I know Sofia was a member of your site and she committed suicide on August 12, 2011. She was listening to recordings all the time and I think she reinforced her mind control by listening to and believing what those recordings were telling her. No one else could make out what the recordings were saying. They told her to come home and the more she listened, the sadder she became, the crazier she seemed and the more discontent she became with life.
Sofia believed she was a targeted individual. She thought she was NOT mind controlled. But to everyone else it was quite evident that she was the one most likely mind controlled and whatever was happening to her was making her more and more crazy, out of touch with reality every day.
She was brilliant, had a super high IQ and she fooled all of us, acted very happy and laughed and smiled all the time. So we were all shocked when she took her life.
I just wanted to warn all your members to the dangers of listening to recordings. This is the second person I know who listened to the voices, some, they said, were angels or ETs calling them "home". Both women killed themselves with an overdose of prescription medicines. One of these suicides was 4 years ago. They both hoarded meds until they had enough to follow the voices and take their own lives.
Protect yourself with prayer and meditation. Ask your higher selves, soul families and council of elders to protect you and keep you aligned with love, goodness, light.
Blessings and Love to you all,
Kira ~
I am so sorry to hear about Sofia. May she rest in peace.
How did you know her, are you also a TI?
Even if not listening to any recordings its hard staying alive and the "S-word" is always on my mind...The torture, the V2S and the sleepdeprivation is so painful itself, but also the fact that no one that isn´t a victim believe that this is actually happening and if you dare to tell anyone, you wont even believe you. Its lonely and its killing people.
Take care/Annie
I am so sorry to hear about Sofia. May she rest in peace.
How did you know her, are you also a TI?
Even if not listening to any recordings its hard staying alive and the "S-word" is always on my mind...The torture, the V2S and the sleepdeprivation is so painful itself, but also the fact that no one that isn´t a victim believe that this is actually happening and if you dare to tell anyone, they wont even believe you. Its lonely and its killing people.
Take care/Annie
I'm a psychotherapist. I work with mind control victims. I'm also very psychic. I've been able to see past the veil and work with discarnates since childhood. About 4 years ago Jana followed the voices and killed herself with an overdose of pills. She came to me, zoomed in my face terrified by the demons that chased her. I prayed for guidance and protection, because I didn't know how to help her. I could see the hideous creature chasing her and she was in another dimension, the Bardo, so I was helpless to assist her.
Then guidance told me to communicate with Jana telepathically and tell her to run to the furthest side of the Universe and they would assist her. When I told her to run, I saw her go there as fast as light itself and the demon chased her. They grabbed Jana, rescued her and caught the demon, contained him and stopped her torture.
I had another friend deeply connected to Jana who experienced the energetic part of what was happening while he was not able to see it like I could. I realized that's not "proof" in any kind of scientific way, but he noted when he felt these things and they correlated with what I was perceiving was happening.
I highly recommend you don't kill yourself. They will torture you 24/7 and there's no escape here.
Seek professional help. You and write to me at janetlessin@gmail.com.
nnie Svensson said:
Annie Svensson said:
I am so sorry to hear about what happened to Sofia too.
She was a very intelligent, nice and strong person, I can't believe she did that. It's so sad.
When she stopped postingfor a while, I sent her a private message to ask for news but she didn't reply.
You know these last days,I was thinking about her and I wanted to send her another message.
May she rest in peace.
Janet, you said you communicate telepathically.
What do you mean by "I realized that's not "proof" in any kind of scientific way, but he noted when he felt these things and they correlated with what I was perceiving was happening.
Do you mean there are no proofs that mind control technology exist or that it's something else?
What was you percieving?
Janet, you said "I highly recommend you don't kill yourself. They will torture you 24/7 and there's no escape here."
I ll never give the pleasure to my handlers of killing my self,I ll fight until the end because I know God won't forgive me(God forbidden to those who believe in Him to do that).
If I do this, it would be just leaving hell to enter another Hell much more painful and bigger and eternal.
