All Discussions (3296)
"Prevention, Accountability, and Redress ". Will they stop? Will they...? You must send because they extremely don't like them after seeing what is happening in Canada.
Mr PM, Canadian government, you want me to show you one female witness about how McDonald's cashiers repeatedly poison ed me ? One of them was Philippine female cashier.
Synthetic telepathy
Synthetic telepathy.
A new medical digital imaging technology with advanced lie detector. 2009.01.01
This is information referring to U.S. Government developing "Synthetic telepathy"[]
Neuroscientist’s institutes in
mailteam members
"Mailtem" members of THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST the (secret) Abuse and Torture That Uses Mind Control, Directed Energy Weapons and Manipulation Weapons on Every Living Being (NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS,/human manipulation/PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS )
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One supreme court justice , UN Human Rights Office , please send at once to whom they extremely don't "like", nor only for myself. They won't stop, me either !
Please send to UN Peacekeeping, ICC prosecutor , UN Human Rights Chief/Office, UN's Highest Court , UN Human Rights Council ,UN Security Council...Thanks. Canada.... extremely don't "like" them. 10 years ago, UN Human Rights Office told me and them,
Read more…Difference between Schizophrenia and Synthetic Telepathy (Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts?)
Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? - Physics Revealed - Part 5
Description: Analyzes the difference between Schizophrenia and Synthet
Canada No1, 2 Internet providers, Rogers' Fido are hiding madly and hacking these 2 files from backstage. Please send to ICC prosecutor , UN Human Right Council , UN Peacekeeping and UN Human Ri
Canada No1, 2 Internet providers, Rogers' Fido are hiding madly and hacking these 2 files from backstage. Please send to ICC prosecutor , UN Human Right Council , UN Peacekeeping and UN Human Rights Chief, UN Security Council...Thanks. Not only for m
Read more…Everything is clear, their dirty and brutal hands not only me, but on UN...but on my 2 cars. Please send this to UN Human Rights Chief /Office, UN Human Rights Council, UN Security Council, UN Peac
Everything is clear, their dirty and brutal hands not only me, but on UN...but on my 2 cars. Please send this to UN Human Rights Chief /Office, UN Human Rights Council, UN Security Council, UN Peacekeeping, ICC Prosecutor, UN's Highest Court ,the Ex
Read more…Too urgent ! After I received ICC prosecutor and UN Human Rights Chief recently , what are they doing? Please send this below to UN Secretary-General, UN Security Council , UN Peacekeeping, and UN
Too urgent !
After I received ICC prosecutor and UN Human Rights Chief recently , what are they doing? Please send this below to UN Secretary-General, UN Security Council , UN Peacekeeping, and UN Human Rights Council, thanks.
From what I recently sent
You all proud for me? After knowing why, ICC Prosecutor and UN Human Rights Chief, please send this to UN Secretary-General , UN Security Council , UN Peacekeeping, UN Human Rights Office, UN Human
I have contacted ICC , UN Human Rights Office and UN Human Rights Council for over 20 years by emails, no responses at all due to their all possible hacking "skills" , plus firewall confirmed by one University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada . But, yest
Various investigators about my at least 3 Philippine couples neighbors , especially, foreign ones concluded: What you can't see can murder you! Please send immediately and take immediate actions
Please send immediately and take immediate actions to stop Ontario, Canada, not only for myself, thanks.
UN Secretary-General , UN Security Council , UN Peacekeeping, ICC, and UN's Highest Court, UN Human Rights Office,
UN Human Rights Coun
Please don't ask why.Please send to them. UN Secretary-General , UN Security Council , UN Peacekeeping, ICC, and UN's highest court, UN Human Rights Council , thanks.
Here is an update for my email sent
in 2021 . You , UN Secretary-General , UN Security Council , UN Peacekeeping, ICC, and UN's highest court, must take immediate actions to stop them in Ontario, Canada, and must take immediate actions to force Cana
Please send this to UN Secretary-General, UN Human Rights Chief,UN's highest court and ICC asap,thanks.
Please send this to UN Secretary-General, UN Human Rights Chief,UN's highest court and ICC asap,thanks.
UN Human Rights Office's emails of 10 years ago with one piece of form, and new UN Human Rights Chief's recent warn in Canada can't not stop "Canad
Please send to whom they are "afraid of" at once, uploads will expire soon, thanks
Please send to whom they are "afraid of" at once, uploads will expire soon, thanks.
From Canada's recent media, Canada, my all neighbours, at least 3 Philippine couples ( who don't work at all for over 20 years),
those who are gathering around /in my
These 3 below , you must send them at once , not only for myself , UN Secretary-General , UN Security Council and UN Peacekeeping...
UN Secretary-General , UN Security Council
and UN Peacekeeping....., you must take immediate actions.
In Canada, Rogers' Fido are stopping me from uploading this video for your immediate actions , which contains our contacts with UN Human Rights Of
UN for us! Please at once send this to UN Secretary-General , UN Security Council , UN Peacekeeping, ICC, and UN's highest court.
Canada , WHO, medical experts ,and international human rights deeply know not good and enough sleep for long time must lead to neuron's irreversible damage, which can lead to Dementia, Alzheimer.... For 20 years, I have hardly had one good and whole
Read more…Indigo Ribbon Campaign 2022
Tomorrow is Indigo Ribbon Day in support of Targeted Individuals. This year's theme is #Peacepink For more information please join our Facebook group called Peacepink for this event:
Read more…Ex-Prime Minister Sentenced to Prison for Interfering and Obstructing a Police Investigation
B B C News
Former Fiji PM Frank Bainimarama jailed for a year
5 days ago
Frances Mao, BBC News
Fiji's long-serving former prime minister Frank Bainimarama has been sentenced to a year in prison for obstruct
Read more…SECOND PROJECT EARTH CONFERENCE ! Warsaw, 23 April 2016
Warsaw, 23 April 2016
Melanie Vritschan
intro slide/video presentation (please use the control icon located