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My Perp Ex -Husband.........My Years with Him

This part of my life story mainly covers the years spent with my ex-husband. There are many parts left out and there is much editing to do on this writing as well, since I had wrote this many years ago, long before I went back to college and perfected my writing skills.  My ex-husband was sent to me by whom, I do not know....I was so naive when I met him, that I did not put together the odd and out of place pieces that he had been sent to me... a girl friend of mine that happened to know my ex, took me to his hang out bar and the moment I walked into this bar he locked eyes with me and immediately headed over to me, as if he had been waiting for me to walk in...then after he approached me....he goes "you look like a xxxxx"....using my last name because I had a lot of relatives that lived in this town with the same last name as me... so he used my last name as well....then four weeks after dating he pulls out a picture of me back when i was around 15 or 16 years old....this picture was of me sitting by myself on someones stairs....there was no one else in the picture and i do not ever remember this picture taken of me...i was not looking at the picture appears someone took this pic of me "on the slide", without my knowledge.  when I asked him where he had gotten this picture....he said his next door neighbor gave it to him...but i did not know his neighbors...i met them and when i saw them or heard their names...there was no past recognitions of them what so what were his neighbors doing with a picture of me?....all so very is my middle life story....


I've been Stalked, harassed, attacked, terrorized and much more over the past 18 (Now, at the time of this blog post it's been 24 years) by numerous individuals.  All of my incidents have been documented with the local authorities, witnessed by neighbors, friends and family members.  So really no one can say to me that "it did not happen" because I have witnesses and police reports to all my incidents.  Not only this but I have a clean criminal record and I am still "creditable" and have not been discredited yet...this is good for you the reader, the victim because the more "creditable" people speaking out, the better!

My Story part 1....

My life had been pretty normal before I met my ex husband.  Within a month of dating and moving my ex-husband into my home is when the death threat phone calls started coming in.  I was 21 years old.  (Later, many years later I had put the pieces together and came to the realization that my ex husband was indeed "sent to me" )  The man's voice on the other end of the line was an older man probably in his forties by the sound of his voice which scared me even more because he was an adult.  He addressed me by name.  He he knew me.  Someone told him about me but who? I had no enemies at that time, none.  He kept calling and calling threatening to kill me and that he was in fact going to make sure he killed me.  Well on this note I sold my home my grandfather had bought for me and moved to a new location, changed my number and made it unlisted.
Within a month more death threat phone calls came in.  This time a new voice was on the other end of the phone.  A younger voice but with the same I am going to kill you line.  Then one day a new voice was on the line and this man says " I am one of your neighbors and if you don't tell me right now what kind of underwear you are wearing I am going to come down to your house right now and blow your brains out with the loaded gun i have on my lap "before the police can even get to your house"!  He then proceeds to say "if I were you I wouldn't call the police because I will "know" if you do and they wont get here in time to save you."  Well by this time I was hysterical and hyperventilating.  He also told me if I hung up on him that he'd be down there in a minute to kill me.  So I dropped the phone and ran to the kitchen to think and breath.  I first locked all the doors and windows and then hung up to call the police.  This is all documented.

After this, a new set of phone calls started to come in.  These ones, someone had used what is called a "voice alteration device".  They used this machine to alter their voice.  The voice sounded electronic.  I could not tell if it was a woman's or mans voice.  This time I went down to the (?) Police dept instead of the Sheriffs.  What happened next I would have never guessed.  An investigator came up to me and asked me to step into his office.  He proceeded to tell me that his department has been investigating these persons making phone calls with these voice alterations for 13 years!  The next thing I know is that the Police are coming into my home and wiring my home phone! Oh not only this, it gets better.  
Next thing I know this or these people with a voice alterator asked me to meet them at the local mall.  So the (?) Police told me to go along with it.  I did my best to play along but it all seemed to be soooo strange, like I was in the twilight zone.  So this person or persons told me to meet them at the local mall at a certain time.  So the (?) Police asked me to meet them at a restaurant before going to the mall to "wire me".  The police said not to worry that there would be three under cover officers all around me in the mall.  After sitting in the designated spot I was supposed to sit in a woman comes walking up to me from the mall directory desk and says are you Kayla?  I said yes.  She goes well someone is on the phone for you at the desk over there.  I walk up to the desk and pick up the phone. The voice on the other end asked me to unbutton the top of my dress, wow this was off the charts nuts, then the voice said that they knew I had set them up, that they knew cops were around and that they were going to get me.   This investigation pretty much came to a dead end after this for the police and me.  Needless to say i never got a call again from the voice changer machine.
Although shortly there after one more very dangerous phone call came in, it was the night of an attempted kidnapping on me.  (My dad came over the night of this attempted kidnapping "unexpectedly").  My dad never came over to visit and I found his unexpected visit odd and suspicious right off the bat. My dad and my ex husband got into a conversation and at that point I decided that it was a nice night to take a walk and let them talk.  I headed out to take a walk around the block, in my own neighborhood.  I didn't make it even a quarter of a block before a blazer came roaring around the corner and headed right towards me, as if it was going to run me over and then it screeched to a stop just short of running me over.  Some one had been watching and knew that I had left the house.  They knew me.  (They called me by name).  They go hay xxxxx were going to FK you up!  I stood there frozen not knowing what to do. They were saying horrible things, some I cannot repeat on one thing that they had said was "were going to cut up your "private" parts with our knife. This is just one thing they were saying.  I started to run towards a house when one of the guys jumped out of the blazer and started running towards me with a knife.  I made it to a house and screamed for help while banging on the door with my life.  A woman comes to the door and I didn't stop to say anything, I just jumped into her house and said call the police.  She locked the door and called.  In the mean time those two crazed guys in the blazer, shockingly, stayed right in front of her house, all the while screaming all kinds of things at me, not even caring if any of the other neighbors could hear them as well.  They were like rabid mad dogs on a mission.  Staying in front of this women's house had been a big mistake because here comes the cops flying around the corner, who in turn witnessed these two guys in action, yelling at me from their blazer. The two guys fled the police, as I watched in utter disbelief, a live high chase pursuit unfolding in front of me.  The guys jumped their blazer over a large meridian, sparks flew and you could hear their blazer bottom out from bouncing down off the meridian during the start of the high pursuit chase with the police.

My story part 2

In the mean time while I am waiting at this woman's house I could hear the police cars sirens blazing through out that side of the city.  The police sent a second squad car to the woman's home, got my statement and offered a ride home.  When the police officer took me home my husband was sleeping and my dad was gone.  The police officer stayed around to make sure I was ok for a while.  I woke my husband up but he did not know that a police officer was sitting in our living room.  I explained to him what had just happened looking for some comfort and he then goes " good! I wish they would have cut you up and FK you up the --ss!!!!  The police officer then looks at me and asks "are you going to be ok here, now I am concerned for you here too"!!!!  I told him to just go ahead that I will take my two daughters and go somewhere else.  The two men eventually got caught, arrested and were about to get prosecuted.  Once I found out whom these guys were, I was even more shocked!  I did not know them, had never met them but they lived only 6 houses down from me.  They could clearly see my home from their home.  Not only that but their family owned the most popular grocery chain stores though out my state. They had money.  I gave it a lot of thought and decided to get a lawyer and pursued a lawsuit against them so that I could move away, far from them and this experience.  I won the law suit and moved.  

After moving,  my father told me that the night of the attempted kidnapping, that before he left my house that a guy called and my ex-husband was in the bathroom at the time so he answered the phone ringing at my house.  The caller said in a hurried voice "Get the hell out of there, your messing up the whole plan".  What plan?   Sometime within the time frame before moving away and after the attempted kidnapping my ex husband on several occasions stated to me that he had "tried some kind of experiment on me but that the experiment had failed".  He had also asked me several times "are you interested in having powers"? When I had asked him what he meant he'd go "you know dark powers" as if I was supposed to know what he was talking about.  I found out later that he had got initiated into the "Devils Disciples" biker gang out of Detroit.  Through out of my years of personal investigating I do not believe the D.D.'s have anything to do with goes higher than that, much, much higher and my ex husband somehow is tied up in it.   I do believe he is the one that got me initially stalked and caused all this trouble for me and my children but  "he was sent to me by someone else" to begin with to mess with me and this unknown person or persons who sent him, still remains a mystery .

I have sound reason to believe that my ex husband had and has some part in a porno, sex slave trade ring and or pedophile ring.  It is verified that he was in a drug ring ( a law enforcement investigator told me he was in a drug ring) which along with drugs sometimes comes porn or pedophilia of some sort or on some level.  Now before I moved more phone calls came in again, short ones letting me know that my name was on the walls of some sex shop, porn store/show place downtown.  They kept calling me telling me my name and phone number was on the walls there.   I get in my car,  drive there and walk in telling the manager about my phone calls and that I wanted to see if it was true that my name was on these smut walls.  Sure enough they were, my name in full print on the show room walls.  I had enough of all the craziness and we moved north to a small town, thinking I'd get away from it all.  Now back then I had not an incline that my ex had a part of all this until many years later, when I had "put it all together".

So it followed "me" , not my ex, why? I was attacked not him, why?  He was not mad or disturbed by it, why? In fact he never said any response to my distress, why?  He had asked me to get life insurance on me 7 times but "not" him, why?  He started pushing to get life insurance on our children but "never, never him", why?  Never once did he ever bring up getting life insurance on himself, never once.  He just kept pushing me and our daughters to get life insurance on ourselves.  Why? The answer is obvious to even a child's level of understanding.

