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Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998TITLE XIII-CHILDREN'S ONLINE PRIVACY PROTECTIONSEC. 1301. SHORT TITLE.This title may be cited as the "Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998".SEC. 1302. DEFINITIONS.In this title:(1) CHILD.—The term "child" means an individual under the age of 13.(2) OPERATOR.—The term "operator"—(A) means any person who operates a website located on the Internet or an online service and who collects or maintains personal information from or about the users of or visitors to such website or online service, or on whose behalf such information is collected or maintained, where such website or online service is operated for commercial purposes, including any person offering products or services for sale through that website or online service, involving commerce—(i) among the several States or with 1 or more foreign nations;(ii) in any territory of the United States or in the District of Columbia, or between any such territory and—(I) another such territory; or(II) any State or foreign nation; or(iii) between the District of Columbia and any State, territory, or foreign nation; but(B) does not include any nonprofit entity that would otherwise be exempt from coverage under section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 45).(3) COMMISSION.—The term "Commission" means the Federal Trade Commission.(4) DISCLOSURE.—The term "disclosure" means, with respect to personal information—(A) the release of personal information collected from a child in identifiable form by an operator for any purpose, except where such information is provided to a person other than the operator who provides support for the internal operations of the website and does not disclose or use that information for any other purpose; and(B) making personal information collected from a child by a website or online service directed to children or with actual knowledge that such information was collected from a child, publicly available in identifiable form, by any means including by a public posting, through the Internet, or through—(i) a home page of a website;(ii) a pen pal service;(iii) an electronic mail service;(iv) a message board; or(v) a chat room.(5) FEDERAL AGENCY.—The term "Federal agency" means an agency, as that term is defined in section 551(1) of title 5, United States Code.(6) INTERNET.—The term "Internet" means collectively the myriad of computer and telecommunications facilities, including equipment and operating software, which comprise the interconnected world-wide network of networks that employ the Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol, or any predecessor or successor protocols to such protocol, to communicate information of all kinds by wire or radio.(7) PARENT.—The term "parent" includes a legal guardian.(8) PERSONAL INFORMATION.—The term "personal information" means individually identifiable information about an individual collected online, including—(A) a first and last name;(B) a home or other physical address including street name and name of a city or town;(C) an e-mail address;(D) a telephone number;(E) a Social Security number;(F) any other identifier that the Commission determines permits the physical or online contacting of a specific individual; or(G) information concerning the child or the parents of that child that the website collects online from the child and combines with an identifier described in this paragraph.(9) VERIFIABLE PARENTAL CONSENT.—The term "verifiable parental consent" means any reasonable effort (taking into consideration available technology), including a request for authorization for future collection, use, and disclosure described in the notice, to ensure that a parent of a child receives notice of the operator's personal information collection, use, and disclosure practices, and authorizes the collection, use, and disclosure, as applicable, of personal information and the subsequent use of that information before that information is collected from that child.(10) WEBSITE OR ONLINE SERVICE DIRECTED TO CHILDREN.—(A) IN GENERAL.—The term "website or online service directed to children" means—(i) a commercial website or online service that is targeted to children; or(ii) that portion of a commercial website or online service that is targeted to children.(B) LIMITATION.—A commercial website or online service, or a portion of a commercial website or online service, shall not be deemed directed to children solely for referring or linking to a commercial website or online service directed to children by using information location tools, including a directory, index, reference, pointer, or hypertext link.(11) PERSON.—The term "person" means any individual, partnership, corporation, trust, estate, cooperative, association, or other entity.(12) ONLINE CONTACT INFORMATION.—The term "online contact information" means an e-mail address or an-other substantially similar identifier that permits direct contact with a person online.SEC. 1303. REGULATION OF UNFAIR AND DECEPTIVE ACTS AND PRACTICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE COLLECTION AND USE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION FROM AND ABOUT CHILDREN ON THE INTERNET.(a) ACTS PROHIBITED.—(1) IN GENERAL.—It is unlawful for an operator of a website or online service directed to children, or any operator that has actual knowledge that it is collecting personal information from a child, to collect personal information from a child in a manner that violates the regulations prescribed under subsection (b).(2) DISCLOSURE TO PARENT PROTECTED.—Notwithstanding paragraph (1), neither an operator of such a website or online service nor the operator's agent shall be held to be liable under any Federal or State law for any disclosure made in good faith and following reasonable procedures in responding to a request for disclosure of per-sonal information under subsection (b)(1)(B)(iii) to the parent of a child.(b) REGULATIONS.—(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Commission shall promulgate under section 553 of title 5, United States Code, regulations that—(A) require the operator of any website or online service directed to children that collects personal information from children or the operator of a website or online service that has actual knowledge that it is collecting personal information from a child—(i) to provide notice on the website of what information is collected from children by the operator, how the operator uses such information, and the operator's disclosure practices for such information; and(ii) to obtain verifiable parental consent for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information from children;(B) require the operator to provide, upon request of a parent under this subparagraph whose child has provided personal information to that website or online service, upon proper identification of that parent, to such par-ent—(i) a description of the specific types of personal information collected from the child by that operator;(ii) the opportunity at any time to refuse to permit the operator's further use or maintenance in retrievable form, or future online collection, of personal information from that child; and(iii) notwithstanding any other provision of law, a means that is reasonable under the circumstances for the parent to obtain any personal information collected from that child;(C) prohibit conditioning a child's participation in a game, the offering of a prize, or another activity on the child disclosing more personal information than is reasonably necessary to participate in such activity; and(D) require the operator of such a website or online service to establish and maintain reasonable procedures to protect the confidentiality, security, and integrity of personal information collected from children.(2) WHEN CONSENT NOT REQUIRED.—The regulations shall provide that verifiable parental consent under paragraph (1)(A)(ii) is not required in the case of—(A) online contact information collected from a child that is used only to respond directly on a one-time basis to a specific request from the child and is not used to recontact the child and is not maintained in retrievable form by the operator;(B) a request for the name or online contact information of a parent or child that is used for the sole purpose of obtaining parental consent or providing notice under this section and where such information is not maintained in retrievable form by the operator if parental consent is not obtained after a reasonable time;(C) online contact information collected from a child that is used only to respond more than once directly to a specific request from the child and is not used to recontact the child beyond the scope of that request—(i) if, before any additional response after the initial response to the child, the operator uses reasonable efforts to provide a parent notice of the online contact information collected from the child, the purposes for which it is to be used, and an opportunity for the parent to request that the operator make no further use of the information and that it not be maintained in retrievable form; or(ii) without notice to the parent in such circumstances as the Commission may determine are appropriate, taking into consideration the benefits to the child of access to information and services, and risks to the security and privacy of the child, in regulations promulgated under this subsection;(D) the name of the child and online contact information (to the extent reasonably necessary to protect the safety of a child participant on the site)—(i) used only for the purpose of protecting such safety;(ii) not used to recontact the child or for any other purpose; and(iii) not disclosed on the site, if the operator uses reasonable efforts to provide a parent notice of the name and online contact information collected from the child, the purposes for which it is to be used, and an opportunity for the parent to request that the operator make no further use of the information and that it not be maintained in retrievable form; or(E) the collection, use, or dissemination of such information by the operator of such a website or online service necessary—(i) to protect the security or integrity of its website;(ii) to take precautions against liability;(iii) to respond to judicial process; or(iv) to the extent permitted under other provisions of law, to provide information to law enforcement agencies or for an investigation on a matter related to public safety. 1815(3) TERMINATION OF SERVICE.—The regulations shall permit the operator of a website or an online service to terminate service provided to a child whose parent has refused, under the regulations prescribed under paragraph (1)(B)(ii), to permit the operator's further use or maintenance in retrievable form, or future online collection, of personal information from that child.(c) ENFORCEMENT.—Subject to sections 1304 and 1306, a violation of a regulation prescribed under subsection (a) shall be treated as a violation of a rule defining an unfair or deceptive act or practice prescribed under section 18(a)(1)(B) of the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 57a(a)(1)(B)).(d) INCONSISTENT STATE LAW.—No State or local government may impose any liability for commercial activities or actions by operators in interstate or foreign commerce in connection with an activity or action described in this title that is inconsistent with the treatment of those activities or actions under this section.SEC. 1304. SAFE HARBORS.(a) GUIDELINES.—An operator may satisfy the requirements of regulations issued under section 1303(b) by following a set of self-regulatory guidelines, issued by representatives of the marketing or online industries, or by other persons, approved under subsection (b).(b) INCENTIVES.—(1) SELF-REGULATORY INCENTIVES.—In prescribing regulations under section 1303, the Commission shall provide incentives for self-regulation by operators to implement the protections afforded children under the regulatory requirements described in subsection (b) of that section.(2) DEEMED COMPLIANCE.—Such incentives shall include provisions for ensuring that a person will be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of the regulations under section 1303 if that person complies with guidelines that, after notice and comment, are approved by the Commission upon making a determination that the guidelines meet the requirements of the regulations issued under section 1303.(3) EXPEDITED RESPONSE TO REQUESTS.—The Commission shall act upon requests for safe harbor treatment within 180 days of the filing of the request, and shall set forth in writing its conclusions with regard to such requests.(c) APPEALS.—Final action by the Commission on a request for approval of guidelines, or the failure to act within 180 days on a request for approval of guidelines, submitted under subsection (b) may be appealed to a district court of the United States of appropriate jurisdiction as provided for in section 706 of title 5, United States Code.SEC. 1305. ACTIONS BY STATES.(a) IN GENERAL.—(1) CIVIL ACTIONS.—In any case in which the attorney general of a State has reason to believe that an interest of the residents of that State has been or is threatened or adversely affected by the engagement of any person in a practice that violates any regulation of the Commission prescribed under section 1303(b), the State, as parens patriae, may bring a civil action on behalf of the residents of the State in a district court of the United States of appropriate jurisdiction to—(A) enjoin that practice;(B) enforce compliance with the regulation;(C) obtain damage, restitution, or other compensation on behalf of residents of the State; or(D) obtain such other relief as the court may consider to be appropriate.(2) NOTICE.—(A) IN GENERAL.—Before filing an action under paragraph (1), the attorney general of the State involved shall provide to the Commission—(i) written notice of that action; and(ii) a copy of the complaint for that action.(B) EXEMPTION.—(i) IN GENERAL.—Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to the filing of an action by an attorney general of a State under this subsection, if the attorney general determines that it is not feasible to provide the notice described in that subparagraph before the filing of the action.(ii) NOTIFICATION.—In an action described in clause (i), the attorney general of a State shall provide notice and a copy of the complaint to the Commission at the same time as the attorney general files the action.(b) INTERVENTION.—(1) IN GENERAL.—On receiving notice under subsection (a)(2), the Commission shall have the right to intervene in the action that is the subject of the notice.(2) EFFECT OF INTERVENTION.—If the Commission intervenes in an action under subsection (a), it shall have the right—(A) to be heard with respect to any matter that arises in that action; and(B) to file a petition for appeal.(3) AMICUS CURIAE.—Upon application to the court, a person whose self-regulatory guidelines have been approved by the Commission and are relied upon as a defense by any defendant to a proceeding under this section may file amicus curiae in that proceeding.(c) CONSTRUCTION.—For purposes of bringing any civil action under subsection (a), nothing in this title shall be construed to prevent an attorney general of a State from exercising the powers conferred on the attorney general by the laws of that State to—(1) conduct investigations;(2) administer oaths or affirmations; or(3) compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documentary and other evidence.(d) ACTIONS BY THE COMMISSION.—In any case in which an action is instituted by or on behalf of the Commission for violation of any regulation prescribed under section 1303, no State may, during the pendency of that action, institute an action under subsection (a) against any defendant named in the complaint in that action for violation of that regulation.(e) VENUE; SERVICE OF PROCESS.—(1) VENUE.—Any action brought under subsection (a) may be brought in the district court of the United States that meets applicable requirements relating to venue under section 1391 of title 28, United States Code.(2) SERVICE OF PROCESS.—In an action brought under subsection (a), process may be served in any district in which the defendant—(A) is an inhabitant; or(B) may be found.SEC. 1306. ADMINISTRATION AND APPLICABILITY OF ACT.(a) IN GENERAL.—Except as otherwise provided, this title shall be enforced by the Commission under the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 41 et seq.).(b) PROVISIONS.—Compliance with the requirements imposed under this title shall be enforced under—(1) section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1818), in the case of—(A) national banks, and Federal branches and Federal agencies of foreign banks, by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency;(B) member banks of the Federal Reserve System (other than national banks), branches and agencies of foreign banks (other than Federal branches, Federal agencies, and insured State branches of foreign banks), commercial lending companies owned or controlled by foreign banks, and organizations operating under section 25 or 25(a) of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 601 et seq. and 611 et seq.), by the Board; and(C) banks insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (other than members of the Federal Reserve System) and insured State branches of foreign banks, by the Board of Direc- tors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation;(2) section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1818), by the Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision, in the case of a savings association the deposits of which are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation;(3) the Federal Credit Union Act (12 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.) by the National Credit Union Administration Board with respect to any Federal credit union;(4) part A of subtitle VII of title 49, United States Code, by the Secretary of Transportation with respect to any air carrier or foreign air carrier subject to that part;(5) the Packers and Stockyards Act, 1921 (7 U.S.C. 181 et seq.) (except as provided in section 406 of that Act (7 U.S.C. 226, 227)), by the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to any activities subject to that Act; and(6) the Farm Credit Act of 1971 (12 U.S.C. 2001 et seq.) by the Farm Credit Administration with respect to any Federal land bank, Federal land bank association, Federal intermediate credit bank, or production credit association.(c) EXERCISE OF CERTAIN POWERS.—For the purpose of the exercise by any agency referred to in subsection (a) of its powers under any Act referred to in that subsection, a violation of any requirement imposed under this title shall be deemed to be a violation of a requirement imposed under that Act. In addition to its powers under any provision of law specifically referred to in subsection (a), each of the agencies referred to in that subsection may exercise, for the purpose of enforcing compliance with any requirement imposed under this title, any other authority conferred on it by law.(d) ACTIONS BY THE COMMISSION.—The Commission shall prevent any person from violating a rule of the Commission under section 1303 in the same manner, by the same means, and with the same jurisdiction, powers, and duties as though all applicable terms and provisions of the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 41 et seq.) were incorporated into and made a part of this title. Any entity that violates such rule shall be subject to the penalties and entitled to the privileges and immunities provided in the Federal Trade Commission Act in the same manner, by the same means, and with the same jurisdiction, power, and duties as though all applicable terms and provisions of the Federal Trade Commission Act were incorporated into and made a part of this title.(e) EFFECT ON OTHER LAWS.—Nothing contained in the Act shall be construed to limit the authority of the Commission under any other provisions of law.SEC. 1307. REVIEW.Not later than 5 years after the effective date of the regulations initially issued under section 1303, the Commission shall—(1) review the implementation of this title, including the effect of the implementation of this title on practices relating to the collection and disclosure of information relating to children, children's ability to obtain access to information of their choice online, and on the availability of websites directed to children; and(2) prepare and submit to Congress a report on the results of the review under paragraph (1).SEC. 1308. EFFECTIVE DATE. Sections 1303(a), 1305, and 1306 of this title take effect on the later of—(1) the date that is 18 months after the date of enactment of this Act; or(2) the date on which the Commission rules on the first application filed for safe harbor treatment under section 1304 if the Commission does not rule on the first such application within one year after the date of enactment of this Act, but in no case later than the date that is 30 months after the date of enactment of this Act.The CIA, Mind Control & ChildrenA Talk by John RappoportCKLN FM 88.1 Ryerson Polytechnic University Toronto, Ontario, Canada International ConnectionProducer: Wayne MorrisToday we are going to hear from investigative journalist Jon Rappoport give a talk entitled The CIA, Mind Control, and Children about the CIA’s use of children for creating mind control agents. Author of U.S. Government Mind Control Experiments on Children, he talks about the impact of the mind control testimony submitted to the Presidential hearings on radiation experiments. Jon also speaks about the mindset of those responsible for these horrors and the implications to society.JOHN RAPPOPORT:We are going to launch into this subject, but with a few comments before we start. Mind control is one of those things people don’t like to talk about, including yours truly frankly. I got into it, and I saw the evidence, and it was … you know, there it was.OfÞcially MKULTRA was a CIA mind control project that lasted about 10 years … let’s say from 1952 to 1962-63 … Before it started, there was ARTICHOKE AND BLUEBIRD … those were other CIA mind control projects. After it ended, supposedly in 1963, an ofÞce called ORD OfÞce of Research and Development took it over. Their job we don’t know about … we are not sure of everything they did because that information is not available. It is in 130 boxes of material somewhere … maybe in Langley, Virginia but they won’t release it. Various people have said that they employed more sophisticated measures than MKULTRA to do mind control on people.I think one of the reasons that this is such an important subject is because we are looking at people here who have a certain attitude about life itself, and these people are in the government and they are in important positions in the government … and in order to understand what they are really about, we get a look at them that is unprecedented by looking at what they did with this kind of experimentation on humans. In other words, they hate life. That’s pretty clear. They have their own version of life, which is like “death” and that’s where their life is … that’s what they feed off of. I would say that most, if not all, secret societies are based on the same concept. Once you cut through all the paraphenalia and symbology of secret societies, you are basically dealing with people who have, for one reason or another, given up on life completely. They are now into the form of life that is involved with death … that’s their territory. And it’s a pretty horrendous thing to say, but I think that would be borne out. My own feeling is that we are talking about a conþuence of different inþuences here on individuals that go back a long way into the past … into the history of families in which they grew up … I am talking about long term history of what those families are … and these people who are entirely functional, but entirely psychotic if you want to use that term. It doesn’t really do it justice but it tells you something about them. I am talking about John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles … I would say they are very good