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Please Help Rita Thomas(Belgium) Soleilmavis Wrote: Rita Thomas from belgium have been forced to accept Psychiatric treatment from few months. Now She will be forced to receive 6 months extra full time treatment because she told her Docture about Mind control. She is sick from the medicines. she will go to court this tuesday on 4 Nov to stop the prolongation. Her profile Please help her by calling her doctor or write to her lawyer. If you have some official document of Sharon Jones' court case, Please also forward to Rita's lawyer. The number of the psychiatrist is 00 32 ( 0) 3 4601602 Email of her Lawyer is MISTER WILLEMS Gina Wrote: How can I help her? I can't call Belgium because of my phone. Does someone want to give me an interview and I will play it on the Edge? If someone can come forward for her in the interview that would be great. Jean Verstraeten wrote: Hove, 4 november 2008 Geachte Meester Willems, Ik verneem dat Mevr. Rita Thomas, vandaag nog, andermaal tot opname zal worden gedwongen. Waaraan zij dan lijdt? Wat dit ook mag wezen, er bestaat een geheel van technologie雗 of wapens waarmee men op afstand mensen lichamelijk en geestelijk uiterst zwaar kan beschadigen. Lees hierover bijvoorbeeld wat Rauni Kilde, een Finse vrouwelijke arts, schrijft in de bijgaande tekst. Documentatie over deze ijzingwekkende kwestie zond ik ook reeds naar Dr. Coppens en vrederechter Van den Eeden. Misschien mag ik U later meer sturen? Het gaat om ons aller grondrechten, ja om het bestaan zelf van elke rechtsstaat. Met de meeste achting, Jean Verstraeten Vredestraat 65 2540 HOVE P.S. In bijlage doe ik U toch nog even een aantal adressen toekomen waar men meer informatie kan vinden. Ik stip er enkele aan die ik geschikt acht voor een eerste kennisneming van het probleem. Rudy Wrote: November 3rd, 2008 From: Rudy ANDRIA University lecturer, France To: Mr Walter Willems Lawyer, Belgium Dear Sir, I am Rudy Andria from France. I am a retired university lecturer. I am writing out of fellow feeling for my co-victim Rita Thomas. I hereby certify on my honour that Rita Thomas is NOT mentally ill and does NOT have the slightest psychological disturbance . As you are her lawyer, you certainly are already convinced of her sound mental health.She does not need any psychiatric treatment whatsoever and keeping her for another 7 months in the psychiatric hospital is tantamount to downright insult to her dignity and freedom. For you to better understand what we, mindcontrol victims are going through, please allow me to send you my testimony both in English and German. All the link-references below will give you the broad outlines of the situation. In my own name and in the name of all mindcontrol victims,thank you for your attention , your understanding and your support. Yours sincerely Rudy Andria University lecturer
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1 November 2008 Mailteam Works-- Victims work trends (help Jennifer) Jennifer wrote: Hello.I DO NEED YOUR HELP! I am locked up in an AFC home in Michigan. They diagnosed me as psychotic when I told everyone the truth. I am not psychotic. And then they gave me a guardian, which is my mother. I was locked up here on December 9, 2005 and have been in an AFC home. They are planning on moving me to a different AFC home because I continue to speak the truth. They keep increasing my medications and making me into a zombie. I know the truth and I will have to die by the truth. I need your help and I want to be free. Please help me. I used to be a social worker. I had a good life. Now I have nothing.Please email me back soon.Jennifer Mairjas wrote: I just spoke to her mother and she told me I couldn't speak to her. I didn't identify myself, I just asked "can I speak to Jennifer?" and her mother was very nasty. Scary tone as if she's her military guardian. She said: "you can't talk to her".I played dumb and ask what time would be a good time and the mother told me "you can't really talk to her." I asked if she lives there and she hesitated and then said she wont be there for a while. So, I asked her when is she coming back, she just hung up on me. Bob wrote: I was contacted by a woman in Michigan named Jennifer who heard about Sharon Jones and asked for help in obtaining freedom after being confined for nearly three years following a mistaken psychiatric diagnosis produced by her attempts to tell the same truth that Sharon tried to tell. Does anyone know of other cases like this? We can try to help them. I am not asking you to write letters to support Jennifer at this time, but I may do so later. Details of Jennifer's case are below with identifying information deleted. Bob To: Michigan Adult Protective Services Re: Jennifer xxx I am a retired attorney in North Hollywood, CA. I have been working as a concerned citizen on a voluntary basis to expose the truth about crimes within federal agencies and to try to assist the victims of these crimes. To supplement my telephone report to you this morning, I am providing below the email correspondence with Jennifer xxx. Jennifer contacted me because I was able to help another woman in NY who had been mistakenly diagnosed as psychotic on the basis of her statements of true facts about criminal activities within federal agencies. Jennifer has been in the same situation since December 2005. I and hundreds of other people know these statements to be true. We have extensive documentation to prove this truth. Psychiatrists with no knowledge of this reality assume that statements of fact on this subject are delusions and thus mistakenly diagnose people who state such true facts as delusional. Jennifer has been suffering the consequences of a mistaken psychiatric diagnosis for nearly three years. I am not representing Jennifer as an attorney since I am not now in active practice, and I have never been licensed to practice law in Michigan. I am writing to you as a concerned citizen who was asked for assistance by Jennifer. According to the email from Jennifer, she has been held involuntarily in an AFC home. She did not give me the location, but we found the following phone and address listing: xxx An associate of mine called this number and asked to speak to Jennifer. A woman, probably Jennifer's mother and appointed guardian, said that the caller could not speak to Jennifer and hung up. This response indicates that we must have reached the right place. I have not heard from Jennifer since then. It appears that her mother may have blocked Jennifer's access to the Internet as the result of this phone call. Michigan law does not permit involuntary confinement of a person because of mental illness unless the person poses a danger to herself or others. Jennifer's beliefs about crime in government would not pose a danger to anyone other than the government criminals about whom Jennifer has expressed accurate beliefs. I can provide extensive documentation to prove that the beliefs which Jennifer expressed are true, but that is not the immediate issue. The immediate issue is that the law does not permit Jennifer to be involuntarily confined because of mental illness unless she poses a danger. My guess is that Jennifer is not being physically locked in, but she believes that she does not have the freedom to leave, and she is being drugged into a zombie condition so that she is not capable of leaving. This raises questions as to whether she is receiving proper care from her mother, acting as her guardian. Acting on Jennifer's request for my help, I am asking APS to do the following: Locate Jennifer and inform her of her right to leave the AFC home. See that Jennifer receives necessary shelter and financial support elsewhere from the funds that her mother is receiving for Jennifer's support. Investigate whether Jennifer's guardian has been acting properly in Jennifer's behalf and help Jennifer apply for a change of guardian if she believes this to be in her best interest. Help Jennifer to obtain legal assistance in removing the stigma of a mistaken diagnosis of psychosis. Please let me know what additional information you may need to support the above requests and to establish that Jennifer has been misdiagnosed as psychotic because of the false assumption that her beliefs about government crimes cannot be true. Her experiences match the experiences of at least a thousand other victims of the same government crimes. I am one of those victims, and I am in touch with hundreds of others. I understand that you will initiate investigation of this report within 24 hours. The email below from Jennifer is her authorization for you to communicate with me on the subject. Please let me know the results of your initial investigation and tell me how I may be of further assistance on this matter. /s/ Soleilmavis Wrote: To: Michigan Adult Protective Services Re: Jennifer xxx Dear Sir/ Madam,I am a victim of remote Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons abuse and torture. I became a victim when I was studying Master Degree in Australia since December 2001. There are thousands victims all over the world who are suffering the same torture and abuse. And more than 1000 victims had been working hard together to expose such a terrible crime. Please kinly take your valuable time to have a look at what victims' work trends from You also can find reliable survey and result from the above site. I require your kinly attention to such a worldwide situatiion and free Jennifer. Thank you and Best Regards! Soleilmavis Online shop:
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Star of does the world civilization, how long glitter? ( 世界文明之星,还能闪多久?)The long dim light of night in blinks in the star light cancels dimly hazy,Raises the human nature in the green star ray,In the human society from does not have the reasonable path,Human nature instinct \ selfish \ combative \ swallow, tenacious,Turns extinguishes the objective development principle,the truth finally wins,but the humanity in thousand hundred sores, facing the indifferent wilderness,in the creation only then felt humanity's stupidity, many strengths stop well,21st century, in spiritual atomic bomb panic, the world is shouting wildly!!The humanity enters reads the brain time, takes a look humanity's disaster:The reading thought (Mind reading), the spiritual control (Mind Control), the electromagneticwave weapon (Electromagnetic weapon), the sound wave weapon (Acoustic Weapon),perhaps also has the ultrasonic wave weapon (Ultrasonic Weapon), infrasonic wave weapon (Infrasound weapon),microwave weapon (Microwave Weapon) and so on weapon torture maltreatments and harassment.In humanity's not balanced happiness and the disaster goes forward,any civilization all once by approached destroys the human survival the tragedy, deducted in four seasons transformation wilderness.The spring, summer, fall, and winter is through ancient times invariable,the human culture in destroys in the \ deconstruction to progress, several millenniums pursue the reasonable survival principle with hardship the philosopher,absolutely has not prevented the deconstruction the shadow.The advance in technology, we long for even in dreams,however after we in cheers jumps for joy, only then discovered,we leave the blue color star deconstruction the distance to be nearer.Pitiful scientist, when creation, did not know actually how is the truth which the humanity progresses,21st century, human survival in technical deconstruction star haze!The wind, still strokes the heart,the rain, still the Run will of the people,snow, ever did not change the mind the baptism,pine Tao summons in the far mountain,the spray howled in the tip, the white clouds looked down at in the blue sky regard.Asian \ European \ Americas \ Oceania has not been tranquil, the long-distance electronic input and the sensation thought technology is wreaking havoc,electromagnetism weapons and so on directed energy do not have in the protection in the good people to test!!Remembers 2008, an extraordinary year,July 8-9, the world glitters the hope ray in the rationality.The European victims assemble the \ appeal in European Union Headquarters;On October 11, the various countries abuses in the counter-technology, in human peace and human dignity and freedom.The mammoth parade and the assembly, resounds through the skies, the humanity no longer silences.Saves the human dignity and the right, is humanity's duty.To evil and ignorant farewell,makes great strides forward to the counter-terror,human nature charm often in wind and rain!!!!For our beautiful star, the day blue, the star is brighter, the peaceful path is rounder!!Let us for the world humanity appeal fulfills one's obligation!!!!!!
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shocking truth's of satellite

