I am not completely sure but a friend who used this product called Thera Clear 24.00 120 capsules claimed that it cleaned out his many parasites etc. being aimed at him through his vents. This and other products like it to cleanse out bad stuff can be found on Amazingherbs.com internet. It is an Anit-Parasite Formula. Hope you all look this site up. Thkyou, CarolB
All Posts (12221)
friendship is power
combined by just two
die for one another
soul mates through and through
in times of trouble
through pain and through tears
your friend is there with you
for the rest of your years
when you face pressure
through times of your life
that very same friend
will help you through striffe
through thick and through thin
a friend is bestest of all
generosity and love
wont let you fall
good times and bad
your friendship complete
nothing much better
so stay on your feet
even when you think
things are so right
your friend perks you up
in the day or at night
so if you have this friend
bare this in mind
for best days and bad
another friend like this
you shall not find
best wishes n love lots
sleep deprivation
a killer indeed
cant think straight
memory loss freed
clumsy and forgetfull
throughout the whole day
no time to be happy
not like mars
helps you work rest and play
just 24 hours of been
tortured no sleep
wish i could count to 100
forget counting the sheep
this is torture from hitlers regine
simplicity in life
dont be so mean
they keep you awake to
terroise you
theyve even got power
to give you the flu
the lack of sleep takes
years off your life
so tired to have a girlfriend
or even a wife
sharpest pains stop you from
without sleep
life has no meaning
cry so much
am sick of this weeping
all cos the bastards
stopped me from sleeping
best wishes n love lots
alone is isolation
which is not very nice
sat in all day
what a dull life
no one to see
except go to
the shops
all because of the perps who are cops
stop you from sleeping
make you feel dazed
believe when i say this
as they beam down there rays
they cook your legs
and other parts too
all of this to isolate you
not to worry
will not shed no tears
feels like i have known
peacepink ppl for years
the fear,the pain
to put you in a state
so i cant go and see my mates
not have a drink in the pub just at home
to isolate me so i am all on my own
best wishes n love lots
an angel protects you through body and mind
something so precious and hard to find
where there is evil
theres also some good
so think always possitive
i always could
protection is needed
throughout our lives
something with out you can not survive
just when you think
enough is enough
there comes the angel
from heaven above
surrounds you with warmth
and makes you feel great
clears all your bad thoughts
of just pure hate
so before you think
i cant take it no more
dont do nothing stupid
nor break the law
plug up some courage
and dont feel so sad
that angel above
the best friend you had
best wishes n love lots
peace is a whisper
with so much bliss
no thoughts
no pain
a whispering kiss
a feather falling softly
swirling into the breeze
your mind laid to rest
the wind in the trees
not feeling stressed
just relexation at best
sit and get comfy
just have a rest
if all the world had this
feeling of calm
a simple touch
like a feather on your palm
a whispering blow
the feather falls to the floor
so light and so perfect
couldnt picture at all
you close your eyes
darkness and all
mind is now free
cos of the feather that falls
whispers are best
a hush and a moan
peace here at last
sleeping alone
just like sleeping
all quiet and so dark
like a summers day
relaxing in the park
your suddenly
awoken and the noise is so bad
was peace just a whisper
or just a that dream i had
best wishes n love lots
all poems are mine
Exocortex, Mind Uploading, Mind Control, The fatal consequences related to research
An exocortex is a theoretical artificial external information processing system that would augment a brain’s biological high-level cognitive processes.
An individual’s exocortex would be composed of external memory modules, processors, IO devices and software systems that would interact with, and augment, a person’s biological brain. Typically this interaction is described as being conducted through a direct brain-computer interface, making these extensions functionally part of the individual’s mind.
Individuals with significant exocortices could be classified as cyborgs or transhumans.
Living Digital provided one description of the concept:
While [the traditional concept of] a cyborg has included artificial mechanical limbs, embedded chips and devices, another interesting concept is the exocortex, which is a brain-computer interface. In theory, the exocortex would be a computer-like processing system that would co-exist with and enhance the power of the human brain. Neuromancer is a book that has talked about such a scenario.[1]
The Fatal Consequences Related To Research
Online-connected brains and neural networks.
“ICT” = Information and Communication Technologies
“BMI” = Brain Machine Interface, brain-computer interconnection
“FET” = Future and Emerging Technologies
“S.T.” = Synthetic Telepathy
“A.I.” = Artificial Intelligence.
FET and ICT research and development (of the new “computer – brain language”) allows computers to read and learn human thought patterns by using injectable brain – machine – interface.
About the same brain-machine interface has has been used to cure Parkinson’s disease , Alzheimer’s and depression can also be used for accessing the brain’s memory.
The new software for the brain-machine interface in nano electronics combined with “Europe’s new information technology” provides the researchers with the possibillities for reading and taking “software images” of the brain’s neuron network.
A method that provides high-resolution copies of the brains cognitive behavior and human perception.
Tomorrow’s high-speed computers and related research has evolved into a sophisticated “computer game” with “mind reading” on real people….
These research methods are unknown to our society’s legal system!
So how can research on the brain by “serious” (criminal) organizations in ICT-FET be stopped?
SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY for medicine or mind reading is a direct communication with nanoelectronics between computer and human brain.
Synthetic telepathy is a communication system based on thought, not speech.
It can be used to control for example a prosthesis and cure diseases such as Parkinson’s disease but can also decode the patterns used to study cognitive behavior such as memory, learning and emotion. With nano technology, the digital information can be recorded using the new quantum-inspired computers.
Simulation of behavior can be identified and provide diagnostic data for identifying the precursors to diseases such as dementia, stroke and myocardial infarction
This letter is intended to demonstrate a paradox in the Swedish so-called “protection of human rights” and thus the entire Swedish justice system. Synthetic telepathy could, as practiced in Sweden, lie behind an unknown number of violent crimes and suicides due to research deliberately kept hidden from regulators.
Doctors and psychiatrics diagnose people with “voices in his head” following their “manuals”. DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) published by the American Psychiatric Association and the ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Disorders and Related Health Problems).
This is an old-fashioned black and white and diagnose when the EU priority FET ICT research and develop new information technologies adapted to nano-electronics.
Ulf Gorman writes in the book that with nano technology, we open the doors to an unknown area where we do not know how to apply ethics. What should be and what should not be allowed when you implant a chip that can both read and influence the brain? He takes the example of studying learning and memory.
Micro Implants can provide unprecedented opportunities to understand how we learn and remember things, and hence why we forget and find it difficult to learn. And it can be understood as a form of abuse to look like that into our most private mental world.
Lund University writes about the development of nano-electrodes that can both listen and communicate with neuronal synapses and their cell membranes.
EU priority ICT and FET research are talking about a “A whole new communication technology in Europe” “It will help us understand and exploit the ways in which social and biological systems, organization and evolution, will pave the way for the development of new opportunities for next-generation software and network technologies “. To understand how the human brain works not only leads to innovations in medicine but also provides new models for energy, fault-tolerant and adaptive computing technologies “. An initiative of the Virtual Human Physiology that are individually tailored and virtual simulations of the human body where you would expect enormous progress in disease prevention and health care. The pioneering work carried out also on new ideas such as artificial living cells, synthetic biology, chemical communication, collective intelligence and two-way interface between brain and machine
Other sources, e.g The UCI (University of California Irvin. Department of Cognitive Science) describes the development of Synthetic Telepathy:
Collaboration between cognitive science, neuro-science, specialists in speech recognition and brain imaging will develop a brain-machine interface. This device could help paralyzed and soldiers would be able to send messages directly from the brain to a computer.
Researcher Michael D’Zmura, President of the UCI describes that the system begins with “the little voice in your head“.
How can a medical diagnosis unequivocally describe people’s perception of voices in their head and that no alternative can exist except mental disease.
Why? -because it is a prerequisite to be able to “hear” voices for the use of new information technology?
This is why these researchers must be forced to go public and announce this new scientific communication technology.
This paradox must be investigated immediately.With the exclusion of the development of a Swedish and European military force with superior two-way “radio” communication with the brain.
A number of past court cases are more or less directly caused by S.T. This “voice to skull” technology must immediately be taken into consideration as an alternative for triggering a number of previously committed violent crimes and suicides.
During the development of BMI, software and network technologies are also computerized and long distance imaging of peoples cognitive behavior and perception. Material that is recorded in the computer that runs the real time simulation and creation of artificial intelligence (for initializing A.I. and computerized decision making.)
The image of the brain’s “machine-code” is probably the most comprehensive and advanced ever made. Cognitive behavior depicted and simulated, language and meaning of the words for the subjects are identified. Human perception and mapping how the brain handles information, the image of mathematics reached its perfection.
Around the clock the computerized study goes on using collective, artificial intelligence and self-learning systems. The victims testimonies tells us that you can sadly conclude unequivocally that the studies will not be completed until the victim in one way or another has been broken down and / or otherwise inactivated.
This provides power to simulate decomposition for the digital copy thus the fact that the criminal research will not end and is never disclosed.
Descriptions to the vulnerable people who eat psychotropic drugs due to their experiences the experiments and testing goes on, various medicines can affect the “test objects” (or guinea pigs) everything is recorded and compared with previous values (from the multi-annual copy of their real-time neural network and thus the registration of their behavior.)
Obviously this is a disgusting and illegal way to meet the advanced development of tomorrow’s medicine.
The “studies” have resulted in enormous damage to many subjects.The number of unrecorded victims/subjects is probably very high.Families are fragmented, the children of these families are suffering tremendously. One of the subjects have recently been hospitalized with a cracked skull, caused by disconnecting the balance system remotely. The accident occurred in public settings.
To influence the balance system is another typical example of how technology is used against the victim to incapacitate them for society. Direct assassination attempts on several previous occasions orchestrated by the brain control deliberately strikes out the human balance system, Why this happens is likely as an alternative to the mentally ill to be treated (as “possessed”) or having a neurological disease.
Brain – copying with BMI and broadband access is definitely no longer a marginal research.Employers have over the years lost millions of dollars and cut-downs is to be expected due to excluded employees. Broken families, children who, years later can not study or work is now forced to seek psychiatric care.
Siblings, grandparents and their closest friends are suffering tremendously. Advanced Medical and hospital care due to study design is a mockery of health-care and doctors who are not familiar with this research. Insurance in the multi-million figures was raised through direct damage caused by brain control. Property for millions of dollars are lost.
Injuries and privacy intrusion of thousands of people is done through “volunteers” that serve as multimedia machines i.e node for the recording of all contacts they have, such as politicians, scientists, lawyers, friends, acquaintances, relatives, international business relations, etc..
Security codes, access codes, etc. is with the new technology no longer private.How can we know that people are not equipped with the new brain-machine interface which makes the person a multimedia application with a function as a live missile is already deployed as nodes in the political and financial world of illegal recording of their conversations with the world?
A sinister JOY seems to embrace the researchers and perpetrators over this superior and powerful tool for mind control and copying brainwave patterns. The tool is, without a doubt, a weapon of offense and stealth.
Implant technology in these forms should immediately be classified as a lethal weapon! It communicates directly with the brain’s neurons and can bring the entire neural nervous system to a halt.(Exclusion of balance can be immediately implied on a victim.)
The technology is now used for purposes of breaking down the persons psyche, with serious accusations, threats, mock execution, incitement to suicide, physical violence, e.g, decrease and increase heart rate, pain in and around the heart, severe chest pains, sudden and painful headaches, difficulty to breathe, tampering with rectum, prostate and muscles to name a few.
