For many years I did something called, "Shadow Stabbing." I would blame certain parties for the disturbances I endured, mostly sexual, being stalked and yelled at, along with a breakdown of my language abilities and emotions. Anyway, many people place blame on what they know, a known enemy, like a Turk, like a Jew, raw fear, and the perps enjoy this and find humor in it. Guess again. Oh, we're so stupid and paranoid. I wonder why. We're helpless and these people are sick.
Now I am schizophrenic, and I've been hospitalized 20 times. The difference between schizophrenia and psychotronic warfare is that when you're schizophrenic, your delusions are bizarre and have no logic. I believed they were releasing dead people from the elevators at night, that reptiles were controlling my mind (this is common, and I don't think it can be entirely dismissed, though it is a peasant belief nonetheless; I know I am but yeah), etc. I try to distance myself from illogical beliefs and so should you. Don't fall for "Shadow Stabbing." Saying that the government is after you is not totally illogical, as it has been after many people, especially undesirables, which, if you're reading this, you probably are. Remember Nazi Germany or Stalin's purges. Who did they go after? We have them, too, purges, we just hide them. Nothing like a death in June. It's hunting time then. I don't get a lot of air conditioning in June. Well, whatever. Nobody cares.
If you want to see an example of the agenda they are pushing, watch Love and Death's "The Abandoning" on youtube. There are several others, but it takes a while to open the mind. The doctors will ignore you. I only go there to get drugged after an attack or if I am filled with strange sensations, which is from the lobotomy I received. It's a waste of money, I know, but I've given up being heard by respectable members of society and just tell them to knock me out until it's over. I like going to Fayetteville. I receive beef once a week. My wasted life isn't without some pleasures.