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Pleading to the ICC / Plaider au ICC


I am in an emergency situation because being in a rather dangerous spot. 

Because of my PTSD, I tend to be compulsive because it is turning the knife in my wounded heart when I ask for help and don't get any. 

So regarding pleading to the ICC, do I need to be very exhaustive (I tend to be compulsive) and precise at first when my ''house'' is actually burning or can I shoot them my request a.s.a.p. at my best and go from there?

Thank you very much



Je suis dans une situation d'urgence parce que je suis dans une situation plutôt dangereuse.

En raison de mon stress post-traumatique, j'ai tendance à être compulsive parce que ça me met le couteau dans la plaie quand je demande de l’aide et que je n’en ai pas.

En ce qui concerne de plaider au International Criminal Court, ai-je besoin d'être très exhaustive ( j'ai tendance à être compulsive) et précise lorsque ma 'maison' est en train de brûler ou est-ce que je peux leur lancer ma demande au plus sacrant à mon meilleur et de partir de là?

Merci beaucoup

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The evidence is simply that while (at least in the US) government was busy declaring the rights of man, they were exploiting racialized slaves to literally build the country. The Constitution didn't protect man, it protected really rich white guys. In fact, in several states, slavery, the dominion of a man over his slave was written in the Constitution (see The Carolina Constitution). I don't know any Constitution that could scream elitist interest any better. Lastly, notice that while the rights of man were being declared, private property of the means of production was still in place. The Constitution therefore had the effect of protecting the elite de facto, despite making universal declarations de jure--without the material means, to be granted rights is an insult.

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Honorable Prime Minister of India

Mr. Narendra Modi


Dear Sir,


I would like to draw your kind attention to a specific case for which I and my family are being victimized since December, 2008. From visual spying of every details of my life, it was developed into an acute and continuous audiovisual spying with very specific shock response specific to my action and speech and it has been happening all over the world irrespective of my location in land or in air. I think this is happening with all my family members including my 7 year old daughter who is an U.S. citizen now staying in India with her mother. I have been working as an Assistant Professor in the department of Ceramic Engineering at NIT- Rourkela since 2011 and experiencing this torture continuously all through my working career at NIT- Rourkela. A brief detail of the features of the technology that is being used against us is given below.


(1) Acute audio visual spying

(2) Even a little bit of whisper from mind can be detected

(3) Impulse can be directed towards the specific part of the body

(4) Different kind of sensation like pinching, itching, hard impact etc can be given to my body that have gradually become very much specific to my talk, whisper and activity.

(5) Can give pain even in internal organ of the body

(6) Can suddenly give tremendous pain to my neck by bending, twisting and stiffening it so that I cannot erect it.

(7) Can accumulate smell from one part and spray it to other specific part

(8) Can control the performances of my brain. Can make me sleepless night after night.

(9) Can attack me with different hallucinations and dreams during sleep because they might have a control over your visual cortex.

I believe virtually all symptoms are caused by a satellite connection with our brains.

In brief, they have virtually crossed all limits even almighty God cannot dare to cross. A 24 x7 hours of continuous control over anything that I talk, do and even think.


I do believe that if Government wishes to end this crime, there is no power in the world that can stop it from happening. After all, these are only evil sources with very weak mentality, those have no real power. So, common people even with ordinary brain cannot defend it. Above all, there is no motive behind this kind of hideous, horrendous crime. I also believe that Government should have a control over this kind of satellite technology, so ISRO might be helpful in this regard to detect and find the criminals. Also, if this technology is under the control of Government, the same can be used to detect the criminals. I can give you a suspected list of criminals in this regard and if this technology is tested against them even for an hour or so judiciously, one can easily go to the roots of the crime. Basically, ultimately it depends on government what way they would like to think on it. Whether we want to go to stone age, where men have no security from any attack from nature or surroundings or else we want to live in a healthy and secured world. Again resistance may come from different sources to mislead government into treating this as psychological disorder, but if anybody thinks wisely that so many people not only in India, but all over the world are being affected with same kind of symptoms and which has been classified and proved to be because of attack using psychotronic weapons, then one can easily understand the fragility of such evil resistance from evil powers. And also to treat this kind of odd and awkward symptoms to be of any psychological root is also a crime in itself. Hence, I would like to request you to consider the gravity of the situation which is no less than people losing his/her right to live, think and act with any kind of freedom and being tortured mercilessly and take appropriate steps to eradicate these evil sources from the earth.