So we finally moved.  When we got to our new place to live he looked right at me and said "just so you know if you don't watch out "I will ruin things for you here.....too!)  that's when I started thinking about what he had just said, about the past happenings and what truly low acts he was capable of.   I thought he'd ruin things for me here too, in the new city we had moved to.  Yeah, now I understood that he had deliberately destroyed my life. He snow balls things for the hell of it, just for fun because he is an abusive, controlling type and not to mention his main driving motive... money, a hire for hit money.
One night after he had some drinks, he slipped up, just once and told me that he was worried that some of the "dealers" that he had dealt drugs with went down (got caught and sent to prison) and he had been worried that they would think he was the rat, the nark.  I was shocked yet again, as being in a state of shock since meeting him had become common place in my life.  I had thought we were living a normal life.  I asked him what was going on and he was evasive but stated it hadn't been him who had narked but that it had been his cousin Jacklin that handed over the marked money! People who got too close to my ex, were always caught up in some type or form of trouble, drama and utter destruction.

I do not fear disclosing this any of this because for one I had absolutely nothing to do with any of his affairs and I had never looked for, sought out or lived my life in disarray as he had. After everything my daughters and myself have went through because of him and the original perpetrators who sent him to begin with, we had lived to tell this story and it would be such a waste if we do not get this truth out. Now, let it be his turn..let the people he jacked know the truth,  let the enemies know that my ex husband and his family are the ones they should be going after, not some innocent children and a mom who knows nothing of these matters.

So somehow, I am this normal person, thinking I was living a normal life, so I thought and these people and my ex somehow get me involved in their crazy life. He had been living a double life, unknown to me and I was now, too scared to leave him at this point because it sure sounded like his "whole family" was involved in snitching.  His families campaign against me, to discredit me, began.  All of a sudden I don't know what I am talking about, I am crazy, shes nuts, ect...just like his whole family said about "all" their boys ex girlfriends, they were "all" crazy.   I knew then I was in "big trouble".  I had to play dumb for a while.

It sickened me over the years when I saw my ex take down and destroy every employer/company he ever worked for.  Every single last one of them.  He destroyed one family owned business that had been in business for 100 plus years.  They ran their business strictly out of family tradition to keep the family name and business going. They were prideful of servicing the community with real milk in original glass milk containers that their grandfathers had before them. They made no profits from running this business.  My ex called me up one day while working for this family owned company and told me he did not like their trucks, so he, as he stated to me, "stopped the heap of junk in the middle of the highway and parked it there", blocking the flow of traffic, for the best affect and even left it running, while he went to a pay phone and turned them in to the department of transportation.  The companies that he could not get any thing on, he just simply screwed them over in other ways.  I watched him deliberately destroy yet a different companies plow truck transmission and he "stole" a different companies truck for the weekend to go to a "mud bog".  Well just happened that one of the companies owners relatives saw my ex there with the stolen truck and instead of calling the police I guess they wanted to show him a good old fashioned red neck payback and ended up tying his ankle to their truck bumper and dragged him behind it for quite some distance, I had heard.  So sorry ex.

I suspect he found this exciting. He continually sought out more stimulating ways and took larger risk taking acts to give him adrenaline rushes. The problems followed me because he followed along with me when we moved.  In this new small town he caused a lot of trouble by screwing over all his employers and dealing drugs again without my knowledge.  At one point, we had 6 State cop cars sitting along side our property "just watching".   I was not aware of why they had been sitting there watching  until after my divorce.  I kept wondering why we had trouble "everywhere" we went.  So we moved again.  After seeing how he screwed anyone and everyone over I could not bring myself to leave just yet, I did not want to be next.

Now the next town we moved to is a different story.  He pulled all his cards out this time around and stepped us into the "twilight zone".  This was Houghton Lake Michigan.  Now this next move here is a book all its own.  What happened there is still not all uncovered and I do not care to uncover any more than I know now. I have moved on.  

Funny how just one person can start a "nuclear war",  pit everyone against each other and...then.. enjoy it.  Drugs, sex, fun and causing upheavals and destruction where ever he went, was the name of his game. He dealt drugs in this new town we moved too without my knowledge, crack cocaine to be exact, I had heard after my divorce.  The same weirdness started again in the new town and when I went to the police dept complaining of harassment from neighbors, people running me and my children off the road and an off duty cop coming to my home threatening me, I had found out a few things that I did not expect to find out.  Comes to find out the law already knew about what was going on before I did.  A State police investigator told me that my ex's drug users were the ones harassing me including (our children too) in this new town.  Blocked in by gang banger cars, threatened to be killed if I didn't shut my mouth ect...I found out what was going on 6 months before I let onto to my ex that I knew all this from the investigator.  So I played dumb and got a micro voice recorder.  I would deliberately come home and complain to him that this just happened to me and the children or this just happened to us and he'd just sit there staring straight at the t.v. acting dumb and would not respond back...because he did not care..because "he had a plan" response what so fact there was a smirk on his face..."living with the enemy" was an understatement.
Within this time frame I had "caught him putting unknown substances into my food and drinks".  (He admitted to me that he had done so) but that it was supposedly an antacid one time, one time it was an antibiotic, one time it was a sleeping pill, one time it was different story each time I caught him putting these unknown substances in my food and drinks. I'd say this soup tasted funny or my pop tasted funny and then he'd say yeah I put this or that in your drink or food.  Now as far as the law goes, I believe that it is a "Felony" to put "unknown" substances into another persons food or drinks.  Then on out, I had to watch all my drinks and food around him until I could file for divorce, which was in the works as well as getting everything I could on him.  I had been wondering "why" I was feeling groggy in the mornings like I had been drugged.  I still don't know what exactly he was administering to me.  Though 2 months before I finally got my divorce papers put together he told me that when I was "passed out" that he had watched me get "screwed" by like 15 guys without my knowledge and that he "knew" all their names.  How could that be? Only our children, him and myself had lived in the home and no one had been visiting our home or around our house. How could have this have happened??  GBH? Sleeping pills? So that he could pimp me out for drugs or money? Sure sounds this way doesn't it?  Well come to find out at 32 yrs old he was providing drugs to and having sex to 16 year old's and even under that age from what I had heard later on.  He admitted the 16 year old after our divorce.  One of the girls that was 16 yrs old and her friends had been only one of many that were harassing me and my children.  One of this 16 year old girls friends told me that when I was gone to work or away that she would break into my home go through my things and belongings.  My neighbors were also telling me that after I had gone to sleep that they had seen many people hanging out in my back yard around 3 to 4am in the morning.  So my ex would wait until I fell asleep or he had "put me to sleep" to do his drugs and sex right under my nose in our yard.  Which later after my divorce he admitted to having sex in our yard after I was passed out or drugged.  

My ex ended up marrying one of my harassers mothers!  One of the drug users that harassed me and my children, it is his mother that is now married to my ex. Apparently they were all in on it to run me and my children out of that town or possibly to set up my murder.  I later had found out that his new wife and her harasser son lived only two houses down from our home when I had been married and I might add, during the time when me and my children were getting terrorized.  

During this 6 month time frame my Uncle Ron was mysteriously murdered one hour south of us in another city.  They had an open murder case on him for over a year and finally closed it.  Before my Uncle Ron's murder, my uncle had been inquiring about my "situation".  He kept asking me what was going on, what was my husband up to?  I kept telling him it was alright, not to worry I could handle things. He was pretty pissed about what he was hearing and what was happening to me and my children up there in that small town.  I told him not to worry.  My Uncle Ron was an ex Navy officer, member of the Scottish Rite and guns trade dealer.  It was not in his nature to over look problems happening to his family members.  Apparently my uncle had dug a little too far into what was going on in my life. His wife told me at the hospital hours before he died that "if it hadn't been for my ex husband he wouldn't be dead now".  I did not know what exactly she had been referring to or the extent of it all then.

Everyone kept skirt-ailing telling me the whole truth.  I had to dig, investigate and pay money to people to finally find out much of the truth involving all of this.  In the mean time, during this six month period I had to secretly wait to get my divorce,  my ex kept telling me that he knew where I had been during the day (while he was at work.)  He'd come home and tell me someone I know saw you here or there and he'd also tell me what I had said in my own home.  Now I was thinking how the heck would he know this or that?  He surveillanced me obviously. 
Now I kept going to the State police dept and complaining about all the harassment but somehow my information kept "leaking" out and I did not know how this was happening.  I "knew" there was a "leak", a collaborator in their dept but of course I could not prove at the time whom it was.  In the year 2007 I did indeed find out who the "leak" was.  He was a State police officer in Houghton Lake Michigan.  He was finally caught and prosecuted by the law in 2007.  This same cop was best friends with a big coke dealer.  This particular drug dealer, who is dead now from coke accused me of being a DEA agent during this time.  The night that it happened I was with my ex husband.  While this dealer was in my face nose to nose with me yelling at me that I was a DEA officer as his face was turning red my ex husband sat 2 feet from me and was "laughing" at me while I was getting attacked by this man.  I knew then that he was part of all this, making it look like I was the bad guy in all this. WOW.  After this guy calmed down I was about to run out of there when he goes sorry I was out of line.  He then goes here...he then pores me, him and my ex shots of liqueur and then goes to us forgetting this episode.  I was not stupid so I let them take the shots as I was shaking and I looked down in my shot glass and there sat like 12 thumbtacks in the bottom of my shot glass...ready for me to swallow.  Nothing like making things look like an accident, humm?  Well 5 years later he was killed by a fatal overdoes of a bad batch of coke in the year 2007.  Yes I kept tract of my adversaries, all of them.  He was killed by the bad coke months after his best state cop buddy went down....coincidence? Who knows and who cares.  That;s what happens to bad people, who do bad things.  They either end up with a broken back like my ex husband has or they end up in Jail or dead...So sorry

My Story Part 4
Internal affairs??

