Imagine a mountain visible from your home. The pre-global climate change variety – its perpetually snowcapped peak shrouded many days behind a wreath of cloud & mist while unobscured days reveal the craggy magnificence of its time & weather sculpted face. Majestic, powerful, compelling in ways that can never be fully spoken, only felt in the sensitive depth of self. Awe inspiring home to eagle, mountain lion, bear and deer. Singular abode to unique medicinal herbs, bark, leaves & roots; hill families nestled like self-reliant nature in here & there pockets; formidable hermits solitary as sooth-sayers; lost tales of ancient deities whose prowess millennia ago faded into now forgotten myth as well as mysteries of forest, cave, wild flower patch, fresh water stream and a thousand unexplained exotic sounds to evoke adventuresome yearning in childhood minds.
As night drapes its shadowy cloak swiftly down the rugged terrain, enticing day colors melt into a monochromatic giant, looming heavy with menace against the cold backlight of distant stars and phasic moon.
Now, imagine such mountain as the visible symbol of your life’s negative karma and u, labeled a pariah, must carry its weigh while climbing it day and night for as long as you live. This is one metaphor i use to describe what it’s been like for me to live as a Targeted Individual for the past 15 years – the subject of 24/7, 365¼ monitoring by a “crew (gang)” of government authorized (homeland insecurity?) Thought Police (TPoe) using microwave based, remote access, electronic telepathy technologies (this basically means mind-reading and talking directly into a subject’s brain without anyone else being able to hear it, although the TPoe do hella’ more than that once they’re on/in u. This is often referred to by an older term, “Voice-to-Skull”, or V2K) to invade my brain; read my thoughts, memories, dreams, etc.; project their voices into my head anytime they desire; manipulate my emotions both directly and indirectly and work unceasingly to disrupt, degrade and dismember my life using tools such as gas-lighting; mobbing; street theater; threat; conspiracy; identity theft; household break-ins (only when i’m out – since i’m an apartment dweller, i’ve dubbed these entrances “ “pass-key B & Es”, as they always involve entering by purloined key) to either burglarize or give the impression of having done so; continual undermining through the spread of constant lies about me (mostly, i think, too me, as well as spreading to others the truth about how i created this hell-of-a-karma; but i am sure that they will lie to others about me whenever it is convenient for their anti-me plans); tricks; deceptions and contracted con games to beat me along with every effort they can collectively come up with to make my life unlivable and utterly am always responding to the malicious, cruel, costly, evil intentioned and potentially dangerous influences they inject with such impunity into my life.
I’ve come to realize that these folks have a hidden agenda which has nothing to do with me, except that i & the information they mined from my memories about negative past deeds (of course i was totally unaware that this was happening at the time – you can’t feel it when your mine is being invaded, read and information pirated from your memories) has provided them with a marvelous tool of misdirection (a key tool in all magic) & keeps folks from paying much attention to whatever ELSE they might be up to. However, the demands of the situation on my life have forced me to pay close attention in every way possible, and just as they freely distribute whatsoever they choose about me (even publishing me – the thoughts from my brain and continual images of my person – audio & video through hidden cameras in lights and plugs where i live & a police style CAD video surveillance camera which photographs through walls & is set up on my floor of this building, in the apartment of one of their many “local crew recruits” or “assets” here in Louisville, Ky – they being from San-Francisco, California where their parent organization (along with several other active crews) is located.
I’ve decided it’s necessary that i share them from my perspective in a more systematic way than i have in the past. Call this particular group of would-be soul killers “Mother’s Crew,” after the crew boss, a middle-aged negro woman known as “Mother.” For better or worse, i am NOT a mind reader so my observations are largely educated conjecture, derived from 15 years of continual experience with them, their remarkable technology and ruthless, inhuman tactics. My “evidence” is, in most cases, largely circumstantial; drawn from close attention to and reflection based analysis upon the experiences they have subjected me to, problems and difficulties they have, and continue to, create in my life, and the near biblical deluge of TALK that i have suffered (and continue to suffer) from them in my head over the years – almost all of which has been false, designed to intimidate, disinform, isolate, confuse, cheat, manipulate, humiliate, denigrate and emotionally cripple my psyche so that this demonic “Mother” might seize control of my mind and possession of my very soul.
Because of my acknowledgement of this karma, i attempt to accept, face & embrace all of this in search of its core truth & in hopes of discovering an essential goodness toward balance pointing out an ultimate path of redemption, even if only realizable in a future existence. Thus far i have found only an evil, cruel and corrosively hate filled darkness, masquerading as “goodness” while engorging itself upon the bewitched souls of the all-too-easily techno-blinded & seduced, voluntary neo-slaves drowning in the 21st century nightmarish dream of a “new world ordered” American stream.