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Dark occultism involves conducting ritualised human sacrifice in locations where the leylines of the earth intersect and such ritualised human sacrifices are sometimes conducted during solstices when the leyline energy is at its weakest. Other aspects of ritual human sacrifice such as the human energy field of the victim and the human energy field of the dark occult human sacrificer are also of prime consideration. When will dark occultism be available for study as a university degree so that the general public can protect themselves and their children from being selected as a human sacrifice? Who will organise this situation in Europe and bring it into effect. Why is it not the case already? Who is blocking the activities of dark occultists from being a course of study. When will the actual practice of dark occultism by banned by every country in the world because it involves torturing and murdering people, who are mostly children. What can I do to protect myself from being selected as a victim of human sacrifice by dark occultists? What happens to the energy fields of dark occultists during the time they are sacrificing one of their victims. Why do they continue to perform ritual human sacrifice and what do they gain from performing it. What are all the identities of those who are involved in satanic ritual abuse and satanic ritual human sacrifice. I don't think they have legal names because I dont believe they register their children at birth but I am not entirely sure of that. Do they register their children at birth?.
Why do nuns willingly sign away their freedom in order to become slaves. What psychological manipulation are they subjected to in order to willingly enslave themselves? Religion corrupts our sense of reality and suppresses our ability to think freely. Religions pretend to know things they can not know. Religion is mental slavery. Religion trains us to disrespect our own reasoning power and logic. The bible was written by men. Always abide by moral law but stay away from religions. Sacraments are simply acts of mesmerism and nothing supernatural ever takes place during those acts of mesmerism. Extravagent costumes and elaborate posturing are used in those acts of mesmerism. Prayer is a form of auto hypnosis. We are always inculcated into religions while we are very young children. We are not allowed to remain free from inculcation into a religion until we have reached adulthood. Why is that the case. Religion is suppression of free thought. Religion has become a dangerous political tool.
Controllers of organised religions do not respect us. They inculcate us when we are too young and to inexperienced to defend ourselves from their inculcation. They invent stories about us burning in hell for all eternity if we dare to disobey their religious dictates. They are experts in psychology and they are wealthy and powerful because of their psychological manipulations. I am very angry at controllers of organised religions and I am very sorry for their followers who are unable to think clearly due to heavy inculcation. I do not agree that those who are inculcated into false belief systems by very evil men should be left with an inability to think freely and logically. I think they should be helped to think more clearly and I strongly believe that organised religions should be banned from the face of the earth. They gain money and power from deliberately destroying our ability to think logically and rationally.