I had come to find out that two D. Twp policemen in this town were dirty too.  So I've heard last that Internal affairs came into this town after a very lengthy investigation and prosecuted the 2 dirty cops back in the year 2000.  This had happened right around my divorce proceedings.  Someone had been paying attention to the things that were going on in that town.  I knew they were dirty but yeah I could not prove it.  One year before they were caught, these same two cops went out of their way to pull me over twice for no reason.  After they pulled me over for no reason, did a search and then let me go they pulled away and down the next side street on the right.  I started driving slowly past the street they had just turned down and saw those cops talking to my ex's 16 year old girlfriend he was messing around with at that time..her car and the cops car were window to window, I watched them talk, minutes after pulling me over.  They did not expect me to see this nor did my ex husband know that I knew she and her friends were the ones behind me and my daughters harassment at that time.
Other strange things started to happen.  One day my ex husband comes home and says there was a "Black unmarked helicopter" that had swooped down towards him at his work place.  He said that this unmarked helicopter had focused a "red beam" on his chest..apparently the red beam was coming from a sniper rifle.  While the red beam was focused on his chest the helicopters blade touched a utility wire and almost got caught up into it.  At this time my ex ducked into his works wear house area for cover.  The helicopter then flew away.  I wasn't sure if I could believe him so without his knowledge I went down to his work and asked his manager.  True enough the whole story he told me had happened.  After this incident his manager offered their private apartment that they had right inside their building for us to stay at for a while to hide out...hide out from who, I don not know.  We left our home that we owned and stayed at this companies guest apartment for like four weeks. 
One day as we were going to this little apt and there sits a black government looking vehicle with two men dressed all in black suits with wireless ear pieces in their ears.  It sat outside for hours just watching.  After this we just moved back into our home.  I don't know what he had gotten us into this time, so I told him to leave our house and go live at his parents.  Thinking this would alleviate the problem if they had been "after him".  Well it did not alleviate any of the problems, the problems continued.  Next thing I know a friend and I were sitting in my home and we watched a black government looking car pull up in front of my house, again.  This time there was only one man in the black car, he was dressed in an all black suit with a wireless ear piece in his ear, again.  He just sat out there for close to an hour not trying to hide the fact that he was there.  Weeks later a local ? police officer that I had known from around town knocked on my "back door".  I asked who it was and was very surprised that it was this cop knocking at my door at 10pm at night.  When I opened the door, there he stood in his plain regular clothes, no uniform on.  I said come on in not thinking I would have to be afraid of a cop.  The first thing he asked me was "do I have a gun?" I told him the only gun I had was a "flare gun" that my dad had given me a month earlier.  He then goes " when are you going to move?" I told him I did not know.  He then starts walking down the length of my wall in the living room "dragging one finger along the wall" as he walked in a threatening manner as he goes "well if I were you I'd move out of here soon."  Then he goes well I got to get going and he leaves on that note.  About a month down the road I had heard around town that "he had been fired after 30 years of service"....this, I am almost positive was not by chance but tied into all this.
Then a parade of vehicles started parking in front of our home.  They would come in a band wagon of 15 to 18 vehicles and come to a slow stop, stop briefly in front and then take off only to be repeated again a second time in the same day.  This went on for a month.  My daughters and friends or whom ever was in the house at the time watched, witnessed this parade stop in front of our home.  In fact this one family took shifts guarding us and our home for 2 months when all this started.  They even brought over a police trained German Sheppard that freely ran around our home, pacing and looking out every window, going from window to window on the watch.  The family that was taking shifts watching out over us were bikers and some of their biker friends told me "to never be left alone", to not be caught alone, to always have someone with me at all times because they heard I was targeted.  I went back to the ? police and complained of harassment again and this time they told me that my soon to be ex husband at that time had came to their police post and was telling them that I was lying to them and I was over reacting ect to try and "discredit me".  The police told me that "they did not believe my husband" so not to worry.  At this point I was not sure I could count on this particular dept so I called another dept out of the county to make sure "they too knew what was going on in that county."  Situations like these I would advise never leaving it all up to your local law enforcement agencies.  If your local law enforcement agency are ignoring and neglecting your complaints then I would advise going above their heads or involving other counties to draw more attention to your harassment problems.  

my story part 5

There are many events that have been left out but as I've stated I have to leave out many because I would be then writing a book.  I am pointing out the "highlights" of all the hundreds upon hundreds of episodes but which all lead up to more advanced organized stalking I will write about in upcoming parts of my story.

My brother that had came up to live with us for a while, got ran over by a car on purpose,that had been drove by two guys from Lansing, MI .  From the information I got, my brothers attempted murder was premeditated and payed for.  He was invited to a party and at this party they waited until he stepped into the road and came barreling around the corner straight at him and gunned the gas, driving right over his body, not once but twice.  After they ran him over they then backed up and ran him over again backwards with their car, the second time crushed part of his skull.  He wandered off on foot still able to walk and asked someone to call the police.  The Michigan State Police then stopped on the side of the road and asked him if he wanted to go to the emergency room.  From the story my brother tells me he then got into the State Police car, taking him down a dark country side road and told him to get out. They set him up, dumped him off and left him for dead, only then as they started to leave they told him "too bad".  This particular situation was not directly involved with my situation but did involved the "same" individuals that had been harassing me too.  Pretty much it was "all" tied in.  I still have his pictures of his destroyed face and head after being ran over in my safety deposit box. 
I moved away shortly after being threatened by the Roscommon Sheriff Dept cop who got fired.  Of course it all followed me.  My ex contacted my new boyfriends ex wife and his best friend.  I wont get into detail about these individuals because they are not part of the "big" picture and they were just used as "stalking by proxy".  By then I was so used to bigger fish that these people were a joke and they were like dealing with kids.  Though in this new town I was approached by a guy and I knew right from the beginning that something was amiss so "I played it along"  Later he told me that he was indeed a private investigator and that he was hired to investigate me but that he could not tell me whom it was that hired him.  I did some research on him and indeed he worked for a private investigating firm right in town.  This same investigator was involved in manufacturing pornographic videos "without the women's knowledge" of these videos being made.  He told me that his film maker friends were all doing it and admitted the whole thing to me.  I told him that if he thought of doing this with me that there would not be four corners of this earth that I would not be able to find him to retaliate and then I broke off all connections with him.  There sure seems to be "a lot" of "pornographic" edges to all my experiences have you noticed?  Yes I have too.  Seems that most of my stalking experiences have derived from some pornographic organizations and situations.  Again it all seems to come back to those phones calls that started it all with a pornographic organization stance to it. 
Not too long after this my dad called out of the blue and offered to pay for me to get my brakes done on my car (even though I really didn't need breaks but what a nice guy huh?)  So, he was even nice enough to set up the appointment and even "drive 3 long hours to pay the mechanic his money in person to do the job for my brakes)....what a nice guy, huh?  I had owned my present vehicle for a year and a half before I took it into this shop to get my brakes fixed.  I had my two young children in my back seat as we took off from this shop after just having new brakes put on.  Within a quarter of a block after leaving this mechanic shop (on a cold engine) my engine caught fire! So I pulled into the closest business parking lot which was Auto Zone.  The people in Auto Zone saw the fire under my hood as I pulled into their parking lot and came running out with fire extinguishers.  As I came to a "slow" stop so as not to advance the fire I told my young daughters to get out of the car now!  They yelled that they couldn't! Why I yelled...they said the seat belts were stuck.  So I told them to crawl out of the seat belts and they then had to crawl out of them.  I then go to unbuckle my seat belt and mine was stuck too and would not unlatch.  So I too had to crawl out of my seat belt. Now this just took the cake.  An engine fire, sure it happens once in a while...its rare but now add "glued shut seat belts", that just don't happen, ever, but it did to us.  The Auto Zone manager saw the whole thing and made a company report on the manner.  There is a company incident report on this event.  Wouldn't you know a week later all the seat belts started to work, unlatch again just like they had previously for a year and a half I had owned the car and for another year the seat belts worked too until I sold it.  The seat belts only decided to lock just in time for the engine fire or should I say were "glued" shut.  Now I was really freaked out because now I knew someone was willing to kill my children too not just me.  So I took my children out of school for a few days and we went to a very trusted friend named K. whom always stuck up for us.  I did not tell one soul where we were at, no one.  The very next day K. me and my children were in the house when a black vehicle with blacked out windows pulls up in front of K's house.  K said stay here and go hide in the bedroom.  As we all watched from the bedroom window we saw K talk with two guys in the front of the car.  When K came back into the house he said I cant believe it...he asks who did you tell that you were here?  I told him absolutely no one.  He said those guys out there just asked " have you seen Kayla anywhere?"  They knew you were here he said.  Now I could not figure out how anyone could find me somewhere I never told anyone where I was.  I started to feel like I was in the twilight zone or in some of the science fiction movies I've seen.  I sure was not any important person or any threat to anyone to have this kind of high status organized stalking done to me.  I prayed a lot for my daughters and I's protection...I didn't know what else to do or where to turn.  On a whim I decide to run and hide.  I had Florida as a destination in mind.  We set out to Florida and here I entered the Bermuda Triangle, worse then the twilight zone I was in. 
So half way to Florida we stop at a gas station to get gas.  I figured we would stop into Gatlinburg Tennessee, just up the road after I filled up.  Then this man and woman, a couple approach me and ask where we were heading.  I didn't think anything of it at the time because I thought I was in there clear but the couple goes "we advise you not to stay there long because you are in danger, they are not too far behind you".  I just looked at them and did not say anything.  I just figured yep I am in the twilight zone.  Geez its not like I was some double agent against different countries or anything, I was just a normal person wondering what was going on.  I told the couple thank you, not wanting to know anymore about how they knew this because I just couldn't handle hearing it and so I we hurried off down the highway.
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Former perp handler claiming I'm the perp

I got an email from james lico last night, i was just one of the people he sent it to.  He claimed I was a perp roommate he had!  what a joke!  I thought about sending a long, rambling explanation to everyone he mailed it to, then decided I have thought about him enough.  He was another in a long line of bad mistakes.  One I won't make again. 

