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相传尧舜时代,湖南九嶷山上有九条恶龙,住在九座岩洞里,经常到湘江来戏水玩乐,以致洪水暴娥皇女英涨,庄稼被冲毁,房屋被冲塌,老百姓叫苦不迭,怨声载 道。舜帝关心百姓的疾苦,他得知恶龙祸害百姓的消息,饭吃不好,觉睡不安,一心想要到南方去帮助百姓除害解难,惩治恶龙。

  舜帝有两个妃子——娥皇和女英,是尧帝的两个女儿。她们虽然出身皇家,又身为帝妃,但她们深受尧舜的影响和教诲,并不贪图享乐,而总是在关心着百姓的 疾苦。她们对舜的这次远离家门,也是依依不舍。但是,想到为了给湘江的百姓解除灾难和痛苦,她们还是强忍着内心的离愁别绪欢欢喜喜地送舜上路了。

  舜帝走了,娥皇和女英在家等待着他征服恶龙、凯旋的喜讯,日夜为他祈祷,早日胜利归来。可是,一年又一年过去了,燕子来去了几回,花开花落了几度,舜 帝依然杳无音信,她们担心了。娥皇说:“莫非他被恶龙所伤,还是病倒他乡?”女英说:“莫非他途中遇险,还是山路遥远迷失方向?”她们二人思前想后,与其 呆在家里久久盼不到音讯,见不到归人,还不如前去寻找。于是,娥皇和女英迎着风霜,跋山涉水,到南方湘江去寻找丈夫。

  翻了一山又一山,涉了一水又一水,她们终于来到了九嶷山。她们沿着大紫荆河到了山顶,又沿着小紫荆河下来,找遍了九嶷山的每个山村,踏遍了九嶷山的每 条小径。这一天,她们来到了一个名叫三峰石的地方,这儿,耸立着三块大石头,翠竹围绕,有一座珍珠贝垒成的高大的坟墓。她们感到惊异,便问附近的乡亲: “是谁的坟墓如此壮观美丽?三块大石为何险峻地耸立?”乡亲们含着眼泪告诉她们:“这便是舜帝的坟墓,他老人家从遥远的北方来到这里,帮助我们斩除了九条 恶龙,人民过上了安乐的生活,可是他却鞠躬尽瘁,流尽了汗水,淌干了心血,受苦受累病死在这里了。”原来,舜帝病逝之后,湘江的父老乡亲们为了感激舜帝的 厚恩,特地为他修了这座坟墓。九嶷山上的一群仙鹤也为之感动了,它们朝朝夕夕地到南海衔来一颗颗灿烂夺目的珍珠,撒在舜帝的坟墓上,便成了这座珍珠坟墓。 三块巨石,是舜帝除灭恶龙用的三齿耙插在地上变成的。娥皇和女英得知实情后,难过极了,二人抱头痛哭起来。她们悲痛万分,一直哭了九天九夜,她们把眼睛哭 肿了,嗓子哭哑了,眼睛流干了。最后,哭出血泪来,也死在了舜帝的旁边。


娥皇女英姐妹有一个奇特的前身,那就是遭到史学家忽略的羲和(娥)。这个羲和,又叫常仪、常娥或常羲(这三字古音相同,可以互换),在原始的神学体系中,她是大神帝俊的妻子,生下来就长发垂地,显出非凡的性感,曾为丈夫生下十个太阳儿子。《山海经·大荒西经》又称她生了十二个月亮,所以是孕育日月的母亲大神。《淮南子》还说她是天上的御者,每天驾着六龙宝车载着日神巡察大地。这个动人的传说揭示了羲和的本来面目。她原是古希腊神话人物,叫做赫利俄斯(HELIOS),是着名的男性日神,每天乘坐四匹喷火神马拉的太阳车,由东向西穿越天空,其情景真是壮丽炫目。尽管赫利俄斯在移民中国后没有改换名字(“羲和”与“HELIOS”的发音大致相同),却被置换成了女人,而且由大神降为祭司,职责也从太阳扩大到月亮。郭璞在《山海经》诠释说羲和是“主日月者”,明确指出她就是主持日月祭祀的女巫。   中国原始宗教仪典以后出现了更为细密的分工,希腊移民“羲和”的地位逐渐削弱,她的职位被主祭太阳的“娥皇”和主祭月亮的“女英”所瓜分。这两个女人是新一代的女祭司,她们的名字不慎暴露了身份:“皇”是盛大鲜明的样子,用以形容太阳的光芒,而“英”通“阴”,暗指代表阴性世界的月亮。这显然是在向我们暗示她们的工作对象——娥皇主祭太阳,而女英则主祭月亮。这是二元对立神学确立的标记。   舜在中国神话谱系中扮演了日神的角色,他的发音“SUN”,在全球各大古老文明体系中都是太阳的意思(这个迷案我将在以后详加阐释)。但日神不应当是孤独的,尽管他炽热难当,却仍然需要来自妻妾的温存与关怀。于是,不知从什么时候开始,舜下凡成了人间帝王,而娥皇女英则成了他的美丽贤良的妻妾。她们与大舜构成“一夫一妻一妾”的三位一体结构,正是此后中国家庭结构的范本。   


