I have been a target for at least two and onhalf years mow for psychological , physical, and sexual torture. I have been recording my community as they have been lied to about the nature of who I am. These recordings have been taken from variouse pla
The psychiatric diagnostic manuals are (in part)written and set up by corrupt government agency personnel
in the U.S.A) so as to provide an easy means of discrediting
who complain about covert harassment. Psyc
Hostility of the people around me is beyond imagination!!! I think they labeled me as terrorist, insane, foolish, silly, stupid, sick (all these word were used against me every days, insults are used as well by people I don't know) to put their plan
They are spreading lies, spreading hostility around me...They're very dangerous because at the first glance you will think that they are cool and kind persons...that they want you to be their friend...but thye hide well their game...they're really DA
Voilà!! Voilà!! Cette vie médiocre que nous vivons ici bas sur terre esclaves des dieux de lamodernité, esclaves des besoins qu'ils ont crée en nous pour nous avilir et par
la suite nous punir, esclaves de nos souffrances...esclaves de la modernité.
I know someone who is experiencing all the symptoms of mind control harrssment via mircowave satilite, I have tried to email people who say they can help but they never reply to me, im trying to help this person as i am the only one who belives her a