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its finaly come down to murder these past few years have been  an absolute  nightmare ive seen my family destroyed every thing that is good in life has been taken from us starting with my dignity , my job ,my personal thoughts i havnt had a private moment in years i cant even go to the bathroom without harrassment and body manipulation it was impossible even to start a relationship with all the forced speech and mocking people through my mind watching every move i make ive started trying to get a lawyer ive sent warning,s of my intentions rio vista city hall and mountain home ar.water and sewer dept.the torture has taken a vicious toll on my health i have ruptured tendon sheaths from constant exposure and forced manipulation my heart is deformed from the forced speech and cancerous feeling they keep on my chest my blood presssure has been artificialy elevated for years ive had my life threatened repeatedly and forced to watch my family suffer at there hands we are on the verge of being put in the street these people have kept me from achieving anything having to rely on there scraps my ex wife has a severe disability wich keeps her in constant pain she can hardly walk yet she is also tortured mercilessly this time they there finaly ready to take my life and make it look like an accident  and left me nowhere to turn ive tried contacting the police ,fbi,fcc,government offices i have never received one response if you no longer hear from me please try and use my information to prosecute the people i have mentioned the signs of electronic manipulation are unmistakeable on internal organs

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Whats the point?

Whats the point in me listening to the same music when these people have exploited and insulted me about every type of song and every music genre I listen to. Whats the point in me dressing goth when everyone knows my business. Whats the point in continuing, living a life that has been exploited at every angle and completely trashed. Everything is pointless. Whats the point?

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    This is my first time speaking out in public about my families bizarre experiences, that I only began to understand about three years ago when I accidentally came across the subject of gang stalking.  I was able to finally attach a name to what my family and myself were experiencing, experiences that we are still going through. 

     I have been researching gang stalking for three years now, in an effort to make sense of the bizarre events that have unfolded over a 60 year span in our family.  I have so far tracked my families history back to when, where and why I believe our family had been targeted to begin with, a theory but a good one.  My grandfather (we will call him Jim) had been Dr. Robert Hutchings Goddard assistant at the Naval Engineering Experiment Station at Annapolis, Maryland in the early 1940's.  Dr. Goddard, a Ph.D physics graduate from Clark University, going on to become the worlds founder and pioneer of the United States rocketry science, had opened up the door to future space exploration and to modern aerospace industry.   Goddard worked for 12 years in Roswell, New Mexico, in secrecy and in seclusion I might add and as I am sure you can surmise, just as I can, what science they had been working on there.  "The Goddard Space Flight Center, a NASA facility in Maryland, was established in 1959. The crater Goddard on the Moon is also named in his honor.[99] Source; 

      My grandfather moved on from Navel engineering to General Motors Corp. He continued to design and invent but for G.M., becoming one of their most influential and recognized employee's for his designs.  Jim's son, my father, inherited his dad's intelligence and creativity, going on to become an inventor himself.  Years later after my dad died, 2010, is only when I found out from a family relative that my dad had invented directly for NASA.  I had known he had invented 4 energy related inventions and had seen his drafting pictures of the designs but was in the dark about his secret ties to NASA.  I should also note that my dad was an activist, who had also belonged to green peace as well as many other, unknown to me, groups. Growing up watching my dad suffer from being tormented by unknown "who's" following him and doing your typical gang stalking tactics, had been very sad for me. I saw it, our whole entire family saw and witnesses it.  At first when I was a child, say around 9 or 10, I had really thought from a child's perspective that my dad was in fact just crazy but as I grew older I actually payed attention and to my amazement there was something really going on and what was going on around us was truly scary. Now I am the one in my dads shoes, trying to explain this to my own daughters who probably think I am crazy now. It is like now I know what my dad had felt when those around him doubted him.  Who ever really is behind organized stalking tactics had, in later years, successfully isolated and confined him to his own home, as a prisoner.  Since I had witnessed these events unfold since early childhood (early 70's), I have a very unique perspective on the gang stalking scene, not to mention that I am a living witness that gang stalking has indeed "been going on a lot longer than most people know". 


I decided, since I do not have time in my life right now to write out my experiences...what I am going to do is just copy and paste all my correspondence, responses ect from discussions and my emails will be bits and pieces of this or that but all the'll get a gist of my experiences.
Here is one of my responses to a discussion;
Oh yes, I have had soooo many death threats to me that I have lost count....before I found out I was a victim, I had wondered why so many people wanted to kill was scary...geez...death threats via the phone and in person from strangers....when it first all started...I had made many police reports on the death threats and then the state police knocked on my door and said they had a warrant to "tap my phone" because they said...that they had been investigating this "group" for over 15 years! I was shocked! This was back in 1992.  So they came in with this machine that hooked up to my phone..a relay type of machine that went directly to their police station. So anyways, heres the real kicker....ready?  One state cop let a few pieces of information slip out of his mouth and they should have told me the "whole ordeal" since I was the one being one cop says to me...."We have been investigating this child kidnapping/sex slave ring for over 15 years now"!  They asked me to go undercover to help capture them and I agreed with it.  So we met at a restaurant and "they wired me"... under my shirt.  There was me and 5 plain clothes undercover cops positioned different places in the "mall" where the kidnappers were to meet me "to talk things over".....the kidnappers called me via the "information booth phone in the mall" ....a lady comes up to me and says are you so and so?? So I take the phone call and the guy on the end says, "Did you call the cops?"  I said no and they guy says, "we will see you again"...anyways ...a month later I decide to take a walk around the block on the street I lived was "dusk", not dark yet....they had been waiting, watching or listening as to when I would leave my home by myself because I did not get even a quarter of a block walking when this jeep comes barreling at me like it was going to come up on the side walk and run me over and the jeep did jump up on the curb and stopped short of hitting me..the 2 guys in the jeep started yelling at me, saying they were going to kill me (Never seen these guys in my life, ever)....they were screaming pure hatred, screaming things like "were going to take our knife and slit your xxxxxx" cut you open like a pig, was terrifying...I started to run to the nearest house that had lights on...and one of the guys jumps out of the jeep and starts running at me.....but i had a head start and made it to the house before he got me...I pounded on the ladies front door, while they guys moved and positioned their jeep right in front of her house....when she opened the door, she let me in and was on the phone already with the police....all the while these guys did not care if the lady heard them "still screaming at me" or the other neighbors or even the cops on the phone....all of which heard these guys "still ranting away at me from their jeep!!"  They stayed right there until 2 cop cars showed up!!  I watched is shock, a police chase take place...the 2 guys jumped their jeep right over a 10 foot high meridian that separated 2 roads and the cops followed them right over it!....I could hear the sirens and screeching for almost a half hour while other cops took down my i was just totally shocked with my jaw dropped the entire time! wondering just what the h__ had just gone down...when the reporting cops took me back home and i told my then husband who is now my ex because he got bought out against me in this deal....when the cop walked me into my living room....i told my husband then, what had happened and what these guys said and he, his name is Jon S., he said "Good!! I wish they would have cut your xxxx up one way and the next and diced you up!" ex husband was "supposedly" laying down in the room sleeping at 8pm on a weekend night and "had not seen or heard the cop that was standing in the living room" which the cop heard all of what my ex said and then turned to me and asked me...mam, are you sure you are safe here?? I dont think you are safe here you want me to take you somewhere else right now? So, all of this and what my ex had said is in police this is just "some" of my slew of stories over the years. 
This part of my life story covers some of my years spent with my ex-husband. There are many parts left out and there is much editing to do on this writing as well, since I had wrote this many years ago, long before I went back to college and perfected my writing skills.  My ex-husband was sent to me by whom, I do not is my middle life story....
I feel that it is important that the readers know that I am not using my ex's real name or my real name for that matter.  I am not going to reference any other parties that were involved nor use their names either.  This story is a generalization, a quick sweep to avoid exposing to many details or I would be writing a book.  Though when I am done writing it, the readers will get the general idea of what had transpired.  
Ive been Stalked, harassed, attacked, terrorized and much more over the past 18 years by numerous individuals.  All of my incidents have been documented with the local authorities, witnessed by neighbors, friends and family members.  So really no one can say to me that "it did not happen" because I have witnesses and police reports to all my incidents.  Not only this but I have a clean criminal record and I am still "creditable" and have not been discredited yet...this is good for you the reader, the victim because the more "creditable" people speaking out, the better!

My Story part 1....

