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这篇文章,是我受害八年多来,看后认为最有价值的!我正在考证这篇文章的出处及作者……有知晓的网友,请向我提供文章出处证据和作者联系方式!今年8月份,英国竞报记者联系的国内专家采访,竟集体持不支持态度!面对阴谋诡计的科技,我们急需有正义感的科学家!陈宜张教授,男,1927年9月生,中科院院士,博士生导师,《校神经科学研究所》所长;曾兼任《中国生理学会》副理事长、《中国神经科学学会》副理事长等职;现兼任《浙江大学医学院》院长、《中国神经科学杂志》常务主编、《自然科学进展》编委等职;享受政府特殊津贴。半个世纪来,他在教学、科研与人才培养中都做出显著成绩,在国内有较高的学术地位和一定的国际知名度,曾荣获总后授予的《科学技术一代名师》称号。他在神经生理学与神经内分泌学的研究中,首次提出糖皮质激素作用于神经元的快速、非基因组机制或膜受体假说。这是对传统甾体激素基因组机制或细胞学说的挑战与补充,受到国际学术界的高度评价。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------文章来自“虫虫&宝宝”的博客( 。几天后,这篇文章莫名被删。一则新闻背后的世纪大阴谋《北京日报》(2005年1月19日)本报讯(记者侯莎莎通讯员高志海):1996年,当事人福建武先生怀疑公安机关的机器24小时监视自己的一举一动,整日坐卧不安。2001年,武先生通过报刊广告联系上北京市九众律师事务所。律师事务所主任李昆向武先生说明,能通过诉讼帮助他解脱“福建省公安厅跟踪大脑机器伤害”,律师事务所经查证,未发现武先生有任何异常,就和武先生签订了委托代理协议,并收到武先生汇来的代理费33万元港币。其后,律师事务所多次派律师前往福州,与福建省公安厅联系“大脑跟踪机器伤害”一案。因福建省公安厅一直不给答复,所以决定进行诉讼。一审法院审理过程中,认为武先生患有“精神分裂症”,无民事行为能力。一审法院判决后,律师事务所不服,上诉到二中院。二中院经审理认为,作为“一般生活常识”,武先生要求提供法律服务的“公安厅跟踪大脑机器伤害纠纷”应不可能存在,不允为武先生的该纠纷提供法律服务。因此,二中院维持了一审判决:双方签订的委托代理协议无效,律师事务所取得的33万元港币应当返还。另外,此案审理期间,北京市司法局和律师协会作出决定:吊销九众律师事务所营业执照,并对所主任李昆处以7天拘留和罚款。朋友们,这则消息可不一般啊!!!如果你稍微懂得一些神经元脑电波以及电磁波和芯片技术,相信你就会知道是怎么回事了。十几年前,这项计划刚执行时候,我就曾经撰文反对过,本人的校友,现供职中国社科院法研所的邓子滨博士在2001年5月1日《南方周末》第6版中说得更明白:“某些专家拥有了这种技术,实验室就比法庭更有效,更不可抗拒地揭示真相,最终使法庭、沉默权、无罪推定之类,都成为一钱不值的东西,到那时,专家就是我们的法官”。“那些执掌该项技术的人,就能控制我们,支配我们,事先知道我们要干什么,事后知道我们干了什么,随着技术的不断改进,最终做到让我们干什么我们就干什么”。“我们可以看到一个拷问精神的幽灵在大地上游荡,我们对真相的追求只能服从于某种更高的社会价值,从被削弱、被操控的意识中攫取事实,每一项这样的技术都是对隐私权和意志自由的侵犯”。“技术或许可以轻而易举地获得真相,却也可以更轻易地控制我们的精神。如果没有民主而公正的程序保障,对精神世界的窥探,就只能意味着恐怖。”山东省副省长、青岛市市长杜世成同志2001年12月29日在全市乡镇企业协会第三届理事会上的讲话中说: “我到美国贝尔试验室去,他们告诉我,他们在2000年以前,就制造出人脑芯片来,就是人脑子的东西全部复制到芯片上去了。我说那时人不就没有用了吗?他说在某种程度上就是没有用了。现在这个机器人,它是靠人把你想到的东西编制到程序固化以后,放到这儿变成存储,不断根据情况反映存储、提出,仿照脑细胞思维的方式。(但)做成一块芯片,它就不用你制进去了,随着就给你出来,见景生情,形成一种逻辑推理,就这么快。"一些与会的朋友就曾向我咨询,当时只能从科普角度来解释一下,如,神经冲动的本质是电传导,神经细胞间存在“慢突触”的传递方式,神经对肌肉运动的控制是电--化学传导过程等等。现在既然浮出水面,我觉得有必要把这种技术的特点告知大家:①能知道你每时每刻在想什么、干什么,思想、记忆、行为无任何秘密可言②能通过大脑与你互动对话(还可提取你的记忆并进行语音模仿)③能强行给你造梦,并控制梦境④能让你闻到它们制造的各种气味⑤能在强刺激下把它们的意思(志)传递给你,并控制你的思想和行为6 能通过各种方法对你的精神和肉体进行折磨如它们不启动对话系统,不干扰折磨你,你可能永远不知体内有这个东西。近期全国有三十多起类似的案件,司法部既想杀一儆百,又恐“此地无银三百两”,不得已才公诸媒体。武先生会否明白,这种事情不是个案,牵涉面太广,公开打官司是不可能的?武先生他们这批牺牲品值得同情。然而最令人恐怖的不是这些,而是已有几千万的国民被人24小时监控,他们自已还不知道。对这些人进行监控才是操控者的真正目的,武先生们不过是它们在行动过程中投放的烟雾弹。奥韦尔1949年写的政治寓言《1984’》中提到中国出了个“大兄弟”,利用在人脑中安装芯片的技术监控国人,他的寓言不幸变成了现实。中国的某些人向来是“外战外行、内战内行”,迫害自己的百姓是很有一套办法的,邓子滨在《南方周末》中提到这种技术时有一句话:“更令人恐惧的是,这门技术正在介入生活的各个层面”。说明此技术的应用之广,受害者之多,已经触目惊心。“路透社”消息:有的部门正在国民中编织一张无形的网,意图以点带面,纲举目张。被监控的国民中,以15岁--55岁的男性为主,其中又以城镇居民为多(至少有三成已被监控)。目前正向农村蔓延。就职业而言,重点是政府中的中下级官员和一般公务员,军队中的中下级军官和普通士兵,大中学师生及其它一些知识份子,部份普通公民。为什么大多数已被监控的人自己不知道呢?首先是因为嵌入过程很秘密,其次它是无线技术,你毫无感觉,但你的记忆和思维已被全部窃取接收,就是说你想什么干什么,他们全知道。而为什么武先生又知道呢?其实武先生他们这批人事前也不知道。这是操控者的一种手段。“狼来了的故事”大家都知道。操控者有选择性的选一批人,在选好目标后就开始欺骗,折磨,因这批人开始根本不懂是怎么回事,所以往往落入他们的圈套。把一个正常人迫害得象精神病人(有关部门甚至不敢说是神经病),受害者是非常痛苦的,常人难以想象。这样,家属和邻居就以为受害者患了“精神病”,受害者大多会被送往医院,每个家庭平均为此花费2--3万元,对受害者家庭造成很大的物质负担和精神压力,可见操控者是不择手段的。在这种情况下,操控者再告诉受害者一部份信息,让他大致知道是怎么回事,受害者就到处诉说,但这时大家已不相信他了,认为是精神病人的幻觉,这样就达到操控者的目的,麻痹群众,掩盖他们的犯罪行为。1996年,中国成为由世界21国组成的“人类脑计划”组织的成员之一,目前,大多数国家有此技术,但碍于种种原因,不愿公布,如有人提起,就尽量掩盖、歪曲,因这种东西的使用反人性,且仅仅对掌握它的人有利。某些国家间还就此项技术签订了“慕尼黑协定”。2004年2月5号,台湾《联合报》也报道过台湾公民曲宗运先生的事,与武先生差不多,这甚至已成为一个国际阴谋。科学是柄双刃剑,既是人类进步的推进器,也是人类灭亡的助力剂。中国神经科学学会 张宜陈2005年5月
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从20世纪60年代开始,人类就进入了“读脑时代”,在“冷战”的时代背景下被严密保守的秘密。人类脑计划的基本概念起源于80年代早期。1997年人类脑计划在美国正式启动。目前人类脑计划正在向着全球发展,欧洲和日本相继启动了脑研究计划,我国已加入全球脑计划,成为第二十一个成员国。这儿有个昭然若揭的全球性秘密:那就是人类在20世纪60年代就已经开始掌握“阅读大脑”的技术,可以把人类大脑的思维活动、记忆、反应显示在电脑显示器屏幕上。由于时代的局限性,没有政府、组织、个人正式出面承认该技术的存在与发展现状,难得的蛛丝马迹也是一闪而过、遮遮掩掩。21世纪初,此技术已发展到无线远程、大量同步监测重点对象“所闻、所见、所思、所感”的水平;及自动化处理、数据库管理监测到的内容的水平。“你可以毁灭我的肉体,但却不能毁灭我的心灵;你可以控制我的身体,却不能控制我的思想。”这曾让人联想到威武不屈的英雄形象,可是如果你现在还这样说的话,就太天真了,世界各地有成百上千的人声称,他们的大脑被政府机构控制了,其实,不仅美国有这种情况,世界各地都有人指责政府在控制他们的大脑,数量多达几百人,有可能是数千人,印度、日本、韩国、英国、俄罗斯和其它地方都存在这种事情。许多人成为全球人类脑计划的研究对象,不过被研究的过程极为残酷,主要是对试验品进行摧残致疯的精神摧残,试验品们称之为“电子集中营”。请不要怀疑其真实性,因为------我就是其中一个。尊敬的各位,..甚至全世界各国正在发生相当严重的、前所未有的大规模侵犯人权事件。那就是------中国还有别国科学家正在通过卫星进行远距离捕获破译人脑电波、研究人脑的试验。试验相当残酷:精神摧残---摧残致精神分裂---摧残致心理变态---摧残致疯---摧残致自杀---摧残致快要断气。说它是侵犯人权,是因为:1.被选中的试验品从来没有知情权。2.被选中的试验品从来没有自愿权。3.被选中的试验品被强迫接受了长达五六年之久的精神摧残,摧残致疯(严重精神分类、轻度神经失常),生不如死、非常悲惨。据统计:全中国至少有300多个试验品,其中有很多不约而同地在网上搜寻答案时相遇了,然后,我们惊讶地发现:日本、韩国、欧美、印度等国也有类似的试验品,全球甚至达到上万人。我们在网上建立了“脑电波受害者同盟”,我们经常相互联系,互通情况,想办法如何摆脱折磨。很多试验品都有相似的经历,但太高超、太隐蔽,实在难以用言语形容。通过和别的试验品交流,我发现在试验一开始时:科学家利用我们周围的人制造幻听,让试验品认为是自己周围的人在说自己的坏话,在折磨自己,接着试验品开始多疑自闭,再接着,突然发现,自己周围的人都知道自己的大脑思维,他们可以将自己的大脑思维大声的读出来,再然后,不知道什么时候起,那些科学家就通过卫星用极其微小的声音对我们的大脑说话,很多时候,就算声音大的时候,也只能大脑后缓才能听得见,再接着,又在不知不觉中,我们开始习惯用大脑思维说话。------这样,我们的大脑更自闭了,甚至有了妄想症的症状。但有的试验品的经历则更为明显,他们大脑里有男女的声音不断的疯狂的骚扰他们。再之后,就开始对我们进行相当残酷反复不断的的精神摧残,摧残致疯,就是因为,那些科学家不断马上稍稍修复了我们的神经,否则,我们早就完全神经失常。所有的试验品在一开始都被科学家深深的误导了。科学家通过心理暗示、制造幻觉、通过语音设置氛围等方法让试验品们误以为是邻居、同学、特工、特权部门干的,身陷其中、不能自拔,到目前为止,大家都思维涣散,弄不清这到底是怎么一回事。这实在是让人震惊。也难怪,被选中的试验品大多是来自社会最底层,单纯且无知。更何况那些科学家用的手段太高超,甚至已超出了现有的心理学范畴(简直让人怀疑第二次更惊人的知识大爆炸时代是否已悄悄来临)。我也曾被深深地误导过,并不是我多么无知,而是,那些科学家通过卫星不断地给我心理暗示,容不得你有片刻的时间理清思路、回忆、再分析。不过我从小就喜欢看科幻片,养成了科学思维的习惯,到试验第二年我才慢慢清醒过来,并肯定对方是科学家,而且,毫无疑问----他们在研究我的大脑。从此,那些科学家就在也没有误导我了,他们在做研究人脑的试验的真相也慢慢地通过那些科学家自己浮出了水面。试验过程中,所有试验品大脑在不同程度上都被控制过,而且,很多试验品的身体遭受过高科技的轻度折磨。到目前为止,在有些试验品神经达到极限后,那些科学家高度沉默,转为长期的悄无声息的跟踪和研究。但是,此时的试验品身心俱毁,大脑已患严重精神疾病,处在神经崩溃、精神完全失常的边缘,生存艰难、生活悲惨,苟延残喘、绝望无助,心中激起了对那些冷酷无情的科学家的憎恨和对人权精神的强烈意愿。当人们一听到这种破译脑电波、研究人脑的高科技,第一意识就是;神奇、光明、仁爱。可实际上人们又一次太单纯了,因为发生在我们身上的简直是另一个极端。非常残酷、卑鄙、阴暗。五年来,他们没有一丝人性,没有一点人道的温暖,别说温暖和人道了,最起码的人性都没有了。高科技本身是光明的,可掌握着高科技的科学家的灵魂是干枯的、心灵是阴暗的、素质道德境界是低下的。我正在哭,我哭了很多回了,可我只能给你看见我的文字,却不能让你听见我的哭声,和感受到我超出你想象的巨大痛苦和悲惨。李开复啊,如果华盛顿、爱因斯坦、居里夫人还在世的话(我又哭了),他们一定不像现代的科学家那么腐化、冷酷,对科学价值只是低级的好奇和追求,丧失了真正博大、文明的美好灵魂,他们一定又会说:人类的道德精神价值胜过科学价值。人是有精神的,人是有精神的。无论怎样的价值和理由,强迫我们、对我们进行纳粹式、流氓式、畜生式的的实验,我们就算死、自杀上百遍,也不会让那些欺哄大众、以所谓的意义和价值为幌子,为所欲为、放肆黑暗之极的科学家得逞的。我是公民,有至高无上的人权,人是有精神的,再多的好处我都不干。不管他们会用怎样的手段说服我宽恕他们,我现在就可以说:强者凭着他们的伪善、高超的狡诈、和高超的心理学技巧,基本上可以为所欲为,一切的正义和公正都可以被高超地玩弄。受害者只能一忍再忍,世界也越来越阴暗、可悲。所以,我对那些科学家是严厉的,我会将人权问题追究到底,人权至高无上,天经地义。也许,我们可以理解他们对我们的折磨,但是,无论怎样,我们都无法理解,我们从来没有知情权。上帝呀,救救我们吧。我们这些被强迫做残酷的大脑研究试验的试验品大多还处在如花的年纪。尤其是我,不知不觉,我26岁了。一个女孩,26岁了,她曾拥有过什么?快乐?美好?爱情?幸福?健康?不,她什么都未曾拥有过,她什么都未曾尝试过。她的生命如同浸满了苦难和悲愤的白纸。如花一样的年纪啊,我究竟是怎样过来的?当我还未在我自己的梦魇中完全成长起来时,那些中国科学家就开始了对我长达六年的灭绝人性的精神摧残,将我活活摧残致疯。从20岁到26岁,花一样的女孩啊,并没有得到阳光和雨露,取而代之的是地狱一样的黑暗和悲惨。我好痛心啊,真的痛心。我们的人权哪儿去了啊,这个世界的正义哪儿去了啊。那些白人为什么不为此做点什么呢?他们的人权精神呢?胡锦涛主席为什么不为此做点什么呢?他的和谐社会呢?我真是奇怪,真是心痛,真是心痛,真是心痛,为了那些冷酷的科学家,为了我们寒酸的人权,为了我逝去的如花的生命。苍天啊,我一出生就浑浑噩噩,当我成年时,就被那些畜生一样的科学家野蛮又阴暗的精神摧残了五年,摧残致疯。生不如死、相当悲惨。我家现在入不敷出,我的大脑因那些科学家长年累月的摧残而变废,大脑时时刻刻处在神经完全崩溃的边缘,因此,我不能工作。我母亲在一个小饭馆打杂,每月工资500元,这500元就是全家人的生活费了。我父亲是下岗工人,他因交不起两万元的退休保险金而没有退休金。他已年迈,无法做重活,他为了不成为家里的累赘而在外漂泊,每天只能吃上一顿饭。我哥哥在广州打工时被打劫过,大脑受过重伤,我的哥哥正在浙江打工,但受伤的大脑有了后遗症,经常烦躁不堪,又因为他在浙江处境不好,忧郁成疾,他的神经开始有些不正常了,别人都发现了这一点,前一阵子,他还发过短信,看得出来,他想自杀。每当我看到我父母一脸愁苦悲苦样,我就更忧郁,甚至在一旁大哭。我哭得是,为什么那些科学家把我害成这样,却不为我负责。全家人都很弱势,我父母经常崩溃说出全家人干脆一起死了算了。为什么?为什么?为什么那些科学家不为我负责?是他们不能让我工作,为什么不为我负责?哪怕暗中帮帮也好。我写这封信的目的,不是为了让那些科学家马上停止对我们的精神摧残,因为,这不可能。我是代表所有的试验品向国际社会提出四大要求:1,尽快给我们知情权。2,不许暴力侵犯试验品。3,对于由于大脑由于试验患病而生存艰难的要给予人道的帮助。4,尽快为我们负责。最后,我希望,人类的人权最终将得到尊重。破译脑电波、大脑研究初期试验的回忆(上)“收集证据的飞”给我发短信,让我把详细过程写下来。可我对这段记忆实在很模糊,不过,记录试验细节的确很重要,所以,我将尽我所能回忆吧。1.2000--2001年,科学家制造试验的引子科学家紧密结合我与周围的环境,制造事实上只是幻觉的事端.2000年下半年,我选择了复读,回到县一中母校的一个文科班。因为来得迟,被安排坐在了最后排。班上有一个男生,看上去很聪明,成绩也很好,坐在最前排。有一次,他在上课回答老师的问题时,我心里暗想:要是他能坐在最后一排就好了,那我就可以认识他一下了。没想到,好象就在第二天,他竟真的就坐在了最后排。也许是科学家当时控制了他的大脑吧,当然还有我的,因为我竟然想更进一步的认识他。我那时还不懂男女之间的爱,我只是个假小子,只是个科幻迷。我当时只是为了想提高他的综合素质,这是我一惯的举动,于是我主动借给了他一盒莫斯科革命歌曲的磁带和一本写满了名人名言的日记本。可没想到,对方误会了,好象喜欢上了我,恶心啊,我肯定那是他大脑被那些科学家控制了的缘故。接着,我就感觉到周围同学好象都知道了这件事,都在议论我。我现在才知道,那些都是幻觉,真实的幻觉。他们的目的是:想要我从此开始多疑和自闭起来,慢慢地,将我的大脑引入到为我设置的、无形的“玻璃试验室”中去。放假了,开学了,那位男生没有来。我听到周围同学小生的议论,说是因为那位男生喜欢我,而我不怎么理,他喜欢得生出了病,在家养病,所以没有上学来。而在此之前,我一直感觉班上的同学都讨厌我、排斥我,好象原因是我不漂亮,而这正我最严重的心理问题,因为我是个完美主义者,我总是觉得自己不够美,为此深深的自卑和压抑。我现在认为这是那些科学家根据我的心理情况精神摧残我的最开始的一步。现在,同学们更讨厌我了,看见我就吐恶口水,接着,好象消息传开了,别班的老师和同学好象都知道了,每当他们遇到我或经过我所在的区域时就很残酷的恶狠狠的吐口水,是野蛮的、撕心裂肺的那一种,好象全校师生都向我很残酷的恶狠狠的吐口水------那,是多么大的打击和耻辱啊,每天上学就象是在受罪,高度压抑,十分受罪。说明:这种幻觉和非幻觉向我恶狠狠的野蛮的吐口水的方式成为了那些科学家一直以来精神摧残我的最直接、最主要的方式,只到2007年现在,依然如此。大家想想:在那种情况下,我的成绩怎能会有提高呢?2001年夏,我只好去慈利县一复读学校再次复读去了。2.2001--2002年,更明显的引子来到慈利县一复读学校后,我很不适应那儿,不仅因为我是第一次寄宿,还有那儿的条件非常差。同学们虽然成绩不差,但综合素质却差得惊人。我依然被安排坐在最后一排,依然那么自闭、多疑。这个班上有一个女同学,来自我这里县城的四中,是个“酝酢2恢道是什么时候起,我感觉周围同学在议论:那个女生知道我在一中的事,她也因此看不顺我,想整整我,整哭我,而这一直是她喜欢做的。所以,每次上课事,我好象看到她和她的死党不时的扭过头来议论我,恶毒的说我,还仔细看我哭了没有。接下来的日子,跟我在一中复读时一样难受。为了尊严,我天天拼命忍住不哭,而她们也总是在上课时扭过头来恶毒的议论我,恶狠狠的接连说道:“哭、你快哭、哭、哭了没?哭、哭呀、哭、我们就是要逼你哭”。接着,我感觉好象全班也都知道了她们两整我和我在一中的事。当时,好象一个女同学同情我,刻意地接近我。有一次,我和她在食堂吃饭时,某个地方正在杀猪。她突然问我:“怕不怕看杀猪”?我回答:“不怕”。当时,我无意识的听到或感觉到对方的心理在说:“怪不得呀,你心好毒”。再接着,那个女霸王整我的计划更猖狂了。我好象听见她们在说在我晚上睡着时要把我怎样来着,害得我每晚都不敢睡着,提防她们.这儿还有一个引子:不知道从什么时候起,我惊讶地听到同学们在议论:我父亲在别人面前说,算命先生给我算过命,我是未来的主席。直到现在我才清楚那又是科学家在紧密利用心理学制造事端。因为,我母亲曾老是在家里说:当主席最好,第一大。不过有一件事是真的,那就是我母亲在生我的前一天晚上曾梦见一条小飞龙追赶她,并扑进了她的身体。不过,她只是把这件事告诉给我而已。不过,我好象听见同学们在议论:我母亲把这件事告诉了我父亲,我父亲把这件事告诉了别人,别人又告诉了别人,就这样,全张家界市的人都知道了这件事,都在议论这件事。也的确,当我从慈利复读学校回到张家界市时,无论我到哪儿,好象哪儿的人都在指我,都在说我。更有一次我在医院时,一个男人从我身边经过时大声又快速的说:“龙,我要娶你”。(这怎么可能呢?纳闷)这个传言使全班很嫉妒我,整我的心更坚决了。其实,这一切,直到现在我才明白------只是幻觉,是那些科学家制造的幻觉。再接着,我在很远的地方能听到别人在怎样的议论我。我很惊讶,认为我有了心灵感应的特异功能。我把这件很奇怪的事告诉给了那位有意想接近我的女同学。之后,我感觉她把这件事告诉给了全班同学。这下,我感觉全班同学更爱关注我、更嫉妒我了,更多的同学加入了那个整我哭的女霸王的行列中来了。每当上课时,好象他们就在用恶毒的话议论我,然后扭过头来看我哭了没有,我当然一直忍着不哭。说明一下:那些科学家就是让我不断高度压抑、自闭多疑,这样才能让我的大脑不断受损,最终导致我精神分裂。看看吧,看看吧,那些科学家的手段高超到让人窒息、高超到登峰造极的程度。把这件事的经过说给一般的记者或别的什么人听,他们一定会不假思索的认为你有妄想症,甚至仪器扫描、心理测试,也会得出这个结论的。真是很高明,真是很隐蔽,真是很专业,高、高、高、真高;绝、绝、绝、真绝。再接着,好象复读学校的老师校长都知道这件事了。他们很讨厌我,原因是:就是因为我一个人,全班都不安稳的读书,都把注意力放在我身上了。2001年寒假。我没有回到桑植县,而是来到了张家界市我姨姨家。在和姨的女儿买生日蛋糕回来的路上,我看到一辆高级的、黑色的轿车从我身边有意的开过,在我前方不远处很霸气的停下了。车上先下来一个”,他谦卑的打开了车门,车上下来了一个穿军服将军模样的人,我很记得那个”开车门时一直看着我,眼睛含着泪光。而那个将军模样的人也转过身来看我,高深莫测的样子。说明:从这以后,每当我发现无论我走在哪儿,哪儿的人好象在听空气中有人对他们说话,一副很震撼、很感化的样子,眼睛里,无一列外,都含着那个”一样亮光闪闪的泪花。就是因为这一特征,我比较信任了那些科学家,即使他们从未对我明说过----这是国家试验。当时,我怀疑:是不是我是未来主席的谣言也传到他耳朵里去了,因此他要看看我是谁,为了稳定社会,甚至会暗算我。因此,我当时机警的装做没看见他,镇静的从他身边走过了。过几天,我母亲也来了,神情怪怪的,眼睛也有泪光,好象很害怕什么,好象面对过一个很大的人物那样的害怕。她好象在说:观音菩萨给她托梦了,我是未来的主席。有一次,我母亲和姨姨要出去,她们上公交不久后,我竟然很明显地听到他们俩在公交上所说的话。从此,我更以为我有了心灵感应的特异功能。2002年,我又回到了慈利县复读学校。来校时,我的“特异功能”更厉害了,更明显了,已达到了让我快要“惊醒”的程度,当时,我模糊的感觉,有一个很大好象来自国家的力量在向我循序渐进的推进一个相当庞大的计划。随着以后更离奇事情的发展,我的这个感觉越来越明显,直到我完全被引入试验之后的一端时间,才从这种感觉上升为一目了然的事实。返校不久后,我好象听到同学们在说:校长要亲自看看我,看看这个把全班扰得不安宁的人是谁,看看谣言中这个未来的主席是谁,看看让一个男生喜欢我喜欢出病的人是谁。果然,我能看见,绝对不是幻觉得看见,校长经常站在教室门口看我,甚至走进来看我。直到现在我才知道,在2002年开学后,那些科学家背着我通过卫星把要拿我作试验的事告诉给了全校所有师生,并要求他们配合试验。因为当时,我发现师生们神情都怪怪的,跟前面一样,眼睛也有泪光,一副很震撼、很感化的样子,并在极力保持着什么都没有发生过的样子。不知是什么时候,同学们又说校长要赶我走。于是,校长几乎每节课都站在教室门口骚扰我,开始是骚扰性的议论我,接着,越来越放肆,开始用下流的语言,还走进教室说要让我看他的阳具,并真的拉开了裤链作掏出状。我当时还奇怪同学们怎么不反对呢。我当然为了赌气,死赖着不走,还在书本上写下要坚强之类的话,没想到,不知什么时候,他竟然把他们都给念了出来,并且说他有千里眼。于是,我经常在书本上写字,骂他的或劝他的,我知道他都知道,他能“看见”。----------说明:这是那些科学家要我疯狂陷入用大脑思维说话的最初始的一步。接着,科学家开始了误导我的序幕:校长在一天下午又在门口了,那时我刚通过在书上写子对他对过话,神经高度兴奋。校长突然说:是黑社会在整我。我当时心理是:不怎么信。校长好象知道我的心理,于是马上又接着说:是他请来了特异功能大师和我斗法。我当时的心理:也不怎么信。马上他又说:是科学家来了,找到了你。我当时就有了一种我能肯定是属于我自己的感觉:是他们,我一直都在等他们,等着这一天。我当时有一种很受感化很信任的感觉,终于,我憋不住了,嚎啕大哭了起来,我把我在这一年多来所受的罪都统统的给哭了出来。这时,有一个声音在说:哭吧,就是让你哭出来。当晚,校长赶我走的行动更紧密、更猖狂了。甚至到了晚上,校长仍然在我宿舍门口,一夜都在那里。说了很多很下流的话还有威胁我的话。我忍不住了,取出了电筒里的电池向门口砸去。接下来的第二天,我惊讶地发现我的密码箱打不开了,而我根本不可能忘记密码。我当时又快要从科学家为我设置的氛围中“苏醒”过来,因为我觉得这是特工干的。奇怪得是,好象科学家较明显的给我大脑灌入了“解铃还需系铃人”的想法,于是我提着我的密码箱找校长去了。我进了校长办公室,有一个人好象在那里等我好久了,他说他就是校长。我很惊讶,又差点“苏醒”了过来。因为这个人不仅不是校长,而且,一眼就能看出,他很像一个不俗的老特工,而且,长得很象小布什。我要他帮我开箱子,他说不会,我强行把箱子流下上课去了。回到教室后,校长又在教室门口,更猖狂得骚扰我。不知怎的,突然我想通了,决定离开这所学校了。我马上给我母亲打了电话。回到宿舍后,我惊讶地发现我的密码箱又能打开了,我知道这一定是那个老特工干的。下午,我惊讶地发现,不仅我母亲接我来了,而且还有我哥哥、我姨姨他们用小车接我来了。你们不了解我家的情况,这可是非常不寻常的举动啊,很奇怪。太奇怪了,我发现我母亲他们的脸怪怪的,跟所有人一样,好象很受震撼,眼睛也有泪光,好象很害怕什么,好象一个小人物突然面对过一个很大的人物那样的“害怕”。我走时,有几个同学故意在外面目送过我,也是那种神情。