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I have written on this page that i am a victim of mind control and physical torture since years and that i suspect The CIA. I have published on at least 20 different blogs and on noone there are comments on my article.


Do you also find that strange?

These criminals are brainwashing each single person with whom I have contact. Those people do not know that they are brainwashed - they are always repeating the same, that s how I know - it is satan who is leading these monsters.

They want to put me by force in a psychiatry and they will brainwash doctors whoever to keep me and humiliate me. these people are menatll ill, psychopaths.


If there is a comment on mine then they have picked someone out and the article deals with I should go and see a psychiatrist i would be mentally ill etc.


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Keep the Ethical Light Burning

Keep the Ethical Light Burning

Lynn Weed, the President of KELB, a 501 C3 non-profit organization is involved in several projects to expose government sponsored covert crimes. Such projects included filing a lawsuit against the U.S. government, creating a safe house community, which include organic farming and developing and education campaign that informs the general public about these crimes.

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My History

I am a victim of Mind Control program  2years .Eksperiment with bacteria-scalar waffen. Gang stalking,manipulation and in other countries and Satellitetracking teror.Elektronnic  V2K  weapons and manipulation  the psyhic of 1 year and 4 monate.I live in nearly  Gyen tower+ GPS which is nearly to psychiatry.I dont speek very well english.I speek german.

But google translate help me'}

Nobody believes that I am in this program.I was manipulated to do very strange things.To walk the streets and the police to say strange things.Then I did not know about this program and what is actually happening.For six months I was laid on radiation 24.7.   non stop I could have slept for those six months no more than 7-8 hours.Later I read and understood what was purpose.Everybody thought I was crazy.well my family does not believe me .

None of God's creation deserves to be killed in this cruelty,slowly boiled organs.

Eksrerimenti cruelest in this world,

I dont understand why no one has not stopped the biggest  holocaust off this world.

I m sorry for my bad english.

God save us all.

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It’s been more than four days now of interrupted sleep. A technique of mental torture my dad and his fellow conspirators have been doing to me for a long time now but not in constant fashion. They would randomly do it once in a while when they get really frustrated with me for not ‘complying’ with their sadistic needs. One of them commented earlier that it would bring them satisfaction to murder me. This clearly shows the sadistic nature of my father and the company he keeps, all because he wants to cover up his political agenda and his many years of lying. More talk of killing me for the past few days including kidnapping and murder, physical torture and also poisoning me as a means of dissuading me from revealing all his criminal activities or should I proceed with it.

I find it rather amusing earlier today when I passed by the Putrajaya (on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur) toll collection booths, and there was a banner of the ‘Perdana Global Peace Organization’ advertising some exhibition about war crimes and the such. The only reason it was amusing was due to the fact that here is a man, Mahathir who claims to champion the rights of war victims and people who are abused by these unjust governments, literally being the perpetrator of the very same crimes in secret but showing a completely different public front. I find this level of hypocrisy disgusting and insulting because it is evidently clear that it only serves as a Public Relations stunt on his part. The fact that he too is very much a part of the very same ‘Military-Industrial Complex’ that he condemns publicly to an adoring crowd further demonstrates this blatant lie. He has deep and warm relations with people who are the owners of such businesses who are close friend with him both globally and through local middlemen. He also acts as sort of a middle man for different weapons manufactures in this region. The Langkawi International Maritime & Aerospace Exhibition (LIMA), his brainchild and yet another of his ‘babies’ is a clear proof of this. It is a meeting of weapon manufacturers who get to meet up and exhibit their wares as well as compare prices and competing products. A platform to discuss the weapons business disguised in a seemingly innocent hobby like carnival atmosphere. I’ve followed him around many times during LIMA to notice this fact.

When asked about his involvement with the global Military-Industrial Complex and how this fits into his view of criminalizing war and his “peace initiative”, the first thing he could come up with is that it is a “lucrative business”, and that it is for “defence” – his favourite panic word when asked about his promotion and involvement with these businesses. However as my friend duly noted prior to this, all militaries of the world never refer to themselves as the ministry of attack and killing, or departments of murder and torture but rather Ministries of Defence, Department of Defence etc. All these heinous crimes of war and genocide have all been perpetrated by ministries or departments of defence or done for the purpose of so called “defence”. Propaganda at its best! I stated earlier about the mental torture that has been inflicted on me for the past four years and I had this to say about it. I posted it on my facebook account and on the facebook page of Perdana Global Peace Youth Organization; “I wonder if Global Peace could answer a question for me. Is the mental abuse done to victims in (for example) Guantanamo prison legal and morally right or serve any purpose of justice? Let me clarify what I mean by mental abuse; mental abuse = mental torture (done in a systematic and/or deliberate manner to achieve the purpose of torturing the subject)”.

I wonder how my father, Mahathir will hide his face once the world knows his true face and know of all the heinous crimes he has committed and lies he has been telling people in order to deceive them.

Read more… // Magnus Olsson

brain globe

Scientists Successfully Implant Chip That Controls The Brain


Thoughts, Memory And Behavior To Be Transferred From One

Brain To Another Brain

Brain mind uploading


Look and read moore :

In a scene right out of a George Orwell novel, a team of scientists working in the fields of “neural engineering” and “Biomimetic MicroElectronic Systems” have successfully created a chip that controls the brain and can be used as a storage device for long-term memories. In studies the scientists have been able to record, download and transfer memories into other hosts with the same chip implanted. The advancement in technology brings the world one step closer to a global police state and the reality of absolute mind control.

brain eye neuron nano

More terrifying is the potential for implementation of what was only a science fiction fantasy – the “Thought Police” – where the government reads people’s memories and thoughts and then rehabilitate them through torture before they ever even commit a crime based on a statistical computer analysis showing people with certain types of thoughts are likely to commit a certain type of crime in the future.

We already pre-emptively invade nations and torture alleged terrorist suspects with absolutely no due process of law, so the idea of pre-emptively torturing a terrorist suspect before hand to prevent them from committing an act of terrorism in the future really isn’t that far fetched of an idea.

Perhaps a less sensational example, than those I just depicted out of own of Orwell’s famous dystopian novels would be using the technology as it is depicted the modern day Matrix movies, in which computer programs are uploaded into people’s brains allowing them to instantly learn how to perform a wide variety of tasks.

That is exactly the example that Smart Planet uses in their write-up on the USC press release.

-Synthetic Telepathy-


The experience of synthetic telepathy “Artificial Telepathy” is really not that extraordinary. It’s as simple as receiving a cell-phone call in one’s head.

Indeed, most of the technology involved is identical to that of cell-phone technology. Satellites link the sender and the receiver. A computer “multiplexer” routes the voice signal of the sender through microwave towers to a very specifically defined location or cell. The “receiver” is located and tracked with pinpoint accuracy, to within a few feet of actual location. But the receiver is not a cell phone. It’s a human brain.