Unknown to most of the world, satellites can perform astonishing and often menacing feats. This should come as no surprise when one reflects on the massive effort poured into satellite technology since the Soviet satellite Sputnik, launched in 1957, caused panic in the U.S. A spy satellite can monitor a person’s every movement, even when the “target” is indoors or deep in the interior of a building or traveling rapidly down the highway in a car, in any kind of weather (cloudy, rainy, stormy). There is no place to hide on the face of the earth. It takes just three satellites to blanket the world with detection capacity. Besides tracking a person’s every action and relaying the data to a computer screen on earth, amazing powers of satellites include reading a person’s mind, monitoring conversations, manipulating electronic instruments and physically assaulting someone with a laser beam. Remote reading of someone’s mind through satellite technology is quite bizarre, yet it is being done; it is a reality at present, not a chimera from a futuristic dystopia! To those who might disbelieve my description of satellite surveillance, I’d simply cite a tried-and-true Roman proverb: Time reveals all things (tempus omnia revelat).As extraordinary as clandestine satellite powers are, nevertheless prosaic satellite technology is much evident in daily life. Satellite businesses reportedly earned $26 billion in 1998. We can watch transcontinental television broadcasts “via satellite,” make long-distance phone calls relayed by satellite, be informed of cloud cover and weather conditions through satellite images shown on television, and find our geographical bearings with the aid of satellites in the GPS (Global Positioning System). But behind the facade of useful satellite technology is a Pandora’s box of surreptitious technology. Spy satellites--as opposed to satellites for broadcasting and exploration of space--have little or no civilian use--except, perhaps, to subject one’s enemy or favorite malefactor to surveillance. With reference to detecting things from space, Ford Rowan, author of Techno Spies, wrote “some U.S. military satellites are equipped with infra-red sensors that can pick up the heat generated on earth by trucks, airplanes, missiles, and cars, so that even on cloudy days the sensors can penetrate beneath the clouds and reproduce the patterns of heat emission on a TV-type screen. During the Vietnam War sky high infra-red sensors were tested which detect individual enemy soldiers walking around on the ground.” Using this reference, we can establish 1970 as the approximate date of the beginning of satellite surveillance--and the end of the possibility of privacy for several people.The government agency most heavily involved in satellite surveillance technology is the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), an arm of the Pentagon. NASA is concerned with civilian satellites, but there is no hard and fast line between civilian and military satellites. NASA launches all satellites, from either Cape Kennedy in Florida or Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, whether they are military-operated, CIA-operated, corporate-operated or NASA’s own. Blasting satellites into orbit is a major expense. It is also difficult to make a quick distinction between government and private satellites; research by NASA is often applicable to all types of satellites. Neither the ARPA nor NASA makes satellites; instead, they underwrite the technology while various corporations produce the hardware. Corporations involved in the satellite business include Lockheed, General Dynamics, RCA, General Electric, Westinghouse, Comsat, Boeing, Hughes Aircraft, Rockwell International, Grumman Corp., CAE Electronics, Trimble Navigation and TRW.The World Satellite Directory, 14th edition (1992), lists about a thousand companies concerned with satellites in one way or another. Many are merely in the broadcasting business, but there are also product headings like “remote sensing imagery,” which includes Earth Observation Satellite Co. of Lanham, Maryland, Downl Inc. of Denver, and Spot Image Corp. of Reston, Virginia. There are five product categories referring to transponders. Other product categories include earth stations (14 types), “military products and systems,” “microwave equipment,” “video processors,” “spectrum analyzers.” The category “remote sensors” lists eight companies, including ITM Systems Inc., in Grants Pass, Oregon, Yool Engineering of Phoenix, and Satellite Technology Management of Costa Mesa, California. Sixty-five satellite associations are listed from all around the world, such as Aerospace Industries Association, American Astronautical Society, Amsat and several others in the U.S.Spy satellites were already functioning and violating people’s right to privacy when President Reagan proposed his “Strategic Defense Initiative,” or Star Wars, in the early 80s, long after the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 had demonstrated the military usefulness of satellites. Star Wars was supposed to shield the U.S. from nuclear missiles, but shooting down missiles with satellite lasers proved infeasible, and many scientists and politicians criticized the massive program. Nevertheless, Star Wars gave an enormous boost to surveillance technology and to what may be called “black bag” technology, such as mind reading and lasers that can assault someone, even someone indoors. Aviation Week & Space Technology mentioned in 1984 that “facets of the project [in the Star Wars program] that are being hurried along include the awarding of contracts to study...a surveillance satellite network.” It was bound to be abused, yet no group is fighting to cut back or subject to democratic control this terrifying new technology. As one diplomat to the U.N. remarked, “‘Star Wars’ was not a means of creating heaven on earth, but it could result in hell on earth.”The typical American actually may have little to fear, since the chances of being subjected to satellite surveillance are rather remote. Why someone would want to subject someone else to satellite surveillance might seem unclear at first, but to answer the question you must realize that only the elite have access to such satellite resources. Only the rich and powerful could even begin to contemplate putting someone under satellite surveillance, whereas a middle- or working-class person would not even know where to begin. Although access to surveillance capability is thus largely a function of the willfulness of the powerful, nevertheless we should not conclude that only the powerless are subjected to it. Perhaps those under satellite surveillance are mainly the powerless, but wealthy and famous people make more interesting targets, as it were, so despite their power to resist an outrageous violation of their privacy, a few of them may be victims of satellite surveillance. Princess Diana may have been under satellite reconnaissance. No claim of being subject to satellite surveillance can be dismissed a priori.It is difficult to estimate just how many Americans are being watched by satellites, but if there are 200 working surveillance satellites (a common number in the literature), and if each satellite can monitor 20 human targets, then as many as 4000 Americans may be under satellite surveillance. However, the capability of a satellite for multiple-target monitoring is even harder to estimate than the number of satellites; it may be connected to the number of transponders on each satellite, the transponder being a key device for both receiving and transmitting information. A society in the grips of the National Security State is necessarily kept in the dark about such things. Obviously, though, if one satellite can monitor simultaneously 40 or 80 human targets, then the number of possible victims of satellite surveillance would be doubled or quadrupled.A sampling of the literature provides insight into this fiendish space-age technology. One satellite firm reports that “one of the original concepts for the Brilliant Eyes surveillance satellite system involved a long-wavelength infrared detector focal plane that requires periodic operation near 10 Kelvin.” A surveillance satellite exploits the fact that the human body emits infra-red radiation, or radiant heat; according to William E. Burrows, author of Deep Black, “the infrared imagery would pass through the scanner and register on the [charged-couple device] array to form a moving infrared picture, which would then be amplified, digitalized, encrypted and transmitted up to one of the [satellite data system] spacecraft...for downlink [to earth].” But opinion differs as to whether infrared radiation can be detected in cloudy conditions. According to one investigator, there is a way around this potential obstacle: “Unlike sensors that passively observe visible-light and infra-red radiation, which are blocked by cloud cover and largely unavailable at night, radar sensors actively emit microwave pulses that can penetrate clouds and work at any hour.” This same person reported in 1988 that “the practical limit on achievable resolution for a satellite-based sensor is a matter of some dispute, but is probably roughly ten to thirty centimeters. After that point, atmospheric irregularities become a problem.” But even at the time she wrote that, satellite resolution, down to each subpixel, on the contrary, was much more precise, a matter of millimeters--a fact which is more comprehensible when we consider the enormous sophistication of satellites, as reflected in such tools as multi-spectral scanners, interferometers, visible infrared spin scan radiometers, cryocoolers and hydride sorption beds.Probably the most sinister aspect of satellite surveillance, certainly its most stunning, is mind-reading. As early as 1981, G. Harry Stine (in his book Confrontation in Space), could write thatComputers have “read” human minds by means of deciphering the outputs of electroencephalographs (EEGs). Early work in this area was reported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1978. EEG’s are now known to be crude sensors of neural activity in the human brain, depending as they do upon induced electrical currents in the skin. Magnetoencephalographs (MEGs) have since been developed using highly sensitive electromagnetic sensors that can directly map brain neural activity even through even through the bones of the skull. The responses of the visual areas of the brain have now been mapped by Kaufman and others at Vanderbilt University. Work may already be under way in mapping the neural activity of other portions of the human brain using the new MEG techniques. It does not require a great deal of prognostication to forecast that the neural electromagnetic activity of the human brain will be totally mapped within a decade or so and that crystalline computers can be programmed to decipher the electromagnetic neural signals.In 1992, Newsweek reported that “with powerful new devices that peer through the skull and see the brain at work, neuroscientists seek the wellsprings of thoughts and emotions, the genesis of intelligence and language. They hope, in short, to read your mind.” In 1994, a scientist noted that “current imaging techniques can depict physiological events in the brain which accompany sensory perception and motor activity, as well as cognition and speech.” In order to give a satellite mind-reading capability, it only remains to put some type of EEG-like-device on a satellite and link it with a computer that has a data bank of brain-mapping research. I believe that surveillance satellites began reading minds--or rather, began allowing the minds of targets to be read--sometime in the early 1990s. Some satellites in fact can read a person’s mind from space.Also part of satellite technology is the notorious, patented “Neurophone,” the ability of which to manipulate behavior defies description. In Brave New World, Huxley anticipated the Neurophone. In that novel, people hold onto a metal knob to get “feely effects” in a simulated orgy where “the facial errogenous zones of the six thousand spectators in the Alhambra tingled with almost intolerable galvanic pleasure.” Though not yet applied to sex, the Neurophone--or more precisely, a Neurophone-like-instrument--has been adapted for use by satellites and can alter behavior in the manner of subliminal audio “broadcasting,” but works on a different principle. After converting sound into electrical impulses, the Neurophone transmits radio waves into the skin, where they proceed to the brain, bypassing the ears and the usual cranial auditory nerve and causing the brain to recognize a neurological pattern as though it were an audible communication, though often on a subconscious level. A person stimulated with this device “hears” by a very different route. The Nuerophone can cause the deaf to “hear” again. Ominously, when its inventor applied for a second patent on an improved Neurophone, the National Security Agency tried unsuccessfully to appropriate the device.A surveillance satellite, in addition, can detect human speech. Burrows observed that satellites can “even eavesdrop on conversations taking place deep within the walls of the Kremlin.” Walls, ceilings, and floors are no barrier to the monitoring of conversation from space. Even if you were in a highrise building with ten stories above you and ten stories below, a satellite’s audio surveillance of your speech would still be unhampered. Inside or outside, in any weather, anyplace on earth, at any time of day, a satellite “parked” in space in a geosynchronous orbit (whereby the satellite, because it moves in tandem with the rotation of the earth, seems to stand still) can detect the speech of a human target. Apparently, as with reconnaissance in general, only by taking cover deep within the bowels of a lead-shielding fortified building could you escape audio monitoring by a satellite.There are various other satellite powers, such as manipulating electronic instruments and appliances like alarms, electronic watches and clocks, a television, radio, smoke detector and the electrical system of an automobile. For example, the digital alarm on a watch, tiny though it is, can be set off by a satellite from hundreds of miles up in space. And the light bulb of a lamp can be burned out with the burst of a laser from a satellite. In addition, street lights and porch lights can be turned on and off at will by someone at the controls of a satellite, the means being an electromagnetic beam which reverses the light’s polarity. Or a lamp can be made to burn out in a burst of blue light when the switch is flicked. As with other satellite powers, it makes no difference if the light is under a roof or a ton of concrete--it can still be manipulated by a satellite laser. Types of satellite lasers include the free-electron laser, the x-ray laser, the neutral-particle-beam laser, the chemical-oxygen-iodine laser and the mid-infra-red advanced chemical laser.Along with mind-reading, one of the most bizarre uses of a satellite is to physically assault someone. An electronic satellite beam--using far less energy than needed to blast nuclear missiles in flight--can “slap” or bludgeon someone on earth. A satellite beam can also be locked onto a human target, with the victim being unable to evade the menace by running around or driving around, and can cause harm through application of pressure on, for example, one’s head. How severe a beating can be administered from space is a matter of conjecture, but if the ability to actually murder someone this way has not yet been worked out, there can be no doubt that it will soon become a reality. There is no mention in satellite literature of a murder having been committed through the agency of a satellite, but the very possibility should make the world take note.there is yet another macabre power possessed by some satellites: manipulating a person’s mind with an audio subliminal “message” (a sound too low for the ear to consciously detect but which affects the unconscious). In trying thereby to get a person to do what you want him to do, it does not matter if the target is asleep or awake. A message could be used to compel a person to say something you would like him to say, in a manner so spontaneous that noone would be able to realize the words were contrived by someone else; there is no limit to the range of ideas an unsuspecting person can be made to voice. The human target might be compelled to use an obscenity, or persons around the target might be compelled to say things that insult the target. A sleeping person, on the other hand, is more vulnerable and can be made to do something, rather than merely say something. An action compelled by an audio subliminal message could be to roll off the bed and fall onto the floor, or to get up and walk around in a trance. However, the sleeping person can only be made to engage in such an action for only a minute or so, it seems, since he usually wakes up by then and the “spell” wears. It should be noted here that although the “hypnotism” of a psychoanalyst is bogus, unconscious or subconscious manipulation of behavior is genuine. But the brevity of a subliminal spell effected by a satellite might be overcome by more research. “The psychiatric community,” reported Newsweek in 1994, “generally agrees that subliminal perception exists; a smaller fringe group believes it can be used to change the psyche.” A Russian doctor, Igor Smirnov, whom the magazine labeled a “subliminal Dr. Strangelove,” is one scientist studying the possibilities: “Using electroencephalographs, he measures brain waves, then uses computers to create a map of the subconscious and various human impulses, such as anger or the sex drive. Then. through taped subliminal messages, he claims to physically alter that landscape with the power of suggestion.” Combining this research with satellite technology--which has already been done in part--could give its masters the possibility for the perfect crime, since satellites operate with perfect discretion, perfect concealment. All these satellite powers can be abused with impunity. A satellite makes a “clean getaway,” as it were. Even if a given victim became aware of how a crime was effected, noone would believe him, and he would be powerless to defend himself or fight back.And this indeed is the overriding evil of satellite technology. It is not just that the technology is unrestrained by public agencies; it is not just that it is entirely undemocratic. The menace of surveillance satellites is irresistible; it overwhelms its powerless victims. As writer Sandra Hochman foresaw near the beginning of the satellite age, though seriously underestimating the sophistication of the technology involved: Omniscient and discrete, satellites peer down at us from their lofty orbit and keep watch every moment of our lives... From more than five-hundred miles above earth, a satellite can sight a tennis ball, photograph it, and send back to earth an image as clear as if it had been taken on the court at ground zero. Satellites photograph and record many things...and beam this information, this data, back to quiet places where it is used in ways we don’t know. Privacy has died.” This terror is in the here and now. It is not located in the mind of an eccentric scientist or futurologist. Satellite surveillance is currently being abused. Thousands of Americans are under satellite surveillance and have been stripped of their privacy. And presently they would have little or no recourse in their struggle against the iniquity, since technology advances well ahead of social institutions.The powers of satellites, as here described, especially lend themselves to harassment of someone. The victim could be a business or political rival, an ex-spouse, a political dissident, a disliked competitor, or anyone who for whatever reason provokes hatred or contempt. Once the target is a “signature,” he can almost never escape a satellite’s probing eyes. (As an article in Science explained, “tiny computers...check the incoming signals with computerized images, or ‘signatures,’ of what the target should like.”) As long as his tormentor or tormentors--those with the resources to hire a satellite--desire, the victim will be subject to continuous scrutiny. His movements will be known, his conversations heard, his thoughts picked clean, and his whole life subjected to bogus moralizing, should his tormentor diabolically use the information gained. A sadist could harass his target with sound bites, or audio messages, directly broadcast into his room; with physical assault with a laser; with subliminal audio messages that disturb his sleep or manipulate persons around him into saying something that emotionally distresses him; with lasers that turn off street lights as he approaches them; with tampering with lamps so that they burn out when he hits the switch; and in general with the knowledge gained acquired through the omniscient eyes and ears of satellites. In short, a person with access to satellite technology could make his victim’s life a living nightmare, a living hell.How you could arrange to have someone subjected to satellite surveillance is secretive; it might even be a conspiracy. However, there seem to be two basic possibilities: surveillance by a government satellite or surveillance by a commercial satellite. According to an article in Time magazine from 1997, “commercial satellites are coming online that are eagle-eyed enough to spot you--and maybe a companion--in a hot tub.” The Journal of Defense & Diplomacy stated in 1985 that “the cost of remote sensors is within the reach of [any country] with an interest, and high-performance remote sensors (or the sensor products) are readily available. Advances in fourth-generation (and soon fifth-generation) computer capabilities. especially in terms of VHSIC (very-high-speed integrated circuits) and parallel processing, hold the key to rapid exploitation of space-derived data. Wideband, low-power data relay satellites are, at the same time, providing support for communication needs and for relay of remote sensor data, thus providing world-wide sensor coverage.” In addition, The New York Times reported in 1997 that “commercial spy satellites are about to let anyone with a credit card peer down from the heavens into the compounds of dictators or the back yards of neighbors with high fences.” “To date [the newspaper further noted] the Commerce Department has issued licenses to nine American companies, some with foreign partners, for 11 different classes of satellites, which have a range of reconnaissance powers.” But this last article discussed photographic reconnaissance, in which satellites took pictures of various sites on earth and ejected a capsule containing film to be recovered and processed, whereas the state of the art in satellite technology is imaging, detection of targets on earth in real time. Currently, industry is hard at work miniaturizing surveillance satellites in order to save money and be in a position to fill the heavens with more satellites.Yet no source of information on satellites indicate whether the abuse of satellite surveillance is mediated by the government or corporations or both. More telling is the following disclosure by the author of Satellite Surveillance (1991): “Release of information about spy satellites would reveal that they have been used against U.S. citizens. While most of the public supports their use against the enemies of the U.S., most voters would probably change their attitudes towards reconnaissance satellites if they knew how extensive the spying has been. It’s better...that this explosive issue never surfaces.” Few people are aware of the destruction of the rights of some Americans through satellite surveillance, and fewer still have any inclination to oppose it, but unless we do, 1984 looms ever closer. “With the development of television and the technical device to receive and transmit on the same instrument, private life came to an end.”John FlemmingUSAEspecially for PRAVDA.Ru
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Listens imaginary the tragedy(幻听下的悲剧)