My life had been normal before I met my ex husband.  Within a month of dating and moving my ex-husband into my home is when the death threat phone calls started coming in.  I was 21 years old.  (Later, many years later I had put the pieces together and came to the realization that my ex husband was indeed "sent to me" )  The man's voice on the other end of the line was an older man probably in his forties by the sound of his voice which scared me even more because he was an adult.  He addressed me by name.  He he knew me.  Someone told him about me but who? I had no enemies at that time, none.  He kept calling and calling threatening to kill me and that he was in fact going to make sure he killed me.  Well on this note I sold my home my grandfather had bought for me and moved to a new location, changed my number and made it unlisted.
Within a month more death threat phone calls came in.  This time a new voice was on the other end of the phone.  A younger voice but with the same I am going to kill you line.  Then one day a new voice was on the line and this man says " I am one of your neighbors and if you don't tell me right now what kind of underwear you are wearing I am going to come down to your house right now and blow your brains out with the loaded gun i have on my lap "before the police can even get to your house"!  He then proceeds to say "if I were you I wouldn't call the police because I will "know" if you do and they wont get here in time to save you."  Well by this time I was hysterical and hyperventilating.  He also told me if I hung up on him that he'd be down there in a minute to kill me.  So I dropped the phone and ran to the kitchen to think and breath.  I first locked all the doors and windows and then hung up to call the police.  This is all documented.

After this, a new set of phone calls started to come in.  These ones, someone had used what is called a "voice alteration device".  They used this machine to alter their voice.  The voice sounded electronic.  I could not tell if it was a woman's or mans voice.  This time I went down to the (?) Police dept instead of the Sheriffs.  What happened next I would have never guessed.  An investigator came up to me and asked me to step into his office.  He proceeded to tell me that his department has been investigating these persons making phone calls with these voice alterations for 13 years!  The next thing I know is that the Police are coming into my home and wiring my home phone! Oh not only this, it gets better.  
Next thing I know this or these people with a voice alterator asked me to meet them at the local mall.  So the (?) Police told me to go along with it.  I did my best to play along but it all seemed to be soooo strange, like I was in the twilight zone.  So this person or persons told me to meet them at the local mall at a certain time.  So the (?) Police asked me to meet them at a restaurant before going to the mall to "wire me".  The police said not to worry that there would be three under cover officers all around me in the mall.  After sitting in the designated spot I was supposed to sit in a woman comes walking up to me from the mall directory desk and says are you Kayla?  I said yes.  She goes well someone is on the phone for you at the desk over there.  I walk up to the desk and pick up the phone. The voice on the other end asked me to unbutton the top of my dress, wow this was off the charts nuts, then the voice said that they knew I had set them up, that they knew cops were around and that they were going to get me.   This investigation pretty much came to a dead end after this for the police and me.  Needless to say i never got a call again from the voice changer machine.
Although shortly there after one more very dangerous phone call came in, it was the night of an attempted kidnapping on me.  (My dad came over the night of this attempted kidnapping "unexpectedly").  My dad never came over to visit and I found his unexpected visit odd and suspicious) My dad and my ex husband got into a conversation and at that point I decided that it was a nice night to take a walk and let them talk.  I headed out to take a walk around the block, in my own neighborhood.  I didn't make it even a quarter of a block before a blazer came roaring around the corner and headed right towards me, as if it was going to run me over and then it screeched to a stop just short of running me over.  Some one had been watching and knew that I had left the house.  They knew me.  (They called me by name).  They go hay xxxxx were going to FK you up!  I stood there frozen not knowing what to do. They were saying horrible things, some I cannot repeat on one thing that they had said was "were going to cut up your "private" parts with our knife. This is just one thing they were saying.  I started to run towards a house when one of the guys jumped out of the blazer and started running towards me with a knife.  I made it to a house and screamed for help while banging on the door with my life.  A woman comes to the door and I didn't stop to say anything, I just jumped into her house and said call the police.  She locked the door and called.  In the mean time those two crazed guys in the blazer, shockingly, stayed right in front of her house, all the while screaming all kinds of things at me, not even caring if any of the other neighbors could hear them as well.  They were like rabid mad dogs on a mission.  Staying in front of this women's house had been a big mistake because here comes the cops flying around the corner, who in turn witnessed these two guys in action, yelling at me from their blazer. The two guys fled the police, as I watched in utter disbelief, a live high chase pursuit unfolding in front of me.  The guys jumped their blazer over a large meridian, sparks flew and you could hear their blazer bottom out from bouncing down off the meridian during the start of the high pursuit chase with the police.

My story part 2

In the mean time while I am waiting at this woman's house I could hear the police cars sirens blazing through out that side of the city.  The police sent a second squad car to the woman's home, got my statement and offered a ride home.  When the police officer took me home my husband was sleeping and my dad was gone.  The police officer stayed around to make sure i was ok for a while.  I woke my husband up but he did not know that a police officer was sitting in our living room.  I explained to him what had just happened looking for some comfort and he then goes " good! I wish they would have cut you up and FK you up the --ss!!!!  The police officer then looks at me and asks "are you going to be ok here, now I am concerned for you here too"!!!!  I told him to just go ahead that i will take my two daughters and go somewhere else.  The two men eventually got caught, arrested and were about to get prosecuted.  Once I found out whom these guys were, I was even more shocked!  I did not know them, had never met them but they lived only 6 houses down from me.  They could clearly see my home from their home.  Not only that but their family owned the most popular grocery chain stores though out my state. They had money.  I gave it a lot of thought and decided to get a lawyer and pursued a lawsuit against them so that I could move away, far from them and this experience.  I won the law suit and moved.  

After moving,  my father told me that the night of the attempted kidnapping, that before he left my house that a guy called and my ex-husband was in the bathroom at the time so he answered the phone ringing at my house.  The caller said in a hurried voice "Get the hell out of there, your messing up the whole plan".  What plan??   Sometime within the time frame before moving away and after the attempted kidnapping my ex husband on several occasions stated to me that he had "tried some kind of experiment on me but that the experiment had failed".  He had also asked me several times "are you interested in having powers"? When I had asked him what he meant he'd go "you know dark powers" as if I was supposed to know what he was talking about.  I found out later that he had got initiated into the "Devils Disciples" biker gang out of Detroit.  Through out of my years of investigating I do not believe the D.D.'s have anything to do with goes higher than that, much, much higher and my ex husband somehow is tied up in it.   I do believe he is the one that got me initially stalked and caused all this trouble for me and my children but  "he was sent to me by someone else" to begin with to mess with me and this unknown person or persons who sent him, still remains a mystery .

I have sound reason to believe that my ex husband had and has some part in a porno, sex slave trade ring and or pedophile ring.  It is verified that he was in a drug ring ( a law enforcement investigator told me he was in a drug ring) which along with drugs sometimes comes porn or pedophilia of some sort or on some level.  Now before I moved more phone calls came in again, short ones letting me know that my name was on the walls of some sex shop, porn store/show place downtown.  They kept calling me telling me my name and phone number was on the walls there.   I get in my car,  drive there and walk in telling the manager about my phone calls and that I wanted to see if it was true that my name was on these smut walls.  Sure enough they were, my name in full print on the show room walls.  I had enough of all the craziness and we moved north to a small town, thinking I'd get away from it all.  Now back then I had not an incline that my ex had a part of all this until many years later, when I had "put it all together".

So it followed "me" , not my ex, why? I was attacked not him, why?  He was not mad or disturbed by it, why? In fact he never said any response to my distress, why?  He had asked me to get life insurance on me 7 times but "not" him, why?  He started pushing to get life insurance on our children but "never, never him", why?  Never once did he ever bring up getting life insurance on himself, never once.  He just kept pushing me and our daughters to get life insurance on ourselves.  Why? The answer is obvious to even a child's level of understanding.

So we finally moved.  When we got to our new place to live he looked right at me and said "just so you know if you don't watch out "I will ruin things for you here.....too!)  that's when I started thinking about what he had just said, about the past happenings and what truly low acts he was capable of.   I thought he'd ruin things for me here too, in the new city we had moved to.  Yeah, now I understood that he had deliberately destroyed my life. He snow balls things for the hell of it, just for fun because he is an abusive, controlling type and not to mention his main driving motive... money, a hire for hit money.
One night after he had some drinks, he slipped up, just once and told me that he was worried that some of the "dealers" that he had dealt drugs with went down (got caught and sent to prison) and he had been worried that they would think he was the rat, the nark.  I was shocked yet again, as being in a state of shock since meeting him had become common place in my life.  I had thought we were living a normal life.  I asked him what was going on and he was evasive but stated it hadn't been him who had narked but that it had been his cousin Jacklin that handed over the marked money! People who got too close to my ex, were always caught up in some type or form of trouble, drama and utter destruction.
I do not fear disclosing this any of this because for one I had absolutely nothing to do with any of his affairs and I had never looked for, sought out or lived my life in disarray as he had. After everything my daughters and myself have went through because of him and the original perpetrators who sent him to begin with, we had lived to tell this story and it would be such a waste if we do not get this truth out. Now, let it be his turn..let the people he jacked know the truth,  let the enemies know that my ex husband and his family are the ones they should be going after, not some innocent children and a mom who knows nothing of these matters.

