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Stay away from my cyberpath, he is full of shit at best. He is supporting the Westboro Baptist Church so that should indicate what kind of entity he is....he is Mark Martinez, Penelope Francis, Kachi  Wachi, Tabita Richards and others so far.  He is the one who sent visitors to David Dees' home or he is the one who sent himself,  (I think that is this second option because he is paranoid) that's the kind of entity I'm dealing with and he worked with Henri Kissinger.

Like I said to my friends, I am afraid that David Dees is not out of danger yet
It happens that I worry about David because of what Sam Vaknin says here: 
from 1 min 22 secs to 3 min 50 secs

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                                     "FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM AND LIBERTY" ;


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What to do if you're not a psychiatrist by some chance...

Don't listen to rock music (Bob Marley would be a good choice), if you'd like to get a tattoo get something friendly like two dolphins over your hart area, stick with first woman (one love), avoid abnormal sex, refuse porn they offer you - who knows what kind of sick staff they might give you - they'll put your name to shame, masturbate only in bathroom, don't watch horror movies, don't gamble, and maybe the most important for some reason - go figure, never change your name...

If you stick to those rules you should be fine, You might have a good life...

But these days surrounded by all kinds of sick staff (THEY enjoy by the way)  no-one who doesn't know about this manages to stick with it although some people manage to have a good life cause they decided they just stumbled...

They might screwed you at age 8 or 9 years old because of the wrong deity, they might screwed you at older age because someone snitched on you on how you live your life... but when you get brain interface and a battery god help you... it depends on your case...

You might on the other hand push a freedoms ring as far as you can go and try to break free... in that case let god help you cause no-one ever made it. I won't tell you which path I've chosen.

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email me and i will send you the case summaries

Dear Torture Victims and Friends

Attached are our over 1400 electronic torture, abuse and experimentation, and organised stalking, victims’ case summaries from all over the world.

Please read these case summaries to get a real understanding of how horrific, cruel and bizarre these tortures and experimentations are – many of them continuing 24/7 year-in-year-out.

These cases provide further evidence of the transnational crimes being committed against me and thousands of others around the world.

These are crimes against humanity according to the Rome Statute in that they include -

1. Enslavement;
2. Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law;
3. Torture;
4. Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;
5. Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.

These atrocities are being done to thousands of victims remotely with electronic or microwave technology.

As long ago as 1994 in Montreux, Switzerland the International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC raised the issue of Psychotronic or Directed-Energy weapons, also at the Geneva Forum in 2002, and also in 2009 at the 5th European Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons and at the European Conference and at other conferences and meetings.

In January 1999, the European Parliament passed a resolution where it calls “ for an international convention introducing a global ban on all development and deployment of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings. It is our conviction that this ban can not be implemented without the global pressure of the informed general public on the governments. Our major objective is to get across to the general public the real threat which these weapons represent for human rights and democracy and to apply pressure on the governments and parliaments around the world to enact legislature which would prohibit the use of these devices to both government and private organisations as well as individuals.”  (Plenary sessions/Europarliament, 1999)

In October 2001, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich introduced a bill to the House of Representatives which, it was hoped would be extremely important in the fight to expose and stop psycho-electronic mind control experimentation on involuntary, non-consensual citizens. The Bill was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services and International Relations. In the original bill a ban was sought on ‘exotic weapons’ including electronic, psychotronic or information weapons, chemtrails, particle beams, plasmas, electromagnetic radiation, extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation, or mind control technologies. Despite the inclusion of a prohibition of the basing of weapons in space, and the use of weapons to destroy objects or damage objects in space, there is no mention in the revised bill of any of the aforementioned mind-invasive weaponry, nor of the use of satellite or radar or other energy based technology for deploying or developing technology designed for deployment against the minds of human beings. (Space Preservation Act, 2002)

Please be assured that for years these weapons have been used to terribly torture and abuse victims all over the world.

This letter is to ask for your help for the many victims who are being attacked with Psychotronic (or Mind Control, Electronic, Directed Energy, Neurological, Non-lethal) Weapons.

Some of our ELECTRONIC TORTURE, ABUSE AND EXPERIMENTATION CASES detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, physical assaults, surgical mutilations, ‘mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations.

Among other things the perpetrators of these crimes can place the human subject under continuous surveillance no matter where he/she is; they can monitor the human brain, including thoughts, reactions, motor commands, auditory events and visual images; they can continuously alter consciousness, introduce voices, noises, other disturbances, commands, images and "dreams" into the brain; and they can directly abuse, torture and hit bodies - including performing advanced medical procedures - from remote locations. The technology they are using is so advanced that it allows the controller(s) to see through the eyes of the targeted individual, essentially seeing whatever the victim sees.

Many of us are being tortured and abused in these ways 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – year in year out.

These are extreme and monstrous CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY - indescribably terrible in themselves - coupled with the ORWELLIAN secrecy and denial of any support at all that we are experiencing, makes them even more horrendous and monstrous.

We have contacted most Governments, Security/Intelligence Agencies, Religious Organisations, International Organizations, Human Rights Organizations, Universities, Scientific and other Institutions, and the International Media all over the world - over and over and over again – and have had our appeals for assistance, protection and/or publicity almost completely ignored and/or suppressed.

Some TARGETED INDIVIDUALS have been attempting to gain assistance, protection and/or publicity about these crimes since the 1990s - and even earlier - this extends as far back into the history of illegal ‘scientific and medical’ testing and experimentation as MKULTRA, COINTELPRO and the DUPLESSIS ORPHANS - and further.

We are still collecting CASE SUMMARIES from TARGETED INDIVIDUALS all over the world, and we have also advised them to send them to you - “THE SELECTED WITNESSES” - TO WITNESS, RECORD AND OPPOSE so that :-

A. We can be sure that as many people as possible know about these horrendous crimes.

B. We can be sure that these AUTHORITIES and ORGANISATIONS are either trying to uphold the rule of National, International and Human Rights Law, and that we will, sooner or later, be protected by these laws.

C. Or that we can be sure these AUTHORITIES and ORGANISATIONS are complicit and/or acquiescent to these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and that National, International and Human Rights Law no longer apply - in which case our task will be to get the rule of these laws restored.

Later these records should become an information source - such as the INTERNATIONAL TRACING OFFICE set up to record the fates and whereabouts of Jews (and others?) after WW11. The information collected can then be used by the appropriate people for LEGAL, MEDICAL, WELFARE, HISTORICAL etc. records.

As well as being illegal the crimes being committed against us are contrary to the Principles and Values of all the major religions and ethical systems - so we will also be demonstrating to all of these people and AUTHORITIES AND ORGANISATIONS the huge disconnect between their professed Principles and Values and the reality. We will be showing their monstrous Doublespeak Doublethink Doubledo ignorance, stupidity and/or hypocrisy.

It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type torturers and butchers.


Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627


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Senator Elizabeth Warren

2400 JFK Federal Building

15 New Sudbury Street

Boston, MA.  02203

Tel: 617-565-3170 


Dear Senator Warren;

                                    I am a signature petitioner on the Go Petition; Stop Predatory Gang Stalking and Covert Harassment Petition; and I have been victimized by this crime that exists in Massachusetts and New England.

This is a war crime; that will go down in history as one of the most horrific crimes in the world.


Gang stalking and Covert Harassment is an evil entity and a crime against humanity.

A program of layered agencies consisting of the military ,corporations, NSA, DOD, and criminal groups that have evolved into a ‘Secret Society’ that are using patterned military remote technology weapons on innocent civilians throughout the world.  Upon the release of the CIA torture reports; John McCain referred to it as a “parallel government” that was unknown to society. 

As a victim; I also have been labeled a ‘targeted individual’.  We are a community of decent taxpaying civilians that have been suppressed and silenced by an NSA order-(given authority to over ride our constitutional rights through the Patriots Act ;) and falsely labeling us as “watched individuals” for the sake of National Security.  In addition; the police; government agencies; government leaders have been ordered not to respond to our calls for assistance and a “gag” order has been placed on all media levels to ignore  this crime and our complaints. By ignoring our plea for help; covert harassment will continue to grow in epidemic proportions worldwide and victims will continue to be harmed, tortured and murdered.


I once led a productive normal life before I was attacked by this program.  A program that began with being grouped stalked, harassment at my home and work place, vandalism of my vehicle, the smearing of my personal character and then it escalated into harassment with military and private unmarked planes, drones and helicopters over my home. I am under surveillance at all times. My phones are wire tapped; my personal computers have been constantly hacked into and destroyed. Many of the victims have been subjected to military weapon experimentation such as the shocking by direct energy weapons and microwave audible hearing.  In a recent Kiplinger Report; an article was written on the ‘9 Amazing Military Technologies of the Future.’  Of the nine reported, one was the Microwave Ray Gun ; (The Sierra Nevada Corp has developed this weapon under a U.S. Naval research contract.) This Ray Gun is designed to inject blasts of sound directly into a person’s head with the use of microwaves and microwave emitting waves, yet bypassing the ear, so it cannot be blocked out.  The second weapon is a Space- Based laser (Developers; MIT of Massachusetts, Lockheed Martin, Marion, MA.) This weapon “can send a powerful destructive beam” at their object.  Both of these weapons are for the most part silent and invisible to the eye However; victims are reporting flashes of light being directed at them and a tapping sound on the windows of their home prior to being “shocked” by these weapons . The third weapon; Super drones with infrared and payload sensors can also deliver these weapons. These weapons have been tested and used in Iraq and Desert Storm.  All of these weapons are being developed by DARPA and other parts of the military, working with defense contractors and other private companies.


In 2001, Rep. Dennis Kucinich introduced The Bill 2977 ‘Space Preservation Act’ in the 107 Congress.  In his original bill he specifically refers to the banning of exotic weapons in space. Specifically; Chemtrails, electron weapons, psychotronic and info weapons, extreme low frequency weapons (ELF) -Laser weapons and sonic weapons.


 Senator Edward Kennedy met with State Representative James Guest to discuss and introduce in Massachusetts a new ‘Electronic Harassment ‘law that would be modeled after the Michigan Laws with life imprisonment. Senator Kennedy fell ill shortly after and this was never accomplished. There is a severe need now to enact a law on the issues discussed above on an emergency level.


As a United States Senator, representing Massachusetts, you took a solemn oath to protect and preserve the laws for the citizens of Massachusetts and the United States. That oath also included upholding the Constitution. 

The hunting and torture of innocent civilians in the United States, Europe and the world needs to be addressed now.  These weapons also have the potential for world mass destruction. 

As a U.S. born citizen of Massachusetts- I ask you to please initiate a formal investigation.  Certainly; there are far too many victims’ complaints to ignore.  Probably the first order of this investigation would be to interview all victims in the Massachusetts and New England area on an individual basis with a technical investigative team.  This could be accomplished in a short period of time. An email list can be provided to your office.


Thank you for your time and attention to this serious matter Senator Warren.



Kindest Regards;









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Dear Mental Health Profession,

Satellite technology, controlled by the government, is being used to track, monitor, torture and even kill people around the world.  The operators of this technology establish a link with targets’ brains, providing them with 24/7 location, sight, sound and thought surveillance and allowing them to transmit sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes.  By interacting with the brain, they can also create numerous pains and sensations throughout the body and can significantly influence energy levels and emotional states.  It is NOT mental illness.  We are being brutally tortured. 

