I'm also a victim of the mind control weapon for about six years. I've rested for more than one year and I was keeping to look for some treatment. I have the same symptoms with all of you and I also find a lot of good ways to make an improvement of my
peacepink has become a site where many Handlers/Perpetrators/Weapon technicians sign in claiming to be victims themselves... they are using this site to monitor their targeted individuals and the TI's that were being tortured by Pattie Maes and her M
I am an Assembly of God Christian. The Bible is my religion and my law. Only the books of the law of the Old Testament are not to be lived, but studied to educate ourselves about God's declarati
obama told mit to kill me...he didnt care how they did it but mit had already taken payment from cunige....ooooooo...the plot thickens....hey mit n obama...hows this plan working out for you guys?
this is from a yr ago recovered after they crashed m
I'm also a victim of the mind control weapon for about six years. I've rested for more than one year and I was keeping to look for some treatment. I have the same symptoms with all of you and I also find a lot of good ways to make an improvement of my