Book “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, authored by Soleilmavis Liu, provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with remote voice-to-skull and electromagnetic mind control technologies.


The Fact and evidence

Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency

Soleimavis Liu presented this paper at the E-Leader conference held by Fudan University (China) and Chinese American Scholars Association (USA) in Shanghai, January 5-7, 2015.

Soleilmavis was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and she was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong


The Arguments:

Soleilmavis case summary of mind control abuses and tortures

An anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009)

Some lawsuits filed by Soleilmavis

Some News articles about Soleilmavis


I have collected many victims stories and wish everyone could remember their sufferings.


Books published by Soleilmavis

The first, “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp,” provides the evidence of secret abuse and torture with voice-to-skull and remote electromagnetic technologies.

 The second, “The Struggles of an Ordinary Man - The Turbulent History of China Through a Farmer’s Eyes from 1900 to 2000,” is the true record of one hundred years of modern history in rural areas of the Eastern Shandong Peninsula from the 1900 to 2000.

 The third, “The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42”,  is a strong and well-reasoned piece that demonstrates who the Queen of the South is, by using plenty of historical facts. 


Other Scholarly Papers Presented and Published by Soleilmavis.

THe one who shakes your hand

THe one WHO shakes your hand

Has the other hand behind

And with that hand he signals

To guys who are in the shadows

Guys with the darkest minds

Set you up with satellietes

And with lethal non-lethal

Devices that kill in seconds.

There are guys with different covers

Inventing realities of life.

The size of the lies the invent

Depends on the pocket size.

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Written By My Hands

It is very interesting to perceive, in a sort of extrapolated way,
how they want to lynch you now.
It is very interesting,
to see the inescrutable faces, that are taking for granted,
that all areas are covered, to lynch in you in XXI Century way.

It is very fortunate to see how the Gods of the Galaxies
Help you in a random way,
that is not random at all,
only that you cannot perceive well.

Beyond Tesla and Einstein, beyond Newton and Galileo,…

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I posted this as a part of programs that together conform an application that would work according to the example expanding delegates in Qt 4.8.
I reviewed it and it has an important modification in what refers to Canada.
I am suspecting that probably my family was targeted too. At that time I did not know what a target was.
Only recently I have started to understand the magnitude of what is happening in this country. And in the world of the T.I.'s.
Unfortunately, many…

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Answer to Hate - Updated

The only reason why you are seeing this is because my life is in danger. They put criminals who created a  bad environment and spread that I was HIV positive since I arrived to this area. I have never been so humiliated in my whole life. Continuously and in an authorized manner. I almost died. My only resource was to go to live under a tree and process my trauma. When I described incidents of the attacks I was sent to the psychiatrist - later I found out that it was a routine followed with…

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TO be compiled with Qt 4.8 . Pictures should be placed in contents/pics

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** You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows:
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** This file is part of the examples of the Qt Toolkit.
** You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows:
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Developing a Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) for Society of Safe Bharata NGO in Bangalore, India

  • Description:

    Hi, we are enhancing the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Society of Safe Bharat against Covert Torture and Eneregy Weapons (, an NGO in Bangalore, India, working for this cause.

    If you are a technical expert in any relevant field, don't hesitate to get in touch with the NGO directly.…

  • Created by: Santanu Banerjee
  • Tags: #wedf, #sac, #sosbactaew



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