Listens imaginary the tragedy(幻听下的悲剧)cuckoo white clouds deep place, is Uncle Zhang the beautiful hometown.Ancient times Pan Gu opened the day, left behind the green hill Xiu water, flew the waterfall hanging curtain, the jade bead four splashes, natural flying apsaras.The hills green jade valley, the greenery fine jade is colored, the mountain deep place is mounting hollow blue sky, the ease blue sky on in hills, is in the mountain mirage? Pan Gu's masterpiece and day Qi Chang.Humanity's blustery activity appears delicately in front of the nature.The simple common social practice nostalgia had continued several millenniums, the old tree, the running water, the bridge, others, traces plainly, classically elegant, the sorrow and joy village ancient is falling, in the revolutionary age, the outside wind blows, once was becoming New Fourth Army to carry on the Sino-Japanese War the base, has raised a generation of revolutionary person of integrity.The historical trend limped entered for the 21st century, at a technical disaster, sent greetings in the state which into flooded densely, one kind of artificial objective existence, created the vicissitudes of life were what kind pitiful, had confuses, has the indignation, the interrogation ......Heaven perforated?Recently, in this beautiful small village, appeared all over the mountains and plains all in the sob.“The God, how don't you keep eyes open, .....”pitiful, the sorrowful sound resounds through the skies, how many surrounding flows off the sincere tears. Yes, Uncle Zhang, the poor life, the warm-hearted life, the neighborhood does not have struggles the life, thinks in the village also does not hear his refreshed speaking voice again and could not see the gentle smiling face, how many street neighbouring work place sad \ difficult shed \ to lose all. Walked too has been sudden, previous two days also heard him at home, unexpectedly said died three days. “In during the first two sky overheads also the fishy, how, doesn't Uncle Zhang come out chats, passes through when his main house gate surface all is Guan Zhu, originally wants to knock on a door inquires, but indistinct hears him to say,” the human rights can't not say,…Has no alternative but to run .....”these two days, in his family also all has the speaking voice, because everybody to imaginary listened” to become accustomed to”, in with was unclear to Uncle Zhang in the judgment, creates the eternal regret, Qian mountain, the four seasons ever green, sobbed for you, lives the idle capital is the common matter, who would have thought the beacon-fire play gentlemen imaginary listened to, the tragedy which created, you walked too the injustice. The villagers only could seek his heroic spirit \ smiling face from the memory, the villagers innermost feelings lose.
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and here is the website were i collect all individual mails i write with detailed explenation on the problem connecting it world wide ... here is my mail to Rupert Sheldrake Dear Rupert, Its absolutely no problem that you don't give detailed response, and it suppose that many people at this moment are overwhelmed with mails... People loose themselves in details, and that is the mistake they all make, this includes myself the past months , also me I received the information only piece by piece …. Shortly its only one thing, there is something very serious going on and this is world wide, and it should get some clear to all people and I don't know how. You don't need detailed at all to answer me, but please try to see what is going on and try to pass the information clear and brief to anybody who would understand because he is able to connect complex information fast the right way ….that is all I hope for , really This one thing is covered as several seemingly unrelated different things: alien abductions mind control and recovered memories from childhood abuse and the whole society of so called paranormal experiences …RESULT OF CONNECTING ALL THIS IS EXTREMELY ALARMING On the last subject there was a detailed survey from the therapist on Trauma related problems , it shows 50 auto immunity diseases , it shows 30 percent cancers , its shows horrible things, and the therapists themselves don't understand from were this explosion comes focussed on trauma problems of their patients of course and trying to proof that multiple personality disorder is real …..check bottom of website the results, the subjects are chosen just as aliens to be weird , its done remotely The patients rapport that they are "programmed" in childhood to recover these memories ..or to believe they are controlled by radio waves ...half of them experiences remote weapon abuse .. no matter if the memories are of of mind control experiments ,or of satanic abuse.) Same is for alien abductions, I got meanwhile in touch with so many and all of them tell the same horror, cancers , heart attacks autoimmunity diseases, car crashes ect , and most of them don't see the relation with extreme abuse in child hood for instance (of course ) Half of them considers the memories as real and as aliens , the other half accuses the USA government to experiment on them and cover it as aliens …. Since 2000 our group of "targeted individuals are exploding and again most of them believe different things and is mailing everywhere for help, also this causes total communication overload, on top the mail is permanently being tempered with … The main symptoms: headache, heart palpations, sudden sexual arousal, sudden nausea, metabolism changes, sleep deprivation, induced sleep or fatigue , pain in every part of the body, fear and dizziness, extremely vivid and bizarre dreams. And also heart attacks suicides car crashes are reported in this group they don't want to be associated with aliens for chance …and don't see the relation with child abuse (of course) . They usually hardly know about false –recovered memories …Results of questions on them Manipulation of Memory (forgetting/remembering/):69.74% Manipulation of Memory (screen memories, false memories): 43.42%µ And on "organized stalking" (Shows how strong illusions can be created by this remote manipulations because only answer one is correct ) Your personal opinion about organized stalking 1 People are manipulated and influenced remotely without that they know about the technology. 12.36% 2 People and groups actively participate in the harassment and aware of the technology being in use. 21.35% 3 Some people around me are "organized" to stalk me, possibly paid to do so.: 14.61% 4 Both cases are possible, some people are manipulated, some consciously aware and involved: 51.69% Rest is to find here & TESTEMONIES Link to over 680 VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES (DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING ABUSE) (testimonies personal details) But all this has started to emerge on large scale in the 80 ties and is since 2000 exploding in silence and causing same characteristics world wide , not only in the direct targets , but also in totally non suspecting world population ….in silence …, and this explains indeed the mystery of sudden rise of suicides in USA middle age health care officials are wondering about …. The fact those "new age" groups were isolated from general science and universities, has caused they go unnoticed, and they themselves hardly understand what is going on, or don't see the relations between different things . The only thing I am asking you in name of thousands, and the world in fact , please check this and try to see and explain to the academic community what is going on ….they wont believe , and all this endless communications between so many at this moment causes such over flow of information…..that nobody sees anymore the main point …that all this is different parts of the same thing To this nonsense stuff belongs of course the whole bunch of paranormal experiences, the targets believe themselves its paranormal since many years and produce another large amount of information once more seemingly unrelated to this, but part of one and the same …. All these group aliened themselves also from mainstream science ( of course ) , because their explanations sounded once more weird …. Symptoms Of Voodoo/Black Magic October 7, 2007 In case we suppose the technology is in use for a longer time and possibly could be causing false memories on global scale and longer term, we see once more a new global phenomenon starting around the 80 ties, precisely when the academic controversy on "recovered-false memories" of the past decades starts This idea would perfectly fit with the global pattern of the remote mind control victims that is growing bigger at the moment. Linked on this way to the seemingly unrelated, experiences on a way they do make sense as part of one problem, the totality becomes a clear and consistent picture on large scale that can easily be recognized, and in creases over time ...This includes Multiple personality disorder or DID that also started to appear around the 80 ties The fact this approach does not only connect the several experiences ; explains the whole academic controversy on "recovered memories" of past decades, but is first of all a very alarming sigh FOR THE WHOLE WORLD AT THIS MOMENT is a good reason for all to urgently wonder what this all is about world wide …. 2008/10/27 Rupert Sheldrake Dear Monika, Thanks for your detailed email. I'm completely overwhelmed with emails at present, as well as with my own work and I just haven't had time to go through it in detail to respond to your various points. But I've kept it in the hope that I do have time soon. Sorry not to be able to give a fuller response. Best wishes Rupert Sheldrake
Read more… wrote: I have very good news about Sharon Jones. We won her freedom yesterday. Mayra's report is below. This is our first court victory. It proves that we can stop this kind of injustice to TI's by working together. I've heard stories of other TI's being put away, but I knew nothing about their cases until it was too late. When Mayra told me about Sharon, I vowed that I would not let this happen to her. With Mayra's help and with help from those TI's who wrote the letters I asked for, Sharon regained her freedom and avoided a fate that was to her worse than death. Working together, we literally saved Sharon's life. My thanks to everyone who participated, and Sharon wants me to convey here heartfelt thanks. This was more than a victory for a single TI. For the first time, the subject of DEW attacks was brought before a court. A psychiatrist had diagnosed Sharon as delusional, based on his mistaken assumption that the DEW attacks which she reported were impossible. The way to discredit this diagnosis was to prove that DEW attacks are very real and that they are being experienced every day by hundreds of people. We succeeded in doing this by means of my detailed explanation and by letters from a number of other TI's, stating their knowledge of the truth about DEW attacks. For the first time in modern TI history, a TI has prevailed in court. That is big news for all TI's! This is probably the first time that any TI has effectively opposed government powers in such a case. By the time a target reaches this point, she is so down and out that she can get no help from anyone. Sharon had reached this point of helplessness. They would have put her away if no one had come to her rescue. But Sharon was lucky. She had a good friend in Mayra. Mayra brought me into the case. I wrote a letter explaining the truth and brought in other TI's to write letters telling this same truth. Enough TI's joined in the "SAVING SHARON JONES PROJECT." Together, we enabled Sharon to win back her freedom. Those who participated can take great pride in what we have accomplished. Together we have produced the first known court victory in modern TI history. Working together, we SAVED SHARON JONES. Congratulations to all who contributed to this project, and most of all, congratulations to our TI survivor and winner, SHARON JONES! You may write to Sharon c/o Bob S wrote: Dear Bob, I want to give you the right you've earned to advise the community that YOU saved Sharon Jones. This has been a day in which many of us have cried for fear and for happiness. But what made us cried most it was all your selfless contribution to save Sharon. It was you and you campaign to save Sharon that actually saved her and she asked me to send you an email full of kisses, hugs, and love for what you've done for her. Carlosa brought Sharon your letter and some of the letters of support from some Tis. I think she printed the best ones but yours was on top. When Sharon read your letter she cried like a baby. She says she is infinitely grateful and she most go meet you. She also said that she'll make sure no one touches you because she'll forever be there to protect you. This morning I adamantly argued with Carlosa that Sharon was a person with a great economic need but was not mental. I also fought for her safety and reassurance she wouldn't be committed. She was upset because her email box was inundated by all those letter ;) I enjoyed that moment! You're campaign worked wonders. The judge was respectful and told her he wouldn't qualify her as incapacitated because he would have to label her and that would stay with her forever. So the judge decided to put her as a person in need. So, the guardian was appointed to assist her to find a new apt, to get her SS assistance, and to get appropriate medical help. The psychiatrist was not even called to talk. Sharon was allowed to address the court and told the judge she was implanted and she had the effects of such implantation. The judge was very sympathetic to her and didn't dispute the implants. You are the pioneer to leave on record our suffering with your letter. You have saved 2 Tis, ME and Sharon. You are our hero. more to come later. I'll see her tonight
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Massie Munroe is collecting Testimonials of victims for United Nations.
Massie Munroe said she has close relationship with someone who can talk to a high position United Nations officer. It is a great oppertunity for victims to bring our cases to the United Nations.

