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Any advice

I am planning to go to a location where there is no signals because I believe the perps are using same trancieavers  as other devices. So far I think a 800 foot vertical depth cave in the US or northern canada or sahara. any advice on where there might be such place no signals. Thank You.

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Hi All ,

There is mind control technology that is getting implanting by company called INTERGRAPH it is Huntsville based company it has office in India and other places.They have the actual solution to all the problem in US and since they are implementing the same in Canada. ....

It is to mentally harass individuals by means of GAS torture.... The story beings like that

1. Police will arrest the individual and place in cell.

2. Some one in cell will be exposed to GAS for few minutes. The GAS has high content of Chlorine which will affect the individual lungs and will increase the chlorides and other minerals in the body.

3. Then the harassment begins with playing his mind by passing frequency which can be from Cell phone. devise. It works with the Mechanical principle that our veins have blood and have minerals etc. with sufficient level of the minerals in the blood that they can play with the delicate veins of the brain by disturbing the state.

The above experiment fails when some one take take hot fluid since this brings back the state of the brain to normal state. As well some one can simply boil hot water and cool and remove the chlorides and drink the water.

The Target individuals will be harassed by the group of the people that work for the police in terms of providing the community service. The only draw back with the system is that some one if exposed to gas develops pulmonary diseases... mostly discharge of blood from the lungs .

Cough syrup and mint tablets give immediate effect to remove the salts in the blood as well in the lungs.

... Do not consume beer or take cigarettes since it make the problem worst for the lungs. They also install the mind control chip into the brain which can view the thoughts in black and white image.

Also installed GPS part of the chip.. blocking the ears and nose .. GPS position is not known. since by mouth the signals are continuous.


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Declaration Of Orders We Will Not Obey


Orders We Will Not Obey

“The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their Houses, and Farms, are to be pillaged and destroyed, and they consigned to a State of Wretchedness from which no human efforts will probably deliver them. The fate of unborn Millions will now depend, under God, on the Courage and Conduct of this army” -- Gen. George Washington, to his troops before the battle of Long Island

Such a time is near at hand again. The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the Courage and Conduct of this Army -- and this Marine Corps, This Air Force, This Navy and the National Guard and police units of these sovereign states.

Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, peace officers, fire-fighters, and veterans who swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic … and meant it. We won’t “just follow orders.”

Below is our declaration of orders we will NOT obey because we will consider them unconstitutional (and thus unlawful) and immoral violations of the natural rights of the people. Such orders would be acts of war against the American people by their own government, and thus acts of treason. We will not make war against our own people. We will not commit treason. We will defend the Republic.

Declaration of Orders We Will NOT Obey

Recognizing that we each swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and affirming that we are guardians of the Republic, of the principles in our Declaration of Independence, and of the rights of our people, we affirm and declare the following:

1. We will NOT obey any order to disarm the American people.

The attempt to disarm the people on April 19, 1775 was the spark of open conflict in the American Revolution. That vile attempt was an act of war, and the American people fought back in justified, righteous self-defense of their natural rights. Any such order today would also be an act of war against the American people, and thus an act of treason. We will not make war on our own people, and we will not commit treason by obeying any such treasonous order.

Nor will we assist, or support any such attempt to disarm the people by other government entities, either state or federal.

Washington at Valley Forge

In addition, we affirm that the purpose of the Second Amendment is to preserve the military power of the people so that they will, in the last resort, have effective final recourse to arms and to the God of Hosts in the face of tyranny. Accordingly, we oppose any and all further infringements on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. In particular we oppose a renewal of the misnamed “assault-weapons” ban or the enactment of H.R. 45 (which would register and track gun owners like convicted pedophiles).

2. We will NOT obey any order to conduct warrantless searches of the American people, their homes, vehicles, papers, or effects -- such as warrantless house-to house searches for weapons or persons.

One of the causes of the American Revolution was the use of “writs of assistance,” which were essentially warrantless searches because there was no requirement of a showing of probable cause to a judge, and the first fiery embers of American resistance were born in opposition to those infamous writs. The Founders considered all warrantless searches to be unreasonable and egregious. It was to prevent a repeat of such violations of the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects that the Fourth Amendment was written.

