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Int.Res.DH(99)258, DH (2002)30, DH(2004)13
M.P. Dillon Head of the Information & Evidence Unit Office of the Prosecutor, ICC
Dear Mr Dillon
Grazie per la Vs.del 27 novembre 2012 al sig.John Finch.
Gli Individui colpiti danno le loro testimonianze di fronte alla Commissione Presidenziale degli Stati Uniti circa il loro coinvolgimento involontario nel controllo mentale, le ricerche militari, e le vittime di tortura immateriale.
Queste sono vittime di questi crimini contro l'umanità ciò appare chiaro.
1425 New York Avenue, NW, Suite C-100, Washington, DC 20005 P
HONE 202-233-3960
FAX 202-233-3990
Hillary Wicai Viers - Communications Director -(202) 233-3960,
Questi sono crimini contro l'umanità secondo quanto definito dallo Statuto di Roma che include:
1. Schiavizzazione;
2. Imprigionamento ed altre gravi deprivazioni della libertà fisica in violazione alle leggi fondamentali delle norme internazionali.
4. Sequestro, Rapina, Schiavitù sessuale, prostituzione forzosa, Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, gravidanza forzata, sterilizzazione forzata, ed altre forme di violenza sessuale di analoga gravità;
5. Altri inumani atti di carattere simile intenzionale causanti grande sofferenza, o serio danno al corpo od alla salute fisica e mentale.
“Association against the Abuse of psychophysical Weapons e.V.”
Leaders: Waldemar Lotz and Swetlana Schunin
Swetlana Schunin Waldemar Lots
Hegaustr.24, Rabensteinstr.40,
76297 Stutensee 12689 Berlin
Tel: 0721/5043925 Tel:030/22150912
M.P. Dillon Head of the Information & Evidence Unit
- References: OTP-CR-70/07/002 also- OTP-CR-70/07 John Finch, Australia EM_T01_OTP-CR-00122_07 Soleilmavis Liu, China EM_Ack_OTP-CR-742_09 James Gee, China
To the Members of the International Criminal Court – ICC
Dear Sirs and Madams,
We, the German “Association against the Abuse of psychophysical Weapons e.V.” inform you about barbaric crimes. The question is the secret committing of crimes against innocent people in Germany, and in other countries of the world. An immense number of facts have accumulated, which confirms the military-medical experiments on peaceful citizens for decades, experiments with psychophysical weapons, which were performed without the consent of the people. The victims of these atrocious experiments and their families/children are forced to live with these conditions of psychophysical and social terror in spite of being law-abiding and conscientious citizens:,,
These “Non Lethal Weapons” or “Less Lethal Weapons” are of dreadful effectiveness and endanger the life of every individual, of the entire population of a state, of the whole world.
The consequences of their application surpass the ones of all known weapons of mass destruction. They unify all the inhumane qualities of the most barbaric weapons of mass destruction like the chemical, biological or nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Apart from the damages to the body of humans and animals, the secret manipulation and control of the mind, the thoughts and the human behavior is also possible; easily dissidents and politically interested people can be murdered, as these psychophysical weapons can act onto the physis of men up to their lethal exit. The residences and houses of irreproachable citizens are being transformed secretly into drill-grounds for these weapons. So as not to leave any traces of their presence, the Secret Services usually perform their experiments from a distance. We have reports, that the relatives of those victims of these weapons, who dared to address the courts with complaints, have been killed with the same weapons. There exists an uncountable number of still living witnesses, who anytime could give evidence of having been irradiated by these weapons. The citizens, who are being abused for such experiments, are being discredited, they lose their jobs and they are declared mentally ill.
According to the instructions of the Secret Services, those, who complain about this military-medical experimentations, have to be psychiatrized and handed over to closed psychiatric wards. Furthermore physical, health problems are induced, residences and houses fraudulently seized and the families destroyed, relatives and children brutally murdered. In the medical institutions of the state in many cases the irradiation injuries are kept secret, adulterated analysis data are issued deliberately. An essential part of the commercial medical establishments is controlled by the Secret Services in Germany.
The police and the public prosecutors are prohibited to investigate and to expose circumstances of irradiations and therefore the victims have no possibility to get forensic examinations. The media are not allowed to report psychophysical irradiations of the population. The European High Court for Human Rights and UN Court were informed about these crimes, but we did not receive any reply until now. We have exact information, that even in Germany there exist already thousands of victims, who are tortured, tormented and some of them killed.
These victims of radiation and mind control from Germany have been killed: Hanz Kümmer 1990, Sonja Dietrich 2002, Ingrid Hassel 2003, Heiner Gehring 2004, Nadeshda Felsing 2004, Agnes Roth 2005, Waldemar Weber 2005, Erika Kaltenstadler 2006, Eveline Stampehl 2007, Gabriele Müller 2007, Peter Heiwig 2007, Christian Schäffer 2009, Markus Bott 2009, Emilia Weigel 2010, Viktor Voght 2010, Anna Schmidt 2010, Chris Petzold 2010, Renate Bott, 2010, Victoria Brückner 2011;
This new form of crime has to stop and the criminals have to be called to account in front of an International Court. We own an official list of German victims, of their signed reports. Already in the year 2005 more than two hundred German victims turned to the European Commission for Human Rights with a petition. In the years 2006 and 2007 almost all members of the German Federal Diet were informed, that German citizens are secretly tormented by psychophysical weapons.
We are aware, that Germany, Russia, USA and other countries are violating the international treaties and conventions like the General Declaration of Human Rights (Articles 2, 3, 5, 7, 12, 28, 30 ), the International Pact about Citizens Rights and Political Rights,( Articles 2, 5, 6, 7 ), the Convention against Torture and Other Degrading Behaviour ( Articles 2, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, ); The Russian Government is violating its Constitution ( Articles 17, 20 Point 1, 21 Point 2, 23 Point 1, 38, 42 ). This weapon of the 21st century is more terrible than the atomic weapon, although it is classified as a “Non-Lethal Weapon”, which however does not conform to reality. Its application can lead to the extinction of all life in whole regions.
Many scientists Prof. Gurow, Dr. M. Persinger, Dr. Nick Begich, Prof. Dr. Ernst Senkowski, Dr. Jose M.R.Delgado, Prof. Anissimow, Igor Smirnov, Dr. Warnke, Elena Blinnikova-Vjasemskaja, Prof. Bechterev, Dr. Kandyba, Prof. M. Vonogradov and others warn as well, that weak, enduring irradiation can cause debility in humans, destroys the immune system and thus causes severe illnesses, up to killing people.
The value of a human being nowadays is more and more considered only with economic points of view.
We turn to you, dear Sirs and Madams, and we hope that the Resolution A4-0005/99 of the European Union, which prohibits the development and the stationing of such weapons, can be realized soon. Unfortunately our manifold reports to the authorities of the government were not successful; they were simply ignored by them!
We ask you therefore to take an interest in this issue. Please do not close your eyes from this barbarity.
With sincere respect and best wishes
The Chairwoman of the Association
Swetlana Schunin
Vice- President Waldemar Lotz
28.12.2012, Stutensee, Germany
I refer to the complaints of 1) Mr. John Finch, 2) Ms. Swetlana Schunin, Chairwoman of the Verein gegen den Missbrauch¨Psychotronischer Waffen = Association Against The Abuse Of Psychophysical Weapons e.V.”, of which I enclose a copy.
To their contents I essentially adhere, so that I hope that things will now be seriously examined.
On this occasion I also take the liberty to again send you the following documents :
1) Declaration Of Concerned Citizens,
2) list of the subscribers,
3) a few personal ideas about national laws. (Point 1 and 2, in a non-technical way, give an idea of what it is about.)
I hope to hear from you about what the ICC will do against the unspeakable crimes against humanity that are being perpetrated at a distance by technical means.
Respectfully Yours,
Jean Verstraeten[2]
2Also e.g. biological weapons, chemical weapons, hypnosis etc. may be used.
