Soleilmavis's Posts (195)

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STRASBURG DEMO ON JUNE 22+23 (updating)

Please join and support demo -- Mr. Rudy from France. Contact Mr. Rudy After last summer's successful demo, Rudy is repeating the same experience this year. He got the permission from the Strasburg Authorities to organize 2 demonstrations : 1) On Monday 22 June at the European Court of Human Rights, in Allée des Droits de l' Homme from 9.30 a.m to 5.30 p.m. Tel. +33.(0) 2) On Tuesday 23 June at the Council of Europe in Avenue de l'Europe from 9.30 a.m to 5.30 p.m. Tel.+33.(0) Those 2 dates Rudy has chosen are very important dates as the Plenary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) will take place during the whole week (22nd - 26th June). Moreover, 2 Europarliamentarians are willing to grant Rudy an interview, if they get re-elected in next June's European elections. The obvious purpose of the demo is: "We want to demonstrate against the use of electromagnetic and neurological weapons, for the purpose of Nazi-type experiments on innocent citizens and we demand a law at the European level which forbids the possession, transport, trade and use of those weapons". As usual, Rudy has already started informing all European TV news editors and newspapers directors, and more particularly the alternative media. Five local newspapers' editors already said they would come. A number of Rudy's former university colleagues are also planning to come to support our cause. This is another chance for all of us, don't let it slip by. For some of you who keep complaining about the lack of action, now is the time to do it. Be the first to set an example. Here is a useful link if you wish to find a decent hotel with decent prices: Hotels in Strasburg Rudy stayed with a few other victims in the following hotel last year, they highly recommend it. Residence AMITEL 8 rue Soleure 67000 Strasbourg Tel +33.(0) Fax. +33.(0) Reservation : Yvette Andres (Note from Rudy: Some of you have mistakenly sent a bulk email to the hotel address in Strasburg. This hotel does NOT have anything to do whatsoever with our problems, so please remove their contacts from all your files as soon as you can. Please do not spam them. Many of us are going to this hotel in June, we do not wish to have any problem with the management, we'd like to be in good terms with everyone there.Thanks for your understanding.) Single room: 41 euros per night for half board. Double room; 36 euros per night and per person for half board. Half board is compulsory. You may not choose only bed and breakfast. There is an extra charge of 5 euros for your yearly membership card. If you arrive on Sunday 21st, please note that the reception service for newcomers is open on Sundays between 6 p.m and 10 p.m only. Do not arrive before 6 pm nor after 10 pm as there won't be anybody to receive you. Because it is both comfortable, cheap and very central, this place receives lots of reservations. So if you 're sure to join the demo, please book your room right now. No deposit to pay, you can always cancel if you change your mind. 23 slogans from Rudy in view of the Strasburg demo. Obviously, the slogans (except one which is multilingual) are in French, since we are going to demonstrate in France ! Are you going to wait until all the innocent people of the planet are dead to react ? One of these innocent people may be a member of your family. You could be next ! Allez-vous attendre que tous les êtres innocents de la planète soient morts pour réagir ? Un des ces êtres innocents peut être un membre de votre famille. Demain, ce sera peut-être vous ! Vamos ficar à espera até que todas as pessoas inocentes do planeta morram para tomarmos uma atitude? Uma destas pessoas inocentes pode pertencer à sua família. Você pode ser o próximo ! ¿ Van ustedes a esperar que todos los seres humanos inocentes del planeta estén muertos para reaccionar? Alguna de estas personas inocentes puede ser un miembro de su familia. ¡ Mañana te puede ocurrir a tí ! Warten Sie darauf bis alle unschuldigen Menschen des Planeten tot sind, bis Sie reagieren? Einer dieser unschuldigen Personen kann ein Mitglied Ihrer Familie sein. Sie könnten der Nächste sein ! Volete aspettare che tutti gli esseri innocenti del pianeta siano morti per reagire ? Uno di questi esseri potrebbe anche trovarsi nella vostra famiglia. Domani potrebbe capitare a te ! Θα περιμένετε να πεθάνouv óλες οι αθώες υπάρξεις του πλανήτη για να αντιδράστε ; Μια απó αυτές τις αθώες υπάρξεις μπορεí να εíναι μέλος της δικής σας οικογένειας . Αύριο θα είσθε íσως εσεíς ________________________________________________ 1.L'Opération Gladio part à la chasse à l'homme ! 2.Massacre mondial par les armes électroniques déclenchées à distance ! 3.Guerre des Services Secrets contre la population ! 4.Qui a ordonné aux Services Secrets la guerre contre la liberté ? 5. Contrôle strict de TOUTES les ondes électromagnétiques dans l'habitat et l'environnement. 6. Libération des victimes de la surveillance totale et du harcèlement électromagnétique ! 7. Qui organise et qui finance la traque électromagnétique commandée par ordinateurs ? 8. NON aux expérimentations humaines de type nazi ! 9. Qui dirige le contrôle des populations et les liquidations à travers le monde ? 10. L'eurodictature assassine ses citoyens ! 11. D'innombrables citoyens innocents sont la proie facile des Services Secrets ! 12. Qu'attendent les gouvernements du monde entier pour combattre la terreur électromagnétique? 13. Vous pouvez devenir une victime, vous aussi ! 14. Arrêt immédiat des expériences psychophysiques sur des êtres humains innocents ! 15. Non aux technologies criminelles qui irradient les citoyens ! 16. Non à tout contrôle du subconscient humain ! 17. Non au génocide électromagnétique et neurologique! 18. Non aux expériences médico-militaires sur les citoyens paisibles et innocents! 19. Les Services Secrets effectuent leurs expériences criminelles à distance et en toute impunité ! 20. Tortures infâmes et meurtres secrets de personnes innocentes déguisés en suicides dans plusieurs pays ! 21. Arrêtez et condamnez le harcèlement moral poussant au suicide! 22. A la communauté scientifique internationale, nous sollicitons votre aide pour la production d'un logiciel gratuit pour nos ordinateurs, afin de bloquer et éliminer les radiofréquences que nous envoient les criminels pour nous agresser. Please help to spread media releases in 10 languages
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25 Apr 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) Write to X zone Radio and TV show To view tonight broadcast schedule with interactive links visit For your Daily Horoscope by Lady Elaine visit To view The ‘X’ Chronicles Newspaper NEW Website visit To view the REL-MAR McConnell media Company NEW Website visit The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show is available at iTunes at Rob McConnell Executive Producer. REL-MAR McConnell Media Company Radio – Television – Satellite Publishing – Internet www.rel-mar. com The ‘X’ Zone Radio & TV Show The ‘X’ Chronicles Newspaper Hamilton, Ontario , Ca nada. Office: (905) 575-5916 Studio: 1-877-528-8255 Skype: xzoneradiotv MSN: talkstarradio@hotmail. com Toll Free: 1-800-610-7035 (2) Please sign the following petition No Amnesty for Torturers I) No Amnesty for Torturers On April 16, President Obama said he would not prosecute CIA agents who engaged in torture, because George Bush's lawyers told them it was "legal." President Obama also said Attorney General Eric Holder would use taxpayer dollars to defend torturers against lawsuits by torture victims, and to pay all judgments if they lost. These decisions are intolerable and unacceptable. Torture is utterly immoral and un-American. It produced absolutely no useful intelligence. It recruited terrorists responsible for at least half the U.S. deaths in Iraq. And it endangered every U.S. soldier who may be captured in the future. And torture is absolutely illegal. The U.S. ratified the United Nations Convention Against Torture, which prohibits torture and requires prosecution of torturers. In 1947, the U.S. prosecuted a Japanese officer for waterboarding. No lawyer can "legalize" what is illegal. Congress must take the following actions: 1. Demand the appointment of a Special Prosecutor by Attorney General Eric Holder for torture, warrantless wiretapping, and other heinous crimes of the Bush Administration. (Thanks to Rep. Jerrold Nadler for leading the way!) 2. Prohibit the use of any taxpayer dollars to defend government officials who committed such crimes against lawsuits, or to pay for judgments against them. 3. Impeach Judge Jay Bybee, the torture memo author who serves on the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in California. 4. Protect human rights by restoring Habeas Corpus and the Fourth Amendment (search and seizure), including repeal of the Orwellian-named Protect America Act, U.S.A. Patriot Act, the FISA Amendments, and Military Commissions Act. 5. End secret government by prohibiting use of "State Secrets," "Sovereign Immunity" and "Signing Statements." As my representative in Congress, I urge you to act immediately. II) TELL PELOSI: SUPPORT THE INVESTIGATIONS & PUT PROSECUTION ON THE TABLE! Nancy Pelosi says she didn't know that Bush Administration was torturing. Now that she knows she has the responsibility to use her power and lead Congress to do the right thing! It is time to expose the torture and abuse committed in our name and hold perpetrators accountable. Sign our letter to Pelosi below: III) Sign the ACLU petition calling on Attorney General Holder to appoint an independent prosecutor to investigate high-level involvement in torture. IV) Please take the survey from ACLU, it only need few minutes V) Please sign the petition Waterboarding. Slamming into walls. Excruciating physical positions. The United States tortured detainees after September 11, 2001. Make sure this does not happen again. Call on the President to create a non-partisan commission to investigate the torture and abuse of detainees. Help protect America’s national security and re-establish its standing in the world. (3) Meeting in Germany I will meeting with some new faces and protesting non-lethal weapons at a conference at Ettingen, Germany. I will be happy to see any of you who may stop by on May 11, 12 and part of 13. There is an annual event in Ettingen to propagate interest in new torture weapons, so we will be there to propagate the TRUTH. Harlan G. ( (4)Join Demo on Jun in Europe Mind Control Victims pacific demonstration at the European Court of Human Rights and the Council of Europe will take place on June 22 and 23, 2009. On June 22 at the European Court of Human Rights, Allée des Droits de l'Homme (from 9.30 a.m to 5.30 p.m) and on June 23 at the Council of Europe (9.30 a.m - 5.30 p.m). We wish to demonstrate against the criminal use of electromagnetic and neurological weapons for the purpose of Nazi-like experiments on innocent citizens and we demand a law at European level that prohibits the manufacture, the possession, the transport, the trade and the utilization of such weapons. We thus dare to hope that you will be able to attend at least one of the two events to support our action, even by a brief act of presence . More information: (5) Please keep writing to Mr. Obama (6) Legal tips to Ti's as follows: The coming end to your imprisonment is at hand! 1.) Our complaint was given a hearing date. 2.) The complaint was similar to the complaint entered in 2006 that was dismissed with prejudice by affirmation of the appeals court, it was some 90 pages long with 1100 pages of exhibits. 3.) The current complaint was entered on the 23 of March and the defendants federal government asked for dismissal citing the previous complaint as similar and included an exhibit of the previous complaint dismissal. 4.) The court refused the dismissal request of federal government defendants. 5.) The complaint is 140 pages long with 1100 pages of exhibits. 6.) The case will win. The defendants will loose as a result their allowance to weight what they have done to all of us as unconstitutional. 7.) Never take for granted a person whom claims they are an authority in anything. Those who continue and try to right wrongs will find they can accomplish what they have be told was impossible. 8.) Before you attempt to try this on your own, remember I went to the school of hard knocks for 9 years and it took all of that time and 1/2 a million dollars to learn what technique would effect the goal many said was impossible of attaining a hearing in the case. We have a more work ahead but the issue is that we will overcome those obstacles too. 9.) In a week or so on we will put up some information explaining the process of how our circumstance was used formulate a complaint and how that as a matter of theory can be used in all future complaints. It is assumed that there will be a need for a complaint to be filed by all of those affected, despite the anticipation that the laws will change after our complaint wins. That would be cause there are so many laws we have found that could be active either alone or together on a person. It is likely as government has in the past make new other sinister laws to allow the psychotic few who admire such ill use of their official post to do such as we have experienced in this nightmare. 10.) As the exposure and defeat of unconstitutional actions comes about; I would ask that even when this is brought to a complete stop that you endeavor to increase your activism and actions in exposing abuse and warn the world such as this generation has experienced should never be allowed to occur again. 11.) There is a lot of work to do, we will in the near future in say 2 weeks begin a workshop to indicate from experience the summation of the methods and strategies needed to bring your nightmare to an end too. Sincerely Yours John Mecca and Deborah Lamb
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24 Apr 2009 Media Releases in 10 languages


Please publicise THESE WEAPONS AND CRIMES by sending these MEDIA RELEASES everywhere.


11. Japanese 日本語

12. Korean 한국의

13. Arabic



Thousands of people are asking for an international investigation of enormous human rights violations that are silently taking place worldwide at this moment.

In recent years the numbers of those crimes against humanity rose so much that we can openly speak about the civilian population being under attack.

This attack is committed with technology working invisibly at a distance, beyond the bounds of borders, and is at this moment being used against helpless and unsuspecting citizens.

The victims are constantly lobbying to report these crimes to government officials, human rights organizations, world leaders and the press. Mostly, they don't get answers because of a general lack of knowledge about the technology. Mental institutions may diagnose the victims as delusional. And complaints lodged a t local police stations are often treated as psychological problems or ignored.

It may take several years, before the "silent holocaust" becomes public knowledge. And for the victims, the comparison is very real.

The scale of the crimes being reported, and the seriousness of the accusations, justifies an urgent international investigation.

Because there are so many victims worldwide, spawning a worldwide movement coordinated via the Internet, it is only the most diligent and conscientious of victims who are able to report this crime; the actual number of victims being many times larger than this group of activists.

In January 2007, the article "Mind Games" appeared in "The Washington Post", written by journalist Sharon Weinberger, about the American victims and the activist organization, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance.

Meanwhile, from all parts of the world new victims are showing up in greater numbers. They are asking for these crimes to be made public and are insisting on an international investigation of this problem. And starting a collective campaign against directed energy weapons (DEW) harassment .



Des milliers d'individus demandent que soit faite une investigation internationale d'énormes violations des droits de l'homme qui sévissent actuellement dans le monde entier, dans le plus grand silence.

Ces dernières années, le nombre de ces crimes contre l'humanité s'est accru à tel point que nous pouvons visiblement parler d'agression de la population civile.

Cette agression est commise avec une technologie qui agit, à distance, dans l'ombre,au-delà des limites des frontières, et qui est utilisée contre des civils sans défense et qui ne se doutent de rien.

Il y a une pression continuelle de la part des victimes pour dénoncer ces crimes auprès des hauts fonctionnaires de l'état, des organisations pour les droits de l'homme, des dirigeants internationaux et à la presse. La plupart du temps, elles n'obtiennent pas de réponse en raison d'une méconnaissance généralisée de cette technologie. D'après les diagnostics des établissements psychiatriques, les victimes ont des hallucinations. De plus, les plaintes déposées dans les commissariats de police locaux sont souvent considérées comme des problèmes psychologiques ou sont tout simplement passées sous silence.

Cela risque de prendre plusieurs années avant que "l'holocauste silencieux" ne soit connu du public. Pour les victimes, cette comparaison est tout à fait juste.

L'ampleur des crimes dénoncés et la gravité des accusations justifient une investigation internationale urgente.

Etant donné le nombre considérable de victimes à l'échelle planétaire, qui a engendré un mouvement mondial coordonné par le biais de l'internet, seuls les plus zélés et les plus consciencieux parmi les victimes dénoncent ce crime, le nombre réel de victimes étant, de loin, plus important que ce groupe d'activistes.

En janvier 2007, la journaliste Sharon Weinberger a publié dans le "Washington Post", l'article intitulé "Mind Games" sur les victimes américaines et l'organisation militante "Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance" (Droit de vivre sans surveillance ni harcèlement occulte).

Entre-temps, de nouvelles victimes de plus en plus nombreuses se font connaître des quatre coins du monde. Elles demandent que ces crimes soient rendus publics, elles insistent pour qu'une investigation soit faite sur ce problème et entament une campagne contre le harcèlement par les Armes à Energie Dirigée (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS ) et contre le harcèlement collectif -





3. Обращение к средствам массовой информации



Как специалист в области работы психики человека я обращаюсь с просьбой, к средствам массовой информации (газеты, журналы, радио, телевидение). Одна надежда на Вас, потому что только Вы можете поднять всю мировую общественность и остановить тех, кто не думая о наших детях и внуках, создают и испытывают оружие, уничтожающее человека как личность. Недопустимо чтобы сегодня, когда человечество достигло такого технического прогресса, люди возомнившие себя Богами над людьми, управляли разумом человека через вмешательство в человеческую психику делая из человека послушного робота. Не останьтесь равнодушны к моей просьбе, пожалуйста, и помогите донести знания всем людям земли для защиты от зомбирования теми, кто пользуется человеческой слепотой в духовности. Ни одна религия или атеизм не способны защитить душу человека - жизнь человека от так называемого психогинератора, который был создан Гитлером и Сталиным в годы Второй Мировой войны и в настоящее время продолжаются официально подобные исследования над человеческим разумом. Прямое назначение такого оружия - это подчинение воли человека и создание послушных рабов.Об этих разработках сегодня в очередной раз заявила официально газета "Взгляд".

C уважением Светлана Ясиновер





Viele tausend Menschen fordern eine internationale Untersuchung der ungeheueren Menschenrechtsverletzungen, die gegenwärtig weltweit geräuschlos grassieren.

