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UN's newest, clear and strong stance ; and Canada's donation to UN Human Rights nearly 7 million dollars ; and Canada's ongoing hacking UN Geneva, International Bar Association, International Criminal Court , everything I am using;  and Canada's ongoing terror, psychological torture, MK Ultra. I have provided you all with Canada's hacking IPs around 15 days ago.



Without one special url , I can not find, open and read this from UN . 


Accountability for gross violations is an obligation - UN expert



"Accountability is a legal obligation of States, based on international human rights law. Therefore, neither political will nor State reason can be invoked to breach it," said the Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence, Fabián Salvioli."





















UN Human Rights

UN Human Rights Council

Amnesty International

International Bar Association

International Criminal Court

International Court of Justice

Canadian Government

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer


CC :



Contact :


Temporary  email :



No matter how UN ,  UN Human Rights , UN Human Rights Council, International Bar Association, International Criminal Court ... speak out  and stand  up for me , Canada, "all my neighbors", those who are gathering around /in my work place, those who are driving and operating aircrafts and drones... never stop their ongoing terror, "psychological torture", "MK Ultra" for nearly 20 years. By them, by everything possible,  they attack and remotely control my heart rates , my hearing, my head, and my body.




Here are our emails  between UN Human Rights Office and me:











You all neighbors?


The media, the whistle blower : " more than 200

police officers are living around and surrounding

one human rights lawyer."


All my neighbours , at least 2 Philippine couples,

they don't work at all for 5 , 10 ,or 15 years. But,

they are so rich.


Canadian government, Canadian Intelligence

Services, Canadian police "can not "stop my

neighbours, at least 2 Philippine couples, who are

now again wearing invisibility cloaks to enter

( without opening any doors) and hide in my

house to do everything possible, evil and brutal. ( invisibility cloaks)


They are still bridging my home internet (found by

computer expert) to do everything you can't

imagine. I provided the information about my

neighbors' strange behaviors to Prime Minister of

Canada and Canadian Government.

My neighbors at once hided their cars. Can you see their cars?









Psychological torture?


UN Human Rights Council

Forty-third session

24 February - 20 March 2020

Agenda item 3



MK Ultra ?


Regarding MK Ultra, you all have much more than I have and much more than I provided. They at once blocked and filtered one media on YouTube which whistleblew MK Ultra. Plus ,



If they don't commit such gross crimes , why are they hacking UN Geneva, International Bar Association, International Criminal Court ,all emails , especially, secure emails, all apps , in fact ,everything I am using regardless of anything?


For 18 years,all  Canadian lawyers have refused my request and stated: " you have nowhere to go if you want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctor.If you don't believe me, please try it."


Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.








Robin Yan


Canadian victim of torture





Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and, thanks.


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Help me, I have been maliciously abused by secretive and  nasty perpetrators with v2k and other technologies for over 30 years and as a result of this I am intentionally placed in a false light to others


IN PUBLIC--(The perpetrators often put horrible statements in v2k and vocalize it and people falsely think I made those statements)



--I can not list all the perpetrators malicious crimes and Tech tricks and sabotage here because of time



30 years ago, when I tried to report the malicious abuse of technology against my person, head, and mouth when at school – the powerful perpetrators falsely imprisoned me,  criminally placed a false label on me to shut me up and discredit me in a malicious way—I tried to report their malicious and secretive misuse of technology but I was stopped by corruption and false cointelpro charges—I also tried to report their  callousness and secretive unjust enrichment online at the expense of the unfortunate tis, human guinea pigs and was stopped by corruption and crime

My perpetrators are malicious they seek to deceive the public about me and their secretive activities and they seek to present me in a false light (making me look less capable, kind,  etc.)


Essentially, for over 30 years, I have been falsely imprisoned by technology and my malicious perpetrators who made me SUFFER, SUFFER, SUFFER,  10 years with outrageous attacks (10 years)(un-named and undescribed vile torture)  and one year with remote battery of the groin,  30 years with invasion of privacy, and a myriad of other hateful acts against me –they also kept me silenced from reporting  the outrageously sadistic attacks to police with  false cointelpro charges—30 years ago and every year I tried  to report throught the only channels avaiable to me their malicious use of v2k and its false light effect , the microchips in the body, horrible “malicious attacks: and other technologies to authorities and no one would listen

In conclusion, these perpetrators are malicious, and they seek to deceive the public about me and their secretive activities—

I apologize I do not have time to full explain here --I hope other tis will share their stories, facts, and truths of this exceptionally maliciously and exceptionally prolonged torturer and perpetrator 


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Health Implications of Microwave Harassment

Like many of you, I have been attacked by the US Intelligence Community's space-based neuro-weapon system. The NSA, in cooperation with the CIA, uses satellites, provided by the NRO to lock onto people's brains which has severe health implications. The victim has no control over body functions that are regulated by the nervous system. Once they have a lock on a person's brain, they can override the effects of any medication including blood pressure medication. It is an assassination tool. Scientists in California who called in the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to make some measurements all died shortly afterward. I studied the reports of many victims and all have in common the following issues:

Incredible pain - most often in the legs, but other body parts can also be affected. Physicians will call it neurasthenia or sometimes neuropathy. High blood pressure unless they manage to protect themselves with a Faraday cage or Al foil.

A burning feeling inside the body as if the body is heated up from the inside out. When you measure temperature in your ear, you might have a higher temperature in one ear than in the other. The temperature will exceed 100 degree Fahrenheit.

Hearing a white noise that changes pitch depending on what they are doing. When they extract information from the brain or try to influence you, then the pitch will be higher than normal and the intensity will be higher too. This underlying white noise is modulated and they will use the RF beam to transmit sound to the brain which heats up the tissue and also might be a reason why the temperature in your ear is higher than normal. 

When you try to protect yourself with Al foil, they will increase the intensity. I once wrapped myself completely into thick Al foil making sure, I did not touch the foil with my body. For a few minutes, I could feel significant relief. The white noise was gone, the pain was gone and I felt free. It did not take long until I heard a cracking sound, like when you put Al foil into a microwave oven. I had my eyes closed. The cracking sound became louder and suddenly I saw a white flash with my eyes closed. For a moment I thought I would die. Then everything was the same as before I had tried to protect myself.

They suddenly raised my blood pressure to 250/130 and I had to go to the emergency room in the middle of the night. I know they had made some changes because I did not have the pain in my legs anymore but my upper body heated up extremely. My whole upper body burns and the white noise sounds differently. I also hear my heart pounding which was not the case before. 