3I am myself a victim. Already in the sixties I would have been it. This, however, I was told by paranormal sources, so that up till now I don’t dispose of hard proof in the sense of the law and the judiciary. I can add, nevertheless, that according to measurements proceeded to in July of 2012 in Brussels, 29 points in my body were found to be positive. Does this mean that such a number of implants were brought in? Even to (alleged) victims this remains an open question,
Dear M.P. Dillon and human rights team,
Reference # OTP-CR-70/07
I am a victim of remote electronic torture and remote mind control technologies as well as crimes committed by organized stalking groups. I have sought help from every possible source, including state police, FBI, and even the president of the USA. . .and my situation remains critical with no help in sight. My homes, businesses, jobs and vehicles have been destroyed by Hitler-style tactics! My life has become like a holocaustal nightmare. I feel that I will not be able to survive this for much longer. . .and I fear for the thousands of victims who are also being tortured and literally destroyed and do not realize what is happening to them. These victims include members of my own family, whom I can no longer reach due to heavy targeting and threats to kill my children if I go near them...etc. Words can not express how critical my situation is. Time is running out us for me. I beg you, PLEASE help me and other victims of these atrocities as quickly as possible. PLEASE!!!!
Please view the attached file and this part of my case history:
Reference: OTP-CR-70/07/002
also- OTP-CR-70/07 John Finch, Australia EM_T01_OTP-CR-00122_07 Soleilmavis Liu, China EM_Ack_OTP-CR-742_09 James Gee, China
M.P. Dillon Head of the Information & Evidence Unit Office of the Prosecutor, ICC
Dear Mr Dillon
THE PRESIDENTIAL COMMISSION FOR THE STUDY OF BIOETHICAL ISSUES 1425 New York Avenue, NW, Suite C-100, Washington, DC 20005 PHONE 202-233-3960 FAX202-233-3990 Hillary Wicai Viers -Communications Director -(202) 233-3960,
Merci de faire circuler . Nous sommes en danger .Aucune réponse du gouvernement ni de parlementaires pour nous protéger. nous sommes otages. Merci de faire attention à mon nom. Tous mes journaux sont sur mon ordinateur
armes à énergie dirigée et dispositifs de psycho-technologie. Demande d'intervention urgente pour les personnes sous « surveillance policière » bien qu'innocentes
Monsieur le Premier Ministre,
Je me permets de solliciter de nouveau votre attention sur le sort des personnes victimes d'un ciblage les ayant mises sous contrôle d'armes à énergie dirigée et armes psychotroniques à leur insu et malgré leur innocence (dispositif du type neurophone – surveillance avec envoi de commentaires parlés, images subliminales, modifications des états émotionnels et agressions électromagnétiques à distance).
Je suis pour ainsi dire otage et soumise, comme beaucoup , à des douleurs si je communique trop. J'ai eu le 3 janvier des commencements d'échauffements des os et douleurs articulaires. J'ai été soumise à une « pluie » continue de radiations envoyées depuis le 31 décembre au soir. On ne me laisse pas dormir suffisamment depuis deux ans (quoique subissant ces armes depuis 3 ans) – je suis épuisée. On me torture et me fait chanter aux douleurs quelque soit le mouvement que je fasse. Bien que le « contrat de mort de février – mars 2011 dénoncé par certains opérateurs (V2K) » ait été nié lors d'un autre envoi d'énergie avec V2K, la volonté de me tuer ou pousser au suicide est toujours manifestée. Je n'en peux plus de courir dans toute l'Europe et d'avoir ce traitement infligé partout. Pire qu'une terroriste.
Les armes à énergie dirigée et les armes psychotroniques (psychotechnologies) entrent dans la catégorie des armes non-létales. Ainsi que l'UNIDIR le précise, le problème des armes non létales est qu'elles ne sont pas non létales. De plus, certaines étant duales (civiles et militaires) - des rapports montrent qu'elles peuvent être utilisées pour un contrôle de la population.
Les armes non létales sont destinées à retarder, bloquer et vaincre un adversaire potentiel sur le plan stratégique.
Nul n'est à l'abri d'une dénonciation calomnieuse. Des victimes d'agressions électromagnétiques intenses ont appris qu'elles étaient fichées alors qu'elles n'ont jamais fait l'objet de condamnation et ne sont PAS terroristes.
En réponse à une question d'un parlementaire du groupe UMP en 2003 et 2004, le gouvernement reconnaît que certaines technologies peuvent permettre de modifier le comportement humain - par exemple par l'envoi d'images subliminales mais que les essais sur l'être humain ne sont pas autorisés dans le cadre de recherche licite. Néanmoins, les armes mises à disposition des services sont de plus en plus sophistiquées et leur usage n'est nulle part encadré.
Victimes :
Les symptômes dont souffrent les victimes sont : sensations de brûlures, maux de tête, insomnies partielles ou totales, hyperthyroïdie, acouphènes, sons aigus , arrêts cardiaques, boursouflures, pertes d'équilibre, hallucinations, harcèlement par des voix de personnes.
Les victimes ont peine à trouver des preuves par le fait que les armes fonctionnent à distance et sont presque invisibles et sont méconnues.
L'usage des armes et dispositifs est soumis aux conventions générales interdisant la torture et ces pratiques mais le nombre des victimes, de toutes professions, croît en silence. Ainsi, Maurizio Bassetti, ex-trésorier de la chambre des députés italienne, raconte son témoignage dans son livre Les secrets de Montecitorio, Mauss, Malatempora . Certaines victimes meurent ou se suicident. Nos proches sont menacés. (Plusieurs dizaines en France , 1200 en Allemagne selon l'Association de victimes S. Schunin).
Depuis 2005, les parlementaires du Bundestag ont présenté plusieurs pétitions demandant des peines plus sévères pour les abus, la possession, le commerce des armes électroniques déclenchées à distance. Ce projet de loi visait à protéger les personnes qui subissent des tortures électromagnétiques à distance.
Demandons des mesures immédiates pour protéger les personnes qui subissent des tortures électromagnétiques dans le plus grand secret.
L'armée et la police ayant recours à des sociétés privées pour accomplir les missions qui leur reviennent, la trace du ciblage des personnes remontant pour certaines à plusieurs années pour moi-même à 2009 ou 2010, une proposition du type de la proposition des victimes américaines au FBI pourrait être envisageable.
création d'un n° d'appel d'urgence pour les victimes
Détection par les services de l'état de l'agression électromagnétique et de sa source
Suppression du ciblage de la victime et du harcèlement électromagnétique.
Recherche d'implant éventuel ou liquide (type RFID ou autre) recevant et émettant des ondes
Ces armes doivent être destinées à la défense nationale et la surveillance anti-terroriste et non contre des citoyens innocents.
Nous avons besoin d'un médiateur et de protection.
Rappel historique
Dès 1998, le professeur CHANGEUX, président de la commission française bioéthique prévient des dangers que constitue le développement de l'imagerie cérébrale . « Bien que l’équipement nécessaire soit encore très spécialisé, il sera devenu [bientôt] banal et capable d’être utilisé à distance. Cela ouvrira la voie à des abus tels que la violation de la liberté personnelle, le contrôle du comportement et du lavage de cerveau. C’est loin d’être de la science fiction et concerne un risque grave pour la société.>> (<>.Vol 391,1998)1 ».
En 2003, la pétition française 1168/2003 contre les dérives des armes à énergie dirigée signée par 115 personnes et présentée au Parlement européen par l'association du CAPT déjà citée souligne que « les rapports d’experts (dont celui du STOA STOA PE 166.499) révèlent qu’il n’y a pas de législation efficace pour protéger les citoyens des effets pernicieux de cet arsenal, au cas où il tomberait aux mains d’agents publics agressifs et intolérants ou tout simplement de réseaux terroristes ou d’organisations criminelles ». De plus, les victimes ont peine à trouver des preuves par le fait que les armes fonctionnent à distance et sont presque invisibles et méconnues.
La commission répondit en 2004 que le développement et l’utilisation des technologies et des armes sont soumis à une réglementation dans chaque État membre de l’UE. Les armes à énergie dirigée ne sont malheureusement pas incluses dans les « dispositions sur la restriction de certaines armes classiques ayant des effets indiscrimés ou causant des blessures superflues ». Néanmoins, la commission souligne, qu'en ce qui concerne les implications de ces technologies sur les droits de l’homme, « la torture et tous les autres traitements ou punitions cruels, inhumains et dégradants sont interdits, sans la moindre exception ».
La liste des armes à énergie dirigée citée par la commission en 2004 - est extraite de la “Liste commune des équipements militaires de l’Union européenne soumis à des contrôles à l'exportations hors de l'Union Européenne en particulier vers les pays non démocratiques. – Nomenclature M19 .
Toutes ces armes, comme les armes non-létales, présentent des aspects communs: elles sont conçues pour retarder, bloquer et vaincre un adversaire potentiel "sur le plan stratégique"2.
La classe d'armes M19 comprend des armes à laser, à faisceau de particules, des systèmes radiofréquence, du matériel de détection ou d'identification de la cible, des modèles d'essai physique et les résultats de ces essais, des systèmes à «laser» à ondes entretenues ou à impulsions spécialement conçus pour entraîner la cécité permanente.