We expect that sweeping warrantless searches of homes and vehicles, under some pretext, will be the means used to attempt to disarm the people.

3. We will NOT obey any order to detain American citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants” or to subject them to trial by military tribunal.

One of the causes of the American Revolution was the denial of the right to jury trial, the use of admiralty courts (military tribunals) instead, and the application of the laws of war to the colonists. After that experience, and being well aware of the infamous Star Chamber in English history, the Founders ensured that the international laws of war would apply only to foreign enemies, not to the American people. Thus, the Article III Treason Clause establishes the only constitutional form of trial for an American, not serving in the military, who is accused of making war on his own nation. Such a trial for treason must be before a civilian jury, not a tribunal.

The international laws of war do not trump our Bill of Rights. We reject as illegitimate any such claimed power, as did the Supreme Court in Ex Parte Milligan (1865). Any attempt to apply the laws of war to American civilians, under any pretext, such as against domestic “militia” groups the government brands “domestic terrorists,” is an act of war and an act of treason.

4. We will NOT obey orders to impose martial law or a “state of emergency” on a state, or to enter with force into a state, without the express consent and invitation of that state’s legislature and governor.

One of the causes of the American Revolution was the attempt “to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power” by disbanding the Massachusetts legislature and appointing General Gage as “military governor.” The attempt to disarm the people of Massachusetts during that martial law sparked our Revolution. Accordingly, the power to impose martial law – the absolute rule over the people by a military officer with his will alone being law – is nowhere enumerated in our Constitution.

Further, it is the militia of a state and of the several states that the Constitution contemplates being used in any context, during any emergency within a state, not the standing army.

The imposition of martial law by the national government over a state and its people, treating them as an occupied enemy nation, is an act of war. Such an attempted suspension of the Constitution and Bill of Rights voids the compact with the states and with the people.

5. We will NOT obey orders to invade and subjugate any state that asserts its sovereignty and declares the national government to be in violation of the compact by which that state entered the Union.

In response to the obscene growth of federal power and to the absurdly totalitarian claimed powers of the Executive, upwards of 20 states are considering, have considered, or have passed courageous resolutions affirming states rights and sovereignty.

Those resolutions follow in the honored and revered footsteps of Jefferson and Madison in their Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, and likewise seek to enforce the Constitution by affirming the very same principles of our Declaration, Constitution, and Bill of Rights that we Oath Keepers recognize and affirm.

Chief among those principles is that ours is a dual sovereignty system, with the people of each state retaining all powers not granted to the national government they created, and thus the people of each state reserved to themselves the right to judge when the national government they created has voided the compact between the states by asserting powers never granted.

Upon the declaration by a state that such a breach has occurred, we will not obey orders to force that state to submit to the national government.

6. We will NOT obey any order to blockade American cities, thus turning them into giant concentration camps.

One of the causes of the American Revolution was the blockade of Boston, and the occupying of that city by the British military, under martial law. Once hostilities began, the people of Boston were tricked into turning in their arms in exchange for safe passage, but were then forbidden to leave. That confinement of the residents of an entire city was an act of war.

Such tactics were repeated by the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto, and by the Imperial Japanese in Nanking, turning entire cities into death camps. Any such order to disarm and confine the people of an American city will be an act of war and thus an act of treason.

7. We will NOT obey any order to force American citizens into any form of detention camps under any pretext.

Mass, forced internment into concentration camps was a hallmark of every fascist and communist dictatorship in the 20th Century. Such internment was unfortunately even used against American citizens of Japanese descent during World War II. Whenever a government interns its own people, it treats them like an occupied enemy population. Oppressive governments often use the internment of women and children to break the will of the men fighting for their liberty – as was done to the Boers, to the Jewish resisters in the Warsaw Ghetto, and to the Chechens, for example.

mass execution
Such a vile order to forcibly intern Americans without charges or trial would be an act of war against the American people, and thus an act of treason, regardless of the pretext used. We will not commit treason, nor will we facilitate or support it.”NOT on Our Watch!”

8. We will NOT obey orders to assist or support the use of any foreign troops on U.S. soil against the American people to “keep the peace” or to “maintain control” during any emergency, or under any other pretext. We will consider such use of foreign troops against our people to be an invasion and an act of war.

