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'A man is born as many men.... and dies as one.'
Key words: Non-Lethal Weapons, International Humanitarian Law( the law of war by UN) , ICRC
Non-Lethal Weapons Facing International Humanitarian Law
The International Committee of the Red Cross
In the on-going debate about emerging technologies which are to be used as so-called "non-lethal weapons" it has proven not only useful but necessary to address questions related to the rules pertinent to international humanitarian law, also called the law of war. A number of questions in this field have been discussed over the last years but the correct understanding and implementation of these rules with regard to "non-lethal weapons" has shown many times to be more complex than expected. The law of war contains obligations and in this sense it goes much further than just addressing ethical, moral or even public opinion issues.
Our paper would address the legal obligations which are contained in the law of war and which are pertinent to "non-lethal weapons", in particular when they are developed for use in times of armed conflicts, including military operations other than war or military operations in urban terrain. The basic principles of the law of war and existing treaties which restrict or prohibits some "non-lethal weapons" will also be mentioned. In the law of war there is also an obligation to carry out legal reviews in a multidisciplinary approach which is very much relevant to emerging technologies since often their wounding effect is not known.
Finally it is also the intent to present findings about the wounding mechanisms and the effects on humans of currently used weapons in most of the conflicts. This would help putting the term "non-lethal" in a more realistic perspective, in particular compared to other weapons, so-called conventional "lethal" weapons.
I believed that many victims had very bad health conditions after long time persecution of secret mind control abuses and tortures.
I had been suffering the horrible abuses and tortures of electromagnetic mind control technologies for more than ten years; my health conditions were very bad too.
(1) The horrible suffering aged me so quickly. In 2002, everyone said I looked like only 20 years old, but now,……
(2) Because the long time horrible torture, I had serious endocrinopathy. My menses was very abnormal and less.
(3) Because of suffering horrible pain and other diseases, I often curled up in a tight ball, this had brought me serious kyphosis, and I also suffered serious problems of cervical vertebra now.
(4) Because of the horrible suffering every day, I could not sleep well at night, and could not have energy to move outside at day time, I was getting puffiness too.
I still kept faith with God. We were God's chosen soldiers.
2Timothy2:3Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
Stories about Soleilmavis Liu
The Fact and evidence of abuses and tortures of mind control technologies:
I was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and I was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong
( )
Soleilmavis case summary of mind control abuses and tortures
I wish to file my lawsuits to against government who covered such horrible mind control weapons (and Directed Energy Weapons) abuses and tortures.
Judyth Piazza interviews Soleilmavis Liu About Mind Control Technologies
I had collected many reported articles which introduced 'mind control technologies'. The listing of these articles would not mislead readers; it was a short cut for readers to learn what mind control technologies were.
This essay is a proposed current model of remote neural monitoring and manipulation throw the use of psychotronic weaponry. The assay takes into assumption that the reader has a basic knowledge of such purposed technology, example the transmitting effects of low radio frequencies (different EEG bands) on a person. Based on my prudent studies of this field, with the aid of social media and the internet, I hop the reader is better able to see the implications of such technologies. Most nations do not condone non concessional experimentation on its citizens unless it is in the best interest of its nation security. The notion or idea that an apposing nation may poises a weapon with psychotronic capabilities may lower the trashy hold of this sort of experimentation. This was the case with nuclear weapons testing on solders during the cold war. Based on the ideology that time is of the essence, to perfect this sort of weapon. I can see how non-consensual human experimentation can be used with remote neural monitoring and manipulation to perfect this sort of weapon. But to create this weapon, secrecy would be needed because of the implications and liabilities of such a device.
So what would be the nature of this human experimentation that would be needed to produce this weapon? First I’ll try to literate the importance of detecting this sort of device. Imagine a synthetic pelage were one could use psychotronic weaponry to producing signs and symptoms of a disease or disorder, crippling persons and even producing death that fits a current particular pathology. This technology then can systematic destroy a nation by targeting a very specific percentage of the population. Or even in the wrong hand be used as a form of negative eugenics to perfect a race. But how would this be possible? With a basic or even archaic computing and data saving power; information and or commands can be produce and transmitted to a subject. It has been stated that it is know possible to use telematics to lock on to a person or target for monitoring. It would not be a stretch to apply this telematrics technology to a persons EEG. Then from a safe distance the persons EEG can be monitored. Emotion, feels, states of mind all then can be recorded and studied. A step further would be to graph these thoughts sublimity to another person whether it be, mania, fear or absent mindedness. Manipulation of a targeted human’s basic characteristics can produce adverse effects that maybe desirable to the operator of such technology/weapon. This technology can be used in a positive manner beneficial to the handicapped. Even advance man kinds ability to learning, use memory, or even read.
Some implications or covers needed may preside as the following. Do to the trauma of such experiments, human test subjects would be susceptible to mental illness; or intentionally, even intensively driven to mental illness to relinquish the burden off proof and or liability of the experimenter. There for it would be up to the mental health practitioners to treat these test subjects. Most often medications are prescribed to relieve symptoms of mental illness. Which begs the question, is this a form of pharmaceutical narco-terrorism? Has there been such a large investment into this weapon, that now funding into black psychotronic programs could be used as a stimulus package for national defense or even the mental health industry. All hidden under a veil of secrecy, producing the pandemic that initial studies of this weapon where suppose to protect use from. I’ am not trying to denounce mental illness. I’ am merely stating a possibility of an out come from such a weapon. If there is knowledge of such a psychotronic weapons and non-consensual human experimentation was conducted this weapons existence should come to light and be made public.
Thomas M
First response to the Canadian Government's statement regarding our petition, which stated in its response to us: " The Government has no information on any such activities."