In den letzten Jahren haben diese Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit derart zugenommen, dass wir offen von einem Angriff auf die gesamte Zivilbevölkerung sprechen können.

Dieser Angriff wird mit einer Technologie verübt, die unsichtbar auf Distanz jenseits aller Grenzen und Begrenzungen funktioniert und die in diesem Augenblick gegen wehr- und ahnungslose Bürger eingesetzt wird.

Die Opfer betreiben fortwährend Lobbyarbeit, um diese Verbrechen an verantwortliche Regierungsvertreter, Menschenrechtsorganisationen, internationale Führungskräfte und die Presse heranzutragen. Meistens erhalten sie keine Antwort wegen des allgemeinen Mangels an Wissen
über diese Technologie. Psychiatrische Einrichtungen diagnostizieren die Opfer häufig als psychotisch.
Und Anzeigen, die bei den örtlichen Polizeirevieren erstattet werden, werden oft als psychische Probleme behandelt oder ignoriert. Es mag einige Jahre dauern bis der „stille Holocaust“ öffentlich bekannt wird. Für die Opfer ist dieser Vergleich sehr real!

Das Ausmaß der beklagten Verbrechen und die Schwere der Beschuldigungen rechtfertigen eine dringende internationale Untersuchung.

Während es weltweit so viele Opfer gibt, die sich mit Hilfe des Internets zu einer global koordinierten Bewegung vernetzen, sind nur die eifrigsten und bewusstesten in der Lage, über diese Verbrechen zu berichten; die tatsächliche Zahl der Opfer ist um ein Vielfaches größer als diese Gruppe von Aktivisten.

Im Januar 2007 erschien der Artikel „Mind Games“ („Psycho-Spiele“) in der „Washington Post“, geschrieben von dem Journalisten Sharon Weinberger, über die Opfer und die Selbsthilfeorganisation "Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance" (Recht, ohne heimliche Folter und Überwachung zu leben).

Seitdem treten überall auf der Welt neue Opfer immer zahlreicher in die Öffentlichkeit. Sie fordern, dass diese Verbrechen publik gemacht werden, bestehen auf einer internationalen Untersuchung und initiieren eine gemeinsame Kampagne gegen Folter und organisiertes Stalking mit gelenkten Strahlenwaffen (DEW: Directed Energy Weapons).

Aufruf an die Medien

Als Fachmann auf dem Gebiet der Psychiatrie wende ich mich mit der Bitte an die Medien (Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Radio und TV- Sendungen). Ich hoffe, dass Sie bei diesem Problem helfen können, weil nur Sie die Weltöffentlichkeit aufrütteln können und diejenigen stoppen, die weder an unsere Kinder noch Enkelkinder denkend eine Waffe produzieren und testen, die den Menschen als Persönlichkeit zerstört. Es ist nicht hinnehmbar, dass heute nachdem die Menschheit einen solchen technischen Fortschritt erreichte sich bestimmte Leute als Götter über die Menschen erheben, indem sie das Bewusstsein der Menschen durch Eindringen in die menschliche Psyche steuern, um aus ihnen gehorsame Roboter zu machen. Bleiben Sie meiner Bitte gegenüber nicht gleichgültig und helfen Sie, das Wissen darüber allen Menschen der Erde nahe zu bringen als Schutz vor der Programmierung der Menschen. Wehren Sie sich gegen diejenigen, die die menschliche Blindheit geistig ausnutzen. Weder irgendeine Religion noch der Atheismus sind fähig, die Seele und das Leben des Menschen vor dem Psychogenerator zu schützen, der von Hitler und Stalin während des Zweiten Weltkriegs geschaffen wurde. Und auch gegenwärtig werden die Forschungen am menschlichen Bewusstsein offiziell fortgesetzt. Der tatsächliche Zweck dieser Waffe ist das Beherrschen des menschlichen Willens und die Schaffung gehorsamer Sklaven. Die Zeitung „Ansicht“ berichtete über die gegenwärtigen Forschungen offiziell noch einmal.

Mit freundlichem Gruß
Svetlana Yasinover




Migliaia di persone chiedono che sia fatta un' indagine internazionale sulle violazioni enormi dei diritti dell'uomo che imperversano attualmente nel mondo intero, nel più grande silenzio.

In quest'ultimi anni, il numero di questi crimini contro l'umanità aumentato a tal punto che possiamo ovviamente parlare d'aggressione della popolazione civile.

Quest'aggressione è commessa con una tecnologia che agisce, a distanza, nell'ombra, oltre ai limiti delle frontiere, e che è utilizzata contro civili senza difesa e che non dubitano mai di nulla.

C'è una richiesta continua da parte delle Vittime per denunciare questi crimini presso gli alti funzionari dello stato, le organizzazioni per i diritti dell'uomo, i dirigenti internazionali ed alla stampa. Di solito, non ottengono risposte a causa di un'ignoranza generalizzata di questa tecnologia. Secondo le diagnosi degli stabilimenti psichiatrici, le vittime hanno allucinazioni. Inoltre, i reclami depositati nei commissariati di polizia locali sono spesso considerati come problemi psicologici o sono semplicemente passati sotto silenzio.

E tutto cio nonostante le ammissioni del Presidente degli Stati Uniti in materia sia del 8 ottobre 1995 e numerosi testi di militari e specialisti, pubblicati e conosciuti, circolino in internet e nelle librerie senza alcun commento particolare da parte dei partiti politici di governo dei paesi occidentali e dell'Italia in particolare. Ricordiamo che in Italia sono stanziate circa 120 basi militari americane, alcune delle quali di migliaia di uomini e donne in armi.

Ció rischia di far passare molti anni prima che "l'Olocausto silenzioso" sia conosciuto dal pubblico. Per le Vittime, questo raffronto con l'Olocausto è completamente giusto.
L'ampiezza dei crimini denunciati e la gravità dei carichi giustificano un'indagine internazionale urgente.

Dato il numero considerevole di Vittime su scala planetaria, che ha generato un movimento mondiale coordinato tramite l'Internet, solo i piu zelanti ed i piu coscienziosi fra le Vittime denunciano questo crimine, essendo il numero reale di Vittime, di gran lunga, più importante di questo gruppo di attivisti.

Nel gennaio 2007, il giornalista Sharon Weinberger ha pubblicato nel "Washington post", l'articolo intitolato "Mind Games" sulle vittime americane e l'organizzazione militante "Freedom From Covert Harassment and surveillance" (diritto di vivere senza sorveglianza ni molestia occulte).

Nel frattempo, nuove Vittime sempre più numerose si fanno conoscere dei quattro angoli del mondo. Chiedono che questi crimini siano resi pubblici, insistono affinchè un'indagine sia fatta su questo problema ed iniziano una campagna contro la molestia con le Armi ad Energia Diretta (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS )







Millares de personas piden que se haga una investigación internacional de enormes violaciones de los derechos humanos que prevalecen actualmente en todo el mundo, en el mayor silencio.

Estos últimos años, el número de estos crímenes contra la humanidad ha aumentado tanto que podemos obviamente hablar de agresión contra la población civil.

Esta agresión se comete con una tecnología que actúa, a distancia, en la sombra, más allá de los límites de las fronteras, y que se utiliza contra civiles sin defensa que no sospechan nada. Hay una presión continua por parte de las víctimas para denunciar estos crímenes a los altos funcionarios del estado, a las organizaciones para los derechos humanos, a los dirigentes internacionales y en la prensa. La mayor parte del tiempo, no obtienen respuesta, debido a una ignorancia generalizada de esta tecnología. Según los diagnósticos de los establecimientos psiquiátricos, las víctimas tienen alucinaciones. Además, las denuncias presentadas en las comisarías de policía locales a menudo se consideran como problemas psicológicos o se han silenciado simplemente.

Se corre el riesgo de tardar varios años antes de que "el holocausto silencioso" sea conocido del público. Para las víctimas, esta comparación es totalmente justa.

La amplitud de los crímenes denunciados y la gravedad de las acusaciones justifican una investigación internacional urgente.

Dado el número considerable de víctimas a escala planetaria, que ha generado un movimiento mundial coordinado por medio de Internet, solamente los más afanosos y los más concienzudos entre las víctimas denuncian este crimen, el número real de víctimas sigue siendo, con mucho, más importante que este grupo de activistas.

En enero de 2007, la periodista Sharon Weinberger publicó en el "Washington post", el artículo titulado "Mind Games" sobre las víctimas americanas y la organización militante "Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance" (Derecho a vivir sin vigilancia ni acoso ocultos).

Mientras tanto, nuevas numerosas víctimas cada vez más se hacen conocer de las cuatro esquinas del mundo. Piden que estos crímenes se hagan públicos, insisten para que una investigación se haga sobre este problema y empiezan una campaña contra el acoso por las Armas a Energía Dirigida (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS) y contra el acoso colectivo.



Milhares de pessoas pedem que se faça uma investigação internacional sobre violações enormes dos direitos humanos que se verificam em todo o mundo, no maior silêncio.

Nestes últimos anos, o número destes crimes contra a humanidade aumentou tanto que se pode obviamente falar de agressões contra a população.

Estas agressões são cometidas com uma tecnologia que actua à distância, e na "sombra", para além dos limites fronteiriços, e que é utilizada sobre cidadão indefesos, que não desconfiam de nada.

Existe uma pressão contínua, por parte das vítimas, para denunciar estes crimes a altos dirigentes do estado, nacionais e internacionais, a organizações para defesa dos direitos humanos e também à imprensa. Na maior parte das vezes, sem obter resposta, devido à falta de conhecimento generalizada sobre esta tecnologia. Segundo os diagnósticos apresentados por várias instituições psiquiátricas, as vítimas têem alucinações. Para além disso, as denúncias apresentadas nas esquadras de polícia são frequentemente tratadas como problemas psicológicos ou simplesmente ignoradas.

Podem passar alguns anos, até que o "holocausto silencioso" se torne do conhecimento público. E, para as vítimas, a comparação é bem real.

A escala dos crimes que são denunciados, e a gravidade das acusações justificam uma investigação internacional urgente.

Porque existe um número tão grande de vítimas à escala planetária, que gerou um movimento mundial coordenado através da Internet, apenas as as vítimas mais conscienciosas, denunciam este tipo de crime, sendo o número de vítimas muito superior ao deste grupo de activistas.

Em Janeiro de 2007, o artigo "Mind Games", da autoria da jornalista Sharon Weinberger, foi impresso no "The Washington Post", retratando as vítimas americanas e a organização activista "Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance" (Liberdade de Viver sem Assédio Oculto nem Vigilância).

Entretanto, de toda a parte do mundo, novas vítimas estão a aparecer em número cada vez maior, pedindo que estes crimes sejam tornados do conhecimento público e insistindo numa investigação internacional deste problema e começando uma campanha colectiva contra o abuso com Armas de Energia Dirigida (Directed Energy Weapons – DEW).



Χιλιάδες άτομα ζητούν τη διεξαγωγή διεθνούς έρευνας σχετικά με τεράστιες παραβιάσεις ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων που λαμβάνουν χώρα σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο, με κάθε μυστικότητα.

Τα τελευταία χρονια, ο αριθμός αυτών των εγκλημάτων κατά της ανθρωπότητας αυξήθηκε σε τέτοιο βαθμό ώστε να μπορούμε καταφανώς να μιλάμε για επίθεση κατά αμάχων.

Η εν λόγω επίθεση διαπράττεται με τη βοήθεια τεχνολογίας η οποία ενεργεί εξ αποστάσεως, με μυστικό τρόπο και η οποία δεν γνωρίζει σύνορα. Η ενέργεια αυτή χρησιμοποιείται κατά άοπλων, ανυπεράσπιστων ανθρώπων οι οποίοι δεν υποψιάζονται καν την ύπαρξή της.

Τα θύματα ασκούν συνεχή πίεση για την καταγγελία των εγκλημάτων αυτών ενώπιον κρατικών αξιωματούχων, οργανισμών υπεράσπισης των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, διεθνών ηγετικών προσωπικοτήτων και του τύπου. Τις περισσότερες φορές, δεν λαμβάνουν απάντηση λόγω της πλήρους άγνοιας αυτής της τεχνολογίας από τους ιθύνοντες. Με γνωματεύσεις τους, ψυχιατρικά ιδρύματα χαρακτήρισαν τα συμτώματα που παρουσιάζουν τα θύματα παραισθήσεις. Επιπλέον, τα συμβάντα που κατατίθενται από τα θύματα στις μηνύσεις τους στα κατά τόπους αστυνομικά τμήματα, αποδίδονται συχνά σε ψυχολογικά προβλήματα ή πολύ απλά αποσιωπούνται.

Η αποκάλυψη αυτού του «σιωπηλού ολοκαυτώματος» - χαρακτηρισμού ιδιαίτερα επιτυχούς για τα θύματα – στο ευρύ κοινό θα αργήσει ακόμα.

Το εύρος των καταγγελλόμενων εγλημάτων και η οξύτητα των κατηγοριών δικαιολογούν επείγουσα διεθνή έρευνα.

Παρά τον σημαντικό αριθμό τους σε πλανητική κλίμακα και το συντονισμένο παγκόσμιο διαδικτυακό κίνημα που προκάλεσε, μόνο τα πιο ένζηλα και συνειδητά θύματα προβαίνουν σε καταγγελία. Ο πραγματικός αριθμός θυμάτων είναι πολύ σημαντικότερος από αυτήν την ομάδα ακτιβιστών.

Τον Ιανουάριο του 2007, η δημοσιογράφος Sharon Weinberger δημοσίευσε στην Washington Post, το άρθρο με τίτλο «Mind Games» και με θέμα τα θύματα στις ΗΠΑ και το σωματείο Freedom From Covert harassment and surveillance (Λύτρωση από τη συγκεκαλυμμένη παρενόχληση και παρακολούθηση).

Εντωμεταξύ, όλο και περισσότερα νέα θύματα εμφανίζονται από όλα τα μέρη του κόσμου για να ζητήσουν τη δημοσιοποίηση των εν λόγω εγκλημάτων, να επιμείνουν στη διεξαγωγή σχετικής έρευνας και να συμμετάσχουν στην εκστρατεία κατά της παρενόχλησης με όπλα κατευθυνόμενης ενέργειας (DEW: Directed Energy Weapons) και κατά της συλλογικής παρενόχλησης.



Γεώργιος Στάμκος
Συνέντευξη σε: Iaveris


SECRET geofysiske, målrettet energi & PSYCHONEUROLOGICAL våben tortur og mishandling

Tusindvis af mennesker beder om en international undersøgelse af enorme krænkelser af menneskerettighederne, der er tavst, der finder sted på verdensplan i øjeblikket.

I de seneste år er antallet af disse forbrydelser mod menneskeheden steget så meget, at vi kan tale åbent om den civile befolkning er under angreb.

Dette angreb er begået med teknologi arbejder usynligt i en afstand, ud over grænserne for grænser, og er i dette øjeblik bliver anvendt mod hjælpeløse og intetanende borgere.

Ofrene er konstant lobbyvirksomhed til at indberette disse forbrydelser til regeringens embedsmænd, menneskerettighedsorganisationer, verdens ledere og pressen. Oftest, at de ikke får svar på grund af en generel mangel på viden om teknologi. Mental institutioner kan diagnosticere ofrene som vrangforestilling. Og klager, der indgives på de lokale politistationer er ofte behandlet som psykiske problemer eller ignoreres.

Det kan tage flere år, før den "tavse holocaust" bliver offentlig viden. Og for de ofre, den sammenligning er meget reel.

Omfanget af de forbrydelser, der rapporteres, og alvoren af de anklager, berettiger til en hurtig international undersøgelse.

Fordi der er så mange ofre på verdensplan, gydende en verdensomspændende bevægelse koordineret via internettet, er det kun de mest flittige og samvittighedsfulde af ofre, som er i stand til at rapportere denne forbrydelse; det faktiske antal af ofre er mange gange større end denne gruppe af aktivister.

I januar 2007, artiklen "Mind Games" udkom i "The Washington Post", skrevet af journalist Sharon Weinberger, om de amerikanske ofre og aktivist organisationen, frihed fra Covert Chikane og overvågning.

I mellemtiden fra alle dele af verden nye ofre viser op i større tal. De beder for disse forbrydelser, der skal offentliggøres, og insisterer på en international undersøgelse af dette problem. Og starter en kollektiv bekæmpelse rettet energi våben (DEW) chikane.







同时,来自全世界各地数量很多的受害者。他们要求将这一罪行进行公开,并坚持就这一问题进行国际调查。并且正在就大脑控制技术和定向能武器(DEW)酷刑虐待和骚扰和有组织的跟踪. 展开一项世界性的集体运动。(DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS )



PEACEPINK (in Chinese)



(11) 日本語メディア放送














2007年の1月に、シャロン・ワインバーガー記者による、アメリカの被害者と「極秘のハラスメントと監視からの自由(Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance)」という活動家団体についての「マインド・ゲームズ」の記事がワシントンポスト紙上に発表されました。




(12) 한국의

비밀 지구 물리학 무기, 고에너지빔 무기 및 신경학적 무기 고문과 학대

수천명의 사람들이 막대한 인권 침해에 대한 국제 조사를 요구하는 움직임이 보이고 있다.