Out of nowhere, a voice suddenly blooms in the mind of the target. The human skull has no “firewall” and therefore cannot shut the voice out. The receiver can hear the sender’s verbal thoughts. The sender, in turn, can hear all of the target’s thoughts, exactly as if the target’s verbal thoughts had been spoken or broadcast. For this reason, the experience could be called “hearing voices” but is more properly described as synthetic telepathy “artificial telepathy”.

Now, if synthetic telepathy "artificial telepathy" were entirely voluntary, like a conversation between friends sitting across the world, it might be kind of fantastic. One could talk back and forth with one’s friend, exchanging verbal thoughts exactly as if speaking on the phone, but without ever using one’s voice or mouth. It’s a completely silent, subvocal form of speech. Between lovers, this would be beautiful.

The problem is that artificial telepathy provides the perfect weapon for mental torture and information theft. It provides an extremely powerful means for exploiting, harassing, controlling, and raping the mind of any person on earth. It opens the window to quasi-demonic possession of another person’s soul.

When used as a “nonlethal” weapons system it becomes an ideal means for neutralizing or discrediting a political opponent. Peace protestors, inconvenient journalists and the leaders of vocal opposition groups can be stunned into silence with this weapon…

mind control

Microcircuits The Interface between Neurons and Global Brain Function

Civilian, military and multidisciplinary brain experiments for developing synthetic (artificial) telepathy.

What is the pay off, for governments, to get the wiring diagram (blueprint) of the human brain?

What risks are scientists and governments prepared to take to “win” the ultimate race and challenge of mankind?

What consequences will this breakthrough/paradigm in science have for human integrity, identity, and autonomy?

How many human lives/families/children is the government prepared to sacrifice to compete in this emerging technology?

Sweden, europe, a so called democratic nation, is not capable of

  • maintaining human right conventions
  • avoid people being exposed to illegal research with brain-computer-interface avoid people being exposed to mind control experiments with brain-computer-interfaces
  • avoid many years of physical and psychological violence (torture) exercised through brain-computer-interface
  • avoid that patients are injected with bioelectronics implants, without informed consent, when visiting Swedish, european hospitals.

The government solves the problems with illegal research by using their institutions/gatekeepers to cover up for all horrible mistakes and research.

The institution of Psychiatry health care system, and their manual for mental disorder (DSM), acts as guards for the ever-increasing number of people who have their lives exterminated by illegal research with multimedia-brain techniques and never-ending-learning-systems.

The government itself says that they have no insight of abusing the research area brain-computer-interface for remote illegal data collecting from the human brain. The government doesn’t react to information about this topic, and written letters are not answered despite several reminders.

The future and emerging technology, to achieve a computer-brain, is far from being completed. Even if the research pace is extremely high and scientists develop faster than “Moores Law”, it still remains about 20 years before all necessary research on humans is done.

The perception of being a human will, when the brain's neural code is copied to a computer, changed. Computer-brain interface and the new network technology will make the perception of self consciousness transparent. Man's thoughts are no longer private.

mind control

The expertise must be enforced to admit that it is the same people who are responsible for both diagnosing mentally illness and implanting brain implants into people’s heads. And that they, by doing so, exterminate human lab rats for life-long copying procedures.

We, the people and the public media, have the right to be informed about the names of the scientists involved in this grotesque and illegal research instead of having more people killed.

Experimenting with brain implants to extract information about the brain has been going on in Sweden, europe, USA  for more than half a century.

Please help all victims to reveal facts in this topic before more victims are dying due to this illegal research area.

QuWave Defender   Model QWX1

Protection for Targeted Individuals

from Electronic Harassment,

Psychotronic, and Psychic Attacks

Since more than 60 years TI's (targeted individuals) have tried to escape the Mind Control torture. Now TI's have tested the Defender from the American company QuWave with positive results. The Defender works with scalar waves. That is crucial evidence that the Mind Control torturers are also working with scalar waves. Officially scalar waves are denied by ignorant physicists but in secret they are used, for example in the HAARP facility.

new special function products

In a Video Interview, Laywer Henning Witte finds QuWave Defender is First Device that Helps TI's

A successful businessman visits the nearest hospital after an anxiety attack. He is sedated and wakes up as a different person. His life is starting to change. The voice coming from nowhere can tell him what time it is: the correct time.

The mental and psychological torture and control starts to take place. On one hand, they are telling him awful things, like “You are never going to wake up” when going to bed every evening or “We are dissapointed that you woke up” every time he was waking up in the morning.

Look at this  video

Mind Control TI Magnus Olsson Sweden from Henning Witte on Vimeo.

Magnus Olsson is a rescent victim of modern Mind Control technology in Sweden.

Typical Augmented Case Study

A brain augmented person would have revolutionary advantages over the existing humans. Perfect memory retentive capacity, the ability to store memory in another body if the current one retires and the ability to process the physical world in cybernetic conception are among some of the innovative features that could be implemented by the use of implants. Typical example of a memory augmented person would be a being who wakes up in the morning, has all his appointments and schedules flashed right before his eyes (via visual implants if need be), would download all the news or information directly into his augmented memory and everything he needs to know or remember would be flashed before his eyes in a matter of seconds. Ofcourse, his organic brain would be unharmed, as the organic brain is the receiver of all the augmented output the person perceives. Visual Augmentation yields even more possibilities, the ability to know the likes and dislikes about a person (similar to a facebook profile, only digital) in real time, the ability to download the information of, say a tourist building, in a flash, ability to see clearly in the dark with inbuilt night sensors and many others. Physical augmentation would allow a person to directly link himself with the cybernetic interface (ranging from anything like an advanced public directory or a super computer) and seek and process the information in real time. The world would change as we know it, with the boundaries between the cyber world and physical world being blurred.

Complete Introduction in Establishing Augmentation & Communication Process Through Artificial Nano Implant Digital Circuit Interface


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is there anywhere to just talk to other TI's

This site is full of technological and political information & altho I understand the importance of this where can we go to just talk to one another, support one another, make friends and keep contact coz many of us are so isolated.

Does anyone know of any forums or chat-rooms, anything where TI's can just talk.  Im suprised we keep ourselves so isolated when they impose isolation on us already. Im sick of hearing about politics & technology, I just want a friend in this world !!!

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Dear Mr. Stephen Harper                                                                 Page:1/1

Dear Mr. Rob Nicholson                                                                   Date:13/10/2011

CC: To whom it may concern

Topic: You keep  torturing; I keep  disclosing and demanding


Dear Mr. Rob Nicholson:


Please see “ Why I insist on demanding a public inquiry?...” posted on YouTube and vimeo


Torturers, you can keep  torturing me. You can also change the way of torturing me. Recently, you hit my penthouse's roof (one 18-story condominium with strict surveillance system ) heavily just over my body at deep nights. However, there will be a day when you will be given enough time to think about the fate of being torturers, murderers and criminals against humanity.

