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9143057264?profile=originalToo big to fail? The Titanic is unsinkable? Our economies has recovered? Good times ahead?

Let's get real here. There is a financial tsunami heading our way that no-one in history has ever seen or experience before. The stupid deriatives, greedy, corrupt, and rotten to the core bankers has screwd everyone. How can you bailout countries when you are bankrupt? It must be genius borrowing at an interest rate at 7% and bailing out at 3%. It's like paying off your credit card with another credit card. The compounding interest will destroy you financially. This financial titanic has officially hit the iceberg a while back and we shall see the consequences. Get out of the banks now. They will steal all your money with bank runs. If you have money spend it before it's too late! Get gold, silver, prepare with food, guns because it will be a very rough ride.


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This is non stop abuse.

I have been targeted for 3 years. I hear a group of people talk about me, they talk all day and night. They follow me. I hear these voices off in the distance non stop. This was said to me, as I was in my home,  and much more. What I wrote is only a fraction of what they said. They talked this way all day, and night. They talked this way for over 20 hours a day. Non stop! As I was trying to read, sleep, as I was trying to study, trying to relax. They watch me in the shower, they watch me eat. They follow me every time I go out, and they talk this way, every place I go. Non stop threatening, slander, provoking, abuse. They are harmful, hostile, sarcastic, and combative non stop. They did this to me from the time I moved into my home  . For the first year I did not know this was happening to me. They stalked me before I was aware of it. For the first year, I did not respond to the threatening slander, that was being said to me, as I was in my home, as i was any where. They came to the home of a mentally ill young women and terrorized her to the point of sickness. All of this was said. Instead of using problem solving, or reflecting on the issue, the  individual uses maladaptive behavior. They are very passive aggressive, every time you talk about the issue.

“ Trust me this house is going to burn” “I have to go out there with you” She said this as I was talking of going out to a different state.” “I’m setting her on fire"

"It's my goal to ruin your life" "I'm going to ruin her" "I told you, this is someone I'm going to ruin" "I hate you and you have sex with dogs" "Your so ugly it's insane" "I'm better than you, because I'm skinner than you" "I'm better than you because I'm smarter than you" " I'm better than you because I'm prettier than you" " I do this because I can" " I want her to gain 100 pounds" They said this as I was in my home. They followed me any time I left the house. " I'm only happy when she cries" " She’s a pig" " Her butt is fat" " I want her in prison" " She’s to ugly to go out in public" “It’s my goal to run her out of this neighborhood"  " I told you to let me know everything she eats" " I'm taking her finger print's off something she touches" " I want this family on cameras" " I'm tired of looking at your nose" " I'm going in on her" "Were going in on her" " Were going to rip her out" They say this slander everyday, and night. They say this every hour, over, and over and over again. " she's not getting braces" "That’s your sisters bag" They said the bag I just bought is my sisters. " All of us think you have a ugly ass" They watch me shower.

Community stalking is a crime, it is a form of terrorism. The harassment is constant, the signs of stress can be  cognitive,  emotional, or behavioral. Stress will cause poor judgment nausea, dizziness, chest pain, eating to much, or not enough. Social withdrawal, depression, neglect of responsibilities. Many stalkers have pre existing psychotic disorders, and personality problems. They use gas lighting. They compulsively lie. Stalkers place there victims at risk of psychological trauma. Common emotional consequences include depression, loss of self esteem, anxiety. The target will often have a mental break down.

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I wish I was never born if I knew what was in store for me. These stupid trials of living is pointless and complete waste of time. I want to escape to a paradise free from harassment, violation, and abuse. Start a new life somewhere else. If I had a choice I would die with dignity and get reborn to a different planet. I don't want to be human anymore. I rather be an benevolent alien somewhere out in this universe. I can't tolerate this stupidity.