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 it appears that there is an ongoing plot to destroy the Republic of Ireland from within by members of the Irish government themselves by means of over inviting the Ukranian people to come and live in the Republic of Ireland with no cap on the numbers of Ukranians that have been invited to come and settle here.
A referendum is being held in the Republic of Ireland later this year 2022 where all of the residents of the republic of Ireland who are entitled to vote will be asked to vote on whether to delimit the rights of Irish citizens to own their own homes and businesses. This referendum is being held on the false understanding that the act of delimiting the rights of the Irish people to own their own homes and businesses will solve the housing crisis.
1. That housing crisis was caused by members of the Irish government themselves inviting any and all Ukranians to come and live in the Republic of Ireland with no cap on the number of Ukranians invited to live in the Republic of Ireland. The population of Ukraine is known to be more than 43 million people and the population of the Republic of Ireland is approximately 5.5 million. Irish senior politicians invited any and all Ukranians to come and live in the Republic of Ireland on humanitarian grounds because of the current ongoing war in Ukraine. Ireland has no ability to house more than 43 million Ukranians if they all decide to accept the invitation of the Irish government so it appears that what is really occurring is that there is a plot to destroy the Republic of Ireland from within. Further to that , so far the war in Ukraine is only being fought in the East side of Ukraine and not at all in the West of Ukraine so why didn't the Ukranians just move to the West side of their own country instead of moving to the Republic of Ireland. Further to that, the total area of Ukraine is more than 233 thousand square miles and the total area of the Republic of Ireland is slightly more than 26 thousand square miles. Ukraine is nearly 9 times the size of the Republic of Ireland and the people of Ukraine would have much more space if they simply moved to the West of their own country rather than what they would have by moving to the Republic of Ireland.
How much does it cost to hold a referendum in the Republic of Ireland and why is an extremely costly referendum being held this year in 2022 if it is of no importance? The referendum is being held to enable most of the people resident in the Republic of Ireland to decide if the government should delimit the rights of the people resident in Ireland to own their own homes and businesses. Some people are advising not to worry about this referendum because it has been put forward by a fringe group of senior politicians who have communist underpinnings. However, if it was of no importance we would not be asked to set aside a large amount of money from the public purse in order to hold this referendum.
Many people throughout the Republic of Ireland are in a false state of happy apathy because of electromagnetic frequencies coming from their television screens and/or from their smart phones which are entraining their brains into false states of happy apathy. Their happy apathy is unjustified. Mass mind control is in widespread use to the extent that we can no longer trust our senior politicians, our judiciary or our Gardai to exercise sound judgement. In order to recover our ability to exercise sound judgement we would need to have all microwave transmitters and related infrastructure disassembled and banned forthwith.
In issue 9 of the Irish Light newspaper it states on the front page that the Irish are to become a minority in Ireland and also that the government admits it has no official figures on the number of undocumented migrants in the country. The Irish in Ireland are most of those who own property in Ireland and those who have recently come to Ireland and have acquired the right to vote in our referendums most do not own any property so they may drown out the vote of the Irish people who wish to continue to have the right to own their own property.
If we no longer owned our own property who would then own it? Would it be the Luciferian new world order cabal who appear to wish to own and control all of the resources of the earth while we would be forced to beg them for our basic needs. The Luciferian new world order cabal are known to conduct human sacrifices on a regular basis. They show no mercy to their sacrificial victims. We could not expect to be treated fairly by them. Why is the organised religion known as Luciferianism tolerated in this world? Why don't we have it banned considering it involved ritual human sacrifice which is in fact murder. When are we going to have all known Luciferians imprisoned for their parts in ritual human sacrifice. The International Common Law Court of Human Rights based both in Brussels and Vancouver has compiled large amounts of evidence against Luciferians and their ritual human sacrificing activities in the past. The Luciferians themselves run the Maratime and Admiralty Law courts throughout the world so they can not be apprehended by the laws of the sea but only by the laws of the land.
It is being widely claimed on and many other sources that Lord Mark Malloch-Brown of the British Privy Council is heavily involved in voter fraud and I have enclosed some online information about voter fraud from that website here
Nov. 09, 2020—Under the color and protection of the Queen’s Privy Councilor, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown directs a vast empire of banks, multi-national corporations and NGOs (non-governmental agencies). Malloch-Brown is a founding director of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation election-rigging scams around the world.
These globalist organizations are peopled with bankers, accountants, attorneys, hedge funds, film and TV producers, advertisers, public relations specialists, social media drones, radio and newspaper executives, politicians and corporate officials in a Gordian knot of interlocking globalist relationships.
What follows is a one-page summary of the clarion call for disqualifying these weaponized globalist-takeover voting systems.
When we finally hold the above mentioned referendum in the Republic of Ireland we must count the votes manually in the old fashioned vote counting way because we are being assured by independent journalists that voting machines are fraught with danger and have been used in the past to falsify the result of elections throughout the world. Can we have assurance from the Irish government that electronic voting machines will never be used in the Republic of Ireland at any time because they can easily be interfered with by wireless remote means by unknown individuals who can do so over fast distances in order to falsify the results of elections and referendums.