There are tens of thousands, if not millions, of victims across the U.S. and throughout the world, yet the mental health profession, law enforcement and the media continue to ignore this situation.  Aaron Alexis, the Navy Yard shooter, Miriam Carey, shot fleeing a White House checkpoint, and Myron May, the shooter at Florida State University, were all targeted, tortured and maliciously pushed past their breaking points, causing those tragedies.  Many other seemingly inexplicable crimes were caused by this technology.  This is the largest crime in U.S. history and an international emergency.  It must be immediately investigated!

I attached a one-page summary of “Satellite Surveillance and Torture”, as well as a 10-page paper summarizing some of my experiences, “End the Torment”.  I have thousands of pages of documents, including victim testimonials from around the world.  There is information everywhere – books, websites, blogs, articles, social media postings, government petitions, etc.  To get a feel for the information available online, search the terms “organized stalking”, “gang stalking”, “electronic harassment”, “technological harassment”.

Most torture victims are pushed into the mental health system with incorrect, or even fraudulent, diagnoses.  They are often prescribed potentially dangerous medications.  Many are never exposed to alternative, technological explanations for their voices, images, pains and experiences.  Whether wittingly or unwittingly, your profession is providing cover for these crimes.  The legal exposure is massive.  Those with knowledge or complicity may ultimately face criminal prosecution.

Once exposed, this situation will require a complete reevaluation and overhaul of mental health.  It is impossible to know how many patients and diagnoses may be effected – possibly millions.  It goes back decades and has implications across many, if not most, mental health diagnoses.

Your profession has the credibility and the clout to go to the top of our government and demand answers.  This needs to happen now.  Please help expose this critical situation and stop the torture!

Best regards,     

Mike Patrick
Breckenridge, CO


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Daniel J Morgan
February 19 at 10:32am · Edited

I talked with Congressman Tom McClintock last night. | Representing the 4th District in California. we spoke for 15 minutes about non consensual monitoring and testing of citizens in California electronically. I also asked him about PRISM, the ongoing subject of surveillance of all our homes phone, smart-cells, email and electronic data information of private citizens, moving into the bio field. He told me he was not only against it all. But said it was growing so fast into so many parts of government he has seen nothing like it. Warrant-less surveillance and it was creepy and horrifying. Congress is so far behind the technology and laws meant to guide us.. Was his words.
As I looked into his eyes I realized he did not understand the depth of our suffering and struggles. But was well aware of the ramped up and abused policies that have been put in place to justify the DOD and DHS, NSA to abuse its powers....

We are all already aware of these issues but its nice to know some of our representatives have some small idea that this is going on and where they stand. I know these are small steps but it all helps...

The letter I received,
I went to his office 2 weeks ago And just got this in my email 2 days ago...

You're Invited: El Dorado Hills Town Hall TONIGHT
Dear Daniel Morgan,

I invite you to join me at my upcoming town hall meeting in El Dorado Hills tonight, Wednesday, February 18, to discuss important issues facing our nation. Please find details for the meeting below:

El Dorado Hills Town Hall
Wednesday, February 18
6:00 PM

Oak Ridge High School
1120 Harvard Way
El Dorado Hills, CA 95732

I would appreciate the opportunity to hear from you tonight. If you are unable to attend the town hall, please feel free to submit your questions to my office. You will find all necessary contact information at



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One question to Darwin:

Do we need the gambling business to be boosted to make the whole humankind better, which means everyone becomes more rational, more efficient, more productive and showing greater social responsibility?


Eileen Rockefeller, born in 1952, the youngest daughter of David Rockefeller, published TWO memoire in 80s and 2000s respectively for reasons most people did not know. She specialized in studies of Emotion and Body interaction, which was one of the researches of CIA mind control Projects. She emphasized the importance of Emotional Intelligence, which was frequently used as an excuse of blaming CIA experimental targets for the wrong doings they made due to electromagnetic remote mind control. It is reasonable to suspect that Eileen Rockefeller, one of the leaders of the Rockefeller family, played an important role in running the family controlled mind-control FIRM since 80s. The WTC twin-tower collapsed in NY911 was sponsored by David Rockefeller and Nelson Rockefeller. She knew how to stimulate different brain damaged individuals to do bad things, including manipulating male CIA employees to kill female employees, manipulating CIA employees to kill each other, as what was described by movie <Dangerous Liaison> . Most Rockefeller family members are suspected to be ethnic Italian as what was described in Movie and TV series <GOD FATHER>, where those Italian mafia family members mainly run weaponary and gambling business in America in 60s-70s. That might be the reason that after the assassination of President Kennedy who rejected putting large amount of government money into Vietnam war by “We choose to go to the moon not because it is easy…”, Nelson Rockefeller started to run for president and participated the privatization of CIA secret projects in the 70s.


Which mind control scientist did Eileen Rockefeller married to in the 70s? Who are the husbands of Meggie Rockefeller and Abby Rockefeller (the elder daughters of David Rockefeller)?


What did Eileen Rockefeller do after becoming the Queen of the Mind Control FIRM in 80s? How many lesbians and gays were made by Eileen Rockefeller and her helpers? How many female targeted individuals were killed by Eileen Rockefeller in name of killing herself? How many children were turned into moron robots by the stimulation and encouragement of the mind-control Queen Eileen Rockefeller? How many CIA employees who knew secrets were killed by Eileen Rockefeller and helpers to Eileen Rockefeller using the two-step killing process: Killing Mentally first, then slowly killing physically after the subject being isolated? How many good human beings who live for the betterness of the whole humankind were fooled and killed by Eileen Rockefeller in name of education and in name of waking up the public? Nearly 1000 Americans were killed in Jonestown in 1978 by sleepwalking massive suicide and killings by sleepwalkers. One congressman of California and some journalists were also victims. Rockefeller family had been repeating the same killing process for over 35 years, which is killing in name of education and killing in name of waking up the public.


Eileen Rockefeller, born in 1952, grew up in a Mafia family that running weapon and gambling businesses, educated in Briton, a female, tolerated turning male into gay, female into lesbian using mind control in name of keeping the Human Robots busy at night. What could be her purpose of living? How likely could she change her purpose of living after killing people who live for the betterness of the whole humankind and those who knew secrets and flooded the killings with killings of other victims for over 35 years since 1978? Which CIA moron employees are dreaming that they could be allowed to be alive after knowing so many secrets by the Ethnic Italian-German hybrid mafia family- Rockefeller family that had a long history of killing all CIAs who knew secrets after using them?  Over 180 CIA employees were killed after helping to kill President Kennedy. President Johnson was also killed after helping to hide secrets of killing President Kennedy and after helping the mafia family to earn lots of money in Vietnam War. He was killed the 3rd year after not being President.

Please help to do 3 things for us the victims inside and outside the mind control FIRM, who might have been killed or turned into sleep walker like robots when the tycoon mafia family controlled CIA electromagnetic remote surgery and remote mind control secrets being exposed,: [1] Same surgeries on those who enabled electromagnetic remote surgeries on innocent people, especially those who made decisions. [2] Build memorial buildings in every country to memorize the heroes killed or disabled due to exposing the secrets. [3] Use numbers to replace names of bad people to discourage doing bad things to leave names in history.e.g. Evil 123 in the 2nd World War to replace Hitler; Evil 001 in EM weapon crisis to replace Rockefeller if Rockefeller family was really the controller of the mind control FIRM.

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  • USA: 663.255.000.000 dollars
  • EUROPE: 331.123.600.000 dollars
  • CINA: 98.800.000.000 dollars

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Armi silenziose per una guerra tranquilla finanziata dai BilderBerg.

Rothschild in Europe et Rockfeller in USA.

Operations Research Technical Manual. TM-SW7905.1

Quiet/silent weapons by BilderBerg


The list of our "friends" that are the sponsor ($).

Change wiki in your language.


And ...

... the list 2015 of victims mind control/gangstalking by mcmailteam


pass to word...

... and regards! ][\/][jap:

La guerra chimica del Pentagono - Tra bombe dell'amore e puzze di CRISTINA NADOTTI (15 gennaio 2005)
Nel 1994 la Us Air Force chiese un finanziamento di 7,5 milioni

9143175052?profile=originalLA REPUBBLICA 15 gennaio 2005, autore la MUCKRAKER Cristina Nadotti (fonte certifica)

Titolo: La bomba gay (articolo serissimo come la stessa giornalista e articolo consigliato solo a persone serie, adulte attente e riflessive. Non adatto ai bimbiminkia e alle "comari del web")

ROMA - Se non lo scrivesse la BBC e se non ci fossero nomi e cognomi dei responsabili del progetto, ci sarebbe da non crederci. Le forze armate statunitensi, leader senza rivali in fatto di strategie militari, hanno pensato di sbaragliare i nemici con sostanze chimiche che inducono comportamenti omosessuali, oppure provocano un'alitosi insopportabile, o ancora, attirano sciami di vespe inferocite. Non manca neanche, in questa che sembra una carnevalata, la bomba "Chi? Io?" cioè una specie di fialetta puzzolente per simulare sgradevoli flatulenze nei ranghi nemici.

A portare alla luce gli stravaganti progetti è stato US Freedom of Information by the Sunshine Project, un gruppo incaricato di verificare le ricerche sulle armi chimiche e biologiche. L'indagine ha reso noto anche il costo della sperimentazione della 'bomba gay' o della bomba "Chi? Io?": nel 1994 venne stilato un progetto della durata di sei anni, del costo totale di 7,5 milioni di dollari.

A chiedere il finanziamento fu il laboratorio dell'aviazione "Wright" a Dayton, nell'Ohio, che al Pentagono presentò l'idea di quelle che definì "sostanze chimiche moleste, fastidiose e capaci di identificare cattivi soggetti". Il piano rientrava nelle ricerche del dipartimento della Difesa per armi chimiche non letali, capaci di minare la disciplina e il morale dei nemici.

Nel dettaglio, la "bomba gay" usava un afrodisiaco chimico per provocare comportamenti omosessuali tra le truppe, portando al morale dei nemici quella che i militari definiscono una "minaccia spiacevole ma assolutamente non letale". La sostanza "pungimi-attaccami" avrebbe invece attirato sulle forze nemiche sciami di vespe furenti o ratti feroci. I ricercatori avevano pensato anche a sostanze che rendessero la pelle molto sensibile ai raggi del sole, causando scottature. Per scoprire infiltrati tra la popolazione civile, gli esperti avanzavano l'idea di una sostanza che causasse "grave e perdurante alitosi" in modo che i nemici fossero riconoscibili a distanza in mezzo ai civili.

La bomba della flatulenza sembra il progetto che più ha allettato i ricercatori, visto che l'idea non riguarda solo i piani del '94, ma fu presa in considerazione già dal 1945, secondo quanto rivelano i documenti del governo. Il progetto è stato però abbandonato quando i ricercatori si sono resi conto che un'arma del genere sarebbe stata del tutto inutile in Paesi nei quali "la gente non è infastidita da odori fecali, poiché li sente in giro in continuazione".

Il capitano McSweeney, direttore al Pentagono della sezione che si occupa delle armi non letali, ha spiegato che il dipartimento della difesa riceve "centinaia" di progetti di questo tipo, ma che "nessuno di quelli descritti nella relazione del 1994 è stato sviluppato". Il capitano non sembra stupito della bizzarria di certe idee. Piuttosto, sottolinea "E' importante che solo le proposte che giudichiamo appropriate in base agli effetti umani e alle regole dei trattati internazionali, vengono considerate degne di sviluppo". Insomma , l'importante è che non siano armi illegali, poi, se sono strampalate, non importa.