The macabre in the use of this technology is that subjects are exposed to these atrocities while the society is not legally able to influence the situation. Sweden is in this matter a lawless country where the researchers grossly exploit the situation.
This ultimate humiliation has reached a whole new level. The researchers tries with the enforced communication and slow decomposition enslave people with exhortations to try to see the individual results of the brain control. One can calculate due to the nature and perennial perspective that there are naturally a unrecorded number of people who have been driven to madness and death with this technology.
There is nowhere the victims can hide or escape the access signals to their thoughts. Scientists simulate with computers, 24/7 365 days a year to break down the subjects and stop them from trying to understand what’s happening to them…
A series of grotesque roles played in order to manipulate the brain, threats and statements that are mixed with modern technology. It is also in the researchers’ strategy to make the picture unclear for the subjects if they attempt to get an overall picture of who the perpetrator is and the real goals of the research, a military strategy conducted by veterans and experts in the matters.
The disrespectful research performed and visualized in a 3D virtual game world in the researchers’ computers, with no ethical boundaries and human rights but with real living human beings as “avatars”. It is quite similar to the popular interactive game “The Sims‘, But this game delivers human reality-based measurement data for research.
Cover-up of brain monitoring technologies means that the crime is waterproof, human rights laws and manipulated by a hidden militant regime researcher with expertise in information technology. In addition, the researchers say they in the dialogue to be the police power which in itself is an extremely serious offense.
For the victims- former high-performance hard-working people with families, children, an orderly life and social contacts. People who all his life been performing taxpayers. Because of a work-related mental fatigue and time on medical therapy sessions with the scientists the opportunity to take advantage of the situation of persons for investigation and contemporary development of the new BMI and brain monitoring technologies.
As these technologies and opportunities are not announced, but several instances re-written, must be able to use knowledge and skills which are available. Sweden is a small country and the people engaged in this activity may not be so difficult to identify and stop.
The researchers in these studies have assumed the right that during the permanent reproduction of human neurotransmitters in the long term also destroy them and their life’s work. The issue is called for; How affected society to know that the violent crime and suicide has been performed in the Stockholm area and Europe in recent years and clearly diagnosed as being caused by mental illness with the voices in heads is an expression of pure brain research!
By: Magnus Olsson
Read Moore on : http://www.mindcontrol.se/
A call to update mental health diagnosing: The DSM unreality!
- October 7, 2012
- By: Suzanne LeBoeuf
Related topics
In the continuing saga of reporting energy-based technologies used as weapons to harm certain targeted persons, the cross-over sharing of information between a variety of disciplines is needed more than ever before.
For example, the psychiatric manual to diagnose patients has undergone more changes and the DSM-5 will soon be published but may not be more accurate, but may be becoming more archaic, instead. Already, people complaining about torturous “voices” jamming their brains against their wills have been written off as being “psychotic” and schizophrenic. Let’s look at how these components are looked at from a psychiatrist’s point of view.
When a person is seen by a psychiatrist or psychologist who reports “hearing voices” that someone is putting into their minds somehow, this person is not taken seriously that this may truly be happening. The doctor may describe their patient as having “thought insertions” or “thought alienation”. Patients may believe that broadcasts from a radio or TV are being put into their heads in “thought broadcasting”. Ideas described as being stolen from the mind is labeled “thought depreivation” and these people are usually diagnosed as being schizophrenic, and often further catagorized as being of certain types, such as the paranoid type.
However, if there were a sharing of information among different disciplines such as psychology also learning about neurotechnology and specifically about frequency-wave technologies and how these effect the body, a whole new world of diagnostics of the human mind would emerge. A more accurate world based on more accurate reality, rather than one that potentially benefits criminal uses of technology.
A resistance to change, of anything that might challenge the towers of power in the mental health profession may contribute to the lack of transparency of some of the real causes of “symptoms” that may be mimicing the effects of horrific electromagnetic energies that are as heinous as any Nazi torture of the past.
It may simply be true that the world of mental health has not been given the exposure to wireless technologies that may be used to harm someone via remote control.
Having the ability and strength to go against the grain of the establishment can also be daunting. It is hard to be taken seriously when saying the exact same things their patients are saying and calling this “directed energy technology” can make a clinician look foolish. However in the face of such devastation of human lives this has to be done.
Of course there is a potential falsehood of reasoning for the need to protect electromagnetic energy weapons for the sake of “national security“. National security seems to hold the highest hand on protecting secrets of the U.S. We spend billions of dollars on the “security” and secret departments of our nation since 9/11′s events that destroyed New York’s Twin Towers. Homeland Security has sprung out of “terrorism” developing “security” technologies that potentially can be used to harm society, instead. The military has held an ongoing special interest in mind-manipulating technologies.
Technology that utilizes human brain waves can potentially be of help to society. Neuroengineering is a field that learns how the brain functions and how to “rewire” the brain and at the same time fears of “remote neural monitoring” have sprung up in articles by citizen journalists like this one. Secrets of technology that can wipe out the human brain or body can alternatively wipe out certain groups of people or potentially hold our government hostage when allowed to propagate and go unscrutinized or unmonitored by officials.
A cross-over sharing of technology among public officials, independent journalists as well as the field of mental health would produce better public policy that works to aid society, not harm it. Investigating neurotechnologies as well as weapons utilizing the electromagnetic spectrum would certainly add a whole new dimension to the current health care debate.
In many people’s opinions, health care and public safety are lifesaving issues that should be investigated and reevaluated. Paying for health care when there is some potential that energy-based technologies can potentially harm the health of U.S. citizens seems self-defeating, and a waste of taxpayer time and money.
Petitions against using human beings as guinea pigs for electromagnetic experimentation and targeting like this one can be found when the public knows what to search for. Human rights activists have much to do in the face of all the people from around the world being ignored for providing citizen reports that they are being harmed through electromagnetic energy weapons.
The field of mental health is only a beginning in the need to get to the truth and to change the health of society, as well as to protect citizens.
—– More information can be found here.
Original: http://www.examiner.com/article/a-call-to-update-mental-health-diagnosing-the-dsm-unreality
read moore on: http://mindcomputers.wordpress.com/
Politically planned violations of human rights goes on in all EU-nations, directed to increase state power and reduce human influence. In Sweden, the FOI (Swedish Defense Research Institution) has for decades been developing remote control systems for our neurological functions, via bio-chips injected at health care. In FOI:s annual report, they describe the project as monitoring and changing the cognitive functions of people throughout their life span, i.e. thoughts, perception and common sense.
Sweden’s most dangerous criminal organization. The FOI ruins both democracy and human rights by connecting the human brain to supercomputers.
The EU-Commission’s Ethical Council chaired by the Swedish Professor Goran Hermerén, in 2005 delivered a 30-page document in protest to the EU-Commission. They declared that this technology was a threat to both democracy and human autonomy in all EU-nations:
“Brain-computer interface, or direct brain control:the technologies involved are communication technologies: they take information from the brain and externalize it…Freedom of researchers may conflict with the obligation to safeguard the health of research subjects…the freedom to use implants in ones body, might collide with potential negative social effects…How far can such implants be a threat to human autonomy when they are implanted in our brains?…How far should we be subject to the control of such devices by other people using these devices?…The use of implants in order to have a remote control over the will of people should be strictly prohibited…To what extent will this technology be misused by the military?”
FOI Director Jan-Olof Lind,cheif of the institution founded on the raping of humans. He should be held legally responsible for crimes against human rights.
This planned population project, does not only remove human rights, but transforms us via behavioral manipulation with invasive brain technology. FOI wrote in its program: “We have unique tools and methodologies for the modeling of human behavior…The goal is to design systems able to exploit human cognitive potential (i.e. the ability to perceive, understand and organize information) throughout the course of a person’s life time…Regardless that the consequences of this for people are strong physical burden to bear, it includes as well a risk of serious injury”.
The systems function via two-way radio communication, implants and supercomputers. The EU-board wrote: “How far should we let implants get ’under our skins’?…Indeed, individuals are dispossessed of their own bodies and thereby of their own autonomy. The body ends up being under others’ control. Individuals are being modified, via various electronic devices, under skin chips and smart tags, to such an extent that they are increasingly turned into networked individuals…Does a human being cease to be such a ’being’ in cases where some parts of his or her body – particularly the brain – are substituted and/or supplemented by implants?”
Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt has accepted the use of humans in experimental reserach and behavioral manipulation. He has also supported FOI´s declaration of abuse of humans in the name of science.
This is a cause of both madness, and anti-social trends in our societies. The brain project has been developed in secrecy for decades; the mentally ill have been put to sleep and implanted with electrodes in their brains and hospitals are injecting brain chips into unwitting patients on a large scale.
Another view of the military conquest of the brain. The Department of Defense has taken over the Karolinska Institute´s neuroscience, and FOI-managers direct the operations. A similar relationship exists for other parts of Karolinska Institute, which is controll
The threat to human rights, freedom and a civilized society could not be more serious or totalitarian. It does not only place a person behind an iron curtain, but create a brain barrier for one’s own thoughts and personality. The project utilizes many forms of research; biological experiments, neuroscience, social engineering, personality modification etc. This is a techno-political agenda for the future that goes a step further than any traditional dictatorships ever has done. It intends to transform us into biological machinery and exploited guinea pigs. 40 years ago, the Swedish state report Choosing Future by Alva Myrdal quoted that people would have small chances of protecting their rights, regarding to the behavior technology. Said quote is from the official state report,SOU 1972:59:
“Research into brain function and behavior is designed primarily to clarify the nature and extent of the changes that can be achieved with the different methods and thus provide information on new opportunities to alleviate human suffering, and new risks of control and modification of behavior against peoples will.”
Several leading professors have suggested that antisocial trends have been spread through these military brain systems. TheEU-Ethical Council asked what danger the military constituted. In fact, they are the central factor in the game of the human brain. Fredrik Reinfeldt had even before he became Prime Minister, made up his mind to stand for the FOI’s abuse. He did the same 2007, after forming the new government; he reaffirmed his opinion concerning this matter.
I, Eric R Naeslund has written this paper and formed the accuse. Also supported a network including journalists, organizations and brain activists in a joint project to bring the issue to media attention and everybody´s knowledge.
For the last 40 years and without practically any media attention, there has been an ongoing debate within the state regarding the brain technology. A former Director General of Data Inspection, Stina Wahlstrom, took up the subject in relation to human rights in the annual book 1989-1990. She wrote:“Obviously, research must include the same ethical values that are generally the basis of law in our society…It is necessary to limit the research and this restriction is needed in a democratic society… People’s integrity has been violated which often means, unwittingly or unwillingly being forced to participate in a research project. Legislation for such coercion does not belong in a democratic society.”It was written 20 years ago, yet it has been developed as far that the 12 members of the European Ethical Council stated: “…when these implants are within our own brains.”This is a threat intended to include all of us in experimental research and behavioral manipulation.
A Prime Minister who accepts the secret brain project, has also launched a battle against people’s fundamental freedom and human rights. In Fredrik Reinfeldt’s state, it is important to repeat terms like ‘justice’ and ‘the open society’ as indoctrinated concepts, to hide the reality of building even higher walls of coercion and censorships, than any previous despot has done. Metaphorical impenetrable barbed wire fences that are – to replace freedom with control – being steadily created in more people’s brains, to replace freedom, with control. The State’s ravaging has FOI as its spearhead. Several times they declare, not only to accept destruction of humans, but also that certain research is actually based on causing harm, suffering and trauma in people. FOI’s takeover of key components of the Karolinska Institute has facilitated the professors and researchers’ projects. A neuro-professor stated in a speech, they couldn’t avoid creating diseases and death amongst those they misused. A scary reality that is not uncommon.