examples. Look at their faces … look at what you see there … you see almost nothing. There is a kind of mask-like quality about these people, an emptiness — very competent people who go about their business, who seem to have no feeling or “juice” for life. And I would say these people are often born into families who go back centuries possibly in that kind of disconnected condition from life. While they are able to function very successfully in society and deal with power, because that is their ticket and their coinage, they Þnd that control and destruction of life is the only thing really that gives them life.Since I have read this information that I will be sharing with you tonight, I am beginning to come to the conclusion that the people who were involved in the nuclear weapons scenario really wanted to destroy the world. It may seem obvious to say but they see that as “liberation” if you can wrap your mind around that … as a release from, what they consider to be an oppressive situation that just simply can’t be tolerated. They see destruction as liberation and so the only thing that would hold them back, I think, from destroying the world is the feeling that they may not have the playground left in which to enact their scenarios of destruction. There would only be one, and that would be the explosion that would take care of the planet.I would say that this is what we are dealing with. I would put up as a model against that, on the other side, although this man is not a messiah by any means, but if you know any of the work by Wilhelm Reich, the psychiatrist who broke away from Freud, he developed an entire psychology around the concept of liberation of energy … from within the person … that was locked up. It was really the Þrst time … he was the main Þgure in the history of Western psychology, let’s put it that way … which was a recent effort. To simply say that we are talking about energy here, and that freedom and the release of free energy from a human being against blocked up channels gives you what is called “life” — that’s life. And he was, of course, destroyed by the government. He had a device that was an energy accumulator device. He was arrested because a federal agent posing as a buyer or distributor of that device offered to take off his hands and bring it through state lines and so he was served a su bpoena to appear before the federal government that involved illegal interstate commerce, and his comment was rather native, he said, “how can they possibly serve me … that’s politics … I am talking about science.” He didn’t honour the subpoena, they put him in jail, and he died. He was talking about fantastical things like plumes of blue energy shooting out of the top of a person into the sky and this kind of liberation of energy would occur. He said that energy creates clouds, and storms, and weathers, the same energy that we have inside ourselves is identical and he called the unit of it an “orgone”. He invented these wild machines that were able to, supposedly, manoeuvre this energy around. He is a fascinating person, and I always hold him up as a person who ultimately stands for the other side of things — which is life.The reason that you Þnd some of these fascist lunatics involved with magic and occult sciences and heavy, heavy, heavy symbology and all of that … is because within these secret societies, they are dealing in death as life.If you could imagine life as a kind of hourglass and they fall through the top and through the skinny part and out the bottom and they see that as being a form of living, and they take their sensation and their thrills from some sort of upside down version of life. I wanted to paint that little sketch before I started, because we are going to get into some pretty strange territory here. I want to say that I think this is basically what is going on. It’s important to know that these people occupy key positions in our government and still do and they are not accountable. It tells you something about what is called a democracy …I have brought some testimony together into this book called, US Government Mind Control Experiments on Children. It’s a compilation basically of testimony that was given in Washington and before I read from it while I can still remember … I want to make a few announcements, a little bit about myself and the people who are here tonight. This is Deep River Books. She Who Remembers is taping this talk … the tape is available afterwards. I will probably forget to remind you and Jeannie will stand up and say something. Ralph Cole of Justice Vision is taping. He has also been taping meetings of Heal, an alternative AIDS group which is doing some excellent work about bringing the truth about AIDS to people and he has some of those tapes available too. This book is available upstairs at Deep River, and so is another book of mine, called AIDS Inc. which I wrote in 1988.I am investigative reporter, for about the last Þfteen years, and I basically have been investigating what I call medical fascism which I believe is the mechanism by which people are going to be dragged into Brave New World if that is the outcome that we unfortunately end up with. That issue is not decided, but because the medical world has such great authority with people, they believe so much in doctors and experts, they are going to try to make that move … they are going to try to bring people to heel under the aegis of medicine … they are going to try to say that they know science, and therefore you have to listen to what they say, and if they say take a drug, or you are suffering from a germ, there is no questioning that. If they say you are detained or quarantined, there is no questioning that … I see that as being something that is coming around here.This testimony was given before the President’s Committee on Radiation on March 15, 1995. We had three people who went up there from New Orleans … Valerie Wolf, a therapist and two of her clients, Claudia Mullen and Chris Denicola. God only knows how they got in and testiÞed. I have heard the story from Valerie, and I still don’t even believe it, but … basically she told me the screener up there, the person who was screening applicants to speak about cruel and unusual radiation experiments on Americans … she said, well I have clients and they are saying that some of these doctors who administered radiation, administered mind control to them so we want to talk. And they said okay. They testiÞed, from what I can gather, for a very short period of time verbally. They submitted a lot of testimony to the Committee from other therapists and other patients, and they somehow got in … nobody knows how … but they got in and that opens a certain kind of door for us, because it puts it on th e record and it gives it a certain legitimacy and what these patients essentially said was, from the time they were 4 years old, 7 years old, they were tortured by the CIA and the military. You can call it something more sophisticated, but it really isn’t. It involved electroshock, physical torture, lights, spinning tables, hallucinogenic drugs, sleep deprivation, isolation tanks, hypnosis, mind programming with commands, layers of trauma that induced buffer zones of amnesia between the traumas, and essentially thereby created multiple personalities. As one psychological theory has it, if you induce enough trauma, you get a split in the personality because the person can’t face the pain, so they put that part out of it, and they come with a new personality. If you keep doing it, you invoke or create different personalities, and then if you are the CIA you try to program these sub-personalities to do different things like memorize information photographi cally and not remember it, do courier operations, assassinations, sex agents, blackmail operations, all of this.Now I must say that I think some representations of this kind of operation are a little too neat and clean … that is people assume it is like (clicks Þngers …) … okay we will create 37 personalities now and program each one … do these commands and call it up and da da da da … I really doubt that it works that way. I think that in many cases, it is a total wash-out. In many cases, it is just psychosis time, madness. (In many cases people are killed because they just won’t respond, and they will not stand for it no matter what is induced …) There are two tracks here … and these are the tracks. There is testimony by the people saying this was done to me … and then you decide if you believe that or not. Then over here, there are attempts to verify through obtaining documents from the CIA and the military that such experiments did in fact go on to create a parallel track of research to give credence to what these people are saying over here because there are many good people w ho want to say this is all nut-case territory over here, and we don’t want to know about it, and frankly, I don’t blame them. So the researchers have said, the ones who are really into this, we want to try to document it as well on the other side and efforts have been made in that direction, and continue to be made in that direction.Let me introduce into the record, and it would be nice if we were all sitting here in front of an Arlen “Single Bullet Theory” Spector and people like that … something called Volume Seven, Recent Advances in Biological Psychiatry, the Proceedings of the19th Annual Convention and ScientiÞc Program of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, Los Angeles, May 13, 1964. The OfÞcers of this group include Ewen Cameron, M.D., Psychiatrist from Canada many will recognize as possibly the major monster on the planet as far as mind control … much has been written about him … I am not going to talk much about him tonight. In Part One in the Table of Contents, we have the following paper: “Automatic Nervous System Responses in Hospitalized Children Treated with LSD and UML” and one of the researchers is Loretta Bender. Loretta Bender cannot be nailed down as being a CIA employee. She was in fact, in 1961, a president of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, but she was part of a small group of researchers who were doing early LSD research … most of whom were doing it for the CIA. She attended conferences where those people showed up … like this, and she attended at least one conference by the Josiah Macey Foundation which was a conduit and front for CIA money. The paper is rather lengthy but I am just going to read you a few things from it. This is not part of the book.“In the children’s unit of Creedmore State Hospital with a resident population of 450 patients, ages 4 to 15, we have investigated the responses of some of these children to lysergic acid and related drugs in the psychiatric, psychological and biochemical areas. Two groups of boys receiving daily LSD, UML (which is a methylated derivative of LSD) or psilocybin … at Þrst the medication was given weekly but was eventually given daily for periods of up to several months. Dosages remain constant throughout, LSD 150 mcg. (which is a standard for an adult trip), psilocybin 20 mg. daily or UML 12 mg. daily, all given in two divided doses. The average duration of treatment was 2 to 3 months.” Daily. Children, 7, 9 , 11 years old …The psychiatrist who sent me this told me that he has a statement at home which he is going to fax me which shows that in several cases at least with these children, this was carried on for several years daily. Of course, all of the testimony here about what happened to the children is they got nothing but better … these were autistic, retarded (a loose term signiÞying really nothing), but autistic or schizophrenic children … that was the diagnosis. They all “responded, became more straightforward, and here” and whatever. You decide …That is a very signiÞcant piece of evidence here. That shows that as early as 1964, the CIA was in fact experimenting … or a person with probable CIA connections … was experimenting on young children with LSD and other similar drugs.Now I have here a staff memorandum given to me by Harlan Girard, a very active researcher in his Þeld, to Members of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments from the Advisory Committee staff on June 27, 1994, and this is a summary of the CIA, its history and its activities. In other words, members of the Committee on Radiation staff submitted this to the Committee at large to kind of clue them in on what the CIA is prior to the 1995 Hearing of the President’s Committee on Radiation, and they say, “In the 1950’s and 60’s the CIA engaged in an extensive program of human experimentation using drugs, psychological and other means, in search of techniques to control human behaviour for counter intelligence and covert action purposes.” This is quite an admission. In other words, they are training agents, it says here, by using mind control on them. It doesn’t say they are using mind control just to sort of get information from foreign agents. The possibility that the CIA itself engaged in human radiation experiments emanates from references in a 1963 CIA Inspector General’s report on project MKULTRA which was a “program concerned with research and development of chemical, biological and radiological materials capable of deployment in clandestine operations to control human behaviour.” Now in the rest of this report, they indicate that they cannot Þnd any records of speciÞc radiological experiments carried out by the CIA, and obviously they are looking. This doesn’t look like a total whitewash.But that doesn’t mean that you believe them, it just means that those records have been destroyed or hidden away deep hidden away … because everybody agrees that radiation is a bad thing … and the CIA … the last thing they want is for people to believe that they used radiation on people. But this does indicate that there was a reference about research and development of radiation by the CIA for purposes of deployment in clandestine operations to control human behaviour. How the hell do you use radiation in clandestine operations to control human behaviour? Well, I would suggest that you use it to traumatize people whom you are training as agents so that you can gain control of them and you therefore have them under your thumb, and they do what you want them to do. The testimony here tends to bear that out … that radiation was used on people as a method of inducing trauma, not as a way of testing … you know … does radiation cause harm? Which is sort of the gist of the President ‘s Committee on Radiation … they went half-way. They said “terrible things were done to unwitting Americans … radiation was used by doctors on them in hospitals” but this goes further, we are now talking about a whole other leve, because those those experiments which were supposedly carried on as a misguided effort to see what toxicity levels were like, unfortunate occurrences, things got out of control at times, isolated individuals did commit crimes, da da da da …. you know. But they were attempting to do medical research … and that’s one of those hypnotic phrases, “medical research”. I could probably put everybody to sleep just by saying “medical research, medical research …” (laughter) And people would reach into their pockets and come out with money, man … well hey, cancer and infantile paralysis and m.s. … whatever you want … I’ll give you money … medical research, medical research. Politicians know that’s the key they turn all the time … when they can’t Þgure out what to say, they say we need more money for research … and that means tax money and it means things you don’t want to be subjected to most of the time …Valerie Wolf is something else … this woman is down in New Orleans … she is seeing clients other people won’t see … therefore they tell strange stories. These are clients who have been Þred by other therapists … they are very unruly, out of control, they do not recover, nothing works, they cut themselves, they go into hospitals, they try to commit suicide … they are people that therapists generally þee from … and she says “let’s go …” That’s her scene … so it stands to reason that she would hear stories that other therapists cannot hear … and in her statement to the Committee on Radiation March 15, 1995, she says, “ … the research programs [that her clients were submitted to] included radiation, drugs, mind control and chemicals … my clients have reported all of these being used on them, although technically they were considered to be part of the mind control experiments. Generally it appears that therapists across the country are Þnding clients who have been subjected to mind control techniques. The consistency of their stories about the purpose of the mind control and the techniques such as electroshock, use of hallucinogens, sensory deprivation, spinning, dislocation of limbs, and sexual abuse is remarkable. There is almost nothing published on this aspect of mind control used on children, and these clients come from all over the country having had no contact with each other. From the small sample of therapists to whom I talked, it appears that about 25% of the clients report memories of being used in radiation experiments. It is possible that more people were exposed to radiation, but that the memories have not yet emerged because our awareness of this experimentation is so new.”Let me say now, before we get into it further, that the one organization in the United States that has tried to debunk all of this is called the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. They are based in Philadelphia. They say that any recovered memories in therapy, that is any patient who goes into therapy and recovers a memory is a liar or unintentionally lying because their therapist induced it, suggested it, guided it, okay? Now, I talked to these people and at certain levels they are very well meaning of course … that is always the way. I talked to their PR person and I asked when were you born, this organization? She said, “1992”. I said well how extensive is it? And she said, “We have a chapter in every state.” Now for anybody who has ever been an activist or worked in non-proÞt 501C3 … are you kidding me man? You have a chapter in every state in 3 years? You’re cooking, you are cooking … and in foreign countries they have chapters too. But no foundation money and no government funding … this is like, you know, they are like … walking on water … you know? (audience member: “It took McDonald’s longer …) There we go. That’s the False Memory Syndrome Foundation … (audience member: “individual contributions …”) It is true … now that organization was founded by Pamela Freyd … her daughter accused her husband of abuse as a child … and in the resultant uproar they founded this organization … Frontline on PBS did an entire episode on all of this …… and then received a letter, from I think it was the daughter’s brother who said, that was quite a presentation you put on about the FMSF and my mother … and I just wanted to tell you though that despite your sympathetic treatment of this organization, everything my sister said was absolutely true and they were abusing her from the time she was a little kid.” That’s interesting about the beginning of this organization.Now on the board of this organization we have such luminaries as Louis Joly West … Louis “I never worked for the CIA” Joly West. This guy has been documented to have done all kinds of stuff for the CIA and military on mind control stuff … gave LSD to an elephant, and killed it. Wanted to start the Centre for the Study of Violence at UCLA in the l970’s. We have letters, and this was going to be located in a used, abandoned missile base somewhere out north of LA, and part of the deal was they were going to do psychosurgery on violent offenders which is the selective melting of brain connections to keep people from being violent. And this was touted as being highly medical, very precise. This is right in the ballpark of what I am talking about here when they say “it’s all medical … we have miniaturized and we can take out certain neurons here and there, and everything’s cool.” Some people throw up their hands and say who am I to … I don’t know … maybe they are right …Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist who investigates toxic drugs and violence projects against citizens using psychiatry as a front … he lays it on psychiatrists. He discovered that the one case where they claimed a cure by psychosurgery was turned into a gibbering lunatic and that’s why he was cured of violence. He wasn’t able to even live unless somebody was taking care of him all the time and this particular patient was heralded as a cure by Frank Irvin and Bernie Sweet and these guys in the 70’s who were the doctors doing psychosurgery. That was their model, showcase cure of violence.So Louis West, who wanted to start this centre at UCLA, is on the board of FMSF and so is Martin Orne, a Harvard psychiatrist who has done contract work for the CIA in the past. And several other people who have those kinds of connections. They want to debunk this stuff right out of the box … forget it. This is the kind of stuff they want to debunk. Claudia Mullen, client of Valerie Wolf, reports to the Presidential Commission: “Between the years of 1957 and 1984 I became a pawn in a government scheme whose ultimate goal was mind control and to create the perfect spy. All through the use of chemicals, radiation, electroshock, hypnosis, drugs, isolation in tubs of water, sleep deprivation, brainwashing, and verbal, physical, emotional and sexual abuse. I was exploited unwittingly for nearly three decades of my life, and the only explanation given to me was that ‘the end justiÞes the means’ and I was serving my country in their bold effort to Þght communism. I can only summarize my circumstances by saying they took an already abused 7 year old child and compounded my suffering beyond belief. In 1958 I was to be tested, they told me, by some important doctors coming from a place called The Society [… that’s the Human Ecology Society, a known CIA front]. I was told to cooperate, answer any of their questions, then since the tests might hurt, I would be given shots, xrays, and jolts of electricity. I was also instructed not to look in anyone’s face too hard and to ignore names, as this was a very secret project … but to be brave and all those things would help me forget. Naturally as most children do, I did the opposite, and remembered as much as I could. A Dr. John Gittinger [Rapaport: these people in the testimony named names, they did not screw around …] tested me and Dr. Cameron gave me the shocks, and Dr. Green, the xrays. Then I was told by Sid Gottlieb I was right for the Big A … meaning Artichoke.”