我当时已不知不觉开始习惯用大脑思维开始说话了,我用思维说:“这一切背后好象有个大内幕”。在小车行驶在公路上时,我们每经一处,哪一处的大众都知道我想些什么,我母亲在我旁边一会儿说是观音菩萨已降临到世界上了,已控制了世界,一会儿又说是特异功能大师干的,一会儿又说我是未来的主席,一会儿又说以后我将有释迦摩伲的悟性,总之,让我大脑没有什么空隙去分析和回忆。说明:以后,科学家总是这样,对我相当紧密,让我大脑没有什么空隙去分析和回忆,让我深陷于他们设置的荒唐的迷雾之中,一时半刻不得清醒。说以后我将有释迦摩伲的悟性。这很重要,就是因为我在科学家高科技的牵引下,不断的悟,悟一切世界上的事情,包括此次试验,我的大脑本质也在不断的“悟”悄悄改变,这贯穿了试验的始终,成为了一个很重要的主题。另外,他们给我,还有别的所有的试验品,一种细腻、敏锐的感觉能力,这种能力能感觉到那些科学家是怎样对我们的大脑和心理进行微妙的控制的。这也许是他们给予我们所谓的知情权了吧。在车上,我吃了点东西,我姨姨的姐姐;“会吐出来的”。果然,不久我吐了。我姨姨的姐姐她又说:“还没吐完,吐完为止”。果真,我又吐了,真的吐尽为止。我当时的潜意识觉得,是科学家用高科技知道这一切的。但是,他们又紧密的行动了,让我大脑没有什么空隙去分析和回忆,又深陷于他们设置的荒唐的迷雾之中。说明:从此以后,那些科学家总是用片言支语告诉我未来要发生的事,有他们计划好了的,也有他们通过高科技直接“看”到的。这贯穿试验始终。这很重要,因为我能证明,人类已经能通过高科技“看到过去、看到未来”了。我来到张家界市后,更惊人的事情就开始了。破译脑电波、大脑研究初期试验的回忆(中)3.2002年2月,大脑研究试验大幕的拉开我来到张家界市已是傍晚了。我来到姨姨家后,发现屋里的所有人的神情都怪怪的,跟我在前面提到的一样。刚到不久,有一群小学生正在经过楼下的屋外,这群小学生一边经过时一边齐声的、慢慢的、清晰的用普通话一字一句的将我大脑当时所想的给念了出来,这让我很震惊,也又让我苏醒了一下,我当时的潜意识感觉到------国家、科学家与此事有关,而且,事情是光明和宏大的。而这,已成为了大脑研究试验大幕的拉开的标志,让我很难忘。当晚,我入睡时,我姨姨的儿子他好象说:“校长的人又来了,在楼下屋外呢”。接着,我就真的听到楼下屋外有两个人在说话。他们一会儿说他们是黑社会的,一会儿又说他们是特异功能大师,校长派来的。他们不时的念当时我大脑里所想的,索性,我就用大脑思维用力地、激愤的对他们说话,和他们较量,好笑的是,我还用双指指住太阳穴做特异功能大师发功状。说明:从此之后,我陷入了疯狂的用大脑思维对周围人说话的习惯。我用大脑思维对外面的那两个人说了一个晚上,大汗淋漓,高度兴奋。第二天早上,我便准备和我母亲一起去市协力学校里的复读班报名。在路上时,我又惊讶地发现,路上的人神情也都是怪怪的,跟前面提到的一样------好象很受震撼,眼睛也有泪光,好象天空中有人在对他说话。有人时不时的突然扭过头来对我说话,有的是我大脑里当时所想的。在公交车上时,一男公民突然指着他的下体说:“那个往我的那里塞”。我当时很羞涩。说明:从那以后,好长一段时间里,所有的男性公民,无论老少,每当他们经过我时都指着他的下体说:“那个往我的那里塞”。从此,在这种刺激下,我动不动就会想到人的下体,我知道别人知道我想些什么,包括我大脑里的图片,所以,我拼命的不去往那里想,可事实上,事与愿违,我拼命的压制着,这对我大脑很损伤,而这,也是那些科学家想要得结果。此外,以后很长的时间里,那些科学家对我很下流,比如,让那些男公民对我做出允吸和接吻的声音。慢慢的,我的下体越来越有感觉,我也越来越有了性意识。终于,在2004年我23岁时,我发育了,但是还没有完全发育,我认为那是他们是为了要延缓我衰老的缘故,因为他们承诺过我,会让我青春永驻。他们还承诺过我会让我变成美女。出乎我意料的是,我原本不怎么好看的脸下面隐藏着变美的潜质。这几年来,那些科学家不断地给我缩骨,我的身材越来越苗条,我的脸也越来越小巧了,很神奇的。他们对我别的承诺还有:永生、上亿的赔偿金、实现我所有的愿望、国家会接我走、为我负责到底。来到市协力学校后,校长、老师他们看上去也知道这件事,脸上也有我前面提到的那种表情。我当时就觉得这件事的内幕非常大,只有国家才有这样的威力。走进教室后,那些同学好象在一直等我一样,等我坐上座位时,只听见同学中有一个声音:“开始”,接着,同学们弄出的声响跟我在慈利复读班的一模一样。不久,我就彻底的被麻痹了,迷迷糊糊中,我不由自主的挠起痒痒起来了。我在上课时,总是打瞌睡,也许是那些科学家干的。说明:从此之后,那些科学家动不动就让我打瞌睡,直到现在,其中很明显的一点就是:每次我快要完全神经失常的时候,他们就让我打瞌睡,醒来后,病情就好了很多,无疑,他们趁我睡眠的时候稍稍修复了我的神经。我那时已习惯了用大脑思维对周围人说话。有一天下午,一个声音说:现在,开始让你自己对你自己说话。接着,不知不觉中,不知什么时候起,科学家就引导我用大脑思维自己不断的去分析到底发生了什么事,直到现在也是如此,从此我有了个习惯,即使那些科学家不出声,我也会主动的用大脑思维去说话,因为我潜意识知道他们在听。那些科学家把我当成了陀螺,他们只要抽一下,陀螺就不停的自动的旋转下去。真高明。有一点我要在这里提一下。大家也许会奇怪,那些科学家通过卫星对那些公民说话,再让那些公民把科学家对他们说得话穿给我听,那我为什么不直接质问那些对我传话的公民呢?那是因为,我不能直接听见,只能“后缓”时才能听见。“后缓”---就是在别人说完话几秒钟之后,你才能反应过来“听”见它。并不是什么时候都这样,除了那些科学家让别人对我传话或他自己对我说话的时候。“后缓”这个词还是那些科学家提示给我的,否则我还无法形容呢。说明:到这里时由此可见,那些科学家的手段非分高超,他们对我采取了模糊的策略,使得我在现在,不仅记忆模糊,还经常很荒唐的怀疑,这一切是否发生过。靠。有一次上课时,地理老师突然凶狠的大声说:“你自己根本无法谋生,国家会负责到底的”。我估计是那些科学家让她那么说的。同学们时不时的配合试验设置氛围,让我深陷迷雾之中。他们趁我“后缓”时一会儿说是黑社会干的,一会儿说是校长和市长为了打赌请来的特异功能大师干的,一会儿又说,我是未来的主席,贺龙的儿子(那时我不知道他早死了)将我接我走。别的说法我觉得好笑,除了最后一条,使我动了心,致死不虞的那种痴心,直到现在,依然如此,不同的是,现在,我在等国家用直升飞机接我走。总之,我我深陷迷雾之中好长一段时间,当我知道贺龙的儿子早死了的时候,我才又清醒过来,看到这是国家试验的真实面目。不久,有人说:“就在后天,国家会用直升飞机接我走”。在上课时,我想象了一下那架接我走直升飞机得样子----白色的机身,红色的条纹...第二天早晨,我迷迷糊糊的睁开眼时,竟然看到眼前有一架书本大小的直升飞机,跟我昨天想象的一模一样,要不是它的机尾部分比较模糊,我还差点以为是玩具飞机。它悬浮在空中,有直升飞机特有的马达声,机桨在旋转,旋转产生的风向我迎面扑来------那是我见到过的最惊人、最真实、最明显的幻觉了。那些科学家还蛮调皮的呀。在2006年我在北京被送进精神病医院时,那些科学家还让我想象中的白色机身、红色条纹的直升飞机升空向我示威过,我当时向飞机竖起了中指。那些科学家老是说后天会接我走,可是到了后天,什么动劲都没有。他们又说后天走,其实又不是。就这样,他们紧紧抓住了我非常痴心国家接我走的心理,一次又一次的让我失望、一次又一次让我在失望中疯狂。他们利用这一点,把我折磨得好苦。当时我就觉得很折磨,却难以想到,几年后他们对我的折磨更是惊人的残酷,真的就给我活活折磨致疯。就这样一年左右,他们索性对我说:试验还有很多年。就这样,我在学校高度兴奋、高度紧张,我大脑的损伤不断的形成着,直到现在,我已严重精神分裂。我现在认为,其实很多时候,我周围同学、大众并没有对我直接说话,而是那些科学家利用当地人的声音制造出来的。他们太狡猾了,到什么,所有的知情人,都会淡忘这件事的,这些科学家就如中国政府一样,高度森然的控制局面。我记得第一次科学家亲自对我说话的情形。当时是下午,学校附近的紫舞公园。公园附近的大厦楼顶,传出一个很大的、很清晰的男声,好象是通过楼顶的广播发出的,是一种无法掩饰那种高学历、高素质的声音底蕴和气质。他说要和我zuo ai,我当时相当尴尬,连忙用大脑思维骂他。从此,他们就开始亲自对我说话了,一般是通过到处的广播、电视、收音机等,有时是将声音直接传到我身边。极少的时候,我能清晰的直接听到,大多情况下,如果声音大时,我要“后缓”时才能听见,要么,就是用极为微弱、细小的声音对我说话。他们这样做的目的是:就是让我不惊醒,让我有一种似真非真的感觉,甚至还要觉得他们从来没有存在过,这一切都是我妄想出来的。啊,那些科学家可真是阴险卑鄙啊。当我发现他们能调动周围所有大众,包括楼房里的和很远处的,积极配合试验时;当我发现我母亲转背离开我眼含泪光对着天空说:“我(对我)下不了狠心”时;当我发现同学们的眼睛有时无意识的向上斜瞟好象在听空中有人对他们说话时,我就十分明晰的肯定:对方是通过卫星干这一切的,并且是---科学家---在做国家试验---破译脑电波、研究人脑。破译脑电波、大脑研究初期试验的回忆(下)快要高考时,那些科学家老是让我想关于我最尴尬、最不愿回想的事,然后让周围人说出来,恶毒的嘲笑我。现在我才明白,周围人一直不知道我的隐私,那些声音只不过是科学家制造的幻觉而已。我当时为此不断地辩解,当然是他们有意促使的,让我大脑不断处在高度兴奋和紧张中,让我艰难的突破了一个有一个心理障碍,直到现在我大脑变得越来越空。有一次,我上网时,那些科学家好象在我身边说:“就是要把你变成一张白纸,好把你卷走”。我记得同学们向我传达这么几点重要的信息:试验品到处都有、早就盯上我了、就是要把你整疯。科学家还对我说:最后,让我周游世界,我会流芳百世。同学们玩得都很凶,一点都不像要高考的样子,我认为,那是国家要给他们秘密加分的缘故。再后来,我在教室里实在呆不下去了,而这正是他们的目的。于是,我整天带着耳机在街上到处乱逛,当时我想看看是不是真的我走在哪儿、哪儿的人就知道这件事。事实上好象是的。就算在2006年我去北京时,也是一样的---我走在哪儿、哪儿的人就知道这件事,包括那些北京人和外国人。不过现在又不是了。再后来,我学会了上网。我在网上百度搜索“破译脑电波”时,一下子就看到了“中国公众科技网”,我惊讶得发现上面有很多和我有类似经历的试验品的留言,有QQ号码和博客。再接着,我们这些试验品就这样一点点的联系到一起了。高考结束了,那些科学家当然没接我走。万般无奈,我只好跟着来接我走的父母回家。在车上,车上播放歌曲的CD中有一个声音在说:“先跟你父母呆几年”。3.2002---2003年我回到家里后,惊讶地发现这里的人好象也知道,还有屋后一中的同学老师们。这段时间,是那些科学家对我说话最明显的时候,对我的精神摧残也在不知不觉中日益严重起来了。我超越了我隐私的障碍后,不知是什么时候起,他们让我习惯并沉迷于用大脑思维说话尽情的展示我的才华及潜能。从那时起,他们让我更加陷入疯狂用大脑思维说话的习惯中。我记得他们对我进行第一次更严重的精神摧残后高兴的对我说:“你终于开始变成小孩了”。是的,现在,我在他们面前,就跟婴孩一样了。那时,我感觉,有一男一女,他们总是不断的出声,向我证明他们的存在,然后,慢慢的,不再出声了,这个过程大约有一年多吧。他们在那时,总是很明显甚至破天荒的露出他们本来的声音对我说话------那是一种,无论怎样,都无法掩饰的,科学家气质和底蕴的声音啊。他们经常通过我的电视、广播对我说话,有时,还改变我家电视机的图像,让电视里的人突然向我吐口水。有一次,在一中教室里的广播中,有一个老专家一样的声音对我说:“你们是民族英雄”。还有一次,我上网时,这个声音又说:好大的价值、好大的规模,不知道该怎样收场。”这段时间也是我最愉快,即使他们对我间断的有精神摧残和狠狠的打击,因为,我一直喜欢科学家,而他们能不时的对我说话。4.2003---2004年这段时间,那些科学家折磨我的主要方式就是,让周围人不断地向我撕心裂肺的吐恶口水,有的只是他们制造的真实的幻觉。那吐口水的凶狠野蛮劲呀,终于在2004年2月我在商店的时候,我能明显的感觉到那一刻我真的快要完全精神失常了。我认为,那些科学家根据我所在地的特点制定的折磨我的方法。不过当我入睡时,他们稍稍修复了我的神经,又再次不断的反复折磨,直到2007年5月,我就要完全精神失常,差一点就冲上大街自杀为止。从2002年到2007年5月他们一直对我采取一张一弛的策略,不过,总的感觉是很紧密、相当残酷的。我经常在家对我父母提起科学家拿我做试验的事,因为我知道他们知道,科学家一定向他们解释过这一切的。不过,我也能肯定科学家也叫他们在我面前千万不要承认有他们的存在,因此,每当我对我父母提起科学家拿我做试验的事时,我父母几乎跳起来大叫:"没有这回事,是我大脑有病,在幻想,要马上吃药".他们那敏感的程度,可真是夸张啊.由此可见,那些科学家是怎样向我父母千叮嘱、万叮嘱,说这样做是如何的重要.不过,我真是奇怪我父母怎么没有任何怨言。现在我家很穷,我无法工作,那些科学家不仅没有对我们负责过,而且,好象把我丢下了似的。我父母经常为他们和我的将来担忧,却从未想过,到底是谁把我变成这样的.我写到这里,真是为那些科学家的卑鄙和冷酷感到发疯发狂的憎恨,简直没有人性,难以用文字表达他们对我的罪恶啊.5.2004---2007年最黑暗、最卑鄙、最野蛮、最残酷的精神摧残的时段。我这几年来天天都生不如死,宗教般的大悲大惨大空。而最后这一两年,已远远超过前面的呢。那是怎样的情形呢?我天天大哭、大吼,我躺在地板上发疯发狂,我发狂的砸家具扔碗,我心理变态,大脑不由自主的抖动,我感觉我已不在这个世界上了,我被赶到宇宙中最黑暗、最冷酷的角落之中,我已没有做人的感觉了,甚至没有任何反抗力和发泄痛苦的能力,大脑很空、很呆、很僵,就像<魔戒>中的那个小怪物,嘿嘿...他们对我像纳粹,像恶魔,没有一丝一毫的人性,一丝一毫的人性的人性都没有。我在这里说说在科学家的安排下,我是如何被人毒打的。我在前面说过的,那些科学家折磨我的主要方式就是,让周围人不断地向我撕心裂肺的吐恶口水,有的只是他们制造的真实的幻觉......而早在2001年到现在,他们一直就是这样刺激我的,那我为了发泄快要被这口水逼得发狂发疯的难受,条件反射般也回吐这些口水声。有一天,那些科学家对我说:"有毒打我的计划".我当时难以置信,没放在心上。第二天,在那些科学家高科技的作用下,我提着菜刀,在街上大吼大叫.来到了体育广场,一个人招惹我,我举着菜刀就追赶他,公安局的人赶到了,还有我母亲,在公安局的人的劝说下,我把菜刀给了我母亲.在返回的路上,我听到了我的后方又有吐恶口水的声音,我又条件反射的疯跑到那个吐恶口水的声音的地方回吐,没想到呀,这个人很凶恶,他就开始毒打我起来了.真的很毒,往死里打的。我是个相当娇弱的女孩,以他那种打法,我一定会吐血,甚至会死亡。但是,当时,我感觉打在我身上的力都被分散了,就像有气功罩罩在我身上一样。所以最后,我只是受一点轻伤。我还记得在我遭到毒打的那一天中午,有一个科学家模样的外国人在不远处看过我。那些科学家现在天天说又要再毒打我,弄得我大脑发狂的崩溃。我在这里向所有人用我的人权郑重申明:不许,永远不许对我有再次毒打我的试验计划了,我发誓。对所有试验品精神摧残的过程都是:精神摧残----摧残致精神分裂----摧残致变态----摧残致疯----马上稍稍修复神经,使我们不会长时间精神完全失常----摧残致有自杀的冲动,生不如死----摧残致快要断气----最后,大脑空空,如行尸走肉。而这个过程几乎所有的试验品都是五年。我已尽我所能回忆了,那些科学家淡化了我的记忆,我也只能回忆这么多了。我希望所有的试验品都能看到------这是中国科学家正在做通过卫星远距离捕获破译人脑电波、研究人脑的残酷试验。我们大家应该有这么几点清醒的认识:1.全球性的研究人脑的试验。2.我们都是被迫的,没有自愿权,也没有知情权。3.我们首先向他们呼吁给我们最起码的知情权。4.不许毒打试验品,尤其是我,不许,永远不许对我有再次毒打我的试验计划了.5.我们反抗得越积极,那些科学家就越能尽早的给我们知情权,相信我。6.无论怎样,人权应至高无上,愿中国的,还有外国的所有科学家---------好自为之。2002年,我突然发现自己有了能读懂别人大脑思维的心灵感应,而且,还听见很多同学议论我、伤害我。还有一位特工冒充校长很高超的对付我,迫使我离开院校来到张家界市学校复读。来到市里后,我惊讶的发现,我周围人都能知道我的大脑思维,因为他们能随时随到讲我的大脑思维大声的读出来,还能针对我的大脑思维做出有关反应。这些人中还包括学校里的老师学生。他们好像在聆听空气中的声音来配合这些声音对我进行神经刺激!再后来,这些声音就能传入我的周围或者我的大脑之中。这些声音一天24小时不间断的读出或者反馈出我的大脑思维,有时无论我走在哪里,哪里的广播、电视、电脑中都能传出他们的声音,可是周围人却听不见,除了我自己。由于神经刺激过于强烈,我在高考前就不得不辍学回家。在实验开始时,这些科学家让我养成了用大脑思维对他们说话的习惯,长达6年的用大脑思维对他们说话的习惯让我大脑神经损伤严重,病患上严重的精神分裂。从2002年起,这些取得我信任的声音开始循序渐进的对我进行全面系统的残忍又黑暗的精神摧残和虐待。甚至还有暴力毒打和虐待!这种极限的精神摧残是相当残酷的,长达6年残酷黑暗的精神摧残摧残致疯后,这些科学家不仅没有因为我要完全精神失常就停止对我的精神虐待,反而,还更加黑暗残暴的对待我。我一次又一次崩溃、我一次又一次快要精神失常,可是,他们却一次又一次通过卫星修复我的神经,然后又一次又一次反复全面的精神折磨和虐待我。以下是根据我们这些试验品的经历列举的这种尖端高科技的特征:1.能知道人类大脑所有的思维,无论是显意识还是潜意识,无论是大概的还是最细微的,无论是我大脑里所想事情的声音还是图象与色彩。这些科学家都能立刻知道,甚至能提前很久就知道。(2002年试验开始时,这些科学家一天24小时都在不断地念我的大脑思维,或者,针对我的大脑思维对我说话。)2.能将科学家自己的声音通过卫星传到我的周围的空气中、传到大脑里、传到电视广播里。但是,周围其他人听不到,除了我自己。(2002年试验开始时,无论我走到哪里,哪里的人们就马上反馈出我大脑的思维,后来,当我渐渐明白高科技试验有关的时候,这些科学家就自己主动反馈我的大脑思维。于是,无论我走到哪里,哪里的电视广播里就会有他们反馈我的大脑思维的声音。而且是连贯性的,很像科幻片,很酷!没有电视广播的话,就在空气中对我说话。另外,他们还能改变电视画面。3.能通过我的各种感官器官知道我的所见所闻所嗅......(这些科学家将这些信息反馈给我后,我才知道,很惊讶。他们还将我闻过的臭味反复又给我闻,让我很崩溃。)4.能制造各种真实的幻觉。(除了制造周围熟人的声音的幻觉,让我一直错认为,这里的大众都知道我是国家试验品的事,还有,更惊人的幻觉。2002年试验开始时,有一天早上,我在学校的寝室里刚睁开眼时,就万分惊讶地发现,在我前方,有一架拳头大小的直升飞机,机尾部分是模糊的,还有轰轰的马达声,机浆还在旋转,还有机浆旋转出来的风向我扑来呢。而周围的门窗都关得严严实实地。我还从没见过如此真实的幻觉。我晕呀。)5.能通过电脑直接看到未来。不管是实验品的还是全世界的。(2002年试验开始时起,那些科学家总是提前把将要发生在几天、几个星期、几个月、甚至几年的事情告诉我。包括他们将要对我的残忍计划、我的生活细节、我发生的意外、我的心理转变、甚至还有世界将要发生的大事或者小事。我能强烈的感觉出:这些科学家是从电脑里直接看见的。直到现在,他们依然这样,只不过,他们更多的是在说将要发生的黑暗有悲惨的事,让我相当崩溃、相当恐惧,想要自杀。)6.能制造各种梦境。(全世界各地的实验品都有这样相同的经历。我也总是在网上发现相当多的难友有这方面的记录。但是,一般情况下,这些梦境都是相当恐怖、黑暗、血腥的。这个世界的任何一位导演都无法拍摄中梦中那种极度黑暗极度宗教的感觉。不过当最黑暗的梦境将要发生时,这些科学家马上停止了。否则我们会在梦里恐惧到完全精神失常的地步。有一天,那些科学家通过卫星对我说:“虚拟”。我现在明白了。科学家给我们制造很黑暗的梦,是为了在超级电脑里虚拟我们本人无法企及的最黑暗的情况,从而能研究人类最黑暗、黑暗到宗教程度的领域。)7.能通过微卫星直接淡化记忆、抹掉记忆、改变记忆,还能及时修复神经。(通过网络,我发现这些实验品都有一个惊人的共同点,那就是:全世界绝大多数实验品在实验前期,也就是每日每夜一天24小时不间断地遭遇远程精神摧残的明显又深刻的记忆被严重淡化了。因此,很多大脑单纯又麻木的试验品失去了强有力的反抗意志,呆呆的、浑浑噩噩的习惯日后那些科学家时不时的精神折磨。再加上各国政府强硬的掩盖手段,这件本应惊天动地的大秘密,至今,都无法引起国际社会的真正重视!这些科学家为了证明他们能完全抹掉我的记忆,还通过一些无关紧要的是故意让我知道他们有完全抹掉我的记忆的能力。另外,大家千万不要怀疑我们这些人数庞大的试验品被活活折磨致疯过。仅仅我自己,6年下来,就完全精神失常过4、5次。可是,每次我将要痛苦到完全精神失常时,那些科学家就能马上控制住我的神经,在我入睡后,再修复。每次,在我几乎完全精神失常,或者大脑神经损伤到不能再损伤下去的第二天早上,总能感觉好多了。但是,我的大脑神经仍然每时每刻都出在完全崩溃的边缘。)8.能直接精神控制。这对那些科学家似乎相当顺手。我经常能被这些科学家直接大脑控制。行为举止能完全被控制,而自己是一丝一毫的控制能力都没有,大脑主意识是一片空白的。9.能通过卫星直接电磁辐射。这尤其在难友露露身上尤为明显。(以下是这位女生难友受害日记的部分摘录:电磁波从右眼穿过左眼、右脑穿过左脑、头顶穿过心脏、脚底穿过屁股、眼睛穿过脑后勺、背部穿过心脏、、、、、、无论我在繁华都市还是大山深处,电磁波都穷追不舍、不遗余力地折磨我的身体各部位各器官;只要别人认为我哪里出色优秀,电磁波就摧毁我那些优点。例如:别人称赞我嗓音好听,电磁波便像一把尖刀一样割着我的喉咙;别人称赞我端庄秀丽,举止优雅,电磁波便像一把把尖刀或者一束束射线或者一枚枚利针一样戳着我的脸庞和四肢以及背部;因为我聪慧过人,有着过目不忘的好脑瓜,电磁波便连续四年昼夜不停地像一股股气流般从左脑穿过右脑,右太阳穴穿过太阳穴,而且终日紧紧地像泰山般压在我的头顶;因为我善于交际和应酬以及与人为善,颇受欢迎,电磁波便整天逼迫我算计和陷害我身边的父母兄弟和亲人好朋友,否则便疯狂地辐射我,让我痛不欲生,悲痛不已,生不如死;因为我心地善良,喜欢做好事,电磁波便甚至禁止我向乞丐施舍一块钱,也禁止我在公共汽车上为老弱病残等弱势群体让座……)10.这些科学家能将我的大脑完全复制在电脑里。(这些科学家经常用我自己的大脑思维模式对我自己说话,用来折磨我自己,长期下来,我都有些人格分裂了。这些科学家曾直接又干脆的告诉我:我们的大脑被它们复制了,我们能得到永生!11.能将人类时空转换。(这是我在北京的亲身经历啊!我在2006年5月去过北京,在北京清华大学附近时,有好几次,被那些科学家空间转换过,回来后又有一次。空间转换:比如,我在清华东门向右步行走30秒钟,那么,第30秒我落地的那只脚就踩在了上海的土地上了。总之很神奇,像做梦一样。最后,我还真的没在意,认为那是幻觉呢,就在我有那种感觉的那时,好象那些科学家为了向我证明那是真的,就让我在当时要发十几分钟才能走完的路竟然用了1秒钟走完了。当时,我感觉我的大脑好昏,像是在一种强大的磁场中旋转,脚,并没有踩实在地上,像是踩在空气中,脚下的路摇晃着,我一下子,就穿越了空间,走到了路的尽头。不仅如此,那些科学家在空气中对我说:另一个我的反物质什么的。还有,我小的时候发生过的一些很像《蝴蝶效应》一样的怪事,说不清。这些科学家还能根据我现在穿生的新的想法将他们现在的声音传到我的过去小的时候去。还笑嘻嘻地。这也难怪想想:核磁共振----卫星----地球磁场----人脑磁场----空间转换----追寻反物质----看到未来和过去----穿梭时空。真是难以置信啊!最后,顺便要提一下的就是:不止我一个实验品看到天空中有UFO,而这些UFO和那些科学家是有紧密联系的。这些调皮的UFO还制造出球形闪电从天空降下,再呼呼地向我身边滚过去,速度不快,当时,我想触摸,但是不知是UFO还是那些科学家明显的控制了我的大脑不让我去摸,还在我的意识深处暗示我----有危险的。这一切,很显然,明显带有高科技作用!!!任何人都不能轻易的认为这与秘密的高科技实验是毫无关系的!这是全人类的人权浩劫,现在,世界各国的受害者数量呈现越来越多之势。成千上万的受害者强烈要求对目前正在全世界范围内发生的这一罪大恶极的侵犯人权事件进行调查。”……