During the American Revolution, the British government enlisted the aid of Hessian mercenaries in an attempt to subjugate the rebellious American people. Throughout history, repressive regimes have enlisted the aid of foreign troops and mercenaries who have no bonds with the people.

Accordingly, as the militia of the several states are the only military force contemplated by the Constitution, in Article I, Section 8, for domestic keeping of the peace, and as the use of even our own standing army for such purposes is without such constitutional support, the use of foreign troops and mercenaries against the people is wildly unconstitutional, egregious, and an act of war.

We will oppose such troops as enemies of the people and we will treat all who request, invite, and aid those foreign troops as the traitors they are.

9. We will NOT obey any orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including food and other essential supplies, under any emergency pretext whatsoever.

One of the causes of the American Revolution was the seizure and forfeiture of American ships, goods, and supplies, along with the seizure of American timber for the Royal Navy, all in violation of the people’s natural right to their property and to the fruits of their labor. The final spark of the Revolution was the attempt by the government to seize powder and cannon stores at Concord.

Deprivation of food has long been a weapon of war and oppression, with millions intentionally starved to death by fascist and communist governments in the 20th Century alone.

Accordingly, we will not obey or facilitate orders to confiscate food and other essential supplies from the people, and we will consider all those who issue or carry out such orders to be the enemies of the people.

10. We will NOT obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.

There would have been no American Revolution without fiery speakers and writers such as James Otis, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, and Sam Adams “setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”


Patrick Henry: “Give me Liberty, or Give me DEATH!”

Tyrants know that the pen of a man such as Thomas Paine can cause them more damage than entire armies, and thus they always seek to suppress the natural rights of speech, association, and assembly. Without freedom of speech, the people will have no recourse but to arms. Without freedom of speech and conscience, there is no freedom.
Therefore, we will not obey or support any orders to suppress or violate the right of the people to speak, associate, worship, assemble, communicate, or petition government for the redress of grievances.

— And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually affirm our oath and pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor. Oath Keepers

The above list is not exhaustive but we do consider them to be clear tripwires – they form our “line in the sand,” and if we receive such orders, we will not obey them. Further, we will know that the time for another American Revolution is nigh. If you the people decide that you have no recourse, and such a revolution comes, at that time, not only will we NOT fire upon our fellow Americans who righteously resist such egregious violations of their God given rights, we will join them in fighting against those who dare attempt to enslave them.

NOTE: please also read our Principles of Our Republic We Are Sworn to Defend

More About Oath Keepers

Oath Keepers is a non partisan association of currently serving military, peace officers, fire-fighters, and veterans who will fulfill our oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God.

Our oath is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and not to any political party. In the long-standing tradition of the U.S. military, we are apolitical. We don’t care if unlawful orders come from a Democrat or a Republican, or if the violation is bi-partisan. We will not obey unconstitutional (and thus unlawful) and immoral orders, such as orders to disarm the American people or to place them under martial law. We won’t “just follow orders.” Our motto: “Not on Our Watch!” or to put it even more succinctly, in the words of  101st Airborne Commander General Anthony McAuliffe at the Battle of the Bulge, “NUTS!”

There is at this time a debate within the ranks of the military regarding their oath. Some mistakenly believe they must follow any order the President issues.  But many others do understand that their loyalty is to the Constitution and to the people, and understand what that means.

The mission of Oath Keepers is to vastly increase their numbers.

We are in a battle for the hearts and minds of our own troops.

Help us win it.

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The End Of Freedom As I See It


The end of freedom, rights, and privacy as I see it. The future where everyone is monitored like an animal at a zoo is coming into reality. Big brother in the UK is a glimpse of what may come. Everywhere will have their cameras, drones, and what not to monitor your every movement. The good old days are gone and the future doesn't look good. I honestly don't want to be in a society of control. Your freedom, liberties and rights stripped by your government.  Once you get chipped you'll be vulnerable to their abuse of technology as well. Our children and grandchildren are going to suffer the most. This is a nightmare I wish to wake up from now. Martial Law around the corner now!