La giornalista Cristina Nadotti - Studenti europei e Fabrizio Corona

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[*Il codice di incorporamento al video crea continui bug. :( ]

9143175252?profile=originalCorona Fabrizio, ricattò parecchi VIP e si fece un quadretto con l'assengno di Silvio Berlusconi in Rubacuori. L'unica che non scese a ricatti con Fabrizio fu Michelle Hunziker a cui però vennero buttate ugualmente in rete le foto da diciottenne con Marco Predolin che generarono un gran casino. Berlusconi è il solito che paga e poi lo scandalo scoppia ugualmente. Meglio da linea di Michelle? Corona finisce in galera, molti trovano che sia scandaloso, ma a parer del blogger (io) il vero scandalo è avere un Chico Forti ancora in galera senza essere un omicida.

Mentre Corona ricattava e faceva il fighetto, Forti Enrico (Trient) si trova ancora nelle galere americane e solo per una piccola bugia data di impulso e paura su due piedi e senza grandi elementi probatori. L'Italia sborsa milioni di euro per pagare riscatti per ragazze che vengono rapite in Medio Oriente come ad esempio Vanessa e Greta (non sono le uniche) e non sborsano una £ira per il vecchio Chico Forti e nemmeno piegano gli USA a restituircelo e nel frattempo piazzano e gestiscono il MUOS in Sicilia.

©®Avvertenze inerenti alla riproduzione riservata per tutelare gli articolisti da blogger ignoranti che violano tale legittimità ©®:

9143175065?profile=original"Questo sezione blog su questo account/profilo" non rappresenta una testata giornalistica poiché viene aggiornato senza alcuna periodicità. Non può pertanto considerarsi un prodotto editoriale ai sensi della legge n. 62/2001. Le immagini pubblicate sono quasi tutte tratte da Internet, tranne quelle create dal blogger o foto sue private che lo ritraggono. Si invitano i cybernauti a comprendere sempre la differenza tra foto e immagine iconografica. Le immagini iconografiche sono valutate di pubblico dominio (è consentita la libera pubblicazione attraverso la rete internet, a titolo gratuito, di immagini e musiche a bassa risoluzione o degradate, per uso didattico o scientifico e solo nel caso in cui tale utilizzo non sia a scopo di lucro). Qualora la loro pubblicazione violasse eventuali Diritti d’Autore, vogliate comunicarlo con messaggio privato o email ed esse verranno subito rimosse.

Sono consentiti link da parte di altri siti alla pagina o ad altre. Tutto il materiale esente da copyright, completamente gratuito, può venire copiato e diffuso senza limiti, a patto di non modificarlo e di citare sempre la fonte da cui proviene,incluso l'indirizzo telematico cioè l'URL ben visibile in calce e anche l'autore in modo che l'utente possa controllare la fonte e determinarne l'attendibilità  e che trattasi di notizia certificata e non bufala e sempre ai sensi della legge n. 62/2001. Tutto ciò và a vantaggio dell'informazione.

Come proteggere chi copia articoli o immagini inocongrafiche?

Ci sono persone che stanno tre ore a scrivere un post o un articolo, poi arriva il furbo di turnolo copia tutto e lo ripubblica sul suo blog o spazio web come fosse opera sua. In taluni casi si tratta di ingenuità, di persone che si sono avvicinate al web da poco, ma spesso c'è anche malafede. (-_-)

Perchè moltissimi ricopiano le notizie? Perchè più volte è accaduto che gli articoli venissero reindirizzati oppure soppressi per i più svariati motivi e trovandoli interessantissimi, i più creano una copia di sicurezza su di un loro spazio web. Quante volte è accaduto nel corso degli anni che riempiendo il browser di links, successivamente ne trovo una marea che sono scomparsi, o reindirizzati, oppure il sito web è stato chiuso oppure mi compare errore 404 e ho perso una marea di fonti del sapere? Cosa bisogna fare se ti ricopi una notizia? Aggiungere sempre l'URL visibile, l'autore (se si è identificato) per dare i giusti meriti e "dare a Cesare quel che è di Cesare", citare la legge n. 62/2001, oltre a ciò elargire una email box, o comunque possibilità di mediazione, qualora chi volesse rivendicarne la paternità, volesse comunicare direttamente con chi ha effettuato questa sorta di "backup online" della notizia o immagine, o musica bassa risoluzione in modo da avere una mediazione diretta.

Il blogger e vittima di controllo mentale individuale a distanza (io), fa presente che più volte ha scritto eziandio in inglese ad americani e australiani, in spagnolo, in francese, in tedesco chiedendo con qualche breve riga concessioni a terzi di vari paesi e non solo a italiani. Quasi sempre con i dovuti tempi, è arrivata risposta affermativa e le ha conservate e/o pubblicate e più volte è stato chiesto da suddetti wembaster, di aggiungere più URL dei loro siti web e si è sempre andati d'accordo da persone adulte. Raramente sono state inoltre chieste concessioni anche a me e con i miei tempi trovo sempre il tempo di rispondere e la postilla che chiedo, è di inviarmi il link col "prodotto finito" in modo da tenermi il link e ammirare cosa ne è venuto fuori.

Amo "scambiare" quello che posso e sono geloso solo delle mie foto e video che ritraggono me, amici la mia ex compagna e onestamente non essendo un personaggio famoso (VIP) non sò nemmeno cosa se ne farebbe un'altra persona delle stesse visto che non ci conosciamo. Fossi Maradona capirei,ma lui, da VIP prendeva una marea di soldi di stipendio e fa parte del gioco che molti utenti o fans si prendano foto di VIP per i più svariati motivi. Avrebbero comunque dei diritti d'immagine anche loro.

Sono abituato a sorgentare tutto per dimostrare di non essere in malafede e se non lo sapevi che è utile aggiungere sempre fonte e autore (soprattutto se è un giornaista che si identifica) adesso lo sai e sennò basta chiedere perchè chiedere è lecito, rispondere è cortesia. I bloggers non sono tutti degli schifosi che si fregano il lavoro dei giornalisti. Ci sono anche giornalisti che chiedono o prendono materiale di bloggers e ci costruiscono articoli. Diciamo che è un' opera comune e basta rispettarsi. Il blogger di solito è una persona che si mette via le sue cosine e non a scopo di lucro, il giornalista fa lo stesso, ha il suo stipendio e suda sette camicie come un blogger corretto. Ci sono giornalisti corretti e giornalisti scorretti, come ci sono bloggers corretti e bloggers scorretti. Giornalisti che fregano articoli ad altri giornalisti e bloggers che fregano roba ad altri bloggers e ovviamente fanno passare il lavoro per opera loro senza sorgenti.

Chiedere è vergogna di un momento non chiedere è vergogna di una vita. Quest'ultimo è un vecchio e saggio proverbio giapponese tradotto in italiano: 聞くは一時の恥聞かぬは一生の恥 (Kiku ha ittoki no haji kikanu ha isshou no haji).

Imparate/cercate di sorgentare, a ricercare fonti certificate e attendibili, a chiedervi le cose come da galateo oltre a rispondervi con garbo e cortesia come insegnano i proverbi. Spesso bastano due misere righe. Grazie

=^_^= =^_^= =^_^= =^_^= =^_^= =^_^= =^_^= =^_^=

Quante leggi ci sono in Italia? - Forum di
Ecco i risultati nel 2012:
1) Gran Bretagna: 3.000
2) Germania: 5.500
3) Francia: 7.000
4) Italia: 150.000 / 200.000
Grazie a Panorama, abbiamo accertato che in Italia, sono abituati a creare una legge per ogni peto e poi ad incasinarsi uno con l'altro e le mafie ridono. Mai sentito parlare di "legge del buon senso"? (O_o)


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“End the Torment!”

Lethal Technology in Criminal Hands

By Mike Patrick

May 2014



“End the Torment!” were the words scratched onto Aaron Alexis’ Remington 870 shotgun during the September 16, 2013 massacre that left 12 innocent people and the shooter dead at the Washington Navy Yard.  A little more than a month prior to that tragic event, on the morning of August 7, 2013, 34-year old Alexis called the Newport, Rhode Island police and reported being stalked and assaulted in his hotel room.  He told responding officers he felt threatened and had moved to three different hotels in the Newport area to escape the tormentors.  He believed they were assaulting him from adjacent hotel rooms using some type of “microwave machine.”  He was feeling “vibrations through his body” and “hearing voices” that would not allow him to sleep.  On September 1, 2013, Alexis emailed a support group, Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance, and said, “Need assistance on dealing with the direct energy attacks!!”  Alexis believed he was under technological attack.

Seventeen days after the Alexis incident, on October 3, 2013, Miriam Carey, a 34-year old dental hygienist from Stamford, Connecticut, drove to the White House with her 13-month old daughter and was shot and killed near the Capitol after fleeing a White House checkpoint.  According to multiple 911 calls to the Stamford Police Department in November and December 2012, Carey believed she was being stalked and videotaped in her condo.  She also believed President Obama was communicating with her and had put her residence under electronic surveillance.  Miriam Carey was also hearing voices.  Less than a year later, something caused her to drive 270 miles to the White House on that fateful October day.

Investigating officials and the media immediately suggested both tragedies were the result of mental illness.  I do not believe that to be the case.  I believe criminals with access to lethal technology pushed Alexis and Carey over the edge with complete disregard for innocent lives.  To my knowledge, that possibility was never thoroughly investigated.    

Thousands of people across the country are “hearing voices.”  Many think they are being targeted by satellite technology capable of reading their thoughts, transmitting sounds and voices directly into their brains, and physically assaulting them with microwave energy.  This technology is impossible to comprehend without experiencing it.  Most people, including law enforcement, the media and the mental health profession, seem to be completely oblivious to this critical situation.    

Victims experience something similar to having harassing talk-radio beamed directly into their brains 24/7 with no control over its content or volume.  It is an extremely severe form of psychological torture that incapacitates people and destroys lives.  Microwave energy is used to physically torture victims by creating pains on their bodies and in their ears, brains and internal organs.  Through this physical and psychological torture, they push people to suicide and violence and put innocent lives at risk in the process.     

These criminals violate an untold number of existing and yet to be defined laws, trample our Constitutional rights, reject international conventions and ignore every principle of human dignity and privacy.  This is domestic terrorism, torture and a “crime against humanity”, and could ultimately prove to be one of the largest crimes in U.S. history.       

Technology of this magnitude was likely developed over decades at enormous cost by the U.S. government.  The government would presumably secure this technology, understanding its power to become a “technological nuclear bomb.”  If obtained by a hostile government or terrorists, it could be used against anyone, including our own leaders, and could pose a serious national security threat.  

The U.S. military has been researching microwave technology and possible applications, including “microwave hearing”, for decades.  Simple microwave communication was possible 40 years ago.  A 1975 article in American Psychologist titled “Microwaves and Behavior” by Don Justesen stated “appropriate modulation of microwave energy can result in direct ‘wireless’ and ‘receiverless’ communication of speech.”

A 1998 Department of the Army report “Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons”, declassified in 2006, states, “Application of microwave hearing technology could facilitate a private message transmission.  It may be useful to provide a disruptive condition to a person not aware of the technology.  Not only might it be disruptive to the sense of hearing, it could be psychologically devastating if one suddenly heard voices within one’s head.”