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相传尧舜时代,湖南九嶷山上有九条恶龙,住在九座岩洞里,经常到湘江来戏水玩乐,以致洪水暴娥皇女英涨,庄稼被冲毁,房屋被冲塌,老百姓叫苦不迭,怨声载 道。舜帝关心百姓的疾苦,他得知恶龙祸害百姓的消息,饭吃不好,觉睡不安,一心想要到南方去帮助百姓除害解难,惩治恶龙。

舜帝有两个妃子——娥皇和女英,是尧帝的两个女儿。她们虽然出身皇家,又身为帝妃,但她们深受尧舜的影响和教诲,并不贪图享乐,而总是在关心着百姓的 疾苦。她们对舜的这次远离家门,也是依依不舍。但是,想到为了给湘江的百姓解除灾难和痛苦,她们还是强忍着内心的离愁别绪欢欢喜喜地送舜上路了。

舜帝走了,娥皇和女英在家等待着他征服恶龙、凯旋的喜讯,日夜为他祈祷,早日胜利归来。可是,一年又一年过去了,燕子来去了几回,花开花落了几度,舜 帝依然杳无音信,她们担心了。娥皇说:“莫非他被恶龙所伤,还是病倒他乡?”女英说:“莫非他途中遇险,还是山路遥远迷失方向?”她们二人思前想后,与其 呆在家里久久盼不到音讯,见不到归人,还不如前去寻找。于是,娥皇和女英迎着风霜,跋山涉水,到南方湘江去寻找丈夫。

翻了一山又一山,涉了一水又一水,她们终于来到了九嶷山。她们沿着大紫荆河到了山顶,又沿着小紫荆河下来,找遍了九嶷山的每个山村,踏遍了九嶷山的每 条小径。这一天,她们来到了一个名叫三峰石的地方,这儿,耸立着三块大石头,翠竹围绕,有一座珍珠贝垒成的高大的坟墓。她们感到惊异,便问附近的乡亲: “是谁的坟墓如此壮观美丽?三块大石为何险峻地耸立?”乡亲们含着眼泪告诉她们:“这便是舜帝的坟墓,他老人家从遥远的北方来到这里,帮助我们斩除了九条 恶龙,人民过上了安乐的生活,可是他却鞠躬尽瘁,流尽了汗水,淌干了心血,受苦受累病死在这里了。”原来,舜帝病逝之后,湘江的父老乡亲们为了感激舜帝的 厚恩,特地为他修了这座坟墓。九嶷山上的一群仙鹤也为之感动了,它们朝朝夕夕地到南海衔来一颗颗灿烂夺目的珍珠,撒在舜帝的坟墓上,便成了这座珍珠坟墓。 三块巨石,是舜帝除灭恶龙用的三齿耙插在地上变成的。娥皇和女英得知实情后,难过极了,二人抱头痛哭起来。她们悲痛万分,一直哭了九天九夜,她们把眼睛哭 肿了,嗓子哭哑了,眼睛流干了。最后,哭出血泪来,也死在了舜帝的旁边。