“By the time I left to go home, just like every time from then on, I would recall nothing of my tests or the different doctors. I would only remember whatever explanations Dr. Robert Heath of Tulane Medical School gave me for the odd bruises, needle marks, burns on my head and Þngers, and even the genital soreness. I had no reason to believe otherwise. Already they had begun to control my mind. The next year I was sent to a place in Maryland called Deep Creek Cabins to learn how to sexually please men. I was taught how to coerce them into talking about themselves. It was Richard Helms, Deputy Director of the CIA, Dr. Gottlieb, Capt. George White and Morse Allen who all planned on Þlming as many high government and agency ofÞcials, and heads of academic institutions and foundations as possible. So later, when the funding for radiation and mind control started to dwindle, then the project would continue at any cost [in other words, blackmail]. I was to become a regular little spy for them after that summer. Eventually trapping many unwitting men, including themselves, all with the use of a hidden camera. I was only 9 years old when this kind of sexual humiliation began. I overheard conversations about a part of the agency called ORD run by Dr. Green, Dr. Stephen Aldrich, Martin Orne and Morse Allen ….”Dr. John Gittinger was Sid Gottlieb’s protege … Gittinger tested everybody. He was like a fanatical tester, developing proÞles of humans, different types of humans, all kinds of questionnaire type tests. Sid Gottlieb was the head of MKULTRA projects for the CIA … a very high ranking bureaucrat, probably never treated a patient in his life. These people (testifying) were saying that these people were doing it … they were not supervising it alone, they were doing it. Dr. Green seems to be a name that is a cover name that many different people used. However there was a Dr. L. Wilson Green, Technical Director of US Army Chemical and Radiological Laboratories at the Army Chemical Centre … so we could have both things happening there. Richard Helms became director of the CIA … a real smooth operator. He was the person who destroyed many MKULTRA Þles before they could be revealed. Capt. George White made a statement to the effect of “nowhere else but in the CIA could a young, red-blood ed American rape, pillage and plunder without … accountability” He set up a brothel in San Francisco in the 60’s, paid off prostitutes to bring in johns to a room which he was Þlming, and these johns unwittingly drank LSD in their cocktails, and Þlming was supposedly to determine what the effects of LSD were on unwitting subjects. This is documented up and down. By the way, for those of you who want to get the background here, John Marks’ Search for the Manchurian Candidate, Walter Bowart’s Operation Mind Control now updated, are upstairs … and there is a very difÞcult book to Þnd called The Mind Manipulators by Alan Scheþin which goes into a wider arena and is a very valuable reference source. There are many other books, Journey into Madness … but the Marks’ book, Scheþin book, and the Bowart book all took off from the same revelation of the ten or so boxes of information that were Þnally released by the CIA in about 1977 … they were actually Þnancial records of MKULTRA. They didn’t think they were very incriminating, but they Þnally began to look at them and saw they were very incriminating. A mistake …Then we had Morse Allen who was the head of Project Bluebird, another mind control project. High up people here she is talking about … who planned on Þlming as many high up ofÞcials … She says “I overheard conversations about a part of the agency called ORD run by Dr. Green, Dr. Stephen Aldrich” who became Director of ORD researched remote control of brains by electrodes, he went to the college I went to, Amherst College … hope I run into him some time. Martin Orne, mentioned again … we are not stinting here on names, these people just named them … sitting here in a room in Washington, D.C. before the President’s Committee on Radiation saying that Richard Helms was involved in torture and brainwashing of children. Now, Valerie Wolf makes this comment about Claudia Mullen: “After 9 months of therapy, she came to therapy one day with MKULTRA written with other words on a piece of paper … the Þrst time … she had never mentioned any of this before. From that point on, she began to work on the mind control issues and began to improve. All of her memories have emerged spontaneously, without the use of memory enhancement techniques such as hypnosis or sodium amytal. I had told her nothing about government and CIA research projects. To the best of my knowledge, she has read nothing about mind control or CIA covert operations. Since she decided to listen carefully and remember as much as she could about conversations among the researchers, her memories are extraordinarily complete. I have sent written copies of memories to Dr. Alan Scheþin for validation [the author of The Mind Manipulators who is a professor of law at the University of Santa Clara]. He has conÞrmed that she has knowledge of events and people that are not published anywhere … that some of her memories contain new information and that some are already known and published. Some of her memories have been conÞrmed by family members. She has also shown me old scrapbooks where she wrote notes to remember what was happening to her, and hid the notes under the pictures in the scrapbooks.” Claudia Mullen states that she is still being monitored, that there is a doctor in New Orleans, who was her family doctor. She names him in her longer testimony … and she said to me, “don’t tell him you are going to do something before you do it, just do it.”Apparently as recently as a month or two ago, she feels that … it’s a strange situation … apparently she is not positive that this doctor was monitoring her, but now she is. She went to his ofÞce … she doesn’t remember what happened to her … there were marks on her when she left the ofÞce … and she feels he is still monitoring her. So there is an element of danger involved in this, for these people. Some of these statements in here are anonymous. Some therapists made statements anonymously because there was public censure by their peers for getting into this stuff. I am told that a therapist named Corey Hammond spoke at a recent convention on methods of deprogramming this kind of mind control that he has developed … Valerie Wolf says she is using these, and they are terriÞc, they work. He has been subject to a lot of censure by other psychologists, societies, whatever it is and that he doesn’t want to talk to people any more, just for making a verbal presentation at this conference.Chris Denicola, another client of Valerie Wolf. Tucson, Arizona. “I was taught how to pick locks, be secretive, use my photographic memory. Dr. Green taught me a technique to withhold information by repeating numbers to myself. He would show me information, then shock me [electroshock]. I would repeat the numbers in my head. I refused to disclose the information that he just gave me, and he found me to be very successful in that part of his mind control experiment. I was four years old. He moved on to wanting me to kill dolls that looked like real children. I stabbed a doll with a spear once, after being severely tortured. The next time I refused. Dr. Green used many torture techniques, but as a I got older, I resisted more and more. He often tied me down in a cage near his ofÞce. Between 1972 and 76, he and his assistants were sometimes careless and left the cage unlocked. At these times I snuck into his ofÞce and found Þles with reports and memos addressed to CIA and military personnel. Included in these Þles were program projects, sub-projects, subject and experiment names, with some code numbers for radiation and mind control experiments. I was caught twice and Dr. Green tortured me ruthlessly with electric shock, drugs, spinning me on a table, putting shots in my stomach and my back, dislocating my joints and hypnotic techniques to make me feel crazy and suicidal. Because of my rebellion and growing lack of cooperation, they gave up on me as a spy assassin. Consequently the last two years, 1974-76, Dr. Green had access to me. He used various mind control techniques to reverse the spy-assassin messages through self destruct and death messages if I ever remembered anything. His purpose? He wanted me dead and I have struggled to stay alive all of my adult life. I believe that it is truly by the grace of God that I am still alive.”That’s just a piece of her testimony. A statement from Alan Scheþin, lawyer, professor of law, Santa Clara: “Claudia’s therapist [Valerie Wolf] has been kind enough to send me, with her client’s informed consent, some of the pertinent records reþecting Claudia’s memories of her experiences as an unwitting subject in these experiments. I have been able to conÞrm that some of the information Claudia has provided is absolutely true and could not have been derived from any published source.” I spoke with Scheþin and he said to me, I thought he was playing it a little close to the vest with this, I understand he is writing a book on this, so I don’t know … he said, “there is one piece of information that I was able to conÞrm, and I don’t know how she could possibly have known this. It involves the connection between two government researchers that is not published anywhere” and he said “I just happened to know that they are connected and she mentioned that they knew each other.”Let me just comment on some of this here. All throughout this testimony you have other clients and patients saying similar things. Dr. Green, Dr. Green, Dr. Green, Dr. Green. Electroshock. Torture, sex abuse and all of that. About three weeks ago I met a woman who is a therapist. She works north of Los Angeles. If you met this woman and talked to her, you would say ‘she’s very on top of things, she is very smart, she seems like a real human being.’ So she looks at me and she says, “I was part of this when I was a kid, as a child.” She doesn’t want to talk about it yet, but she said, “… this business about creating perfect spies, I don’t think that’s it. I don’t think that’s why they were really doing it.” Part of the explanation about what they were supposedly trying to do was to create blank slates … that was their thinking. You can take a human being and erase their mind, then we can program it to be whatever we want it to be. Well adults just go psychotic, so let’s try children … they are more þexible and they have less in their mind to take out … how mechanistic can you get, and that would be the rationale supposedly. From that it has been assumed that the whole point of this was to create a perfect spy, with with nice neat categories of sub-personalities, and program and trigger words, manchurian candidate type stuff. You know, “we will now call up sub-personality 134. Are you there?” “Yes I am here.” “What have you learned on your recent trip to Vienna?” Start. Bing. And then sub-personality 134 says, “I boarded the train, and went to Vienna, and read the following documents that were given to me …” — like a computer? That this was the intention. But this woman said to me, “Yeah, but I think there is something beyond this. It is somewhere in the back of my mind, but I can’t get to it.” I didn’t question her about how she knows this, but she said “First of all this was a very wide-ranging project … there were echelons of the project, not just simply one level. There were children brought up from South America and Mexico. They were considered expendable. They were used with the crudest techniques of brainwashing and so forth. The idea was to learn from this techniques in a more reÞned way techniques that would be used on another echelon of children. The best and brightest in America.” I said, “Do you mean children from well-to-do families?” She said, “Not necessarily. The smartest.”They could be thinking that what they want to do is program these kids who would later, supposedly, emerge in prominent positions in society, so that they would then have long term control of society by controlling people in power positions. She said (she didn’t say “yes”) but she said, “Well, yeah, that makes sense. The Nazis got a hold of the intelligentsia. They turned the intelligentsia — they were able to either silence or bring the intelligentsia into their fold — so it was a major project. She said to me, “They brought a lot of doctors over here after the War and not just the rocket scientists … they brought a lot of doctors over here.” And all throughout this testimony you will read, sprinkled here, “a doctor with a German accent … was it Green … was it Greenburg … a German Jew? … did it look like he was a Jew? … he had blonde hair …” That kind of stuff.I would say this is a Nazi project, but a lot of the Nazis are American-born. It shouldn’t be excused or explained away on that basis because as we know, if we look at Nazi psychiatry for example, they learned a lot from the Americans, especially about eugenics. This is not something where we should say, “ … well, the Nazis took over …” This is home-grown stuff. This is Americana at its worst, at its lowest form. This is also the sub-sub-basement that you walk into when you are a materialist, when that is your philosophy. And I don’t mean you are a materialist in the sense that you want money, possessions … I mean, philosophically. The materialist position is that we are meat, and tissue, and cells, and electrical impulses, and that’s it. When that system collapses, we are gone, never to return. My own feeling is that when you espouse and embrace that philosophy, the ultimate, ultimate sub-basement that you end up in is that sub-basement … that’s where you end up. Finally, that’s where it all comes out.I must say, even though I admire many of the researchers on psychedelics, and feel that they are basically liberating types of people, I think some of them make a mistake when they start talking about, “ … well, it’s all chemicals anyway … what difference does it make? … we are only dealing with chemical reactions anyway, so what’s this nonsense about consciousness separate from chemicals?” They are using that of course to say, “why is the government trying to outlaw the use of psychedelics, if in fact all consciousness is chemical anyway, they are just being selective in their choices of chemical … they are saying ‘alcohol - yes, lsd - no’.” But I think these people have something to think about in this one area. I am not trying to put them down at all, in fact I admire them. But I think when they start talking about “well, consciousness is just chemicals anyway…” I am afraid I have to disagree. I think it is a lot more than chemicals. You can certainly make people do very bizar re things with chemicals, and you can make them suffer a great deal because we are in these bodies … it’s a lot more than that. That’s where I think you wind up. You wind up with this crazy idea about programming people … that’s where I think you wind up with this stuff.On the plus side, if we know this, if we understand what is happening here, and therapists can be brought into this whole dialogue, then we are talking about bridging something that is very un-middle-class into the middle-class and into people who normally don’t consider these kinds of things because we are talking therapists here, private practice therapists whose patients come into their ofÞce and say “I was part of CIA mind control.” I am not saying that the middle class is not some fabulous entity that we have to somehow court, but I am saying that this is an issue which can get some people involved who normally do not get involved and if they are so willing, they can create some havoc with the government and that’s my next point here.One of the reasons that I am going into this, and getting involved in it, is because I want people to begin to see the government for what it actually is and I think this is a way of doing that. Unequivocally coming to it. People say, “the government, yeah … if we just get more of the right people in … a little more funding for research … more this … more that … everything is going to work out and we will get the nice guys, elect Bill and don’t elect George, and elect Jim and don’t elect Phil …” You know … it’s all this kind of whipsawing stuff I see every time an election comes around. “We gotta vote for Bill because if we don’t we’ll get George …” and this and that … boppada bop …. It’s like a vice that people are in, and everybody knows it.I have a statement here from Colin Ross. A very interesting man. Never heard of him before. He’s a psychiatrist from Richardson, Texas. He has been researching the CIA for 20 years. Every time an MKULTRA type researcher dies, he sends away FOIA requests, because he Þgures, well the guy is dead, they will be more likely to release the documents now, and he just … he’s very cute with this, see? He accumulates a little of this, a little of that. MKULTRA had about 139 to 150 sub-projects … nobody knows what they all were, or even if that is the subtotal. It’s the basic mind control project of the CIA after WWII. He has Þles on as many of these as he can possibly get. “I have in my possession about 80 of the 149 sub-project Þles which I obtained through FOIA, Þling requests with the CIA on each deceased investigator of interest.” (I like that.) He says, “Neurosurgeons at Tulane, Yale and Harvard did extensive research on brain electrode implants with intelligence funding and combined bra in implants with large numbers of drugs including hallucinogens.” So while they were telling Tim Leary and Richard Alpert to get out of Harvard … because a few people were taking acid and enjoying it … there were other people there who were inserting electrodes in people’s brains and then giving them acid. “MKULTRA alone included four sub-projects on children, one was conducted at the International Children’s Summer Camp in Maine by an unwitting investigator. The MKULTRA sub-project Þle in my possession for this project states that “the CIA’s interest in this research was in establishing contact with foreign nationals of potential future operational use by the CIA. The children who served as subjects in the project were as young as eleven years old.”“Multiple personality disorder patients in treatment throughout the United States and Canada are describing involvement in mind control research that is much more sophisticated than MKULTRA. Deliberate sexual abuse of children to make them more dissociative … “ and then he ends up simply by saying, “I would be pleased to testify at length at any hearings on CIA and military mind control.” Colin Ross, M.D. Psychiatrist Richardson TexasHere is a statement from a therapist submitted anonymously. “One client told me that they were made to believe they had been abducted by UFO’s so that if memories were retrieved, they would be discredited by the community.” I found that kind of interesting. Hmmm. Other people mentioned satanic costumes … CIA people putting on satanic costumes while they were doing their crazy stuff here …Here’s John Boyd, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, practiced clinical psychology for 25 years, Ohio State, University of Virginia. “I have treated three patients whose memories of childhood abuse include detailed recall of sophisticated mind control technology being inþicted upon them by “experts” in collusion with the patients’ mentally disturbed parents. The independent reports of these individuals contain similar information of an esoteric and intricate nature concerning mind control technology which in my opinion could be gained only through personal experience.” The press says nothing. The press says zero about this.Here’s a woman operating under the pseudonym I believe of Chandra Walker-Michaels. “I learned how to handle weapons, particularly how an ice-pick left a neat hole, a hole that allowed so little blood to escape that the victim could remain in public view for hours before they would be discovered not to be napping.” “I was taken on planes to Germany and Egypt to assist Joe with arson … to Israel, along with messages … to Mexico for terrorist activities. I remember a small laboratory in a partially exposed basement of a large building I visited many times starting at age four south of Washington, D.C. At the age of fourteen I was drugged and woke up on a stretcher, and I heard men outside my door discussing how they had gotten me past the guards at Langley that night. At the age of Þfteen Joe introduced me to an elderly man who he referred to as “the Senator”. At the Mayþower Hotel in Washington, D.C. the portly gentleman was brought to the room adjoining ours. Our closet space was Þlled with photographic equipment viewing the Senator’s scene … I refused to participate. I was severely punished.”Just a word about the media, and then we will take a break. One of the best payoffs of being a reporter for Þfteen years is that I have come to see this machine called “the media” and how it operates in a way that I never thought was possible because I have talked to a lot of reporters, and they become the eyes, the mouth and the ears for everybody else. Since I am now researching the Oklahoma City bombing, and I have done a lot of research on AIDS, and now this and other topics, there is a pattern that always seems to emerge. The pattern is that there is a cover story that emerges very quickly after something is either revealed or happens. Very quickly a cover story comes to the fore and then anything that does not Þt the cover story is discarded. In the case of Oklahoma City, it happens to be basically that McVeigh and a few of his friends are rednecks … the rednecks are connected to other rednecks who belong to militias and the militias blew up the building and that’s it … we don’t w ant to know anything else … they are all kind of crazy and stupid … that’s the end of the story … they rented a Ryder truck knowing it could be traced … they bought 5000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate knowing it could be traced …(hey business is suddenly picking up … did you see that guy who suddenly came in and bought 5000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate??? Wow. I thought business was kind of slow and then all of a sudden they came in like 15 or 20 cars and they like, loaded it up in the backs of the station wagons and they kept coming back for more and they took it away … I guess April is a really good planting month you know?? They have a lot of crops in mind …) That’s the cover, right? They were that stupid, and that’s all we have to know. And McVeigh, three hours after the explosion, happens to be driving in a car with no licence, and a cop stops him and says “I will have to cite you for driving without a licence and you will have to appear …” McVeigh says “No problem”, t hen the cop looks at him and he is writing out the citation, he’s going to give it to him, and let him drive away. No problem, Driving without a licence. So what? Then the cop says, “Sir, do you have something under your windbreaker there?” And McVeigh says, “I have a weapon under my windbreaker.” Pulls down the zipper, there’s a 9mm Glock, and a Þve inch knife hanging off his belt. He has just killed 100 people … he’s on a lonely road some place … a cop stops him … he’s going to let him go … he then shows the cop his weapon … the cop then puts his service revolver to his head, disarms him, takes him to jail, puts him on ice for a few days until the Feds … they work fast these guys … three days and they know who did it, they know what happened, they come to the jail where he is, and they take him … Right? By the way, I was told that initial reports placed McVeigh at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma. People who anonymously testiÞed in here, and it has been mentioned by other people, that some of the mind control that was done on them was done at Tinker Air Force Base. Tinkerbell, right?So this is the scenario that is painted by the press, see? Talk about mind control here … now the reporters that I talked to … how they slip and slide with this … once the cover story is established … how they manage to keep from discovering anything, or thinking about anything … or just considering the insanity of the cover story itself, is really something to behold. And I have been talking to a bunch of reporters down in Oklahoma City now … I just listen and we talk and it is all very chatty and everything … and for example one guy who was with the only daily in Oklahoma (The Daily Oklahoman) … all he could talk about was the federal boys … the federal boys combing through the wreckage of the building … the federal boys were there and they did this and they told me and they said this … and it was kind of like, when a sportswriter covers the Yankees … the Slugger told me this, and he told me he threw the curve ball and he holds it this way … had a beer with Mickey … you know, that kind of stuff … “the federal boys told me” that they couldn’t Þnd any other kind of bomb in the building at all … that’s it … what else is there to know … the federal boys day after day were going through the wreckage and they told him they couldn’t Þnd anything … this guy would have talked for three hours like this if I had let him … and that’s how he keeps himself from Þguring out what’s going on and each reporter has his own little scene.In the case of this one here, of course, now Valerie Wolf and one of her clients, they say “look we are not sure we really want to get this exposed all the way out because we know that the False Memory Syndrome Foundation right now has a stranglehold on the press.” That’s the cover story. Nobody cares that the FMSF board is composed of these guys with CIA, mind control connections … That’s the cover story that’s laid down, and so everything else is irrelevant. That’s what we have to bust — is that cover story — with enough people coming forward and saying, “it’s not true”.