A quick internet search for “mind-reading technology” listed articles from The Economist, NPR, Huffington Post, Scientific American, Wired, Newsmax, Detroit Free Press, and The Guardian, among others.  All speak to neuroscientists’ ability to decode human thought by analyzing brain activity.  Non-verbal speech and lie detection are just two of the identified uses.  Topics such as brain-computer interface, brain imaging, electrocorticography (ECoG), functional MRI (fMRI), and synthetic telepathy are also discussed.  Mind-reading technology clearly exists, and according to numerous accounts, it has advanced well beyond what is publicly known.

I know this to be the case.  Before sharing my personal story, I want to provide a quick overview of my background.  I am 48 years old and have owned my own real estate investment and development business in the Denver area since 2001.  Prior to starting my own business, I worked for Wall Street investment banks in Houston, Los Angeles and New York for roughly a decade.  In my last position, I managed a $100 million real estate fund for Daiwa Securities in New York. 

I was an All-State baseball player in high school and an Academic All-American at the University of Texas.  I was drafted by the Texas Rangers and played one season of minor league baseball before starting my business career.  I have never been involved in any criminal activity and have never used illegal drugs.  My personal relationships and business career were built on trust and integrity.

I do not have the benefit of fully understanding many of the things discussed in this paper, however, I have tried to present the following account as honestly and accurately as possible.  While I will certainly gain additional clarity as the situation evolves, this paper is completely true and factual with respect to what I know today.

I have been an organized stalking victim since early 2005, although I did not discover the term until about a year and a half ago.  I have been followed, monitored and harassed and have experienced multiple acts of vandalism, break-ins and theft.  The crimes have occurred throughout Colorado and in several other states.  The stalkers have completely stolen my privacy, and for many years, created a constant state of fear and anxiety.  The impact on my life and psyche has been extremely severe. 

Like many organized stalking victims, I still do not know who is responsible or why I was targeted, but a large, coordinated, well-funded group is involved.  I have contacted local law enforcement and the FBI, yet the stalking and harassment continued.  In fact, things escalated last year.

In the spring of 2013, I started hearing unusual noises on my property, such as banging, clanking and clicking sounds in the attic and around the house, and what sounded like people walking on the roof and in the attic.  I also heard moaning and groaning sex sounds.  At first, I thought someone had installed some type of hidden audio system in the walls and ceiling to bring the harassment campaign into my bedroom.  I could not make sense of it.  Shortly thereafter, I began “hearing voices.”   

The perpetrators kept me from sleeping by creating noises, narrating false dialogue and scenarios, subjecting me to all-night intense interrogations, and tormenting me with pains caused by microwave energy.  They wanted to completely break me down physically and emotionally and make me believe my life was constantly in danger.  They narrated fake shooting scenes, hideous rapes and countless other threatening scenarios.        

For several months, they said there were former Navy SEALs hiding out on my 70-acre, densely wooded property.  Just before daybreak in early August 2013, after one of the all-night interrogation sessions, I felt a tingling sensation on the back of my head while lying in bed.  A voice said it was a rifle scope locked on my head from outside the house.  He told me to “get out of bed, now, now!”  I thought I was under attack.  I grabbed my shotgun and headed to the basement. 

While sitting on the basement steps with the shotgun on my lap, I heard what sounded like several volleys of assault rifle fire coming from the dense scrub oak beyond the driveway.  Shortly after the gunfire, the voice said a renegade SEAL had moved out of the brush, down to the front porch, and was going to kick in the front door.  They told me to “shoot the wall, shoot the wall, shoot now!”  Fortunately, I did not shoot, and shortly thereafter the voices said they had gotten “control of the situation.”  While this scenario felt life-threatening at the time, I now know it was one of their many attempts to scare and provoke me.

They changed the dialogue and narrative to fit my surroundings at three houses in Colorado, my mom’s and brother’s houses in Oklahoma and a friend’s apartment in Texas.  While staying at each location, fictitious voices and scenarios were used, involving six different sets of neighbors.  In each instance, the neighbors were supposedly creating the threatening dialogue and assaulting me with “microwave energy.”  Their intent was to provoke me to confront innocent people and to cause me to make unprovable claims to family, friends and law enforcement.  This is how the technology is used to destroy victims’ credibility and make them appear disconnected with reality and mentally unstable.          

My Douglas County neighbors were supposedly ex-CIA and former Navy intelligence and coordinated the torture campaign on my property.  From their backgrounds, they had access to “electromagnetic weapons”, “microwave weapons” and “ultrasound weapons.”  They suggested a prominent Coloradan, allegedly involved in narcotics trafficking, paid my neighbors “$500,000” to conduct this campaign with the complicity of a senior FBI official.  They said they wanted to destroy my credibility, create an “actionable event” and “push me to suicide” for “making too much noise” regarding the Colorado system.    

At my dad’s house, it was supposedly his neighbor “across the courtyard” and someone “in the field” adjacent to his house assaulting me with energy.  At my mountain home, it was a neighbor living in a house behind mine who was responsible for the “electromagnetic weapon” assault. 

Shortly after arriving at my mom’s house in mid-October 2013, they started a threatening dialogue using a voice that was supposed to be her next door neighbor.  He was an “eighth degree black belt in taekwondo” and was threatening to “kick in the front door” to get us.  They continued depriving me of sleep with computerized interrogation programs “jointly controlled by the FBI and Warren Buffett’s satellite operators.”   

The Tulsa FBI supposedly had a surveillance team staying in a house across the pond from my mom’s house.  They were hitting me with “electromagnetic weapons” and “microwave weapons” and creating the pains on my body while I was trying to sleep.  When my dog developed a hot spot on his tail, they said it was caused by an “FBI agent tasering him.”  A powerful laser beam or “satellite death ray” created the pressure on my heart and the stinging in my eyes, and according to their threats, could “pierce my heart or blind me.”  They said it was responsible for numerous reported heart attacks.  

While sitting on my brother’s lake house deck with my mom, they created a sharp pain in the middle of my chest and said they were hitting me with an “electromagnetic weapon” from a mile or so across the lake.  They claimed it was a “military weapon that can stop a person’s heart from seven miles away.” 

At my friend’s apartment in Dallas, her upstairs neighbor was a “confidential informant for the FBI” and involved in this multi-state plot to torment me.  He and his son were supposedly “video recording us through the ceiling”, making the constant lewd remarks and assaulting my dog and me with an “electromagnetic weapon.”  They obviously wanted me to believe there were co-conspirators in every state, city and neighborhood who would keep me from ever finding peace.   

Many other victims report being assaulted by energy weapons.  To my knowledge, none of these weapons have ever been found and no one has been arrested in connection with this type of assault.  Yes, we are being assaulted by microwave energy, but it is being done remotely via satellite.  These attacks do not require a local, neighborhood presence.  A relatively small number of individuals are likely sitting in secure facilities, targeting people across the country.  This is more efficient and allows them to operate in secrecy.   

Over time, the intense all-night interrogation/torture campaign began to transition to some meaningful dialogue.  They said I had been connected to a satellite surveillance system, controlled by a highly sophisticated computer network.  The computer contains extensive information and voice-replication capabilities for many people, including family, friends, neighbors and business and personal contacts.  This information and the emulated voices are used to create fictitious dialogue and scenarios customized for targets’ specific relationships, circumstances and surroundings.  The system operators are essentially voice actors, narrating radio skits to humiliate, intimidate, threaten and provoke victims.

The operators have also used the names and voices of prominent individuals such as President Obama, former President George W. Bush, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Governor Hickenlooper, Phil Anschutz, Christian Anschutz and Pete Coors.  Some of these names have been mentioned hundreds of times over the past year. 

Over the past year, many different explanations have been given for my predicament.  Some are as follows.  It all started due to a “pay to play” extortion scheme by certain members of the Colorado real estate community.  They were trying to collect payment prior to closing my first big deal in Colorado in June 2005.  The organized stalking campaign has been conducted by members of the massive Homeland Security apparatus with ties to organized crime and a government control system.  I was put on some type of Homeland Security “watch list” for punitive reasons by a powerful person within the system. 

They talked extensively about a “sex system” in which women are compensated for providing sexual services with “drugs and drug money” and “sex credits”, and a “pay system” controlled by the “New York mafia.”  Both offer financial rewards and “personal protection.”  They have said I was required to pay an amount ranging from “$500,000” to “$10 million” or “earn my way by participating in the sex system.”  The long stalking/torture campaign supposedly resulted from being “out of sync with the system” and “making too much noise.”  

For months, the perpetrators said I was connected to a “satellite communication network” through an “implanted microchip.”  However, they could never identify the specific type or exact location of this microchip.  Google/Motorola supposedly manufactured it.  Initially, they said it was a “synthetic telepathy microchip” implanted by a former business colleague “in the back of my neck.”  After nothing was identified on a neck x-ray, they changed their story and said the chip was implanted “in my upper back between the shoulder blades.”  They also said it might be a “cochlear implant” or possibly tiny “nanochips in my inner ear.”  Their final narrative suggested it was a “modified VeriChip, secretly manufactured for the CIA, implanted in my shoulder.”  Their narrative continually changed and the mysterious microchip kept moving around in my body.  Needless to say, I never found a microchip.  

The microchip narrative seems to be prevalent with targeted individuals.  The perpetrators take advantage of the fact this technology is easier to accept with an implanted device.  For a long time, they were able to convince me a microchip was required to track, monitor and communicate with me everywhere - residences, office buildings, the mall, grocery stores, restaurants, parks and fields, and on roads and highways driving across three states.  The connection is unfortunately stronger and much more reliable than my cell phone.  While the volume has been adjusted frequently, the connection has never faltered. 

I am now convinced microchips are not involved.  The microchip narrative would require a manufacturer, national distribution and a highly risky, covert, implantation campaign.  It would also require a large medical and mental health conspiracy to block their discovery.  With thousands of people picking up microwave communication, no one is finding microchips. 

Actually that is not entirely true.  I was able to find information on two people who found implanted microchips – James Walbert in Wichita, Kansas and Bob Boyce in Blue Ridge, Georgia.  I was unable to confirm if either of them had been hearing communication or if their microchip removals stopped it.   

To my knowledge, the only microchip approved for human implantation is the VeriChip.  It is used for accessing patients’ medical records.  According to VeriTeq, the successor entity, there are no facilities offering their microchips or scanners in Colorado.  I do not think Veriteq or anyone else is involved in a massive government conspiracy to have everyone implanted with microchips.                  

The microchip narrative is part of a vast disinformation campaign.  It distracts, discredits and discourages victims who are unable to locate an implanted device.  MRIs, CT scans and X-rays are expensive.  Many targeted individuals cannot afford to scan their entire body searching for a microchip.  Those creating the microchip narratives know this.   

For those questioning how “voices” can push someone over the edge, this is important.  The people controlling this technology are highly believable at first.  They break victims down through sleep deprivation and intense physical and psychological torture.  Exhausted, disoriented and just trying to survive the torture, victims are extremely vulnerable to anything, including false narratives, that might offer an explanation for their unimaginable pain and suffering.  I experienced it firsthand.  Fortunately, I made it through the initial onslaught, and by doing so, became conditioned to these tactics.