In order to describe the subject from an international perspective, New York Times have had the courage to challenge the U.S. government’s covert brain project. Accusing the Pentagon and the CIA of perpetrating the same systems of persecution as the Defence Departments within the EU, they published three political editorials, 50 articles and demanded better knowledge and a public debate. The first editorial was published in 1967 under the heading Push Button People. They warned of the possibility of enslaving the brain and wrote that it was likely; some nations had plans to suppress its citizens by brain technology. The second came in 1970 under the newly formed term Brain Wave. They indicated that we had to update the word ‘brain washing’ to ‘brain waving’, and assumed that Orwell’s 1984had expired and a new and worse danger was at hand. That every newborn child’s first experience of life would be neuro surgery, to be implanted with a transmitter and for their lifetime get emotions and reasons controlled by the state. The third editorial was published in August 1977 after that the New York Times during the summer published 30 revealing articles on the CIA’s brain projects. Under the heading Control CIA Not Behavior they stated that no one knows how many were injured or killed, and they demanded legal action against those involved and financial compensation for victims.
It’s a bigger nightmare here and now, since the experimental program has developed into a permanent state operation. Senator John Glenn spent his final three years in the Senate (1994-1997) trying to regulate the abuses. In his closing speech in January 1997 he called the question for one of the most important of our time. Here we stand at one of mankind’s crucial crossroads in relation to individual freedom – vs. unlimited state power to reduce man to Governmental components. Who wants to live his life with chips and manipulated perceptions? None of course! The EU Council wrote that they wanted to give people the power against the introduction of systems to reduce freedom and autonomy. This topic, more so than any other issue, is reshaping the future, the human brain and life. It must obviously come up for debate in both parliament and the media. We all have a responsibility to contribute; journalists, social activists and of course those parliamentary members whom are opposed to brain chips, behavior control, human experimentation and undemocratic ideas, must of course make themselves heard too.
or anyone who wants more information concerning the issue – there are an extensive information material both in English and Swedish – contact
Read Mind Control: http://www.mindcontrol.se/
CNN: Your Behavior Will Be Controlled by a Brain Chip
“Smart phone will be implanted”
Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com October 9, 2012
A new CNN article predicts that within 25 years people will have embedded microchips within their brain that will allow their behavior to be controlled by a third party.
The story, entitled Smartphone of the future will be in your brain, offers a semi-satirical look at transhumanism and the idea of humans becoming part cyborg by having communications devices implanted in their body.
Predicting first the widespread popularity of wearable smartphones, already in production by Google, the article goes on to forecast how humans will communicate by the end of the century.
“Technology takes a huge leap in 25 years. Microchip can be installed directly in the user’s brain. Apple, along with a handful of companies, makes these chips. Thoughts connect instantly when people dial to “call” each other. But there’s one downside: “Advertisements” can occasionally control the user’s behavior because of an impossible-to-resolve glitch. If a user encounters this glitch — a 1 in a billion probability — every piece of data that his brain delivers is uploaded to companies’ servers so that they may “serve customers better.”
The tone of the CNN piece is somewhat sophomoric, but the notion that humans will eventually merge with machines as the realization of the technological singularity arrives is one shared by virtually all top futurists.
Indeed, people like inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil don’t think we’ll have to wait 25 years to see smartphones implanted in the brain. He sees this coming to pass within just 20 years.
In his 1999 book The Age of Spiritual Machines, Kurzweil successfully predicted the arrival of the iPad, Kindle, iTunes, You Tube and on demand services like Netflix.
By 2019, Kurzweil forecasts that wearable smartphones will be all the rage and that by 2029, computers and cellphones will now be implanted in people’s eyes and ears, creating a “human underclass” that is viewed as backwards and unproductive because it refuses to acquiesce to the singularity.
Although the CNN piece doesn’t even foresee implantable brain chips until the end of the century, Kurzweil’s predictions are far beyond this. According to him, by 2099, the entire planet is run by artificially intelligent computer systems which are smarter than the entire human race combined – similar to the Skynet system fictionalized in the Terminator franchise.
Humans who have resisted altering themselves by becoming part-cyborg will be ostracized from society.
“Even among those human intelligences still using carbon-based neurons, there is ubiquitous use of neural implant technology, which provides enormous augmentation of human perceptual and cognitive abilities. Humans who do not utilize such implants are unable to meaningfully participate in dialogues with those who do,” writes Kurzweil.
Kurzweil’s forecasts are echoed by Sun Microsystems’ Bill Joy, who in a 2000 Wired Magazine article entitled Why The Future Doesn’t Need Us, predicted that technological advancements in robotics would render most humans obsolete.
As a result the elite, “may simply decide to exterminate the mass of humanity,” wrote Joy.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
Read Nano Brain Implants: http://nanobrainimplant.wordpress.com/
Guardian Angels for a Smarter Life
Project status:Completed
Administrative contact | Address |
Tel:+41-216933978 | |
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Objective: Guardian Angels (GA) are future zero-power, intelligent, autonomous systems-of-systems featuring sensing, computation, and communication beyond human aptitudes. GA will assist humans from their infancy to old age in complex life situations and environments. Zero-power reflects system-of-systems ability to scavenge energy in dynamic environments by disruptive harvesting techniques. The project prepares zero-power technologies based on future energy-efficient technologies, heterogeneous design, and disruptive energy scavengers.
Three zero-power generations of GAs are foreseen:
- Physical Guardian Angels are zero-power, on-body networks or implantable devices that monitor vital health signals and take appropriate actions to preserve human health. - Environmental Guardian Angels extend monitoring to dynamic environments, using disruptive scavengers, personalized data communication, and first “thinking” algorithms. They are personal assistants that protect their wearers from environment dangers. - Emotional Guardian Angels are intelligent personal companions with disruptive zero-power, manmachine interfaces deployed at large scale. They sense and communicate using non-verbal languages playing an important role in health, education, and security worldwide.
This project addresses the following scientific challenges for energy-efficient visionary Guardian Angel autonomous systems: (i) energy-efficient computing (down to E=10-100kT), (ii) and communication (approaching the limit of 1pJ/bit), (iii) low-power sensing, (iv) disruptive scavenging (bio-inspired, thermoelectric, etc, targeting energy densities of tens of mW/cm2), and (v) zero-power man-machine interfaces. A selection of emerging technologies based on energy efficiency is proposed. We will also develop design tools that integrate electrical, mechanical, optical, thermal, and chemical simulation tools over length and time scales currently achievable.
Link: http://cordis.europa.eu/search/index.cfm?fuseaction=proj.document&PJ_RCN=12056151
Mind Computers: http://mindcomputers.wordpress.com/
Dr Robin B. Webster concluded with authorized facts and scientific method as follows:
"At least 70% of cases of organized stalking are real."
Mr. President of USA important remark on gang stalking was issued not long before.
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Dear Friends I have selected all the free activations brought through Michelle Manders from the Palace of Peace *TAKE*YOUR*PIC* http://www.palaceofpeace.net/ Fire In The Soul Channelling - Mary Magdalene - 17 October 2006 * Can you find a shortcut? http://www.palaceofpeace.net/ |
V Rainbow Bridge of Ascension - Kuthumi * Metatronic Ray Activation - Kuthumi - 25 May 2007 5:5:5 Ascension Day Channelling 2005 - Kuthumi - 5 May 2005
VI Core Fear Channelling & 5 Patterns of Self-Sabotage - 6 Sep 2006 Back for More? Clearing Contracts - Kuthumi - 13 Jun 2006 I can trade your soul in exchange for some 'xxx'... just sign here _________ dear ?! |
*MISSION*ASSIGNMENT* Journey into the Divinity of your Sacred Signature - Kuthumi
VI VI Subconscious Flush Channelling - Kuthumi - 9 Sep 2006 NOW SING!!
VII Geez, mon! We don't have much time... Kuthumi on Communication - revised and updated July 2012, originally channelled in 2003
Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I can't stand it! It's too easy! |
Guest Book Sign Here: ________
IX your host for this evening will be the wonderful Michelle Manders!
Time Travel Channelling - Kuthumi - 7 May 2006
Lady Nada - 9D Chakra & 99 Petalled Flower of Love Activation
Keep looking. Leave no shell unturned, no coral unexplored, & let no one in this kingdom sleep until she's safe at home.
