rAmu Aki's Posts (10)

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Thought Police


Imagine a mountain visible from your home.  The pre-global climate change variety – its perpetually snowcapped peak shrouded many days behind a wreath of cloud & mist while unobscured days reveal the craggy magnificence of its time & weather sculpted face.  Majestic, powerful, compelling in ways that can never be fully spoken, only felt in the sensitive depth of self.  Awe inspiring home to eagle, mountain lion, bear and deer.  Singular abode to unique medicinal herbs, bark, leaves & roots; hill families nestled like self-reliant nature in here & there pockets; formidable hermits solitary as sooth-sayers; lost tales of ancient deities whose prowess millennia ago faded into now forgotten myth as well as mysteries of forest, cave, wild flower patch, fresh water stream and a thousand unexplained exotic sounds to evoke adventuresome yearning in childhood minds.

            As night drapes its shadowy cloak swiftly down the rugged terrain, enticing day colors melt into a monochromatic giant, looming heavy with menace against the cold backlight of distant stars and phasic moon.

            Now, imagine such mountain as the visible symbol of your life’s negative karma and u, labeled a pariah, must carry its weigh while climbing it day and night for as long as you live.  This is one metaphor i use to describe what it’s been like for me to live as a Targeted Individual for the past 15 years – the subject of 24/7, 365¼ monitoring by a “crew (gang)” of government authorized (homeland insecurity?) Thought Police (TPoe) using microwave based, remote access, electronic telepathy technologies (this basically means mind-reading and talking directly into a subject’s brain without anyone else being able to hear it, although the TPoe do hella’ more than that once they’re on/in u. This is often referred to by an older term, “Voice-to-Skull”, or V2K) to invade my brain; read my thoughts, memories, dreams, etc.; project their voices into my head anytime they desire; manipulate my emotions both directly and indirectly and work unceasingly to disrupt, degrade and dismember my life using tools such as gas-lighting; mobbing; street theater; threat; conspiracy; identity theft; household break-ins (only when i’m out – since i’m an apartment dweller, i’ve dubbed these entrances “ “pass-key B & Es”, as they always involve entering by purloined key) to either burglarize or give the impression of having done so; continual undermining through the spread of constant lies about me (mostly, i think, too me, as well as spreading to others the truth about how i created this hell-of-a-karma; but i am sure that they will lie to others about me whenever it is convenient for their anti-me plans); tricks; deceptions and contracted con games to beat me along with every effort they can collectively come up with to make my life unlivable and utterly am always responding to the malicious, cruel, costly, evil intentioned and potentially dangerous influences they inject with such impunity into my life.

I’ve come to realize that these folks have a hidden agenda which has nothing to do with me, except that i & the information they mined from my memories about negative past deeds (of course i was totally unaware that this was happening at the time – you can’t feel it when your mine is being invaded, read and information pirated from your memories) has provided them with a marvelous tool of misdirection (a key  tool in all magic) & keeps folks from paying much attention to whatever ELSE they might be up to.  However, the demands of the situation on my life have forced me to pay close attention in every way possible, and just as they freely distribute whatsoever they choose about me (even publishing me – the thoughts from my brain and continual images of my person – audio & video through hidden cameras in lights and plugs where i live & a police style CAD video surveillance camera which photographs through walls & is set up on my floor of this building, in the apartment of one of their many “local crew recruits” or “assets” here in Louisville, Ky – they being from San-Francisco, California where their parent organization (along with several other active crews) is located.

I’ve decided it’s necessary that i share them from my perspective in a more systematic way than i have in the past.  Call this particular group of would-be soul killers “Mother’s Crew,” after the crew boss, a middle-aged negro woman known as “Mother.”  For better or worse, i am NOT a mind reader so my observations are largely educated conjecture, derived from 15 years of continual experience with them, their remarkable technology and ruthless, inhuman tactics.  My “evidence” is, in most cases, largely circumstantial; drawn from close attention to and reflection based analysis upon the experiences they have subjected me to, problems and difficulties they have, and continue to, create in my life, and the near biblical deluge of TALK that i have suffered (and continue to suffer) from them in my head over the years – almost all of which has been false, designed to intimidate, disinform, isolate, confuse, cheat, manipulate, humiliate, denigrate and emotionally cripple my psyche so that this demonic “Mother” might seize control of my mind and possession of my very soul.