With all the heads of every spiritual religion aware of this attrocity happening to us how does one continue in faith? I have been perped by priests, nuns, monks, Christians and im aware the hierarchy of all religions know what is happening to us. If they dont even believe in religion properly how do we - they are the teachers and role-models of religion. What if all religion is man-made?? ....... sorry......losing my faith.....and it hurts, its all i have left.
Hello again. I came here a couple of years back and made 19 blog posts, mostly in ANGER, and resentment of all that happens to me.
Of course I still believe it is wrong, and the perpetrators have no legal or maral right to do what they do. They truly are criminals according to the code of Law in our country.
Yet, I have tried HARDER and with prayer, to live for Christ, despite all that I endure daily and nightly. I have asked God to help me accept LIFE or Death... whatever happens because ot the consequences of my own actions.
As I have prayed for years, I feel the Spirit of God telling me, to remember and note that He asked us to FORGIVE those who despitefully use us, to forgive trespasses against us, even as HE forgives our trespasses. I feel I have failed to include this altogether in my Christian life.
I am sad and sorry for all the things I participated with and among in the old Crones forum, and all the silliness that went with it. I am sorry that I did not EVEN know how I felt about things, and I know now, it (by explanation) was like a mid life crisis, and I was trying to find attention again, as in my younger days.
I forgive those who spoke against me or hurt me, and I forgive these sexual perpetrators, who UNWAVERINGLY lash against me physically and mentally night and day. I pray they will UNDERSTAND whether it matters to them or not, they have a grasp on the flesh, and it dies.
I Praise God, who Saves and keeps us IN JESUS NAME, forever AMEN.
This Full Length Research Paper has been published in Academic Journals
Soleilmavis’ case summary on mind control torture and abuse
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 27 - 30
Journal of Law and Conflict Resolution Vol. 4(2), pp. 27-30, February 2012
Available online at
DOI: 10.5897/JLCR11.024
ISSN 2006-9804 ©2012 Academic Journals
One of the twenty-first century’s greatest violations of human rights is the proliferation of mind control technologies and their accompanying abuse and torture. The author, Soleilmavis Liu, is one of thousands of innocent victims across the globe, who has become an activist for their freedom. Mind control technologies are weapons which use electromagnetic waves to hijack a person’s brain and nervous system and subvert an individual's sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making. This article is a brief introduction to these technologies and one of its victims, Soleilmavis Liu. Soleilmavis’ work is to expose mind control technologies and their torturous abuses and to urge governments worldwide to investigate and halt these egregious violations of human rights. Keywords: Mind control technology; Directed energy weapons; Human Rights; Torture; Abuse.
Keywords:Mind control technology; Directed energy weapons; Human Rights; Torture; Abuse
1. Introduction
Soleilmavis is a Chinese citizen, born and raised in China, who was first attacked in December, 2001 when she was studying for a Master’s Degree in Australia. At the time she was unfamiliar with remote electromagnetic weapons which can control thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system. Eventually, she would come to learn of these technologies that are being secretly used or covered by governments worldwide to control and harass the populace.
This article will briefly introduce mind control weapons, Soleilmavis’ case summary, and Soleilmavis’ work to expose mind control weapons abuse torture. Soleilmavis’ case summary and her work will hopefully bring more public awareness to the use of mind control weapons, abuses and tortures.
2. Brief introduction of Mind Control Technologies
Mind control technologies are weapons which use electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies, microwaves and /or electromagnetic waves to subvert an individual's sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system. The development of these methods and technologies has a long history.
2.1 Nazi Wonder Drug
Nazi researchers used concentration camp inmates to test a cocaine-based "wonder drug" they hoped would enhance the performance of German troops. [1]
2.2 Mk-ultra, America's Central Intelligence Agency mind control project.
There is an overwhelming body of evidence that confirms the existence of Mk-ultra, America's Central Intelligence Agency mind control project. MORE than 250 people who claim they were “brainwashing” victims of America’s Central Intelligence Agency were set to win a multimilliondollar legal battle for compensation. Nine had already each received $67,000 (£33,500) compensation from the spy agency, which had admitted setting-up an operation codenamed MK-Ultra during the Cold War (Parker, 2007). [2]
2.3 Implantable electronic chip mind control
Many researchers, using nanotechnologies have developed implantable electronic chips that establish new nerve connections in the parts of the brain that control movement or even alter emotion and thought. Researchers at the University of Washington (UW) are working on an implantable electronic chip that may help establish new nerve connections in the part of the brain that controls movement. Their most recent study, to be published in the Nov. 2, 2006, edition of Nature, showed such a device can induce brain changes in monkeys lasting more than a week (Gray, 2006). [3]
On March 18, 2008, the Central Intelligence Agency responded in writing to a Larson Media Freedom of Information Act request. The document discloses that the CIA's use of biomedical intellectual property developed at the Alfred Mann Foundation, Second Sight LLC, Advanced Bionics, and under Naval Space Warfare (SPAWAR) contract #N6600106C8005 is "currently and properly classified pursuant to an executive order in the interest of national security" and applies to the CIA Director's "statutory obligation to protect from disclosure, intelligence sources and methods". The technology, developed under the DARPA programs of Tony Tether, Col. Geoffrey Ling and N.I.H programs of William Heetderks, has been protected as a Defense "Special Access Program"1 (SAP), which is the official terminology for a "black project". The research has resulted in implantable devices that are millimeter and sub-millimeter in size, can be surreptitiously implanted (and are fabricated in a manner that the devices cannot be detected or localized by clinical medical or radiology techniques), and provides a shocking amount of surveillance capability regarding a subject’s activities which may include visual and auditory biofeedback data.