최근 몇 년 동안 민간인이 공격을 당하고 있다고 말할수 있을만큼,인류에 대한 범죄가 무척 늘어났다.

이 침공은 국경의 경계를 넘어, 보이지 않는 먼거리 에서 사용할수있는 기술을 쓰며 , 지금 이순간에도 예상치 못하고 있는 선량한 시민들에게 사용되고 있다.

피해자는 지속적으로 정부, 인권 단체, 세계 대표, 언론등을 통해 이범죄를 신고 하기위해 로비 활동을 하고있다. 대부분 그들은 기술에 대한 부족한 지식때문에 답을 얻지못한다. 정신병원에서는 망상으로 진단을 내린다. 지역 경찰서에 보고된 신고는 종종 심리적 문제로 취급되거나 무시되어 버린다.

"전자파 피해자"에 대한 사회의 인식은 아직 부족 합니다. 그리고 피해자들의 심각성은 매우 현실입니다.

보고된 범죄의 규모, 혐의의 심각성은 긴급 국제 조사를 정당화합니다 .

전 세계적으로 인터넷을 통해 많은 피해자들의 활동이 있으나, 이범죄를 신고 할수 있는 사람은, 열정적이고 양심적인 사람들로, 실제로 피해자들의 단체 숫자는 몇배나 더 됩니다.

2007년 일월 워싱턴 포스트에 저널리스트 Sharon Weinberger 님께서 "마인드 게임" 이란 제목으로 미국의 피해자와 활동가 조직, 은밀한 괴롭힘과 감시에서 자유를 찿는것에 대한 기사를 실었습니다.

한편 세계적으로 새로운 피해자가 늘어남에 따라 . 그들은 이범죄에 대한 문제에 대해 공개적인 국제 조사를 요청하고 있습니다. 위성과 두뇌 무기에 의한 고문,폭행과 손상에 대한 공동 캠페인을 시작했다.

일부 위성과 두뇌 무기에 의한 고문, 폭행과 손상의 피해 내용을 보면 인류 역사에서 인권을 독자적으로 짓밟는 악랄한 정신학대,강간,성적 학대,수술 훼손,두뇌 조종및 다른 정신과 육체의 손상



이 악랄하고 잔악무도한 인류에 대한 범죄---형언할수 없이 끔직한--- 전체주의와 합쳐져 그리고 우리에게 도움을 주기를 거부하는 이들, 끔직하고 무시무시 하게만듭니다.


(13)   In Arabic: (go to comments)