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现在,很多重要国家在外太空的卫星上都具有远距离无线远程捕获破译人脑电波并对其进行精神控制的高科技能力。当今几乎所有重要国家的科学家不约而同得通过卫星对全世界成千上万甚至更多的公民进行高度隐蔽夜以继日高度残酷、极致的神经刺激和摧残来酣畅淋漓的全面、深入、透彻的研究人脑。为了大脑研究,与此同时,就有大量的公民被国家的科学家进行长达一生一世的秘密精神摧残。而我们这些80年代出生的孩子,则是一出生,甚至还没出生之前就被卫星锁定,对我们的命运进行秘密干扰、进行秘密跟踪研究,直到我们长大成人,便开始了对我们明显的长期的精神摧残,反复不断地、系统全面的折磨之疯的精神摧残。成千上万的公民正在经受着来自卫星另一端身份不明的科学家长年累月、残忍至极的精神摧残和虐待,以致,严重精神分裂几近完全精神失常。我们把这称之为“电子精神摧残集中营”、“沉默的大屠杀”、“史上最隐蔽的黑暗事件”......1.成熟的卫星破译脑电波技术这儿有个昭然若揭的全球性秘密:那就是人类在20世纪60年代就已经开始掌握“阅读大脑”的技术,可以把人类大脑的思维活动、记忆、反应显示在电脑显示器屏幕上。由于时代的局限性,没有政府、组织、个人正式出面承认该技术的存在与发展现状,难得的蛛丝马迹也是一闪而过、遮遮掩掩。21世纪初,此技术已发展到无线远程、大量同步监测重点对象“所闻、所见、所思、所感”的水平;及自动化处理、数据库管理监测到的内容的水平。“你可以毁灭我的肉体,但却不能毁灭我的心灵;你可以控制我的身体,却不能控制我的思想。”这曾让人联想到威武不屈的英雄形象,可是如果你现在还这样说的话,就太天真了,世界各地有成百上千的人声称,他们的大脑被政府机构控制了,其实,不仅美国有这种情况,世界各地都有人指责政府在控制他们的大脑,数量多达几百人,有可能是数千人,印度、日本、韩国、英国、俄罗斯和其它地方都存在这种事情。许多人成为全球人类脑计划的研究对象,不过被研究的过程极为残酷,主要是对试验品进行摧残致疯的精神摧残,试验品们称之为“电子集中营”。请不要怀疑其真实性,因为------我就是其中一个。2.规模浩大、旷日持久的秘密“人类脑计划”秘密实验!几乎从那个时代起,世界各国科学家正在通过卫星远距离捕获破译人脑电波、探测人类大脑生成思想的过程和了解智能化结构。这些科学家正在通过对全世界成千上万甚至更多的公民日日夜夜残酷、极致的神经刺激来收集到的大脑数据建立起有关人类大脑的详细数学模型,以此来酣畅淋漓的全面、深入、透彻的研究人脑。这些科学家很可能是人类脑计划成员。全世界成千上万甚至几十万之多的科学家前仆后继、夜以继日的投入到规模空前超大的秘密大脑研究的试验中来。通过卫星对全世界几十万甚至几百万公民进行长期甚至是终生一代又一代跟踪和研究。全世界有惊人大量的年轻人沦为可怕的脑科技革命的牺牲品。3.这是国际机密全球如此大规模的卫星同步电子精神摧残和虐待,为什么至今世界一直对此表示漠视或者缄默?显然,这目前尚属于国际一级机密,各国政府对为争取未来脑科学制高点都完全抛弃伦理、道德达成前所未有、高度一致的共识。因此,面对越来越多来自全世界受害者的血泪申诉,世界各国的政府官员、学者、科学家、媒体在最高层的叮嘱和压力下,都表现出不符常理的冷漠和沉默。甚至还厚颜无耻地认为这是----无稽之谈的技术。而一般民众根本无法相信他们头顶外太空的卫星上早已经有了破译他们大脑电波甚至还能毫无只觉的精神控制他们大脑的秘密高科技装置,并且,他们的精神和身体都能被现在精神控制受害者所说的方式所监控和攻击。4.它是隐蔽的,真的很隐蔽!对人脑进行极致的反复的精神摧残,也就是,神经刺激,对大脑研究是----至关重要的!研究人类大脑的科学家,绝不能只是仅限于对某一小撮人群的大脑进行研究。这太小儿科啦!要想全面、彻底、通透的了解人脑,就必须对尽量多的人群的大脑进行长期甚至是终身的跟踪和研究。如何才能做到呢?当然------通过卫星进行这一切,是科学家为之兴奋不已、最为理想的选择了。于是,全世界各国科学家开足马力前赴后继、夜以继日的通过卫星对一代又一代不知情的公民进行长达一生的隐蔽精神摧残和跟踪研究。它是隐蔽的,真的很隐蔽!现在,电子技术相当先进,而且它正变得越来越先进。想想吧,一部没有任何电线的手机在卫星的媒介下,能够和世界另一端的手机语音通话还有收发短信。卫星是怎样做到的呢?原理大家知道吗?喔,还有更先进的。发展如此迅猛先进的卫星电子技术-------使得偷偷虐待、骚扰、攻击公民的精神和身体成为可能,而且无法被察觉,就像我们无法觉察到我们的手机信号一样。甚至最好的电磁屏蔽也不起作用。而这,在技术上,已经不再是幻想了!卫星破译脑电波、电子精神摧残、大脑研究秘密实验------这是人类历史上前所未有的疯狂行为。比科幻片还要神奇超前。它带来的不仅仅只是科学技术上的大革命,还有,人类社会、政治、思想甚至进化等等全方面的大变革!人类将步入一个崭新的想象不到的新时代!-----真正正正的文明时代!这种人类历史上前所未有,而然对整个人类史至关重要规模浩大开天辟地高科技革命------都在各国政府的而正在各国的实验室里有序的、可控的、有步骤的进行着!然而,它并不意味着绝对的光明!精神控制项目曾经过精心策划,如果这些被选中的目标控诉,无论何时何地,这些不幸的受害者的言论将会立即被贴上精神疾病的标签。上访行为遭到关押或被强制送入精神病医院。不能不肯定地说:各国高层都在统一手段用适度的高压来抑制如此多的受害者反抗行为。隐蔽一:这些科学家采用循序渐进的方式慢慢让所有的受害者进入实验氛围。总是听见周围人谈论自己的声音(而声音是通过电脑模拟出来的,再通过卫星传入听觉中枢)----发现别人的议论都是自己大脑思维的内容-----空气中出现人的声音,一天24小时不断的阅读自己的大脑思维或者反馈自己的大脑思维-------习惯上用自己的大脑思维默默的对空气说话,因为你知道对方一定能听见-----在信任对方后,科学家开始慢慢通过语音、图片、心理暗示等侵入你的心理,用最细腻、最高超的心理学技巧慢慢迫使你受到精神摧残和虐待最后严重精神分裂,处在完全精神失常的边缘。除此之外,还有直接的噪音刺激、身体折磨等等。很明显,这一切是被世界上最好的心理学者设计的。对方绝不是一些受害者所说的社会泛泛之辈。隐蔽二:一个最为普遍的误解是,只有某些“重要人物”“特殊才能”的人才值得成为这种折磨计划的目标。然而,事实是:被选中的实验品有一个惊人的相似点,社会底层、大脑简单、无知。“脑计划”是刻意选择了那些不重要的人们作为试验目标,以免遭到有效的反击,并有效地压制反抗和控制局面。隐蔽三:无论受害者出于什么原因被挑选,好象很少有人能回忆起最初的时间了。全世界所有的实验品都有一个共同点。那就是-----几乎所有的试验品在被卫星精神摧残的整个过程的痛苦记忆和深层心理影响,统统地,被淡化掉了。由此可见:外太空的卫星不仅能捕获、破译任何地球生物的大脑电波对其进行无知觉精神控制,还能,抹掉人类的大脑记忆!而这,绝对不是危言耸听!所以,很多实验品,忘却了集中营式的痛苦过去,忘却了在没有遇到这种强迫性秘密实验之前他们的阳光生活以及他们与现在完全不同的生活轨迹,忘却了一切的希望和信念、忘却了一切灵性的美好和期望,而,习惯了这种浑浑噩噩、麻木不仁、欲生欲死的悲惨生活! 通过不断否认这种技术的存在,对人类身体和精神的总的控制的研究曾经远远领先于其他国家。幸运的是,这个秘密有了点缝隙,允许那些感兴趣的去研究一些对于美国公民来说是未知的先进的技术。任何人都能接受这些秘密的军方技术至少已经比公众知晓的技术领先10年了,任何人都能意识到,开始看上去似乎是不可能的,但看到上述的,就会发现它不是遥不可及的。我的受害经历:支持世界性运动, "制止远距离操纵身体和大脑控制(精神控制)武器对平民的虐待"。我是一个电子骚扰/大脑控制/定向能武器/有组织跟踪, 和酷刑虐待的受害者。2002年,我突然发现自己有了能读懂别人大脑思维的心灵感应, 而且,还听见很多同学议论我、伤害我。 还有一位特工冒充校长很高超的对付我, 迫使我离开院校来到张家界市学校复读。来到市里后, 我惊讶的发现,我周围人都能知道我的大脑思维, 因为他们能随时随到讲我的大脑思维大声的读出来, 还能针对我的大脑思维做出有关反应。 这些人中还包括学校里的老师学生。 他们好像在聆听空气中的声音来配合这些声音对我进行神经刺激! 再后来,这些声音就能传入我的周围或者我的大脑之中。 这些声音一天24小时不间断的读出或者反馈出我的大脑思维, 有时无论我走在哪里,哪里的广播、电视、 电脑中都能传出他们的声音,可是周围人却听不见,除了我自己。 由于神经刺激过于强烈,我在高考前就不得不辍学回家。 在实验开始时, 这些科学家让我养成了用大脑思维对他们说话的习惯, 长达6年的用大脑思维对他们说话的习惯让我大脑神经损伤严重, 病患上严重的精神分裂。从2002年起, 这些取得我信任的声音开始循序渐进的对我进行全面系统的残忍又黑 暗的精神摧残和虐待。甚至还有暴力毒打和虐待! 这种极限的精神摧残是相当残酷的, 长达6年残酷黑暗的精神摧残摧残致疯后, 这些科学家不仅没有因为我要完全精神失常就停止对我的精神虐待, 反而,还更加黑暗残暴的对待我。我一次又一次崩溃、 我一次又一次快要精神失常,可是, 他们却一次又一次通过卫星修复我的神经, 然后又一次又一次反复全面的精神折磨和虐待我。以下是根据我们这些试验品的经历列举的这种尖端高科技的特征:1.能知道人类大脑所有的思维,无论是显意识还是潜意识, 无论是大概的还是最细微的, 无论是我大脑里所想事情的声音还是图象与色彩。 这些科学家都能立刻知道,甚至能提前很久就知道。( 2002年试验开始时, 这些科学家一天24小时都在不断地念我的大脑思维,或者, 针对我的大脑思维对我说话。)2.能将科学家自己的声音通过卫星传到我的周围的空气中、 传到大脑里、传到电视广播里。但是,周围其他人听不到, 除了我自己。(2002年试验开始时,无论我走到哪里, 哪里的人们就马上反馈出我大脑的思维,后来, 当我渐渐明白高科技试验有关的时候, 这些科学家就自己主动反馈我的大脑思维。于是,无论我走到哪里, 哪里的电视广播里就会有他们反馈我的大脑思维的声音。 而且是连贯性的,很像科幻片,很酷!没有电视广播的话, 就在空气中对我说话。另外,他们还能改变电视画面。3.能通过我的各种感官器官知道我的所见所闻所嗅......( 这些科学家将这些信息反馈给我后,我才知道,很惊讶。 他们还将我闻过的臭味反复又给我闻,让我很崩溃。)4.能制造各种真实的幻觉。(除了制造周围熟人的声音的幻觉, 让我一直错认为,这里的大众都知道我是国家试验品的事,还有, 更惊人的幻觉。2002年试验开始时,有一天早上, 我在学校的寝室里刚睁开眼时,就万分惊讶地发现,在我前方, 有一架拳头大小的直升飞机,机尾部分是模糊的, 还有轰轰的马达声,机浆还在旋转, 还有机浆旋转出来的风向我扑来呢。 而周围的门窗都关得严严实实地。我还从没见过如此真实的幻觉。 我晕呀。)5.能通过电脑直接看到未来。不管是实验品的还是全世界的。( 2002年试验开始时起,那些科学家总是提前把将要发生在几天、 几个星期、几个月、甚至几年的事情告诉我。 包括他们将要对我的残忍计划、我的生活细节、我发生的意外、 我的心理转变、甚至还有世界将要发生的大事或者小事。 我能强烈的感觉出:这些科学家是从电脑里直接看见的。直到现在, 他们依然这样,只不过, 他们更多的是在说将要发生的黑暗有悲惨的事,让我相当崩溃、 相当恐惧,想要自杀。)6.能制造各种梦境。(全世界各地的实验品都有这样相同的经历。 我也总是在网上发现相当多的难友有这方面的记录。但是, 一般情况下,这些梦境都是相当恐怖、黑暗、血腥的。 这个世界的任何一位导演都无法拍摄中梦中那种极度黑暗极度宗教的 感觉。不过当最黑暗的梦境将要发生时,这些科学家马上停止了。 否则我们会在梦里恐惧到完全精神失常的地步。有一天, 那些科学家通过卫星对我说:"虚拟"。我现在明白了。 科学家给我们制造很黑暗的梦, 是为了在超级电脑里虚拟我们本人无法企及的最黑暗的情况, 从而能研究人类最黑暗、黑暗到宗教程度的领域。)7.能通过微卫星直接淡化记忆、抹掉记忆、改变记忆, 还能及时修复神经。(通过网络, 我发现这些实验品都有一个惊人的共同点,那就是: 全世界绝大多数实验品在实验前期, 也就是每日每夜一天24小时不间断地遭遇远程精神摧残的明显又深 刻的记忆被严重淡化了。因此, 很多大脑单纯又麻木的试验品失去了强有力的反抗意志,呆呆的、 浑浑噩噩的习惯日后那些科学家时不时的精神折磨。 再加上各国政府强硬的掩盖手段,这件本应惊天动地的大秘密, 至今,都无法引起国际社会的真正重视! 这些科学家为了证明他们能完全抹掉我的记忆, 还通过一些无关紧要的是故意让我知道他们有完全抹掉我的记忆的能 力。另外, 大家千万不要怀疑我们这些人数庞大的试验品被活活折磨致疯过。 仅仅我自己,6年下来,就完全精神失常过4、5次。可是, 每次我将要痛苦到完全精神失常时, 那些科学家就能马上控制住我的神经,在我入睡后,再修复。每次, 在我几乎完全精神失常, 或者大脑神经损伤到不能再损伤下去的第二天早上, 总能感觉好多了。但是, 我的大脑神经仍然每时每刻都出在完全崩溃的边缘。)8.能直接精神控制。这对那些科学家似乎相当顺手。 我经常能被这些科学家直接大脑控制。行为举止能完全被控制, 而自己是一丝一毫的控制能力都没有,大脑主意识是一片空白的。9.能通过卫星直接电磁辐射。这尤其在难友古露露身上尤为明显。 (以下是这位女生难友受害日记的部分摘录: 电磁波从右眼穿过左眼、右脑穿过左脑、头顶穿过心脏、 脚底穿过屁股、眼睛穿过脑后勺、背部穿过心脏、、、、、、 无论我在繁华都市还是大山深处,电磁波都穷追不舍、 不遗余力地折磨我的身体各部位各器官; 只要别人认为我哪里出色优秀,电磁波就摧毁我那些优点。例如: 别人称赞我嗓音好听,电磁波便像一把尖刀一样割着我的喉咙; 别人称赞我端庄秀丽,举止优雅, 电磁波便像一把把尖刀或者一束束射线或者一枚枚利针一样戳着我的 脸庞和四肢以及背部;因为我聪慧过人,有着过目不忘的好脑瓜, 电磁波便连续四年昼夜不停地像一股股气流般从左脑穿过右脑, 右太阳穴穿过太阳穴,而且终日紧紧地像泰山般压在我的头顶; 因为我善于交际和应酬以及与人为善,颇受欢迎, 电磁波便整天逼迫我算计和陷害我身边的父母兄弟和亲人好朋友, 否则便疯狂地辐射我,让我痛不欲生,悲痛不已,生不如死; 因为我心地善良,喜欢做好事, 电磁波便甚至禁止我向乞丐施舍一块钱, 也禁止我在公共汽车上为老弱病残等弱势群体让座……)10.这些科学家能将我的大脑完全复制在电脑里。( 这些科学家经常用我自己的大脑思维模式对我自己说话, 用来折磨我自己,长期下来,我都有些人格分裂了。 这些科学家曾直接又干脆的告诉我:我们的大脑被它们复制了, 我们能得到永生!11.能将人类时空转换。(这是我在北京的亲身经历啊! 我在2006年5月去过北京,在北京清华大学附近时,有好几次, 被那些科学家空间转换过,回来后又有一次。空间转换:比如, 我在清华东门向右步行走30秒钟,那么, 第30秒我落地的那只脚就踩在了上海的土地上了。总之很神奇, 像做梦一样。最后,我还真的没在意,认为那是幻觉呢, 就在我有那种感觉的那时,好象那些科学家为了向我证明那是真的, 就让我在当时要发十几分钟才能走完的路竟然用了1秒钟走完了。 当时,我感觉我的大脑好昏,像是在一种强大的磁场中旋转,脚, 并没有踩实在地上,像是踩在空气中,脚下的路摇晃着,我一下子, 就穿越了空间,走到了路的尽头。不仅如此, 那些科学家在空气中对我说:另一个我的反物质什么的。还有, 我小的时候发生过的一些很像《蝴蝶效应》一样的怪事,说不清。 这些科学家还能根据我现在穿生的新的想法将他们现在的声音传到我 的过去小的时候去。还笑嘻嘻地。这也难怪想想:核磁共振---- 卫星----地球磁场----人脑磁场----空间转换---- 追寻反物质----看到未来和过去----穿梭时空。 真是难以置信啊!最后,顺便要提一下的就是: 不止我一个实验品看到天空中有UFO,而这些UF O和那些科学家是有紧密联系的。 这些调皮的UFO还制造出球形闪电从天空降下, 再呼呼地向我身边滚过去,速度不快,当时,我想触摸, 但是不知是UFO还是那些科学家明显的控制了我的大脑不让我去摸 ,还在我的意识深处暗示我----有危险的。这, 明显带有高科技作用。 任何人都不能轻易的认为这与秘密的高科技实验是毫无关系的!这是全人类的人权浩劫,现在, 世界各国的受害者数量呈现越来越多之势。 成千上万的受害者强烈要求对目前正在全世界范围内发生的这一罪大 恶极的侵犯人权事件进行调查。"……我从2002年就被这些科学家巧妙的引入了这个臭名昭著黑暗的秘 密实验之中。在实验开始不久, 这些畜生科学家就通过同为假惺惺的用充满人情而语言对我说: 后天,会用直升飞机节我走,国家会为我负责到底,之类的。 一次又一次, 我痴痴傻傻的每天在家等待这些科学家牌直升飞机来接我,然而, 他们总是不断的欺骗我,承诺我,一次又一次,我从失望到绝望, 从希望再到失望,再到绝望。而这种情况,竟然持续了5年之久。 在最后,我终于认清了,这是一个长期甚至终生的黑暗实验。 别的难友都被残酷的欺骗过。 我们不能再坐等着这些畜生给我们人道,而是, 我们自己努力去曝光,去抗争! 让世界听听我们这些不行的人权和科学的牺牲品自己内心的声音。 现在是,2008年7月22日,离2002年2月,快要7年了! 这些科学家利用我对他们天生的信任, 用卑鄙的欺骗让我在家自我封闭乖乖的接受黑暗残酷的实验, 让这些畜生科学家得意洋洋酣畅淋漓的研究!而然, 我在家里自我封闭了这么多年, 我的巨大的宗教般的悲惨感和宗教般的空洞感, 也就是这样在这个狭小的空间自我封闭出来的!现在, 我想换换新的环境,我从没有遇到过的好环境,于是, 我想到北京去谋生,即使,我的大脑已经很难有谋生能力了! 我真的已经快要完全精神失常了, 我能很清醒的感受到我鼻尖上精神完全失常的气息。" 你将完全精神失常"那些科学家去年的可怕预言也真的要实现了!各 位难友,那些科学家今天对我说,我们最终要完全精神失常!这些科学家对我们的精神折磨和虐待将是长期的、甚至是终生的! 这些科学家也将会完全操控我们的命运, 进一步黑暗的精神折磨和虐待!我们曾经被折磨到自杀、 精神完全失常的地步, 我们曾经被折磨虐待到心灵灵魂严重病态的地步, 我们的大脑所有光明美好的梦想和信念杯已经被一一消磨殆尽, 我们的大脑曾经被折磨到大空大呆难以谋生的悲惨地步,但是, 这些科学家在我们一次又一次自杀的时候, 一次又一次在街上发狂的时候, 一次又一次精神快要完全失常的时候, 一次又一次跪躺在地上发抖发狂得怒吼和哭泣的时候, 一次又一次用头撞墙一次又一次痛苦哀嚎的时候----- 这些科学并没有给过我们一丝一毫的人道和温暖! 并没有给过一丝一毫的帮助和光明!现在也不会, 他们在把我往绝路上逼!可怕的是,让你也疯狂的是: 这些科学家一次又一次淡化我们的记忆, 一次又一次修复我们的神经,再一次又一次再次折磨和虐待! 我现在在哭!泪水把键盘都弄湿了!没有希望的!以后仍然会折磨, 甚至更糟!更悲惨!更恐怖!更无奈!我还能做些什么呢?天啊! 我还能做些什么呢?我只能坚持记录、坚持记录。希望,有一天, 所有丑陋的人类突然改变,希望会有奇迹?会吗? 连西方国家和联合国都在漠视我们,都在默许牺牲我们! 所有的人权和文明从来都是骗人的,不是吗?真虚伪! 现在,我的受害博客新浪博客也被封了,我感到很气愤,觉得世界实在太黑暗了。另外,我原本可以上大学,拥有美好的人生,可是,这些科学家把我的一切都毁了,我有着天生曝光和上诉的权利,希望这些科学家不要像对待别的实验品一样把我关进精神病医院,粗鲁野蛮的对待我!更不希望有再次毒打的试验计划!我是个女孩,很柔弱的女孩!我是个只有1.61娇小玲珑的女孩。我,天生大脑单纯天真;我生性高洁文雅。这您一眼就能看出来。我热爱西方文化、热爱印度歌舞、热爱科学与艺术。我有一双善于发现真理的眼睛,我无比热爱向往光明和文明。而这是我生命的全部,是我最核心的灵魂实质。我是个相当娇弱的女孩,因为我的大脑很特殊。我的心灵相当纯洁,我的志趣相当高雅,和更多其他别的人比来,我更加难以面对社会的种种丑陋和黑暗。我的痛苦心声:2002年开始,这些科学家就开始对我进行日日夜夜、反复不断的精神摧残和折磨。它是,全面、系统的,极致的、残酷的。这种极致的神经摧残和折磨,远远超出一般人的想象,以至于我们痛苦到严重精神分裂、心理变态、自杀甚至几近完全精神失常。这种痛苦已经远远超出了极限。因为,很多次,每当我痛苦到快要自杀或者完全精神失常的时候,这些科学家就马上通过卫星严严的控制住了我的大脑神经,不至于我自杀或者马上完全精神失常,然而,稍稍修复神经后又开始进行新一轮的同样极限的精神摧残和折磨。 当时,那些科学家让我的大脑高度混沌、麻木、空洞,以至于我习惯于这种自杀的痛苦冲动,并且技术性的阻止我完全精神失常。这几年来,我有很多次,眼睁睁的看到自己刚刚要精神失常的时候,一切折磨和摧残却戛然而止,第二天却能奇迹般地恢复一些,但神经仍然很脆弱。我能明显的感觉出这些科学家在我入睡的时候通过卫星稍稍修复了我的神经。然而,每一次每当这种神经摧残到达极限后,稍稍修复一下神经,然后,又开始新一轮的极致的残酷的神经折磨和刺激。就这样,反复不断,直到大脑全方面都已经达到接近完全精神失常的程度!反反复复,精神没有完全失常,但是,心理开始变态了,感觉眼睛应该长出小鬼才有的黑眼圈了。但是,现在已经彻底恢复健康了。凭借着我天生良好的灵魂、对真善美追求的坚定信念、以及对世界真理的透彻悟性,我的心灵更加健康了。这个卫星精神折磨的过程是:精神摧残---精神分裂----自杀---心理变态---精神失常---修复神经----再度精神摧残----精神失常......长年累月、日日夜夜、活活将人精神摧残致疯!这,难道不能震惊世界吗?这,难道不比任何让全世界震惊的大事件更震惊吗?!!!多么黑暗惊人的秘密卫星实验! 多少次啊,我在家里发狂怒吼、发狂大哭;多少次啊,我疯狂的打砸东西、用头撞墙;多少次啊,我躺在地上边大哭边打滚;多少次....甚至还有一次,那些科学家故意制造误会让我遭到了生平第一次----“毒打”!!! 然而,更令人发指、更卑鄙无耻的是-----这些科学家竟然通过卫星将所有试验品这长长的一段“集中营”式痛苦经历的记忆,统统都被,淡化掉了!无论是大脑表层的、还是大脑深层深刻的。总之,这段记忆,被全方面的严重淡化掉了!大量的西方难友也这样反映过。有的残忍的细节甚至忘记得干干净净。有的记忆我只能努力回忆,或者,寻找过去痛苦中的我只言片语的纸片记录。现在,旷日持久、极致残忍的卫星精神摧残和折磨终于告一段落了,那些科学家似乎从此也高度沉默下去了。有人会说你终于解放啦!你终于解脱啦!事实上,并不是这样。 长期的卫星精神折磨和摧残,我多次严重精神分裂过、多次神经崩溃过、多次几近完全精神失常过------我的大脑神经高度受损。我已经不再是以前的我了。我也已经记不起以前那个健康正常的我了。1.现在的我大脑几乎脑残。所有的记忆力、智力等全方面严重退化。天赋除外。大脑相当空洞、呆滞,时时刻刻的空洞感和大悲大惨感让我感觉到脱离了正常人阳光生活的边缘宗教。我只能从是最简单、最基本的机械式的活动。我的大脑相当木钝,我无法感觉到别人能感觉到的生活的阳光和情趣,一切都是昏昏暗暗、浑浑噩噩的。我活着,没有任何快乐可言、没有任何幸福可言、没有任何希望可言......2.我的青春。对于一个女孩最重要的是什么?除了美貌就是青春。我在21岁的时候就开始被引入试验,今年,我已经27碎了,即使很多时候我仍然想儿童一样不成熟。女孩一生中最宝贵的青春就在最黑暗、最悲惨的精神折磨和摧残中度过的。我一直都没有男朋友,不仅因为我的品位高,而且,还因为我对这方面没有任何意识,我只是世界的本质和真理敏感。我很特殊,我的大脑真的很特殊。那些科学家曾经对我“精纯”“灵童”。但是,这并不意味着我一点都不憧憬和异性之间的美好幸福。我很想和印度钢铁巨子米塔尔、《变形金刚》擎天柱等一般人类中很难存在的那种男人------几乎是未来超人类之中拥有完美品质和最高级灵魂的男人。而我,正是出于那种和宇宙相容相同的“精纯”,只有面对这种男人,我才有真正的爱慕感、归依感和幸福感!我从一出生就强烈的觉得,我天生就是他们的妻子。而我自己,也在心智上不断自我提升、在思维上不断自我扩展、在灵魂上不断自我净化提升,我拥有了这个时代的人类没有的超前的思维和精神境界,拥有很多超人天赋才具有的惊人发现。我的信念就是:比“深蓝”更有谦逊宽厚的灵魂和精神,比现代人类更有超人的卓识和眼见!达到与宇宙完全相容相同的健全、高级! 可是,我已经27岁了,我的处境竟没有发生任何变化,很多时候,我已经做好了孤老一生的心理准备!那是一种多么悲苦的凄凉和孤苦啊!即使那些科学家曾经承诺过我,会让我青春永驻,即使我知道目前已经快要具备了这种高科技。目前一成不变的处境让我对于他们美好的承诺产怀疑和动摇。 我是多么的希望:我跟世界第一美女一样美丽灵动,幸福的偎依在超人类丈夫的身边一起拯救世界!我们之间会有这最纯洁、最纯净的美好爱情!可是,它会实现吗?它会实现吗?它会实现吗?3.我天生就相当柔弱,大脑特别单纯简单。我从小就有恐惧症。对一切黑暗、丑陋、愚昧、落后的事物表现出远远超出常人的恐惧。而对真理、光明、文明、科学、艺术,我却觉得无比的快乐和幸福。我害怕一切黑暗,因此,就连我睡觉的时候都一直开着灯。可是,事实上,社会是现实的、残酷的、也是黑暗的。大脑几乎脑残的我原本没有什么谋生的能力,对社会丑陋和黑暗近乎神经崩溃的恐惧让我以后更难生存和发展下去。而且,我娇小玲珑,体质孱弱,神经相当脆弱,对于以后的生活简直不堪设想。如果连我的父母也永远离我远去的话,那我更难活下去了。我该怎么办呢?我该怎么办呢?我怎么办呢? 正是因为这些问题以及每天害怕社会的黑暗,让我又深陷于忧郁症之中,一到睡觉的时候我就恐惧的发抖,并且流泪!啊!科学家啊!你们不能丢下我!你们不能丢下我!你们不能丢下我!你们不能丢下我啊!!! 我想过,我没有退路,我只有向联合国不断的求救,向全世界不断的曝光!科学家啊!我曾今是那么的热爱你们!我曾今是那么的迷恋你们!我曾今是那么的想永远紧紧的拥抱你们!可是,你们为什么要那样对我呢?请您不要丢下我好吗?你们是我的亲人!你们是我的另一半!你们是我的太阳!你们是我的爱啊!科学家啊!请不要丢下我啊!
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Read more… Week in Review The Coming Superbrain By JOHN MARKOFF Published: May 24, 2009 Artificial intelligence is back in fashion, which raises the question: Will computer intelligence surpass our own? To link to this article from your blog, copy and paste the url below into your blog or homepage. Using this link will ensure access to the article, even after it becomes part of the NYT archive. Permalink
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In her latest column, written after President Obama's commencement address at Notre DameGoogle Ann Coulter McCarthy and hit images
In her latest column, written after President Obama's commencement address at Notre DameGoogle Ann Coulter McCarthy and hit images