Additionally, the devices are capable of delivering testosterone or any other biological agent.
2.4 Voice to Skull Technologies
Artificial microwave voice to skull transmission was successfully demonstrated by researcher Dr. Joseph Sharp in 1973, announced at a seminar from the University of Utah in 1974, and in a journal "American Psychologist" in March, 1975 issue, article title "Microwaves and Behavior" by Dr. Don Justesen (1975). [4]
In 2002, the US Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a device: a nonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which broadcasts sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can transmit ultrasound (above human hearing) into the skull of mammals.
NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. One application of Voice to Skull uses is an electronic scarecrow to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports. Many mind control victims also claim to be harassed by Voice to Skull technologies ( ). [5]
2.5 Mind reading technologies
Researchers have shown a capability to read a subject’s mind by remotely measuring their brain activity. This technique can even extract information from individuals, who are unaware of themselves ( ) [6]
2.6 Microwave or electromagnetic mind control technologies
It is sometimes hard for victims to find evidence of microwave or electromagnetic mind control technology. However, some news articles are starting to report the development of government mind control weapons (DiSalvo, 2011). [7] There is evidence that electromagnetic weapons have effects on the brain; including sleep disruption and behavior changes (Walonick, 1999). [8]
2.7 Patents of Mind Control Technologies
Patents also indicate the existence of mind control technologies. [9]
Soleilmavis is a Chinese citizen, born and raised in China, who was first attacked in December, 2001 when she was studying for a Master’s Degree in Australia. Noticeable effects started with some noises (whispering voices) which she heard from the floor below her. The other people who lived in the same house could not hear them. She then moved to a one-story house in January, 2002. The noise resounded, as if they were coming from the neighbors. Soon she started to experience a wide variety of symptoms.
3.1 Major symptoms:
Majority of the symptoms were; pain all over the body, stomach pain, toothaches, headaches, and leg and arm pains, she also had a few high fevers. All these symptoms would disappear without any medical treatment, or sometimes, a pain would persist, even if she had strong medication.
She went to the police in January, 2002 to report that someone was following her and using technology to read her thoughts. She told the police that their voices sounded as if they came from the neighbors. The police responded that it was illegal to use mind-reading technologies in Australia.
In February, 2002, she moved to a new one-story house. An increase in the symptoms was noted: diarrhea for almost a month, involuntary hand tremors, inability to stand firmly on her legs, alternation of cold and hot sensations, excessive perspiration, and more. As usual, the symptoms disappeared, without any medication.
On April 5 2002, she could not bear any more suffering, so she left Australia .However, even after she left, she still could hear those voices. She went to Hong Kong, Thailand, Shanghai and China, but the voices still sounded as if they came from the neighbors. The same symptoms came back all the time and her belongings were often stolen when she was not in her hotels.
In August, 2002, she went to New Zealand. Again, she experienced the same symptoms. In April 2003, she had already spent all her money, so she came back to China and stayed with her parents. She had more symptoms such as constipation, faece and piss incontinence and sexual harassment. Torturers started to prevent her from sleeping at night, or they would wake her up at midnight. Sometimes, the tormentors also forced her to sleep when she did not want to or they would force her to have "dreams". She knew those "dreams" were totally artificial and transmitted to her brain via an external medium, presumably through electromagnetic weapons. The principle was the same as with a silent sound device which could transmit sounds into a person's skull.
At the end of 2004, her tormentors forced her to have "dreams" every night. These people could use electromagnetic technologies to transmit their voices directly to her brain. They could make their voices sound as if they came from the neighbors or from a nearby person. They could also use their devices to morph the voices to sound like those of her friends or family members. Upon her return to China, the voices still sounded as if they came from neighbors, but she knew they were not her neighbors' voices. After 2005, they no longer used the "voice trick", although sometimes they even tried to make her believe that they were the TV announcers' voices.
Upon her return to China, the voices still sounded as if they came from neighbors, but she knew they were not her neighbors' voices. After 2005, they no longer used the "voice trick", although sometimes they even tried to make her believe that they were the TV announcers' voices.
She thought that they mostly used their own voices. When they started to torture and harass her in Australia, most of them only spoke in English. Only one or two spoke in Mandarin without any dialects. During the second month, more people who spoke in Mandarin joined them. They also asked whether she could speak Cantonese. Other victims said they could hear the voices speaking in Cantonese. Since leaving Australia, most of the voices were only in Mandarin. About ten people who spoke Mandarin had been torturing and harassing her 24/7 between May 2002 and April 2003. After April 2003, about ten Mandarin voices were used and only occasional voices were in English. She thought they might have employed more Mandarin-speaking people to join them.
During the past few years, their weapons have attacked her, no matter where she was; in every country, whether inside a house, underground, on a plane, on a ship, underwater, inside a car, on a mountaintop or anywhere.
3.2 Soleilmavis’ efforts of the past few years
For the past few years, Soleilmavis has been working hard to stop these fascist atrocities. She reported these crimes to the police when she was in Australia in January and February, 2002. She wrote letters to the United Nations after she left Australia.
Since 2005, she has written letters to the United Nations, researched the Internet about mind control weapons and acquired lots of good information. She found many victims all over the world who were going through the same nightmarish life as her.
After 2006, she more intensely researched mind control and directed-energy weapons. She kept in touch with other victims and exposed mind control and directed energy technologies torturing and harassing her through many channels worldwide. She and others in her network have written countless letters to government departments, social communities, human rights organizations, the media and the general public. But they did not get any help to stop the alleged human rights violation.