My Indian passport number is Z2700982 and ssn (USA) no is 421-57-4860.

My addresses during the year December, 2008 - April, 2009 were as follows.


December, 2008- Washington State University, Pullman

December, 2008- April, 2009- University of Pennsylvania, Locust Street, Philadelphia.


If you need any further information donot hesitate to contact me to my e-mail address.



Sincerely yours,

Sudip Dasgupta, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Ceramic Engineering
NIT Rourkela



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Feds Launch Probe of VA Hiring Practices_Albany Hired Researcher Despite Revoked License Thu, 20 Feb 2003

BNA is continuing its investigative report about the criminal investigation of the Stratton VA Medical Center, Albany. The investigation has uncovered multiple crimes and systemic violations that have put patients' lives at risk.

By M. Alexander Otto Medical Research Law & Policy Report The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., Washington D.C.

THAT 8TH FLOOR OF THE ALBANY VA MEDICAL CENTER WAS UNDER INVESTIGATION and the state of my late husband's liver was worse after going there because they just don't know what they are going!
Testimony recorded here:

So if you are a Vet and you need good services, pick a good hospital and inform your VA rep beforehand because the VA Administration have to pick up the bills if you are a Vet or a soldier!

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Законодательство, оружие будущего, незаконное психотронное нападение

Латвия, Рига (станция оружия будущего (SAB) (незаконное психотронное нападение)); Спрингфилд, Иллинойс, США (психотронная станция наземная (ЦРУ) (блокируют воздействие других станций стран)), не принятый законопроект (резолюция Палаты представителей 107 Конгресса США H.R.2799).


Организация Объединенных Наций
Генеральному секретарю

Talis Bedritis
35-18 Улица Земгале
Олайне, LV-2114



Латвийская Республика 4 января 1993 г. утвердила акт о присоединении к Конвенции ООН 1980 г. о запрещении или ограничении применения конкретных видов обычного оружия, которые могут считаться наносящими чрезмерные повреждения или имеющими неизбирательное действие (Женева, 10 октября 1980 г.), и приняла Протоколы I, II, III и IV (например, Дополнительный протокол I к Женевским конвенциям, запрещающий разработку и применение в вооруженных конфликтах оружия, снарядов и веществ и методов ведения войны, которые могут нанести чрезмерные повреждения или принести излишние страдания, см. CCW 1980: Конвенция ООН о конкретных видах обычного вооружения 1980 г. и её протоколы).

Я — студент Рижского технического университета. С конца 1998 г. сотрудники Бюро по защите Конституции (учреждения государственной безопасности) при помощи технических средств оказывают на меня незаконное психотронное воздействие. Технические средства расположены на объекте Бюро по защите Конституции (SAB) в Риге, Набережная Закюсала 3, на 21-м–23-м этажах телецентра.

Согласно технической документации бывшего КГБ на специальное техническое оборудование, размещённое по адресу: Латвия, Рига, Набережная Закюсала, 3, 21-й этаж, там хранятся панели управления, системы, специальное оборудование, технические устройства. Должностные лица Бюро по защите Конституции постоянно воздействуют на меня, подвергая противоправному психотронному нападению.

Башня и здание телецентра

Незаконное психотронное нападение на меня осуществляется при помощи технических средств, излучающих в моём направлении модулированный сигнал, который вызывает изменения в организме. Это воздействие является причиной нарушения работы органов, мучений, ран, ухудшения умственных способностей и других расстройств. Я прилагаю к своему заявлению медицинскую справку от 24.09.2001. Технические устройства ориентируются и настраиваются на меня по установленной там моей фотографии, воспринимая мое биополе.