Dear Ron,


I'm not normally in the habit of reading anything from far-right columnist Ann Coulter -- particularly during the Memorial Day weekend. If I had to guess, you're probably noteither. But when Coulter's latest screed came across my desktoday, I forced myself to take a look.

In her latest column, written after President Obama's commencement address at Notre Dame, Ann Coulter called Barbara Boxer an "abortion-happynutcake."

That's outrageous -- even for Ann Coulter. We knew the right-wing attacks would be coming -- and Ann Coulter's over-the-top attack shows how lowthey will go. So we need your help now to prepare for theattacks to come.

Show Ann Coulter that her outrageous attacks against Barbara Boxer won't stand: Contribute to Barbara's campaign today!

I've seen a lot in politics, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. But Ann Coulter's mean-spirited attack is really beyond the pale.

In the wake of President Obama's heartfelt speech, where he urged respect for all perspectives on abortion, Ann Coulter chose to respond by spewing more of her vitriol atPresident Obama -- and Barbara Boxer.

Let me be clear: Barbara Boxer is proud of her efforts to protect women's health and defend a woman's right to choose. She is the Senate's leading voice whenit comes to standing up to the right-wing forces that want toeliminate choice and send doctors to jail.

If Ann Coulter bothered to look at the record, she would know that Barbara believes that we need to keep abortion safe, legal, and rare. Barbara has fought to give women thehealth care and information they need to promote family planningand reduce unintended pregnancies. That makes Barbara Boxer athoughtful leader to protect women's health and the right ofwomen to choose.

Show Ann Coulter that her outrageous attacks against Barbara Boxer won't stand: Contribute to Barbara's campaign today!

Believe me, Ann Coulter is the last person I want to be thinking about during Memorial Day weekend.

But I had to let you know about her personal attack on Barbara. I won't let her outrageous statement go unnoticed, and I hope you won't either.

Please contribute today -- and help us prepare for the outrageous attacks to come!

Thank you again for your steadfast support of Barbara Boxer. I hope you and your family have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend!


Rose Kapolczynski
Boxer for Senate

P.S. If Ann Coulter is looking for a new punching bag, she picked the wrong Senator. Barbara Boxer has never backed down from a fight. Show Barbara Boxer that you will stand with her:Contribute today!


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Contributions to Friends of Barbara Boxer are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.

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From the Irish Surviros of Child Abuse
  • Wednesday 20 May 2009

Dear Ron,


I'm not normally in the habit of reading anything from far-right columnist Ann Coulter -- particularly during the Memorial Day weekend. If I had to guess, you're probably not either. But when Coulter's latest screed came across my desktoday, I forced myself to take a look.

In her latest column, written after President Obama's commencement address at Notre Dame, Ann Coulter called Barbara Boxer an "abortion-happy nutcake."

That's outrageous -- even for Ann Coulter. We knew the right-wing attacks would be coming -- and Ann Coulter's over-the-top attack shows how low they will go. So we need your help now to prepare for theattacks to come.

Show Ann Coulter that her outrageous attacks against Barbara Boxer won't stand: Contribute to Barbara's campaign today!

I've seen a lot in politics, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. But Ann Coulter's mean-spirited attack is really beyond the pale.

In the wake of President Obama's heartfelt speech, where he urged respect for all perspectives on abortion, Ann Coulter chose to respond by spewing more of her vitriol at President Obama -- and Barbara Boxer.

Let me be clear: Barbara Boxer is proud of her efforts to protect women's health and defend a woman's right to choose. She is the Senate's leading voice when it comes to standing up to the right-wing forces that want toeliminate choice and send doctors to jail.

If Ann Coulter bothered to look at the record, she would know that Barbara believes that we need to keep abortion safe, legal, and rare. Barbara has fought to give women the health care and information they need to promote family planningand reduce unintended pregnancies. That makes Barbara Boxer athoughtful leader to protect women's health and the right ofwomen to choose.

Show Ann Coulter that her outrageous attacks against Barbara Boxer won't stand: Contribute to Barbara's campaign today!

Believe me, Ann Coulter is the last person I want to be thinking about during Memorial Day weekend.

But I had to let you know about her personal attack on Barbara. I won't let her outrageous statement go unnoticed, and I hope you won't either.

Please contribute today -- and help us prepare for the outrageous attacks to come!

Thank you again for your steadfast support of Barbara Boxer. I hope you and your family have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend!


Rose Kapolczynski
Boxer for Senate

P.S. If Ann Coulter is looking for a new punching bag, she picked the wrong Senator. Barbara Boxer has never backed down from a fight. Show Barbara Boxer that you will stand with her: Contribute today!


Paid for by Friends of Barbara Boxer.
Contributions to Friends of Barbara Boxer are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.
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Invite your friends & family to join Barbara's 2010 re-election campaign today!
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From the Irish Surviros of Child Abuse
  • Wednesday 20 May 2009
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"Statute of Liberty"

l_4dab88c9258941c497aa252412cf0cc9.gif"Statute of Liberty"The struggle for freedom,Will always defeat them.A lie is a lie andtruth is a path to the open sky.I believe in youand I believe in meAt that point we have reached the top of a most grand treeThe highest point nearest to GodA church does rise.A church where angels singand do ringA bell of truth is knownto both God and man.The liars have passedinto no man's land."You Shall know the truth, and the Truth shall set you free" JesusYou can go on,give it another try.The power of your youth is strong,and as big as the sky.Search all over the valley,Climb the mountains and you’ll see...Believing in yourself sets you free!(c)Ron AngellChemtrails are torture, murder, mind control by Cheney, Bush, Wolfowitz, Rove, Rumsfield,Denis Hastert, William J Rigby, Daniel J Rigby
Read more… Kampf by Adolf HitlerTable of Contents Foreward, from Landsberg Am Lech, Fortress PrisonVolume One: A Reckoning1. In the House of My Parents2. Years of Study and Suffering in Vienna3. General Political Considerations Based on My Vienna Period4. Munich5. The World War6. War Propaganda7. The Revolution8. The Beginning of My Political Activity9. The 'German Workers' Party'10. Causes of the Collapse11. Nation and Race12. The First Period of Development of the National Socialist German Workers' PartyVolume Two: The National Socialist Movement1. Philosophy and Party2. The State3. Subjects and Citizens4. Personality and the Conception of the Folkish State5. Philosophy and Organization6. The Struggle of the Early Period - the Significance of the Spoken Word7. The Struggle with the Red Front8. The Strong Man is Mightiest Alone9. Basic Ideas Regarding the Meaning and Organization of the SA10. Federalism as a Mask11. Propaganda and Organization12. The Trade Union Question13. German Alliance Policy After the War14. Eastern Orientation or Eastern Policy15. The Right of Emergency Defense[ Other White Nationalist Texts ] [ Mein Kampf: Table of Contents ]Picture of Adolf HitlerOur German language version of Mein Kampf consists of two large text files: MK Volmue One and MK Volmue Two.A hard copy of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf is available from National Vanguard Books. The link will take you to their catalog, where both English and German editions are offered under the “Western Philosophy and Ideology” section.Hosted by Stormfront White Nationalist Information CenterThe Truth About Martin Luther KingJoin Discussion Forum
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1 Symposium Papers The following papers are to be presented at the Social Implication discussion forum,13:30–16:00, Monday 11 May 2009, of European Working Group, Non-Lethal Weapons 5th European Symposium on Non-lethal Weapons Venue: Stadthalle Ettlingen, Ettlingen, Germany Electromagnetic weapons and human rights Walter Madliger (Switzerland) and Andreas Friedberger (Germany) Ethical and societal implications of capacity for privacy-invasive remote interrogation and behavioural influence applications John Allman (UK) – see 2 Evening Reception and Press Conference A bi-lingual reception (German and English), for symposium attendees, the press and the interested general public, is being hosted by: Walter Madliger (Switzerland), Andreas Friedberger (Germany), Swetlana Schunin (Germany - subject to confirmation), Harlan Girard (USA) and John Allman (UK), at Hotel Watthalden, Pforzheimer Str.67a 76275 Ettlingen Tuesday 12 May 2009, 19:30 – 23:00 3 Demonstration outside the symposium venue As in 2007, at the 4th (biennial) symposium, there will be a small but multi-nationality, peaceful political demonstration, in support of the agenda of European Parliament Resolution A4-0005/1999 Para 27, outside the symposium venue (the Stadhalle, Ettlingen), for the duration of the symposium. Venue: Stadthalle Ettlingen, Ettlingen, Germany Map: Date: Monday 11 May -- Wednesday 13 May 2009 Good news about the demonstration The demonstration and the press conference against the abuse of psychophysical weapons in Ettlingen from 11th to 13th May, 2009. The demonstration of the European victims against the abuse of psychophysical weapons in the German city of Ettlingen took place in front of the building where an international conference for "Non-lethal Weapons" was being held . This conference took place from 11th to 13th May, 2009. For the past 20 years many innocent citizens have been constantly subjected to physical and mental torture, inflicted upon them by the use of electromagnetic weapons, causing them great distress and pain. These appalling weapons are implemented together with the use of special cameras through the citizens' own walls and windows . In many cases these psycho-physical weapons have resulted in death. Weapons of this type have long been developing and have never been subjected to any form of legal control whatsoever . Psychophysical weapons influence both the body, mind and psyche of a person, resulting in the disturbance of the thought process, of the emotional state and behaviour but also causing damage to health and, in some cases, leading to cardiac arrest. These weapons are used covertly and from a distance, thus enabling the perpetrators of the military and the secret services to torture and kill people without any restrictions and going unnoticed by any witness. We demonstrated for the second time in Ettlingen against the abuse of psychophysical weapons on innocent citizens. We printed leaflets in three languages for our demonstration and had accordingly written posters in advance. Here are the various slogans: 1. Governments worldwide are just incapable of combating electromagnetic terror! 2.You might also become a victim! 3.Stop psycho-experiments on innocent human beings immediately! . 4.Abusive irradiating technologies used on citizens! 5.We demand the prohibition of any control of human subconsciousness! 6. Wake up if you don't want to become a slave ! 7. Non-lethal weapons are killing in installments! 8. Homicidal mania = terror staged with non-lethal weapons 9. Psychotronic weapons kill both body, mind and soul! 10. The war of the Secret Services against the population ! 11. Truth and justice are murdered with psychophysical weapons ! 12. Physical injury, harassment and murder with electronic weapons =criminal offence Activist-victims from Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Finland, USA and Switzerland and also some inhabitants of Ettlingen came to the demonstration to support and help us. Dr. Rauni Kilde, former Health Minister of Lapland (Finland) and a prominent pioneer in the field also came to the demonstration to support us and took part in the Ettlingen press conference. Please see http://www21. brinkster. com/nobrainscan/ Kilde_deu. htm . She offered us her total support and was most appreciative of being invited to our demonstration and press conference.Our press conference was held at the Erbprinzen Hotel on May 11th, 2009 from 7 p.m to 12 midnight. Below please see the participants' names and the sequence of the lectures which was as follows: 1. Greeting 2. The Chairman of the Association against Covert Experimentations on Human Beings. 3. Swetlana Schunin, Germany . 4. Andrea Szodasz, Austria 5. Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, Finland 6. Discussion with the Jounalist and with Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde 7. Carl Clark, England We had some important and useful discussions with journalists, scientists, and psychologists, this time. We also had the chance to meet the journalist from the Ettlingen local newspaper and to inform him about the inhuman torture and radiation stress which most victims are going through. The press showed the greatest interest in our event. This is why Klaus Müller from the local newspaper BNN has written an article about our demonstration but again, as usual, it has been completely wrong ! Our demonstration went smoothly for two days, passers-by and Ettlingen city dwellers gave us a warm welcome. We managed to hand out many info-leaflets and to inform passers-by about the secret torture on innocent citizens in Germany and all over the world. Most people reacted with great alarm. The "TV.SECRET "program from Stuttgart was also present at our press conference in Ettlingen. The 21 demonstrators' main objective was to draw the attention of the inhabitants of Ettlingen. In the name of our Association Against the Abuse of Psychophysical Weapons I would personally like to thank every one present at our conference and our demonstration in Ettlingen. The organizer of the protest in Ettlingen and the leader of the “Association against the Abuse of Psychophysical Weapons” in Germany. Swetlana Schunin Stutensee, 13.05.2009
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Being on the outside