Again, what I am doing and saying is not against any politicians and any governments, of course, including Canada.


Best regards,


Robin yan




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共和工院生研发 脑电波操控电器



  继去年研发出用脑电波来操控轮椅后,共和理工学院(Republic Polytechnic)学生今年把范围拓展至电器和病床,让年长者和住院病患也能获益。










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List of mind control symptoms

List of mind control symptoms,

whether the related technology is scientifically proven
and if there is military interest
or funding of the related technology

by Cheryl Welsh, March, 2003

Thank you to those who sent me much of this information:
Tessa Puglia, Harlan Girard, Margo Cherney, and John Ginter.

Mind Justice Home Page


  • Microwave hearing
  • Transmission of specific commands into the subconscious
  • Visual disturbances, visual hallucinations
  • Inject words, numbers into brain via electromagnetic radiation waves
  • Manipulation of emotions
  • Reading thoughts remotely
  • Causing pain to any nerve of the body.
  • Remote manipulation of human behavior from space
  • Harassment, stress symptoms such as helicopters flying overhead
  • Seeing, as in a camera, through your eyes, i.e. to see what you see exactly
  • Control of sleep patterns.
  • Computer-brain interface, control and communication
  • Complex control of the brain such as retrieving memories, implanting personalities


1.  Microwave hearing. The hearing of voices in the head from an outside source, but nobody else can hear the voices except the targeted individual.

Scientifically Proven

1.  Yes. Ultrascience III, Spies are us. Featured Dr. James C. Lin, Ph.D.. biomedical and electrical engineer, educator, author of Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications, 1978. Lin demonstrated microwave hearing, a symptom of many of the victims, hearing voices. Also featured Cheryl Welsh on the issue of mind control experimentation. International Defense Review, 3-1-93, Special Operations Survives Pentagon budget Constraints, Ramon Lopez. "JASORS, Joint Advanced Special Operations Radio System is being developed by Harris Corporation. a very ambitious, leading-edge technology program, ...Whiles JASORS is a near-term SOF, (Special Operations Forces) enhancement, SORDAC,(Special Operations Research Development and Acquisition Center), is also investigating long-range (1998-2010) and "far-future" (2011 and beyond) weaponry and support equipment. [SORDAC's director, Army Colonel Douglas J.] Richardson said one far-future communications system being investigated is "synthetic telepathy." One day, SOF commandos may be capable of communicating through thought processes."

Margo Cherney FOIA request for complete NASA abstract Report Number: AD-A090426.,June 1, 1980. Brooks Air Force Base, Jan.25, 2000. The requested information is fully denied under 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(1)..." NASA abstract in part stated, "A decoy and deception concept presently being considered is to remotely create the perception of noise in the heads of personnel by exposing them to low power, pulsed microwave. When people are illuminated with properly modulated low power microwaves the sensation is reported as a buzzing, clicking, or hissing which seems to originate (regardless of the person's position in the field) within or just behind the head. The phenomena occurs at average power densities as low as microwatts per square centimeter with carrier frequencies from 0.4 to 3.0 GHz. By proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible speech may be created. Before this technique may be extended and used for military applications, an understanding of the basic principles must be developed. Such an understanding is not only required to optimize the use of the concept for camouflage, decoy and deception operations but is required to properly assess safety factors of such microwave exposure."

Microwave News, editor, Louis Slesin, Jan/Feb 1997 p 14. U.S. Air Force Looks to the Battlefields of the Future: Electromagnetic Fields That Might "Boggle the Mind "It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction. When a high power microwave pulse in the GHz range strikes the human body, a very small temperature perturbation occurs. This is associated with a sudden expansion of the slightly heated tissue. This expansion is fast enough to produce an acoustic wave. If a pulse stream is used, it should be possible to create an internal acoustic field in the 5-15 kHz range, which is audible. Thus it may be possible to "talk" to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them."

Federal Times, Dec. 13, 1976 Microwave Weapons Study by Soviets Cited. The Defense Intelligence Agency has released a report on heavy Communist research on microwaves, including their use as weapons. Microwaves are used in radar, television and microwave ovens. They can cause disorientation and possibly heart attacks in humans. Another biological effect with possible anti-personnel uses is "microwave hearing." "Sounds and possibly even words which appear to be originating intracranially (within the head) can be induced by signal modulation at very low average power densities," the report said. According to the study, Communist work in this area "has great potential for development into a system for disorienting or disrupting the behavior patterns of military or diplomatic personnel." No mention was made of the still-unexplained microwave bombardment of the American Embassy in Moscow. The study dealt largely with long-term exposure of days or weeks in industrial situations, which usually produce mild effects. Short exposure to intense radiation can cause heart seizure and a wide range of physical disorders.

Military interest or funding

1.  Yes. See above.


2.  Transmission of specific commands into the subconscious

Scientifically proven

2.  Yes. Defense News, US Explores Russian Mind Control Technology by Barbara Opall January, 11-17-1993, p. 4. "Pioneered by the government-funded Department of Psycho-Correction at the Moscow Medical Academy, acoustic psycho-correction involves the transmission of specific commands via static or whitenoise bands into the human subconscious without upsetting other intellectual functions. Experts said laboratory demonstrations have shown encouraging results after exposure of less than one minute.

Janet Morris, reported in book Shukman, David. The sorcerer's challenge : fears and hopes for the weapons of the next millennium, David Shukman. London : Hodder & Stoughton, page 223. Demonstration on BBC television on news program entitled Newsnight by David Shukman, (tape available on request).

U.S. News, 1-3-2000, John Norseen, Reading and changing your mind. [Lockheed Martin neuroengineer in Intelligent Systems Division] Norseen's interest in the brain stems from a Soviet book he read in the mid-1980s, claiming that research on the mind would revolutionize the military and society at large. [He] coined the term "Biofusion" to cover his plans to map and manipulate [the brain] leading to advances in ...national security... and ...would be able to convert thoughts into computer commands by deciphering the brain's electrical activity. BioFusion would reveal the fingerprints of the brain by using mathematical models, [Smirnov's computer program uses mathematical models also]. It sound crazy,...The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, ...have all awarded...research contracts to Norseen. Norseen is waiting to hear if the second stage of these contracts-portions of them classified- comes through. Norseen's theories are grounded in current science. ...By MRI, scientists can tell what the person was doing at the time of the recording...Emotions from love to hate can be recognized from the brain's electrical activity. ...Norseen predicts profiling by brain print will be in place by 2005. ...Norseen would like to draw upon Russian brain-mimicking software and American brain -mapping breakthroughs to allow that communication to take place in a less invasive way. A modified helmut could record a pilot's brainwaves. "When you say right 090 degrees...the computer would see that electrical pattern in the brain and turn the plane 090 degrees. If the pilot misheard instructions to turn 090 degrees and was thinking "080 degrees," the helmut would detect the error, then inject the right number via electromagnetic waves."