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9143059873?profile=originalWatching the news is pretty depressing. I am not being Dr. Doom and Gloom but you have to open your eyes and see what is transpiring. Our current trends will lead to future consequences. I wish someone to help me out so I can return the favor. If things could be prevented would you take the opportunity? If I could resolve the Euro Crisis, USA failing dollar, Fukushima Disaster that would benefit mankind big time. I can't do it because I don't have the connections or funds to go over there. I'm simply trapped and I can't prepare or do anything proactive to change the situation we are in. If you scratch my back i'll scratch yours. I would try fixing world problems if I get a fair shot. Anyways brace for hard times. We're not going to do anything and we're just going to watch this world wide nightmare happen which is sad. Butterfly effect baby! My recommendation is get your gold, guns, and getaway plans in order.

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惊爆:大连电视女主持张伟杰疑被制成人体标本(转)Von Hagens

  摘要: 近日网络上流传关于大连“冯.哈根斯生物塑化公司”非法使用尸体黑幕,薄熙来被指在主政期间审批了该公司在大连的注册。而这个公司的尸体源头成谜,出售尸体标本被外界谴责。
  有报道称公司在处理尸体时有规定,不能暴露 ... 各地展览却不在国内展览,就是怕有人认出来...
  点评:只有公开、公正透明,才能让每个人活得有尊严!潜规则太多的社会,每个人都没有安全感! 网友表示:早有传闻。











Von Hagens' Body Worlds Exhibit 哈根斯人体标本



  This exhibit displays human remains of Chinese citizens or residents which were originally received by the Chinese Bureau of Police. The Chinese Bureau of Police may receive bodies from Chinese prisons. Premier cannot independently verify that the human remains you are viewing are not those of persons who were incarcerated in Chinese prisons.

  This exhibit displays full body cadavers as well as human body parts, organs, fetuses and embryos that come from cadavers of Chinese citizens or residents. With respect to the human parts, organs, fetuses and embryos you are viewing, Premier relies solely on the representations of its Chinese partners and cannot independently verify that they do not belong to persons executed while incarcerated in Chinese prisons.

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an image of a German page that no longer exists ... note to motive, but that some kind of ARG (Alternate Reality Game) is where sadistic perverse to conclude betting man ... unfortunately only in German

ein Abbild von einer deutschen Seite, die leider nicht mehr beachte unter Motiv, daß es doch eine Art ARG (Alternative Reality Game) gibt, wo sadistisch veranlagte perverse menschen, wetten abschliessen...leider nur in deutsch

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The Secretary-General of UN ...

The Secretary-General of UN

The Secretary-General has the honour to transmit to the members of the General Assembly the interim report submitted by Mr. Theo van Boven, Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the question of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, in accordance with Assembly resolution 57/200 of 18 December 2002.


  1. Non Lethal Weapons
  2. Reparation for victims of torture$FILE/N0341999.pdf


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The human brain is like an advanced remote control

The material brain needs a user/observer just like the remote control. 

It's funny how scientist just make these huge leaps when talking about the brain. The logic goes like this: 

Well, this part of the brain is active when X occurs THEREFORE this part of the brain must be responsible for X. 

This makes no sense and it's a huge leap that is rooted in a materialistic belief. It's like saying because the light on my remote is active when I change the channel, therefore my remote must be responsible for changing the channel. My remote needs a user/observer and so does the material brain. 

The material brain is stimulated by the 5 senses. There must be a 6th sense or a field of consciousness that stimulates the material brain. 

This allows us to recall specific memories at will. The material brain doesn't know the difference between a memory from little league or a memory from College. How does the material brain know which memory I wish to recall? 

How does the material brain know the difference between a fastball, curve ball and a slider? How does the material brain know which pitch I want to throw? 

There has to be a use/observer that stimulates and interacts with the brain. It's impossible for the material brain to accomplish these things. 

It's like pushing start on the microwave. The microwave becomes active because the user/observer not because of the microwave. 

I think all things operate with this field. The human brain is just advanced enough to interact with this field. 
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 Human rights entitles us to protection from this abuse.

 Stress will cause poor judgment nausea, dizziness, chest pain, eating to much, or not enough. Social withdrawal, depression, neglect of responsibilities. Many stalkers have pre existing psychotic disorders, and personality problems. They use gas lighting. They compulsive lie. Stalkers place there victims at risk of psychological trauma. Common emotional consequences include Depression, loss of self esteem, anxiety. The target will often have a mental break down.      