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countdown to homelessness - 45 days

I met with a psychologist yesterday to see if I can get disability from the state of washington.  I don't have a lot of hope that it will be approved.  I have severe depression and anxiety attacks several times a day.  I really want to talk to a psychologist or psychiatrist or whatever, but I can't even do that until after the decision.   I've been doing some soul searching and delving back into my childhood, and have some really horrific things to talk about with someone who will help me.  I believe I have emotional deprivation disorder (my personality is practically textbook), and some dissociation problems as well. 


If I'm not approved to get disability, I've decided I can't stay with my brother.  A roof over my head isn't enough to keep me in one place to be poisoned and microwaved on a regular basis.  My cognitive ability is weakening, as planned, with my particular targeting program.  I'm being "re-trained":  well, I've given up activism - not signing petitions online, not discussing politics, etc.  Things got better for a while, but if I don't do "enough" housework or yardwork I am punished the next night with stronger microwaves.   I believe I'm supposed to become submissive, subservient, and "dumb-downed", and I tell you, I could take the submissive stuff but not the dumb downed stuff.


My former handler, James Lico, keeps trying to convince me to, 1. wait until after the election or after the beginning of the year, all will be fixed with TI's, no more harassment, blah blah blah, and 2. to let him know when I'm leaving and where I plan to go.  My answer to his first assertion is RIGHT!  Nothing will ever be done to stop the targeting.  And my answer to his request to tell him when and where I'm going is FAT CHANCE! 


I know this sounds drastic, but the only other option is suicide.  And I don't want to die.  And I don't think I could do it even if I wanted to. 

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Stop Harmful Energy-Based Technologies
By Suzanne LeBoeuf (Contact)

To be delivered to: The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama

Energy-based technologies used to harm the public must be outlawed and stopped. Crimes against humanity using frequency waves that access a person’s body and mind that change or harm their ability to see, hear, function normally and live freely without energy-based targeting, suppression or experimentation in any way must be exposed.
More about these technologies can be found here: and here:
Frequency waves utilized in a variety of ways that can access a person’s nervous system, brain and body to affect their sight, vision, physical coordination and well-being have been developed leaving American or other citizens to suffer cruel and unusual torture, to be labeled "mentally ill", and to ultimately die an early and horrible death.

NEW goal - We need 300 signatures
There are currently 264 signatures
Previous petition signers:
Signer Date Place
244. Melodi Jun 26, 2012 San Diego, CA
243. Chris Myers Jun 26, 2012 Palm Coast, FL
As a senior citizen, a widow, leaving her late-husband's medical records to the US Military this is the most disgusting, torturous, treasonous acts any federally funded employee could do upon another in a so-called civilized nation. In the end they will 'eat their own.'
242. Marc Starcke Jun 26, 2012 University, FL
241. Dante Jun 26, 2012 China
240. xu shao Jun 25, 2012 shanghai ,china, China
239. LIANGWEIWANG Jun 25, 2012 XINING, China
1995 to now ,Chinese name is 王良伟 ,identity card 632521197710050636
238. LOPEZ Jun 25, 2012 PUGET-VILLE, France
I'm a french TI since five years. You can contact me when you want by my websites :
237. Wadhah Fares Salem Ahmed Jun 23, 2012 Aden, Yemen
i am one of the victims and there are alot in my neighbourhood
236. gail howarth Jun 23, 2012 leeds, United Kingdom
235. Olinda Jun 23, 2012 Goa, India
Remember what you do to others, will be done to you.
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9143058072?profile=originalI'm keeping up with this long battle with my evil perps. I am so tired and exhausted because of the constant bombardment of their electronic harassment. I wonder if it's even worth fighting anymore. Throw in the towel because I can't win. They control everything around me and all I wish every night is to die peacefully in my sleep. Bullied to the point of suicide.  Kicking me when I'm down and using all these cheap tactics. The people responsible has no honor. Even if I get a lawsuit and win I'm not sure if I can ever fix my life. Post traumatic stress from their handywork. The way I see it is my life is over as I know it.