We are not safe in our homes anymore and no law protects us. It does not matter where we live and who we are. The technology is based on space-based through the wall radar with such a high resolution that they can sense a person's nervous system. If you have been in this illegal program for a longer time, then you know that they go through a series of trials and then they repeat the same sequence again which means that this is definitely illegal research on persons who have not consented to it. The Havanna syndrome is closely related to it although it is just a mild version of it. It is also an act of war.

You can compare your symptoms with the results published in medical journals and books that relate microwaves and RF radiation to health effects. You will find them at under pub med. You will also find them in "Biological Effects and Health Implications of Radiofrequency Radiation" by Sol M. Michealson and James C. Lin.


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The Real Reason for the Hoaxed Pandemic.

The nano technology which is inside covid-19 vaccines is being used to wirelessly link people up to their own smart phones and other technological devices.
Stealing data from the brain of a non-consenting human being involves first of all manipulating that human being to accept an injection containing nano technology into their veins , mainly by hoaxing a pandemic. The nano technology does directly to the brain and becomes embedded there. Then data such as private thoughts can be stolen from the brain using a brain signal acquisition software known as Mushu which is written in Python. It runs under all major operating systems like Windows, Mac OS and Linux. It is free and open source software and it is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. From there your thoughts and words are streamed onto a closed circuit internet which has been created especially for the one percent of criminals who wish to take over the world for the purposes of enslaving the remaining ninety nine percent of their fellow men and women. Those who run the system from behind the scenes throughout the world would then reply to your most private thoughts and words in real time and if ever you complain to the police or military establishment you are quickly sent for psychiatric evaluation so as not to alert the masses of this worldwide takeover of their brains and bodies by wireless means.
The above mentioned neural link can be used to either enhance or diminish the brains capabilities.
In the following linked 2017 video, the United States well known Industrial Elon Musk when being interviewed about his neuro technology company which is called Neuralink and is headquartered in the Pioneer Building in San Francisco, California. he was asked if it would be necessary to put a microchip surgically into peoples brains in order to link them to a computer system he replied as follows " No. You can go through the veins and arteries and that provides a complete roadway to your neurons."

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The world future involves no money and no property and no legal rights whatsoever  for 99 %  of the worlds population according to Dr Irena Caesar in her online article called ' INTERNET OF THINGS AND BODIES AS A NEW CYBER WEAPON'.  In my own opinion we would be wirelessly cyber linked by means of technology inside our bodies and brains  to a centralized computer control network. and if we were obedient to  wirelessly transmitted voice commands the pleasure centre of our brain would be stimulated.  If we were disobedient to those  wirelessly transmitted voice commands the pain centres of our brains would be stimulated.  This situation is already a reality for many people throughout Ireland and the rest of the world but it is being covered up by false psychiatric diagnoses.   We should consider going to war against the Luciferians in order to regain our freedom.   Please consider this matter and share this information widely while you still can do so.

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The capability to physically remote control a human being from a distance as if they were a mechanical robot has been validated to be a current scientific and technological capability by NATO.
Scientists have accurately melded brain signals with machine interfaces and have made the flow of information between them bi-directional and from a distance, allowing the muscles of a human being to be remote controlled by those machines against the will of a human being. This is an enslavement capability and it is being rolled out for almost everybody by the dark new world order cabal. To confirm that this is in fact a viable scientific and technological capability please read the following article which can be found here below and also at the following online link
NATO Review
Cognitive Biotechnology: opportunities and considerations for the NATO Alliance
What is published in NATO Review does not constitute the official position or policy of NATO or member governments.
NATO Review seeks to inform and promote debate on security issues. The views expressed by authors are their own.

Cognitive Biotechnology: opportunities and considerations for the NATO Alliance
Johns Hopkins University & Imperial College London
26 February 2021
Advances in biophysical, biochemical and behavioural technologies are beginning to turn science fiction into reality. These developments offer exciting possibilities, while also raising issues with regard to ethics and responsible use.

The Alliance faces a range of significant opportunities in emerging and disruptive technologies. The field of Cognitive Biotechnology (CBT) is an emerging domain with wide ranging implications for Alliance members’ economic and military competitiveness. And, as was discussed in the case of Artificial Intelligence, developments in this field will require both a dynamic adoption of new technologies and a focus on their responsible governance.

CBT is the ability for technology to enhance and improve human thinking, sensing, coordinating, and acting upon the physical and societal environment. With CBT, our effectiveness—normally constrained by the limits of human physiology – can now be extended and augmented by biophysical, biochemical, or bioengineered means.

The field is in its infancy, but its implications are vast. For instance, in the last decade scientists have accurately melded brain signals with machine interfaces to create mind-controlled prosthetics. More recently they have made this flow of information bi-directional, creating prosthetics that can now feel sensation and send these feelings back to the brain.

If humans can actuate (i.e. put into motion or action) machines, and these machines can in turn actuate humans, then we have moved beyond the confines of our own physiology. Moreover, if these machines are mobile and can interact with our minds at a distance, then we have extended our reach beyond our own physical limits.

Conversely, our inner minds are no longer off limits either: while emerging brain-computer interfaces allow us to train and direct computers, computers are increasingly able to peer into our minds and to train and enhance us. Or, to put it another way, while we have been working to improve and enhance our machines, we now realise that our machines can enhance, improve – and possibly control – us.

Cognitive Biotechnology aims to enhance and improve human thinking, sensing, coordinating, and acting upon the physical and societal environment.
Photo courtesy PRISM, NDU

When considering the wide-ranging uses of CBT, it helps to distinguish among three broad application areas, which can be called “the 3 R’s” – Recover, Raise, and Replace.

Recover includes the repair or rehabilitation of cognitive and biological impairments that prevent the mind and body from functioning effectively. The goal is to return abilities back to baseline functionality. Applications include helping injured soldiers recover their physical capabilities; healing traumatic brain injury; treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); recovering or (in cases of traumatic stress) suppressing memories; and restoring decision-making and executive functions.

Raise includes the augmentation and enhancement of cognitive and physiological function past an individual’s natural baseline, thereby effecting dramatic changes in operational effectiveness, preparedness, and training. Applications include sensory enhancement (such as seeing farther or hearing more acutely); faster information processing; quicker and more effective decision-making; more efficient learning and language acquisition; and greater physical exertion and endurance. What is true for individual capabilities could similarly be true for groups. CBT could be used to raise unit capabilities through distributed intelligence – that is, all members of the unit see and know what each individual member sees and knows, thus reducing the “fog of war” and improving rapid decision-making, as well as enabling more rapid acquisition and assimilation of new fighting techniques and technologies.