La classe M22 concernant la recherche et faisant partie de la nomenclature des armes soumises à restriction d'exportation n'est pas détaillée dans la nomencalture et n'est pas citée par la commission.
Armes :
La liste des armes et technologies à double usage en 2004 (civil et militaire) est mentionnée par la commission (1168/2003 ) des pétitions mais non citée3.
En 2005, dans son « Tour d'horizon des technologies non létales», l'Institut des Nations Unies pour la recherche sur le désarmement , l' UNIDIR, cite parmi les Technologies à Énergie dirigée, plusieurs armes à énergie dirigée utilisant différentes sortes d’énergie électromagnétique - ondes millimétriques, micro-ondes à haute puissance. Le laser à diode de faible puissance, le laser chimique à haute énergie sont alors en préparation comme armes non-létales.
Parmi les armes non létales à micro-ondes à haute puissance, sont mentionnées les armes à large bande qui dégagent un rayonnement sur un large spectre de fréquences à l’aide d’un explosif brisant ou d’un générateur électromagnétique et les armes électriques de fréquence à bande étroite qui visent des cibles précises.
L’Active Denial System (ADS), dont le nom précise bien que cette arme est concue pour en nier les effets, est une arme utilisant l’énergie des ondes millimétriques pour chauffer les molécules d’eau dans les couches sous-cutanées de la peau, provoquant une sensation de brûlure douloureuse. Les effets de l’exposition sont proportionnels notamment à la durée de l’exposition (cf UNIDIR).
Initiatives parlementaires
Octobre 2001 le Membre démocrate du congrès américain, Dennis J. Kucinich, introduit un amendement pour arrêter les expériences « psycho-électroniques » sur des citoyens (non prévenus et sans défense. )
Assemblée Nationale 2003 – 2004 Questions QE 53689 et n°: 60800 adressées par M Claude Goasguen et M Santini, UDF au Ministre délégué à la Recherche sur « la recherche et le développement des psychotechnologies ».
Réponse du ministre de la recherche :« Certaines technologies peuvent permettre de modifier le comportement humain. Il en est ainsi des images subliminales, de l'utilisation de drogues ou de l'administration par inhalation de nanoparticules de psychotropes. En ce qui concerne les activités de recherche licites, il existe un dispositif de contrôle aux plans national et européen, le cas échéant. Au plan national, à partir du moment où ces recherches parviennent au stade de l'expérimentation humaine, comme pour tous les essais chez l'homme, elles relèvent de la loi de bioéthique promulguée en août 2004. [] L'application de ces dispositions implique que toute expérimentation ne répondant pas aux critères éthiques attendus est interdite.[] »
Depuis 2005, les parlementaires du Bundestag ont présenté plusieurs pétitions demandant des peines plus sévères pour les abus, la possession, le commerce …etc, des armes électroniques déclenchées à distance. Ce projet de loi, visait à protéger les personnes qui subissent des tortures électromagnétiques dans le plus grand secret.
Mai 2011, la commission bioéthique du Président des Etats-Unis, entend les témoignages des victimes américaines.
Septembre 2012 Réponse favorable de la commission des pétitions du parlement européen à la pétition que j'ai remise n°0496/2012 et transmission des remarques à la commission de l'environnement, santé publique et sécurité alimentaire et à la commission Sécurité et Défense afin que celles-ci soient prises en compte.
Extraits de la pétition :
Sécurité territoriale, étatique et européenne :
La surveillance de la population en Europe n'est pas interdite. Le contexte international tendu peut expliquer des excès de surveillance de la part des services de police ou de renseignements. Surveiller est un marché mais il peut être utilisé contre des personnes innocentes n'appartenant à aucun réseau.
L'utilisation des armes psychotroniques et utilisant des radiations telles que définies par le parlementaire américain Dennis J. Kucinich dès 2001 n'est pas interdite dans l'Union européenne.
• Surveiller ne peut dans l'Union Européenne telle qu'elle a été conçue être utilisé à des fins de tortures ou destruction de la vie mentale et sociale des personnes ciblées.
Objet de la demande :
La présente pétition demande la possibilité pour les personnes se sachant injustement ciblées par des armes de ce type, les faisant éventuellement souffrir ou les manipulant et les mettant en danger de mort potentiel étant à la merci des opérateurs manoeuvrant les dispositifs d'être dans un premier temps protégées.
A partir de l'exemple des récits de victimes certaines mesures pourraient être envisagées :
• le récit des victimes ayant pu échapper au ciblage étant très peu nombreux, cela indique qu'elles restent ciblées lors de leurs déplacements tout en étant traitées de façon différente suivant les régions et les villes
• Sachant que la surveillance et la police dépend des autorités locales, territoriales et étatiques
• Ne sachant pas par quel système on opère sur leur cerveau – télépathie, ondes sonores envoyées, lumières et modification du métabolime ce qui ne leur permet pas d'avoir une vie normale, dormir dans leur appartement, visiter leur famille, travailler et met gravement en danger leur santé
Nous présentons la présente pétition afin que le parlement européen donne à une personne ciblée ne portant à sa connaissance aucune puce électronique de reconnaissance
• de pouvoir faire des examens pour savoir le moyen par lequel elle est ciblée (puces,injection de liquide remplaçant les puces électroniques)
• qu'étant ciblée dans tous les états de l'Union européenne, cela ne peut relever que d'une erreur judiciaire
• de lui donner les moyens humains et techniques de présenter son cas.[et d'être déciblée].
[]Le silence étant propice au chantage, les parents, les proches des victimes ainsi que les scientifiques et opérateurs ayant développé ou mis en oeuvre ces dispositifs peuvent faire l'objet de ciblage et il apparaît important que soit rendus publiques les moyens de se protéger évoqués précédemment.
Et en France ?
Sur ces technologies relevant de la science-fiction :
Des articles de fond et d'actualité sur les technologies basées sur la maîtrise de l'électromagnétisme et visant notamment à lire les pensées et manipuler l'esprit humain.
Sur la nécessité d'une loi française contre le harcèlement électromagnétique
Ressources multilingues et témoignages de victimes
Témoignages de victimes devant la commission bioéthique du Président des Etats-Unis
[1/5] [
2PE A4-0005/99
3 liste issue du règlement n° 1334/2000 du Conseil européen réglementant les exportations.
Please sign the Petitions at the end of this article
how far in the future is the ban of psychotronic weapons?
by Mojmir Babacek
In March 2012 the Russian defense minister Anatoli Serdjukov said: “The development of weaponry based on new physics principles; direct-energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, etc., is part of the state arms procurement program for 2011-2020,”
The world media reacted to this hint on the open use of psychotronic weapons by the publication of scientific experiments from the 1960‘s where electromagnetic waves were used to transmit simple sounds into the human brain. However, most of them avoided saying that since then extensive scientific research has been carried out in this area throughout the world. Only a Colombian newspaper, El Spectador, published an article covering the whole scale of the achievements of this research (computerized English translation British Daily Mail, as another exception, wrote that research in electromagnetic weapons has been secretly carried out in the USA and Russia since the 1950’s and that „previous research has shown that low-frequency waves or beams can affect brain cells, alter psychological states and make it possible to transmit suggestions and commands directly into someone’s thought processes. High doses of microwaves can damage the functioning of internal organs, control behaviour or even drive victims to suicide.” targets-foes-zombie-gun-attack-victims-central-nervous-system.html#ixzz2DPaQUNBO.
In 1975, a neuropsychologist Don R. Justesen, the director of
Laboratories of Experimental Neuropsychology at Veterans Administration Hospital in Kansas City, unwittingly leaked National Security Information. He published an article in “American Psychologist” on the influence of microwaves on living creatures’ behavior. In the article he quoted the results of an experiment described to him over a phone conversation by his colleague, Joseph C. Sharp, who was working on Pandora, a secret project of the American Navy. Don R. Justesen wrote in his article: “By radiating themselves with these ‘voice modulated’ microwaves, Sharp and Grove were readily able to hear, identify, and distinguish among the 9 words. The sounds heard were not unlike those emitted by persons with artificial larynxes” (pg. 396).