Police misconduct

refers to inappropriate actions taken by police officers in connection with their official duties. Police misconduct can lead to a miscarriage of justice and sometimes involves discrimination. In an effort to control police misconduct, there is an accelerating trend for civilian agencies to go beyond review to engage directly in investigations and to have much greater input into disciplinary decisions.[1] With the proliferation of mobile devices capable of recording alleged misconduct, existing eavesdropping laws in some jurisdictions are being leveraged to prosecute civilians, while in other circumstances police will illegally seize or delete evidence.[2][3]

Types of misconduct include,

false confession, false arrest, falsified evidence, false imprisonment, intimidation, police brutality, police corruption, political repression, profiling, sexual abuse, surveillance abuse and off-duty misconduct.[4] Others include:

Noble cause corruption, where the officer believes the good outcomes justify bad behavior[5]

Selective enforcement (knowledge and allowances of violations by friends, family and/or acquaintances unreported)

Abuses of power (using badge or other ID to gain entry into concerts, to get discounts, etc.)

Lying under oath (blatant lies under oath and/or to other authorities to cover wrong-doing)

Influence of drugs and/or alcohol while on duty

Violations by officers of police procedural policies

There is a view that police officers share a 'code of silence' and do not turn each other in for misconduct. While the police has called this code a myth,[6] a 2005 survey found evidence that it exists.[7]

Police corruption

is a specific form of

police misconduct designed to obtain financial benefits, other personal gain, or career advancement for a police officer in exchange for not pursuing, or selectively pursuing, an investigation or arrest.

One common form of police corruption is soliciting or accepting bribes in exchange for not reporting organized drug or prostitution rings or other illegal activities. Another example is police officers flouting the police code of conduct in order to secure convictions of suspects — for example, through the use of falsified evidence. More rarely, police officers may deliberately and systematically participate in organized crime themselves.

In most major cities there are internal affairs sections to investigate suspected police corruption or misconduct. Similar entities include the British Independent Police Complaints Commission. Police corruption is a significant widespread problem in several countries, such as the United States of America, Russia, Ukraine, India[1] and Mexico.

A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the responsibilities of or proper practices for an individual, party or organization. Related concepts include ethical codes and honor codes.Jump to: navigation, search

The internal affairs (United States terminology) division of a law enforcement agency investigates incidents and plausible suspicions of lawbreaking and professional misconduct attributed to officers on the force. In different systems, internal affairs can go by another name such as "professional standards," "inspectorate general", Office of Professional Responsibility or similar.

Several police departments in the USA have been compelled to institute civilian review or investigation of police misconduct complaints in response to community perception that internal affairs investigations are biased in favor of police officers. For example, San Francisco, California, has its Office of Citizen Complaints, created by voter initiative in 1983, in which civilians who have never been members of the San Francisco Police Department investigate complaints of police misconduct filed against members of the San Francisco Police Department. Washington, DC, has a similar office, created in 1999, known as the Office of Police Complaints.[1]

Due to the sensitive nature of this responsibility, in many departments, officers working internal affairs are not in a

detective command, but report directly to the agency's chief, or to a board of civilian police commissioners.

Internal Affairs investigators are bound by stringent rules when conducting their investigations. In California, the Peace Officers Bill of Rights (POBR) is a mandated set of rules found in the Government Code.[2]



Ethical codes

are adopted by organizations to assist members in understanding the difference between 'right' and 'wrong' and in applying that understanding to their decisions. An ethical code generally implies documents at three levels: codes of business

ethics, codes of conduct for employees, and codes of professional practice.

False light

is a legal term that refers to a tort concerning privacy that is similar to the tort of defamation. The privacy laws in the United States include a non-public person's right to privacy from publicity which puts them in a false light to the public; which is balanced against the First Amendment right of free speech.

False light differs from defamation primarily in being intended "to protect the plaintiff's mental or emotional well-being" rather than protect a plaintiff's reputation as is the case with the tort of defamation[1] and in being about the impression created rather than being about true or false. If a publication of information is false, then a tort of defamation might have occurred. If that communication is not technically false but is still misleading then a tort of false light might have occurred.[1]

Justice for all

The mind control can lead to death from heart attacks, strokes, aneurysms, and other natural causes, with the real cause of death -electro magnetic assaults and mind control - undetectable.  The mind control can also make a victim commit suicide and even commit murder. 

