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Not sure how to post to Events, but think you all might learn alot from this event.


The 15th Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference
August 10 – 12, 2012
DoubleTree near Bradley International Airport 16 Ella Grasso Turnpike Windsor Locks, CT
Internet conference information:
2011 Ritual Abuse Conference CDs are now available
Conference Goals - To help stop future occurrences of ritual abuse - To help survivors of ritual abuse - To name the groups that have participated in alleged illegal activities - To unite those working to stop ritual abuse
Conference Schedule There will be a small get together, deli dinner, dessert and early registration for pre-registered attendees only, on August 10, Friday evening. The conference will be all day on Saturday August 11 and Sunday August 12. Please check our conference home page for the latest conference schedule information. Some presentations will also be recorded.
There will be a Ritual Abuse And Extreme Abuse Clinician’s Conference 2012 for licensed clinicians on Friday the day before the conference.  Information is at
Conference Registration (Please read the entire brochure before registering.) Registration is not guaranteed, please wait for approval before making travel arrangements. Or you can preregister via E-mail at: Please mail registration form and checks (US Banks only please), money orders (US) to: RA Conference, c/o S.M.A.R.T., P O Box 1295, Easthampton, MA 01027 USA
Name: (please include names and individual addresses of all registrees, thanks.)
Agency: ___________________________________
Street: ____________________________
City: ___________________State:______
Fees Early registration fees (all fees are per person) (note: fees must be received by the due date below to get the special prices)
One and two day registrations do not include the Friday deli dinner and dessert buffet.
Before 4/2/12 – $150 special price for both days and Friday night dinner Before 6/10/12 – 2 day $175, one day $90 Before 7/10/12- 2 day $185, one day $95 Before 8/1/12 – 2 day $205, one day $105 After 8/6/12 – 2 day $215, one day $110 (All fees must be received by due dates above.)
(Circle one – Sat – Sun for one day registrations)
To add Friday night early registration, get together, deli dinner and dessert – $37.00
Donation to help those on fee waiver (not tax deductible):
Total Amount Due _____________
special meals needed ____________________
Please make checks payable to S.M.A.R.T. (US banks only, please.)
Refund Policy: Fees will not be refunded after July 10, 2012. Please send us written notice. Refund will be minus $70.00 deposit per registree.     Speakers and Biographies
Please note: Listing of these speakers does not necessarily constitute our endorsement of them. They are speaking at our conference for educational  value  only and some may be heavy for survivors.  Listening to the speakers at the conference may or may not help your recovery process, so use caution when listening to any speaker or contacting any resource mentioned in this brochure.  These descriptions may be heavy for survivors to read, so please use caution while reading these.
Neil Brick is a survivor of Masonic based Ritual Abuse and MK-ULTRA. He is the editor of S.M.A.R.T. – A Ritual Abuse Newsletter. His topic is: Recent Child Abuse Crimes and Efforts to Unite Survivors.
Shamai Currim PhD is a retired therapist, educator, and educational consultant. She continues to work with survivors and has been involved with children and families with special needs, AIDS hospice, and Prison communities. She currently sits on the Board of Directors of Survivorship and the Steering Committee of the Association for the Advancement of Psychosynthesis. Her topic is: Meaghan’s Story: A Tale of Integration
deJoly LaBrier has been doing recovery work for 22 yrs. She has spoken publicly about her experiences in a military sex ring, Satanic cult and government experimentation; and is grateful for the serenity and sanity she now experiences.  Her topic is:  Finding Our Individual Paths Out of Chaos
Dave was satanically abused for over 50 years by those he loved and trusted, as well as others who were paid to harm him for his refusal, as a child to join their cult. Dave hopes his story and recovery will help others by giving them hope and courage. His topic is: My Life and Attitudes Before and After My Recovery
David Shurter states he is a member of a satanic family and an MKUltra survivor. He believes his father was a practicing high priest in Omaha NE. Having written and published Rabbit Hole: A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor’s Story this year, he has detailed his experiences and those surrounding satanic events in Omaha NE. A founding member of the NATRC, David works extensively with survivor’s in the US and abroad in order to further the exposure of SRA and educate about the effects of RA on individuals. His topic is: Surviving Our Current Day Rabbit Hole
Sarah Jacqueline freed herself through deep self-journey from years of living in hell as an alleged victim of satanic abuse to now survivor.  Born into a family of Satanists and has experienced  and seen some horrific abuse.  She speaks of hope and freeing and illusion. Her topic is: Exposing Satanic Abuse
Until age seven, Maria was subject to satanic abuse. Maria experienced perverse worship, torturous brain programming, sexual violence, body dislocations, and was drugged. Although relocated at age seven, molestation from random strangers and family members continued until she moved out. She lives well with profound awareness. She now experiences joy and peace. Her topic is : Free at Last
Alexandra is a multi disciplinary therapist.  She incorporates various types of energy work, muscle testing, NLP, essential oils, and color into her cognitive behavioral therapy practice. She has an M. A. in Counseling Psychology and has been working with ritual abuse survivors for over 20 years. Her topic is: What I have learned so far.
Survivorship is an international non-profit organization for survivors of sadistic sexual abuse, ritualistic abuse, mind control, and torture. A history of Survivorship’s last twenty plus years of work helping survivors will be presented with interviews from members of Survivorship. The presentation will include Survivorship’s present day activities and ways survivors can learn more about the organization and get involved. Survivorship, FJC,470 27th St., Oakland, Ca 94612
Sponsorship  and Co-sponsorship Information
All sponsors and cosponsors have made promotional contributions to the conference. We want to thank them for all their efforts.