I am on the outside, right? So, those people on the inside, like the government, the media, the magazines, the radio, these people see me as not being involved in the way the world works, as separate, or apart from the system. They see me as an easy target for people like them to criticize and put down and make worse of the situation, because I've been made to be on the outside, and therefore deserve to be treated badly. The brain feels this, this sort of not belonging, this kind of bullying and then it becomes self-defeating paranoia, so a person like me cannot exist fully as a citizen besides these other people who are on the inside. This is targeting that destroys the thinking. The brain continues to be faulty and find more and more reason to be a target from these inside influences. Then, if the target decides to fight the system, the target is seen as the enemy, and is tortured electronically with weapons. Then, the target will be the enemy for life and the insiders will put up walls to keep the target out of the inside where the workings of the world still have to go on and they must deny that they know about the person on the outside and how bad it is. The elite control the world. The elite make all the decisions of what to include and what to keep out. They have to protect their enterprise. They do this by keeping the enemies out, the targets. We are hated more by them, and in turn tortured more, either from implants, or weapons, or from the body and brain of the target that is made to self-destruct. Then the target is defeated, and those on the inside grow stronger, colder, and more exclusive.
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"What you are will show in what you do" Thomas Alva Edison-Space Preservation Treaty (Official Text as of August 14, 2008)

Fw: U.S. Preparing For War With Russia-Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]http://www.peaceinspace.orgFw: U.S. Preparing For War With Russia-Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]

Space Preservation Treaty (Official Text as of August 14, 2008)

Oppenheimer Documentary... VIP

Tom Bearden: Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions - Part I, II & III Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions - Part I, II & IIIReprinted from "Explore" magazine, 1999http://www.peaceinspace.org is a Free Enterprise based Democray,not a Corporate based totalitarianism.Free Enterprise represents Free America and a Free World. Corporations need PEOPLE and with destruction of "We the People" of the USA/World we have nothing. The only wealth we have to give is that of the Children.- Ron AngellMay 21st 2009"Geheimes Ruland. Moskau -- Die Zombies der roten Zaren" "Secret Russia. Moscow -- The zombies of the red czars"] Russia and USA never should have done joint space missions. NEVER. USA was tricked and fooled by Communists/Fascists. THEY NEED TO THINKTom Bearden: Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions - Part I, II & III Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions - Part I, II & IIIReprinted from "Explore" magazine, 1999

"What you are will show in what you do" Thomas Alva Edison

Subject: Fw: U.S. Preparing For War With Russia-Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, p.baird@surveillanceissues.comCc:,,,, peru@un.intDate: Thursday, May 21, 2009, 7:43 AM U.S. Preparing For War With Russia-Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]To:Date: Thursday, May 21, 2009, 7:32 AM“Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]Scalar Mind wars with directed energy and mind control weapons must end..The truth of the mind war weapons must be exposed Preparing For War With RussiaWritten by www.daily.pkMonday, 18 May 2009 04:36“Today the situation is much more serious than before August 2008….[A] possible recurrence of war will not be limited to the Caucasus.“The new President of the United States did not bring about any crucial changes in relation to Georgia, but having a dominant role in NATO he still insists on Georgia’s soonest joining ofthe Alliance. If it happens, the world would face a more serious threat than the crises of the Cold War.Scalar Mind wars with directed energy and mind control weapons must end..The truth of the mind war weapons must be exposed SlidesSecDef Cohen"Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts." *Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens, Apr. 28, 1997.Slides(covers period up to 1999)* The Coming Strategic Attack on the United States* Outline* Loss of two separate A-10 Warthogs in 1997* Typical ABM Defenses (Widely Deployed by mid-70s)* Launch Phase Anti-Missile System* Launch Phase Anti-Bomber System* HC-130s Engines Quit, Aircraft CrashesNov. 22, 1996* 1996 Actions by this analyst* Additional Information Exists: Not Analyzed, NotIntegrated in Briefing* Kill of Arrow DC-8, Gander AFB, Dec. 12, 1985* Satellite Photos of Plumes in Soviet Arctic Since 1974See "Fer de Lance" for additional information* Aum Shinrikyo ("Supreme Truth" Cult), Shoko Asahara, LeaderAum Shinrikyo - Anatomy of a Dangerous Cult* Ashkhabad Problem and Its Solution* Strange Characteristics of Iran Quake, Sep. 1978* Iran Earthquake, September 1978* Situation Now (Assessment)* Situation Now (Assessment 2)* Aspects of Strong Local Asymmetry* Mass Casualty Problem: Aerial Anthrax Spray on Washington, D.C.* Present Status of the WMD Threat to the United States* Some Present Problems in the U.S. WMD Defense Capabilities* Internal Terrorist Threat with Weapons of Mass Destruction: Now & Future* Attempt to Ban Energetics Weapons Worldwide* Brezhnev's Schedule* Large glowing Tesla globe witnessed in Red China by hundreds* Cold Explosion -- 9 April 1984 Near Kurils, and formation and growth of spherical shell (globe)Sequence of Events* Cold Explosion -- 9 April 1984 Near Kurils, and formation and growth of spherical shell (globe)What They Were* Cold Explosion -- 9 April 1984 Near Kurils(Plus additional weapons effects)* Countering Insane MAD Systems:Find Loophole, Exploit It* Next Generation Counter to Both Sane and Insane MAD systems* Simultaneous Dudding of Nuclear Weapons Worldwide* Simultaneous Dudding of Nuclear Weapons Worldwide* Operation Divine Wind II* Advanced EMBW Applications* EM Biological Warfare (EMBW)* Microwave Radiation of U.S. Embassy in Moscow* Pentagon EMI Studies, 1989* EM Missile Practice (6 slides)--- On Thu, 5/21/09, Ron Angell wrote: Ron AngellSubject: U.S. Preparing For War With Russia-Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]To:Date: Thursday, May 21, 2009, 7:32 AM“Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]U.S. Preparing For War With RussiaWritten by www.daily.pkMonday, 18 May 2009 04:36“Today the situation is much more serious than before August 2008….[A] possible recurrence of war will not be limited to the Caucasus.“The new President of the United States did not bring about any crucial changes in relation to Georgia, but having a dominant role in NATO he still insists on Georgia’s soonest joining ofthe Alliance. If it happens, the world would face a more serious threat than the crises of the Cold War.“Under the new realities, Georgia’s war against South Ossetia may easily turn into NATO’s war against Russia. This would be a third world war.” (Irina Kadzhaev, South Ossetia political scientist, South Ossetia Information Agency, April 2009On May 12 James Mattis, NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Transformation [ACT] and commander of the U.S. Joint Forces Command, spoke at a three-day symposium called Joint Warfighting 09 in Norfolk, Virginia, where NATO’s Allied Command Transformation is based, and stated: “I come with a sense of urgency. The enemy is meeting like this as well.” [1]A local newspaper summarized his speech:“Mattis outlined a future in which wars will not have clearly defined beginnings and ends. What is needed, he said, is a grand strategy, a political framework that can guide military planning.” [2]He failed, for what passes for diplomatic reasons no doubt, to identify who “the enemy” is, but a series of recent developments, or rather an intensification of ongoing ones, indicate which nation it is.Last week the head of the U.S. Strategic Command, Gen. Kevin Chilton, told reporters during a Defense Writers Group breakfast on May 7 “that the White House retains the option to respond with physical force – potentially even using nuclear weapons – if a foreign entity conducts a disabling cyber attack against U.S. computer networks….”An account of his talk added “the general insisted that all strike options, including nuclear, would remain available to the commander in chief in defending the nation from cyber strikes.”Chilton “said he could not rule out the possibility of a military salvo against a nation like China, even though Beijing has nuclear arms,” [3] though the likely first target of alleged retaliation against equally alleged cyber attacks would be another nation already identified by US military officials as such: Russia.In late April and early May of 2007 the government of Estonia, which was inducted into NATO in 2004 and whose president was and remains Toomas Hendrik Ilves, born in Sweden and raised in the United States (where he worked for Radio Free Europe), reported attacks on websites in the country which were blamed on Russia.Over two years later no evidence has been presented to substantiate the claim that Russian hackers, much less the government itself, were behind the attacks, though it remains an article of faith among US and other Western officials and media that they were.The response from American authorities in the first place was so sudden and severe, even before investigations were conducted, as to strongly suggest that if the attacks hadn’t been staged they would need to be invented.Right afterward Secretary of the Air Force Michael W. Wynne stated, “Russia, our Cold War nemesis, seems to have been the first to engage in cyber warfare.”The US Air Force news source from which the above is quoted added that the events in Estonia days earlier “did start a series of debates within NATO and the EU about the definition of clear military action and it may be the first test of the applicability of Article V of the NATO charter regarding collective self-defense in the non-kinetic realm.” [4]NATO’s Article 5 is a collective military defense provision, in fact a war clause, one which first and to date for the only time has been used to support the protracted and escalating war in Afghanistan.References to it, then, are not to be taken lightly.On a visit to Estonia last November Pentagon chief Robert Gates met with the country’s prime minister, Andrus Ansip, and “discussed Russian behavior and new cooperation on cyber security….”It was reported that “Ansip said NATO will operate under the principle of Article 5 of the alliance’s treaty, which states that an attack on one ally is treated as an attack on all,” and “We are convinced that Estonia, as a member of NATO, will be very well defended.”[5]That the repeated mention of NATO’s Article 5 continued a year and a half after the alleged cyber attacks when none had occurred in the interim is revealing.At the beginning of this month the Pentagon announced that it was launching what it called a “digital warfare force for the future,” at Fort Meade in Maryland under the control of the U.S. Strategic Command, whose chief, Gen. Kevin Chilton, was quoted earlier as threatening the use of force up to and including nuclear weapons.The initiative was characterized in a news report as follows:“Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]The Pentagon is a synecdoche for the Department of Defense and everything related to its activities is cloaked in the same euphemism, so when pressed the US will insist its new cyber warfare project is intended for defensive purposes only. Any nation which and people who have been on the receiving end of US Defense Department actions know better. The new US cyber warfare command, its rationale based on a supposed Russian threat emanating from a non-military incident in the Baltics over two years ago, will be used to cripple the computer systems of any nation targeted for direct military assault, thus rendering them defenseless, and will be particularly effective for space-based and Star Wars (missile shield, interceptor missiles) first strike plans.On the same day the report of General Alexander’s pledge to “defeat enemies” appeared another news item reported that “A quasi-classified satellite that will serve as an engineering trailblazer for ballistic missile tracking technologies flew into space Tuesday [May 12].” [7]It was a Space Tracking and Surveillance System Advanced Technology Risk Reduction (STSS-ATRR) satellite, which “is part of a space-based system for the Missile Defense Agency.“Sensors aboard the STSS-ATRR satellite and on the ground will communicate with other systems to defend against incoming ballistic missiles.” [8]A few days earlier the California-based manufacturer Ducommun in a news report titled Ducommun Incorporated Announces Delivery of Nanosatellites to U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command announced that “its Miltec Corporation subsidiary delivered flight-ready nanosatellites to the U.S. Army pace and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command (USASMDC/ARSTRAT) in Huntsville, Alabama on April 28, 2009.”The delivery was “the completion of the first U.S. Army satellite development program since the Courier 1B communications satellite in 1960.”[9]Military satellites used for neutralizing the potential of a rival nation not so much to launch a first strike but to respond to one blur the distinction between so-called Son of Star Wars missile shield projects and full-fledged militarization of space.A recent Russian commentary saw it in just that manner:“Withdrawal from the 1972 ABM Treaty signified a switch to the testing and deployment of a global missile defense system, with a view to fully removing the deterrent potential of China, and partially that of Russia.“Washington [is] still trying to eliminate international legal restrictions on the formation of a system, which would theoretically make it invulnerable towards an act of retaliation, and even a launch-under-attack strike.” [10]Added to which is another “quasi-classified” subterfuge related to a prospective resumption of Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) talks between the US And Russia.American Assistant Secretary of State Rose Gottemoeller stated this week “that the US is not prepared to cut warheads removed from delivery means and kept in storage.” [11]So in addition to US plans to deploy ground-, sea-, air- and space-based anti-missile systems primarily around and against Russia (Poland, the Czech Republic, Norway, Britain, Japan and Alaska to date), the Pentagon will hold in reserve nuclear warheads for activation without a monitoring mechanism provided to Russian inspectors and arms reduction negotiators.On May 6 Euronews conducted an interview with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who warned, “The way it [the US anti-ballistic missile shield] is designed has nothing to do with Iran’s nuclear program. It is aimed at Russian strategic forces, deployed in the European part of the Russian Federation.” [12]To add to the concerns of Russia and other nations, On April 30 the US established a Navy Air and Missile Defense Command (NAMDC) at the Naval Support Facility at Dahlgren, Virginia.“NAMDC is the lead organization for Navy, joint and combined Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD). NAMDC serves as the single warfare center of excellence to synchronize and integrate Navy efforts across the full spectrum of air and missile defense to include air defense, cruise missile defense and ballistic missile defense.” [13]The past two weeks has been a fertile period for stories in this vein and, to bring attention nearer the Earth, the US-based Strategy Page reported from a Russian source that “The United States has bought two Su-27 fighter jets from Ukraine” to “be used to train American military pilots, who may face opponents in them” and that the “US military will use them to test its radar and electronic warfare equipment.” [14]This was at the very moment that the US client in Ukraine, President Viktor Yushchenko, his national poll ratings plummeting to near 1%, signed a directive to prepare for full NATO membership and a few days after a US military delegation visited the country to inspect a tank unit and to plan “reforming the system of combat training….” [15]In terms of US training for warfare against the Russian Air Force, the Ukrainian development is only the latest in a number of such activities.Immediately following the nation becoming a full member of NATO, the US 81st Fighter Squadron flew to Constanta, Romania (in which nation the Pentagon has acquired four new bases since) to engage in combat training against Russian MiG-21s.According to one US pilot present, “It was pretty neat – you’re sitting in a MiG-21 that will be airborne with a MiG-21 pilot within days. This was an arm of the Soviet Union. These pilots were flying before the Soviet Union fell. They have quite a bit of perspective.” [16]In July of the next year the US 492nd Fighter Squadron was deployed to the Graf Ignatievo Air Base in neighoring Bulgaria to insure the opportunity for “Air Forces from multiple nations to learn about each other’s aircraft tactics and capabilities.“The pilots of the F-15E Strike Eagles and the MIG-29s and MIG-21s are sharing knowledge of aircraft and tactics as the exercise wraps up its first week of training.”A US Air Force colonel was quoted as saying, “Only two of the 38 aircrew members have had a chance to fly against MIGs. By the time the exercise is over, everyone will have had a chance to either fly in a MIG or fly against one.” [17]A month afterward the US Air Force 22nd Expeditionary Fighter Squadron arrived in Romania for the Viper Lance exercises which “marked the first time U.S. F-16 pilots have trained in Romania” and “where “MiG-21 and F-16 pilots [flew] integrated formations to conduct basic fighter maneuvers, dissimilar air combat training and air-to-ground strike missions….” [18]This time the quote is from an F-16 Fighting Falcon pilot:“My flight in the backseat of a Lancer [MiG-21] is a good opportunity to look at different aircraft and it’s a real privilege and an honor. I want to see what they see from their cockpit, and view a new angle of understanding against our adversaries.” [19]Two weeks ago a US Air Force fighter squadron flew to the Bezmer Air Base in Bulgaria where an American airman said, “This is the first time a USAFE [United States Air Forces in Europe] fighter squadron has deployed to this location….The most rewarding part of this experience is knowing that I am helping the pilots train for war.” [20]To prepare the US for air combat against the full range of Russian military aircraft, India was invited to the annual Red Flag air combat exercises in Alaska in 2007, war games “meant to train pilots from the US, NATO and other allied countries for real combat situations.“This includes the use of ‘enemy’ hardware and live ammunition for bombing exercises.” [21]India provided six Sukhoi SU-30MKI fighters which were “particularly interesting to the exercise as [they are] Russian-made, thustraditionally considered ‘hostile.’” [22]May 1st, on the occasion of the Czech Republic taking over the six-month NATO air patrol rotation in the Baltic skies over Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – five minutes flight from Russia’s second largest city of St. Petersburg – a Czech official boasted “The area we are protecting is about three times larger than that of the Czech Republic. This is a NATO outpost.”Lithuanian Air Force Commander Arturas Leita announced that “the Baltic countries would probably ask for the prolongation of the air force mission within NATO until 2018.” [23]From June 8-16 Sweden will host a NATO drill, Loyal Arrow, described as “biggest air force drill ever in the Finnish-Swedish Bothnian Bay,” [24], also not far from St. Petersburg, with a British aircraft carrier and more than 50 fighter jets participating.That exercise will begin exactly a week after the US-led NATO Cooperative Lancer 09 war games end in Georgia on Russia’s southern flank.In speaking of the dangers of the last-named but with equal application to all that has preceded it, the South Ossetian Ministry for Press and Mass Media website recently quoted political scientist Irina Kadzhaev as warning:“Today the situation is much more serious than before August 2008. The then threat endangered only South Ossetia and Abkhazia, but after Russia’s recognition of these states’ independence and the conclusion of agreements envisaging the presence of Russian armed forces on their territories, a possible recurrence of war will not be limited to the Caucasus.“The new President of the United States did not bring about any crucial changes in relation to Georgia, but having a dominant role in NATO he still insists on Georgia’s soonest joining of the Alliance. If it happens, the world would face a more serious threat than the crises of the Cold War.“Under the new realities, Georgia’s war against South Ossetia may easily turn into NATO’s war against Russia. This would be a third world war.”

A Manhattan Project Is Required to Rapidly Develop and Implement Tom BeardenWebsiteEdward Munch's "Scream"A Visual Tour of what they don't want you to know about electrical circuits10 TRILLION PERCENT OF THE CURRENT PRODUCED IS WASTED!1. The scalar potential is a harmonic set of phase conjugate longitudinal EM waves.2. The dipole is a true negative resistor.3. The dipole's broken 3-symmetry initiates a spreading giant negentropic reordering of a fraction of the vacuum's energy.4. Energy flow contours surrounding a transmission line.5. Heaviside and Poynting energy flow components. The Heaviside component is often 10 trillion times the Poynting component, but is simply wasted in ordinary single-pass energy circuits.6. Negative resistance process v. positive resistance process.7. Lorentz's integration trick to discard the enormous Heaviside non-diverged energy flow component.8. Why present systems have COP<1.0 in conventional 2-wire closed circuit operation



A candid shot taken during the filming of the Documentary Science Series

"Geheimes Ruland. Moskau -- Die Zombies der roten Zaren" "Secret Russia. Moscow -- The zombies of the red czars"]Don't drink the Smirnoff and pour the Vodka poison out Russia and USA never should have done joint space missions. NEVER. USA was tricked and fooled by Communists/Fascists. THEY NEED TO THINKShielding technologies and strategies to lessen and stop directed energy.Radio Show- Freedom Fighters for America and Manhattan Project Backstep- Down load 38 Meg file to hear very useful shielding and thougts to stop harrassmentShielding technologies and strategies to lessen and stop directed energy.Today there was a conf call that discussed very useful shielding technologies from a company that makes shielding for the medical industry.http://www.ramayes.com link above is a conf call that provides very useful solutions to solving some of the problems of directed energy.Today there was a conf call that discussed very useful shielding technologies from a company that makes shielding for the medical industry.http://www.ramayes.com link above is a conf call that provides very useful solutions to solving some of the problems of directed energy."Geheimes Ruland. Moskau -- Die Zombies der roten Zaren" "Secret Russia. Moscow -- The zombies of the red czars"] Russian Scientist Igor Smirnov Describes Russian Psychotronic Technology ZDF German TV Documentary December 22, 1998. When Reagan asked Gorbachev to "Bring down that wall" the worst escaped to the Western world to spread Communism/Fascism. China and Russia have been ahead of the USA in the torture Industry always. Remember Russia was in Afghanastan for 30 years prior to the USA. The diamond in Afghanastan are the size of softballs and when the hills were being blown diamonds were being mined by US missles and strikes. There are 6 Countries that mine the wealth of Afghanastan. Where is that going? Is the US fighting a war for Communism/Fascism? The USA has no purpose to be in the middle east other that to clear the way for Russia. It is obvious that the USA has been taken over by Russia and that the politicians need to educate themselves as to the degree of influence that is going on and the tricks playes by the Russians to comprimise politicians. They all need to THINK and get a full body MRI to disable their implants.
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When speaking on the tornado that ripped through a town here in Iowa last year, he said:"We need to get in there and show these people that we care. We need to take every active opportunity to help our fellow citizens at this very trying time. It is essential that we help them recover, rebuild and feel safe again. Its something that we must do."Wow. If that attitude was applied to targets like me, if my fellow Iowans took that to heart and came to my aid, I wonder how that would feel? All we have here is ignoreland, oh, watch the destruction, but ignore.
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"What you are will show in what you do" Thomas Alva Edison-Space Preservation Treaty (Official Text as of August 14, 2008)

Fw: U.S. Preparing For War With Russia-Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]http://www.peaceinspace.orgFw: U.S. Preparing For War With Russia-Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]

Space Preservation Treaty (Official Text as of August 14, 2008)

http://www.peaceinspace.org is a Free Enterprise based Democray,not a Corporate based totalitarianism.Free Enterprise represents Free America and Free World.Corporations need PEOPLE and with destruction of "We the People" of the USA/World we have nothingThe only wealth we have to give is that of the ChildrenRon AngellMay 21st 2009Oppenheimer Documentary...VIP