All electrical appliances are destroyed and car radios and even engines are destroyed.  Cars are run off of the road and you are stalked and attacked constantly.  All mail is intercepted (even registered, certified and express mail), birth certificates are changed and social security records are manipulated.  Debts are increased, and jobs and businesses are destroyed.

You are monitored and/or tracked by Drones (airborne cameras), satellites, and illegal audio and video in your home.

All the time that this and more is happening to you, usually simultaneously, everyone is told that you have a mental problem or that you are under investigation.

Washington has not given permission for any official on any level to commit these acts.

They have used coercion, intimidation, sever slander, and scare tactics, brain washing. They try to humiliate me in front of others. This is non stop abuse. This type of psychological conditioning will cause mental illness, in the form of triggers. Triggers can be anything from a person, to a sound. When the victim comes in contact with a trigger they act, or feel as if they are being attacked again, reliving the trauma, and anxiety.

This abuse is emotional, verbal, and physically affects my health drastically.

Terrorism is a systematic use of terror, as means of coercion. Terrorism refers to those act’s witch are intended to create fear. They deliberately target, and isolate victims. As  they disregard the safety of civilians. Telling me that they are going to kill me, and saying there is noting I can do about it,  telling me that I don’t know who they are, and that no one would believe me, they disregard safety, as they hide amongst civilians.

it could be psychologically devastating if one suddenly heard "voices within one's head"


Parts of this info was taken from Wikipedia. This information is very important to the safety, and health of people everywhere.





Societies acceptance  is a prison disguised as a palace. That last sentence was from a show I watched, a show about people with abilities.

Desensitization is a issue developed from this abuse. Others have been driven to violence, this is  a desired result  from the perpetrator’s. This form of hatred will drive victims to commit suicide.

California PENAL CODE

SECTION 630-638



630.  The Legislature hereby declares that advances in science and

technology have led to the development of new devices and techniques

for the purpose of eavesdropping upon private communications and that

the invasion of privacy resulting from the continual and increasing

use of such devices and techniques has created a serious threat to

the free exercise of personal liberties and cannot be tolerated in a

free and civilized society.

   The Legislature by this chapter intends to protect the right of

privacy of the people of this state.

   The Legislature recognizes that law enforcement agencies have a

legitimate need to employ modern listening devices and techniques in

the investigation of criminal conduct and the apprehension of

lawbreakers. Therefore, it is not the intent of the Legislature to

place greater restraints on the use of listening devices and

techniques by law enforcement agencies than existed prior to the

effective date of this chapter. There is much more but I am sure this has been boring.

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You have to ask yourself....who has the access to power in every city and in every state across the nation? Who has the access, means, motives and money in every city, every state AND in every "Country" across the Globe? After all Gang Stalking and Electronic Harassment is occurring in mass "Globally" not just in select regions.


The answer has been right under our noses,  "hiding in plain site".


The "Illuminati" not only has the motives and evil shrewdness to commit such criminal acts but they clearly have direct access to everyone through thier strategically placed temples, temples that are in every major city across the world. 


They have the means, access, motives, money and an army of satanic sociopaths who have acquired Lucifer's trademark.


According to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the Illuminati are conducting atrocious and criminally violent acts against humanity, that parallels Hitlers mass genocidal murders.  How is it that the Illuminati is getting away with this?  Ask yourself, how many Illuminati members are sitting on the board of directors in the UDHR? 


Below are some quotes from a real  "Illuminati trainer", Svali, who turned her back on the Illuminati and exposed their deepest and darkest secrets.


This should explain "how" the Illuminati perps gain access and control over our local governments and other organized groups;


"Even the local military will be overcome as the Illuminati will have regional cell groups with highly trained leaders. They also count on the element of surprise helping them during their takeover. Many of the highest leaders in the militia branch of the Illuminati are or have been officers in the military, and so already have a good knowledge of which techniques will work best to overcome a region's or locality's defenses" (Svali).