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(1) Good advice from an online linkedin member I have the following critique. First, you have to make it much simpler in your profile. For example, Business woman and International Human Rights Activist (e.g. Human Right Abuses). Most of the recommendations that you received are people who have just single connection (that is you). This is not good and not going to help you very much. Above all, the people that you receive recommendation must have some national and international authorities in this area (e.g. Human rights lawyers, politicians, Authors, movie directors, TV hosts, etc. etc.). They must know, first hand knowledge about what you're doing and help you in case if you're in trouble of some sort. Being an activist is not an easy thing, you have to have high level connections (if you're in China) and international connections (if you're traveling). For this purpose, you have to be a member of Green Peace or Amnesty Inernational, and organization of that standing (popular elsewhere in the world, not only in China). You could join some lawyers associations, write some newsletter along with them and get it published, or get their advice and help in your cause, and so on. Bear in mind, you have to view things from outside the box. I mean rationale look at a particular issue. My suggestion to you to think along this line and look for high calibre people and get introduce yourself and start to network with them. You could start with local people (within your home town in china), then slowly expand your network. If you attend meetings, (national or international), it will help to strengthen your profile. You may attend seminars, symposium, or short courses for these purpose. The people that recommend you, especially with regards to your work must also include some high ranking figures in the society especially in human rights area. I thought I could write and critique what I really felt. This will help to consolidate your efforts and make you go in the right direction where you could get proper recognition for your hard work. (2) Please write to Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin Cathie Trevallee Sr. Caseworker Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin 10 E. Doty Street, Suite 405 Madison, WI 53703 Phone: (608) 258-9800 Fax: (608) 258-9808 (3)Write to Archbishop Tutu Please note that the email address is no longer active.Kindly resend your message using one of the following addresses: Message to Archbishop Tutu's general office: to Archbishop Tutu: to Archbishop Tutu's personal assistant: regarding media matters, interviews, etc: Thank you Dan Vaughan __________________________________________________________________________________Dan VaughanAssistant to Archbishop Emeritus Desmond TutuP O Box 1092, Milnerton 7435, South Africa Ph: +27 21 552 7524 (4) American Freedom Campaign Action Fund please take a minute to send an E-mail to the Department of Justice, asking AG Holder why he is covering up torture. Just use the following link to get started: (5) Take Action: ACLU It’s Time to Learn the Truth Ask the Justice Department to Investigate Torture (6)Letter to California Medical Board from Geral Sosbee, a former FBI agent being targeted. Barbara Hartwell former CIA being targeted. Anyone wanting to follow the constitution in the CIA and FBI are neutralized in one form or the other. Bob Levin (7) Please write to:- Secretary Janet Napolitano Department of Homeland Security U.S. Department of Homeland Security Washington, DC 20528 1-202-282-8401 [fax] Mrs Samantha Willey OF SAFE HOUSE you SHORT LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR MR ERIC GRIFFIN/f.f.c.h.s AND HER ORG COMING TOGETHER TO MAKE SURE VICTIMS GET THE HELP THEY NEED AND PLACED IN A SAFE HOMES UNTIL MATTER ARE RESOLVED AS Write to Mr. Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Phone Numbers Comments: 202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414 FAX: 202-456-2461 TTY/TDD Comments: 202-456-6213 Visitors Office: 202-456-2121 (8) Write to Obama Soleilmavis -- I wanted to tell you about an exciting new feature just launched on the White House website called "Open for Questions." Here's how it works -- President Obama is inviting everyone to ask a question about the economy and to rate other questions up or down. On Thursday morning, the President will conduct an online town hall on the economy and answer some of the most popular questions live. Watch a video of the President explaining this new feature and be a part of it now. "Open for Questions" is an opportunity to open up the White House to all Americans. It's an experiment designed to encourage transparency and accountability by giving you a direct line to the White House. This first round will deal with the economy. Americans deserve to know what their government is doing to get our economy back on track. But it's up to you to participate and make this experiment a success. Join the discussion now: Thanks, and remember to check back Thursday to watch the President answer some of your questions live. Mitch Mitch Stewart Director Organizing for America (9) Join STRASBURG DEMO ON JUNE 22+23
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22 Mar 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) Please support Mr. Eric court case in OSC (US Office of Special Counsel) Form12 3/18/2009 Case Number: DI-09-1783 Created: Mar 18 2009 11:26PM Last Modified: Mar 19 2009 10:13AM. Original Entry Date 12/2/2007 9:30 PM Last Modified 3/24/2008 9:49 AM Case Number MA-08-1512 User Information ERIC GRIFFIN Agency: citizen You also can submit your case from this link Please read full information of court case from: (2) Please support Mr.John Finch Court Case in ICC(THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT) John Finch 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627 EMAIL:, 18/03/2009 PLEASE SEND YOUR TORTURE AND ABUSE CASES AND INFORMATION TO THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT – use Reference: OTP-CR-70/07 M.P. Dillon Head of the Information & Evidence Unit, Office of the Prosecutor THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands TEL: 31-70-5158515 FAX: 31-70-5158555 WEB: EMAIL:,,, Reference: OTP-CR-70/07 Please read full information of court case from: (3) Eric and Ann invite you to see the Doctor We WERE SETTING APPOINTMENTS TO SEE THE DOCTOR AND I AM GOING TO DRIVE AND PICK SOME T.I 'S UP AND TAKE THEM TO CALI FOR TESTING WITH OUR DOCTOR AND TO SEE THE P.I IF YOU WANT TO GO CONTACT ANN BAKER FOR MORE INFORMATION KIDS TESTING IS $100 ADULTS $260 JUST LOOK AT IT AS A ROAD TRIP. ERIC GRIFFIN (4) Write to Media (5) Welcome to join linkedin group which can meet more people UN groups My linkedin page:
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16 Mar 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) Support the Establishment of a Commission to Investigate US Torture Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has proposed the establishment of a bipartisan commission to investigate torture and other abuses committed by the Bush Administration. On Tuesday,’s Mark Benjamin reported that US Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) is moving forward with with a commission to investigate torture during the Bush administration. (2)Leahy Announces FBI Oversight Hearing WASHINGTON (Wednesday, March 11, 2009) – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) today announced the first oversight hearing of the 111th Congress for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Director Robert S. Mueller will testify before the Senate panel at an oversight hearing scheduled for March 25. Mueller appeared before the Committee twice last year. The Senate Judiciary Committee has held periodic oversight hearings of the FBI with the Bureau’s Director. The oversight hearing will be held on Wednesday, March 25, 2009, at 9:30 a.m., in room 216 of the Hart Senate Office Building. The hearing will be webcast live online via the Judiciary Committee’s website. Testimony and member statements will also be available online. Members of the press, especially television camera crews, should contact the Senate Daily Press Gallery ( ) or the Senate Radio-Television Gallery ( ) to reserve space at the hearing. # # # # # March 11, 2009 NOTICE OF COMMITTEE HEARING The Senate Committee on the Judiciary has scheduled a hearing on “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation” for Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 9:30 a.m., in Room 216 of the Senate Hart Office Building. By order of the Chairman. Witness List Hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation” Wednesday, March 25, 2009 Senate Hart Office Building Room 216 9:30 a.m. The Honorable Robert S. Mueller, III Director Federal Bureau of Investigation United States Department of Justice Washington, DC We think that Mind Control victims should contact related people about the covert Mind Control abuse and torture. (3) help Victim Ramona Rosario: This is the link for the interview that Ramona gave to Greg Syzmanski in Desert owl hour Greg cell phone: 304-629-7169 Derrick: Someone has offered a place for her to come. Kimberli, the natural health doctor has offered her place for Ramona to come and heal. I"m sure she can help her. We just need someone to reach her from LA. We can also help her financially to get to Louisiana from California. Bob: Ramona and Kimberli have been in touch by phone. They had an immediate rapport, and I'm sure that things will work out well when they get together. Thank you for arranging this. Ramona desperately needs to get away as quickly as possible, but she has no money. They have sexually mutilated her very seriously. They are telling her day and night audibly through speakers in her apartment that they are going to kill her. When she prays, they even pray aloud with her. She needs to get her car fixed and have money for travel expenses before she can leave. I told her that you had offered financial assistance from FFCHS. She said that if she had $400, she could leave in two days. So if FFCHS can help her with that much, she can be on her way very quickly before it is too late. $400 is a low price to pay for saving a life, and Ramona's life is very much worth saving. I've had strong disagreements with you over legal strategy, but here is something that we can agree on, and if you rescue Ramona, I'll give credit where credit is due. (4) Investigators in USA From Derrick Robinson Hi all. FFCHS is about to hire some investigators for our upcoming lawsuit. One of the services that some of them offer is implant detection and disabling. And we have an opportunity for those that feel they have been implanted to get tested by a licensed investigator for the chips to be detected and disabled. The date and location are: Boise, Idaho, Saturday, April 25, 2009 The investigator is charging $200.00 for detection per person and $100.00 for disabling. He will also provide paperwork for each person as evidence for the upcoming court case and for your personal records. All those interested, please contact me asap. Thanks, Derrick (5) DEW links from Bob Levin (6) A picture from Please send these to everyone you know. Have them print them out and mail them to all the legislatures and the Speaker of the house here in Jefferson City. Louise See attached file Doc1.doc Doc1.doc
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13 Mar 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) New Lawsuit from Eric Griffin UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA ERIC GRIFFIN , Plaintiff, ) vs. (CASE NO.) HENDERSON POLICE DEPT,) (To be supplied by the Clerk) CITY OF HENDERSON, etl;al) Defendant(s). ) CIVIL RIGHTS COMPLAINT PURSUANT TO 42 U.S.C. § 1983 A. JURISDICTION 1) This complaint alleges that the civil rights of Plaintiff, ERIC GRIFFIN who presently reside at Henderson, nv 89014 , were violated by the actions of the below named individuals which were directed against Plaintiff at Henderson police dept on the following dates feb 26, 2009 (Count I) 42 USC § 1985.violation(count 2)42 USC § 1986. (count 3)Executive Order 13440 violation(count 4) 18 usc section 241 2) Defendant, Henderson police dept,city of Henderson,etl;al Jurisdiction is invoked pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1343 (a)(3) and 42 U.S.C. § 1983. If you wish to assert jurisdiction under different or additional statutes, list them below. ------------------------------ B. NATURE OF THE CASE Briefly state the background of your case. these officer and city has placed plaintiff's and other city members life's in great danger to cover up a executive order violation and a illegal weapon called d.e.w/voice to skull that has been verified is being used on mr griffin by doctors that is being used and has violated plaintiffs rights for denying plaintiff the right to file a criminal complain,t the right to have a matter investigated, a right to medical attention in a life our death matte,the right to have witnesses questioned, the right to have suspect arrested, and with holding information from plaintiffs lawyer, WITH HOLDING INFORMATION from congressional leaders ,defendants/captain wemsley new first hand of my complaints and told me to come in to one of his office's to file a complaint but when I arrived the officer told me he would not file my complaint even after showing this officer the letter from his captain telling me to come in and file a complaint, these action was totally criminal and a violation of plaintiff's due process..officer also refuse to take any exports witnesses reports,witnesses statements, and medical record show that this crime is going on in this city and that dept has the grounds to investigate and arrest suspect per nv state laws. also henderson police dept stated that the would send this matter to the fbi/cia but yet the fbi/cia has not render over any information to plaintiffs lawyers our doctors our judges in mr griffin case to support this matter, defendants are full aware that these weapon are being used on mr griffin and rather try and make mr griffin look crazy rather then ----------------------------- C. CAUSE OF ACTION 3 . ------------------- E. REQUEST FOR RELIEF I believe that I am entitled to the following relief: TO HAVE ALL SUSPECT ARRESTED AND CHARGED AND PROSECUTED TO THE MAX, ALL MEDICALS EXPENSES PAID,700 MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS, AND TO HAVE A JURY DEMAND CONGRESSIONAL HEARING ON THIS MATTER, ALL LEGAL FEE'S PAID I understand that a false statement or answer to any question in this complaint will subject me to penalties of perjury. I DECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY NDER THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. See 28 U.S.C. § 1746 and 18 U.S.C. § 1621. (Name of Person who prepared or helped (Signature of Plaintiff) prepare this complaint if not Plaintiff) (Date) ---------------------------- (Additional space if needed; identify what is being continued) exhibit 1a 42 USC § 1986. Action for neglect to prevent 42 USC § 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights Executive Order 13440 violation Communication letters between Mr. Eric and HENDERSON POLICE DEPT Dear mr wamsley we are asking that you give us the information that you sent to the cia and has the cia done any follow up work with due to the fact you still have a hostage matter in your city which also has gotten two people killed from the same house an now slowing killing the third. we are requesting the information you sent to them and has your office done any follow up on this matter and if the cia is helping you get information to help arrest suspect and prosecute ? thank you so much and i am sure you know this is a life our death matter. and i want the city of Henderson to prosecute all suspect to the fullest. due to the fact i am a victim i will have some staff member write you back to further investigate this matter. i also ask that you send my lawyer the information that you sent to the cia/fbi. i am also requesting that you arrest suspect and prosecute to the fullest due to the fact these victim from my house is from Henderson one being a infant and the other a ex solder and now due to the fact mr griffin is being held hostage in your city and being slowly killed by this weapons called d.e.w/voice to skull which now you are full aware of. I WILL HAVE STAFF MEMBERS FROM F.F.C.H.S AND OTHER WITNESSES FOLLOW UP ON THIS LETTER AND SHOW THERE SUPPORT AS WELL IN YOU ARRESTING THESE SUSPECT AS WELL thank you so much MR ERIC GRIFFIN --- On Sat, 1/17/09, ERIC GRIFFIN wrote: From: ERIC GRIFFIN Subject: To: Cc: Date: Saturday, January 17, 2009, 1:15 PM PLEASE FORWARD SIR WHICH I KNOW YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE SO TO THE FACT YOUR OFFICE HAS BEEN THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS BEEN COMPETENT ENOUGH AND FOLLOW POLICY SO THANK YOU SIR FOR GIVING THE FBI THIS INFORMATION. ALSO NOTE SIR IF THESE PEOPLE DO NOT KILL ME FIRST I WILL MAKE SURE I CAN HELP YOUR OFFICE IN GETTING THE TOOLS AND FUNDING YOU WILL NEED SO THAT YOUR OFFICER WILL BE READY AND ABLE TO TEST VICTIMS OF THESE WEAPONS,SO THAT YOUR OFFICE WILL NOT THINK EVERYONE IS HAVING MENTAL ISSUE AND WILL BE ABLE TO EASILY TEST FOR THESE KIND OF WEAPON AND THEN DETERMINE IF A PERSON IS REALLY CRAZY OUR BEING HELD HOSTAGE BY THIS WEAPONS SUCH AS MYSELF MR GRIFFIN. --- On Thu, 1/15/09, Robert Wamsley wrote: From: Robert Wamsley Subject: RE: when do you want your officer to come test To: Cc: "Addah Moritz-Smith" Date: Thursday, January 15, 2009, 4:05 PM Dear Mr. Griffin, Sorry I have not been able to get back to you sooner. I cannot send an officer by your residence to conduct such tests. As you know we are a local municipality and do not have the means of doing such testing and investigations. I can forward your email to the FBI or the CIA if you like and perhaps they can assist you or you can contact them yourself. This is the first I have heard of these secret weapons and these suspicious deaths and must refer jurisdiction of the matter to a federal level. Please contact them if you prefer to pursue the matter. Sincerely From: ERIC GRIFFIN [] Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 3:44 PM To: Robert Wamsley Cc:; Addah Moritz-Smith;;;;;;;;;; Anthony D. Romero ACLU Subject: when do you want your officer to come test Dear Mr Wamsley i Eric Griffin is asking that you test me for these illegal weapon being used on me against my will which is a high crime being done in the city of Henderson, again due to the fact my emails do get tampered with all the time, and since i have not had your officer come by and test for these illegal weapon like in the james walbert case in case so that you be able to use as evidence to arrest suspect and better protect the rest of the citizen of Henderson. my lawyer will be waiting for your called to get this done right away. thank you very much sir MR. ERIC GRIFFIN ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF FREEDOM FROM CONVERT HARASSMENT MOVEON.ORG COUNCIL MEMBER TRUEMAJORITY.ORG ACTIVIS HUMANRIGHTSFIRST.ORG ACTIVIST PEOPLE FOR THE AMERICAN WAY EMAIL: HOWREALAREYOU_M@YAHOO.COM PHONE: 702-372 9052 --- On Thu, 1/8/09, ERIC GRIFFIN wrote: From: ERIC GRIFFIN Subject: when do you want your officer to come test To: Cc:, Date: Thursday, January 8, 2009, 7:00 AM me for this weapon being used on unwillingly?my lawyers can set this up and the only reason these perps has not killed me is because they think they cant get caught and is very arrogant as witnesses has been trying to tell you. but we need these crooks off the streets fast they have already killed to people one being a infaint i know making a false allegation is a crime and i like my freedom and my life. i also ask you office to inform my lawyers if anyone has told your office not to get involved with this matter --- On Thu, 1/8/09, ERIC GRIFFIN wrote: From: ERIC GRIFFIN Subject: Fw: RE: your request to the City of Henderson To: Cc:,,, Date: Thursday, January 8, 2009, 6:53 AM as you can see the Henderson police don't even want to have there officers come and test me for this weapon being used on me unwillingly --- On Tue, 1/6/09, ERIC GRIFFIN wrote: From: ERIC GRIFFIN Subject: Fw: RE: your request to the City of Henderson To: Cc:,,, Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 10:08 AM Dear Sirs, I am merely trying to bring to your attention the "nature" of many of the crimes that are being committed right under your noses. There are currently some very dangerous weapons that are being circulated around within many of our cities. These have given the perpetrators the feeling of having stumbled onto God-like powers, as they allow them to hide and work from another remote location. What the authorities MUST understand, is that many deaths are related to the use of these weapons, thus these perpetrators have been getting away with murder. There are specific instruments that can be used to test the individuals (targets) and even their environment, which can show the specific "energy related" abnormalities. But, the main issue, is that unless we take notice of the many complaints made by the victims, we are ignoring a very serious problem that is becoming more wide spread. We only ask that the authorities thoroughly investigate these complaints to assist in bringing resolve. Thank you for your consideration in this very urgent matter. Eric Griffin Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 09:39:53 -0800 From: Subject: RE: your request to the City of Henderson To: CC:;;; to really help you provide protection for the rest of our citizen ask you deputy to come test me for this weapon and you will have the evidence to fully start a investigation. this is one company that knows how to test for these weapons that is being used to hold a person hostage in your great city of Henderson. sir these kids cant speak for themself and the rest of the victim just think there going crazy our is to afraid to come forth due to the fact they know no one is going to help them but if these crooks are that dumb to let me complain i am going to complaint all day till there caught our this illegal weapons is safely removed from body and everyone else. i have a hard time writing so please bare with me sir one of our staff members will make it clear to you on what i am trying to say MR. ERIC GRIFFIN ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF FREEDOM FROM CONVERT HARASSMENT MOVEON.ORG COUNCIL MEMBER TRUEMAJORITY.ORG ACTIVIS HUMANRIGHTSFIRST.ORG ACTIVIST PEOPLE FOR THE AMERICAN WAY EMAIL: HOWREALAREYOU_M@YAHOO.COM PHONE: 702-372 9052 --- On Tue, 1/6/09, wrote: From: Subject: RE: your request to the City of Henderson To: Cc: Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 8:06 AM Dear Mr, Griffin, Thank you for the information. It was passed on to our Homicide Unit to look into however they were not able to find cases on the two names you provided. They will send that information out to other agencies. Feel free to contact the Police Department in the future if you have any further information by calling 311 instead of using the City Comcate System. This will allow you a more prompt response from the Police Department. Sincerely, Captain Robert Wamsley Dear Capitan wamleys i went to the Henderson police station on sunset and your officer refused to take my complaint even after i showed him your email telling me to come down and file the report i show him the false u.s money orders i that suspect has been sending me i also showed him the email you sent telling me to come down and file a report, and he refused me stating he was calling you and if you said to file my report he would call me back our get the information from so were else. so now that you told me to go file a report and your officer refused to take my report which was affidavit of truth and evidence enclosed like medical,suspect names, witnesses name and export witnesses and lawyers names. i do have the officer named and time i tried to log my complaint so you can check the record book to show that i tried to file a complaint but was denied. like i said i even explained that you tried to send my complaint to the FBI as well but your officer still refused to file complaint,so can you call the sunset substation which is 2blocks down from my home on sunset and let him know you told me to come down and file my complaint, due to the fact i have a lawyer you can let them know the complaint is mainly about harassment with a deadly weapon and every other detail about witnesses is in my affidavit that i tried to submit with my complaint names of witnesses name of defendants and times and dates of these crimes is listed all other information can be retrieved from my lawyers our if you have a better way for me to get help from your office and these crooks in jail please feel free but i want these rapist pedophiles tourer's in jail and this weapon off of me and my kids. ERIC GRIFFIN FEBRUARY 23,2009 3:19 PM PST (2) Please write to these Politicians in Canada Paul Dewar Parliament Hill: House of Commons Ottawa , Ontario, K1A 0A6 Telephone: (613) 996-5322 Fax: (613) 996-5323 Constituency: 1306 Wellington Street, Suite 304 Ottawa , Ontario, K1Y 3B2 Telephone: (613) 946-8682 Fax: (613) 946-8680 Dawn Black Parliament Hill: House of Commons Ottawa , ON K1A 0A6 Constituency: 1116 Austin Avenue Coquitlam , British Columbia, V3K 3P5 Telephone: (604) 664-9229 Fax: (604) 664-9231 Thomas Mulcair Parliament Hill: House of Commons Ottawa , Ontario, K1A 0A6 Telephone: (613) 995-7691 Fax: (613) 995-0114 Constituency: 3333 Reine Marie Road, Suite 310 Montreal , Québec, H3V 1A2 Telephone: (514) 736-2727 Fax: (514) 736-2726 Judy Wasylycia Parliament Hill: 710 Justice Building House of Commons Ottawa , Ontario, K1A 0A6 Telephone: (613) 996-6417 Fax: (613) 996-9713 Constituency: 1082 Main Street Winnipeg , Manitoba, R2W 5J3 Telephone: (204) 984-1767 Fax: (204) 984-1766 Anita Neville Email: Constituency Office: Unit D-729 Corydon Avenue Winnipeg (MB) R3M 0W4 Phone: (204) 983-1355 Fax: (204) 984-3979 Ottawa Office: House of Commons Ottawa , ON K1A 0A6 Mr. Mark Holland 92 Church Street South, Suite 106 Ajax (ON) L1S 6B4 Phone: (905) 426-6808 Email: (905) 426-9564 Provincial/Territorial Association: Liberal Party of Canada ( Ontario ) 10 St Mary Street, Suite 205 Toronto , ON, M4Y 1P9 Phone: (416) 921-2844 Toll Free: (800) 361-3881 Fax: (416) 921-3880 Mr. Michael Ignatieff 656 The Queensway Etobicoke (ON) M8Y 1K7 Phone: (416) 251-5510 Email: (416) 251-2845 Liberal Party of Canada ( Ontario ) 10 St Mary Street, Suite 205 Toronto , ON M4Y 1P9 Phone: (416) 921-2844 Toll Free: (800) 361-3881 Fax: (416) 921-3880 Hon. Bob Rae 514 Parliament Street Toronto (ON) M4X 1P4 Phone: (416) 954-2222 Fax: (416) 954-9649 Web: Email: Provincial/Territorial Association: Liberal Party of Canada ( Ontario ) 10 St Mary Street, Suite 205 Toronto , ON M4Y 1P9 Phone: (416) 921-2844 Toll Free: (800) 361-3881 Fax: (416) 921-3880 Marlene Jennings Web: Email: Constituency Office: 6332 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 204 Montreal (QC) H4B 1M7 Phone: (514) 489-8703 Fax: (514) 489-2806 Ottawa Office: House of Commons Ottawa , ON K1A 0A6 (3) write to CVT CVT Contact Information E-mail Toll-free 1-877-265-8775 Minneapolis Healing Center 717 East River Parkway Minneapolis, MN 55455 Tel. 612.436.4800 Fax 612.436.2600 Directions to the Minneapolis Healing Center St. Paul Healing Center 649 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Tel. 612.436.4800 Fax 612.436.2604 Directions to the St. Paul Healing Center St. Paul Administration 2356 University Avenue West, Suite 430 St. Paul, MN 55114 Tel. 612.436.4800 Fax 612.436.2606 Washington, D.C. 1875 “I” Street NW, 5th Floor Washington, D.C. 20006 Tel. 202.857.3284 Fax 202.429.9574 Sierra Leone 17 Sir Samuel Lewis Road Freetown Sierra Leone Tel. 232 (0) 797 47 456 232 (0) 778 44 458 Liberia 14th Street Sinkor Monrovia Republic of Liberia Tel. 231 (0) 6 442 376 231 (0) 6 587 349 Democratic Republic of Congo 418 Avenue Sapiniers (coin Neufliers) Quartier Bel Air, Lubumbashi Province du Katanga Democratic Republic of Congo Tel. 243 (0) 81 754 17 07 243 (0) 995 374 969
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3 Mar 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) From: Von Kidd Subject: Invite To Write Article To: Date: Tuesday, February 24, 2009, 10:38 AM In my being a member of political activist groups locally within the Freedom Movement, I have the aquaintance of some local people who are some of the movers and shakers in the movement. Some of them are aquaintances of national figures in the Freedom Movement. I have an opportunity to put together an article on organized stalking/harassment and the technology associated with it, including links to information about the technology as references. I already know of a handfull of good ones. I also want to include something from Derrick Robinson about his Ohio based, international human rights group, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, along with a link to it. The article will be posted in the anti-statist, pro human liberty Freedoms Phoenix online news portal, which has a national readership( I'm opening this up to input from the TIs on the list as to the better references to articles on the technology in general, particularly the ones that inflict physical pain. These I have absolutely no experience with as I'm not targeted by any of them. (I can sympathize with those who do, as I live with migraines. That is a pre-existing condition in my case.) Naturally we can't post anybody's personal story in the article as it should be direct and to the point, with the exception of some generalizations from some things us TIs have as common experience. There is no deadline and so no hurry, and it could be posted beforehand on these lists for some general approval before being submitted. Obviously not everyone will be happy with the result, as you can't please everyone, and this isn't supposed to be the "perfect" article. It's only meant to provide some good info and the links to resources for further reading. I can already overhear my perps crying tears of rage and bitterly complaining amongst themselves right now through V2K as I write this! ;) In Freedom and Liberty, Von Kidd (2) Reply from Congressman John Boozman February 26, 2009 Dear Mr. Dunlap, Thank you for contacting me to express your support for H.R. 984, the "State Secret Protection Act." It is always good to hear from you. As you know, H.R. 984 was introduced by Representative Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) on February 11, 2009. This legislation declares that in any civil action brought in federal or state court the government has a privilege to refuse to give evidence and to prevent any person from giving evidence only if the government shows that public disclosure of the evidence that its seeking to protect would be reasonably likely to cause significant harm to the national defense or the diplomatic relations of the United States. Further, it establishes procedures and a standard for assessing the privilege claim. Like you, I believe that the government has a responsibility to be open and transparent to the public. However, there are certainly times when it is necessary and appropriate to keep certain information classified. Please be assured that should H.R. 984 come to the floor of the House of Representatives for a vote, I will keep your thoughts in mind. Again, thank you for contacting me on this very important issue. Please be sure to visit our website at, where you can sign up for my weekly e-newsletter. I look forward to your continued correspondence. Sincerely, John Boozman Member of Congress (3) U.K./E.U. HUMANISTS: HEAD TO LONDON TO PROTEST RADIATION WEAPONS GET POLITICAL w / VIC LIVINGSTON British and E.U. ethical humanists, UNITE! Western European citizens who value human rights must turn out in force to protest this week's London conference of amoral scientists, militarists -- and, perhaps, some "new world order" political fascists -- who are pushing the global proliferation of silent,injury- and illness-inducing radiation weapons... armaments that already are widely deployed among security, intelligence and law enforcement personnel and their vigilante citizen operatives in industrialized nations throughout the world. If you harbor any doubts about the motives of an untamed "RAM" -- what we are dubbing the "Radiation Armaments Movement" -- just read this blurb from the U. S. military command, in support of Directed Energy Weapons 2009: Driving DEWs from the Laboratory to the Battlefield, a two-day seminar that convenes Thursday at London's historic Thistle Marble Arch Hotel: "Directed Energy offers promise as a transformational `game changer'in military operations, able to augment and improve operational capabilities in many areas." -- Dr. William Schneider, Defense Science Board Chairman, U.S.Department of Defense The speaker roster is laden with radiation weapons advocates from the United States and Canada, including: **Dr. J. Douglas Beason PhD, Associate Laboratory Director (Threat Reduction), Los Alamos National Laboratory **Dr. Spiro Lekoudis SES, Director of Weapons Systems in the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Science & Technology), US Department of Defense **Colonel David Robie, Director, Directed Energy Task Force, U.S. Air Force **Dr. Greg Schneider, Director, NATO Research and Technology Agency **Dr. Benjamin Rockwell, Head of Laser Bio-Effects, US Air Force Research Laboratory **Dr. Jacques Dubois, Electro-Optic Warfare Section, Canadian Ministry of Defense **Susan Levine, Deputy Director, Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, U.S Department of Defense The use of the factually deceptive non sequitur "non-lethal"notwithstanding, those who devised the agenda are not unaware that their advocacy of radiation weapons proliferation carries ethical and moral ramifications. Hence, these program items: Directed Energy Bio-Effects: A Main Enabler To Directed Energy Weapons **Overview of effects on humans due to exposure from laser and high-powered microwaves **Understanding bio-effects as a crucial factor leading to policy approval of directed energy weapons **Policy restrictions due to human effects Another panel will examine the "legal implications" of radiation weapons (of course, the advocates never refer to "radiation" -- to them, it's always "laser weapons," or the euphemistically benign "directed energy weapons"). To underscore the point, consider these agenda items: Problems associated with the introduction of new concepts and technologies Utility of systems in real world conditions: The warfighter vs. the PhD Potential European limitations against the operational fielding of the Active Denial System (a battlefield "people-cooker" that causes severe pain by heating human flesh) Those who are concerned with human rights and what the conferees term the "bio-effects" of radiation weaponry should encourage journalists worldwide to seek to cover this conference from the inside -- and hopefully pose some penetrating questions to "D.E.W." proponents. If you are reading this in London, get on the horn to your local media, newspapers, internet and telly, and let them know about this event. But most important, human rights advocates should turn out in great numbers to line the streets in front of the hotel with signs and megaphones -- a vociferous protest against the proliferation of radiation weapons and the role of the U.S. military in advancing the deployment of what are truly "weapons of mass destruction"......weapons that should be banned outright by world governments as inhumane, a menace to civilian populations as well as to those who wield these hand-held moral equivalents of the atom bomb. Hopefully, British police and secretive international intelligence units will have the good sense and human decency not to silently "dose" protesters with radiation, as has been alleged to have happened in the United States. FOR MORE ON THE THREAT OF RADIATION WEAPONRY: LINK TO DIRECTED ENERGY CONFERENCE AGENDA: (4) Please continue to support Mr. Eric Griffin's court case UNITED STATES COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA Attention: clerk offices 333 S. Las Vegas Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89101 RE: case no. 2:08-00303 RCJ-GWF CA9 08-16259 I, ____________am writing this letter in support of Eric Griffin, Eric is working diligently with Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance to get the assistance of the authorities and to hopefully bring an end to the many atrocities that so many innocent people have fallen victim to and you are amending your criminal complaint to this case number and will testify to this matter that defendants in this case above has stop mr griffin/f.f.c.h.s in ever one from getting you protection and the proper medical attention you need and suspect in jail and prosecuted to the up most. united state district court district of Nevada motion to amend this complaint title 18sec 241,1959 violation case# 2:08-00303 RCJ-GWF CA9 08-16259 Yours Sincerely, xxxxxxxx v. DEPT OF JUSTICE,etl;al defendants TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE I, ____________am writing this letter in support of Eric Griffin, Eric is working diligently with Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance to get the assistance of the authorities and to hopefully bring an end to the many atrocities that so many innocent people have fallen victim to and you are amending your criminal complaint to this case number and will testify to this matter that defendants in this case above has stop mr griffin/f.f.c.h.s in ever one from getting you protection and the proper medical attention you need and suspect in jail and prosecuted to the up most. (5) MIND READING and NEUROSCIENCE on CBS 60 minutes by Leslie Stahl (6) Space Warfare Technology From: Matthew Hoey [] Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 9:14 AM To: Boblevin.writer Subject: Space Warfare Technology Dear Colleague, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists recently published my article titled "The proliferation of space warfare technology." I thought that it would perhaps be of interest to you. The article can be found at the following link: re-technology With best wishes, Matthew Hoey Military Space Transparency Project Web: Email: Office: 617.942.2145 Cell: 617.953.1305 (7) Switzerland Walter Madliger, and UK John Allman will have speech at the 5th European Symposium on Non-lethal Weapons,May 11-13 2009 in Ettlingen, Germany.
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23 Feb 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) (2) The National Academies of Science released an almost 300 page report that was produced following a two year study into the inconsistencies of CSIs and crime labs. There is no standardized accreditation process and the system is defective with innocent people have been sent to prison. Other MK-ULTRA links (3) Dear all, Please write letters to support Mr. Eric Griffin's court case (1) For non victims UNITED STATES COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA RE: case no. 2:08-00303 RCJ-GWF CA9 08-16259 I, ____________am writing this letter in support of Eric Griffin, Eric is working diligently with Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance to get the assistance of the authorities and to hopefully bring an end to the many atrocities that so many innocent people have fallen victim to. Please take into consideration all that Mr. Griffin might bring to the attention of this court, as it is imperative that this situation be addressed accordingly. Thank you. _____________________ date__________,2009 (2) For victims UNITED STATES COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA RE: case no. 2:08-00303 RCJ-GWF CA9 08-16259 I,_________ am writing this letter in support of Eric Griffin, as I am also a victim of this ongoing torture. Eric is working diligently with Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance to get the assistance of the authorities and to hopefully bring an end to the many atrocities that so many innocent people have fallen victim to. Please take into consideration all that Mr. Griffin might bring to the attention of this court, as it is imperative that this situation be addressed accordingly. Thank you. _____________________ date__________,2009 Here is the version for t'i, this case is a criminal matter and civil you may use this case number to amend your criminal complaint under the Rico act victim in this case is asking all other victims to amend there criminal complaint in this court as well as support letter listed below, make sure when you file your complaint that you state on the top of your of your letter criminal complaint to be amended to case number above. (4) Please Write to the following:-rick bourcher Washington D.C. 2187 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 202-225-3861 202-225-0442(fax) E-MAIL TAMMY MADISON OFFICE 10 East Doty Street, Suite 405 Madison, Wisconsin 53703 (608) 258-9800 (608) 258-9808 Fax BELOIT OFFICE 400 E. Grand Ave, Suite 402 Beloit, WI 53511 (608) 362-2800 (608) 362-2838 Fax WASHINGTON OFFICE 2446 Rayburn Building Washington DC 20515 (202) 225-2906 (202) 225-6942 Fax (5) Act now. Ask your representative to co-sponsor the State Secrets Protection Act of 2009. For those who have had their attempts at justice stymied by improper claims of “state secrets,” this bill could prop open the courthouse doors once again and put us on the right path towards restoring justice. Take action to restore justice by sending the message below to your members of Congress. Please feel free to add your own words below. (6) Mara Wrote: Ramona Lopez is a ti, she left me a message in my answering machine, I sent this recording to Derrick Robinson from Freedomfrom covert harassment, I hope she got help, here's the link, please listen: (7) Another two websites which can contact Mr. Obama and You can sign up these two websites. and search Mr. Barack Obama, you will find his webpages. Leave an comment or write to him. A new website from Mr. Obama "My administration has created, a new website where citizens can track every dollar spent and every job created. We'll invite you and your neighbors to weigh in with comments and questions. Our progress will also be measured by the tens of thousands of personal stories submitted by people who are struggling to make ends meet. If you haven't already, you can read stories from families all across the country:" (8)Sign the Petition "Have A Prosecution Commision, And We'll Get The Truth Too." (9) Contact Captain Robert Wamsley Please write brief of your case summary of mind control abuse and torture to support Mr. Eric's complaint. Robert Wamsley Addah Moritz-Smith 2009/2/23 Robert Wamsley Dear Mr. Griffin, We will not be sending an officer to your residence to take a report on this matter. You are claiming that in your current location you are a victim and indeed in danger. I will not request an HPD officer meet with anyone in a climate where they themselves are claiming they are not safe. The email correspondence you insist upon has not been productive. Please feel free to respond to any of the Henderson Police facilities and file a report with the desk officer. In the future if you feel that you are in immediate danger feel free to contact 911. If you do feel that you are in imminent danger please bring any and all relevant evidence and suspect information you have reference your case and contact the desk officer at any of the following locations; 223 Lead Street – Main Police Station. Green Valley Parkway and Benji – West Police Sub-station Sunset and Ward – North Police Sub-station Again, Mr. Griffin, I want to point out that the allegations you make are not cases a local municipality works or has the equipment to work and just because Harry Reid and the FBI refer you to us does not mean that we can or have the means to purchase special equipment just to work your case. However if you feel you are in harms way and are a victim we are definitely concerned with the welfare of our citizens. Further more contacting the city, myself, or your congressman will not move your cause any faster so please feel free to follow my aforementioned instruction if you wish to pursue this matter for investigation. Sincerely From: Robert Wamsley Subject: RE: when do you want your officer to come test To: Cc: "Addah Moritz-Smith" Date: Thursday, January 15, 2009, 4:05 PM Dear Mr. Griffin, Sorry I have not been able to get back to you sooner. I cannot send an officer by your residence to conduct such tests. As you know we are a local municipality and do not have the means of doing such testing and investigations. I can forward your email to the FBI or the CIA if you like and perhaps they can assist you or you can contact them yourself. This is the first I have heard of these secret weapons and these suspicious deaths and must refer jurisdiction of the matter to a federal level. Please contact them if you prefer to pursue the matter. Sincerely From: ERIC GRIFFIN [] Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 3:44 PM To: Robert Wamsley Cc:; Addah Moritz-Smith;;;;;;;;;; Anthony D. Romero ACLU Subject: when do you want your officer to come test Dear Mr Wamsley i Eric Griffin is asking that you test me for these illegal weapon being used on me against my will which is a high crime being done in the city of henderson, again due to the fact my emails do get tampered with all the time, and since i have not had your officer come by and test for these illegel weapon like in the james walbert case in case so that you be able to use as evidence to arrest suspect and better protect the rest of the citizen of henderson. my lawyer will be waiting for your called to get this done right away. thank you very much sir MR. ERIC GRIFFIN From: Subject: RE: your request to the City of Henderson To: Cc: Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 8:06 AM Dear Mr, Griffin, Thank you for the information. It was passed on to our Homicide Unit to look into however they were not able to find cases on the two names you provided. They will send that information out to other agencies. Feel free to contact the Police Department in the future if you have any further information by calling 311 instead of using the City Comcate System. This will allow you a more prompt response from the Police Department. Sincerely, Captain Robert Wamsley From: ERIC GRIFFIN Subject: Fw: RE: your request to the City of Henderson To: Cc:,,, Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 10:08 AM Dear Sirs, I am merely trying to bring to your attention the "nature" of many of the crimes that are being committed right under your noses. There are currently some very dangerous weapons that are being circulated around within many of our cities. These have given the perpetrators the feeling of having stumbled onto God-like powers, as they allow them to hide and work from another remote location. What the authorities MUST understand, is that many deaths are related to the use of these weapons, thus these perpetrators have been getting away with murder. There are specific instruments that can be used to test the individuals (targets) and even their environment, which can show the specific "energy related" abnormalities. But, the main issue, is that unless we take notice of the many complaints made by the victims, we are ignoring a very serious problem that is becoming more wide spread. We only ask that the authorities thoroughly investigate these complaints to assist in bringing resolve. Thank you for your consideration in this very urgent matter. Eric Griffin (10) Please Write to Steven G. Thornton District Director Congressman Gary G. Miller 42nd District, California 1800 East Lambert Road Suite 150 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 257-1142 (714) 257-9242 Fax FROM: WWW.ROB-PROFILE.COM August 16, 2007 (RESUBMIT WITH CURRENT DATA FEBRUARY 2009) THE FORMAL LETTER SIGNED BY CONGRESSMAN GARY G. MILLER WAS RECEIVED TODAY. DIRECTIONS AND INFORMATION ARE EXPLICIT. THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN WORKING FOR ON BEHALF OF ALL. I HAVE RECEIVED MANY MESSAGES BY MANY PROCEDURES THAT INDICATE THE DIRECTIVES ARE EXPLICIT AND SUCCESSFUL. IN ADDITION TO HOMELAND SECURITIES AND THE FBI, THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY HAS BEEN IN CONTACT WITH THIS REPORT. ON BEHALF OF MY FAMILY, OTHER VICTIMS AND THE PEOPLE IN GENERAL, I WILL AWAIT APPROPRIATE PROCEDURES AND PRAY THAT THEY ARE HONEST AND OPEN, REGARDLESS OF STANDARD PAST COVERT REACTIONS. QUOTE FROM Senator John C. Danforth: "It is important for all of us in Congress, the media and the public to acknowledge our own responsibilities for the lack of openness we lament in government. When public officials fear that the disclosure of their mistakes would lead to personal humiliation and professional ruin, it is understandable if they prefer concealment to candor." WE CAN NO LONGER AFFORD AVOIDANCE OF THESE CONFIRMED ISSUES. OUR SURVIVAL DEPENDS ON PROPER REPRESENTATION FROM THOSE WHOM WE TRUST AND PAY TAXES. I ASSURE CLOSURE AND PROPER PUBLICITY. AUGUST 14th, 2007: Mr. Butner, At your request I have initiated an inquiry into your concerns with regard to electronic surveillance. I have contacted both the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. It will take sometime to receive a reply back from these agencies. You should be receiving a letter in the mail stating that I have initiated an inquiry All the best, Steve Steven G. Thornton District Director Congressman Gary G. Miller 42nd District, California 1800 East Lambert Road Suite 150 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 257-1142 (714) 257-9242 Fax PURPOSE: Respectfully, this is an authorization in compliance with the Privacy Act for assistance of Congressman Miller to obtain answer and/or assistance from the FBI and Homeland Securities into the situation concerning the case of Robert O. Butner Jr. as indicated with the UPDATED AUGUST, 2007 (RESUBMIT February 17, 2009) contents of report entitled: ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE, EXTREME ABUSE of TECHNOLOGY, SECURITIES AND HUMAN RIGHTS. This report can be accessed on website The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Homeland Securities are requested to ANSWER DIRECTLY to Congressman Miller concerning the aspects of this case situation and status. Congressman Miller will intern ANSWER IN WRITING the details from the FBI and Homeland Securities to Robert O. Butner Jr. If the answer is composed of legal statutes such as ‘secrecy in the interest of the people’, the statutes are requested from the FBI and Homeland Securities and will be honored. At least this type professional acknowledgment, from people we pay taxes, will provide some piece and pursuit of happiness to the family of Robert Butner, on behalf of the people. Otherwise his attempted plea for assistance will continue with the web site report inclusive of extremely high statistics and publication. Personal interviews and detection tests are authorized. (IMPORTANT: Respectfully, this is a call for ASSISTANCE PER THE UPDATED REPORT – AUGUST, 2007 (February 17, 2009) (not prior). THE REFERENCED FBI CASE NUMBERS ARE OUTDATED AND DO NOT REFER TO THIS UPDATED REPORT. Mr. Butner has retired and had no previous time for the consuming editing and preparation of his report. Robert Butner has no criminal record prior to and after initiation of this situation and no history of mental incompetence or inventing reports. As referenced by Mr. Steve Thornton of Congressman Miller’s office, he does understand the point that Mr. Butner is making on his web site report. However since the report is a full case history with substantial information, BULLET POINTING main concerns as follows as been requested: v Electronic surveillance capabilities, extreme abuse of technology, securities and human rights. v The evidence submitted speaks for itself; However, I wish to testify also, as a victim and eye-witness to the atrocities of these "secret" technologies. v Specifically, I am concerned about SATELLITE - MICROWAVE, ELECTROMAGNETIC ‘TYPE’, NEUROLOGICAL CAPABILITIES AND TO WHOSE HANDS THEY HAVE FALLEN INTO. v CERTAIN COVERT GROUPS that have access to this equipment ARE NOT SATISFIED with surveillance capabilities only. v In some cases, Targeted Individuals SUCH AS ME are SUBJECTED TO DIRECT FREQUENCIES THAT ARE SO EXPLICIT AND TORTUROUS THAT THEY ARE AUDIBLY AND VISUALLY APPARENT. v IN ADDITION, other symptoms are as follows: Audible sounds such as hissing, buzzing, clicking, ringing, "beyond normal", and very distinct frequency "changing sounds" (to the point of ear aches). Professionals will identify with this explanation, i.e. beyond normal ringing is associated with certain radio wave and clicking with microwave. Also, sounds such as standing near high power lines. Holography - Eyes open and closed. Sensations of heat and cold. Manipulation of sense of touch. Various parts of the body can be made to tingle, or become numb. Frequent pain: abdominal, headaches, earaches and a stinging or straining of the eyes. These can linger for several hours or come and go in a minute's time. Sleep deprivation, or the feeling of being "wired instead of gaining rest." (THIS ONE IS MAJOR AND CREATES MANY OTHER OBVIOUS PROBLEMS). Very vivid dreams and nightmares (very distinct from your own). Memory and concentration are severely affected. Control of emotional states, i.e., feelings of anger, anxiety, lethargy, peace, exhilaration, etc. "Infuriation is experienced and obviously expected." I KNOW HOW MY PERPETRATORS USE THIS EQUIPMENT VERY EMPHATICALLY. IMAGINE HOW AN Al-Qaeda NETWORK COULD USE THIS TECHNOLOGY ALSO! WHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO TO RECEIVE PROPER ATTENTION AND HELP? WHAT CHANCES DO WE WISH TO TAKE? Sincerely, Robert O. Butner Jr. August 8th, 2007 REISSUE February 17, 2009 (11) Letter from HARRY REID,United States Senator,Nevada From: Date: Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 4:08 PM Subject: Correspondence from Senator Reid To: February 23, 2009 Mr. Eric Griffin Henderson, Nevada 89014-3899 Dear Mr. Griffin: Thank you for contacting me. It is good to hear from you, although I regret to learn of the difficulty you have experienced. During my time in Washington, I have remained committed to making Nevada a better, safer place to live, and you can be assured that I am sensitive to your concerns. In the meantime, if you believe that a crime has been committed under the Nevada Revised Statute's prohibitions against harassment, please contact your local police department. Henderson Police Department 223 Lead St. Henderson, NV 89015 (702) 267-5050 Emergency: 911 Also, if you have not already done so, you may wish to consult the advice of a lawyer about whether you have some other remedy available to you. Clark County Legal Services provides legal assistance free of charge and can be reached at: Clark County Legal Services 800 South Eighth Street Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 (702) 386-1070 Additionally, the Nevada Bar can refer you to a licensed Nevada attorney who has expertise in the area in which you need help. You can reach them at (702) 382-0504 or through their website at Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I hope that this information is helpful and that you will not hesitate to contact me if you feel I can be of further assistance to you. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. My best wishes to you. Sincerely, HARRY REID United States Senator Nevada HR:cs
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Mass Petition to United Nations

