Victims case summaries
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You also can read some case summaries from the following USERNAME: johnfinch PASSWORD: TORTURECASES
Some victims were tortured to death or driven to crazy, some victims were controlled to do bad, please have a look:
Victims and supporters can find local volunteers for supporting and networking
Mind control online conference calls
Activists and Victims Web sites (please go to "replies to this discussion")
We respect all victims hard working. Victim's websites are at their own opinions. We do not take the responsibility for the accuracy of all the details of victim's websites.
You also can join the following groups to discuss about Mind Control Weapons, Direct Energy Weapons and Non-lethal Weapons, And Victims can share their stories and their work to stop these weapons torture and harassment.
Soleilmavis Liu, Author of the book: “Twelve Years in the Grave – Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, is helping the public understand voice-to-skull, and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies. Her book provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with such technologies.
please go to 'replies to this discussion' to read some victims case summaries or post your case summaries
Your positivity is contagious f&w schmitt's family farm, thank you for brightening my day.
Psychotronic, pyschophysical torture, artificial telepathy and mind control is 19 - 38 years to my name. PLEASE HELP. I can be contacted = CM
My whole life just about i suffer from psychotronic torture artificial telepathy psychophysical torture mind control. I have seen things on the internet that explain these things & i write to establishments ( ESP. Cenet, MCmail team, STOPEG, the European court of human rights, peacepink) but find no resolve. Please contact me via Peacepink if you can help. I am listed as CM.
Some of my experiences
Pains in body
Bad tastes & smells
Pictures in head
Pictures of faces made by shapes around me ie: grooves in the walls, marks that are shapes in the clouds & on floors
Voices in head & externally that sound like people in pain in another world, & i cant see them, although sometimes I picture them in my head
Incapability of self control, even to the extent of getting deficational matter in my mouth because of artificial telepathy (voices in head - presumably through satellites & machines) telling me my family will be raped if i don't put this matter in my mouth. Also mind control/artificial telepathy causing me to get deficational matter in my mouth & to get raped.
Much more i can't even remember
i have posted my case summary of technological torture ( psychotronic psychophysical torture artificial telepathy mind control). I am not savvy enough on my phone to know how to put pictures, videos on to this web site. My case summary mentioned things like pain, disgust, torture in many ways technologically. PLEASE HELP.
Obviously, your article is adequate, but I thought it would be much more effective to include professional photos and videos. Please visit and share your thoughts on cut mover, which features articles and images on these topics.
Personally, I only admire when someone is good and famous, but never fan crazy. They are also normal human beings, there is nothing sacred about them 1v1 battle
Well, I have been a fan of some artist and actors but never fanatic. And now I think only bad things about them. This is so rude!!!! I have done nothing wrong anyway! They all can fuck their V2k!!!! Also the president!
V2k is originally for this. So actors/actresses/singers dont forget their lines, so the president has an emergency escape route so he knows where to be detected without the enemy knowing. The problem is they have sold it to criminal organizations. Another thing its for dealers to communicate where to ship drugs. If you become obsessed with celebrities like I did looked at all their pictures, and they dont like you or dont find you attractive, they use it on you.
This all started 5 years ago. I wanted to rap about government corruption, and catholic corruption.
(I write this in two parts in case the program erased my post.) So, yes, you have to be careful and the best protection here is knowledge: best site about what is done and how, the whole technolohy: Deep_Thought's articles on; this has been the greatest help I've found on the web. One good advice: never answer the "voices", ignore them as much as you can, and keep on with your life overcoming the complications: school, your friends and family, and all the rest. Don't forget, people are mindcontrolled, 99.99% of them don't mean any harm, they're just being manipulated, so stick with it. Very best of luck, take care. We're all with you.