Victims online shops
This network is special designed for victims to publish their online shops and their products.
Please kindly join as a member and start to promote your products.
Being tortured and harassed terriblly by remote mind control weapons, victims can not work properly, an online shop is a best choice for victim who wants to support their life. People can help you by linking this address to their websites. Even you do not open your computer, they still can help you to promote your online shops.

受害者们可以在淘宝网上建立一个自己的店铺, 您的店铺除了可以销售产品, 也可以销售您的服务. 所有的受害者可以互相帮助, 共同经营好网上店铺.
Victims, please set up an online shop. All victims can help each other to promote your shop.

Rinoa's Secret Garden-07灿若桃霞, 主要经营: 男女国外品牌的礼服, 休闲服系列
Main business: Clothes.

I have closed my online shop because I did not have enough energy and enough time to manage it.

北京上门服务摄影, 提供艺术摄影, 婚纱摄影, 儿童摄影, 家庭纪念摄影, 宠物摄影, 大型会议摄影.
Main Business: provide on door photo services. for Art photography,
wedding photography, photography of children, families commemorate
photography, pet photography, and photography for major conference.

花点饰间, 主要经营:典雅的纸蕾丝,真花做的艺术贺卡,书签,散发着大自然的魅力。
Main Business: hand made dry flower crafts, Greeting cards, bookmarks.
Bringing you closer to the nature!

破译脑电波, 主要经营: 湘西农家特色腊鱼,腊肉和茶叶. 和其他一些杂七杂八的物品
Main business: South China countries side selfmade dry fish and dry meat. tea.

杭州环城西路 ch jewelry -国外老珠汇展, 主要经营来自世界各国珠串首饰。
Main business: Jewelry

主要经营: 计算机软件开发
Main business: Software development

FFCHS online shop (USA)
You may donate to the organization by shopping at this website. It is an online department store. When you get to the site, you may shop either by the type of item or by the store name. There are many well- known stores to choose from. For each sale, a certain percentage (indicated in red) will be donated to our organization. Thank you!

Ben (USA)
This is my ebid shop and its modest contents.


The Rose - Sharon Poet

<p>I also have a few books that are to help people through tough times. two can be freely downloaded for those who can not afford to pay. (God knows I understand that plight). <a rel=nofollow href="" target="_blank"></a></p>;" sizcache08397857344082757="140 171 186" _emptydescriptionerrormessage="Please write something for your reply." _setvalueurl=""">

I have "Poetography Prints" that aim to touch the heart of humanity during these tough times.

I also have a few books that are to help people through tough times. two can be freely downloaded for those who can not afford to pay. (God knows I understand that plight).

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  • Soleil have you ever considered buying your own land then building a straw home ?

    At some point i am going to buy land and build a straw home which are very human friendly and energy efficient.
  • Straw like most natural products can be compressed enough to block out the electrical components of all transmissions so it could block emfs too.
  • Buying a land is very expensive. I spent all my saving while they tortured and harassed me, and I could not work properly because they tortured and harassed me.
    We don't have money. But we are not poor. We are rich in love we have from God.
    1 PETER 2-4 "As you come to him, the living Stone--rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him-- 5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood,offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 6 For in Scripture, it says:
    "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him, will never be put to shame."
    7 Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe, "The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone," 8 and, " A stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall"
    They stumble because they disobey the messsage-- which is also what they were destined for.
    9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. "

    The above is from the Bible, one day they tortured me since 2 am, I suffered terrible, and on 5 am,I opened the Bible, and this jumped into my eyes.
    We, All victims, Keep faith and Keep fight back. We know God condemn such terrible abuse and torture. God condemn all the people who covert such ause and torture. God condemn all who help torturers and supporting torturers.
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