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My life with the Catholic Church

I was born in Saint Luke's hospital in Davenport, Iowa. When I was Baptized the priest told my parents I was perfect baby. I grew up Catholic and went to Catholic grade school, though I nearly got kicked out for being a class clown and fighting with my teachers. The next year I was bullied to leave by my female peers who said in the chapel that they hated me so much they would never stop what they were doing to me. I took it all very hard. I had my first emotional breakdown, age 13.I grew very religious in High School and read from the Bible during Mass and I was in the choir and I led youth religious weekend retreats. I became very good friends again with the peers from grade school who said they would never befriend me again. Then I went to college, and slowly grew wild, and away from the church, did sinful things, then came back to the church and taught CCD to first graders.I had my twins Baptized by my church here in my town, but we never attended Mass until I moved back home for good, and then I became somewhat religious again, teaching CCD to 6th graders and praying at night with the kids, until the deacon at Mass said there are too many law suits in the world, at a time when I was desperately trying to find a lawyer to end my targeting.Along about this time, 2 or 3 priests from my area of about 5 miles radius, were accused to molesting children in the 70's and 80's. One of these priests used to come our family get togethers, he was very close to my one aunt. I attended church growing up at these places too, but was never subjected to this kind of abuse. It makes me wonder, if I'm set up as a sex slave, and the priests here are set up as sex slaves as well, and whether any of us had any control over it, it makes me wonder if I am to blame for all of this.I left the church, and started to go to another Catholic church about 10 miles away, and the kids went to CCD there. I felt the priest was avoiding me and I wanted to ask him about my targeting, what he knew, so I felt like a burden to him, so I left there. We started going to Evangelical Free, and then I feared other people there were watching me, including the pastor, so, after a long time of doing their AWANAS program for kids, and after a few nights of experiencing electronic torture inside the church, we left.I have sent emails to the Diocese of Davenport asking for anything they may know about my targeting, and I never get a single reply, its as if they are waiting for the gates to open up when we can all start talking about this. I expect to hear from them like waiting for Jesus. The difficulty now with being religious is that God and Jesus and all the saints know our thoughts, they are the ultimate mind readers,, but with the medication it doesn't bother me too much. I've recently started going back to a Catholic church in Clinton< Iowa about 20 miles away, seeking first of all forgiveness and guidance. My children still need certain sacraments if we are to stay and not leave this time.
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中国精神侵害状况极为严重北京某重点国防部门被完全控制,一个数万人的大型国防部门,全体职工被完全控制着说所有的话、做所有的事,工作已经牛头不对马嘴!每一个人说话做事都已不是自己的真实意愿,而是遵循于控制者的意愿!居然没有一个人能讲出来这一点中国精神侵害状况已经极为严重,受害人群已遍及各省市地区北京发廊打工者mary:我从我的家乡来到北京我舅舅那里打工,没有想到非常的倒霉,撞上了这帮用脑波控制犯罪的流氓恶霸。我甚至于开始骂人,有好几次,我指着那个小姐妹的鼻子,简直成了一只母老虎似的,“你他妈的…………!”。别人还以为我是在故意找那个小姐妹的茬什么的,我有苦说不出 —— 我其实对她印象很好,我根本不想骂她!再到后来我的麻烦越来越大。我在宿舍里面开始咆哮,就跟狼嚎似的撕心裂肺的嚎叫,叫声凄烈刺耳,我的脑子的中枢区域就像有橡皮筋扯着扯着,当这个信息变得很强时,我就甚至于会不能自控的嚎叫起来。然后我的腿、胳膊都不能自控的动弹,严重时成了拳打脚踢……这给我制造了很大的困扰。海南加来镇大规模受侵害人群:在中国海南省临高县加来镇,一台高值无线电机器已经被当地民众暴露。海南省籍的几个走了神的“讲人道”恐怖分子用这种机器整害人用了五年以上。“夜长梦多”,因为坚强而悲惨的受害者活现在加来镇,当地群众,干部,警察中,有着全世界最大的知情群体,有着被害得极难堪的家庭,有着苦难世界之最的受害者。恐怖武器与反人类侵害,对加来墟人民造成巨大的心灵冲击,对于七十岁之上的老人,它超过了六十多年前的日本军事侵略者在当地犯下暴行所带来与留下的刻骨铭心之记忆。广东东莞某工厂受害员工:我2005年3月9日进东莞凤岗雁田台和电子集团环宇电子厂上班,在这里工作2 个多月却被该厂的人以一些莫须有的理由用一种任何人都不能拒绝的测慌仪侵害长达7,8个月,在此期间我经历生生死死,差点成了神经病,可我总算挺过了最困难的时候,没逼疯,没逼死,直到我现在可以正常工作,上网。他们用的是一种新型测慌仪(如脑电波测慌仪和以色列测慌仪都可以(这种新型测慌仪和种种监控追踪仪器的非引用,造成对人的不法侵害。仅两岁的受害者: 我女儿2岁时就遭他们迫害,2001年我女儿2岁已经会讲话,他们怕直接用语言骚扰我女儿听见后会讲给我听,所以用摇铃发出铛铛的声音,我女儿说听到铃声,可我听了几次都没有,所以断定我女儿2岁起被他们迫害。他们除了要害死我一家或一辈子迫害外,他们说从现在起一直监视我9岁的女儿他们除了要害死我一家或一辈子迫害外,他们说从现在起一直监视我9岁的女儿。上海留日受害者胡XX:我目前不但思维,行为,言语等随时受到所谓”高科技”的控制外,而且自己的身心与健康也同时受到了残暴地摧残。更有甚者,”高科技”还通过遥控我的所有行为来直接伤害那些与我接触过的任何人(这接触过的任何人中的绝大多数都知晓我所处的被害状态却既敢怒不敢言,自己又深受其害而毫不知情)。据推算,我的这种被控状态产生于日本留学期间,大约始于1992年(或是1991年),至今已有12,3年了。这些年来,我的身心健康一直处于极大的被压迫状态。澳洲女留学生soleilmavis:秋天的景色虽然很美,但是对我来说,每天被他们酷刑折磨,只剩下痛苦和越来越绝望。从2001年12月他们开始虐待我开始,随着他们虐待我给我带来的痛苦越来越多,老天爷也痛苦越来越多,天灾越来越频繁,天灾损失越来越大。我一直在想孟江女哭长城的故事。或许当全世界的人还没有多少人了解这些使用电磁波武器,声波武器及心灵控制技术所受的非人折磨及他们的法西斯集中营,这些受害者的哭泣也只有老天爷听到,也只有老天爷懂得,也只有老天爷能够感受到他们的痛苦,也只有老天爷会跟我们一起受苦。他们这五年来不允许我读书,不允许做任何我想做的事情,晚上不允许我睡觉,或者有时他们就让我一直睡着,不让我醒来。他们虐待我们,给我们身体带来疼痛和疾病。他们严重破坏了我们的生活,但是他们却没有受到法律制裁,我们甚至找不到可以帮助我们打官司的人。北京某国家重点国防部门受侵害状况非常严重全体职工处于完全控制之下我所在的单位是国家一个重点国防单位,现在被侵害的状况非常的严重,很有可能是被脑波技术重点下手的部门之一,我发现绝大多数都受到了脑波侵害,而且很有可能是处于完全控制下的侵害。但是,没有人敢讲出来自己受到了侵害的事实,这一点很不得了!这就是整个脑波控制部署的高明所在!每一个人都会害怕别人说自己是得了精神病,虽然每一个人都看出来周围的人也被控制了,但是,还是会不敢告诉那个人自己也被控制。每一个人都是如此,就实现了大规模的控制而没有人能讲出来!为什么这么多人被控制竟然一个能讲出来的都会没有?这与精神侵害的 技术性内容 有关,这个技术已经达到的水平使出了这样的事!绝大多数人会觉得难以想象,精神侵害技术能达到如此高超的水平,但是,事实的确如此!通过向人脑的 中枢区域 以强能级发放电磁波,人就将会把这些信息信以为真,根本摆脱不了!比如对我们单位就是这样实现的,向我们的脑的中枢以强能级发放了这样的脑波“别人会说这些精神侵害的事情是假的,会说被侵害者是精神病”,由于这一技术能使人们摆脱不出来这样的强能级发放,于是,就使一个人陷入过分的顾虑,就没有人能讲出来了。我们单位就是一个实例,每个人都看出来别人也被脑波控制侵害,明明是完全可以互相交流脑波控制了,但是还是会顾虑——“那个人会不会说我是精神病”!这就是那些犯罪分子以强能级调控发放后所能达到的效果。就我个人体会,是完全挣脱不出来的。(因为我周围几个朋友还是相信脑波控制的,所以我才能有挣脱出来的一点可能)我们单位跟我挨着坐的一个女孩,我看出来被控制得非常严重,于是想去帮助她。下班的时候,她走在前面,我在后面厚着脸皮使劲的撵,吃饭的时候故意到她的宿舍去往那一坐,想跟她逐渐的谈开这些。可是,后来那帮犯罪分子是怎么用的脑波技术你们知道吗?她被控制后,当着很多同事的面,很刺的说,“你不要跟我说话了,我不喜欢你!”后来,我又试着看能不能接近,她继续说,“我不想和你打任何的交道!”虽然我知道她是被控制下才讲出那样的话,但是,周围人会以为是她的确不想和我交往,而我也无法直接了当的告诉所有人说,她是被控制讲了那样的话的,一个是她看上去神情自若,完全不像是被控制后讲出的话,一个是由于脑波控制这样一个事物还没有被单位承认,会被人菲议这是精神病!在脑波控制没有被公认的环境下,如果什么人执意要说脑波控制这回事,那个犯罪团伙甚至于能够控制周围所有的人集体诽谤,“一个人对人讲脑波控制这些事物是精神病”,然后进一步控制周围所有人就能把此人送进精神病院!虽然那些人是处于他人控制下将一个正常的人送进精神病院的,但是每个人都会讲不出来自己是被控制后做的这件事情!我没有任何途径可以和她接近得了。而那些犯罪分子为了使我再也不敢对她讲脑波控制这回事情,甚至于有一次,控制着她,拽着另一个同事,要挟我说,“你是不是有了精神病,为什么老想对我讲脑波控制这些稀奇古怪的事情?”那些犯罪分子采用这种方式堵住我们这些听说过脑波控制的人的嘴 —— “如果你再讲脑波控制这些事,我们就会控制你周围别的人诽谤你是有了精神病”。于是我就再也不敢对她提脑波控制这回事了。而尤其是,她也是被控制的,她自己并不想说这些(实现了对我的要挟),而居然出现了这样的状况:一方面我和她明明都是受害者,却互相怎么都捅不破这一点,而甚至于成为了诽谤彼此的傀儡人(所谓傀儡人就是以脑波技术完全控制后的受害者)!脑波犯罪分子用这种方式利用傀儡人来充当其犯罪的帮凶!而如果脑波技术被社会公认就不会成为这样的状况,这就是脑波技术犯罪分子竭力否认脑波技术的存在,竭力诽谤许多脑波受害者不是被侵害而是精神病的原因!【因为受害者会互相 捅不破 彼此是被控制的——这一点应该引起我们所有人的注意】而她大概被控制了几个月以后,我有一次无意中听说,她一个人在外面住,而没有一个人知道究竟住在哪儿。于是我就想了解一下这件事,就去问她现在住在哪儿。结果我发现她被控制得非常严重,一点点都讲不出来了,每当我问话时,她的语言表达就会被完全控制住。后来我觉得很不对劲,就去问别的同事,她们没有一个人说得上来,她们说“谁都问不出来”。她一个人在外面住了半年多,每天朝夕相处得很要好的姐妹都没能问出来过,说觉得是因为“她不想让别人知道自己的私事”。而原本性格那么开朗的一个人,现在突然变得有点孤僻,脾气变得很大!那肯定是被控制后根本讲不出来自己任何的私事,而根本不是真的不想讲。但是,周围别的人居然完全没有察觉,不认为她现在正非常需要帮助!还有我们单位的一件事简直让人哭笑不得。我办工会的展板,准备把工会小组的组织机构写一下,于是我去问单位的助理员,结果我们单位的助理员说,“工会没有组织机构!”,说我们单位并没有成立工会的组织机构。我大吃一惊,说,“怎么可能?”那个助理员又继续说,“工会是没有组织机构!”(我们工会主席是一个年纪比较大的男同志——但是助理员居然理直气壮的说工会并没有组织机构)。我后来又试着问了好几遍,都是同样的回答,“工会没有组织机构”,而且神情自若。后来,我没有了一点办法,就想绕着问看会不会好一些,我说,“我工会的展板上必须得写一下工会的组织机构”。结果当时助理员是这么说的——“你瞎编一个不就完了”!让我自己瞎编,想写谁就可以写谁!而且全过程我们单位的助理员神情自若,回答得很自然。【那一次,那个挨着我坐的女孩拽着我们同事去要挟我的时候也是的,她已经被控制得很严重,经常会表现得有点孤僻,但当时居然又恢复了开朗,变得神情自若起来】现在我终于和脑波控制受害者的维权机构联系上了,那些施害者知道了以后,马上又调整了应对。当我去跟同事打交道时,看上去他们的症状居然消失了,我以为是不再侵害他们了——后来,我路过他们的办公室往里面不经意的一瞥,受侵害的症状仍然和过去一样严重!是不想让我知道!我和他们打交道时就调整为正常,想让我以为他们的状况不严重!附:薇薇鼠的受害简况我被控制以后,头痛不已,晚上睡眠非常不好,而这影响了我的工作。你们可以看一下上面的例证(澳洲女留学生soleilmavis),有相当多的受害者都是这样的。侵害者为了给我们生活的方方面面制造麻烦,于是让我们晚上睡不了,白天就会无法正常上班。我晚上头经常会很痛,很晚才能休息一小会儿,因为头痛,睡觉睡得很难受,早上也根本起不来。幸好领导非常照顾我,非常谢谢他们!我估计我们单位里面有很多同事都是这样的,他们因为不知道脑波控制这一事物终于已经被社会所承认了,所以不敢对同事讲,不敢对领导讲,甚至于连自己的家人都不敢讲,只有经常缺勤,而有的甚至于会因此丢掉工作。而你们看到上文中受害者mary的状况了吗(“……就跟狼嚎似的撕心裂肺的嚎叫,叫声凄烈刺耳,我的脑子的中枢区域就像有橡皮筋扯着扯着,当这个信息变得很强时,我就甚至于会不能自控的嚎叫起来。然后我的腿、胳膊都不能自控的动弹,严重时成了拳打脚踢……”)?是这样的,这个技术是这样的,侵害者为了污蔑别人是精神病,就会这样来运用。那些犯罪分子为了试图污蔑我,于是就让我在宿舍乱动 —— 头里面简直就像要炸开一样,难以形容!这个在脑波控制技术中称为骨传导。我估计还有很多别的受害者也会出现这样的状况,而且侵害者会竭力诽谤说这是脑波技术实现不了的,好污蔑像这样的状况是得了精神疾病!这个在脑波控制技术中是实现得了的。我现在因为受到脑波控制技术的侵害,工作的确存在着困难,头经常很痛,谢谢领导能够体谅我们这些受害人群 —— 侵害我们的那些犯罪分子为了妨碍我们能够正常的生活,根据我们的作息制度来干扰我们,白天规定上班,就会让白天睡觉,即使规定下午上班,他们也会让下午睡觉。幸好领导非常的好,很照顾我们这样的!使我们一方面能够承担一定的工作,一方面健康不会受到太大的损伤。来源:
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sunny(781169776) 16:16:20我被害的跳了桥破译脑电波(258027165) 16:16:47真的跳了桥吗?sunny(781169776) 16:17:04腿都端了荒野游魂(823693135) 16:17:11匿名(2007-09-16)这个东西学名为“声像同步”也叫脑指纹仪,有多种方法实现:核磁共振技术,红外线技术,毫米波技术。不过毫米波有益于免疫力的提高。不光中国全世界都有这项技术,不光你怕,国家领导人出访还得妨范一下呢。这东西可信度多高sunny(781169776) 16:17:27谁腿骨折荒野游魂(823693135) 16:17:28国家领导人咋防范?破译脑电波(258027165) 16:18:30那你落水了吗?sunny(781169776) 16:18:32双腿骨折荒野游魂(823693135) 16:18:33毫米波是300G-30GHZ,是高频荒野游魂(823693135) 16:18:50sunny(781169776) 16:18:32双腿骨折为你悲哀sunny(781169776) 16:18:55立交桥sunny(781169776) 16:19:15是中国人干的汉语亚荒野游魂(823693135) 16:19:16你应该高兴,我们先知道有这种东西sunny(781169776) 16:19:41差点死了还高兴呢(732792706) 16:19:52没跳荒野游魂(823693135) 16:20:05呵呵,大难不死,必有后福sunny(781169776) 16:20:15跳了抢救过来的sunny(781169776) 16:20:27我都残废了荒野游魂(823693135) 16:20:33晕死破译脑电波(258027165) 16:20:35真的骨折了吗?怎么不在医院里?sunny(781169776) 16:20:48出院了sunny(781169776) 16:20:56快一年了sunny(781169776) 16:21:52中国人也用这个证人了sunny(781169776) 16:22:45我操把我往死里整sunny(781169776) 16:23:16竟然命令我自惭,Ryu(15963228) 16:23:24你控制不了你自己吗sunny(781169776) 16:23:53竟然命令我自残sunny(781169776) 16:24:30我那是被搞得不知自己是谁了破译脑电波(258027165) 16:25:26 大家能把你们的经历写在我博客的评论里吗?荒野游魂(823693135) 16:25:27神仙,MSN能上吗sunny(781169776) 16:25:31真狠,真不是人Ryu(15963228) 16:25:32你为什么控制不了sunny(781169776) 16:26:23我不知道哪个是自我了,三天没睡觉了Ryu(15963228) 16:27:03我都一个月了破译脑电波(258027165) 16:27:44sunny,是因为那些科学家精神摧残你,你才跳了桥吗?好了吗?KK`ツ(43985094) 16:28:10是不是会有人跟你们说话啊,我倒是没有,我就是经常梦游才加这个群看看,sunny(781169776) 16:28:24是啊KK`ツ(43985094) 16:29:00那个芯片是怎么回事啊,怎么会植入到体内呢,就算植到体内你们怎么会不知道啊sunny(781169776) 16:29:32很细微的破译脑电波(258027165) 16:30:26很细微的声音?sunny(781169776) 16:31:50声音很大破译脑电波(258027165) 16:32:05sunny,是那些科学家的声音吗?sunny(781169776) 16:32:07芯片一定很细微KK`ツ(43985094) 16:32:33对这东西挺好奇的,但是了解不深sunny(781169776) 16:32:47已经不是科学家了破译脑电波(258027165) 16:33:00sunny,有博客吗sunny(781169776) 16:33:04施害人者sunny(781169776) 16:33:23没有破译脑电波(258027165) 16:33:46ttp:// 您能把你们的经历写在我博客的评论里吗?破译脑电波(258027165) 16:33:54很重要的。KK`ツ(43985094) 16:34:25你们这种情况没有向有关部门反应吗破译脑电波(258027165) 16:34:35这么多人的经历就是强的证据。但是,首先,得有你们的经历。sunny(781169776) 16:34:48你说话时会有脑电波,被机器破译了,然后用机器模仿你的脑电波破译脑电波(258027165) 16:34:48sunny,好吗破译脑电波(258027165) 16:34:58是的KK`ツ(43985094) 16:35:12那会不会来控制我啊sunny(781169776) 16:35:15也许这正是政府的机密sunny(781169776) 16:35:38谁会管这个事情破译脑电波(258027165) 16:35:39sunny,好吗? 你能把你们的经历写在我博客的评论里吗?这么多人的经历就是强的证据。但是,首先,得有你们的经历。破译脑电波(258027165) 16:35:57外国记者和学者。破译脑电波(258027165) 16:36:14sunnysunny,好吗? 你能把你们的经历写在我博客的评论里吗?这么多人的经历就是强的证据。但是,首先,得有你们的经历。KK`ツ(43985094) 16:36:28医院检查不出来吗sunny(781169776) 16:37:14就像声波一样,要及时捕捉荒野游魂(823693135) 16:38:16黑骑在中华网的帖子咋不让顶了?破译脑电波(258027165) 16:38:27unnysunny,好吗? 你能把你们的经历写在我博客的评论里吗?这么多人的经历就是强的证据。但是,首先,得有你们的经历。sunny(781169776) 16:38:30医院也没有这种设备荒野游魂(823693135) 16:38:38晕死,我弄错了破译脑电波(258027165) 16:39:40unnysunny,好吗? 你能把你们的经历写在我博客的评论里吗?这么多人的经历就是强的证据。但是,首先,得有你们的经历。KK`ツ(43985094) 16:39:53那我天天梦游我也郁闷得一B,每天都睡不好荒野游魂(823693135) 16:41:00哦,你郁闷谁了?KK`ツ(43985094) 16:41:15?没听懂什么意思破译脑电波(258027165) 16:41:31unnysunny,好吗? 你能把你们的经历写在我博客的评论里吗?这么多人的经历就是强的证据。但是,首先,得有你们的经历。荒野游魂(823693135) 16:41:33那我天天梦游我也郁闷得一B,每天都睡不好?????KK`ツ(43985094) 16:41:51我意思是我天天都梦游,很郁闷荒野游魂(823693135) 16:41:56哦sunny(781169776) 16:42:15我大概只知道这些,你说话时会有脑电波,被机器破译了,然后用机器模仿你的脑电波,通过机器用脑电波和你说话sunny(781169776) 16:42:41我大概只知道这些,你说话时会有脑电波,被机器破译了,然后用机器模仿你的脑电波,通过机器用脑电波和你说话破译脑电波(258027165) 16:43:42写下他们折磨你的详细经过好吗?sunny(781169776) 16:44:27我不想写,没有意义破译脑电波(258027165) 16:44:42荒野游魂(823693135) 16:44:48那就写感受破译脑电波(258027165) 16:44:55这么多人的经历就是强的证据。但是,首先,得有你们的经历。sunny(781169776) 16:45:17恐吓,欺骗破译脑电波(258027165) 16:45:22那样的话,没人会关注我们。破译脑电波(258027165) 16:45:32sunny(781169776) 16:45:59甚至幻像sunny(781169776) 16:47:12这个世界总有人统治,爱谁水,科技发展成这样,由他去吧KK`ツ(43985094) 16:47:34有去医院看过吧荒野游魂(823693135) 16:48:01sunny(781169776) 16:47:12这个世界总有人统治,爱谁水,科技发展成这样,由他去吧那倒是,可是他们折磨我们啊sunny(781169776) 16:48:07议员说你精神病KK`ツ(43985094) 16:48:33也是,如果确实有这种情况,但是被说是精神病是不好受sunny(781169776) 16:48:45认倒霉sunny(781169776) 16:49:05但要有个地方说出来KK`ツ(43985094) 16:49:24我在网上看了下,什么深圳福田区706这是啥东东啊sunny(781169776) 16:49:37就是这里,把我了解地说出来荒野游魂(823693135) 16:49:54那是有个受害者查出谁干的了
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V-(630527934) 2007-09-25 12:22:00各位难友你们要反抗啊!不在沉默中暴发,就在沉默中灭亡。全国每年有20多万受不了迫害而自杀,广东东莞几个月就有552人自杀,你们可用google.com搜索,这些自杀的受害者可能还不知道有电子折磨武器,施恶者选择迫害我们,最终目的就是要害死我们,施恶者害我已经有8年了,南京红铃受害30年,虽然你们现在受害才几个月,很快的8年30年混混也就过去了,你们过这样的生活不冤吗?最好的反抗就是宣传,写博客发贴子发邮件留地址电话,死也要让人民知道我们是被害死的。几个人的宣传力量不大,要靠大家一起努力。V-(630527934)说得对。我们要争取我们的父母在我们眼前衰老死去之前,安心的看到他们自己的儿女被国家负责,得到公正的对待。精神摧残折磨我们的时间久,试验也很残酷,但是那些科学家不仅淡化我们的记忆,用拖时间消磨我们的反抗意志,从不给我们知情权,而且,还长年累月的跟踪研究我们。也不管我们的大脑因试验被废掉而生存艰难。想想吧,我们高贵的人权就这样被践踏,他们视我们如贱草,我们有多悲惨,有多艰难。试验时间会很久很久,我们没有这个时间等下去,除非,我们都是一群麻木的废物,无能的贱民。2008年,会有很多人权组织来中国,我们不要再找公 an 局的了,那是个黑暗充满压制的地方,他们也不会管的,光明在西方人那里。2008,谁会和我一起去北京?我们要反抗,致死不虞。以上转自难友QQ受害群聊天记录。
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谁是真正的凶手?谁是真正的凶手?最近十几年,在中国不断发生各种怪现象,人莫名其妙的突然猝死,凶杀案如马嘉爵,邱兴华的暴力事件较典型(无线思维扫描与人脑意识控制),还有一些学生总是想不开,想“旆ㄒ自杀,大学毕业找不到工作跳楼自杀(清华研究生跳楼自杀),一些人自杀,周围人莫名其妙的起哄,难道说周围的人都变态?走进科学中所有怪现象是实实在在的,但为何所谓专家的解释那么荒唐和滑稽?究竟是何原因?难道说那些专家都是粪草?还是故意隐瞒什么?幻听,癌症都是自然发生的?上述这些一切现象都可以用一句话解释即新概念武器的泛滥。中国重庆大学国家重点实验室,生物学院,光电学院,都在做什么泯灭人性的反人类新概念生化武器试验直接针对学生及学生家庭成员。而且能拿到国家自然科学基金,比如张宗益副校长2005申请到250万自然科学基金与重庆第三军医医科大学,解放军通信工程学院合作,这究竟是什么课题?当然这是国家秘密与我无关,问题是我及我家人朋友成为他们的新概念生化武器试验的对象,所有十几种新概念武器的杀伤性试验全部一一体验到,我家人及朋友受到折磨却不知,只有我知道是新概念武器的试验,耳边出现声音“比如阿隆,阿隆吃饭去。”(原来是田学隆脑神经修复平台)“给我买带方便面!” “袋装的还是盒装的?”“随便,来袋装的吧!”“声音小点!”(一面放着影碟)或者在光天化日之下,那么高温下,在大家都开着门睡午觉的状况下我竟然能听到女人大声叫春的声音,而我从不看国产影片,从未听到接触过此景,(在重庆大学诊断为幻听之前)“我把袜子给你寄过去吧!”经常听到打电话声音,甚至呼噜声,而且所用的竟是瑞星杀毒软件(凌晨3点多被呼噜声吵醒,原来瑞星卡卡困了!),让我不明白的是因贫困休学,愿意给我付,免费强制性拖进疯人院住院治疗凭靠一张试卷诊断为精神分裂百分之60者却要逼我休学(理由因经济原因休学)那么重庆大学为何有那么多研究生选择退学,几乎都是因经济原因退学,真是这样的吗?让人有些怀疑。2005年C区一女生自杀方式叫特殊,用塑料袋罩住头跑到顶楼“自杀”躲在某一角落中,发现时尸体已腐烂,什么勇气让此女生选择如此残忍的方式?2003年6月从重庆大学经济管理学院大楼有一男硕士在拿到学位状况下跳楼自杀,为何选择经济管理学院?经济管理学院据说有可以算命的,张宗益副校长在2005年研究生创新基地第一次博硕论坛上说“经济管理学院有几千万的试验设备,闲了几年就是请不来人。”是人不敢来还是,另有原因。重庆大学研究生创新基地博硕论坛,“受损神经细胞组织与修复”骨神经之类的,还有重庆大学国家重点实验室生物学院,都在做什么,发了那些文章,幻听之类的文章都有,癌症等等。新概念武器种类实在太多,什么声学软杀伤性武器,纳米武器,粒子武器,高功率微波武器(耗电大,在二十多天就可以耗电650多度),找到你们这些泯灭人性的专对健康者进行破坏新概念武器杀伤性试验者,实在太容易了,最原始的方式是通过检索你们所发的论文,令一种方式是你们的大脑。所有的详细记录包括你们从小到大的经历,甚至你哪一天何时吃了几个米粒都会准确无误,相信吗?伪造的白纸黑字成为过去式,脑袋里的记忆当然可以抹去,我相信也可恢复。次生波武器导致幻听,声音是通过受害者本人的体频传递的,不是靠声波,所以无论受害者如何解释周围人都无法理解,高功率微波武器可以使高楼瞬间塌方消失,更何况人呢,照射一秒钟立刻致死,甚至消失。我在上帝面前曾发过誓,一定要活着报。作者:marginheig 回复日期:2007-7-25 23:25:50     公开性的折磨分分秒秒长达二年之多,什么声学软杀伤性武器,高功率微波武器,粒子武器,纳米武器,超声波武器,基因武器,计算机病毒武器,气候武器,无线遥控思想意识控制武器,高超声武器等等全都用上。这就是发生在重庆大学校园里的真实场景,中国重庆大学张宗益副校长与第三军医医科大学,解放军通信工程学院联合申请到国家教委250万自然科学基金,2005年12月份,分三年下发,2005年80万到2007年结束。重庆大学有钱,重庆大学电影学院------思想意识控制武器的应用,重庆大学高功率微波武器的杀伤性应用可以研究所谓医学课题,直接针对健康者进行杀伤性破坏,癌变,组织器官变形等等。基因武器的应用可以改变一个人的外形,肤色,毛发,对身体器官也进行迫害致死,次声波武器导致幻听即通过人体频率使声音只让受害者本人听到,计算机病毒武器攻击他人电脑窃”鹑嗣孛埽纳米武器刺窜人的骨头等等。重庆大学光电实验室,生物学院都发了些什么文章,基本上是通过新概念武器杀伤性试验发的论文,这些武器的试验对象基本上是在校大学生或其亲人,而且这些新概念武器可以跨省跨国犯罪,马嘉爵,邱兴华的凶杀案,人莫名其妙的自杀是无线思维及思想意识控制武器的应用。什么鬼魂附身,灵魂出窍等等滋味被我尝尽,如今我要把对我及我家人朋友的泯灭人性的毁灭性的新概念生化武器的折磨与摧残全部还给你们。不要忘记在美国高功率微波武器已警用,日本开了生死课,况且这些武器在中国已存在几十年所有技术都非常成熟,是谁对杀人者开的绿灯?重庆大学研究生创新基地《脑神经修复平台》实质上是通过生化武器泯灭人性试验的结果,《受损神经细胞组织与修复工程》博硕论坛,实质上是通过高功率微波武器对正常健康者进行迫害的泯灭人性的反人类试验。瞧一下重庆大学生物学院国家重点试验室申请到的课题,实质上几乎都是新概念武器杀伤性试验,伪造的白纸黑字已成为过去,无线思维扫描仪可以测出一个人一生的经历,所有犯罪事实记录在你们大脑里,在科学-------上帝面前一切都是赤裸裸的,谎言苍白无力。况且无线送电早已成为现实,这些算什么,太空都有此种武器。重庆大学竟然利用淘汰几十年的武器来进行泯灭人性的毁灭性的新概念武器研发与杀伤性一体的活人试验,却无人问津,此时此刻都不间断。重庆大学自成立武装部,国际学术交流中心。次声波武器导致的受害者直接关进疯人院,假扮医生胸卡戴在右边,这样的白痴都可以利用此种武器进行泯灭人性的反人类试验,可见多荒唐,也可见此种武器的普及率有多高及当今教育界的黑暗与腐朽。记住你们的反人类行为一切都在监控之下。知道我为何在上述那种泯灭人性的反人类的新概念生化武器折磨下,即使生不如死,还坚持生命吗?因为我相信上帝-----科学人类永远无法超越的宇宙的束缚,相信耶稣-----掌握最尖端高科技谁也无法超越者,相信正义是不分国界的,而且知道此种技术的未来会怎样。况且2015年人造大脑问世意味着无线思维扫描与意识控制将普及,一个人一生的经历都写在你的大脑里。想想看,你们的日子还有多久,中国来抓我反革命罪吗?我是个人从没参加过任何组织团体,我此时此刻去找工作总是被你们迫害,无法吃饭,抓我至少有饭吃,我宁愿被你们折磨而死,,不去自杀就是为了增强永生毒咒与诅咒的力量,作为少数民族竟遭如此泯灭人性的反人类试验,剥夺我学习的权利,连最基本的生理反应,上厕所都被剥夺,谈什么人权,分明是被歧视,因此宁作外国鬼,不做中国人,我一定要活着走出中国,死之前一定要改国籍,死了尸体都要捐给外国文明者解剖,让他们揭露你们对我所有的十几种新概念武器试验的泯灭人性,相信现代科技完全达到,因为通过化石中DNA都可以还原出一个人,甚至克隆出一个人,倘若我家人被你们所害,我要把他们尸体或骨灰捐给国外文明者,揭露一切暴行。人死了一无所有,我不相信来世,不相信命运,无神论者,是个体从不参加任何组织,只相信上帝----科学,,耶稣-----掌握最尖端高科技谁也无法超越者的能力。所有的欺骗谎言在我面前显得苍白无力,不再被欺骗,只要我意识清醒状况下,即使法律上是中国公民,但心里仍不承认自己是中国人,我求助于国际,没奢望中国政府的救助,祖父祖母生在韩国,可以说是韩国种,我所表达的仅仅是我们民族无论移居哪里,无论过多少年,那隐藏在骨子里的民族气质是优秀的,是优秀民族,永不服输的民族。我既然被折磨得奄奄一息,随时都可以死,高功率微波武器可以把装甲车瞬间分解消失,更何况人呢,我还怕什么呢?我不愿死于由低级下流卑鄙无知无耻贪婪嫉妒愚昧不开化而导致的泯灭人性的邪恶,一定要活着走出邪恶。相信上帝,耶稣会帮助我死于文明的国度中。相信我的永生毒咒与诅咒吧!我死了都要变成武器不放过你们,中国特色的现实版现“娴摹吨湓4》必定会上映,一定要让你们亲自体会与领悟什么叫泯灭人性四个字,我要活着看到你们,当把对我及我家人朋友的泯灭人性的新概念武器试验的折磨与摧残全还给你们时,你们的表情,你们的反应会怎样,即使你们说受不了要自杀,也没有权利,让你们真正的体验生不如死,泯灭人性几个字。引自:
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郭佩茜 wrote:你好,soleilmavis,你住在哪里?在北京吗?如果在,能接待我吗?因为我想来北京工作,同时,为我们被强迫做残酷的研究人脑的试验的事努力暴光。能接待我吗?我们要团结互助。mavis mavis 写道:您好, 我人不住在北京, 住在一个靠近农村的地方. 您想找什么工作呢? 您在北京已经找到了工作了吗?目前北京的受害者还没有人有能力接待您, 所以您一定要慎重.大家肯定是很想帮助您. 所以我鼓励您先开一个淘宝店铺, 您可以卖任何您想卖的东西.我和RINOA都回帮助您的.郭佩茜 wrote:你有没有将我们的事反映给外国记者,如 da she 国际的。mavis mavis 写道:我们有给很多的国外媒体写信. 目前在争取媒体报道方面, 美国, 德国, 俄罗斯, 英国, 等国家的受害者工作进展比较大.在我的博客有很多的国外媒体的联系方式, 您也可以给他们发信.郭佩茜 wrote:我认为,你要去北京和那些外国记者面对面的交谈。否则,你的一切努力都将被悄悄阻拦。2008年,会有很多外国记者和外国人 quan 组织来中国,其中就有对人权特别敏感的 da she 国际报的记者。你要在2008年找到他们,面对面的说。我也会去的。我正在赚车费。记住,这样做才有效果,2008年很关键,我们要抓住这一机会,暴光这一震惊世界的事件。mavis mavis 写道:我们电子邮件团队的国外协调员,都在努力跟本国的记者们联系,那些到中国来采访奥运会的记者怕没有时间来关心其它事情。奥运会对他们来说是赚钱的大事情,他们不会因为我们这些事情耽误他们赚大钱的。我们目前已经联系了很多有正义感的记者,他们对我们的事情很关注,所以我们应该把工作重点放在先在,努力联系更多的人,寻找真正有正义感的记者,来报道我们的事情。目前就应该给很多的报纸,杂志,电视台等编辑,记者写信。争取找到关注我们的人,争取曝光。把工作重点放在2008在北京找到国外的记者曝光,只怕您倒时会很失望。但是您现在努力赚钱是应该的,希望能看到您的淘宝店铺早日开起来。郭佩茜 wrote:你都联系上了哪些记者?要面对面的和他们说呀。mavis mavis 写道:是的,每天我们都在联系记者, 有很多受害者也面见过很多记者. 国外已经有了很多报道出现, 在中国,虽然还没有报道, 但是我们不停地联系记者, 至少也让我们的故事被更多人了解.国内也有受害者跟记者见过面.但是, 中国的记者很多, 报纸也很多, 编辑也很多, 需要我们每个受害者大量写信. 不写信, 就没有记者会了解详情.郭佩茜 wrote:为什么不找 da she 国际的记者?mavis mavis 写道:da she 国际不是一个媒体, 而是一个并不太大的人 quan 组织. 在我们联系的人权组织中已经有很多对我们很关注. 并且在努力帮助我们.郭佩茜 wrote:真的吗?是哪些人权组织?他们在北京的哪儿?我要面对面的找他们,能告诉我吗?这很重要。还有,我怎样在我的网店上友情联接您。mavis mavis 写道:我的淘宝", "管理我的店铺" "友情链接"我们联系的人权组织不在北京.郭佩茜 wrote:您知道美国的受害者的暴光工作进行的怎样了?他们怎么不和反战组织连在一起暴光呢?美国的受害者,应该说,是很容易暴光此事的,为什么现在都没呢?mavis mavis 写道:美国的受害者已经做了大量的工作, 他们的故事已经被报纸报道了, 而且是第一个得到媒体关注的国家. 他们已经进行了很多的此的游行示威, 而且已经得到了专家医生组织的承认他们是受虐待而非精神问题.他们也跟很多的人权和反酷刑组织有密切联系, 得到了他们的支持.这些受害者的工作动态在我的网站新闻 http://soleilmavis.googlepages.com和我的博克 "受害者工作动态"中都有介绍. (网站的左边栏,有一项: 受害者工作动态" . 请您随时关注我的博克, 便可知道全世界的受害者的工作动态.欢迎使用粉红和平工具栏, 可以跟受害者保持即时联系. 您可以从以下网站下载, 点击此网页右边有一个大大的灰黑色的"Download Toolbar",就可以出现下载框, 点击保存(save), 或运行(run), 就可以了. 绝对没有任何的病毒和木马, 也不搜集您的任何材料, 比如IP地址等. 此工具栏的搜索功能也经过了GOOGLE的安全过滤,过滤掉了所有的危险,有安全隐患, 色情等不健康的网站. 请放心使用.