娥皇女英姐妹有一个奇特的前身,那就是遭到史学家忽略的羲和(娥)。这个羲和,又叫常仪、常娥或常羲(这三字古音相同,可以互换),在原始的神学体系中,她是大神帝俊的妻子,生下来就长发垂地,显出非凡的性感,曾为丈夫生下十个太阳儿子。《山海经·大荒西经》又称她生了十二个月亮,所以是孕育日月的母亲大神。《淮南子》还说她是天上的御者,每天驾着六龙宝车载着日神巡察大地。这个动人的传说揭示了羲和的本来面目。她原是古希腊神话人物,叫做赫利俄斯(HELIOS),是着名的男性日神,每天乘坐四匹喷火神马拉的太阳车,由东向西穿越天空,其情景真是壮丽炫目。尽管赫利俄斯在移民中国后没有改换名字(“羲和”与“HELIOS”的发音大致相同),却被置换成了女人,而且由大神降为祭司,职责也从太阳扩大到月亮。郭璞在《山海经》诠释说羲和是“主日月者”,明确指出她就是主持日月祭祀的女巫。   中国原始宗教仪典以后出现了更为细密的分工,希腊移民“羲和”的地位逐渐削弱,她的职位被主祭太阳的“娥皇”和主祭月亮的“女英”所瓜分。这两个女人是新一代的女祭司,她们的名字不慎暴露了身份:“皇”是盛大鲜明的样子,用以形容太阳的光芒,而“英”通“阴”,暗指代表阴性世界的月亮。这显然是在向我们暗示她们的工作对象——娥皇主祭太阳,而女英则主祭月亮。这是二元对立神学确立的标记。   舜在中国神话谱系中扮演了日神的角色,他的发音“SUN”,在全球各大古老文明体系中都是太阳的意思(这个迷案我将在以后详加阐释)。但日神不应当是孤独的,尽管他炽热难当,却仍然需要来自妻妾的温存与关怀。于是,不知从什么时候开始,舜下凡成了人间帝王,而娥皇女英则成了他的美丽贤良的妻妾。她们与大舜构成“一夫一妻一妾”的三位一体结构,正是此后中国家庭结构的范本。   


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The End Times Is Here

9143057070?profile=originalTime is speeding up. I do believe we are in the End Times as described in the bible. Looking at current events makes me believe things are going to get really rough. From the deliberate economic collapse of USA/Euro to the Fukushima Radiation problem things look pretty bleak right now. The house of cards are in freefall and life as I know it is over. I'm not trying to be Dr. Doom and Gloom but all these problems are in our faces right now and unfolding before our eyes. Why would they have a seed vaults and Deep Underground Military Bases? Asking more questions. The tell tale signs of nature is another eye opener. Check out the stories of the Bee Colony Collapse. GMO is polluting our environment as well. There's so many problems that it creates anxiety, fear, and uncertainty. What would you do if your food supply gets cut off? All it takes is an X-Factor event to send humanity back into the stone age. Is a New World Order appearing? Depopulation as described in Agenda 21 or the Georgia Guidestones? RFID Chipping? I feel as if All Hell is going to break loose!

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Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right

9143057057?profile=originalUsing ration and logic to explain something very simple. All is One. When we hurt others we are hurting ourselves. To solve any problem use diplomacy that is why we were given a voice. Using force, torture, abuse, and violating individuals doesn't solve anything. It brings a vicious cycle of karma that never ends. Even if you get away with your crimes this life you might not be so lucky when you reincarnate. There is an intelligent force that operates in this reality and it is called Karma. When issues or problems arise why not talk it out and settle it with a solution like most adults? Most of this is common sense and kindergarten rules. Use love, compassion and empathy to address the problem and we can make this world a better place. Peace, Love, Unity, Respect, and Freedom.

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Is karma real?

I'm not sure about this. Most of the times I think these people, and the famous people who are involved will never get back for what they have done to me. Will all of them get away with what they have done to me? If it is real, where is the proof?

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The EH Lawsuit

Does anybody know what day Greg will be handing out the filing? I'm so desperate to end this and I'm getting impatient. Will he be handing out the filing this month or will we have to wait until the fall? I have tried contacting Greg but I never got a response. Can anyone get in contact with Greg for me and ask him what day or month he will be handing out the filing?

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►►► Quella che vedi è un'immagine della Yumemi Koubou dreamachine ◄◄◄

Yumemi koubou è ancora in fase sperimentale e non garantisce risultati effettivi al 100%, ma i test svolti sinora confermano che la macchina migliora il sonno dell’utente e aumenta significativamente la sua possibilità di avvicinarsi al sogno desiderato.Inutile dire che la reazione del mondo scientifico è di perplessità. Il dottor Craig Webb, direttore della “Dreams Foundation”, gruppo di studi americano di ricerche sul sonno, ha già criticato il fatto che la macchina funzioni a intervalli regolari preimpostati e non sia in grado di reagire agli effettivi stati REM del soggetto, che variano ovviamente da individuo a individuo.
Ma la Takara Company, non sembra preoccuparsi eccessivamente delle critiche: Yumemi koubou viene ora lanciato sul mercato giapponese al costo di 14,800 Yen (circa 115 €uro) e se ne prevede la distribuzione in America per il 2005.
Forse la possibilità di sognare a piacimento non è più… un sogno!
LINK | / dreamworkshop (2004)