Instruction from Massie_
* *Do not exceed 3 pages*
* *Tone page he petition goes to the 4th page*
* *please leave all the yellow highlighted lines more distinguished*
* *the blue lines are just to demonstrate how your attachments are going to be if you have any....*
* *Your attachments are the evidences and your important explanations that you did not get to express within the 3 pages.*
* *Please stay with the format do not deviate from the Temp let*
* * Tell your story short but very effective and factual, then the rest of your story if it is really important put it as an attachment*
* *Please leave the Road Map as it is on page two since , this is how we arrived to this place.*
* *Only change the Road Map if you are not in the USA*
* *Please leave attachment #1 as attachment #1 that is going to be the same for every one . I will provide you that attachment later.*
* *Do not change the Petition unless you are in some other country*
* *Every one can not have their own petition when we are going as one voice even if some of those are not applicable to you but as a whole we are going through it for each of us it may differ a little. we are applying as a whole ....*
* *If we provide them with so many different ideas and demands we will get them confused we will dissipates their energy towards ourselves*
* *Our evidences are similarities of what we are going through so be specific and factual and emphasize on the universal things happening to us *
* *If you think you have to change something please cal me let us discuss it do not just change and send something to me i have to read them it takes a long time*
* *Do not submit your testimonial unless you have it exactly like the Templet*
* *Please work hard i have still a few of your Testimonials in e-mail or just in a few pages without following the format of the Templet*
* *Please do not send anything in hard copy till i receive your e-mail format and we confirm together that is good then send me your hard copy *
* *Please be reminded that i am going to send you attachment #1 you can read it on the sample Templet i have as an attachment in this e-mail*
* *Please plan at the end to provide a copy of your picture i will let you know when we get providing our picture we want to show that we are profesionals not criminals we want to look ourselves professionals no so happy not so sad.... *
*If you have any question please contact me by e-mail or my cell: 818-943-0661

Sample of Testimonial:

Date: 09/25/2008
Name: Mary Marcelle Vivian
Date Of Birth: January 11, 1951
Place Of Birth: Stratford, Ontario
Country Of Citizenship: Canada
Contact Information Address: 72 Stanley Cres, Elora, Ontario,Canada, N0B 1S0
Email Address:
Telephone Number: (519) 846-8272

Subject: Urgent Health Issues
Urgent Financial Issues
Urgent Security Issues


Dear Sir or Mam:

I, Mary Vivian, Say publicly the following Testemonial:
I am 57 years old, employed for 32 years by Bell of Canada, (Telecommunications Company), with a secretarial and engineering background. I retired in 2002 and for 5 years I volunteered as an Auxiliary Police Officer for Toronto Ontario Police Force performing details such as: Pope John Paul II’s Visit, marathon runs, disasters, crowd control for celebrities such.( Road Map & My Pettion Attachments)

Health Issues:
I enjoyed good healthy until approximately april of 2004, when I was exposed to the DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS & THE ORGANIZED CRIMES abuse and agression my health is deteriorating. I Am experiencing many rashes, red sores, eye problems, mouth sores such as swollen tongue, tooth problems, cankers, etc. I am very diligent about what I eat, do not smoke, do not take illegal drugs and promote a daily exercise program. My Sister and elderly mother are victims of this crime as well. (See Attachment # – Mary Vivian’s Health Issues)

Continuously pursued via organized stalking when shopping, at appointments, in the park, or travelling by vehicle. My vehicle has been tampered with a “beep” sound at certain locations. I have e-mail messages blocked, telephone calls transferred, and calls cut off. The Royal mail is interfered with resulting in calls to utility companies obtaining reprinted bills. In London, 1994-1995 when the perpetrator moved in, there were incidents of something occurring but no explanation as to what is was. (Attachment #3 – Surveillance.)

In Elora, Ontario, the ENTIRE home and ENTIRE contents were sprayed with a yellow chemical. White and black chemicals on heating pipes, reddish/brown chemicals on floorboards in basement. Under-aged youths are recruited, coached by adults, utilized to carry out vandalism and manipulating my wellbeing and my environment. The recruitment of such under-aged youths in such criminal activities are in violation of their Civil/Constitutional Rights, as well as mine. (See Attachment #4 –Vandalism )

Financial Devastations:

The financial attack on my limited pension income, vandalism and destruction of both homes, money stolen, replacement of personal property and items has been substantial over the years. (See Attachment #5 – Invoice for replacements-new appliances & beds purchased in 2004, cost of Naturopathic Doctor 2008.)

Organized Criminals /Crimes:
I believe the surveillance, vandalism, etc. are part of an ongoing organized crime which are mostly sponsored by some sector of the government. The organized criminals are equipped with the most sophisticated electronic surveillance tools that are not possible for regular/normal citizens to gather evidence, even if any evidence is gathered the organized criminals can easily access and retrieve the evidences.

Agencies Approached:
Contacted Ontario Provincial Police about prowlers, police made a notation. A second call to the police regarding the spraying, the lasers and the constable recommended sending Forensics the next day (no show) and follow up with the neighbour about the lasers. (See Attachment #6 – Agencies Approached Menatal health)

The Reason For My Being Targeted Per My Experiences Are:
My story as I have come to experience it:
1. The perpetrator was involved in satellite fraud involving DirecTV and NDS Americas Inc. (Smart Card).
2. The perpetrator required “a pardon” from our Canadian Government to enter Canada, after being deported from the United States of America (U.S.A.).
3. This perpetrator was arrested at Tampa Airport June 2004, on an immigration charge, re-entering the U.S.A. under a false name, charges of satellite fraud and TV piracy.
4. Once arrested, why didn’t the London police address our complaint about the thefts and retrieve our stolen property?
5. Employed by Bell Canada, formerly volunteering for a police organization, 3 single women living alone, and knowing about the operation made me the perfect target.
(See Attachment # 7– Mary Vivian’s Health Issues.)

Under Which Law I May Have Been Accuzed To Be Categorized Of Criminality:
The only indication of any laws or policy that has been utilized to criminalize me is by the London Police Force and Medical Doctors’ comments stating ‘MENTAL” due to numerous calls for assistance. June 2008, Fergus, Ontario Emergency Department’s notation on form stating ‘MENTAL” when I went for medical treatment for laser burn to the face.
In past years, Royal Canadian Mounted Police conducted two Security Clearances: for employment with Bell Canada and volunteering as a Toronto Auxiliary Police Officer.

Under What Circumstance I Was Accuzed of Mentaly ill And Which Agncey Is Responsible For Such Accuzations
Our family doctor recommended seeing a psychiatrist based on numerous calls for assistance. The police psychologist advised the London Police Department that I was considered “MENTAL”.

Which Court Of Law I Have Filed And What Was The Out Come:
I have not filed any documentation with any court at this time.
The Reason I did Not File A law suit In Any Court of Law:
I am waiting for more solid evidence before proceeding with a lawsuit.
The Reason I did Not File Any Official Complain:
I am not aware of where I can go to make an official complaint due to the fact that Medical and Police won’t assist you. I have called many different organizations, they are not aware of “Directed Energy Weapons”. Still waiting for an investigation by London Police for the return of my stolen property.

The Road Map To How We Were Taken From Our Normal Path Of Life and WE Were Froced Into This Holocustal Never Ending Detour :
People who commit criminal act(s) & are declared mentally ill is the only justification the government needs to expose them to the directed energy weapons/mind control experiment/ torture and organized criminals. It is perhaps justified that it is necessary in order to keep them “under control so they would not harm public or the national security”!! Such people/victims are involuntarily experimented and tortured upon. The organized criminals are every where even in the most remote locations working among the security system establishments, the organized criminals are furnished with the most sophisticated surveillance and torture equipment based on nano technology.
How it began: 1) any law enforcement and/or governmental agencies would chose an innocent citizen who is in conflict with their personal agenda then, 2) the organized criminals utilizes local law enforcement and/or mental health institutions to generate, manipulate, and falsify criminal and mental reports against that person’s life. Whereas the Domestic Violence Act, the Police non-disclosure investigative reports and the “Patriot Act', The FISA and The Military Commission Act of 2006, “Courts of No Due Process” and the Crowd Control Act of October 1st 2008 and other such laws and policies are enforced to cover-up the“death sentence imposed upon those innocent citizens”.
Without the protection of “Due Process” the law enforcement, mental institutions and organized criminals can impose massive transgressions against humanity in the USA and will continue until stopped. No one is exempt, the under-aged are utilized in these crimes and/or subject to the same circumstances as adults. The US Senate Secret Intelligence Committee, Pentagon, Homeland Security and US Defence Department, FBI are aware of such laws, policies and violations. Given that, the organized criminals are mostly hired by the police and the law enforcement or any governmental agencies and are mostly compensated by the US Department Of Treasury. This crime is taking place in the USA since September 11, 2001 the magnitudes are growing exponentially one could very well declare it as a National Security concern. These crimes are taking place overseas as well and are astonishing similar in the style of execution.
We believe these crimes are conspired and are imposed upon us by that sector of USA government (0r Canadian Governemnt) which operates under the No Due Process laws/policies and is in non- conformance to the US Constitution and the US Civil Rights.
Please see attachment #1 which presnts the history of American government experimenting on its own citizens/people such as Conitelpro, Mkultra as a proven consparecy.