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1. 法国受害者Rodin联系意大利律师Romano Nobile先生Rodin与意大利律师Romano Nobile先生进行了长时间的电话沟通.Romano Nobile先生已经退休不再是职业律师, 但是,他仍然愿意帮助我们. 他曾经代理过大脑受害者Paolo Dorigo的官司, 并且赢了官司. 所有的受害者可以给他写信. (因为他无法阅读中文, 请使用英文写信, 您可以采用电子邮件团队的信件样本). 他的电子邮件: romanobile@libero.itaresricerche@libero.itRomano Nobile先生写了一本书, , 而且他与意大利媒体有着密切的联系.Romano Nobile先生的联系方式:Via Cristoforo Colombo 33200100 RomaTel.+ +39.06.400.41.972 (打电话请联系Angelo Quattrocchi先生, Romano Nobile先生的书的发布商)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. 比利时受害者Monika联系德国律师比利时受害者Monika已经联系到了一位愿意给我们提供帮助的德国律师. 受害者们写给"电子邮件团队"信箱的您的故事会转交给他. 如果您还没有给"电子邮件团队"写信, 您可以现在就写. 或者写给soleilmavis@yahoo.comlawyer lorek jensRAJensLorek@aol.comRob McConnell 来自"X"zone 无线电广播和电视, 他对受害者很关注, 受害者可以把您的故事写给他们.Rob McConnell主持人和制片主任"X"zone 无线电广播和电视加拿大REL-MAR McConnell 媒体公司的一个部门联系方式:办公室电话: (905) 575-5916制片室电话: 1-877-528-8255E-mail: xzone@xzone-radio.comWebsite: www.xzone-radio.comThe "X"Zone 在 的网站 "X"Zone 在 YouTube 的视频 - iotv--------------------------------------------------------------------------------受害者suzelectrowell从FBI获得了好消息我已经从Akron联邦调查局驻地办事处取得了一些结果,并已经寄了我的报告。我想他们正进入调查,如果您愿意,您可以把您的姓名,地址和您的经历寄给他们。我在俄亥俄州似乎是有"运气" ,您也可以把您的案件报告给当地的FBI办事处。他们正在协调,请您写信给我这里的FBI办事处: at electrowell另附她的最近大脑遭受那些科学家精神摧残的记录:早晨, 他们从3点开始将我弄醒. 然后先从疼痛开始进行虐待我. 这种疼痛不是皮疼,而是脖子以上的头部所有的肌肉和骨骼都在疼痛. 他们让我的鼻子呼吸时, 整个呼吸道也很疼痛, 并且无法呼吸顺畅. 在这样酷刑折磨我的同时,他们一边用声音直接传入大脑的方法用他们的各种声音来侮辱我, 他们最经常对我说的一句话就是:"你是他妈的狗X." 而他们所有说的话中, 每句话最后一定要有"....狗X" 及"...神经病" 等字眼. 当然在他们一边骂着的同时, 他们一定要用"图像或信息直接传入大脑"的办法, 强迫我去看他们制造出来的一些情景,图像,信息, 用他们的话来讲, 就是每天他们必须要做的主要工作, 就是用"直接传入大脑的方法" 对我"放电影".他们对我每天晚间的折磨时间并不固定, 有时半夜12点开始折磨,到3点会允许我在痛苦中重新睡上一会儿; 有时会一直虐待我到天亮. 有时2点开始折磨, 直到天亮, 有时3点, 有时4点. 而这些年来,他们没有早晨4:30以后让我睡觉的.所有的折磨都是从疼痛开始,有时头痛, 有时胃痛, 有时其他地方痛. 而痛的时候是身体内部的每一块肌肉和骨骼都在疼痛. 在疼痛的同时"放电影' 以及用各种声音对我侮辱"....狗X" "他妈的狗X"是使用频率最多的词. 而且在疼痛的同时他们一定是要让我呼吸不能顺畅, 而且呼吸时整个呼吸道内部很疼痛.每当他们开始虐待我的时候, 我就打开电脑, 发发信, 写写博客和日记. 或者回复一下我的电子邮件, 看看我的博客和网站是否有需要修改的地方. 这样做些事情, 可以分散一下我的注意力.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------英国独立电视制作公司寻找受害者的故事Paula Wittig paula@firecrackerfilms.comDate: 22 August 2007 13:20:37 BDTTo:, John.allman@thatfund.org主题:电视纪录片亲爱的约翰,我来自名为Firecracker制片的电视制作公司,就我们正在制作的受监视的社会的记录片写信给您。我们非常感兴趣联系那些强烈反对政府监视/跟踪的人。非常乐意与您们的组织交谈并得到您们的帮助。我们非常感兴趣进一步调查监视的技术和大脑控制技术,我们非常乐意更多探讨这个问题,我们将很荣幸地回答关于这个节目的任何问题。请您告诉我您的合适时间,我可以联系您,或者您可以联系我。非常感谢,并期待着您的回信。顺致良好祝愿,Paula Wittig 助理制片 Firecracker制片3rd Floor The Chambers Chelsea Harbour London SW10 0XF总机 +44 207 349 3400 传真 +44 207 349 3401直线电话: +44 207 349 4411email: paula@firecrackerfilms.comwebsite:
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以下是一个听证会的直播, 与我们大脑控制受害者有直接关系. 这次听证会是由国会委员会举办的关于国土安全部.他们通过在8月休会期间在华尔街日报的一片文章中发现, 美国国土安全部正计划于10月1日部署一个新间谍卫星, 那会大大增强现有的监视能力. 因此他们有些人怀疑这一计划及其目标: 监测飓风,森林火灾,水灾或其他自然灾害,再加上跟当地执法部门协调信息. 意识到委员会的怀疑(他们也应该怀疑) 是了不起的, 让我们知道委员会应该知道我们的问题--有些已经知道我们的问题了. 它也让我们知道人们开始警醒, 也意识到我们的自由在迅速消失. 如果有人能够录下这个听证会遗留给后人,那就太好了. 听证会大约3小时, 每一分钟都很有价值.(注: NGA --- 国家地理情报机构。也有利于明晰这个名词----Posse Comitatus,其中提到了很多 寄给欧洲议会主席HANS-GERT POTTERING博士的信。hans-gert.poettering@europarl.europa.eu我想请求您就大规模全世界大量的侵犯人权罪和危害人类罪给予帮助.这一问题相对还比较新,(自2000年以来,在全世界突然增多),该技术非常先进,并正在遥控作为武器对付平民.大多数受害者都是老百姓. 他们屡次试图描述正在发生什么事,但他们都被忽视或怀疑患上妄想症.他们得不到任何人的任何帮助,.国际和欧洲组织不断建议受害者呼吁本国立法机构.但他们的申诉被看作是一个孤立的小问题.还有,全世界受害者者的症状和他们对所使用的技术的描述很相似。再加上,全世界90%以上的受害者是在2000年以后受到攻击,这种“流行的模式”在各大洲存在。因此我们紧急要求就此问题进行国际调查.欧洲受害者,迫切要求帮助.请看以下受害者名单,及受害时的时间。受害者组织起来,在全球范围内采取行动反对人体操控武器滥用.全球范围的深入调查,包括统计数据和证词显示受害者并未精神错乱。他们唯一的目的是要揭露这一历史上的重大罪行。请不要忽视这个问题。请帮助我们。我本人于2005年成为受害者,我知道我没有精神病,也没有精神病史。我是一个稳定而理性的人。我知道我并不孤单,因为全世界范围内成千上万的人正在谈论同样的事。大多数受害例子开始于2000年以后。这就是为什么有这么多人在此时此刻报告此事,这真是一个震撼。我意识到目前没有人“相信“受害者,因此犯罪范围才会如此之广,如此之容易,所以难以想象的残忍。我希望,全世界如此多的申诉能够证明这种犯罪正在发生。请尽快调查此事,请不要忽视此事。Monika Stoces比利时(欧洲受害者名单,见上面英文信后名单)名单还在继续增加。世界性运动,反对电子武器操纵人体神经系统。1999年1月,欧洲议会通过一项决议,而它( 27段) ,称之为"一项国际公约关于全球禁止发展和部署可能以任何形式操纵人类的武器" .Soleilmavis寄给欧洲议会主席HANS-GERT POTTERING博士的信Europ?isches ParlamentRue WiertzPHS 11B011BE-1047, BR?SSELKingdom of Belgiumhans-gert.poettering@europarl.europa.eu尊敬的阁下:我是一位被大脑控制武器(精神电子武器)和定向能武器长期残忍虐待和骚扰的受害者,我是一位中国公民,我已经被大脑控制武器(精神电子武器)和定向能武器在几个国家酷刑虐待了很多年。目前有很多的中国及世界其他国家的合法,无辜,没有任何防御能力的平民声称自己正在被大脑控制武器长期虐待和骚扰。这种有组织的犯罪行为在全世界范围内非常严重。目前,全世界有很多受害者声称自己正在受虐待。因为受害者缺乏资金,没有任何设备,所以即使有中毒,芯片,或正在遭受其他电磁波类大脑控制武器的残酷虐待,也无法自己检测,又无法找到能够为我们做检测的部门的帮助。
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酷刑者的卑鄙我很少用每天日记的形式来记录这些法西斯分子的极其残忍. 如果您可以在电影上看到的传统的酷刑方式, 他们的先进武器都可以让您感受到那所有的酷刑所遭受的痛苦.可是直到今天, 政府部门却仍然没有人站出来强烈谴责他们的极其残忍, 报纸也没有报道他们的法西斯行为.这些酷刑虐待我的法西斯分子也一直对我说:" 活该您们倒霉, 谁让您们没有先进武器了? 谁让您们没有本事找到证据能够能够证明我们酷刑虐待您?"我们只是些手无寸铁的平民百姓. 在这些极其残忍的法西斯分子的眼中, 只要拥有最先进的武器, 只要受害者没有办法找到他们, 以及他们在使用他们的先进武器酷刑虐待受害者的证据, 这个世界就可以让他们任意攻击任何人, 可以让他们任意伤害任何人. 他们就可以自由杀人.他们拥有可以自由杀人, 自由酷刑虐待受害者的理由是:" 您们没有本事拥有更先进的武器, 没有本事能够找到可以证明我们残酷虐待您们的证据."这是一个什么样卑鄙的事情, 这是些如此卑鄙的人.这几年, 我一直在跟受害者们讨论这个问题, 是否真的是所有的政府主要领导部门的人都不知道这种武器? 不, 很多国家的主要领导人都知道这种武器. 没有任何一个人相信这样先进的武器都到了本拉登的手中了. 而所有国家, 所有政府, 所有媒体在把本拉登看成罪恶之源, 天天口诛笔伐地声讨之时, 却没有一个人强烈谴责这些拥有如此先进武器而攻击我们这些合法公民, 攻击我们这些手无寸铁的平民百姓的行为.因为本拉登作恶, 能够留下证据. 而这些人拥有如此先进的武器酷刑虐待我们这么多年的比本拉登更残忍的法西斯分子, 他们拥有先进武器, 受害者们又是平民, (或者在他们眼中, 他们一直口口声声地说我是STUPID, 是愚民. 他们甚至反问:" 谁让您们自己没有本事研制出这样的武器, 没有本事研制出更先进的武器? 谁让您们没有本事能够找到我们虐待您们的证据? 谁让您们没有本事研制出屏蔽办法?"我不能不表示极大的悲愤, 原来这个世界上是谁的武器最先进, 谁就可以称霸天下?? 原来这个世界上拥有最先进的武器的人, 都是这样来使用他们的武器的???!!!!! 只可惜我没有碰到这些流氓之前,真的是孤陋寡闻, 对于世界上的最先进的武器, 我作为一个普通平民百姓, 一直无缘见识; 对于这个世界上的人都如何使用普通平民百姓都不了解的先进武器,如何使用, 也一直没有机会了解.不过这些恐怖暴力分子在全世界65亿人中, 不幸选中了我, 终于让我有机会了解了, 这些在政府中被列于机密武器的先进技术, 原来都是在如此被使用着. 可以一用就很多年. 而且受害者们也投诉无门. 甚至当受害者们被称之为神经病, 很多人在煽风点火, 让别人相信受害者们只是神经病.我知道, 当有一天, 全世界每个人都研究出了这种先进武器, 连每一个普通老百姓都能够知道这些先进技术, 也能够研制出防御技术, 这样的事情就不会发生了. 因为那时他们的技术不会是最先进的了, 他们使用技术后会让每个人抓住证据, 留下把柄. 但是他们一定还会有更先进的技术,有不会让人留下把柄, 留下证据的更先进的技术, 不知道那时他们又会选中那一个不幸的人?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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本文转自《中国精神控制受害者同盟》:前2天,澳洲受害的女生sole告诉我,最近多名在澳洲留学的学生告诉sole,他们几个人同时成为脑控受害者,同时听到声音,但其他人听不到。你总不能说这几名学生是同时集体癔症了吧。下面的是以为德国留学受害的,只有一句话,他太天真!另外文章中观点,只代表作者或者作者引用者的观点,不做结论!新纳粹德国的电子精神控制27.02.2008说明:①在对某一事物了解之前,先不要肯定它或者否定它,等了解之后再作出自己的判断 ---- 献给未被电子精神控制迫害的人们。②这篇文章可以不经作者同意复制,转载和转发。以下是已经和正在发生在我身上的事实。我毕业于医学院并且工作了几年后由于崇洋媚外去了德国留学。在德国基尔(Kiel)我开始学语言并且通过了德语考试后在杜塞尔多夫(Duesseldorf)大学申请到了一个医学学习位置,并且从临床学期开始学习了四个学期的医学。由于大部分的专业知识都已经学过,只是语言的不同,学起了没有兴趣就又转学生物医学工程,其重点是分子医学。在巴登符腾堡州的Sigmaringen学了四个学期后于2005年底毕业。在学习过程中其它各科都考试通过,唯独在那个教授Bergmann那两门,让我考了三次还不想让我及格,如果不是那个教病毒学的老师和他说情,我就毕不了业。毕不了业是可能的,因为听说前面有一个印度来的学生,也是由于同样的情况没有毕业,不得不申请了其它学校继续学习。我说我想读博士,他说读博士没有,如果回去可以(“Fuer eine Doktorarbeit gibt es keine, wenn zurueck ist ok”).我还是想读博士学位,因为来德国的目的就是学习。因此毕业后搬到了另外一个城市Bochum(Am Gartenkamp 28)一个朋友那里住,想找一个做博士的位置。做为一个外国人机会很少,从2006到2007年的两年时间里,只在Bochum 大学的一个附属医院Bergmannsheil里做过几个月关于试验胰岛移植治疗糖尿病的项目。在找工作的时间里也常常从网上看些新闻。有些人在网上骂我们中国骂得很难听。后来在Bochum大学认识了一个美国“学生”Thomas,他天天在Bochum大学的电脑房上网,听说他是为美国政府工作的,他在我面前骂过毛泽东是共匪,当时我就不高兴,起身没有告别就离开了。后来再看到网上有人骂共匪我就怀疑是象他那样的美国人写的。我有时也简单顶几句。也还骂了其它一些德国人的话,因为是他们先骂,我从不先骂,骂也是有原因的(除了上面的原因,也请看后面的一段话)。都是出于情绪,并没有什么动机。这是自己的不对,住在他们那里不应该骂他们。可能更不应该在网上骂,因为这样看到的人会很多。这些给我带来了麻烦,甚至是灭顶之灾。我逐渐发现自己被跟踪,被监视了。后来发现我在一个小地方Wartenscheid晒太阳的事,还有其它一些事他们都知道。我后来搬到另外一个小城市Gelsenkirchen住。搬到那里以后,楼上住的德国人经常到我门前漫骂骚扰,甚至我在屋里干什么他们都知道,我怀疑他们是从门缝里往里看的,但是门是好的,也没有发现摄像头,很奇怪,找不到原因。后来联系到一个做医学博士论文的机会,于2007年九月底搬到了一个城市海德堡(Heidelberg),住在离该市不远的一个乡Gemeinde Sandhausen (Bahnhofstrasse 25,也是我在德国的最后一个户口登记Anmeldung 地址, 房东der Vermieter 是 Fatmir Haliti 先生,来自科索沃),楼下是一个酒馆。