Replace includes the enhancement (and possibly substitution) of mental and physical functions past the bounds of human potential. Sensory connections could be replaced with computer interfaces, making human capabilities independent of their five natural senses. Verbal communication could be replaced by computer-aided telepathy or data downloads. Physical action could be replaced by remote robots or “loyal wingman” drones directed by the mind of the operator. This is perhaps the most futuristic form of enhancement, with most research and development nascent in nature. It is important to note that this form of enhancement does not completely remove human interaction, or else it would be simply another form of automation; it is really about the merger of human biology and mechanical actuation.

These distinctions may prove helpful in setting priorities for further research, investment in technological development, and adoption for operational use. And they could also help in setting principles of responsible use, considering the three categories’ differing levels of technical risk and ethical uncertainty.

The current state and future potential of CBT

Cognitive Biotechnologies are at present focused on three main areas of research: biophysical, biochemical and behavioural. The future direction of these technologies is difficult to predict, particularly as many are still emerging. But they have the potential to significantly disrupt existing assumptions about the evolution of civil society, the economy, and military affairs. It is therefore in the interest of the Alliance to closely monitor the rise of those technologies and applications that are most likely to affect or disrupt current defence constructs and doctrine. Moreover, it will be important to direct early-stage investment into those areas that are particularly promising for the Alliance, or to those which will most likely impact its competitiveness.

Biophysical technologies

Advances in the biophysical area centre on brain computer interfaces (BCI), which can be directly inserted into the human body or via transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS). tDCS is a form of neuromodulation that uses constant, direct currents delivered via electrodes on the head, and can be worn or removed at will. While BCI was originally developed to provide assistive technologies (such as prosthetic arms and mentally controlled wheelchairs), recent developments in bi-directionality have allowed for enhanced sensing, for example, bionic eyes or other enhancements to situational awareness. Further applications of these technologies could lead to mental control of aircraft or ground vehicle systems; mind-guided drones or missiles; or the mechanisation of soldiers via exoskeletons and advanced sensors.

Exoskeletons can improve a soldier’s physical capabilities, allowing them to run faster, lift heavier objects and relieve strain on the body.
credit image 1: © Lockheed Martin
credit image 2: © Army Technology

At the same time, tDCS applications have been shown to regulate the human brain itself, affecting the brain’s executive functions, learning mechanisms, memory, language processing, sensory perception, and motor functions. Current work with tDCS focuses on recovery from PTSD and treatment of mental ailments like obsessive compulsive disorder. But the technology also provides for the possibility of raising soldiers’ cognitive and physical capabilities: to analyse scenarios more easily and quickly; to retain and retrieve memories with greater acuity; to modulate perceptions of pain; to improve psychological self-protection; and to embed muscle memory and motor skills more quickly. Another controversial aspect of tDCS is the potential to look inside the mind of the user, to display and play back past memories on an external monitor, or even to insert synthetic memories and images into the mind.

Biochemical technologies

Biochemical research has focused on enhancements to human physiology and cognitive function via drugs, genetic modification and biological derivatives. Combinations of nootropic compounds, both natural and synthetic, have been shown to rebalance and optimise neurochemistry for improved brain and nervous system function and efficiency. These have the potential for raising alertness and attention; speeding up reaction times; enhancing endurance and mental resilience; reducing apprehension and fear; and improving group dynamics and coordination. Recovery aspects include the treatment of depression, PTSD, memory loss, and dementia.

Behavioural technologies

Behavioural research is focused on the modification and improvement of cognitive and motor function through learning algorithms, virtual reality and biofeedback methods. Virtual reality environments have already demonstrated their use in the training of pilots, tank crews and infantry. Mental acuity can be enhanced by training and gamification algorithms. Behaviour and personal habits can be altered by reinforcement learning methods. Applications focus on both improvement and recovery, with recent advances in the treatment of PTSD and behavioural disorders.

A demonstration of a combat simulator, a form of PTSD treatment, is conducted at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, United States.
© U.S. Army

The integration of real-time cognitive and physiological user data (e.g., measures of attention, heart rate, etc.) opens a new vista for raising physical and cognitive performance. Motivational stimuli can be delivered back to the user based on his current physiological and mental state via machine learning-derived algorithms. The future of a personal coach on an intelligent FitBit that motivates and guides you to peak performance may not be too far away. The aggregation of anonymised data from individual performance outcomes into big datasets could further improve these algorithms. The result may be a FitBit that knows you better than you know yourself.

Ethical issues and responsible use

There are several ethical considerations for CBT that may transcend even AI in their complexity. First is the issue of personal agency. If CBT is able to motivate, enable, and even control human decision making and action, where does individual responsibility end? Are soldiers responsible for their actions when under the influence of advanced CBT, and under what conditions?

Relatedly, how does the Alliance ensure that there is sufficient consent for the use of CBT for individuals tasked to use the technology? These technologies can be invasive, both physiologically and mentally, and have the potential to cause harm, particularly as we do not fully understand their unintended cognitive and biological consequences.

In addition, significant privacy concerns will be raised once these technologies can enter our minds and see our most private thoughts and memories. What are the limits of such searches? And what are the protections for physiological and cognitive data, and who may store and control their dissemination or cause their deletion? More generally, what protections will we have against the potential of mind control, cognitive erasure, and reprogramming?

The Alliance’s success with CBT will depend upon well-designed principles and practices relating to these ethical considerations, since the adoption and integration of these technologies will be based on the consent and acceptance of Allied governments and their societies at large. As in the case of AI, the Alliance and member governments will need to develop principles of responsible use, addressing such issues as privacy, consent, lawfulness, responsibility and governability.

This is the third article of a mini-series on innovation, which focuses on technologies Allies are looking to adopt and the opportunities they will bring to the defence and security of the NATO Alliance. Previous articles:

Building a resilient innovation pipeline for the Alliance

Artificial Intelligence at NATO: dynamic adoption, responsible use

What is published in NATO Review does not constitute the official position or policy of NATO or member governments.
NATO Review seeks to inform and promote debate on security issues. The views expressed by authors are their own.