Military interest or funding

2.  Yes, Defense Electronics, DOD, Intel Agencies Look at Russian Mind Control... by Mark Tapscott, July, 1993 p. 17. "In a series of closed meetings...FBI officials were briefed on the decade-long research on a computerized acoustic device allegedly capable of implanting thoughts in a person's mind without that person being aware of the thought."

Also, US corp. buys Russian mind control equipment.


3.  Visual disturbances, visual hallucinations.

Scientifically proven

3.  Yes. A demonstration by Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher and Dr. William van Bise, directed magnetic signals into the brain of reporter Chuck DeCaro. They created visual images as in a hallucination. This program features Dr. Robert O. Becker, two time Nobel prize nominee, scientist and researcher of electromagnetic radiation effects on the body and author of Body Electric, summarized, "The government has never disproved the psychological effects of electromagnetic radiation. "Dr. Robert Becker commented "that this is a substantial step forward in the understanding how the visual system works" and would be a powerful weapon if used on fighter pilots while trying to fly. For a 55$ copy of this tape call CNN at            404 827 2712       and ask for R2501 #13, R2747 #33, R2501 #15, R2501-#17. It runs about 20 minutes.

Military interest or funding

3.  Yes. See above.


4.  Inject words, numbers into brain via emr waves

Scientifically proven

4. Yes in Russia. Defense News, US Explores Russian Mind Control Technology by Barbara Opall January, 11-17-1993, p. 4. "Experts said laboratory demonstrations have shown encouraging results after exposure of less than one minute."

U.S. News, 1-3-2000, John Norseen, Reading and changing your mind. [Lockheed Martin neuroengineer in Intelligent Systems Division] Norseen's interest in the brain stems from a Soviet book he read in the mid-1980s, claiming that research on the mind would revolutionize the military and society at large. [He] coined the term "Biofusion" to cover his plans to map and manipulate [the brain] leading to advances in ...national security... and ...would be able to convert thoughts into computer commands by deciphering the brain's electrical activity. BioFusion would reveal the fingerprints of the brain by using mathematical models, [Smirnov's computer program uses mathematical models also]. It sound crazy,...The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, ...have all awarded...research contracts to Norseen. Norseen is waiting to hear if the second stage of these contracts-portions of them classified- comes through. Norseen's theories are grounded in current science. ...By MRI, scientists can tell what the person was doing at the time of the recording...Emotions from love to hate can be recognized from the brain's electrical activity. ...Norseen predicts profiling by brain print will be in place by 2005. ...Norseen would like to draw upon Russian brain-mimicking software and American brain -mapping breakthroughs to allow that communication to take place in a less invasive way. A modified helmut could record a pilot's brainwaves. "When you say right 090 degrees...the computer would see that electrical pattern in the brain and turn the plane 090 degrees. If the pilot misheard instructions to turn 090 degrees and was thinking "080 degrees," the helmet would detect the error, then inject the right number via electromagnetic waves."

Yes in US, but classified. Lobster Magazine, Mind Control and the American Government by Martin Cannon, Number 23. J.F. Schapitz was conducting classified work on microwaving the subconscious with commands as in hypnosis. This work is classified.

Military interest or funding

4.  Yes, Defense News, US Explores Russian Mind Control Technology by Barbara Opall January, 11-17-1993, p. 4. "Moreover, decades of research and investment of untold millions of rubles in the process of psycho-correction has produced the ability to alter behavior on willing and unwilling subjects, the experts add. ...Russian senior research scientist, diplomats, ...are beginning to provide limited demonstrations for their U.S. counterparts. Further evaluations of key technologies in the United States are being planned, as are discussions aimed at creating a frame-work for bringing the issue under bilateral or multilateral controls, U.S. and Russian sources say."


5.  Manipulation of emotions

Scientifically proven

5.  Yes. Ultrascience, Weapons of War, Learning Channel, 1997, Featured Dr. Michael Persinger, Laurentian University, Canada. Dr. Persinger described weapons using "psycho or influence technology" and electromagnetic radiation frequencies to control what people think, for psychological warfare purposes.

Ultrascience, War 2020, Beyond Productions, Learning Channel, 1998, Dr. Michael Persinger, Laurentian University performed a demonstration of a helmut with solenoids which induce magnetic fields into the brain and cause panic, fear, God and UFO experiences. He stated that with current technology it is possible to use mind control on the mass populations.

Military interest or funding

5.  Yes. See above.


6.  Reading thoughts remotely

Scientifically proven

6.  No, but famous neuroscientist warns that remote neural monitoring equipment is "far from being science fiction" and can be used for "control of behaviour and brainwashing" and ...will become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance."

Nature/Vol 391/22Januray 1998
Advances in neuroscience 'may threaten human rights
By Declan Butler the annual public meeting of the French national bioethics committee held last week in Paris... Jean-Pierre Changeux, the chairman of the committee and a neuroscientist at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, told the meeting that understanding the working of the human brain is likely to become one of the most ambitious and rich disciplines of the future. But neuroscience also poses potential risks, he said, arguing that advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for invasion of privacy immense. Although the equipment needed is still highly specialized, it will become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance, he predicted. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion of personal liberty, control of behaviour and brainwashing. These are far from being science-fiction concerns, said Changeux, and constitute "a serious risk to society". "Denis LeBihan, a researcher at the French Atomic Energy Commission, told the meeting that the use of imaging techniques has reached the stage where "we can almost read people's thoughts".

6.  Yes. In the article, Decoding Minds, Signal Magazine, October, 2001, Dr. John D. Norseen, of Lockheed Martin stated , "We are at the point where this database has been developed enough that we can use a single electrode or something like an airport security system where there is a dome above our head to get enough information that we can know the number you're thinking," According to US News and World Report

U.S News and World Report, Jan 3-10, 2000, John Norseen, Reading your mind and injecting smart thoughts by Douglas Pasternak, p. 67 "...Norseen's theories are grounded in current science."

The Washington Times, August 17, 2002, the article entitled NASA plans to read terrorist's minds at airport stated,

Airport security screeners may soon try to read the minds of travelers to identify terrorists. Officials of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration have told Northwest Airlines security specialists that the agency is developing brain-monitoring devices in cooperation with a commercial firm, which it did not identify. Space technology would be adapted to receive and analyze brain-wave and heartbeat patterns, then feed that data into computerized programs 'to detect passengers who potentially might pose a threat,' according to briefing documents obtained by The Washington Times. NASA wants to use 'noninvasive neuro-electric sensors,' imbedded in gates, to collect tiny electric signals that all brains and hearts transmit. Computers would apply statistical algorithms to correlate physiologic patterns with computerized data on travel routines, criminal background and credit information from 'hundreds to thousands of data sources,' NASA documents say. ...Robert Park, spokesman for the American Physical Society stated, 'We're close to the point where they can tell to an extent what you're thinking about by which part of the brain is activated, which is close to reading your mind. ...The idea is plausible, he says, but frightening'.