Soleilmavis Wrote: 17 Feb 2009 Please write to The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute - UNICRI Headquarters Viale Maestri del Lavoro, 10 10127 Turin, Italy Tel.: (+39) 011 6537 111 Fax: (+39) 011 6313 368 Liaison Office in Rome di San Marco, 50 00186 Rome, Italy Tel.: (+39) 06 6789 907 Fax: (+39) 06 6780 668 Media Contact Marina Mazzini Tel: (+39) 011 6537 114 Please write to The The International Commission of Jurists P.O. Box 91, 33 rue des Bains, 1211 Geneva 8, Switzerland. Tel : +41(0)22 979-38-00 Fax : +41(0)22 979-38-01 E-mail : Correspondence from the ICJ network to be posted on the ICJ website: ICJ worldwide offices: Related articleExperts: Torture in war on terror eroded rights Eminent jurists issue report, say U.S. policy 'inconsistent' with human rights updated 4:27 p.m. ET Feb. 16, 2009 GENEVA - The United States and other countries that used torture in the so-called war on terror seriously damaged respect for basic human rights, an international panel of legal experts said Monday. The eight-member panel, led by former Irish President Mary Robinson, said the three-year investigation found that the damage to human rights law was more severe than they had expected. Soleilmavis wrote: 23 Jan 2009 Dear all, Please write to:- Ms Navanethem Pillay - UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, write to UNESCO UNESCO Seminar: “Electromagnetic Fields: Mechanisms Of Action And Potential Threat As A Terrorism Agent” There is more and more use of electricity and RF communication frequencies in both civilian life and for military purposes. The clarification of cellular and molecular mechanisms of their biological effects is extremely important in order to rationally evaluate their harmful effects from the point of public health. Moreover, the possibility to using EMF-induced modulations makes EMF potentially a powerful instrument for environmental terror. The most obvious danger is use of electromagnetic pulses to disrupt communication. However EMF also pose direct threats to human health through mechanisms that are poorly understood. These involve different physical and chemical factors, as well as multiple effects on biological systems including humans. Therefore, this problem is an appropriate and important subject for consideration under the Environmental Antiterrorism Program. The primary goal of the proposed Workshop is to conduct a multidisciplinary discussion of the data obtained by different laboratories on the mechanisms whereby EMF of various frequencies alter function of physical and biological systems, what are the public health implications of these actions, and what are the dangers and potential of use of EMF as a terrorist weapon. Contact Info : Prof. Sinerik Ayrapetyan Head of Org. Committee President UNESCO Chair-Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center 31 Acharian St., Yerevan, 0040, Armenia Tel: (374 10) 624170/612461 Fax: (374 10) 624170 Email : Url: We call all victims to write to UNESCO for Mass petition of Mind COntrol Abuse and Torture. (1) UNESCO Office in Geneva Liaison Office. Director: Mr Luis Tiburcio Senior Secretary: Ms Mairéad Maguire E-mail address: Work Phone: +41-22 917 78 80 Fax: +41-22 917 78 05 Address: UNESCO-GLO, Palais des Nations CH 12 11 Geneva 10, Switzerland (2) UNESCO Office in New York Liaison Office. Director: Ms Helene-Marie Gosselin Administrative Office: E-mail address: Work Phone: +1-212 963 59 95 Fax: +1-212 963 80 14 Address: 2, United Nations Plaza, room 900 NY 10017 New York, United States of America (3) The ICTP general postal address is: the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics Strada Costiera 11, 34014 Trieste, Italy Switchboard: (+39) 040 2240 111 , Main Fax: (+39) 040 224 163 URL: E-mail: (4) ICTP Offices Director's Office Ms. Anne Gatti (MB room 272) Phone: (+39) 040 2240 251 , Fax: (+39) 040 2240 410 E-mail: Administrative Offices Ms. Cinzia Giancovich (EFB room 201) Phone: (+39) 040 2240 591 , Fax: (+39) 040 2241 63 E-mail: (5) HECAP - High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle PhysicsSecretariat: The High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Section of the ICTP is located on the second floor of the Leonardo Building. The postal address is: ICTP, High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Section Strada Costiera 11 ,I-34014 Trieste (Italy) For any further information, please contact the group's secretary: Ms. Rosanna Sain (LB room 280) Phone: (+39) 040 2240 231 , Fax: (+39) 040 2240 304 E-mail: Head: The head of the HECAP Section is Seifallah Randjbar-Daemi. Permanent Scientific Staff: B. Acharya P. Creminelli K.S. Narain G. Senjanovic A. Smirnov G. Thompson (6) Medical Physics Contact: Office: LB room 227 Phone: (+39) 040 2240 254 Fax: (+39) 040 224163 Email: Physics of the Living State Biophysics. Contact: Office: LB room 276 Phone: (+39) 040 2240 392 Fax: (+39) 040 224163 Email: Mathematical Modeling Contact: Office: LB room 225 Phone: (+39) 040 2240 461 Fax: (+39) 040 224163 Email: Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Contact: Office: LB room 275 Phone: (+39) 040 2240 607 Fax: (+39) 040 224163 Email: Optics and Laser Physics STEP Programme ICTP Winter College ICTP Associates Contact: Office: LB room 275 Phone: (+39) 040 2240 607 Fax: (+39) 040 224163 Email: (7) ESP - Earth System PhysicsSecretariat: The postal address is: ICTP, Earth System Physics Section Strada Costiera 11 , I-34014 Trieste (Italy) For any further information, please contact the group's secretary: Ms. Pandora Pieri (LB room 136) Phone: (+39) 040 2240 374 Fax: (+39) 040 2241 63 E-mail: Permanent Scientific Staff: Xunqiang Bi Fred Kucharski Adrian M. Tompkins (8) ARPL - Aeronomy and Radiopropagation Laboratory at ICTPSecretariat: ICTP, Aeronomy and Radiopropagation Laboratory (ARPL) Strada Costiera 11 ,I-34014 Trieste (Italy) For any further information, please contact the group's secretary: Ms. Stanka Tanaskovic (MLab) Phone: (+39) 040 2249 911 Fax: n/a E-mail: (9) SAND - Structure and Non-Linear Dynamics of the EarthSecretariat: ICTP, Structure and Non-Linear Dynamics of the Earth (SAND) Strada Costiera 11 , I-34014 Trieste (Italy) For any further information, please contact the group's secretary: Ms. Gabriella De Meo (EFB room 124) Phone: (+39) 040 2240 355 Fax: (+39) 040 2241 63 E-mail: (10) Math - Mathematics at ICTPSecretariat: ICTP, Mathematics Section Strada Costiera 11 ,I-34014 Trieste (Italy) For any further information, please contact the group's secretary: Ms. Alessandra Bergamo (LB room 109) Phone: (+39) 040 2240 201 Fax: (+39) 040 2240 490 E-mail: Permanent Scientific Staff: Charles Chidume Li Jiayu Lothar Gottsche Ramadas Ramakrishnan,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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12 Feb 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends

12 Feb 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) Cindy Dyer gave us a letter from Mr. Obama team A letter from Mr. Obama team to President Bush To: George w h Bush Jr and staff. From: Obama/Biden Team. It Has Come To Our Attention That The White House Is ware Of Mr Eric Griffin Ms Cindy Dyer and State house of Representative Jim Guest Chief Of Staff Assailants. We At The Obama/Biden Camp Ask That The White House Turn Over All Assailants And Information To The Incoming Attorney General And To Have The United State military Arrest All Assailants Who Has Broken The Law Ageist Mr Eric Griffin Ms Cindy Dyer and State house of Representative Jim Guest Chief Of Staff Today Due To The Weaponry That Is Being Used On Victims By Assailants. Thank You. Obama/Biden Team. 1/12/2009 (2) Radio Interview -- Talk Star Radio Station in Toronto 10-11 Pacific This station is in Toronto. We can forward 10 questions ahead that he will ask. If anyone has great questions and a brief summary, I will forward the best ones. I believe Jimmy is going to join me. Stop Neurological Weapons Experimentation on unwitting citizens Aaron Avalos (3) Write to Now I started to get newsletters from NOW when I wrote to them for help; no reply but, maybe if large numbers of us write to them especially to request help with: Including Use oof Electronic Weaponry /Warfare iin Violence against Women Act or VAWA......perhaps, they will help . Pass it on to otherss if you'd like men included. mary (4)one our now international [summit] companies: I)American Technology Receives $500,000 in New LRAD(R) Orders... 1/13/2009 American Technology Corporation (ATC)(NASDAQ: ATCO), a leading provider of directed sound products andtechnologies, announced today it has received new LRAD® orders from theU.S. Army and a commercial shipping customer. The orders, totalingapproximately $500,000, are scheduled to ship this quarter. II)American Technology Announces $2.7 Million in New LRAD(R)... 1/8/2009 American Technology Corporation (ATC)(NASDAQ: ATCO), a leading provider of directed sound products andtechnologies, announced today it has received two new LRAD® orderstotaling $2.7 million from the U.S. Navy. The orders were received latelast quarter (fiscal Q1) and are scheduled to ship in fiscal Q2. (5) Support a Truth & Reconciliation Commission I have proposed the idea of a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate abuses during the Bush-Cheney Administration -- so they never happen again. These abuses may include the use of torture, warrantless wiretapping, extraordinary rendition, and executive override of laws. Please sign this online petition, urging Congress to consider establishing a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the Bush-Cheney Administration's abuses. Thank you, Patrick Leahy U.S. Senator (6) Please sign the ACLU petition "Help Get the Truth Out" Just as we're in court challenging the government's use of the "state secrets" doctrine, we must also confront the doctrine on Capitol Hill. (7) Mr. President: Please Establish a Truth Commission on Torture You can leave your comments to this article to let them know remote mind control abuse and torture. Please write to Human Right First and let them pay attention to remote mind control abuse and torture. New York Headquarters Human Rights First 333 Seventh Avenue, 13th Floor New York, NY 10001-5108 Tel: (212) 845 5200 Fax: (212) 845 5299 Human Rights First 100 Maryland Avenue, NE; Suite 500 Washington, DC 20002-5625 Tel: (202) 547 5692 Fax: (202) 543 5999 For comments, please write to: For technical issues, please write to: (8) Sign Campaign to restore justice Please also write to People for American Way to let them pay attention to remote mind control abuse and torture.
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DEPUTY AG-NOMINEE IS "A BIG BELIEVER IN WHISTLEBLOWERS" David W. Ogden, who has been nominated to be the next Deputy Attorney General, last week expressed strong support for government whistleblowers who help to expose corruption or malfeasance. "I am a big believer in whistleblowers," he said at his February 5 confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, "and in the need to make sure that people feel comfortable coming forward to make complaints." "I think what we need is a process that encourages whistleblowing in this administration and any other administration going forward. The business of making sure that we're doing the right thing is an ongoing business," Mr. Ogden said in response to a question from Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse. He said he would work with the Attorney General "to fashion an appropriate process that encourages whistleblowers to raise issues that need to be addressed." Mr. Ogden also indicated a willingness to consider public disclosure of certain legal opinions of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Sen. Ron Wyden noted that "there are a lot of important rulings that go to the meaning of surveillance law, and I think that a lot of those kinds of judgments really could be redacted and declassified so that the country could be brought in in a more informed, a more complete way to these national-security debates." "I absolutely will commit to take a fresh look at this issue if I'm confirmed," Mr. Ogden said. FIS Court opinions that interpret surveillance law were one of several categories of "secret law" that were identified (pdf) in an April 30, 2008 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the subject.
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Mass Petition to USA

President Obama:-
The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA
TEL Comments: 202-456-1111, Switchboard: 202-456-1414, FAX: 202-456-2461,,,,,,, ,,,

Vice-President Biden:-
The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA
TEL Comments: 202-456-1111, Switchboard: 202-456-1414, FAX: 202-456-2461,,, ,

Secretary Of State Clinton:-,,,,,,,,,,

The Council On Foreign Relations:- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The Department Of Defense:-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;;;;

The Attorney General Of The USA:-
U.S. Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20530-0001
TEL Switchboard: - 202-514-2000, TEL Office of the Attorney General: - 202-353-1555,,

The Secretary Of The Department Of Homeland Security:-
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Washington, D.C. 20528, USA
TEL Operator: 202-282-8000, TEL Comment: 202-282-8495 , FAX: 202-401-4708,,,

U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division,Criminal Section
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20530
Tel:(202) 514-3204 Fax: (202) 514-8336

The United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights - Ms Navanethem Pillay,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,

The ACLU:-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,

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A sample petition letter (From John Finch)