В республике Латвии документы бывшего КГБ хранятся в Центре документации последствий тоталитаризма. В качестве информации я прилагаю копию выдержки из газеты «Zeme» («Земля») от 5 ноября 1998 г.

Сотрудники Бюро по защите Конституции при помощи технических средств осуществляют незаконное психотронное нападение на меня, причиняя мне физические страдания, в результате чего я потерял работоспособность и не получаю материальных средств, обеспечивающих полноценное питание, одежду, жильё. Мне причиняют моральный и материальный вред, нарушают мои права человека; нарушают установленные законом права на участие в деятельности государства и несение государственной службы, создавая такие условия, что я не могу продолжать учёбу в университете. Это нарушает мои права на образование и ущемляет мои интересы.

Под действие законодательства Республики Латвия подпадает проведение с согласия генерального прокурора осмотра помещения Бюро по защите Конституции и проверки технических средств, расположенных в служебном помещении, с тем, чтобы в результате следственных действий собрать материальные и письменные доказательства, достаточные для уголовного преследования должностных лиц Бюро по защите Конституции.

Я обратился в государственные органы Латвийской Республики, однако незаконное психотронное нападение, продолжающееся с конца 1998 г., не было прекращено до настоящего времени; порядок использования оперативно-технических средств Бюро по защите Конституции не обеспечивается; расследование либо не проводится со ссылкой на различные пределы компетентности институтов государственной власти, либо мои заявления остаются без ответа.

Юридический адрес Бюро по защите Конституции: Латвия, Рига, Улица Миера 85A, LV-1013, телефон 7025 407. Адрес станции Бюро защиты Конституции согласно техническим документам — Латвия, Рига, набережная Закюсала 3, 21-й этаж.

Эта гигантская станция выполняет важную функцию противоправной психотронной атаки в качестве оружия будущего. Сеть станций состоит из пяти конструкций [лазерных сканеров] системы VZ, большинство из которых расположены рядом со станцией в определенном порядке. Применение этих станций, основанных на технологии оружия будущего, является составом преступления, и т.д.

02.04.2001 я вылетел из Риги в Лондон, чтобы оценить радиус действия станции оружия будущего, находящегося в компетенции Бюро защиты Конституции. От Риги до Варшавы я летел самолетом авиакомпании «Лот», а от Варшавы до Лондона — самолетом «Бритиш Эйруэйз». Во время полета в самолетах обеих авиакомпаний я подвергался незаконному психотронному нападению со станции оружия будущего, находящейся в ведении Бюро по защите Конституции. В Лондоне я оставался в течение 9 дней, с 02.04 2001 до 10.04.2001, и постоянно проживал по адресу Латвийского благотворительного фонда «Ястребы Даугавы»: 72 Куинсборо Террас, Лондон W2 3 SH, тел. 0171 727 3157. В течение всего времени моего пребывания на территории Великобритании в отношении меня осуществляли незаконную психотронную атаку со станции оружия будущего, подвергая меня пыткам. 10.04.2001 я вернулся в Латвию.

Бюро по защите Конституции, осуществляя незаконную психотронную атаку со станции оружия будущего против гражданского населения, нарушает Конституцию, Закон о Бюро по защите Конституции, Закон об учреждениях государственным безопасности, Закон об оперативной деятельности, Европейскую конвенцию по правам человека 1950 г., Конвенцию ООН об оружии 1980 г., Международное гуманитарное право. Римский статут Международного уголовного суда 1998 г., ещё не вступивший в силу, включает в свой список военных преступлений применение оружия, боеприпасов и техники, а также методов ведения войны: см. статью 8 (2 )(б)(XX), копии прилагаются. Страница 158 обзорной конференции по Конвенции 1980 года озаглавлена «Оружие будущего» (Future Weapons): см. доклад Международного комитета Красного Креста для обзорной конференции по Конвенции ООН 1980 г. об оружии, часть III, (раздел II) (V. Оружие будущего), копии прилагаются. Ограничения или запреты прибегать к определенным методам ведения войны, предусмотренные Международным гуманитарным правом (МГП), исходят из предпосылки — запрета методов ведения войны, которые могут нанести чрезмерные повреждения или принести излишние страдания, IV Гаагская конвенция 1907 г. О законах и обычаях сухопутной войны и прилагаемые правила (Гаага, 18 октября 1907): см. статью 23 (д) положений Гаагской Конвенции (статья 23 в дополнение к запретам, предусмотренным специальными соглашениями, особо запрещает — (д) употреблять оружие, боеприпасы или вещества, способные причинять излишние страдания), и статью 35 (2) Протокола I.