That this system was later brought to perfection is proved by the document which appeared on the website of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1997, where its Office of Research and Development presented Departments of Defense’s project: “Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect”. In the description it said: “An innovative and revolutionary technology is described that offers a low-probability-of-intercept radiofrequency (RF) communications. The feasibility of the concept has been established using both a low intensity laboratory system and a high power RF transmitter. Numerous military applications exist in areas of search and rescue, security and special operations”
In January 2007 the Washington Post wrote on the same subject: “In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone's head... Rich Garcia, a spokesman for the research laboratory's directed energy directorate, declined to discuss that patent or current or related research in the field, citing the lab's policy not to comment on its microwave work. In response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed for this article, the Air Force released unclassified documents surrounding that 2002 patent -- records that note that the patent was based on human experimentation in October 1994 at the Air Force lab, where scientists were able to transmit phrases into the heads of human subjects, albeit with marginal intelligibility. Research appeared to continue at least through 2002. Where this work has gone since is unclear -- the research laboratory, citing classification, refused to discuss it or release other materials“
We can only stress again that the world media avoid publishing the full scale of the progress in the research of the remote control of human nervous system. Dr. Robert Becker, who was twice nominated for Nobel Prize for his share in the discovery of the effects of pulsed fields at the healing of broken bones, wrote in his book “Body Electric” about the experiment from 1974 by J. F. Schapitz, released due to the Freedom of Information Act request. J.F. Schapitz stated: “In this investigation it will be shown that the spoken word of hypnotist may also be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain - i. e. without employing any technical devices for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously.” In one of the four experiments subjects were given a test of hundred questions, ranging from easy to technical ones. Later, not knowing they were being irradiated, they would be subjected to information beams suggesting the answers to the questions they had left blank, amnesia for some of their correct answers, and memory falsification for other correct answers. After 2 weeks they had to pass the test again (Dr. Robert Becker: Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of
Life, William Morrow and comp., New York, 1985, The results of the second test were never published. It is rather evident that in those experiments the messages were sent into human brain in ultrasound frequencies which the human brain perceives, but of which the subject is unaware. Dr. Robert Becker, due to those publications and his refusal to support the building of the antennae for the communication with submarines in brain frequencies, lost financial support for his research which meant an end to his scientific career.
Transmitting human speech into the human brain by means of electromagnetic waves is apparently, for the researchers, one of the most difficult tasks. It must be much easier to control human emotions which motivate human thinking, decision making and actions. People who claim to be victims of experiments with those devices complain, aside of hearing voices, of false feelings (including orgasms) as well of aches of internal organs which the physicians are unable to diagnose.
In November 2000 the Committee on Security of the Russian State Duma stated that capabilities enabling remote control of the human nervous system or the remote infliction of health impairment are available to many modern governments It is rather evident that those technologies are used, in conflict with the Nuremberg code, for experiments on unwitting human subjects. In 2001 the newspaper of the U.S. army, Defense News, wrote that Israel was experimenting with those weapons on Palestinians As well ousted Honduran president Manuel Zelaya, while under siege in Brazilian embassy in Honduras, complained that he had been subjected to an "electron bombardment with microwaves" which produces "headache and organic destabilization" When asked by Amy Goodman from Democracy Now: „As president, do you know about this in the Honduran arsenal?” He replied: „Yes, of course“ The use of those weapons is time and again reemerging in times of political crisis. According to Russian daily newspapers, during the failed putsch against Mikhail Gorbachov in 1991, general Kobets warned the defenders of the Russian White House that mind control technology could be used against them (Komsomolskaya Pravda, September 7,1991, O. Volkov, „Sluchi o tom chto nam davili na psychiku nepotverzdalis. Poka“). After the putsch, the vice president of the League of Independent Scientists of the USSR, Victor Sedlecki, published a declaration in the Russian daily Komsomolskaya Pravda where he stated: :As an expert and a legal entity I declare that mass production ... of psychotronic biogenerators was launched in Kiev (this is indeed a very serious issue). I cannot assert for sure that that were exactly Kiev generators that were used during the putsch... However, the fact that they were used is obvious to me. What are psychotronic generators? It is an electronic equipment producing the effect of guided control in human organism. It especially affects the left and right hemisphere of the cortex. This is also the technology of the U.S. Project Zombie 5“. He further stated that due to the inexperience of the personnel who operated them the attempt to use the generators failed (Komsomolskaya Pravda, August 27,1991, "Avtory programy Zombi obnaruzheny v Kieve",
In the USA, at present time, several hundred people complaining of the remote manipulation of their nervous system are preparing a class action lawsuit against the FBI, Department of Defense and other agencies, requesting them to release files pertaining to their persons, detect the harmful radiations aimed at their bodies and sources of those radiations. As well perhaps over 2000 people are complaining in Russia, over 200 in Europe, over 300 in Japan and tens of people in China and India. Russian politician, Vladimir Lopatin, who was working on Committee on Security of the Russian State Duma and introduced there a bill banning the use of those technologies, admitted in his book „Psychotronic Weapon and Security of Russia“ (publishing house Sinteg, Moscow, 1999) that in Russia experiments on unwitting citizens are carried out, when he wrote: „Compensation of damages and losses connected with social rehabilitation of persons suffering from destructive informational influence must be realized in legal trial“ (excerpts from the book in English -, pg. 113). It should be understood that most of those people pass through mental hospitals. Vladimir Lopatin visited the USA in 1999 as a chairman of the Military Reform Subcommittee of the USSR Supreme Soviet Committee for Issues of Defense and State Security and met with Richard Cheney. At that time he was described as the "leader of a new breed of Soviet dissidents". Then he disappeared from top ranks of Russian politicians.
Why has this research remained classified until present time? There are two explanations for this: First there is a secret arms race in progress in the world where the superpowers compete to gain decisive supremacy in this area and in this way master the control of the whole world. Second the governments keep those technologies in store for the case that they would not be able to control, by democratic means, the crisis that may arise as a result of their poor decisions. In both cases the era of democracy and human freedom in history will come to an end. According to the declaration of the former Russian Defense minister Serdjukov, there are maximally eight years left within which those weapons will officially become a part of the Russian military arsenal. For democracy this would mean a beginning of the end.
Anyway, in the past Russians were not resolved to put those means to work. When the construction of the American system HAARP was launched, with the system supposedly being able to target large regions of the planet by vibrating the ionosphere in brain frequencies (in this experiment the brain frequencies were not used, but the HAARP system can transmit in brain frequencies as well), Russia declared its willingness to ban mind control technologies. The Russian State Duma and consequently , the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Union of Independent States addressed the United Nations, OBSE and the European Council with a proposal for an international convention banning the development and use of informational weapons. According to the Russian newspaper Segodnya in March 1998, the matter was discussed with U.N. secretary general Kofi Anan, and included on the agenda of the General Assembly of the U.N.,, It is most likely the USA refused to negotiate this convention and in consequence the ban of informational weapons was not discussed by the United Nations General Assembly. Even in the U.S. congress appeared a bill proposing the ban of mind control technologies But this was only for a very short period of time. The bill was then changed and in the new bill the ban of those technologies was left out of the Space Preservation Bill. Neither the U.S. congress nor the U.S. president made ever an effort to ban mind control weapons. The European Parliament reacted as well to the launch of the HAARP system construction, when it called in 1999 for the ban of manipulation of human beings|PRG@QUERY|APP@PV2|FILE@BIBLIO99|NUMERO@5|YEAR@99|PLAGE@1&LANGUE=EN. The resolution was passed after the testimony of the American author of the book “Angels Don’t Play this HAARP”, Nick Begich, which apparently convinced the European Parliament of the possible use of this system to manipulate minds of whole populations. In the report by the European Parliament’s STOA (Science and Technological Options Assessment) panel “Crowd Control Technologies” the originally proposed text of the European Parliament’s resolution is quoted. There the European Parliament calls “for an international convention and global ban on all research and development , whether civilian or military , which seeks to apply knowledge of the chemical, electrical, sound vibration or other functioning of the human brain to the development of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings, including a ban on any actual or possible deployment (stressed by the author of the article) of such systems“. (40, pg CII, ref. 369). But apparently at the same time the European countries resigned on this intention when accepting the NATO politics of non-lethal weapons. The same STOA report claims that the USA is a major promoter of the use of those arms and that: “In October 1999 NATO announced a new policy on non-lethal weapons and their place in allied arsenals” (pg. xlv) and it goes on: “In 1996 non-lethal tools identified by the U.S. Army included… directed energy systems” and “radio frequency weapons” (at the bottom of the page, second reference pg. Xlvi). Directed energy system is further defined by the STOA document: „Directed energy weapon system designed to match radio frequency source to interfere with human brain activity at synapse level“ (at the bottom of the page, first reference, Appendix 6-67). Since 1999 those weapons have been upgraded for another 13 years.
