind control slave

“You just think about your own family, your own son, your own daughter, or grandchildren who might be, the next time they go to a doctor, the subject of some medical experiment that they are not even told about. I do not think there can be many things more un-American than that

Do you regularly suffers from headaches that you think is migraine? When you go out, do you notice an increase in pedestrian that feels like mobbing you or sorrounding you which follows a commotion? Do you normally hear noise from cars being slammed or a barking dogs when getting out of the house? Have you been subjected to a regular stressful situation at work that happens several times? Have you been diagnosed with depression? Do you feel pain in different parts of your body particulary when exposed to electrical appliances like TV, microwave oven, radio, computers? And do you noticed hearing voices mostly coming out from faucet while water dripping or heating vents other than your own?

These are a common signs of a TI, short for targeted individual.The web-site, organized stalking Nanaimo, has a more detailed information about the signs of TI, it also provides statistics about the criminal harasment reported to the police, 10,756 incidents of criminal harassments where 13 percent involves multiple harassers.

If you review the TI symptoms and you realized that you have experienced most of it, you have to brace yourself for a long haul because this is just the start of a long journey of discovery. You maybe in an early stage of harassment or maybe in a later stage, where high tech devices are already being performed on you. You can do something about it and start taking control of your life. After you read this, you may want to continue with your research. Start with mind control and then continue with electronic harassment devices. The more you learn, the more you will realize how you can minimize the destruction your harasser will inpose on you.

The first thing you have to put down in your mind and will be your mantra is this: “You are not alone and you are not a bad person.” Organized stalking is a crime and it is against the basic principle of this country, Canada. Human rights violations is crime in Canada. Harassing an individual is a crime. Invading one’s property including destroying a person’s own property or other possessions is a crime. Defaming someone’s name, including destroying their source of income is a crime. Attacking someone with high tech device that will eventually deter some one’s well being including their health and spiritual well being are crimes.

After you realized all the downfall that happens in your life, you’ll realized that all the hardship and pain are all NOT your fault. You’re mind has been attacked and your judgement has been manipulated. You will then have the chance to face your harasser and make the necessary decision to minimize their evil motives. By the later stage of being a TI, your harasser, mostly known as the “perp” short for perpetrator (I call them “Crerp,” short for crazy perp, as they are really crazy bunch), will use V2K (voice to skull) visibly. As they will assume possession. You will realized that they have been using this machine most of the harassements stages as they whisper commands in low frequency that you think it was you talking. This is the reason why most of your decision in life has been skewed with your eventual downfall, job loss, health loss, relationship gone. Upon discovering this, your perp will most likely identified themselves and you will most of the time have the opportunities to converse with them. These converstations mostly are to modify their protocol or techniques of daily harassments. Their main motive is to get your emotional reactions, embarassment or guilt, on specific trigger. Trigger that they will induced in your mind, through words or visual, awake or even in your dreams.

With your research, you will learn how to combat this and you will have to adopt some of the techniques to your own personal situation. You will also realized that this is not just one group harassing one individual, you will find out that you are not alone. TIs around the world are probably doing the same thing as what you are doing now, researching about the same things your are experiencing. This is a global crime involving different segments in society which includes the medical community, so if you think of consulting your doctor about your health symptoms specially your lack of sleeps and very weak immune systems, I would suggest you think twice. Many TIs have been misdiagnosed and most even committed suicide due to prescibed depression drugs that increase the possibility of suicide while being mentally harassed.

Fear is the first thing you will have to learn to fight. As they will control all your decision whether your basic needs like when to eat or even your basic hygiene needs. The best way to combat this is when they command you to make some “poo” tell them “sure this is for you.” or if they command you to take a shower, just say, “sure, to get rid of the filth you spew in me.” You may also just ignore them as what I normally do and just look at it as reminder like a personal secretary. They are there to impose their supposed to be “power” over you as if they think they “own” you. Remember you are a human being and not a puppet, slave, a pet or a thing.

Fear is a negative way of thinking, the secret is always think positive. And always think of the positive twists. As they harass you mentally, laugh at them. You will learn later on how to filter their harassments as they will continue their scripts and you will be familiarized with their routines. As you learn more with OSEH, short for organized stalking and electronic harassment, you will find out how to minimize the destruction and pain the harasser has been imposing on your well being over the years. Getting mad is the first emotions they wanted to see. It will be wrong not to cry or show emotions as people who are close to you maybe involve but you will pass this stage and learn how fight on and move on with your life.

Learning to alleviate the pain from electronic harassment is the first stage of your discovery. Wearing thick coat and a hat while sleeping, to protect your head and body parts during the electronic attacks are one options. Some sites suggest techniques on how to cover your sleeping area with anti-radiation materials but this will cost you. Finding an area far from electronic grid lines, vents or appliances like fridge also helps. With this attacks, your health is at utmost importance, so you will have to find ways to make yourself healthy. With all this information, you will have to make one important realization, your life has been taken away from you. You will have to take it back. While this maybe an impossible tasks, this will be the most challenging test for you, as a human being.  Some important sites to start your research:

From the interview done by radio host Greg Szymanski, Julliane McKinney elaborated the TI phenomenon that are happening globally.

How does DEW direct energy weapon being used to TI? In order for DEW be used, harasser needs to see where is the targets, most use imagery device, miniature cameras, microphones, info-red imaging device. Softwares can be downloaded to PC or laptops to emitt DEW. Microwave powers are connected to electronic grid lines. Microwave energy is only one aspect of the entire electro-magnetic frequency spectrum and it can be lethal, has to be pulp while emmitting energy to avoid the target being cook.

Most TI are not a threat to national security, TIs are lucrative talents for experimentations. Neighbours are solicited, segments of society are being hired and harassments are being financed and biddings are being held for each contracts from different groups.

It is impossible for TI to find peace as harassments are 24/7 for all the TI’s lives. Surveillance are being done by entering someone’s property and investigation are being done to create a pattern. Preliminary stalking are done to soften TI followed by electronic harassments.

Common description for TI: for women: too independent, too intelligent, tend to live alone, predominantly career minded. For men: smaller proportion, high profensity to lie, low self-esteem, lack of religion.

TI must not look for a reason or the “WHY.” Because TI are targetted for the following reasons: To capture a percentage of populations to control to eventually install a dictatorship. Testing the latest weaponry. To control and choreograph the harassment techniques as TI are just disposable objects.

If upon medical check-up your doctor declared they can’t figure out what is wrong with you, they’re part of harassment and it would be good decision not to take any medication they may prescribed.

Why Harass an individual? Harassers see the activity as being part of the community as a sense of oneness. Harassment can be broadcast globally for entertainment purpose and for identification of TI.

Harassment activities are constantly modify to suit a protocol as TI reacts to specific trigger.

There are no laws prohibiting the use of this weaponries. Harassment are global in scope and virtually identical.

Harasser belongs to one religion and TI normally don’t belongs to any religion.

Moving to another cities are just a waste of time as Harassments are globally wired and protocols follows TI wherever they go.

There is an increase of OSEH since early 1990s as technologies developed and has not changed after 9/11.

For the complete interview, CLICK HERE.


best wishes n love lots


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