"What you are will show in what you do" Thomas Alva Edison

Subject: Fw: U.S. Preparing For War With Russia-Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, p.baird@surveillanceissues.comCc:,,,, peru@un.intDate: Thursday, May 21, 2009, 7:43 AM U.S. Preparing For War With Russia-Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]To:Date: Thursday, May 21, 2009, 7:32 AM“Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]Scalar Mind wars with directed energy and mind control weapons must end..The truth of the mind war weapons must be exposed Preparing For War With RussiaWritten by www.daily.pkMonday, 18 May 2009 04:36“Today the situation is much more serious than before August 2008….[A] possible recurrence of war will not be limited to the Caucasus.“The new President of the United States did not bring about any crucial changes in relation to Georgia, but having a dominant role in NATO he still insists on Georgia’s soonest joining ofthe Alliance. If it happens, the world would face a more serious threat than the crises of the Cold War.Scalar Mind wars with directed energy and mind control weapons must end..The truth of the mind war weapons must be exposed SlidesSecDef Cohen"Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts." *Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens, Apr. 28, 1997.Slides(covers period up to 1999)* The Coming Strategic Attack on the United States* Outline* Loss of two separate A-10 Warthogs in 1997* Typical ABM Defenses (Widely Deployed by mid-70s)* Launch Phase Anti-Missile System* Launch Phase Anti-Bomber System* HC-130s Engines Quit, Aircraft CrashesNov. 22, 1996* 1996 Actions by this analyst* Additional Information Exists: Not Analyzed, NotIntegrated in Briefing* Kill of Arrow DC-8, Gander AFB, Dec. 12, 1985* Satellite Photos of Plumes in Soviet Arctic Since 1974See "Fer de Lance" for additional information* Aum Shinrikyo ("Supreme Truth" Cult), Shoko Asahara, LeaderAum Shinrikyo - Anatomy of a Dangerous Cult* Ashkhabad Problem and Its Solution* Strange Characteristics of Iran Quake, Sep. 1978* Iran Earthquake, September 1978* Situation Now (Assessment)* Situation Now (Assessment 2)* Aspects of Strong Local Asymmetry* Mass Casualty Problem: Aerial Anthrax Spray on Washington, D.C.* Present Status of the WMD Threat to the United States* Some Present Problems in the U.S. WMD Defense Capabilities* Internal Terrorist Threat with Weapons of Mass Destruction: Now & Future* Attempt to Ban Energetics Weapons Worldwide* Brezhnev's Schedule* Large glowing Tesla globe witnessed in Red China by hundreds* Cold Explosion -- 9 April 1984 Near Kurils, and formation and growth of spherical shell (globe)Sequence of Events* Cold Explosion -- 9 April 1984 Near Kurils, and formation and growth of spherical shell (globe)What They Were* Cold Explosion -- 9 April 1984 Near Kurils(Plus additional weapons effects)* Countering Insane MAD Systems:Find Loophole, Exploit It* Next Generation Counter to Both Sane and Insane MAD systems* Simultaneous Dudding of Nuclear Weapons Worldwide* Simultaneous Dudding of Nuclear Weapons Worldwide* Operation Divine Wind II* Advanced EMBW Applications* EM Biological Warfare (EMBW)* Microwave Radiation of U.S. Embassy in Moscow* Pentagon EMI Studies, 1989* EM Missile Practice (6 slides)--- On Thu, 5/21/09, Ron Angell wrote: Ron AngellSubject: U.S. Preparing For War With Russia-Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]To:Date: Thursday, May 21, 2009, 7:32 AM“Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]U.S. Preparing For War With RussiaWritten by www.daily.pkMonday, 18 May 2009 04:36“Today the situation is much more serious than before August 2008….[A] possible recurrence of war will not be limited to the Caucasus.“The new President of the United States did not bring about any crucial changes in relation to Georgia, but having a dominant role in NATO he still insists on Georgia’s soonest joining ofthe Alliance. If it happens, the world would face a more serious threat than the crises of the Cold War.“Under the new realities, Georgia’s war against South Ossetia may easily turn into NATO’s war against Russia. This would be a third world war.” (Irina Kadzhaev, South Ossetia political scientist, South Ossetia Information Agency, April 2009On May 12 James Mattis, NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Transformation [ACT] and commander of the U.S. Joint Forces Command, spoke at a three-day symposium called Joint Warfighting 09 in Norfolk, Virginia, where NATO’s Allied Command Transformation is based, and stated: “I come with a sense of urgency. The enemy is meeting like this as well.” [1]A local newspaper summarized his speech:“Mattis outlined a future in which wars will not have clearly defined beginnings and ends. What is needed, he said, is a grand strategy, a political framework that can guide military planning.” [2]He failed, for what passes for diplomatic reasons no doubt, to identify who “the enemy” is, but a series of recent developments, or rather an intensification of ongoing ones, indicate which nation it is.Last week the head of the U.S. Strategic Command, Gen. Kevin Chilton, told reporters during a Defense Writers Group breakfast on May 7 “that the White House retains the option to respond with physical force – potentially even using nuclear weapons – if a foreign entity conducts a disabling cyber attack against U.S. computer networks….”An account of his talk added “the general insisted that all strike options, including nuclear, would remain available to the commander in chief in defending the nation from cyber strikes.”Chilton “said he could not rule out the possibility of a military salvo against a nation like China, even though Beijing has nuclear arms,” [3] though the likely first target of alleged retaliation against equally alleged cyber attacks would be another nation already identified by US military officials as such: Russia.In late April and early May of 2007 the government of Estonia, which was inducted into NATO in 2004 and whose president was and remains Toomas Hendrik Ilves, born in Sweden and raised in the United States (where he worked for Radio Free Europe), reported attacks on websites in the country which were blamed on Russia.Over two years later no evidence has been presented to substantiate the claim that Russian hackers, much less the government itself, were behind the attacks, though it remains an article of faith among US and other Western officials and media that they were.The response from American authorities in the first place was so sudden and severe, even before investigations were conducted, as to strongly suggest that if the attacks hadn’t been staged they would need to be invented.Right afterward Secretary of the Air Force Michael W. Wynne stated, “Russia, our Cold War nemesis, seems to have been the first to engage in cyber warfare.”The US Air Force news source from which the above is quoted added that the events in Estonia days earlier “did start a series of debates within NATO and the EU about the definition of clear military action and it may be the first test of the applicability of Article V of the NATO charter regarding collective self-defense in the non-kinetic realm.” [4]NATO’s Article 5 is a collective military defense provision, in fact a war clause, one which first and to date for the only time has been used to support the protracted and escalating war in Afghanistan.References to it, then, are not to be taken lightly.On a visit to Estonia last November Pentagon chief Robert Gates met with the country’s prime minister, Andrus Ansip, and “discussed Russian behavior and new cooperation on cyber security….”It was reported that “Ansip said NATO will operate under the principle of Article 5 of the alliance’s treaty, which states that an attack on one ally is treated as an attack on all,” and “We are convinced that Estonia, as a member of NATO, will be very well defended.”[5]That the repeated mention of NATO’s Article 5 continued a year and a half after the alleged cyber attacks when none had occurred in the interim is revealing.At the beginning of this month the Pentagon announced that it was launching what it called a “digital warfare force for the future,” at Fort Meade in Maryland under the control of the U.S. Strategic Command, whose chief, Gen. Kevin Chilton, was quoted earlier as threatening the use of force up to and including nuclear weapons.The initiative was characterized in a news report as follows:“Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]The Pentagon is a synecdoche for the Department of Defense and everything related to its activities is cloaked in the same euphemism, so when pressed the US will insist its new cyber warfare project is intended for defensive purposes only. Any nation which and people who have been on the receiving end of US Defense Department actions know better. The new US cyber warfare command, its rationale based on a supposed Russian threat emanating from a non-military incident in the Baltics over two years ago, will be used to cripple the computer systems of any nation targeted for direct military assault, thus rendering them defenseless, and will be particularly effective for space-based and Star Wars (missile shield, interceptor missiles) first strike plans.On the same day the report of General Alexander’s pledge to “defeat enemies” appeared another news item reported that “A quasi-classified satellite that will serve as an engineering trailblazer for ballistic missile tracking technologies flew into space Tuesday [May 12].” [7]It was a Space Tracking and Surveillance System Advanced Technology Risk Reduction (STSS-ATRR) satellite, which “is part of a space-based system for the Missile Defense Agency.“Sensors aboard the STSS-ATRR satellite and on the ground will communicate with other systems to defend against incoming ballistic missiles.” [8]A few days earlier the California-based manufacturer Ducommun in a news report titled Ducommun Incorporated Announces Delivery of Nanosatellites to U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command announced that “its Miltec Corporation subsidiary delivered flight-ready nanosatellites to the U.S. Army pace and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command (USASMDC/ARSTRAT) in Huntsville, Alabama on April 28, 2009.”The delivery was “the completion of the first U.S. Army satellite development program since the Courier 1B communications satellite in 1960.”[9]Military satellites used for neutralizing the potential of a rival nation not so much to launch a first strike but to respond to one blur the distinction between so-called Son of Star Wars missile shield projects and full-fledged militarization of space.A recent Russian commentary saw it in just that manner:“Withdrawal from the 1972 ABM Treaty signified a switch to the testing and deployment of a global missile defense system, with a view to fully removing the deterrent potential of China, and partially that of Russia.“Washington [is] still trying to eliminate international legal restrictions on the formation of a system, which would theoretically make it invulnerable towards an act of retaliation, and even a launch-under-attack strike.” [10]Added to which is another “quasi-classified” subterfuge related to a prospective resumption of Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) talks between the US And Russia.American Assistant Secretary of State Rose Gottemoeller stated this week “that the US is not prepared to cut warheads removed from delivery means and kept in storage.” [11]So in addition to US plans to deploy ground-, sea-, air- and space-based anti-missile systems primarily around and against Russia (Poland, the Czech Republic, Norway, Britain, Japan and Alaska to date), the Pentagon will hold in reserve nuclear warheads for activation without a monitoring mechanism provided to Russian inspectors and arms reduction negotiators.On May 6 Euronews conducted an interview with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who warned, “The way it [the US anti-ballistic missile shield] is designed has nothing to do with Iran’s nuclear program. It is aimed at Russian strategic forces, deployed in the European part of the Russian Federation.” [12]To add to the concerns of Russia and other nations, On April 30 the US established a Navy Air and Missile Defense Command (NAMDC) at the Naval Support Facility at Dahlgren, Virginia.“NAMDC is the lead organization for Navy, joint and combined Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD). NAMDC serves as the single warfare center of excellence to synchronize and integrate Navy efforts across the full spectrum of air and missile defense to include air defense, cruise missile defense and ballistic missile defense.” [13]The past two weeks has been a fertile period for stories in this vein and, to bring attention nearer the Earth, the US-based Strategy Page reported from a Russian source that “The United States has bought two Su-27 fighter jets from Ukraine” to “be used to train American military pilots, who may face opponents in them” and that the “US military will use them to test its radar and electronic warfare equipment.” [14]This was at the very moment that the US client in Ukraine, President Viktor Yushchenko, his national poll ratings plummeting to near 1%, signed a directive to prepare for full NATO membership and a few days after a US military delegation visited the country to inspect a tank unit and to plan “reforming the system of combat training….” [15]In terms of US training for warfare against the Russian Air Force, the Ukrainian development is only the latest in a number of such activities.Immediately following the nation becoming a full member of NATO, the US 81st Fighter Squadron flew to Constanta, Romania (in which nation the Pentagon has acquired four new bases since) to engage in combat training against Russian MiG-21s.According to one US pilot present, “It was pretty neat – you’re sitting in a MiG-21 that will be airborne with a MiG-21 pilot within days. This was an arm of the Soviet Union. These pilots were flying before the Soviet Union fell. They have quite a bit of perspective.” [16]In July of the next year the US 492nd Fighter Squadron was deployed to the Graf Ignatievo Air Base in neighoring Bulgaria to insure the opportunity for “Air Forces from multiple nations to learn about each other’s aircraft tactics and capabilities.“The pilots of the F-15E Strike Eagles and the MIG-29s and MIG-21s are sharing knowledge of aircraft and tactics as the exercise wraps up its first week of training.”A US Air Force colonel was quoted as saying, “Only two of the 38 aircrew members have had a chance to fly against MIGs. By the time the exercise is over, everyone will have had a chance to either fly in a MIG or fly against one.” [17]A month afterward the US Air Force 22nd Expeditionary Fighter Squadron arrived in Romania for the Viper Lance exercises which “marked the first time U.S. F-16 pilots have trained in Romania” and “where “MiG-21 and F-16 pilots [flew] integrated formations to conduct basic fighter maneuvers, dissimilar air combat training and air-to-ground strike missions….” [18]This time the quote is from an F-16 Fighting Falcon pilot:“My flight in the backseat of a Lancer [MiG-21] is a good opportunity to look at different aircraft and it’s a real privilege and an honor. I want to see what they see from their cockpit, and view a new angle of understanding against our adversaries.” [19]Two weeks ago a US Air Force fighter squadron flew to the Bezmer Air Base in Bulgaria where an American airman said, “This is the first time a USAFE [United States Air Forces in Europe] fighter squadron has deployed to this location….The most rewarding part of this experience is knowing that I am helping the pilots train for war.” [20]To prepare the US for air combat against the full range of Russian military aircraft, India was invited to the annual Red Flag air combat exercises in Alaska in 2007, war games “meant to train pilots from the US, NATO and other allied countries for real combat situations.“This includes the use of ‘enemy’ hardware and live ammunition for bombing exercises.” [21]India provided six Sukhoi SU-30MKI fighters which were “particularly interesting to the exercise as [they are] Russian-made, thustraditionally considered ‘hostile.’” [22]May 1st, on the occasion of the Czech Republic taking over the six-month NATO air patrol rotation in the Baltic skies over Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – five minutes flight from Russia’s second largest city of St. Petersburg – a Czech official boasted “The area we are protecting is about three times larger than that of the Czech Republic. This is a NATO outpost.”Lithuanian Air Force Commander Arturas Leita announced that “the Baltic countries would probably ask for the prolongation of the air force mission within NATO until 2018.” [23]From June 8-16 Sweden will host a NATO drill, Loyal Arrow, described as “biggest air force drill ever in the Finnish-Swedish Bothnian Bay,” [24], also not far from St. Petersburg, with a British aircraft carrier and more than 50 fighter jets participating.That exercise will begin exactly a week after the US-led NATO Cooperative Lancer 09 war games end in Georgia on Russia’s southern flank.In speaking of the dangers of the last-named but with equal application to all that has preceded it, the South Ossetian Ministry for Press and Mass Media website recently quoted political scientist Irina Kadzhaev as warning:“Today the situation is much more serious than before August 2008. The then threat endangered only South Ossetia and Abkhazia, but after Russia’s recognition of these states’ independence and the conclusion of agreements envisaging the presence of Russian armed forces on their territories, a possible recurrence of war will not be limited to the Caucasus.“The new President of the United States did not bring about any crucial changes in relation to Georgia, but having a dominant role in NATO he still insists on Georgia’s soonest joining of the Alliance. If it happens, the world would face a more serious threat than the crises of the Cold War.“Under the new realities, Georgia’s war against South Ossetia may easily turn into NATO’s war against Russia. This would be a third world war.”
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Fw: U.S. Preparing For War With Russia-Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]Subject: Fw: U.S. Preparing For War With Russia-Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, p.baird@surveillanceissues.comCc:,,,, peru@un.intDate: Thursday, May 21, 2009, 7:43 AM U.S. Preparing For War With Russia-Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]To:Date: Thursday, May 21, 2009, 7:32 AM“Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]Scalar Mind wars with directed energy and mind control weapons must end..The truth of the mind war weapons must be exposed Preparing For War With RussiaWritten by www.daily.pkMonday, 18 May 2009 04:36“Today the situation is much more serious than before August 2008….[A] possible recurrence of war will not be limited to the Caucasus.“The new President of the United States did not bring about any crucial changes in relation to Georgia, but having a dominant role in NATO he still insists on Georgia’s soonest joining ofthe Alliance. If it happens, the world would face a more serious threat than the crises of the Cold War.Scalar Mind wars with directed energy and mind control weapons must end..The truth of the mind war weapons must be exposed SlidesSecDef Cohen"Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts." *Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens, Apr. 28, 1997.Slides(covers period up to 1999)* The Coming Strategic Attack on the United States* Outline* Loss of two separate A-10 Warthogs in 1997* Typical ABM Defenses (Widely Deployed by mid-70s)* Launch Phase Anti-Missile System* Launch Phase Anti-Bomber System* HC-130s Engines Quit, Aircraft CrashesNov. 22, 1996* 1996 Actions by this analyst* Additional Information Exists: Not Analyzed, NotIntegrated in Briefing* Kill of Arrow DC-8, Gander AFB, Dec. 12, 1985* Satellite Photos of Plumes in Soviet Arctic Since 1974See "Fer de Lance" for additional information* Aum Shinrikyo ("Supreme Truth" Cult), Shoko Asahara, LeaderAum Shinrikyo - Anatomy of a Dangerous Cult* Ashkhabad Problem and Its Solution* Strange Characteristics of Iran Quake, Sep. 1978* Iran Earthquake, September 1978* Situation Now (Assessment)* Situation Now (Assessment 2)* Aspects of Strong Local Asymmetry* Mass Casualty Problem: Aerial Anthrax Spray on Washington, D.C.* Present Status of the WMD Threat to the United States* Some Present Problems in the U.S. WMD Defense Capabilities* Internal Terrorist Threat with Weapons of Mass Destruction: Now & Future* Attempt to Ban Energetics Weapons Worldwide* Brezhnev's Schedule* Large glowing Tesla globe witnessed in Red China by hundreds* Cold Explosion -- 9 April 1984 Near Kurils, and formation and growth of spherical shell (globe)Sequence of Events* Cold Explosion -- 9 April 1984 Near Kurils, and formation and growth of spherical shell (globe)What They Were* Cold Explosion -- 9 April 1984 Near Kurils(Plus additional weapons effects)* Countering Insane MAD Systems:Find Loophole, Exploit It* Next Generation Counter to Both Sane and Insane MAD systems* Simultaneous Dudding of Nuclear Weapons Worldwide* Simultaneous Dudding of Nuclear Weapons Worldwide* Operation Divine Wind II* Advanced EMBW Applications* EM Biological Warfare (EMBW)* Microwave Radiation of U.S. Embassy in Moscow* Pentagon EMI Studies, 1989* EM Missile Practice (6 slides)--- On Thu, 5/21/09, Ron Angell wrote: Ron AngellSubject: U.S. Preparing For War With Russia-Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]To:Date: Thursday, May 21, 2009, 7:32 AM“Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]U.S. Preparing For War With RussiaWritten by www.daily.pkMonday, 18 May 2009 04:36“Today the situation is much more serious than before August 2008….[A] possible recurrence of war will not be limited to the Caucasus.“The new President of the United States did not bring about any crucial changes in relation to Georgia, but having a dominant role in NATO he still insists on Georgia’s soonest joining ofthe Alliance. If it happens, the world would face a more serious threat than the crises of the Cold War.“Under the new realities, Georgia’s war against South Ossetia may easily turn into NATO’s war against Russia. This would be a third world war.” (Irina Kadzhaev, South Ossetia political scientist, South Ossetia Information Agency, April 2009On May 12 James Mattis, NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Transformation [ACT] and commander of the U.S. Joint Forces Command, spoke at a three-day symposium called Joint Warfighting 09 in Norfolk, Virginia, where NATO’s Allied Command Transformation is based, and stated: “I come with a sense of urgency. The enemy is meeting like this as well.” [1]A local newspaper summarized his speech:“Mattis outlined a future in which wars will not have clearly defined beginnings and ends. What is needed, he said, is a grand strategy, a political framework that can guide military planning.” [2]He failed, for what passes for diplomatic reasons no doubt, to identify who “the enemy” is, but a series of recent developments, or rather an intensification of ongoing ones, indicate which nation it is.Last week the head of the U.S. Strategic Command, Gen. Kevin Chilton, told reporters during a Defense Writers Group breakfast on May 7 “that the White House retains the option to respond with physical force – potentially even using nuclear weapons – if a foreign entity conducts a disabling cyber attack against U.S. computer networks….”An account of his talk added “the general insisted that all strike options, including nuclear, would remain available to the commander in chief in defending the nation from cyber strikes.”Chilton “said he could not rule out the possibility of a military salvo against a nation like China, even though Beijing has nuclear arms,” [3] though the likely first target of alleged retaliation against equally alleged cyber attacks would be another nation already identified by US military officials as such: Russia.In late April and early May of 2007 the government of Estonia, which was inducted into NATO in 2004 and whose president was and remains Toomas Hendrik Ilves, born in Sweden and raised in the United States (where he worked for Radio Free Europe), reported attacks on websites in the country which were blamed on Russia.Over two years later no evidence has been presented to substantiate the claim that Russian hackers, much less the government itself, were behind the attacks, though it remains an article of faith among US and other Western officials and media that they were.The response from American authorities in the first place was so sudden and severe, even before investigations were conducted, as to strongly suggest that if the attacks hadn’t been staged they would need to be invented.Right afterward Secretary of the Air Force Michael W. Wynne stated, “Russia, our Cold War nemesis, seems to have been the first to engage in cyber warfare.”The US Air Force news source from which the above is quoted added that the events in Estonia days earlier “did start a series of debates within NATO and the EU about the definition of clear military action and it may be the first test of the applicability of Article V of the NATO charter regarding collective self-defense in the non-kinetic realm.” [4]NATO’s Article 5 is a collective military defense provision, in fact a war clause, one which first and to date for the only time has been used to support the protracted and escalating war in Afghanistan.References to it, then, are not to be taken lightly.On a visit to Estonia last November Pentagon chief Robert Gates met with the country’s prime minister, Andrus Ansip, and “discussed Russian behavior and new cooperation on cyber security….”It was reported that “Ansip said NATO will operate under the principle of Article 5 of the alliance’s treaty, which states that an attack on one ally is treated as an attack on all,” and “We are convinced that Estonia, as a member of NATO, will be very well defended.”[5]That the repeated mention of NATO’s Article 5 continued a year and a half after the alleged cyber attacks when none had occurred in the interim is revealing.At the beginning of this month the Pentagon announced that it was launching what it called a “digital warfare force for the future,” at Fort Meade in Maryland under the control of the U.S. Strategic Command, whose chief, Gen. Kevin Chilton, was quoted earlier as threatening the use of force up to and including nuclear weapons.The initiative was characterized in a news report as follows:“Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, also the Pentagon’s leading cyber warfare commander, said the U.S. is determined to lead the global effort to use computer technology to deter or defeat enemies….” [6]The Pentagon is a synecdoche for the Department of Defense and everything related to its activities is cloaked in the same euphemism, so when pressed the US will insist its new cyber warfare project is intended for defensive purposes only. Any nation which and people who have been on the receiving end of US Defense Department actions know better. The new US cyber warfare command, its rationale based on a supposed Russian threat emanating from a non-military incident in the Baltics over two years ago, will be used to cripple the computer systems of any nation targeted for direct military assault, thus rendering them defenseless, and will be particularly effective for space-based and Star Wars (missile shield, interceptor missiles) first strike plans.On the same day the report of General Alexander’s pledge to “defeat enemies” appeared another news item reported that “A quasi-classified satellite that will serve as an engineering trailblazer for ballistic missile tracking technologies flew into space Tuesday [May 12].” [7]It was a Space Tracking and Surveillance System Advanced Technology Risk Reduction (STSS-ATRR) satellite, which “is part of a space-based system for the Missile Defense Agency.“Sensors aboard the STSS-ATRR satellite and on the ground will communicate with other systems to defend against incoming ballistic missiles.” [8]A few days earlier the California-based manufacturer Ducommun in a news report titled Ducommun Incorporated Announces Delivery of Nanosatellites to U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command announced that “its Miltec Corporation subsidiary delivered flight-ready nanosatellites to the U.S. Army pace and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command (USASMDC/ARSTRAT) in Huntsville, Alabama on April 28, 2009.”The delivery was “the completion of the first U.S. Army satellite development program since the Courier 1B communications satellite in 1960.”[9]Military satellites used for neutralizing the potential of a rival nation not so much to launch a first strike but to respond to one blur the distinction between so-called Son of Star Wars missile shield projects and full-fledged militarization of space.A recent Russian commentary saw it in just that manner:“Withdrawal from the 1972 ABM Treaty signified a switch to the testing and deployment of a global missile defense system, with a view to fully removing the deterrent potential of China, and partially that of Russia.“Washington [is] still trying to eliminate international legal restrictions on the formation of a system, which would theoretically make it invulnerable towards an act of retaliation, and even a launch-under-attack strike.” [10]Added to which is another “quasi-classified” subterfuge related to a prospective resumption of Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) talks between the US And Russia.American Assistant Secretary of State Rose Gottemoeller stated this week “that the US is not prepared to cut warheads removed from delivery means and kept in storage.” [11]So in addition to US plans to deploy ground-, sea-, air- and space-based anti-missile systems primarily around and against Russia (Poland, the Czech Republic, Norway, Britain, Japan and Alaska to date), the Pentagon will hold in reserve nuclear warheads for activation without a monitoring mechanism provided to Russian inspectors and arms reduction negotiators.On May 6 Euronews conducted an interview with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who warned, “The way it [the US anti-ballistic missile shield] is designed has nothing to do with Iran’s nuclear program. It is aimed at Russian strategic forces, deployed in the European part of the Russian Federation.” [12]To add to the concerns of Russia and other nations, On April 30 the US established a Navy Air and Missile Defense Command (NAMDC) at the Naval Support Facility at Dahlgren, Virginia.“NAMDC is the lead organization for Navy, joint and combined Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD). NAMDC serves as the single warfare center of excellence to synchronize and integrate Navy efforts across the full spectrum of air and missile defense to include air defense, cruise missile defense and ballistic missile defense.” [13]The past two weeks has been a fertile period for stories in this vein and, to bring attention nearer the Earth, the US-based Strategy Page reported from a Russian source that “The United States has bought two Su-27 fighter jets from Ukraine” to “be used to train American military pilots, who may face opponents in them” and that the “US military will use them to test its radar and electronic warfare equipment.” [14]This was at the very moment that the US client in Ukraine, President Viktor Yushchenko, his national poll ratings plummeting to near 1%, signed a directive to prepare for full NATO membership and a few days after a US military delegation visited the country to inspect a tank unit and to plan “reforming the system of combat training….” [15]In terms of US training for warfare against the Russian Air Force, the Ukrainian development is only the latest in a number of such activities.Immediately following the nation becoming a full member of NATO, the US 81st Fighter Squadron flew to Constanta, Romania (in which nation the Pentagon has acquired four new bases since) to engage in combat training against Russian MiG-21s.According to one US pilot present, “It was pretty neat – you’re sitting in a MiG-21 that will be airborne with a MiG-21 pilot within days. This was an arm of the Soviet Union. These pilots were flying before the Soviet Union fell. They have quite a bit of perspective.” [16]In July of the next year the US 492nd Fighter Squadron was deployed to the Graf Ignatievo Air Base in neighoring Bulgaria to insure the opportunity for “Air Forces from multiple nations to learn about each other’s aircraft tactics and capabilities.“The pilots of the F-15E Strike Eagles and the MIG-29s and MIG-21s are sharing knowledge of aircraft and tactics as the exercise wraps up its first week of training.”A US Air Force colonel was quoted as saying, “Only two of the 38 aircrew members have had a chance to fly against MIGs. By the time the exercise is over, everyone will have had a chance to either fly in a MIG or fly against one.” [17]A month afterward the US Air Force 22nd Expeditionary Fighter Squadron arrived in Romania for the Viper Lance exercises which “marked the first time U.S. F-16 pilots have trained in Romania” and “where “MiG-21 and F-16 pilots [flew] integrated formations to conduct basic fighter maneuvers, dissimilar air combat training and air-to-ground strike missions….” [18]This time the quote is from an F-16 Fighting Falcon pilot:“My flight in the backseat of a Lancer [MiG-21] is a good opportunity to look at different aircraft and it’s a real privilege and an honor. I want to see what they see from their cockpit, and view a new angle of understanding against our adversaries.” [19]Two weeks ago a US Air Force fighter squadron flew to the Bezmer Air Base in Bulgaria where an American airman said, “This is the first time a USAFE [United States Air Forces in Europe] fighter squadron has deployed to this location….The most rewarding part of this experience is knowing that I am helping the pilots train for war.” [20]To prepare the US for air combat against the full range of Russian military aircraft, India was invited to the annual Red Flag air combat exercises in Alaska in 2007, war games “meant to train pilots from the US, NATO and other allied countries for real combat situations.“This includes the use of ‘enemy’ hardware and live ammunition for bombing exercises.” [21]India provided six Sukhoi SU-30MKI fighters which were “particularly interesting to the exercise as [they are] Russian-made, thustraditionally considered ‘hostile.’” [22]May 1st, on the occasion of the Czech Republic taking over the six-month NATO air patrol rotation in the Baltic skies over Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – five minutes flight from Russia’s second largest city of St. Petersburg – a Czech official boasted “The area we are protecting is about three times larger than that of the Czech Republic. This is a NATO outpost.”Lithuanian Air Force Commander Arturas Leita announced that “the Baltic countries would probably ask for the prolongation of the air force mission within NATO until 2018.” [23]From June 8-16 Sweden will host a NATO drill, Loyal Arrow, described as “biggest air force drill ever in the Finnish-Swedish Bothnian Bay,” [24], also not far from St. Petersburg, with a British aircraft carrier and more than 50 fighter jets participating.That exercise will begin exactly a week after the US-led NATO Cooperative Lancer 09 war games end in Georgia on Russia’s southern flank.In speaking of the dangers of the last-named but with equal application to all that has preceded it, the South Ossetian Ministry for Press and Mass Media website recently quoted political scientist Irina Kadzhaev as warning:“Today the situation is much more serious than before August 2008. The then threat endangered only South Ossetia and Abkhazia, but after Russia’s recognition of these states’ independence and the conclusion of agreements envisaging the presence of Russian armed forces on their territories, a possible recurrence of war will not be limited to the Caucasus.“The new President of the United States did not bring about any crucial changes in relation to Georgia, but having a dominant role in NATO he still insists on Georgia’s soonest joining of the Alliance. If it happens, the world would face a more serious threat than the crises of the Cold War.“Under the new realities, Georgia’s war against South Ossetia may easily turn into NATO’s war against Russia. This would be a third world war.”