It is also important to note that sleep deprivation is a very serious form of physical and psychological torture banned by the Constitution, the United Nations, the Geneva Conventions and the International Criminal Court.  It has been used as an interrogation, torture technique throughout history to break people down and extract information. 

Menachem Begin, former Israeli prime minister, was sleep deprived and tortured by the KGB.  In his book, White Nights: The Story of a Prisoner in Russia, he states, “In the head of the interrogated prisoner, a haze begins to form.  His spirit is wearied to death, his legs are unsteady, and he has one sole desire: to sleep...Anyone who has experienced this desire knows that not even hunger and thirst are comparable with it.” 

Victims of technological assault are not just having a tough time sleeping.  They are being brutally tortured through sleep deprivation.  

The perpetrators have indicated the connection to my brain not only allows them to read my thoughts, but also literally see what I see.  As you would expect, this has completely destroyed my sense of privacy and made it impossible to lead a normal life.  They have made thousands of lewd, derogatory and insulting remarks while in the restroom or taking a shower, lying in bed at night, and even during times of intimacy.  It has included comments about my genitalia, my sex life, masturbation and my most private thoughts.  They have also repeated passwords and pin codes, discussed medical information, and monitored and recorded my business and personal activities. 

The privacy violations are truly unimaginable.  Some refer to this unauthorized, forced access into peoples’ brains as “mind rape.”  This term describes the egregiousness of the violation, yet the law does not even contemplate this despicable crime.    

These cowardly criminals have continually told me they want me to commit suicide, and have tried every tactic at their disposal to see if they could push me to that point.  After months of torture, they now acknowledge suicide is not a possibility. 

They can supposedly determine peoples’ susceptibility to suicide or violence from their thoughts.  They have claimed, seemingly without remorse, that they have caused thousands of suicides.  Whether true or not, they have also said this technology was used against Aaron Alexis and Miriam Carey. 

In addition to communication, many victims also experience physical symptoms from microwave assault.  I have personally experienced the following:  feeling something similar to a mild electrical current on my head and body, loud ear ringing, intense pressure on my ear drums, shaking, vibrating sensations, eye stinging, un-flushable eye irritation, severe eye strain and red, swollen eyelids, pains on and in the brain, sharp stomach pains, upset stomach, chest pains, heart palpitations, inexplicable shortness of breath, stinging, burning, tingling and pin-prick sensations all over my body, uncontrollable itches, scratchy throat, severe chills, dehydration, frequent urination, constant nasal drain, and penis stimulation/de-stimulation.   

It is not clear if the physical symptoms are caused by energy being directed at specific areas of the body or by the technology’s interaction with the brain.  The perpetrators create and adjust the intensity of these symptoms and have remarked and even joked about doing so.  For months, the perpetrators constantly tormented me with physical pains and sensations while leaving a computer bouncing interrogation programs off my brain all night, completely depriving me of sleep.  This is a severe form of torture.

I have felt extremely intense pressure on my internal organs, as if they were going to explode, while they talked about “cranking up the energy.”  The pain was severe enough to push me out of the house several times.  I experienced eye irritation comparable to having dirt in my eyes, but was unable to wash it out.  They bragged about “eye irritation” being one of the “functions.”  They put extreme pressure on my inner ears and talked about “blowing out my eardrums.”  They can somehow make it difficult to get an erection and have threatened to cause permanent erectile dysfunction.  They even applied severe pressure on my heart that could have been mistaken for a heart attack under different circumstances.  They wanted me to believe they could pierce my heart and kill me at any time. 

During nights of constant chatter and microwave bombardment, I urinated excessively (10-15 times over an eight-hour period), became dehydrated and experienced severe chills.  I wore sweat pants, a fleece top, socks and a stocking hat to bed many nights, yet shivered uncontrollably.  This was not caused by auditory hallucinations.  It was caused by intense microwave exposure. 

The U.S. government has studied the health effects of microwave irradiation for at least half a century.  Starting in the 1950’s, the U.S. Embassy in Moscow was subjected to Soviet microwave bombardment during much of the cold war.  While a detailed medical discussion is beyond the scope of this paper, it is important to note that microwave exposure can cause numerous health issues, including brain cancer, leukemia, strokes, heart disease, immune system disorders, infertility, birth defects, vision problems, cataracts, headaches, insomnia, depression and anxiety.

They have maintained a constant microwave connection to my brain for the past year with absolute disregard for the health consequences.  Presumably, this is the case with countless other victims.  American citizens are being invisibly assaulted by a very dangerous weapon and nobody is paying attention.

Once an individual’s connection has been established, the physical symptoms can be induced without sound or communication - on “mute” so to speak.  If true, it would allow them to create headaches, tinnitus, erectile dysfunction, depression, anxiety and other pains and ailments, and even simulate heart attacks, completely undetected.  There are likely many individuals who have never heard a sound or voice, and are therefore, completely unaware they have been targeted.  That significantly changes the scope of the problem.       

The computer that controls the link can read my mind and respond with instantaneous dialogue based upon my thoughts.  It is constantly collecting information from my brain.  The technology enables the operators to determine whether or not someone is telling the truth.  This would obviously be extremely valuable in the interrogation of criminals and terrorists, which might be the rationale under which it was developed.  However, there are obvious constitutional issues that must be addressed before using this technology on the most dangerous criminals, let alone law-abiding citizens.   

The operators can push, or “suggest” as they call it, words, thoughts and images into peoples’ brains.  Some refer to this as “mind control.”  At times, they direct unwanted sexual images and uncomfortable thoughts into my mind, often with laughter in the background.  However, they also suggest various foods, activities and other things that serve as reminders.  From my experience, it is not “mind control”, because I am able to choose whether or not to accept the suggestions.   

During some days, the dialogue has been nearly continuous, with computerized voices responding to or commenting on virtually every thought and activity.  On other days, it has been relatively quiet.  The volume can be adjusted from silent to loud and clear.  I have recorded many hours of communication by repeating what I am hearing verbatim.  The pace of the communication is much slower than normal conversation, with gaps between words or sentences, presumably due to satellite transmission delays.     

The system lingo includes phrases such as “young whippersnapper”, “since I was knee-high to a grasshopper”, “bunch of big mother fuckers running around”, “don’t get above your raisin”, “kick your teeth down your fucking throat”, “on the planet”, “in the universe”, “put a gun in that pretty little face”, “since time immemorial”, “thrown under a bus”, “that’s unbelievable testimony”, “in my entire human existence”, and “I’m not your best friend but I’m not your worst enemy.”  These are not phrases I have ever used.    

Whoever runs the system has somehow justified having multiple people tied into my connection 24/7 since it was established.  They sound like intelligent, educated professionals, not uneducated criminals.  The communication is articulate and often includes witty, impromptu remarks.  While they occasionally use female voices, I believe they are all men.  As ridiculous as it sounds, they actually correct my grammar and offer personal and business advice.  The people and the crimes seem incongruent.  Some of them acknowledge this and say they want to expose it.

They have said they are a small group of six-figure, NSA, CIA and FBI employees with top secret clearance.  They supposedly represent the pay and sex systems and execute various assignments for system big shots.  One can imagine the ways in which the technology is being used – political blackmail, intellectual property theft, insider trading, etc.   

My energy and level of distraction fluctuates with the amount and volume of communication.  I have had difficulty working, or even reading or watching a movie, since the communication began.  My ability to run a business or to enjoy two of my favorite activities has been taken away.  It has had a profound impact on every aspect of my life.  For many victims, earning a living or leading a normal life becomes virtually impossible.  Sadly, this is the intent.    

The satellite operators have stopped transmission briefly on several occasions causing unbelievable, instantaneous relief.  I have felt the pressure and strain immediately wash from my head, face and neck as the microwave energy dissipates.  I could literally feel the energy draining from my head.  The best analogy is the cooling sensation when stepping out of a sauna.

People that report being stalked and monitored or “hearing voices” are often diagnosed with mental illness.  Unfortunately, there is not yet another widely accepted explanation.  Technology of this magnitude is extremely difficult to comprehend and there is currently very little credible, publicly available information. 

We very much need the assistance of the mental health profession.  They are the only ones with access to decades of specific patient experiences.  I have not yet found anything that summarizes or analyzes these records to determine if there might be patterns or trends associated with people “hearing voices.”  How many patients who have become part of the mental health system, voluntarily or otherwise, are victims of organized stalking or technological assault?  The mental health profession may hold the “smoking gun.” 

Many questions need to be raised.  What messages are patients hearing?  Are they derogatory or threatening?  Do victims feel they are being stalked or monitored?  How many voices do they hear?  How long do they hear them?  Does the volume change?  Are physical pains and sensations experienced?  Do they think some type of energy may be involved?  Do the voices sound computerized?  Are unique words or phrases used?  Do they hear famous peoples’ voices?  Is the pace of communication conversational or are there gaps and delays?  Do they believe their minds or thoughts are being read?  Is there a focus on topics that make them feel guilty or uncomfortable?  How often are they told to commit suicide or harm others?  How often do medications work?  Is it possible medications provide cover to stop the communication?   

To my knowledge, the only possible defense against this assault is to block microwave transmission.  Protective clothing and homemade Faraday cages will not work.  Advanced materials and professional construction are required.  A few companies that could potentially construct such a facility are ETS Lindgren, Cuming-Lehman Chambers and Braden Shielding.  They use terms such as anechoic chambers, shielded rooms, screened rooms and microwave chambers.  If possible, we need to locate government or corporate facilities willing to grant access so we can prove microwave energy is responsible.   

For those wanting to learn more about organized stalking and technological assault, there are many websites, blogs, articles and books available.  Mark Rich’s book, The Hidden Evil, offers an historical overview of control systems, such as communist East Germany’s secret police, or Stasi, and its reliance upon a massive informant network and organized stalking.  Dr. John Hall’s A New Breed, Satellite Terrorism in America provides a detailed account of his personal experience with organized stalking and satellite assault in San Antonio, Texas.  Jesse Ventura’s TruTV Conspiracy Theory series examined the issue of people hearing voices in their December 2012 “Brain Invaders” episode.  They concluded military communication towers, Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN), were being used to target victims with microwave energy.  KMIR News in Palm Springs, California reported on “hundreds of people in the valley hearing voices” in November 2012.  The video, which includes interviews with several targeted individuals, is available at

According to their website (, “Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance is a human rights organization that identifies and networks with victims of organized stalking and electronic assaults, educates society about covert harassment issues, and advocates for citizens victimized by covert criminal elements.”  They network with and provide support for victims throughout the U.S. and worldwide.  They organize meetings across the country, host daily conference calls, publish a weekly newsletter and provide a toll free number for victims.

Having worked on this issue for the past decade, Derrick Robinson, President of FFCHS, has become a prominent leader in the fight against organized stalking and technological assault.  He offered the following, “Aaron Alexis represents a lightening-rod for our issues because of the notoriety of his action, the Washington Navy Yard shooting, and because he had contacted us (FFCHS) two weeks prior to the shooting exhibiting many of the same effects that are common in our community, such as microwave attacks, hearing voices, sleeplessness, and the group stalking scenarios.  And although we do not condone Aaron’s solution, he highlights an extremely important human rights issue in this country which is being suppressed and for which there is currently no recognition or remedy.”

“Our community is continually amazed at how large a secret can remain undetected by our society for so long.  It has often been discouraging.  However, I believe there will come a day – and probably soon – when this entire criminal network which now operates in secret will become common knowledge to everyone and covert targeting and secret tortures will all be over.”    