Прошу Вас оценить соответствие работы станции оружия будущего, находящейся в ведении Бюро по защите Конституции Латвийской Республики, обязательным для для Латвийской Республики международным соглашениям, так же как и незаконное психотронное нападение должностных лиц Бюро по защите Конституции Латвийской Республики на гражданских лиц в Латвии и на территории других стран.

С уважением, Talis Bedritis

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The real Jesus Christ did not start any ''Christian religion'' and was NOT White either.  Now that does not mean that I am implying here that there is something wrong about being White, I am only stating the fact that Christ could not have hide among the Egyptians if he was a little white boy. 

Louis Riel finally broke from the yoke of religion and found Christ, who does not belong to any religion.

With all my love to the whole human race

We are ALL coming from Adam and Eve. Christ died ONLY ONCE for ALL the "so called" races because in fact, WE ARE ONLY ONE RACE, WHICH IS THE HUMAN RACE.

Nous venons TOUS d'Adam et d'Eve. Christ est mort SEULEMENT UNE FOIS pour TOUS les « supposées races » parce qu'en réalité, NOUS SOMMES SEULEMENT UNE RACE, LA RACE HUMAINE.

Nós TODO vimos de Adão e Véspera. Cristo morreu SÓ UMA VEZ para TODO o "então chamou" corridas porque aliás, NÓS SOMOS SÓ UMA CORRIDAS, QUE É A CORRIDA HUMANA.

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Big lebowski ask “why did ICAACT not demodulated the RF signal”

now I have answered this question many times on peacepink but labrat keeps spamming it around so I created this to link to so I don’t have to keep repeating my self

now what was the ICAACT RF scan about simple it tell you here

ICAACT provides RF (radio frequency) scanning - Free of charge.

The three phases of the testing:

1.Preliminary scan for (RF) radio frequency emission from the Human Body.

2.Obtain medical imaging of the area that has shown emission of RF- frequencies. The aim is to locate possible foreign bodies, UBO's (Unidentified Bright Objects). This is the responsability of the participant.

3.Final scanning for RF emission is done in a controlled environment. This is a repeat of phase one in a certified shielded room, also referred to as a faraday cage, to rule out the possibility that the signal might come from an outside source.

4.Surgery, under video monitoring to obtain, possible physical evidence admissible in domestic and international court. This is the responsability of the participant.

In May of 2012, ICAACT.ORG has a standardization in all of our scanning sessions. All Scans include a written report if found to be positive & a video tape of the session. All surveys and information are provided by ICAACT.ORG.

Now the RF scanning was based on what had worked before

A PI( Privet Investigator ) using a professional bug sweeper to locate source of RF being emitted from the body ....then getting a medical scan of that area ....if the medical scan shown some type of foreign body then to trying and find Surgeon to remove it ....

That was the whole purpose of the ICAACT RF scanning

was it set up to demodulated? Nope

was it Setup to prove every TI had an implant ? Nope

it was done as a process of elimination based on what had work before , plus we believed that finding and removing an implant would give us undeniable “the smoking gun” evidence to prove we were targeted.