Read more… Title Date FormatFM 1 The Army 14 June 2001 HTMLFM 1-100 Army Aviation Operations 21 February 1997 HTMLFM 1-108 Doctrine for Army Special Operations Aviation Forces 3 November 1993 HTMLFM 1-111 Aviation Brigades 27 October 1997 HTMLFM 1-112 Attack Helicopter Operations 2 April 1997 PDFFM 1-113 Utility and Cargo Helicopter Operations 25 June 1997 HTMLFM 1-114 Air Cavalry Squadron and Troop Operations 1 February 2000 HTMLFM 1-120 Army Air Traffic Services Contingency and Combat Zone Operations 22 May 1995 HTMLFM 1-140 Helicopter Gunnery 29 March 1996 HTMLFM 1-506 Fundamentals of Aircraft Power Plants 30 November 1990 HTMLFM 1-564 Shipboard Operations 29 June 1997 HTMLFM 3-0 Operations 14 June 2001 HTMLFM 3-01.7 Air Defense Artillery Brigade Operations 31 October 2000 HTMLFM 3-01.11 Air Defense Artillery Reference Handbook 31 October 2000 HTMLFM 3-01.16MCRP 2-12.1ANTTP 2-01.2AFTTP(I) 3-2.36 TMD IPB: Theater Missile Defense Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace 04 March 2002 PDFFM 3-01.20MCRP 3-25.4ANTTP 3-01.6AFTTP(I) 3-2.30 JAOC/AAMDC Multiservice Procedures for Joint Air Operations Center (JAOC) and Army Air and Missile Defense Command (AAMDC) Coordination 1 January 2001 PDFFM 3-01.48 Divisional Air And Missile Defense Sentinel Platoon Operations 12 December 2003 PDFFM 3-01.85 Patriot Battalion and Battery Operations 13 May 2002 HTMLFM 3-04.111 Aviation Brigades 21 August 2003 PDFFM 3-04.303 Air Traffic Services Facility Operations, Training, Maintenance, and Standardization 3 December 2003 PDFFM 3-04.500(FM 1-500) Army Aviation Maintenance 26 September 2000 HTMLFM 3-04.513 Battlefield Recovery and Evacuation of Aircraft 27 September 2000 HTMLFM 3-05.401 Civil Affairs Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures 23 September 2003 HTMLFM 3-06 Urban Operations 1 June 2003 HTMLFM 3-06.1MCRP 3-35.3ANTTP 3-01.04AFTTP(I) 3-2.29 Aviation Urban Operations: Multiservice Procedures for Aviation Urban Operations 15 April 2001 PDFFM 3-06.11 Combined Arms Operations in Urban Terrain 28 February 2002 HTMLFM 3-07 Stability Operations And Support Operations 20 February 2003 PDFFM 3-07.31 Peace Operations: Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, And Procedures For Conducting Pease Operations 26 October 2003 PDFFM 3-09.12 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Field Artillery Target Acquisition 21 June 2002 HTMLFM 3-09.21 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for The Field Artillery Battalion 22 March 2001 HTMLFM 3-09.22(FM 6-20-2) Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Corps Artillery, Division Artillery, and Field Artillery Brigade Operations 2 March 2001 HTMLFM 3-09.31(FM 6-71)MCRP 3-16C Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Fire Support for the Combined Arms Commander 1 October 2002 HTMLFM 3-09.70 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for M109A6 Howitzer (Paladin) Operations 1 August 2000 HTMLFM 3-3 Chemical and Biological Contamination Avoidance 16 November 1992 HTMLFM 3-3-1 Nuclear Contamination Avoidance 9 September 1994 PDFFM 3-3-1 Nuclear Contamination Avoidance 9 September 1994 HTMLFM 3-4 NBC Protection 29 May 1992 HTMLFM 3-5MCWP 3-37.3 NBC Decontamination 28 July 2000 PDFFM 3-5MCWP 3-37.3 NBC Decontamination - Change 1 (31 January 2002) 28 July 2000 PDFFM 3-6FMFM 7-11-HAFM 105-7 Field Behavior of NBC Agents (Including Smoke and Incendiaries) 3 November 1986 HTMLFM 3-7 NBC Field Handbook 29 September 1994 HTMLFM 3-9 Potential Military Chemical/Biological Agents and Compounds 12 December 1990 PDFFM 3-11MCWP 3-37.1NWP 3-11AFTTP(I) 3-2.42 Nuclear, Biological, And Chemical Defense Operations 10 March 2003 PDFFM 3-11.4MCWP 3-37.2NTTP 3-11.27AFTTP(I) 3-2.46 Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Protection 2 June 2003 PDFFM 3-11.19MCWP 3-37.4NTTP 3-11.29AFTTP(I) 3-2.44 Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Reconnaissance July 2004 PDFFM 3-11.21MCRP 3-37.2CNTTP 3-11.24AFTTP(I) 3-2.37 Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Aspects of Consequence Management 12 December 2001 HTMLFM 3-11.22 Weapons Of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team Tactics, Techniques, And Procedures 6 June 2003 HTMLFM 3-11.34MCRP 3-37.5NWP 3-11.23AFTTP(I) 3-2.33 Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for NBC Defense of Theater Fixed Sites, Ports, and Airfields 29 September 2000 PDFFM 3-13 Information Operations 28 November 2003 PDFFM 3-14MCRP 3-37.1A Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Vulnerability Analysis 12 November 1997 PDFFM 3-19 NBC Reconnaissance 19 November 1993 HTMLFM 3-19.1 Military Police Operations - Change 1 (31 January 2002) 22 March 2001 HTMLFM 3-19.1 Military Police Operations 22 March 2001 HTMLFM 3-19.4 Military Police Leader's Handbook 4 March 2002 HTMLFM 3-19.30 Physical Security 8 January 2001 HTMLFM 3-19.40 Military Police Internment/Resettlement Operations 1 August 2001 HTMLFM 3-21 Chemical Accident Contamination Control 23 February 1978 HTMLFM 3-21.9 The SBCT Infantry Rifle Platoon And Squad 2 December 2002 HTMLFM 3-21.11 The SBCT Infantry Rifle Company 23 January 2003 HTMLFM 3-21.21 The Stryker Brigade Combat Team Infantry Battalion 8 April 2003 HTMLFM 3-21.31 The Stryker Brigade Combat Team 13 March 2003 HTMLFM 3-21.38 Pathfinder Operations 1 October 2002 HTMLFM 3-21.71 Mechanized Infantry Platoon and Squad (Bradley) 20 August 2002 HTMLFM 3-21.91 Tactical Employment Of Antiarmor Platoons And Companies 26 November 2002 HTMLFM 3-21.94 The Stryker Brigade Combat Team Infantry Battalion Reconnaissance Platoon 18 APRIL 2003 HTMLFM 3-21.220 Static Line Parachuting Techniques And Tactics 23 September 2003 PDFFM 3-22.1 Bradley Gunnery 28 November 2003 PDFFM 3-22.9 Rifle Marksmanship M16A1, M16A2/3, M16A4 and M4 Carbine 24 APRIL 2003 HTMLFM 3-22.27 MK 19, 40-mm Grenade Machine Gun, MOD 3 28 November 2003 PDFFM 3-22.31 40-MM Grenade Launcher, M203 13 February 2003 HTMLFM 3-22.34 TOW Weapon System 28 November 2003 PDFFM 3-22.37 Javelin Medium Antiarmor Weapon System 23 January 2003 HTMLFM 3-22.40 Tactical Employment of Nonlethal Weapons 15 January 2003 PDFFM 3-22.68 Crew-Served Machine Guns, 5.56-mm AND 7.62- 31 January 2003 HTMLFM 3-23.24 M47 Dragon Medium Antitank Weapon System 30 August 2001 HTMLFM 3-23.25 Light Antiarmor Weapons 30 August 2001 HTMLFM 3-23.30 Grenades and Pyrotechnic Signals 1 September 2000 HTMLFM 3-23.35 Combat Training With Pistols, M9 And M11 25 June 2003 HTMLFM 3-25.26 Map Reading and Land Navigation 20 July 2001 HTMLFM 3-25.150 Combatives 18 January 2002 HTMLFM 3-31MCWP 3-40.7 Joint Force Land Component Commander Handbook(JFLCC) 13 December 2001 HTMLFM 3-31.1MCWP 3-36 AMCI: Army and Marine Corps Integration in Joint Operations 21 November 2001 PDFFM 3-34.2 Combined-Arms Breaching Operations 31 August 2000 HTMLFM 3-34.2 Combined-Arms Breaching Operations, Change 3 11 October 2002 HTMLFM 3-34.230 Topographic Operations 3 August 2000 HTMLFM 3-34.331 Topographic Surveying 16 January 2001 HTMLFM 3-34.343 Military, Nonstandard Fixed Bridging 12 February 2002 HTMLFM 3-35.4 Deployment Fort-to-Port 18 June 2002 PDFFM 3-50 Smoke Operations 4 December 1990 HTMLFM 3-52 Army Airspace Command and Control in a Combat Zone 1 August 2002 HTMLFM 3-52.2 TAGS: Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, And Procedures For The Theater Air Ground System 8 December 2003 PDFFM 3-52.3 JATC: Joint Air Traffic Control 17 July 2003 PDFFM 3-61.1 Public Affairs Tactics, Techniques and Procedures 1 October 2000 HTMLFM 3-90 Tactics 4 July 2001 HTMLFM 3-90.2 The Tank And Mechanized Infantry Battalion Task Force 11 June 2003 HTMLFM 3-97.6 Mountain Operations 28 November 2000 HTMLFM 3-97.18MCRP 3-25BNTTP 6-02.1AFTTP(I) 3-2.5 Brevity Multiservice Codes 1 February 2002 HTMLFM 3-97.61 Military Mountaineering 26 August 2002 HTMLFM 3-100MCWP 3-3.7.1 Chemical Operations Priciples and Fundamentals 8 May 1996 HTMLFM 3-100.2MCWP 3-25DNTTP 3-52.1(A)AFTTP(I) 3-2.27 ICAC2: Multiservice Procedures for Integrated Combat Airspace Command and Control 30 June 2000 PDFFM 3-100.4MCRP 4-11B Environmental Considerations in Military Operations 15 June 2000 HTMLFM 3-100.21 Contractors on the Battlefield 3 January 2003 HTMLFM 3-100.38MCRP 3-17.2BNTTP 3-02.41AFTTP(I) 3-2.12 UXO: Multiservice Procedures for Unexploded Explosive Ordnance Operations in a Joint Environment 23 August 2001 PDFFM 3-101 Chemical Staffs and Units 19 November 1993 HTMLFM 3-101-1 Smoke Squad/Platoon Operations--Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures 20 September 1994 HTMLFM 4-0 Combat Service Support 29 August 2003 HTMLFM 4-01.011 Unit Movement Operations 31 October 2002 HTMLFM 4-01.30 Movement Control 1 September 2003 PDFFM 4-01.41 Army Rail Operations 12 December 2003 PDFFM 4-02.1 Combat Health Logistics 28 September 2001 PDFFM 4-02.4 Medical Platoon Leader's Handbook 24 August 2001 PDFFM 4-02.6 The Medical Company: Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures 1 August 2002 PDFFM 4-02.7 Health Service Support in a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Environment: Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures 1 October 2002 PDFFM 4-02.283NTRP 4-02.21AFMAN 44-161(I)MCRP 4-11.1B Treatment of Nuclear and Radiological Casualties 20 December 2001 PDFFM 4-20.41 Aerial Delivery Distribution In The Theater Of Operations 29 August 2003 PDFFM 4-20.102 Rigging Airdrop Platforms 22 August 2001 PDFFM 4-20.105 Dual Row Airdrop Systems 1 April 2002 PDFFM 4-20.108 Rigging Military Utility Vehicle (M-Gator) 29 June 2001 PDFFM 4-20.113 Rigging 3/4-Ton Cargo Trailers 8 July 2003 PDFFM 4-20.116 Reference Data For Airdrop Platform Loads 20 August 2001 PDFFM 4-30.1 Munitions Distribution In The Theater Of Operations 16 December 2003 PDFFM 4-30.13 Ammunition Handbook: Tactics, Techniques, And Procedures For Munitions Handlers 1 March 2001 HTMLFM 4-30.16MCRP 3-17.2CNTTP 3-02.5AFTTP(I) 3-2.32 EOD: Multiservice Procedures for Explosive Ordnance Disposal in a Joint Environment 15 February 2001 PDFFM 4-93.4 Theater Support Command 15 April 2003 PDFFM 4-93.50 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for the Forward Support Battalion (Digitized) 2 May 2002 HTMLFM 4-93.51 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for the Division Support Battalion (Digitized) 26 May 2002 HTMLFM 4-93.52 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for the Division Support Command (Digitized) 2 May 2002 HTMLFM 4-93.53 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for the Division Aviation Support Battalion (Digitized) 2 May 2002 HTMLFM 5-01.12 JTF LNO Integration: Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Joint Task Force (JTF) Liaison Officer Integration 27 January 2003 PDFFM 5-7-30 Brigade Engineer and Engineer Company Combat Operations (Airborne, Air Assault, Light) 28 December 1994 HTMLFM 5-10 Combat Engineer Platoon 3 October 1995 PDFFM 5-33 Terrain Analysis 11 July 1990 PDFFM 5-71-2 Armored Task-Force Engineer Combat Operations - Change 1 (4 September 1997) 28 June 1996 HTMLFM 5-71-3 Brigade Engineer Combat Operations (Combat) - Change 1 (13 November 1997) 3 October 1995 PDFFM 5-71-100 Division Engineer Combat Operations 22 April 1993 HTMLFM 5-100 Engineer Operations 27 February 1996 HTMLFM 5-100-15 Corps Engineer Operations 6 June 1995 HTMLFM 5-102 Countermobility 14 March 1985 HTMLFM 5-103 Survivability 10 June 1985 HTMLFM 5-114 Engineer Operations Short Of War 13 July 1992 HTMLFM 5-116 Engineer Operations: Echelons Above Corps 9 February 1999 HTMLFM 5-170 Engineer Reconnaissance 5 May 1998 HTMLFM 5-212 Medium Girder Bridge 7 February 1989 HTMLFM 5-277 Bailey Bridge 9 May 1986 PDFFM 5-422 Engineer Prime Power Operations 7 May 1993 HTMLFM 5-424 Theater Of Operations Electrical Systems 25 June 1997 HTMLFM 5-430-00-1AFJPAM32-8013, Vol I Planning and Design of Roads, Airfields, and Heliports in The Theater of Operations--Road Design 26 August 1994 HTMLFM 5-430-00-2AFJPAM 32-8013, Vol II Planning and Design of Roads, Airfields, and Heliports in The Theater of Operations--Airfield and Heliport Design 29 September 1994 HTMLFM 5-436 Paving and Surfacing Operations 28 April 2000 HTMLFM 5-480 Port Construction and Repair 12 December 1990 HTMLFM 5-482 Military Petroleum Pipeline Systems 26 August 1994 HTMLFM 5-484NAVFAC P-1065AFMAN 32-1072 Multiservice Procedures For Well-Drilling Operations 8 March 1994 HTMLFM 5-490 Engineer Diving Operations 31 March 1992 HTMLFM 6-0 Mission Command: Command and Control of Army Forces 11 August 2003 HTMLFM 6-02.40 Visual Information Operations 24 January 2002 HTMLFM 6-02.45 Signal Support To Theater Operations 12 April 2004 PDFFM 6-02.72MCRP 3-40.3ANTTP 6-02.2AFTTP(I) 3-2.18 Tactical Radio: Multiservice Communications Procedures for Tactical Radios in a Joint Environment 14 June 2002 PDFFM 6-02.74 HF-ALE: Multi-Service Procedures for High Frequency-Automatic Link Establishment (HF-ALE) Radios 1 September 2003 PDFFM 6-2 Field Artillery Survey 23 September 1993 HTMLFM 6-16 Tables for Artillery Meteorology (Electronic) Ballistic Type 3 and Computer Messages 10 May 1979 PDFFM 6-16-2 Tables For Artillery Meteorology (Visual) Ballistic Type 3 And Computer Messages And Limited Surface Observations 15 January 1982 HTMLFM 6-16-3 Tables For Artillery Meteorology (Electronic And Visual) Type 2 Messages 15 June 1982 HTMLFM 6-20 Fire Support in the Airland Battle 17 May 1988 HTMLFM 6-20-1 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for THE FIELD ARTILLERY CANNON BATTALION 29 November 1990 HTMLFM 6-20-30 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Fire Support for Corps and Division Operations 18 October 1989 HTMLFM 6-20-40 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Fire Support for Brigade Operations (Heavy) 5 January 1990 HTMLFM 6-20-50 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Fire Support for Brigade Operations (Light) 5 January 1990 HTMLFM 6-22.5 Combat Stress 23 June 2000 PDFFM 6-24.8MCWP 3-25CNWP 6-02.5AFTTP(I) 3-2.27 TADIL J: Introduction to Tactical Digital Information Link J and Quick Reference Guide 30 June 2000 PDFFM 6-30 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Observed Fire 16 July 1991 HTMLFM 6-40MCWP 3-16.4 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Field Artillery Manual Cannon Gunnery 23 April 1996 HTMLFM 6-50 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for The Field Artillery Cannon Battery 23 December 1996 HTMLFM 6-60 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) Operations 23 April 1996 HTMLFM 6-71 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Fire Support for the Combined Arms Commander 29 September 1994 HTMLFM 6-121 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Field Artillery Target Acquisition 25 September 1990 HTMLFM 7-0 Training the Force 22 October 2002 HTMLFM 7-0 Training for Full Spectrum Operations 12 December 2008 PDFFM 7-1 Battle Focused Training 15 September 2003 HTMLFM 7-7 The Mechanized Infantry Platoon and Squad (APC) 15 March 1985 HTMLFM 7-7J Mechanized Infantry Platoon and Squad (Bradley) 7 May 1993 HTMLFM 7-8 Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad 22 April 1992 HTMLFM 7-10 The Infantry Rifle Company 14 December 1990 HTMLFM 7-15 The Army Universal Task List 31 August 2003 PDFFM 7-20 The Infantry Battalion 6 April 1992 HTMLFM 7-21.13 The Soldier's Guide 15 October 2003 HTMLFM 7-22.7 The Army Noncommissioned Officer Guide 23 December 2002 HTMLFM 7-30 The Infantry Brigade 3 October 1995 HTMLFM 7-85 Ranger Unit Operations 9 June 1987 HTMLFM 7-90 Tactical Employment of Mortars 9 October 1992 HTMLFM 7-91 Tactical Employment of Antiarmor Platoons, Companies, and Battalions 30 September 1987 HTMLFM 7-92 The Infantry Reconnaissance Platoon and Squad (Airborne, Air Assault, Light Infantry) - Change 1 (13 December 2001) 23 December 1992 HTMLFM 7-92 The Infantry Reconnaissance Platoon and Squad (Airborne, Air Assault, Light Infantry) 23 December 1992 HTMLFM 7-93 Long-Range Surveillance Unit Operations 3 October 1995 HTMLFM 7-98 Operations in a Low-Intensity Conflict 19 October 1992 HTMLFM 7-100 Opposing Force Doctrinal Framework and Strategy 1 May 2003 PDFFM 8-9NAVMED P-5059AFJMAN 44-151 NATO Handbook on the Medical Aspects of NBC Defensive Operations AMedP-6(B) 1 February 1996 HTMLFM 8-10-7 Health Service Support in a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Environment 22 April 1993 HTMLFM 8-50 Prevention And Medical Management Of Laser Injuries 8 August 1990 HTMLFM 8-51 Combat Stress Control In A Theater Of Operations - Change 1 30 January 1998 PDFFM 8-284NAVMED P-5042AFMAN (I) 44-156MCRP 4-11.1C Treatment of Biological Warfare Casualties 17 July 2000 PDFFM 8-284NAVMED P-5042AFMAN (I) 44-156MCRP 4-11.1C Treatment of Biological Warfare Casualties - Change 1 (8 July 2002) 8 July 2002 PDFFM 8-285NAVMED P-5041AFJMAN 44-149FMFM 11-11 Treatment of Chemical Agent Casualties and Conventional Military Chemical Injuries 22 December 1995 PDFFM 9-6 Munitions Support in the Theater of Operations 20 March 1998 HTMLFM 9-15 Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service And Unit Operations 8 May 1996 HTMLFM 9-207 Operations And Maintenance Of Ordnance Materiel In Cold Weather 20 March 1998 HTMLFM 10-52 Water Supply In Theaters Of Operations 11 July 1990 HTMLFM 10-52-1 Water Supply Point Equipment And Operations 18 June 1991 HTMLFM 10-67 Petroleum Supply in Theaters of Operations 18 February 1983 HTMLFM 10-67-1 Concepts And Equipment Of Petroleum Operations 2 April 1998 HTMLFM 10-115 Quartermaster Water Units 15 February 1989 HTMLFM 10-416 Petroleum Pipeline And Terminal Operating Units 12 May 1998 HTMLFM 10-426 Petroleum Supply Units 12 July 1997 HTMLFM 10-500-1 Airdrop Support Operations in a Theater of Operations 19 June 1991 HTMLFM 10-602 Headquarters And Headquarters Units, Petroleum And Water Distribution Organization 12 September 1996 HTMLFM 11-1MCRP 6-2.2.2NDC TACMEMO 3-13.1ACCPAM 33-154USAFEPAM 33-154PACAFPAM 33-154 TALK II - SINCGARS Multiservice Communications Procedures for the Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System 29 May 2996 HTMLFM 11-24 Signal Tactical Satellite Company 13 September 1985 HTMLFM 11-32 Combat Net Radio Operations 15 October 1990 HTMLFM 11-41 Signal Support: Echelons Corps And Below (ECB) 18 December 1991 HTMLFM 11-43 The Signal Leader's Guide June 1995 HTMLFM 11-44 Air Defense Artillery Signal Operations Battalion and Signal Operations Company 27 September 1988 HTMLFM 11-45 Signal Support to Theater Operations 30 June 1999 HTMLFM 11-50 Combat Communications Within The Division (Heavy And Light) 4 April 1991 HTMLFM 11-55 Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE) Operations 22 June 1999 HTMLFM 12-6 Personnel Doctrine 9 September 1994 HTMLFM 17-12-7 Tank Gunnery Training Devices And Usage Strategies 1 May 2000 HTMLFM 17-12-8 Light Cavalry Gunnery 16 February 1999 HTMLFM 17-15 Tank Platoon 3 April 1996 HTMLFM 17-18 Light Armor Operations 8 March 1994 HTMLFM 17-95 Cavalry Operations 24 December 1996 HTMLFM 17-97 Cavalry Troop 3 October 1995 HTMLFM 17-98 Scout Platoon 10 April 1999 HTMLFM 19-4 Military Police Battlefield Circulation Control, Area Security, and Enemy Prisoner of War Operations 7 May 1993 HTMLFM 19-10 Military Police Law and Order Operations 30 September 1987 HTMLFM 19-15 Civil Disturbances 25 November 1985 HTMLFM 19-25 Military Police TRAFFIC Operations 30 September 1977 HTMLFM 20-3 Camouflage, Concealment, And Decoys 30 August 1999 HTMLFM 20-11 Military Diving 20 January 1999 PDFFM 20-32 Mine/Countermine Operations 29 May 1998 HTMLFM 20-32 Mine/Countermine Operations, Change 3 1 October 2002 PDFFM 21-16 Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Procedures 30 August 1994 HTMLFM 21-31 Topographic Symbols 19 June 1961 HTMLFM 21-75 Combat Skills of The Soldier 3 August 1984 HTMLFM 21-76-1MCRP 3-02HNWP 3-50.3AFTTP(I) 3-2.26 Survival, Evasion, and Recovery: Multiservice Procedures for Survival, Evasion, and Recovery 29 June 1999 HTMLFM 22-51 Leaders' Manual for Combat Stress Control 29 September 1994 HTMLFM 23-10 Sniper Training 17 August 1994 HTMLFM 23-11 90mm Recoilless Rifle, M67 6 July 1965 HTMLFM 23-14 M249 Light Machine Gun in The Automatic Rifle Role 26 January 1994 HTMLFM 23-23 Antipersonnel Mine M18a1 And M18 (Claymore) 6 January 1966 HTMLFM 23-24 Dragon Medium Antitank/Assault Weapon System M47 3 April 1990 HTMLFM 23-25 Light Antiarmor Weapons 17 August 1994 HTMLFM 23-27 MK 19, 40-mm Grenade Machine Gun, MOD 3 27 December 1988 HTMLFM 23-31 40-mm Grenade Launcher, M203 20 September 1994 HTMLFM 23-34 TOW Weapon Systems 17 August 1994 HTMLFM 23-65 Browning Machine Gun Caliber .50 HB, M2 19 June 1991 HTMLFM 23-90 Mortars 1 March 2000 HTMLFM 23-91 Mortar Gunnery 1 March 2000 HTMLFM 24-2 Spectrum Management 21 August 1991 HTMLFM 24-7 Tactical Local Area Network (LAN) Management 8 October 1999 HTMLFM 24-11 Tactical Satellite Communications 20 September 1990 HTMLFM 24-12 Communications in a "Come-As-You-Are" War 17 July 1990 HTMLFM 24-19 Radio Operator's Handbook 24 May 1991 HTMLFM 24-22 Communications-Electronics Management System 30 June 1977 HTMLFM 24-24 Signal Data References: Signal Equipment (Section V. Multichannel Satellite Communications Terminals) 29 December 1994 HTMLFM 24-27 Tactical Automatic Circuit Switching AN/TTC-39 27 February 1987 HTMLFM 24-40 Tactical Visual Information Doctrine 12 December 1991 HTMLFM 25-4 How To Conduct Training Exercises 10 September 1984 HTMLFM 25-5 Training For Mobilization And War 25 January 1985 HTMLFM 25-100 Training the Force 15 November 1988 HTMLFM 25-101 Battle Focused Training 30 September 1990 HTMLFM 27-1 Legal Guide For Commanders 13 January 1992 HTMLFM 27-10 The Law Of Land Warfare 18 July 1956 HTMLFM 27-14 Legal Guide For Soldiers 16 April 1991 HTMLFM 27-100 Legal Support To Operations 1 March 2000 HTMLFM 31-70 Basic Cold Weather Manual 12 April 1968 HTMLFM 31-71 Northern Operations 21 June 1971 HTMLFM 34-52 Intelligence Interrogation 8 May 1987 HTMLFM 40-1 Joint Tactical Ground Station Operations 9 September 1999 HTMLFM 41-10 Civil Affairs Operations 11 January 1993 PDFFM 41-10 Civil Affairs Operations 14 February, 2000 HTMLFM 42-424 Quartermaster Force Provider Company 6 August, 1999 HTMLFM 44-8 Combined Arms for Air Defense 1 June 1999 HTMLFM 44-18 Air Defense Artillery Employment Stinger 30 September 1981 HTMLFM 44-18-1 Stinger Team Operations 31 December 1984 HTMLFM 44-43 Bradley Stinger Fighting Vehicle Platoon and Squad Operations 3 October 1995 HTMLFM 44-44 Avenger Platoon, Section, and Squad Operations 3 October 1995 HTMLFM 44-48 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures For The Sensor Platoon 21 September 1993 HTMLFM 44-80 Visual Aircraft Recognition 30 September 1996 PDFFM 44-85 Patriot Battalion and Battery Operations 21 February 1997 HTMLFM 44-94 Army Air and Missile Defense Command Operations 31 March 2000 HTMLFM 44-100 US Army Air and Missile Defense Operations 15 June 2000 HTMLFM 46-1 Public Affairs Operations 30 May 1997 PDFFM 54-30 Corps Support Groups 17 June 1993 HTMLFM 54-40 Area Support Group 3 October 1995 HTMLFM 55-1 Transportation Operations 3 October, 1995 HTMLFM 55-9 Unit Air Movement Planning - Change 1 5 April 1993 HTMLFM 55-10 Movement Control 9 February 1999 HTMLFM 55-15 Transportation Reference Data 27 October 1997 PDFFM 55-17 Cargo Specialists' Handbook 16 February 1999 HTMLFM 55-20 Rail Transport in a Theater of Operations 1 June 2000 HTMLFM 55-30 Army Motor Transport Units And Operations 27 June 1997 HTMLFM 55-50 Army Water Transport Operations 30 September 1993 HTMLFM 55-60 Army Terminal Operations 15 April 1996 HTMLFM 55-65 Strategic Deployment 3 October, 1995 HTMLFM 55-80 Army Container Operations 13 August 1997 HTMLFM 55-450-2 Army Helicopter Internal Load Operations 5 June 1992 HTMLFM 55-501 Marine Crewman's Handbook 1 December 1999 HTMLFM 57-38 Pathfinder Operations 9 April 1993 HTMLFM 63-1 Support Battalions and Squadrons, Separate Brigades and Armored Cavalry Regiment 30 September 1993 HTMLFM 63-2 Division Support Command, Armored, Infantry, and Mechanized Infantry Divisions 20 May 1991 HTMLFM 63-2-1 Division Support Command Light Infantry, Airborne, and Air Assault Divisions 16 November 1992 HTMLFM 63-3 Corps Support Command 30 September 1993 HTMLFM 63-4 Combat Service Support - Theater Army Area Command 24 September 1984 HTMLFM 63-20 Forward Support Battalion 26 February 1990 HTMLFM 63-21 Main Support Battalion 7 August 1990 HTMLFM 63-23 Aviation Support Battalion 6 June 1996 HTMLFM 71-1 Tank and Mechanized Infantry Company Team 26 January 1998 HTMLFM 71-2 The Tank and Mechanized Infantry Battalion Task Force 27 September 1988 HTMLFM 71-3 The Armored and Mechanized Infantry Brigade 08 January 1996 HTMLFM 71-100 Division Operations 28 August 1996 HTMLFM 71-100-2 Infantry Division Operations: Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures 31 August 1993 HTMLFM 71-100-3 Air Assault Division Operations 29 October 1996 HTMLFM 71-123 Tactics and Techniques for Combined Arms Heavy Forces: Armored Brigade, Battalion Task Force, and Company Team 30 September 1992 HTMLFM 90-3 Desert Operations 24 August 1993 HTMLFM 90-4 Air Assault Operations 16 March 1987 HTMLFM 90-5 Jungle Operations 16 August 1982 HTMLFM 90-7 Combined Arms Obstacle Integration 29 September 1994 HTMLFM 90-8 Counterguerrilla Operations 29 August 1986 HTMLFM 90-10 Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT) 15 August 1979 HTMLFM 90-10-1 An Infantryman's Guide to Combat in Built-Up Areas 12 May 1993 PDFFM 90-13MCWP 3-17.1 River-Crossing Operations 26 January 1998 HTMLFM 90-20MCRP 3-16.8BNWP 3-09.2AFTTP(I) 3-2.6 J-FIRE: Multiservice Procedures for the Joint Application of Firepower 6 November 1997 PDFFM 90-21MCRP 3-23ANWP 3-01.03AFTTP(I) 3-2.10 JAAT: Multiservice Procedures for Joint Air Attack Team Operations 3 June 1998 PDFFM 90-26 Airborne Operations 18 December 1990 HTMLFM 90-29 Noncombatant Evacuation Operations 17 October 1994 HTMLFM 90-31 AMCI Army and Marine Corps Integration in Joint Operations 29 May 1996 HTMLFM 90-38MCRP 3-25BNWP 6-02.1AFJPAM 10-228 Brevity Codes: Multi-Service Air-Air, Air-Surface, Surface-Air Brevity Codes 25 April 1997 PDFFM 90-40MCRP 3-15.8NWP 3-07.31USCG PUB 3-07.31 Multiservice Procedures for The Tactical Employment of Nonlethal Weapons 6 October 1998 PDFFM 90-43MCRP 3-42.1ANWP 3-01.13AFTTP(I)3-2.24 JTMTD: Multiservice Procedures for Joint Theater Missile Target Development 15 October 1999 PDFFM 100-7 DECISIVE FORCE: The Army In Theater Operations 31 May 1995 HTMLFM 100-8 The Army In Multinational Operations 24 November 1997 HTMLFM 100-9 Reconstitution 13 January 1992 HTMLFM 100-10 Combat Service Support 3 October 1995 PDFFM 100-10-1 Theater Distribution 1 October 1999 HTMLFM 100-10-2 Contracting Support On The Battlefield 4 August 1999 HTMLFM 100-11 Force Integration 15 January 1998 PDFFM 100-12 Army Theater Missile Defense Operations 31 March 2000 HTMLFM 100-13 Battlefield Coordination Detachment (BCD) 5 September 1996 HTMLFM 100-14 Risk Management 23 April 1998 PDFFM 100-15 Corps Operations 29 October 1996 HTMLFM 100-16 Army Operational Support 31 May 1995 PDFFM 100-17 Mobilization, Deployment, Redeployment, Demobilization 28 October 1998 PDFFM 100-17-1 Army Pre-Positioned Afloat Operations 27 July 1996 HTMLFM 100-17-2 Army Pre-Positioned Land 16 February 1999 HTMLFM 100-17-3 Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration 17 March 1999 HTMLFM 100-17-5 Redeployment 29 September 1999 HTMLFM 100-18 Space Support to Army Operations 20 July 1995 HTMLFM 100-20AFP 3-20 Military Operations in Low Intensity Conflict 5 December 1990 HTMLFM 100-23 Peace Operations 30 December 1994 HTMLFM 100-23-1FMFRP 7-16NDC TACNOTE 3-07.6ACCP 50-56USAFEP 50-56PACAFP 50-56 Multiservice Procedures for Humanitarian Assistance Operations 31 October 1994 PDFFM 100-38MCRP 4-5.1NWP TP 3-02.4.1ACCPAM 10-752PACAFPAM 10-752USAFEPAM 10-752 UXO Multiservice Procedures for Operations in an Unexploded Ordnance Environment 10 July 1996 HTMLFM 100-60 Armor- and Mechanized-Based Opposing Force: Organization Guide 16 July 1997 PDFFM 100-61 Armor- and Mechanized-Based Opposing Force Operational Art 26 January 1998 HTMLFM 100-62 Armor- and Mechanized-Based Opposing Force: Tactics To be publishedFM 100-63 Infantry-Based Opposing Force: Organization Guide 18 April 1996 HTMLFM 100-64 Infantry-Based Opposing Force: Operations and Tactics To be publishedFM 100-65 Capabilities-Based Opposing Force: Worldwide Equipment Guide To be publishedFM 100-66 Opposing Forces in Stability and Support Operations To be publishedFM 100-103 Army Airspace Command and Control in a Combat Zone 7 October 1987 HTMLFM 100-103-2MCWP 3-25.2NWP 3-56.2AFTTP(I) 3-2.17 TAGS Multiservice Procedures for the Theater Air-Ground System 29 July 1998 PDFFM 101-4MCRP 6-23ANWP 3-13.1.16AFTTP(I) 3-2.22 JTF-IM Multi-Service Procedures for Joint Task Force-Information Management 8 April 1999 PDFFM 101-5 Staff Organization and Operations 31 May 1997 PDFFM 101-5-1MCRP 5-2A Operational Terms and Graphics 30 September 1997 HTMLFM 101-10-1/2 Staff Officers' Field Manual Organizational, Technical, and Logistical Data Planning Factors (Volume 2) 17 July 1990 PDF
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We hope you’re OK.

