Evidence of mind control abuses and tortures

We should urge government start investigating the abuse and torture of remote electromagnetic mind control technologies from cases which have strong evidences. If government start investigating few cases which have strong evidences, all victims will see the hope that their cases would be investigated soon.


My case have strong fact and evidence, we encourage all victims to collect strong facts and evidences. If you have strong facts and evidences, please leave an comments to this discussion.


The Fact and evidence of abuses and tortures of mind control technologies:

I was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and I was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong

(https://peacepink.ning.com/profiles/blogs/kidnapped-by-mind-control )


Psychiatrists are crystal clear about what are organized stalking and non lethal weapons all about. Please see this report from Masters, Clinical Psychology.


What constitutes evidence of electronic harassment?

Posted by Jeremy on 6th January 2011  



In this article:

•An invisible crime, committed at the speed of light

•How helpful are statements from the alleged developers or possessors of electronic harassment technology?

•When measurements are helpful, and when they’re not

•Can you prove that mind-invasive technology is being used against you, and how does that help you?

•On the utility of witnesses



To help targeted individuals complaining about electronic harassment with gathering evidence of what’s happening to them, and to demonstrate to skeptics what a difficult hurdle TI’s face, I’d like to go over what TI’s need to do to make their case in the court of public opinion, or the court of law.

An invisible crime, committed at the speed of light

When a person is shot with a gun, there are mountains of evidence left behind:


•the bullet, enabling investigators to narrow down the search for the weapon considerably;

•the entry/exit wounds;

•evidence placing the victim at a specific location when he was shot – blood droplets, footprints, and clothing fibers;

•ballistic evidence, allowing the bullet to be traced back to its source with some reliability;

•evidence left on the bullet itself – barrel markings, DNA of the suspect, and the suspect’s fingerprints (even if they’ve been wiped off1);

•a loud noise, alerting bystanders that a crime has been committed, in real time;

•and more, depending on the circumstances.

However, let’s suppose a person is attacked electromagnetically. What evidence is left behind?


•The target’s uncorroborated account of the sensations he felt.

The attack itself is completely silent and invisible. The attacker could be miles away.2 The equipment used is unknown, and effectively untraceable. There might be no visible or identifiable marks on the victim, as emerging nonlethal weapon (NLW) technologies are intended to inflict intolerable pain on a target, rather than damage him.3


How helpful are statements from the alleged developers or possessors of electronic harassment technology?


Do patents prove anything?

A patent only proves that someone is interested in developing the capabilities described in the patent. Without a working model, it doesn’t prove that the device described actually does what is claimed.


In fact, we would expect exactly the opposite; that any U.S. patents pertaining to clandestine technologies targets are complaining about would be dead ends. If they actually described working devices, they would be suppressed under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, because of national security concerns.4


Does a stated intent to develop capabilities prove anything?

Military agencies regard deception as a tool of warfare, and may arrange the publication of disinformation about future capabilities. It’s best not to read too much into statements regarding hypothesized technological developments. Occasionally, agencies like DARPA or MITRE corporation will publish requests for proposals or speculative strategies for the uses of futuristic technology. These statements may be useful for investigators who are trying to divine the shape of things to come, but aren’t useful for proving capabilities exist.


Does a statement or demonstration of capabilities prove anything?

Statements from established, credible sources about their capabilities are generally considered strong evidence. If those sources are caught lying, their credibility is undermined.


So a statement of capabilities is very useful in terms of making your case to the general public that a particular device exists and is or will soon be used. A demonstration is proof that it exists and is being used. However:


•A demonstration or credible statement of capabilities doesn’t prove that the device in question is being used against you;

•over-using references to these public statements or demonstrations may be portrayed as evidence of “obsession” on the part of a “deluded” writer.

When making your case, image is everything.


When measurements are helpful, and when they’re not

Can you measure it?

Measuring equipment that you can afford will, realistically, measure emissions in limited frequency ranges: 1 Hz to 21 Ghz is the maximum range of ‘affordable’ spectrum analyzer equipment as of 2010; RF detectors are much cheaper, but have a more limited range. This is troublesome, because at least one directed-energy weapon on the market (the Active Denial System) operates at a much higher frequency range.