*** Healing yourself through your Higher Self - Kuthumi I Remember
XXX Cosmic DNA 1 & 2 Activation - Kuthumi - 4 Oct 2006
*ESTA*LIOR* XI ![]() Sun Chakra Awakening with the Lions - Kuthumi ![]() Cosmic Sun Chakra Alignment - Kuthumi |
XII.XII.XII XII • Changing your drama XII • Accepting the Beauty of Life |
*GOLDEN*ORACLE*MASTER*CARD* XII2 1440 Desert Masters Gathering - Kuthumi - 13 Apr 2006 MICHELLE LIOR
THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE Charging for Services... a commonly asked question! MASTER KUTHUMI "Giving and Receiving and Charging for Services" All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders © Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 24 January 2005 "...Firstly, let us explain that the past two thousand years have been a time of limited consciousness. It has been a time where people have been told what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and why to do it. People were told what they were allowed to do and not allowed to do, and the belief systems created were based on a handful of people’s perceptions and personal belief systems of life. Therefore, some people decided charging for spiritual services was a no-no. Others decided that manifesting a direct line to Spirit and speaking to God at your own time, when you wanted to and however you wanted to, was absolutely not permitted. This group also decided that certain tools would not be revealed which would result in too much empowerment, therefore, too much knowledge and wisdom which would result in humanity evolving at a rapid rate, meaning power would be removed from them, and their lust consciousness manifested in a system of limited experience such as what you have just come out of. Many generations are still influenced by these belief systems; however, many of you are working on changing this. "Let us reiterate at this time that your world is changing rapidly. Therefore, new systems are being implemented in order to support the current system and new energy being experienced, the current new levels of evolution. Therefore, when one just gives and gives and gives without getting anything in return, there is eventually no more to give. Another vital factor to bear in mind is that you all live in a physical world. There are physical needs that you have. The material world, especially the modern material world, is very different to the way living was two thousand years ago, even five hundred years ago. What one requires in the modern living system is rather large in comparison to past needs. The needs were more simple because life was far more simple; life now is more complex, but the belief system around not receiving for spiritual services is distorted because it results in one becoming depleted. It results in damming up the flow of energy. "Energy is meant to be used. A few hundred years ago one could swap cattle or fruit and vegetables. In the modern world bringing cattle, fruit, and vegetables will not put fuel in your car or pay your mortgage, and this is how modern religion needs to become enlightened and see that times have changed. The bartering system does not exist as it did, and it is that bartering system which people still refer back to without realising that is what was utilised at that particular time. So the modern system of exchange of energy is in the form of money. This currency was created as a means to exchange energy. Money is called currency because it must flow. Water is full of currents pulling it in different direction. When there is no current, water stagnates and becomes toxic and unfit for consumption. "It is vital that you look at your own issues around deservability, your belief systems around money, and receiving and giving. Have you been taught to give without measure and never to accept a gift in return? That to take a gift is disrespectful? Have you been taught that to expect anything in return is bad, or to ask for an exchange of energy in the form of money for something you are able to provide for someone else is unacceptable, especially if it is of a spiritual or healing nature? "Priests, bishops, all received and still receive payment for their involvement in teaching people about God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church is one of the richest institutions on the planet; they are paid large sums of money and always have been. Many other churches do the same: a collection is made, the congregation donates money so that the preacher has a home, has food, has a motorcar, and most of them live comfortably, most of them, not all of them, depending on where it is that they are preaching. If you think back in this manner, you will see that that teaching has, in actual fact, been a major contradiction because as much as they were saying you cannot charge for spiritual teachings, it was and is being done all along..." "As humanity recognises its spiritual healers, helpers, advisors, etc., in the same way they recognise doctors and other professionals, you will see a major shift in the collective consciousness of humanity because the acceptance of their profession, of what they offer, will be far more freely available. Humanity will be far more giving, and because of them being far more giving, those in that kind of professional line are in a position to give more freely of their time. "Let us go back to charging for time. You live in a linear world of time because you have physical and material responsibilities. You work in time brackets; therefore, your daytime is usually set aside for work time to manifest the financial requirements needed to meet the material responsibilities in your third dimensional living experience. Whether you are a banker or a nurse, a receptionist or a cashier doesn’t matter, you are being paid for the time you are at work and for the skills you can provide..." The above quote is taken from the channeling, MASTER KUTHUMI, Giving and Receiving and Charging for Services, and is available at the Palace of Peace web site within the "Abundance" course.* For more information about this subject, this series, as well as this particular channelling, is highly recommended. All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders © ~ Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 24 January 2005. Mary Magdalene The Law of Fair Exchange and Air Gates 128 – 134 All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders © Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 22 December 2009 "...embrace your power to move beyond the fears which are your greatest obstacle to spiritual growth, especially those based on lack, limitation, and restrictive belief systems... "It is vital that all understand the importance of all the Cosmic Laws and the reason why we are beginning specifically with the Law of Fair Exchange is because all must realise that everything in the Universe must be balanced, therefore a fair exchange of energy is an essential part of maintaining balance. This law instills a deeper awareness of how you feel and how circumstances change when balance is absent and how it often impacts on one’s self-worth and inhibits the ability to live by the Law of Abundance. "Now the fair exchange of energy has many dimensions to its essence: energy continues to move, can never be destroyed, and when there is imbalance in the exchange of energy, the natural law is to bring that energy into balance. This means that you are bound to a person, people, situations, and patterns in all areas of life until the energy has been balanced, until there has been a fair exchange of energy. "There is no escaping this Cosmic Law for it is the natural order through which energy passes. The fair exchange of energy is not limited to the exchange of money passing hands, it is not limited to how it is that you extend energy to others in giving, it is vital that you understand that you need to have a fair exchange of energy with yourself in relation to certain areas of your life, therefore, if you are overdoing it in any area of your life and other parts of your life’s quadrant is lacking energy those parts, or the part of your life lacking balance will push you and challenge you and bind you to its vibration until you have brought your life into a state of balance. "There are four areas of life which one must pay attention to – they are you as an individual; it is your home, in other words your family connection; then your relationships; and your career. When these four areas of your life are in balance, the fair exchange of energy creates a harmonious grid along which all energy can flow harmoniously. "So to begin with I want all of you to honestly evaluate these four vital aspects of your life and consider where there is an imbalance, where is it that energy is lacking and has created tension, friction, and fragmentation in your life? "You as an individual have a physical body, your home and family is a physical embodiment of various energies. Your relationship with your partner is another physical embodiment of an aspect of you as is your career or whatever it is that you do in the daytime to pass your time. "Creativity is related to your career, or your work as such, therefore, if you are one who is either unemployed or retired or is not needing to take up a full-time career, you need to address your creativity, you need to look to what it is that you invest your energy in during your daytime hours. "Once you have addressed these four areas of your life, you will have a much better understanding of how it is the dynamics play out to pull your attention to areas where the fair exchange of energy has not been experienced and it is not being expressed. Once you have discovered this it is your duty to prioritise your time so that you can spread energy equally amongst those areas..." "When individuals demand something for free, when people expect to be given anything for free because they are unemployed, they are disabled, or because their life has not given them opportunities to gather wealth, and expect to be, let me rephrase this, they expect the pity of others and play on those emotions in order to get what they want. So let me tell you now, if you are going to in any way or form whatsoever indulge in or support anyone’s poverty consciousness by giving in and giving something without the fair exchange of energy, know that you are binding your soul to that person, to that situation. "I speak not of causes which entails or involves children or the elderly or those who are severely disabled or ill, that is a completely different story for their situation is authentic, they are not consciously manipulating any dynamic of energy to get something for free because they are afraid, or because they are down right lazy and have not taken it upon themselves to truly explore all avenues of life and extend their hand out to the Universe to say please show me ways to be creative and creatively bring that which I need here and now. "So, precious ones, this Cosmic Law brings an almighty challenge for all of humanity. This is the foundation for all the other laws to come and you must master it even if it is only an aspect at a time, it matters not, what is important is that your understanding of it continues to grow and that you apply it in your life. "When you exchange energy with another, not only are you balancing life, but you are honouring the value of that which has been shared with you. You have no right, and it is extremely disrespectful toward your fellow brothers and sisters to demand of them, or expect of them, to give you their energy for nothing, or to question the energy which comes through which they are giving. By this we are meaning perhaps it is a service that is offered and you question the service in terms of the energy exchange that is attached to it. If you are wanting to participate in the service or purchase whatever it is that the person or the people are offering you, then you must be willing to exchange the energy. If there is anything that you are unhappy with, then do not extend your energy out there, and that is just one simple example of millions of different examples that can be used..."
my perp actually thinks i have no choice but to pay him! this is something exceedingly DUMB. but he says i owe him for his time spent by "shaping" me. He cost all that i had over last 14 yrs, and i am supposed to pay him for this. i would like to die of his torture before paying him! he simply wiped my life out-and to pay him for this? i would not pay him 1 cent. He even has destroyed some of my loved ones, and blocked the rest of them from caring for me.
Ifi anyone knew about this site and kept it to themselves they have got to be a part of it
A remote tracking system with a dedicated monitoring center EP2047439 A2 (text from WO2008008669A2) ABSTRACT A remote tracking system is described that includes one or more remote tracking devices, where each remote tracking device including a cellular transceiver, a positioning system receiver, and a processor connected to the positioning system receiver and the cellular transceiver. A dedicated monitoring center is in communication with each of the remote tracking devices and includes a monitoring center application to process and store the location information and status information received from each of the at least one remote tracking device The monitoring center also includes agents available as an initial contact point when the monitoring center application determines that attention to a particular remote tracking device is required. The system further includes a portal through which an authorized user responsible for one or more of the at least one remote tracking device can access information related to each of the remote tracking devices. CLAIMS (OCR text may contain errors) CLAIMS What is claimed is: 1. A remote tracking system comprising: at least one remote tracking device, each remote tracking device including a cellular transceiver, a positioning system receiver operable to generate location information by receiving signals indicative of the location of the remote tracking device, and a processor connected to the positioning system receiver and the cellular transceiver, the processor operable to generate status information for the remote tracking device; and a dedicated monitoring center in communication with each of the at least one remote tracking devices using the cellular transceiver of each of the remote tracking devices, the monitoring center including a monitoring center application to process and store the location information and status information received from each of the at least one remote tracking device, monitoring center agents available as an initial contact point when the monitoring center application determines from the location information and/or status information that attention to a particular remote tracking device from the at least one remote tracking device is required, and a portal through which an authorized user responsible for one or more of the at least one remote tracking device can access information related to each of the at least one remote tracking device. 2. The remote tracking system of claim 1 wherein each remote tracking device of the at least one remote tracking device is further operable to generate alarm conditions as a result of comparing the location information for the remote tracking device to a set of programmed rules for the remote tracking device, and wherein the alarm conditions are transmitted to the dedicated monitoring center. 3. The remote tracking system of claim 1 wherein the monitoring center application is operable to generate alarm conditions as a result of comparing the location information for the remote tracking device to a set of programmed rules for the remote tracking device. 4. The remote tracking system of claim 1 wherein the dedicated monitoring center is able to initiate two-way voice communication with each of the remote tracking devices. 5. The remote tracking system of claim 1 the authorized user can modify parameters and rules for those particular remote tracking devices over which the authorized user has responsibility. 6. The remote tracking system of claim 5 wherein the monitoring center application can send the modified parameters and rules to the particular remote tracking device. 7. The remote tracking system of claim 1 wherein the monitoring center application stores biographical information for a wearer of each remote tracking device. 8. A monitoring center application for use in a remote tracking system, the remote tracking system including a plurality of remote tracking devices generating location information and status in formation and in communication with the monitoring center application, the monitoring center application comprising: a data processing function operable to process the location information and status information for each of the plurality of remote tracking devices; an alert function operable to alert an agent from a pool of agents when the data processing function determines that an alert condition exists for a particular remote tracking device; and a portal allowing authorized personnel responsible for one or more of the plurality of remote tracking devices to access the monitoring center application. 