Soleilmavis has also sent letters to, and wishes to file lawsuits against the government who has covered up mind control weapons abuses and tortures. Soleilmavis and other victims have started a concerted campaign against secret mind control weapons/directed energy weapons abuse and torture. They are demanding an international investigation into these crimes which constitute immense violations of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( [10]
The control and manipulation of a human brain is a terrifying possibility. Lieutenant Colonel Timothy L. Thomas, US Army (ret), published an article in the military journal Parameters which likens the mind as a new battlefield. He quotes a Russian army major in relation to weapons that affect the mind, “It is completely clear that the state which is first to create such weapons will achieve incomparable superiority." Thomas expresses concern about “information dominance” though he stops short of the moral implications (Thomas, 1998). [11]
Mr. Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton also have also raised high concern of human rights violations implemented with electromagnetic weapons in the article “US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights”( Phillips et al., 2006). [12]
According to an anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009), 71.29% of all victims had completed a college degree, with 13.86% of all victims attaining a Master or a Doctor degree. The possible reasons to became a target were:
- Government Secret Human Experiments or Scientists Performing Secret Human Experiments supported by Government (58.11%);
- Scientists Performing Secret Human Experiment (36.82%);
- Government Secret War (33.45%);
- Secret Political persecution (32.77%);
- Terrorist violence (22.97%);
- Misuse of weapons by government corruption (45.27%). [13]
Currently, there are many victims who claim they are tortured and harassed by mind control and directed energy weapons, and the number of victims has been increasing. Victims of these weapons are often economically marginalized and therefore have very limited financial resources to buy testing equipment, so even if they are poisoned or get implanted or suffer from brutal electromagnetic weapons torture, for the most part, they cannot uncover the root causes or find someone willing to help them do so.
Many States’ Constitutions require the Government to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens; many countries had strict laws to ban torture; THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS bans torture, cruel inhuman degrading treatment or punishment (Article 5); and everyone has the right to freedom of thought (Article 18). But the Government and public have ignored victims’ complaints for years—they did not help victims or sentence torturers according to law.
5. Conclusions
It can be seen that mind control weapons are well developed and they are being used to torture and harass innocent citizens. Many victims are currently working in conjunction with Soleilmavis to start a worldwide campaign against secret mind control weapons/directed energy weapons abuse and torture.
In this research, the following conclusions were reached:
1) Many countries have developed various types of mind control methods: drugs, microchips, nanotechnologies and electromagnetic waves. Could these governments also introduce legislation to regulate the use of such weapons?
2) Effective laws and other measures from our governments need to be enacted to prevent the misuse
of such weapons.
3) In the event of misuse of such weapons, government intervention is required to protect the victims’ and prosecute torturers to the fullest extent of the law.
It is hoped that Soleilmavis’ case summary will bring about public awareness and solutions to mind control weapons abuse and torture.
[1] Nazi Wonder Drug, , 9/11/2002
[2] Mike Parker, CIA'S BOURNE IDENTITY PLOT (Mkultra),, July 8, 2007,
[3] Leila Gray, Tiny electronic chip, interacting with the brain, modifies pathways for controlling movement, University of Washington News, Oct. 24, 2006
[4] Dr. Don Justesen, Microwaves and Behavior, American Psychologist, March 1975,
[5] voice to skull devices accessed 17 Aug 2011
[6] Harvard’s Buckner wins Alzheimer’s award for reading our minds, 2011 February 24
[7] David DiSalvo, Five Big Developments in Neuroscience to Watch, Jun. 17 2011, Neuropsyched
[8] David S. Walonick, Effects of 6-10 Hz ELF on Brain Waves, September 10, 1999,
[9] Patents accessed 17 Aug 2011
[10] Victims works accessed 17 Aug 2011
[11] Timothy L. Thomas, The Mind Has No Firewall, Parameters, Spring 1998, pp. 84-92.
[12] Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton, US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights, December 2006,
[13] An anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009)
The Fact and evidence
I was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and I was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong
Life of Soleilmavis in Brief Summary
Soleilmavis Liu, Author of the book: “Twelve Years in the Grave – Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, is helping the public understand voice-to-skull, and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies. Her book provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with such technologies.
Many victims' stories
One of my senior high school classmates, who worked and lived in Europe, suddenly came back to my city from Europe and contacted me through another classmate.
He invited some of my classmates and me for a lunch. Out of courtesy, I attended the lunch. He talked briefly about his life. As one of the top students in our middle school, he went to one of the top university. He got marriage and had a girl after graduated from the University. Few years ago, he divorced with his wife, and went to work in Europe until now.
He talked to me that he had kept thinking about me for the past years. He claimed that he had been keeping having strange dreams of me at night, and could not help felt falling in love with me, despite never seeing me again for the past 24 years.
I had never heard any news about this classmate since we had graduated from the middle school; I had already totally forgotten this classmate for years, until one night, torturers suddenly injected dreams to my brain; he appeared in the “injected dreams”. Later, he appeared again for several times in ‘injected dreams”, some of those dreams were even sexual dreams.
Next week, he went back to Europe. One day, I suddenly received a call from him; he said that he just woke up from a strange dream, and he dreamed of me again. It was only 2 am in his place.
I did not discuss with him about these technologies and not ask whether he had suffered other symptoms. However, I strongly suspected that he was a victim of remote electromagnetic Mind Control technologies. Those strange dreams were highly likely injected dreams. Some people must have been altering his “thoughts” with Mind Control technologies.
From his case, I could truly sure that perpetrators could control totally victims’ whole life with their Mind Control technologies.
Mind control technologies are weapons which use drugs, electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies, microwaves and /or electromagnetic waves to subvert an individual's sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system.