So somehow, I am this normal person, thinking I was living a normal life and these people and my ex somehow get me involved in their crazy life.   He had been living a double life, unknown to me and I was now, too scared to leave him at this point because it sure sounded like his "whole family" was involved in snitching.  His families campaign against me, to discredit me, began.  All of a sudden I don't know what I am talking about, I am crazy, shes nuts, ect...just like his whole family said about "all" their boys ex girlfriends, they were "all" crazy.   I knew then I was in "big trouble".  I had to play dumb for a while.
It sure made me sickened over the years when I saw my ex " take down" every employer he ever worked for.  Every single last one of them.  He destroyed one family owned business that had been in business for 100 plus years.  They ran their business strictly out of family tradition to keep the family name and business going. They were prideful of servicing the community with real milk in original glass containers that their grandfathers before them had. They made no profits from running this business.  My ex called me up one day while working for this family owned company and told me he did not like their trucks, so he stopped the heap of junk in the middle of the highway and parked it there, blocking the flow of traffic,  "for the best affect" and even left it running, while he went to a pay phone and turned them in to the department of transportation.  The companies that he could not get any thing on,  he just simply screwed them over in other ways.  I watched him deliberately destroy yet a different companies plow truck transmission and he "stole" a different companies truck for the weekend to go to a "mud bog".  Well just happened that one of the companies owners relatives saw my ex there with the stolen truck and instead of calling the police I guess they wanted to show him a good old fashioned red neck payback and ended up tying his ankle to their truck bumper and dragged him behind it for quite some distance, I had heard.  So sorry ex.

I suspect he found this exciting.  He continually sought out more stimulating ways and took larger risk taking to give him adrenaline rushes.  The problems followed me because "he followed along with me" when we moved.  In this new small town he caused a lot of trouble by screwing over all his employers and dealing drugs again without my knowledge.  At one point, we had 6 State cop cars sitting along side our property "just watching".   I was not aware of why they had been sitting there watching  until after my divorce.  I kept wondering why we had trouble "everywhere" we went.  So we moved again.  After seeing how he screwed anyone and everyone over I could not bring myself to leave just yet, I did not want to be next.

Now the next town we moved to is a different story.  He pulled all his cards out this time around and stepped us into the "twilight zone".  This was Houghton Lake Michigan.  Now this next move here is a book all its own.  What happened there is still not all uncovered and I do not care to uncover any more than I know now. I have moved on.  

Funny how just one person can start a "nuclear war" and pit everyone against each other, confuse them and then destroy them...then.. enjoy it.   Drugs, sex, fun and causing upheavals were the name of his game. He dealt drugs in this new town we moved too without my knowledge, crack cocaine to be exact, I had heard after my divorce.  The same weirdness started again in the new town and when I went to the police dept complaining of harassment from neighbors, people running me and my children off the road and an off duty cop coming to my home threatening me, I had found out a few things that I did not expect to find out.  Comes to find out the law already knew about what was going on before I did.  A State police investigator told me that my ex's drug users were the ones harassing me including (our children too) in this new town.  Blocked in by gang banger cars, threatened to be killed if I didn't shut my mouth ect...I found out what was going on 6 months before I let onto to my ex that I knew all this from the investigator.  So I played dumb and got a micro voice recorder.  I would deliberately come home and complain to him that this just happened to me and the children or this just happened to us and he'd just sit there staring straight at the t.v. acting dumb and would not respond back...because he did not care..because "he had a plan" response what so fact there was a smirk on his face..."living with the enemy" was an understatement.
Within this time frame I had "caught him putting unknown substances into my food and drinks".  (He admitted to me that he had done so) but that it was supposedly an antacid one time, one time it was an antibiotic, one time it was a sleeping pill, one time it was different story each time I caught him putting these unknown substances in my food and drinks. I'd say this soup tasted funny or my pop tasted funny and then he'd say yeah I put this or that in your drink or food.  Now as far as the law goes, I believe that it is a "Felony" to put "unknown" substances into another persons food or drinks.  Then on out, I had to watch all my drinks and food around him until I could file for divorce, which was in the works as well as getting everything I could on him.  I had been wondering "why" I was feeling groggy in the mornings like I had been drugged.  I still don't know what exactly he was administering to me.  Though 2 months before I finally got my divorce papers put together he told me that when I was "passed out" that he had watched me get "screwed" by like 15 guys without my knowledge and that he "knew" all their names.  How could that be? Only our children, him and myself had lived in the home and no one had been visiting our home or around our house. How could have this have happened??  GBH? Sleeping pills? So that he could pimp me out for drugs or money? Sure sounds this way doesn't it?  Well come to find out at 32 yrs old he was providing drugs to and having sex to 16 year old's and even under that age from what I had heard later on.  He admitted the 16 year old after our divorce.  One of the girls that was 16 yrs old and her friends had been only one of many that were harassing me and my children.  One of this 16 year old girls friends told me that when I was gone to work or away that she would break into my home go through my things and belongings.  My neighbors were also telling me that after I had gone to sleep that they had seen many people hanging out in my back yard around 3 to 4am in the morning.  So my ex would wait until I fell asleep or he had "put me to sleep" to do his drugs and sex right under my nose in our yard.  Which later after my divorce he admitted to having sex in our yard after I was passed out or drugged.  

My ex ended up marrying one of my harassers mothers!  One of the drug users that harassed me and my children, it is his mother that is now married to my ex. Apparently they were all in on it to run me and my children out of that town or possibly to set up my murder.  I later had found out that his new wife and her harasser son lived only two houses down from our home when I had been married and I might add, during the time when me and my children were getting terrorized.  

During this 6 month time frame my Uncle Ron was mysteriously murdered one hour south of us in another city.  They had an open murder case on him for over a year and finally closed it.  Before my Uncle Ron's murder, my uncle had been inquiring about my "situation".  He kept asking me what was going on, what was my husband up to?  I kept telling him it was alright, not to worry I could handle things. He was pretty pissed about what he was hearing and what was happening to me and my children up there in that small town.  I told him not to worry.  My Uncle Ron was an ex Navy officer, member of the Scottish Rite and guns trade dealer.  It was not in his nature to over look problems happening to his family members.  Apparently my uncle had dug a little too far into what was going on in my life. His wife told me at the hospital hours before he died that "if it hadn't been for my ex husband he wouldn't be dead now".  I did not know what exactly she had been referring to or the extent of it all then.
Everyone kept skirt-ailing telling me the whole truth.  I had to dig, investigate and pay money to people to finally find out much of the truth involving all of this.  In the mean time, during this six month period I had to secretly wait to get my divorce,  my ex kept telling me that he knew where I had been during the day (while he was at work.)  He'd come home and tell me someone I know saw you here or there and he'd also tell me what I had said in my own home.  Now I was thinking how the heck would he know this or that?  He surveillanced me obviously. 
Now I kept going to the State police dept and complaining about all the harassment but somehow my information kept "leaking" out and I did not know how this was happening.  I "knew" there was a "leak", a collaborator in their dept but of course I could not prove at the time whom it was.  In the year 2007 I did indeed find out who the "leak" was.  He was a State police officer in Houghton Lake Michigan.  He was finally caught and prosecuted by the law in 2007.  This same cop was best friends with a big coke dealer.  This particular drug dealer, who is dead now from coke accused me of being a DEA agent during this time.  The night that it happened I was with my ex husband.  While this dealer was in my face nose to nose with me yelling at me that I was a DEA officer as his face was turning red my ex husband sat 2 feet from me and was "laughing" at me while I was getting attacked by this man.  I knew then that he was part of all this, making it look like I was the bad guy in all this. WOW.  After this guy calmed down I was about to run out of there when he goes sorry I was out of line.  He then goes here...he then pores me, him and my ex shots of liqueur and then goes to us forgetting this episode.  I was not stupid so I let them take the shots as I was shaking and I looked down in my shot glass and there sat like 12 thumbtacks in the bottom of my shot glass...ready for me to swallow.  Nothing like making things look like an accident, humm?  Well 5 years later he was killed by a fatal overdoes of a bad batch of coke in the year 2007.  Yes I kept tract of my adversaries, all of them.  He was killed by the bad coke months after his best state cop buddy went down....coincidence? Who knows and who cares.  That;s what happens to bad people, who do bad things.  They either end up with a broken back like my ex husband has or they end up in Jail or dead...So sorry

My Story Part 4
Internal affairs??