I Declare That The Above To Be True Under The Penalty Of Perjury.
Signature _________________________________ Date ____________________

Attachment #1: US history of Experimentation on People of America
Attachment #2: Mary Vivian’s Health Issues
Attachment #3: Surveillance
Attachment #4: Vandalism
Attachment #5: Invoice for Replacements-new appliances & beds purchased in 2004
: Cost of Naturopathic Doctor 2008
Attachment #6: Agencies Approached
Attachment #7: Mary Vivian (Photo)
Attachment #8: Family Photo of my mother Florence and sister Marlene

Urgent Demands and My Petition:
1. an urgent end to the Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), surveillance, isolation, and the Organized Criminal/crimes against my wellbeing; including any implants and/or any types of gases used against me.

2. any and all law enforcement agencies including police criminal reports and/or investigative documentations prepared pertaining to me to be disclosed without costs.

3. to investigate law enforcement agencies’ misconduct and mishandling to my person and/or documentation pertaining to me without costs.

4. any and all mental health reports, documentations, and/or medical doctors’ statements prepared pertaining to me be disclosed without costs.

5. legislate to educate psychiatry and psychology professionals of existence of DEW.

6. to investigate mental health agencies’ misconduct and mishandling to my person and/or documentation pertaining to me without costs.

7. to investigate Directed Energy Weapons source of funding such as: covert Senate Intelligence Committee, Pentagon, Military, Department of Defence, FBI, Homeland Security, Canadian Security Intelligence Service, private contractors and/or unknown individuals or unknown institutions.

8. to investigate the organized Criminal’s Crimes against innocent people and me.

9. Investigate US Department Of Treasury’s or any Canadian agencies connection in funding Organized Criminals.

10. education of the general public on DEW, torture and such Crimes against humanity. Legislate under the Truth of Information Act to inform the Public. Due to lack of information most victims are not aware of their exposure to these crimes.

11. the disclosure of what grounds any agency has the right to impose upon me any crimes of assaults and tortures and what these assaults and tortures included.

12. outlaw of the “No Due Process” procedure under the Patriot Act, Crowd Control Act, or any other governmental legislation and Courts such as FISA.

13. the outlaw of any and all DEW Tortures against humanity worldwide, Surveillance upon people.

14. full treatment for any and all physical and medical injures, present and future, which resulted from crimes incurred due to the criminal activity from these organizations and unknown individuals, until sufferers are restore to normal health.
15. full compensation for the financial losses incurred due to the criminal activity from these organizations and unknown individuals.
16. unclassify any and all classified information generated by Senate Intelligence Committee, Pentagon, Military, Department of Defence, FBI, Canadian Security Intelligence Service, private contractors and/or unknown individuals or unknown institutions regarding DEW/Torture and Organized Criminals/Crimes.

Please be note: This testimonial will also possible be used for petition to Government, Human Rights organizations and medis. if you want to keep your personal information as secret, please tell Massie Munroe.