In 1976 the future National Security advisor to president Carter, Zbygniew Brzezinski, wrote a book “Between Two Ages, America’s Role in the Technetronic Era” (Penguin Books, 1976, Massachusets). In the book he predicted “more controlled and directed society” based on the development of technology, where an elite group will play a leading role, which will take advantage of persisting social crises to use “the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control”.
The use of mind control technologies was predicted as well in the publication of Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College, published in 1994 The scenario for the year 2000 expected the growth of terrorism, drug trafficking and criminality and drew a conclusion: “The president was thus amenable to the use of the sort of psychotechnology which formed the core of the RMA (revolution in military affairs)... it was necessary to rethink our ethical prohibitions on manipulating the minds of enemies (and potential enemies) both international and domestic... Through persistent efforts and very sophisticated domestic ”consciousness raising”, old-fashioned notions of personal privacy and national sovereignty changed. As technology changed the way force was applied, things such as personal courage, face-to-face leadership, and the ‘warfighter’ mentality became irrelevant.”… “Potential or possible supporters of the insurgency around the world were identified using the comprehensive Interagency Integrated Database. These were categorized as ‘potential’ or ‘active’, with sophisticated personality simulations used to develop, tailor and focus psychological campaigns for each“. So the Institute of Strategic Studies supposed that in the year 2000 those technologies would be that advanced that it will be possible to deprive human being of his freedom and adjust his personality to the needs of ruling elite. Most probably those technologies were at this level already in 1994.
The attempts to make the general public acquainted with the existence of those weapons are, with respect to the fact that it is evident that democratic public would require immediate ban of those technologies, systematically suppressed. Vladimir Lopatin wrote: „The arms race is speeding up as a consequence of classification. Secrecy - this is in the first place the way to secure cruel control over the people… the way how to curtail their creativity, turn them into biorobots…”, and that psychotronic war “is already taking place without declaration of war, secretly… Only if the work on mind control problem is no more covered by the screen of secrecy, extraordinariness, mysteriousness, if complex, open scientific research with international participation, is carried out, the psychotronic war including the use of psychotronic weapon can be prevented”.
The article “Informacni zbrane ohrozuji demokracii a lidstvo” was deleted from the website of the Czech internet newspaper Britske Listy ( The sharing of the original web address of the English version of the same article – Means of Information War Threaten Democracy and Mankind – is blocked on Facebook and a similar article was deleted from the webpage of the Australian magazine “New Dawn”. This proves that the governments keep open the option to use this technology against their uninformed citizens. This is as well confirmed by the fact that there exist no legislations punishing the use of those technologies by governments. Only in Russia and some of the states in the USA there are legislations punishing the ownership or trading with those technologies by non governmental entities. For example in the state of Michigan the sentence for this crime is equal to the sentence for ownership or trading with weapons of mass destruction. The readers who will be reached by this article and prefer democratic political system would help its preservation if they forwarded the article to their friends.
Petition for the ban of technologies enabling remote manipulation of human bodily and nervous system by the U.S. Congress you can sign at the address: ,
by the U.S. president at the address:
By the Canadian government at the address:
Petition to all the world’s governments at the address:
Dear All
We had over 80 victims and supporters send Petitions, information and/or their torture and abuse case summaries to the ICC.
And that’s just the number who have told me – hopefully many more sent things without telling me about it.
So now we can be sure, at least, that the ICC knows that these crimes are really going on and that there is a problem.
I will forward you some of the Petitions and case summaries that were sent to the ICC for your information and records.
In the future I plan to ask everybody to send their Petitions etc. to:-
1. MS NAVANETHEM PILLAY - The United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights
I will send you the details.
Thanks for all your participation and help – we just have to keep trying.
Also it would be very good if we could get a case going at THE EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS – ECHR – or at least start Petitioning them.
If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627
I sometimes have times when I encounter so many parents with kids or young teens. They just happened to be around me but it happens almost anywhere I go. In Germany, I noticed the occurrence was the parents with kids stand to each other in about 20m distance. It's like how the Muslim beggars are sitting on the street around KFC in Karlsplatz in München. These parents with kids stand in such distance yet they just happened to be on every street like that way. When I walk on the street, these parents with kids often try to walk in front of me, so that their friend perps can observe the situation as if I'm following them for the child molester/pedophilia claim. Gang stalkers make a single person with no proper job respect in the society or the social status in the area as an easy target. They would claim that person is suspicious and try to harass the person. They might use their kids for the crime prevention reward or the compensation from the victimization. The teens are also recruited in the job for small money like few dollars/euros per hour. The reason is simple; they still don't have the sense of moral and ethics, they need money, surveillance and false witnessing are easy jobs comparing to the job opportunities at their age and skills. Not so many people can hang around long time on the street unless they are jobless or working as the plain clothes officers. The parents with kids are often a large family or a single parent with kids and they are likely to have some financial problem. The areas where the corruption is normal such as China, people do have the sense of reality with such dirty jobs.
The first few weeks, I did not have much trouble as a visitor. I'm finishing up my 'Gang Stalking in Churches' book during my stay. It would be a free PDF. I cannot sell my book so much, so I'm thinking to sacrifice my time and effort for the sample book. I might make a sample version with less pages free and the complete version priced.
This morning, I attended the morning mass. On my way, I saw a woman with a kid showing up from the left and started to work in front of me. I thought the perps might use parents with kids for the pedo/child-molester claim. The perps needs motivation and plans of what to investigate on their victim. The tendency here in Medjugorje is quite interesting, but they seemed to use the same strategies and claims they used before by other perps in other area. These conspiracies are added a bit by bit by other perps. For example, the Muslim conspiracy never made when I first visited Medjugorje in 2009. At that time, I was looking for the baptism opportunity and I asked Fr. Svet for the possibility. I ended up finding a church in Egypt where they had a Japanese woman working in the city got baptized a year before. The perps make up the claims for COINTELPRO and the victim is never treated as innocent from their conspiracies. So, when I saw the woman with a kid, I thought the perps would bring more parents with kids for the gang stalking.
Before the morning mass, I sat on the bench attached to the right side wall. I saw a young boy of the junior high age and he sat on the bench on the same line but his seat was behind the pillar near the VM statue. I saw him wearing a sweartshirt with US flag on it. Then I saw a woman with a small boy who sat at the back edge of the bench which I sat. The boy wore a trouser with a US flag on its right thigh. It seemed like the perps using the US flag for the psychological anchoring. If they use FBI or NYPD, it would be much easier.
At 2pm, there was an event to go to the hill where the Virgin Mary appeared in front of children. When I was climbing up at the very back of the group with a priest, I did not see anything strange. I did not see a kid with her mother till the 5th station. At the 5th station, we were praying the rosary and praying at the monument, a woman with a girl showed up from my left and they suddenly stood in front of me. The girl was holding a red umbrella and the woman had a purple one. It was a surprise to me as I did not see them on the sight till I saw them suddenly showed up from the side. I wanted to record the incident, but I was not sure if that was the only kid with the parents or some more showing up from behind. At the another station, I walked forward of the group to stay away from the kid with her parent. This time, the girl was following the priest and the girl started to pray Heil Mary with the mic after the prayer at the station. At her very young age, she could recite the rosary prayer. I'm not sure how many kids can do that, but I saw such strange thing at Casa Torfeld I, the refugee residence in Buchs, Aargau. At that time, 2 small girls invaded my room and started talking to me while I was reading my Bible. The smaller girl had a rosary hanging on her neck for the psychological anchoring while the older one was very quickly talking to me in English. I think that video is available on this blog, so you might be able to watch it or on YouTube.
At night, I went to the rosary prayer. I saw the group of middle age Asians, but they occupied the top left side benches. There was an event for the Franciscan Frama, the youth group, and the youngs were given the "T-shaped" pendants. It reminded me of the day of Hl. Korbenian in Freising. Kids received the Hl. Horbenian pendant from the group walking around in the church with the relic with the holy body. After the mass, some people were taking the picture of the young group participated in the fest, so I filmed that one for today's video blog. Indeed, there were lots of kids and teens showed up.