我依旧发现我在房间里干的任何事情他们都知道,开始我以为房间里或者窗户对面安装了摄像头,但是仍旧没有发现。后来还怀疑是墙壁瑞安装了摄像头,楼下酒馆的一个声音说墙壁里有摄像头,房间里传来一个声音说是红外线摄像头,并且说在德国所有的房间墙壁里都安装有摄像头(我当时说,在他们告诉我之前我就怀疑房间墙壁里安装有摄像头),还有在各个中餐馆里,大学生宿舍里等都有监视,并且不让我说。我早上出去跑步时,在树林里也能传来声音,还有公用电话亭里,他们都能和我对话。他们说这些地方都安装了摄像头。我从Heidelberg 的汉学研究所Universitaet Archiv, Sinologie Institut借了关于孔子儒家,老子道家以及佛家思想的书。我在房间里看书,书上的字他们都能看清,还和我一起学习。我在被子里的身体等器官他们也能看清。我当时怀疑墙壁里的红外摄像头怎么能够如此精细地摄像。我在网吧里上网看到自己的电子邮件和其它东西,他们都同时看到了,因为他们说出来了。我怀疑是他们的计算机技术高明。他们说对待其它中国人他们用中文,对我用德语,并且说他们这些人都懂中文。在这段时间里,他们说有一个德国女孩Julia Meier想和我结婚,就是在Heidelberg火车站看我的那个。要我准备钱,并且说谁捐款呢?“Wer spendet?!”(我刚刚补充上这一句,他们就模拟我楼下的人的声音说,“他有一个语法错误,Wer spendet,nicht spenden”因为我开始确实有一个语法错误,我写成了Wer spenden). 路上常常有人跟踪我,我还以为Julia真有这么多朋友。他们跟我一同去网吧,并且和我对话。我说不知道结婚需要多少钱,他们说最少需要两万欧元。我说我没有那么多钱,他们说可以借,我借不到,他们提示我向家里要,我就说在这里准备结婚,需要钱,要家里汇钱。因为家里也没有钱,没有汇成。在Sandhausen住的时候,电视里都播报了我的情况,我说什么,电视里立即就播出来了。我怀疑是红外线摄像机和他们联网了,当时我看到电视画面时立即感觉到这是对我人格的极大侮辱,我没有办法,叹了口气就回房间里去了,那个德国女孩Kerstin可能也觉得这很无聊,也关了电视回自己房间里去了。看了难友的文章后,再在这段加上几句。电视里的声音有可能是他们合成后传给我的, 方向在空中某个方向,比较弱。 (电视画面能播出受害者的影像,这还是头次听说,一般来说,犯罪疯鸡会模拟声音,让你认为是电视、收音机里在播放里,实际不是。估计是不相关的影像,然后让你听到模拟的声音,同时通过灌输思维、感官,让你认为是在播放跟你相关的。)在此时期,我可能被他们用低频持续照射而处于催眠状态,行为好像都丧失了自主意识,并且都是他们通过这种波段的电磁波暗示的结果。另外一件事是,他们暗示我为结婚去买定婚戒指,我就去了海德堡市步行街的购物村(Kaufhof, Fussgaengerstrasse,Heidelberg) 买了389欧元的戒指。他们的目的就是让你把所有的钱花光,无家可归,或者冻死于街头,或者犯罪,从而掩盖他们的罪行。这个戒指连同其它私人物品被留在了弗莱堡Freiburg 的旅馆Black Forest Hostel里,还有我的衣服,证件,等等包括箱子都被留在那里,因为他们传音给我说,这些所有的东西都被他们用铬3照射过,都有毒。后来在Heidelberg 医院外科Schneider医生那里的试验停止了,联系弗莱堡Freiburg外科医生Keck那里,因没有等到消息,监视我的人说,我可以直接先去Freiburg,Julia Meier 将随后也去找我,并且将和我一起去结婚登记处办理手续,于是我就把房子退掉,直接去了那里,暂时住在一个青年旅馆Black Forest Hostel GbR(Kartaeuserstr. 33, 79102 Freiburg,那里有我的登记记录) 里。后来回想起来才知道这是调我离开那里,因为在Sandhausen他们不方便对我下手。去到那里后,他们开始对我杀人灭口。并且说这是我最后一夜,两个女孩供我享用。后来他们开始照相,一个女孩脱掉上衣,我赶紧拿报纸挡住自己的脸,另一个男的拿着照相机,站在门口对准我们照相,我在我的床上躺着看报纸,和她离的比较远,那个男的说,他可以把我的半个脸和那个女孩的身体拼接起来。我说这很无聊 “Das ist langweilig”, 他还想继续照,我又重复了这句话,他才不照了,他们就走了。他们说,既然你不愿这样,那么,他们就夜里多来几个人,把我打死,就说是出了车祸,赔赏我家里人五千欧元。夜里,他们倒是没有来几个人打我,而是在我睡觉时想让我的心脏停止跳动,我感觉我的心律失常心率减慢,心跳滞后而惊醒,怀疑旁边有人用什么仪器作用于我的心脏(后来了解到这可能是他们在发射心肌梗塞信号,定向能电磁波)。他们也说,我自己怀疑有人在同时作用于我的心脏“Jemand mitwirkt”。我想, 既然他们是用定向能电磁波攻击,这次他们对我的心脏波及是因为影响了心肌细胞的动作电位,使心肌细胞去机化和复极化障碍,从而使心律失常的。)。幸亏我经常锻炼身体,否则这次就丧命了。他们说我是被铬3毒害的,并且用量要比被毒死的那个俄罗斯间谍大两倍,说我没有死,很厉害。这是第一次谋杀。(惊醒,我在受害最嚣张期也经历过,后来想想不对,哪有可能刚开始受害嚣张,受到惊吓,就晚上会心咯噔一下突然惊醒呢,这是故意制造的。)在这个旅馆里,当我在厕所里的时候,他们传来声音说在厕所里也安装有摄像机,我就在厕所里重复了我被他们骗来的经过,以便录像的同时也有录音记录作为证据。他们说靠里边的那个厕所时专门供我用的,因为我身上有放射性物质,容易污染,我就只去那一个厕所。他们说我的面包和水还有维生素片都被铬3照射过,我喝水时,头也痛了一下(注意头痛是一过性的。如果是放射物质引起了组织损伤,引起炎症反应,疼痛性质应该是持续性的)。并且说我的箱子里几乎所有的东西都被照射过了,只剩身上穿的衣服。我的衣服都不能穿了,他们说被铬3照射过了,我刚买来面包和水,趁我去厕所时他们说,这些也刚刚被铬3照射过了,多次买来多次被照射。我的基本的生存条件已经被剥夺。记得在火车上一个有正义感的德国人说,他和律师协会的其它同事讨论过此事,说生存条件被剥夺,这是毁灭生命 “Lebensverzichtung”.这是第二次谋杀。(故意欺骗并恐吓受害者)后来他们说那是两个来自摩洛哥的人干的,是Freiburg大学心理学系的学生,他们德国人自己只负少部分责任。这些话都是他们传进我脑子里的声音,声音比较弱,来自某一个方向。这次他们没有把我害死,还想在我早上出去跑步时,在门口把我砸死,或者在街上把我撞死,并且说早上出门时小心,并且把门弄出响声。在街上把我撞死,这句话他们已经说了多次。这是谋杀手段之一。在Freiburg的旅馆Black Forest Hostel我的头被他们多人用便携式红外线探测和接受遥控仪照射,脑子感到非常浑浊,我说我的脑子很浑浊,想休息一下,就回房间里去准备躺在床上休息,随即脑子就感到轻松了许多,因为部分人暂停了照射。(那只是感官信号,实际上,他们是在欺骗受害者。)自从来到Freiburg他们第一次杀害我未遂后,他们就开始对我恐吓,威胁和欺骗了。无数次威胁我,如果我说出真相,我将会被摧毁“Wenn du die Wahrheit sagst, wuerst du zerstoert” 等等。我24小时都被他们监视着。我脑子里想什么他们马上就知道了,这在Sandhausen时也有发现,感觉他们在监视我的思想。我想去法兰克福我国领事馆求救,他们恐吓我,那样我会再次被害。他们一次次说的后来证明都是在欺骗我。他们说如果我回国,会在德国机场被摧毁。无论我到那里,他们都追杀我,说我象当年的毛(泽东),而毛是在自己的国家并且有帮助。我冒着被他们杀害的危险到法兰克福领事馆寻求帮助,结果他们跟踪我到法兰克福。领事馆的同胞说,我可以回国,于是我随即到领事馆对面的中国航空公司售票点购买了飞机票从法兰克福机场回国了,不想给他们杀害我的机会。在回国的途中,他们跟过来几个人,在飞机上威胁,利诱和欺骗,并且说我是比较难的一例“Das ist eine schwierige Faelle”.我问哪一种情况,他们没有回答。在回北京的飞机上,我一夜都在思考,这一切到底是怎么会事,一个坐在我后面的跟踪者说:“不要想的太多”(“Nicht zu viel denken”)。当时我还不明真相。跟踪过来的几个人后来证明是在国内继续跟踪我的。再补充一句,可能是他们模拟别人的声音,而他们在遥控(2008.4.2)。他们每次把声音加到载波调制后打到我的颅内就再加一句“如果你听懂了,就改变你的面孔,不要注视(我们)”(“Wenn Du verstanden hast, aenderst du dein Gesicht, nicht betrachten.”), 我想,他们的目的就是害怕你记住他们的长相,或者更可能的是怕你识破他们的卑鄙伎俩,害怕你发现为何只听到他们说话,却不见他们的嘴唇动。那只是他们模仿别人的声音后合成的声音。我看到的,听到的和想到的他们都同时知道。他们欺骗我说是因为我的眼镜被铬3照射过。在我租了个车回老家的路上,已经是晚上,路上我看到了什么,他们都看到了,因为他们有一个人在说,“你可以不用眼镜” (“Du kannst ohne Brille”),象其它难友一样,我的眼睛被当成摄像机,我的耳朵被当成窃听器。我的大脑比较容易重复一些话,这也可能是他们故意搞的。他们经常用定向能电磁波探击我的右颞侧大脑和右后脑,致使该部位产生疼痛。右脑损伤容易造成情绪沮丧。他们经常说的一句话就是“没有希望,不再(干)了”(“Hoffnungslos, nicht mehr”)他们当中一个年纪大一点的可能是监视的头目,他的声音经常说“难以置信”(“unglaublich”),还有另外两男两女,可能还有多人。当我还没有和别人讲真相时,那个女的就说“Du hast sehr gut erklaert”(“你很好地解释了”)。她说这话之前,他们先从我家墙外街上的方向打出高跟鞋的声音,我当时怀疑他们难道会跟踪我到农村老家?后来才知道是怎么回事,这个女的说话的声音和那个在德国法兰克福机场那个女的声音很相似,可能是同一个人,当时她说“Wenn du fliegst, fliegst du”(“如果你要飞,你就飞”) 他们还说我intelegant, 目的无非是减轻你对他们的反感,反抗情绪。回国后我发现他们依旧在监视我,传进我的脑子里的声音来自空中某个方向。仍然是恐吓,威胁和欺骗。他们威胁我不准在公共场合网吧里查有关信息。后来我用私人电脑从互联网查到有关信息。原来这是红外线远程雷达遥控监控。人体能释放出9微米的红外线,他们事先不知道什么时候就把我身体各部位器官和脑电波信号收集储存起来了,可能是在我夜里睡觉时,他们近距离用红外线探测仪器收集了我身体的有关参数。因为在波鸿Bochum我就住在底楼,头靠窗户一头,窗户外面是割过的草地。他们能很容易做到这一点。回想起在波鸿Bochum 的一些事情,他们都知道,一是他们从那时起就开始监视我了,二是,我回忆起什么,他们的监视仪都记录下来了,包括图片,我多年前的工作生活的事情他们都知道,因为他们都说给我听了。我当时还怀疑是他们调查过了,如果真是这样,那要花费多少精力。这样,到现在我就已经被他们监视两年了-- 也许从刚进入德国不久就开始了,并且现在还在继续。我身体的每一个器官都在他们的监视屏幕上显示出了,还有我的思想,脑电图都被他们破译了。在Heidelberg 火车站的ibis旅馆里,他们还把我如何想的翻译成德语,好像是有意让我听见。这种监视可以在数百公里外进行。可以模拟合成任何人的声音。起初我还认为怎么我碰到的路过的人,人人都知道我的事情,都说给我听。原来是他们合成的声音,借用了别人的声音,甚至借用我趁的出租车里广播的声音(在北京)。难友们说他们的目的就是破坏你的社会人际关系,让你失去工作,失去生活经济来源,把怨恨加到与你无关的人身上,让你犯罪,自我毁灭。他们还能借助这种仪器强迫给你造梦,有些超越亲情伦理,令人发指。他们已经丧尽天良,没有道德,所以就没有人性,纯粹是蓄生。他们不知这样害了多少人,如此多念多恶,必有报应。他们在睡觉时如果回想到自己做了什么非人性的事情,灵魂必然辗转不安,难以自我安抚。(我以前都不作梦,受害后,给我灌输黄色梦境,还在那装模作样骂我了,你不道德呀,你不学好呀...。)关于人性摘录一段别人的话:休谟哲学的代表作《人性论》,共有《论知性》、《论情感》、《论道德》三卷。在休谟的眼里,人性应包括“知性”、“情感”和“道德”,在亚里士多德看来,“人类所不同于其他动物的特征就在于他对善恶和是否合乎正义,以及其他类似的观念的辨认”。亚里士多德的“人是政治动物”的命题,第一次揭示出只有分辨真善,才能够使人同动物区别开来,并超越动物界。黑格尔认为,人区别于动物的特殊之处,在于有思想、理性。只要人性文明的心宇灵光不灭,地球人类的生命之树就不会枯萎!倡导要寻着恶的根源治恶,用社会公德约束恶行,惩恶扬善。对于恶事恶人,则要通过法律法规、社会公共道德制约,成为符合道德规范标准的人。人之向善,是任何力量也阻挡不了的。人性发展的方向应该是抑恶扬善、弃恶扬善这个根本。像肉食动物一样,只将动物性的恶的一面释放出来,那这个世界将是多么的可怕。恶的无度释放就象魔鬼地再生,无度的恶只会导致恶报。人性向恶的退化进化也许是他们丢失了一个硷基,或者本来就是三个或者只有两个碱基的生物,只是在之前作为隐性症状而没有表现出来而已。他们利用这种丧失人性的手段折磨,使我丧失正常的反应和判断力。在那个城市Karlsruhe火车站,他们中的一个女的说,想做医学博士论文的,到她那边去,另外一个中国人男的,用手推车推着自己的小孩,说想做文学博士论文的就到他那里去,后来才知道他可能是想帮助我。但是我真的想做医学博士论文,于是就到那边去了,她说,做医学博士论文就应该自我要求被逮捕,我说我愿意做医学博士论文,就去找Karlsruhe火车站警察办公室,要求自我被逮捕。开始警察感到不可思议,哪有自己要求被逮捕的,我把刚刚的情况说了一遍,他们就假装给我录口供,我感觉不对,就要求结束这个闹剧,他们就不肯了,说是有新闻媒体报道,做一做假装给媒体看,要我配合。因为自己要求被捕,没有理由,就说和女朋友Julia Meier 在一起,其实我还根本不知道谁是Julia Meier,那个女警察说,没有暴力不算犯罪。不能被逮捕。然后他们给我戴上手铐说是出去给媒体做做样子看看,结果他们把我拉到一个隐蔽的地方,大约有两三层的楼房。一个年龄大的给我诊断是精神病,就把握关进二氧化碳的房子(麻醉)里大约有一个多小时,并且说这和XX(住在Bochum)完全一样"Das ist genau bei XX”。在房间里我看到墙上有血。在里面我祈祷并且向法兰克福中国领事馆和柏林中国大使馆求救。然后他们把我带到另外一个间房里,让我正对着后墙座着,我的右半个脑子里突然感到一阵向后向下的凉的收缩感,然后他们强迫我,把我的手指都在屏幕上按了指纹,储存在了电脑里,还给我量了身高和体重,让我脱掉衣服,检查了身体,他们做了记录。又把我关进二氧化碳房间,有大约半个小时。把握放出来后已经是深夜两三点钟。我要求吸氧,他们也不给。他们说我大脑的性区和暴力区都被摧毁了,并且说今后只能做文学方面的工作“Nur Geistwissenschaft”。这是第三次谋杀。(呃,我不得不说这个受害者太天真,受害者说啥信啥)他们通过调节雷达遥控仪的波段,可以使你身上相应部位疼痛,经常是让你头痛和睾丸痛,我现在正在写这篇文章的时候就有睾丸疼痛,这是他们心虚所致。还记得以前放屁太多,一直不断,一会儿就去厕所一趟,刚刚吃过的东西都被排出来了,食物无法在我的胃肠道停留, 我的胃肠道经常是空的,不知道是怎么回事,后来查了些资料才知道,这是他们通过电磁波刺激我的胃肠道所致,他们已经没有人性。这种仪器可能通过各种无线电中继站或者通过卫星达到远程控制的目的,我现在写的这段文字他们也同时读了。他们还用电磁波刺激我的右侧上下肢体,致使我该侧肢体肌无力。我还没有弄明白之前,甚至曾怀疑想患脑血栓。惨绝人寰,令人发指。这些蓄生必然会遭到类似的惩罚,施给别人的,自己后来也必然被施。这就是正义和道德的力量和功能。“正合奇胜”,邪恶法术经过修炼也能达到顶峰,但是最终还是要败下阵来。“唯德震天”,唯德才能立于不败之地,唯德才是永不断的利器,拥有这一利器始终高他无限。无数事例包括战争无不是与正合而最终战胜邪恶,最终胜利而生存。战争的性质从一开始就决定了战争的结局,至于双方力量的对比只能是暂时的,或者有时可能会维持相当一段时间。