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Assisted Suicide

I live in the United States. Does anyone know if they allow assisted suicide in the U.S.? If so, how much does it cost? I don't think I can deal with this electronic harassment any longer. I have put up with it long enough. There is only one way to end this. Does anybody know of a person that does assisted suicide?

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v2k triggersOnce alphabetical ultra tones are converted into a subconcious trigger for BLACK alpha sight spells out what you see at the speed of thought.
ABALAAA 5 recorded mannerisms of AEIOU raising pitch each time
EBELEEE there are 26 points of sight which attract the vowel tone conversions
IBILIII they work the same as your vocal chords by vibrating clashes of pulsars
OBOLOOO creating air waves from within you to the point of sight triggering the first
UBULUUU constonants which form the word BLA .the CK is what the v2k
broadcasters use for triggering as a constinants are now a subconcious
action.The victim does not spell the word BLACK it only recognises the words BLA as the CK exchanges words for colour,these two letters are the basis of light speech.The continuous static replaces our subconcious actions as the victim searches for BLA the CK is in the mind before the vowels as a subconcious trigger,while on the other hand the v2k broadcaster uses static light to trigger

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How Can I protect myself?

9143057885?profile=originalI am wondering what I can do to protect myself from the perps. I went to a spy store today to see if they had an EMF detector but I am out of luck. I contacted the police and Canadian Human Rights and that was a complete waste of time. If I could get some funds together maybe then I can get some test equipment to verify and trace the illegal broadcasting signal being omitted from my body and brain. Once I get proof I still don't know who my perps are and why they are even targetting me in the first place. A situation that isn't going to get resolved anytime soon. Stupid human experiment that is a complete failure. I can't wait til they get chipped and controlled so they can have a taste of their own medicine. It's just a matter of time now. NWO implementing the final stages of a one world government.

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its time for every one to come together im tired of the humilation  and most of all not not being able to confide in my family i have no privacy any where i go all my thoughts are known even befor i fully know them my self . im tired of fighting just to go to the bathroom i dont know how many of you experience this but sitting on the toilet with someone raping your mind and useing your eyesight letting you relieve your self at his whim or not taking a shower and having your attacker take a shower with you if you are a victim you know what im talking about and having to look in the mirror knowing someone is looking back at you what about when you look at your wife or husband or girlfriend or boy friend how can you look at them with some one else invading your being and trying to take over your life all of your experiances are now theres every thing you feel everything you see  all of your dreams have been stolen all of your friends have been stolen all of your family members have become estranged .we have no one we can talk to confidently because we lack credability take a look at some of my posts and tell me if you can come up with a better way to finalyput an end to this and get our lives back we have to have credibility to speak to anyone who has the power to do something but it will be up to each individual victim to do there partany ideas or resources including personal time greatly appreciated

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Member of Congress: Investigate misuse of Psychotronic (mind control) weapons
Mojmir recruited Marika to sign the petition|about 4 hours ago
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Just Being Appreciative and Grateful


I'm being grateful and appreciative for what I have right now. I don't want to complain and rant anymore because it's draining all my energy and I don't want to feed that negative force. Anticipating my day of freedom where I am no longer caged like an animal at a zoo. Days are going by so quickly that I can't believe we're halfway through 2012. I wish I can fast forward to Dec.21 to see what will happen. Is it another Y2K or is the Mayan Prophecies true? Who knows really? Perhaps the Aliens ? Earth changes, galactic alignment, Solar Flares, or Planet X.  . I have a hunch that sh*t will hit the fan before that date. I hope i'm wrong but let's watch and see.

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Obama wants to microchip everyone

Obama wants to microchip everyone

Here we are as Nancy Pelosi said, let’s just vote on the Healthcare bill and THEN we can see what’s in it! Well Nancy, you got your bill passed, and now we are getting to see what the democrats jammed into it, and I for one am NOT happy.

H.R. 3200 was the bill the senate passed, then the House had to do their amendments to get a final vote, that bill is H.R. 3962, now mind you that H.R. 3962 is ONLY additional amendments to H.R. 3200 not a total replacement . With that being said, unless a specific area was amended, the wording of H.R 3200 stands.