"There are other groups that are not actually part of the Illuminati of which they are aware. The Illuminati are not the only group that follows esoteric practices or worships ancient deities or demons. They encourage divisiveness between different groups (divide and conquer is one of their ruling principles). They will often welcome them into their umbrella, if possible. This has been happening more and more in recent years, as the Illuminati trade teaching their training principles, which are considered the best by most secretive groups, in exchange for loyalty to the Illuminati. They will send their trainers to these groups, and the trainers will report to the local regional council" (Svali).



The information below should ring a bell to T.I.'s;


Informers: These people are trained to observe details and conversations with photographic recall. They are trained to report to their local cult leader or hierarchy, or trainer, and will download large amounts of information under hypnotic trance. Detailed knowledge of conversations or even documents can often be retrieved in this manner. They are often used as "plants" to gather information in both governmental settings, and within the cult meetings.


Punishers: These are the people who brutally punish/discipline members caught breaking rules or acting outside of or above their authority. They are universally despised by other cult members, although they will be praised for a job well done by the local high priest or priestess. Usually physically strong, they will employ any method deemed necessary to prevent a recurrence of the undesired behavior. Punishment may be public or private, depending upon the severity of the infraction. Each local group has several punishers.


Trackers: These people will track down and keep an eye on members who attempt to leave their local group. They are taught to use dogs, guns, tasers, and all necessary tracking techniques. They are also adept at using the internet to monitor a person's activities. They will track credit card use, checks written, and employ other methods to find a missing person.


Source; Breaking the Chain by Svali




How can this all be kept so secretive?

How is such control and power attained over these perps and the general public?

How can anyone be so evil and without a conscious as to what they are doing to others?


The information below should answer the big questions we all ask ourselves;

The child is also put through severe psychological torture to ensure that it will never be tempted to tell, including: being buried alive; near drowning; watching "traitor's deaths" involving slow painful torture, such as being burned, or skinned alive; being buried with a partially rotted corpse and being told that they will become a corpse like it if they ever tell, etc ( Svali ).


"These methods have been perfected over hundreds of years of practice by the cult with its children. The reason these things are done is self evident: the cult is involved in criminal activities, as explained in the first few chapters of this book, and they want to ensure the continued silence of its children. This is one reason why the cult has survived so long, protected by an impenetrable shroud of secrecy. It is why survivors are afraid/unwilling to disclose their abuse"  ( Svali ).


 "Fourth step: The survival of the fittest

This step is used in order to begin creating perpetrator alters in the young child. All cult members will be expected to become perpetrators. This begins in early childhood.Children are expected to become perpetrators of others at very young ages, and will "practice" on children younger than themselves, with the encouragement and rewarding by the adults around them. They will also be mimicking these adults, who role model perpetration constantly as normal. The child will be taught that this is the acceptable outlet for the aggressive impulses and rage that are created by the brutality the child is constantly being exposed to ( Svali ).


Source; Breaking the Chain by Svali~

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focus on basics people need help

Very important that as many as possible should come together from all over the world from many websites etc. And as a massive force demand action. Because at the moment people are very dispersed and not organized plus many people are to radical in claims.

Also I think people should stop coming up with crazy conspiracy theories and blame governments and presidents, getting from all of  them an immediate red  flag . So every one should focus on coming together and stating that the public of many countries have been exposed to such technologies and people need to be helped. Plus I don't think many of these perps are related and many of them are just regular criminals. If technological capabilities exist it could fall into many wrong hands and many can build them.    

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Way all targeted individuals can be saved

Dear TI's I have an idea, to have straightforward posts to find a location or locations in the world where no signals can get to. 

Because I think they use public broadcasters like satellites and antennas. So I think everybody should work to find a place where their signals cannot be broadcast.  

I have travelled to Ukraine, Kiev underground metro, France, Germany, Cuba, Poland, on a bus I passed by Netherlands and Belgium, I also travelled to Canmore Alberta Canada cave which is 55 meters deep. I did not lose the signal in any of these places.

So what I would like  is for people who have tried to lose the signal and all others to try to find a place on earth where their signals to go. So like A dessert or an isolated place or a cave that is very deep. This could also help people who don't have a big budget not  waste their time and money. So all TI's could know a place or places to go to be free.

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