Dalla fiction alla realtà:registrare i propri sogni su DVD

[scena tratta dal Film: Il Cubo 3 - Cube Zero 2004]


ITA) Tu sei una vittima? Ti hanno manipolato nei sogni? Quando tu dormivi, ti hanno fatto rivivere la stessa scena anche 10 volte come in un videogames, quando tu ripeti lo stesso livello del videogames? Tu capisci il mio esempio di un videogames? Nella primavera del 2005, a me, hanno fatto vivere la scena di uno snuff-movie. Io ho creato dei disegni. In futuro io aggiungerò i disegni. I disegni sono molto interessanti. Io nel sogno/incubo ho dovuto uccidere. La stessa situazione del videogames Manhunt

ENG) You are a victim? You have manipulated in dreams? When you were asleep, I have reintroduced the same scene 10 times as in a video game, when you repeat the same level of video games? You understand my example of a videogame? I created the drawings. In the future I will add the drawings. The designs are very interesting. I am in a dream/nightmare I had to kill. The same situation of the videogame Manhunt. In the spring of 2005, to me, they did live the scene of a snuff-movie. I created the drawings. In the future I will add the drawings.

Oobe = out of body experience | viaggio astrale


►►► Venerdì 1 Settembre 2006 ◄◄◄

Google Dream Machine è uno dei primi esperimenti hardware della all-house di Cupertino; ed è un esperimento a dir poco overdose: una macchina capace di registrare i sogni dell'utente mentre esso dorme.


N.B. nel 2006 ed esattamente a Natale tra il 26-12-2006 e il 10-01-2007 grazie ai MIB, io venni a conoscenza del progetto N.S.O. (Navigatore Spazio Oobe or Navigator Space Oobe).C'era anche il Prode Romano ed è mia ferma supposizione che questa kobou dreamachine sia più o meno iccocua ma che abbia dato spunto e si ricolleghi ad esprimenti psedubellici indotti sulla fase onirica di un soggetto-bersaglio.Ti rammento che anche Nikola Tesla conduceva esperimenti sulla ionosfera per darci energia pulita gratis. I suoi esprimenti e le sue tesi vennero usate per creare nuove armi. Non è la prima volta nella Historia umana, che qualcuno ha una buona idea o buone intenzioni e poi passano CIA oppure servizi segreti deviati e socialmente pericolosi, che carpiscono tali esprimenti, teorie e informazioni per poi creare macchine da guerra o di tortura.
Se hai visto il documentario che si intitola : TESLA IL GENIO DIMENTICATO non puoi dimenticare che la sua agendina è stata prelevata da F.B.I. e che valeva tanto quanto l'agendina di Paolo Borsellino.

Gli scienziati sempre più vicini alla registrazione dei sogni (23 set 2011)

Posizionare dei sensori alla testa, dormire e vedere tutto ciò che si è sognato la mattina seguente. Sembra un’attività possibile solo nei film di fantascienza, invece, dei ricercatori dell’università di Berkeley si stanno avvicinando sempre di più verso questa tecnologia rivoluzionaria. Il sistema testato si chiama FMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) e analizza le onde celebrali. In pratica gli scienziati hanno creato un archivio con 18 milioni di secondi di video di YouTube. Quando il soggetto si fa analizzare e viene sottoposto a delle immagini il suo cervello produce delle onde. Le onde vengono confrontate con quelle registrate nella visione dei video di Youtube. Le onde simili, quindi, richiamano immagini simili. E’ molto probabile che la persona veda le stesse immagini producendo le stesse onde. Il perfezionamento di questa tecnologia potrà aiutare molto la ricerca medica.




Focus, Ecco i Cervelli Ibridi...