符合人性是与正合,反人性是负德,和人类的道德相反。发明这种技术的人应当无罪,有罪的应该是使用它的人,就像其它类科技一样,使用它的人如果不被世界反法西斯法庭审判,就像第二次世界大战一样,也必然会遭到报应,这样或那样的,各种形式的报应。邪恶法门一般都是暂时的,大都不能长久。不然的话这个宇宙怎么会运行得如此有规律。“含德之厚,比于赤子,毒虫不蜇 。。。。。。”。正义的力量是无形地作用的,卫星,定向能电磁波,无线电遥控,光速等等都逃不脱它的法力。这如果不能称作第三次世界大战的话,也是另外一种形式的特殊战争。是人性与反人性,道德与反道德,正义与非正义之战。 战争的结局也是肯定的。最后他们被人类世界法庭审判的时候,也将被用这种方式处置,他们既往的一切恶行将被从他们的大脑里 ―― 播放,呈现在审判大厅的巨大显示器上,并且向全世界实况转播。他们也必将被以他们害人类的同样的方式以反人类罪被处决。与第二次世界大战相似。否则,这个人类的世界将无法再和这个地球和谐生存共处,这个宇宙也将不会再如既往那样如此有规律地运转。地球上存在这种东西是对这个地球的亵渎。这一对新纳粹的世纪审判迟早要到来,他们作恶越多,就来的越快。这是发生在现今的所谓民主的德国的事情,这是当年纳粹德国实施的精神控制手段,只是技术更加先进了。当时纳粹德国控制人的精神是用药物,现在是用电子和电磁波定向能武器。我在判断这些人的身份的时候,曾经考虑过是经济诈骗团伙,也考虑过是法轮功的人干的,因为我也曾经骂过法轮功,从网上难友的信息中了解到,可能是政府官员的亲属,或者秘密警察干的,或者是间谍组织,或者是黑社会专门整人害人的, 或者是新纳粹法西斯为杀人灭口。这种电子精神控制是第四次谋杀。确切地还难以断定这是个什么组织,总之具有恐怖组织的特点: 恐吓,威胁,欺骗,利诱,残忍,没有人类的道德属性。后来在网上看了难友们的Blog,文章等,说这是搞脑科学的人干的。这么看来,这些人已经偏离了科学的正道,陷入了邪教的歧途,并且走火入魔了。Moss David Posner, M.D.说,大多数头脑控制程序和研究是非常政治的。这么说这些使用者成了别人的爪牙,待到不再被使用时,他们的命运可想而知。我查了有关金属铬的文章,六价铬少量就可以置人于死地。他们投放的应该是六价铬,如果他们真的是使用了铬的话(亚历山大?利特维年科,俄罗斯联邦安全局中校,被毒死的是两种比较少见的金属元素——钋210,铊。前者是一种放射性元素,后者是一个重量杀手。虽然铊中毒会产生严重后果,但死亡的并不多。凶手恐怕也知道这一点,因此下毒时还加入了另外一种放射性物质,钋 210。它的辐射,是一种更厉害的辐射杀手),我想是电磁波,致使我心律失常的也应该是电磁波。我吃维生素C和喝水时感觉到的一过性头痛的疼痛性质,不应该是放射性金属所致,那样的话,头痛应该有持续性。他们故意造谣惑众,说是什么铬,以掩盖真相。他们说,“铬3牺牲品只能呆在德国”(“Fuer Ge3-Opfer darf man nur in Deutschland bleiben”)等等, 也许是怕你说出真相也许是利用心理学,用反话和行动等等故意把你赶出,让你在别的国家为他们搜集各方面的信息。我回国后拜访朋友,他们用朋友的语调合成声音“我们的友谊到此为止”等等,当然只有我能听见,就象有些难友解释的那样,他们的目的是为了是你失去所有的社会关系,迁怒于无辜的人,让你犯罪而自取灭亡。他们通过制造各种矛盾使你失去工作和经济来源,生活无着落, 又对你精神摧残,这种对人性的践踏之极无以加覆, 对他们的任何处罚都难以洗脱其罪孽。当我在脑子里想有关问题的时候,他们说,他们付出的是时间,而我付出的是生命。网上查到不少同类受害者,也对有关机理等作了探讨,使我得以了解真相,谢谢各位难友。这篇文章历时多日,每当回忆起来,便记录下来,他们也在看着,也许我随时都会被他们用定向能波及我的心脏和大脑,造成心肌血管痉挛,心肌缺血坏死,即心肌梗塞,或者脑血管被击破,造成脑溢血,或者其它器官被击裂,例如肝破裂等,或者暗示你做什么,或者暗示别人做什么,制造出车祸等等。我希望别人知道我是被谁害的。如果我出意外,就是他们干的。如果他们的目的---使受害者失去所有社会关系,失去工作和经济来源,通过拟声栽赃于无辜的路人等等而诱使受害者要么经不起精神折磨而变成精神分裂,自杀或者做出违法行为等等动机不能够得逞,即你经受住这种种非人性的酷刑,也会因为长时间暴露于这种强磁场里,也会使身体八大系统的各个器官细胞膜动作电位发生反转去极化,细胞膜内不再是-70mV,将导致基因突变发生各种癌症,如血液系统的癌症白血病。这就如同自己的身体被迫暴露于核爆炸或者核泄漏下。他们对我威胁,恐吓,欺骗和利诱,不让我讲出真相,他们随时都可能使用上述方法杀人灭口。例如他们威胁说“你有倒霉”(“Du hast pech”)(2008.3.18) 等等。他们还可以给无辜的人发射射频信号,暗示他们对你使用非法暴力等等,他们真的是非人类。大约从2006 年后半年至今2008.3.18他们对我的生命,精神,身体健康和经济等等方面造成的损失无法估量。他们对我至今依旧威胁,恐吓,利诱和欺骗,他们可能是纳粹种族黑社会,专门整人暗算人。我回国后他们到现在(2008.3.18)还在对我使用这种无线联合遥感机,用定向能波及我的右侧睾丸,致使我疼痛难忍。把声音打到我的头部,使我颅内听到他们的声音,一天24小时不断。他们的目的可能还想让我把这事告诉家人,父母兄弟姐妹,给家里人带来精神压力,搅乱家庭和睦,带来物质损失等等。实在是卑鄙。他们的声音告诉我不要和其他人说,我想他们可能是指亲属以外的人。他们经常用反话,用心理学的方法,对你欺骗,威胁。看来,他们已经害了很多人,他们的手法非常老练,24小时持续折磨你,目的可能是把你逼出神经精神症状,让家人和周围的人把你当作精神分裂送进精神病院,把人彻底摧毁,其非人性之恶劣,丧心病狂,令人发指。我骂他们非人性,他们也承认,说“对”(“korrekt”).我试着想象被他们害死的幽灵来找他们算帐,被他们波及小肠的,肝脏的,大脑的,心脏的等等受害者,每当这些害人精开始闭上眼入睡时,那些被害的幽灵就开始入门入窗找他们的相应器官算账,他们突然惊醒,惊呼,出冷汗。每当他们开始通过定向能控制按钮能把能量调大时,我就想像他们的那只手就会颤抖,面孔狰狞,獠牙竖发,歇斯底里等等神经精神症状。他们难以忘记被害者的幽灵,这些冤魂经常追杀他们到他们的脑子里抓他们回阴间接受审判,时时刻刻。这些想法可能都以画面的形式呈现在他们的监视屏上,他们受到了精神刺激,就发定向能电磁波波及我的生殖腺睾丸。如果屈服他们的恐吓威胁,就会使他们的害人动机得逞,诸位难友,我是从网上你们的文章和你们的受害经历中了解我被害的真实情况的,我们只有团结一致,与群魔战斗,光明的生活才不会被黑夜笼罩。我们应该想办法,找出干扰措施,捍卫自己的人格尊严,战争的性质决定了它的结局(2008.3.18)。相反,害怕被揭露于白天化日,担心其见不得人的恶行曝光,是他们做贼心虚,而我们不应该被其威胁恐吓所吓倒,这样就会给邪恶临时性地压倒正义的机会。2008.3.24昨天晚上楼上一个女的过来要电费,她说了一句,我这几天在广州,我当时很奇怪,她怎么知道我在广州,我和我弟弟说了这事,我弟弟也问,她为何知道我在广州,然后我就恍然大悟了,原来又是这帮纳粹黑社会在使坏,是他们立即模拟出了那个女的声音,想让我认为是她说的,让我因此做出不适当的言行,从而毁坏我的工作生活,人际等等一切,致我于死地, 而这群恶棍可以躲在背后逍遥法外。当我把这段话打印出来时,他们也同时看了,并且说“正确”("korrekt”)“难以置信”(“unglaublich”)。回想到以前他们模拟我朋友的声音说“我们的友谊到此为止”等等,至今他们还在使坏,他们很可能将来还会继续使坏,让你在工作中出现错误,让你失去工作。我想了想,应该把这群恶棍定性为纳粹黑社会(当我打出这句话时他们立即说“正确”(“recht”, 而当我又把这句话打出时他们又说“很好”(“toll”),随后又说“好”(“gut”),一个女的立即又说“难以置信”(“unglaublich”))。我给他们的定性纳粹黑社会,想来也是有事实根据的,因为据我在德国八年多的观察思考很可能大约有百分之八十的德国人有排外倾向,他们恨不得把所有的外国人都赶走,只是他们口头上不说出了罢了,但是在具体生活及办事时就表现出来了。又回想起来在那个县级市Kreisstadt Sigmaringen 的专科学校Fachhochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen的学生电脑室里,当时那里只有几个学生在上网,我坐在第一排,有个女学生临走时从我身边过时说了一句“我感到害羞”(“Ich scheue mich”),再想起在那个城市Castrop-Rauxel的火车上一个男的说“我是害羞的”(“Ich bin scheu”),还有在我们国内当时在发射神六的时候,我当时没有课了,他们三个下一届的中国同学上完课后回来说,那个教授Bergmann 在课堂上说了关于我们神六的事,引起课堂上的德国学生哄堂大笑,因为语言关系当时没有完全听懂,我想可能是那个教授说了有关我们神六的坏话。德国现在的那个总理Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel 就曾经说过,其它文化和德国文化是平行的,不相交的,在德国都必须归于他们的文化,等等,而不是提倡多种文化互相融合,互相取长补短,她这话我想是带着排外意味的。还听人说过,如果有人想拿他们的居留,就象要掘他们的老祖坟一样。他们真是非常纳粹的,用他们的语言说是“nazihaft”,这时那个老奸巨滑的家伙可能是纳粹黑社会头目又说“难以置信”(“unglaublich”,“好”(“gut”),那个女的说“正确”("korrekt”)。这群帮匪也可能是盖世太保(秘密警察,Geheimpolizei)专门监视在德国的外国人的,其非人性之手段已经构成反人类罪。看看这些纳粹生物(Nazileberwesen)的危害人类的纳粹恐怖(Naziterror)历史,世界上仅有的两次世界大战都是这个反人类的纳粹发起的,因为是反人类的,所以必然不能立于人类之林,纳粹,失败,再纳粹,再失败。邪不压正,“捣乱失败,再捣乱再失败”. 壮志饥餐纳粹肉,笑谈渴饮纳粹血。我想,解决问题的方法就在问题本身-查无线电遥控工作原理-查定向能电磁波工作原理-查射频干扰-查调制,解调干扰-反辐射 !-反载波—干扰载波信号,即调制信号(宽频干扰在对方屏幕显示白波),等等。Wenxiu Zhou,,, wenxiu@googlemail.com2008.3.25今天看的文章说也可能是测谎仪,我想测谎仪可能是较早的,定向能电磁波才是最新的。但我写这句话的时候,那个纳粹头目轻声地说“好”(“gut”). 测谎仪主要是以心率、血压、呼吸、体温....变化等为测量特征,而无线电遥控和定向能电磁波根据微波载波原理和脑电波指纹等则不需要测量仪器置于头部。2008.3.26人性是人类的本质,反人性及反人类。 人类的历史应该是人性与反人性,人类与反人类相互斗争发展的历史。符合人性为正德,反人性为负德。反人性(反人类)失败,再反人性(反人类)再失败,有历史为证。纳粹Nazi非人类尚未进化为人类,还未进化出人性基因,如果这种生物想要存在于这个人类的地球,必须把这些东西的基因改造,加入人类的人性基因,对其进行基因重组,至于其它人类的属性可以先暂不给它们加入,只要不反人类就行了。尽管这样改造后它们还不完全具备人类的特性,表型。2008.3.27 22:38如果我出现任何形式的意外,就是德国的新纳粹干的,请把我的受害经历公布到多处网上,或者给国务院温家宝总理寄去一份复印件。在全国甚至全球范围内声讨和追杀新纳粹战犯。2008.3.28俄议会决议指出:“当代科技的成就使信息及心理生理技术的发展成为可能。基于这些技术出现了秘密,远程影响个体或某个群体的心理和生理的方法和手段。存在着许多可靠的方法来改变人的思维能力,操纵人的行为,干扰合理反应,或人为制造出依赖症状。 听觉-视觉影响是通过听觉或视觉通路实现的:微弱的低于域限的刺激是无法有意识知觉到的,但它们却能够被导入深层潜意识,并且在当事人无法察觉到其存在的情况下将他的思想和行为导向事先确定的方向。”我想任何负面的思想包括可能是被这些非人类暗示诱导出的悲观情绪等等,先是这些害人的不良信息通过调制到微波和载波后打到你的头部大脑,使你产生种种不良情绪,这些不良情绪引起了神经内分泌的变化,从而影响了人类的生理反应变化,所以必须锻炼成非常坚强的意志力,主动地对抗这些情绪,把这些当作负面的条件反射因素,依靠主观意志力产生出正面反射,从而避免产生负面的神经内分泌的生理反应。把坏事变成好事。2008.3.29这些纳粹生物,连猪都不如,因为猪不侵害人类,是狗生物(Hundeleberwesen),因为狗专门侵袭人类。侵袭人类必然被人类所灭。第一次侵袭人类,失败了,第二次侵袭人类,又失败了,这些没有人性的狗,现在已经开始了第三次侵袭人类,其结局是肯定的。2008.3.30这群无赖还没有放下屠刀,立地成佛的意思,那么为反德国法西斯而战死也是一种荣幸,为捍卫人类的尊严而牺牲,重如泰山,到了阴间也会为追杀新纳粹继续作战,直到这些侵害人类的生物遭到人类的第三次世界大审判,绳之以法为止。我无论如何都不能相信,邪恶能够战胜正义。也许地球人类正义之德就是万物之处之气,可以化解一切形形色色的邪恶,包括什么微波辐射,定向能武器等等. 历史已经证明了,炼就类似魔法而无德性,最终是以自我毁灭而告终的。2008.4.3呼吁所有在新纳粹德国被害的外国人联合起来,成立德国纳粹问题研究所,主要研究方向为纳粹问题,利用分子生物学等方法,从纳粹基因,或者说纳粹碱基入手,到表型性状等等,并且进一步研究解决方案,对纳粹生物的基因进行重组,去除纳粹基因,插入人类的人性基因,从核苷酸水平预防和阻止纳粹生物第三次侵害人类,反对纳粹生物不惜一切手段,不惜一切代价,不计一切风险,为捍卫人类的尊严而战斗。想把我的受害经历翻译成英语,以便大家交流。施与人的自己必然被施,以其人之道还之其人之身。我想和警方合作,监控所有在中国的德国“人”,发现凡是属于那百分之八十的纳粹即符合手术指征的,就给于人性外科手术,凡属于那百分之二十的,要注意观察,防止基因突变。德国zhou:性别:男年龄:1963年出生受害年月:2004年受害身份:博士学历:硕士特长:德语,,
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我从未给别人说过我的想法,思维,感觉(嗅,视,听),但 它们可以让一班的同学们知道, 比如我内心哼的歌曲总是被同学唱出来;心里的话,内容总是可以从同学们的嘴中反映出来;即便是我把歌词认错了,他们唱出来也是与我一样完全错误的!多次以后,我不得不相信同学们的确是感觉到我的什么.我一思考的时候,就有人来找我对话.曾有一位同学在我面前看着我,正大光明的回答我心里的话!他可以作证!我常常和同学们心理交流,这是随时的,从未断过的.现在也无法间断,日日如此 。这种现象持续了4个月了,我一直没有找到好的办法抑制它。其实产生这件事的原因很复杂,时间也久了,我曾和一位同学有误会,大约半年的困绕,一个月的与同学们的内战,经过了如坐针毡,枕戈待旦的极剧烈的内心折磨,才产生这样的现象!这时候同学们似乎特别容易受心理暗示,情绪也是很紧张。这不是我一个人的偏执,同学们早已旁敲侧击提醒我了,我怎么否认. 关键的是,我是个理科生,坚持唯物主义,事实无法否认!我时而耳鸣,头总是感觉翁翁的振动声音而非病痛,偶尔还会有陌生的音乐响起.有时还可以感觉到厕所味, 更有时莫名就心里痛,头晕什么的.胸部有刺痛,还有一种怪异的感觉,不舒服。医生按抑郁,焦虑和镇定开了药方,服药数月,还是如此。在未发生这件事时我的头脑相当清醒,无论学习成绩还是体育成绩都相当的好,但后来我的情绪体验很糟,在高三的关键一个月里,我相当内向,非常刻苦的学习,并承受着几个男同学的谣言。我曾天天的哭,感觉像世界末日一般,我坚持认为,走过这个坎,就是我莫大的幸福了。在苦难的时间里,陪我的只有那些信念和爸爸了。现在我休学在家,每天的生活都苍白,无力的过去,而我的课本,已经堆在角落里蒙上灰尘了 。想避开知道我内情的同学们,开始学习的愿望,已经变了。我希望自己能够控制住这种现象,不让它成为我成长道路上的障碍。清醒地认识这个事实,找到对自己有利的地方,我想非常重要。我希望无奈可以让大家理解,堕落可以被自己察觉,多么渴望可以在蓝天白云与阳光的护佑下真正地自由和欢乐,好好的做一下自己.黑夜会有天使,是你吗?以上转贴自一位难友网站的文章。引用网址:
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