Here are a few examples of the advanced state of technology. Science Digest 7-84 page 30 stated Thomas Jensen, of Chicago's Rush-Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center, and Donald York "have discovered that just before a person says a particular word, the brain emits waves peculiar to that word alone. ...These waves are the same from person to person."

Dr. Richard Clark at the Flinders University of South Australia wrote the following in Think, Sept/Oct 92. Artificial neural network computer programs are used "to include the ability to learn and recognize simple patterns of thought from the electrical fields of the brain."

Science Digest 10-81 entitled Machines that read Minds by Gary Selden stated that "Indeed, CIA spokespeople have admitted 'following' ERP[This is the waveform that the brain characteristically emits after absorbing an external event] research, perhaps the way the agency followed LSD research in the 1950s. ...With remote monitors, such an instrument would be a spy's dream." It is naive to think that the CIA has not exploited this research.

In Nature, 1-22-98 Denis Le Bihan, a researcher at the French Atomic Energy Commission, he stated "we can almost read people's thoughts". The national bioethics committee is taking such threats so seriously that it is launching a study. The title of this article was Advances in neuroscience may threaten human rights.

Even in the unclassified sector, new technology includes surveillance for 'abnormal behavior' in order to alert security personnel of criminal behavior such as a car break in.. New Scientist, 12-11-99 Vol. 164, No. 2216 page 25 by Graham-Rowe, Ducan, described the technology as a computer programmed under the notion that most people behave in predictable ways when walking to their car. This behavior is transferred into a mathematical pattern and the computer recognizes it as such. "Anyone who deviates from this set pattern, such as someone who walks in circles or who lurks in shadows, will set off an alarm..." This is just a small example of human behavior and how it is studied scientifically. No doubt with the political will and the money of national security defense, as victims are alleging, human behavior has been studied and is controlled by government technology.

Military interest or funding

6.  Yes, government funded. U.S News and World Report, Jan 3-10, 2000, John Norseen, Reading your mind and injecting smart thoughts by Douglas Pasternak, p. 67 "...It sounds crazy, but Uncles Sam is listening. the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the Army's National Ground Intelligence Center have all awarded small basic research contracts to Norseen, who works for Lockheed-Martin's Intelligent Systems Division. Norseen is waiting to hear if the second stage of these contracts -portions of them classified-come through.


7.  Causing pain to any nerve of the body

Scientifically proven

7.  Bulletin of Atomic Scientist, Sept 1994, Softkill Fallacy by Steve Aftergood, Page 45. Barbara Hatch Rosenberg writes: "Many of the non-lethal weapons under consideration utilize infrasound or electromagnetic energy (including lasers, microwave or radio-frequency radiation, or visible light pulsed at brain-wave frequency) for their effects. These weapons are said to cause temporary or permanent blinding, interference with mental processes, modification of behavior and emotional response, seizures, severe pain, dizziness, nausea and diarrhea, or disruption of internal organ functions in various other ways.

Numerous other articles on nonlethal weapons, see CAHRA [now Mind Justice] [updated 2-04]

The People Zapper, heating weapon, demonstrated by military. Other technology very heavily discussed since the 1990s. See Marine Corps Times, The People Zapper, C. Mark Brinkley, March 5, 2001, p. 10. "...focuses energy into a beam of micromillimeter waves designed to stop an individual in his tracks. ...The energy, which falls near microwaves on the electromagnetic spectrum, causes moisture in a person's skin to heat up rapidly, creating a burning sensation..."

Military Interest or funding

7.  Yes, government funding and very heavily discussed.


8.  Remote manipulation of human behavior from space

Scientifically proven

8.  Yes. Dodge, Glaser, Radiation Bioeffects Research, Journal of Microwave Power, 12(4) 1977, p. 320. "The information explosion in this field has been quite dramatic since 1969, when the international data base was estimated to consist of less than 1,000 citations. In addition to maintaining inventories of the literature, we have undertaken from time to time to provide assessments of international trends in research, development, and occupational health and safety. In the present paper, we will concentrate on events which have transpired since our last review effort in 1975. Major events which have taken place during that period include: ...(5) Unpublished analyses of microwave bioeffects literature which were disseminated to Congress and to other officials arguing the case for remote control of human behavior by radar;

Psychotronic Arms Potential Must be Monitored, Member of the Russian Federation of Space Exploration Scientific and Technical Council, Anatoliy Pushenko in Moscow Rabochaya Tribuna, Nov. 26, 1994, FBIS, Ref # MM3011130594 " A prominent specialist speaks for the first time in our press in Rabochaya Tribuna about psychotropic weapons, which started to be developed in the sixties--space-based energy systems capable of killing every living thing on the planet and driving millions of people crazy. ... There are frequencies that are beneficial to people. But naturally there are also those which are hazardous. ...That is, it has a direct physical effect on the human brain. ... The terrible danger of psychotropic weapons is the possibility of their simultaneously and unequivocally affecting large masses of people over huge areas.

Moscow Armeyskiy Sbornik, Russia: National Information Security by Russian Major General, Valeriy Menshikov, doctor of technical sciences, and Colonel Boris Rodionov., Oct. 96, No. 10. P. 88-98, FBIS, Russian article, Mori DocID: 587170 "...Thus, the new space systems are potentially dangerous from the aspect of unfolding a wide-scale 'information war' and even creating global systems for controlling people's behavior in any region, ..."Also, scientists, weapons experts, EU members on U.S HAARP Project, FBIS article by Alain Gossens: Apocalypse Now? HAARP... report from Brussels Telemoustique, 1997, FBIS MoriDocID 587140, "Are the Americans currently developing a vast weapons system capable of scanning the entrails of the earth to seek out secret bases, jamming any form of radio communications, influencing human behavior... Nevertheless, if one is aware of the fact that the real sponsors are the Navy, the Air force, and the Department of Defense, then it is hard to believe that it is not a project for military purposes."

Military interest or funding

8.  Probably. But scientifically sound. See tracking of airplanes, tracking by GPS. Satellites capable of taking pictures of license plates, etc.


9.  Harassment, stress symptoms such as helicopters flying overhead

Scientifically proven

9.  Yes. Shukman, David. The sorcerer's challenge : fears and hopes for the weapons of the next millennium, London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1995, P. 225 "The best they [FBI] they could do was to maintain a barrage of noise with helicopters and loudspeakers to keep the followers awake and to try to undermine their [Koresh and follower's} morale."