I have collected many reported articles which introduce 'mind control technologies'. The listing of these articles will not mislead readers; it is a short cut for readers to learn what mind control technologies are.
Soleilmavis Liu, Author of the book: “Twelve Years in the Grave – Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, is helping the public understand voice-to-skull, and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies. Her book provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with such technologies.
Stories about Soleilmavis Liu
The Fact and evidence of abuses and tortures of mind control technologies:
I was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and I was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong
( )
Soleilmavis case summary of mind control abuses and tortures
Judyth Piazza interviews Soleilmavis Liu About Mind Control Technologies
I wish to file my lawsuits to against government who covered such horrible mind control weapons (and Directed Energy Weapons) abuses and tortures.
Weapons of Mass Destruction- Non Lethal Weapons, Mind Control Weapons, or psychotronic weapons has been listed as weapons of Mass Destruction by UNIDIR-UN
Non Lethal Weapons, Mind Control Weapons, or psychotronic weapons has been listed as weapons of Mass Destruction by UNIDIR-UN
I'm sick of this crap. They call me a fake because of one of the things that I eat. They call me a fake because when I go out I'm with my mom or dad. I'm always with somebody when I go out because I think I'm going to get arrested if I'm by myself when I go out. If I get arrested it is because they set me up. They want to call me a fake because I'm with someone when I go out yet they are the ones who set me up to be in this type of situation. One of my perps said that I'm a fake and that there is nothing else about me. What kind of animals are these people? I'm really starting to think that I'm a fake. Whats the point in living when you learn you're worthless both on the inside and the outside and that anyone else is important?
A part from being electronically harassed 24/7, I am unbelievably swamped by any amount of people and organisations, that do all they can to orchestrate as much interference in my daily routine as possible. Although it is now getting worse, over the years I have experienced every kind of sabotage from all my utilities been tampered a destroyed to my shoe laces been swiped. Also I have experienced near car accidents (clear set ups) and many near hit and runs, one by a cop car outside my house that took a second attempt having to turn round (I was shouting abuse at them with my finger in the air mind!!) What strikes me as been strange, I have done any amount of research regarding this topic and the people that I would say that are getting the serious Grade A treatment like myself, have done something they know of why they are being persecuted, like whistle blowing etc. Now me I can't think why these arseholes are trying their uppermost to murder me because I have been no choir boy when it comes to my life. Although I have done many things the worse thing I can say I am guilty of is the 13 and a half years in prison I did for armed robbery of a jewelers, and fighting with a prison guard. I have been out over 15 years now and had made something of my life. A lovely wife, gorgeous Children, a big house, cars businesses etc I turned my self right round.The only thing I can think of is that I have never been able to accept authority as the truth and I believe in a God that I felt was not of any of the religions I was been taught. I believe the God I have been talking to all my life has a plan for me and these are trying to prevent me.from carrying out his wishes.
Concorde con il comitato Tanker Enemy. Hai scordato il capitalismo assieme a fascismo, nazismo, comunismo, socialismo. Altra brutta bestia (o testa dell'idra) il capitalismo a cui è contrapposta l'ideologia ambientalismo che hai accennato. Grazie per la solidarietà!
21/09/2016 Signor PD de Venessia, è dal 2010 che continui ad attaccare sul web e perseverare. Continua pure a lasciar appeso me, mio padre i miei morti (come Olivo). Io lascio solo una replica e ti lascio al tuo destino! Nel frattempo oramai anche familiari, parenti e amici/conoscenti hanno avuto modo di giudicare obbiettivamente chi ha sbagliato per primo cioè tu e chi per secondo cioè io e cosa ho sbagliato io, cosa hai sbagliato tu, oltre a giudicare quel processino comprato (coi fondi neri o quelli rossoneri?) da cui non ricaverai niente se non un altro Stefano FRAPPORTI che guarda ancora come Fabrizio QUATTROCCHI.
Caro mio, qui i proletari delle campagne trentine e delle mele sono mica così dementi da non accorgersi chi ha cominciato e come ha perseverato oltre ad essersi spalleggiato da Pisaia e Popper in processino comprato in commendevoli teatrini per spartire come fecero con la Toldina nel 1716. Finita in un contenzioso per l'eredità in tale 1716. Processo riaperto nel 2016 dopo 300 anni. Tanto non sai manco chi è e manco ti deve interessare. Interesserà ai posteri se non mettono giudizio i siori giudici e avvocati. E ad oggi (San Matteo 2016) hanno l'ultimo update. Ne ho girate ben 8 (otto) di associazioni dal 2005 in poi, alcune delle quali ONLUS (a differenza della tua) per cercare di districare la matassa a cui le Istituzioni hanno solo incasinato e favoreggiato i criminali emulando Ponzio Pilato.
A conoscere te, sono finito proprio da Erode a Caifa a Pilato. Quattro volte ci siamo visti di persona e spari giudizi a raffica.
Ovvio che non ci puoi capire un bel niente. Il caso non lo hai nemmeno iniziato con una pratica di indagine. Hai solo cominciato a buttar in rete come uno sconsiderato incosciente. Impara la deontologia da AISJCA o da altre nettamente serie e che difficilmente riceveranno tutta la mole di diffide che riceve la tua! Oltre a ciò, puoi smetterla di usare la 1a persona plurale e usare la 1a persona singolare perché è vecchio il giochino del "noi" o "ns" o "nostra" associazione.