For a measuring device to capture an RF signal, not only does the signal have to be in the frequency range that the device will pick up; the signal also has to be long enough in duration for the device to pick up. A military-grade implant might be picking up frequency-hopping signals of very short duration – microseconds or even nanoseconds between hops. A commercial spectrum analyzer wouldn’t be able to capture these signals.


Furthermore, an investigator has to be there with measuring equipment when the signal is being transmitted. The harassment might be turned off when the target has arranged for instruments to be present.


With obstacles like these, it’s not surprising that many TI’s don’t even try to capture measurements.


Are your measurements inaccurate or misleading?

Incorrect alignment of the measuring device, or proximity to large metal objects, can give misleading readings to unsophisticated investigators.5 Also, your detector may be deliberately set off.


What have you measured?

If you’ve recorded a signal that coincides with pain or distress, have you determined that a specific person is attempting to harm you?


Harm: ANSI has set standards for maximum acceptable levels of short-term microwave exposure; ionizing radiation has well-known lethal dosages; and at least one study shows a very strong correlation between long-term proximity to cell towers and certain kinds of ailments.6 If you can capture signals corresponding to the strength, duration, and radio-frequency of these harmful EM emissions, you know you’re being harmed by those emissions, and you’ll eventually be able to make a good case to the public and to a court.


If mind-invasive technology is being used, you need much more personalized evidence of harm. See my remarks in the next section.


Specific person: you have to trace the signal back to the source. You can do this with very inexpensive equipment – such as an RF detector – assuming the source isn’t adjusting his attacks in real time. Signal strength will increase with proximity to the source.


What have you gained by obtaining evidence that a specific person is attempting to harm you?

You’ve gained focus for a more thorough (and expensive) investigation by expert witnesses whose testimony will support your claim in court.


If you can prove harm, you’ll eventually have a criminal case. (Assault is illegal, whether it was performed with a microwave weapon or a baseball bat; there doesn’t have a law specifically prohibiting the use of a particular implement against you.)


Can you prove that mind control technology is being used against you, and how does that help you?

Implant detection


U.S. researchers recently demonstrated silk-based implants, with miniscule electrodes imprinted on a silk substrate that melts away, allowing for precise placement of the electrodes.7 This isn't necessarily happening to TI's, but it pays to think outside the box when considering implant architectures.

Many targets repeatedly get ‘hit’ in the same areas; some have discernible bulges under their skin suggesting the presence of foreign objects. It’s possible they have implants in those areas; it’s even possible that mind control technology requires the presence of implants.


Possible methods of detection include:


•Metal detectors or stud finders;

•An MRI reading;

•A CT scan, CAT scan, or X-ray reading.

However, just because the suspected implant or implants aren’t detected by commercial equipment, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I’ve previously suggested that targets might be carrying covert taggants which enable tracking and targeting8, or the implants themselves might be microscopic.


Detection of covert taggants or implants will have to be through more indirect means. I’ll get to that in a minute.


So you’ve found an implant. What have you proved?

Unfortunately, not much. You have a foreign object in your body; it is in your possession; you have the right to disable it or remove it.


You don’t know who put it there, or how it’s affecting your body or nervous system. (However, a link between certain kinds of implants and cancer has been previously demonstrated.6.)


How likely are you to capture signals?

If hypothesized mind control signals are directed at implants in your body, they might (as discussed above in the Measurements section) be undetectable on commercial spectrum analyzers. Furthermore, the target’s harassers are unlikely to cooperate.


In my opinion, the best shot involves going after targets who are getting some form of highly frequent harassment (typically 24/7 voice-to-skull or subliminals).


It’s possible that targets getting highly frequent harassment are getting it from programmable implants – a telling sign would be that the harassment doesn’t go away when the target is inside a shielded environment, but it gets “dumber”. Programmable implants might be getting signals from the outside world only occasionally.


Will capturing signals help you?

For the sake of argument, let’s say the signals can be captured, and you manage to capture them. What’ve you got?


You’ve got a recording of an unusual signal that means nothing to the layman, or even to most civilian scientists and engineers. You have to demonstrate that this signal has an effect on you – and ideally, on others.