This quote is from Aviation Week & Space Technology 1-19-98 p.55 on information warfare and US capabilities. "...techniques as esoteric as 'mapping the psychological and cognitive makeup' of foreign leaders or key groups in order to predict reactions to manipulated information, ..." . And the follow up story, on 3-9-98, page 21 stated that [USAF Gen. John] "Jumper talked about tools that could...make potential enemies see, hear and believe things that don't exist" The military is discussing the deployment of weapons to do just that, create symptoms of mental illness. And yet this information is not taken seriously by professionals and has not been accepted as relevant to victim's allegations.

Excerpts from CAHRA [now Mind Justice] website military journals and government document quotes: " control the will and perception of adversaries applying a regime of shock and awe...It is about effecting behavior." "A decoy and deception concept [using microwaves] to "create intelligible speech ' in the head, 'raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction." "tools that could...make potential enemies see, hear and believe things that don't exist." "...crowd control and urban warfare devices that temporarily could paralyze an entire village."

Military interest and funding

9.  Yes. See above.


10.  Seeing, as in a camera, through your eyes, i.e. to see what you see exactly

Scientifically proven

10.  Proven in animals. BBC News Online Oct 11, 1999, Looking Through Cats' Eyes Fuzzy But Recognizable, Dr. David Whitehouse, 471000/471786.stm A BBC News article reported on the first pictures from an experiment to see through the eyes of a cat.

Military interest and feasibility

10.  No.


11.  Control of sleep patterns

Scientifically proven

11.  Proven on animals. # CNN news broadcast, Special Assignment, Nov.-1985, by Chuck DeCaro, Weapons of War, Is there an RF Gap? Dr. Ross Adey discussed a demonstration of the 1950s Russian Lida machine, which used electromagnetic energy to put Russian psychiatric patients to sleep, as a substitute for tranquilizers and to treat neurotic disturbances. Dr. Adey stated that it worked on cats and dogs and put them to sleep. The Defense and Foreign Affairs Daily, Jun 7, 1983, Vol. XII, Number 104, Psy-War: Soviet Device Experiment by Dr. Stefan T. Possony reported: "...Dr. Ross Adey, chief of research at Loma Linda...started testing the machine [the Lida]...the device is on loan to Dr. Ross Adey. 'The machine is technically described as 'a distant pulse treatment apparatus. It generates 40 megahertz radiowaves which stimulate the brain's electromagnetic activity at substantially lower frequencies"

Military interest or funding

11.  Yes. . The Defense and Foreign Affairs Daily, Jun 7, 1983, Vol. XII, Number 104, Psy-War: Soviet Device Experiment by Dr. Stefan T. Possony. "...On April 29, 1983 this author, as a participant in a panel at the Defense '83 conference sponsored by Defense and Foreign Affairs, reported on Dr. Adey's work...These remarks were delivered to a panel studying psychological warfare."


12.  Computer-brain interface, control and communication

Scientifically feasible

12.  Yes. APPROPRIATION/BUDGET ACTIVITY RDT&E, Defense-wide BA2 Applied Research R-1 ITEM NOMENCLATURE Computing Systems and Communications Technology PE 0602301E, Project ST-19 The Augmented Cognition (AugCog) program will develop the means to measure a subject's cognitive state in real time and manipulate it to accomplish the functions. The goal of the Augmented Cognition program is to develop methods that integrate digital devices that support memory, perception, and thinking, and link that support with the user's context state information to directly improve the overall cognitive performance of the warfighter. The Perceptual Processing Display program focuses on exploiting neuroscience and perceptual processing technologies to redesign devices that deliver information to the human perceptual system. These new devices will be able to extract relevant signal from extraneous background noise, through perceptual modeling. This program will develop technologies that simplify relevant, and eliminate irrelevant, information to improve perception, comprehension, memory, inference, and decision-making. Specifically, this program will demonstrate the manipulation of perceptual data along hundreds of dimensions of the human perceptual system, and will result in the doubling of human information processing performance.

Military interest

12.  Yes. See above.


13.  Complex control of the brain such as retrieving memories, implanting personalities

Scientifically feasible

13.  Yes. 2002 Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance, A National Science Foundation /U.S. Department of Commerce-sponsored report. Here are relevant excerpts. Full text at List of Participants and Contributors included NASA, Office of Navel Research, DARPA, Sandia National Labs, USAF Research Labs, Ratheon, Lucent Technologies, MIT and Stanford.2. Expanding Human Cognition and Communication. Page 85. "...Truly, the mind is the final frontier, and unraveling its mysteries will have tremendous practical benefits. ...Failure to invest in the necessary multidisciplinary research would delay or even prevent these benefits to the economy, to national security, and to individual well-being. Rapid recent progress in cognitive science and related fields has brought us to the point where we could achieve several breakthroughs that would be of great value to mankind. ...For example, progress in the cognitive neuroscience of the human brain has been achieved through new research methodologies, based in both biology and information science, such as functional magnetic resonance imagining (fMRI) and infrared sensors. However, we are reaching the resolution limits of current instrumentation, for example because of concerns about the safety of human research subjects (Food and Drug Administration 1998), so progress will stall quickly unless breakthroughs in NBIC can give us research tools with much greater resolution, sensitivity, and capacity to analyze data."

3.  Page 86. The Human Cognome Project. "It is time to launch a Human Cognome Project, comparable to the successful Human Genome Project, to chart the structure and functions of the human mind. No project would be more fundamental to progress throughout science and engineering, or would require a more complete unification of NBIC sciences. ...While the research would include a complete mapping of the connections in the human brain, it would be far more extensive than neuroscience. ...Some participants in the human cognition and communication working group were impressed by the long-term potential for uploading aspects of individual personality to computers and robots, thereby expanding the scope of human experience, action, and longevity."

4.  Page 88. "Statements and Visions. Participants in the human cognition and communication panel contributed a number of statements, describing the current situation and suggesting strategies for building upon it, as well as transformative visions of what could be accomplished in ten or twenty years through a concentrated effort."

5.  National Security, Theme Summary. Page 287. "...Investment in convergent nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science [NBIC] is expected to result in innovative technologies that revolutionize many domains of conflict and peacekeeping. ...As former Defense Secretary William J. Perry has noted, these are the technological breakthroughs that are "Changing the face of war and how we prepare for war." There are numerous special programs, reports and presentations that address these goals. The Department of Defense has designated nanoscience as a strategic research area in order to accelerate the expected benefits (Murday 1999). ...Applications of brain-machine interface. The convergence of all four NBIC fields will give warfighters the ability to control complex entities by sending control actions prior to thoughts (cognition) being fully formed. The intent is to take brain signals (nanotechnology for augmented sensitivity and nonintrusive signal detection) and use them in a control strategy (information technology), and then impart back into the brain the sensations of feedback signals (biotechnology)."