You can read/download the RF scanning reports here

so back to big Lebowski question “why did you not demodulated the RF signal”

1) the ICAACT RF scanning was not designed to do that but to locate possible hot spots/areas on the TI body that were emitting RF they could get medical scan of that area

2) It would have been too expensive/technically challenging to expect people that were scanning for ICAACT not only to buy the RF detecting equipment but also to buy the “demodulating “equipment and be suitably trained

3) we were looking for the objective evidence I.e an implant you could hold in your hand and show in court

4) Trying to demodulate the signal inside the Farday cage would of ruined the results the spectrum analyser was emitting interference all electrical equipment does so we wanted as little equipment as possible , as the whole purpose was to show that RF was being emitted from the TI`s body and not from any equipment inside the Faraday cage

5) there no evidence that you can/or it would show you anything useful in Demodulating a signal that is used to target TI`s its not as easy as tuning into a radio station broadcast ….if somebody would set-up some type of method to do this I and members of ICAACT plus the TI community would I sure be interested in this and any result that were obtained.

Now when questioned Big turned out he had no technical qualifications , no equipment , thou he believed he had electronic bugs in his own house ….he thought it a waste of time trying to find them as the perps would just replace them …..

SO this guy Big lebowski sounds like hes suffering from victim mentality …and wants to lurk online all day poo pooing what every one does ….but can’t be bothered to try anything himself

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I learned that someone in my situation should never take sides in life, for example I stay neutral from politics... Also I know that I shouldn't criticize anyone (and I broke that rule so many times) cause psychiatrists in my head are telling everything I say to people in question... I guess I'll never learn. Now, since all cards are on the table, the one thing that can stop me is only my fear but I'm not afraid as I was some 10 years ago. Now, I make jokes of my situation and psychiatrists in my head, I wear Metallica shirts and hat... Although there are slim chances psychiatrists will ever set me free I'll try to enjoy my life as much as possible...

There is an interesting song from Thin Lizzy I sometimes listen:

There are people that will investigate you
They'll insinuate, intimidate and complicate you
Don't ever wait or hesitate to state the fate that awaits those who
Try to shake or take you
Don't let them break you

You can do anything you want to do
It's not wrong what I sing it's true
You can do anything you want to do
Do what you want to

People that despise you will analyze then criticize you
They'll scandalize and tell lies until they realize
You are someone they should have apologized to
Don't let these people compromise you
Be wise too

You can do anything you want to do
It's not wrong what I sing it's true
You can do anything you want to do
Do what you want to

Hey you you're not their puppet on a string
You can do everything
It's true if you really want to
You can do anything you want

Just like I do

You can do anything you want to do
It's not wrong when I sing it's true
You can do anything you want to do
Do what you want

Hey you
No can do
Hey you
Yes you

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Now watch this with the full headers, that's how I put K.O. my actual cyberpath
it lead me to his real identity

the source IP address is

Geo-Location Information

Country United States
State/Region WA
City Redmond
Latitude 47.6801
Longitude -122.1206
Area Code 425

X-Originating-IP: []
Authentication-Results:; domainkeys=neutral (no sig);; dkim=neutral (no sig)
Received: from (EHLO ( by with SMTPS; Sat, 28 Feb 2015 01:38:52 +0000

Received: from BAY181-W3 ([]) by over TLS secured channel with Microsoft SMTPSVC(7.5.7601.22751); Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:38:52 -0800

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gosh he really did come from peacepink, I was right!

benjamin debrah added a comment to your profile on peacepink

a ''benjamin debrah'' emailed me but I was not able to see his comment here:
To view the full comment, visit:

benjamin debrah

To view the full comment, visit:

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To disable email notifications for comments on your profile, go to:

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a ''benjamin debrah'' emailed me but I was not able to see his comment here:
To view the full comment, visit:

Here is his email to me:
Good Day,

How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on my email for the full details.

Have a nice day

benjamin debrah

So I went on google with his email address and got this:
This scammer in Ghana opens a new profile each 2 or 3 days....

Stolen pic from Dr. Robert Ritch, Founding President of von Graefe Society

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I recently finished reading Soleilmavis' book, 'Queen of the South'. I am currently reading her other one, 'Twelve Years in the Grave. I decided to become a member on this site because of a deep empathy for the suffering brought on by these evils. I am a prayer warrior on behalf of all the victims here. Thank you for allowing me to participate!