Focus febbraio 2012 - registrati i primi sogni su DVD. a quanto pare,non è più fiction o fantascienza registrare i sogni su DVD e tutto ciò accerta che in questa community, sono anni che le presunte vittime,raccontano che vengono manipolate mentalmente anche nella fase onirica. Io sò che tutto ciò si chiama project N.S.O. e chi metteva in dubbio è solo un dinosauro.



 registrati i primi sogni su DVD9143056886?profile=original



02-07-2012 (in base a Freug ci exer infut "persuasore" makk per.pers a cantare)


MIB 2006/07

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9143056678?profile=originalIt feels like high school bullying all over again. Being harassed everyday 24/7 by a bunch of spineless immature single cells. My pain and suffering is their amusement. I can't wait til they or their loved ones experience the same treatment. I like Confucious's golden rule. Do not impose on others what you and yourself would not desire.

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Virtual Sandbox

The perps are using a virtual sandbox that allows them to serve a simulacrum of the real sites/pc/mobile being used.

They can control the settings, including deletion and addition of messages since they have full admin access. When the victim tries to secure the system and identifies the source of control, the system will malfunction, messages will be deleted, access will be denied.

This very program is being installed in the net cafes being used by the public.

Attendants and kids are selling the accounts of net customers to those who are willing to buy access to these accounts.

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Goto Jail


No more playing the victim role. Enough is enough. I'm a human being that has rights and value. I will not tolerate this injustice and bullsh*t. When I can collect enough evidence and prove my case I shall send all the people responsible for my pain and suffering straight to jail. Fighting back with a heavy lawsuit and I hope these evil bastards gets life in imprisonment.

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Prior to going online, I prayed for God's leading and did some bible-cutting.


The first page I read here also dealt with the same message so I'll post the Chapter here:


Warnings and Encouragements

12 Meanwhile, when a crowd of many thousands had gathered, so that they were trampling on one another, Jesus began to speak first to his disciples, saying: “Be[a] on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.

“I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him. Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

“I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God. But whoever disowns me before others will be disowned before the angels of God. 10 And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.

11 “When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say, 12 for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.”


The Parable of the Rich Fool

13 Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.”

14 Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?” 15 Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”

16 And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. 17 He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’

18 “Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. 19 And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’

20 “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’

21 “This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.”

Do Not Worry

22 Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. 23 For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. 24 Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! 25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life[b]? 26 Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?

27 “Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith! 29 And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. 30 For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. 31 But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.

32 “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. 33 Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. 34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.




35 “Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, 36 like servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him. 37 It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. Truly I tell you, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them. 38 It will be good for those servants whose master finds them ready, even if he comes in the middle of the night or toward daybreak. 39 But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into. 40 You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”



41 Peter asked, “Lord, are you telling this parable to us, or to everyone?”

42 The Lord answered, “Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their food allowance at the proper time? 43 It will be good for that servant whom the master finds doing so when he returns. 44 Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possessions. 45 But suppose the servant says to himself, ‘My master is taking a long time in coming,’ and he then begins to beat the other servants, both men and women, and to eat and drink and get drunk. 46 The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the unbelievers.

47 “The servant who knows the master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows. 48 But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.

Not Peace but Division

49 “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50 But I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until it is completed! 51 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52 From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. 53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

Interpreting the Times

54 He said to the crowd: “When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, ‘It’s going to rain,’ and it does. 55 And when the south wind blows, you say, ‘It’s going to be hot,’ and it is. 56 Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time?

57 “Why don’t you judge for yourselves what is right? 58 As you are going with your adversary to the magistrate, try hard to be reconciled on the way, or your adversary may drag you off to the judge, and the judge turn you over to the officer, and the officer throw you into prison. 59 I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.”


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Please, please pray with me as I dissect this

There are a lot of parallelisms in  real life, I really need to pray for guidance that I may see everything with God's eyes, not mine.

The ARG as a new model for Rennes-le-Château phenomenon


In this short paper I will offer a new point of view from which to analyse the Rennes-le-Château phenomenon (1): I am suggesting that many modern approaches to the matter can be better interpreted as complex ARGs.


The curious life of a Catholic priest, Bérenger Saunière, has been so far analysed through many biographies, and the surrounding geographical area, in the South of France, has been dug, studied and visited by thousands of tourists looking for treasures, positive vibrations or archaeological relics.

Despite some previous references to treasures in the surrounding area, as in most of the places in the world, the life of the priest showed some elements typical of his time (selling masses, political and religious struggles flown into the symbols in the decorations, etc.) but very little evidence of treasures found in the area (just uncontrolled gossip about possible sources of his wealth).

The absence of solid documentation about any treasure found by the priest led to the creation, by several different groups of people, during the 20th century of a number of false documents, artifacts and apocrypha. Modern researchers still haven't reached a consensus on the reasons for this happening.