9. The application of claim 8 further comprising a setup function operable to create and modify parameters and rules for each of the remote tracking devices. 10. The application of claim 8 wherein the monitoring application also receives indications of alarm conditions from the plurality of remote tracking devices. 11. The application of claim 10 wherein the alarm conditions are rules violations determined by a remote tracking device comparing its location to a set of preprogrammed rules. 12. The application of claim 9 wherein the alarm management system can send new parameters and rules to a particular remote tracking device using the cellular transceiver of the remote tracking device. 13. The application of claim 8 wherein the monitoring center application is able to establish a two-way voice communication between a remote tracking device and the remote monitoring center. 14. The application of claim 8 wherein monitoring center application is able to activate a high decibel siren on the remote tracking device. 15. A method for tracking and monitoring a plurality of remote tracking devices in a remote tracking system, the remote tracking devices generating location information and status in formation, the method comprising: receiving the location in formation and status information from each of the plurality of remote tracking devices; storing the location and status information for each of the remote tracking devices generating alerts for an agent selected from a pool of agents based on the location information and status information; and providing access to the location information and status information to authorized users responsible for one or more of the plurality of remote tracking devices. 16. The method of claim 15 wherein receiving also includes receiving alarm conditions generated by a remote tracking device from the plurality of remote tracking devices. 17. The method of claim 15 further comprising generating an alarm condition based on the location information and/or status information from a particular remote tracking device from the plurality of remote tracking devices. 18. The method of claim 15 further comprising establishing a two-way voice communication with a remote tracking device from the plurality of remote tracking devices. 19. The method of claim 15 further comprising sending modifies parameter and rules to a remote tracking device from the plurality of remote tracking devices. 20. The method of claim 15 further comprising activating a high decibel siren in a remote tracking device from the plurality of remote tracking devices. DESCRIPTION (OCR text may contain errors) A REMOTE TRACKING SYSTEM WITH A DEDICATED MONITORING CENTER TECHNICAL FIELD [0001] The field of the present invention relates to remote tracking and communication systems and devices, and more particularly to dedicated monitoring center for use in systems for tracking and monitoring person using remote devices. A REMOTE TRACKING SYSTEM WITH A DEDICATED MONITORING CENTER BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] The Global Positioning System (GPS) is very well known as a mechanism for providing relatively accurate positioning information using small portable devices. To create a remote tracking device useful for tracking or monitoring persons GPS devices need a mechanism to transmit the location information from the GPS to a central site where a record of the person's location can be maintained. There have been several devices that have used terrestrial wireless or cellular networks coupled to a GPS engine to transmit the location data to a central repository. The GPS/cellular device can either transmit the raw GPS data over the cellular network to a central system which can then process the GPS data to determine the location of the device, or if enough processing power is built into the remote tracking device the GPS calculations can be done on the remote tracking device and the derived location information can be transmitted to the central repository. A time stamp can be associated with the location information to provide temporal context for the location information. [0003] An example of such a device is described in U.S. Patent No. 6,014,080 to Layson, Jr. The remote tracking device of Layson, Jr. includes a tamper resistant strap and housing which holds a GPS engine and a wireless data modem. The remote tracking device communicates with a central station computer using the wireless data modem and transmits the location data for the remote tracking device. The central station includes a computer which is operable to take the position information from the remote tracking device and to compare that location information against a schedule of rules and location restraints to determine if the remote tracking device has strayed from a permitted inclusion zone or has entered a forbidden exclusion zone. [0004] Another remote tracking device is described in U.S. Patent No. 6,072,396 to Gaukel. The remote tracking device of Gaukel is a two-piece device with a tamper resistant unit securely attached to the person to be monitored. The secure unit is connected to, or in communication with, a body-worn device that includes a GPS engine and a cellular modem. As with Layson, Jr., the cellular modem is used to communicate the location information from the GPS engine to a control station. [0005] Yet another remote tracking device and system is described by U.S. Patent No. 5,867,103 to Taylor, Jr. The remote tracking device of Taylor, Jr. includes a tamper detection mechanism, a mechanism for receiving a signal from a positioning device, such as a GPS satellite, and a transmitter for transmitting a signal to a central station. The system for monitoring the remote devices includes a position determining mechanism for computationally determining the location of the remote device based on the signal from the positioning device and a temporal marking mechanism for providing a time stamp associated with the location determination. [0006] While each of these devices shares a similar use of GPS and cellular or wireless data technology to gather information about the position of the remote device and to transmit information about the position to a central computer, each of these devices also suffer from the same deficiencies. Examples of these deficiencies are the lack of an ability to do anything with the information once it is received at the central computer. At most the central computers of these devices can generate messages of rules violations that can be transmitted to a parole officer or other recipient. The systems do not provide for any context for the message about the violation and do not provide for computer access to information about the remote tracking device and any violations or a monitoring center which can be contacted by the remote tracking device and the parole officer or other supervisor who has responsibility for the person being monitored. [0007] These systems pass all location data obtained from the tracking devices directly through to the parole officer or supervisor has responsibility for the person being monitored. This places the task of sorting through the mountain of location data directly on the parole officer or supervisor who may be in charge of a great number of persons being monitored. Placing such a heavy burden on the parole office or supervisor is generally undesirable and a waste of resources. [0008] Further, these systems do not allow for voice communication with the person wearing the remote monitoring device. Some of the devices described above can initiate tones or vibrations in the device in the event of a rules violation, but none have the ability to initiate voice communication between the person being monitored and personnel at a monitoring center or the persons parole officer or supervisor. [0009] Still further, these devices to not have any type of alarm system, alarm management, or alarm hierarchy which can be used to warn the person being monitored, or, as a last resort, warn those in the vicinity of the person being monitored that a violation is occurring. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0010] In one embodiment, the concepts described herein are directed to a remote tracking system. The remote tracking system includes at least one remote tracking device, where each remote tracking device including a cellular transceiver, a positioning system transceiver, or receiver, operable to generate location information by receiving signals indicative of the location of the remote tracking device, and a processor connected to the positioning system transceiver and the cellular transceiver, the processor operable to generate status information for the remote tracking device. The system also includes a dedicated monitoring center in communication with each of the at least one remote tracking devices using the cellular transceiver of each of the remote tracking devices, the monitoring center including a monitoring center application to process and store the location information and status information received from each of the at least one remote tracking device. The dedicated monitoring center also includes monitoring center agents available as an initial contact point when the monitoring center application determines from the location information and/or status information that attention to a particular remote tracking device from the at least one remote tracking device is required, and a portal through which an authorized user responsible for one or more of the at least one remote tracking device can access information related to each of the at least one remote tracking device. [0011] In another embodiment a monitoring center application for use in a remote tracking system is described, where the remote tracking system includes a plurality of remote tracking devices generating location information and status in formation and in communication with the monitoring center application. The monitoring center application includes a data processing function operable to process the location information and status information for each of the plurality of remote tracking devices, an alert function operable to alert an agent from a pool of agents when the data processing function determines that an alert condition exists for a particular remote tracking device, and a portal allowing authorized personnel responsible for one or more of the plurality of remote tracking devices to access the monitoring center application. [0012] In yet another embodiment a method for tracking and monitoring a plurality of remote tracking devices in a remote tracking system is described where the remote tracking devices generating location information and status in formation. The method includes receiving the location in formation and status information from each of the plurality of remote tracking devices, and storing the location and status information for each of the remote tracking devices. The method further includes generating alerts for an agent selected from a pool of agents based on the location information and status information, and providing access to the location information and status information to authorized users responsible for one or more of the plurality of remote tracking devices. [0013] The foregoing has outlined rather broadly the features and technical advantages of the present invention in order that the detailed description of the invention that follows may be better understood. Additional features and advantages of the invention will be described hereinafter which form the subject of the claims of the invention. It should be appreciated by those skilled in the art that the conception and specific embodiment disclosed may be readily utilized as a basis for modifying or designing other structures for carrying out the same purposes of the present invention. It should also be realized by those skilled in the art that such equivalent constructions do not depart from the spirit and scope of the invention as set forth in the appended claims. The novel features which are believed to be characteristic of the invention, both as to its organization and method of operation, together with further objects and advantages will be better understood from the following description when considered in connection with the accompanying figures. It is to be expressly understood, however, that each of the figures is provided for the purpose of illustration and description only and is not intended as a definition of the limits of the present invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0014] For a more complete understanding of the present invention, reference is now made to the following descriptions taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawing, in which: [0015] FIGURE 1 is a diagram illustrating the major elements of a remote tracking system according to the concepts described herein; [0016] FIGURE 2 is a perspective view of a remote tracking and communication device according to the concepts described herein; [0017] FIGURE 3 is a schematic view of the electrical components in a remote tracking and communication device; [0018] FIGURES 4A-C are flow charts illustrating embodiments of a data processing methods and data reporting methods using the remote tracking system; [0019] FIGURE 5 is a flow chart illustrating an embodiment of a data processing method using the remote tracking system; [0020] FIGURE 6 is a chart illustrating an embodiment of a monitoring center administration flow according to the concepts described herein [0021] FIGURE 7 is a flow chart illustrating an embodiment of a monitoring center call flow according to the concepts described herein; [0022] FIGURE 8 is a illustration of a screen shot showing an embodiment of a status monitor for a remote tracking device according to the concepts described herein; and [0023] FIGURES 9A-9J are flow charts illustrating embodiments of monitoring center application flows for the setup, assignment and modification of various aspects associated with a remote tracking system according to the concepts described herein. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0024] Preferred embodiments of a remote tracking device and monitoring system according to the concepts described herein provides for a remote tracking that includes two-way voice communication between the person being monitored and monitoring center personnel or the persons parole officer, supervisor, or other administrator. It also provides for an alarm system for the remote tracking device and associated alarm management system and alarm hierarchy which is capable of warning the offender and potentially those around the offender of a violation of the terms and conditions surrounding the monitoring. Still further, it provides for a comprehensive monitoring system that includes a staffed monitoring center and access by the parole officer, supervisor or administrator to information and tools to manage the information related to the person being monitored and the status of the person and remote tracking device. [0025] Referring now to Figure 1, a simplified diagram showing the major elements of a preferred embodiment of a remote tracking system according to the concepts described herein is shown. System 100 is used to track multiple remote tracing devices (RTDs). Each RTD 101 includes a positioning system engine, such as a global positioning system (GPS) engine, which is able to receive signals from one or more sources, either terrestrial networks or satellite network such as multiple GPS satellites 102, and to perform a location calculation based on the signals from the sources. While preferred embodiments described herein will use references to GPS, any position system engine or transceiver, terrestrial, airborne or satellite based, may be used in place of GPS according to the scope of the concepts described herein, including the Galeleo satellite tracking system. Applicant intends the use of GPS herein to be generic to any positioning system and to include all positioning systems. Location determination using terrestrial networks, satellite, or assisted satellite (using satellite signals in association with terrestrial signals such as cellular signals to provide a more precise location determination), is well known and will not be discussed further herein. [0026] In addition to a GPS engine, the RTD includes a wireless/cellular transceiver. After a location determination has been made by the GPS engine or an internal microprocessor, the location information and information indicating the status of the RTD is sent over a terrestrial network, which is preferably a cellular network, as shown by cellular network 103. In order to be useful, each position location for the RTD needs to include an indication of the time for the location. In a preferred embodiment, the RTD uses the time information contained in the GPS signals themselves to