I remain yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901, My email address is,
Todays date is 1st May, 2022.
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I emailed the following email to today in the past few minutes as follows:-
The Referendum to Delimit the Rights of Irish People to Own Their Own Homes or Businesses Under the 39th Amendment to the Constitution of Ireland.
gretta fahey <>
1:36 PM (5 minutes ago)
To Whom it Concerns,
A referendum is being held in the Republic of Ireland later this year 2022 where all of the residents of the republic of Ireland who are entitled to vote will be asked to vote on whether to delimit the rights of Irish citizens to own their own homes and businesses. This referendum is being held on the false understanding that the act of delimiting the rights of the Irish people to own their own homes and businesses will solve the housing crisis.
1. That housing crisis was caused by members of the Irish government themselves inviting any or all Ukranians to come and live in Ireland with no cap on the number of Ukranians invited to live in the Republic of Ireland. Irish senior politicians invited any and all Ukranians to come and live in the Republic of Ireland on humanitarian grounds because of the current ongoing war in Ukraine. However, the was is only being held in the East of Ukraine and not at all in the West of Ukraine so why didnt the Ukranians just move to the West side of their own country instead of moving to the Republic of Ireland. Further to that, the total area of Ukraine is more than 233 thousand square miles and the total area of the Republic of Ireland is slightly more than 26 thousand square miles. Ukraine is nearly 9 times the size of the Republic of Ireland and the people of Ukraine would have much more space in the West of their own country that they would have in the Republic of Ireland.
How much does it cost to hold a referendum in the Republic of Ireland and why is an extremely costly referendum being held this year in 2022 if it is of no importance? The referendum is being held to enable most of the people resident in the Republic of Ireland to decide if the government should delimit the rights of the people resident in Ireland to own their own homes and businesses. Some people are advising not to worry about this referendum because it has been put forward by a fringe group of senior politicians who have communist underpinnings. However, if it was of no importance we would not be asked to set aside a large amount of money from the public purse in order to hold this referendum.
Many people throughout the Republic of Ireland are in a false state of happy apathy because of electromagnetic frequencies coming from their television screens and/or from their smart phones which are entraining their brains into false states of happy apathy. Their happy apathy is unjustified. Mass mind control is in widespread use to the extent that we can no longer trust our senior politicians, our judiciary or our Gardai to exercise sound judgement. In order to recover our ability to exercise sound judgement we would need to have all microwave tranmsitters and related infrastructure disassembled and banned forthwith.
In issue 9 of the Irish Light newspaper it states on the front page that the Irish are to become a minority in Ireland and also that the government admits it has no official figures on the number of undocumented migrants in the country. The Irish in Ireland are most of those who own property in Ireland and those who have recently come to Ireland and have aquired the right to vote in our referendums most do not own any property so they may drown out the vote of the Irish people who wish to continue to have the right to own their own property.
If we no longer owned our own property who would then own it? Would it be the Luciferian new world order cabal who appear to wish to own and control all of the resources of the earth while we would be forced to beg them for our basic needs. The Luciferian new world order cabal are known to conduct human sacrifices on a regular basis. They show no mercy to their sacrificial victims. We could not expect to be treated fairly by them. Why is the organised religion known as Luciferianism tolerated in this world? Why don't we have it banned considering it involved ritual human sacrifice which is in fact murder. When are we going to have all known Luciferians imprisoned for their parts in ritual human sacrifice. The International Common Law Court of Human Rights based both in Brussels and Vancouver has compiled large amounts of evidence against Luciferians and their ritual human sacrificing activities in the past. The Luciferians themselves run the Maratime and Admiralty Law courts throughout the world so they can not be apprehended by the laws of the sea but only by the laws of the land.
It is being widely claimed on and many other sources that Lord Mark Malloch-Brown of the British Privy Council is heavily involved in voter fraud and I have enclosed some online information about voter fraud from that website here
Nov. 09, 2020—Under the color and protection of the Queen’s Privy Councilor, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown directs a vast empire of banks, multi-national corporations and NGOs (non-governmental agencies). Malloch-Brown is a founding director of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation election-rigging scams around the world.
These globalist organizations are peopled with bankers, accountants, attorneys, hedge funds, film and TV producers, advertisers, public relations specialists, social media drones, radio and newspaper executives, politicians and corporate officials in a Gordian knot of interlocking globalist relationships.
What follows is a one-page summary of the clarion call for disqualifying these weaponized globalist-takeover voting systems.
When we finally hold the above mentioned referendum in the Republic of Ireland we must count the votes manually in the old fashioned vote counting way because we are being assured by independent journalists that voting machines are fraught with danger and have been used in the past to falsify the result of elections throughout the world. Can we have assurance from the Irish government that electronic voting machines will never be used in the Republic of Ireland at any time because they can easily be interfered with by wireless remote means by unknown individuals who can do so over fast distances in order to falsify the results of elections and referendums.
I remain yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901, My email address is,
Todays date is 1st May, 2022.
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What Do DARPA Want With Our Brains?
Excerpt from COVID-19: A Web Of Corruption, by “Spartacus”:

In 2020, a Harvard scientist by the name of Charles Lieber was indicted by the DOJ on charges of making false statements. He had taken money from China’s Thousand Talents Plan, against the terms of his DOD grants. Charles Lieber received grants from DARPA, ONR, AFOSR, NIH, and MITRE, but he also double-dipped and took money from the CCP, hence the charges against him. Harvard University Professor Indicted on False Statement Charges

Charles Lieber worked under a cover story. He claimed to be working on silicon nanowire batteries for the Chinese, but no one can recall him ever working on batteries of any kind.

Science: Why did a Chinese university hire Charles Lieber to do battery research?

Charles Lieber’s research actually involves something called bionanotechnology, which is the Frankensteinian blending of living tissue with artificial components (i.e. semiconductors, quantum dots, nanoparticles, synthetic polymers, et cetera), on the molecular level.

Charles Lieber’s own papers explicitly describe the potential for his silicon nanowires to be used as biosensors, or even as brain-computer interfaces, (also known as brain-machine interfaces, or, in cyberpunk science fiction parlance, “neural laces”):

Harvard: Nanowire probes could drive high-resolution brain-machine interfaces

How is this relevant to COVID-19? Charles Lieber is a colleague of Robert Langer, one of the co-founders of Moderna. The two of them are pictured here, left and right, with Daniel Kohane in the center.

These three worked on a paper together to create cybernetic heart tissue scaffolds with biosensor functionality.

Harvard: Cyborg Tissue Monitors Cells

Elon Musk’s Neuralink presentation made waves when people started to consider the human applications, but even Neuralink is as barbaric as trephination next to the military’s craniotomy-free, wireless nanoparticle BCI research.

Enter DARPA’s BRAIN Initiative, and the N3 (Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology) program.

DARPA: Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology

The grant proposal for N3 is very informative on the nature of the technology desired by DARPA:

DARPA: Broad Agency Announcement Next-Generation Non-Surgical Neurotechnology (N3) BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES OFFICE HR001118S0029

TA2 involves the development of a system that includes a nanotransducer placed on or near neurons of interest and an integrated sensor/stimulator device that sits outside the skin. The nanotransducer may include technologies such as, but not limited to, self-assembled/molecular/biomolecular/chemical nanoparticles, or viral vectors. These nanotransducers must be delivered in a minutely invasive (nonsurgical) manner, which may include ingestion, injection, or nasal administration, and involve technology that includes self-assembly inside the body. While the major TA2 goals of developing neural read out and write in capabilities are similar to the goals from TA1, creating a nanotransducer with an optimal delivery route to the brain is a major additional component. Another major component of TA2 is achieving cell-type specificity.

There are six teams involved in the N3 program; Battelle, Carnegie Mellon University, Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory, PARC, Rice University, and Teledyne.

How close are they to achieving their goal?

Magnetism Plays Key Roles in DARPA Research to Develop Brain-Machine Interface without Surgery

Nature: Wireless and battery-free technologies for neuroengineering

Very close.

Incidentally, the head of Battelle’s N3 team, Gaurav Sharma, was also involved in DTRA’s Blood-Brain Barrier Program. Yes, the very same Defense Threat Reduction Agency that funded EcoHealth Alliance.

What did that program seek to accomplish?

Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Chemical and Biological Technologies Department: Early Successes of DTRA’s Blood-Brain Barrier Program Suggest New Countermeasures

The program aims to understand the effects of nerve agents and alphaviruses on the blood-brain barrier and find new transport pathways to deliver appropriate therapeutics into the CNS. The early successes of JSTO’s program allows researchers to better assess the risks of emerging threats while enhancing their ability to protect and treat warfighters from a broad range of chemical and biological threats.