Please note: Listing of these resource organizations does not necessarily constitute our endorsement of them. They are helping to promote the  conference and some may be heavy for some survivors, so use caution  contacting any resource mentioned in this brochure.
The conference is sponsored by  S.M.A.R.T.,  a newsletter that examines the possible connections between ritual abuse and secretive organizations. E-mail:
Promotional Co-sponsors
Mothers Against Sexual Abuse (MASA) 404 Wilson St., Union, SC 29379 864-429-9161 Updated website at, newest book  MASA is dedicated to education and helping survivors of sexual and ritual abuse. We are in the process of trying to raise funding for a legal defense fund to assist protective parents involved in court cases where the perpetrators are winning custody over 70% of the time. MASA will be celebrating our 20 birthday March 25, 2012.  We are proud of our accomplishments, but there is still so much work to be done.  Every person must become a voice for the children who have no voice and no choice.
Survivorship is an international non-profit organization for survivors of sadistic sexual abuse, ritualistic abuse, mind control, and torture. The organization serves survivors, partners and other allies, therapists, clergy, and pro-survivor activists and advocates. Contact information: Survivorship, FJC,470 27th St., Oakland, Ca 94612
The North American Truth & Reconciliation Coalition (NATRC) seeks to raise public awareness about historical and ongoing human rights violations in North America, and works to establish an accurate and truthful historical record of such crimes, including human trafficking, organized ritual crime, child soldiering, mind control experimentation and other forms of torture, in both the private and public spheres. The North American Truth & Reconciliation Coalition (NATRC) PO Box 401 Council Bluffs, IA 51502-0401
The Mission of the California Protective Parents Association is to protect children from incest and family violence through research, education and advocacy. California Protective Parents Association PO Box 15284   Sacramento CA 95851-0284
Conference Information
Conference Participants The conference will include all those either recovering from ritual abuse and/or fighting against ritual abuse. This includes survivors, co-survivors, therapists, other helping professionals, lawyers and all others interested in learning more about ritual abuse.
Members of secret organizations, acting out perpetrators, and/or members of unsympathetic organizations are excluded from the conference. This is for the protection and safety of those in attendance.
People have told us that last year’s conference was the safest conference they have ever been to. But, this conference may not necessarily be safe for all survivors. S.M.A.R.T. recommends that you try to bring a support person that is familiar with mind control techniques and staying with that person or another safe person at all times.
Registration Waivers Fee waiver application fees are $95.00 for two days and $50 for one day, and are non-refundable. Please do not send fees until your application is accepted. Please add $30 to attend the Friday night early registration, get together and dessert buffet. Applications will not be accepted after July 1, 2012, payment must be made by 7/14/12. Acceptance will partially be contingent on the number of paid applicants. Fee waiver registrees must volunteer for four hours at the conference. Unfortunately, we cannot afford to pay any travel expenses. Please E-mail or regular mail us for a fee waiver application.
Transportation There is a free shuttle to and from the airport. Hotel parking is available at no charge for those attending the conference. Conference sponsors, etc. assume no responsibility for ground and/or air transportation arrangements. Conference sponsors cannot assume responsibility for additional expense or losses due to illnesses, cancellation of flights, strikes or other causes.
Accommodations Room rates at the DoubleTree Hotel at Bradley International Airport (CT) are $89 a day for one person (not incl. tax), please mention the SMART 2012 conference to get the special rate. This rate is guaranteed until 7/7/12 or all rooms at the special rate are gone. Call 860-627-5171 for information. Lunch will be free both days for all conference attendees that register before July 20, 2012. The hotel has no information about the conference, other than room information.
Attendance Policy Survivors should try to bring a support person with them to the conference. Presentation of a picture ID will be required of all conference participants, unless prior arrangements are made. This is for the protection of all participants. Some of the topics discussed may be very heavy for survivors. The conference is educational and not intended as therapy or treatment. Conference sponsors, cosponsor, speakers, organizers and exhibitors assume no responsibility for any reactions resulting from attending our conference. Statements made and materials exhibited and distributed by attendees, speakers and exhibitors are their own and don’t necessarily represent the policies or views of conference sponsors, cosponsor, speakers, exhibitors, organizers or attendees. Children are not permitted to attend the conference. S.M.A.R.T. and its representatives also reserve the right to remove anyone from the conference at any time. Photographing, audio taping and videotaping without written permission from S.M.A.R.T. are prohibited.
Exhibitors Tables and half tables will be available for exhibitors. All exhibitors and their materials, etc. must be pre-approved. Write for more information. Whole tables are $25, half tables are $15. Take one table fee is $5.00 per item.
Volunteers S.M.A.R.T. is currently looking for volunteers to help at the conference. Volunteer need to be registered at the conference. Please let S.M.A.R.T. know if you are interested.
Conference Donations Please consider sponsoring a full or partial registree, so that all are able to attend the conference. Thank you. (Donations are not tax deductible.)
For those interested in helping to promote the conference, please write for a press release to forward to others.
S.M.A.R.T. – Copyright 2012 (Entire Pamphlet and conference name) - All rights reserved, no reproduction of any material without written permission from S.M.A.R.T.
Permission to forward without headers and trailers to those that are pro-survivor.
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Voices for liberty from public and government