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In 2009,10'the electronic attacks tripled in frequency, intensity added physical injuries again.Intimida t i o n...Two weeks straight eardrum pounding,electro-shocks,needle stiks it feels like.Day and night.I suppose" they"don't want me working anymore.Always injured anyways....ha-ha I wrote congressmen,congresswomen,committees,subcommittees hoping to get some feedback.Being an injured constituent..By going postal on them,I noticed diminished hatred .Pain ,less pain I mean. I wrote for awareness the ethics,how lowlife ambulance chasing dirtbags this corporation is and not to be trusted.Speaking of trust,I've written the State Bar of Calif.they oversee the judicial,attorney misconduct,officially.Up until 2010 the rules of procedure for attorney discipline was an in house all attorney no outsiders good o boys raise your hand to vote for the chairperson,and no transparency!My complaint for attorney misconduct,for use of non-lethal weapons to manufacture,manipulate clientele for fraudulent insurance claims got turned down.Rule 5.21 case cannot continue if the complaint is over five years ago.
2/3/2013 update .After thinking a while,at before 90 day appeal deadline and reading info from Peacepiink that there isn't a time limitation rule for crimes against humanity via UN international law,and what about The Rule of Law here in the USA?I wrote the State Bar appealing their recent decision to close my complaint re.David P.Moyles of Boccardo Law Firm inc. of San Jose,CA. of moral injustice,moral turpitude complaints using non-lethal weapons in more recent injury attacks to rt. wrist tendon,blackout fall injuries to intimidate,coerce,and deception.RECIEVING their reply of appeal,they have many cases ahead of my complaint,and they'll contact me with their decision.....
Humanity's Right to FREE WILL Can Not Be Interfered With Without Serious Consequences, Which Will Restore It.
As I watch humanity being crushed by criminal use of remote mind control technologies, my heart has hurt indescribably. (Not to mention what is happening to me!) Its like watching a herd of sheep being lead into slaughter houses. . .only the sheep are people - good decent people. And with no law enforcement or government help this whole situation has appeared too hopeless. Sometimes my pain has run so deep that it folds into shocked numbness. . .until recently - until I began to reach beyond my own hopeless situation and look at the bigger picture until I could See more clearly.
As humanity blindly sits at the greatest crossroad in history - the largest battle between the forces of Light and dark. . .the dark forces seem to have forgotten that the usual universal rules still apply.
Throughout history, when the dark forces robbed a person of their FREE WILL they could not succeed with their aim, because in order to pull a person onto the dark side, that person has to FREELY choose that direction and NOT be forced in any way. They can be enticed, but NOT FORCED - not intruded upon, not invaded. . .and not deceived, because lies and deceptions take away FREE CHOICE which is what FREE WILL is about.
What is now happening to most of humanity, through the deceitful and criminal use of media mind control tactics and microwave technologies is a gross violation of human rights - the dark forces are over stepping their boundaries so severely that they are sure to instigate their own failure.
Last year, one of the higher level perpetrators of this holocaust approached me through a web forum. . .trying to recruit me and convince me that this targeting of humanity is really a good thing which will have a good outcome...etc. After I refused to be enticed, my account was invaded and his messages erased.
This same person recently leapt into commenting on an article I posted about mind control. . .again inconspicuously trying to convince me that there is nothing wrong with what they are doing to Targeted Individuals and the rest of humanity.
I found myself feeling shocked by the delusional justifications for using UNEXPOSED subliminal messaging and mind control in TV programs and movies as well as using drugs in conjunction with remote mind control technologies and microwave weapons, in order to rob human beings of their FREE WILL - their right to FREELY think and feel in the ways that they naturally would without such intrusions. Here are a few of his statements. . .
"But what man is doing is really an imitation of what Satan is doing. Even Jesus acknowledged that Satan is the ruler of this system. And even the Illuminati admit they follow Satan. What Satan does is drugs the people with entertainment and fleshly desires. And all the while a much greater issue is going on; which they are completely unaware of. And they mock those who speak about it, because it is too fantastical for them to comprehend." "Yes, pushing radio waves on us is against our freewill. But it doesn't rob us of our freewill. . .Just like Satan with Job, man can only INFLUENCE us to hand it over of our own freewill. But it was still an act of freewill by which we surrendered ourselves to them. If one finds them self without freewill, it is because they relinquished it."
"Yes, people can be hypnotized to do things they normally would not do; but being controlled by radio frequency is different; it's not hypnotism. . .Or as the Bible put it: "But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin...."—James 1:14-15"
I find myself wondering if this man, and the other criminals he works with, really believe that they have a right to play God and that lasoring people's brains with microwave energy is not seriously interfering with their ability to FREELY feel and think - their ability to FREELY CHOOSE - their ability to fully utilize their FREE WILL.
There is a HUGE difference between "enticing" a person and forcing a person or disabling a person's FREE WILL. "Enticing" is an exterior beckoning force. Forcing is an invasive interference or destruction of FREE WILL. . .like physically grabbing a person and forcing them or like drugging them or torturing them or shooting damaging radio waves into a person's brain until he/she numbly says or follows almost anything. And these are the things that are being done to humanity for decades now!
The real TRUTH is that forcing people into choices that they would not make on their own, even if there are underlying desires, (which have been being intrusively watched) is NOT allowing FREE WILL and is a gross violation of universal law as well as our basic human rights. (The same applies to preventing people from going in certain directions, which has repeatedly happened to me.)
On the milder scales: When radio stations, movies and TV programs are loaded with subliminal messaging and other intentionally harmful mind control tactics, WITHOUT informing the public of exactly what is in them and what effect it could have on us - without offering the choice of exposure or not. . .it is a gross violation of a persons RIGHT to CHOOSE - a person's right to utilize their own FREE WILL.
On the largest scales: The same laws apply to remote mind control technologies. . .even if their only use were to be aimed at whole communities, states or countries, in order to severely numb our minds - to prevent us from thinking clearly and making good choices, it is a severe violation that strips away our right to FREELY choose. Remote mind control is also being more intricately applied to individuals and families, since before the 1970s, in ways that rip away most of our FREE WILL, blocks our HEARTS and prevents the growth of our souls!
So much destruction is being inflicted with the criminal use of microwave technologies that its difficult to describe and face and would take many books to fully cover.But please believe that this atrocity is indeed happening, has been happening for many decades and has not yet been stopped by law enforcement, because of its deceptive control tactics.
But the bottom line here is. . .that the good news is. . .that this is all too horribly wrong to be allowed to continue for much longer. We may not see an end to it in our lifetimes, but that end WILL come and the HEART of humanity WILL BE FREE once again. It will.
Humanity's Right to FREE WILL Can Not Be Interfered With Without Serious Consequences. . .Which Will Restore It.
There is HOPE
Apparently there's a trust fund for human experiment victims? Who's getting this?
Is this why the handlers block communication to and from the victims? Is this why they stage deaths or come up with look-alikes/clones?
Is this why they want to program the people around to think the victims are crazy/psychologically incapacitated? So they can continually claim the victims need trustees caring for them?
Is this why everywhere the victim hoes - offices they work in, houses, etc - people in the circle try to come up with excuses to take the victims' photos? To make it look like the victim permitted for the photos to be taken to be submitted to those who gave the trust fund?
If I base it on the discussions, I believe no one. No one of us even knows the human experimentation done on us were permitted by people around us and that funds are being given as settlement.
I am not saying that it is OK to be experimented on as long as there's monetary settlement. DEFINITELY NOT.
No amount of compensation can ever equate to the harm done on us. Besides, if allowed to soar and succeed , we may even be the ones giving trust funds to worthy individuals (real trust funds, not guilt funds). Obviously, those they have targeted have genes that will make them successful if not curtailed intentionally.
However , I raised this issue because the reason why the electronic harassment continues is because it's the supposed guardians, caretakers who are allowing it to persist - the blocking of communication, the clones, the identity theft, it's those who have become privy to the secret being covered up who have taken advantage of the situation so they can siphon off the funds supposedly for the victims.
I, for my part, know that a large number of my perps come from the Non-Government Organizations or they are organizers of NGOs. It's an environment that's a breeding ground for such money-making machines - they depend on the secrecy covering the cases such as this. They take advantage of the fact that victims do not know there's a trust fund for them and that those giving it do not want to publicize what they are giving because of the guilt that comesw with it.
The obvious loophole in this system is that those who are serving as the channels do not become accountable to anyone - they therefore can get away with anything. With such large compensations in cumulative amount, it is expected that the corrupt will be enticed. Who will know? Who will dare expose them? They know they have both parties in the palm of their hands. They know they can make trouble for both parties.
To prove that they really are sorry about what they have done.
To prove that they really wanna help the people who became victims of an experiment that went awry.
That's even the best PR they can do - to show that they indeed have a conscience. That they wanna correct their mistake.
That's the best PR move and that's the most humane act.