Alla fine dopo il 2013 mi sono arrangiato da solo nel mettere agli atti come meglio potevo i fatti dal 2005/2007 quelli antecedenti 1995-2005 e postcedenti (2007-2015) non scordando un breve accenno al 1993 con i nessi del Target iniziato a novembre 2007 dopo più sequestri e da solo in condizioni più che disagiate da acufene e altri problemini di cui soffri anche tu, mi sono incastonato dentro la documentazione. Quella corretta, quella fuorviante ed anche accertato che mancano documenti agli atti della ASL.
Io non cito a giudizio nemmeno la ASL in una causa civile per aver loro perso (o sottratto) documenti agli atti e rinuncio all'ART.14 dei diritti del Cittadino perchè nemmeno 10 Milioni di Euro possono restituire anni passati in una forma riduzione di schiavitù e con più di 30 accessi al pronto soccorso (dei quali 5 in ambulanza in codice giallo) a causa di Acufene soggettivo "da campo magnetico". (questa e la diagnosi ufficiale firmata e le misurazioni da otorino privato giungono ai massimi picchi a 8.500herz ca).
Ah lo sò dottor Dorigo radiologo che leggi e non capisci nulla. E' proprio perché non hai mai nemmeno aperto un fascicolo o pratica di indagine al mio caso (come gli stessi questurini o carabinierine) con la tua ACOFONOIMENEF (ex AVAE-m) a differenza della AISJCA che invece almeno fece da intermediaria. Idem il Presidente del CICA-T che si è fatto in quattro per la mia persona prima ancora di fondarlo nel dicembre 2010 e difatti il 1° corpo estraneo ipersonico lo scovammo assieme io e il buon vecchio Sir Violet in data 29 gennaio 2010 ed è refertato minuziosamente perché l'ecografo era proprio bravo. Io ho cercai di ripagare l'ospitalità facendo la spesa quotidianamente e altre cose nella carina San Benedetto del Tronto in cui ho soggiornato più di un mese.
Alla fine me lo sono dovuto fare da solo il caso dopo aver girato dal 2005 fino al 2013 ben 8 associazioni in un espostone (prima stesura da ricorreggere) con documentazione incastonata di ben 87 pagine.
Alcuni vorrebbero far meglio delle Istituzioni creando Associazioni o Comitati e il rischio è di finire come le stesse Istituzioni ad ingravidarsi di casi su casi e farne tanti e a qualche maniera o non farli proprio. Finir a far casistica e solo a far mucchio.
Solo la tua di association su otto però ha cagionato ulteriori danni ad un caso (il caso 77) accertato anche da AISJCA nel 2010 e anche da Lanterna di Kay nel 2013 oltre che riconosciuto a pieno titolo da mcmailteam e da peacepink come Targeted Individual certificato.
Continua pure ad appendere, inventare, ricamare, perseverare e manovrare io non dò altre repliche perché è tempo buttato via e ti mando aff assieme alle toghette che hai mosso nel tuo giochino del pit e soldi non ne becchi di certo. Semmai Urano o Gea come l'8 luglio 2015. Gli 8 (otto) numerologici sono stati tutti trasmessi oggi 21 settembre 2016 alla Curia Arcivescovile Diocesana del Tribunale Sinedrio di Trento con gli interessanti riferimenti alla Toldina e intanto le tue pagine web vengono chiuse grazie al tuo intestardimento che finiranno agli atti nel Testamento. Un gran riconoscimento a secarghe le bale a tuti con le to matae e colpi de nervoso.
21 ottobre 2015 - Chiusa pagina web di Paolo Dorigo
Su richiesta del pubblico ministero Giorgio Gava, il giudice Roberto Marchiori ha sequestrato e fatto chiudere la pagina web del sito coordinata dal veneziano Paolo Dorigo, sindacalista dello Slai...
Venerdì 16 Settembre 2016 - Attentato alla base Nato, condanna confermata in Cassazione per Dorigo
Nel verdetto 38276 depositato oggi dalla quinta sezione penale - e relativo all'udienza svoltasi lo scorso 19 febbraio - la Cassazione rileva come fosse «attuale e concreto il programma di atti di violenza a fini di eversione dell'ordinamento democratico, e quanto effettivamente possibile l'attuazione di tale programma da parte di una adeguata struttura organizzativa, quale era quella cui partecipavano il Dorigo e i suo correi, lo prova, in tutta evidenza, l'attentato alla base militare della nato di Aviano, che dimostra come le finalità» di questo gruppo «fossero proprio quelle di destabilizzare le istituzioni democratiche, colpendo lo Stato nel nucleo essenziale delle sue scelte di politica internazionale, come momento qualificante della "lotta antimperialistica", che ha storicamente rappresentato la cifra ideologica delle "Br-Pcc"». A Dorigo, dopo la revisione, è stato attribuito un ruolo di semplice partecipe della banda armata e non di organizzatore.
Per provare a vincere processini combinati come calciopoli con Luciano Moggi dai tanti orologgi agli albitri e giudicci intellnazionalli (grazie ai fondi rossoneli) e peldere quelli più importanti come questo con la Cassazione al CEDU, tu, il tuo Pisaia e la tua Popper potete proprio attaccarvi al tram e non aggiungo altro perché ho già detto tutto. E pensare che tifavo per te! Doppia figura di emme che resta agli atti con l'update 21 settembre 2016 assieme alle numerologie e analogie del "Il caso Toldina".
Mi arrangio anche troppo bene per i cavoli miei e ringrazio comunque le 7+1 associazioni a cui mi sono rivolto. Caro PD cerca di far meglio sul web e invece di occupare posto fisico per scrivere boiate su Tizio Caio e Sempronio e lasciare la scia come quando passano le capre nane sulla strada asfaltata, impegnati! Vedi niente?
Il Mistero delle onde scalari!
