All Discussions (3297)
Victims Are Everywhere!
Hi Guys, I just came out of a psychiatric ward and no mucking around about 80% of those in there were on voice to skull and did not know it. After much discussions with those in there I came to know that they possessed the same symptoms we did/do. Th
Read more…Facebook Canada, Twitter Canada...they all
Facebook Canada at once deleted this post below on one International Human Rights lawyer' s Facebook, who is contacting me.
Twitter Canada stop me from tweeting these 3 below to Prime Minister of Canada .
Please help me Tweet these 3 messages below
This post or message below is not only for me. Please forward this. Thanks.
This post or message below is not only for me. Please forward this. Thanks.
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
Human Rights Watch
Amnesty International
Amnesty International Canada
International Criminal Court
Facebook Canada at once deleted this post below on one International Human Rights lawyer' s Facebook, who is contacting me.Please
Facebook Canada at once deleted this post below on one International Human Rights lawyer' s Facebook, who is contacting me.
Please help me Tweet these 3 messages below to them. Fight for my life and fight against torture, I am not alone and I need y
Canadian diplomats suing government...Please forward this.
I can not upload this news! "Canadian diplomats suing government.."
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
Human Rights Watch
Amnesty International
Amnesty International Canada
International Criminal Court
Canadian Govern
Eh blocked and medicated..ooops they blabbed. Dang nano society
So ive gotten commy conspiracy out it tons. Ive rechecked to see if its false flagging.
You can push sounds out of inner hearing. They access through point of conciousness.
Feet and legs hold tech. I think its a secret method by secret doctors or
Read more…Dirty, Brutal...
Dirty, Brutal...No one can imagine how evil and brutal they are although UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court, Mr Attorney General of Canada and Ontario Ombudsmen stand up and speak out for me; although UN advised t
Forward this below! Not only for me!
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
Human Rights Watch
Amnesty International
Amnesty International Canada
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
Facebook (Canada ) is hacking and blocking all my pos
Read more…You hack all my post! Useless. But, some people are helping me forward this post.
If they don't commit any alleged crimes, why are they hacking everything?
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
Human Rights Watch
Amnesty International
Amnesty International Canada
International Criminal Court
Canadian Go
Forward this please. Not for myself.
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
Amnesty International
Amnesty International Canada
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
This is the 7th time! International Criminal Court' s message reminds me and these t
beware of TI Sophism and TI sophist's
beware of TI Sophism and TI sophist's .... . In the modern definition, a sophism is a confusing or slightly incorrect argument used for deceiving someone.
a specious argument for displaying ingenuity in reasoning or for deceiving someone.
any fals
Read more…Some top tips for Targeted Individuals
Some good info on protection from DEW and electronic torture from another Targeted Individual My Gear: As a Targeted Individual, here is the Shielding I wear
Read more…My case /our cases have been classified as Genocide and Torture by UN and International Criminal Court. They are hacking everything I am using. Please forward this.
"UN Human Rights and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims have everything I provided regarding how, why and what."
"Meanwhile, they are hacking UN, UN Human Rights Community , International Criminal Court and all domestic and in
Read more…Desperate need of friends.
My name is Cole Wade Pinter of Manville NJ.
I am being pushed into homelessness, and have had both of my hips replaced due to directed energy weapons and covert drugging/poisoning.... I am 100 percent blacklisted by the government for any kind of med
Read more…Campania mondială "Opriți abuzul și tortura de control a minții cu arme cu energie dirijată și de manipulare asupra civililor"
Nume:Axente Maria
Anul torturii:2013,dar monitorizată psihotronic fără să știu,din 1995(nesigur)
Subiect:Susțin campania mondială "Opriți abuzul și tortura de control a minții,cu arme cu energie dirijată și
Read more…These two photos, could you forward for me and yourselves?
These two photos, could you forward for me and yourselves?
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
Human Rights Watch
Amnesty International
Amnesty International Canada
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
Read more…