            Because of my acknowledgement of this karma, i attempt to accept, face & embrace all of this in search of its core truth & in hopes of discovering an essential goodness toward balance pointing out an ultimate path of redemption, even if only realizable in a future existence.  Thus far i have found only an evil, cruel and corrosively hate filled darkness, masquerading as “goodness” while engorging itself upon the bewitched souls of the all-too-easily techno-blinded & seduced, voluntary neo-slaves drowning in the 21st century nightmarish dream of a “new world ordered” American stream.

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when people are reading

                                       your mind . . .

it's always as if u just

                                 got caught


sometning u shouldn't        only

u didn't since there

ain't no shouldn't think

this or that in fact

it's just thought      yours or

out-of-u or passin'

thru from where knows

who & CAUGHT!       just

like that and maybe  just

as quick

               let go

               back unto universal

mind's conscious flow to

            dance & promenade

            gyrate, silhouette, plie, boogaloo &

            blooooooooow on wings of change nto another


                  inspiring still more

perception, reflection, conception,


                  directions to paths

                  transcending (remote) control



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new attacks from the unending aggression

10.03.18 Going on my 15th year of continuous mind invasion, around-the-clock, non-stop, multi-level attack by the monsters from Frisco who, as representative of my hellish karma, continue to plague, sabotage and exploit every second of my life. Most recently 3 male criminal affiliates of the group arrived from S.F., identified (v2k) as "Father," "Abdul" and "Black" (all characters who were secondary parts of this back when in lived in S.F.s Tenderloin neighborhood, but who hadn't turned up here in Louisville) showed up to reinforce "Mother's" crew & it seems as if this "Father" character may have assumed leadership of their persecution of me in an attempt to "break" my sanity. Their latest attacks have been to completely destroy (wirelessly) my smart phone, breaking into my apartment while i was out and stealing my prescription medications and interdicting a refurbished laptop that i had ordered from e-bay, de-boxing the device, altering it (probably using scripts) in some way so that the minute i plugged it in and began to work (NOT connected to the internet or any other LAN), they were able to take control of the device, rendering it utterly useless to me. I cannot say how this will all turn out, but i will attempt to post here the depredations of these people as i the situation evolves. Until...

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nIGht toRTUres (06.05.16)

     I'm well into my 11th year as a TL, being round-the-clock harassed by this crew who started in on me with constant v2k while i lived in the San Francisco Tendaloin neighborhood, where they are extremely powerful, well networked, feared & can bring a legion of puppetized, temporary zombies to bare for their mobbing street theater plays to try and instill fear and despair.  Nearly a year ago i made a temporary move to Louisville, Kentucky (home of "The Greatest", Muhammad Ali, who recently passed on to greater glory), my hometown where i still have family & lifelong friendships.  Among the major factors in my decision to take a sabbatical from my beloved home of the past 20 years was their unending threats into my head to the well being of my loved ones here.  Economics dictated that in order to perform the degree of investigations required and to take such corrective actions as may have proved necessary and possible, i would have to actually move here, so i left the life that i had come to know and intend to return to if i live and nothing happens.
     On my return trip (by air and bus) the mind maggots made an extreme production out of following me with continued non stop bully talk in my skull and a truly impressive array of highly produced theatrical intimidation attempts on every leg of the journey, including the flight.  They have launched many negative aggressions since my return, and as ever i have adjusted to and come through them essentially unscathed.

     For several years i've been aware of the use of electronic dream manipulation and implantation tools on my sleeping brain.  In recent months they've minimized the clumsy talk (although i still hear them very distantly nearly all the time as the years have made my hearing extremely sensitive to their voices) and are heavily emphasizing this attack vector.  They regularly attempt to create nightmares (to instill fear?), to introduce violence against me (to create insecurity?), to implant dreams of my committing criminal acts (to induce dark emotions?), as well as to implant dreams about unappealing sexual behaviors, sometimes involving my family members.

     Fortunately, these dreams are sore foreign in pattern, symbology, structure and content to the dreams that i have experienced throughout my life that they nearly always awaken me and i find myself immediately reviewing the dream and realize that it's a false dream.  So, for T.I.'s who are aware of your own dream life, this is a great way to know when you're being messed with and to reaffirm your control of what't going on inside of your mind.  Remember that your dream structure, language, symbols and forms are unique to you!  For this reason, no one can actually figure out the meaning of your dreams except you.  Generalized meanings for the symbols in your dreams may or may not apply. So DON'T FEAR YOUR DREAMS.  And if they don't make sense to you in terms of your life of experience with your dreams - especially if they are negative projections either to or about you and if they are linear in structure (more like little stories to influence or frighten you), REJECTHEM! and tell your persecutors to "get thee behind me!"