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Please help immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From Bob to To all TI's: Sharon Jones is a TI in NY City who faces a court hearing on Thursday to determine whether she should be deprived of her freedom for an indefinite period of time. What crime did Sharon commit? She told a psychiatrist the truth about the DEW attacks that she has experienced. Since psychiatrists know that the Constitution prohibits our government from torturing its citizens, her story was obviously impossible. Sharon was diagnosed as delusional. A hearing is scheduled Thursday morning to determine whether she should be institutionalized until she “recovers.” At the institution, they will try to brainwash Sharon into believing that government torture of citizens cannot happen in this country. The satellite DEW attacks will continue wherever she goes, but Sharon must not complain of the pain. She must recant her “false beliefs” and try to lie her way back to freedom. But Sharon isn't willing to play a game by those rules. She says that she won't let them do this to her. She says that if they come to taker her away, they will carry her away in a bag. If you think you're living in hell now, think of Sharon and remember that it could be much worse. If you were about to lose your freedom, would you want other TI's to come to your aid and confirm that you were telling the truth about DEW attacks? You would desperately need all the support you could get. Sharon Jones now desperately needs all the support that she can get. If you want to have the support that you may need at some future time, you must be willing to give Sharon your support now. I am asking each one of you to write a statement supporting the truth of what Sharon has said about her personal experience with DEW attacks. It can be as short or as long as you like. A few words is much better than nothing. You can address your statement the same as I have done to Carlosa Clemens, Adult Protective Services. The email heading should be: Sharon Jones. You don't need to give your full name. You can sign it “Jim in NJ” or whatever you like. I did give my full name in the statement that I have sent. It is not included below since I am giving permission to anyone to post this statement anywhere. I suggest that you keep my statement below to use in case you are ever threatened with being put away because you told the truth about your DEW experiences. If that should happen, you'll want all the help that you can get. Please show that you deserve that help when the time comes by giving Sharon the help that she desperately needs from you right now. We need your statement as quickly as possible. I'm sending this to you on Tuesday night. The hearing is on Thursday morning. I want you to send your statement to Adult Protective Services in NY with copies to me and to two friends of Mayra in NY so that they can print them and take them to court to be offered in evidence. The APS office probably closes at 5 pm, eastern time. Try to get your statement out at least by 4 pm. If you can't meet the deadline, send it anyhow so that it can still be printed and taken to court. The addresses to use are:, Don't delay. Do it now. Look at my statement for ideas. You can say the same things that I say using your own words. We can't let them get away with this. If they can put Susan Jones away, they can put you or any other TI away just as easily. Sharon deserves your support now just as much as you will deserve everyone's support if they come to take you away. If you let them succeed with Sharon, we will all be in greater jeopardy. Saving Sharon Jones means saving yourself! As a group, we must work to save each other and particularly to save the person in the most desperate need of help. If you don't help to save Sharon at her time of desperate need, don't expect anyone to help you when your time comes. Think of the few minutes that I ask of you as buying an insurance policy for the future. Please join with me in a full scale effort at SAVING SHARON. Bob S MY STATEMENT: To: Carlosa Clemens Adult Protective Services I am a retired attorney living in North Hollywood, CA. I am writing to you as a friend of Sharon Jones in NYC, whose case has been assigned to you. Sharon has or will soon today contact you to authorize you to communicate with me regarding her problems. My understanding is that Sharon is facing a hearing on Thursday to determine her sanity and that as a result of this hearing, she may be committed to a mental institution. I understand that Sharon has been diagnosed as delusional by a psychiatrist who assumes that her described experience of attacks by directed energy weapons (DEW) cannot be true and must therefore be delusions. I know that these electronic attacks on Sharon are totally real. I am in contact with hundreds of other people who are having the same experiences. It is proven, documented fact that agencies of the federal government have very actively engaged in secret, harmful experiments on involuntary, uninformed human subjects since the 1940's. The past history of these illegal government experiments has been thoroughly proven. Notable examples are the CIA mind control experiments under the code name MKULTRA and the Atomic Energy Commission's radiation experiments. Attached is a basic fact document on non-consensual DEW experiments on involuntary subjects. The subjects of these experiments are never informed that they are being used as human guinea pigs. Without any warning, government agencies proceed to carry out illegal, unconstitutional experiments on their selected subjects. These experiments are often painful and may be permanently harmful or even deadly. Congress knows about these experiments and tacitly condones them. It refuses to investigate complaints from the victims. Sharon is one of the many hundreds, perhaps thousands, of victims of these experiments. I am another. The victims of this secret government torture have no legal remedies. They have no way of proving which persons in government agencies are responsible for the harm they suffer. They do not even know which agency is responsible. Without such proof, they can accomplish nothing through litigation. Presently available legal remedies are inadequate. Three attempts by victims at achieving a solution through litigation have failed. A fourth attempt is now underway. To demonstrate the reality of this situation and the efforts that are being made to find remedies, I am attaching correspondence between myself and an attorney in Colorado who is representing a group of victims. Adding greatly to the torment of the victims of DEW experiments is the attitude of the uninformed public, including the medical profession, that true statements of fact are delusions. Sharon has been diagnosed as delusional by a psychiatrist because she told the truth about her experiences as a victim of government DEW experiments. This misunderstanding and disbelief of true facts by the medical profession is sometimes carried to the extreme of institutionalizing a victim of secret government experiments and attempting to brainwash her into a denial of the reality of her experiences. This will be the cruel fate imposed upon Sharon unless I can obtain your help in recommending to the court that Sharon should not be committed for having stated true facts about her very real, very painful experiences as an involuntary subject of government DEW experiments. I can provide extensive documentation to support this sad truth. Your responsibility is to work in your client's best interest. Sharon is about to be deprived of her freedom because she has told the truth about her experiences as one of the involuntary subjects of government DEW experiments. Your responsibility should be to save this sane person from being treated as insane because she has reported true experiences, which are beyond the present knowledge of the public and of the medical profession but which match the experiences of many hundreds of other victims of government DEW experiments. I can provide you with unlimited amounts of solid evidence from reliable sources to prove the truth of what I have said. I can provide more than 600 statements from other victims of secret DEW testing. I can provide extensive historical documentation about the past history of secret government experiments on involuntary subjects. You can find well documented, understandable information about DEW technology at Many people think that such things cannot happen in a nation which has been dedicated to constitutional rights. What they do not understand is that when federal law enforcers are criminals, there is no one to enforce the law against them. It is impossible for the victims of government criminals to enforce the law against criminals in government who cannot be identified and whose responsibility for secret crimes cannot be proven. The doctrine of sovereign immunity prevents federal agencies from being held responsible for the crimes of government employees. The capability of intelligence agencies to operate in total secrecy makes it impossible for the victims of DEW crimes to learn the identity of the criminals in government. Please let me know what kind of evidence you would like to see to demonstrate the truth of the unbelievable but true facts that I have stated. I will gladly supply whatever kind of documentation you request in whatever quantity you are willing to review. Since there is very little time left, I hope to hear from you soon to learn to what extent you are able and willing to work toward saving Sharon from a fate that would to her be worse than death and which may very possibly produce her death. Sincerely,
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(1) An anonymous Survey for Mind COntrol Victims all over the world (In many languages) Produced by Soleilmavis(English and Chinese) , And Translated by Mr. Zhou (German); Mokureni (Japanese), Monika Stoces (Dutch). This survey has been translated into English, Chinese, Japanese, German, Dutch. and Still looking for help to translate into other languages. You can choose any of the following link to take the survey. Please also forward this survey to more victims in your contact listing. 一份非记名大脑控制武器受害者调查问卷,制作Soleilmavis(英文和中文),翻译:周先生(德语),Mokureni(日语)Monika Stoces (荷兰语)。这份调查已经翻译成了英语,中文,德语,日语, 荷兰语。仍然在寻求帮助翻译成其他语言。 您可以选择如下任何一个连接,采用您喜欢的语言回答这份调查。 也请您转发给更多的受害者。 ( English) (chinese,中文) (Danish-Dansk) (Dutch-Nederlands) (French-Franais) (German-Deutsch (Sie)) (Greek-ελληνικ维) (Italian-Italiano) (Japanese-日本語) (Russian-Русский) (Spanish-Espaol) (Swidesh-Svenska) (Turkish-Türke) (Vietnamese - Tieng Viet) Please go to "forum"--"survey" to download survey result. And find other surveys (2) Mailteam calls all victims to join our Mess petitions Please go to "forum"--"Mess Petitions" to find the email addresses
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日本发明防止脑控技术的设备以下是日本专利厅所公开、对于思考窃听的对策所发明之专利反盗听装置机器。参考原文公报内容 专利文件。本人非理工系所毕业 不敢妄自对于这些专业发明给百分百的信凭度。希望有较专精的学人、可以提出讨论、证实这个发明是否有其成熟应用的可能性。日本国特许庁(JP)【公报种别】公开特许公报(A)【公开番号】特开平7-306259【公开日】平成7年(1995)11月21日【発明の名称】生体情报送受信によるテレパシーシステムに対する防御装置【国际特许分类第6版】G01S 7/38思考盗听确实存在思考窃听的科学证明、非一言两语所能够详述清楚。 爲了对抗且针对思想窃听者的存在及其所造成的思想窃听的犯罪行为、针对此犯罪现象而发明了防御机器、 甚至出现提出特许申明者。 希望早日粉碎生体情报窃听的不法行为。公报内容如下【目的】利用雷达波锁定被盗听对象的谈话、思考、甚至于身体状态的窃听装置的发明、已经被证实确实存在。这种窃听装置的探测范围可达至极远距离、且几乎没有死角。而此专利发明则是为了保护被此种窃听装置所锁定人物的个人机密及隐私为目的。【构成】窃听电波在通过被盗听者之身体时、会引起共振、而此人之个人生体情报、则会发出因共振所引起之另一种辐射波。生体情报会发生各种不同波形、而这些波形都可发出警报讯息、并且可有效做输出处理。根据这些生体波形反应所发出的警报讯息、可通报给政府有关管辖单位、查出恶质性雷达窃听电波的发生所在、以杜绝这种恶行发生。【特许请求范囲】【请求项1】特徵1:此专利发明装置利用盗听设备对人体的共振周波数所设之窃听送信波、将此电波资讯做输出处理、使其产生警报通知讯息。【请求项2】特徵2:此专利发明装置、基于第一项的窃听电波之特徵、可再混加入杂音讯息、做输出处理。【発明的详细说明】【0001】【産业用】防止因被窃聴时、所需保护之个人隐私及机密为目的之装置。【0002】【在此之前的技术】在此之前的窃听技术、是利用电话回綫或行动电话或搭载盗听器的无线送信及可透过水泥牆壁及玻璃等的窃听器。 对于无线式送信方式的窃听器是发出妨害干扰电波为对策。【0003】【解决课题】窃听者的脑波等生体情报与被锁定为目标者之人体共振周波数合併为雷达波送信、偌辐射被锁定者、此人的生体情报将被置换为可接收微弱电波、 而此人的谈话、思考、甚至身体状况已被窃听的技术、已证实开发成功。此窃听技术的雷达波窃听可远距控制、这种可穿透建造物的电波、除非有电子遮蔽的建造物、否则将无法阻止此电波的侵入。此种利用生体情报所发出的各种不同波形、对于普通的电视机收音机等等影音设备不会造成影响、是极高度隐密性的窃听、对于被盗听者身体也可以做出恶质困扰(比如性器攻击或内脏器官的电击或身体部位及皮肤的不快感及痛楚感等等)。因个人有不同的共振周波数、使用窃听器、是以个人为单位从事窃听机器运作。其存在不易判明、即使被盗听者有明确察觉週遭有电波及辐射的存在。若无反窃听发现器材及雷达波等逆探知装置、是种难以採取对策的窃听方式。【0004】【解决手段】当接收到由窃听者的生体情报所发出的发信用雷达波时、此发信电波在电波自波周围震动。 藉此震动警报来解决及防止盗听。【0005】【作用】窃听者的生体情报会随著窃听用雷达电波被送出、这些电波除了与被盗听者发生共振外、其他电波则穿过或反射、从被盗听者身上、窃听者与被盗听者的生体情报会发生出另一种辐射震动波。结果、在辐射被盗听者身上、可取得随著雷达波而来的窃听者之生体情报会发出相当强烈程度震动电波、是可被做输出处理的警报电波。【0006】【実施例】随身携带此专利发明之警报电波装置、将可保护个人的隐私及企业、团体或国家机密。将窃听者所送出之生体情报所产生的各种不同波形的电波、直接反射或反击窃听发信源处或是发出有防止窃听的既定类型之干扰电波。此防御装置会根据探知对方有无发送窃听电波、而产生输出反应。因波形等的不同、不会对于其他的音声及映像讯息产生干扰现象。即使通过广带域、反窃听防止所发出的干扰电波的方法对于周围的影响亦无大碍。【0007】【発明効果】常时携行此发明装置、将此装置发出的警报讯息所在、向有关电波等管理机关单位报案、将可能发现发射恶质窃听电波的雷达波发信地可根绝恶行再发。虽然这种防御对策装置、一般说来通常都会有新防御项目追加开发、而窃听防止电波混入杂音讯、可使其防阻功能共为完善。对于阻止窃听器的滥开发有其效果。知道更多 有关此专利及防御装置 E-Mail  尚、この防御装置は试用版を贷し出しておりますのでお问い合わせください。提供试用版 请E-Mail洽询