We are a group of
OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASES

Some of our DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE CASES detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, ‘mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations.

There are MANY, MANY others, all over the world, who are being subjected to similar torture and abuse – citizens, combatants and leaders (coup-de-etats and puppet governments, literally).

These are extreme and monstrous CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY – indescribably terrible in themselves – coupled with the ORWELLIAN/STALINIST secrecy and denial of any support at all that we are experiencing, makes them even more horrendous and monstrous.


write to:-

The International Criminal Court:-,,,

the United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights - Ms Navanethem Pillay,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,

President Obama:-
The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA
TEL Comments: 202-456-1111, Switchboard: 202-456-1414, FAX: 202-456-2461,,,,,,, ,,,

Vice-President Biden:-
The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA
TEL Comments: 202-456-1111, Switchboard: 202-456-1414, FAX: 202-456-2461,,, ,

Secretary Of State Clinton:-,,,,,,,,,,

The Council Of Europe, Secretary-General Terry Davis:-, , ,,,

EU Vice-President For Justice, Freedom, Security, Mr Franco Frattini:-,

Organisation Of Security And Cooperation In Europe:-,,,

Ec President Jose Manuel Barroso:-,,

Mr Javier Solana, High Representative For The Common Foreign And Security Policy, Secretary-General Of The Council Of The European Union:-,

Council Of The European Union:-,

The Council On Foreign Relations:- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The Department Of Defense:-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;;;;

The Attorney General Of The USA:-
U.S. Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20530-0001
TEL Switchboard: - 202-514-2000, TEL Office of the Attorney General: - 202-353-1555,,

The Secretary Of The Department Of Homeland Security:-
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Washington, D.C. 20528, USA
TEL Operator: 202-282-8000, TEL Comment: 202-282-8495 , FAX: 202-401-4708,,,

The ACLU:-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,


here is the link to our UPDATED EMAIL LISTS:-
or username - johnfinch password - TORTURECASES


We need to publicise these weapons and horrendous crimes as far and wide as possible – please assist by contacting all the Authorities, Organisations and People in these EMAIL LISTS!

Simultaneous email, registered letter, telephone/fax, and visits to the Authorities, Organisations and People we are contacting are needed. It is only with their active support that we will achieve results.

The aim of our ACTIVISM is EXPOSURE of these crimes and weapons, and JUDICIAL and HUMAN RIGHTS INTERVENTION and PROTECTION!!

Please tell ALL about these weapons, and the terrible crimes that are already taking place - so that they become involved and we get some results.

We need MORE EMAIL LISTS to use for this ACTIVISM - please assist!


Such SAFE HOUSES are available in Laboratories, Hospitals and Scientific/Military Facilities.


It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type butchers.


A. We can be sure that as many people as possible know about these horrendous crimes.

B. We can be sure that these AUTHORITIES, ORGANISATIONS and PEOPLE are either trying to uphold the rule of National, International and Human Rights Law, and that we will, sooner or later, be protected by these laws.

C. Or that we can be sure these AUTHORITIES, ORGANISATIONS and PEOPLE are complicit and/or acquiescent to these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and that National, International and Human Rights Law no longer apply - in which case our task will be to get the rule of these laws restored.

As well as being illegal the crimes being committed against us are contrary to the Principles and Values of all the major religions and ethical systems - so we will also be demonstrating to all of these AUTHORITIES, ORGANISATIONS and PEOPLE the huge disconnect between their professed Principles and Values and the reality. We will be showing their monstrous Doublespeak Doublethink Doubledo ignorance, stupidity and/or hypocrisy.

as almost all public discourses including ‘scientific’, ‘academic’ and ‘arts and culture’, and as much as 80% of ‘international news’, ‘events’ and ‘history’, have been degraded into produced and managed dramas/atrocities (i.e. wars, disasters, civil strife etc), and criminally presented as infotainment, endogenous socio-political changes, propaganda, pseudo-sciences and/or specious, tendentious or folkloric productions and discourses.

Regarding these NWO Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, Dirty Wars, Black Operations, Secret Weapons, Destruction of Democratic Institutions and Standards, Total Degradation of Media and Public Discourses, Total Degradation and Disenfranchisement of Civil Society and Institutions there is a complete

It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies, powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity, health and growth of all people – in all their “infinite?” richness, degrees, dimensions, aspects, qualities and diversity!

Make no mistake these are the most horrendous totalitarian weapons and crimes imaginable and the people and organizations using them are mass-murdering conspirators pursuing totalitarian fundamentalist schemes.

Beware of the brain and gene phrenologists/determinists/reductionists, and those who seek to control and reduce the range of permissible thoughts, imaginations, feelings, moods, attitudes, speech and psycho-physiologies – the would-be socio-economic, cultural AND PSYCHOLOGICAL/INTELLECTUAL/ PHYSIOLOGICAL monopolists, monoculturalists, police and prosecutors who are already literally and physically actively at work amongst us!! Both monstrously and criminally, and also far more insidiously.

And beware of this dumbing-down, disenfranchisement, degradation and monoculturalisation caused by the paucity and total degradation of public information and discourse, and the subsequent and consequent “Fahrenheit 451-ing” of previously autonomous cultures, professions, fields of human endeavour, memories, and intelligences.




Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627



Like the WWII Nazis the NWO-Nazis must answer for their crimes.


Secret Geophysical Weapons (earthquake, floods, storms, fires, 9/11) Crimes Against Humanity in Myanmar, China, Japan, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Iran, Yemen, Turkey, Greece, Italy, USA, Central America, South America, the Carribean, and the Pacific killing well over a million people and massive destruction. And which are being used for heavy geopolitical and criminal blackmail and extortion. (please see the REFERENCES below)

War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Torture using Directed Energy and Neurological Weapons to cause the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, ‘mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations on many, many thousands of people worldwide – citizens, combatants and leaders (‘suicide bombers’, coup-de-etats and puppet governments, literally). And which are being used for heavy geopolitical and criminal blackmail and extortion. (please see the REFERENCES below)

Dirty Wars and Black Operations fomenting and prolonging conflicts and civil strife in Algeria, Sudan, Congo, Somalia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Turkey, Russia, the Caucasus, Pakistan, India, Kashmir, Sri Lanka, China, Tibet, Cambodia, Korea, Thailand, Colombia, Bolivia causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in Iraq and Afghanistan resulting in the deaths of well over a million people and the ongoing destruction of those countries, as the criminals pretend that the world’s most powerful surveillance and military forces can’t establish peace and stability there in 6 and 8 years respectively.

Crimes Against Humanity using Directed Energy Weapons to cause electrical and mechanical crashes and disasters (cars, planes, trains, ships etc.), building and bridge collapses, and serious violations of the integrity of electronic data and systems killing thousands of people and causing much criminal malfeasance. And which are being used for heavy geopolitical and criminal blackmail and extortion.
(please see the REFERENCES below)

Active Criminal Complicity in all of the above crimes by other Governments, Agencies and International Organisations as there’s no genuine information or analyses about any of these crimes – at all.

Active Criminal Complicity in all of the above crimes by the Media Monopolies and “professionals”
as there’s no genuine information or analyses about any of these crimes – at all. (please see the REFERENCES below)

as almost all public discourses including ‘scientific’, ‘academic’ and ‘arts and culture’, and as much as 80% of ‘international news’, ‘events’ and ‘history’, have been degraded into produced and managed dramas/atrocities (i.e. wars, disasters, civil strife etc), and criminally presented as infotainment, endogenous socio-political changes, propaganda, pseudo-sciences and/or specious, tendentious or folkloric productions and discourses.

Regarding these NWO Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, Dirty Wars, Black Operations, Secret Weapons, Destruction of Democratic Institutions and Standards, Total Degradation of Media and Public Discourses, Total Degradation and Disenfranchisement of Civil Society and Institutions there is a complete

It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies, powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity, health and growth of all people – in all their “infinite?” richness, degrees, dimensions, aspects, qualities and diversity!

Make no mistake these are the most horrendous totalitarian weapons and crimes imaginable and the people and organizations using them are mass-murdering conspirators pursuing totalitarian fundamentalist schemes.

Beware of this dumbing-down, disenfranchisement, degradation and monoculturalisation caused by the paucity and total degradation of public information and discourse, and the subsequent and consequent “Fahrenheit 451-ing” of previously autonomous cultures, professions, fields of human endeavour, memories, and intelligences.


the USA, UK, NATO (with Secret Geophysical Weapons “Weather Machine” War Crimes Bases in Alaska, Norway, Greenland, Australia), Canada, and the Agencies, Corporations, and the Media Monopolies and “professionals” actively involved in the planning, initiation and perpetration of these crimes

Like the WWII Nazis the NWO-Nazis must answer for their crimes.

Remember the real story of the causes of WWII and the Cold War.



HAARP is fully operational and has the ability of potentially triggering floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction





The "war on terrorism" is bogus. The 911 narrative as conveyed by the 911 Commission report is fabricated. The Bush administration is involved in acts of cover-up and complicity at the highest levels of government........”


















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Most of the victims of mind control are children and young adults. They get drugs in the processed food, in water, in chemtrails, and in food and alcohol that has what are called "date rape drugs" even adults have this problem and it a crime against humanity and torture.A mass grave of children in Butler County Missouri exits..Similar to the mass grave in Montreal Canada from 1953-1977Google Duplessis Children MK Ultra and Cheney have stolen our children.. sold them off.. for Sex Slavery-God will judge them for this- since 1989I would like to point out that the US media was attacked in 1989 when this article went Public. It is in regards of MK ultra mind controlled boys from an orphanage in Lincoln Nebraska being taken into the White House during the Reagan Bush Sr. Years and given summer internships to deliver documents-( pre e-mail). These boys and some girls were used as sex puppets by politicians.A 60 minutes episode was to air and was already made. The show was confiscated and never aired. Somewhere on the Internet you can watch is the article in a 1989 Newspaper.I do believe that the weapon was used to hide this from the public and many people died in DC that knew this.It is a massive crime against humanity, a crime against the USA, and a crime against the children from the orphanage.Also there have been accounts of Children being taken by Bush Senior, as well as Bush JuniorHere are some documents regarding the Bush/Cheney kidnapping of children and sex slavery rings by them.Finders%201%20of%203.jpg
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Sent on behalf of Lynn Surgalla- FW: [v911t] Can HD TV/Radio be used for mass audience mind conrol? [] On Behalf Of Lynn Surgalla
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 8:10 PM
Subject: FW: [v911t] Can HD TV/Radio be used for mass audience mindcontrol?

From: Lynn Surgalla []
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 7:59 PM
To: ''
Cc: ''; '';''; '';'Andrew Michrowski'; ''; ''; '';''; '';;''; ''; '';ACLU Online; ACLU-NJ; ''; American-Arab Anti-DiscriminationCommittee; 'Antizombi'; ''; Full Court Press, Alliance forJustice; ''; '';''; ''; '';''; ''; '';''; ''; Les Jamieson;''; ''; 'Lynn Weed'; norman rabin;; 'worldcantwaitcoalition';;'';; '';''; ''; '';'Mohawk Nation News'; ''; '';''; 'Kay Barnes Barnes'; '';''; 'Julianne McKinney'; Les Jamieson; 'Educating forJustice'; Joellen Lundy; 'Jeanne Beddoe'; 'Janadesh-2007'; Janadesh News;; ''; '';;'Bob Levin'; 'BlackFile7001'; ''; edgeak8id;;''; '';; Moh'd KadhimMohsin; 'OSC E-Filing administrator'; 'Mahedy'; '';''; ''; 'FEED - Union of Concerned Scientists';''; 'Feng.Hsu@NASA.GOV'; 'Fadi Ihmeidan'; Full Court Press,Alliance for Justice; 'Francis Boyle'; ''; 'MoTahani'; CorpWatch; ''; ''; '';''; '';''; ''; '';; Mary Ann Stratton; '';;''; ''; '';''; WWF Conservation Action Network; '';'t r u t h o u t'; TrueMajority; The Pen; Terry Eliason
Subject: RE: [v911t] Canl HD TV/Radio be used for mass audience mindcontrol?

THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!


1. The Radiation Poisoning Of America

The Radiation. Poisoning Of America. By Amy Worthington. Idaho Observer. 10 -7 -7 ... Disclaimer. MainPage. This Site Served byTheHostPros ... - 96k - Cached

1. Mind Control and Psyochotronic Weapons

Psychotronic weaponsremain, at least for a layman uninformed of secret military research, in the sphere of science fiction, since so far none of the ... - 28k - Cached- Similarpages

2. Psychotronic weapons : Brain Manipulation From a Distance ...

Psychotronic weapons : Brain Manipulation From a Distance ... In 1975, in the USA, a military experiment was published where pulsed microwaves produced, ... - 27k - Cached- Similarpages

1. Electromagnetic and Informational Weapons:

Aug 6, 2004 ... The US military possesses a sophisticated arsenal of psychotronic weapons which could be used both domestically and internationally. ... - 39k - Cached- Similarpages

Lynn Surgalla

Former Vice President (’87-“88) United States Psychotronics Association

Bioelectromagnetics Scientist [] On Behalf Of HSaive
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 8:20 PM
Subject: [v911t] Canl HD TV/Radio be used for mass audience mind control?

Canl HD TV/Radio be used for mass audience mind control?

What part do Chemtrails and HAARP transmitters play?

The Sound of Silence is a military-intelligence code word for certain psychotronic weapons of mass mind-control tested in the mid 1950’s, perfected during the 70’s, and used extensively by the “modern” U.S. military in theearly 90’s, despite the opposition and warnings issued by
men such as Dwight David Eisenhower. This mind-altering covert weapon is basedon something called subliminal carrier technology, or the Silent SoundSpread Spectrum (SSSS), (also nicknamed S-Quad or"Squad" in military jargon.) It was developed for military use by Dr.Oliver Lowery of Norcross, Georgia, and is described in US Patent #5,159,703 –“Silent Subliminal Presentation System” for commercial use in 1992.

This technology is about to be used, albeit in a more subtle fashion, againstAmerican citizens in a highly classified and covert operation to mind controland manipulate the entire population into 'compliance' with our New World orderoverlords. The technology will utilize a
combination of HAARP transmitters, GWEN towers, microwave cellphone towers, and the soon-to-be-mandatory High Definition DIGITAL TV that willenter your home via A) Cable, B) Satellite, C) HD TVs, or D) those oh-so-easy-to-obtain "Digital Converter boxes" that the
government is so anxious to help you obtain and underwrite most of the cost onyour behalf.


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