Having captured a mind control signal, if you can replay it and reproduce its effects on your nervous system or mind under controlled conditions, you now know that mind control technology is being used against you, and what its nature is. 

You’re ready for a more focused – and expensive – investigation.


On the utility of witnesses

In the event that you find evidence linking attacks on you to a specific location, you’re almost ready to take legal action. However, you shouldn’t expect your adversary to lie down and accept a beating from the legal system; he might challenge you in court, and even counter-sue. You need credible expert witnesses who can verify or testify that attacks against you are coming from the location in question, and that they are harming you or causing you distress.


In the event you manage to capture signals to implants in your body (or mind control signals), expert witnesses will be an essential element of your proof that clandestine technology has been used against you. You would need to reproduce the signals’ effect on you in a shielded environment, in a double-blind study9, with reliable expert witnesses who understand the experiment and what’s being claimed.


The obstacles to proving the use of electronic harassment against a target are enormous, and even understated in this article. Much of what I’ve written above will not apply if the target’s harassers do not cooperate – or worse, act to mislead the target.

From our perspective, exposing targeting operations en masse is more economical and more likely than being able to prove they’re happening to a particular person. Skeptical third parties might be able to work wonders by bringing detection equipment with them on surprise visits to targeted individuals, but for them, talk is much cheaper.

It’s been three years of overt electronic harassment for me, and much longer for others, but we’re still at an impasse.


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  • here is a link to my blog

    and here is a photo of what it looks like when a heart attack is sent out via radio waves
    the handlers call it a code blue

    arrythmias-compare to cardio tape11 26.JPG

  • here is what it looks like when they send cardiac arrhythmia to a targeted individual
    here is a blog link with other photos and scalar info


    arrythmias-compare to cardio tape11 26.JPG

  • Symptoms of Mind Control Weapons
  • Cynthia - The brain transmitter can translate electromagnetic wave into brain signals. This is how you are able to hear the voices from people that are not around you.

    You cannot record the sound + voices generated by the brain transmitter since the brain signals are not audible for your ears or recorders. I wouldn't even class that as sound as it directly talks to your brain stem.

    I'm concerned now for all of us. The more we blame and see things that are not there, the less focus we are. Please don't take this as offence.
  • yes you can record and hear them
    in fact up to 288 wave levels
    you can record and hear
    voice to skull = v2k
    squad = ssss
    syntel = scalar such as jeriositors, velositors named because of the velosity and spin of the energy particles

    each brain wave is genetically unique like a finger print and they do it by a method called - entraining the brain waves'
    a beating tone is sent through at a level not heard by the ear itself because it does not cause vibrations of the ear bones which is actually how humans hear. its like a dog whistle or subliminal tape and the brain still receives the message just in a way unfamiliar to us. they are using this same method to communicate with victims of als and those who have gone deaf.

    the technology is ancient and all of these methods can be recorded with a very inexpensive digital recorder and then remove the hissing static noise and increase the sound. you will hear the conversations. they use the audio looping method that nasa uses.
    i have this information in my forums here on peacepink or you can read them and numerous recorded conversations on my blog site
  • I really must say that this is true words and of importance to understand, if we are at all going to take this further and try finding a way out of this, or at least justice and not blame someone not involved. This is exactly what they want. Mislead us, going in the wrong direction. And of course, this is done in purpose of not finding the real truth about whats going on.
  • CIA and NSA protect people and I have been in the DOD NSA computers since the day i was born so I know what they do.

    Nasa is a space program in the USA and I have a cousin who is an astronaut and a friends father in charge of the space shuttle transportation. however NASA is not the only space program.
    it might be notable that NASA is the program where the NAZI scientist were put when they were relocated to the United States.