Johns Hopkins University: Alonso Bernal, Cameron Carter, Mohamad Elgendi, Melanie Kemp, Richard Kim, Gabriel Ramirez, Ishpreet Singh, Ujwal Arunkumar Taranath, Klinsman Vaz, Alysia Mirilia Martins and FNU Mallika

Imperial College London: Sophia Mexi-Jones and Bridget Shidok

Under the Supervision of: Lawrence Aronhime, Associate Teaching Professor, and Alexander Cocron, Lecturer, Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering

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Hey Everyone! 

Just a quick check in... I just wanted to tell you how amazing and strong you are. And beautiful inside. It's easy to forget, especially when you have non-stop Voice to Skull shot into your head by criminals, telling you disgusting things about you that are OBVIOUSLY NOT TRUE! These are sad people, with great darkness in them, criminals, psychopaths, mentally ill people who are more attacked and microwaved than you and me. 

But you are none of those things they are trying to make you believe. You are an eternal, infinite being, having a human experience. You are literally something that holds the whole Universe together. You are so pure. Always remember that. You are not dirty, you are not a victim (maybe for criminal secret services yes) but in reality you are a limitless being. 

Don't let a bad feeling shrink you down to a size of pea. You are not a feeling or a thought. You are so much better and stronget than they even could be! ❤️

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Doctor of Philosophy


march 28, 2021


Moscow, Russia

We now have an enemy that humanity has not yet had until now. It is a global enemy that does not belong to any nation-state. Therefore, no discourse concerning ethnic strife, racial strife, discord between nation-states has nothing to do with the present moment, and is harmful, and leads away from the essence of the issue. Now we are dealing with a global criminal organized group that is eager for power. And it is eager for power by completely new methods that have never been used before – in the war between nation-states. The ideology of this group also does not apply to any world religion, nor to any sect that was before. This is a completely new ideology. And we must clearly understand this ideology in order to know our enemy, and know in what ways we will fight him, and what this enemy has in store for us. If we don't understand what they have in store for us, we will not be able to organize.

So, what did they have in store for us? A new global empire is being prepared – "Cyber Zion" or "New Jerusalem" – based on a two-class society: cyber slaves and cyber masters. Moreover, the difference between these classes will not be according to Marx, and not according to english economists, and not according to any economic, political, social differences. This difference will be an interspecies distinction. That is, the creation of two species of living beings is being prepared. And if we do not understand this, we will not be able to adequately confront this enemy – an organized criminal group, which, again, has nothing to do with any national differences, because by blood they are Russians, R1a1, neither to any world religions, nor to Judaism, I want to emphasize again, neither to the Vatican, nor even to Satanism. This is a completely new ideology.

So, the new ideology is the creation of a two-species society, where there will be two biological species, and one of the species will be struck not only in economic, social and political rights: it will be amazed in the possibility of perception and cognitive abilities - in the perception and knowledge of reality. World debilysis of the world's population is planned. Moreover, this ruling class of slave traders, slave owners, masters will occupy 1% of the world's population. And 99% of the world's population is preparing for global debilysis.

This new kind of service man or cyber slave will be incapable of procreation. These two species will not be able to interbreed with each other, that is, to create joint offspring. Cyber slaves will not be able to create their offspring. Their so-called offspring will be artificial, bred creatures - with the help of bionics, that is, artificially created embryos will be crossed with cyber technologies, with nano-technologies, in order to be the species that will not be able to interbreed with global "masters".

And moreover, these two species will exist in two completely different realities. "Lords" will exist in the normal human reality we now know. They will have self-identity, and so-called self-awareness, because self-awareness is uniqueness. So, cyber slaves will be denied even self-awareness. They are offered virtual reality, and multiple consciousness, which will not be self-awareness. It will be an imposed artificial "self-consciousness", in the form of avatars. These slaves will exist in some illusory virtual world, where they will be imposed, artificially, memories, perceptions, necessary cognitive schemes, attitudes, etc. When I was preparing this report, the only analogy I could offer is the Opium Wars in China, where the richest Chinese empire was planted on opium, and the entire coast was covered with opium dens, where people existed in virtual reality, in opium delusional fantasies. That's what they're cooking for us.






March 28, 2021


Moscow, Russia

We now have an enemy that humanity has not yet had. It is a global enemy that does not belong to any national state. Therefore, no discourse regarding interethnic strife, interracial strife, strife between national states has anything to do with the present moment, and is harmful and leads away from the essence of the issue. Now we are dealing with a global criminal organized group («organized crime») that is striving for power. And it is striving for power with completely new methods that have never been used before — in a war between national states. The ideology of this group also does not apply to any world religion, or to any sect that existed before. This is a completely new ideology. And we must clearly understand this ideology in order to know our enemy, and to know in what ways we will fight this enemy, and what this enemy has in store for us. If we do not understand what they have in store for us, we will not be able to organize.

So what did they have in store for us? A new global empire is being prepared — “Cyber ​​Zion” or “New Jerusalem” — based on a two-class society: cyber slaves and cyber masters. Moreover, the difference between these classes will not be according to Marx, and not according to the English economists, and not according to any economic, political, social differences. This difference will be an interspecies difference. That is, the creation of two types of living beings is being prepared. And if we do not understand this, we will not be able to adequately confront this enemy — an organized criminal group, which, again, has nothing to do with any national differences, because they are Russian by blood, R1a1, nor with any world religions, not with Judaism, I want to stress again, not with the Vatican, and not even with Satanism. This is a completely new ideology.

So, the new ideology is the creation of a two-species society, where there will be two biological species, and one of the species will be deprived not only of economic, social and political rights: this new species will be deprived of the possibility of perception and cognitive abilities — of the perception and cognition of reality. A global moronization of the world’s population is planned. Moreover, this ruling class of slave traders, slave owners, masters will be only 1% of the world population. And 99% of the world’s population is prepared for a global debilization.

This new kind of «service man» or «cyber slave» will not be capable of childbirth. These two species will not be able to interbreed with each other, that is, create joint offspring. Cyber ​​slaves will not be able to create their own offspring. Their so-called offspring will be artificial, bred creatures — with the help of bionics, that is, artificially created embryos will be interbred with cyber technologies, with nano technologies, in order to be the species that cannot interbreed with global “masters”.

Moreover, these two species will exist in completely two different realities. “Masters” will exist in the normal human reality that we know now. They will have self-identity, and so-called self-consciousness, because self-consciousness is uniqueness. So, cyber slaves will be denied even self-consciousness. They are offered virtual reality, and multiple consciousness, which will not be self-consciousness. It will be an imposed artificial “self-consciousness” in the form of avatars. These slaves will exist in some kind of illusory virtual world, where they will be artificially implanted with memories, perceptions, the necessary cognitive schemes, attitudes, etc. When I was preparing this report, the only analogy that I could offer was the Opium Wars in China, where the richest Chinese empire was hooked on opium, and the entire coast was covered with opium dens, where people existed in virtual reality, in opium delusional fantasies. This is what they are preparing for us.