The most frequently quoted example is the literary production of Pierre Plantard and Philippe de Chérisey, who created - and deposited in the French National Library in Paris - a great number of documents regarding the survival of a hidden Merovingian dynasty, whose heir is Plantard.

Both sceptics and believers fail to explain the reasons behind the impressive work of Plantard, who spent many years in defining his own mythology, which was in some ways coherent with historical facts and introducing unpublished elements supporting his alternate version of French history.

The core of the activity of many creators of historical artifacts and documents is the purpose of suggesting "alternate" versions of history, all of which are more romantic and "interesting" than the so-called "orthodox" version - the one given in academic papers. Just as in novels and movies, the alternate versions of the history of Rennes-le-Château describe its priest Bérenger Saunière as a member of secret societies, a wizard of old egyptian cults, and the area is full of hidden tombs, chests full of treasures and clues on their trail, all linked through complex geometries, anagrams, and mysterious inscriptions. All the characters involved show a double personality: the public and the esoteric one. The esoteric side is one which cannot be found in official biographies, but only through a reinterpretation of the clues found somewhere in the area surrounding Rennes-le-Château (e.g. Nicolas Poussin and Pope John XXIII, but even Jean Cocteau and Jesus Christ).

Alternate Reality Game

The idea of implanting false clues and documents in reality, pretending them to be real, is at the basis of the so-called ARGs (Alternate Reality Games). An ARG is an interactive narrative that uses the real world as a platform, often involving multiple media and game elements, to tell a story that may be affected by participants' ideas or actions.

The form is typified by intense player involvement with a story that takes place in real-time and evolves according to participants' responses, and characters that are actively controlled by the game's designers. Players interact directly with characters in the game, solve plot-based challenges and puzzles, and often work together within a community to analyze the story and coordinate real-life and online activities.

Modern ARGs generally use multimedia, such as telephones, e-mail and postal mail, but their model can be useful to interpret the birth and the development of large communities dealing with a single theme.

Alternate Reality and Rennes-le-Château

The ARG model is very useful to describe Plantard's activity: like many ARGs' creator, he defined an Alternate Reality typical of lost treasure novels, and created a large set of props (including maps, documents, genealogies, newspaper clips, etc.) which were implanted in the real world by depositing them in the French National Library or publishing in books (e.g. La Vraie Langue Celtique Belfond Edition, 1978).

The idea of implanting props in the real world is now achieved by publishing books or writing ads in newspapers. One of the most recent ARGs is The Lost Experience, designed by the writers and producers of Lost to engage fans and expand the storyline. According to a New York Times article, the game had been "a multimedia treasure hunt that makes use of e-mail messages, phone calls, commercials, billboards and fake Web sites that are made to seem real". What is more, there were no prizes to win, but the Experience claimed to offer clues that could unlock some of the island's many secrets.

All the elements of the ARG model can be easily recognised in Pierre Plantard's activity:

1) Puppetmaster

A puppetmaster is the individual involved in designing and/or running an ARG. His real identity may or may not be known ahead of time. Plantard was very good in unveiling some material without getting too much attention on him. The book Holy Blood Holy Grail confirmed his wish to keep himself hidden from the wider public, releasing his own material to create new interpretations from his explicit intervention on the discussions.

It would also be interesting to analyse his interventions on the debate raised upon his mythology, and a chronological approach to the evolution of his mythology from 1956 to 1989 (developed on his writings) could be extremely revealing.

2) The Curtain

The curtain is generally a metaphor for the separation between the puppetmasters and the players. This can take the traditional form of absolute secrecy regarding the puppetmasters' identities and involvement with the production, or refer merely to the convention that puppetmasters do not communicate directly with players through the game, interacting instead through the characters and the game's design. The secrecy of the Priory of Sion was the curtain behind which Plantard kept himself apart from the researchers, justifying the apparent incoherence of the mythology he offered in his writings.

3) Rabbithole

Also known as a Trailhead. A Rabbithole marks the first website, contact, or puzzle that starts off the ARG.