Please go to 'comment' to read voices for liberty from public and government

God gave mankind freedom and liberty. God never controlled mankind’s minds. Only Satan and his supporters wanted to control mankind’s minds. Nazis were the first to develop the mind control weapons. With the help of Satan, they even wanted to conquer the whole world. Even though Nazis were destroyed, their mind control weapons spread out all over the world. More followers of Dragon and Beast started to research and develop mind control weapons and they wanted to control their followers and also used their mind control weapons to abuse and torture God’s people secretly.


Mind control technologies are weapons which use drugs, electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies, microwaves and /or electromagnetic waves to subvert an individual's sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system.

I had collected many reported articles which introduced 'mind control technologies'. The listing of these articles would not mislead readers; it was a short cut for readers to learn what mind control technologies were.


Stories about Soleilmavis Liu


The Fact and evidence of abuses and tortures of mind control technologies:

I was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and I was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong

( )


Judyth Piazza interviews Soleilmavis Liu About Mind Control Technologies   


Soleilmavis case summary of mind control abuses and tortures   


I wish to file my lawsuits to against government who covered such horrible mind control weapons (and Directed Energy Weapons) abuses and tortures. 



Please go to 'comment' to read voices for liberty from public and government

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“Right now hundreds of thousands of people are suffering because of an unregulated arms trade. This year for the first time we have the opportunity to create a treaty that would ensure this deadly trade is properly controlled.”

“Millions of people are being killed, injured, raped, repressed and forced to flee their homes every year by perpetrators of serious human rights abuses and war crimes using a wide range of arms supplied by irresponsible traders and governments. Health, education and other services are being denied and destroyed.

The world needs a strong Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) with rules to protect human rights, so that if any type of arms to be exported to another country will probably contribute to serious human rights abuses or war crimes, then governments concerned must stop those supplies.”


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“Think of it as a weather radar system, which shows you a video of weather patterns in your area over the next 48 hours,” says Dr. Raj. “Our model, when applied to the baseline magnetic resonance imaging scan of an individual brain, can similarly produce a future map of degeneration in that person over the next few years or decades.

“This could allow neurologists to predict what the patient’s neuroanatomic and associated cognitive state will be at any given point in the future. They could tell whether and when the patient will develop speech impediments, memory loss, behavioral peculiarities, and so on,” he says. “Knowledge of what the future holds will allow patients to make informed choices regarding their lifestyle and therapeutic interventions.

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Deal of the day


Deal of the Day

HerbaGreen Original
Naturally sweetened with lo han fruit extract--which promotes fat burning and soothes the digestion process--HerbaGreen Teas also contain lotus leaf (rich in isoflavones), kudzu (for promoting circulation), and 100mg of polyphenols, equivalent to at least 15 cups of the strongest brewed green tea. PLUS - HerbaGreen Teas contain NO calories or caffeine.