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Have a Good 2015 & a Question:

Happy New Years, T.I's.  i hope 2015 finds u standing firm & all of us moving toward liberation from this "phantom menace" of the 21st century.  does anyone have any experience with building Faraday Cages as a defense for both mind and electronics from EM based attacks?

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Due to the constant hacking & identity theft efforts of the stinking drug peddling & mind control gang 415 in San Francisco (headed by the notorious “MOTHER” (aka – Dee Dee Patel out of that infamous drug den, the Sunnyside Hotel at 135 6th st. SFCA 94103) I have been out of a computer for over a year, & can only get online at public computer centers.  About 2 ½  years ago I moved into the Rose Hotel (125 6th Street) after being approved for a section 8 application through the Housing Authority.  Unbeknownst to me until the day after I had moved in, the Rose is next door to the Sunnyside (separated by a small alley-like street called Minna which is drug traffickers central in the neighborhood).   Of course, all of this was masterminded by the dreaded “MOTHER” using her contacts in the housing authority – part of a near infinite network of gangster, drug money based connections throughout SF & California.

I decided that to stay & confront these stinking perpetrators head-on was the best way to get to the full truth of the matter.  It wasn’t long before they began raiding my apartment when I wasn’t home with a pass key.  As I am a poet & a visual artist, they began stealing my original journals & reading the works back to me in my head as a form of torture.  The bitch is said to have burned them.  They’ve stolen the majority of my personal & business papers, plus all kinds of tech equipment.  As I had made my room into my live/work space, they began stealing my artwork.  I was forced to rent a storage space to protect my computer hard drives & older creative journals – a more-or-less lifetime of creative work & development.  Most recently they went into my storage space, opened the expensive lock & stole the hard drive to my ex-laptop & the external hard drive, giving them all of my digital artwork, writings, digital photography, videos, music collection, personal information – everything.  I have a few things saved on flash drives, which I keep safe by keeping them physically on my person at all times.  I am still living at the Rose Hotel, & intend to stay there & fight this out with these shit sluts.

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here's my Halloween update (which I had earlier removed in an intended, “show of good faith” attempt to extend toward some kind or real, truthful, human & direct communication with my constant stalking, death threatening, crack slingin', youth corrupting & initiating into neighborhood gangster life & wish they were something more than stinking coward 415 gang member crew headed up by the notorious drug kingpin Black, his half-wit protégé, Blue (Black & Blue - pretty good, huh?) & their female sleaze mama, Lulu, here in my beloved San Francisco Tenderloin & South-of-Market neighborhoods (i currently live on 6th Street at Mina Alley, which happens to be thug gang central for these buzzards). I am returning this to the website because apparently these would-be negro- Mafioso are quite incapable of any such feat.  rAmu


earlier this evening, i had the exceptional honor of providing an Ancestral Invocation to open the wedding of my dear friends, Kirsten & Alex.  through it all, as at all other times  these insidious, half-wit, debased cowards made every attempt to distract & intimidate me from fully contributing to the beauty & truth of my life with the disgusting presence of their mouths full of meaningless deprecations & constant threats of death.   this is a photograph of me (on the right) along with the Officiating Minister, Jeremy D. Nickle, before the wedding.  These disgusting freaks could not disrupt the invocation, & the wedding itself was one of the most beautiful events that i have ever had the pleasure of being a part of.  as of now, (9:45pm), these living dead ghouls of the Afro-Am ghetto psyche are seething & yelping their promises of imminent destruction, this very night!  As for me, it's Halloween & although there is a light sprinkle, i am soon to be out into the night streets & we shall see what happens...

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An important (& increasing) aspect of my “delusional” experience with voice-to-skull technology wielding, dope slinging gangsters in the San Francisco T.L.  has been the endless death threats against me, & increasingly against anyone that I care about, or with whom I have shared information about this situation.   My intent is to create “web of awareness” so that should ANYTHING happen to any of these folks, immediate suspicion & intense investigative insight may be cast upon these criminals.