I would like to offer a few suggestions for victims based upon my personal experience.  Most importantly, hang in there!  We will identify the perpetrators and stop this torture.  Record what you are hearing and experiencing.  Those recordings will help us validate and share our experiences and will prove valuable in future legal proceedings.  We will eventually have our day in court. 

Let the perpetrators know you are familiar with their tactics of false narratives, derogatory remarks and threats.  Ask questions that might help you gather information.  For those of you that do not know why you were targeted, you are not alone.  Many of us are still trying to figure it out.  Like most powerful weapons, criminals will use them for many different reasons, and sometimes, for no reason at all.    

Finally, help us spread the word.  We need as many people as possible talking about this issue, asking questions and looking for answers.  These criminals are accustomed to operating in the dark.  We need to push aggressively to expose their crimes.    

My experience with organized stalking and technological assault has already stolen nine years, or roughly one-third of my adult life.  It has irreversibly altered the course of my life and potentially damaged my health in ways not yet apparent. 

Without intervention, countless other victims will be exposed.  Some will not be able to endure the torture, and acting from a place of desperation, they will take their own or others’ lives.  Their breaking point could be reached at any time.  Until we get control of this technology, it is impossible to predict the next tragedy.  This is a national public safety emergency! 

We desperately need the assistance of law enforcement, the media and the mental health profession.  By sharing information and starting a national discussion, these groups can make an immediate impact.  Please help us educate everyone and stop the torture!


Mike Patrick

Read more…

If you haven’t already done so – please send them your petitions, information and/or torture and abuse case summaries

or even if you have – send it to them again!

Please participate!

Dear All

I hope you’re ok.

Below is the letter I sent to The Council of Europe -

I also sent them my torture and abuse case summary.

I also sent them some articles, a petition and our over 1400 electronic torture and abuse case summaries.

Please email them to support me – you can write in your own language.

Please send your petition, information and/or torture and abuse case summaries to them.

The more petitions, information and torture and abuse case summaries they receive the better.

Please use all the email addresses so that they all know about us.

Please participate!

Avenue de l’Europe,
F - 67075 Strasbourg Cedex
Tel. +33 (0)3 88 41 20 00

To,,, , ,,,,,,,


Please tell them we urgently need their humanitarian, political and legal assistance.

Please tell them that these electronic torture, abuse and experimentation, and organised stalking, human rights violations are crimes against humanity that are being done worldwide.

Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627




This letter is to ask for your help for the many victims who are being attacked with Psychotronic (or Mind Control, Electronic, Directed Energy, Neurological, Non-lethal) Weapons.

As long ago as 1994 in Montreux, Switzerland the International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC raised the issue of Psychotronic or Directed-Energy weapons, also at the Geneva Forum in 2002, and also in 2009 at the 5th European Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons and at the European Conference.

In January 1999, the European Parliament passed a resolution where it calls “ for an international convention introducing a global ban on all development and deployment of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings. It is our conviction that this ban can not be implemented without the global pressure of the informed general public on the governments. Our major objective is to get across to the general public the real threat which these weapons represent for human rights and democracy and to apply pressure on the governments and parliaments around the world to enact legislature which would prohibit the use of these devices to both government and private organisations as well as individuals.”  (Plenary sessions/Europarliament, 1999)

In October 2001, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich introduced a bill to the House of Representatives which, it was hoped would be extremely important in the fight to expose and stop psycho-electronic mind control experimentation on involuntary, non-consensual citizens. The Bill was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services and International Relations. In the original bill a ban was sought on ‘exotic weapons’ including electronic, psychotronic or information weapons, chemtrails, particle beams, plasmas, electromagnetic radiation, extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation, or mind control technologies. Despite the inclusion of a prohibition of the basing of weapons in space, and the use of weapons to destroy objects or damage objects in space, there is no mention in the revised bill of any of the aforementioned mind-invasive weaponry, nor of the use of satellite or radar or other energy based technology for deploying or developing technology designed for deployment against the minds of human beings. (Space Preservation Act, 2002)

Please be assured that for years these weapons have been used to terribly torture and abuse victims all over the world.

We are a group of our over 1400 electronic torture, abuse and experimentation victims – please assist us

Please help us to get this electronic torture, abuse and experimentation stopped.

Some of our ELECTRONIC TORTURE, ABUSE AND EXPERIMENTATION CASES detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, physical assaults, surgical mutilations, ‘mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations.

Among other things the perpetrators of these crimes can place the human subject under continuous surveillance no matter where he/she is; they can monitor the human brain, including thoughts, reactions, motor commands, auditory events and visual images; they can continuously alter consciousness, introduce voices, noises, other disturbances, commands, images and "dreams" into the brain; and they can directly abuse, torture and hit bodies - including performing advanced medical procedures - from remote locations. The technology they are using is so advanced that it allows the controller(s) to see through the eyes of the targeted individual, essentially seeing whatever the victim sees.

Many of us are being tortured and abused in these ways 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – year in year out.

These are extreme and monstrous CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY - indescribably terrible in themselves - coupled with the ORWELLIAN secrecy and denial of any support at all that we are experiencing, makes them even more horrendous and monstrous.

We have contacted most Governments, Security/Intelligence Agencies, Religious Organisations, International Organizations, Human Rights Organizations, Universities, Scientific and other Institutions, and the International Media all over the world - over and over and over again – and have had our appeals for assistance, protection and/or publicity almost completely ignored and/or suppressed.

Some TARGETED INDIVIDUALS have been attempting to gain assistance, protection and/or publicity about these crimes since the 1990s - and even earlier - this extends as far back into the history of illegal ‘scientific and medical’ testing and experimentation as MKULTRA, COINTELPRO and the DUPLESSIS ORPHANS - and further.

We are still collecting CASE SUMMARIES from TARGETED INDIVIDUALS all over the world, and we have also advised them to send them to you - “THE SELECTED WITNESSES” - TO WITNESS, RECORD AND OPPOSE so that :-

A. We can be sure that as many people as possible know about these horrendous crimes.

B. We can be sure that these AUTHORITIES and ORGANISATIONS are either trying to uphold the rule of National, International and Human Rights Law, and that we will, sooner or later, be protected by these laws.

C. Or that we can be sure these AUTHORITIES and ORGANISATIONS are complicit and/or acquiescent to these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and that National, International and Human Rights Law no longer apply - in which case our task will be to get the rule of these laws restored.

Later these records should become an information source - such as the INTERNATIONAL TRACING OFFICE set up to record the fates and whereabouts of Jews (and others?) after WW11. The information collected can then be used by the appropriate people for LEGAL, MEDICAL, WELFARE, HISTORICAL etc. records.

As well as being illegal the crimes being committed against us are contrary to the Principles and Values of all the major religions and ethical systems - so we will also be demonstrating to all of these people and AUTHORITIES AND ORGANISATIONS the huge disconnect between their professed Principles and Values and the reality. We will be showing their monstrous Doublespeak Doublethink Doubledo ignorance, stupidity and/or hypocrisy.

It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type torturers and butchers.

Please contact me and I will send you more information and our over 1400 ELECTRONIC TORTURE, ABUSE AND EXPERIMENTATION VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES.


Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch
MAIL: 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627


Read more…

Dr. John R. Hall, D.O.
5282 Medical Drive # 200, San Antonio, Texas 78229, USA
tel: 210-614-6432



I am writing you on the behalf of victims both in the United States and abroad. As you are aware, many revelations surrounding the National Security Agency’s extensive electronic dragnet have recently come to light through released records by the intelligence insider Mr. Edward Snowden. During the course of the LIBE Committee hearings even more first-hand testimony was heard from other former NSA insiders regarding the extent of NSA privacy invasion and lack of oversight regarding their methods of data collection. Their statements begin to come very close to an issue that those of us in the medical community in the United States and abroad have been keenly watching for several years now.

Over the last decade we have seen a sharp rise in the number of people coming forward with complaints of non-consensual experimentation with electromagnetic weapons designed to target both electronic hardware and the human central nervous system. While this was typically disregarded as mental illness in the past, the total global population voicing these identical complaints has exponentially grown to numbers that can no longer be attributed to delusional disorder, schizophrenia or any other described mental illness. You may be unaware that the safeguards against experimenting on the public without their consent in the United States are very lax and are included in legislation referred to as The Common Rule which is the Federal Policy regarding human subjects protection. It is written with several loopholes for the allowance of non-consensual experimentation, mostly by intelligence agencies. Hence, we have seen the necessity for the Bioethics Commission hearings in the United States after it was brought to light that Guatemalan prisoners were experimented on with contagions by the National Institutes of Health. During the course of the Bioethics Hearings, their directive was to determine if any other non-consensual experimentation was ongoing in the United States or abroad. At each of the four meetings there was included a public forum for the committee to address concerns by the public at large. Over one hundred individuals were in attendance at each of the four meetings voicing complaints of exposure and experimentation with electromagnetic weapons technologies. The effects of these technologies on the human body can only be described as torture.

Several years ago another National Security Agency insider, John St. Clair Akwei, described in detail the frequencies used by the NSA and other intelligence agencies to access and influence the human body and nervous system in his civil action against the NSA. His descriptions of technologies used to track, monitor and alter a subject’s perceptions, moods and motor control are similar to the complaints we are hearing today from victims alleging non-consensual experimentation and torture. Moreover, Vladimir Putin, in a speech in 2012, admitted that Russia is following suit in funding development of weapons that will attack the human central nervous system. His defense minister, Anatoly Serdyukov, described the weapons as directed energy weapons, wave energy weapons, genetic weapons and psychotronic weapons based upon new physics principles. Obviously, Russia intends to go down the same path of directed energy weapons research that the United States has long been on. The unfortunate truth regarding this type of technology is the ease with which it can be used remotely and non-consensually on the public without the recommended safeguards of an Institutional Review Board or any appreciable ethical oversight. In the United States this research is typically done clandestinely under the guise of national security concerns just as the NSA electronic data mining was done which is currently being covered in the LIBE Committee.

Over the last decade I have consulted with thousands of people in the United States complaining of exposure and experimentation with electromagnetic weapons technologies which include, but are not limited to, complaints of mood alteration, heart palpitations, involuntary body movements, severe headaches, blurred vision, burns to the skin, non-consensual micro-chipping and neurocognitive perturbation. It is my belief, based upon former and current publically released government research documents as well as victims complaints of torture, that this technology is being used in a non-consensual manner on the global public.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you for meeting with our representative from the International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies and taking the time out of your busy schedule to hear these complaints and read my letter. On behalf of the whole of humanity, I sincerely hope that these technologies will eventually be addressed in the Subcommittee on Human Rights of the European Parliament, as the use of these currently can only be described as torture and dehumanizing.

Thank You,

Dr. John R. Hall, D.O.
5282 Medical Drive # 200, San Antonio, Texas 78229, USA
tel: 210-614-6432


Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627


Read more…

Snakes surrounded him in the forest.  They were as long as crocodiles and as fat as whistle pigs. 


“Don’t be afraid of them,” Johnny said.


What is he doing in my dream?  Ti asked himself, perplexed in his dream.


“They are easy to kill.”  The movie star in the vision said and begins to chop off their heads with a cutlass as swiftly and easily as a butcher in the market chopping off the heads of chickens.


“Here,” Johnny said turning to Ti and handing him the cutlass.  “Kill them.”