They want to sterilize us. They want to moronize us. They want to introduce us into a narcotic, in fact, intoxication via cyber-psychotronic technology, and keep us in this psychotronic cyber-narcotic intoxication. Not only that, they talk about cyber sex. That is, these creatures will not even have sex. Not only will they not be able to bear children, they will not even be able to have sex. This will be cyber sex through the stimulation of certain loci in the brain.

The threat is not just the use of prohibited weapons against unarmed civilians. The threat is the creation of a two-species society. Such a society will naturally be imposed by methods that have not been used before. Namely, this society cannot be imposed by war: nuclear war, chemical, biological war. This society — slavery, debilization, sterilization — can only be imposed with psychotronic weapons. As a result, now we are dealing with an enemy who is building satellite psychotronic networks. Right now we are sitting with you, talking about bullying on the internet, while they are building psychotronic networks: Starlink by Elon Musk, and OneWeb by England. Moreover, OneWeb is being built with the help of our rockets, which put their satellites into low-orbit orbits. That is, we are building, with our own hands, the psychotronic weapons for the Americans and for the British, who are the servants of this organized criminal global group — we are building the psychotronic weapons that will destroy Russia. Because the Internet of Things and the Internet of Bodies is a psychotronic cyber weapon. This means, we must talk about a new type of cyber weapon, and a new type of psychotronic weapon.

Again, I repeat, this is a global new empire that is hyper-national or crypto-national, that is, it does not belong to any nationality, to the Jews, or Zionists, or to Americans, or the British. This is a crypto-global empire that has completely different plans for humanity, and completely different methods for global domination.

The steps in this plan are as follows. First, to create and use all over the world an artificially created, chimeric virus — as a binary biological weapon. They took a coronavirus, inserted four inserts of HIV there; added hemagglutinin, a protein that is present in influenza “A” (this is the famous Spanish Flu Pandemic); and made a very infectious, aerosol-spreadable (that is, by airborne droplets) virus with HIV inserts – essentially, the Airborne AIDS. It is not hard to see what happens when this virus is injected, as a vaccine that produces antibodies to the spike protein that contains these four HIV inserts. This vaccine, injected into the client’s bloodstream, will cause full-blown AIDS.

But the most important thing is the transition to an open, global digital government, with the destruction of national sovereignty. The primary goal of the Covid-19 biological binary weapon attack was not just depopulation for easier control of the masses. The main goal was precisely the abolition of democracy through the imposition of digital identity, which is easy to forge and forge from outside the country, violating the independence of the nation, and completely breaking the institution of national self-government of the people.

Moreover, cyber takeover is a prerequisite for a cyber attack. The ultimate goal is not just the subjugation of national governments, but their complete destruction. The cyber attack will be carried out from global floating servers in neutral waters, and from satellites in low-orbit orbits. Moreover, from the same satellites, an attack with a plasma weapon (DEW – directed energy weapon) will be carried out, which we saw in Northern California, when entire areas of Northern California were depopulated with the help of self-igniting smart miters belonging to the Rothschild company, and with the help of the «Iron Beam» from Boeings and from satellites. This weapon was originally developed by this organized crime group for Israel.

So, it is planned to create a world electronic government with the loss of national sovereignty, and the psychotronic global network of satellites on low orbit. And when this system is created, that is, when we get the so-called digital identity, and the entire document circulation is converted into electronic form, at this moment a cyber strike will occur — from these floating servers in neutral waters, and from satellites StarLink and OneWeb. Again, I would like to point out: StarLink is not a government-owned company, and OneWeb, too, cannot be described as strictly government or national. The British specifically left the European Union in order to create their own kind of corporate identity, characterized precisely in terms of an organized crime that does not serve the interests of its people, but, on the contrary, runs counter to the interests of its people. And all these legal entities seen in the active promotion of this plan — Google, Facebook — they are in the British jurisdiction, in the offshore British jurisdiction. That is, we have, in fact, England as a facade for this global organized crime group.

And when this cyber strike occurs, all information will be erased — from phones, from computers, even from hard disks, even from them, because they have special inserts to erase all information. Everything will stop. But in addition to our personal information, all our factories that operate on Western software will stop. That is, the software will be completely disabled on the territory of Russia, as earlier in the Soviet Union there was similar cyber-sabotage to blow up pipelines. Moreover, the factories will not just stop: technogenic catastrophes will begin at the factories. Just as the Americans drilled holes in the Soyuz on orbit (with the help of the NASA Astronaut Serena M. Auñón-Chancellor, CIA engineer under the guise of MD), they will also launch attacks on factories. Judge for yourself the consequences of technogenic catastrophes.

And also, all accounts that will be converted into digital money will be reset to zero. First, they will rob the population of Russia, and then they will completely erase the digital currency that is now being built by the “eco-system” of Sberbank, until the next global crisis, which comes every ten years. All historical information will be erased; all educational programs that will be transferred to the cloud of our strategic adversaries; all health information; all rights to property, land, houses, apartments (titles of property). That is, the citizens of Russia will become people without a country, without a nation, without surnames, without passports, without apartments, without houses.

And now the ideological program of the so-called “Inclusive Capitalism” is being built for this, which was announced — “Great Reset” — by Klaus Schwab at the last meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, and which was prepared by the Rothschilds. In late fall 2020, Evelyn (or Lynn) Rothschild declared that the Rothschilds want socialism, and even more so, communism for Europe. You must understand: I am being attacked by my partners, distributors in Europe — Germans, and Canadians, Americans. They say to me: Irina, are you not afraid of losing your property? They all stand on their ears afraid that now everything will be taken away from them. The Synagogue of Satan (self-named, they call themselves in this way) plans to take all property from 99% of the world’s population. That is, everything should be in sharing — cars, houses, apartments, land, even wives. There should be no institution of the family, no institution of private property, no institution of personal property. That is, they will have the institution of property, the institution of family, wife, child, sex. And the slaves which they identify as us — we will have cyber sex, some cyber crazy fantasies; and we will be bred like chickens on a farm.