Orsi delle Alpi Rovereto del vecio Fede, el Cotro, el Gilmoz e el Mulic
Non replicherò altro, a differenza tua che lasci in giro la scia di bagolotti di capra nana sul web. Uguale a quando transitano capre caproni e pecore quando passi sul web e mi tocca raccoglierla, trasmetterla ala PP che poi la mette sotto al naso alla magistratura per fargliela annusare. Ma quanta ne fai? Non sarebbe ora di smetterla? Sui tuoi siti ci sono cose utili e interessanti (le radiografie, referti e molto altro), ma avanti di questo passo te lo faranno chiudere tutto. La smetti di attaccare in giro cagate su di me, su questo, quello o quell'altra? Perfino Sir Violet di certo non è contento di stare attaccato da anni sul tuo MeTube. Tu la gente te la bruci caro Paolo e dopo ai tuoi sit-in non ci viene nessuno a parte quattro gatti. Se butti e cestini tutte le cagate che hai scritto, io faccio subito altrettanto e ognuno per la sua strada. Datti una regolata e concentrati sulla rimozione microchip che è più importante e lassa perdere le monae. Comincio di nuovo io a regolarmi e lascio solo questa replica perché tu mi hai fatto male per primo per niente, poi ti ho fatto male io, poi mi hai fatto male tu e poi di nuovo io. Comincio di nuovo io a dare il buon esempio e mi fermo qui. Però smettila di lasciare in giro la scia di cagate su di me, mio padre (che non si chiama Wladimiro) e sui miei morti e magari, cestinale tutte, così poi anche io cestinerò anche io finalmente. Così dopo ognuno per la sua strada e "C'eravamo tanto amati" con Marco Predolin!
A te la scelta oppure continuare di tanto in tanto a attacar altri bagolotti par a rete che dopo spaso e ghe meto soto al naso ala magistratura en modo che i la snasa tuta anca lori. La rete internet non dovrebbe essere usata come valvola di sfogo. Diavolo cam ti ga 60 ani oramai. Noi non semo de Venesia, semo contadini però ghemo istinto ... -_-
Il compannio Don Mattia MonSignore ma non troppo.
(Chiudo 21 settembre 2016. Se butti via tutto, io faccio altrettanto e sennò continua finchè morti non ci separi - Quanto segue da qui in poi è del 2012 e ancora và avanti e non si può togliere fino a quando non lo fa quello più vecchio che dovrebbe dare il buon esempio a quello più giovane. Cioè quello del 1959 che oramai è quasi sessanTenne e sembra tale e quale a en vecio sior brontolon secacojoni da mandar al ricovero dei vecioti!).
Noti differenze tra le due immagini?
La prima è uno screen-shot di maggio 2011,
il secondo invece è di luglio 2011.
L'unica pagina del sottoscritto su Youtube è questa:
20-5-2011 RETE VENETA YOUTUBE HA CENSURATO ! clicca QUI youtube integrale 22-5-2011 Dopo il completamento (100% ed 8 ore di caricamento), la censura di Stato è arrivata su Youtube alle ore 8,45 del 22-5-2011: "file troppo grande, spiacenti". Invece è al di sotto di 1 Gb.
Attenzione esistono alcuni video caricati da persone che li caricano su youtube per avvalorarsi come ns.contatti, di Paolo Dorigo e dell'Acofoinmenef.
Il 21 luglio 2011 ho saputo che la pagina Adige Trentino di YouTube non ha nulla a che vedere con il quotidiano Adige, che provvederà a querelare esso stesso colui che ha postato la diffamazione in YouTube contro la mia persona ed a chiederne la rimozione. Il 9-7-2011 ho querelato Matteo Tenni. 18-5-2011 ero venuto a sapere che da oltre un anno c'è una palese diffamazione da parte di una persona che si finge ns.sostenitore. Diffidate di queste persone, innanzitutto "AtlantiTeo" ossia matteo teone alias di matteo tenni, sabotatore della ns.associazione. Non hanno alcuna ns.autorizzazione nel merito, hanno copiato dai ns.siti le interviste e le hanno rimesse in youtube. Costui era venuto persiono con la scusa di solidarizzare con me a San Benedetto del Tronto nel febbraio 2010 alla conferenza sulla fine della repubblica nella quale sono intervenuto, ma in realtà per farsi pubblicità, e mi aveva già dato dell'infame su internet, e manco lo sapevo. Questo è Matteo Tenni, un terminale dei torturatori, che diffama chi lotta veramente come queste cose. E Andrea Nitta forse nemmeno lui lo sapeva. Queste persone come Matteo Teone sono strumenti del regime, che non vogliono veramente combattere queste armi tecnologiche, e che cercano di portare un discredito che credono assai errando, ben pagato per loro e gratuito verso di noi.
link sorgente ---->
Ed ecco che magicamente nostro scoordinatore ancora ricambia per la quinta volta. Per fortuna che asseriva che non si può cambiare/modificare nulla di quello che pubblica perchè sarebbe come pretendere di ritirare un giornale che è andato in stampa. Queste sono le risposte che si ricevono da lui (come al solito si incuxx con le sue parole e fatti perchè è la quinta volta che ricambia e la rete internet non è un giornale andato in stampa cartacea)
E dopo ben quattro anni di vaccate iniziate nel 2010, veramente stufo e scazzato ecco che nel 2014 mi vedo costretto ad esporre i fatti al PG della Polizia Postale con 25+25 pagine dattiloscritte con tutti gli elementi probatori e come annotava e confrontava lo stesso PG, iniziano effettivamente nel 2010 e quindi un anno prima in cui, lo stesso, non disdegnava onestamente e schiettamente sbattendosene le OO di fronte ad una platea di toghe rosse e toghe nere, di averlo chiamato infame per tali infamie iniziate nel 2010, brigatista perchè non conosceva il suo passato da guerrigliero attaccabrighe e cyberbullo e che i suoi siti non valgono un bagolotto di capra nana perchè pieni di infamie e deliberatamente inventate oltre che di cose effettivaente corrette come radiografie, referti esami e test e dati giusti. Un bel minestrone.