    I have never personally said that NSA ever terrorized me I was targeted by MIT Media Lab, Patti Maes and Karl Sims who signed onto my laptop via mit.edu along with other individuals at Universities close to where i was living. They also paid my neighbor Mark Lovenburg through the ambient technology account, in fact they paid his mortgage directly through the ma. mit acccount even though i lived in oregon at the time.

    i have over 7000 hours of recorded conversation and am helping with a federal electronic harassment investigation going on. they had investigated INTEL and IBM but never come across anything like the racket MIT had going. they actually were selling women on the black market along with cunige through a man named David Pedros Saez who is running GNU free software. he writes internet protocol called white papers and transfers child pornography hidden in them via a free program called aladin that conceals videos and pictures. I had been listed for sale by name in a paper called the ex patriot in dubai.

    i have addressed senate and the house of reps on domestic violence issues and there is a black market for women. so much so that it was just a couple years ago that california actually increased the fines for selling human beings which had only been 5000.00.

    why would it be necessary for MIT to do such a thing...well always follow the money trail and it will get you to the culprit every time. no one would give funding for the type of experimentation that the media lab did on individuals. it is immoral and unethical and they left a very long trail of cadavers. fortunately that is now the status of most who were with the media lab in feb of this year. mnit will also be closing its doors soon and are barely getting by now with the few remaining teachers trying to cover the classes of missing staff.

    it will be great when this is all over.
  • You are a very intelligent being for studying in MIT =).

    Its easy to blame someone or organisation that we perceive as powerful when we don't know who is responsible because we believe they have the resource.

    The MIT is unlikely going to be behind this. First of all, think of Peace pink. We got people from all over the world. I doubt they can be responsible for all of them. I dont doubt that people at MIT have access to the system where they can tap into your memory and watch your habitat and routines. If my theory is right the experimentation finished decades ago and this is live project. From my perspective they are immune to prosecution because of how little we can do and come up against them. Even if we manage to come up with decent evidence, noone will step forward to take the blame and it will fall through. Don't take my comment as the truth though, as I view things now at worst case scenario.

    Depends on what you mean by "when this is all over". I can give you the likely hood that the system is going to be brought down, and that is no more than 1% chance in this century (considering the current resource we have and the situation we are in and the ability to influence people that brain transmitter exists).

    If you mean left alone by people then yes maybe. You are unlikely going to find justice though.

    cynthia said:
    CIA and NSA protect people and I have been in the DOD NSA computers since the day i was born so I know what they do.

    Nasa is a space program in the USA and I have a cousin who is an astronaut and a friends father in charge of the space shuttle transportation. however NASA is not the only space program.
    it might be notable that NASA is the program where the NAZI scientist were put when they were relocated to the United States.

    I have never personally said that NSA ever terrorized me I was targeted by MIT Media Lab, Patti Maes and Karl Sims who signed onto my laptop via mit.edu along with other individuals at Universities close to where i was living. They also paid my neighbor Mark Lovenburg through the ambient technology account, in fact they paid his mortgage directly through the ma. mit acccount even though i lived in oregon at the time.

    i have over 7000 hours of recorded conversation and am helping with a federal electronic harassment investigation going on. they had investigated INTEL and IBM but never come across anything like the racket MIT had going. they actually were selling women on the black market along with cunige through a man named David Pedros Saez who is running GNU free software. he writes internet protocol called white papers and transfers child pornography hidden in them via a free program called aladin that conceals videos and pictures. I had been listed for sale by name in a paper called the ex patriot in dubai.

    i have addressed senate and the house of reps on domestic violence issues and there is a black market for women. so much so that it was just a couple years ago that california actually increased the fines for selling human beings which had only been 5000.00.

    why would it be necessary for MIT to do such a thing...well always follow the money trail and it will get you to the culprit every time. no one would give funding for the type of experimentation that the media lab did on individuals. it is immoral and unethical and they left a very long trail of cadavers. fortunately that is now the status of most who were with the media lab in feb of this year. mnit will also be closing its doors soon and are barely getting by now with the few remaining teachers trying to cover the classes of missing staff.

    it will be great when this is all over.
  • i studied genetic engineering at the univ of michigan in the medical program and am not much of an IT techie

    MIT media lab illegally accessed my laptop and in the admin security file i found the names and addresses where they signed into my computer using the MIT school network .
  • No wonder you are so defensive of MIT

    look what i found onlin
    Robin L. Yan, Graduate student, Brown University, Providence, RI ... Sciences and Technology (HST) at the Broad Institute of MIT/Harvard, Cambridge, MA ...
    www.cs.williams.edu/dept/CSAlumni.html - Cached - Similar
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