That is, we must immediately clearly establish and clearly state that the entire elite of Russia — Deripaska, Potanin — all these people, the entire ruling elite of Russia will belong to cyber slaves. Take Kovalchuk, who declared that Russia cannot avoid creating “a service man” (read: slave). If he expects that he will NOT be “a service man”, he is simply cognitively deficient already now. We must, we, the sane people of Russia — we must make it clear to our ruling class that they should not expect, that they should not keep illusions they will NOT be made cyber slaves, and that they will NOT be sterilized and given cyber sex instead of normal sex. Let them not expect that they will not be deprived of all their rights, and that their property will not be taken away from them. The way Biden has now called Putin a murderer suggests that the Hague is destined for all of them. That is, Russia must now unite around its leadership. The whole country must unite: whites, blacks, Asians, White Russians, narrow-eyed, wide-eyed, dark-skinned, blondes, black-haired, green-eyed — everybody. Kalmyks and Vologda residents – all must unite in order to prevent Trotskyism again in our country — only now not in the form of a tragedy, but in the form of a comedy. Because this is, in fact, a comedy, when Prince Charles, Klaus Schwab’s deputy, tells us that we will have communism, while a lackey ties his shoes.

But the most important thing that we still need to understand: in this new financial system that they are preparing, there will be no money at all: no digital currency, no crypto currency. Therefore, when German Gref tells us that he will build digital money for us in Russia, and that this is some kind of advanced “eco-system”, and when Mishustin builds all kinds of digital schemes for us here, they must understand: this is already obsolete, it is already outdated, and no one in the West is interested in it anymore. They are building a completely different financial system. And this system has already been patented. Bill Gates has already patented it with patent 060606.

What is this patent about? This patent says that the financial system for cyber slaves will be based on two loci in the brain – a locus of pain and a locus of pleasure, which were localized by Yale University professor Jose Delgado. He inserted an electrode into the bull’s brain, and the bull could not do anything during the bullfight. He stopped. That’s what they want. That is, correct behavior will be sanctioned by exciting, stimulating the locus of pleasure, and wrong behavior will be punishable by exciting the locus of pain. This is what they want. They no longer want any money, or banks. Banks are not generating the returns they expect. Usury percentage in Europe is negative. That is why crises are made every ten years. First, cheap loans are distributed. Then every ten years there is a shearing of cattle — butchering of goats – as they say bluntly. As Nathan Rothschild puts it: “culling the cattle” to make profits off those cheap loans they’ve been distributing. As a result, they grab assets, earning about 200% of the profit (for example, the cost of almost entirely paid house, plus the house itself, expropriated by the bank for stopping mortgage payments).

Over the next ten years, the central bank of central banks will encourage another financial bubble for the next crisis. The next crisis will be a “bail-in” crisis. The 2008 crisis was a bail-out crisis. That is, they gave money to banks. And in 2028, there will be a bail-in crisis. That is, they will simply bankrupt the banks. And depositors who kept their money in banks will lose their money. This scheme was tested by the Rothschilds in Crete, the crypto-colony of England, a few years ago, about eight years ago. And the Central Bank of Russia with Nabiullina is testing this process continuously, accustoming Russian citizens to the fact that they will simply lose their money. There will be expropriation of personal savings of citizens around the world. And after that there will be no banks, no money. Only psychotronic control from psychotronic satellite systems on low orbits.

In my opinion, before the cyber war, there will be a delimitation of cyber spaces. Because NATO members will need to accuse Russia of cyber attacks. Moreover, this cyber attack will be an anonymous attack. What do you think: where does “Anonymous” come from (the symbol of which is the image of a black suit with a question mark above)? Nottingham hosts an underground cyber center of Great Britain, in an underground city. River is flowing nearby, which cools this artificial intelligence. This is where Snowden was created. This is where Assange was created. This is where «Anonymous» was created. This is where ISIS was created. All such black operations to deceive the world community were created in Nottingham! So it is from there that all this will happen, all coordination. That is, the control center is located in Nottingham.

So, there will be a delimitation of cyberspaces in order to ensure the safety of the complete erasure of the cyberspace of Russia without affecting the servers of the West. This means that now Russia must track floating servers in neutral waters. Russia must clearly understand where this so-called “global” artificial intelligence is located. Financial Center 666 is located on Lake Lucerne, Switzerland. Lucifer, as you know, is the Devil. All psychotronic weapons are located in Austria, in the neutral zone. The global center is located in Nottingham, England. Russia should clearly know about all these centers, because when a cyber strike against Russia occurs, Russia should respond adequately. That is, Russia must change its military doctrine. Where is Sivkov? Where is Kvachkov? Where are all our experts? I repeat, Russia’s military doctrine must be changed.

In the military doctrine of Russia, there should be a closure of the sky from the western satellites. First of all. Second, an adequate strike at the centers of global artificial intelligence: Nottingham, Lake Lucerne, Austria, etc. That is, our enemies, the so-called “our partners,” should know that Russia will not respond to them with nuclear weapons. Russia will respond with a high-precision, high-speed strike, very addressed, against these centers. And Russia must clearly define where the floating servers are located in neutral waters. Because when this war starts, this war will be openly terrorist in nature. And Russia must put forward a new doctrine: protection from global terrorism regardless of national borders. This doctrine must be clearly developed, because the enemies will attack us from neutral waters. And there is no such doctrine. Where is the doctrine? Give us a doctrine that will protect our country and our population from complete global destruction and turning us not even into slaves, but into animals, into cattle. Can we even use the term «a service man»? Since Kovalchuk is planned to be turned into cattle.

So, the main ingredients of an imminent cyber war are: disabling all software; shutdown of all factories; technogenic catastrophes; destruction of all digital document circulation; the destruction of the digital currency that the Sberbank is now trying to create on the basis of the “block chain”. But the block chain is a Trojan Horse that binds to every program on the computer, and it is precisely the block chain that is the cyber weapon. It is the blockchain that will destroy the cyber system of our country. In conclusion: the destruction of all digital libraries, repositories of digital education, etc. This cyber attack has been documented in all the dystopias that were created by Hollywood. These are not just some fantasies, conspiracy theories. This is described in the Rand Corporation documents. This is described in the documents of the International Monetary Fund. This is described in the documents of the World Economic Forum. These documents deal exclusively with a new war — cyber war, which, in fact, will be a psychotronic war. Therefore, I would like to appeal to all sane people in Russia so that they create an ideological, scientific, political, military doctrine — a new one that will respond to new threats, a new enemy that carries, I repeat, a completely new threat, which did not exist before.
July 14, 2021

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Hey Everyone!