I had come to find out that two D. Twp policemen were dirty too.  So I've heard last Internal affairs came into this town after a very lengthy investigation and prosecuted the 2 dirty cops back in the year 2000.  This had happened right around my divorce proceedings.  Someone had been paying attention to the things that were going on in that town.  I knew they were dirty but yeah I could not prove it.  One year before they were caught, these same two cops went out of their way to pull me over twice for no reason.  After they pulled me over for no reason, did a search and then let me go they pulled away and down the next side street on the right.  I started driving slowly past the street they had just turned down and saw those cops talking to my ex's 16 year old girlfriend he was messing around with at that time..her car and the cops car were window to window, I watched them talk, minutes after pulling me over.  They did not expect me to see this nor did my ex husband know that I knew she and her friends were the ones behind me and my daughters harassment at that time.
Other strange things started to happen.  One day my ex husband comes home and says there was a "Black unmarked helicopter" that had swooped down towards him at his work place.  He said that this unmarked helicopter had focused a "red beam" on his chest..apparently the red beam was coming from a sniper rifle.  While the red beam was focused on his chest the helicopters blade touched a utility wire and almost got caught up into it.  At this time my ex ducked into his works wear house area for cover.  The helicopter then flew away.  I wasn't sure if I could believe him so without his knowledge I went down to his work and asked his manager.  True enough the whole story he told me had happened.  After this incident his manager offered their private apartment that they had right inside their building for us to stay at for a while to hide out...hide out from who, I don not know.  We left our home that we owned and stayed at this companies guest apartment for like four weeks. 
One day as we were going to this little apt and there sits a black government looking vehicle with two men dressed all in black suits with wireless ear pieces in their ears.  It sat outside for hours just watching.  After this we just moved back into our home.  I don't know what he had gotten us into this time, so I told him to leave our house and go live at his parents.  Thinking this would alleviate the problem if they had been "after him".  Well it did not alleviate any of the problems, the problems continued.  Next thing I know a friend and I were sitting in my home and we watched a black government looking car pull up in front of my house, again.  This time there was only one man in the black car, he was dressed in an all black suit with a wireless ear piece in his ear, again.  He just sat out there for close to an hour not trying to hide the fact that he was there.  Weeks later a local ? police officer that I had known from around town knocked on my "back door".  I asked who it was and was very surprised that it was this cop knocking at my door at 10pm at night.  When I opened the door, there he stood in his plain regular clothes, no uniform on.  I said come on in not thinking I would have to be afraid of a cop.  The first thing he asked me was "do I have a gun?" I told him the only gun I had was a "flare gun" that my dad had given me a month earlier.  He then goes " when are you going to move?" I told him I did not know.  He then starts walking down the length of my wall in the living room "dragging one finger along the wall" as he walked in a threatening manner as he goes "well if I were you I'd move out of here soon."  Then he goes well I got to get going and he leaves on that note.  About a month down the road I had heard around town that "he had been fired after 30 years of service"!!! 
Then a parade of vehicles started parking in front of our home.  They would come in a band wagon of 15 to 18 vehicles and come to a slow stop, stop briefly in front and then take off only to be repeated again a second time in the same day.  This went on for a month.  My daughters and friends or whom ever was in the house at the time watched, witnessed this parade stop in front of our home.  In fact this one family took shifts guarding us and our home for 2 months when all this started.  They even brought over a police trained German Sheppard that freely ran around our home, pacing and looking out every window, going from window to window on the watch.  The family that was taking shifts watching out over us were bikers and some of their biker friends told me "to never be left alone", to not be caught alone, to always have someone with me at all times because they heard I was targeted.  I went back to the ? police and complained of harassment again and this time they told me that my soon to be ex husband at that time had came to their police post and was telling them that I was lying to them and I was over reacting ect to try and "discredit me".  The police told me that "they did not believe my husband" so not to worry.  At this point I was not sure I could count on this particular dept so I called another dept out of the county to make sure "they too knew what was going on in that county."  Situations like these I would advise never leaving it all up to your local law enforcement agencies.  If your local law enforcement agency are ignoring and neglecting your complaints then I would advise going above their heads or involving other counties to draw more attention to your harassment problems.  

my story part 5

There are many events that have been left out but as I've stated I have to leave out many because I would be then writing a book.  I am pointing out the "highlights" of all the hundreds upon hundreds of episodes but which all lead up to more advanced organized stalking I will write about in upcoming parts of my story.

My brother that had came up to live with us for a while, got ran over by a car on purpose,that had been drove by two guys from Lansing, MI .  From the information I got, my brothers attempted murder was premeditated and payed for.  He was invited to a party and at this party they waited until he stepped into the road and came barreling around the corner straight at him and gunned the gas, driving right over his body, not once but twice.  After they ran him over they then backed up and ran him over again backwards with their car, the second time crushed part of his skull.  He wandered off on foot still able to walk and asked someone to call the police.  The Michigan State Police then stopped on the side of the road and asked him if he wanted to go to the emergency room.  From the story my brother tells me he then got into the State Police car, taking him down a dark country side road and told him to get out. They set him up, dumped him off and left him for dead, only then as they started to leave they told him "too bad".  This particular situation was not directly involved with my situation but did involved the "same" individuals that had been harassing me too.  Pretty much it was "all" tied in.  I still have his pictures of his destroyed face and head after being ran over in my safety deposit box. 
I moved away shortly after being threatened by the Roscommon Sheriff Dept cop who got fired.  Of course it all followed me.  My ex contacted my new boyfriends ex wife and his best friend.  I wont get into detail about these individuals because they are not part of the "big" picture and they were just used as "stalking by proxy".  By then I was so used to bigger fish that these people were a joke and they were like dealing with kids.  Though in this new town I was approached by a guy and I knew right from the beginning that something was amiss so "I played it along"  Later he told me that he was indeed a private investigator and that he was hired to investigate me but that he could not tell me whom it was that hired him.  I did some research on him and indeed he worked for a private investigating firm right in town.  This same investigator was involved in manufacturing pornographic videos "without the women's knowledge" of these videos being made.  He told me that his film maker friends were all doing it and admitted the whole thing to me.  I told him that if he thought of doing this with me that there would not be four corners of this earth that I would not be able to find him to retaliate and then I broke off all connections with him.  There sure seems to be "a lot" of "pornographic" edges to all my experiences have you noticed?  Yes I have too.  Seems that most of my stalking experiences have derived from some pornographic organizations and situations.  Again it all seems to come back to those phones calls that started it all with a pornographic organization stance to it. 
Not too long after this my dad called out of the blue and offered to pay for me to get my brakes done on my car (even though I really didn't need breaks but what a nice guy huh?)  So, he was even nice enough to set up the appointment and even "drive 3 long hours to pay the mechanic his money in person to do the job for my brakes)....what a nice guy, huh?  I had owned my present vehicle for a year and a half before I took it into this shop to get my brakes fixed.  I had my two young children in my back seat as we took off from this shop after just having new brakes put on.  Within a quarter of a block after leaving this mechanic shop (on a cold engine) my engine caught fire! So I pulled into the closest business parking lot which was Auto Zone.  The people in Auto Zone saw the fire under my hood as I pulled into their parking lot and came running out with fire extinguishers.  As I came to a "slow" stop so as not to advance the fire I told my young daughters to get out of the car now!  They yelled that they couldn't! Why I yelled...they said the seat belts were stuck.  So I told them to crawl out of the seat belts and they then had to crawl out of them.  I then go to unbuckle my seat belt and mine was stuck too and would not unlatch.  So I too had to crawl out of my seat belt. Now this just took the cake.  An engine fire, sure it happens once in a while...its rare but now add "glued shut seat belts", that just don't happen, ever, but it did to us.  The Auto Zone manager saw the whole thing and made a company report on the manner.  There is a company incident report on this event.  Wouldn't you know a week later all the seat belts started to work, unlatch again just like they had previously for a year and a half I had owned the car and for another year the seat belts worked too until I sold it.  The seat belts only decided to lock just in time for the engine fire or should I say were "glued" shut.  Now I was really freaked out because now I knew someone was willing to kill my children too not just me.  So I took my children out of school for a few days and we went to a very trusted friend named K. whom always stuck up for us.  I did not tell one soul where we were at, no one.  The very next day K. me and my children were in the house when a black vehicle with blacked out windows pulls up in front of K's house.  K said stay here and go hide in the bedroom.  As we all watched from the bedroom window we saw K talk with two guys in the front of the car.  When K came back into the house he said I cant believe it...he asks who did you tell that you were here?  I told him absolutely no one.  He said those guys out there just asked " have you seen Kayla anywhere?"  They knew you were here he said.  Now I could not figure out how anyone could find me somewhere I never told anyone where I was.  I started to feel like I was in the twilight zone or in some of the science fiction movies I've seen.  I sure was not any important person or any threat to anyone to have this kind of high status organized stalking done to me.  I prayed a lot for my daughters and I's protection...I didn't know what else to do or where to turn.  On a whim I decide to run and hide.  I had Florida as a destination in mind.  We set out to Florida and here I entered the Bermuda Triangle, worse then the twilight zone I was in. 
So half way to Florida we stop at a gas station to get gas.  I figured we would stop into Gatlinburg Tennessee, just up the road after I filled up.  Then this man and woman, a couple approach me and ask where we were heading.  I didn't think anything of it at the time because I thought I was in there clear but the couple goes "we advise you not to stay there long because you are in danger, they are not too far behind you".  I just looked at them and did not say anything.  I just figured yep I am in the twilight zone.  Geez its not like I was some double agent against different countries or anything, I was just a normal person wondering what was going on.  I told the couple thank you, not wanting to know anymore about how they knew this because I just couldn't handle hearing it and so I we hurried off down the highway.
To Be Continued.......
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What they want to hear.

Over the next few weeks I have alot going on.My You Tube video of recording the Electronic Harassment under surveillance cameras will be on the internet.I will be making a follow up video using a RF detector on myself.I will be finding an attorney and hopefully having my and my daughters attackers arrested.I have a list of their names along with recorded evidence against them.The crimes range from Break ins to confessing to murder.The latest activity in my life is that my attackers claim they've made my daughter a prostitute,and one claims to have raped her himself.Yesterday I decided to go check out a white van thats been setting by my home for three months.Today it's gone.A couple of days ago a man pulled up beside me in a parking lot,told me i'm going to hell and he's gonna kill my daughter and "my entire family tree." The V2K attacks have also got alot worse,as i expected they would.I am of complete sound mind when I say that with the increased threats to myself and daughter,if I cant get anything done legally,I will be purchasing a tactical 12 gauge,and hunting my attackers down.My only regret is if I get stopped before I get them all.I will never break or go insane, or compromise with them.I know this will be used against me so I ask of the jury to look past what i've done,and focus on why I did it.I have gone to the FBI,The State Police internal investigator(Patricia Kennedy),and a Public Intelligence officer with The Department of Homeland Security (Corey Beauman)for help,nobody has done anything,the attacks have been constant for almost six years.I realize by saying what i've said that I can be arrested for being a threat to others.Getting in front of a judge and public attention to this situation is a fine idea.I am of no threat to anyone,other than my attackers.Since the plan with V2K is to make the target commit suicide,and with all the times I have recorded the murder threats,along with the threats to my daughter,I hope everyone will understand.Until then,my message to all other TIs is to smile and laugh as much as you can.Things will get better for you. -(TI)Don

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Recent DEW harassment rant

In the last 5 months the DEW attack has been the strongest in a long while, it is also the reason I search the internet for information, and come across the term gang stalking.  