provide the time indication for the position determination, however, instead of using the time information from the GPS signal, the RTD itself may provide the time indication from an internal clock. An internal clock may also be used to provide time indications on when data packets were created and sent using the cellular connection. [0027] The information sent by the RTD over its cellular connection is received by monitoring center 104. Monitoring center 104 is preferably a staffed monitoring center providing representatives who can act as an intermediary between the person being monitored and the parole officer, supervisor or administrator with responsibility for the person being monitored. The monitoring center also includes the computer resources required to process, store and analyze the data received from the RTDs and provide the interface for the officers/supervisors/administrators to review the information in the system and to setup, modify and terminate the operating parameters for each individual RTD. [0028] Access to the information in the monitoring center is available through a web interface which connects to a network 105, such as the Internet, which allows persons with authorization 106 outside the monitoring center to access information in the monitoring centers computers. Additionally, cellular network 103 can also be used to establish two-way voice communication between the RTDs and the monitoring center, or responsible officer/supervisor/administrator. While reference is made to two-way voice communication, the term two-way is meant to encompass any interactive voice communication involving two or more parties, including three or more- way voice communication and would include conference type calls and multiparty calls. The two-way voice communications may use the same infrastructure as the data connections between the RTD and monitoring center, or may use completely different infrastructure or paths through the network than the data connections. Other third parties may also be in the voice or data path between the RTD and monitoring center to provide any number of functions, including the recording and archival of the voice communications between the RTD and monitoring center, and still be within the scope of the concepts described herein. [0029] Referring now to Figure 2, an embodiment of the physical characteristics a remote tracking device 200 according to the concepts described herein is shown in greater detail. Device 200 includes housing 201 with battery 202 removably affixed thereto. The single housing is configured to contain all electrical components necessary for tracking and communicating with the individual wearing device 200. Battery 202 provides power to the electronic circuitry within housing 201, as described below, and is preferably rechargeable. Top side 203 of housing 201 includes a first set of through ports 204. Another side 205 of housing 201 includes a second set of through ports 206. The first set of through ports 204 are configured to allow sound to pass through to a microphone (not shown) disposed within housing 201, while the second set of through ports 206 are configured to allow sound to pass outward from a speaker (not shown) which is also disposed within the housing 201. Top side 203 of housing 201 also includes two panels 207 and 208, at least one of which is configured as a rocker button to activate one or more of the electronic components described below. [0030] The rear face of device 200 includes an appropriate curvature so that it can be attached to a person's body, preferably to an ankle. Battery 202, which is inserted into the bottom side of device 200, includes a release lever (not shown) which is movable to release the battery from the housing. Each end of a strap 209 (partially shown) is secured within an extension on each side of housing 201, such as extension 210. Strap 209 and the strap connections to housing 201 are tamper resistant and include security measures intended to prevent the disconnection or severing of strap 209, or if strap 209 is severed, device 200 can provide a signal indicating the status of the strap. The strap preferably includes one or more optical fibers and/or conductive materials embedded throughout its length, each of which is exposed at either end of the strap and connected to the electronics in device 200 which can determine the integrity of the connections. [0031] Additional tamper detection may be achieved through monitoring all externally accessible fasteners, e.g., the screws affixing the pressure block to the housing, the external battery, and the like, for electrical continuity by using each fastener to complete, or as part of, an electrical circuit. [0032] Referring now to Figure 3, an embodiment of the electronic aspects of the remote tracking device is shown. The type of connection between the various components is a matter of design choice, and may vary depending upon the specific component chosen to perform for a particular function. Further, where a specific component is indicated, those skilled in the art will appreciate that the indicated component may be substituted with other, functionally equivalent components that are readily available in the marketplace. [0033] Electronics 300 includes microprocessor 301. Microprocessor 301 controls overall operation of the device according to programming stored in memory 302, which can be SRAM memory. Electronics 300 may include inputs 303, which can be inputs such as switches or buttons, are included as inputs to microprocessor 301 and can be used to input data or provide for activation of pre-designated functionality controlled by microprocessor 301. hi embodiments of the RTD, there is one button dedicated for activation of voice communications with the monitoring center. LEDs 304 are used as function and status indicators. The programming stored in memory 302 may be placed there at the time of manufacture, and additional, new or modified programming may be uploaded to the device using a wired connection via the included diagnostic interface 305, user interface 306, or wirelessly via the cellular transceiver 307 received by antenna 308. [0034] Cellular transceiver 307 may be of the GSM/GPRS variety, and may include a SIM card 309. Cellular transceiver 307 allows two-way voice and data communication between the remote device and the monitoring center 104 from Figure 1. Voice communications are further enabled by a direct connection between cellular transceiver 307 and an audio codec 310, which encodes and decodes the digital audio signal portion of the wireless transmission, and an associated speaker 311 and microphone 312. Data communications preferably use the cellular data channel and/or the cellular control channel, which can make use of short message service (SMS) capabilities in the network. This has additional benefits in that it provides redundancy for cellular systems in which service for both types of data communication is supported. Also, for those cellular systems in which the voice channel cannot be used simultaneously with the data channel, or in which the data channel is simply unavailable, the control channel can provide a data link between the call center and the device. [0035] Electronics 200 may also include short range wireless transceiver 313 and associated antenna 314, which, if included, allow for short range wireless voice and data communications with peripheral devices. This second wireless transceiver 114 can be chosen to utilize the wireless communications standard published by the ZigBee Alliance, information about which may be found at www.zigbee.org. Wireless transceiver 313, however, maybe designed and implemented using any of the alternative wireless communication standards which are well known in the art. Microprocessor 301 can be programmed to pass through voice communications received by cellular transceiver 307 to a voice-capable peripheral when such a peripheral is employed in conjunction with the remote tracking and communication device and is activated. Voice communications received from a voice enabled peripheral can be passed through to cellular transceiver 307 for transmission. Data generated by the device or received from a peripheral, if any, may be stored by microprocessor 301 in memory 315, which can be non- volatile memory such as serial flash memory until required by microprocessor 301 or until it is to be transmitted by the device. [0036] GPS receiver 316 and antenna 317 receive signals transmitted by GPS satellites, the signal used to establish the geographical location of the device and the person being monitored, hi one embodiment, data from GPS receiver 316 is passed through to microprocessor 301, which in turn processes the data to determine a location and associated time, and stores it in the serial flash memory 315 pending transmission using cellular transceiver 307. While electronics 300 are shown with a GPS receiver which passes the GPS signal data to the microprocessor for processing, a GPS engine which includes both the GPS receiver and the capability to process the GPS signal to produce a location determination and associated time indication may also be used according to the concepts described herein. Using a stand alone GPS engine would free processing bandwidth in the microprocessor, thereby allowing the microprocessor to perform other additional functions. [0037] Cellular transceiver 307 may also be used to geographically locate the device through well known methods of cell tower triangulation, or may be used to provide location information used in assisted GPS schemes. Geographical location using cellular transceiver 307 may be performed in addition to, in conjunction with, or as a substitute for the GPS receiver 316. Other known methods for geographically locating the device may also be employed. [0038] Either of memories 302 and 315, or memory resident on the microprocessor, may be used individually, or may be used in any combination to store the operating program and parameters for the operation of the device, as will be discussed later, and may further be used to store prerecorded messages which can be played through speaker 311 as part of the monitoring and alarm management system which will be discussed in greater detail below. A siren/speaker 323 may also be included in the device and controlled by microprocessor 301. Siren 323 is also used as part of the alarm system and can be activated to provide a high decibel audible alarm. This alarm can both warn those in the vicinity that the person being monitored has entered an exclusion zone or left an inclusion zone, and can aid the police in the location of the person being monitored. The siren can be activated automatically by the microprocessor as part of the alarm management system or can be activated remotely by sending a signal to the microprocessor using cellular transceiver 307. Siren 323 can be a separate device or could be combined with the functionality of speaker 311. Tamper detection circuit 322 monitors the condition of strap 209 from Figure 2 and any other tamper detection sensors that may be part of housing 201. [0039] In the embodiment shown in Figure 3, power to the processor and other electronic components is provided though power controller 318 by external battery 319, or internal battery 320 when the external batter is disconnected or the voltage of the external battery falls below a threshold. External battery 319 is removable and is preferably rechargeable by a separate recharging unit. Also, the person being monitored will preferably have multiple external batteries so that a charged external battery can be immediately inserted when a discharged battery is removed. Internal battery 320 is preferably internal to the housing and not accessible by the person being monitored. The internal battery allows the device to continue to operate normally while the external battery is being replaced. As the internal battery is intended to supply power to the device only during the transitioning from a depleted external battery to a charged external battery, or to provide a short amount of time to acquire a charged battery, the internal battery does not need to have a large capacity. Internal battery 320 is charged using power from external battery 319 using voltage converter 321 and/or a battery charger which may be connected to the device through voltage converter 321. [0040] Since RTD 200 is intended to be worn around the ankle of the person being monitored, the microphone and speaker used for two-way voice communication is a significant distance from the ears and mouth of the person being monitored. To compensate for this a peripheral device may be used in conjunction with the RTD to aid in the two-way voice communication. In one embodiment the peripheral device has the form factor of a watch and includes an internal speaker, an internal microphone, and an internal short range wireless transceiver. The microphone and speaker are positioned in the housing of the peripheral to better enable voice communications. The short range wireless transceiver is configured to use the same wireless communications standard as the RTD to enable wireless voice and data communications between the device and the peripheral. A button can be included which, when pressed, causes a command signal to be sent to the RTD. This command signal can be used to instruct the remote tracking and communication device to initiate two-way voice communications with the monitoring center. When the peripheral device is used for such voice communications, the peripheral device communicates wirelessly with the RTD using the respective short range wireless transceiver of each respective unit, and the RTD then uses the cellular transceiver to connect the voice communications with the monitoring center. The microphone and speaker in the RTD can be disabled by the microprocessor when a peripheral device, such as described, is in use. [0041] Using electronics such as those described above, embodiments of a remote tracking devices according to the concepts described herein may be programmed with a variety of useful features. One such feature is the ability to track the geographical location the individual wearing the device. Most frequently, the GPS receiver is used to determine the location of the device (and thus the wearer) at the time indicated in the GPS signals received from GPS network satellites. When the GPS is unable to determine location, the cellular transceiver may be used to determine the location of the device using well-known cellular tower triangulation techniques. Once identified, the location of the device is passed to the microprocessor, which processes the data according to its programming and stores the data in the memory. [0042] As illustrated in method 430 shown in Figure 4B, in some embodiments each element of location data, including the time is collected, as shown by process 431, and along with the current status of the RTD, process 432, is placed into a datagram, process 433, and send through the cellular transceiver immediately, process 436, as long as the RTD has a good cellular signal, process 434. If there is not a good cellular signal, the RTD stores the datagram and all subsequent datagrams, process 435 until a good cellular signal is detected by the RTD. When the good cellular signal is established all of the unsent datagrams are then sent to the monitoring center computers over the cellular network, process 436. [0043] In other embodiments, the datagrams may be stored and sent in batches. In batch send embodiments, method 430 would repeat processes 431, 432 and 433 until a predetermined number of datagrams were stored, or until a timer expired before continuing on to process 434. [0044] hi yet other embodiments, any number of operations, such as (in this example) the batch sending of datagrams, could be determined from environmental factors and not tied to a predetermined or preprogrammed number, such as the number of datagrams or a predetermined timer, as is illustrated in method 450 shown in Figure 4C. hi method 450, the environmental conditions are monitored to determine if the period, or frequency of the operation, should be adjusted. These environmental conditions could be any condition that might require a different reporting frequency, such as the current speed of the RTD, the location of the RTD, conditions/events detected by the RTD, such as physiological conditions/events, sensor inputs to the RTD, notices of conditions or events from the monitoring center, or any other environmental condition, event or factor. Operations could include, but are not limited to, sending of data by the RTD, performing location determinations, issuing alerts to the wearer, generating alarm conditions, or any other operation that my be tied to environmental conditions, events or factors. For movement speed, for example, the RTD can determine, from comparing previous location and time measurements, the rate of movement of the RTD, and by association its wearer. As a result, the RTD may determine that location