And that will cut the harassment right at its root.
It won't encourage middle men to fleece their funds dry or to steal the funds meant for the victims. The victims' suffering don't end AND even escalates thanks because of the trustees' intent to block them from communicating with the ones giving the funds.
Why do they do this?
Because the funds do not go to the victims, the middle men pocket them instead.
That, and another thing.
There are scrupulous techies in the mix who play their part in hacking and stealing funds without being pinned for it because all parties - except the victim - are curtailed by the vow of silence they need to keep to cover their tracks. This set-up is replete with loopholes, it's a breeding ground for thieves.
You only can correct a mistake if you admit there is one.
You need to say sorry to the one you've harmed or hurt, not to the audiences who saw you hurt the person.
Otherwise everything's just but again a play, a theatre for everyone to see.
You either indeed want to make up for your mistakes or you just wanna wash the guilt off in the eyes of people who see.
by Beverly Ann Deepe Keever November 16, 2011 |
This article was originally published by Honolulu Weekly.
In the old-timey section of Kalihi, tucked between auto repair shops and boarded-up storefronts, Maza Attari, a Marshall Islander, lived with four family members in a one-bedroom apartment barely bigger than a ping-pong table. When visited by this reporter last summer, Attari had been unable to find steady work since being flown to Honolulu 12 years ago for back surgery that had left him with a severe limp and weakened muscles.
Attari’s circumstances exemplify the far-reaching impacts of nuclear testing upon irradiated, exiled or dislocated Marshall Islanders. From 1946 to 1962, their home atolls served as experimental grounds where the US detonated nuclear weapons and tested delivery systems in the transition from conventional to intercontinental bombers. In all, the US exploded 86 nuclear bombs in the Marshall Islands, which are situated 3,000 miles west of Honolulu. Those 86 bombs equated to 8,580 Hiroshima-size bombs–or 1.4 weapons per day for 16 years.
A one-time magistrate and mayor on Utrik, Attari said last summer that he doubted he would be able to return there, prophesying instead, “I’m going to stay here until I die.” He died in September of this year, without ever receiving the reparations that he and other nuclear victims have claimed.
The Debt
It is a debt that is not only owed them, but that has compounded over time. Because these nuclear weapons experiments were too dangerous and unpredictable to be conducted on the US mainland, Attari and other Marshallese are part of the reason for America’s superpower status today. A half-century later, the Marshall Islands continue to serve as a crucial part of an outer defense periphery for the US heartland–6,000 miles away. That periphery includes the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site, where for more than three decades missiles fired from 4,000 miles away (at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California) have crashed near Kwajalein Atoll, horribly frightening the indigenous inhabitants and leaving them unsure of where the debris will fall.
A Child Out of Time
Attari was 7 years old and living on Utrik Island on March 1, 1954, when the US unleashed the most destructive weapon in its history–the 15-megaton hydrogen bomb, code-named Bravo. It was early in the morning, and his family members leaped up when they heard a deafening noise. “Everyone was surprised,” he explains. Radioactive fallout contaminated the uncovered cement containers used for drinking water and local food. “Too bad,” US officials said when they arrived days later to begin evacuating 239 sickened inhabitants of Utrik and Rongelap atolls to the Kwajalein naval base.
Snow-like radioactive particles fell 100 to 125 miles away on property and persons on these atolls, who had not been evacuated beforehand or alerted about precautions to take.
The British government, between 1957 and 1958 conducted nine atmospheric tests, yielding the equivalent of about 12,000,000 tons of TNT, and the French carried out 193 Pacific nuclear tests yielding the equivalent of about 13,500,000 tons beginning in 1962 and ending on Jan. 27, 1996. The British and French data were recently gleaned from hard-to-find sources and compiled by University of Hawaii botany professor Mark Merlin and graduate student Ricardo Gonzalez, enabling them to reveal for the first time a pathbreaking, half-century panorama of the environmental consequences of Pacific nuclear testing conducted by all three nations.
The Things They Carried
As a result, many exposed Islanders have since suffered from or been operated on for abnormalities of the thyroid, which can lead to stunted growth, mental retardation and cancer. Like many on Utrik, Attari said, his sister died of cancer and three brothers with thyroid abnormalities have also died. Attari had not been subjected to surgery but he medicated his thyroid by daily taking US-supplied white, pea-size tablets called levothyroxin. He continued to be monitored at least twice a year by US Department of Energy medical teams who study Bravo-exposed islanders in a program kept secret for 40 years.
After three months on Kwajalein, Attari and other Utrik residents were returned home. But it was three years before the more severely contaminated Rongelapese, who suffered skin burns, vomiting, hair loss and diarrhea, were returned to their ancestral island. US photographers extensively documented the move–labeled “Rongelap Repatriation”–that included mug shots of the returnees.
The Pain of Exile
It caused some Marshallese to endure the pain and suffering of a long list of verified diseases and exiled them from their ancestral homelands where they had maintained their way of life and a self-sufficient livelihood. It contaminated their islands and marine life, in some cases for decades, if not centuries. It vaporized some of their precious lands and moonscaped others, as shown by the bombing craters on Enewetak.
The Bikini islanders, for example, were uprooted in 1946 so that their atoll could serve as a Pacific proving ground for the first US nuclear test and are still exiled today. That first test at Bikini inspired creation of the two-piece swimsuit that has ever since populated Waikiki and beaches worldwide. But Bikinians are ignored in their petition for more funding from the US government for land damages and numerous other claims that exceed earlier payments. The testing prompted one irradiated Rongelap woman to exclaim, Americans “are smart at doing stupid things.”
An Almost-Forever Poison
The Bravo H-bomb was l,000 times more powerful than the bomb detonated above Hiroshima and it was laced with plutonium, one of the planet’s most deadly substances with a radioactive existence of half a million years that may be hazardous to humans for at least half that time. In addition, Bravo and other US Pacific tests were launched in the atmosphere or underwater, which spewed radioactive mist, pulverized coral and snow-flake-like particles high into the air and, most disastrously, across the Pacific, landing on peoples and soils where it could be absorbed or inhaled for decades and will continue as hazards for a near-eternity.
Unwittingly and unknowingly, Attari and other Pacific islanders had been thrust from an oral culture into the atomic age; without a vocabulary word for radioactivity, they began calling it a poison and to describe themselves as poisoned people. Attari and the other Bravo–contaminated Marshallese entered history as the first-ever examples of the effects of radioactive fallout on humans who had escaped a nuclear explosion. Unlike the wartime victims of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic-weapons explosions, a historian notes, Pacific Islanders who experienced the peacetime tests are important because “they have already lived in what might be our common future.”
APEC and Forgotten Islanders
Attari and other Marshallese have battled for more than a decade in the US courts, before Congress and with the Bush administration for more funds to pay greater-than-anticipated costs of their health care, property damages, resettlement, cleanup, and compensation for their vaporized islands. A 1995 study by the Congressional Research Service advised Congress that the Marshallese health-related claims and loss-of-land methodologies were reasonable and appropriate but their multi-billion-dollar estimates needed more analysis. The islanders are still awaiting a favorable nod from President Obama, in town this week for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation conference.
Leaders joining President Obama this week hail from 21 countries including the Russian Federation, People’s Republic of China, Japan, Indonesia, Brunei, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, New Zealand and Hong Kong. But missing will be the voices and concerns of many peoples of the so-called Small Island States, scattered amidst about 25,000 atolls, islets and islands, that experienced the economic havoc and uniquely violent history that have transformed the Pacific region during half a century. Nor is the Marshallese multi-billion-dollar petition now confronting Obama and Congress on the agenda of APEC leaders, despite its relevance to the continuing controversy cast by Fukushima’s nuclear disaster.
Long before the fears of drifting contamination seeded by Chernobyl and Fukushima, Bravo and the other shots in the H-Bomb era produced radioactive components that encircled the globe, settling silently from the heavens. One exhaustive study titled “Atomic Audit” concluded that fallout and other residual radioactivity from atmospheric nuclear testing by all nations have caused or will cause through infinity an estimated 3 million premature cancer deaths. As a result, University of Hawaii scientist John Harrison explained, all organisms, including humans, carry the watermark of the nuclear era woven into their bodies, thus changing “the chemical signature of our bones.”
Guinea Pigs
Not until 1994, 40 years after Bravo’s fallout, did Attari and other exposed islanders learn they were used as human subjects to research the effects of radioactive fallout and of livin. Within days after Bravo, while still at the naval base to which they had been evacuated, Rongelap and Utrik Islanders were incorporated into Project 4.1. They were neither asked for nor gave their informed consent, nor were told the risks of the studies for which they gained no benefit.