In Approaching the 21st Century: Opportunities for NIMH Neuroscience Research The National Advisory Mental Health Council Report to Congress on the Decade of the Brain, Jan. 1988 by USHHS. Page 49 stated "Several investigators had noted that when neurons were given brief but intense high-frequency stimulation their electrical properties were changed in ways that would fit those proposed for memory: The changes were triggered by an electrical event, they were strengthened by repetition, and they persisted indefinitely. ...the scientists found that intense high-frequency pulses trigger an unusually large release of calcium in the post synaptic cell..."

Military interest or funding

14.  Yes. See above



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Supreme Court To Hear GPS Surveillance Case

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Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) New sensor array used to conduct covert surveillance of individuals who are not suspected of any crime. The sensors secretly collects and record information concerning individuals, including video images, audio recordings, cardiovascular signals, pheromones, electrodermal activity and respiratory measurements. Under the program, DHS will collect and retain of a mix of “physicological and behavioral signals” from individuals as they engage in daily activities. FAST is funded by SET’s Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency and is managed by SET’s Human Factors Behavior Sciences Division. FAST is designed to allow the agency to capture biological and behavior information from subjects.

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First up for me this morning: Hank Greely’s talk entitled The Neuroscience Revolution and Society.

For those of you not familiar with Hank Greely, he is a law professor at Stanford University who is (to quote his faculty website), a “leading expert on the legal, ethical, and social issues surrounding health law and the biosciences” who specializes in  the”implications of new biomedical technologies, especially those related to neuroscience, genetics, and stem cell research.” I have heard Greely speak 2 times previously, discussing the implications of neuroscience (in particular fMRI technology) for society and the law. Last month, Greely chaired a discussion panel on neuroscience evidence in the courtroom – my blog coverage of the event can be read at the link.

He will talk about the ethical challenges that neuroscience raises, and what we, as scientists can do about it. Greely takes us back to 1969, what he calls the peaking of the first modern neuroscience ethics panic, during which the public came together in concern over many neuroscience themes, including neuroscience’s ability to control minds. He notes that concern over mind control led to many regulations being put in to place, based purely on speculative science. Greely fast forwards to today, where he sees the same trend towards public concern, whereas now the panic is caused by science that is actually available, as opposed to the more speculative nature of the science that was causing concern in 1969.

Greely discusses the problem with public policy being established based upon science that isn’t very good – for example eugenics programs based on our knowledge of genetics. He notes that in the case of genetics, fair and responsible public polities are well established, and the maturity of this process is about 10 years ahead of neuroscience.

What are the issues raised by neuroscience? Greely notes we are in a golden age of neuroscience, we are learning a phenomenon amount about neuroscience, and we care a great deal, both at the individual and the social level, about neuroscience given the close association between our brains and our minds. As we learn more about the brain, we will learn more about human thought and motivations. The ethical issues being raised fall into several categories. The first one of these is research ethics – as we learn more about the neuroscience, we will begin to consider questions regarding the ethics of doing research. For instance, what are the ethics regarding incidental information gathered during experiments – for instance tumors discovered during fMRI studies. Alternatively, ethical issues generated by storing brain images of participants in a database – can those images be used to advance information in ways the participants disagree with?

Greely turns to the question of how neuroscience will change our society, including changing education, medical care, and the law. Greely will talk about 6 different ways that neuroscience will impact the society – prediction, mind-reading, responsibility, consciousness, treatment and enhancement.

Prediction: neuroscience is helping us predict better things about people’s behavior. Sometimes, this involves predicting future disease states – neuroimaging or genetic predictions of who will develop Alzheimer’s. Now, this seems like a good thing, but what are the implications. If our ability to predict Alzheimer’s was coupled with a treatment, this would be fantastic. But as in the case of many genetic predictions, we often are able to predict despite being unable to prevent the occurrence of the disease. Greely notes that we are protected under federal law from discrimination based on genetic predispositions, but not predictions based upon brain scans. Predictive information is not just information – it has consequences, both good and bad. Greely poses the question of who will be responsible for producing the predictions (doctors, companies), and who will be able to have access to the information, beyond the patient. He wonders what we would do with information that predicted with 100% accuracy which 8/1000 children will develop schizophrenia, or make accurate predictions on future criminal/violent behavior. He states that if we can ask the question (what do we do with the information), someone will want to answer it.

Mind-Reading: Greely repeats a line I have heard from him before, that humans are all mind-readers. It is important for us to figure out what those around us are thinking, generally using facial cues, body language, etc… He comment that we all try to do it, but we just aren’t very good at it, and the world would look a lot different if we were better at it. And with neuroscience, we are getting better at it. There are many examples of imaging research where scientists look at activity and make suppositions about what the subjects are subjectively thinking. Now, much of that research involves figuring out whether, for example, a person is thinking of a place or a face – this is not of immediate applicability in the courtroom. But what is applicable is research that is attempting to figure out what people believe or think: e.g. lie detection, figuring out whether people are actually feeling chronic pain, whether people are biased. He introduces the current two commercial companies that offer lie detection, and the two recent court cases that asked whether they would allow fMRI-based lie detection as evidence (they both said no). Greely notes that there is currently no regulation of this field but people are still applying the technology.

Responsibility: Greely discusses recent court cases where the defendants use neuroscience brain scans to claim insanity. A more common argument in these court cases is that its not the defendants fault, it is the fault of their brain and how it works. What will juries do when told that a defendant is a psychopath, and their brain makes them a murder?

Consciousness: Greely brings up the recent paper where two groups showed that of a group of 54 patients diagnosed as being in a vegetative or minimally-conscious state, fMRI scans showed that in 5 patients, being told to plan a motor task resulted in activity in the motor planning area. In addition, 4 patients showed activity in brain regions responsible for navigation when told to imagine walking through their homes. Finally, they took one patient, who had been diagnosed in a vegetative state for 5 years, and showed that he was able to answer personal questions by selectively activating either the motor planning or navigation area. What will we do with that information? Greely comments that doctors at Stanford have already started having families of patients diagnosed as being in a vegetative state ask that the patient be put into an fMRI scanner.

Treatment: Greely wonders what happens when we learn how to “cure” things that are not diseases, such as “deviant sexual behaviors”? What happens when a neuroscience attempts to cure addition with brain lesions, as happened recently in China, where doctors made electrolytic lesions of the nucleus accumbens of soldiers addicted to opium. They reported that after the lesion, soldiers did not crave opium, but Greely notes that the peer-reviewed paper did not report what else the soldiers did not crave. Another example are laws requiring that people convicted of a long list of sexual offenses are required to undergo chemical castration, despite the fact that we don’t have much information regarding the efficacy or safety of the chemicals used for the castration. In addition, even if we know that treatments for addition, psychological diseases, etc… are efficacious and safe, when do we mandate their use?