In my experience...

Whenever V2K is off for a short period of time, I feel I can be myself freely.

Therefore it’s designed to suppress the self. Solution is to SPEAK OUT LOUD every day, all the time, do not keep thoughts inside, ACT! Be yourself, re-connect to the self, only every single time a better, stronger, much braver-self!

Take the energy of the V2K and the noises stalkers make on the walls, meant to trigger fear and pull back to darkness, and use it for self TRANSFORMATION INTO A BETTER, WAY STRONGER SELF, take the negative energy they send in any way, noises, fake voices and use their own energy for your benefit as a source of Power! Even make it an affirmation that you write down every day. They do NOT have the power to change the self, to determine how you perceive a type of energy coming to your way and how you use it, because it’s totally up to you! 

A useful link of a YouTube video that apparently can jam a little the V2K frequency. I tried it and it kind of works.

This website is for devices that can help you to protect yourself from electronic harrassment. I never tried myself however, so approach with caution.  (copy the link if you can't click on it)

And please hang in there and keep fighting! Things are getting better, now MI5 and NSA whistleblowers are supporting the case so do not feel that you are alone, there are SO MANY people out there and if everybody does what they can do, we will get there! 


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Pink colors of my Belgrade


With great pleasure I managed to “smuggle” a few comments in various dailies in my country about this content on the occasion of Breast Cancer Awareness Month: ‘Wonderful! My city in pink! Pride! Greetings and gratitude! I had an operation a couple of years ago. My diagnosis was bilateral breast cancer in the early stages. I am not active at all in these women’s organizations, but I am an active member of PeacePink international organization’.

Well, that’s roughly the comment that I pushed ‘for us’ even in Montenegro, not only in Serbia. Rarely does anyone know who we are, but of course, those who need to know – know it quite well. In my current torture by a deep criminal state, programed primitive and frightening dreams fall hardest on me! Also, the sleep deprivation project, according to the testimonies of the detainees from concentration camp Goli Otok in this area, was practiced 70 years ago. It has not yet completely given up on humiliating this seventy-year-old, “benevolent” old woman, by turning her into a sex slave.

You know the painful circumstances of my brave son’s death. If we say that being the target individual is the worst thing that can happen to you, then we need to know that it is worse than doing it to your child! My prayers for no forgiveness are constant.

In the public here and in the world, there are woman who have fought with breast cancer, so they talk about and they are given publicity. We, whose health is deliberately destroyed and who are killed by powerful specimens and monsters, do not have that publicity. The time of death is huge all around because of the Coronavirus, and I know that – courage, fear and death have never been more relative, and the structure on which this world rests has never been more farcical and hypocritical!

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Hey Amazing Warriors!


Update of my personal experience: (and let me start with the funniest thing ever…even while I am writing this, the V2K algorithm signals are being sent “saying” things like: “now you’re going to die” , “we will cut your head off” , “now we are going to break in” and MANY MANY others… I mean just absolutely insane ones…and I call it “funny” because these sick degenerates are targeting and experimenting on innocent people and slowly killing them, US, and at the same time they are expecting you to be silent and just take it…) Well, I don’t think so. And I will not call us victims because that would indicate that we are weak, but we get shot every day, we are being tortured and unimaginable things are being done to us and YET we are still here and strong and fighting, while these sick creatures (I won’t call them animals because I love animals and they are definitely ‘not humans’) are sitting in the perverted prison of they mind that they have created for themselves, behind their computer in “safety” (or so they think) pressing buttons. Who’s the prisoner then?! But anyway. My V2K experience is every day and NON STOP and strangely it affects me less and less* so now they are playing with the frequencies, they turn it down to very low frequency which comes across as “whispering” while I am listening to something with my headphones in, trying to prevent me any mind/brain from relaxing. And even that usually doesn’t work! I am telling you this to say that I probably get the worst and most inhuman version of the “Voice to Skull” non-sense BUT EVEN THEN IT IS TOTALLY POSSIBLE TO TRAIN YOUR MIND TO DISREGARD IT. This is how: learn everything about V2K so you won’t be scared of it and you know exactly what it is. Train your mind. Useful sources: audiobook: The Greatest Secret and You Can Heal Your Life (these have nothing to do with any of this but these are very powerful and positive programmes and if you listening to them on a loop, it overrides all the non-sense they are sending into your head). Btw even while I am writing this, I am being shot at, so if I make spelling mistakes, sorry. 🙈 Another way to step out from the victim role, SYSTEM JUDO (source: Dr. Kathrine Horton). Basically use the force and energy of EVERYTHING they do to you and turn it back against them. For example, for every attack, contact a human rights charity and share your story, for every V2K bullsh*t, send a tweet of the link of a respectable source of evidence what all this is about, to a news channel, an online magazine, your favourite celebrity or any other source basically, your government, etc… so you don’t feel beaten down from the attacks, but take them and turn them into a weapon against them! Not (just) as revenge but as tools to protect yourself, help others and raise awareness, move forward. Do not forget, despite everything they do to you, YOU DO HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEFEND YOURSELF. And if you are scared what might happens to you if you do this: Don’t be afraid what’s going to happen to you if you act and exercise your RIGHTS, be afraid who/what you become if you don’t! If you need PROFESSIONAL HELP from an EXPERT, search for Dr. Kathrine Horton, the head of the investigation team. She has detailed YouTube videos how to restore your life step by step.

And this is just my personal opinion, but do not despise the police. Most of them are good people who are there to help. And this goes to the general public too. All these insane experimental methods that are being used on you are based on separating you from any source of help, trick your mind to make you think and believe that you are alone and there’s is nowhere to go. THIS IS A LIE, and not even close to be true. There are very high profile people, even former secret intelligence agents who became whistleblowers upon learning the horrible crimes they are committing against humanity. EVERY SINGLE VOICE MATTERS!!! Do something, whatever you are comfortable with, no matter how small it is. Ask for help, from people you trust. If they don’t believe you, show them the story and work of Dr Kathrine Horton (YouTube or Google) or sit down and rationally explain it. (leave out religion and God and stuff like that, narrow it down to the actual facts). For example show them the 2021 protest video of the “TI” community in which people are sharing their stories on camera (you can find this video on here). Or explain to them, when a black helicopter flies over you over and over and over again to shoot you (AN INNOCENT PERSON) with DEW, who pays for that?! Them?! I don’t think so. YOU DO! And the person who doesn’t believe you, the one who says to you: “you are imagining all of this” with his/her hard earned tax many. Is that person okay with that too?! Still says “oh this is not real” or “whatever, it’s not my problem because it doesn’t happen to me”?! Just because we  “only” know about tens of thousands of people around actually knowing and experiencing this, doesn’t mean they don’t use these methods on EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US.