Pierre Plantard used (at least) four "rabbitholes": the first one was L'Or de Rennes (1967) by Gérard de Sède; the second one was the issue #18 of French review Le Charivari, published on 1973, written by Jean-Luc Chaumeil with his help; the third one was his preface to the Belfond edition of La Vraie Langue Celtique, published in 1978; the fourth and most important one was the book by Lincoln, Baigent and Leigh Holy Blood Holy Grail. Each of them revealed the following clues towards the alternate scenario of French history created by Pierre Plantard: the first one declared the survival of a hidden Merovingian blood-line in Rennes-le-Château area; the second one confirmed the existence of Priory of Sion and of a series of documents deposited at French National Library; the third one declared the existence of 12 chests full of treasures (each one linked to a zodiacal sign) around Rennes-les-Bains; the fourth one was the first attempt to sort out the material and provide an interpretation of the scenario.

It is interesting to see that Plantard implanted in Holy Blood Holy Grail some of his ideas through his authors, who were both players of his ARG and authors, together with him. Almost the same could be said about Gérard de Sède.

4) This Is Not A Game (TINAG)

Setting the ARG form apart from other games is the This Is Not A Game philosophy, which dictates that the game not behave like a game. Phone numbers mentioned in the ARG, for example, should actually work, and the game should not provide an overtly-designated playspace or ruleset to the players.

This is the strongest feature of ARGs - and also of Plantard's mythology, linking old myths with unpublished elements, so creating an alternate reality which mixed symbols and ideas in a syncretic way: Freemasonry, Catharism, Holy Heart-ism, Politics, Templarism... The scenario created by him was designed as a complex octopus, the study of which can be both disturbing or extremely funny.

So far, only a few researchers have supported the idea that Plantard's scenario was just an alternate version of history, supported by false documents and props created by him.

The problem of mixing reality with fantasy (and not being able to distinguish between real and fake artifacts) has some consequences, i.e. the inability of providing coherent scenarios and finding the hidden treasures many believers are looking for.

Evolution of Rennes-le-Château ARGs

Plantard's mythology is probably the most successful ARG in the history of Rennes-le-Château, but it is not the only one. Many other so-called "researchers" based their own studies on false documents, created with different purposes, and many Web forums are full of players discussing the theories raising from that material, fitting very well the TINAG aesthetic. The ads for the book by Patrice Chaplin City of Secrets used fake photos and letters by Bérenger Saunière in order to sell it, and some forums are still discussing the historical basis of the alternate reality described in its pages.

One of the most recent examples of ARG is the one created to support Bloodline - The movie. The use of YouTube and websites in support of the movie, the style of ads and the nature of the artifacts found (letters mimicking Saunière's calligraphy, Roman coins bought on Ebay and typical objects of treasure hunting, such as papers sealed in bottles) make of it one of the most typical Rennes-le-Château ARG in the age of Internet (probably more successful than André Douzet's attempt to link Rennes-le-Château mystery to Perillos through a model, strange letters by Saunière from Lyon and so on).

Like any other previous ARG, the Bloodline - The movie discoveries did not raise any interest from DRAC, the official archaeological body of France, and the discovery of the material announced in the movie was made without any official authorization; being just a theatrical stage, the fact is not strange.

There is no doubt about the fact these ARGs will always be successful in their purpose of providing deeply emotional and immersive experiences to the players. Most of the tourists in Rennes-le-Château are not only spectator, but - thanks to De Sède, Plantard, Lincoln, Wood, Douzet and so on - they are now real players in a game whose stage is more similar to the one in Indiana Jones movies than the real world. The ARGs described so far are clever enough in not defining a unique winner, because all of them suggest the existence of a secret knowledge which can be discovered and shared between "initiates".

Many of these ARGs are by now "self-supporting": the material published by Plantard, for example, is so complex that, with the help of new players and websites discussing the matters, new links will emerge in the future, "supporting" and enlarging the mythology. The absence of boundaries in Rennes-le-Château pseudohistoriography has already been analysed by the author.

Although some skeptical researchers label them as "bullshit", there's probably something more, from a psychological point of view, justifying their strong appeal.

Updates (May 2010)

On February 1st, 2010 Burcu S. Bakioglu published on her personal blog an interesting post titled "Rennes-le-Château, revisited". She disagrees with the point of view expressed in my original article, pointing at the flaws of my arguments and concluding:

...while the Rennes-le-Château phenomenon is an intriguing case, it cannot be considered to be an ARG.

Given the fact I strongly agree with her accurate analysis, I'm adding further notes to the previously published.

Her criticism is mainly directed towards the concept of "awareness" of ARG's players. As stated by Jane McGonigal in her article "A Real Little Game: The Performance of Belief in Pervasive Play":

...gamers maximize their play experience by performing belief, rather than actually believing, in the permeability of the game-reality boundary.