We are a group of over 780 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE VICTIMS - see - OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASES Some of our DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE CASES detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, 'mind control', and other mental and physical mutilations. There are MANY, MANY others, all over the world, who are being subjected to similar torture and abuse – citizens, combatants and leaders (coup-de-etats and puppet governments, literally). These are extreme and monstrous CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY – indescribably terrible in themselves – coupled with the ORWELLIAN/STALINIST secrecy and denial of any support at all that we are experiencing, makes them even more horrendous and monstrous. We have contacted most Governments, Security/Intelligence Agencies, International Organizations, Human Rights Organizations, Religious Organisations, Universities, Scientific and other Institutions, and the International Media all over the world - over and over and over again – and have had our appeals for assistance, protection and/or publicity almost completely ignored and/or suppressed. HERE'S HOW YOU CAN HELP:- 1. WE NEED TO PUBLICISE THESE WEAPONS AND HORRENDOUS CRIMES AS FAR AND WIDE AS POSSIBLE here is the link to our UPDATED EMAIL LISTS:- or username - johnfinch password - TORTURECASES 1. RELIGIOUS LEADERS, INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS, GOVERNMENTS & MILITARY 2. WORLDWIDE MEDIA 3. HUMAN RIGHTS, LEGAL, SCIENCE & POLITICAL ORGANISATIONS (1) 4. HUMAN RIGHTS, LEGAL, SCIENCE & POLITICAL ORGANISATIONS (2) 5. ACADEMIC, CHINA & OTHERS - We need to publicise these weapons and horrendous crimes as far and wide as possible – please assist by contacting all the Authorities, Organisations and People in these EMAIL LISTS! Simultaneous email, registered letter, telephone/fax, and visits to the Authorities, Organisations and People we are contacting are needed. It is only with their active support that we will achieve results. The aim of our ACTIVISM is EXPOSURE of these crimes and weapons, and JUDICIAL and HUMAN RIGHTS INTERVENTION and PROTECTION!! Please tell ALL about these weapons, and the terrible crimes that are already taking place - so that they become involved and we get some results. We need MORE EMAIL LISTS to use for this ACTIVISM - please assist! 2. WE URGENTLY NEED ACCESS TO SAFE HOUSES TO GET PROTECTION FROM THE DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS BEING USED TO TORTURE, MUTILATE AND KILL US. Such SAFE HOUSES are available in Laboratories, Hospitals and Scientific/Military Facilities. PLEASE ASSIST US URGENTLY!!! It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type butchers. 3. WE NEED TO TELL EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD ABOUT THESE WEAPONS, AND THE TERRIBLE CRIMES THAT ARE ALREADY TAKING PLACE SO THAT:- A. We can be sure that as many people as possible know about these horrendous crimes. B. We can be sure that these AUTHORITIES, ORGANISATIONS and PEOPLE are either trying to uphold the rule of National, International and Human Rights Law, and that we will, sooner or later, be protected by these laws. C. Or that we can be sure these AUTHORITIES, ORGANISATIONS and PEOPLE are complicit and/or acquiescent to these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and that National, International and Human Rights Law no longer apply - in which case our task will be to get the rule of these laws restored. As well as being illegal the crimes being committed against us are contrary to the Principles and Values of all the major religions and ethical systems - so we will also be demonstrating to all of these AUTHORITIES, ORGANISATIONS and PEOPLE the huge disconnect between their professed Principles and Values and the reality. We will be showing their monstrous Doublespeak Doublethink Doubledo ignorance, stupidity and/or hypocrisy. It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies, powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity, health and growth of all people – in all their "infinite?" richness, degrees, aspects, qualities and diversity! Make no mistake these are the most horrendous totalitarian weapons and crimes imaginable and the people and organizations using them are mass-murdering conspirators pursuing totalitarian fundamentalist schemes. Beware of the brain phrenologists/determinists/reductionists, and those who seek to control and reduce the range of permissible thoughts, imaginations, feelings, moods, attitudes, and speech – the would-be socio-economic, cultural AND PSYCHOLOGICAL/INTELLECTUAL monopolists, police and prosecutors who are already literally and physically actively at work amongst us!! Both monstrously and criminally, and also far more insidiously. BEWARE OF THE PSEUDO-SCIENCE NAZIS, AND THE ENEMIES OF FREE AND OPEN INFORMATION AND DEBATE! It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type butchers. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:- Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627 EMAIL:, TARGETED INDIVIDUAL and a member of THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST TORTURE AND ABUSE USING DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS Secret Geophysical Weapons (earthquake, floods, storms, fires, 9/11) Crimes Against Humanity in Myanmar, China, Japan, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Iran, Yemen, Turkey, Greece, USA, Central America, the Carribean, and the Pacific killing well over a million people and massive destruction. (please see the REFERENCES below) War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Torture using Directed Energy and Neurological Weapons to cause the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, 'mind control', and other mental and physical mutilations on many, many thousands of people worldwide – citizens, combatants and leaders (coup-de-etats and puppet governments, literally). (please see the REFERENCES below) Dirty Wars and Black Operations fomenting and prolonging conflicts and civil strife in Algeria, Sudan, Congo, Somalia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Turkey, Russia, the Caucasus, Pakistan, India, Kashmir, Sri Lanka, China, Tibet, Cambodia, Korea, Thailand, Colombia, Bolivia causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in Iraq and Afghanistan resulting in the deaths of well over a million people and the ongoing destruction of those countries, as the criminals pretend that the world's most powerful surveillance and military forces can't establish peace and stability there in 5 and 7 years respectively. Crimes Against Humanity using Directed Energy Weapons to cause electrical and mechanical crashes and disasters (cars, planes, trains, ships etc.), building and bridge collapses, and violations of the integrity of electronic data and systems killing thousands of people and causing much criminal malfeasance. (please see the REFERENCES below) Active Criminal Complicity in all of the above crimes by the Media Monopolies and "professionals" as almost all public discourse, and as much as 80% of 'international news', 'events' and 'history', has been degraded into produced and managed dramas/atrocities (i.e. wars, disasters, civil strife etc), and criminally presented as infotainment, endogenous socio-political changes, propaganda and/or pseudo-science. (please see the REFERENCES below) Active Criminal Complicity in all of the above crimes by other Governments, Agencies and International Organisations as there's no genuine information or analyses about any of these crimes – at all. Regarding these Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, Dirty Wars, Black Operations, And Secret Weapons there is a complete ORWELLIAN/STALINIST PUBLIC INFORMATION AND INQUIRY BLACKOUT. ABOUT SECRET GEOPHYSICAL WEAPONS:- US CONGRESS, EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT & UK PARLIAMENT - BRIEFINGS ON SECRET GEOPHYSICAL WEAPONS & 'MIND CONTROL' GLOBAL RESEARCH - HAARP IS A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION HAARP is fully operational and has the ability of potentially triggering floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction VIDEO:- CHINA CONSIDERS WAR AGAINST USA OVER EARTHQUAKE ATTACK THE PENTAGON'S SECRET SPACE WEAPONS PROGRAM, CAMPAIGN FOR COOPERATION IN SPACE - HAARP IS A SPACE-BASED WEAPON OF MASS-DESTRUCTION 9/11 WAS DONE BY THE NWO CRIMINALS USING HAARP The "war on terrorism" is bogus. The 911 narrative as conveyed by the 911 Commission report is fabricated. The Bush administration is involved in acts of cover-up and complicity at the highest levels of government........ Without 911, the war criminals in high office do not have a leg to stand on. The entire national security construct collapses like a deck of cards VIDEO:- USA EXTREMISTS STAGED THE 9/11 ATTACKS ON AMERICA TO IGNITE THE "WAR ON TERRORISM" "...that war is being fought and paid for with the blood, the lives, and the tax dollars of terrorised American (and world) citizens" HAARP AND ITS ROLE IN 9/11/ 2001 RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTER SERGEI LAVROV - "THE THREAT OF NEW WEAPONRY" FROM PRAVDA - SECRET GEOPHYSICAL WEAPONS - "UNPREDICTABLE NATURAL DISASTERS AND MAN-CAUSED CATASTROPHES" SECRET GEOPHYSICAL WEAPONS IS IT WEATHER OR GOVERNMENT TERROR? VIDEO:- HAARP: GEOPHYSICAL WARFARE ABOUT DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS:- THE SHOCKING MENACE OF SATELLITE SURVEILLANCE by John Fleming JOHN ST. CLAIR AKWEI VS. NSA, FT. MEADE, MD, USA SYSTEMS OF SURVEILLANCE & REPRESSION by Judy Malloy SPACE-BASED DOMESTIC SPYING: KICKING CIVIL LIBERTIES TO THE CURB the link to our OVER 780 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASES VICTIMS' ACCOUNTS FROM THE WHOLE WORLD 600 + VICTIMS' ACCOUNTS WEB: BAN ELECTRONIC WARFARE ON CIVILIANS PETITION - 370 + SIGNATURES AND MESSAGES OF VICTIMS & SUPPORTERS WEB: EMAIL:,, WANTTOKNOW. INFO/MINDCONTROL MIND CONTROL & SUBLIMINAL SUGGESTION - 100 USA PATENTS ON THE NEED FOR NEW CRITERIA OF DIAGNOSIS OF PSYCHOSIS IN THE LIGHT OF MIND INVASIVE TECHNOLOGY, CAROLE SMITH, JOURNAL OF PSYCHO-SOCIAL STUDIES , VOL 2(2) NO 3 2003 PROJECT CENSORED - HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOM OF THOUGHT VIOLATIONS BY US MILITARY/INTELLIGENCE ORGANIZATIONS. WEB: USA REPRESENTATIVE JIM GUEST'S (MO) LETTER "October 10, 2007 Dear Member of the Legislature and Friends: This letter is to ask for your help for the many constituents in our country who are being affected unjustly by electronic weapons torture and covert harassment groups. Serious privacy rights violations and physical injuries have been caused by the activities of these groups and their use of so-called non-lethal weapons on men, women, and even children. I am asking you to play a role in helping these victims and also stopping the massive movement in the use of Verichip and RFID technologies in tracking Americans. . . . . ." Sincerely, Representative Jim Guest EMAIL: , WEB: THE HUMAN RESEARCH SUBJECT PROTECTION ACT OF 1997 – INTRODUCED BY USA SENATOR JOHN GLENN OPERATION MIND CONTROL by Walter Bowart WALL STREET JOURNAL - NSA's DOMESTIC SPYING GROWS AUSTRALIA FIRST TO ADMIT "WE'RE PART OF GLOBAL SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM" - ECHELON OUTED BY THE HEAD OF AUSTRALIA'S DEFENCE SIGNALS DIRECTORATE (DSD), MARTIN BRADY. ABOUT THE NWO-Nazis:- VIDEO:- PRESIDENT EISENHOWER WARNS OF THE 'MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX' ENDANGERING DEMOCRACY & LIBERTIES VIDEO:- PRESIDENT KENNEDY ON THE 'SECRET GOVERNMENT' – BEFORE THE ASSASSINATION/COUP VIDEO:- USA EXTREMISTS STAGED THE 9/11 ATTACKS ON AMERICA TO IGNITE THE "WAR ON TERRORISM" "...that war is being fought and paid for with the blood, the lives, and the tax dollars of terrorised American (and world) citizens" VIDEOS:- 9/11 AND THE "WAR ON TERROR" QUESTIONED IN JAPAN`S PARLIAMENT - LANDMARK SPEECHES BY CONGRESSMAN YUKIHISA FUJITA 9/11 WAS DONE BY THE NWO CRIMINALS USING HAARP The "war on terrorism" is bogus. The 911 narrative as conveyed by the 911 Commission report is fabricated. The Bush administration is involved in acts of cover-up and complicity at the highest levels of government........ Without 911, the war criminals in high office do not have a leg to stand on. The entire national security construct collapses like a deck of cards 9/11 AND THE "WAR ON TERROR" QUESTIONED IN BRITAIN`S PARLIAMENT BY FORMER BRITISH FOREIGN SECRETARY ROBIN COOK - SHORTLY BEFORE HIS "UNTIMELY DEATH" former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House Of Commons that "Al Qaeda" is not really a terrorist group but a database of international Mujaheddin and arms smugglers used by the CIA and Saudis to funnel guerrillas, arms, and money into Soviet-Occupied Afghanistan. HAARP AND ITS ROLE IN 9/11/ 2001 ASSESSING THE BUSH LEGACY: GLOBAL WAR, WAR ON AMERICANS, TORTURE, DESTRUCTION OF CIVIL LIBERIES, AND MEGA-THEFT l PENTAGON IMPERIAL BEEF-UP "SPACE WAR – YOUR WORLD AT WAR" AMERICA'S "WAR ON TERRORISM" by MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY CELSIUS 9/11: WORLD TAKEOVER AND THE WAR OF TERROR MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE: WHO WAS BEHIND THE OCTOBER 2002 BALI BOMBINGS? THE LEGAL ADVICE TO WAGE WAR ON IRAQ WAS NOT JUST "SEXED-UP", IT WAS CONCOCTED STATE-SPONSORED TERROR: BRITISH AND AMERICAN BLACK OPS IN IRAQ AFGHANISTAN, ANOTHER UNTOLD STORY CREATING AN "ARC OF CRISIS": THE DESTABILIZATION OF THE MIDDLE EAST AND CENTRAL ASIA POLITICAL DESTABILIZATION IN SOUTH AND CENTRAL ASIA: THE ROLE OF THE CIA-ISI TERROR NETWORK INDIA'S 9/11. WHO WAS BEHIND THE MUMBAI ATTACKS? ATROCITY UNLIMITED: US SEEKS TO TURN SOMALIA INTO GLOBAL FREE-FIRE ZONE NWO MASS MURDER IN AFRICA CONGO RESOURCE WARS WESTERN INVOLVEMENT IN THE RWANDAN GENOCIDE ONLY LITTLE WAR CRIMINALS GET PUNISHED UNFINISHED BUSINESS FOR AMERICA: TORTURE CRIMES COMMITTED BY HIGH LEVEL CIVILIANS AND GENERALS JUSTICE NEEDS TO BE SERVED IN 2009 – IMPEACHMENT IS NECESSARY INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE AND IMPUNITY: THE CASE OF THE USA ed. Nils Andersson et al. SECRECY NEWS FROM THE FAS PROJECT ON GOVERNMENT SECRECY MONARCH: THE NEW PHOENIX PROGRAM ,, COMPUTERSTATE by Paul Baird PROJECT CENSORED - NO HABEAS CORPUS FOR 'ANY PERSON' the new law appears to create a parallel 'star chamber' system for the prosecution, imprisonment, and possible execution of enemies of the state, whether those enemies are foreign or domestic PROJECT CENSORED - AN ELECTION WITHOUT MEANING will habeas corpus and posse comitatus be restored to the people? Will torture stop?...will the us national security agencies stop mass spying on our personal communications? Will the neo-conservative agenda of total military domination of the world be reversed? PROJECT CENSORED - THE PROPAGANDA MODEL & ACCELERATED MEDIA CONCENTRATION a handful of multinational corporations controls nearly everything we see and hear on the screen, over the airwaves and in print. THE NEW MEDIA MONOPOLY - BEN BAGDIKIAN describes the cartel of five giant media conglomerates who now control the media…. They manufacture politics and social values RULERS AND RULED IN THE US EMPIRE: BANKERS, ZIONISTS AND MILITANTS by JAMES PETRAS THE GLOBALIZATION OF POVERTY AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER by MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION: THE HIDDEN AGENDA OF GENETIC MANIPULATION by F. WILLIAM ENGDAHL THE GREAT LAND GIVEAWAY: NEO-COLONIALISM BY INVITATION WHO ARE THE ARCHITECTS OF ECONOMIC COLLAPSE?…IT TRIGGERS AN UNPRECEDENTED CONCENTRATION OF WEALTH BUSH/USA - WAR CRIMES & HITLER CONNECTIONS ABOUT THE CAUSES OF THE 2ND WORLD WAR:- 1. Falsifiers Of History: An Historical Document On The Origins Of World War Ii 2. P. Zhilin, They Sealed Their Own Doom, (Moscow 1970) 3. R. Gibson, Soviet Foreign Policy 1917-1974, (Sydney 1975), Chapter 21 4. D. F. Fleming, The Cold War and its Origins, 2 volumes PLEASE CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:- Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627 EMAIL:, TARGETED INDIVIDUAL and a member of THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST TORTURE AND ABUSE USING DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS VICTIMS' ORGANISATIONS & FURTHER INFORMATION:- FREEDOM FROM COVERT HARASSMENT AND SURVEILLANCE MR DERRICK ROBINSON WEB: EMAIL:,, MIND JUSTICE MS CHERYL WELSH WEB: EMAIL: INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE ON OFFENSIVE MICROWAVE WEAPONS MR HARLAN GIRARD WEB: EMAIL: ILLEGAL HUMAN EXPERIMENTING & ELECTROMAGNETIC MINDCONTROL THE ASSOCIATION AGAINST THE ABUSE OF PSYCHOPHYSICAL WEAPONS PRESIDENT SWETLANA SCHUNIN EMAIL:,, WEB: THE AMERICAN COGNITIVE LIBERTIES ASSOCIATION WEB: EMAIL:,, MIND CONTROL - TECHNOLOGY, TECHNIQUES & POLITICS MR ALLEN BARKER Ph.D WEB: SURVEILLANCE ISSUES MR PAUL BAIRD WEB: EMAIL:, SECRET ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE AND ATTACKS MS LESLIE CRAWFORD WEB: EMAIL: THE FEDERATION AGAINST MIND CONTROL EUROPE MS MONIKA STOCES, MR DANNY BONTE WEB: EMAIL:,,,, THE OMINOUS PARALLELS WEB: http://www. theominousparallels.blogspot. com/ EMAIL: ,, EXOTIC WARFARE.COM WEB: EMAIL:, ORGANIZED CRIME WAVES MS ELIZABETH ADAMS EMAIL: US GOVERNMENT TORTURE & HEROES OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THEIR STAND AGAINST HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION WEB: EMAIL: FASCISM - "9-11" - MIND CONTROL MR JAMES MARINO WEB: EMAIL: INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT TO BAN THE MANIPULATION OF THE HUMAN NERVOUS SYSTEM BY TECHNICAL MEANS, MR MOMJIR BABACEK WEB:, EMAIL:,, FRANCE - INFORMATION DOSSIER WEB: EMAIL: GERMANY – STOP MIND CONTROL WEB: EMAIL: GERMANY - VEREIN GEGEN DEN MISSBRAUCH PSYCHOPHYSISCHER WAFFEN WEB: ITALY - ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA, SCIENTIFICA E GIURIDICA, CONTRO GLI ABUSI MENTALI, FISICI E TECNOLOGICI ITALY - ASSOCIAZIONE VITTIME ARMI ELETTRONICHE-MENTALI MR PAOLO DORIGO WEB: , EMAIL:,,,,, INDIA - NO MORE COVERT MIND CONTROL WEAPONS MR FEISAL SALIM A.S. WEB: EMAIL:, CHINA - PEACEPINK -粉红和平 MS SOLEILMAVIS WEB: , (IN CHINESE) , EMAIL:, JAPAN - STOP MIND CONTROL のサイトは、兵器技術や心理学等を悪用した、マインドコントロールの強制人体実験に反対します WEB: , , (in JAPANESE and ENGLISH) (in JAPANESE) JAPAN - WEB: RUSSIA - THE MOSCOW HOUSING ECOLOGY COMMITTEE MS ALLA PETUKHOVA WEB: EMAIL:,, RUSSIA - THE ST.PETERSBOURGH SOCIETY OF PERSONS SUBJECT TO REMOTE CONTROLLED BIOENERGETIC TERROR WEB: EMAIL:,, BAN ELECTRONIC WARFARE ON CIVILIANS PETITION 370 + SIGNATURES AND MESSAGES OF VICTIMS & SUPPORTERS WEB: EMAIL:,, MIND CONTROL FORUM VICTIMS' ACCOUNTS 600 + VICTIMS' ACCOUNTS WEB: NAFF - ADVOCATING FOR VICTIMS OF MIND CONTROL, TORTURE, SLAVERY & RELATED TERROR MS KATHLEEN SULLIVAN WEB: EMAIL: CITIZENS AGAINST HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION MR RICHARD PERLMANN WEB: EMAIL:, THE CENTER FOR COGNITIVE LIBERTY & ETHICS (CCLE) MR RICHARD GLEN BOIRE, DR WRYE SENTENTIA WEB: EMAIL:, GANG STALKING WORLD RULE OF LAW DEFENDERS MR MOE HOSNY WEB: EMAIL: MIKROWELLENTERROR.DE/ WEB: EMAIL:, FREEDOM FIGHTERS FOR AMERICA EMF TORTURE CHAMBER MS T. JOSEPHINE WEB: EMAIL:, TECHNOLOGICAL TORTURE MS PAT STEWART WEB: EMAIL: US CITIZENS ARE SECRETLY BEING USED AS RESEARCH RATS WEB: EMAIL: THE DECLARATION OF ALARMED CITIZENS MR JEAN VERSTRAETEN EMAIL: MR WALDEMAR LOTZ - EMAIL:,, MR WALTER MADLIGER EMAIL:, MR DARIUS MOCKUS EMAIL:, Our (very, very partial) LIST OF VICTIMS OF DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS:- the link to our OVER 780 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASES It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type butchers. We urgently need access to SAFE HOUSES to get protection from the directed energy and neurological weapons being used to torture, mutilate and kill us. Such SAFE HOUSES are available in Laboratories, Hospitals and Scientific/Military Facilities. PLEASE ASSIST US URGENTLY!!! It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies, powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity, health and growth of all people – in all their "infinite?" richness, degrees, aspects, qualities and diversity! Make no mistake these are the most horrendous totalitarian weapons and crimes imaginable and the people and organizations using them are mass-murdering conspirators pursuing totalitarian fundamentalist schemes. Beware of the brain phrenologists/determinists/reductionists, and those who seek to control and reduce the range of permissible thoughts, imaginations, feelings, moods, attitudes, and speech – the would-be socio-economic, cultural AND PSYCHOLOGICAL/INTELLECTUAL monopolists, police and prosecutors who are already literally and physically actively at work amongst us!! Both monstrously and criminally, and also far more insidiously. BEWARE OF THE PSEUDO-SCIENCE NAZIS, AND THE ENEMIES OF FREE AND OPEN INFORMATION AND DEBATE! It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type butchers. We urgently need access to SAFE HOUSES to get protection from the directed energy and neurological weapons being used to torture, mutilate and kill us. Such SAFE HOUSES are available in Laboratories, Hospitals and Scientific/Military Facilities. PLEASE ASSIST US URGENTLY!! PLEASE WITNESS AND RECORD AND OPPOSE ALL OF THE ABOVE CRIMES, AND ASSIST US URGENTLY!!
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28 Jan 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends ( a court case is won and proven) USA Victim James Walbert has won protection order in THE DISTRICT COURT OF SEDGWICK COUNTRY, KANSAS. This is the very first time in the history of Kansas that A Protection From Stalking has been granted under these devices and Electronic Harassment and Electronic Stalking! Filed under any and all enrgized devices that effects the Human Nervous System! Please read attached PDF file. walbert file.pdf
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Soleilmavis wrote 14 Jan 2009 Dear all, I could not add comments on members pages and send private messages to members on to invite people to join our action "Ban mind control/directed energy weapons abuse and torture" Could you help us to continue inviting people to join our action? According to my experience, if you leave comments or messages to members, 30% members will join our action. We wish to invite 3000 people to join our action. Now we have already gotten 100. if everyone can help us get 25 or more people to join our actions. we will surely achieve our goals. is a social entrepreneurship venture based in San Francisco, CA. The company was founded by Ben Rattray in the summer of 2005, and with the support of a friend from Stanford, Mark Dimas, and a founding team of Darren Haas, Rajiv Gupta, and Adam Cheyer, launched the first version of its site in 2007. Soleilmavis wrote: 13 Jan Dear all, Would anyone in USA like to "Host an event" in Mr. Obama's website which bring awareness of remote mind control/directed energy weapons abuse and torture If we can invite people support our events hosted in this website, we can let Mr. Obama and his people to notice our urgently demand of exposing mind control abuse and torture. (Please go to this website to register and host an event) Advisers say Obama preparing to close Gitmo This is a good news that we can make sure Obama fight torture. And we also wish mind control abuse and torture will go to public soonly. and torturers can be sentenced according to law soonly. Few websites which can let Mr. Obama hear our voices (1) You can submit your idea to let Mr. Obama hear your voices. (2) It’s a tool that will allow you to organize a service event in your community and recruit others to join you. Or, if you’d prefer to join an existing event, the site will direct you to what others have organized in your neighborhood. (3) Official Website of Barack Obama 2008 Presidential Campaign My page: (4) Dear All, Please support our actions to let Mr. Obama hear our voices. Please invite more people to join after 31 Dec 2008. (You need sign up an account with My URL If you have a nonprofit organization, you can add your organization to this site: This is one of the top 10 ideas in , I think this one have some idea related to our matter. Please help to vote. (5) More contact information of Mr. Obama
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5 Jan 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends

5 Jan 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) Help USA victim Sara 3 Jan 2009 Final call for a TI in the Los Angeles area who may be homeless as of tomorrow night. If anyone has a spare room for a month or so in the Los Angeles area or nearby, so that she can get on her feet, please contact Sara asap at: 323-541-3054. Thanks, Derrick (2) Join our actions to let government hear our voices Please help us to rise 3000 voices to let government hear our voices. We need continue to rise our voices after 31 Dec 2008. Please join our action "Ban Mind Control/Directed Energy Weapons abuse and torture" (3) Some news from Feb hearing organized by Senator Eric Adams Timothey wrote: I understand. The Senator asked that we to provide him with professional experts that can lend credibility to the fact that these crimes are going on now and must be addressed by our officials and law enforcement. Dr. Ross is an outstanding addition to our list of experts. Only myself or Senator Adams will make direct contact with the experts we are requesting information and testimony from. As I and Senator Adams are already victims of massive amounts of e-mails from victims around the world. Keep in mind we are in New York City, a city with a huge grass roots activist community, a city that is the media capital of the world. Eric Adams is not your average State Legislator, I know this man personality. Senator Adams is one of the strongest voices to come into the political arena in the last 20 years. He will not let up, he will not stop until we are all free of this injustice . ALL HE NEEDS IS EVIDENCE! Timothy R. White (4) Eleanor White Wrote: US CBS show "60 minutes" will air a segment on mind reading. It airs at 7pm Eastern Standard Time in the Eastern Time Zone on Sunday, January 4, 2009. Check your local listings for other time zones. (5)John Mecca and Debbie Lamb are bringing a court case together and is around 40% finished. (6) Possible method to test electromagnetic waves Cindy Dyer wrote: First of all; there most certainly IS equipment that can test sound waves and energy disturbances within and around you. These perps have to do a lot of this in CLOSE PROXIMITY. There are the "other" things that they do not have to be as close, but that is the V2K and stuff. They have people out there that can test us and if we get together as a group and perhaps set this up, as with ICS, we can ask how much they want to test some of us in one specific area, which would mean that everyone else that wanted to be tested, might have to travel to one location to have this done, but I think for the record and for legal reasons, that if we combine resources, those of us that are willing to pay out some money, we could have this done. We can then combine the results and show what we have as proof. It's just a thought. We all put in some money and try to gravel with this investigator from ICS and then maybe he will take the fee from combined resources. What do you think? wrote: First of all the evidence is easy as it is available eith cameras and medical reports...Itis not far away it is done with the Active Denial weapons technology and EMF or EMR waves... Call your electric company as they can tell you if you have anything in your home that is causing these types of problems. Note from Soleilmavis : I have bought a electromanetic waves detector which can detect electromagnetic waves between 50Hz--3000Hz, but it can not detect mind control weapons. I also bought a shielding clothes which can shield electromagnetic waves between 10Hz-3000Hz, but it also can not shield mind control weapons (7) an interesting website to help you pronounce a word in different languages
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5th European Symposium on Non-lethal Weapons

ANNOUNCEMENT 5th European Symposium on Non-lethal Weapons May 11-13, 2009 Ettlingen, Germany Venue: Stadthalle-Ettlingen, Ettlingen, Germany organized by Fraunhofer ICT,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.Announcement and Call for Papers Experts in the field of non-lethal weapons are concerned both with investigating and pursuing a detailed approach to new NLW technologies, and with developing a better contextual understanding of this complex subject from a generalised perspective. 2007, the year of the 4th European Symposium on Non-lethal Weapons was very decisive for NLW. Never since the term NLW was first created had so much motion and activity occurred. Noticeably, NATO installed a Quick Reaction Team, a Topical Group and proposed a new term, "Non-Lethal Capabilities (NLC)". In Europe , the European Defence Agency (EDA) installed a project team specifically in this area and adopted the term "NLC". Now what has changed in principle? Are there any consequences of the new term, NLC? How will this impact each of the different aspects (legal, medical or operational) involved in NLW? Chairman of the Symposium Klaus-Dieter Thiel Fraunhofer ICT, Germany The above questions and more will be discussed at the 2009 Symposium on Non-lethal Weapons, which will also act as a forum to review current and future non-lethal technologies. This 5th Symposium will be a platform enabling participants to meet with each other and with experts from many different nations. All these aspects together can be seen as a catalyst to strengthen and to enlarge the present NLW-community. In brief, the Symposium includes topics on: Current and advanced technologies Operational and tactical aspects (scenario-orientated, case studies...) Required capabilities Legal and public acceptance Effects on target as well as the evaluation of effects The listed topics should only be considered as guiding principles. Abstract proposals concerned with any other interesting and/or important topic related to NLWs will be welcome. 2.Programme Commitee The European Working Group on Non-Lethal Weapons (EWG-NLW) serves as the Programme Committee: Helmut Oppenheim Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung, Vienna, AT Stanislav Tecl VOP-026 Sternberk, s.p.,divize VTUPV, Vyskov, CZ, Arnaud Reichart DGA/DSA/UM TER/SM-EA, Bagneux, FR Norbert Eisenreich Fraunhofer ICT, Pfinztal, GE Roberto de Maio Segredifesa, Rome, IT Igor Plaksin University of Coimbra, Coimbra, PT Zier Verheij TNO Defence, Security and Safety, Delft, NL Victor Selivanov Baumann University, Moscow, RU Ewa Liden Swedish Defence Research Agency, Tumba, SE Graham Smith Home Office Scientific Development Branch, St. Albans, UK, 3.Presentation Contributions to the Symposium can be presented as oral presentations (presentation time 25 minutes including discussion) or poster presentations. Please submit an abstract not exceeding 300 words together with the exact title and name(s) of the author(s). Authors are requested to supply up to five keywords below the abstract, and to send the abstract to the national member and to the Chairman of the Symposium. The papers will be published in the Symposium Proceedings, which will appear at the beginning of the event. Guidelines on how to prepare the text will be sent to the authors. Conference Language: English 4.Deadlines Closing dates of Abstracts October 01, 2008 Reply to authors November 2008 Full papers (camera ready) February 01, 2009 The programme will be published February 2009 5.Point of Contact Chairman Dr. Klaus-Dieter Thiel Phone: +49 (0)721 4640 375 Fax: +49 (0)721 4640 111, Conference Management Manuela Wolff Phone: +49 (0)721 4640 121 Fax: +49 (0)721 4640 120, Exhibition Roswitha Tuz Phone: +49 (0)721 4640 403 Fax: +49 (0)721 4640 345,
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28 Dec 2002 Mailteam works--victims work trends

28 Dec 2008 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) I have recently started a project in Norway devoted to research of new advanced technologies. The influence it will have on our society and the future of the human race. (Information and Research into Progressing Technologies) My main project is, what I have called: Direct Human Brain - Artificial Intelligence - Interface Technologies. My goal is to collaborate with people and also organizing a group in Norway (international members), both professionals and non professionals to Inform the public in general, organizations and governments of mind and brain related technologies. A specific law directed towards electromagnetic experiments on humans needs to be established. - Project leader, Gina Rydland (Freelance journalist) (2) Judy from Australia Because I sent a video away, showing electronic weapons being used in my home and back yard, the police have referred mental health to my place. They are trying to get me on medication and probably put away. (3) Congressman Gonzalez To Help Pass A Bill To Investigate And Ban V2K Weapons. TEXAS CONGRESSMAN CHARLES GONZALEZ IS FULFILLING A REQUEST BY A TI TO INVESTIGATE AND WORK ON PASSING A LAW BANNING EM WEAPONS IN TEXAS. The TI, Elizabeth Navarro from San Antonio, along with the help of others, has accomplished motivating Congressman Gonzalez to consider passing a law against EM and other "non-lethal" weaponry. Congressman Gonzalez, and his aide, have requested that you send your evidence of all weapons being used against yourself and others to: Fax No. 210-472-4009. If you don't have hard evidence to send, call 210-472-6195. In both the fax or a phone call, give your name, stating you are a victim, for so many years, and identify the state you're living in. All TIs will be considered a witness to these crimes, no matter what state you reside in. If you have a website, simply include the link, along with your identification. DO NOT overwhelm his fax or phone system with anything but hard evidence; i.e., NO alien conspiracy theories or hostile anti-government rhetoric. As many of you know, this has turned off other people in key government positions, who were initially willing to sit down and listen to us, and then refused to cooperate when accusations and comments got out of control. It's also relevant to point out who you think might be doing this, ie, rogue ex-CIA operatives, domestic terrorist discrete about this point. Remember, Congressman Gonzalez works for the government and he is going out on a limb with this. NOTE BY WEB AUTHOR: However, we must ask the government officials to take into consideration any devices that we may develop to disrupt Voice To Skull Signal, or any device that we come up with to stop PERPS from manipulating us. PERPS are law breakers, they have no regards for the law. They will still operate their satellites. We must push government to launch an investigation to determine where the Plasma Waves are coming from? Refer to picture below. (4) Eric wrote: IN SUPPORT OF HELPING MR GRIFFIN call them our send them a email in support of investigating these crimes to the max -----Inline Attachment Follows----- Dear ERIC GRIFFIN, Thank you for your Request received on 12/24/2008 concerning Claims>Filing a Claim. It has been assigned ID# efm 08-9056. You will receive a response to your Request within seven days. If you should have any further questions please feel free to contact us again and refer to the identification number above. Sincerely, City of Henderson (5) Some articles I) Singapore research team first place in Brain-Computer Interface contest Clinical tests evaluate technology in ADHD, stroke and paralysis The Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) research team at Singapore's Infocomm Research (I2R) has won first place in the worldwide BCI Competition IV, 2008, in all three electroencephalogram (EEG) based non-invasive BCI categories. The results were announced on Dec. 12 at the international Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) conference in Vancouver, Canada. The Singapore scientists designed the non-invasive BCI technology to provide a direct communication channel between the human brain and the computer, so that physically handicapped individuals, such as "locked-in" patients who have lost effective communication and interactive abilities, would be able to communicate and interact with their environment through thoughts, rather than relying on normal, neuromuscular pathways. II) Pentagon to Implant Chips in Soldiers' Bodies by Terrence O'Brien, posted Jul 31st 2007 at 12:16PM We knew it was only a matter of time before the government started trying to track us by implanting computer chips in our bodies. And where do you start highly suspicious, Big Brother-esque projects like this? The Pentagon and our Armed forces, of course. Scarily enough, we're not talking about some conspiracy theory, or some black ops experiment -- this is for real, and the Pentagon has already awarded the first contract. It's a $1.6 million contract, to be exact, and it's with Clemson University's Center for Bioelectronics, Biosensors and Biochips (C3B). The mandate? To develop the chip that the armed forces hope will save lives by giving them instant access to, and constant tracking of, soldiers' vital medical signs and data on the battlefield. The chips are also considered to have potential for tracking astronauts' vitals during missions. III) Dreams may no longer be secret with Japan computer screen Japanese student demonstrates walking in a virtual world, on a flat screen monitor, with the character controled by his brain waves, in Yokohama, in 2007. A Japanese research team has advanced even further by creating a technology that could eventually display on a computer screen what people have on their minds, such as dreams. IV) Visual Areas Of Brain Respond More To Valuable Objects, Brain-imaging Shows ScienceDaily (Dec. 26, 2008) — Dollar signs for eyes – cartoonists have been drawing them for years, and the artists, while whimsical, may have been onto something. According to new research from UC San Diego, areas of the brain responsible for vision respond more strongly to objects of value. V) Alter dreams this is a good site to see to explain dreams and how they work.With the weapons systems always stimulating the Hippocampus function the weapons being R.F. in nature it to can send images and alter real memories to be something they are not.With the function of the hippocampus being changed to bend wave with electromagnetic wave construction all brain waves can be altered causing different dreams states or scaping the dreams for the lucid affect When the perps are interrogating T.I's a good reading of the EEG is being done. As in the wikipedia article.Augmented brain waves the result to the exposure of the weapons systems Brain waves and how they can be changed when introduced to electromagnetics, microwaves. First the wave of our brains and to understand them and how they work. Then the weapon and how it can augemate or change these brain waves to effect behaviour and readings of the EEG involved.This is what the EEG is used for but with the weapon the operator can send electromagnetic waves to bend or to alter these readings of the EEG recieving the information from your brain.In order for this computer to read your brain a wave must be sent to your skull and passes through your skull to a reviever with the EEG integrated with it.With the abilty to bend or change brain waves by the frequency application of the operator of the device,the readings are wrong or augemented to their advantage due to this fact of the weapons operator read here to see the change in us from these weapons The P300 is designed to see intentions and recongnition cortex region it effects the hippocampul area of the brain altering it completely.With say pictures of things that are indicative to a crime scene.The images are shown to a suspect and then the brain wave are measured with the cortexes made active through exterior stmuli to the area with the device pointed at us.With this device pointed at us they can achieve an EEG reading to determine our thoughts or so they say?So would be the way the can alter our waves for this reading and effect our health even cancer With the images shown to the victim no matter how bad the images are the operator is trying to see the recall area of our brains the hippocampul area and other memory cortex areas of the brain become active due to the exposure of the images and the device in this case the P300 seems to be the favorite if the FBI and other agencies.the p3000 is named after a brain wave that is related to memory recall and recongnition.Now how can they judge the p300 wave when it can be altered to look different to the computer and the recieveing EEG device VI) Building a Space Age Stethoscope - Biological Monitoring Challenge Biosensors are instruments that take biological and physiological measurements. They can be implanted internally, worn externally, or mounted throughout a spacecraft. They monitor a wide range of data encompassing the health and well-being of the crew and research subjects, experimental parameters, and the status of the living environment. The data signals generated by the sensors are gathered, processed and stored. The use of wireless biotelemetry is desirable when monitoring living organisms so that subjects can go about their business while data is being collected.
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Dear Supporters: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Thank you so much for your great supporting during the past one year. WE MAINLY CONCERN ABOUT THE ABUSE AND TORTURE OF THE FOLLOWINGS :-DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS; NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS; MIND CONTROL WEAPONS; BODY AND BRAIN MANIPULATION WEAPONS; PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS; SPACE WEAPONS; NON-LETHAL WEAPONS; COINTELPRO; AND any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations or the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations. Our Goals: Our work is not only to get "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" to be respected by everyone; but also to help government to improve the legislation of weapons abuse; and to help government to ban all kind of torture all over the world. (1) We wish a resolution from United Nations to ban abuses and tortures of abovementioned weapons. (2) We wish all government have law to ban abuses and tortures of abovementioned weapons. (3) We wish all government should cooperate together to sentence perpetrators according to law. With the great support of you - our supporters, we have achieved good success in the past one year. We have brought awareness to more people about abuses and tortures of abovementioned weapons. Thank you for all your great supporting. Best Regards! Soleilmavis Online shop:
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