The weapon shook in Ti’s hand and he could not move his feet; they seemed stuck to the spot where he stood.  He was filled with terror at the size of the venomous creatures laying there lazily on the ground, as if sunbathing.  Every inch of the forest ground was covered by the noxious animals that Ti was filled with horror at the thought of accidentally stepping on one of them, even though they looked to be asleep.  They have been fed hate.  He thought to himself.  They have imbibed too much hatred and have become so enormous that they cannot move.  He could not move either and stood glued to this cramped spot in the forest surrounded by creatures that filled him with terror. 


*****   *****



 At exactly 7:11 in the morning, Ti opens his eyes from another of the nightmares that paralyze him with fear; even his bones shake from fear as he sits in bed.  This apprehension dominates his spirit day and night.  He is afraid to close his eyes at night because of the dark images that torture his sleep and is afraid to walk the streets during the day because he is a hunted animal.  Well, he could stay in bed and not go anywhere but then he would starve.  So like an animal operating on its instinct, he rises from his bed of torture to start a day he dreads.


Prompted by an inner force, he glances at the clock before exiting the door.  It’s exactly 8:11.  Funny, he thinks.  You see, since the calamitous acts of 9111 when weapons were dropped from the sky on people down below by certain nefarious individuals, every time Ti happens to glance at the clock, the minute hand is always on the number 11.  It’s as if someone does not want him to forget that venerable day for reasons he does not know.


A shadow trails him as he makes his way towards the apartments’ parking lot.  When he looks back, he sees a young Hispanic man of about twenty walking rapidly trying to catch up with him.  On turning around to face the nuisance, the trailing shadow freezes in his steps—hunching forward like a kangaroo— and with a half-opened mouth, stands gapping at Ti without uttering an English or Spanish word.


“Why are you following me or what do you want?”  A normal person would have asked.  But Ti does not have the capability of communicating with his fellow human beings anymore.  He is no longer one of the people.  He has been cast out and is now an insect—a firefly, captured in a closed bottle.  There are just enough holes on the lid to keep him from not expiring. 


The kangaroo hops away knowing he has fulfilled his role and might be paid some money for the anxiety caused to the fly.


As Ti approaches the parking lot, he sees two black guys sitting inside a small grey car parked next to his hunched, dilapidated white Honda.  His car always gives him away.  Everyone seems to know the peculiar car and its driver.  He even saw it in an advertisement on T.V. one day.  Yes, his exact car with the unique rust and dent in the same location on the rear of the passenger side.  Driving the car was a young white man.  When he first saw the advertisement, he thought he was being paranoid.  That’s my car.  He thought.  But friends told him “We saw your car on T.V.  It had the same rust and dent in the exact positions as your car.”  Then he knew he was not paranoid.  Perhaps someone wanted him to become paranoid. 


One of the black men looks in his direction in a fortuitous way on nearing the car and the two pretend at continuing whatever casual conversation they were having before seeing him.  Much like the Hispanic man, TI knows this is not an accidental encounter and they are not just sitting in the grey car having a casual conversation while waiting for a third party.  They are here to fulfill their roles.   


Ironically, he feels nothing, just a submissive acceptance of the fact that he is being shadowed by an assortment of animals.


Your will has been taken away from you.  You have no will to feel or act.  You are less than human. 


“Monkey,” a voice whispers in his ears as he drives the car away from the parking lot.  He has been hearing this voice for about three months now—a male, monotone voice hurling words at him like stones meant to maim his mind.  He accelerates on the car flying through the first red light.  His emotions and motions are controlled by these brutish words.    


He parks his car under the sycamore tree in front of Mr. Brown’s house, his only patient on this day, and walks up the driveway to the entrance.  There, he sees lying by the door a black bird, dead and hard as a rock.  Beside it is a big, oblong-shaped green pill. 


“Swallow your pill,” the monotone voice says. 


He feels his anger crackling like a newly-lit charcoal fire and wants to pick up the dead bird and slam its pitiful body against the wall.  But he hesitates knowing the behavior can be construed as abnormal by passersby.  He can’t afford to lose control of his sanity otherwise he’d lose everything—his job, his life.  The malevolent voice makes sure he is kept on edge all day long and is bent on driving him insane.    


I might be going crazy on the inside but I won’t let anyone see me crazy on the outside.


***  **



“Mr. Brown, your breakfast is ready!”  Ti screams at the 96-year old man he takes care of every Tuesday.


The old man picks at his food as if suspecting his health aide of trying to poison him.


“Why do you sleep all the time?”  Mr. Brown asks Ti who is in the process of dozing off for the third time since he came to work.  They are now sitting in the living room.


“I’ll get you fired,” his companion tweets in his head.  He sees in his mind the picture of an incomplete face made up of a winking eye and a pair of lips twisted in such a way that they seemed to be mocking him.


Ti is unable to overcome the lethargy that engulfs his mind and body.  Fumes of sleeping gas seem to seep into his nose and ears and every other organ with an opening; before he knows it, he is dozing off again.  But all of a sudden, he finds himself standing up and walking, with a pillow in hand, to where the old man is sitting.  The old man is being suffocated.




He awakens from this erratic slumber, his heart beating fast as if he were about to have a heart attack.  Unconsciously he turns his head in the direction of the patient.  The old man is sitting as erect as Mount Kilimanjaro reading the Christian Monitor.

“I’ll make you do something you’ll regret.  You’ll end up in jail.”  The image taunts.


“What’s wrong?  You o.k.?”  Mr. Brown asks, concerned. 


His head hurts from a burning sensation as if someone was poking at it with a hot iron. 


Absent mindedly he looks at his watch and realizes it’s 5:11.  His duties ended 11 minutes ago. 


As he drives away from the sycamore tree, he hears a crashing noise resembling the sound of a tree falling on the roof of his car.  Immediately, he feels his chest contracting and like so many times during this day, he feels like he is about to have a heart attack.  From his rear view mirror he sees that the sycamore tree is still standing in front of the house and so is the roof of his car and the windshield.  The noise is synthetic much like the words he hears. 


“Ironmonger,” the synthetic voice replies in answer to his apprehension.


Four blocks from Mr. Brown’s house, he stops in front of the red light and notices a black truck parked close to the curb on the right— parked in a way that he could not help but notice it.  Behind the steering wheel sits a tall white man.  As Ti looks in his direction, the man bends his head as if searching for something.  He, too, has fulfilled his role.




Ti enters the mall at 6:11 and makes his way to one of those reclining, vibrating chairs.  He opens a book to read but less than ten minutes later, a short, heavy-set black man with glasses slides stealthily, like a tiger owl in the dark, into the chair on his left. 


He wants to scream out and ask “WHY?”  But when he opens his mouth, not even the slightest “ah” is he able to utter.  It’s as if his vocal cord no longer works.   In fact, all the organs in his body seem to have shut down.  He cannot feel or think.  His brain is like an empty room.  There is no bed to sleep on or a chair to sit on.  All that is contained in the room is air and this begins to fill his brain.  The air pressure in his brain builds up by the minute until it swells like a balloon ready to lift him off the chair into space. 




The traffic is heavy as Ti drives on the highway.  The motorists behind and in front of him drive very close to each other— bumper to bumper— but they leave a big space between his car and theirs.  No one is driving close to me.  They know my license plate.  They are avoiding me.  He feels like a leper no one wants to come near.


“Do not lie with beasts!”  He hears a preacher blare from the T.V. as soon as he opens the door to his apartment.   Had he forgotten to turn it off or had someone else turned it on? 


The preacher’s eyes seem to be scrutinizing his from the screen and he begins to feel uncomfortable.  “Those who lie with dogs have fleas. “  The censurer continues in a voice that makes him feel like the culprit who lies with dogs.  “I will make a covenant with my people and drive wild beasts from this land.”  He is talking to me.  He is one of them. 


Overcome with fear, guilt, and shame, Ti grabs for the nearest object on the table beside him—Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary—and throws it at the T.V.  They are everywhere.  I can’t hide from their scrutinizing eyes.  He sits, dejected, on the couch; his hands massaging his burning head.  He tries to think but every time his mind focuses on a thought, pressure builds up slowly in his brain.  He sees the image of a vacuum and hears the vile man say:


“I have vacuumed your brain.  I have filled it with air.” 




Dogs surround him, barking furiously.  He tries to escape from them but they watch him intently, moving whichever way he moves.  When he sees an opening in the circle they have formed around him and tries to flee through it, one of the dogs jumps up aiming for his jugular. 


The violence of the dream wakes him up.  It’s dark outside.  The red LED light of the radio clock on the table displays 9:11.


“We shall never forget 911,” his nemesis reminisces.


On the floor beside the couch, lying surreally side by side, is a pair of dissimilar objects—a feather and a blade.  He does not know how they got there.   They were not there when he had dropped on the couch like a fallen tree and dozed off.  


Outside, underneath his apartment window, some of the neighborhood dogs have congregated and like the dogs in the dream from which he just awoke are barking furiously, urging him on. 


“Die by your own hands or we’ll chase you into a hole like a rabbit!”



Read more…

Dear All

Below is the letter I sent to The United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

I also sent them my torture and abuse case summary.

I also sent them some articles, a petition and our over 1400 electronic torture and abuse case summaries.

Please email them to support me – you can write in your own language.

Please send your petitions, information and/or torture and abuse case summaries to them:-

The United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The more Petitions, information and torture and abuse case summaries they receive the better.

Please use all the email addresses so that they all know about us.

Please tell them that this electronic torture, abuse and experimentation, and organized stalking, is a crime against humanity and that we need their humanitarian and legal assistance urgently.

Below is a copy of the Petition I sent to them.

Please participate!


Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627



The United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland


This letter is to ask for your help for the many victims who are being attacked with Psychotronic (or Mind Control, Electronic, Directed Energy, Neurological, Non-lethal) Weapons.

As long ago as 1994 in Montreux, Switzerland the International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC raised the issue of Psychotronic or Directed-Energy weapons, also at the Geneva Forum in 2002, and also in 2009 at the 5th
European Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons and at the European Conference.

In January 1999, the European Parliament
passed a resolution where it calls “ for an international convention introducing a global ban on all development and deployment of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings. It is our conviction that this ban can not be implemented without the global pressure of the informed general public on the governments. Our major objective is to get across to the general public the real threat which these weapons represent for human rights and democracy and to apply pressure on the governments and parliaments around the world to enact legislature which would prohibit the use of these devices to both government and private organisations as well as individuals.”  (Plenary sessions/Europarliament, 1999)

In October 2001, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich
introduced a bill to the House of Representatives which, it was hoped would be extremely important in the fight to expose and stop psycho-electronic mind control experimentation on involuntary, non-consensual citizens. The Bill was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services and International Relations. In the original bill a ban was sought on ‘exotic weapons’ including electronic, psychotronic or information weapons, chemtrails, particle beams, plasmas, electromagnetic radiation, extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation, or mind control technologies. Despite the inclusion of a prohibition of the basing of weapons in space, and the use of weapons to destroy objects or damage objects in space, there is no mention in the revised bill of any of the aforementioned mind-invasive weaponry, nor of the use of satellite or radar or other energy based technology for deploying or developing technology designed for deployment against the minds of human beings. (Space Preservation Act, 2002)

Please be assured that for years these weapons have been used to terribly torture and abuse victims all over the world.