McGonigal's article focuses on the very difference between an intentional performance of belief and belief itself, and the same point is raised by Bakioglu in her article:

What makes Tomatis's argument untenable is that he bases most of his case on the representation of the fake documents as real. This assumption implies that the players, because the game claims not to be a game, believe that the game is indeed real. [...] One might ask, then, did the people who were engaged in the legend surrounding Saunière willingly suspend their belief and pretend to believe that the world suggested by these manufactured documents were in fact real? Or, did they genuinely think that the legend was real which would ultimately make it a hoax? I submit that this is one of the reasons why Tomatis identifies all the elements of ARGs in these legends surrounding the priest except the players. Because, clearly, that there were none. People who were trying to solve the mystery surrounding Saunière were thinking that they were genuinely involved in uncovering the truth… not about a game, rather, about a real incident that happened decades ago.

By reading Bakioglu's analysis, I concluded that my original article was lacking of a disclaimer revealing openly his defiant nature; the definition of Rennes-le-Château phenomenon as an ARG was intended to be provocative, because the goal was to "downgrade" dozens of so-called "researches" about the treasure of Bérenger Saunière to their real nature: just "moves" in a greater game, with no other purpose than the entertainment, in James P. Carse's conception of "infinite game". (2)

I agree with sadness to the fact that Rennes-le-Château Mystery Hunters are not aware of the fact of being playing an ARG, and I'm pretty sure that the phenomenon didn't start as a game: Pierre Plantard gave birth to it as a part of his political activity, but Philippe de Chérisey's contributions added a surrealistic and playful aura, including also puzzles and elements typical of games. From this point of view, I confirm Bakioglu's analysis: Rennes-le-Château phenomenon cannot strictly be considered an ARG, because not the creators, nor the players were/are aware of creating/playing a game.

Nevertheless, the idea of an "infinite immersive game", played with the goal of continuing play, fits perfectly the attitude of the average Rennes-le-Château Mystery Hunter, who reacts towards skeptics with the typical harassment of a player menaced by an external force willing to put a stop to the game: the Mystery Hunter wants the play to go on and on, and Rennes-le-Château scenario provides tons of elements to play with. Moreover, the "magic circle" can be always resized by players because the creator of the game is dead and any new element (a stone, a painting, an historical character) can be included for the purpose of prolonging the game.

The subtext of my article is the concern for the inability of being aware of the "ludic nature" of Rennes-le-Château phenomenon; the same problem was denounced by Umberto Eco in his Foucault's Pendulum, in which the main characters invent a great conspiracy for fun, calling their satirical intellectual game "The Plan"; when adherents of other conspiracy theories learn about The Plan, they take it seriously, and it leads to a tragic ending.

Commenting on the book Holy Blood Holy Grail, a milestone in "Rennes-le-Château Mystery Hunting", Eco wrote:

The bad faith of its authors is so self-evident that a vaccinated reader may enjoy the reading as if it was a role game. (3)

In citing this quotation in my recent book La magia dei numeri, I stressed the interesting fact that London's publishing house Jonathan Cape published Kit Williams' Masquerade (one of the first "armchair treasure hunts") in 1979 and Holy Blood Holy Grail in 1982: it is probably just a coincidence, but both books share the love for treasure hunting. But only the first with readers' awareness of its playful nature.

1.Many thanks to my friend Ferdinando Buscema for his help in defining the features of ARGs and their core and to Marcus Williamson, who helped me in translating the original article in English

2.James P. Carse, Finite and Infinite Games, New York: Ballantine Books

3.L'Espresso, 23.8.2001

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They illegally implanted things in my body without my consent. They steal and rape from my mind right down to physical torture and torment. They use a torture ware to conduct their evil activities. I get hungry, gag, itch, diarrhea, and other horrendous acts through this evil software. They hacked me in every aspect and controls me like a defenseless animal. I'm surprised no human rights group has intervened through this deliberate pain and suffering I had to endure for 8 bloody years. I have never asked anyone to violate my rights and freedom. I would never consent to any implants or whatever because it's just common sense. These evil perps are worst than nazi pigs. I am confident the Law of Karma will come back and haunt them in one way or another. They are like escaped prisoners waiting to get arrested and will suffer for their stupidity this life or the next.

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ARG - Alternate Reality game and The religious connection






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