The reason for the attacks? You may ask, it is because I have started to go out more and getting more active.  These perps cannot have me interact with other people that is not in their circle, otherwise their lies behind my back will fall apart. They simply has to continue their isolation campaign.

In some cases they will even use the tactics of "If you are not with me, you are against me" to threaten people not too tell me anything.  That is one of the reason why I still don't know why they are harassing me. Even if someone is speaking out about it, I would never get to hear it. The culture of silence runs deep in this part of the world.

Even simply taking a walk in the park they will have people ready for me there to burn me with DEW.  Sounds unbelievable for most people but in Northern Ireland it is not uncommon.

I do feel that one of the reason the lies flys so well is due to some racist element encouraging their action.  Some people will believe anything when it is told by people in their community. The environment encourage the growth of sociopath that will manipulate their community to do their bidding.

This is just some rant, but I am sure parts of it applies to other TIs as well.

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I wanted to become a goth but thanks to the gossip my life is ruined. These people have been gossiping about my personal life and about me wanting to become a goth. Everyone knows about my life, including all of the people from my past who know me. According to my perps, I am not goth. They have said stuff like "he ain't goth", "he's a fake goth", or "he's ain't no goth". I still want to become a goth, but at the same time I think to myself whats the point of me becoming a goth when your told the same thing by a whole bunch of people that your not goth and also whats the point of me becoming a goth when a bunch of rumors and gossip are spread around about me wanting to become a goth? Back in November of last year I was at the hospital. While I was at the hospital I got harassed. One night at the hospital one of my perps who was at the hospital was having a conversation with another perp about my personal life. He told the other perp that I'm not goth and that I could dress normal or dress goth and that there would be no difference because I'm a fake bitch. Another perp also had a conversation with the other two perps that were in the room with me and he said "he's not goth", "he doesn't get it", "its not registering in his head", and the other two perps knodded their heads in agreement with him. He said this while having a grin on his face.


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This article is found at Wired. Please read entire article there:

A federal appeals court on Wednesday said the authorities do not need a probable-cause warrant to track a suspect’s every move via GPS signals from a suspect’s mobile phone.

The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, ruling 2-1, upheld a 20-year term for a drug courier nabbed with 1,100 pounds of marijuana in a motorhome camper the authorities tracked via his mobile phone pinging cell towers from Arizona to a Texas truck stop.

The decision, a big boost for the government’s surveillance powers, comes as prosecutors are shifting their focus to warrantless cell-tower location tracking of suspects in the wake of a Supreme Court ruling in January sharply limiting the use of GPS vehicle trackers. The Supreme Court found law enforcement should acquire probable-cause warrants from judges to affix GPS devices to vehicles and monitor their every move.

The court of appeals ruling comes a month after a congressional inquiry found that law enforcement made 1.3 million requests for cellphone data last year alone while seeking out subscriber information like text messages, location data and calling records.



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I want to apologize to Mary and to all the members of  In my post " To those who suffer " and in all my other postings I was trying to be blunt and a little abrasive but not harrassing, not offensive.

All of our testimonies are necessary to reveal the evil and horror of this ugly truth.  Had it not been for Cheryl Welsh's testimony, which she gave on the program " Thats Impossible "; I would still be in darkness questioning how and why these things were happening to me.  So now I have entered into the labors of all victims like John ST Clair Awkei, Merielle Torjman and all the rest of us who suffer from abuse and torture.  I don't understand the science or technology that allows them to do what they do to us.  I see the behavior and I see the sadistic personalities of those who commit crimes against humanity.

My testimony is more of a gut level expression.  I see them by what they do.  The strongest part of my testimony is the visual physical damage that has been done to my body, which they continue to damage even as I write.  But most importantly is the fact that I know the name of the individual who is the primary actor.  He is the one who has been and is the one who is continuing to destroy me.  I have the names of others as well.  From the beginning they have not ceased from their injurious activities and this is the proof of their hubristic and psychopathic behavior.  Thave risked everything and lost everything to inflict pain on another human being.

When I frist started sending faxes to people in high office, they began assualting me in the back of my head and neck, which they have done in the past but never with such intensity.  I went to the VA Hospital and they took some X-rays of my neck, however, they did not send me a copy of the results.  This was  in October 2011.  I asked a nurse about it and she thought it odd that I didn't receive a copy of the report.  I went to the release of information office and got a copy.

This is what it read:

Comparison None:

On the lateral view C5 through C6 vertebral bodies are noted.  Degenerative changes C5 noted with mild disc narrowing at C5-C6.  The vertebral bodies and disc spaces are otherwise well preserved with normal alignment.  No fracture of subluxation identified.  Narrowing of the left C5 C6 neural foramen noted . Odontoid is intact.  Anterior cervical soft tissue is within normal limits.


Degenerative changes of C5 noted.  Mild to space narrowing at C5-C6.  Narrowing of left C5-C6 neural foramen noted.  No fracture or subluxation seen.

It was at this same time that I went to a local urologist to evaluate the damage done to my penis.  He gave me an injection to cause an erection and he documented the damage; I took some photographs.  They told me via V2K what he was going to do to my penis and part of what he said was that he was going to narrow my penis.  He didn't say he was going to narrow my spinal cord but he did wake me up one morning and at the point of awakening I felt a surge of energy hiting the back of my head and neck.  He wanted me to know that it was him that was doing it.  It felt like the after effects of being hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat.  They can sever your head from your body an not leave a scratch.  Let me make the previous sentence more clear, it seems to have confused some people.  When I said they can sever your your head from your body and not leave a scratch, I was refering to their ability to damage soft tissue like my penis without leaving a scratch.  Is it difficult to imagine that they can use the same technology to damage the spinal cord at its narrowest point in the neck?  This is my testimonial perspective.

I know who he is and I can identify others.  I want to know all who are part of his crew; those who have laughed with him.  I want to know who is his overseer.  I want to know who writes his paycheck.  I want to know who put this technology in his hands.  Did they know he had psychopathic tendencies or was he chosen because he is a " developmental psychopath"!

I am asking all members of in the United States to contact their senator and congressional representative and tell the story of a man who has been damaged in body and that this man knows the identities of those who have damaged him.  I want every elected offical including the president put on record so they can't say " this is the frist time I heard of such things ", when the truth is exposed. 

I want to give the members of the names of persons of interest to establish a record that can not be erased and that will give them no place to hide.  I also want all elected officals to have no place to hide.  Those who have done nothing are culpable and are guilty of a sin of omission and are guilty of being complicit in there acitivities.

 This is not just about me and my story.  It is about our story and the truth.

So fax, email, or write a letter to your elected officials.  Send a flood of communications to them and the news media.  I invite all targeted individuals from all over the world to send communications to our leaders and the news media.  Send us the addresses of your leaders and news media so we can contact them.  Can you imagine a flood of emails reaching these people in high office and the news media.  The sheer numbers would be a topic of the news.  I urge you send these communications right away.  We could also agree on a certain day in the very near future to resend these communications for the shock and awe of it.

I give permission to all who suffer from abuse and torture to use my postings.

In addition I would like to say how much I like President O bama.  The president said during his speech before AIPAC that no state or citizen should have to live in fear.  He could not say that, the way he said it, if he was aware of the horrors we suffer from.   These top secret crimminals and secret police know how to manipulate people and keep people in office in the dark.

I wonder if I would beleive these things that are happening, if I wasn't a victim.

Michael Benoit,,,,,,,,,

CBS News Investigates- choose a cbs program- 60 Minutes

ABC News- contact us- contact 20/20- News story submision

NBC News/MSNBC- Questions for NBC/MSNBC

Hardball with Chris Mattews

Dateline/ select stort idea

CNN- contact us- comment on something specific- World or Justice/Law

CNN Reporters,, -select other cnn reporters

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Children Of Tomorrow


Children of tomorrow
I apologize to you
On behalf of those in my time
For the things we didn't do
We didn't stop the tyrants
So your fate could be prevented
We watched them steal our freedom
By our silence we consented
We didn't choose to circumvent
The doom you've not escaped
While the Bill of Rights was murdered
And the Constitution raped
Some of us were lazy
Others too afraid
To think about our children
The ones we have betrayed
I guess we were too busy
To be concerned or care
To try to ease the burden
Of the chains we made you wear
We could have been good shepherds
When the wolf got in the fold
But we watched the flame of freedom die instead
And left you cold

I'm sorry we were timid
My selfish generation
We left you but a remnant
Of a free and prosperous nation
I'm sorry for our actions
Like cowards we behaved
We could have left you freedom
Instead you are enslaved
Children of tomorrow
Descendants of our land
I'm sorry we allowed this
The fate you now with stand

- Anonymous


If I was a VIP and had funds and connections I would step up to these corrupt leaders and put a stop to this insanity that is happening around the world. I would try to prevent this horrible fate that is going to happen to our children and grandchildren. Time is running out and it doesn't seem like I would get the opportunity to take down these evil tyrants. Game is Over!

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Suffering In Silence

9143060081?profile=originalI'm lost in the darkness. There's no light anywhere and it's enshrouded with evil shadows. A horrorifying atmosphere where I smell and sense deceased bodies everywhere. There's nobody here but all the eyes are focused on me. Every movement monitored like a caged animal. Trapped and suffering in silence. The screeching sounds of agony from the spirit world torments and tortures me through this whole ordeal. When I reach the end and look into the mirror I am you!

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