Janet, what do you mean by "They will torture you 24/7 and there's no escape here.",who are "they"?
I mean as dead the only thing for me that could torture me is the Hell I would enter if I suicide.
Take care
I am so sorry to hear this bad news.
I have been working hard to build this forum for all victims, and wished to bring victims together and help each others.
And some victims do willing to help other victims
But mind control technologies abuses and tortures were just such horrible evil thing.
Thousands people have claimed that they have been torturing and abusing by covert Mind Control Weapons (and Directed Energy Weapons).
Some victims were tortured to death or driven to crazy, some victims were controlled to do bad, please have a look:
We, as a victim must keep faith and keep strong. We were chosen soldiers of God, God fought Satan through us.
True Soleilmavis and thanks for your hard work for this forum.
God bless you Soleil and all the victims.Hi Janet,
I won't because I would then feel like the coward and just be making everyone else happy. I'm not sure if my daughter is chipped. She gets the itching and scratches til she bleeds. I just found out about all these websites and am looking into it. I left her in another city because she wanted her privacy but her teachers are harrassing her now. I am getting connected with Cointel. I have a job interview today and hopefully they aren't taking money. I will be praying from now on for everyone and we will all meet in Heaven one day. That's what keeps me alive is visioning Jesus in the sky waiting for me and encouraging me.
Janet Lessin said:
Thanks for taking your time sharing what happened to Sofia and it breaks my heart hearing about her suffering for such a long time. And when you say:
"I'm not sure who her torturers were or even if there were any torturers or simply those in her mind from long ago."
I understand how you think, its understandable and because our harassers mimick the illnesses from mental health issues very well, (of course to have us considered as "crazy" and hospitalized, so that they can continue their abuses without anyone interfere and actually believe the victim) it is, if not under this abuse oneself, almost impossible to tell the difference, its not measureable, and its not, as we know today, proveable. That is also why our suffering is so cruel, because when a victim is dismissed as mentally ill, and advised to mental health care, there is no help there either. I have heard of so many victims, being drugged at mental hospitals, and the torture goes on and on even then, and no one beleives your story and when once being hospitalized for mental issues, there is not a chance for you being taken serious, from then on. That is, in my opinion, beyond what a human being can take.
It is beyond evil. Its unimaginable painful. If I look from perspective, and not being a victim from this, and hearing a person explaining their torture, I would have myself considered that person as mentally ill.... How can I then get any one believe this exists? Its important to stick to facts showing that the technology do exists and not get twisted in the symptoms the torture may give us. No one would believe us then. The only chance we have, as I see it, is numbers of victims sharing the same pattern in our stories. Amazingly, worldwide TI`s share almost exactly the same torture pattern, both physically and mentally. There is a Dr Ross, a psyciatrist, that actually has the intelligence and knowledge, believing this do exists and is done to human beings that are, when targeted perfectly mentally well, but being target itself is devastating for the mind, so of course we will have mental breakdowns, the difference between a victim and a mentally ill person is that our minds (victims) are being manipulated by DEW´s to mimic mentally illnesses.
How do I know I am not mentally ill? Beacuse the way it all started, beacuse the physical torture, because of the character of the V2S, because of how I am still aware of how paiful this is to my soul, because of that I can act as perfectly "normal" to my inviornment even if under this torture, because I know myself better than anyone else and if I for once had thought it would have been a mental illness, I would have gone directly to a mental hospital. Now, that the "experts" probably would have called non self awarness of mental disesease....But, believe me, I am aware, and would have been so grateful if this would be able to treat with any medicine...
This is a cruel world living in, and again I am so sorry to hear about Sofia, who as Hassan also said, seemed as a very intelligent and strong person. But that obviously doesnt matter when it comes to this horror, they are able to manipulate our minds the way they want it to be. Sofias profile will remain here at Peacepink, so the world will know what happened when this is known by the public. It will, one day. Take care/Annie