That’s interesting. What does SARS-CoV-2 Spike, the supposed constituent of the vaccine, do to people’s blood-brain barrier?

Elsevier: The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alters barrier function in 2D static and 3D microfluidic in-vitro models of the human blood–brain barrier

Huh. The SARS-CoV-2 Spike S1 subunit is capable of permeabilizing the blood-brain barrier, opening it up for substances that might want to cross from the bloodstream to the brain.

So, how does all this wireless neural lace business work? It’s actually both very complex and surprisingly simple. Nanoparticles that are sensitive to RF, electromagnetism, ultrasound, and/or light are introduced into brain cells, and then, an external encoder/decoder stimulates them wirelessly and reads back the response. It is very much like turning the human brain into a Wacom pen. You know how a Wacom tablet works, right? The tablet generates a field that the pen converts into an electric current by wireless induction. That’s why the pens don’t need batteries, and it’s why nanotransducers implanted in the brain don’t need them, either.

Shortly after the Spartacus Letter was posted on ZeroHedge, this absolutely ridiculous CNBC video was published on YouTube:

CNBC: Why It’s Impossible to Put Tracking Microchips In Covid Vaccines

How small are nanotransducers, actually?

Well, here’s one of Battelle’s Magnetoelectric Nanotransducers, as seen under an electron microscope.

It’s about 20 nanometers across, much smaller than the 120 nanometer diameter of a SARS-CoV-2 virion, and comparable to transistor gate sizes.

To put this in perspective, the inside diameter of a vaccine needle of average gauge is about 0.26 millimeters. That’s 260,000 nanometers.

13,000 Magnetoelectric Nanotransducers could fit through a vaccine needle side-by-side.

You see, BCIs capable of two-way communication with a human brain don’t just give you superpowers, or let you control drones with your mind, or listen to Katy Perry without headphones or speakers or whatever. They can also be used to manipulate mood, and for social control.

They could also be used to take away people’s agency and turn them into, essentially, biological robots, utterly obedient to government and open to any manner of sadistic abuse.

This is not an exaggeration. It is a fact.

Profound behavioral changes have already been observed in patients with DBS electrodes implanted in their heads. How far could they go if they had access to fine-grained stimulation of individual clusters of neurons?

A bioethicist by the name of Dr. James Giordano (who is well-acquainted with DARPA’s research) is very concerned about all of this. That’s why he gives horrifying lectures in front of West Point cadets like this one:

Are they already wargaming the military applications of weaponized neuroS/T, investigating the possibility of using nanoparticles to attack rival powers by making their own citizens go berserk? Yes, of course they are.

Naturally, this sort of escalation of neuroscience to the level of a new arms race will create all kinds of insane justifications in the minds of policymakers and intelligence officials. Populist unrest can be recast as inauthentic, the result of undetectable enemy action. Dissidents can be rounded up and injected with mind-control nanoparticles to make them friendly to the state again, and to cure whatever the Russian or Chinese nanoparticles did to them to make them get so upset and wave signs in the street in the first place.

I ask you, the reader, is this a world you want to live in? One where governments see your own body, your own mind, as not off-limits for direct tampering to achieve military and political objectives? A world where maniacs describe your own body, your own flesh and blood, not as something sacrosanct, but as little more than “the contested domain” of a new type of warfare that you never even knew existed?

No. We say no.

If governments are crossing this line, then they have become the enemies of all mankind.
Its not just DARPA for their military use. But intelligence agency like the CIA already using these technology and its operational around the globe.. mostly for intelligence collection directly from targeted brain, direct mind destruction or assasination method by purposely plant negative emotion to target in order for the target to kill themself and for clandestine purpose.
They can control people who have been exposed and 'infected' with these tech.. move them around, arouse their emotion, create false gesture, force speech.. if this tech is already on your brain. They can control your entirely life.. this the future we are living right now. And yet no limit or regulation has been imposed to control the use of this covert technology.
I obtained the above information at the following online link
I and many other Irish people are long term victims of non-consensual brain and body experimentation and this experimentation is being conducted on us by remote means by neuro operatives who remain unknown to us.
My name is gretta fahey and my address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My email address is

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