We are a group of our over
1400 electronic torture, abuse and experimentation victims – please assist us

Please help us to get this electronic torture, abuse and experimentation stopped.

Some of our ELECTRONIC TORTURE, ABUSE AND EXPERIMENTATION CASES detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, physical assaults, surgical mutilations, ‘mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations.

Among other things the perpetrators of these crimes can place the human subject under continuous surveillance no matter where he/she is; they can monitor the human brain, including thoughts, reactions, motor commands, auditory events and visual images; they can continuously alter consciousness, introduce voices, noises, other disturbances, commands, images and "dreams" into the brain; and they can directly abuse, torture and hit bodies - including performing advanced medical procedures - from remote locations. The technology they are using is so advanced that it allows the controller(s) to see through the eyes of the targeted individual, essentially seeing whatever the victim sees.

Many of us are being tortured and abused in these ways 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – year in year out.

These are extreme and monstrous CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY - indescribably terrible in themselves - coupled with the ORWELLIAN
secrecy and denial of any support at all that we are experiencing, makes them even more horrendous and monstrous.

We have contacted most Governments, Security/Intelligence Agencies, Religious Organisations, International Organizations, Human Rights Organizations, Universities, Scientific and other Institutions, and the International Media all over the world - over and over and over again – and have had our appeals for assistance, protection and/or publicity almost completely ignored and/or suppressed.

Some TARGETED INDIVIDUALS have been attempting to gain assistance, protection and/or publicity about these crimes since the 1990s - and even earlier - this extends as far back into the history of illegal ‘scientific and medical’ testing and experimentation as MKULTRA, COINTELPRO and the DUPLESSIS ORPHANS - and further.

We are still collecting CASE SUMMARIES from TARGETED INDIVIDUALS all over the world, and we have also advised them to send them to you - “THE SELECTED WITNESSES” - TO WITNESS, RECORD AND OPPOSE so that :-

A. We can be sure that as many people as possible know about these horrendous crimes.

B. We can be sure that these AUTHORITIES and ORGANISATIONS are either trying to uphold the rule of National, International and Human Rights Law, and that we will, sooner or later, be protected by these laws.

C. Or that we can be sure these AUTHORITIES and ORGANISATIONS are complicit and/or acquiescent to these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and that National, International and Human Rights Law no longer apply - in which case our task will be to get the rule of these laws restored.

Later these records should become an information source - such as the INTERNATIONAL TRACING OFFICE set up to record the fates and whereabouts of Jews (and others?) after WW11. The information collected can then be used by the appropriate people for LEGAL, MEDICAL, WELFARE, HISTORICAL etc. records.

As well as being illegal the crimes being committed against us are contrary to the Principles and Values of all the major religions and ethical systems - so we will also be demonstrating to all of these people and AUTHORITIES AND ORGANISATIONS the huge disconnect between their professed Principles and Values and the reality. We will be showing their monstrous Doublespeak Doublethink Doubledo ignorance, stupidity and/or hypocrisy.

It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type torturers and butchers.

Please contact me and I will send you more information and our over 1400 ELECTRONIC TORTURE, ABUSE AND EXPERIMENTATION VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES.


Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch
MAIL: 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627



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Dear All

I hope you’re ok.

Below is the petition I sent to the International Committee of the Red Cross – ICRC

I also sent them my torture and abuse case summary.

I also sent them some articles, a petition and our over 1400 electronic torture and abuse case summaries.

Please email them to support me – you can write in your own language.

Please send your petition, information and/or torture and abuse case summaries to them.

The more petitions, information and torture and abuse case summaries they receive the better.

Please use all the email addresses so that they all know about us.

President Peter Maurer
International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC
19 Avenue de la paix CH 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 734 60 01
Fax: +41 22 733 20 57



Bcc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,

Please tell them we urgently need their humanitarian and advocacy assistance.

Please tell them that these electronic torture, abuse and experimentation, and organised stalking, human rights violations are crimes against humanity that are being done worldwide.

Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627



President Peter Maurer
International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC
19 Avenue de la paix CH 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 734 60 01
Fax: +41 22 733 20 57

Dear President Peter Maurer and the International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC

We need your humanitarian and advocacy support urgently.

This letter is to ask for your help for the many victims who are being attacked with Psychotronic (or Mind Control, Electronic, Directed Energy, Neurological, Non-lethal) Weapons.

As long ago as 1994 in Montreux, Switzerland the International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC raised the issue of Psychotronic or Directed-Energy weapons, also at the Geneva Forum in 2002, and also in 2009 at the 5th European Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons and at the European Conference.

In January 1999, the European Parliament passed a resolution where it calls “ for an international convention introducing a global ban on all development and deployment of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings. It is our conviction that this ban can not be implemented without the global pressure of the informed general public on the governments. Our major objective is to get across to the general public the real threat which these weapons represent for human rights and democracy and to apply pressure on the governments and parliaments around the world to enact legislature which would prohibit the use of these devices to both government and private organisations as well as individuals.”  (Plenary sessions/Europarliament, 1999)

In October 2001, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich introduced a bill to the House of Representatives which, it was hoped would be extremely important in the fight to expose and stop psycho-electronic mind control experimentation on involuntary, non-consensual citizens. The Bill was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services and International Relations. In the original bill a ban was sought on ‘exotic weapons’ including electronic, psychotronic or information weapons, chemtrails, particle beams, plasmas, electromagnetic radiation, extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation, or mind control technologies. Despite the inclusion of a prohibition of the basing of weapons in space, and the use of weapons to destroy objects or damage objects in space, there is no mention in the revised bill of any of the aforementioned mind-invasive weaponry, nor of the use of satellite or radar or other energy based technology for deploying or developing technology designed for deployment against the minds of human beings. (Space Preservation Act, 2002)

Please be assured that for years these weapons have been used to terribly torture and abuse victims all over the world.

We are a group of our over 1400 electronic torture, abuse and experimentation victims – please assist us

Please help us to get this electronic torture, abuse and experimentation stopped.

Some of our ELECTRONIC TORTURE, ABUSE AND EXPERIMENTATION CASES detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, physical assaults, surgical mutilations, ‘mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations.

Among other things the perpetrators of these crimes can place the human subject under continuous surveillance no matter where he/she is; they can monitor the human brain, including thoughts, reactions, motor commands, auditory events and visual images; they can continuously alter consciousness, introduce voices, noises, other disturbances, commands, images and "dreams" into the brain; and they can directly abuse, torture and hit bodies - including performing advanced medical procedures - from remote locations. The technology they are using is so advanced that it allows the controller(s) to see through the eyes of the targeted individual, essentially seeing whatever the victim sees.

Many of us are being tortured and abused in these ways 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – year in year out.

These are extreme and monstrous CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY - indescribably terrible in themselves - coupled with the ORWELLIAN secrecy and denial of any support at all that we are experiencing, makes them even more horrendous and monstrous.

We have contacted most Governments, Security/Intelligence Agencies, Religious Organisations, International Organizations, Human Rights Organizations, Universities, Scientific and other Institutions, and the International Media all over the world - over and over and over again – and have had our appeals for assistance, protection and/or publicity almost completely ignored and/or suppressed.

Some TARGETED INDIVIDUALS have been attempting to gain assistance, protection and/or publicity about these crimes since the 1990s - and even earlier - this extends as far back into the history of illegal ‘scientific and medical’ testing and experimentation as MKULTRA, COINTELPRO and the DUPLESSIS ORPHANS - and further.

We are still collecting CASE SUMMARIES from TARGETED INDIVIDUALS all over the world, and we have also advised them to send them to you - “THE SELECTED WITNESSES” - TO WITNESS, RECORD AND OPPOSE so that :-

A. We can be sure that as many people as possible know about these horrendous crimes.

B. We can be sure that these AUTHORITIES and ORGANISATIONS are either trying to uphold the rule of National, International and Human Rights Law, and that we will, sooner or later, be protected by these laws.

C. Or that we can be sure these AUTHORITIES and ORGANISATIONS are complicit and/or acquiescent to these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and that National, International and Human Rights Law no longer apply - in which case our task will be to get the rule of these laws restored.

Later these records should become an information source - such as the INTERNATIONAL TRACING OFFICE set up to record the fates and whereabouts of Jews (and others?) after WW11. The information collected can then be used by the appropriate people for LEGAL, MEDICAL, WELFARE, HISTORICAL etc. records.

As well as being illegal the crimes being committed against us are contrary to the Principles and Values of all the major religions and ethical systems - so we will also be demonstrating to all of these people and AUTHORITIES AND ORGANISATIONS the huge disconnect between their professed Principles and Values and the reality. We will be showing their monstrous Doublespeak Doublethink Doubledo ignorance, stupidity and/or hypocrisy.

It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type torturers and butchers.

Please contact me and I will send you more information and our over 1400 ELECTRONIC TORTURE, ABUSE AND EXPERIMENTATION VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES.


Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch
MAIL: 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627



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Internet surveillance by GCHQ, U.K. electronic intelligence agency, ruled unlawful

GCHQ not required to pay fine or delete any of the illegally gathered data

The Associated Press Posted: Feb 06, 2015 10:12 AM ET Last Updated: Feb 06, 2015 10:13 AM ET

Civil liberties groups brought a case against the U.K.'s electronic intelligence agency, GCHQ, after U.S. intelligence analyst Edward Snowden's disclosed the mass harvesting of British communications data by the National Security Agency.

Civil liberties groups brought a case against the U.K.'s electronic intelligence agency, GCHQ, after U.S. intelligence analyst Edward Snowden's disclosed the mass harvesting of British communications data by the National Security Agency. (Ryan Remiorz/Canadian Press)

United Kingdom spies acted illegally when they scooped up data about Britons' electronic communications gathered by the U.S. National Security Agency, a court ruled Friday in a landmark judgment against Britain's security services.

But the judges said now that details of the practices are known, they are within the law.

Britain's Investigatory Powers Tribunal, which deals with complaints against the intelligence services, ruled in a case brought by civil liberties groups against the electronic intelligence agency, GCHQ.

It said that before December 2014, "the regime governing the soliciting, receiving, storing and transmitting by U.K. authorities of private communications of individuals" gathered by the NSA contravened European Union protections of privacy and freedom of expression.

But it said the practices were now legal — because the rights groups' lawsuit had made details of the procedures and safeguards public.

The groups brought the case after U.S. intelligence analyst Edward Snowden's disclosures about the mass harvesting of communications data. Snowden disclosed NSA programs known as PRISM — which accessed data from internet firms such as Yahoo and Google — and Upstream, which tapped into undersea communications cables.

The groups that brought the claim — Liberty, Privacy International, Bytes for All and Amnesty International — called the judgment a partial victory. It is the first time the tribunal has ruled against an intelligence agency since it was established 15 years ago.

Privacy International director Eric King said the ruling confirmed that "over the past decade, GCHQ and the NSA have been engaged in an illegal mass surveillance-sharing program that has affected millions of people around the world."

The groups said they would appeal the ruling that the data-sharing was now legal to the European Court of Human Rights.

The ruling does not require GCHQ to pay a fine or delete any of the illegally gathered data, though individuals can ask the tribunal to find out whether their communications were intercepted unlawfully. If so, GCHQ could be forced to delete it.

GCHQ said it was pleased the court had found that it complied with the law. It also said the ruling "does not require GCHQ to change what it does to protect national security in any way."

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