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I am a small country was a 24-hour secret agency to carry out the spirit of the victims of persecution, may be in my mother's belly, I was a fascist group of criminals using satellite eye on me, I should have been a beautiful Appearance, the well-being of a happy childhood, a warm family, but rather those in my life, almost all do not feel, and for this reason that when the brain waves in the face o f inhuman persecution of the organization crazy, but I completely lost The resistance, just as I do from a young age and those who have been victims of surveillance, I do not know when to start with memory. Unfortunately, there are many things I do not remember, but that scene took place in my heart tremble with fear of the things I remember.Many people want to know that what I high three do experience? Saw is difficult have chats big Eight Do's and Don'ts time, suddenly has thought of the high three lives, althoughin the brains to considers the matter which occurs is not very clear, but is the personal experience, why couple days ago did I also and high three teachers write a letter tell them me to meet that serious appearance frequently, I thought that brain controlling how can also'terase. Just entered high three me to suffer fully by the brain controlling design game one year, brain controlling has instilled into to me the thought: As a female student, but likes me in the school teachers and students, does not divide the men and women, to test my sincerity I Is very serious, and had the illusion, the thought for has twisted. That is I felt that schoolmates knew I thought that has is can also say by them, then all these cause my even more spirit break. They also make the false sound to scold me. Does not stop at heart thought that are a child is not mature. I will have in the classroom cry but afterward not to make noise. I have 15 days in the school not to eat meal continuously drink water, one year gets down always does not leave the school desk I not to speak with schoolmate, studies since childhood does not like speaking does not like the lower position playing. Actually wants but how not to dare at heart to move. After the college entrance examination, the company graduates the card not to take escapes the school, that is not the person day really, looks like the hell same life to be subject to the suffering, really very painful is very painful.After the college entrance examination, after going home, I must do (cries) am not the school person, but is the world person parents also does not let off. Feared very much at heart that I can do this matter for a lifetime, then I then die share, because I do not understand do this. I hide all day at home, has not eaten, I thought that I have not made the wrong thing to embolden buy the spot to eat. Afterward brain controlling emitted the sound in my cerebrum. I then run away to Nan County arrive at the maternal family, also has many matters in there. Afterward the father met me to Suzhou, to Suzhou that day on, because brain controlling made very strongly the radiation lets I be very bothersome, grandfather spoke, I said unexpectedly must kill them. Like this is misunderstood I to have neurosis to enter the hospital in hospital. I want also to be the intention which brain controlling does this.Now realizes the shape for not, in own grasps in the scope, several years, they have let actually also my spirit always occupy the highly nervous state, lets me feel that the life to terminus, had known at heart is actually they are using this sinister method to cause me intentionally one to let me have no way step by step to revolt, but radiates is very strong, I beyond control live in myself, the heart, the eye, the throat, and entire seriously has locked in the brain, always a body likely divides into two parts, is weakest in this cerebrum, they input the massive preliminary information to me, thus lets meBecomes the handle which in unconsciousness situation they play with, I discovered that my thought is disturbed by their information, language duplication which does not stop in the brain, the thought cannot disperse, looks like them frequently in my brain picture that circle by the type, all cannot let loose, also cannot take. The tinnitus causes me not to be able to speak, in the brain also does not have the writing, the life really looks like an invisible jail. Sometimes as soon as they link one week not to let my bowel movement, lets me feel that is very uncomfortable. One day discovered successively own between lips lived six fires to soak, the throat was very sore, the brain went against has serious twitching, also not section getting a high fever. Continual three days ever have not felt better, my value rest in that three days on the bed, cannot eat, cannot stand, as soon as stand my cerebrum to twitch are very sore, the sore quick medicine faints, often also unceasing blind, I rest on the bed they let me remember the injury which unceasingly the childhood received, also has cried for three days. I felt that I am very uncomfortable, unceasing injures itself, heard brain controlling saying that “I did not do” possibly am by my extreme behavior was felt was startled very much. Now I still the brain controlled fiercely, also makes frequently I am very sad, but my metropolitan examination is adjusting itself now, the elephant slowly equally copes with their me to respond very quickly now. Now I do not want to go to the victim belt to that sad world, what I need is optimistic, brave, but also some body is pure is supporting me to probably be just .Although I knew that my life too will not be long, but I will insist that will wage the struggle with the Fascist unlawful element, only then not in vain I in vain will come in this world to walk.过了2008年脑控24小时迫害我整整21年了我是一名从小就被国家秘密机构24小时进行精神迫害的受害者,可能在我妈妈肚子里的时候,我就被这群法西斯不法分子用卫星盯上了我,本来我应该有一个漂亮的外表,一个幸福快乐的童年,还有一个温馨的家庭,而恰恰这些在我的生活中几乎都感受不到,也正因如此,当面对脑电波组织疯狂无人性的迫害时,我却完全失去了抵抗能力,就像那些和我一样从小被监视的受害者一样,我不知道什么时候开始有了记忆。可惜是有许多事我都不记的了,但那一幕幕发生在我心里的胆战心惊的事我仍记忆犹新。有许多人想知道我高三到底经历什么?看到难有们聊大八荣八耻的时候,突然想到了自己高三的生活,虽然头脑里对当是发生的事不是很清晰,但毕竟是自己亲身经历的,前几天我还和高三老师写了一封信告诉他们为什么我经常会那个严重的样子,我想脑控者怎么也抹不掉。刚进高三我被脑控者设计的游戏整整折磨了一年,脑控者给我灌输了思想:作为一名女生,但在校的师生都喜欢我,不分男女,为了测试我的真心我必须吃他们然后再在他们面前哭出来并告诉他们我也喜欢他们,他们就会给钱我还会放过我让我自由自在的生活。哭就是所谓的做,到后来没有做出来,就不准吃饭不准喝水不准上课不准听老师的声音只准不停的写自己的其他课程,还不准离开课桌不然他们就会虐待我,这是脑控者给我灌输的思想。因从小接触的不多我竟然认为这一切都是真的,当然那群法西斯不法分子并没有给我开通语音对话,而且在这种情况下我被脑控的很严重,并产生了幻觉,思想给歪曲了。那是我感觉同学都知道我想的,有是还能被他们说出来,那么这一切使我更加精神崩溃。他们还制造假音来骂我。心里不停想自己是个小孩还不成熟。我有在课堂上哭过但事后都不会出声。在学校我有连续15天没有吃饭喝水,一年下来从来都不离开课桌我从来没有和同学说过话,从小读书起就不爱说话也不爱下位玩。其实心里想但怎么都不敢动。高考后连毕业证没有拿就逃出学校,那真不是人过的日子,像地狱一样的生活备受煎熬,真的很痛苦很痛苦。高考后回家后我要做(哭)的不是学校的人而是全世界的人连父母也都不放过。心里很怕,难道我要一辈子都干这事,那我只有死的份,因为我不懂的这样做。我整天躲在家里,没有吃的,我就认为自己没有做错事而壮胆出去买点吃的。后来脑控者在我大脑里放出声音。我接着逃到南县到外婆家,在那里也发生许多事。后来爸来接我到了苏州,到苏州那天就因为脑控者把辐射弄的很强让我很烦,爷爷说话的时候,我居然说要杀了他们。就这样被误会我有精神病进了医院住院。我想也是脑控者的这样做的意图。现在意识形为都不在自己的所掌握的范围内,其实也有好几年了,他们让我的精神总是处在高度紧张状态,让我感到生命到了尽头,其实心里自己知道是他们在故意用这种毒辣的手段来使我一步步让我没法反抗,但辐射很强,我无法控制住自己,心脏,眼,喉,及整个在脑都严重锁住了,总个身体像分成两个部分,在这大脑最软弱的时候,他们向我输入大量的低级的信息,从而让我在无意识的情况下成为他们玩弄的把柄,我发现我的思想被他们那些信息所干扰,语言在脑里不停的复制出来,思维散不开,就像他们常常在我脑里画的那个圈以样,一切都放不开,也拿不出去。耳鸣使我说不出话出,脑里也没有文字,生活真的像个无形的监狱。他们有时一连一个星期不让我大便,让我感觉很难受。一天先后发现自己的嘴里生了六个火泡,喉咙很疼,脑顶有严重的抽搐,还不段的发高烧。连续了三天从没有好过,在那三天里我一值都睡在床上,不能吃,不能站起来,一站起来我大脑抽搐就很疼,疼的都快药晕倒,时常还不断的失明,我睡在床上他们不断让我想起过去小时候所受到的伤害,也哭了三天。我感觉自己很难受,就不断的伤害自己,听到脑控者说,“我不干了”可能是被我过激的行为感到很吃惊。现在我仍然脑控厉害,也常常弄的我很忧伤,但现在我会试着调节自己,慢慢的像现在一样对付他们我反应很快。现在我不想去被害人者带到那个悲伤的世界里,我需要的是乐观,勇敢,还有一身的清白在支持我必须要正义。虽然我知道我的生命不会太长,但我会坚持与法西斯不法分子做斗争,才不枉我白来这世上走一趟。
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I am a small country was a 24-hour secret agency to carry out the spirit of the victims of persecution, may be in my mother's belly, I was a fascist group of criminals using satellite eye on me, I should have been a beautiful Appearance, the well-being of a happy childhood, a warm family, but rather those in my life, almost all do not feel, and for this reason that when the brain waves in the face o f inhuman persecution of the organization crazy, but I completely lost The resistance, just as I do from a young age and those who have been victims of surveillance, I do not know when to start with memory. Unfortunately, there are many things I do not remember, but that scene took place in my heart tremble with fear of the things I remember.Many people want to know that what I high three do experience? Saw is difficult have chats big Eight Do's and Don'ts time, suddenly has thought of the high three lives, althoughin the brains to considers the matter which occurs is not very clear, but is the personal experience, why couple days ago did I also and high three teachers write a letter tell them me to meet that serious appearance frequently, I thought that brain controlling how can also'terase. Just entered high three me to suffer fully by the brain controlling design game one year, brain controlling has instilled into to me the thought: As a female student, but likes me in the school teachers and students, does not divide the men and women, to test my sincerity I Is very serious, and had the illusion, the thought for has twisted. That is I felt that schoolmates knew I thought that has is can also say by them, then all these cause my even more spirit break. They also make the false sound to scold me. Does not stop at heart thought that are a child is not mature. I will have in the classroom cry but afterward not to make noise. I have 15 days in the school not to eat meal continuously drink water, one year gets down always does not leave the school desk I not to speak with schoolmate, studies since childhood does not like speaking does not like the lower position playing. Actually wants but how not to dare at heart to move. After the college entrance examination, the company graduates the card not to take escapes the school, that is not the person day really, looks like the hell same life to be subject to the suffering, really very painful is very painful.After the college entrance examination, after going home, I must do (cries) am not the school person, but is the world person parents also does not let off. Feared very much at heart that I can do this matter for a lifetime, then I then die share, because I do not understand do this. I hide all day at home, has not eaten, I thought that I have not made the wrong thing to embolden buy the spot to eat. Afterward brain controlling emitted the sound in my cerebrum. I then run away to Nan County arrive at the maternal family, also has many matters in there. Afterward the father met me to Suzhou, to Suzhou that day on, because brain controlling made very strongly the radiation lets I be very bothersome, grandfather spoke, I said unexpectedly must kill them. Like this is misunderstood I to have neurosis to enter the hospital in hospital. I want also to be the intention which brain controlling does this.Now realizes the shape for not, in own grasps in the scope, several years, they have let actually also my spirit always occupy the highly nervous state, lets me feel that the life to terminus, had known at heart is actually they are using this sinister method to cause me intentionally one to let me have no way step by step to revolt, but radiates is very strong, I beyond control live in myself, the heart, the eye, the throat, and entire seriously has locked in the brain, always a body likely divides into two parts, is weakest in this cerebrum, they input the massive preliminary information to me, thus lets meBecomes the handle which in unconsciousness situation they play with, I discovered that my thought is disturbed by their information, language duplication which does not stop in the brain, the thought cannot disperse, looks like them frequently in my brain picture that circle by the type, all cannot let loose, also cannot take. The tinnitus causes me not to be able to speak, in the brain also does not have the writing, the life really looks like an invisible jail. Sometimes as soon as they link one week not to let my bowel movement, lets me feel that is very uncomfortable. One day discovered successively own between lips lived six fires to soak, the throat was very sore, the brain went against has serious twitching, also not section getting a high fever. Continual three days ever have not felt better, my value rest in that three days on the bed, cannot eat, cannot stand, as soon as stand my cerebrum to twitch are very sore, the sore quick medicine faints, often also unceasing blind, I rest on the bed they let me remember the injury which unceasingly the childhood received, also has cried for three days. I felt that I am very uncomfortable, unceasing injures itself, heard brain controlling saying that “I did not do” possibly am by my extreme behavior was felt was startled very much. Now I still the brain controlled fiercely, also makes frequently I am very sad, but my metropolitan examination is adjusting itself now, the elephant slowly equally copes with their me to respond very quickly now. Now I do not want to go to the victim belt to that sad world, what I need is optimistic, brave, but also some body is pure is supporting me to probably be just .Although I knew that my life too will not be long, but I will insist that will wage the struggle with the Fascist unlawful element, only then not in vain I in vain will come in this world to walk.过了2008年脑控24小时迫害我整整21年了我是一名从小就被国家秘密机构24小时进行精神迫害的受害者,可能在我妈妈肚子里的时候,我就被这群法西斯不法分子用卫星盯上了我,本来我应该有一个漂亮的外表,一个幸福快乐的童年,还有一个温馨的家庭,而恰恰这些在我的生活中几乎都感受不到,也正因如此,当面对脑电波组织疯狂无人性的迫害时,我却完全失去了抵抗能力,就像那些和我一样从小被监视的受害者一样,我不知道什么时候开始有了记忆。可惜是有许多事我都不记的了,但那一幕幕发生在我心里的胆战心惊的事我仍记忆犹新。有许多人想知道我高三到底经历什么?看到难有们聊大八荣八耻的时候,突然想到了自己高三的生活,虽然头脑里对当是发生的事不是很清晰,但毕竟是自己亲身经历的,前几天我还和高三老师写了一封信告诉他们为什么我经常会那个严重的样子,我想脑控者怎么也抹不掉。刚进高三我被脑控者设计的游戏整整折磨了一年,脑控者给我灌输了思想:作为一名女生,但在校的师生都喜欢我,不分男女,为了测试我的真心我必须吃他们然后再在他们面前哭出来并告诉他们我也喜欢他们,他们就会给钱我还会放过我让我自由自在的生活。哭就是所谓的做,到后来没有做出来,就不准吃饭不准喝水不准上课不准听老师的声音只准不停的写自己的其他课程,还不准离开课桌不然他们就会虐待我,这是脑控者给我灌输的思想。因从小接触的不多我竟然认为这一切都是真的,当然那群法西斯不法分子并没有给我开通语音对话,而且在这种情况下我被脑控的很严重,并产生了幻觉,思想给歪曲了。那是我感觉同学都知道我想的,有是还能被他们说出来,那么这一切使我更加精神崩溃。他们还制造假音来骂我。心里不停想自己是个小孩还不成熟。我有在课堂上哭过但事后都不会出声。在学校我有连续15天没有吃饭喝水,一年下来从来都不离开课桌我从来没有和同学说过话,从小读书起就不爱说话也不爱下位玩。其实心里想但怎么都不敢动。高考后连毕业证没有拿就逃出学校,那真不是人过的日子,像地狱一样的生活备受煎熬,真的很痛苦很痛苦。高考后回家后我要做(哭)的不是学校的人而是全世界的人连父母也都不放过。心里很怕,难道我要一辈子都干这事,那我只有死的份,因为我不懂的这样做。我整天躲在家里,没有吃的,我就认为自己没有做错事而壮胆出去买点吃的。后来脑控者在我大脑里放出声音。我接着逃到南县到外婆家,在那里也发生许多事。后来爸来接我到了苏州,到苏州那天就因为脑控者把辐射弄的很强让我很烦,爷爷说话的时候,我居然说要杀了他们。就这样被误会我有精神病进了医院住院。我想也是脑控者的这样做的意图。现在意识形为都不在自己的所掌握的范围内,其实也有好几年了,他们让我的精神总是处在高度紧张状态,让我感到生命到了尽头,其实心里自己知道是他们在故意用这种毒辣的手段来使我一步步让我没法反抗,但辐射很强,我无法控制住自己,心脏,眼,喉,及整个在脑都严重锁住了,总个身体像分成两个部分,在这大脑最软弱的时候,他们向我输入大量的低级的信息,从而让我在无意识的情况下成为他们玩弄的把柄,我发现我的思想被他们那些信息所干扰,语言在脑里不停的复制出来,思维散不开,就像他们常常在我脑里画的那个圈以样,一切都放不开,也拿不出去。耳鸣使我说不出话出,脑里也没有文字,生活真的像个无形的监狱。他们有时一连一个星期不让我大便,让我感觉很难受。一天先后发现自己的嘴里生了六个火泡,喉咙很疼,脑顶有严重的抽搐,还不段的发高烧。连续了三天从没有好过,在那三天里我一值都睡在床上,不能吃,不能站起来,一站起来我大脑抽搐就很疼,疼的都快药晕倒,时常还不断的失明,我睡在床上他们不断让我想起过去小时候所受到的伤害,也哭了三天。我感觉自己很难受,就不断的伤害自己,听到脑控者说,“我不干了”可能是被我过激的行为感到很吃惊。现在我仍然脑控厉害,也常常弄的我很忧伤,但现在我会试着调节自己,慢慢的像现在一样对付他们我反应很快。现在我不想去被害人者带到那个悲伤的世界里,我需要的是乐观,勇敢,还有一身的清白在支持我必须要正义。虽然我知道我的生命不会太长,但我会坚持与法西斯不法分子做斗争,才不枉我白来这世上走一趟。
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After 14 Years, I finally found a Camera!