information needs to be sent more frequently and may further determine that more frequent location determinations need to be made. Similarly, if the RTD is approaching an exclusion zone or the edge of an inclusion zone, the RTD may determine that more frequent location determinations should be made and/or transmitted to that the system is more quickly aware of a violation that would occur at normal rates. Though speed and proximity are used as examples of environmental factors that could be used to determine batch send frequency or even location determination frequency and factor that can be monitored and used in the frequency determination is included in the concepts described herein. [0045] hi process 452 of method 450 it is determined if the batch send timer needs to be adjusted. If yes, process 453 adjusts the timer accordingly. Process 454 then determines if the timer has expired, if not, the method returns to process 451. If the timer has expired the method passes to process 455, which sends the accumulated datagrams. [0046] As referenced above, embodiments of the remote tracking devices and/or the remote tracking system can be programmed to track the location of an RTD with respect to inclusion and exclusion zones, hi these embodiments the microprocessor can be programmed to compare location data against rules which establish predefined geographical areas where the person being monitored is required to be (inclusion zones), or forbidden from being (exclusion zones). These zones can be tied to specific times of the day, such as curfews. A curfew is defined by a geographical area within which the device (and thus the wearer) needs to be physically located during specified times. Examples of curfew rules include requiring the wearer to be at a home area during the evening and overnight hours or at a work area during work hours. An inclusion zone is a geographical area within which the wearer is required to remain during specified times or a boundary outside of which the wearer is not allowed to travel. Inclusion zones and curfews, under these definitions, can also therefore be layered. For example, there may be a permanent inclusion zone, such as the county of residence of the wearer, outside of which the wearer is not allowed to travel without specific permission. Inside of this permanent zone there may be time specific zones, such as the wearers home during overnight hours or workplace between 8 am and 5 pm. [0047] An exclusion zone is a geographical area outside of which the wearer is required at all times. The rules can be established for any particular device at the time of initialization, modified at any time, or even temporarily suspended, at any time through changes to the parameters entered into the monitoring center computers and downloaded to the device, or entered directly into the device through direct connections to the diagnostic or user interface components of the device, hi addition to geo-zone type rules, rules dictating a "report-in" type requirement may also be programmed into the device. These "report-in" rules could be used to satisfy report in requirements for some parolees. The device would be programmed with chronological points at which the wearer could be notified, such as by a prerecorded voice message stored on the device, to contact the monitoring center or other person at that time, or within a specified interval. The wearer could activate the voice communication on the device or could report in by other means. Further, rules for monitoring physiological conditions/events can be programmed into the device. Sensors on the remote tracking device, or peripherals to the remote tracking device, could be used to monitor physiological conditions. If measurements associated with those physiological conditions fall outside an expected range, which could be programmed in the form of a rule, or if a physiological event occurs as detected by a sensor, an alarm condition could be generated by the processor and sent to the monitoring center. [0048] As described, the memory can be utilized to store prerecorded voice messages or other audio which provide feedback during operation of the device. Prerecorded voice messages, are preferred to tones or vibrations because they do not require a reference manual or knowledge of the wearer for interpretation, hi addition to alarm type messages, voice message feedback may be advantageously utilized during initial setup of the device in that it provides step-by- step instructions for the setup routine, including directing the administrative user to input information about the device and user into the database via the web application described below. Voice message feedback may be similarly utilized during the detachment process to ensure that the device is removed by an authorized individual. During the removal process, if the audible instructions are not followed, i.e., inputting requested information into the database, then the device is preferably programmed to generate an alarm, which is processed as described below. [0049] Following the initial power-up sequence, the device may be programmed to establish a data connection with a monitoring center computer, or central server, to which the device provides device-specific identification data. This eliminates any need for the administrative user to connect the device to a local computer or terminal for the initialization process. The monitoring center computer(s) is/are programmed to maintain a data base of data sent by tracking and communication devices. Upon initial contact, the central server creates a database entry using the device-specific identification data. [0050] The administrative user is provided access to data on the central server via a computer or terminal, m instances where the device is used as a tracking device for offenders, the administrative user may be the supervision officer or other authority figure. For other service applications, the administrative user and the wearer may be the same individual. Access to the database may be advantageously implemented as a web application, or it may be implemented as a stand alone application. [0051] During normal operation, the GPS receiver identifies the geographical location of the device, and the microprocessor processes and stores that location data according to its programming. The device may be programmed such that geographical location is continuously monitored or monitored at specified intervals. In certain embodiments, with an appropriate peripheral, the device may also be programmed to monitor physiological conditions of the wearer. The microprocessor actively monitors other components of the device for indications of tampering, battery exchanges/replacements, and equipment failure. [0052] Referring now to Figure 4A, a flow chart is shown illustrating an embodiment of a method 400 by which microprocessor 301 from Figure 3 can monitor and processes certain conditions. The microprocessor is preferably programmed to collect and store location data and data related to the status of the device and other monitored conditions in the flash memory, as shown by process 401. The microprocessor is further programmed to perform additional functions based upon application of the rules to the data collected, shown by process 402, upon predetermined intervals, or upon occurrence of a particular condition, such as, e.g., when tampering is detected, when the wearer has entered an exclusion zone, when the external battery need to be replaced, or when the wearer's heartbeat is irregular or no longer detectable, the latter requiring a separate peripheral. [0053] When an alarm condition is raised or action is otherwise required, as shown by process 403, whether because the action is preprogrammed based on the status of the device, or the action is the result of a command received from the monitoring center, the monitoring center server or the administrative user, the microprocessor proceeds through a series of queries to determine the appropriate action. It should be noted that both the condition resulting in an action, and the action taken the microprocessor, are preferably programmable through the monitoring center, the web application or through a direct interface connection to the device. The first query 404 is whether to send data to the monitoring center by immediately initiating a data connection with the central server to transmit data relating to an alarm or data that is stored in memory, as shown in process 405. Next query 406 determines if siren 323 from Figure 3 is activated, producing an audible alert, as shown by process 407. [0054] The next query 408 determines whether the RTD should play one of the pre-recorded messages stored in memory, as shown by process 409. Query 410 determines whether to call the monitoring center by initiating a two-way voice communication using the cellular transceiver, as shown by process 411. Finally query 412 determines if the RTD should take some other programmed action as shown by process 413. Other actions may include, but are not limited to, storing data related to an alarm in memory for transmission at a later time, storing updated rules data to memory, or suspending rule violations notification for a period of time. While queries 404, 406, 408, 410 and 412 are shown in Figure 4A in a particular order, the order is arbitrary and may be modified by programming the device. [0055] As an example of method 400, in instances where the location data indicates the device is located outside of a geographical location permitted by the rules, the RTD may provides audio feedback to the wearer indicating the rule violation, in the form of a siren or a prerecorded message, and immediately sends notice to the central server for additional processing. The notice would includes the geographical location of the device, the time of the location, and an indicator of the rule violated. If the wearer did not respond to the prerecorded message, the RTD might then escalate the alarm condition by establishing a two-way call with the monitoring center. The monitoring center personnel would then attempt to direct the wearer to leave the exclusion zone and verify that the wearer was complying with the request. If the wearer still did not comply with the request, the alarm condition could be escalated still further by activating the siren on the RTD and the monitoring center could then contact the local authorities and direct them to the wearer. [0056] Figure 4A and the above example illustrates an alarm management system in accordance with the concepts described herein. Although the example above recited specific steps, the concepts described herein relate to any alarm management system where the remote tracking device and the remote tracking system step through a series of alarm conditions and upon failure by the wearer to resolve the alarm condition, escalate the alarm to a higher level of response or intervention. Such alarm conditions could include, but are not limited to, battery alarms, rules violation alarms, tampering alarms and any other condition that can be programmed into the device and recognized by the device. [0057] Referring now to Figure 5, an embodiment of a method 500 illustrates processing data from the device when it is received at the central server. Initially, the central server determines if the data includes information that was expressly requested by an operator at the call center or by the administrative user, as shown by process 501, and if so, the data is relayed to the operator or administrative user for display at a computer or terminal, process 502. Next, the central server determines if the data includes a standard tracer record in process 503, which may include self- identification of the device, self-diagnostic reports, upload audit logs, component version identification, confirmation of parameter changes such as volume control, suspending audible alarms at the device, activating or deactivating the speaker, and the like. Standard tracer records are processed as necessary and noted in the database, as shown in process 504. [0058] If the data does not include a tracer record, the central server determines if the data is an indicator of an alarm condition in process 506. If the data is indicative of an alarm condition, the central server determines if the alarm is a repeat of an alarm which was previously received and reported, as shown by process 507. For alarms that were not previously received, the central server takes the appropriate notification action as programmed by the administrative user, as described by process 508. [0059] If the data is not indicative of an alarm condition, the central server determines whether the individual wearing the device is subject to geographical location rules in process 509. In such instances, the central server determines whether a rule has, in fact, been violated, process 510, and determines if an alarm condition exists, process 511. When an alarm condition is raised, the central server first determines if the alarm is a repeat of a previous alarm, as shown in process 512, and if so, takes the appropriate notification action as programmed by the administrative user in process 513. [0060] When immediate administrative user notification is not required, or no alarm condition is raised, the data is stored in the database, as shown by process 514, and reported to the administrative user in periodic reports which at least lists all alarm conditions received since provision of the last report. All recorded data may optionally be included in the report. [0061] In embodiments of the remote tracking system according to the concepts described herein, the notification actions are fully configurable by the administrative user through the web application. The administrative user may designate specific types of alarms for immediate notification, and notification may be arranged through one or more methods including fax, email, text messaging to a pager, text messaging to a cellular phone, or through a direct call from the call center, or the like. In addition, the administrative user may also designate that some specific types of alarms result in direct notification to local authorities for immediate action. [0062] The web application may also provide the administrative user with the ability to temporarily suspend reactions to specific types of alarms. During suspension, the device will suspend localized reactions only (i.e., pre-recorded voice messages, siren, initiating voice communications with the call center). The device will still transmit all alarms identified during suspension to the central server, which will in turn include all identified alarms in the periodic reports (e.g., weekly) to the administrative user. The web application may also provide the administrative user and call center operators with the ability to enter and store notes. Notes may be in the form of personal daily monitoring logs, calendared appointments or action items, case management directives, or contextual notations related to particular alarms saved within the database. [0063] In embodiments of the remote tracking system, the central server may enable the call center or the administrative user, through the web application, to send commands or other data to the device. Such commands may include playing a prerecorded message to the wearer, instructing the microprocessor to transmit data to provide a current status of the location and status of the device, and the like. The administrative user may also use the web application to instruct to the call center to initiate voice communications with the wearer. The call center then contacts the wearer by placing a cellular call to the cellular transceiver. Once the wearer is contacted, the call center then initiates a call to the administrative user and conferences the two calls. [0064] Preferably, all voice communications with the device are made through the call center so that all calls may be recorded and saved within the database. This enables the call center and the administrative user to access the recorded calls at a later time as needed. To ensure that all calls are recorded, the cellular transceiver may be configured to block all incoming calls that do not originate from the call center. Alternatively, the cellular transceiver may be configured to selectively block incoming calls by utilizing the area code and telephone prefix to identify the origin of the call, allowing calls only from selected area codes and prefixes. Alternatively, the cellular transceiver may selectively block all calls except those from list of phone numbers that is stored in memory. [0065] In embodiments of the remote tracking system, the wearer may also initiate voice communications with the call center, hi these embodiments, at least one of the buttons on the exterior of the device housing may be configured to activate voice communications using the cellular transceiver. When pressed, the device is programmed such that cellular transceiver may only contacts the monitoring center. The device preferably has stored