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capemay nj

The corporate brainwashing corrupt disaster consultant declares a "blackout" so my home is the only one lit up on the block, itss a no brainer. Everytime I find evidence they start with the state civil defence shit
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From John J. Williams

I am an owner of Lone Star Consulting, Inc. (, El Paso, TX), and we are and have been doing R&D into mind control and electronic attack technologies since the late 1960s. We are a small family-owned and operated business. We are being increasingly overwhelmed with customized device projects for mind control and electronic attack detection systems and countermeasures. We have found that particularly since 9/11, there has been a great increase in the needs for our detection and countermeasure technologies.
We are the only ones we know of who have the experience, expertise and wherewithal into both mind control and electronic attack weapon systems, and countermeasures and detection systems who actually design and make such devices sold to the general public. And it is not easy when powerful interests who heavily profit by electronically controlling and victimizing people want to put you out of business.

Mind control and electronic attack weapon systems are virtually ideal means of injuring and destroying people. If someone stabs or shoots you, you have the external physical proof of the crime. However, if someone electronically attacks you and thereby severely injures you, externally you will likely look fine, but internally you may be heavily damaged. The harmful signals were transmitted to you remotely, silently and likely concealed and from a great distance away (with today's tracking and tracing technologies, you can't even avoid being targeted). Once the signal is gone, how can you prove that it ever existed without the use of highly specialized detection equipment of the types that we make? And how can you countermeasure such attacks - often also requiring highly specialized countermeasure equipment of the types we make?
Even after decades of blatant mind control and electronic attacks and likely 100,000s of victims worldwide, the Government still refuses to even acknowledge that such technologies exist or move to protect people from it. Everyone is on their own! Easily verified: Go to a police station with a mind control or electronic attack complaint, and chances are excellent they will commit you to a mental ward while your perpetrators are slapping their knees laughing at you. How many police stations do you know of have the required expertise, detection systems and forensic lab capabilities to even investigate such crimes, much less prosecute them? I use the term, "crimes" loosely, because in many jurisdictions there are no laws against mind control and electronic attacks.
Some criticize us for not doing enough to bring public and political attention to this clearly horrendous and increasing threat. Again, we are just a small business barely able to keep up with the onslaught of business we now have. We would very much like to expand our operations to document many cases nationally so we have a solid database that no one can refute. However, even though we design and build much of our own equipment - no one else makes the devices we need - we would need much more equipment and personnel to do this - all very expensive propositions, likely even $Millions. On our website, we recently started asking for donations and bequests to help us expand to this level, but no donations or bequests so far. So without the funding to expand to these new levels, we simply don't have the resources to change anything politically to get required laws passed and to fund law enforcement into taking these attacks seriously.
Incidentally, years ago, I used to regularly "rant and rave" to Government officials and politicians to do something to stop mind control and electronic attacks on the general public, but it all fell on deaf ears. I got few responses, and most of the responses I did get was to the effect that nobody is being electronically attacked or mind controlled.
Thanks for your support.
John J. Williams, M.S.E.E. Lone Star Consulting, Inc.         

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Dumber people can't be trained. Dumber people can't work. They've never worked at McDonalds.  They don't know. It's empirical.

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Of course, they used "stars" to advertise so that we're picking up on messages.

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How Can I explain how I feel?

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Because I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all.

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This life is full of hurt When happiness DOESN'T work."

I'll never work again.

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more on COPS

They "COPS" program does not want to control your mind here in the USA, I do not know about other countries. They want you or some friend, relative in jail and will harass anybody to get what they want. All in the name of Justice. So please quit saying mind control it makes true victims look crazy. Your playing in to their hands, there are a lot of people out there giving victims false info. There is a list in New Orleans of 31 people they are harassing 19 are in jail at last report. Jefferson police does the same thing. There are some very real weapons and radar, thermal equipment they use. Yes they can talk to you while you are in a rim sleep, use aluminum foil wrapped 6 times around your head to stop it, make sure you tape it, RF signals can not go though it, or put the aluminum on a box and cover your head at night. They are very persistent.

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Here in the USA. Community Policing Members run by the department of justice. That’s why they get away with it. Spread the true name.  I posted a blog on the correct name for organized stalking which is really C.O.P.S. program. The only people that can contact me are them, don’t waste your time, they read all my e-mails incoming and outgoing. Anybody denying what I am telling you is one of them or does not know what their talking about. 1991-2012 stalked and harassed. The judge that tried to frame in 1999-2003 is getting out of jail today. 3/20/2012. The sheriff is going to jail next as soon as the FBI gets though with him. Here in Louisiana the land of criminals with badges. All over the TV, How about that guy that killed a kid while on duty as a neighbor watch group, quit giving a badge and guns to dummies. Perfect member for the C.O.P.S. Program, shoot first, ask questions late, is their motto. They are jerks and idiots with no life of their own to live. Keep up the peaceful fight, never fight with these people, jail awaits you, while they will walk.

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