Hello all, Jill from Arizona here!After 14 years of crimes against humanity, I finally found an itty bitty camera, in my ceiling! (:0))I usually take off my glasses when I go to bed and I'm blind until I put them back on, in the morning. Well, the other night, a friend of mine was supposed to come visit me. So I put my contacts in.... While I was waiting for my friend, I eventually fell asleep. When I awoke in the morning, I of course was still wearing my contacs.Low and behold, right when I opened my eyes, I saw a beam of light coming down from the ceiling! It was whitish/blue. I continued to stare at the location, as I went to grab a screwdriver. I plucking out a small piece from my popcorn ceiling. I examined it at length. It was no larger than the head of a pin and black. Could have been anything if you think about it.Since I've removed it, I haven't seen the light again and my V2K perps have really let me have it, but then again, there are no more comments that demonstrate that they can see me anymore. I believe they can still see me when I look in the mirror (camera from the eyes), but no more can they see me in bed.... what a relief that is.
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Gone, when I look back ( 走了,蓦然回首)

Gone, when I look backUnreal is it? In real life you have? We will answer the mildly.Green mountains and blue waters, the four seasons. With the warm spring wind is gathering flowers fairy paradise; summer flowers and green leaves, is worth two cents of their dance scene; of the fall harvest season and as warm as in spring, is the desire of God at a time when Enron; winter The cold is expected Qiao, Snow White is the time to travel the world ... ... all reflect the living environment of human society in the way goods.Yes ah, the harmony between man and the environment. Do not need to worry about here, and a technological disaster in the country, the number of people back into their homes as Roma-moving, bringing the number of people in a variety of ways to stay in Waixiang . The other, his hometown; do, I raise my Health Green Mountain Sweet Water, the heart of the discourse is difficult to tell the truth, but the satellite remote control has become a persecution of thinking that we never forget the outside of a driving force to stay away from disaster, and we hope for the future , Each different, it is difficult to grasp the "technological disasters" would fall on us, only in the field of Waixiang up hope, not for us to sigh, we will miss you, delicate home; we will linger in the dream , The hometown of their fellow.European civilization of light, we hang high, glorious civilization for thousands of years, we have the indelible wisdom of the vast tide of history, civilization and progress of discord, technology and other non-disaster against civilization, we left some of the Trauma treatment in the home might be able to make up a triad, the well-off people too numerous to mention the cruel persecution of the people fear the technical left to form their awareness of terror have no alternative to flowers, no turn for the better days.The same blue sky, white clouds after another; the same river, gurgling waves, mountains, far from wild, the sea is far, far days, we have a track. In the field, experience less of terror, experience less pessimistic. The return is more concerned about here is a considerable probability, you and I were non-existent superiority.Recalling the past, Zhengrongsuiyue draw a blueprint, now is not only to meet Tianshan snow. Kunlun's call of technical intimidation, the Long March has not yet, the surging Yangtze River water, the course was difficult, there is no abuse of Fadu, caused by worries, we have in reality been more than a decade of knowledge, the best way to go. In Waixiang, the bright hope of the motherland tomorrow's arrival of the rule of law, the top decision-makers can not throw away the minimum needs of the people - survival of the human rights.走了,蓦然回首是虚幻吗?现实生活中有吗?我们会婉转地回答的。青山绿水,四季分明。春天的风和曰丽,是百花仙子的聚会天堂;夏季的千红万绿,是百鸟舞仙的尽展舞台;秋天的春华秋实,是愿望之神的安然之时;冬天的春寒料俏,是白雪公主的人间旅行时光……无一不体现出人类社会生存环境中的绝品。是啊,人与环境的和谐,这里不需要担忧,而一个国度中的技术灾难,多少人如同吉普赛人背进离乡式的外迁,造就的是众多人以各种方式在外乡停留。别了,家乡;别了,生我养我的绿山甜水,内心的话语很难表白,,空中的技术灾难成了我们刻骨铭心的一种外驱力,远离重灾,我们前途的希望,各人的不同,我们很难把握“技术灾难”会不会降临我们身上,只有在外乡撑起希望的田野,不要为我们叹息,我们会思念你们的,家乡秀气;我们会萦绕在梦想中的,家乡的父老乡亲们。欧洲的文明之灯,我们高高挂起,几千年的辉煌文明,我们有不可磨灭的智慧,历史潮流浩如烟海,文明进步中的不和谐因素,技术灾难等非文明的侵害,留给我们些许的创伤,在他乡或许能疗补,一种黑社会、富裕阶层罄竹难书对老百姓迫害的残忍技术留下恐惧,形成他们的认识,恐怖中的无可奈何花落去,柳暗花明不见天。同样的蓝天,白云朵朵;同样的江水,浪花潺潺,远山、远野、远海、远天,我们追寻着。在外地,少一分恐怖,少一分悲观。回归,是多一些担忧,在这里是概率相当,不存在人你我的优越性。忆往昔,峥嵘岁月绘蓝图,而今是只见天山不见面雪。昆仑的召唤,在技术恐吓下,万里长征人未还,滔滔长江水,艰难的心里历程,毫无法度的滥用,造成的后顾之忧,我们在现实中的十几年得到的认识,走为上策。在外乡,祈盼祖国明媚的法治明天的到来,上层决策者不能丢弃人民最低的需求——人权生存之本。
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Columbus Day Chem-Trails in Columbus, OH

Columbus Day, Predicted "OZONE ALERT" in AM paper. OZONE ALERT on afternoon news, called rare. "Prismatic clouds" reported on evening news. Many Chem-Trails filmed from 7pm Sunday, allday Monday. Chem-Trails evolved into compleatly dreary day cloud cover. MULTI passes by expensive jets. DOZENS!!! Stay tuned and God Speed. PG Bruce
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Dear Reader,"Who owns your medical test results and personal health data?"I read the headline five times and still couldn't believe it wasn't a rhetorical question. But apparently, the increasing access that third parties have to our medical records and other health information has opened the topic for debate.The driving force behind the recent controversy is a new technological development called a personal health record, or PHR. PHRs are electronic files that will contain a person's complete health history. The idea is to give people access to their own PHRs, allowing them "to have greater control of their health data."But the problem is you're not the only one who will have access to your PHR. While the team lobbying for widespread adoption of PHRs "suggests" that people will own and manage their own information, "other authorised healthcare workers can access the information at any time." The article I read didn't elaborate on who, exactly will be considered an "authorised healthcare worker," but I'd be willing to bet that anyone who can afford it will be able to buy as much "authority" as they want.And not long after I read this article, I came across the first instance of PHRs in action. Last month, the Internet search engine,, launched its version, called Google Health. It's being marketed as a convenient way to keep track of your health information - a simple addition to the daily online rituals, like checking email and monitoring bank account balances that most of us are already doing. Google wants you to think of it as a tool to make your life easier: A one-stop- shopping resource to keep tabs on prescriptions you need to get refilled, doctor's appointments you have coming up, and online delivery of results from medical tests you've undergone, not to mention the ability to search for new doctors and all the health information the Web has to offer. And of course, they assure you that you have complete control of your account and all of its contents.But when I signed up for my own Google Health account, I quickly discovered that I wasn't so much buying into the concept of PHRs as I was selling my soul - or at least any information I dared to enter into my account - to the devil.Before you can even establish your Google Health account you must agree to their terms of service. And if you take the time to actually scroll through the whole thing, you discover that "Google only shares personal information with other companies or individuals outside of Google in…limited circumstances" - like when a company affiliated with Google asks for it.Scary, but true: Buried in the privacy policy, it states "We provide such information to our subsidiaries, affiliated companies or other trusted businesses or persons for the purpose of processing personal information on our behalf."Thanks to all the PHR-advocates out there, including, who want to make my life "easier," but I think I'd prefer the old-fashioned way of keeping tabs on my health information: paper files organized and stored in a locked filing cabinet in my home office.
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Citizenship:  China

Year Torture/Abuse Began:  Dec 2001






I am a victim of electronic harassment, organized stalking and torture with Directed Energy Weapons (DEW).

I live in China . I have Chinese citizenship. I was first attacked in December 2001 when I was studying for a Master’s Degree in Australia.


Everything started with some noises which I heard from the floor below mine. The other people who lived in my house could not hear those noises. I moved to a one-storey house in January 2002, the noises sounded as if they were coming from the neighbors. I started to experience a large variety of symptoms.


The main symptoms are:-

Pain all over the body: stomach pain, toothaches, headaches, leg and arm pains. I also had a few high fevers. All these symptoms would disappear without any medical treatment. Or sometimes, a pain would persist, even if I had strong medication.


I went to the police in January 2002 to report that someone was following me and using technology to read my thoughts. I told the police that their voices sounded as if they came from the neighbors. The police retorted that it was illegal to use mind-reading technologies in Australia.


In February 2002, I moved to a new one-storeyed house. An increase in the symptoms was to be noted: diarrheas for almost a month, involuntary tremor of the hands, inability to stand firmly on my legs, alternation of cold and hot sensations, excessive perspiration, etc. As usual, the symptoms disappeared, without any medication.


On 5 April 2002, I could not bear any more suffering, so I left Australia . After I left , I still could hear those voices. I went to Hong Kong , Thailand, Shanghai and China but the voices still sounded as if they came from the neighbors. The same symptoms came back all the time, and my belongings were often stolen when I was not in my hotels.


In August 2002, I went to New Zealand . Again I experienced the same symptoms. In April 2003, I had already spent all my money. I came back to China and stayed with my parents. I had more symptoms such as astriction, gatism and sexual harassment. They also started to prevent me from sleeping at night, or to wake me up at midnight. Sometimes, they also forced me to sleep when I did not want to. They also forced me to have night "dreams". I knew those "dreams" were totally made up and transmited to my brain via their weapons. The principle is the same as with a silent sound device which can transmit sounds into a person's skull .


After the fourth quarter of 2004, they forced me to have "dreams" every night.

These people can use their electromagnetic weapons to transmit their voices directly to my brain. They can make "voices" sound as if they came from the neighbors or from a nearby person. They can also use their weapons to make "voices" sound like the voices of your friends or your family members.


On my return to China , their voices still sounded as if they came from the neighbors. But I knew they were not my neighbors' voices.After 2005, they no longer used the "voice trick",although sometimes they even tried to let me believe that they were the TV announcers' voices.

I think that they mostly use their own voices. When they started to torture and harass me in Australia , most of them only spoke in English, only one or two spoke in Mandarin without any dialects. Since the second month, more people who spoke in Mandarin joined them. They also asked whether I could speak Cantonese. Other victims said they could hear the voices speaking in Cantonese. After I left Australia, most voices were only in Mandarin. About ten people who spoke Mandarin had been torturing and harassing me 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, between May 2002 and April 2003. After April 2003, about ten Mandarin voices were used and only very few voices were in English, occasionally. I think that they have employed more Mandarin-speaking people to join them .

During the past few years, their weapons have attacked me, no matter where I am. In every country, anywhere, that is, inside a house, under the ground, on a plane, on a ship, under water, inside a car, on the top of a mountain..­.


My efforts of the past few years:-

For the past few years, I have been working hard to stop these fascist atrocities.

I reported these crimes to the police when I was in Australia in January and February 2002. I wrote letters to the United Nations after I left Australia.

I had Peace Talks with them. I told them once that in case they could stop torturing and harassing me within a limited time, I would tell everyone that I was volunteering to let them practice their weapons on me. I had renewed the deadline three times until 12 December 2004. I had tried to encourage them to do something good like "we only have one earth,we need to protect our earth".


If you wish to know more details of my story, please go to:

Soleilmavis Liu, Author of the book: Twelve Years in the Grave – Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, is helping the public understand voice-to-skull, and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies. Her book provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with such technologies.


Since 2005, I have written some letters to the United Nations,I made some research about mindcontrol weapons on the Internet and got a lot of good information. I found a lot of victims all over the world who are going through the same nightmarish life as me..


After 2006, I made further research about Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons. I am keeping in touch with other victims and have exposed Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons torturing and harassing through all channels worldwide. We have already written so many letters to government departments, social communities, Human Rights organizations, the media and the general public.


Other victims' stories:

Currently, there are many victims who claim that they are tortured and harassed by Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons. The number of victims has been increasing. The victims have very small financial means and cannot afford to buy testing equipment, so even if they get poisoned or get an implant or suffer from brutal electromagnetic weapons torture, they cannot get a check-up nor get any help from anybody.


If you wish to know more victims' story, please go to:-


(1) Many countries have developed various types of Mind Control Weapons (drugs, chips, nano or electromagnetic waves). Have the various governments worldwide also introduced a law system to control the use of such weapons?


(2) What effective legal systems and other measures have our governments set up to prevent the misuse of such weapons.


(3) Once there is misuse of such weapons, how can we get help from our government to protect the victims? And how to expose the torturers to legal sanctions and severe punishment?




Here are some lawsuits I have filed, please help with my lawsuits


Thank you for your attention and your support.

Best Regards




Online Petition:

Ban Mind Control/Directed Energy Weapons abuse and torture

My Cause: Ban Mind Control/Directed Energy Weapons abuse and torture

My Group: Peacepink (Ban mind control/directed energy weapons abuse and torture)

My Page: Peacepink (Ban mind control/directed energy weapons abuse and torture)



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