in memory a primary number for the call center and a secondary number in case a connection cannot be achieved on the primary number. Further, the device is programmed to attempt make a predetermined number of attempts to contact the call center, first at the primary number, then at the secondary number. Should all attempts fail, the device is preferably programmed to sound an alert condition to the wearer as an indication that the device is out of a cellular service area or requires service for an internal fault. [0066] As has been referenced above, the monitoring center, or call center, is the focal point of the preferred embodiments of the remote tracking system according to the concepts described herein. The monitoring center is able to communicate with the remote tracking devices, the wearers of the remote tracking devices, and the officers, supervisors or administrators in charge of the persons wearing the RTDs. The monitoring center is also the repository for all the data collected from the RTDs and allows direct access to the data by the monitoring center employees and remote access by the administrators through the web application. The monitoring center also provides the mechanisms for establishing and modifying the operating parameters of the RTDs, including the rules for each wearer. [0067] Referring now to Figure 6, an example of an embodiment of a monitoring center administration flow 600 is shown. Flow 600 begins with the login access 626. Administrator login 601 provides a user with administrator privileges access to the entirety of flow 600, including administrator flow 627, operator flow 628, script manager flow 629, fulfillment home 630, and supervisor flow 631. Lesser login privileges, such as supervisor login 602, operator login 603, script manager login 604 and fulfillment login 605 provided only access to their respective flows and any less included flows, such as the supervisor login providing access to supervisor flow 631 and operator flow 628. [0068] Administrator flow, accessible by an authorized administrator, includes access to the administrator home 606 and to agency overview functions 607 and manage agency functions 608, as well as employee management functions 609. Supervisor privileges provides access to supervisor home 610, manage user functions 611, as well as to employee management functions 610. Supervisor privileges also provide access to operator flow 628 as does operator privileges. Operator flow 628 includes access to operator home 612 which includes access to reports functions 613, messaging functions 614, client and offender detail 615 and 616, respectively, and to search function 617. Client detail 615 and offender detail 616 provide further access to demographics functions 620 which contains access to contacts 621 and medical history 622. [0069] Script manager privileges provide access to script manager home 618 and to script management functions 619. Fulfillment privileges provides access to fulfillment home 623 and device management functions 624 and device assignment functions 625. [0070] A preferred embodiment of a call monitoring center in accordance with the concepts described herein includes a monitoring center which is staffed 24 hours, seven days a week. The monitoring center is responsible for monitoring all of the remote tracking devices in the field and is staffed based on historical patterns of requirements for intervention by monitoring center staff. The computers of the monitoring center automatically receive and process the location and status information continuously or periodically sent by each of the remote tracking devices. Based on programmable rules in the monitoring center software, the occurrence of certain conditions in the remote tracking devices results in the monitoring center software sending an alert to one of the monitoring center personnel. These conditions are usually related to alarm conditions in a remote tracking device, but can be programmed to be any condition which might be of interest to the monitoring center personnel or the supervisors or administrators of the person being monitored. [0071] When a condition is determined to require the attention of monitoring center personnel, the monitoring center software determines the appropriate monitoring center agent and sends the alert to the agent's terminal. The agent can then respond to the alert or access data in the monitoring center computers related to the history of the remote tracking device, the current parameters programmed into the remote tracking device, information on the wearer of the device or the agency or administrator in charge of the wearer and the device. If intervention, such as the initiation of a two-way voice call, is required by the agent, the monitoring center software provides a predetermined script for the agent to follow to ensure that the intervention by the agent conforms to the policies of the monitoring center and the agency or supervisor responsible for the tracking device and wearer. [0072] In addition to the monitoring center software generating an alert which requires the attention of a monitoring center agent, agents may be required to respond to incoming calls from various interested persons including the wearer of the remote tracking device or the supervisor or administrator of a wearer or device. Referring now to Figure 7, an embodiment of a call routing system 700 for use in the call monitoring center is described. Routing system 700 is operable to receive incoming calls from a variety of sources 701, 702, 703 and 704, which could be the wearer of a remote tracking device 702, a supervisor or administrator 703, or other incoming call 701 or 704. A routing function 705 in the monitoring center call system determines the appropriate agent to receive the call from currently active agents at the center. The call may be routed based on the source of the call or may be routed based on a queue of available agents or any other routing criteria which may be used to select an appropriate agent. [0073] Once the agent has been selected the application passes the call details to the agent's terminal as shown by process 706. hi process 707, the application uses the dialed number to select an application context, and then in process 708 determines a call handling flow for each specific type of call. Call routing system 700 also includes a contingent process flow 709 for situations in which no call detail information is available to determine context and call flow for the agent. In the contingent process 709, the agent manually enters the caller's phone number into the agent application which then looks up the customer records and uses those records to determine the appropriate context and flow for the call. [0074] As has been described, embodiments of the remote tracking device maintain status on themselves in the form of states for various aspects of the devices. This status is sent to the monitoring center and maintained by the monitoring center application. Monitoring center personnel, or supervisors or administrators can access the status of the any particular device under their control. An example of the types of status which can be maintained by the RTD and monitoring center is shown in Figure 8. Figure 8 is an illustration of a screen shot of an embodiment of the monitoring center application in accordance with the concepts described herein. While Figure 8 shows particular aspects of the RTD on which status is maintained other aspects of the RTD, it's operating environment, or operating conditions can also be maintained within the scope of the concepts described herein. [0075] Referring now to Figures 9A through 9 J, embodiments of flow charts illustrating the operation and functionality of an embodiment of aspects of the monitoring center software and/or applications are shown. Figure 9A illustrates an embodiment of an agency setup flow. Agency setup flow 900 illustrates a process by which an administrator or operator can create an agency for which one or more officers will be assigned RTDs that will be monitored by the monitoring center. Figure 9B illustrates an embodiment of an officer/administrator setup flow. Officer setup flow 901 illustrates the process by which officers/administrators of a particular agency can be setup with control over particular RTDs and provided access to the monitoring center application. [0076] Figure 9C illustrates an embodiment of an offender/wearer setup flow. Offender/wearer setup flow 902 illustrates the process by which supervisors or agents of the monitoring center or officers/administrators of a particular agency can setup particular RTDs and provided relevant and required information to the monitoring center application concerning each offender wearer of an RTD. Figure 9D illustrates an embodiment of an offender/wearer assignment flow. Assignment flow 903 illustrates the process by which officers/administrators of a particular agency are assigned with authority over particular RTDs and offenders/wearers. [0077] Figure 9E illustrates an embodiment of an offender/wearer device assignment flow. Device assignment flow 904 illustrates the process by which individual offenders/wearers are assigned with particular RTDs. Figures 9F, 9G and 9H illustrate an embodiment of an inclusion/exclusion zone, referred to collectively as geo- zones, setup flow. Geo-zone setup flows 905, 906 and 907 illustrate the process by which operators or officers/administrators can setup inclusion and exclusion zone rules for a particular RTDs and offender/wearer. [0078] Figure 91 illustrates an embodiment of an contact monitoring center flow. Assignment flow 903 illustrates the process by which the monitoring center can be contacted by standard message, live chat or email. Figure 9J illustrates an embodiment of an offender/wearer scheduling flow. Scheduling flow 909 illustrates the process by which operators or officers/administrators of a particular agency can manage alarm schedules for particular RTDs and offenders/wearers. [0079] Although the present invention and its advantages have been described in detail, it should be understood that various changes, substitutions and alterations can be made herein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims. Moreover, the scope of the present application is not intended to be limited to the particular embodiment's of the process, machine, manufacture, composition of matter, means, methods and steps described in the specification. As one of ordinary skill in the art will readily appreciate from the disclosure of the present invention, processes, machines, manufacture, compositions of matter, means, methods, or steps, presently existing or later to be developed that perform substantially the same function or achieve substantially the same result as the corresponding embodiment's described herein may be utilized according to the present invention. Accordingly, the appended claims are intended to include within their scope such processes, machines, manufacture, compositions of matter, means, methods, or steps. |
How can you harm with food, hiding in the guise of a blessing when you give it every time with a dash of insult and hypocrisy, poison to the body, poison to the heart, poison to the soul?
How can you intentionally misdirect and give me false info, and ask everyone to "see what she's saying" when it's actually you who's doing everything - street theatre, mind-mapping, link-feeding so the assessments and decisions I will make will be base on them?
How can you curtail my right to earn for myself and my kid, decimate me in my circles, my work, my peers and ridicule me for being a baggage, a charity case?
How can you pull the strings and destroy what I toiled for, eliminate all options for me, push me in a corner you control, then daily ridicule and ask me why I am staying in that nook you forced me in?
How can you even go about acting all too altruistic in front of people and continually claim you're being too kind. . a martyr providing a home when the reason i am only there is because you took my own home away from me?
what a day,it gets worse,sharp pains all over body constant bombardment,no sleep yet again awake all night so i miss my football,blood ridiculous,pain in mouth ,teeth,side of face ,arms ,back,everywhere even in private parts,its in human to do this,i have emailed mi5 not that its going to do much cop,i got strong evidence its the police and will continue my life exposing them all,just sat in my flat and the torture is unreal but too tired to go out,now they have cut off my money so i wont get nothing,i cant go to work as they wont let me sleep.what do you do???i am a threat to exposing them thats why they want rid,torture is so poweful,i had an accident when i was young and out for 6 months,car accident,you couldnt see skin on my back,that pain is no where near this pain,they are as if they are in the room thats how clear it is,they also pretend to bang doors etc,stupid prix,they must be having a laff,got told if you do suffer pain use heat to stop it,it works 2,only thing is its my whole flippin body unless you go to have a sauna all day then unless someone can come up with a sensible idea about heating youself,they also use cold aswell,i got loads of sox on and they are turning myfeet to ice,i got heating on and every other part is roasting,how cruel,then ppl ant understand why or how can u not sleep,the pain like real which it is but like face to face,they turning up the notches,i could very easily sleep as got tons of pills,why should i give in to them bastardsmi took two 800 mg,my dosage is that and if they wont let me sleep on that theres something wrong,i wanna c my mum,shes 74 and a cripple and this twat is laffing,the fecking coventry police are a flipping disgrace,they experiment to see how you react to different things,this prick is torturing me so bad,its like someones put u on a table strapped up and turning ur legs round and round while you scream,thats how sik they are,thepain to make you cry yourself to sleep,they will ease off this afternoon then wake me up around 4.45pm so i missed my football,cant even watch a film or anything,sslowly but surely they taking the things i love away,sharpest pains yet again designed to kill me,if i die its the coventry city police who murdered me
best wishes n love lots,
these are the people who originally gangstalked me
jenny and paddy
35 morey st
both were used in vile attacks against me
For the one who's milking this issue for what it's worth, go back to your bases where you can stand arrogant knowing you are holding on a string both the right and the left.
Divide and conquer that has always been your tack from the get-go.
Except that I never allowed you to use me in hurting and maligning the ones who you wanted me to attack.
Do not ever mistake the stand I am making now as victory on your side for you managed to have me make a stand against the people you were shaping me to hate even as a young child.
If I am making a stand against them now, it is because of what they have done and what they have allowed YOU to DO, through them.
I only have this to ask of my family:
When did my siblings start associating with them? Only a few years. And in that short a span of time, they were able to decimate our family - the same way they had the clan go at each other's throat, behind closed doors.
In that short a time you do not even see anything wrong with having them attack your own and you even take the center-stage for them.
Do you not see the irony?
I was the one who was with them my entire life , minus about 3 years when I already knew I've had it.
Do you not even see why they still had good relations with you and my siblings and they can not openly attack you unlike the way they attack other members of the clan.
Because all the times I was with them, I never indulged them in their attempts to have me go against you.
I am saying this now, since I know you have a grasp of how they attack other branches of the family tree:
I have grown up knowing how their lead figure so hated my father. He actually hates all of you, except that his rancor for my father is more "special" in that he scoffs at any successes he thinks people "just believe" my father has. All my life I have seen how he considers my father's failures as his successes.
Did I let him affect my view of you? Did I let him attack you through me?
Not ever.
All the while when they would cajole me into going against any of you, I never gave in to their manipulation. All my life I tried to dumb myself and not make concrete what I was observing what I was sensing because I loved them as I love you. I will forever thank them for lending me one of the very few people who showed me I was worth loving. That's why it took this long to finally bring this out in the open.
Even when I so wanted to protect myself, I couldn't because I know how the person who taught me what loving really is so loved them. I know she wouldn't want all of us to go against each other. So I took the only route I know I could take. Stay away from all of you.