Now for the wording:

Required RFID implanted chip
Sec. 2521, Pg. 1000 – The government will establish a National Medical Device Registry. What does a National Medical Device Registry mean?
National Medical Device Registry from H.R. 3200 [Healthcare Bill], pages 1001-1008:
(g)(1) The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that— ‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; ‘‘(B)and is— ‘‘(i) a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining.”
Then we go to page 1004 to describe what the actual term “data” means
section B:
‘‘(B) In this paragraph, the term ‘data’ refers to information respecting a device described in paragraph (1), including claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary”
What exactly is a class II implantable device? The FDA says it is an “implantable radio frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.” The purpose of a class II device is to collect data in medical patients such as “claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary.”

The last part is scary in itself; there are a lot of questions unanswered, such as ……if the data includes “claims data” who updates the information and when? What exactly is a “disparate data environment?” And the biggest question is….will this transponder include a GPS capability?

Don’t believe me? Check out the government site and judge for yourself

Don’t believe it’s in the bill? Look it up for yourself

The areas to look at are pages 1001-1008 listed as “National Medical Device Registry”
Then page 1006 where it stated that this be enacted 36 months of passage
Now go back to page 505 where it refers to the implantable device as “medical device surveillance”

The word surveillance alone speaks to something far more ominous than just claims data
The FDA has said that the recent claims of tumors in dogs who have been chipped are the research responsibility of the implant manufacturers and not that of the FDA because the implants are not considered a drug. So the policing of medical research is left solely to the makers.

America has just become the world’s first country to require micro chipping of all its citizens, and Nancy Pelosi wanted us to follow her in blind trust in passage of this bill, now that we see what is in it, what can we do about it?

Applied Digital Solutions already have the GPS patent on implantable chip technology

Here is a video explaining this technology

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In a legal sense, there isn't too much that can be done. You could change your venue, relocate or move to avoid the harasser but this isn't usually a practical method for a variety of reasons.
For starters, the best thing to do is give us a call from a secure phone. We will conduct a sweep of the suspect areas to locate the source of the suspected harassment and then assist in a course of action to stop the harassment.
Natural obstacles are cheap and effective in blocking most X-rays and microwave or RF (could be a radar gun) signals that a harasser might use. Mountains, caves, desert areas, and large lakes or oceans offer excellent protection and can block or distort most forms of electronic harassment.
Shielding signals with Passive or Active shielding can be an effective measure.
If harassment is general to an area and not specifically directed to you, simply moving to another location is the easiest method to stop the harassment. If the harassment is specific to you, then you'll need to employ some sort of shield or cover, such as mountains or a cave. Shielding may be your only alternative to stop the harassment if you cannot employ natural obstacles or shields. Passive shielding is less expensive then Active shielding and consists of special metal materials designed to block high frequency RF energy, X-rays, etc. Active shielding uses sophisticated electronic equipment to jam, capture, redirect, distort or nullify the harmful energy.

It isn't legal for a private individual, a company or a corporation to use electronic harassment on you. The military and law enforcement, however, can use non-lethal weapons (see USC Title 50 Chapter 32 Section 1520a).
Further, testing of electronic equipment; discovering unauthorized electronic surveillance; training of intelligence personnel by officers the United States is allowed.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, officers, employees, or agents of the United States are authorized in the normal course of their official duties to conduct electronic surveillance not targeted against the communications of any particular person or persons, under procedures approved by the Attorney General.

Advanced Electronic Security Co. is an experienced and knowledgeable professional private investigative agency with the ability to find and then help you to eliminate Electronic Harassment. Advanced Electronic Security Co. is also a specialist in electronic surveillance and counter-surveillance. We only utilize the best and latest technology and techniques to assist and support victims of Electronic Harassment.

323-462-1351 - Los Angeles
760-668-2245 - Cell Phone

E-mail us
Over 30 years of specialized service
over 2,500 locations swept.

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