Years ago I was harassed by a bank i had a credit card account in. I made online purchases that were deducted by the gateway but were rejected by the merchant so the funds were supposed to be reverted. When I called customer service, I was informed it will be returned the next pay period, with the my monthly charges deducted. The next payment cycle, they didn't return it. Again, another purchase went the same way, it was deducted, the purchase did not push thru. I called again and I was informed they will but offset my next months' charges from the reversals.
This coincided with my transfer to another place since I was being harassed in that building (plus somebody broke into the unit by removing the aircon chute cover).
The next thing I knew, family members were telling me somebody was calling the house non-stop, saying rude things, claiming they are from the credit card company, threatening legal action. I asked why, they said the callers left a number to call.
They said they handle the legal matters of the company and that my account has been forwarded to them because it was already the third month and I haven't paid the 2 months of my monthly charges. I told them I was instructed the reversals on my account will offset the monthly charges (the monthly charges were but minimal compared to the amount charged to my account which was supposed to be returned because no purchase was actually made. The transaction wasn't fulfilled).
I also asked them why, if there were any change in the agreed-upon reversal, I was not informed. They also did not give me the bills for that period. Not in the place I left. Not in the permanent address where they send my bank records to. They could contact me to harass me yet they could not contact me to inform me about the reversals they were supposed to offset nor send me my bills so I would know what happened? (The one calling was so rude he told me I should not get credit cards if I can not pay and that I was a liar, etc.... I told him he could so easily check with their records if they indeed sent me any bill because I have already checked with the building I used to stay in and the personnel said all mail meant for me are being returned to the sender since I left).
*** I have to indicate one important thing here which I will discuss in another entry. I have discovered a pattern which may prove to be VERY, VERY IMPORTANT.
The owner of the unit I rented has the same surname as the people who are figuring in the economic harassment being done on me, and the person who told me to beware of landlords who install cameras for voyeuristic and commercial purposes. He said such landlords sell access to the cameras on a pay-per-view basis to buddies who are into said voyeuristic addiction. He said they cover such cases in the field he is in.
What do I discover years later?
This office mate who told me it is so easy to hack my account without anyone knowing who actually did it because it can be pinned on someone else, IS WORKING in the very office of an owner who shares the same surname as the landlord of the place I rented.
And there's more.
One of his colleagues - a top honcho there - has in his linkedin a description taken off the letter I send to my clients. I will write about this in another entry because there are a lot of people with this surname connected to the harassment.
I was trying to trace who in my circle has a connection to this family and what do I find? Person #2 and person #1.
More about this on another entry but suffice it to say, they asked me for a very large amount of money and they did so by harassing me and calling the house of my family members non-stop. I did not know any better back then. They were but starting to escalate the economic harassment at that time so I had no idea what was happening. Initially. just to stop the harassment and the rude attacks , I agreed to settle the entire amount in installments, with the agreement they would stop adding interest. However, after a number of payments, I noticed it was not decreasing but instead the amount was getting bigger. That's when I started to notice what was going on.
Then I remembered what a cousin and an uncle by affinity told me about the nature of their work (the latter worked in a company dating back to my young years that gave them the avenue to do a background check and credit investigations, a company which I found out later is owned by a person who figures in on this entwined stories). Their work is to do credit investigations and to exact payment from people for companies they represent. They are not lawyers but company agents. They try all sorts of tacks , mostly threats, to get people to pay. That's when I realized what was happening.
I called the company, asked them why they continued adding to the charges , not following the agreement.
I told them I already wanted to talk to the top executives in the bank. I asked for the number (I can't contact the bank, I am but directed to customer service and customer service is instructed to direct me back to this third party company). I told them I wanted to talk to the bank's lawyers so they could check that they forwarded my account to legal and charged me such a huge amount for their fees when they were supposed to be giving me back reversals.
They said they could not do that. They are making money off the legal cases forwarded to them so they can't help me with contacting the bank.
I said it's not right, the contract i had was with the bank, not them, why can't I talk to the bank?
They threatened if I do not continue to give them the installment, they would file a case.
That's when I finally said I've had enough. "Okay, tell me the name of your lawyer, give me your address and I will go there."
They said I need not do that anymore and stopped the harassment.
Months or a year after, when I finally told somebody about the harassment I went through, coincidence of coincidences occurred!
I received a mail saying they have selected me for a condonation program whatever - and have lowered the charges to the actual rate I only had to pay, about 200,000 or so lower than what they were charging me. Since the charges already reflect my actual credit card transactions, I agreed to pay it in full AFTER YEARS OF TORMENT, of harassment, of destroying my persona in the people they called and harassed as well (house of my kins and my previous office).
*** I noticed that they have also done the same thing to people in my circle who they know have money and who were a bit more understanding of me as others were.
The link to the bank I only know about?
THE ROMANTIC PARTNER OF PERSON #1. He's a programmer / top honcho (?) in this bank's regional branch in another country.
And an office mate who went on board the company I was in at that period I was sent the condonation mail by the bank.
1. This colleague had some work mates meet with "his aunt". This got my attention when he mentioned this because that's the time he also mentioned his bet amounted to 150,000.
He's from the same place being indicated by #1 as the town she took her college education in.
2. He is friends with and connected to another girl colleague. The girl's EX is this colleague's cousin, so their connection goes way back even before they became my work mates.
The girl's ex apparently comes from the same school I came from, and the same exclusive group I was supposed to be a part of but did not join, as per the GF.
The girl colleague is the one benefiting from the accounts and projects that are mine but I am being blocked from taking. I also read in one of her posts that she met with people closely linked to my business partners at a time when I could not communicate with anyone because I was being blocked from accessing my real account, and I was chained by the same circumstances I am in now.
I discovered before that she has tagged my name so every time the clients will look for me, they would find her, too. Quite an unethical tack.
More on this in another entry.