Titled the “Study of Response of Human Beings Exposed to Significant Beta and Gamma Radiation Due to Fallout from High Yield Weapons, the document was classified “Secret Restricted Data.”
Seven weeks after Bravo, on April 21, the lead US doctor examining them, Dr. E.P. Cronkite, recommended to military officials in Honolulu that these Marshallese should probably be exposed to no more radiation for the rest of their “natural lives.” Despite this recommendation, after three years, US officials in 1957 assured the Rongelapese that their radioactive homeland was safe and returned them there. Rongelapese remained in their radioactive homeland for 28 years. They were shocked to learn that a 1982 US Department of Energy report indicated that parts of Rongelap, where some were living, “were as contaminated as those forbidden to humans.” As a result, in 1985, the islanders beseeched US officials to move them. The US refused. So 70 islanders were removed by the Greenpeace environmental organization. During those years on Rongelap, they lived in an environment that had been contaminated not only by Bravo and five other shots in 1954 but also by the residue from 17 shots in 1956 and 32 shots in 1958. Data on radiation levels from tests in 1956 and 1958, when combined yield greater than Bravo, have been requested by the Marshallese government but almost 50 years later US officials had yet to disclose them.
During these years, many Marshallese lost their lives or loved ones as exemplified by John Anjain, the mayor of Rongelap in 1954. Because of the fallout, he and four members of his family were operated on for thyroid tumors. His wife’s tumor killed her. His son, who was one year old at the time of Bravo, had a thyroid tumor removed when he was 12 and died seven years later from leukemia. The elder Anjain died in Honolulu’s Straub Hospital in 2004 at age 83.
Denying the Experiment
Anjain had accused US officials of using the islanders as “guinea pigs” for regularly monitoring their health for decades without providing them medical treatment. But in October 1995 an advisory committee appointed by President William Clinton “found no evidence that the initial exposure of the Rongelapese or their later relocation constituted a deliberate human experiment.”
Since being rescued by Greenpeace, Rongelapese have been living 100 miles away on Majetto Island, sustained by US aid. The US has provided $45 million to establish a Rongelap Resettlement Trust Fund that has led to cleaning up soil on parts of the main island but not on all of the 60 or so islets in the atoll that are used for food gathering. Some houses, a church, power plant, water-making equipment and paved roads now dot parts of Rongelap Island.
US officials are vowing this autumn to cut US aid to those electing to remain at Majetto rather than to repatriate home.
Rongelapese are reluctant to return. “Resettling the people of Rongelap under rules severely restricting their ability to move about their homeland, or to gather food from their traditional sources, does not constitute sensible repatriation,” Marshallese Sen. Michael Kabua, a member of the Rongelap Atoll Local Government Council, told a US House subcommittee on May 20, 2010. The people do not want to return, he said, “to a land where the future well-being of their children will be in jeopardy, and where they themselves cannot be assured of safety and security,” and where “they will remain as strangers in their own home.” And they remember the sad history of the Americans repatriating islanders to their heavily radioactive homelands on the assurance they were safe only to learn otherwise decades and heartbreaks later.
As recently at Feb 25, 2012, the Kwajalein atoll of the Marshall Islands was used as a target.
An unarmed (dummy warheads ) test missile was fired from Vandenberg Space Command/ Air Force Base near Lompoc in Santa Barbara county.
The missile was an Minuteman III high speed, solid fuel ICBM. It is a hydrogen bomb delivery system.
The test has dummy warheads, but at this moment there are 450 silos all over the midwest of the United States with ICBM in hardened silos with thermonuclear warheads. These missiles remain on hair trigger alert, keeping the world in danger every second.
A thermonuclear warhead is not a weapon until it has an effective delivery system. stop the ICBM testing at Vandenberg.
see for what you can do to stop these launches.
Support Dan Ellsberg, Cindy Sheehan, Fr. Louie Vitale, Judy Talaugon, Carolee Krieger, Webb Mealy, Nichola Torbett, David Krieger, Leslie Angeline, Lynn Hamilton, John Amidon, Mark Kelso, Toby Blome and Cynthia Papermaster who were arrested on 2/25 protested the the ICBM launch to the Marshall Islands.
Please read Ms. Keever's wonderful book, News Zero , which details the crimes against the Marshallese.
yours for peace
MacGregor Eddy
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom DISARM committee, Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power is Space.
1. (Performing Arts / Theatre) a brief satirical theatrical sketch
a. To smooth or clean (feathers) with the beak or bill.

Preen of creative directors—Ruffner, 1983.
SKITS-o-PREEN-ya: To taunt, to gloat via skits; To train via skits ; To smooth or clean [what? evidence? a crime scene?] via skits.
DO SKITS-o-PREEN-ya help?
No, they don't.
They are meant just to do what the COINed word indicates.
It's meant to drive you bonkers.
If you are a rape victim and you were traumatized by it, would you want me to ask somebody to rape you over and over to help you get over the trauma?
Or do you want to see somebody else raped to jog your memory about what really happened?
If the first time does not make you "remember" what I want you to "remember", do you want me to do it again?
And again and again and again..?
If somebody you know was murdered and I want you to get over the pain, do you want me to have somebody murdered again so you will get used to it? If the first try does not work, how many people do you still want to see murdered so you will be cured of your trauma? Do you want me to ask for donations so we can pay off global actors who can make the skits more realistic, more creative?
Do you want me to bombard you with stories, news about some people in your circle who died, murdered so you will know you are not alone?
In the meantime, will you understand if we laugh at your expense (this is the only thing we'll get out of doing this very altruistic program for you), taunt you, gloat at you so we can elicit the response that we need to get you to join our program?
And while we're at it, we will also make it less boring to engage more participants(we hope you understand) so we will bet on who's gonna be successful in getting a rise out of you.
No, that anger that you feel? It isn't true. You are not angry at all. It's just an emotion that you need so you can process your issues. You need to be angry so we will have articles to write and sell -errr - to submit to those funding us - err - so you can identify the root of your problem and get to the bottom of it.
Uh? Do they not realize they are the root of the problem? The leaves? The branches... The tree.
What do they not understand in: "Stop, you are hurting me. Stop, you are slowly killing me... Stop, you have been destroying my life all along..."?
What do they not understand in: You know what makes me angry? That you lie to the bone! That you want me to thank you for deceiving me from then till now. You could so easily choose the easiest way for all of us - tell the truth straight out, yet you choose to continue to let me live in a world of lies.
You do not have to waste all our lives trying to keep covering up the lies. You need not even waste all the resources just so you can set-up curtains over curtains over curtains on the stage of deception you all maintain to continually dupe me.
The truth doesn't even need even a PESO to tell.
It's free.
It's freeing.
Not only to the victims.
But to all those involved in the lie.
Why do perps and victim-slash-perps choose to live a life of SKITS-o-PREEN-ya then?
Men Behind Hitler - A German Warning to the World

As I did a bit of research on "Agenda 21" this is what I found. Not much is said about the "depopulation" part. . .perhaps because its too outrageously criminal? But these sites do address the impending loss of our freedom, private property ownership and the growing fight against implementations of Agenda 21 - a deceitfully masked marshal law.
I feel proud of my birth state - New Hampshire for making a stand against Agenda 21's masked marshal law applications:
Agenda 21 Videos
I just posted to your blog post, but you have indicated that only selected comments are allowed by you, so I'm starting my own blog to you. I really doubt that anyone has been mean to you on this site, and those are just mislead thoughts on your part due to the tech that turns everything against us. I'm glad you are back. Please make your way to the closest shelter for help and food. There are many shelters and churches that help out greatly at this time of year, and you should not be out in the cold. Good luck.
Here is an interesting article :
"For this reason God raised Him to the highest place above, and gave Him the name that is greater than any other name." Acts 2:9
There are many web sites listed below educating people whats technologies they are using but none are not
telling how to get out of this human implant. I tried with rf scanners, emf detectors none are working, i tried thermal imaging, non linear junction detectors used in professional bug detecting services. How exactly to get rid of this passive implant.
Does spectrum analyzer or frequency counter help me?
Can you suggest , how to remove passive radio implants,;wap2
how the implants look like
How about the thousans of Military personal that were required to work in that area also. I was with a Helicopter unit on Eniwetok in 1958 durring Opp Hard Tac. We also have many medical problems from this exposure. The Goverment don't want to except the responsibility for this either. Just another Guinea Pig