Enhancement: Many (most) scientists use mind-altering drugs – caffeine and chocolate both alter brain chemistry. But there are greater numbers of students who are now using Ritalin without a prescription to enhance their cognitive abilities. Of course, Ritalin and other drugs like it are not that good at enhancing cognition. But what about memory-enhancing drugs developed to treat diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s? What do we do if these drugs work on 20-year olds? What should universities or medical schools do about the availability of these drugs? Greely states emphatically that the single greatest cognitive enhancer is primary education, the ability to read and write. What did we do about it? We made it mandatory. How will be respond to a new host of drugs.

And lastly, Greely turns to the question of how society will respond to neuroscience research regarding the human condition. How will we assimilate information regarding the differences (or lack thereof) between the brains of humans and other animals? What about consciousness – when we can identify it, how will this alter how we treat patients, or fetuses? What about free will – how society react once we can identify the exact mechanisms that lead to our decisions, when we can show that circuits in our brains have made a decision long before we consciously acknowledge that decision. How will religion be affected? Greely imagines that it won’t affect society too much – the general public will continue to believe in free will not matter what evidence neuroscience throws at them.

Having talked about these issues, Greely turns to how neuroscience should start to handle them. The first step is to conduct research to show conclusively whether the techniques mentioned over the past hour are effective and safe. Going further, are questions about how we use these techniques if they are effective and safe? Neuroscientists have perhaps a smaller role, but an important one in making sure the public is aware of the complexities of the science and the techniques. And lastly, the deeper existential questions – and here Greely states that neuroscientists and non-neuroscientists all are on an equal footing, each with something to contribute.

So what can we, as neuroscientists, do? Greely calls us to consider the ethical issues of our own work, and to talk about these ethical issues, whether they come out of our own work or the work of others. He encourages neuroscientists to get involved, to join the Society for Neuroethics, to communicate with the public on these issues, to bring our sophisticated understanding of the strengths, weaknesses and limitations of neuroscience to discussions in the public domain. Greely tells us that he must believe that the more we discuss these ethical issues, the less likely we are to mess up the big decisions. In conclusion, he hopes he made us think about the short and long term implications for neuroscience on society, and that he had convinced us of the critical need for educated neuroscientists go get involved in the introduction of our knowledge into society.

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The International Neuroethics Society

Who are we?

We are an interdisciplinary group of scholars, scientists, clinicians and other professionals who share an interest in the social, legal, ethical and policy implications of advances in neuroscience. The late 20th century saw unprecedented progress in the basic sciences of mind and brain and in the treatment of psychiatric and neurologic disorders. Now, in the early 21st century, neuroscience plays an expanding role in human life beyond the research lab and clinic. In classrooms, courtrooms, offices and homes around the world, neuroscience is giving us powerful new tools for achieving our goals and prompting a new understanding of ourselves as social, moral and spiritual beings.

Our mission

Our mission is to promote the development and responsible application of neuroscience through interdisciplinary and international research, education, outreach and public engagement for the benefit of people of all nations, ethnicities, and cultures.

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Military Weapons in Gangsters' Hands


Military Weapons in Gangsters' Hands

Gangs are acquiring highpowered, military-grade weapons more frequently, according to the latest National Gang Intelligence Center Report. And FBI and law enforcement officials suggest gang members -- both enlisted and those working at military bases as contract civilians -- may be funneling the firearms to their street-level counterparts.

In late July, 27 AK-47s were stolen from a Fort Irwin warehouse, officials said. Those close to the case, who would speak only under the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the subject, said investigators believe gang members were involved in the theft.

Related Story: FBI Says Gangs Infiltrating the US Military

One source said the base had hired parolees, and officials are investigating the possibility parolees may have been involved in the heist. The source believes that since the theft, the base has discontinued the practice.

Gus Bahena, interim director of the public affairs office at Fort Irwin, said authorities couldn't comment on whether the base hires parolees, but did state officials were aware of gang issues.

Christopher Grey, spokesman for the Army's Criminal Investigation Command in Quantico, Va., confirmed the independent agency that investigates felony-level crimes was actively working the Fort Irwin case but wouldn't comment on the details, stating they wanted to maintain the integrity of the investigation.

"Regarding gangs in general, we continue to educate our community, both Soldiers and civilians, so that all can recognize and report suspected gang activity," Bahena said.

As of April of this year, the NGIC has identified gang members from 53 gangs who are serving in the military. Members of 37 of those gangs -- including the notorious 18th Street and Mara Salvatrucha 13 -- have infiltrated the Army. Twenty-eight gangs have been identified within the Marine Corps' ranks and five in the Air Force.

The exact number of enlisted gang members is hard to come by, as many times investigators only see graffiti or paraphernalia as evidence of gang activity. For example, investigators found evidence that the motorcycle gang Devils Diciples [sic] -- the same one California State University, San Bernardino Professor Steven Kinzey is allegedly tied to -- has members in the military, but that evidence was found in areas where several branches have access.

While it appears the Army has the largest problem with gangs, some experts feel other branches may be underreporting the number of gang members within the rank and file.

"I think the problem -- percentage wise -- is bigger in the Marines but there are no statistics to back that up since the Marines fail to admit it ever existed," said Richard Valdemar, a retired Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department sergeant and gang expert. "In incidents I am personally familiar with, it seems to be mostly in the Marines."

According to the latest NGIC report released last month, gang members are getting their hands on a variety of military-grade weapons including rifles, grenades, artillery rounds and even body armor.

In the first week of November, a known gang member and his wife were arrested in Adelanto after Victor Valley SMASH Gang Team officials found several weapons in their home including a military artillery round in their garage.

Earlier this year, a field artillery round was found in an Apple Valley home, according to sheriff's reports. When it was detonated in the open desert, it created a 6-foot crater.

It didn't surprise ex-Hammerskin Nation gang member and former Marine T.J. Leyden to hear gangsters are getting their hands on heavy explosives.

"It's a lot harder to get firearms and rifles off a base but artillery rounds aren't that difficult," he said.

According to Leyden, rifles and firearms are counted three times daily but when it comes to artillery rounds, it's much easier to give false numbers.

"It's easy to say you fired 10 rounds when you only actually fired eight or six," the former Hesperia resident said.

While it may be more difficult to smuggle assault rifles and similar weapons off bases and into the hands of gang members, it's being done.

In November 2010, three former Marines were arrested in Los Angeles for selling assault weapons to members of the violent street gang, Florencia 13, according to the NGIC report. That same month, a Navy Seal from San Diego and two others were arrested in Colorado for smuggling about 18 military-issued machine guns from Iraq and Afghanistan to be sold and shipped to buyers in Mexico. It was unclear if any of the servicemen were gang members.

Gang experts feel a more stringent qualification process during recruitment plus continued vigilance and education about gangs and their practices could help identify gang members within the ranks.

"Every gang member in the military is a crap shoot," Valdemar said. "To whom do his loyalties truly stand with? We don't really know. That is the problem."

© Copyright 2011 Daily Press, Victorville, Calif.. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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