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Our brains generate a constant hum of activity: As neurons fire, they produce brain waves that oscillate at different frequencies. Long thought to be merely a byproduct of neuron activity, recent studies suggest that these waves may play a critical role in communication between different parts of the brain.A new study from MIT neuroscientists adds to that evidence. The researchers found that two brain regions that are key to learning — the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex — use two different brain-wave frequencies to communicate as the brain learns to associate unrelated objects. Whenever the brain correctly links the objects, the waves oscillate at a higher frequency, called “beta,” and when the guess is incorrect, the waves oscillate at a lower “theta” frequency.“It’s like you’re playing a computer game and you get a ding when you get it right, and a buzz when you get it wrong. These two areas of the brain are playing two different ‘notes’ for correct guesses and wrong guesses,” says Earl Miller, the Picower Professor of Neuroscience, a member of MIT’s Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, and senior author of a paper describing the findings in the Feb. 23 online edition of Nature Neuroscience.Furthermore, these oscillations may reinforce the correct guesses while repressing the incorrect guesses, helping the brain learn new information, the researchers say.Signaling right and wrongMiller and lead author Scott Brincat, a research scientist at the Picower Institute, examined activity in the brain as it forms a type of memory called explicit memory — memory for facts and events. This includes linkages between items such as names and faces, or between a location and an event that took place there.During the learning task, animals were shown pairs of images and gradually learned, through trial and error, which pairs went together. Each correct response was signaled with a reward.As the researchers recorded brain waves in the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex during this task, they noticed that the waves occurred at different frequencies depending on whether the correct or incorrect response was given. When the guess was correct, the waves occurred in the beta frequency, about 9 to 16 hertz (cycles per second). When incorrect, the waves oscillated in the theta frequency, about 2 to 6 hertz.Previous studies by MIT’s Mark Bear, also a member of the Picower Institute, have found that stimulating neurons in brain slices at beta frequencies strengthens the connections between the neurons, while stimulating the neurons at theta frequencies weakens the connections.Miller believes the same thing is happening during this learning task.“When the animal guesses correctly, the brain hums at the correct answer note, and that frequency reinforces the strengthening of connections,” he says. “When the animal guesses incorrectly, the ‘wrong’ buzzer buzzes, and that frequency is what weakens connections, so it’s basically telling the brain to forget about what it just did.”The findings represent a major step in revealing how memories are formed, says Howard Eichenbaum, director of the Center for Memory and Brain at Boston University.“This study offers a very specific, detailed story about the role of different directions of flow, who’s sending information to whom, at what frequencies, and how that feedback contributes to memory formation,” says Eichenbaum, who was not part of the research team.The study also highlights the significance of brain waves in cognitive function, which has only recently been discovered by Miller and others.“Brain waves had been ignored for decades in neuroscience. It’s been thought of as the humming of a car engine,” Miller says. “What we’re discovering through this experiment and others is that these brain waves may be the infrastructure that supports neural communication.”Enhancing memoryThe researchers are now investigating whether they can speed up learning by delivering noninvasive electrical stimulation that oscillates at beta frequencies when the correct answer is given and at theta frequencies when the incorrect answer is given. “The idea is that you make the correct guesses feel more correct to the brain, and the incorrect guesses feel more incorrect,” Miller says.This form of very low voltage electrical stimulation has already been approved for use in humans.“This is a technique that people have used in humans, so if it works, it could potentially have clinical relevance for enhancing memory or treating neurological disorders,” Brincat says.The research was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health and the Picower Foundation.
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Stay away from my cyberpath, he is full of shit at best. He is supporting the Westboro Baptist Church so that should indicate what kind of entity he is....he is Mark Martinez, Penelope Francis, Kachi  Wachi, Tabita Richards and others so far.  He is the one who sent visitors to David Dees' home or he is the one who sent himself,  (I think that is this second option because he is paranoid) that's the kind of entity I'm dealing with and he worked with Henri Kissinger.

Like I said to my friends, I am afraid that David Dees is not out of danger yet
It happens that I worry about David because of what Sam Vaknin says here: 
from 1 min 22 secs to 3 min 50 secs

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