That’s all for now. I hope by sharing all this, I can help some of you. That’s my goal. Remember, you are stronger than any of these degenerates ever could be. Go out, live, and connect to Nature. Btw… did you know that walking bare foot on the grass (or on the Earth, so not concrete) removes the harmful radiation from the body?! Search for “how to protect yourself from radiation” on Google and you will find the scientific explanation.


Okay, bye for now, MUCH LOVE! ❤️

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This post has beeen spurred by OUTRAGEOUS INJUSTICE (10/03/21).

As a targeted individual, I hate my victimhood & I hate the limited options I have. I hate the time, energy & resources it devours. I hate that the number of targeted individuals increases & action on the issue is almost non-existent. I hate that as I compose this, this website & I, are under surveillance. I hate the emotions this triggers in me. I hate what this has done to my relationships.

However, I am impressed by the community at Peacepink & the support & strength that percolates here. The videos & documentation communicate intelligience & heartfelt perserverance.

(At breakfast, voice to skull once again announced to other tenants that I'm going away for a short visit). 

This year's Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to two recipients for their fight to safeguard freedom of expression in the Philippines & Russia, yet, neuroweapons enable autocrats & license abuses in democracies. In my situation, voice to skull technology has been an affront everywhere I go - at the coffeeshop, on a walk, on campus at the University of Toronto, at a gallery, at the bookstore, on public transit, at a funeral & so on. Since its application is deliberately utilized outside my personal circle, there is an intent in its conspicuousness. Since it has occurred to me for over a decade, I may not be formally acknowledged but negation manifests its own body language depending in whose presence it materializes. At this stage, denial does not erase the fact, censorship does not make it vanish & confirmation would upturn the social & economic order.

As our earth faces numerous emergencies, the fate of targeted individuals remains another part of this crisis.

(Another Thanksgiving Day weekend in Canada passes).


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They at once delete this post! 



They are hacking all kinds of emails I am using.


PM on behalf of Canada : " Everyone has right to be secure across country."


International Bar Association received and read my email with attached files.



The media, the whistle blower : " more than 200 police officers are living around and surrounding  one human rights lawyer."



All my neighbours , at least 2 Philippine couples, 

they don't work at all for 5 , 10 ,or 15 years. But, they are so rich. 



Canadian government, Canadian Intelligence Services, Canadian police "can not "stop my neighbours, at least 2 Philippine couples, who are now again wearing invisibility cloaks to enter ( without opening any doors) and hide  in my house  to do everything possible, evil and brutal. Something in my house "told" me.  ( invisibility cloaks) 


Around 10 years ago, floor vibration lights "told" me they wore invisibility cloaks to poison me and forcibly inject me. Up till now, they have not told what they injected into my body to me and to us.


They are still bridging my home internet (by computer expert) to do everything you can't imagine. I provided the information about my neighbors' strange behaviors to Prime Minister of Canada and Canadian Government. 


My neighbors at once hided their cars. Can you see their cars?  











UN Human Rights 

UN Human Rights Council 

Amnesty International 

International Bar Association 

International Criminal Court

International Court of Justice 

Canadian Government

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer


CC :



Contact : 


Temporary  email :



International Bar Association,  UN Human Rights, 

International Court of Justice,

"", "" ,

you all  received and read my email to you all.


Please work together with me  to launch  international (legal  ) proceedings against "them".

You all have known how they are hacking UN Geneva, International Bar Association, International Criminal Court and everything I am using if we don't take actions.


How they are hacking UN Human Rights'


How they can at once disable this App I am using



I again attach two files with this email although " you " already have them.



Canada refuse to...


2 who is hack UN Geneva




Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.







Robin Yan


Canadian victim of torture





Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and, thanks.




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Love is everything

Only love means something
Love is everything
God is not just majestically handsome
He is altogether awesome

For He is love
He resides in the heaven above
I am just one of the royal guardians
Who happens to love Americans

Love is the only reason we live
Love is the only reason we breathe
Love is the meaning of life
Love is what it means to be alive

Love is everything
Without love your existence means nothing

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Just a reminder from someone who is experiencing day to day attacks, pathetic V2K algorithm by little sad nobodies and other forms of this nonsense... DO NOT TAKE IT!!! There SICK CRIMINALS basically took your innocence, they are KILLING innocent people every day!!! Men, women and even children. And the most diagusting thing is that they are so sick, they are even enjoying it. They are barely humans anymore. They try to dehumanize us (😂) but they are the mindless, controlled puppets. They need to be stopped! I would never advocate for any form of violence but it's  NOT just about you. Being silent, suffering in silence is not a solution. I am sorry to say this but the attacks will not stop and they will just get worse. No one knows about one case, where these attacks would have stopped. This is not to scare you, and please don't kill yourself if you are depressed, quite the opposite. WAKE UP! Step out of the "victim" role, and do EVERYTHING in you power you can. Keep putting preassure on your local authorities, keep sending emails, letters to Human Right organisations, the more they get, the more preassure there is on them. Search for Dr. Kathrine Horton on YouTube for detailed info, how to proceed legally. Also, if you are comfortable, make a video and share it on YouTube so you can use it as proof and so we know you are out there. DO NOT make it easy for them! If you don't act, their unspeakably crimes will not end. If you are scared, get very angry because what they have done to you! They are driving nice cars and spending money they earn on YOUR suffering and pain! Are you okay with that?! PS. if you looking for media support, an idea: VICE. They have done a video/documentary about the world of gang stalking before. Take care, be safe, but DO NOT TAKE IT! These sick animals are so brainwashed that they actually believe that they have the right to do all this to us, and they are more than everybody else, but they are nothing more than sick psychopaths microwaved to the point where there is barely a human being in there, a sadist criminal getting off on innocent people's pain! YOU DO HAVE YOUR RIGHTS AND YOU DO HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEFEND YOURSELF, NO MATTER WHAT! 

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They are  intercepting my emails to you all. Please see this below :

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
International Court of Justice
Canadian Government
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer

CC :

Contact :

Temporary  email :

They are hacking all kinds of emails I am using.
They are  intercepting my emails to you all. Please see this below :

How can I  contact ""?

Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.


Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and, thanks.


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