1st of coarse, me.  Constant threats of brutalization, death & dismemberment.


2nd.  My mother, 105 y/o grandmother, my adult daughter & all other living relatives from my hometown in Louisville, Ky.  One voice suggested that they burn down the house & make it look like some type of accident.


3rd,  My SF Friends & associates at the Faithful Fools Street Ministry at 234 Hyde Street in San-Francisco, CA.  My “delusional” voices have threatened to torch the building, which is full time residence to 8 people-of-faith who are members of the street ministry, & out of which all of the ministries programs are operated.  Specific members of the fools mentioned by my delusional voices include:

Rev. Kay Jorgenson (ret.) - Former Social Justice Minister of the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of San Francisco, CA & co-founder of the Faithful Fools

Sister Carmen Barsody of the Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls MN & co-founder of the Faithful Fools

Alex Darr - Youth Development Minister of the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of SFCA & member of the Faithful Fools

Ed Bowers - Poet, Author & community servant & member of the Faithful Fools


4th, My good friend Ariana Phillips, a homeless, drug addicted prostitute who knows the individual members of this group (& whom I have not seen for about 2 weeks at this writing, although that is not particularly unusual) & who has been directly threatened & harassed by them frequently in the past.

She recently recorded a statement with Rev. Jorgenson outlining their current criminal threats & harassment.

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anti thug email of 11.08.12


as u know, I suffer with hearing “delusional” voices which I attribute to a gang of drug pushing, high tech Tenderloin thugs called “415”, led by a couple of particularly odious

criminals called “Blue” & “Lulu” the group having their h.q. around Minna alley & 6th st. in the SOMA neighborhood.  I refer to this as my “delusion” because after 8 years of being victimized by these deadbeats as a “Targeted Individual” I recognize many of their members, yet there has been no direct physical contact.  This kind of threat based harassment is a traditional aspect of the “Gang Stalking” routine which has spread around the country over the past several years, using microwave based “voice-to-skull” technology developed in the wake of the 2nd world war. 


these criminal elements, often with government support, hold many individuals in our cities & towns in a state of terror, diagnosed as mental illness because this techno nightmare of mind invasion makes it possible for this self-righteous, arrogant, gutter trash to project sound directly into the brains of their victims as well as to transform their inner conversation into a wave form which can be translated via computer into a digital text & read from a monitor. 


while I am not concerned with what these thugs will do to rAmu, they consistently threaten (inside of my head) to do violent harm against others with whom I have a close relationship (including to massacre all of my living relatives & to do violent sexual violations to close female friends).  They also spread slanders about me throughout the local neighborhoods.


recently these thug-idiots have been threatening to either break into or “torch” (burn to the ground using some type of accelerant) the building of the Faithful Fools Street Ministry (234 Hyde Street), the service organization of which I am a member & the home of  8 individuals involved in the 15 year-old street ministry within this devastated, crack cocaine debilitated community.  it has become my policy to keep these arrogant criminal drug pushing gangsters at bay by broadening the discussion of my “delusional” threats to individuals in areas outside their zone of comfortable function so that, should ANY such threats be realized (now or in the future) the mere possession of this communication, while not constituting hard evidence, will be sufficient to stimulate meaningful investigations from such agencies as the San Francisco, the California & various national Gang Task Forces, as these people are an organized criminal enterprise who will have conspired to commit these acts against American citizens who are people of faith, working in the interest of poor people in the community they continue to suck the life-force from.


I’d appreciate it if you would keep this email in a separate file somewhere, & should you hear about any such tragic events in the San Francisco Tenderloin either now or down the line, email a copy of it to the San Francisco Police Department’s Gang Task Force.  I may, from time-to-time, send you future emails about this situation should I again become concerned with the threats of these afro-american mobsters.  thanks – rAmu.

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Why i've joined peacepink . . .

i am an 8 year targeted individual by a local gang (the San Francisco Tenderloin neighborhood) of African American drug pushing thugs & criminals (who go by the designation of "415") & am subjected to 24/7, 365 V2k type harassment (which i believe is accomplished by use, in part, of the Epoc Emotive eeg Headset) which consists of constant voices, badgering, & daily death threats (including threats to massacre all of my blood relatives, as well as various of my personal friends & associates after i am "murdered") as well as being subjected to electronic torture by the use of high frequency sound waves & some type of inner ear pressure inducing weapons.

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