Ahimè, denunciata un'associazione con relativo scoordonatore e tutti i facente parte di questo progetto criminale indagati. Già in passato, altre associazioni sono state denunciate come Federazione Galattica per circonvenzione e anche associazione Graal per altri reati. Per una volta, forse lasciano correre,ma se dovesse accadere di nuovo, l'associazione rischia di essere chiusa e i vari suoi siti web oscurati perchè pieni di infamie e rivolte anche a terzi e con molte parolacce e termini scurrili. Meglio darsi una regolata ed emulare aisjca che non combina così tanti casini ed evita certi linguaggi disdicevoli da fornicatori per un Presidente.
Da ciò che scrive, egli mi accusa perfino di aver messo in giro le sue interviste. Tutto ciò è assurdo,perchè cliccando qui, si giunge ad una mia playlist (su youtube le cartelle le chiamano playlist) dove diversi utenti hanno caricato quella sua vecchia intervista rilasciata alla giornalista di Rete Veneta di marzo 2009. Non occorre esser geni, per vedere che la stessa intervista ce l'hanno almeno 6 differenti "youtubers" ed esattamente gli utenti: rivoluzioniamo2, sarvus1, Articolo23italia, Sigviolet, decifircas, canaledelrisveglio.
Probabilmente quell'intervista ce l'hanno tanti altri utenti solo che qualcun altro l'ha stagliuzzata per non far risaltare Aviano. Per caso che sia questo il problema? Che c'è l'originale dove compare l'attentato di Aviano?
Come al solito accusa me che l'ho solo condivisa in una cartella youtube e io posso tranquillamente condividere i video in una cartella e a mia scelta, aggiungere anche l'inno dei comunisti, l'inno dei fascisti e l'inno degli anarchici e se voglio anche i Cori della Sat e i canti degli Alpini e perfino i puffi o Pollyanna se lo desidero.
▲▲▲ LINK CASO 77
Prima di ottobre 2010 e dopo nostra spaccatura,lui e parecchi suoi associati non erano su facebook ed ero io che li rappresentavo e con assenso di Paolo che mi venne dato in data 25-09-2009 a Marghera,non a caso sul suo sito,c'era linkato un mio gruppo facebook (come si vede sopra) con scritto LINK CASO 77 e questo il signore lo sapeva bene.
Sul vocabolario dei sinonimi e contrari alla voce associazione i sinonimi sono:
società, confederazione, federazione, unione, lega, collegio, compagnia, consorzio, alleanza, corporazione, congregazione, sodalizio, #setta, #loggia, movimento, #clan, comitato, consorteria, #confraternita, #partito, camarilla.
Il rischio è partire in buona fede costituendo un'associazione o un comitato che poi però può trasmutarsi in una pseudo-setta col Guru. Quante volte è accaduto? Praticamente senza rendersene conto, può diventare tale e quale ad una pseudo-setta o loggia alla quale tutti devono sottostare al Guru senza fiatare e partecipare al caporalato.
Lo stesso vale per le Istituzioni che possono nascondere più di una casta o loggia. Tribunali, redazioni giornalistiche, questure, etc. dove c'è più di una classe piramidale come gli Illuminati menzionati da Giulio Tremonti da Bruno Vespa. Penso non serva far accenni ad un Partito politico perchè vale anche per esso e il nepotismo è sempre in agguato.
HashTag 21/09/2016 se può farlo lui di mettere in calce caratteri mignon apposta come nelle postille dei contratti fasulli delle truffe allora posso farlo anche io. Ho già l'HTML pronto se rovinate questa stupidissima pagina web che vorrei invece cestinare anziché oggi dover aggiornare. Gentile Giuria, se fate cestinare tutto a lui, io in un attimo cestino tutto e così abbiamo veramente finito. L'ho già dimostrato che senza nessuno mi dicesse niente, avevo già cestinato io ancora nel 2011 ignaro che sarebbe arrivata una querelina. Ma vara che roba!
Boni si. Cojoni no! A ad eser masa buoni i te fa passare per cojoni!
HashTag 21/09/2016: Giudice Michele Cuccaro , Avvocato Cristina Luzzi, Avvocato Avv Studio Legale Luigi Capone , Avvocato Claudio Robol , Avvocato Luca Piaia, Avvocato Marina Prosperi, questore aggiunto Tiziana Pagnozzi Trento, commissario capo Antonio Scialdone Trento , sovrintendente Roberto Dorigoni Trento , Ispettore Renzo Ferrai Trento, Sovrintendente Marco Ganganelli Rovereto Villalagarina trento Ispettore capo Renzo Ferrai Trento Trentino Bolzano Alto-Adige , Sovrintendente Silvano Mauro Berti Feltre , Roberto Giacomelli , Emanuela Faes , dott.ssa Daniela Genalizzi , Corte Giudice Avvocato Trento , dott.ssa giudice avvocato corte Iolanda Ricchi Trento, AnnaMaria Creazzo Trento.
Avendo io già tolto quello che scrissi nel 2011 e lui no. Verrà tutto cestinato quando avrete convinto il veneziano a fare altrettanto. Fino ad allora testate qui anche voi esimi dottori maestri rabbini professori!!! Proprio a fianco di un banner ACOFOINFAMANTE